3 4 8 Aroaddesignoptional
3 4 8 Aroaddesignoptional
3 4 8 Aroaddesignoptional
In this activity you will calculate important information needed to document a road
design. You will also apply the knowledge you gain about road design to the
Keystone Library Renovation project.
Activity 3.4.2A Road Chart
Computer with Internet access
Use the Road Plan to complete the following.
Although you will not design a public roadway for the Keystone Library Renovation
project, a developer may be required to make improvements to the existing roadway
infrastructure when traffic patterns change. You will research the existing roadways
near the Keystone site to make recommendations for improvements to minimize the
negative effect of the project on the surrounding traffic flow.
1. What factors should an engineer consider when designing a road?
2. From which road(s) should you provide access to/from the library
entrance/exit? Why?