FAQ Orks Feb2010

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Errata FAQs
Page 47 – Stormboyz, Special Rules. Q. Can a Weirdboy’s Leadership be increased to
more than 10 by the Mob Rule?
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted.
A. No, it can be increased, but only up to a
maximum of 10.
Page 48 – Deffkoptas, Special Rules.
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted.
Q. Does a unit that successfully stops a Deff
Rolla-equipped Battlewagon’s Tank Shock suffer
any hits?
Page 50 and 100 – Runtherds.
A. Yes, it does. In fact, it suffers 2D6 S10 hits!
The special rules ‘Waaagh!’ and ‘Mob Rule’
should be deleted.
Q. Can a Deff Rolla affect more than one enemy
unit with a single Tank Shock move?
Page 60 and 96 – Wazdakka, Special Rules. A. Yes, all of the units Tank Shocked are affected
The ‘Waaagh!’ special rule should be deleted. by the Deff Rolla (roll separately for each unit).

Page 101 – Warbikers. Q. Is Ghazghkull’s Waaagh! restricted from use

for the first game turn or just the first player
The wargear should be changed as follows: turn of the game?
• Choppa A. The first game turn.
• Slugga
• Warbike Q. Can Grotsnik board a vehicle if doing so will
• Twin-linked Dakkagun get him closer to the nearest enemy than if he
moved normally?
A. In the spirit of the rule, if embarking in a
Page 101 – Warbikers. vehicle will not prevent him from charging that
turn and will also get him closer to the nearest
The Warbiker Nob’s profile should be changed as enemy than moving normally that turn, he may
follows: do that. Once aboard, the vehicle must always
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv move in such a way as to move as fast as possible
towards the closest enemy and allow Grotsnik to
4 2 4 4(5) 2 3 3 7 4+ disembark and charge the closest enemy as soon
as possible.
Page 103 – Big Gunz.
The Runtherd’s profile will be changed as Q. If a Boyz mob exchange sluggas and choppas
follows: with shootas, can a Nob take a power klaw or a
big choppa?
A. You may upgrade the Nob to have a big
4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ choppa or power klaw before you choose to
upgrade the mob to have shootas, in which case
the Nob is not affected by the mob’s weapon
Page 104 – Dakkaguns. swap (as he no longer has a choppa to swap),
does not receive a shoota and keeps his slugga
The Dakkagun’s profile will be changed as
and power klaw/big choppa instead. He is a lot
happier that way!
Range Strength AP Type Page
18” 5 5 Assault 3 46
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Q. A big gun for the Battlewagon says that it shooting and assaulting.
“does not include crew”. What does this mean?
A. It means that you don’t get any additional
Gretchin models along with the gun, and Q. Can a Bomb Squig still be released if the unit
therefore the gun simply counts as one of the is pinned or locked in combat? What if it is
vehicle’s weapons (BS2!). embarked on a vehicle?
A. Squigs may not be released if the unit is not
allowed to shoot that turn. If the unit is
Q. How many Attacks does a Deff Dread armed embarked in a vehicle, they can be released as
with three or four close combat weapons have? long as the releasing model would have been able
A. A Deff Dread with three close combat weapons to fire a normal weapon. This follows the normal
had 4 Attacks, whilst a Deff Dread with four of rules for passengers shooting from vehicles.
them has 5 Attacks.

Q. Do Bomb Squigs require line of sight and can

Q. If a Flash Gitz mob includes a Painboy and/or they move through impassable terrain? Where is
Kaptin Badrukk, and it selects any of the their range measured from?
weapon upgrades, does the player have to pay
A. No line of sight is required and they move
the +5 points for these characters, even though
freely regardless of any impediments. Range is
they don’t benefit from the upgrade?
measured from whichever model in the unit is
A. No, as they are not equipped with snazzguns, declared to be releasing the Squig (or, in the case
and therefore the upgrade does not make sense of embarked Tankbustas, from the vehicle if open-
for them. topped, or from a fire point if not open-topped).

Q. If a Trukk suffers a ‘Kareen!’ result, what Q. Does each Zzap Gun roll separately for
happens if the random movement forces it into Strength or just once for the whole battery (i.e..
friendly models or off the table? unit)? If the result is above ‘10’, is only a single
A. The vehicle stops as soon as it comes into crewman in the battery removed or one per gun?
contact with friendly models or the table’s edge. A. One roll is made for the entire battery. If the
result is above ‘10’, a single crewman is removed
from the whole battery.
Q. Can a unit of Tankbustas that start a turn
within line of sight and/or charge range of a
vehicle, move out of line of sight and/or assault Q. Is the roll for a Zzap Gun’s Strength made
range in the Movement phase in order to avoid before or after the target unit is chosen?
firing or charging the vehicle?
A. The roll is made after choosing a target unit,
A. Tankbustas are free to move as they please in but before rolling to hit.
the Movement phase. They are only bound by the
‘Glory Hog’ rule when shooting and during the
Assault phase. Q. If a Zzap Gun is mounted on a vehicle, is it a
normal or defensive weapon, and what happens
if more than ‘10’ is rolled for Strength?
Q. If Tankbustas are obviously in assault range
A. Zzap Guns are never counted as defensive
of an enemy unit that is not a vehicle (e.g.
weapons, regardless of the Strength they are
within 1”), but there is a vehicle obviously out of
actually fired at that turn. If the Strength roll is
assault range (e.g. more than 24” away), can the
more than ‘10’ there are no negative effects.
Tankbustas assault the non-vehicle unit?
A. No, they must still attempt to assault the
vehicle and will therefore not move in that Q. If a Looted Wagon rolls a ‘1’ for “Don’t Press
Assault phase. Dat” what happens if the forced movement takes
them into friendly models, impassable terrain or
off the table?
Q. Can a Tankbusta unit release its Bomb Squigs
A. The vehicle stops as soon as it comes into
first and then shoot later in the Shooting phase?
contact with friendly models, impassable terrain
Do they have to target an enemy unit that is
or the table’s edge.
attacked by a Bomb Squig? Do they then have to
assault that vehicle?
A. Releasing Bomb Squigs is done at the same
time as the unit’s regular shooting. The target of
released Squigs do not affect the mob’s target for

Q. If a Looted Wagon rolls a ‘1’ for “Don’t Press Q. Which Weirdboy psychic power is a psychic
Dat”, but is unable to complete its move (or shooting attack?
even to move at all) because it is blocked by A. Frazzle and Zzap (though they include a few
something it cannot move through (friendly exceptions to the normal shooting rules, as
models, etc), does it still count as having moved specified in their description).
for the purposes of shooting?
A. Yes, regardless of how far it actually moves,
the Wagon always counts as having moved at full Q. Does a Weirdboy embarked on a vehicle still
speed. roll for his powers? If so, can you clarify what
happens in all cases?
A. He still rolls for his powers and the effects are
Q. How are the boomgun and other weapons as follows:
mounted on a Looted Wagon?
•‘Eadbanger: Causes a Strength 6 hit on the
A. Players are free to mount the weapons on
vehicle’s rear armour.
their converted or scratch-built models however
they see fit (i.e. in a turret, sponson, hull or •Frazzle: Fired from the vehicle following the
otherwise), as long as this is absolutely clear by normal rules for passengers firing.
looking at the model.
•Zzap: Fired from the vehicle following the
normal rules for passengers firing.
Q. Are saves allowed against wounds caused by •Warpath: Applies as normal to the embarked
rolling a ‘1’ for the ‘Waaagh!’ fleet roll? Or by a unit.
Bosspole’s re-roll?
•‘Ere we go: Applies as normal to the embarked
A. Armour and invulnerable saves are allowed. unit. No effect on the vehicle.
These are just the same as wounds suffered in
close combat from a normal weapon (actually, a •Waaagh! Applies as normal.
big green fist…).

Q. How many units in an army with Mad Dok

Q. If a Shokk Attack Gun suffers an “Oops” Grotsnik can be upgraded to have cybork
result, does the opponent get to place the blast bodies? Are there any restrictions (apart from
marker or just choose the target unit? non-vehicle) or can it even be Gretchin or
A. The opposing player gets to actually place the independent characters?
marker over the target unit of their choice. A. Any number of units can be upgraded. This
includes Gretchin (Super-Gretchin! Cool
conversions, but a bit expensive at 8 pts per
Q. If a Shokk Attack Gun suffers a “Gah” result, model!) and independent characters (except for
is the nearest unit affected even if they are out unique characters), effectively giving them a 5 pt
of range or line of sight, fighting in close discount on the cybork body upgrade.
combat, etc?
A. Yes, the nearest unit is targeted no matter
what. Q. Can you use the Deffrolla when Ramming
vehicles or does it only work when Tank
Shocking non-vehicle units?
Q. If a Mek enters combat due to a “Zoink” A. The death rolla does indeed inflict D6 S10 hits
result, does the enemy unit immediately count against vehicles, as Ramming is just a type of
as being locked (i.e. no other Ork units may fire Tank Shock.
at them)?
A. Yes, the unit and the Mek are immediately
locked in combat. 24th February 2010

Q. Are models that are immune to instant death The questions answered in our FAQs have been gathered
(such as those with eternal warrior) removed from many sources. Some have been submitted by members
of the public, others by representatives of the online gaming
from the table when hit by a Shokk Attack Gun community and more still are the result of face to face
which rolls a “Raargh” result? meetings with keen and inquisitive players at a myriad of
A. Yes, unless they are gargantuan creatures or gaming events. We are always happy to consider more
questions, and aim to update these FAQs as frequently as is
super-heavy vehicles (see the Apocalypse book). practical. See the Contact Us‚ page of the Games Workshop
website for the address to which you can send your
questions. Thanks to all those who have done so already!

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