Lifi Documentation
Lifi Documentation
Lifi Documentation
Genesis of LI-FI
Harald Haas, a professor at the University of Edinburgh who began
his research in the field in 2004, gave a debut demonstration of
what he called a Li-Fi prototype at the TED Global conference in
Edinburgh on 12th July 2011. He used a table lamp with an LED
bulb to transmit a video of blooming flowers that was then
projected onto a screen behind him.
During the event he periodically blocked the light from lamp to
prove that the lamp was indeed the source of incoming data. At
TEDGlobal, Haas demonstrated a data rate of transmission of
around 10Mbps -- comparable to a fairly good UK broadband
connection. Two months later he achieved 123Mbps.
How Li-Fi Works?
Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs at the
downlink transmitter. These devices are normally used for
illumination only by applying a constant current. However, by fast
and subtle variations of the current, the optical output can be made
to vary at extremely high speeds.
This very property of optical current is used in Li-Fi setup. The
operational procedure is very simple-, if the LED is on, you
transmit a digital 1, if its off you transmit a 0. The LEDs can be
switched on and off very quickly, which gives nice opportunities
for transmitting data. Hence all that is required is some LEDs and a
controller that code data into those LEDs. All one has to do is to
vary the rate at which the LEDs flicker depending upon the data
we want to encode.
Further enhancements can be made in this method, like using an
array of LEDs for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of
red, green and blue LEDs to alter the lights frequency with each
frequency encoding a different data channel. Such advancements
promise a theoretical speed of 10 Gbps meaning one can
download a full high-definition film in just 30 seconds.
Li-Fi solves both problems: lights are not only allowed in operating rooms,
but tend to be the most glaring (punintended) fixtures in the room. And, as
Haas mentions in his TED Talk,Li-Fi has 10,000 times the spectrum of Wi-
Fi, so maybe we can, I dunno, delegate red light to priority medical data.
Code Red!
Airline Wi-Fi. Ugh. Nothing says captive audience like having to pay for
the "service" of dialup speed Wi-Fi on the plane. And dont get me started
on the pricing.
The best Ive heard so far is that passengers will "soon" be offered a "high-
speed like" connection on some airlines. United is planning on speeds as
high as 9.8 Mbps per plane.
Uh, I have twice that capacity in my living room. And at the same price as
checking a bag, I expect it. Li-Fi could easily introduce that sort of speed to
each seat's reading light. Ill be the guy WoWing next to you. Its better than
listening to you tell me about your wildly successful son, maam.
Li-Fi could offer safe, abundant connectivity for all areas of these sensitive
locations. Not only would this save money related to currently implemented
solutions, but the draw on a power plants own reserves could be lessened if
they havent yet converted to LE D lighting.
Undersea Awesomeness
If their wires were cut and replaced with light say from a submerged,
high-powered lamp then they would be much freer to explore. They
could also use their headlamps to communicate with each other, processing
data autonomously and referring findings periodically back to the surface,
all the while obtaining their next batch of orders.
Remember, with Li-Fi, if theres light, youre online. Subway stations and
tunnels, common dead zones for most emergency communications, pose no
obstruction. Plus, in times less stresssing cities could opt to provide cheap
high speed Web access to every street corner.
How it is different?
Also, the technology removes limitations that have been put on the
user by the Wi-Fi. You no more need to be in a region that is Wi-Fi
enabled to have access to the internet. You can simply stand under
any form of light and surf the internet as the connection is made in
case of any light presence. There cannot be anything better than
this technology.
Advantages of LI-FI
Disadvantage of LI-FI