Cape IT Unit 1 Mod 1 Christmas Exam 2012 Paper 1b ANSWERS
Cape IT Unit 1 Mod 1 Christmas Exam 2012 Paper 1b ANSWERS
Cape IT Unit 1 Mod 1 Christmas Exam 2012 Paper 1b ANSWERS
UNIT 1: I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y T h e o r y
Module I: Fundamentals of Information Technology
(Objectives 1 - 13)
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
Fundamentals of Information Technology
1. _________________ is the application of a 6. Analyze, sort and calculate refers to which
systematic, disciplined, quantifiable phase of information processing?
approach to the development, operation, and
maintenance of software. A. Input
B. Storage
A. Computing C. Output
B. Software Analysis D. Processing
C. Software Engineering
D. Computer Engineering 7. The time period for which information is
useful is termed as _______.
2. Data that is based on a persons opinion is
considered as ________________. A. Length
B. Time period
A. Qualitative C. Timeliness
B. Quantitative D. Completeness
C. Qualitative and Quantitative
D. Assured 8. Of the following, which is (are) NOT an
appropriate reason (s) for the importance of
3. When data provides for each record all data and information?
details, this is termed as __________ data
while when data is given in a summary i. Having the right data and
format as a detail of all records this is information increases the accuracy
termed as ___________ data. in decision making.
ii. Improves accountability in an
A. Sample, Detail organization for their successful
B. Detail, Sample operations.
C. Sample, summary iii. Having data and information allows
D. Summary, Sample company to make money.
iv. Having the right data/information
4. When information is presented and it is not
means that good decisions can be
understandable this is termed as taken.
A. i only
A. Not understandable
B. i and ii only
B. Incomprehensible
C. iii
C. Disguise
D. i and iii only
D. Undisclosed
9. In representing data or information, which
5. When information is presented in a form so
is NOT a way in which visual data maybe
as to not clearly provide its meaning this is
termed as ____________.
A. Shades of colours
A. Not understandable
B. finger prints
B. Incomprehensible
C. text
C. Disguise
D. movie clips
D. Undisclosed
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
10. Of the following, which information source 15. Popular types of publications intended for
is the most unlikely source to be accepted as general circulation and so aimed at
trustworthy? capturing the readers interest by focusing
on matters of topical interest such as news,
A. Blogs fashion, hobbies, etc. is a
B. Journals _______________
C. Wikis
D. People
A. Newspaper
11. _________ speaks to the correctness of B. Magazine
items and the completeness of the C. Journal
D. Periodical
information as an information source.
16. When considering which information
A. Accuracy
B. Completeness source would provide a more detailed
C. Timelines account of an event such as an accident or a
D. Lifespan function, _______ should first be
12. In reporting information, how detailed the A. Newspaper
writer speaks about the subject matter is B. Magazine
correctly speaking about the ________. C. People
D. Websites
A. Breadth
B. Depth 17. In Manual Information Processing, the 3 rd
C. Availability activity is __________.
D. Currency
A. Collate
13. How recent information referred to was B. Collect
used in an article speaks to its C. Presentation
___________. D. Analyze
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
20. Of the following, which would be an incorrect
assumption to make of Automated Information 25. When data is measurement based, this
System? speaks to _______ type of data.
i. Data is captured easily more times from the A. Qualitative
source B. Summary
ii. Data can be quickly processed using C. Quantitative
advanced technologies D. Detailed
iii. Information and data are held as they wait
26. ______________ is the study of computing
iv. Technology is applied to information
processing that encompasses ASIC design, FPGA
development, firmware development,
A. i only software development, hardware-
B. ii only (firmware/software) integration, circuit
C. iii only design, and system-level design and
D. iv only integration.
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
29. If one is to store 15 years of sport statistics 33. The collection of data from the public about
of Jamaicas performance by all athletes the view of ones products versus that of the
who represented Jamaica at the World competitors would represent which nature
International Athletics Championship of information in an organizations
should be best stored as information in a operations?
A. Strategic
A. Graphs B. Operational
B. Tables C. Tactical
C. Pictures D. Structured
D. Text
34. When information is used in a modified
30. The characteristic of information that is best manner based on a situation that already
spoken about as the place on which took place, but the current situation has
information is displayed is termed as the some similarity with a previous situation,
__________. this is best treated as __________.
A. Format A. Semi-structured
B. Medium B. Unstructured
C. Cost C. Operational
D. Currency D. Structured
31. Having information at the desired point in 35. Managers need day-to-day data and
time would be best considered as what issue information which they can use later to
of information? assess how the computer is working is
considered to be ___________.
A. Reliability
B. Completeness A. Strategic
C. Timeliness B. Operational
D. Relevance C. Tactical
D. Structured
32. Mary is an experienced baker who measures
some ingredients while she just skillfully 36. An athletes time in the 100M race at the
adds the others by her own judgment. Her World Games in Berlin set a new world
measurement and adding of ingredients to record. This will be best represented as?
the mixture is ________ while when she
uses her judgment and intuition to add A. Text
ingredients is ________. B. Numeric
C. String
A. Data, Knowledge D. Time
B. Information, Knowledge
C. Data, Information 37. The image below represents which type of
D. Knowledge, Information data?
A. Aural
B. Visual
C. Aural and Visual
D. None of the above
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
38. The following image refers to: 42. The usable period for which information
stored is good is stated as its _________.
A. Musical Notation
B. Musical Form A. Lifespan
C. Mathematical Notation B. Life
D. None of the above C. Period of existence
D. Information life
39. ____________ refers to a significant
proportion of the resources are available in 43. Discrete is a term applied to _______.
digital (machine-readable) format, as
opposed to print or microform. However, A. Data
B. Information
an information source that allows
C. Knowledge
information to be stored in an organised D. All of the above
manner and retrieved through the use of
tables is _______________. 44. The following is an extract of information
which was produced by the Daily Star in
A. Online libraries, Websites Jamaica on November 19, 2009:
B. Websites, Electronic Databases
C. Electronic Databases, Online libraries Sales tracker, SoundScan, reported
D. Online libraries, Electronic Databases
that reggae album sales have decreased
dramatically in the first 10 months of
40. When discussing the appropriateness of
the year. SoundScan is an electronic
newspaper as information source, which of
network that collects sales data from
the following should NOT be considered?
over 17,000 record stores in the United
A. Newspapers are produced at regularly States. Collectively, it said
stated time intervals i.e. daily, weekly, reggae/dancehall music sold just
etc. 502,171 units for the first 10 months of
B. Newspapers are designed to report the year.
current news
C. Newspapers are written by persons who Which characteristics of information
have the highest journalism skills sources are least applicable to this
D. Newspapers are produced for the public extract?
and not for specified class of people or
professionals i. Availability
ii. Depth
41. An information source that allows a topic to
iii. Breadth
be commented to on by visitors or anyone
iv. Cost
to it is a _______.
v. Currency of information
A. Website vi. Format
B. Wiki vii. Medium
C. Blog
D. Online libraries A. i, ii, v only
B. ii, iii, v only
C. iv only
D. v, ii, iv only
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
45. If one is to use an online book trader site to 49. Which of the following pre-dates the
purchase books of a historic nature with modern data Internet?
information on Caribbean affairs such as on
E-Bay, then the information source that is A. Internet Telephony
most appropriate to help is a ___________. B. APRANET
C. Telnet
A. Magazine D. Newsgroup
B. Newspaper
C. Catalogue 50. The device suitable for use to process
D. Book cheques is the ___________.
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
D. Fiber Optic Cable
55. The first major type of computer storage
used on large computers in the 1950s 58. Since the 1970s, the CPU is housed on a
were: single chip called:
56. Benefits that are obtained from 59. Our modern computer design principles
telecommuting are great. However, of was created and distributed in a research
the following which is the least: paper from as early back in 1945 by:
* * E N D O F E X A M I N A T I O N * * * * * * *
003072/CAPE IT U1 Christmas 2012 Paper 1b
003072/CAPE IT U2 Christmas 2009 Paper 2
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