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Annotation standard 2 Bali Presentation

Note the focus area and Note the type of Describe the document / artefact Describe how the artefact /
standard descriptor/s artefact / and indicate the possible impact or document
the artefact / document document result of the artefact / document on meet the standard
reflects teaching and/ or student learning descriptors you have

2.1 Content and This artefact This artefact is a PowerPoint The PowerPoint allowed
teaching is a I made to introduce the for a unique teaching
strategies of the PowerPoint students to their unit of strategy which allows
teaching area. which was the work on Indonesia. The for engagement and
Demonstrate introductory impact I was aiming for was students questions
knowledge and part of a showing the students what (2.1).
understanding of lesson around visiting Bali was like at their
the concepts. their unit of ICT was used to show
age as well as what Bali
Substance and work on photos on a larger
looks like. Teaching through
structure of the Indonesia. scale on the smart
content and narrative helps raise class board to the class. I
teaching strategies enthusiasm, brings used the slides as a
of the teaching motivation and sparks prompt for discussion
area. curiosities (Friday, 2014). of the concepts related
to the unit of work and
2.6 Information Using a smart board relied on my
and presentation allowed me understanding of the
communication when teaching to plan, concept introduce new
technology (ICT). adjust and organise a concepts to the class
Implement presentation of the syllabus (2.6).
teaching strategies content in an engaging fun
for using ICT to way that personalises the The smart board
expand curriculum presentation is an
students learning.
learning effective way to
opportunities for incorporate ICT and
The photos scanned onto
students. enhance individual
the PowerPoint allows for learning of students.
students to understand the
different activities you can
do in Bali and the different
sites you can see. Display
and presentational software
(in this case PowerPoint),
including animations and
simulations, combined with
IWBs, help pupils to develop
an understanding of
abstract concepts through
concrete examples (Condie
&Munro, 2007).

Annotation standard 2 Bali Presentation

Australian institute for Teaching and School Leadership. Australian Professional

Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from*australian2professional2standards2for2teachers*standards

Condie, R & Munro, B. (2007). The impact of ICT in schools a landscape review.
Retrieved from
Friday, M. (2014). Why story telling in the classroom matters. Retrieved from

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