Merritt Morning Market 2996 - April 24

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Antacid Tablets

Custom mugs
Your photos or art on a mug great gifts!
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
mERRiTT moRning
Please recycle
2/$ 00
Blacks Pharmacy
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
1951 Garcia St. Merritt, Bc 2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC (250) 378-2155

monday edition april 24, 2017 #2996

News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
T (250)378-5717 F (250)378-2025 [email protected]
What do you want to Free Disposal Day Jackie Tegart
Your In-Town Full ServIce BuTcher Shop see for Canada 150? bring one free load per household to the
On saturday May 6, residents may
Merritt depends on resource jobs.
Top Quality product at competitive prices The City of Merritt is interested in Lower Nicola Eco-Depot a max. of one On May 9th elect a government that gets it done
Friendly Knowledgeable Staff hearing from the community on what 8 pick-up truck box OR one 8 trailer.
Connect with Jackie
Special orders welcome! they would like to see for Canada Day. Residents can save money on materials Phone: 250-315-0219
They have set up an online survey, for normally charged disposal fees for such [email protected]
your suggestions. Check it out at: as cooling appliances, tires on rim, mat- Authorized by David Goldsmith, Financial Agent for the BC Liberal Party | 1-800-567-2257 tresses, furniture, demolition/construc-

TNRD supports tion waste, wood waste, roofing shingles,

and household garbage.
Comm. Arts Council Household Hazardous Waste Roundup
This event gives residents an oppor-
For the first time in years, the Thomp-
tunity to safely and properly dispose of
son-Nicola Regional District has pre- Fresh, homemade
materials that are toxic, corrosive, reac-
sented the Nicola Valley Community food
tive or ignitable. Containers may be un-
arts Council with $3000. The funds will Daily specials plus
labeled and substances unknown, ie
be used to support this years program- all your favourites
adhesives, paint thinners, chemicals,
ming including art in the Park, art Walk,
cleaners, mercury, antifreeze, herbicides,
Music Programming and new initiatives. w here fri en ds mee t to eat
pesticides, paint, oils, and gasoline. The
We are grateful to the Thompson-
event is for residential waste only. Busi- 210 1 quilc h ena av e. (25 0)37 8-0331
Nicola Regional District for this support.
ness and commercial hazardous waste Find us on facebook
Our new board is looking forward to
will not be accepted. sat., May 6, 9am-
using the funds for supporting and fos-
3pm, Civic Centre parking lot. 250.378.4284
tering creativity in the Nicola Valley,
said NVCaC President Chelsea Werrun. Community Hubb City [email protected]

Whats the Big Idea? Arts Festival

school District 58s district-wide fine
arts festival will take place april 24-May
5. Theres something every day, check
out all the events at
Allcandidates forum
Thursday,april 27, Merritt Civic Cen-
Dehydrated Food
tre, 6:30-8:30pm.
Survival Kits Survival Rations
Merritt Legion 'Bebop Sock Hop' Emergency Kits First Aid Kits
Friday april 28, tickets $10 includes
dinner of chili dog or burger, salad &
Get on the garage sale listing email list dessert, 5-7pm. Order a soda or icecream
NV Community Arts Council board of direc- float . Barry& Hud singing some of your Farm Blended Topsoil
tors, from left: Etelka Gillespie, Tammy Steen,
Libby Dybikowski, Catherine Oborne, vice
favorite old tunes. Prizes for best dressed
50s costume. Legion open 2pm.
Finely Screened
president Jean Kiegerl, president Chelsea Home Based Business Market
Email: [email protected] Werrun (with cheque). Not pictured: Jane May 6, 10am-3pm, Civic Ctre. Ven- Bulk sales
Bartle, treasurer. dors please register @ Home Business
Market (Merritt) Facebook, or sue Thomas 936-8577. available
Fourth Quarter (250)936-8363 or
My husband, a big-time sports fan, was watching a football game with our grand- (250)378-9674
children. He had just turned 75 and was feeling a little wistful. You know, he said John or Kate
to our grandson, its not easy getting old. I guess Im in the fourth quarter now.
Dont worry, Grandpa, Our grandson said cheerily. Maybe youll go into overtime.

T his Weeks Horoscope

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
assist you
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March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 - Lowest as C$99/hr up(C$80/day up) for Venue Space
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-24hr-access with extra fee
Your mission is to nd a way to No matter what's been spoil- You may be able to act as if all Sometimes a little pause for -for 25-40pax for lesson, product introd., seminar, share-office
accurately read and understand ing your appetite lately, life is straightforward, but your breath is all we need in order to -for firm of travel/club/association/sales/admin office setup in Asia
the information you're receiving. now begins to taste sweet. INVESTMENT PLAN @HoNgKoNg ASIA

thoughts are in a jumble. But realize how different our life

LY B L A But, you can't just be logical. And, if you're willing to try a you can untangle a messy mind- can be. This week, take the buy listed companies (shell)

There are emotional issues in- new sensation, things really set. Go slowly, strand by strand, time to reect. A new day from $2M up (GEM)

IT 'S n O T ar 5, 20

can turn out to be sensational!

and you'll feel far better.

dawns, but at its own pace.

from $10M up (MAIN)
Field: Hotel, Property, Investment, IT, Iron/Metal etc

7 - M Type: GO GEM Shell/MAIN Shell/SFC 1,4,9 Shell

& W HI T E Apr 2
July 23 -
Aug 22
Aug 23 -
Sept 22
Sept 23 -
Oct 22
Oct. 23 -
Nov 21
Inquiry: [email protected]

This world is full of things to Don't be afraid of your passion.
pm Time to revisit a change in It seems as if life has been less
7th 4-7
COURTH Thursday, April 2oon-6 pm
worry about, but you don't need your life that isn't as perma- than fair, and you must deal with You're not losing control, it's a Merritts
to worry this week. The New nent as you had once circumstances that you resent. powerful asset. If you want to Bicycle &
TIOn: ay 12n
G RECEP Nordic Ski
Moon suggests things can start Rise above it! Accept, trust and deepen your connection to
thought. It brings an opportu-
OPEnIn OURS: Thursd y 12noon-3 pm turning out better than 'all right'. nity, and you'll gain insight to prepare for a week that brings someone, you just have to try Shop
YH Saturda
once more, with feeling.
progress to the next level. surprisingly deep joy.

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 -
Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20
Each of us has been on a se- Some things are beyond your This week, if you carefully re- Even if your wires are crossing, Repairs Sales
ries of great adventures, but
one person's life hasnt meant
control. Instead of fretting, cel-
ebrate a newly rejuvenated
visit the evidence, you'll begin
to understand a matter that's
you can nd a new way to
communicate an important
Breathebikes | Facebook Rentals Shuttles Guides
[email protected]
Part of the SD58 Whats the Big Idea Festival of the Arts
more (or less) than any other's.
You're dealing with something
talent for improvisation. Adapt been bafling you. Youll begin
to see the secret. Everything
message. Just let your heart,
and not your head, do the 1975 Coutlee Ave., (250) 936-9702
to this challenge, and you may
unique, and you'll handle it well. even begin to relish it! will become obvious. talking. (Entrance in the back alley)
mERRiTT moRning maRkET
monday edition april 24, 2017 #2996 2001
Merritts Auto Glass
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax (250)378-2025 Email [email protected] INC.
personal 03 ford Windstar mini van 208780 local farm-raised chickens 2-5lbs de- Specialists
kms, gd mtr & transmission, gd brakes livered whole & frozen, $4.50/lb. $4.00
Jarrett, formerly a small engine me- all around, runs well, needs some TLC, /lb when you buy 5 or more 378-2124 iCBC Claims
chanic in Merritt, now accepting work in small dent hence the asking price $1200 unpasteurized raw honey: $40 for
the Kamloops area. Call 250-320-6082 obo 778-220-9176 8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 Commercial Residential
will housesit, am bondable, 55 89 ford F150 4wd, 5ltr, 5-spd stndard, for 1 cup. Locally grown organic garlic,
years old. Clean and tidy and quiet. I will 200k $2500 378-8317 $10/lb. 378-4947 automotive industrial
also take care of your pets if you have 98suzuki Esteem station wagon 4cyl, apple limbs for smoker, fish, etc. 250-
OfficE SuPPliES (250)378-6882 1951 Garcia St. any. Roxanne at 604-626-6152. Long gd mil., gd for towing behind a motor 458-2314 2663 Granite ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
PrintinG & cOPyinG (250)378-6808 MErritt, Bc term or short term.
lost: mens brown suede wallet w/ all
home, gd cond $2900 378-4572
01 dodge Ram diesel 2500 4x4 ex-
for sale - furniture 378-4531
my Id, reward if found, Quilchena Ave tended cab 350k, new tires, rns great home full of furniture: diningrm tbl
315-7812, 315-7813 $9200 378-8252 w/ 4 chairs & hutch, 3-pc sofa, loveseat
lost: beginning of March I was admit- 04 vw Jetta 1.8 turbo, gas, loaded, & chair, qu size bed, coff. tbl 2 end ta-
ted into hospital, lost keys somewhere leather, must sell $3000obo 378-8188 bles, ent. centre 8 w/ shelves, bookshelf,
there 378-2098 bdrm suite w/ chiropractic bed w/ motor-
04 pontiac Grand Am, loaded, a/c, ized matt., plus more 315-9486
get ready for spring! Nd your gar- nw batt./whl bearings, p/w, p/l, very nice
den rototilled? call Bill 315-3621 cond. 2 sets tires, mounted. Joe 378-2676 vanity sink w/ marble top $75 brand
looking for someone to power new. Wht rattan set w/ table glass top, 4
78 ford F150 club cab, longbox chairs, blue/white $100. Brwn corduroy
rake my lawn 378-6556 $1200obo & parts truck. 315-3334
to fellow selling bandsaw, I lost 3-seat chesterfield with chairs lounge at-
four 16 rims $50. 378-4007 taches $300. 3 guest wallets $50/all. 3
your number, please call again. 378-8326
4 new Jeep Cherokee Sport wheels brass lamps $50. 315-7611
looking for crossbow shooters to O.E. fit 2015,16,17 models $200obo
shoot with. 936-9356 Have targets will hdbrd, rails, qu sz bd, sealy matt., tv
John 378-6138 stand w/ 21 tv, offers 378-6054
re-built Ford pck-up differential, fits brown reclining leather chair $75
Closed Wednesdays work wtd: very experienced carpen-
ter, no job too small, seniors disc., exc
49-56, vry gd shape $500 Joe 378-2676 315-3334
work 236-777-6656 05 chev Sierra pck-up, 273k, extended 4 chairs & table for kitchen 315-5093
Come in for our Friday buffet, 4:30-7:30pm angies tea leaf reading.
cab, 4wd, wht, winter tires are 50%, v8
motor, runs exc. $5600, view at 1899
free: Brown couch 378-4177
Anytime, gift certificates avail., will do Menzies St. Ed at 378-9553, 315-9957 oak bedroom suite, matt & bx spring
group tea leaf reading. Future, money, incl. King size matt. & bx sprng. dble
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave. love, relationships, business. 378-8326 73-79 tailgate, no rust $200 378-6696 size matt. & bx sprng. sofa & loveseat.
dog walking, house-sitting, snow shov- 4 brand new rims in box, 16x7 5-bolt 3-pc chesterfield. dressers. odds &
elling 378-4530 multi holes, fit most Ford, Gmc, dodge ends. Coffee table 525-0240
& most European & Asian vehicles $250 entertainment centre, lots stor.,
employment opportunity or trade 378-6620 exc cond. $200 525-1333
help wtd: handyman w/ plumbing 86 ford F250 2wd, 6.9L diesl. wall unit, Canadian made by
exper., and operating a small backhoe. $800obo 236-777-6656 Kroehler, solid wood, 2 pcs (credenza &
Send resume by fax 604-985-2508 or 98 chev Cavalier w/ 4 extra tires shelf unit), 43 w x 77 h $200 378-6158
[email protected] $1000obo 315-8460 twin sz capts bd, 3 drwrs, $100 378-5347
wanted: someone to detail small 2-dr 04 pontiac Sunfire, low mi. 69k mi., mens dresser, 36x20x52 high, 5 lrg
car, in my yard. 525-0318 $4495 778-358-9930 drawers $125, night table also avail. 250-
reliable grass cutter wtd, please 2 alum. wheels 265/70R16 for Nissan 870-1244
send resume & references by fax to 604- Frontier, 6-hole $50ea 378-7789 ant. table w/ pull-out centre pc + 4
985-2508 or [email protected]
looking for a roofer, just the
labour or material & labour. 2226 Garcia
06 pt cruiser, exc cond $3500 315-7611
05 silverado 3/4-tn h.d 6l, rear
brake disc/pads, pd $350, sell $200
chairs $100 280-5994
headboard, mattress & railings,
kitchen items, offers 378-6054
Lilac Watch 2017
St. Harry 525-2007 315-4781 banana leaf chairs $225/set of 2,
help wanted. Rel. person w/ 95 gmc Jimmy. 4.3L v6, auto trans, height 42"(18.5" to seat) seat 19" across
plumbing exper., handyman and with op- 4wd. runs very nice. lots of power. trans- 315-5118
erating a small backhoe. For p-t, all year-
round job, send your resume by fax to
mission shifts nicely. 4 wheel drive en-
gages every time. drives straight, does
2 lrg 9-drwr dressers, 1 solid oak
$50ea. text 280-6916, call aft 7pm
604-985-2508. not wander. overall a very solid little rig.
we are hiring at dQ, f-t & p-t. no rust. 269,000 kms 378-2124 for sale - electronics/software
drop off resume in person or email to 96 suzuki Jx 4-dr, 4-cyl 5-spd 4x4, leaf, ibridge3, 32 gb iPhone or iPad
[email protected] nw parts $3000 250-458-2513, cell/text storage device $60 378-7165
experienced. sheet metal installer 250-457-0083 vcr w/ remote plus 30 children
for new const., gd wage & benefits at 97 dodge 1500, new 318 magnum cartoons videos. 9 x-box 360 games.
Copper Valley Mechanical 378-5104 with holly carb, done by Garrett Engines 280-2529
[email protected] Kamloops, 5 skyjacker lift, 35 tires, canon image Prograf large format
class 3 driver w/ air, must have clean exhaust, heavy duty front bumper w/ printer paper, 24 wide, offers 378-7771
abstract, willing to work flex. hours. Call winch & fog lights, many new parts on
this truck. $6500 [email protected] 8-track player & cassette adapter &
Jason 378-7122 50 German tapes. 378-4101
92 4wd diesel truck, 7.3 eng. 5-spd
services manual, 141k orig. Km, built-in stock pixma MG 2920 Canon printer, still in
rck, 1 ownr, maintenance records avail. box, wireless print/copy/scanning/icloud,
local renovation company specializ- pd $39, sell $25. Sony boombox plays
ing in full renos, framng, drywall, paintng $6000 315-9262
tape & discs $20. 525-0118
& compl. fnshng. Plumbng, electrical & $9500obo 09 Pontiac Torrent SUV
glazing. Icbc insured & registered gst Podium edition [2010 winter olympics]. acoustic guitar amp, odl 820, 2-
number. Free estimates & guaranteed, Fully loaded lk nw, no accidents, no rust. chnnl, brnd nw/still in bx $175 378-4773
qual. workmanship. Expanding into Nw tires/brakes/battery.View @ 2202 for sale - recreational
roofng & concrete formng 525-0087 Garcia St 378-5004
handyman for hire, for all your 78 ford F250 3/4-ton single cab 351 bicycle carry rack fits car/pick up
home repairs: wndws, drs, flrs, plumbing, auto, gd cold $1800 Al 378-8156 $100 joe 378-2676
yard maint. Mark call/text 280-2529 85 pick up, 305 auto, new tires/wnd- 12ft harbercraft boat, 9.9HP
woodys Tree Services, pruning, top- shield, runs well $1000 280-4775 Mercury outboard motor. $1200/both.
ping, removal, hedges 315-8087 315 5357
01 chev Malibu gd cond, fully loaded,
have crossbow will travel varmint gd tires 936-8297 arctic fox 30U travel trailer. 2009,
control. 936-9356 exc cond. AC, lrg fridge, 2 slides, table
04 f350 diesel & 30 ft. pull trailer Ultra & chairs, hide a bed, heated tanks,mi-
certified tree faller w/ small wood Lite, will sell together or separately.$13,500 crowave, solar installed,1400W con-
chipper, truck & trailer, all the equipment ea or $26,000 for both 280-7833 verter, window sunshades, LEd lights,
for large & small job 378-6431 new qu mattress. $29,900 315-1824 or
rv repairs 378-6696 livestock/pets & access.
drywall, textured ceiling, painting. brnd nw chicken coop, barn style, for 07 kawasaki Kx250 dirt bike, 4-
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 10-16 hens 378-2337 stroke $2900obo 458-2425

nicola valley
granny's House Quilting & Retreat free: kittens to gd home 378-5529 pool table, 4x8 slate $450 315-0063 grape plants 378-2778 1-bdrm suite. n/s, n/p $600 incl.
has fabric and sewing notions. 378-3734 chicken coops hand-crafting, made 01 yamaha TTR 125 small wheel dirt 2 outdoor handrails for 3 stairs, util. May 1 378-2701
to order, many on display 378-2337

community theatre
childcare bike, lots of nw prts.Text 315-5188 metal. Hand railing 10 378-4007 newly renod 2-bdrm units $800/
2 baby finches & cage $40 250-320-2054 2 a90 ATVs, both vry lw mil., mint cond. small shed for chickens, can fix mth, 1-bdrm units starting at $650/
licensed childcare Family petcetera hexagon fish tnk w/ stnd, $750ea 250-295-3642 up if needs work 378-8326 mth. Ht /cbl incl. Rob 936-8243
Place for children 0 12 years. We will light, H20 filter & extras: $25 378-2410 any type material or equipt to 1-bdrm ste, Apr 15, util incl $650,
help complete subsidy paperwork. Open lk nw cond. w/ 90,425km motor
wanted: 3 ducks & 6 chicksfor pets. home, 2006, 20, GM classic 378-6588 operate small greenhouse 378-2778 n/p, n/s 378-6524
Mon-Sat-. drop ins welcome. Hours are 378-8326, 525-0318 1-bdrm for 1 n/s adult only, n/p,
6:00 9:00pm. Located at Railyard Mall. 74 12 scamper travel trlr, solar panel looking for old boats on trail-
auto pet barrier $50 378-4335 $1600obo 378-6421 ers any cond. don 315-5742 heat & cable incl $600/month Refs
2172 Coutlee Ave. FMI 378-4878 reqd 378-2954
miniature daschund x puppies $500, 150cc scooter Saga w/ sidecar, 2015, 83 377 scanning for Bombardier ig-
for sale - appliances ready to go 378-5390 25kms, brnd nw 378-6696 nition coil 315-8087 2-bdrm bsmt ste, nr Central Schl.
70s chevy Vega, 2-door, prefer 3-bdrm house, immed. 525-0240
moving sale: Maytag fridge with for sale - miscellaneous
12 yamaha 450 ATV, lw mil., wind-
shield, winch, hand warmers, passenger fast back [email protected] furnd room, enste bath, 11k west
ice maker, 33w x 29d x 66h,dishwasher of Merr. country setting 378-4476
24w x 34h, stainless steel $250 ea. Inglis moving sale: Inside French doors, seat$6100 378- 4572
stained pine $150, exc cond text 250- for sale house/property furnished rm, w/ kitch. priv-
fridge, white $150 text 250-280-7332 6-person hot tub, just needs heater,
280-7332 giving away must move before spring dbl wide manufd home: 3-bdrm iledges, wifi incl $400 315-5951
microwave, dishwasher, fridge &
stove, washer & dryer, 525-0240 lumber: 400 board feet treated lum- 378-5140 2-bth , all appl. incl. on lrg lot in park wtd to rent: sngl mom, smoking
Become a member, help make this project happen! bar fridge 315-5093 ber, 2x12x12, 2x6, 2x4, 1x4, 4x4 + 6 5th whl hitch 378-4634 $89,900, fin. avail. 1-800-361-8111, woman, 62, looking for l-bdrm or bsmt
ste, ASAP, lost evrythng in Kengard Apt.
sheets t&g 1/2 plywood G1S, half price set mens golf clubs 13-pc w/ bag,
maytag top load washer, works $50obo. Kirby vacuum cleaner, w/ at-
of retail 315-5174 $100. 378-9169 315-1000, please ask us aobut other fire. debbie 280-6103, mess. 378-3635
plum trees $10 1502 Orme St., 378-4471 manufd homes avail. 2-bdrm hse. 4-bdrm, upstairs w/ 1-
tachment, free 378-4177 free jostaberry & virginia creeper plnts, bdrm bsmt ste. 378-6332, 778-240-3721
for sale - tools/equipment by owner: 5-bdrm + den family
kenmore dryer $100 315-3334 concord grape vine clppngs. 378-2410 home, move-in ready, fenced yard, immed. Bsmt ste in secldhse3830
wood stove, airtight, gd for cabin, gar.,
space for your ad
lrg laundromat coin-op gas dryer, 2 small tv boxes & 2 lrg. Older power producing fruit trees, nw a/c & hot Hwy 97c Mamit Lk Rd, 1290
works well. Joe 378-2676 house. $300obo 315-8087
chair, nds work. bbq. Lrg outside shed water tank/appl., nr school, hosp, sqft$700 + util: 2-bed -bath, brnd nw
single pot commercial Bunn coffee 10wide, small shed 6wide. Sml tv $25, 4 fluorescent light assembly w/ shopping, immac. $389,900 378-3488 open concept ste, room for 1 car under
machine $200obo 378-5889 Lrge walker $50. Handicap bathroom new bulbs $40. joe 378-2676 the carport & more uncovered parking
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700 cappuccino machine $30 w/instruc- access. 2 bar fridges. Laurie 315-2436 batt.-op weed whacker. 280-2529
reduced: 1.5 acers, beside Cold-
water River, w/ older mobile home. spaces. Lrg wd stove & laundry
lrg homemade wood lathe, spin 17-1/2
[email protected] tions 525-0033
fridge $75 378-4586
bar fridge, 2 end table w/ lamps. 5x9
rug, microwave, 2 dressers 315-5093 inches x 40+ long. 3/4 HP motor &
$185,000. 378-7412, 378-7379 (shared responsibility w/ upstairs ten-
ant). Beautifully situated home on 3
wtd: cabin, shack, old house, retired
4.5 cu ft brand new bar fridge w/ granny's House Quilting & Retreat some accessories. Text 378-7695 or busted grow op, pce of ground acres w/ views of the Nicola Mameet
hockey emblems $250obo 280-1413 has fabric and sewing notions. just re- large shop sandblaster $850, gd com- somewhere in Caribou, no nd for Valley & Stoyoma Mountain. Vry
30 frigidaire flat top elect range, ceived new fabric from Katja's Quilt plete unit. Joe 378-2676 fancy, will pay cash (250)578-8448 priv. home, 11km from Shulus,14km
wht, gd cond $100 378-9169 Shoppe, incl. some fabric for Canada's tandem 8000 lb. axle 20'0"x8'6" flat from Merritt, 50km from HVC. Nw
deck trailer as is $5000obo, w/ new tires prop.: priv. 3-bdrm R2 home, huge septic syst. Nd awd or 4x4 through
front load w/d Kenmore HE Elite 150th.378-3734 shop/yard, much more, will trade for
and wiring $7000 378-5889 the winter. N/s, Pets neg. Lease to
will all the bells/whistles $500obo 378- free: tv stand for 21 tv, press cooker, country property 378-8326 sign. Loren Sahara loren_saha@ hot-
some kitchen items 378-6054 duramax Flo n Go Fuel container,
9102, 315-5193 53l/14gal., lk nw $70. 4 new fuel con- 4-bdrm 3-bth house sale, w/ 2- 778-676-7844
exercise bike, keyboard, each tainers 20l/5.3gal. $10 ea 315-6259 bdrm legal, ground level ste.
for sale - automotive $95obo 378-5577 renod March 15, 2-bdrm bsmt
woodstove, glass window & $345,000 in Merritt 778-358-9930 ste,1 block from a&w, 7/11, Subway,
07 chev Cobalt 2-door coupe (rally brnd nw evening gown, perfect for chrome trim, exc. cond. $500 315-7314 1+bdrm hse, dwntwn location, fncd 2 blocks to shopping mall, nw pnt &
yellow) 5-spd manual $5,700obo. 1 prom/wedding pd $300 tag still on, sac- 3000i king generator/inverter, remote yrd,wd stove, wrkshp, grdns. Ideal flooring, incl. f/s/w/d/all util. $1000 no
ownr, only 84,520km, good running rifice $80 525-1333 start/2hr run/56dba, new oct/16 have re- rntl/investment $160,000 315-8517 drugs, no loud music aft 9pm, smok-
cond., all maintenance up to date c/w revlon facial sauna/inhaler, as new ceipt,$1300obo 378-6696 double lot, ready to build on, ing outside only, pets welcome, prefer
winter tires on rims, 2 sets of keys/fobs $20 378-2410 elect. tools: drill, sander $10ea text in rural neighbourhood 280-1017 retired or employed tenant, refs &
315-5118(pls no txts) box of 143 brightly colored 280-6916, call aft 7pm dam./pet deposit reqd. 525-2007 see
90 ford F150 free for parts 378-5677 Megabloks, w/ whls & characters $15. for rent pics on craigslist id no. 6040315765
2 wood-burning heaters, one vintage
05 chev Blazer 2-dr 4wd auto $9500 box of 219 Megabloks (w/ car & trailer) one modern. both in exc shape. 378-6787 3 bdrm, 1-bath, f/s, w/d, fnc'd yard, low. nic. upstairsste in 4-plxfor
obo incl. 15 mos warranty, only 82,500 ages 3+ $15. 315-8158 carport & storage. Upstairs dplx 1750 snglwrkng prsn, 1 bdrm + den, f/s/no
2 antique cross-cut saws 4 feet & 5
km / in grt running cond,/ body in good 2 barbie dolls still in boxes, Christmas feet $150. Taig micro lathe for wood and ABlair. appt., refs., snrs disc. $925 + lndry, n/s, n/p, n/drgs, n/parties, $700
shape 315-5118(pls no txts) Barbies from late 80s 525-1333 metal turning $400. 4 axis CNC for wood hydro. May 1. darch 378-7363 + $350 sec. dep. 378-3748
4 summer tires 215/60R16 50% tread free: china painting supplies, paint, or soft metals $4500. Bill 315-0267 duplex lrg 2-bdrm f/s/w/d, n/p n/s 2-bdrm bsmt n/s, n/p 378-6038,
$100/all 378-2504 blanks, etc. (250)736-1278 378-8383 May 1 778-639-0244
07 chev 2500 diesl crewcab, 4 lift, free: rare porcelain face doll moulds. wanted/wanted to buy
chipped, nw air cleaner syst., stereo, Paper tole prints. Manuals for porc. doll lumber 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 8 and longer,
130k $26,500 378-5988 making Julia 250-736-1278 4x8 sheets plywood or OSB 378-8156
04 pontiac Grand Am 200+k, auto,
cruise, air, radio & Cd, 7-mo. old tires +
4 extras on rims $ 2200 378-5225View
candles & wax for candle-making
free: 48 bathrm vanity w/ sink &
dont take your grass clippings to
the dump. Bag them up & bring them to see more pictures online
taps, u pick up 378-1843 aft 5pm my place 378-2778
at 1455 Quilchena broken electronics: lcd or
07 dodge Caravan trlr hitch installed dolomite jazz walker, folding, for
shorter person 51-52 $200 378-7356 plasma tvs, computers, laptops, monitors,
$150 378-5165 etc., stereos, amps, receivers, speakers,
wd frame mirr 2x2-10 $40. Wndws
94 toyota Camry v6, 2-dr, motor has 2-1.5x2-7 & 1-10.25x2-10.25 will pick up & dispose of. Tony 378-6260
knock, open to offers 280-0125 $100ea. Gar. dr opener, nvr used $275. 2 shed, cheap, even if nds wrk 378-8326
00 dodge Intrepid & 00 Windstar van blk/wht bistro chairs $40/both. dbl bd w/ set of darts, 28gm 378-6027, 250-
$1000/both. 315-0063 wht wckr hdbrd & frame $250. Ottoman 674-8534
4 firestone tires, 225-50R17 m&s on whls, rose $30. Outdr lamp post w/ lady who lost everything
280-2529 extens. $60. Ant. wd-brning ovn, make in Kengard Manor fire seeking livingrm
four 245/65-17 tires $45ea. 378-4315 me an offer 378-8383 turn. by donation 280-6103
send us yours if youd like
Send u s your classified s... Voicemail (250)378-5717, Email [email protected] us to consider posting them!
Leave a comment online at our blog, go to: [email protected] Friday, March 31, 2017

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