Lesson Plan For Emergent Literacy Lesson-2 1

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Name of JMU student: Courtney Gunn

Madelyn: 5.4 years old
Date due: 4/18/17

Literacy Lesson Plan for Emergent Reader:

Madelyn completed three tasks within a literacy assessment, which were a retelling task,
a name and picture task, and concept of print task. Her strengths were in the name and
picture task as well as the concept of print task. She was able to describe her picture,
write her first name, and identify ten of the twelve concepts about print elements. An
area that could use improvement is the retelling aspect. Most of retelling statements
were partial and a few story elements were skipped. Given all this information, Madelyn
falls into the late emergent stage.

Diet: Late Emergent - These activities are not intended to all be done in a
row. They can be done throughout an entire day.
Concept of Word this can be done during free choice time during the day when
Madelyn is in the reading area.
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Madelyn will be able to Virginia Literacy Foundation Anecdotal Records
repeat the reading of a little Block 4e) Read
book. simple/familiar high-
frequency words,
including childs name.

Materials needed: the book Ducks in Muck by Lori Haskins

Time for this part of lesson: Because concept of word makes of 20% of the
emergent diet, this section should last 6 minutes.


1. I will read the book Ducks in Muck, a little book with repeated words to
Madelyn. This is a book that has already been introduced and read to the class
and is a level B book.
2. While I read the book to her, I will point out the pictures of what the text is
3. Then I will ask her to read the book back to me.
4. If Madelyn struggles, I will scaffold by encouraging her to look at the picture for
Concept about Print and Language Play/Phonological Awareness this can be
done during morning meeting.
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will be able to Virginia Literacy Foundation Anecdotal records and
listen to the text as well as Block 3a) Identify words that writing on the white board
identify some of the rhyme and generate simple or anchor chart.
rhyming words. rhymes.

Virginia Literacy Foundation

Block 1a) Listen with
increasing attention to
language, conversations,
and texts read aloud.

Materials needed: Sun Bread by Elisa Kleven and a white board or anchor chart
Time for this part of lesson: Because each of these sections represent 20% of the
diet, this should last for 12 minutes.
1. I will introduce and read aloud the book Sun Bread by Elisa Kleven to the class.
2. After each page I will stop and allow the students to identify some of the
rhyming words they heard on the page.
3. After each pair of rhyming words, I will write the pair onto the white board or
anchor chart.

Alphabet This can be done during morning meeting.

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will notice Virginia Literacy Anecdotal records
and recognize letters in Foundation Block 4 f)
their surroundings. Notice letters in familiar
everyday context and
ask an adult how to spell
words, names, or titles.

Materials needed: ensure that each letter of the alphabet is present in the

Time for this part of lesson: Because the alphabet is 20% of the emergent diet,
this activity will be 6 minutes.

1. Explain the rules of I Spy to the class.
2. Tell the students they will be playing I Spy with letters.
3. Go through the alphabet in order as I play I Spy with the entire class. For example,
I spy the letter A then the students will need to find the letter A somewhere in
the classroom. They can also find the same letter more than once.
4. Once a student finds a letter they will stand by it and once the class thinks they
have found as many letters as possible, we will go around the class and share.

Writing This can done as a center/station during the day.

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will Virginia Literacy Anecdotal records and
correctly copy or write Foundation Block 6 c) observations.
the letters and numbers. Copy or write letters and
numbers using various

Virginia Literacy
Foundation Block 6 e)
Begin to use correct
manuscript letter and
number formation.

Materials needed: open space on a table, shaving cream, and paper towels.

Time for this part of lesson: because writing is 20% of the emergent diet, this will
take 6 minutes.

1. Write different letters and numbers on large cards.
2. Put shaving cream on an empty table.
3. Tell students to write the first letter of their first and last name. Tell students to
write the number of how old they are.
4. Next, the students can write or copy the letters or numbers they see on the
different cards in the shaving cream.

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