Volvo Car 2011FinancialReport
Volvo Car 2011FinancialReport
Volvo Car 2011FinancialReport
car corporation
IN brief
Profitable in 2011
Strong sales performance
New technological future unveiled
New corporate strategy launched
Key figures
2011 2011 2011
H1 H2 FY
Ceos comments
profitable in 2011
For 2011, we recorded an EBIT of 1,636* MSEK for Volvo Car regions, with China demonstrating an increase of 54.4 per cent over
Corporation a result in line with our expectations. Retail sales 2010. Most importantly, market shares improved in all major markets
in 2011 increased by 20.3 per cent to 449,255 units over full compared to prior year, demonstrating the strength of our new brand
year 2010, an improvement of 75,730 units. positioning and the success of our XC60, S60 and V60.
This is the first Financial Report issued by Volvo Car Corporation. As a Designed around you
stand alone company we are now able to provide increased transpar- 2011 saw the launch of our new corporate strategy. Scandinavian
ency around our business and the financial results. We will provide design and a new concept of luxury will be key in realizing the trans-
two financial reports annually - one containing full year results and formation of the company. In 2011, we launched Concept You at the
one interim report with results for the first six months of the year. Frankfurt Motorshow giving a first indication of what the new Volvo is
Overall, Im pleased looking back on our achievements during all about. Moving into 2012, at the Geneva motor show in March we
2011. Our sales situation is positive and we have started the journey launched the all-new Volvo V40. The car is the first new model that
of turning the company into a successful luxury car brand. At the is fully developed according to our human-centric, Designed around
same time, we remain exposed to external factors and need to main- you concept. Charged with an outstanding set of high-tech features
tain focus in implementing our plans to secure sustainable profitability it definitely will give our toughest competitors a headache and it will
for the future. be an important car in achieving our volume ambitions in Europe with
targets of around 90 000 sales annually. In terms of environmental
Strong product and market mix performance, we will be class leading with carbon dioxide emissions
The EBIT-result of 1,636 MSEK for 2011 is affected by a strong at only 94 g/km.
product and market mix contributing to a revenue of 125.5 BSEK.
Profitability is affected by increased research & development costs Successful year in China
and industrial capacity to support expansion plans and the new prod- The expansion plans in China progressed significantly during 2011.
uct strategy. Additionally, unfavourable exchange rates and higher raw The organization has grown from a sales company into a full opera-
material prices affected bottom line results negatively. tion, and construction has started for the first Volvo plant in China in
We will continue to be exposed to external factors and the uncertain- Chengdu. Sales are growing as expected and the dealer network is
ties primarily in the European market and we will now need to balance expanding according to plan. Overall, we are on track to achieve our
our efforts carefully to maintain the transformation pace in the company. long term objective of 200 000 sales in the Chinese market.
* As of 2012, Volvo Car Corporation will extend its external financial reporting for the Group and fully align to IFRS please refer to definitions under accounting
principles on the back cover. Note that any prior communications of results are not fully comparable as a consequence of these changes.
SPA leading in fuel efficiency and excellent cooperation has been announced between Volvo Car Corporation and
driving dynamics Siemens to jointly advance the technical development of electric cars.
With its new ownership, Volvo Car Corporation has revealed that The focus is on the joint development of electrical drive technology,
major investments will be made in new products and the industrial power electronics and charging technology as well as the integration
system in the coming years. This intensive phase of investments of those systems into Volvo C30 Electric vehicles.
within Research and Development will lay the foundation for the
companys long term competitiveness. The basis for future Volvo New stand-alone organisation
cars has been defined with the announcement of a Scalable Product As a stand-alone company and with a new corporate strategy it has
Architecture. Together with a new engine and electrification strategy, been essential to realign parts of the organisation in order to properly
this will provide technologies that will make Volvo Car Corporations support Volvo Car Corporations ambitious growth strategy. Several
products leaders in fuel efficiency. new globally experienced members have been recruited to the Execu-
Scalable Product Architecture (SPA) in principle means that most tive Management Team to secure the execution of the new business
Volvo models can be built on the same production line irrespective plan and profitable growth. Marketing, Sales and Customer Service
of vehicle size and complexity. When the first model built on SPA is has undergone important restructuring. At Research & Development
launched in 2014 - the new XC90 - about 90 per cent of its compo- major recruiting of engineers was initiated - Volvo Car Corporations
nents will be new and unique. In addition to the industrial benefits of aggressive product plan for the future has created a need to recruit
common vehicle architecture there are also significant product related up to 1,200 people, mainly engineers in Gothenburg. A large part of
advantages in terms of weight, electrification, driving dynamics and the additional workforce was in place by the end of 2011.
design proportions.
V40 launch - 90 000 sales annually
Designed Around You - its all about the customer Moving into 2012, the all-new V40 is ready to overtake the competi-
A new global corporate and brand strategy - Designed Around You tion in the Premium Hatchback class with sharpened features and
- is an important part of Volvo Car Corporations global revitalisation characteristics from larger Volvos wrapped in a sleek, compact pack-
plan. The strategy points out the direction of Volvos future brand age. The all-new Volvo V40 features a class-leading safety and driver
development, and the key word is human. It summarizes the brands support package, including Volvo Car Corporations groundbreaking
approach to understanding people, providing a more uncomplicated Pedestrian Detection with Full Auto Brake and several other new fea-
luxury experience while at the same time linking the brand to the tures. The City Safety low-speed collision avoidance system has been
heritage of building safe and dependable cars. Objectives for 2020 further developed and it now operates at speeds up to 50 km/h.
include sales volumes above 800,000 cars, top tier luxury brand Volvo Car Corporation expects to sell 90,000 units per year of the
perception, and industry leading Return on Invested Capital. all-new Volvo V40. A massive 85 per cent of the total volume will go
to European customers. Production of the all-new Volvo V40 starts
Volvo Car Corporation and Siemens launch electric in May 2012. The car will be built in Volvo Car Corporations plant in
mobility partnership Ghent, Belgium.
Volvo Car Corporation is poised to take the lead in developing green
technologies to secure sustainable mobility for the future. A strategic
160 157
5,000 151
0 0
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
The growth pace of Volvo Car Corporation has resulted in extensive The new technological strategy will support the environmental objectives
recruitment programmes. During 2011, over 2,000 new employees have of Volvo Car Corporation. Already to date, CO2 emissions have declined
joined the company. rapidly and will continue to fall during the years ahead.
Retail sales in 2011 increased by 20.3 per cent to 449,255 units The USA remains the top market for Volvo Car Corporation, followed
over full year 2010, an improvement of 75,730 units making Volvo by Sweden and China.
Car Corporation the fastest growing major luxury car manufacturer at Improved sales are mainly driven by strong demand for the 60-se-
the end of 2011. Significant growth was recorded in all sales regions, ries; the Volvo S60 and V60 together with the XC60 crossover. Sales
with China demonstrating the largest increase with 54.4 per cent over of the low-carbon dioxide DRIVe models continue to drive sales in
2010. USA grew by 24.7 per cent, Sweden by 10.5 per cent, Europe Europe and the XC-range continues to perform well, now represent-
improved by 10 per cent and the rest of world region grew by 38.3 ing around 36 per cent of total sales.
per cent compared to 2010. Market shares improved in all regions
compared to prior year.
retail sales
2011 2011 2011 2010 Change,
H1 H2 FY FY %
Market share
2011 2011 2011 2010 Change,
H1 H2 FY FY % ppts
China to become the second home market
The growth plan for the Chinese market is vital to the year 2020 In 2011, sales amounted 47,140 cars, a growth of 54.4 per cent over
global sales target of 800,000 sales and the expansion in China is 2010, compared to an premium average of 37 per cent. Market share
progressing with the establishment of new facilities including local increased to 0.30 per cent.
manufacturing. China growth plan is on track. New product launched in the Chinese market include the S60
Since late 2010, Volvo Cars China has grown from a national T5, the XC90 Nordic and the XC60. The most sold model in China in
sales company into a full-fledged organisation including sales and 2011 was the XC60.
marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, product development and all Additionally, Volvo Car Corporation increased dealer outlets to
other supporting functions, headquartered in Shanghai. The sales 130 dealers in 2011, from 105 in 2010. Over the next four years,
network in China is expanding systematically and the Chengdu plant Volvo Car Corporation plan to increase its dealerships to 220 outlets
construction has been kicked off with investigations ongoing for a by 2015.
potential second plant as well as an engine plant. The companys
aim is to reach a sales volume of about 200,000 cars in the Chinese
300 75
63 63
234 900
200 50
100 25
0 0 0
H1 2011 H2 2011 FY 2011 H1 2011 H2 2011 FY 2011 H1 2011 H2 2011 FY 2011
Sales performance was strong in 2011, with Revenue was 126 BSEK, as market and product EBIT for 2011 was 1,636 MSEK with strong
retail sales growing by 20.3 per cent. Whole- mix continued to be positive with improved market developments, affected by higher costs
sales, the sales to dealers, grew to 450,741 units. volumes. and negative external factors.
Accounting principle
Volvo Car Corporation has transitioned to IFRS accounting principles, with full implementa-
tion as of 2012. As a consequence, results are not fully comparable with the operating
EBIT announced historically. In prior communication, the operating results excluded special
items, adjustments according to IFRS such as capitalization requirements and purchase
price adjustments.