Effectiveness of Quantum Learning For Te PDF
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning For Te PDF
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning For Te PDF
ABSTRACT: For most Indonesian students, Mathematics is still regarded as a difficult and
scaring subject compared to other subjects. Therefore, there should be a learning strategy which
can empower all the available potential to achieve the learning objectives as a whole. In relation
to the learning process of Mathematics, the choice of learning strategy is also based on the
achievement of the learning objectives. One way of realizing that is through the use of quantum
learning. The aim of this research is: (1) to find out the effectiveness of quantum learning for
teaching Mathematics; and (2) to analyze the difference the result of quantum learning and
that of the conventional one. Two classes of grade X were randomly taken as sample out of five
available, one class being the experimental group and the other control. This random sampling
was due to the fact that students are distributed evenly on ability basis. Data was taken using
test and non-test techniques (observation and questionnaire). To find out the effectiveness of this
quantum learning, descriptive analysis was used toward: (1) students activity during the learning
process; (2) the teachers ability in managing the learning process; (3) students response toward the
learning model; and (4) the students mastery. While ANAKOVA inferential analysis was used to
test the difference on the learning achievement. The result of the two analysis were that quantum
learning was effective and there was significant difference in which the quantum learning gave a
better learning achievement than the conventional one.
KEY WORDS: Teaching and learning effectiveness, Mathematics subject, quantum learning
concept, and modern and conventional learning.
Kusno, M.Pd. and Joko Purwanto, M.Si. are Lecturers at the Department of Mathematics Education,
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UMP (Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto), Jalan
Raya Dukuhwaluh, PO Box 202, Purwokerto 53182, Central Java, Indonesia. They can be reached at:
[email protected] and [email protected]
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning for Teaching Linear Program
solve low-category questions, and even there is almost no student can answer high
thinking question (Muhaimin, 2001). This shows that the quality of Mathematics
learning in Indonesia is still low.
This low quality of Mathematics learning, according to Marpaung (2001),
is due to the fact that teachers mostly use the paradigm of uniformity in terms
of curriculum, learning process, as well as the test items regardless of students
difference. According to Degeng (2001:1) this is due to centralized, monolithic,
and uniformed way of thinking of most Indonesian teachers.
In general, out of the desire to meet the demands of curriculum, teachers tend
to pour as much information as possible to students, where concept, principles,
and rules of Mathematics are presented as something finished. Students are given
test samples and their solution, and then given exercises in which they will use
the formula that have been previously given. Concept, principles, and rules of
Mathematics seem to be meaningless, and presented as something mechanistic just
for the sake of solving test items (Soedjadi, 2001). This has caused the students
not to be able to develop their reasoning, communicating, and understanding of
Therefore, there should be a learning strategy which can empower all the
available potential to achieve the learning objectives as a whole (Kusno, 2002). In
relation to the learning process of Mathematics, the choice of learning strategy is
also based on the achievement of the learning objectives. According to R. Soedjadi,
the objective of Mathematics learning in the future should pay attention to: (1) the
formal objective, the establishing of reasoning system and personal development
of the students; and (2) the objective which material in nature, the application of
Mathematic and Mathematical skill (Soedjadi, 1994:20). While Davis (in Suryanto,
1987) give more emphasis on the effort to thinking exercise and communication.
To make that a reality students always have to be in ideal condition, knowing
what they are going to learn, realizing its importance for their lives, being optimistic
that they are going to succeed, even having a plan of what they are going to do. For
this, they should be opportunity to express themselves. Teachers only add or reduce
what they already have where necessary so as not to deviate from the initial learning
objective. One way of realizing that is through the use of quantum learning.
Quantum model of learning is one used as a guide in planning and executing
classroom learning which include the strategy called, in Indonesian language,
TANDUR (Tumbuhkan grow, Alami experience, Namai give a name,
Demonstrasikan demonstrate, Ulangi repeat, and Rayakan celebrate), context,
content, principle, and main paradigm. Quantum learning is a combination of
various interactions which are available in the learning moment. This interaction
covers all element which effective in enabling students success (De Porter,
In quantum learning, what is meant by Tumbuhkan grow, is to grow students
interest by answering the question of AMBAK an acronym of Apakah Manfaat
BAgiKu, how is it useful for me, and also for the students. Finding the AMBAK is
International Journal for Educational Studies, 4(1) 2011
creating interest in the part of the students toward what is being learned and relate
it to the real world, and also creating optimism in learning. This is expected to
arouse the students need of learning and strong determination for its success.
What is meant by Alami experience, is providing students with learning
experience before a material is taught so that there appears a natural desire to
explore (De Porter, 2001). In this phase, teacher gives the students a game to play
so that student can understand Mathematics in meaningful way, because Ausubel
(in Dahar, 1996) says that new information will be related with cognitive structure
which is already present. By playing game, student will also have enjoyable situation
so that can occur eliminating mathematics phobia.
What is meant by Namai give a name, is an effort to satisfy the natural urge of
mind to name, order, and define by giving opportunity to the students to construct
knowledge in the form of concept, principle, and thinking skills based on the game
the students have played. In this case, teacher can help the students by giving
guiding questions, examples, illustration, and so on according to each concept.
According to Bruner (in Slavin, 2000) through active participation, students can
find the concepts and principles which is the material of the lesson.
What is meant by Demonstrasikan demonstrate, is providing students
opportunity to show that they know. Students are given a chance to translate what
they know into a case, events, and other learning into their lives. For example, they
are given a problem to solve of which the solution is to be demonstrated to their
classmates. Here, the teachers give freedom to their students to express their ideas,
present their work, and make positive interaction as well as make the use of students
difference to support learning. This is important because, according to Bandura (in
Slavin, 2000), learning is effective if done through demonstration.
What is meant by Ulangi repeat, is an effort of reiterating, emphasizing,
and inferring the learning material. Teacher has to show to the students how to
repeat learning material to show that they already know what they are learning.
Repetition can reinforce the connection of the nerve. By repeating retention will
be stronger.
And finally, what is meant by Rayakan celebrate, is the recognition and
appreciation to every accomplishment of participation and the acquisition of
knowledge and skill. Celebration can be in the form of giving gift, praising,
nodding showing approval, smiling, giving point, thumb up, applause, three times
yeah, poster display, and things that can arouse students positive self perception.
According to Lozanov (in De Porter, 2001), this can accelerate learning.
In short, in quantum learning students are required to think, explore, and
construct knowledge from their experiences with the guide question given by the
teacher. Students should solve a problem through discussion and present their
solution. The teacher only facilitates, guide, and encourage enjoyable and cheerful
Meanwhile, it is known that conventional Mathematics learning is mainly
teacher centered activity, characterized by memorization instead of understanding
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning for Teaching Linear Program
This research aims at applying quantum learning to teach linear program and
seeing the practical implication of the application. There are two purposes of this
First, finding out the effectiveness of quantum learning for teaching Mathematics
by seeing the effectiveness of students activity, effectiveness of teachers capability
in his/her classroom management using quantum learning, and students response
toward the learning and their classical achievement.
Second, analyzing the difference of learning result of students who are taught
with quantum learning and those taught using conventional model of learning.
The benefits of this research are: (1) It can be an alternative learning which
is suitable with the demand of educational reform in Indonesia; (2) If it is
proved effectively, quantum learning can be a means of improving the quality
of Mathematics learning process; and (3) The finding can be the basis of further
The population of this research is all the grade X students of SMU (Sekolah
Menengah Umum or Senior High School) Muhammadiyah of Purwokerto in
Central Java, Indonesia, which consists five classes. From that population, two
classes are then chosen on random basis to be the sample of the research, one as
the experiment group, and the other as control. This random selection of sample
is due to the fact that, according to the headmaster, students are evenly distributed
to the five classes.
Data on students and teachers activities are obtained through observation,
while questionnaire was used to get data on students response toward quantum
learning. Students achievement of both experiment and control group was
measured using essay test after quantum learning was done.
There were three stages in this research: preparation, action, and concluding
stage. Preparation stage included: (1) developing learning device and research
instrument using 4-D model according to Semmel D.S. Thiagarajan in 1974
which has been modified; and (2) communicating the learning device with the
collaborator. The action stage included: (1) giving pre-test to both experiment and
control groups; (2) forming study group for the experiment group; (3) applying
quantum learning to experiment group and conventional learning to the control;
and (4) giving post-test to both groups. Finally, the concluding stage was the analysis
of the data obtained in the second stage.
International Journal for Educational Studies, 4(1) 2011
The design of this research used two-group pre-test post-test by involving (1) the
treatment variable, namely the quantum and conventional learning for experiment
and control group respectively; (2) the control variable, name the teacher, subject
matter, and time; and (3) dependent variable, namely the learning achievement on
the topic of linear program.
In this design, descriptively-statistical and inferential analysis was used.
Descriptive analysis was used to test the effectiveness of the learning based on the
test of learning mastery, learning achievement, teachers performance in classroom
management, students activity and response. A learning is said to be effective if:
(1) mastery is at least 65% with 85% of the students in the class master the topic;
(2) the accomplishment of the mastery of the learning objective if 85% of the
objective can mastered by 65% of the students; (3) effectiveness of students activity
is achieved, and (4) 80% of students give positive response toward the learning
(Dahar, 1996; and Slavin, 2000).
Inferential statistic analysis was used to test the research hypothesis and draw
conclusion toward population being studied based on the sample of the study. Data
analyzed in this research is the score of the pre-test as the accompanying variable
or co-variant and the score of the post-test as the dependent variable. The data was
analyzed using co-variant analysis (ANACOVA) because co-variant variable was
used as the independent variable which is difficult to control but can be measured
at the same time with that of the dependent variable (Agung, 1998). ANACOVA
has the same principle as that of ANAVA, it having effect to any treatment toward
dependent variable of each group (Netter & Wassernmen, 1974).
Besides that, prerequisite test was also done with the following stages: (1) setting
the regretion model; (2) independence test/significance test; (3) test of regression
model linearity; (4) similarity test of the two regression models; and (5) test of the
two regression models parallelism/homogeneity test. If the two regression models
sought are not linear or parallel, co-variant analysis cannot be used.
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning for Teaching Linear Program
teacher who facilitated the learning process. While the students enjoyment was
seen from the questionnaire which shows that they responded positively toward
the quantum learning.
Each observation on the teachers performance in running the learning gave
2.3 to 3.0. This can be categorized as effective based on the criteria previously set.
Only that in the first and second meeting the pause belonged to fair category. This
might be caused by the teachers doubtfulness in facilitating pause song.
Based on the questionnaire on the students response to the learning, 97% of the
students were interested in joining the following lesson with the same model. This
positive response will surely make students pleased during the learning. They are
motivated in individual problem solving activities and constructing knowledge, so
that they enlarge their knowledge because they are not dependent on the teacher.
The minimum mastery was achieved in the experiment group but not in control
group. Post-test score shows that 35 out of 40 or 88% the student master the topic
learned compared to 23 out of 38 or 61% students. This means that students
achievement in quantum group is better that in conventional group. This can
also be seen from the increase from the pre-test score to the post-test score. In the
experiment group, the mean score of the pre-test was 5.38 (14.16%) and increased
in the post-test to 28.83 (75.87% from total score), compared to control group with
4.41 (11.60%) for the mean pre-test score to 24.95 (65.65% from total score) or in
other an increase of 54.04%.
Based on the inferential statistic analysis, it was obtained that the simple
regression model which showed the relationship between the initial performance
and the learning achievement of students taught using quantum learning was Yc =
21.35 + 1.52 X c, while the simple regression model which showed the relationship
between the initial performance and the learning achievement of students taught
using conventional learning was Yk = 17.87 + 1.51 X k. The analysis on the test
result of regression coefficient significance (independence test) for the model, as
shown in table 1 and table 2, showed that students initial performance (X) has
significant effect on the students learning achievement (Y).
Table 1:
Variant Analysis for Independence Test of Experiment Group
Variant Source SS Df MS F*
Regression 279.1 1 279.1
Error 382.2 38 10.06 27.75
Total 661.3 39
International Journal for Educational Studies, 4(1) 2011
Table 2:
Variant Analysis for Independence Test of Control Group
Variant Source SS Df MS F*
Regression 221.6 1 221.6
Error 464.3 36 12.9 17.18
Total 685.9 37
Table 3:
Variant Analysis for Linearity Test of the Experiment Group
Variant Source SS Df MS F*
Regression 279.1 1 279.1
Error 382.2 38 10.06
Lack of Fit 338.55 12 28.21
Pure Error 1134.5 26 43.63
Level of significance = 5% gave F (0.95; 26; 12) = 2.75 which means F*>F so
that Ho is accepted or that the regression model of experiment group is linear.
Table 4:
Variant Analysis for Linearity Test of Control Class
Variant Source SS Df MS F*
Regression 221.6 1 221.6
Error 446.3 38 12.9
Lack of Fit 445.4 12 37.12
Pure Error 452.8 24 18.87
Level of significance = 5% gives F (0.95; 24; 12) = 2.27 which means F*<
F so that Ho is accepted or that the regression model of control group is linear.
This further means that the higher the initial score (X) the higher the learning
achievement (Y).
From the result of similarity test, it was found that the regression model was
not the same; and from the result of parallelism test, it was found that the two
regression model was parallel. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is difference
between students who were taught Mathematics with quantum method and those
with conventional method.
Effectiveness of Quantum Learning for Teaching Linear Program
The regression line of the experiment group and that of control group is parallel
and the constant of the regression line of the experiment group is higher than that
of control group, which means that the difference is significant. Geometrically, the
regression line of the experiment group is above that of the control group. This
means that the learning achievement of the students taught with quantum learning
is better than those taught conventional learning. This means that the result of
the quantitative descriptive analysis is in line with the result of statistic inferential
analysis, showing superiority of quantum learning over conventional one. This also
shows that quantum learning used in teaching Mathematics can motivate students,
make retention better and longer, because students were required to present their
learning, knew how to learn, how to motivate themselves, and how to think.
Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) quantum learning is
effective to teach Mathematics on the topic of linear program; and (2) the learning
achievement of students taught with quantum method is better than that of
conventional method.
With this, the researchers recommend that quantum learning be used to teach
other topic because the method attract students interests due to their experiencing
and constructing knowledge with their own modes, which in turn improve their
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Effectiveness of Quantum Learning for Teaching Linear Program
The quantum learning is effective to teach Mathematics on the topic of linear program and the learning
achievement of students taught with quantum method is better than that of conventional method.