Gated Communities in Mexico City
Gated Communities in Mexico City
Gated Communities in Mexico City
Gated Communities:
Building Social Division or Safer Communities?
Dr Angela Giglia,
Department of Anthropology,
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana,
Mexico City
[email protected]
Based on a long term field investigation, the paper addresses the issue
of gated communities in Mexico City as a specific form of the crisis of
public space and urban order in a stratified society. By comparing five
forms of walled neighbourhoods, the paper shows their common
characteristics in spite of their morphologic differences. Living in
segregated residential spaces in Mexico City is a complex social process
which is not only the result of the fear of crime but also a way to escape
from urban disorder, to establish islands of social homogeneity and to
experiment new forms of local government.
It is well known that in big cities, the current concern about security and
maintenance of social order express themselves through social and
spatial segregation processes. Examples of this phenomenon are the so-
called closed spaces which can be residential, commercial or dedicated
to the supply of services. These enclosures are under surveillance, and
they aspire to be impenetrable for strangers and undesirable people.
From their different access devices to their regulations, which define
what can or cannot be done inside them, these spaces respond to a
specific logic of control that does not always fit with observance to
individual rights, such as the right to free transit or movement, or the
right to privacy.
I wish to expound here some considerations about the urban experience
of people who live in residential areas with different types of enclosure
in Mexico City, and their representations concerning urban security and
insecurity as well as urban order. These ideas stem from an
ethnographic comparison between five different types of walled
neighbourhoods, which I have been able to undertake during the last
three years employing such techniques as participant observation and
open interviews, both personally and as the adviser of some students1.
The nieghbourhoods studied are a middle-low class residential
development called Villa Panamericana; a middle class residential
development called Villa Olmpica; a middle-high class horizontal
condominium in Camino a Santa Teresa Street, a high-class walled
Cf. Miriam Sosa, Habitar en calles cerradas en el caso de Coapa, Tesis
de Maestra, FLACSO, Costa Rica, 2002, as well as Roco Echevarra, La
Villa Panamericana, Trabajo terminal de licenciatura en antropologa
social, julio 2003.
This paper draws on some empirical work already published. See Giglia
2000, 2002, 2003.
Villa Olmpica was built as a residential unit for the athletes who came
for the 1968 Olympic Games. It is located on Insurgentes Avenue, close
to its crossroads with Anillo Perifrico, in a very strategic area in the
southern part of the city. It comprises nine hundred and four
apartments, most of them the same size (with three bedrooms, a living-
room and a service area), distributed among twenty nine ten-story
buildings. The first residents of this development were markedly
homogeneous in socioeconomic terms, with high schooling family chiefs
(either professional or semi-professional), whose wives used to work
outside the house instead of being just housewives (Gonzlez Reyes
1991: 61 ss.). There have been some changes in this original social
composition; however, there is still a strong presence of middle-class
intellectuals, some of them from abroad, since Villa Olmpica has been a
shelter for exiled people from South America and, more recently, for
families coming from Asia and Eastern Europe.
The inner characteristics of the apartments, their display and size, the
plentiful parking places and the green areas still make of Villa Olmpica a
high-quality place, both in functional as in urban terms. The
neighbourhood is completely walled and has a single entrance which is
controlled by guards 24 hours a day.
This settlement is situated alongside the Ajuscos forest, close to the old
main road from Mexico City to Cuernavaca. It comprises a hundred and
sixty hectares. The residents of San Andrs, a village on the lower
slopes of Ajusco, used to administer the area according to the usages
and customs regime, specifically by means of agreements between
some families, which divided the area among themselves and used the
land to produce, above all, oak charcoal. Later, a group of middle-high
class people who had experience in urban developments became
interested in the zone, and decided to build an ecological settlement.
San Andrs inhabitants started selling their plots to this people, who
divided the land into plots of five to ten thousand square meters, and
summoned their friends with the hope of creating a unique settlement in
the forest, in close contact with nature -almost a flight away from the
The closing of streets in Coapa is a broad phenomenon in the zone, as
can be seen all along Acoxpa Avenue, Canal de Miramontes, the Hueso
Road and Las Bombas Road: from these wide streets one can see all the
perpendicular alleys closed by automatic barriers, fences or sentry
boxes guarded by policemen. It should be noted that in the Gua Roji,
the official map of Mexico City, those dead-end streets are still marked
as open streets. This lack of correspondence can cause some problems
to the drivers who try to circulate along them without permission. There
are different types of closure, among which we can find the closure with
a sentry box, an automatic barrier and a guard; the closure with a
sentry box, a gateway and a guard; the closure with a sentry box, an
automatic barrier, a gateway and a guard; the closure with a sentry box
and a guard; the closure with gateways made of iron bars, to all of
which can be added window boxes and posts. According to the function
of the closure in connection with the traffic control, we can distinguish at
least four types of closure: an entrance to come in and out, only as a
way out, only as a way in, and neither as a way neither in nor out. This
last type is found in the blocked streets.
There are neighbours who benefit from the results of the closure -i.e.,
the decrease of the traffic and of the insecurity - but who do not pay for
the security services because they do not formally agree with the
closure of the neighbourhood, so it is impossible to force them to pay
their fee. It is easy to understand that this creates a serious problem for
the relationships among neighbours and for the dynamics of their
If we ask ourselves what does closed spaces mean, and see how the
closure has an effect in the identification of the inhabitants with the
place, we realize that there is a tendency to consider the enclosure as a
fact, as something that is not worth discussing. Taking the closure for
granted is what allows the inhabitants to establish the difference with
the outside and to structure a discourse about the identity of the
inside. The physical barrier helps to conceive of the social boundaries.
The inside is thought of as something different, a separate world, with
its own style and different rules. In Villa Olmpicas case, the
neighbourhood is defined as a private space in which a specific
sociability makes it possible for different individuals (youngsters, elderly
people, children, foreigners, etc.) to co-exist respectfully. In Tlalpuentes
case, the residents emphasize their shared love for the forest and
nature, and their often problematic relationships with the social
These tendencies are reinforced by the attitude of local authorities,
who do not want to be held responsible for the upkeep and the
management of the inner space defined by the confinement, nor for
the so-called condominal space, as defined by the condominium law
(Giglia 1998). We are not far from an image of the urban space as a re-
feudalized space, made up of fortified and self-governed citadels.
In the global city, the places are multiplied as the result of the
multiplication of the identity-formation (formacin) processes and of the
actions aimed at creating the spatial (espaciales) potentials which
Gropius would call spatial (espaciales) virtualities (?) for the creation of
identity (Amendola 2000, 59).
Obviously, the inhabitants tend to disqualify the nature of these
conflicts, or to overlook them when they talk to the researcher, whom
they regard as part of the outside.
Emilio Duhau and Angela Giglia 2001, Espacio pblico y orden urbano en
la Ciudad de Mxico, Proyecto CONACYT.
Jane Jacobs 1961, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Vintage
Books, New York.
Richard Sennet 1977, The fall of Public man, W.W. Norton & Company,
New York.