Indian Ethos SEM III MST 1
Indian Ethos SEM III MST 1
Indian Ethos SEM III MST 1
Ethos is the moral ideas and attitude that belong to a particular group or society.
Ethos is a discipline that examines ones morality or the moral standard of the society. Ethics
means expected standards in terms of your personal and social welfare. It includes honesty,
morality, responsibility etc.
Ethos is a term with Greek origins, and it refers to the morals, values and beliefs of a
person, or even an entire culture.
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Ethos as the set of beliefs, ideas,
etc. about social behavior and relationship of a person or group
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines it as the moral ideas and attitudes that
belong to a particular group or society.
The body of knowledge which derives its solutions from the rich and huge Indian system of
ethics (moral philosophy) is known as Indian Ethos in Management (IEM).
Work sincerely
Worship people not only with material things but also by showing respect to their
enterprising divinity within.
Strength and inspiration for excelling in work comes from the Divine, God within,
through prayer, spiritual readings and unselfish work.
He who works with calm and even mind achieves the most.
By mutual cooperation, respect and fellow feeling, all of us enjoy the highest good both
material and spiritual.
Infinite happiness and infinite peace come to them who see the Divine in all beings.
Regard the other person as a divine being. All of us have the same consciousness though
our packages and containers are different.
Balance is the keynote of Indian thought. We have synthesis, harmony between the
dual concepts. The Individual is the central focus.
Devine element in the individual is only a portion of the universe of the Universal or
cosmic consciousness.
Gives greater emphasis on values, human and ethical. Knowledge is not Power.
Indian ethos is based on Indian scripture. Indian thoughts provide Eternal knowledge
a) Knowledge of creation.
b) Knowledge of creator.
Respect for and search for all truth whatever be its source.
Provides concentration
Brain-stilling For rational and enduring decisions, silent mind is a necessity. A perfect
Mounum (calm mind enjoying tranquility) is necessary. Brain-stilling or meditative
silence is the most reliable method to discover solutions to problems and difficulties
which seem to be difficult to be tackled by reason and intellect because through this one
can come into contact with the inner mind or higher consciousness called Chetana.
Stepping Back (for a while) Never decide anything, never speak a word, never throw
yourself into action without stepping-back. The stepping back from a situation for a while
enables one to control and master a situation.
Role of Intuition Intuition is the act of coming to direct knowledge or certainty without
reasoning or inferring. It is immediate cognition by the inner mind and when fully
developed, is efficient and effective for taking prompt and sound decisions. Intuition
skills enable one to cope with confidence the fluctuating environment and rapid changes.
Work ethos or work culture refers to certain norms of behaviour governing the conduct of
workers involved in a work situation to achieve certain desired objectives. of other words, work
culture is the involvement of a workman with work. The degree of his involvement impacts his
performance; whether he gives high or low productivity, high or low quality.
Ps of work ethics
Purposeyour purpose is the road you choose to travel, the meaning and direction of
your life. Its the driving force of why you do what you do. For some it may be rooted in
their spiritual faith. Others may find their purpose is something they feel called to do,
such as serving those in need, raising responsible children, or leaving the world a better
place than they found it. Aligning the activities of your life according to your purpose
gives you a clear sense of direction, so when youre faced with challenging circumstances
or difficult decisions, youre able to filter those occasions through the lens of your
purpose and make choices that keep you on track.
Prideunlike false pride, which stems from a distorted sense of self-importance that
causes people to believe and act like they are better than others, a healthy sense of pride
springs from a positive self-image and confidence in ones abilities. A proper sense of
pride mixed with a good dose of humility is the balance youre seeking. Being driven by
false pride causes you to seek the approval and acceptance of others which can overly
influence you to take the easy way out when faced with a tough situation.
Persistencethis component of ethical power is about staying the course, staying true to
your purpose and values. Persistence is about commitment, not interest. When you have
interest in something you do it when its convenient. When youre committed, you do it
no matter what! When it comes to making ethical decisions, there is never a right time to
do the wrong thing. Persistence keeps us on the straight and narrow path.
Perspectiveall the other elements of ethical power emanate from the core of
perspective. Perspective is about having the big picture view of situations and
understanding whats truly important. Too often we make snap decisions in the heat of
the moment and neglect to step back and examine the situation from a bigger perspective.
Maintaining the proper perspective is also about paying attention to our inner-self and not
just our task-oriented outer-self.
Definition: Value Based Management (VBM) is the management approach that ensures
corporations are managed consistently on value (normally: maximizing shareholder value).
The creation of value is the primary goal of managers in leading companies
Organizations determine the degree to which they will prioritize the interests of each
stakeholder group and will therefore balance performance goals accordingly
Values depend on the stakeholder, however, examples might be:
Customers may expect to obtain desired goods and services on time and at competitive
Maximize value creation consistently,
Increases corporate transparency,
Helps organizations deal with globalized and deregulated capital markets,
Aligns the interests of (top) managers with the interests of share- and stakeholders,
Brainstorming is a means of generating ideas.
Brainstorming can be used to identify alternatives, obtain a complete list of items and to
solve problems.
The common principle of brainstorming is to set aside the restrictive thinking processes
so that many ideas can be generated.
The environment
Materials: whiteboard and pens. Provide a pack of post-it notes and pen for each attendee
Loosening up: use a free thinking exercise and/or a practice brainstorming session*.
Affinity analysis
Each person in turn sticks their post-it notes on the whiteboard, putting their note near to
an idea that is similar to theirs. This should result in clusters of post-it notes representing
similar ideas.
Review the ideas by cluster. For each type of idea ask the group How could we make
this work? Discuss each variation of the idea and refine to develop a possible solution.
The action plan may be to test or further research the alternatives identified to select a
shortlist of the most suitable solutions for further evaluation.
Present the problem or opportunity for which brainstorming is being applied
Allocate 3-5 minutes to write on the post-it notes as many ideas as possible one idea per
Each person quickly writes their thoughts onto the post-it notes regardless of how
impractical, outrageous, extreme, crazy they may be (do not filter the ideas)
Decision making in silence
Brain stilling can be used when you need to arrive silently and peacefully, preferably in a 'Room
of Silence', to a rational and enduring decision. Silence here "does not mean only absence of
speech, but a perfect calm in body, mind and heart. Let the decision-maker retire from life-
problems, sit in silence, invoke peace, concentrate on the problem, meditate over the situation
and wait for the 'inner guidance' to reach the solution.
Brain-stilling For rational and enduring decisions, silent mind is a necessity. A perfect
Mounum (calm mind enjoying tranquility) is necessary. Brain-stilling or meditative silence is the
most reliable method to discover solutions to problems and difficulties which seem to be difficult
to be tackled by reason and intellect because through this one can come into contact with the
inner mind or higher consciousness called Chetana.
The Golden Hour-Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and to reflect on your
goals. You'll find when you read the biographies and autobiographies of successful men
and women that almost every one of them began their upward trajectory to success when
they begin getting up early in the morning and spending time with themselves
Continuous improvement
Management by fact
Long term approach
Sashkin and Kiser have defined TQM as Creating an organizational culture committed to the
continuous improvement of skills, teamwork, processes, product and service quality, and
customer satisfaction. TQM stresses three principles: customer satisfaction, employee
involvement, and continuous improvements in quality, which some refer to as the quality trilogy.
TQM is also said to be based on four fundamental commitments: