Adobe Solution Partner Program Datasheet

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AdobeSolution Partner Program

Connecting to enable solutions.
The Adobe Solution Partner Program benefits partners
who extend, enhance and support Adobe products and
technologies in the solutions they deliver to customers.
Solution Partner Program members receive access to the
latest Adobe technical, sales and marketing tools and
resources, and they share use of the Adobe brand when
working with mutual customers. The Adobe Solution
Partner Program opens and extends markets and
promotes members of the global partner community to
millions of Adobe customers.

Partner for success from a listing in the Adobe Partner

Adobe recognizes the value of solution Finder, our online partner directory, to
partners in revolutionizing how eligibility to participate with Adobe in
businesses engage with ideas and trade shows, seminars, and events.
information. Your integration of Adobe
Make the most of your membership
technologies into products, systems or
The Adobe Solution Partner Program
solutions that address customer needs
includes Basic and Premium membership
in specific industries and applications
levels. You can select the investment level
augments our reach. Thats why weve
and the benefit level that best serve your
developed the Adobe Solution Partner
business needs.
Program to help you build and market
your products and services and achieve Joining is easy.* Submit the Adobe
your business goals. Solution Partner Program application
and agreement (available online at
Stay ahead of your customers and
solutionpartner/detail.html) along with
Adapting to changing customer
the annual membership fee of US$995 for
demands and technology trends is
Premium membership or US$195 for Basic
essential to your delivery of solutions
matched to customer business
needs. The Adobe Solution Partner
Program gives you access to Adobes
latest technical information, support
services, sales resources and business
information. Choosing from two levels
of membership further assures that you
receive the support and information that
is right for your business.

Attract more business

Effective marketing in todays highly
* Companies eligible to join the Adobe
competitive business environment is Solution Partner Program include
essential for recognition as a leader in hosting providers, independent software
your area of expertise. Adobe would vendors, value-added resellers, system
like to help you get the word out to our integrators, corporate solution providers,
original equipment manufacturers and
mutual customers about the products,
similar businesses who develop, sell,
services and solutions you provide. The deliver and support business solutions
Adobe Solution Partner Program offers that incorporate Adobe products and
a range of marketing opportunities technologies.
Adobe Solution Partner Program benefitsNorth America
Support benefits
Benefit description bas i c p r em i u m
Monthly program newsletter
Access to members-only online resources for sales and technical training, support and technical information
Five (5) developer (SDK) support cases*
Five (5) Bronze technical support cases**
* See the Adobe Solution Partner Program Membership Agreement for a list of supported product SDKs. Additional developer (SDK) support cases are available for
purchase in single, 5- and 10-pack case quantities.
**Product versions supported by Bronze technical support are listed at

Product benefits
Benefit description bas i c p r em i u m
Access to Adobe software developer kits (SDKs)
Access to your choice of one single-user copy of the Adobe Web Bundle or Adobe Video Bundle*
Access to one product of choice from a list of products designated by Adobe**
(Products are provided for both the Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms, as available.)

Access to upgrades, as they occur, to software provided under the Adobe Solution Partner Program Agreement
* The Adobe Web Bundle offers Macromedia Studio 8, the essential solution for web design and development, and the unified design environment of Adobe Creative
Suite 2 Premium software. The Adobe Video Bundle offers the Windows-based production toolset of Adobe Production Studio Premium and Macromedia Flash
Professional 8 software for authoring rich interactive content for the web.
**See the Adobe Solution Partner Membership Agreement for details.

Promotional benefits
Benefit description bas i c p r em i u m
Listing in the online Adobe Partner Finder and a link to your business Web site
Permission to use Adobe trademarks and the Adobe Solution Partner logo to promote your business
Invitation to attend program events
Access to Adobe global sales and merchandising tools
Where applicable, eligibility to sell your plug-in product through the Adobe Store on
Eligibility to obtain mailing lists from the Adobe registered user database
Eligibility to submit a success story for publication by Adobe
Eligibility to participate in Adobe trade shows, seminars, and events

For More Information

on the Adobe Solution Partner Program, please

Better by Adobe.

Adobe Systems Incorporated

345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Better by Adobe, Macromedia, and Flash

are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Apple and
Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the
United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Printed in the USA.
95006848 8/06

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