He and She Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

Student-Teacher: Reem Naser

Date: 12-3-2017
Grade Level: kg 2
Subject: English
Strand: tricky words
Learning Outcome: student understand what means he and she and for what it
Resources (what materials/equipment Preparation (what do you need to mak
will you and the students use? Be or check before class?)
specific) I make sure that all activates is ready
Flashcard for he and she every group and prepared.
Worksheets that student will work Key vocabulary
with He she

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small

Group Whole Group

group activities)
In the carpet teacher, will set with student.
Teacher will show the student two cards have a pic of girl and boy, above of the
pictures there are he and she.
Teacher will ask student did you know for what we use she and he?
Teacher will explain to the student for what we use she and he.
Time:10 minutes SmallTime:10

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The maze game, the student up between she word and the picture of the girl, h
word and the picture of the boy.
Independent Experience (small group activity 2)
Serval picture display many things boys and girls doing them, student write she or h
with appropriate picture such as: _______ is drawing, if the pic a girl student write she
and if the pic a boy student write he.
Independent Experience (small group activity 3)
Student will have two cards with pic of girl and boy, above of the pictures there are
and she, student will write a sentence about anything including she or he.

Time:5 Whole Group

Teacher gather all student to carpet

Teacher ask student what did we learn to day?
Teacher ask student for what we use he? For what we use she?
Teacher chose one student to give her example about she and he.

Teacher ask the student when they came back to carpet.

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