Amazing Esqs With Answers Pediatrics-Shelf
Amazing Esqs With Answers Pediatrics-Shelf
Amazing Esqs With Answers Pediatrics-Shelf
g. 9 mo -patacake
h. 6 mo -recognizes
i. 45 mo -enjoys
observing environment
j. 3 mo -reaches for
familiar objects/ppl
k. 2 mo -recognizes
l. 1 mo -fixes on face
2. Melanoma
3. Squamous cell ca
199. Conditions associated with aniridia -Congenital glaucoma;
marfan; neurofibromatosis
200. Presentation of malrotation -Obstruction typically normal
for first few
days of life than malrotation
worsens > abdominal fullness,
especially in RUQ > bilious
vomiting > ischemia and necrosis
201. #1 malrotation -Volvulus
202. Pathophys of volvulus -cecum fails to move to RLQ
and never
adheres to abdominal wall;
mesentary and SMA are tethered to
narrow stalk and twist about itself;
band of adhesive tissue can extend
from cecum to RUQ > duodenal
203. Presentation of children with 2o HTN -HA; epistaxis; visual
sx; easy fatiguability
204. Describe how biliary atresia can -From scarring and
inflammation of
occur postnatally intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary
etiology is unclear
205. Describe findings of prenatal biliary atresia -Gall Bladder is absent
206. Sx of congenital toxoplasmosis -Chorioretinitis;
hydrocephalus; intracranial
207. Complement levels in poststrep -Decreased C3
glomerular nephritisn
208. What are "currant jelly stools" -bloody stools;
indicative of intussusception
209. Tx of intussusception -Barium/air enema
210. Germinal matrix -Embryonic tissue present
near caudate
nucleus, often gets damaged by
hypoxia/ischemia; #1 place for
intraparenchymal bleed
211. Progression of intraparenchymal bleed -Blood can flow into
ventricles w/in 3 days
in a newborn of life
212. What blood vessels are damaged in -Bridging veins
shaken baby syndroem
213. What BV are involved in SAH -Circle of Willis
214. Signs of SVT -HR 220270\nno p waves
215. Pathophys of strawberry hemangioma -Vascular tissue fails to
communicate with
adjoining tissue; enlarges >
raised tumor
216. MCC for PNA in a child > 6 yo -Mycoplasma;
217. MC orgs in peritonsillar abscess -Anaerobes\nGAS
218. Physical findings of patau syndrome -Forebrain fails to
holoprosenceph; midface
developmental abnormalities;
abnml genitalia; severe MR
219. Which chromosomes are associated with
a. Edwards Edwards Edwards = Election age (18)
b. Patau Patau = Puberty age (13)
220. Porencephaly -Cyst/cavity in brain that
with ventricles
221. Causes of euvolemic hyponatremia -SIADH; glucocorticoid
hypothyroid; water intoxication
222. VACTERL -Vertebral; Anal; Cardiac;
Esophageal; Renal; Limb
223. Gastrografin -Way to dx meconium ileus;
is demonstates
unused microcolon and pellets of
meconium higher up; can draws
water into lumen and meconium
gets unplugged (dx and tx)
224. Features of neonatal listerosis -Respiratoyr distress at
5 days; meningitis
225. Clinical presentation of congenital -Constipation; jaundice; ftt;
hypothyroid fontanelle; umbilical hernia
226. Presentation of neuroblastoma -Asymptomatic
abdominal mass; horner's ;
dancing eyes; dancing feet;
blueberry muffin lesions; HTN
Friedreich Ataxia Wide based gait; dec. vib sense in LE; dec. reflexes in
LE; atrophy of spinal cord along with cerebral atrophy; Autosomal recessive
excess trinucleotide repeats results in abnormal tocopherol protein;
wheelchair bound by 25 dead by 35. DO GENETIC COUNSELING FOR
-Points for DKA tx: IV insulin 0.1 U/kg/hr +/- bolus; Add dextrose when
glucose<250; Replace HCO3- if pH<7.2; When ketones get clear or HCO3-
>20: stop IV n give SQ insulin
-70-75% of kids w/ HTN have renal etiology so check BUN & creatinine
-Alpha drugs given for nasal congestion can -Rebound congestion &
have SE of: medicamentosa
-Reactive Mantoux and positive CXR in 2 yr old, next step? Early morning
Gastric aspiration to id acid fast bacilli swallowed at night.
-Precocious puberty w/ normal ht & wt, next step? XR of head & wrist
-Tx of hypophosphatemic rickets: combined oral phosphate & 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D3
-Pes cavum: high arched foot, peroneal muscle atrophy, recurrent ankle
-Allelic expansion ( I allele has too many copies) seen in: Fragile X
synd, myotonic dystrophy, Huntingtons chorea
Cystic fibrosis flareup tx - IV Ceftazidime and gentamicin to cover P.
1= arteries constrict
2= Bronchiles relax
1 agonist that vasoconstricts to increase BP
2 agonist- SM relaxation to counter bronchospasm
Growth in infants
Weight: Double by 5 months; triple by 1 yr
Height: Double by 4 years; triple by 13 yrs
Other: Say 1 or 2 words; walk at least dependently
Hypophasphatemic Rickets
- X-linked dominant.
- Deficiency in PHEX. Messed up bone formations.
MCC of short stature and pubertal delay
- Constituional grwoth delay: dealyed growth spurt, delayed puberty, delayed
bone age
Viral meningitis
- Nothing in Gram stain; fever+ URI sx; Normal glucose (40-80) and protein
(10-30); Increased lymphocytes; Tx is supportive and sx will resolve in 7-10
Common cause: echo, non-polio, cocksackie
Congenital rubella
- Hearing defects, Cataract defects + CHD defects (PDA), microcephaly
Choanal Atresia
- Blocked posterior nostrils on one or both sides due to congenital septum.
Feedings by mouth are either difficult or impossible b/c infant would have to
breathe through their mouth. Crying makes respiration better b/c they use
their mouths Surgery opens the airways.
Apt test
- Used to differentiate fetal blood (alkali resistant) from maternal blood (alkali
Qualitative test used in simple cases of vaginal bleeding
Phenobarb on bili
- Phenobarb--> UGDP enzyme--> conjugation of bilirubin-->
unconjugated bilirubin. Using phenobarb can help neonatal jaundice
Beck's triad
- Test set for cardiac tamponade: BP, muffled heart sounds over
pericardium, distended neck veins
- *Nasal obstruction, visible mass, frequent nosebleeds* -benign tumor of
nasal mucosa composed of large blood vessels and fibrous tissue; only seen
in adolescent males***
-presents with profuse epistaxis
- Cephalocaudal rash + leukopenia +thrombocytopenia
-Vit A helps decrease mortality and morbidity
Biliary Atresia
- light colored stools, hepatomegaly, increased direct hyperbilirubin (direct
Direct hyperbilirubinemia (>2) is an indication for evaluating neonatal
jaundice even if the infant seems normal otherwise
Crigler Najjar
- Absence of UDGP causing an increase in indirect bilirubin. These infants
present in the first 24 hrs and die within the 1st yr of life
(Gilbert's syndrome-milder form of this)
Whooping cough
- Coughing spells lasting 20-30mns. These spells are so severe that they can
cause rectal prolapse, epistaxis, or even pneumothoraces
-May worsen w/ eating/drinking cold liquids
Parathyroid hormone
- phosphate trashing hormone, increased phosphate in urine. in rickets,
calcium and phophate pulled into blood, but phosphate is wasted in urine
Gross Motor
2 - lifts head
4 - front to back 5 back to front ( just think back to front is more muscle)
6 - imagine the "6" as baby sitting
9 - number "9" doesnt have good base so crawls
11 - "11" has 2 good base so baby is able to stand/cruise/walk
12 - now good base plus 2 legs can walk for sure (alone)
15 - "5" is mirror image of "2" so baby can walk backwards
2yr - u need to use both legs to go up/down stairs
3yr - "TRI-cycle"
4yr - HOPS 4 letters
Fine Motor
"9ince12" = PINCER Before pincer comes raking which is more immature
9 mo = non specific ( 3 finger) also nonspecific mom and dad
12 mo = specific (2 fingers) also specific mom and dad
15 mo = 2block
18 = 3blocks
2yr = 6 blocks
Also playstation controler 0 --> X --> Square --> triangle 3 4 5 6 yrs
2 coos and smiles because recognizes parents.
4 coos and laughs
6 babbles and anxiety, because recognizes strangers
1 yr alone so plays ALONE/ follow ONE step command, One word besides mom dad
2 yrs now 2 so PARALELL play, follows TWO step command, 2 word PHRASES
3 4 5 6 number of sentences with years
Bowel control at 4 Pee control at 5
Palmar is first to come ( US baby always has his palm close)
Rooting is first to go
Parachute always stays