IFM11 Solution To Ch09 P11 Build A Model
IFM11 Solution To Ch09 P11 Build A Model
IFM11 Solution To Ch09 P11 Build A Model
Selected Ratios and Other Data 2012 Matthews IndustrySet equal to Matthews t
make the data
Sales, 2012 (S0): $12,000 $12,000comparable.
Expected growth in sales: 10.0% 10.0%
Profit margin (M, or PM): 3.55% 4.50%
Assets/Sales (A0*/S0): 55.0% 50.0%
Payout ratio (POR): 45.0% 40.0%
Equity multiplier (Assets/Equity): 1.97 1.67
Debt ratio (Total debt/Total claims): 49.2% 40.0%
Times interest earned (EBIT/Interest): 3.84 4.20
Increase in sales (S = gS0): $1,200 $1,200
(Payables + Accruals)/Sales (L0*/S0): 6.2% 4.0%
Operating costs/Sales: 92.0% 85.0%
Cash/Sales: 1.0% 1.0%
Receivables/Sales: 13.2% 10.0%
Inventories/Sales: 17.9% 15.0%
Fixed assets/Sales: 22.9% 20.0%
Tax rate: 40.0% 40.0%
Interest rate on all debt: 10.0% 9.5%
Price/Earning (P/E): 8.0 12.5
ROE (Net income/Common equity): 12.72% 15.00%
a. Assume that the firms 2012 profit margin, payout ratio, capital intensity ratio, and spontaneous liabilities to sales ra
in 2013, what is the required external capital the firm will need in 2013 as calculated by the AFN equation?
= (A0*/S0)S (L0*/S0)S
= (A0*/S0)(gS0) (L0*/S0)(gS0)
= $660 $74.70
b. If 2012 ratios remain constant, what is Matthews self-supporting growth rate? How will the self-supporting growth r
following changes occur: (1) the profit margin declines, (2) the payout ratio increases, or (3) the capital intensity ratio
Self-Supporting Growth Rate. This is the maximum growth rate that can be attained without raising external funds,
forces AFN = 0, holding other things constant. We found this rate, g = 4.1722%, with Excel's Goal Seek function and als
explained below.
1. Using algebra. The self-supporting growth rate can also be found by solving the equation as shown on the 3rd row
the value of g that causes AFN to equal zero. This results in the same value as we find with Goal Seek. The algebriac
you the equation, but if you had to solve the AFN equation for g, you would probably find the Goal Seek solution easier
Therefore, if the firm's ratios remain constant, the company can grow at about 4.17% without
external financing.
2. Using Goal Seek. To find the self-supporting growth rate with Goal Seek, first highlight cell B56. Then, with Excel 0
click Data>What-If-Analysis>Goal Seek. With Excel 03 click Tools>Goal Seek. Then complete the dialog box as shown
click OK, Cell D25 will change to 4.1722%, which will cause Cell B56 to change to $0.00. Record the new growth rate a
base case by clicking Cancel. Or, you could click OK to leave the new growth rate in Cell D25 and then over-type it wit
back to the base case.
Goal Seek is one of Excel's most useful features. We use it elsewhere in this chapter to find the required amount of ne
budgeting, we use it to see how high the WACC can go before the NPV becomes negative, how low the WACC must be
positive, how low the initial cost must be to achieve a positive NPV, how long a project must last to achieve a positive
have worked on real world cases dealing with almost every chapter in the text, and we almost always have occasion to
overemphasize its usefulness.
c. Matthews management has reviewed its financial statements and arrived at two possible scenarios for 2013. The fi
steady state while the second scenario, the target scenario, shows some improvement in ratios toward industry-avera
values for the scenarios are shown in the partially completed file Ch09 P11 Build a Model.xls. If Matthews assumes tha
achieved through notes payable and financing feedbacks are not considered because the new notes payable are adde
what are the firms forecasted AFN, EPS, DPS, and year-end stock price under each scenario?
Forecasted Financial Statements
In this section we forecast financial statements, assuming that any funds needed are raised as short-term notes p
assume that interest is paid only on the beginning-of-year notes payable. In the following section we assume tha
average notes outstanding during the year.
Claims on Assets
Accts payable and accruals $747 5.00% Factor Forecasted Sales
Notes payable 1,200 Carry over 2012 amount
Add' notes to balance 0 New notes (+/-) to balance
Total current liabs $1,947
Long Term Debt 1,300 Carry over 2012 amount
Total liabilities $3,247
Common stock 2,250 Carry over 2012 amount
Retained earnings 1,100 2012 + Add'n to RE from Income Statement
Total common equity $3,350
Total liabs and equity $6,597
Shares outstanding 150.000 Difference between Assets and Liab+
Year-end stock price $22.72
Final comment: Different problems require somewhat different models--one size does not fit all. For example, a f
be low, and if that resulted in a negative AFN, then a model would have to be programmed to do something with t
model on Tab 2 is an example.
d a Model
Add'n to RE
S1 M (1POR)
S1 M (1POR)
= 4.1722%
ht cell B56. Then, with Excel 07, on the Main Menu bar
plete the dialog box as shown to the right. When you
Record the new growth rate and then return to the
D25 and then over-type it with 10% in that cell to get
ind the required amount of new capital. In capital
e, how low the WACC must be for the NPV to be
ust last to achieve a positive NPV, and so forth. We
most always have occasion to use Goal Seek. We can't
1 + Factor) 2012 Sales $13,200.00
ctor Forecasted Sales 11,550.00
Carry over 2012 amount 250.00
Tax rate 2013 EBT 560.00
w Interest
d in the Scenarios
This data is
Active identical to that
Target used for the
10.0% forecasts. It is
87.5% repeated here for
Target 2013
re for 2013 Forecast ForecastAfter executing a scenario, G177=0, so Assets>Claims and the
difference is shown in G185. Type this difference into G177 to
balance, forcing assets = claims. Do this before looking at
Forecasted Sales $132.0performance measures, as those measures will be wrong until the
balance sheet is in balance.
Forecasted Sales 1,584.0
Forecasted Sales 2,112.0
Forecasted Sales 2,838.0
Target Forecast
1 + Factor) 2013 Sales $13,200.00
ctor Forecasted Sales 11,550.00
This is the additional interest after Assets = Claims.
Carry over 2012 amount 250.00
Interest rate (0.5 notes) 0.00
Interest is too low until Assets = Claims.
Tax rate 2013 EBT 560.00
The addition to retained earnings is not correct until
Assets=Claims because until then the appropriate amount of
$5.60 has not been deducted, so earnings and thus retained
earnings will not be correct.
Adjusted for New Interest
Target Active
After running a scenario and adjusting to force Assets = Claims,
Target Target
we copy the results from Column G into column E or F.
$5.66 $5.60
$70.79 $70.00
6.44% 6.36%
1.98 1.98
22.1% 21.9%
87.5% 87.5%
42.4% 47.4%
1.74 1.74
7.05 6.60
42.5% 42.5%