Electrodeposition of Maghemite ( - Fe O) Nanoparticles
Electrodeposition of Maghemite ( - Fe O) Nanoparticles
Electrodeposition of Maghemite ( - Fe O) Nanoparticles
Crystalline maghemite (-Fe2 O3 ) nanoparticles were cathodically electrodeposited at room temperature from environmentally benign elec-
trolytes. The shape, size, and production rate of nanoparticles were strongly influenced by electrochemical conditions (e.g. FeCl3 concentration,
current density). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated that randomly oriented polycrystalline
maghemite nanoparticles were synthesized with the (3 1 1) and (4 4 0) peaks as the main diffraction peaks. Transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) images revealed that average particle size decreased from approximately 23 to 7 nm with increased current density. Magnetic saturation
(MS ) of maghemite nanoparticles was determined to be 66 emu g1 (66 Am2 kg1 ) at 300 K. The present maghemite nanoparticles showed a greater
As(V) adsorption compared to iron nanoparticles, which might be attributed to a higher specific surface area.
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H. Park et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 139 (2008) 208212 209
its ability to control composition, crystallinity, and properties of using a magnetic property measurement system (MPMS, Quan-
the deposit by adjusting deposition conditions. tum Design) at room temperature with applied magnetic field up
Iron oxide thin films were both cathodically and anodically to 4 kOe.
electrodeposited [1119]. In the case of anodic formation of iron
oxides, the different phases of the iron oxidesoxyhydroxides 2.2. As(V) remediation
thin films were obtained by adjusting deposition potentials and
solution composition [11]. Zotti et al. [17] reported the cathodic As(V) stock solutions (1000 mg L1 ) were prepared using
electrodeposition of amorphous Fe2 O3 thin films by reduction analytical-grade Na2 HAsO4 7H2 O (Sigma Aldrich Chemical
of Fe (III) perchlorate in oxygenated acetonitrile where ferric Co.) and diluted as needed. 1 M HCl or NaOH solutions were
ions reduced with dissolved oxygen to form amorphous Fe2 O3 . used for pH adjustment. All experiments were performed in
Amorphous Fe2 O3 thin films were later converted to -Fe2 O3 0.01 M NaCl background solution.
(i.e. hematite) thin films after heat treatment. Schrebler et al. As(V) remediation with using maghemite nanoparticles
[18] electrodeposited amorphous and nanocrystalline -Fe2 O3 was conducted by reacting 1 mg L1 As (V) in 0.01 M NaCl
(i.e. hematite) thin films from electrolytes containing 5 mM with varying maghemite nanoparticles concentrations (0.10,
FeCl3 + 1M H2 O2 + 5 mM KF + 0.1 M KCl at 50 C. The reduc- 0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 g L1 ). For these experiments, maghemite
tion of hydrogen peroxide at the cathode caused an increase in nanoparticles were synthesized at 500 mA cm2 in 0.01 M FeCl3
local pH on the surface of the cathode which later directed the electrolytes as described in the previous section. At predeter-
surface precipitation of Fe(OH)3 . Ferric hydroxides were later mined times, tests tubes in which experiments were conducted
transformed to Fe2 O3 by the thermal annealing in air. Favier et al. were centrifuged, the supernatant was filtered through a 0.22 m
synthesized amorphous maghemite nanoparticles by anodic dis- pore PVDF filter, and analyzed by for total arsenic by atomic
solution of a sacrificial Fe anode, followed by chemical reaction adsorption spectroscopy (AAS).
in an organic medium [19].
In this work, we demonstrated a simple method for the 3. Results and discussion
electrochemical deposition of crystalline maghemite (-Fe2 O3 )
nanoparticles by cathodic reaction at room temperature in Fig. 1 shows the dependence of the production rate on the
environmentally benign aqueous electrolytes. In addition, we current density and FeCl3 concentrations. As expected, the pro-
demonstrate the ability to control the particle size, morphol- duction rate linearly increased with increasing current density.
ogy and production rate by adjusting the deposition conditions. The maximum production rate was observed at 0.05 M FeCl3
Furthermore, electrodeposited maghemite nanoparticles were and as the concentration of FeCl3 was increased to 0.10 M, the
applied to remediate As(V) in aqueous solutions. production rate decreased might be attribution to the increase in
side reactions including ferric ions to ferrous ions and ferrous
2. Experimental ions to metallic iron.
Since iron oxide nanoparticles were electrodeposited in natu-
2.1. Electrochemical synthesis and characterization rally aerated solution, two competitive electrochemical reactions
may occur at the cathode. Dissolved oxygen can be reduced and
Maghemite nanoparticles were cathodically electrodeposited then combines with ferric ions to form Fe2 O3 which is insoluble
from electrolytes with various FeCl3 concentrations (i.e. 0.01, (Eq. (1)). However, this process is probably limited by dissolved
0.05, and 0.10 M of FeCl3 ) under gavalnostatic control at 20 C.
The electrochemical cell was a 150 ml glass jar with a working
volume of 100 ml, an open to the atmosphere. Steel rods served
as both the cathode and anode. The surface area of cathode was
fixed at 4 cm2 . The pH of solution was adjusted to 2 by adding
HCl or NaOH. The current densities were varied from 150 to
2000 mA cm2 . All reagents used in this study were reagent
grade. Ultrapure water was used in preparation of solutions
(Milli-Q Academic, Millipore). Resistivity of ultrapure water
was 18.2 M cm at 25 C and concentration range of TOC was
510 ppb level.
To determine the phase and composition of nanoparticles, X-
ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed
using a Physical Electronics 5500/5600 ESCA system with
monochromatic Al K radiation (1486.7 eV) as the X-ray source.
The crystal structure of nanoparticles was determined using X-
ray diffraction with a Miniflex diffractometer by Rigaku Corp
using Cu K radiation. The size and morphology of nanopar-
ticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy Fig. 1. Dependence of the maghemite nanoparticle production rate on the
(TEM). The magnetic properties of nanoparticles were measured applied current density and the FeCl3 concentration.
210 H. Park et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 139 (2008) 208212
Reaction 2
Fig. 4. TEM images of maghemite nanoparticles: current densities were (ac) 150 mA cm2 ; (df) 500 mA cm2 ; (gi) 2000 mA cm2 ; electrolyte compositions
were (a, d, g) 0.01 M FeCl3 , (b. e, h) 0.05 M FeCl3 , (c, f, i) 0.10 M FeCl3 .
tion systems [24]. These results clearly demonstrate that the Lastly, the adsorption capacity of the nanoparticles was deter-
shape and size of maghemite nanoparticles can be controlled mined using arsenate (As(V)) as a model pollutant. As shown in
by adjusting electrolyte compositions and deposition current Fig. 7, As(V) was rapidly removed from solution and reached
density. an equilibrium within 520 min of exposure to the maghemite
Fig. 6 shows the B-H loop of maghemite nanoparticles nanoparticles. Arsenic adsorption followed a pseudo first order
at 300 K. The magnetic saturation (MS ) and coercivity (HC ) reaction as follows:
were determined to be 66 emu g1 (Am2 kg1 ) and 59 Oe d[Astot ]
(4.7 103 A m1 ), respectively. Both MS and HC were simi- Rate = = kobs [-Fe2 O3 ] (3)
lar to maghemite nanoparticles synthesized by DC thermal arc
plasma method and solvothermal reduction method [22,25]. where [Astot ] is the soluble arsenic concentration (mg L1 ), [-
Fe2 O3 ] is the concentration of maghemite nanoparticles (g L1 ),
and kobs is the pseudo first order rate constant (min1 ). The