Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials: Qingzheng Cheng, David Devallance, Jingxin Wang and Siqun Wang

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Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials

Qingzheng Cheng1, David DeVallance1, Jingxin Wang1 and Siqun Wang2
1West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV,
2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

United States

1. Introduction
Biomass, especially woody biomass, represents the most important sustainable resource
which can be used as feedstock for producing biofuels and bioproducts. In the past decade,
overdependence on petroleum products has consistently increased. Biodegradable products
from renewable materials are becoming increasingly more attractive due to escalating prices
and shortages of crude oil. Cellulose, synthesized mainly in biomass by photosynthesis, is
the most abundant natural biopolymer in the world. Natural cellulosic fibers, particles,
fibrils (micro and nano scale), and crystals/whiskers are attractive replacements for man-
made fibers (e.g., glass and aramid fibers) used as reinforcement and fillers when making
environmentally friendly products. These cellulosic materials have many advantages
including: renewable, low cost, low density, low energy consumption, high specific strength
and modulus, high sound attenuation, nonabrasive, and a relatively reactive surface.
Recent research has focused on determining how to use biomass effectively as low cost,
environmentaly friendly raw materials in many products while reducing the dependence
on petroleum based resources. In the past two decades, research and manufacturing efforts
have focused on using natural fibers to replace artificial fibers such as glass fibers for
reinforcement material and fillers and to make environmentally safe products (George et
al., 2001). Fibrils (in micro and nano scale) isolated from natural fibers have much higher
mechanical properties as compared to original fibers. Given this, important research is
being conducted on generating fibrils and combining them with polymers to form
nanocomposites with the expectation of improving strength and stiffness as compared to
composites reinforced with artificial fibers (Berglund, 2005; Cheng et al., 2007a; Cheng et
al., 2007b; Cheng et al., 2009b; Herrick et al., 1983; Turbak et al., 1983; ). Microfibres are
defined as cellulose fibers 0.1-1 m in diameter, with a corresponding minimum length of
5-50 m (Chakraborty et al., 2006). Franks (1987) defined nanotechnology as the
technology where dimensions or tolerances in the range 0.1 to 100 nm (from the size of an
atom to the wavelength of light) play a critical role. The definition of nano-size material
has broadened significantly to include a large variety of systems that have at least one-
dimension at the nanometer scale (1-100 nm) (Jordan et al., 2005). As one of the next
generation of environmentally friendly materials, bio-based nanocomposites have grown
rapidly and include composites that are completely biodegradable (both the fibril and
polymer matrix are biodegradable) and partly biodegradable (at least the fibril is
548 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

It is still a challenge to isolate fibrils (in both micro and nano scales) at a reasonable cost with
low degradation, and to effectively disperse them evenly in polymer matrixes. However,
many methods have been developed to generate fibrils (e.g., chemical and mechanical) and
to produce bio-nanocomposites (e.g., film casting and freeze dry followed by compressive
molding and/or extrusion). Problems and challenges in nanocomposites reinforced with
cellulose fibrils (micro and nano scales) include: 1) disintegration of cellulose to fibrils
without severe degradation; 2) producing low cost, environmentally friendly
nanocomposites; 3) characterizing the mechanical properties of single fibrils (to evaluate the
effects of the isolation process) used in producing nanocomposites; 4) dispersing cellulose
fibrils in polymer matrixes; 5) adhesion between the fibrils and polymer matrixes; 6)
applications of bio-based nanocomposites in the ecological system; 7) biodegradability of
nanocomposites partly or completely in the ecological system.
This chapter will review cellulosic nanocomposites development at the Division of Forestry
and Natural Resources, West Virginia University and the Center for Renewable Carbon,
University of Tennessee, as well as several other institutes. Cellulosic
nanofibers/nanocrystals were isolated directly from hardwood residues and hybrid poplars,
and used to reinforce poly(vinyl alchole) (PVA) when making nanocomposites at West
Virginia University. At the Center for Renewable Carbon, cellulose fibrils were isolated from
Lyocell fiber, a regenerated cellulose fiber, pure cellulose fiber, and pulp fiber through a
high intensity ultrasonic treatment. The resulting fibrils were characterized for physical and
mechanical properties and used as reinforcements for several polymers, such as poly(lactic
acid) (PLA), PVA, and polypropylene when making cellulosic nanocomposites. These
research efforts provided alternative methods to isolate cellulosic fibrils and nanofibers and
to reinforce polymers when fabricating cellulosic composites in a manner that produces
higher yields in an more environmentally friendly and energy efficient way, as compared to
current techniques..

2. Cellulose
Cellulose is the world's most abundant natural, renewable, biodegradable polymer, and a
classical extracellular high-performance skeletal biocomposite consisting of a matrix
reinforced by fibrous biopolymer. The whisker like microfibrils, which are near defect free
crystals with axial physical properties approaching those of perfect crystals, are
biosynthesized and deposited in a continuous fashion by plants or animals. Wood, one of
the most important plants for society , is not only a good building material, but also an
abundant cellulose source.
Although the first investigations on cellulose were performed by Braconnot in 1819 and
Payen in 1839, the structure of cellulose was clearly established by Staudinger in 1926,
(Lima and Borsali, 2004). Cellulose is a high-molecular-weight linear homopolymer,
consisting of repeating -D-glucopyranosyl units joined by (1-4) glycosidic linkages in a
variety of arrangements. Cellulose is a (1-4)-link -D-glucoglycan, -D-glupynanose unit,
which is joined to form a linear-molecular chain (Fig. 1) (Chaplin, 2010). The hydrogen
bonds formed between the ring oxygen atom of one glycosyl unit and the hydrogen atom
of the C-3 hydroxyl group of the preceding ring hinder the free rotation of the rings on
their linking glycosidic bonds resulting in chain stiffening. The adjacent cellulose chains
fit closely together in an ordered crystalline region, so that high strength and insolubility
(in common solvents) can be observed in plants, and in some cellulose-constituted
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 549

animals. In nature, cellulose chains have a DP of approximately 10,000 glucopyranose

units in wood cellulose and 15,000 in native cellulose cotton (Chaplin, 2010; Sjostrom,
Microfibrils are constituted by amorphous and crystalline domains, are biosynthesized, and
are self-assembled from cellulose chains. The degree of crystallinity (ratio of the mass of
crystalline domains to the total mass of the cellulose) and typical dimensions are dependent
on their origin (Sarko and Muggli, 1974; Woodcock and Sarko, 1980). Cellulose exists
basically in four different forms, cellulose I (I and I ), II, III, IV, which can be interconverted
by chemical and thermal processes (Lima and Borsali, 2004; Woodcock and Sarko, 1980).
Cellulose was described displaying six different polymorphs, namely I, II, IIII, IIIII, IVI , and
IVII with the possibility of conversion from one form to another (OSullivan, 1997; Samir et
al., 2005).

Fig. 1. Bassic chemical structure of cellulose (Reprinted from Chaplin, 2010 with permission)

3. Isolation and characterization of cellulosic nanocrystals/microfibrils

3.1 Cellulosic nanofibers/nanocrystals isolation
Two common methods, chemical and mechanical, have been developed to obtain fibrils.
Stron acid hydrolysis, which removes the amorphous regions of cellulose fiber, is the main
chemical method. This method can be used to generate cellulose crystals or nanofibers,
commonly called cellulose whiskers or nanocrystals. The most common mechanical method
utilizes strong shear forces, such as those obtained using a homogenizer, to separate
cellulose fiber to fibrils. This method can be used to generate cellulose microfibril or
bundles, commonly called microfibrillated cellulose (MFC).
Cellulose nanocrystals can be generated by chemical treatment, especially acid hydrolysis,
from various biomass resources. A typical procedure to prepare cellulose nanocrystals has
five steps: hydrolysis by acid, centrifugation and neutralization, rinsing with deionized
water by centrifuge, dispersion by ultrasonic irradiation, and ultrafiltration to remove any
remaining ions (Choi and Simonsen, 2006). Cellulose whiskers or nanocrystals have been
obtained from many cellulosic materials, such as wood fibers, cotton, ramie, tunicate
mantles, sugar beet pulp, and bacterial cellulose (Beck-Candanedo et al., 2005; Chakraborty
et al., 2005; Dufresne et al., 1997b; Edgar and Gray, 2002; Kvien et al., 2005; Lu et al., 2005; Pu
et al., 2007; Zimmermann et al., 2004). In terms of mechanical methods, a process using high-
intensity ultrasonication (HIUS) was developed at the Center for Renewable Carbon to
isolate fibrils from several cellulose resources, which is discussed in Section 3.3.

3.2 Cellulosic nanocrystals/microfibers characterization

Many methods have been used for fibril characterization, including morphological
characterizations, degree of fibrillation, and crystalline characterizations. Several tools can
550 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

be used for morphological observation, such as a scanning electron microscope (SEM), an

atomic force microscope (AFM), and a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Bhatnagar
and Sain, 2005; Bondeson et al., 2006; Chakraborty et al., 2005; Choi and Simonsen, 2006;
Wang and Sain, 2007; Zimmermann et al., 2004). The degree of fibrillation of the fibers used
to isolate MFC/microfibrils/aggregates by mechanical methods may be evaluated by water
retention value (WRV) (Cheng et al., 2007a; Cheng et al., 2010a, b; Herrick et al., 1983;
Turbak et al., 1983; Wang and Cheng, 2009; Yano and Nakahara, 2004). Wide angle X-ray
diffraction (WAXD) is used to study the crystallinity of the fibrils (Bhatnagar and Sain, 2005;
Chakraborty et al., 2006; Cheng et al., 2007a; Gindl and Keckes, 2005).
Mechanical properties of a single cellulose fibril are very important, especially when the
ultimate use of the fibrils is for reinforcing composite materials. The elastic modulus of the
crystalline region of cellulose has been determined either experimentally or theoretically,
such as experimental deformation micromechanics of natural cellulose fibers using Raman
spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (Matsuo, 1990; Sakurada et al., 1962; Wiley and Atalla,
1987). Mechanical properties of a single polymeric nanofiber and bacterial cellulose
nanofibers have been measured by an atomic force microscope (AFM) (Cheng and Wang,
2008; Cheng et al., 2009a; Tan and Lim, 2004; Wan et al., 2006).

3.3 Isolation of cellulosic fibril aggregates by ultrasonication

A novel process using high-intensity ultrasonication (HIUS) to isolate fibrils from several
cellulose resources (Fig. 2), such as regenerated cellulose fiber (Lyocell fiber), pure cellulose
fiber (TC40, 180, and 2500), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), and pulp fiber, was developed
(Wang and Cheng, 2009; Cheng et al, 2010a). HIUS produces very strong mechanical
oscillating power (Abramov, 1998), which forms hydrodynamic forces of ultrasound to
separate cellulosic fibrils in micro/nano scales.

Fig. 2. A scheme for HIUS treatment of fibers using ice/water bath or water-only bath
(Reprinted from Wang and Cheng, 2009 with permission from Wiley)
During the HIUS process, cellulose materials were soaked in distilled water until saturated,
then a HIUS was directly applied to cellulose fibers suspended in water. Six factors,
including ultrasonic power (P, %), treatment time (t, min), treatment temperature (T), fiber
concentration (C, %), fiber size (FS, m), and ultrasonic probe to container bottom distance
(d, mm), were considered and three or four levels for each factor were used to check the
effects of cellulose fibrillation. Water retention value (WRV) measured by a centrifuge
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 551

system (Cheng et al., 2007a; Cheng et al., 2010b) was used to evaluate and compare the
effects of different factors. The treated and separated fibrils in micro and nano scales by
HIUS were investigated using polarized light microscopy, SEM, and AFM. The
crystallinities of treated and untreated cellulose fibers were studied by Wide-angle X-ray
diffraction (WAXD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Cheng et al.,
The temperature of water suspension during HIUS treatment changes with different powers
and cooling methods. Generally a higher temperature can be reached, and a higher speed of
temperature increase can be obtained, by using more power. Fig. 3 shows the WRV of the
untreated and treated Lyocell fibers for different treatment time and temperature. The
degree of microfibrillation of the treated fibers increased as the treatment time increased. It
indicates that the fibers became smaller and more surface area on the fibrils as treatment
time and temperature increased because WRV is related to fibril and microfibril surface and
volumetric phenomena. The longer the treatment time, the smaller the fibrils can be
obtained in the suspension mixture. Higher temperature of the suspension was very helpful
for cellulose microfibrillation. Measured by Kajaani FiberLab 3, the continuous fiber length
distributions of Lyocell fiber and TC180 including before and after treatment, and separated
fibrils indicate that there were more short fibers in the treated materials and separated fibrils
(Wang and Cheng, 2009).

Fig. 3. WRVs of Lyocell fibers treated by HIUS for different durations and at different
temperatures (Reprinted from Wang and Cheng, 2009 with permission from Wiley)
After HIUS treatment, a mixture suspension of fiber and fibril with a diameter ranging from
microns to tens of nanometers was obtained. Many small fibrils with a diameter less than
1m were peeled from Lyocell fibers. Some fibrils were still on the surfaces of the big ones
that dominate the treated fibers, while some were already isolated from the big fibers. The
structure and appearance of the Lyocell fibrils on silicon wafers observed by SEM and AFM
are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The diameters or widths of the fibrils isolated from Lyocell fibers
were in a wide range of tens to hundreds nm, and have a wide range of aspect ratio
552 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

Fig. 4. SEM images of Lyocell fibers and fibrils treated 30 min by HIUS (Reprinted from
Cheng et al., 2010a with permission from Wiley)

Fig. 5. AFM images of Lyocell fibrils treated 30 min by HIUS (Reprinted from Cheng et al.,
2010a with permission from Wiley)

4. Cellulosic nanocomposites
4.1 Fabrication and characterization of cellulosic nanocomposites
The fabrication of nanocomposites with cellulose fibrils of a high aspect ratio for load-
bearing applications is relatively new. A wide range of nanocomposites has been studied
to investigate the reinforcements of the fibrils/crystals, but there are still some problems,
such as the dispersion of cellulosic materials in polymer matrices, especially when they
are hydrophobic. The most frequently used method is solvent evaporation casting,
including water soluble and other solvent soluble. Nanocomposite materisls can be made
by solvent casting method in Teflon or propylene dishes (Favier et al., 1995; Taniguchi
and Okamura, 1998). Hot-pressing method after freeze-drying of fibrils can also be used
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 553

(Dufresne et al., 1997a). A mat formation followed by resin imersion and curing by UV
light was used to make optically transparent composites reinforced with plant fiber-based
cellulose microfibrils (Iwamoto et al., 2005). Another mat method was used to make PF
resin composite using hot press with high pressures (Nakagaito and Yano, 2005). A
method of filtration mats followed by compression molding was also used (Cheng et al.,
Various analysis instruments can be used to investigate the characterization of the obtained
composites, including mechanical properties, morphological characteristics, and thermal
properties. Tensile and bending tests are normally used to measure the mechanical
properties (Bhatnagar and Sain, 2005; Cheng et al., 2007a, 2009b; Choi and Simonsen, 2006;
Taniguchi and Okamura, 1998; Zimmermann et al., 2005; Nakagaito and Yano, 2005).
Additionally, dynamic mechnical analysis (DMA) tests can also be used used to evaluate
composite performance under various conditions of temperature and relative humidity
(Choi and Simonsen, 2006; Favier et al., 1995). For morphological characterizations of
nanocomposite, AFM, SEM, and TEM are common tools (Cheng et al. 2009a; Kvien et al.,
2005; Pu et al., 2007; Taniguchi and Okamura, 1998; Zimmermann et al., 2004; Zimmermann
et al., 2005). These techniques are helpful to investigate the homogeneity of the composite,
presence of voids, dispersion level of the fibrils within the continuous matrix, presence of
aggregates, sedimentation, the interface between the fibril and the polymer matrix, and
possible orientation of the fibrils. Thermal properties are very important for
nanocomposites. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric analyzer
(TGA), and DMA have been used to evaluate thermal properties (Ljungberg et al., 2006; Orts
et al., 2005; Samir et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2010).

4.2 PVA Cellulosic nanocomposites reinforced with cellulosic nanofibers

Pure cellulose and pulp fiber are the common raw materials for the isolation of nanocrystals
and nanofibers in current research. Wood particles, such as hardwood residues and fast
plantation poplar, were directly used to isolate cellulose nanifibers/nanocrystals by acid
hydrolysis following lignin removal (Cheng et al., 2009c). In this section, we introduce
cellulosic nanofibers isolated from juvenile poplar wood samples, and the mechanical and
thermal properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanocomposites reinforced by these
nanofibers (Wang et al., 2010).
Two poplar samples, black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) (PT) and a hybrid poplar (HP),
were used as raw materials. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was used as reference
material. Wood stems were debarked, dried, and milled to particles passing a 60-mesh
screen. An acidified sodium chlorite solution was used to remove the lignin in wood
particles (Wise, 1946). After lignin removal, wood particles were then placed in a 60%
H2SO4 (v/v) solution for 2 h at 45C with medium stirring. The obtained mixture was
centrifuged and decanted after hydrolysis. Then the solid cellulosic particles were washed
and then subjected to ultrasonic irradiation in deionized water to disperse the nanofibers.
All the obtained samples were turbid suspension, however, after ultrasonic treatment, the
suspensions were transparent. The diameters of most cellulose nanofibers were about 20-30
nm and lengths were in the hundreds nm range as illustrated in AFM height image (Fig. 6),
indicating that the nanofibers were still bundles of single nanocrystals since a single wood
cellulose crystal is about 3-5 nm in diameter.
554 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

Fig. 6. AFM image of nanofibers from hybrid poplar

Fig. 7. TGA and DTG thermograms of neat PVA and its nanocomposites with 5% HP
Adding cellulosic nanofibers and MCC particles decreased PVAs elongation to break,
which indicated that the toughness of PVA increased by these cellulosic materials because
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 555

the elongation is related to the toughness of a material. The nanofiber reinforced PVA
nanocomposites had much higher mechanical properties (tensile modulus and strength)
than those of neat PVA and MCC reinforced composites. PVA strength was not decreased
by cellulosic nanofibers, but PVA tensile strength was significantly decreased by MCC
particles. Presumably, the small nanofibers had higher mechanical properties and higher
aspect ratios (length/diameter) than those of MCC. The modulus of PVA was significantly
increased by only 2% cellulosic nanofibers (Wang et al., 2010).
Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) results indicated that the thermal degradation
behavior of PVA was influenced by adding cellulosic nanofibers (Fig. 7). The weight loss
of PVA started at its melting point with a very narrow temperature range of degradation,
while pure nanofibers started to degrade at a lower temperature and showed a very broad
degradation temperature range. Cellulosic nanofibers increased the degradation
temperature of PVA. The decomposition peak temperature of the nanocomposites was
clearly increased by cellulosic nanofibers. The derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) curves
of PVA and 5% HP nanofiber reinforced composites are shown in Fig. 7. The
nanocomposite showed thermal events with a shift toward higher temperature compared
to the neat PVA, which indicated that the reinforced nanocomposites should be more
thermal stable.

4.3 PVA cellulosic nanocomposites reinforced with cellulosic fibrils

Cellulose fibrils, in micro and nano scales, were generated from several cellulose sources,
including regenerated cellulose fiber (RCF), pure cellulose fiber (PCF, TC180), and
microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), by ultrasonic treatment to reinforce PVA to make
biodegradable nanocomposites by film casting. A mixture of fiber and fibril in micro and
nano scales was obtained from RCF, PCF, and MCC after HIUS treatment. The tensile
properties of PVA were improved significantly by most cellulosic small fibrils, and
seperated small fibrils provided better reinforcement than that of untreated big fibers
(Cheng et al., 2009b).
Fig. 8 shows the tensile modulus and strength of neat PVA and its composites reinforced by
untreated and treated MCC, and small MCC fibril with 2%, 6%, and 10% by weight. The
PVA tensile modulus was decreased significantly by 2% of untreated MCC particles, but
was increased by treated MCC and seperated small MCC fibrils. The PVA tensile strength
was decreased by untreated and treated MCC particles, however, it was increased by small
MCC fibrils. All the results indicated that untreated MCC was not suitable for PVA
reinforcement because it has a low aspect ratio, while the treated MCC and seperated small
fibrils had a high aspect ratio that could reinforce PVA mechanical properties.
The tensile modulus and strength of PVA and its composites reinforced with 2% untreated
and treated PCF, and small and big fibrils from PCF are shown in Fig. 9. The composites
with small fibrils had much higher modulus and strength properties than those of neat PVA,
untreated and treated PCF reinforced composites. However, the mechnical properties of the
composites with big fibrils did not significantly change. Both PVA modulus and strength
were decreased significantly by untreated PCF. Seperated small PCF fibril reinforced
composites had higher improvement for both modulus and strength than those of big fibrils,
presumerly because small PCF fibrils had higher mechanical properties than those of big
fibrils (Cheng and Wang, 2008; Cheng et al., 2009a).
556 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

Fig. 8. Tensile modulus and strength of PVA and its composites reinforced by untreated and
treated MCC, and small MCC fibrils (Reprinted from Cheng et al., 2009b with permission
from Elsevier)

6000 160
Tensile Modulus (MPa)

4000 Tensile Strength (MPa)



0 0
Neat Untreated Treated Small Big
PVA PCF PCF fibril fibril

Fig. 9. Tensile modulus and strength of PVA and its composites reinforced by untreated and
treated PCF, and small and big PCF fibrils (Reprinted from Cheng et al., 2009b with
permission from Elsevier)
Table 1 shows the tensile modulus and strength of neat PVA and its composites reinforced
by untreated and treated RCF fibers, small RCF fibrils, and commercial microfibrillated
cellulose (MFC, used as a reference material) of 2%, 6%, and 10% by weight. PVA tensile
modulus was increased significantly by all the fibers, fibrils, and MFC except 2% and 6% of
untreated RCF, but the modulus changes were not significant among the filler loadings of
2%, 6%, and 10%, except between the 2% and 6% of MFC. PVA tensile strength was not
significantly changed by untreated RCF and MFC except 10% of MFC. However, PVA
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 557

tensile strenth was increased significantly by only 2% of treated RCF fibers and all the small
fibrils. Adding more fiber and fibrils did not increase strength due to the dispersion
problem for higher filler loadings as mentioned above. Again, small RCF fibrils had better
reinforcement for PVA strength than the treated fiber; and the treated fiber had better
reinforcement for both the modulus and strength of PVA than untreated fibers. The RCF
fibrils had much better reinforcement for PVA than that of MCC and PCF fibrils, and again,
possibly because the aspect ratio of RCF fibrils was higher and the elastic modulus of RCF
fibrils was higher than that of natural fibers.

Modulus (GPa) (PVA: 5.70.2) Strength (MPa) (PVA: 1126)

Materials 2% 6% 10% 2% 6% 10%
Untreated 6.00.4 6.10.3 6.30.4 1086 1077 1058
Treated 6.60.2 6.70.2 6.50.4 1256 1187 1157
Small 6.50.4 6.80.4 6.80.3 1276 1247 1307
MFC 6.30.3 7.10.3 7.20.4 11210 1138 1017
Table 1. Tensile modulus and strength with standard deviations of PVA and its composites
reinforced with untreated and treated RCF fibers, small RCF fibrils, and MFC (Reprinted
from Cheng et al., 2009b with permission from Elsevier)
SEM images of fracture surface after tensile testing and AFM images of cross-sections after
cutting by microtome from the PVA nanocomposites reinforced by small RCF fibrils are
shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The dispersion of small fibrils was not perfectly
uniform observed from the cross-sections. Some pulled out holes after tensile test were
detected. These results indicated that the increments of tensile strength and modulus of the
composites were not as high as expected, especially for higher fibril loadings because the
fibril dispersion of 10% fibril loading composite was much worse than 2% fibrils loading
samples, which possiblly was the main reason why increased amounts of filler did not
further reinforce the PVA composites.

Fig. 10. SEM images of the fractured cross-sections of PVA composites reinforced with small
RCF fibrils (Reprinted from Cheng et al., 2009b with permission from Elsevier)
558 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

Fig. 11. AFM topography and phase images of the cross-sections of PVA composites
reinforced with small RCF fibrils (Reprinted from Cheng et al., 2009b with permission from

4.4 PLA and PP cellulosic composites reinforced with fibril aggregates

Fibril aggregates were generated from a regenerated cellulose fiber (RCF, Lyocell fiber) by
ultrasonication treatment. Composites of poly(lactic acid) (PLA, biodegradable) and
polypropylene (PP, non-biodegradable) reinforced with fibril aggregates were prepared by
compression molding. For PLA composites, the fibril aggregates and the PLA polymer were
combined together using multiple layers followed by compressive molding (Fig. 12) (Cheng
et al., 2007b). The PP composites were made from filtered mats of cellulose fibril aggregates
and PP fibers by compression molding. The mats were made from the well-stirred mixture
of cellulose fibril aggregates and PP fibers by a filtration system using the same setup above
for fibrils mats. The formed mixture mats were oven dried, put in a round metal mold with
a nominal thickness of 254 m, and hot pressed at a temperature of 170 C and a pressure of
5 MPa for approximately 5 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties of these
composite materials were evaluated by SEM and tensile tests, respectively (Cheng et al.,

Fig. 12. Sandwich structure of PLA and fibril composites for compressive molding
The tensile modulus and strength of PLA and its composites reinforced by untreated and
treated Lyocell fibers by loading of 10% and 20% indicated that all composites have a higher
tensile modulus than that of pure PLA. The untreated and treated fibers of 10% loading did
not change PLA tensile strength. The tensile strength of the 20% fiber loading composites
with untreated fibers decreased 18%. However, the treated fibers increased the tensile
strength about 14% compared to pure PLA, which may be attributed to the contribution of
Advanced Cellulosic Nanocomposite Materials 559

the fibrils isolated from the fibers and microfibrillation on the fiber surface. Some gaps
around big fibers were observed by SEM images, indicating the adhesion between the PLA
and the mixture of fibers and fibrils was poor (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. The fractured cross-sections of PLA composites by SEM: (left) overview, and (right)
detailed view
Some typical tensile curves of neat PP and its composites with 10% and 20% of untreated
and treated Lyocell fibers are shown in Fig. 14. Higher fiber loading composites had higher
tensile strength and lower elongation to break, indicating that the composites were
becoming more brittle.



Load (N)

Neat PP
20 PP+10% untreated
PP+20% untreated
10 PP+10% treated 30min
PP+20% treated 30min
0 1 2 3 4 5
Extension (mm)

Fig. 14. Typical stress-strain curve of PP and its composites

The results of tensile modulus and strength of PP and its composites reinforced with
untreated and treated Lyocell fibers indicated that all composites have higher tensile
modulus and strength than those of neat PP. The treated fibers had higher mechanical
reinforcement for PP composites. The PP tensile modulus was increased 81% and 96% by
loadings of 10% and 20% untreated fibers, respectively. The PP tensile modulus was
increased 93% and 130% by adding 10% and 20% of treated fibers, respectively. The fibers
560 Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology

and fibril aggregates had a good distribution observed from the thickness of the composites,
but some holes in the PP matrix and some gaps between fibers and PP matrix were
observed. The presence of the discontinuities between the PP matrix and fibers from the
selected broken cross-sections indicated that there was not good adhesion between the PP
matrix and the fibrils and fibril aggregates (Cheng et al., 2007a).

5. Conclusions
Natural cellulosic fibers, particles, fibrils (in micro and nano scale), and crystals/whiskers
are alternative reinforcement materials that are able to replace man-made fibers, such as
glass and aramid fibers to make environmentally friendly products. Cellulose fibrils in
micro and nano scales can be isolated from many resources, including wood particles,
regenerated cellulose fiber, pure cellulose fiber, and pulp fiber by chemical and/or
mechanical methods. Most current methods are low yield, not environmental friendly
and/or not energy efficient. A method using high intensity ultrasonic (HIUS) was
developed to isolate fibrils from several cellulose resources: regenerated cellulose fiber, pure
cellulose fiber, microcrystalline cellulose, and pulp fiber. The obtained material is a mixture
of fibrils in micro and nano scales. Small fibrils can be separated by centrifuge. Water
retention values revealed that the cellulose fibrillation was significantly increased by HIUS
treatment for all cellulose resources. The mixture, and separated small fibril aggregates, can
be used to increase the tensile modulus and strength of PVA, PLA, and PP by fabrication
methods of film casting and compression molding, respectively. Because there were not
perfect adhesions between the polymers and the fibers and fibril aggregates without further
modification of cellulose and/or polymers, the polymer reinforcements with these cellulosic
fibrils were not as high as expected strength and stiffness. The small fibrils on the surfaces of
big fibers and those isolated from the fibers reinforced the polymer composites with higher
tensile modulus and strength compared with the composites with untreated fibers.
Cellulose nanofibers/nanocrystals can be isolated from wood particles, such as poplar wood
samples, using acid hydrolysis after lignin removel. Most nanofibers were bundles of single
nanocrystals if the acid hydrolysis conditions are mild, e.g. lower temperature and/or lower
acid concentration. These nanofibers can be used to reinforce PVA when fabricating bio-
nanocomposites and had much better performance than commercial MCC for PVA

6. Acknowledgments
The authors thank the US DOE/NETL MARCEE Project (DE-FC26-04NT42136) and USDA
Wood Utilization Research Special Program, and Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station
project # 96 for funding.

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Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and
Edited by Dr. Brahim Attaf

ISBN 978-953-307-235-7
Hard cover, 648 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, April, 2011
Published in print edition April, 2011

Due to their good mechanical characteristics in terms of stiffness and strength coupled with mass-saving
advantage and other attractive physico-chemical properties, composite materials are successfully used in
medicine and nanotechnology fields. To this end, the chapters composing the book have been divided into the
following sections: medicine, dental and pharmaceutical applications; nanocomposites for energy efficiency;
characterization and fabrication, all of which provide an invaluable overview of this fascinating subject area.
The book presents, in addition, some studies carried out in orthopedic and stomatological applications and
others aiming to design and produce new devices using the latest advances in nanotechnology. This wide
variety of theoretical, numerical and experimental results can help specialists involved in these disciplines to
enhance competitiveness and innovation.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

Qingzheng Cheng, David DeVallance, Jingxin Wang and Siqun Wang (2011). Advanced Cellulosic
Nanocomposite Materials, Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology, Dr. Brahim
Attaf (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-235-7, InTech, Available from:

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