Project-Report Grading Rubric

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EEL3801: Computer Organization

Project Report Submission Guidelines

1.0 Description of Project Report Elements

Provide a professionally-prepared report with text in the body of the document in Times New Roman
11-point font with all of the elements identified below.

Description of Cover sheet: Provide a full page which lists the Project title, student name, email address,
course name, due date, and date of final submission.
Project Description: Provide project name, narrative description of at least 4 sentences, inputs, outputs.
Program Design: Provide a narrative description in sentences of how your code operates, and include a
flowchart with sufficient explanation about the program design for someone else familiar with MIPS to be
able replicate your design.
Symbol Table: Provide a 2-column Table of all Registers used and their Purpose, where each is listed on
a separate row and identified by register name $t0, $s0, etc., as well as any Labels used and their
purpose on separate rows.
Learning Coverage: provide a meaningful list of at least 5 technical topics learned from this project.
Prototype in C-language: Prototype code written in C-language that matches the structure of the
submitted assembly code which is fully operational is required, e.g. using a C-compiler or free C-
compiler available at
For this project, a validated output run of the C code is not required to be submitted. However, fully-
operational C-code should be pasted into the report satisfying the Grading Rubric listed below to receive
full credit.
Test Plan of .asm Code: Define the testing procedure and inputs used to assure proper functionality of
the MIPS code which must be sufficiently detailed for a new user to follow explained as sentences.
Provide a screenshot illustrating at least three test cases being successfully conducted.

2.0 Grading Rubric

Project Report submission: 100 points total as follows:
Professional preparation: [5 points total] as follows:
i.e. Typed document with text of the paragraphs in Times New Roman 11 pt font, clear and
grammatically well-formed explanations, cover sheet provided, page numbering and document
heading numbering (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc to identify the required sections listed below). [5 points]
Report Content: [95 points total] as follows having the following numbered section headings:
1.0 Project Description: project name, narrative description of at least 4 sentences, including
identification of program inputs and outputs. [10 point]
2.0 Program Design: narrative description of how your code operates, and a flowchart with
sufficient explanation about the program design for someone else familiar with MIPS to be able
replicate your design [10 points for detailed narrative and 10 points for high quality flowchart]
3.0 Symbol Table: a 2-column Table describing all Registers used and their specific Purpose in
the code, where each register is listed on a separate row and identified by register name $t0,
$s0, etc., as well as any Labels used and their purpose on separate rows. [10 points for register
table and 10 points for label table]
4.0 Learning Coverage: provide a meaningful list of at least 5 technical topics learned from
this project that you could mention in a job interview. [20 points]
5.0 Prototype in C-language: paste the C-code in the report as you do not need to submit a .c
file and do not need to provide a screenshot of the C-language output for this project. However,
the .c code shall be a viable fully working prototype for all parts to receive credit. [10 points]
6.0 Test Plan: provide details in sentences identifying the inputs chosen to test the program and
why these were selected, and justification why they provide adequate test coverage. [6 points]
7.0 Test Results: provide screen shot(s) of at least 3 proper MIPS code executions in MARS for
your Test Plan inputs. [6 points]
8.0 References: provide a list of all reference materials you used in the project. [3 point]

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