Lec 8
Lec 8
Lec 8
Module - 1
Lecture 8
Let us continue with state space search, let me just do a very quick recap, and then we
will continue from there. So, the state space is a space in which made up of many states
where each state represent the particular situation. And the states are connected together
by the moves you can make of the decisions we can make. So, that if you are in a given
state, and we had defined this function called move gen.
Which takes, n we will use for a node in the state space. So, the state space is implicitly a
graph I say implicitly because, it is not available to us. It is not that the graph has been
given to us. And we have to find a path in that graph we have given start state, and we
are given either a goal state or the description of goal state. So, for example, in the river
crossing problems we had given a goal state that everybody must be on the other side of
the river. But on something like n queens here given a description of the goal state it will
says that, place and queens that now, no queen attacks any other. Either way we have
given some idea about the goal state, and then the search algorithm explode the state
space. And how does it searches the state space it applies the move gen function which is
neighborhood function which gives you the neighbors of each state, and then you inspect
one of the neighbor and see if that is a goal state that you entrusted. If not then you
generate more states and so on ((Refer Time: 02:04)).
So, this search state space search generates a search tree. The state space is at graph at
least simplicity it exists even though has it with us. And the state space search generates
a search tree, and we saw that this search tree is characterized by. So, we start with some
search node, and then we go down searching for the tree we had seen this before so;
obviously, every tree has two kinds of nodes; one kind of node is we will call as we have
called as open. Open is the set of leaves actually the set of leaves we call as open, and the
set of internal nodes we call as closed.
The open leaves are set of leaves is search frontier that is the set of candidate nodes that
you have generated but you have not inspected. That we can think of the search frontier,
and set of internal nodes is the memory of past nodes visited. So, I will just call it seen
nodes. We started off by saying that open and close are sets, then because, you want to
implement this using some algorithms we said let us call them list essentially. And as we
will see today list notation is not necessarily I mean list structure not necessarily the base
structure we will come to that little bit of a while.
But basically the search space is the search tree is characterized by these two let us call it
as set or lists whatever, open and close essentially. And just recap the algorithm we
extract. We had moved from storing only the states to a pair of states, and the pair
consists of a given state, and the parent state. The parent state is the state from that given
state was generated essentially.
So, we have this node space we said that initially open gets this pair of start comma nil. I
will just write the outline today, and then, while open not empty. If it is empty then it
will turn failure. When will it be empty it will be empty only for finite state spaces that
you would have ended up by inspecting all the states. And none of them happens with
the goal state in which case it will be empty, and then you can say that goal state cannot
be found.
For example, in the eight puzzles I had pointed out that the state space is actually
partition into two sets of states which are connected to each other. Once set is not
reachable form the other set. If you gave the state say it in one set, and the goal state in
the other state then it would not be reachable, and you would end up storing all
inspecting all the nodes reachable from the start state and say that we know we cannot
solve that problem.
If open is empty then you return failure that will happen at the end we will not try it here.
Otherwise we get node pair as head of open I will not write the details we did it with a
little bit in the last class, and otherwise you can look up the book. From this node pair we
extract a node let us call it as n. which is the first element of the node pair, and we apply
the goal test n we apply the goal test function. Remember the goal test function takes a
node, and tells you whether it is a goal node or not. Somehow you implement the goal
test. So, move gen n, and goal test n these are the two domain functions that we have the
rest of the search algorithm that we are writing is independent of a domain. As long as
summery provides with you move gen function, and the goal test function you can use
this algorithm to solve problems in any domain essentially.
You do the goal test; if it is yes then you reconstruct the path. If it is no you apply move
gen n. And you get some success you get this neighborhood this node n, and to this you
do some filtering you remove the things that you have seen. So, I will just say remove
seen there some function which will take the output of this, and filter out things we
which are already existing in closed or in open essentially. We do not want to generate
the same node again because if it is in closed we have already seen it, and if it inspected
again we are likely go into loop. If it is opened we will see it sometime because, it is an
open anywhere no point keeping two copies of it in the open. So, this move gen basically
removes moves from open, and close the successor of n.
And then we have a function called make pairs. Whatever remains after this filtering we
make pairs what is the pairs. This node we take this node n as the parent of each of these
nodes inside this. This nodes will look like x coma n because, these all the children of n.
n should be the parent of these nodes, and then we add this things to open or to the tail of
open. If you want to be precise because, if you remove the head we have not removed the
head here. So, actually we should add ((Refer Time: 09:01)) but anyway that is a basic
idea. And then we saw that there are two ways of doing this; one is as the stack, and the
other as a queue. which means that you either add the new ends at the head of open then
it behaves like a stack because, they will be first once to be inspected. Because we
always extracting the node from the head of open. And when it is a stack we saw that this
behaves like depth first, and when it is a queue we saw it behaves like breadth first.
What are the characteristics of depth first and breadth first? Depth first basically dives
into the search tree. And breadth first is more cautious its set of plots through these
things. These were the two characteristics of these two. You can say depth first just goes
where it is nodes takes how to speak, and breadth first stays to close to start space
Then we had looked at the properties of these two algorithms. So, we want to compare
properties on two features; one is time complexity. Now time is bad for both by bad we
mean the worst case situation or the average case situation. In the best case they will find
the goals for example, depth first search finding the goals state in this branch itself in
which case it would find it in linear time a breadth first must finds the goals state
somewhere here which is very close to start state. And it will find it very quickly
essentially that is a best case.
On the average case, and the worst case this time complexity for both is of the order of b
is to d, where b is the branching factor. And d is a depth at which the goal occurs
essentially. which were there was a little bit of a difference the first breadth search had
slightly moved time complexity then that of depth first search it was only slightly moves
This is something that we will start addressing today a bit later it is a time complexity we
saw completeness. And by completeness you mean will it find the goal state or will it
find a path to the goal state if one exists. And the answer in the case of breadth first was
vocally yes in the case depth first it was it is guaranteed to find the goal state for finite
state spaces not for infinite state spaces. Because in infinite state spaces they could go
some infinite loop or some infinite branch. We will assume that we have working with
finite state spaces and will answer yes to this.
But keep in mind that this is only for finite state spaces only. Then we saw two more
properties one is space complexity, and we found that space was good for depth first
because it keeps only it adds only consent number of nodes as it goes down because if
the branching factor is b it goes down it will add b nodes inspect one of them then again
add b nodes inspect one of them and so on. Adds b nodes which means this space
required goes linearly.
Whereas breadth first search will first inspect the entire loop generate till then of all
those nodes. So, it will become b into whatever the width of that was, and therefore, it
multiplies by b as if goes down deeper and deeper and therefore, these goes
So, this was the plus point for depth first search. But quality was the plus point for... I
will just write plus here for breadth first search. Because, of the fact that breadth first
search only floats slowly into the search space. At whichever the layer the goal space
goal load occurs it will find that path till the goal load essentially which means it always
find the shortest path to the goal. And I scope you have convinced yourself by
constructing twice examples if we have not please go and do it essentially.
These are, this is what we did last time. There two things we want to do today one is try
to see if we can find an algorithm which will combine these two plus points. And the
other is to tried address this time complexity. Somehow, because you if you have an
exponentially time algorithm nobody is going to buy it is essentially you can only solve
very small problems with it not problems of significance size.
Let us first look at this is there an algorithm did anybody give a thought to this which
will combine these two properties of depth first breadth first which means required linear
space but, guaranty an optimal solution. I take it you are not been reading my book yet.
Let us look at some variations of this all the algorithms that we are looked at today are
blind search algorithms, which means that they have no sense of direction they always.
If given a state space if this is a start state and this is, and where ever the goal state may
be in this state space the behavior of the algorithm would be the same. So, that first
would go of in the direction back track try something else back track try something else
and so on. Breadth first will go down and down and down till it expands the goal could
be here the goal could be here or goal could be this side it does not matter from that
So, let me introduce one new algorithm or two new algorithms. One is he will call depth
bounded. It says that variation on depth first search, and the variation is that we have put
the depth bound do not go more than twenty steps go and go more than forty steps
whatever some depth bound we have put and said. So, what have done we have cut of the
search here some level and we had said that do depth first search on this truncated search
space. What is the characteristic of this algorithm? Depth bounded depth first search it is
linear in space why because, it is depth first search to start with its complete.
Who said yes? Why is it yes? What is meaning of complete? We said that if there is path
see this depth bound is something that you have imposed it is does not come from the
problem. The goal could have been some where here you know, what is the depth one?
depth one says that it is like a ((Refer Time: 17:23)) do not go beyond this line. So, if
you find the goal within that, yes you will get the solution. But if the goal happens to be
outside that like here which could be somewhere here, and find the solution.
So; obviously, it is not complete. But, it is faced efficient because it is depth first search.
Now, let us do a variation let us have an algorithm in which we say depth bound is equal
to zero. So, this is new algorithm I am writing we initialized depth bound to, and then we
say while goal not found do this algorithm let us call this d b d f s. And let us say this a
depth bound d b. So, let me use d b here also. This is algorithm it takes an argument of
course, it takes a start node and everything,,, but that we will assume is hidden or glover
So, while goal not found do depth bound depth first search with the bound d b. So, zero
means you just inspect the start node one means you go one level deeper two means go
two steps deeper in that, and then you say. So, we have this put this in a loop. So, this a
new algorithm what is this algorithm? Call it is very well know algorithm it is called. So,
I will write it here in case in either space iterative as a algorithm suggests. So, this call
this is call iterative deepening in every cycle you increase a depth bound by one, and
then do a depth first search. So, iteratively you deepen this bound to which you will
search. And because, we are doing depth first search this is called depth first iterative
deepening which is popularly known as d f i d. This is algorithm d f i d that. So, first we
should understand what the algorithm is we us doing a sequence of this depth bound d f f
s starting with depth zero then going to depth one depth two depth three and so on.
What is the property of this algorithm? So, let us talk about will come to time complexity
in a moment let us talk about space, and let us talk about quality these are the two
quantities we are interested. In here because breath first gave us on optimum solution
guaranty the optimum solution good on quality depth first was space sufficient requires
only linear space. What about d f i d? Space complexity, when he says space complexity
we mean the size of open that is the convention we have been following.
Same as d f s why for the simple reason that it is d f s of course, it is not one d f s it is
many d f s 's every time you do a different d f s with a different depth bound,,, but you
are doing d f s. So, space is linear. Is anyone having a doubt about this? You should
clarify this at this moment itself it is just doing a series of depth first search inside every
cycle in this loop it is doing one depth first search, but it is doing depth first search. So, it
must be requiring space complexity of depth first search which is linear essentially.
What about quality? Not completeness, does it guarantee an optimal solution does it
guarantee shortest path there is depending upon I have given the algorithm completely. I
am asking the question that this algorithm does it guarantee you an optimal solution.
What is a argument behind the this? Argument yes answer any one willing to ask talk
about. Why does it? How does it guarantee? The answer is, what is the behavior of this
algorithm? If you look at only the new no it is now what is this algorithm doing it is
going to re inspect many nodes. So, let us say we have a search tree in which
(Refer Slide Time: 24:15)
We started s then in the first on we look at only s. Then in the second on we look at s a b
c. Then in the third round we look at see this is d e f and so on. In this third round what is
the order in which you. So, in the first round it should inspect only s in the first cycle in
the second cycle, it would inspect in this order s then s a b c. In the third round it will
inspect them in s then a then d then e then f then b and then whatever the child of b is
So, in the first cycle it inspects only s in the second cycle does search only till this step s
then a then b then c in third cycle it inspect this s I have not drawn the complete tree. But
s a then d then e then f then the children of b then the children of c in that particular order
depth first order. But now, if you want to mark the order in which it first time visits a
node then, you can see that s is visited in the first cycle then, a b and c are visited in the
second cycle then, d e and f are visited in the third cycle and so on.
It the order in which it is visiting you nodes, if you look at the order inside this red circle
you can that s a b c d e f s a b c d e f this is the order of depth first search. And if it finds
the goal it should have found a shortest path essentially goal. Because we know that
depth first search in this order always level order as you all also call it always find the
shortest path.
So, you has convince yourself I think that this algorithm behaves d f i d combines both
the things that we desired which is that space should be linear which was depth first
search and quality there you should guarantee the optimal solution which breadth first
search. And this is actually giving it to us. You might say that this is actually sequence of
depth first searches as a masquerading as a breadth first search.
Because, the behavior in terms of the path that it finds would be same as what depth first
search have done. And because the very first level at which the goal appears this will
terminate we know that it has found the shortest path. Any questions
What I written here is while goal not found. And So, I have lost over some detail if let us
assume it is a finite graph it is a infinite graph it will keep searching. So, let us assume it
is a finite graph then I will leave this as small excise for you to discover that at which
point no new nodes has been added which means if you just inspect the next layer if
there is no new node. Then you have inspected the complete graph, if you inspected the
complete graph it should report failure. But till that point it should keep deepening and
searching till finds a goals.
It is not a tree it is not a tree it is we do not know where the goal is that is a whole idea
about the searching. We are in some space and we are exploring the space by using move
gen function. And we were trying to find a path to the goal. So, first of all we do not
even know whether a goal exists for example, in that eight puzzle I may give you the
goal state as one which is not reachable. And secondly, we do not know where it exists at
what level it exists. So, the whole idea is to search for the path.
You know this iterative deepening algorithm they were devised in a chess playing
situation. And you know we saw when we looking at the history of e i that chess playing
has long be fusion with e i people, and they want to make the programs play tournament
under tournament conditions. And tournament conditions for those of you who play
chess know that you have allotted certain amount of time for making a certain number of
moves actually. So, the time available to the player is fixed essentially.
Now, we will see game playing programs later in these codes. But essentially they also
explore tree of some kind they can also explode tree up to various levels of depth. The
deeper the explore it so, exploring a tree basically means you make you explore
combinations if I make this move then the opponent will make this move then I will
make this move then the opponent will make this move and so on. So; obviously, this
analysis you can do to any level till the end of the game in fact. But that is not really
possible. You do this analysis and then try to judge which is good move to make.
Now, in chess playing programs if you are playing under tournament conditions you
have to be a aware of how much time you have essentially. So, iterative deepening
algorithms devised that situation that you learn the algorithm. And let it go deeper and
deeper as long as time allows suddenly if the calling algorithm calling program knows
that time is running out will say tell me the best move, and it will play the best move. So,
we look at iterative deepening again all at least we will mention it again we look at game
playing algorithms.
So, you are saying why do not you do breadth first search. But the reason we are not
doing breadth first search is because, it needs to store this entire. See, what is open list of
breadth first search? The open list is something like this across this tree, and this is a
shape. So, the search plenty of breadths first search. In fact, looks like this, and as he go
deeper and deeper this is growing exponentially, we know that the number of nodes in
the d essentially. So, we do not want to store breadth to d nodes that is a reason why are
not doing breadth first search. So, we are doing depth first search. So
So, we are doing this extra work, what this extra work we are doing? We are doing a
sequence of searches in which we are inspecting the complete tree at every level. First up
to level s here then this whole tree then this whole sub tree then this whole tree and so,
on. So obviously, we are paying an extra cost, is this cost worthwhile? What are the
benefits we are getting. The benefits, we are getting is that we are getting linear space,
and optimal guarantee solution guarantee of optimal solution the extra cost is going to be
the price that you pay off inspecting all these nodes, which are not inside the this red
circle again and again. So, s we are seen here again we are seen it here again we are seen
it here.
We have seen here we are again seeing it here. B we are seen here this whole count is the
count of measure of time complexity of d f i d because we are seeing all these inspecting
all this nodes. So, how much is this extra cost, is it worthwhile? Is the question, what is
your intuition? So, let me repeat in d f i d, we search up to some level let us say this
level. We do d f d f i at some for some depth bound we come up to here and then to
inspect these next level nodes, we search this whole tree again including this for depth.
So, this shaded portion is the extra work we were doing for inspecting this new set of
nodes how much is this extra work. Is it high or low? Let me just ask way simple
question. So, we have go back to our study of trees and you might have done in data
structures of some other course.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:15)
Let me take an arbitrary tree of branching factor b, and we will take a complete. So, for
this argument sake we will assume that the tree is complete which means the every
internal node has exactly be children for the sake of analysis which is not the case as we
know. For example, in the eight puzzles corner when the blank in the corner there are
only two moves that you can do? Whereas, when the blank is in the center you can do
four moves so; obviously, the branching factor is not constant. But let us assume for the
sake of analysis that branching factor is b and it is constant. So, that and this is the
frontier that we are looking at.
So, which the set of as I said right the leaves of this tree are the is the search frontier and
the internal nodes i of this tree are the nodes that we are visiting again for the sake of
inspecting these l nodes. At any given stage for this is a depth first would have done
depth first search just inspecting this l nodes, what is d f i d is doing? It is inspecting i
plus l nodes that is a extra work it is doing the whole question is and depth is should give
us insight into the nature of this monster that we ((Refer Time: 35:41)).
So, let me give you an nice argument of course, I am sure you have done this. In some
course, what is the ratio of internal nodes to leaves in a complete tree? But, I remember
in mathematics professor k Joshi from IIT Bombay had given a very nice argument. And
you can visualize tournament which is going on. So, since branching factor is b we will
assume that it is something like that say 100 meter sprint or something like that. And at
any note there are b children. So, any search thing can be seen as one game or one race
that you want to call, if it is binary I could have talked about tennis tournament but, it is
not binary it is branching factor b. So, let us assume it is like a hundred meter sprint and
b people compete in a heat. And only one selected form the top essentially. So, that is the
nature of this competition.
So, there are totally l competitors and in every internal node i what happens every
internal node is a heat. In every internal node one out of b goes head and the b minus one
are eliminated is actually. And in the end of course, there is only one winner in the end,
and all the rest are should I use the word loser or we should say also run may be I think
that is a better word. So, if you give some thought to that you will see that the total
number of parties forms which is l which is a number of leaves i n a world tournament.
So, these are also called winner trees you might have studied them somewhere, actually
is equal to b minus one into i plus one. So, what is a argument for this? Of course, you
can give a proof by indexation we are more mathematically inclined.
But this is this argument is just a tournament argument it says that in every internal node
b minus 1 players are eliminated. So, if i is the number of internal nodes then b minus
one into i is the total number of base which are eliminated, which is of course, l minus
one and thus one winner who stands out. So, the total number of competitors is given by
this and this gives us a relationship between i and l.
So, you can write i is equal to l minus 1 divided by b minus 1 and then you can compute
l plus i divided by l which is the ratio that we are looking what which is the amount of
extra work d f i d is doing as compare to breadth first search. Breadth first search would
have inspected only l nodes only this boundary nodes d f id inspecting the entire tree it is
l plus i node essentially. So, if you if you write this. Plug it and do a little bit of
simplification you will see that this is for large l d over d minus one appropriately this
the small factor somewhere with I will leave out.
So, what is what are we saying? We are saying that the amount of work which d f i d is
doing as compared to breadth first search, which negligibly more essentially. Just d over
d minus 1 times more essentially, and that is should not be surprising to you because, this
is the nature of these breadths explosion. That we have b is to d nodes here in this layer,
and all the internal nodes are b is to d minus 1 by b minus 1.
So, if you ignore that minus one next say for large or large branching factor you can
ignore that you can that l is roughly b minus 1 times I, which is also what we have
written here? So, the number of leaves as you go deeper down tree is b minus 1 times
entire set of nodes that you seen before. Anything you did before feels in comparison to
what you are doing at this level. So, what and that everything you did before is extra
work which d f i d is doing, it just re seeing visiting those nodes again and again
essentially. And if you go through this argument you will see that the time complexity of
the d f i d is not significantly more than breath first search.
We had that seen that breadth first search was a little bit more than. So, b f s to d f s was
b plus 1 over b or something like that i do not remember exactly, but I think b plus one
over b. Breadth first search little bit doing little more over than depth first search, and d f
i d is doing only little bit more work than d f i d. And what is that advantage we get? We
allowed using linear space and we are guaranteed the solution. So, it is very nice
algorithm think about this little bit i want to... Before we move on to this other question
of, how can we get around time complexity? I want to address this question this thing
that we did.
Remove seen, what is remove seen? Saying is that for every new child that you are
generated or every new node that you are generating check whether it is already present
in close. Let us assume that we have simple collection nodes and we do not have these
node pairs and. So, on let us just ignore that for a moment. But we have collection of we
want to check whether the given node exists in closed. What is the cost of this? actually
or complexity are we paying a heavy cost for simple checking whether we have visited
on node again. What would be an algorithm for doing this? So, what is the task? The task
is given a new node n.
And given a list of nodes which you called closed which is the node that we had seen
before, well I use the term list. But and it does not matter whether n exists in that set or
list or not. What would be the algorithm for doing that?
Student: ((Refer Time: 43:22)) in which we can store a is not having a bit bit director in
which we can store. So, it would be order one.
We will refine that in the moment. But if treated list how would i do it. I would have to
sequentially search which would mean it would be linear in the size of closed and how
was closed going? As depth close remember is a measure. So, that is why when we said
that when we talk about time complexity we will appropriate with the size of closed.
Which means the number of nodes that we are, what is closed? Closed is a node that we
already seen.
And we had said we appropriate it with the size of closed and there we had made an
assumption that checking in closed is not expensive. When if closed is going to be
expensive checking in close is going to be self if close growing expansible then checking
in that will each of each time will take expansion amount of work then, it going to be a
tuff thing correct. So, there is a i want to make a distinction between when conceptually
we think of close as a list its fine as per as the problem solving algorithm that we are
considering. But if you want to put on your software engineer or programmer had then,
you have to be more concern about how to implement closed.
So; obviously, set is not good idea anyway sets you have to implement in some way or
the other, list is good idea because, you will have to cancel the list. And we will take a
queue from what she said can we do this faster. I am not saying that we should make in
area of bit factors you should be bit louder, and bit more confident when you make that
While a binary search we would assume that the given set is a ordered set because you
need to have a this thing. But a hash table is the perfect solution to this you must
implement closed as the hash table. Even though we say it is a list and that can that is
only for discussion purposes. But if you are going to implement the algorithm then close
was be a hash table, and we know that on the average if you design your hash table well
if your hash function in nicely chosen. Then it will give you average consent time there
essentially. We come to open again in the little while. So, I keep talking about these as a
monster and a beast. So, what is a size of this problem? So, let me give you some idea
about this.
if you look at the Rubiks cube remember that b is equal to 18 and Rubiks cube is a
nice example where b is constant at any given state you can make this 18 possible
different moves. 3 for each face, and there are 6 faces if you had to search up to a depth
of ten which means you want to explore the space up to depth ten. Then you would have
18 is to 10, and that turns out to be 3.5 into 10 is to 12. If you have searching for the
Rubiks cube that what will happen if i make try all combinations of 10 moves that can
do then you have to inspect what 10 is to 12 states essentially. And what is a typical
length of a solution any idea of Rubiks cube problem is it less than 10 or more then 10.
It is more than 10 most of the time if you have to search for depth 20 this an let me get I
have the number somewhere is 1.27 in to 10 is to 25 how.
Long does it take it to inspect 10 is to 25 nodes you know we do not have a good idea of
big numbers 10 is to 25, 10 is to 30 they sound same to us. So, let us say we assume, do
some very rough calculations let us say we can inspect a million states in a second. So,
we need 10 is to 19 seconds. Let us assume we do not want to divide by 6 multiply
divide by 60 and all that let us assume that a 100 seconds in a minute. So, we will have
10 is to 17 minutes, and let us say there are 100 minutes in an hour then, we have 10 is to
15 hours. Let assume that there are 100 hours in a day.
Then we have 10 is to 12 days how many days is 10 is to 12 days let us assume that there
are 1000 days in a year is 10 is to 9 years it is about billion years. If you had a machine
which could inspect a million moves per second, and it had to explore up to depth of 20
according to this calculation it would take you about a billion years. But if you do the
actual calculation, and I did it at home it actually takes 40 billion centuries to inspect 8
10 18 is to 20 nodes.
Is 10 is to inspect 10 is to 25 nodes it take about 40 billion. I will sure you are not willing
to wait for so, long essentially. So, will try an address this how and I said people have
more recently written programs which will find you the optimal solution in a Rubiks
cube essentially. How do they do it essentially? So, let us answering this question, how
do you attack this exponential time complexity? Can you set of improve open that?
Essentially. So, we will do that in the next class, and we will take a break now. And
when we look at heuristic search essentially. So, we will take a break and come back in
about five minutes.