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Edtpa Lesson Plan 1 Elemmath

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EdTPA Lesson Plan #1 Elementary Math Sharlet Mullen 12160144

Instructor: Subject Area: Math - Topic 9 Lesson 1 Grade: Date:

Sharlet Mullen Subtraction Two-Digit Numbers/ Second-Grade 1/30/2017
Models to Subtract Two and One-digit Numbers

Information about the Lesson

There is more than one algorithm (a step by step process to do calculations) when subtracting two-digit numbers.
Subtracting whole numbers is based on the relationship of whole numbers and place-value. Using prior connections,
models, kinesthetic, strategies, practice, justification and addition students will gain a solid understanding of the
algorithm for subtraction.

Students have a well-developed comfort with basic addition and subtraction facts. Students understand place-value
and regrouping with addition.

Materials Needed:
Problem of the day (one per student)
Base-ten sticks and cubes (sets for small group)
Hot Dog Regrouping Math Anchor Chart -1.1
Math magazine 9-1 (one per student) 1.2
Doc camera projected onto smartboard
Everyday Student supplies:
Pencil box (pencil, glue, crayons, markers)
White board and marker.
Math folders, playing cards, and math notebook

Lesson Content and Design

Central Focus / Big Idea:
Students interpret procedural and conceptual understanding of mathematical operations to subtract a one or two-digit
number from another two-digit number. Looking ahead students understanding will help with money, estimating,
problem solving and finding missing parts.

Students will use models to subtract a one or two-digit number and determine whether to regroup or not.
Students will use a representation of base ten block to represent numbers and complete subtraction problems.

Guiding Question(s):
How do you know when to regroup when subtracting?

formative Whole group discussion and review will help diagnose students readiness for independent practice.
Summative Independent work on the math magazine will show student mastery of the regrouping process of
subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number. The teacher is looking for 90% accuracy before adding
independent work on day 2.

Language Development:
Students are learning to interpret the multiple strategies and representations about subtraction and regrouping.
Students are beginning to justify how the strategies help compute mathematical problems. The use of discussion and
small groups help students interpret and describe their knowledge of the subtraction algorithm.

MN Content Standard(s): - 2. Second Grade. 1.Numbers and Operations 2. Whole Number: Operations 1. Use strategies to generate
addition and subtraction facts including making tens, fact families, doubles plus or minus one, counting on, counting
back, and the commutative and associative properties. Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to
generate basic facts.

EdTPA Lesson Plan #1 Elementary Math Sharlet Mullen 12160144

Elements Minute Detailed Description
Consider: 5 Students will start by answering a problem of the day.
Work to minutes As the students enter the classroom they grab a problem of the day off the
prepare counter.
students and Glue the problem in their math notebook and solve.
access prior Students are free you solve any method they understand.
knowledge and
Student must write out the steps they used. First I, Next I, and Finally I.
Students are given 7 to 10 minutes to complete the process.
After solving the problem, the class gathers on the rug to discuss strategies

Todays Problem:
Steves DVD book holds 126 DVDs. He has 81 DVDs already in the book. How many
more DVDs can be put in the book?
minutes Come to the rug and correct problem of the day and discuss strategies used. Reading
what they wrote First, I, Next I, and Finally I. (Project the problem of the day on the
smartboard for all to see the process of solving the problem of the day)
minutes Time to move When I call attributes you will stand, walk to your desk and put your
notebook away. Wait at your desk for the next direction. If you are sitting at the side
5 table come to the rug.
Tell students: We learned that when adding sometimes you must regroup. Who can tell
me the rule? (You regroup if the two numbers in the ones equal more than 9)
Remind/Think and talk I hear the class saying if I am adding two numbers and the two
numbers in the ones equal more than 9, I need to regroup.
Example: If I had the problem 27 + 5 = (project problem onto smartboard)

Remember when we started regrouping with adding we used base ten blocks. Show
with base ten blocks place 2 tens, and 7 ones. Now, add 5 ones to represent the two
numbers being added. Then count out 10 ones and add/more it to the tens. Then count
I now have 2 ones plus 2 tens plus the 1 ten I added, for a total of 3 tens plus the 2
ones equals 32. The answer for 27 + 5 is 32

I believe we are ready to move on to subtracting from a two-digit number. We will learn
rules, and strategies to help us determine if we need to regroup.

Construct: 10 Whole group problem: (project problem onto smart board)

Work to allow minutes If I want to subtract 23 6 = _____. Can I subtract 6 ones from 3 ones? (no)
students to Think time: can you think of a way to solve this problem? Allow students to give ideas
build new
knowledge and Model with base ten blocks: Count out 2 tens, and 3 ones. Can I take away 6 ones? (no)
skills Guide to suggesting regrouping or exchanging or turning one of the tens into 10 ones.
(count out) How many ones are there now? (13) Are there enough ones to subtract 6?
(remove 6 cubes) How many ones are left? (7) How many tens are left? (1) the answer
for 23 6 = 17 Yes, we needed to regroup.

Do one more with base ten blocks 33-7

A rule is we regroup when the
If the number, the number on the bottom is bigger borrow from the tens.
Bottom number people at the party, top number hot dogs, do you have enough?
How do you know when to regroup when subtracting? Bottom number is to big/enough
hot dogs for the people.

EdTPA Lesson Plan #1 Elementary Math Sharlet Mullen 12160144

5 Use Hot Dog Regrouping Math template

minutes Do two more in the subtracting problems teaching the hot dog strategy. 20-5 and 37-8
Starting in the ones 0 5 if I have 5 people at my party then I look in the refrigerator
for hot dogs and there are 0 do I have enough hot dogs to feed the people at my party?
No, so I need to go to the neighbors and borrow. My neighbor has 20 hot dogs so I
borrow 10 hot dogs. Now I have 10 hot dogs can I feed the 5 people? How many are
left. 5 and the neighbor still has 10 hot dogs. So, 20 5 = 15

How do you know when to regroup when subtracting? Number on the bottom is big
need to borrow/enough hot dogs for the people at the party.

Time to move Stand up, turn your body to face North, South, North, east, north, West,
South. Sit back down and show me you are ready.

Confirm: that 10 That is a lot of strategies to use for subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit
the students minutes number. Some of you might even have another method.
have Is it okay to use any strategy that works for you? (yes) The key is you need to be able to
accomplished explain how you got your answer.
the objective formative Whole group discussion and review will help diagnose students readiness
for independent practice.
Assignment to complete Math Magazine 9-1 and do independent practice. Do all the
problems on the inside of the magazine. First determine if you must regroup, circle yes
or no then solve the problem using any of the strategies we used today.
Do the Do you Understand problem by writing a sentence to explain why?
Try the problem solving on the back When you are finished the teacher will check
your paper.

Summative assessment to check for understanding before adding independent work on

day 2.

Then you may play a card game at your desk.

Planned Support /Extension/ Differentiation for Specific Students:
Speech/Hearing Language Impaired - Use voice amplification system to give students with hearing impairment the
best opportunity to hear all the instruction. Special consideration for seating to allow students optimal view of added
support of visuals. Repeat directions, model, and use established routines allowing students to anticipate learning
opportunities with success. Visuals on the smartboard help students see what is being talked about.
ADHD/Learning disabled/IEPs Focus prompts, redirection, check for understanding, special seating arrangement
help the students be successful. Behavior interventions are in place, including planned ignoring and take a break.
Verbalizing the expectations and reviewing the expectation of activities help the students learning be meaningful and
successful. Projecting a visual on the smartboard and the use of probing questions keeps students mind stay busy and
focused. Wobble chairs help to keep students focused and on task burning energy as they are learning. Writing skills
are difficult so formative assessment or discussion are used to verbalize problem solving.
Health impairments Established understand when students use the sign language visual for bathroom from across
the room they may leave as needed.
Gifted and Talented - Offer enrichment activities, extensions or opportunities to explain their processing. Problem of
the day activates the deeper thinking strategies and students must explain their process. Opportunities for strategy
games keeps the mind busy and active. Changing the numbers on curriculum math magazine to larger numbers helps
to challenge students beyond the lesson of the day. When students finish early students, they create problems on the
back of worksheets or play strategy games.
1 Charles, Randall I. "Topic 9." EnVisionMATH. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman, Pearson Education, 2011. 249-80. Print.

EdTPA Lesson Plan #1 Elementary Math Sharlet Mullen 12160144
Math Hot Dog regrouping

1. ThinkAre
there enough
hot dogs to feed
the people?

2. Regroup if you need to

Get 10 hot dogs

from the tens.
add to the ones.

3. Then subtract ones first

then the tens.

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