Laboratory Soils Testing
Laboratory Soils Testing
Laboratory Soils Testing
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Office of the Chief of Engineers Change 1
DAEN-CWE-SS Washington, D.C. 20314
Engineer Manual
No. 1110-2-1906 3 May 1980
Remove pages i, ii, iii, Insert new pages i, ii, iii, iv,
iv, v, vi, and vii v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii,
and xiii
Paragraph Page
1. PURPOSE .................................................
2. APPLICABILITY ...........................................
3. NOTATIONS ...............................................
4. REFERENCES ..............................................
5. TESTING PROCEDURES ......................................
RESPONSIBILITY OF PERSONNEL ............................
7. LABORATORY FACILITIES ...................................
8. SAMPLE HANDLING AND STORAGE .............................
TEST SPECIMENS ......................................... 5
10. DATA SHEETS AND REPORT FORMS ............................ 6
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Paragraph Page
5. COMPUTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I- 3
6. POSSIBLE ERRORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I- 3
1. RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 1
2. DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 2
3. VOLUMETRIC METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 2
4. DISPLACEMENT METHOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 8
5. POSSIBLE ERRORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II- 11
* 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 2
3. CALIBRATION OF APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 7
4. PREPARATION OF MATERIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 10
5. LIQUID LIMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 13
6. PLASTIC LIMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 17
7. PLASTICITY INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-20
8. REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III- 2 0
:: 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIIA- 1
3. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIIA- 1
4. CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIJA-2
5. POSSIBLE ERRORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIIA-3 *
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1. DEFINITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIIB-1
:: PREPARATION.0; MA;ERIAL* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : IIIB-1
4. PROCEDURE 1118-3
5. COMPUTATIONS : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1118-4
;: HANDLING OF MERCURY. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : IIIB-6
1. DEFINITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-l
SIEVE ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-l
:: HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ................. V-8
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1
* STANDARD COMPACTION TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1
:: MODIFIED COMPACTION TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-15
4. 15-BLOW COMPACTION TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-16
5. POSSI8LE ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-16 *
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1 May 80
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5; 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIA- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIA- 1
3. QUANTITY OF SAMPLE ................. VIA-4
4. PROCESSING OF SAMPLE ................ VIA-4
7. COMPACTIONPROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIA- 6
a. COMPUTATIONS ...................... WA-0
10. POSSIBLE ERRORS ..................... V I A - % 9r
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* 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII- 1
5. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII - 7
6. COMPUTATIONS ...................... VIII- 11
8. POSSIBLE ERRORS ..................... V I I I - 1 5 +t
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIIIA- 1
3. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIIIA- 2
4. COMPUTATIONS ...................... VIIIA- 4
* 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX-4
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX-1
4. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX-~
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* 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IXA- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IXA- 1
3. SPECIMEN PREPARATION ................ IXA-i
4. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . ..< . . . . . . . . . . . IXA- 2
5. C O M P U T A T I O N S ....................... IXA- 5
6. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS .............. IXA- 5
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS ..................... I X A - 5 +c
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* 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI- 1
4. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI- 6
5. C O M P U T A T I O N S ....................... XI- 6
6. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS ............. XI- 7
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS ..................... XI- 8
D E T E R M I N A T I O N S .................... X I - 8 .tt
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* 4. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII- 1
2. APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII- 2
4. PREPARATION OF SAMPLE .............. XII- 6
5. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII- 7
6. COMPUTATIONS .............. 1 ....... XII-ii
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII-i2 *
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P Pressure
Preconsolidation pressure
Overburden pressure
Q Quantity of flow
q Rate of discharge
Unconfined compressive strength
R Shrinkage ratio
S Degree of saturation
* SAR Sodium absorption ratio
SL Shrinkage limit
S Shear strength
S Undrained shear strength
t Time
Time to 50 percent primary consolidation
EM IiiO-2-1906
Chang9 1
1 May 80
Time to failure
U Degree of consolidation
U Atmospheric pressure (absolute)
U Required back pressure (gage)
v Volume
Volume of air
Volume of soil solids
Volume of voids
VV Volume of water
LX? Change in volume
7L.V Change in volume of water
W Weight of wet soil
W Weight of dry soil
WS Weight of water
W Water content
Water content at N blows
F Slope angle of flow line
Dry unit weight (or dry density) of soil
Wet unit weight (or wet density) of soil
Unit weight of water
& Axial strain
Double amplitude axial strain
n Coefficient of viscosity
u Normal stress
Major principal stress
Minor principal stress
Deviator stress
Y - u3
Cyclic deviator stress
-dc Cyclic stress ratio
2 u3c
E M i410-2-1906
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1May 80
* Effective confining pressure at failure
* Consolidation stress on the failure plane
7 Shear stress
Office of the Chief of Engineers
ENGCW-ES Washington, D. C. 263i4
E M i1iO-2-4906
30 Nov 70
e x a m p l e p if3tcJn f r i c t i o n i n t r i a x i a l c o m p r e s s i o n c h a m b e r s o r rough-
f i n i s h e d c o n s o l i d o m e t e r ringa), by maladjusted apparatus (liquid limit
d e v i c e s , p r o v i n g r i n g s , or mechanical compactors), and by worn parts
(liquid limit cup or grooving tool or knife edges of lever systems).
Regular calibration and inspection must be a standard practice in all
The personnel performing the tests must be thoroughly familiar with
the apparatus, the testing procedures, and good laboratory technique in
general. They must be conscientious in the handling of soils and must
appreciate the purpose of each test they perform. Neat, thoughtfui w o r k ,
with the recording of.all test data and a continuous watchfulness for
irregularities c a n p r e v e n t m o s t e r r o r s . The philosophy should be that
one good test is not only far better than many poor tests, but is also less
expensive and less likely to permit a misjudgment in design.
7. LABORATORY FACILITIES. A laboratory preferably should be on a
ground floor or basement with a solid floor and should be free of traffic
and machinery vibrations. Separate areas should be designated for dust-
producing activities such as sieve analyses and sample processing.
Temperature control of the entire laboratory is to be preferred. If the
temperature-controlled space is limited, this space should be used for
t r i a x i a l c o m p r e s s i o n , consolidation, and permeability testing. A humid
room large enough to permit the storage of samples and the preparation
of test specimens should be available.
8. SAMPLE HANDLING AND STORAGE. The identification markings of
all samples should be verified immediately upon their receipt at the
laboratory, and an inve n t o r y, of the samples received should be mainA
tained. Samples should be examined and tested as soon as possible after
r e c e i p t ; h o w e v e r , it is often necessary to store samples for several days
or even weeks to complete a large testing program. Every care must be
taken to protect undisturbed samples against damage or changes in water
content Such samples should be stored in a humid room and may require
rewaxing and relabeling before storage. Except for special purposes,
EM 1110-2-1906
30 Nov 70
EM iitO-2-1906
30 Nov 70
Because they are intended for review purposes, these forms often do not
display the test results in sufficient detail for interpretation by the design
engineer. Therefore, each laboratory should include with the standard
report forms whatever tabulated or plotted data are necessary to satisfy
the purpose of a testing program. Graphs should show all the plotted
points, not just smooth curves, and be given scales in easily read units,
such as i, 2, or 5 divisions per unit. The report form should contain a
complete description of the material, not just the classification, and
sketches to illustrate the mode of failure of strength test specimens.
Colonel, Corps of Engineers
15 Appendixes
APP I - Water Content - General
APP II - Unit Weights, Void
Ratio, Porosity, and
- Degree of Saturation
APP III - Liquid and Plastic Limits
A P P IIIA - One-Point Liquid Limit
A P P IIIB - Shrinkage Limit Test
APP IV - Specific Gravity
APP V - Grain-Size Analysis
APP VI - Compaction Tests
A P P V I A - Compaction Test, Earth-
Rock Mixture s
APP VII - Permeability Tests
APP VIII - Consolidation T e s t
APP IX - Drained (S) Direct Shear
A P P I X A - Drained (S) Repeated
Direct Shear Test
APP X - T riaxial Compr e s sion
APP XI - Unconfined Compr e s sion
APP XII - Relative Density
APP XIIA - Modified Providence
Vibrated Density Test
EM 1i10-2-1906
30 Nov 70
C. Specimen Containers. Seamless metal containers with lids
are recommended. The containers should be of a metal resistant to
corrosion (aluminum is satisfactory). They should be as small and light
in weight as practicable in relation to the amount of material to be used
in the determination. For routine water content determinations in which
specimens weighing between iO0 and 200 g are used, a 2-in.-high by
3-i/2-in. diameter container is adequate.
3. SPECIMEN. The amount of material used in the water content deter-
mination will generally depend on the maximum size of particles, the
amount of material available, and the requirement that the specimen be
representative of the material for which the determination is made. When
the water is not uniformly distributed throughout the sample, larger speci-
mens will be needed than would otherwise be required. For routine water
content determinations on material passing a No. 4 sieve, specimens
weighing between iO0 and 200 g are adequate, A minimum specimen
weight of 500 g is recommended for material having a maximum particle
size in the range of the No. 4 to 3/4-in, sieves, and a minimum specimen
E M iliO-2-i906
Appendix I
30 Nov 70
7 Laboratory oven drying at 110 C does not result in reliable water con-
tent values for soils containing gypsum or significant amounts of organic
material. Reliable water content values for these soils can be obtained
by drying in oven at 60 C*, or by vacuum desiccation. See: U. S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, A Study of Moisture- -
- ~ Determinations on Selected Soils, Miscellaneous Paper No.
4-73 (Vicksburg, Miss., September 1954).
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix I
30 Nov 70
(weight of tare plus wet soil) - (weight of tare plus dry soil) x 1oo
(weight of tare plus dry soil) - (tare)
or w = zx ioo
= weight of dry soil, g
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix I
30 Nov 70
t T. W, Lambe, Soil Testing for Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
(Net:? York, i95i).
EM lliO-2-i906
Appendix I
30 Nov 70
m m!rE
se.r@e or specllmx r?o.
Tare No.
Tam plue wet a011
Tam tie.
Tare plun wet 8011
Tare plue dry 0011
Water "%I
Dry soil Wm
Water content w $ $ $ $ $
o r w e i g h t of w a t e r displac e d b y t h e specimen (dis~J~a~_erlJcIlt method).
Definitions of the relations to be determined and detailed procedures for
determining these values, using the volumetric and displacement methods,
are given in the following paragraphs.
2. DEFINITIONS. The unit weights, void ratio, porosity, and degree of
saturation are defined below.
-a. Dry unit weight, Yd, or dry density, is the weight of oven-
dried soil solids per unit of total volume of soil mass, and is usually ex-
pressed in pounds per cubic foot.
- Wet unit weight, fm, or wet density, is the weight (solids
plus water) per unit of total volume of soil mass, irrespective of the de-
gre 2 of saturation (see -
e below). The wet unit weight is usually expressed
in pounds per cubic foot.
- V o i d r a t i o , e, is the ratio of the? volume of voids to the volume
of solid particles in a given soil mass.
- Porosity, n, is the ratio (usually expressed as a percentage)
of the volume of voids of a giv-en soil mass to the total volume of the soil
II-2 .-
E M 1110-2-i906
Appendix II .I
30 Nov 70
volumetric method should not be used for soils containing gravel, shells,
or foreign materials which would interfere with advance trimming. The
calibrated specimen cutter method is particularly suitable for obtaining
volumes of silty and sandy soils having little cohesion.
- Apparatus. The apparatus should consist of the following:
(i) Calibrated ring-shaped specimen cutter, hereinafter re-
ferred to as a volumetric cylinder. Types and sizes of volumetric cylin-
ders may vary widely; two types are shown in Figure 2. General require-
ments are that a volumetric cylinder be made of materials not susceptible
of rapid corrosion and that it be as large as possible in relation to the
samples being tested. The inside of the cylinder should be polished to a
smooth finish, and sharp cutting edges should be provided on the base. It
is very important that no voids form between the sample and cylinder; to
facilitate detection of such voids, a volumetric cylinder of transparent
Lucite with detachable steel cutting edges may be used.
(2) Guide cylinder for guiding cutter into soil (not absolutely
( 3 ) T r i m m i n g t o o l s , such as wire saw, straightedge, or knife.
(4) Oven (see Appendix I, WATER CONTENT - G E N E R A L ) .
(5) Specimen container. The container should be of metal
that is resistant to corrosion. Seamless aluminum pans with lids are
( 6 ) B a l a n c e , sensitive to 0.1 g.
(7) Glass plate, large enough to cover top of specimen.
- Procedure. The procedure shall consist of the following steps:
(i) Record on a data sheet (Plate II-i is a suggested form)
all identifying information for the sample, such as project, boring number,
and other pertinent data.
(2) Measure and record the height, H, and inside diameter,
D, of the volumetric cylinder. In general, linear measurements shall be
E M iiIO-2-1906
Appendix II
3C-I Nov -/cJ
E M 1110-2-j906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
FP ercent = 2 0 0
in a container. Weigh the specimen and container and record this weight
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
on the data sheet as the weight of tare plus wet soil. Alternatively, the
wet weight of the specimen may be determined by weighing the volumet-
ric cylinder with the specimen therein and then removing the material and
placing it in a container for a water content deter.mination.
(5) Place the soil and container in an oven and oven-dry the
specimen at 110 C f 5, allow it to cool, and then weigh. Record this
weight as weight of tare plus dry soil.
d. Computations. (1) Q uantities obtained in test. The following
quantities are obtained in the test.
(a) Weight of tare (specimen container or cylinder) plus
wet s o i l The tare weight is subtracted from this value to obtain the
weight of wet soil, W.
(b) Weight of tare (specimen container plus dry soil. The
tare weight is subtracted from this value to obtain the weight of dry
soil, Ws , or if the alternate procedure is used, dry weight of specimen --
is computed by the following formula:
ws= w
1 -t o.oiw
= $ x 62.4
EM illO-2-i906.
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
where vs = volume of solids = -
v - vs
n, percent = x too
S, percent = nx iO0
E M 11$0-2-1906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
(6) P a i n t b r u s h .
(7) Microcrystalline wax or paraffin.t
(8) Container for melting wax, preferably with a self-
contained thermostat.
(9) Thermometer, range 0 to 50 C, graduated in 0.1 deg.
- Procedure. The procedure shall consist of the following steps:
(1) Record all identifying information for the sample, such as
EM 1i10-2-1906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-19()6
Appendix 11
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
ws= w
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix II
30 Nov 70
EM 4ilO-2-1906
Ap.pendix II
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
b l Definitions.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
(4) Cam. The cam shall raise the cup smoothly and
continuously to its maximum height, over a distance of at least
180' of cam rotation. The preferred cam motion is a uniformly *
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* accelerated lift curve.* The design of the cam and follower com-
bination shall be such that there is no upward or downward veloc-
ity of the cup when the cam follower leaves the cam.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
t 1
MM 2 I I 4 0 8 50 2
. * 0.1 & 0.2 5 0.5 k 0.1 & 0.5 2 0.1
MM IO I3 60 IO 6 0 DEG 20
t .
F K,
I \\ \
Figure 2. Grooving tool (optional height-of-drop gage attached)
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* g Ground Glass Plate. A ground glass plate at least
30 cm (12 in.) square by 1 cm (3/8 in.) thick for mixing soil and
rolling plastic limit threads.
I Wash Bottle. A wash bottle or similar container for
EM 1110-2~1906 -
Appendix III
Change 2
20. Aug 86
(2) Wear of Base. The spot on the base where the cup
makes contact should be worn no greater than 10 mm (3/8 in.) in 1-
diameter. If the wear spot is greater than this, the base can be
machined to remove the wear spot provided the resurfacing does
not decrease base thickness to less than that specified in 2(a)
and the other dimensional relationships are maintained.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* Slide the height gage under the cup from the front, and observe
whether the gage contacts the cup or the tape (see Figure 4). If
the tape and cup are both contacted, the height of drop is ap-
proximately correct. If not, adjust the cup until simultaneous
contact is made. Check adjustment by turning the crank at
2 revolutions per second while holding the gage in position
against the tape and cup. If a ringing or clicking sound is
heard without the cup rising from the gage, the adjustment is
correct. If no ringing is heard or if the cup rises from the
gage1 readjust the height of drop. If the cup rocks on the gage
during this checking operation, the cam follower pivot is exces-
sively worn and the worn parts should be replaced. Always remove
tape after completion of adjustment operation.
EM 1110-2-1906
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20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2~1906 .
Appendix III
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20 AUCJ 86
* closethe groove. The time taken to adequately mix a soil will
vary greatly depending on the plasticity and initial water
content. Initial mixing times of more than 30 min may be needed
for stiff, fat clays. If, during mixing, a small percentage of
material is encountered that would be retained on a 4250pm
(No 40) sieve, remove these particles by hand, if possible. If
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
.* (b) When the sample contains a large percentage
of material retained on the 4250urn (No. 40) sieve, perform the
following washing operations in increments, washing no more than
0.5 kg (1 lb) of material at one time. Place . the 4250pm (No. 40)
sieve in the bottom of the clean pan. Pour the soil water mix-
ture onto the sieve. If gravel or coarse sand particles are
present, rinse as many of these as possibleLwith small quantities
of water from a wash bottle and discard. Alternatively, pour the
soil water mixture over a 2-mm (No. 10) sieve nested atop the
425-pm (No. 40) sieve, rinse , the fine material through and remove
the 2-mm (No. 10) sieve. After washing and removing as much of
the coarser material as possible, add sufficient water to the pan
to bring the level to about 13 mm (1/2 in.) above the surface of
the 425-urn (No. 40) sieve. Agitate the slurry by stirring with
the fingers while raising and lowering the sieve in the pan . and
swirling the suspension so that fine material is washed from the
coarser particles. Disaggregate fine soil lumps that have not
slaked by gently rubbing them over the sieve with the fingertips.
Complete the washing operation by raising the sieve above the
watersurface and rinsing the material retained with a small
amount of clean water. Discard material retained on the 425-pm
(No 0 .a:40) sieve.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
a. Procedure
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Appendix III
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23 Aug 86
Figure 5. Grooved soil pat in liquid limit device
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Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
* ,(3) Verify that no crumbs of soil are present on the
base or the underside of the cup. Lift and drop the cup by turn-
ing the crank at a rate of 1.9 to 2.1 drops per second until the
two halves of the soil pat come in contact at the bottom of the
groove along a distance of 13 mm (1/2 in.) (see Figure 6). Use
the end of the grooving tool (Figure 2) or a scale to verify that
the groove has closed 13 mm (1/2 in.)@
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
2 0 Aug 86
* continues to slide in the cup or if the number of blows required
to close the groove is always less than 25, record that the
liquid limit could not be determined, and report the soil as non-
plastic without performing the plastic limit test.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
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20 Aug 86
b0 Calculations.
b0 Procedure
EM 1110~24906
Appendix III
ChqTge ?
20 Aug 86
* this mass between the palm or fingers and the ground-glass plate
with just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of
uniform diameter throughout its length. A normal rate of rolling
for most soils should be 80 to 90 strokes per minute counting a
stroke ,4as one complete motion of the hand forward and back to the
starting position. This rate of rolling may have to be decreased
for very fragile soils. The thread shall be further deformed on
each stroke so that its diameter is continuously reduced; and its
length extended until the diameter reaches 3.2 2 0.5 mm
(0.125 i 0.020 in.), taking no more than 2 minutes to complete
the rolling operation. A 3.2~mm (1/84n.) diameter rod or tube
is useful for frequent comparison with the soil threadto aster-
tain when the thread has reached the proper diameter especially
for inexperienced operators. The amount of hand or finger pres-
sure required will vary greatly according to the soil. Fragile
soils of low plasticity are best rolled under the outer edge of
the palm or at the base of the thumb. When the diameter of the
thread becomes 3.2 mm, break the thread into several pieces.
Squeeze the pieces together, knead between the thumb and first
finger of each hand, reform into an elliposidal mass, and reroll.
Continue this alternate rolling to a thread 3.2 mm in diameter,
gathering together, kneading and rerolling, until the thread
crumbles under the pressure required for rolling, and the soil
can no longer be rolled into a 3.20mm diameter thread (see
-Figure 7)
l It has no significance if the thread breaks into
threads of shorter length. Roll each of these shorter threads to
3.2 mm in diameter. The only requirement for continuing the test
is that they are able to be reformed into an ellipsoidal mass and
rolled out again. The operator shall at no time attempt to pro-
duce failure at exactly 3.2 mm diameter by allowing the thread to
reach 3.2 mm, then reducing the rate of rolling or the hand pres-
sure! or both, while continuing the rolling without further
deformation until the thread falls apart. It is permissible, *
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* limit. With these soils, the thread breaks into a series of
barrel-shaped segments about 3.2 to 9.5 mm (1/8 to 3/8 in.) in
PI = LL - PL *
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* where
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
Zu Aug 86
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index
to the nearest whole number and omitting the percent designation.
If the liquid limit or plastic limit is equal to or greater than
the liquid limit, report the soil as nonplastic, NP,
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Auq 86
Standard Methods. When material is to be prepared by
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 8 6
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
I I .
r 1/2 P A R T - 1 /2 P A R T
I .
. I I
. .
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
a. General.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* (2)
Specimen improperly prepared. The specimens must
be thoroughly mixed and be permitted to cure for a sufficient
period before testing. Erroneous results may be caused by the
loss of colloidal material when removing particles coarser than
the No. 40 sieve or by testing air-dried or oven-dried soils.
Worn parts of liquid limit device, especially at
point of contact between the cup and the base or worn tip of
grooving tool.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Aug 86
For use of this form, see EM 11 lC&2-1906.
RUN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Symbol from
plasticity chart
1 A
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix III
Change 2
20 Auq. 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IIIA
Change 2
20 /Jug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IIIA
Change 2
20 Aug 86
wN = water content
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IIIA
Change 2
23 Aug 86
* For those soils having an average slope of the liquid limit
flow line of tan fi = 0.121,t the equation LL = K(WN) may be used
where K = a factor given in Table 1. The liquid limit is the
average of the two trial liquid limit values.
Number of Drops Factor for Liquid Limit
20 0.974
21 0.979
22 0.985
23 0.990
24 0.995
25 1.000
26 1.005
27 1.009
28 1.014
29 1.018
30 1.022
E M 1440-2-1906
30 Nov 70
g* Steel straightedge.
h. Balances, (1) sensitive to O.Oi g, and (2) sensitive to 0.1 g.
i. Oven (see Appendix I, WATER CONTENT - G E N E R A L ) .
3. PREPARATXON OF MATERIAL. Approximately 30 g of soil shall be
obtained from the thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing the
No. 40 sieve. The material to be used in the test should be prepared in
IIIB - 1
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix IIIB -.
30 Nov 70
I 1/16 ti 3 X 3 G L A S S
R A D I U S = 0.54
l/B DlAM\_
IIIB - 2
EM ii10-2-1906
Appendix IIIB
30 Nov 70
the same manner as that described for the liquid limit test.
4. PROCEDURE. The procedure shall consist of the following steps:
a. Record all identifying information for the specimen on a data
sheet; see Plate IIIB-i for suggested form.
b. Place the specimen in the evaporating dish and mix it thor-
oughly with distilled water. The amount of water added shall be sufficient
to make the soil wet enough to be readily worked into the shrinkage dish
without inclusion of air bubbles. The amount of water required to give
friable soils the desired consistency is equal to or slightly greater than
the liquid limit; the amount necessary to g i v e plastic soils the desired
consistency may exceed the liquid limit as much as i0 percent.
c. Coat the inside surface of the shrinkage dish with a thin layer
of petroleum jelly or similar compound to prevent the soil from adhering
to the dish. Place an amount of the wetted soil equal to about one-third the
volume of the dish in the center of the dish and tap the dish on a firm sur-
face, causing the soil to flow to the outer edges, Continue tapping the dish
until all air bubbles are eliminated from the soil. Repeat this step for
two more layers. The final layer shall fill the dish completely, with some
excess soil allowed to stand above the rim of the dish. Strike off the ex-
cess soil with a straightedge and remove all soil adhering to the outside
of the dish.
cl. Weigh the full dish of soil immediately and record the weight
on the data sheet as the weight of dish and wet soil. Allow the soil pat to
air-dry until a definite color change takes place and then oven-dry it to a
constant weight, Record the oven-dried weight as the weight of the dish
and dry soil. Determine and record the weight of the empty dish.
e. Determine the volume of the shrinkage dish by filling the dish
to overflowing with mercury,t removing the excess by pressing a glass
E M j110-2-1906
Appendix IIIB
30 Nov 70
plate firmly over the top of the dish, and weighing the amount of mercury
required to completely fill the dish. The weight of the mercury divided
by its density (i3.53 g per cc) equals the volume of the inside of the
shrinkage dish. Record the volume of the shrinkage dish, which is equal
to the volume of the wet soil pat.
f. Place the glass cup in the evaporating dish and fill it with
mercury to overflowing. Remove the excess mercury by placing the glass
plate with the three metal prongs firmly over the cup; take care not to
trap air under the plate. Empty the excess mercury from the evaporating
dish and remove all mercury adhering to both the glass cup and the
evaporating dish with a brush.
w =-Jx ioo
v - vs
SL = W-
C wS
x 400
where SL = shrinkage limit
w = water content of wet soil pat when placed in shrinkage
dish, expressed as a percentage of the weight of oven-
dried soil (see paragraph 2)
v = volume of wet soil pat, cc
weight of displaced mer-
cury in evaporating dish
vs = specific gravity of mer-
= volume of oven-dried soil pat, cc
cury (13.53 g per cc)
ws = weight of oven-dried soil pat, g
Ls l ioo (i - Q&)
E M 1jjO-2-4906
Appendix IIIB
30 .Nov 70
EM lliO-2-i906
Appendix IIIB
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IIIB
30 Nov 70 -.
IIIB - 8
EM H&2-i906
30 Nov 70
that the bottom of the meniscus is even with the calibration mark on
the neck of the fJask. Thoroughly dry the outside of the flask
and re-
move any water adhering to the inside of the neck above the graduation;
then weigh the flask and water to the nearest 0.01 g. Immediately after
weighing, shake the flask gently and determine the temperature of the
water to the nearest 0.i C by immersing a thermometer to the middepth
of the flask.
(2) Repeat the procedure outlined in step (i) at approxi-
mately the same temperature. Then make two more determinations, one
at room temperature and the other at approximately 5 degrees less than
room temperature.
(3) Draw a calibration curve showing the relation between
temperature and corresponding weights of the flask plus water. Prepare
a calibration curve for each flask used for specific gravity determinations
and maintain the curves as a permanent record. A typical calibration
EM IilO-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
15 20 &REES 20
EM ii10-2-i706
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
this purpose. The length of time that vacuum should be applied will de-
pend on the type of .soil being tested. Soils of high plasticity and organic t
soils usually require 6 to 8 hr; some soils may require less time for re-
moval of air but this should be verified by experimentation. To ensure
continuous boiling, the temperature of the flask and contents may be ele-
vated somewhat above room temperature by immersing in a water bath at
approximately 35 C. Alternatively, entrapped air may be removed by
boiling$ the suspension gently for at least 10 min while occasionally roll-
ing the flask to assist in the removal of air The boiling process should
be observed closely as loss of material may occur. Allow flask and con-
tents to cool, preferably overnight, before filling and checking.
(d) Fill the flask with deaired distilled water to about
3/4 in. below the 500-cc graduation and apply a vacuum slightly less than
that which will cause vigorous boiling (as vigorous boiling may result in
a loss of solids). To determine if the suspension is desired, slowly re-
lease the.vacuum and observe the lowering of the water surface in the
neck of the flask. If the water surface is lowered less than I/8 in., the
suspension can be considered sufficiently deaired.
(e) Fill the flask until the bottom of the meniscus is
coincident with the calibration line on the neck of the flask. Thoroughly
dry the outside of the flask and remove the moisture on the inside of the
neck by wiping with a paper towel. Weigh the flask and contents to the
nearest 0.01 g. Immediately after weighing, stir the suspension to assure
uniform temperature, and determine the temperature of the suspension
to the nearest 0.1 C by immersing a thermometer to the middepth of the
EM 1110-2-4906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70 -
EM 1410-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
(2) Weight of tare plus dry soil in grams. The tare weight
_&J subtracted from this value to obtain the weight of dry soil, Ws. The
specific gravity of solids is computed to two decimal places by the
G = ws K- W
ws + wbw bws
K = correction factor based on the density of water at 20 C (see
Table IV-i). Unless otherwise required, specific gravity
values reported shall be based on water at 20 c.
= weight of flask plus water at test temperature .in grams (ob-
tained from calibration curve as shown in Figure 1).
E M 1310:2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
E M iilO-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
- Computations. The following quantities are obtained by
direct weighing:
(i) W e i g h t o f tare plus oven-dried soil in grams. The tare
weight is subtracted from this value to obtain the weight of dry soil, A,
on the data sheet.
( 2 ) W e i g h t o f tare plus saturated surface-dry soil in grams.
The tare weight is subtracted from this value to obtain the weight of satu-
rated surface-dry soil, B.
(3) Weight of wire basket plus saturated soil in water in
grams. The weight of wire basket in water is subtracted from this value
to obtain the weight of saturated soil in water, C.
The apparent specific gravity is computed to two decimal
places by the formula:
G =&
K = correction factor based on the density of water at 20 C (see
Table IV-i).
The bulk specific gravity is computed to two decimal places
by the formula:
G Z&
m B - C
70 passing No. 4 sieve + 7o retained on No. 4 sieve
S a
E M IiiO-2-i906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
flask and contents. Since the computation of the specific gravity of solids
is based on a difference in weights which is small in comparison with the
weights themselves, the same balance should be used for calibrating the
volumetric flask and for determining the specific gravity whenever the
calibration curve is used.
(2) Temperature of flask and contents not uniform. Both in
calibrating the flask and determining the specific gravity, utmost care
should be taken to insure that measured temperatures are representative
of the flask and contents during the times when the weighings are made.
(3) Flask not clean. The calibration curve will not remain
valid if dirt accumulation changes the weight of the flask. Also, if the in-
side of the neck is not clean, an irregular meniscus may form,
(4) Moisture on outside of flask or inside of neck. When
calibrating the flask for a temperature lower than room temperature,
there is a tendency for condensation to form on the flask despite careful
drying and rapid weighing. Whenever possible, weighing should be done at
approximately the same temperature as that of the flask.
(5) Meniscus not coincident with mark on neck of flask. One
drop of water too much makes an error of approximately 0.05 g. This
error can be minimized by taking the average of several readings at the
same temperature. When the suspension is opaque, a strong light behind
the neck is helpful in seeing the bottom of the meniscus.
(6) Use of water containing dissolved solids. It is essential
that distilled or demineralized water be used exclusively to insure the
continued validity of the flask calibration curve.
(7) Incomplete removal of entrapped air from soil suspension.
This is the most serious source of error in the specific gravity deter-
mination and will tend to lower the computed specific gravity. The sus-
pension must be thoroughly evacuated or boiled and the absence of
entrapped air verified as described in paragraph 2z(i)(d). (It should be
noted that air dissolved in the water will not affect the results, so it is not
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 70
necessary to apply vacuum to the flask when calibdating or after filling the
flask to the calibration mark.)
(8) Gain in moisture of oven-dried s ecimen before weighing.
If the specimen is oven-dried before the specific ravity determination, it
must be protected against a gain in moisture unti I it can be weighed and
placed in the flask.
(9) Loss of material from oven-dri4 d specimen. If the
specimen is oven-dried and weighed before being placed in the flask, any
loss of material will lower the computed specific gravity.
- Apparent and Bulk Specific Gravity. (1) Loss of moisture
from saturated surface-dry particles before weighing. Unless the satu-
rated surface-dry material is weighed promptly, evaporation may cause
an increase in the computed bulk specific gravity,
(2) Failure to correct for the change in density of water with
temperature. This correction is often overlooked when computing either
the apparent or bulk specific gravity.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IV
30 Nov 7t
'roJect-- _ _
mlnij NL _ .~
re basket
-. + ~011) I
Computed by Checked by
EM IiiO-Z-i906
3 0 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906 -
Appendix V
Change 2
20 Aug 86
Syntron machines; there appears to be no significant differences in the
resultsobtained among these machines.t
(3) Balances, sensitive to 0.i g for samples weighing less
than 500 g, and to i.0 g for samples weighing over 500 g.
(4) Paintbrush, 1 in., or soft wire brush, for cleaning sieves.
(5) Sample splitter or riffle for dividing samples.
(6) Mortar and rubber-covered pestle, for breaking up
aggregations of soil particles.
(7) Oven, similar to that described in Appendix 1, WATER
C. Preparation of Sample.* The material to be treated is first air-
dried, after which the aggregations present in the sample are thoroughly
broken up with the fingers or with the mortar and pestle. A representative
sample is then obtained by dividing, using the sample splitter or riffle.
The size of the sample to be used will depend on the maximum particle -
size in the sample and the requirement that the sample be representative
of the material to be tested. The sample should be limited .in weight so
that no sieve in the series will be overloaded. Overloading of a sieve will
result in incomplete separation with errors in the test. The following
tabulation will be used as a guide in obtaining a minimum-weight sample:
3 in. 64,000 g
2 in. 19,000 g
l-l/2 in. 8,000 g
1 in. 2,400 g
3/4 in. 1,000 g
112 in. 300 g
3/8 in. 150 g
No. 4 50 g *
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
EM IiIO-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
particles, to a combined set of No. 4 and No. 200 sieves. Care should be
taken not to overload the No. 200 sieve; if necessary, transfer the sample
in increments. Wash the sample thoroughly through the sieves, discarding
the material passing the No. 200 sieve. Larger particles in the sample
may be individually washed and removed from the sieves.
(e) Oven-dry the combined material retained on the No. 4
and the No. 200 sieves and, after the sample has cooled, weigh. Record on
the data sheet in the Weight Retained in grams column the difference
between the original oven-dry weight aad the oven-dry weight after wash-
ing. Use the washed sample for the remainder of the analysis.
( f) Select a nest of sieves suitable to the soil being
tested. The choice of sieves usually depends on experience and judgment,
and the use for which the grain-size curve is intended. Select as the top
sieve. one with openings
slightly larger than the
diameter of the largest
particle in the sample.
Arrange the nest of
sieves according to size
as shown in Figure i,
with decreasing open-
Figure 1. Arrangement of sieves for grain-size
ings from top to bottom.
Attach the bottom pan
to the bottom of the smallest sieve used. Place the sample on the top
sieve of the nest as shown in Figure 2 and put the cover plate over the top
(g) Place the nest of sieves in the shaking machine as
shown in Figure 3 and shake them for i0 min, more or less, or until addi-
tional shaking does not produce appreciable changes in the amounts of
material on each sieve. If a shaking machine is not available, the nest of
sieves may be shaken by hand. In the hand operation, shake the nest of
E M 11~0-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
EM iIiO-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
(d) If the sample has not been washed during the pre-
liminary treatment, process the material passing the No. 4 sieve accord-
ing to paragraphs 2d( i)(b) through 2d(
- I)( i). If the material has been
washed as part of the preliminary treatment, proceed with paragraphs
2cJ I)(d) through 2$ i)( i), except that the material passing the No. 200
sieve in paragraph 2d(f)(d) should be oven-dried and weighed. This
weight is added to the oven-dry w,eight of the plus No. 200 material to ob-
tain the total weight of sample.
e. Computations. The percentage of material by weight retained
on the various sieves is computed as follows:
If the sample has been split on the No. 4 sieve during preliminary treat-
ment and the air-dried coarser fraction sieved independently, the percent
retained for the coarser fraction is computed as follows:
Similarly, for the finer fraction when oven-dry weights are used:
EM IijO-2-*906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
on the individual sieve from the cumulative percent finer than the next
larger sieve.
EM .lIiO-2-4906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
- Apparatus. The apparatus should consist of the following:
(i) Hydrometer, calibrated at 20/20 C (68/68 F), graduated
in specific gravity or grams per liter with a range of 0.995 to i.040 and
0 to 50, respectively. The accuracy of the specific gravity hydrometer
shall be l O.OOI and of the
gram-per-liter hydrome-
ter, *I.
(2) Dispersion
apparatus, either of two
types may be used:
(a) A me-
chanically operated stirring
device in which a suitably DETAILS Of BAFFLE
mounted electric motor turns
a vertical shaft at a speed
of not less than 10,000 rpm
without load. The shaft shall
be equipped with a replace-
able stirring paddle of metal,
plastic, or hard rubber. De-
-l- ,\ ROM
EM 1140-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
EM lllO-2- 1906
Appendix V
Change 2
ZU Aug 86
water content and tested without first being oven-dried, the dry weight either
being obtained after the hydrometer analysis or computed according to
the formula:
weight of wet soil
Dry weight of specimen =
water content
ws= w
i t o.oi w
w having been determined on an untested portion of the sample.
Furthermore, if samples are dried and weighed before the test, any loss
of material during the test will affect the results.
f. Dispersing Agent. Very fine soil grains in a suspension nor-
mally will tend to flocculate, i.e. to adhere with sufficient force that they
settle together. Consequently, a dispersing agent to pr ev ent flocculation
of the soil grains during the test should be added to all samples. The fol-
lowing dispersing agents, listed in approximate order of effectiveness,
have been found to be satisfactory for most types of soi1s.f
Stock Solution
Concen- g Per
Dispersing Agents tration liter Manufacturer
1 Sodium tripolyphosphate 0.4 N 29 Blockson Chem. Co.,
Joliet, Ill.
2 Sodium polyphosphate 0.4 N 36 Blockson Chem. Co.,
Joliet, Ill.
3 Sodium tetraphosphate 0.4 N 3i Rumford Chem. Works,
(trade name Quadrafos) Rumford, R. I.
* 4 Sodium Hexametaphosphate 0.4 N 41 Most laboratory
(sometimes called sodium chemical supply c OS .
metaphosphate) adjusted to
pH8-9 with Na2C03
The chemical product Calgon available in grocery stores shall not be used
as a dispersing agent as it no longer contains sodium hexametaphosphate.
Sodium silicate shall not be used as a dispersing agent since it gives un-
satisfactory dispersion while at the same time permitting flocculation to a
t A. M. Wintermyer and E. B. Kinter, A study of dispersing agents for
particle-size analysis of soils, Public Roads, vol. 28, No. 3 (August
1954), pp 55-62.
EM i1i0-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70 -.
EM IilO-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
the dispersing agent at this time. Allow the sample to soak overnight or
until all soil lumps have disintegrated. Highly organic soils require special
treatment, and it may be necessary to oxidize the organic matter in order to
perform a hydrometer analysis on these soils. Oxidation is accomplished
by mixing the sample with a solution of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; this
solution will oxidize all the organic matter. If only small amounts of or-
ganic matter are present, treatment with hydrogen peroxide may be omitted.
(5) Transfer the soil-water slurry from the dish to a dispersion
cup (Fig. 5), washingt any residue from the dish with distilled or deminer-
alized water. Add distilled water to the dispersion cup, if necessary, until
the water surface is 2 or 3 in. below the top of the cup; if the cup contains
too much water, it will splash out while mixing. Place the cup in the dispers-
ing machine and disperse the suspension for i to i0 min. The lower the plas-
ticity of the soil the shorter the time required to disperse it in the cup.*
(6) Transfer the suspension into a iOOO-ml sedimentation
cylinder and add distilled or d.emineralized water until the volume of the
uspension equals iOO0 ml. The suspension should be brought to the tem-
perature expected to prevail during the test.
(7) One minute before starting the test, take the graduate in
one hand and, using the palm of the other hand or a suitable rubber cap as
a stopper, shake the suspension vigorously for a few seconds in order to
transfer the sediment on the bottom of the graduate into a uniform suspen-
sion. Continue the agitation for the remainder of the minute by turning the
cylinder upside down and back. Sometimes it is necessary to loosen the
EM 1110-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
E M IIIO-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
settle on or adhere to the hydrometer bulb and this will cause a significant
error in the reading,) Again insert the hydrometer in the suspension and
record readings after elapsed times of 4, 45, 30, 60, i20,t 240, and i440
min, removing the hydrometer from the suspension after each reading and
placing it in a graduate of clean water. Make all hydrometer readings at
t A final reading after i20 min is sufficient for most soils when hydrom-
eter analysis is used for classification purposes.
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendi* V
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
1. Presentation of Results. The data obtained from the hydrom-
eter analysis are presented in the form of a grain-size distribution curve
on a semilogarithmic chart, as shown in Plate V-2.
4. COMBINED ANALYSIS. a. Description. A combined analysis is
necessary for soils containing material finer than the U. S. Standard No. 200
sieve when the grain-size distribution of the material passing the No. 200
sieve is of interest. A sieve analysis is performed on the material re-
tained on the No. 200 sieve, and a hydrometer test is performed on the
material passing the No. 200 sieve.
b. Apparatus. The apparatus for the combined analysis is the
same as that used for both the hydrometer and sieve analyses.
C. Preparation of Sample. A representative sample for the
combined analysis is selected and prepared in the manner described in
pa rag raph 25 The total amount of sample should be sufficient to yield
required amounts of material for both the sieve and hydrometer analyees.
A visual inspection of the sample will usually suffice to indicate the need
for intermediate steps such as large screen processing for the plus No. 4
fraction, washing, etc. Samples of soils having fines with little or no
plasticity are oven-dried, weighed, and then separated on the No. 200
sieve. The plus and minus No. 200 sieve fractions are preserved for the
sieve and hydrometer analyses, respectively.
Soils containing plastic fines may also be oven-dried initially.
However, if the sample contains plastic fines which tend to form hard
lumps or to coat the coarser particles during oven-drying, the sample is
placed in a pan filled with enough water to cover all the material and
allowed to soak until all the lumps or coatings have been reduced to indi-
vidual particles. The length of time required for soaking will vary from
2 to 24 hr, depending in general on the amount and plasticity of the fines,
The water and soil mixture is then washed over a No. 200 sieve (and No. 4
sieve, if necessary), The coarser fractions are preserved for a sieve
analysis, and the soil and water passing the No. 200 sieve are preserved
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix V
Change 2
20 Aug 86
wl = dry weight of sample retained on No. 200 sieve
= total dry weight of sample used for combined analysis
(2) Compute the data from the sieve analysis in the same
manner as outlined in paragraphs 2i(l) and 2i(2), except that the percent
retained for each sieve shall be based only on that portion of the total
material used for the sieve analysis. As the amount of material used in
the sieve analysis may be less than WI, it will be necessary to compute
E M 11iO-2-1906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
in terms of particle diameter and total percent finer by weight are pre-
sented in the form of grain-size distribution curves on a semilogarithmic
chart as shown in Plate V-2. The curves obtained from the sieve and hy-
drometer analyses are joined by constructing a smooth curve between them.
5. PR%EDURES F O R P R E P A R I N G C L A Y S H A L E M A T E R I A L . T h e p r o -
cedures for preparing clay shale material shall be the same as those de-
scribed in paragraph 4, page III- 14, Appendix III, LIQUID AND PLASTIC
LIMITS. Material for a particle-size distribution test should be removed
from a processed batch and the test performed in accordance with the
procedures described in this appendix. However, the material should not
be oven-dried before testing, and the hydrometer analysis should be of
duration sufficient to determine the percent finer than 2-p size.
4. POSSIBLE ERRORS. Following are possible errors that would cause
inaccurate determinations of grain-size distribution:
a. Sieve Analysis. (i) Aggregations of particles not thoroughly
broken. If the material contains plastic fines, the sample should be slaked
-before sieving.
(2) Overloading sieves. This is the most common and most
serious error associated with the sieve analysis and will tend to indicate
that a material is coarser than it actually is. Large samples may have to
be sieved in several portions, and the portions retained on each sieve re-
combined afterwards for weighing.
(3) Sieves shaken for too short a period or with inadequate
horizontal or jarring motions. The sieves must be shaken so that each
particle is exposed to the sieve openings with various orientations and has
every opportunity to fall through.
(4) Broken or deformed sieve screens. Sieves must be fre-
quently inspected to ensure they contain no openings larger than the
(5) Loss of material when removing soil from each sieve.
- Hydrometer Analysis. (1) Soil oven-dried before test. Except
EM i410-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 70
for inorganic soils of low dry strength, oven-drying may cause permanent
changes in the particle sizes.
(2) Unsatisfactory type or quantity of dispersing agent.
Whenever new or unusual soils are tested, trials may be necessary to de-
termine the type and quantity of chemical which gives the most effective
dispersion and deflocculation.
(3) Incomplete dispersion of. soil into suspension.
(4) Insufficient shaking or agitating of suspension in cylinder
at start of test.
(5) Too much soil in suspension. The results of the hy-
drometer analysis will be affected if the size of the sample exceeds the
recommendations given in paragraph 3e.
(6) Disturbance of suspension while inserting or removing
hydrometer. Such disturbance is most likely to result when the hy-
drometer is withdrawn too rapidly after a reading.
(7) Stem of hydrometer not clean. Dirt or on the
stem may prevent full development of the meniscus.
(8) Nonsymmetrical heating of suspension,
(9) Excessive variation in temperature of suspensionduring test.
(IO) Loss of material after test. If the oven-dry weight of the
soil is obtained after the test, all of the suspension must be washed care-
fully from the cylinder.
C. Combined Analysis. (I) I n s u f f i c i e n t w a s h i n g o f m a t e r i a l
over the No. 200 sieve. The dispersing agent should be added to the water
in which the sample is soaked and the soil-water mixture should be fre-
quently manipulated to aid the separation of particles; coarser particles
may be removed from the mixture and washed free of fines by hand to re-
duce the quantity of material to be washed on the sieve. While the addi-
tional water used for washing should be held to a minimum, enough must
be added to insure adequate removal of the fines.
(2) ~0s~ of suspension passing the No. 200 s i e v e .
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 AUCI 86
* is no greater than 0.200 in. in diameter per foot of mold height.
Capacities and dimensions of the molds shall be as follows:
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 PUg 86
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* end and space 90 deg apart. The minimum diameter of the vent
holes shall be 3/8 in. Additional vent holes or slots may be
incorporated in the guidesleeve if desired. Figure 2 illustrates
a typical manual rammer.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 hug 86
* ('9) Sample splitter or riffle for dividing the
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* the soil types encountered at a given project to verify that
there is no differences in results. If differences in results do
appear, a procedure that reflects the actual field conditions
must be adopted for both design and construction control testing.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* container until ready fo'rprocessing at different water contents
for compaction.
C. Procedure.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* moisture is readily absorbed, storage is not necessary. For most
other soils a minimum curing time of 16 hr is usually adequate.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
the surface even with the top of the mold by means of a straight-
edge. Any cavities formed by large particles being pulled out
should be carefully patched with material from the trimmings.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Auq 86
* til Remove the compacted specimen from the mold,
and slice it vertically through the center. Take a representa-
tive specimen of the material from each of the two parts and
determine the water content of each (see Appendix I, WATER
CONTENT - GENERAL). The water content specimens shall weigh not
less than 100 g. Alternatively, the entire compaction specimen
may be used for the water content determination. In this case,
the wet weight of specimen for use in computing water content
should be redetermined after the specimen is extruded from the
compaction mold as some loss of material may occur during trans-
fer of the specimen._
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* required for each compacted sample will be equivalent to about
5,500 g of oven-dry material.
d. Computations.
= initial water content of material (after air-drying)
w; lw - woI
ww = 100
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
(a) Weight of compaction mold plus wet soil. The
weight of the compaction mold is subtracted from this value to
obtain the weight of the soil, W .
ws = W
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* dry density, and this value shall be recorded to the nearest
0.1 lb per cu ft.
(2) Air voids curves. The zero air voids curve (see
example in Figure 4) represents the dry density and water content
of a soil completely saturated
with water. The zero air voids
and 90 percent saturation curves
shall be shown with the compac-
tion curve in Plate VI-2. Data
for plotting these curves for :.
soils with different specific :
gravities are given in 9
Table VI-l. The specific gravity
of the soil used in the compac-
tion test shall be determined in
Figure 4. Determination of
3. MODIFIED COMPACTION TEST. maximum density and opti-
mum water content
The modified compaction test dif-
fers from the standard test in that
a greater compactive effort is used which results in higher
maximum densities and lower optimum water contents. The appara-
tus, preparation of sample, and procedure are the same as those
used in the standard compaction test, with the following
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Au9 86
* b. Procedure. The soil shall be compacted in five layers
of equal thickness. The number of blows per layer shall be the
same as for the standard compaction test: 25 blows per layer in
the 4.0-in.-diameter mold, and 56 blows per layer in the 6.0-in.-
diameter mold. The computations and presentation of results
shall be the same as those used in the standard compaction test.
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 Aug 86
* C. Soil reused. Since some soils are affected by recom-
paction, fresh material must be used for each specimen. Recom-
paction tends to increase the maximum dry unit weight of some
clays and, therefore, decrease the apparent optimum water
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VI
Change 2
20 iiug 86
* should not exceed about 1/4 in., and care should be taken that
each layer is nearly equal in weight.
EM iiiO-2-i906
Change 2
20 kl0 Wj
EM $liO-2-i906
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
VIA- 3
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
VIA- 5
EM ii10-2-1906
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
t2-in. sizes replaced with sizes ranging from the 2-in. to the No. 4 sizes.
Typical results are tabulated in Plate VIA- 1. A typical as-received
gradation and test gradation is shown in Plate VIA-2.
5. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. In materials of a heterogeneous
nature, such as mixtures of sandstones, siltstones, and shale, the large
particles may be siltstone or sandstone, while the smaller size particles
may be shale. For materials of this type, when particles larger than the
2-in. sieve sizes are removed for preparation of the test specimen, re-
placement must be made using the same types of materials scalped
off, or removed. For example, oversize sandstone particles must be
removed and replaced, where applicable, with smaller particles of
6. PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN. 2. Prepare 130 lb of proc-
essed air-dried material for the test specimen by combining the weight
of material required from each sieve size (refer to typical work sheet,
Plate VIA- 1).
-b. Thoroughly mix the material for the test specimen with a
measured quantity of water sufficient to produce a water content 4 or 5
percentage points below the estimated optimum water content of the en-
tire sample. This can be determined only by judgment and experience.
c. Store the moistened sample in an airtight container for a
minimum of 16 hr.
G* Prepare material for at least four additional test specimens
by repeating steps in paragraphs 65 through 6c_. Increase the water con-
tent of each specimen by approximately 2 percentage points over that of
the previous specimen.
7. C O M P A C T I O N PRO.CEDURE. -a. Weigh the compaction mold to
the nearest 0.1 lb, determine its inside volume to the nearest 0.001 cu ft,
and record the data.
-b. Attach the collar to the compactor mold, clamp the mold se-
curely to the baseplate and place the assembly on a level, rigid foundation
VIA- 6
E M iiIO-2-f906
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
made of a concrete cube having a total weight of at least 200 lb. This
concrete foundation should not be covered with a rnetal plate.
C. Mix the cured material thoroughly to attain a uniform water
- Place a sufficient quantity of the test specimen in the mold to
give a compacted layer between 4.0 and 4.5 in. thick. Compact each layer
by applying 440 uniformly distributed blows of the rammer, with the
11.5-lb weight falling freely from a height of 24.0 in compact three
equal layers in this manner, taking care to seat the rammer face flush
with the soil surface before each blow and to keep the rammer assembly
vertical during testing. Use just enough material to finish with less than
1 -in. of sample protruding above the top of mold.
- Detach the extension collar, taking ca:re not to disturb the soil
mass extending above the top of the mold. Trim the surface exactly even
with the top of the mold. Fill any cavities formed by removal of particles
during trimming with material from the trimrnings and press this filling
material firmly into place. Clean excess material from the lip of the mold.
f. Weigh the mold and compacted specimen to the nearest 0.1 lb
and record the data.
VIA- 7
EM IiiO-2-i906
Appendix VIA -
30 Nov 70
Water content, W, % = + X dO0
W = wet weight of total specimen minus its oven-dry weight (lb)
WI = oven-dry weight of specimen (lb)
&* Compute the dry unit weight of each compacted specimen as
Dry unit weight, y, pcf = -$
VIA- 8
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
-0 eliminate the need for triming away the excess amterial extending into
method, the volume of the empty collar above the top of the mold and the
volume of the collar partially filled with the protruding specimen. The
entire specimen without trimming the excess and determine the moist
unit weight.
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
LA0. N O . _
8 7. 0 1
Td-lN. DROP. OIAMETER O F ,,,O,_O =&,,,.
MOOlFlE3 _
EM il40-2-i906
Appendix VIA
30 Nov 70
E M iiiO-2-1906
30 Nov 70
q = kiA
0 -
h =h/L
.-* *:.*.*.
. .
. A.
. . .
. . . . .
. . . .
VII- 1
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
EM ii40-2-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
ho h
k = z in- = *.s~s 5 i09,~*
hf f
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
the constant-head test, except that the head of water is not maintained
constant but is permitted to fall within the upper part of the specimen
container or in a standpipe directly connected to the specime-n. The quan-
tity of water flowing through the specimen is determined indirectly by
computation. The falling-head test is generally used for less pervicus
soils (fine sands to fat clays) with k values less than IO X IOw4 cm
per sec.
b. Equipment.
- The apparatus used for permeability testing may
vary considerably in detail depending primarily on the condition and
character of the sample to be tested. Whether the sample is fine-grained
or coarse-grained, undisturbed, remolded, or compacted, saturated or
nonsaturated will influence the type of apparatus to be employed. The
basic types of apparatus, grouped according to the type of specimen con-
tainer (permeameter), are as follows:
(4) Permeameter cylinders
(2) Sampling tubes
(3) Pressure cylinders
(4) Consolidometers
The permeability of remolded cohesionless soils is determined in
permeameter cylinders, while the permeability of undisturbed cohesion-
less soils in a vertical direction can be determined using the sampling
tube as a permeameter. The permeability of remolded cohesionless soils
is generally used to approximate the permeability of undisturbed cohesion-
less soils in a horizontal direction. Pressure cylinders and consolidome-
ters are used for fine-grained soils in the remolded, undisturbed, or
compacted state. Fine-grained soils can be tested with the specimen
oriented to obtain the permeability in either the vertical or horizontal di-
rection. The above-listed devices are described in detail under the
individual test procedures. Permeability tests,utilizing the different types
of apparatus, together with recommendations regarding their use, are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
EM ii10-2-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
- =
EM itlO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
Piezometer taps along the side of the permeameter within limits to be oc-
cupied by the sample are advantageous in that the head loss within the
sample is always measured across a fixed distance and rapid determina-
tion of hydraulic gradient can be made.
(2) Perforated metal or plastic disks and circular wire
screens, 35 to 400 mesh, cut for a close fit inside the permeameter. .
(3) Glass tubing, rubber or plastic tubing, stoppers, screw
clamps, etc., necessary to make connections as shown in Figure 3a.
(4) Filter materials such as Ottawa sand, coarse sand, and
gravel of various gradations.
(5) A device for maintaining a constant-head water supply.
(6) Deaired distilledt water. Tapwater contains dissolved
air and gases which separate from solution in the initial layers of a test
specimen of soil in the form of small bubbles. These bubbles reduce the
permeability of the soil by decreasing the void space available for the
flow of water. The most common method for removing dissolved air
from water is by boiling the water and then cooling it at reduced pres-
sures. This method is applicable oniy with small quantities of water.
Freshly distilled water also has a very negligible amount of air. Large
quantities of deaired distilled water may be prepared and retained for
subsequent use by spraying distilled water in a fine stream into a con-
tainer from which the air has been evacuated (see Fig. 4). Permeability
tests on saturated specimens should show no significant decrease in
permeability with time if properly desired distilled water is used. How-
ever, if such a decrease in permeability occurs during a test, then a pre-
filter, consisting of a layer of the same material as the test specimen,
should be used between the deaired distilled water reservoir and the test
specimen to remove the air remaining in solution. $
t Demineralized water or tapwater when it is known to be relatively free
of minerals may be used in place of distilled water.
$ G. E. Bertram, An Experimental Investigation of Protective Filters,
Soil Mechanics Series No. 7, Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.,
January i940, reprinted May i959).
VII- 6
EM liiO-2-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
W A T E R RESkRV0lf.l
T O T E S T S P E C I M E N -
E M 3110-2-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
EM ii10-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
EM iiI0-2-1906
Appendix VII -
30 Nov 70
i iiiiii A t
10 100
E M 11iO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70 I
- Apparatus. The apparatus and accessory equipment should
consist of the following:
(I) A permeameter cylinder similar to that shown schemat-
ically in Figure 3b, or modified versions thereof. The permeameter
cylinder should be constructed of a transparent plastic material. The in-
side diameter of the cylinder should be not less than about IO times the
diameter of the largest soil particles. The use of two piezometer taps, as
shown by Figure 3b, conn.ected to a standpipe and discharge level tube
eliminates the necessity for taking into account the height of capillary rise
which would be necessary in the case of a single standpipe of small size.
The height of capillary rise for a given tube and condition can be mea-
sured simply by standing the tube upright in a beaker full of water. The
size of standpipe to be used is generally based on experience with the -
equipment used and soils tested. In order to accelerate testing, air pres-
sure may be applied to the standpipe to increase the hydraulic gradient.
(2) Perforated metal or plastic disks and circular wire
s c r e e n s , 35 to 100 mesh, cut for a close fit inside the permeameter.
(3) Glass tubing, rubber or plastic tubing, stoppers, screw
clamps, etc., necessary to make connections as shown in Figure 3b.
(4) Filter materials such as Ottawa sand, coarse sand, and
gravel of various gradations.
(5) Deaired distilled water, prepared according to para-
graph 3k(6).
(6) Manometer board or suitable scales for measuring levels
in piezometers or standpipe.
( 7 ) T i m i n g d e v i c e , a watch or clock with second hand.
( 8 ) C e n t i g r a d e t h e r m o m e t e r , range 0 to 50 C, accurate to 0.1 C.
( 9 ) B a l a n c e , sensitive to 0.1 g.
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
k = 2.303 ;+
VII-f 5
E M i110-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
VII-f 6
E M iiiO-2-i$O6
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
/ l_EVCL
--1---r--- 1 I. 0.
VII -18
E M IilO-2-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 7 0
VII- 49
E M iilOF2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
CM 1110-2-1906
\ppendix VII
30 Nov 70
E M iiiO-Z-i906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
net head on the specimen may be increased by use of air pressure; how-
ever, the pressure on the pore water should not exceed 25 to 30 percent
of the vertical pressure under which the specimen has consolidated. Dial
indicator readings are observed before and after consolidation to permit
computation of void ratios. The determination of the coefficient of perme-
ability may be made in conjunction with the consolidation test, in which
case the test is performed at the end of the consolidation phase under each
load increment. Computations are similar to those described for the
VII- 23
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix VII I
30 Nov 70
EM iilO-2-i906
Appendix V
30 Nov 7
~.- -_-~ _--._--- --- --. - -- -_ _______
._ --.-..--.~.. -----=
or Specimen No. -~--
oid ratio =
--~ .--.---
(1) Correction factor for vitxon1t.y of water at. 20 C obtained from table VII-l.
(2) km = hxAxt *
I JUN 65 3w PLATE VII- 1
E M iilO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
__ ~__
lo,laC 70 =el
E M iliO-2-1906
Appendix VII
30 Nov 70
P L A T E VII- 3
E M iliO-2-i906
30 Nov 70
VIII - 1
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70 -
r-l r I n
The various metal parts of the consolidometer shall be of the same non-
corrosive material. All-plastic or combination plastic and metal consoli-
dometers may also be used to reduce electrochemical effects. The con-
solidometer shall conform to the following requirements.
(3) Fixed-ring consolidometer shall have a rigid base with a
recess for supporting the bottom porous stone and for seating and attach-
ing the consolidation ring. The upper surface of therecess shall be
grooved to permit drainage. The base shall also have (a) an inundation
VIII - 2
EM iiiO-2-1906
A.ppendix VIII
30 Nov 70
EM IilO-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
shall be such as to prevent the squeezing out of soil through the clear-
ance spaces between the ring and stone and to permit free compression
of the specimen without binding; to
minimize the possibility of binding,
the sides of the upper porous stone
VIII - 4
EM i110-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70 -
indicator for each load. After the maximum load has been applied, the
loads are decreased in the same order as that in which they were applied,
and the dial indicator reading is again recorded. Since the deformations
are almost instantaneous, the effect of time can be ignored. The total
change in dial reading for each load is the correction to be applied to the
dial reading recorded during the consolidation test under that same load.
Generally, a single cycle will be sufficient for the calibration.
4. PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS. Specimens shall be prepared in a
humid room to prevent evaporation of soil moisture. Extreme care shall
be taken in preparing specimens of sensitive soils to prevent disturbance
of their natural structure. Specimens of relatively soft soils may be pre-
pared by progressive trimming in front of a calibrated, ring-shaped speci-
men cutter as shown in Figure 2 of Appendix II, UNIT WEIGHTS, VOID
specimens are prepared using the trimming turntable shown in Figure 4
herein; the procedure, based on the use of this equipment, shall be as -
-b. Place the specimen ring on the rotating wheel and the,specimen
on the ring, starting the bottom into the ring as shown in Figure 4. Use a
cutting tool to trim the specimen to .accurate dimensions, place a glass
E M 11iO-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
plate on top of the specimen, and gently force the specimen down during
the trimming operation. The specimen shou1.d fit snug in the consolidation
- Cut off the portion of the specimen remaining above the ring
with a wire saw or knife (or other convenient tool for harder specimens).
Extreme care must be taken for many soils, especially fissured clays, in
cutting off this portion. Carefully true the surface flush with the speci-
men ring with a straightedge. If a pebble is encountered in the surface,
remove it and fill the void with soil. Place a glass piate ( p r e v i o u s l y
weighed) over the ring and turn the specimen over.* Cut off the soil ex-
tending beyond the bottom of the ring in the same manner as that described
for the surface portion. Place another glass plate on this surface, and
again invert the specimen to an upright position, removing the metal disk
if one was used.
5. PROCEDURE. The procedure shall consist of the following steps:
- Record all identifying information for the specimen, such as
project number, boring number, and other pertinent data, on the data
sheet (Plate VIII-1 is a suggested form); note any difficulties encountered
in preparation of the specimen. Measure and record the height and cross-
sectional area of the specimen. Record weight of specimen ring and glass
plates. After specimen is prepared, record the weight of the specimen
plus tare (ring and glass plates), and from the soil trimmings obtain 200 g
of material for specific gravityt and water content determinations. Record
* It may be found convenient after the top surface has been prepared to
place over the specimen a circular metal plate, approximately 0.05 in.
thick and of the same diameter as the specimen, and force it down until
it is flush with the top of the ring. This provides a recess for the top
porous stone and prevents the specimen from squeezing out of the con-
solidation ring.
t It is recommended that a specific gravity test be made on representa-
tive material from every consolidation test specimen.
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70 -
the wet weight of the material used for the water content determination on
the data sheet.
!?* Fill the grooves in the base of the consolidometer with water.
Fit the porous stone (previously saturated with water) into the base of the
consolidometer. Add sufficient water so that the water level is at the top
of the porous stone. Place a moist filter paper (Whatman No. i or equal)
over the porous stone. (Be very careful to avoid entrapping any air during
the assembly operations .) Place the ring with the specimen therein on
top of the porous stone. If the fixed-ring consolidometer is used, secure
the ring to the base by means of clamps and screws.
C. Place a moist filter paper on top of the specimen, and then
place the previously saturated top porous stone and the loading plate in
-d. Place the consolidometer containing the specimen in the load-
ing device.
e. Attach the dial indicator support to the consolidometer, and -
adjust it so that the stem of the dial indicator is centered with respect to
the specimen. Adjust the dial indicator to permit the approximate maxi-
mum travel of the gage but still allow measurement of any swelling.
L Adjust the loading device until it just makes contact with the
specimen. The seating load should not exceed about 9.04 ton per sq ft.
g* Read the dial indicator, and record the reading on a data sheet
(Plate VIII-2 is a suggested form). This is the initial reading of the dial
& With the specimen assembled in the loading device, apply a
load of 0.25 ton per sq ft to the specimen and immediately inundate the
specimen by filling the volume within the inundation ring or the chamber
surrounding the sp.ecimen with water. If a fixed-ring device is used,
a low head of water should be applied to the base of the specimen and
maintained during the test by means of the standpipe. Place a
thermometer in the water, and record the temperature at 2-hr intervals.
VIII - 8
E M 1iiO-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
L Observe and record on the data sheet (Plate VIII-2) the defor-
mation as determined from dial indicator readings after various elapsed
times. Readings at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 15.0, and 30.0 min, and
1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hr for each load increment are usually satisfactory. A
timing device should be located near the consolidometer to insure accu-
rately timed measurements. Allow each load increment to remain on the
specimen for a minimum of 24 hr until it is determined that the primary
VIII - 9
E M itlO-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
VIII- 10
EM iliO-2-i906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
VIII - 11
E M ii10-2-1906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
tests shall be shown on the report forms, Plates VIII-3 and VIII-5. The
0.1 0.5 1 .o 5.0 10 20
P R E S S U R E , p, TONS/SC? FT
Figure 6. V o i d r a t i o - p r e s s u r e curve
VIII - 14
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
ei - e2
cc =
%~O P2 - log40 PI
E M 11iO-2-i906
Appendix VIII
30 Nov 70
Trimming must be done in the humid room with every care taken to mini-
mize the disturbance. Since the zone of disturbance caused by trimming
a given soil is essentially constant in depth, the effect of this zone can be
reduced by using a larger specimen.
- Specimen not completely filling ring. The volume of the
specimen must be exactly that of the consolidation ring, 0therwis.e there
will not be complete lateral confinement.
C. Galvanic action in consolidometer. To prevent changes in
the consolidation characteristics of the specimen due to galvanic currents,
all metal parts of the consolidometer should be of the same noncorrosive
material; it is preferable that all such parts be made of plastic.
A@pendix VIII
30 Nov 70
E M 1410-2-1906
Change 1
1 May 80
E M lllO-2-4906
Appendix VIIIA
Change 1
1 M&Xy 80
Smoothly ground porous stones should be used in the consolidometer
to minimize seating displacements. Filter paper should not be used
because it is compressible and contributes to displacements. The
equipment is calibrated and the sample prepared in the same manner
as described for the consolidation test.
2. S w e l l T e s t . (1) Record all identifying information for the
s p e c i m e n , such as project number, boring number, and other pertinent
data, on the data sheet (Plate VIII-J, p VIII-18, is a suggested form);
note any difficulties encountered in preparation of the specimen.
Measure and record the height and cross-sectional area of the
specimen. Record weight of specimen ring and glass plates. After
the specimen is prepared, record the weight of the specimen plus
tare (ring and glass plates), and from the soil trimmings obtain 200 g
of material for specific gravity and water content determinations.
Record the weight of the material used for the water content deter-
mination on the data sheet.
(2) Fit an air-dried, smoothly ground porous stone into
the base of a dry consolidometer. Place the ring with the specimen
therein on top of the porous stone. If the fixed-ring consolidometer
is used, secure the ring to the base by means of clamps and screws.
(3) Place the top air-dried, smoothly ground porous stone
and loading plate in position. The inside of the reservoir should be
moistened to promote a high-humidity environment. The reservoir
and loading plate should subsequently be covered with a sheet of
impervious material such as plastic film or moist paper towel to
inhibit loss of moisture.
(4) Place the consolidometer containing the specimen in
the loading device.
(5) Attach the dial indicator support to the consolidometer,
and adjust it so that the stem of the dial indicator is centered with
E M iiiO-2-1906
Appendix VIIIA
1 MaY 8lO
respect to the specimen. Adjust the dial indicator to allow for both
swell and consolidation measurements.
(6) Adjust the loading device until it just makes contact
with the specimen. The seating load should not exceed about 0.01 ton
per sq ft.
(7) Read the dial indicator and record the reading on a data
sheet (Plate VIII-2, p VIII-i9, is a suggested form). This is the
initial reading of the dial indicator.
(8) Depending on the particular design considerations, a
specific load (e.g. overburden plus design load) is applied to the speci-
men. After a period of at least 5 min but less than 30 min (to avoid
shrinkage from drying), record the dial reading on the data sheet
(Plate VIII-2) and inundate the specimen.
(9) Inundate the specimen by filling the reservoir, within the
inundation ring that surrounds the specimen, with water (distilled,
tap, or field pore water, actual or reconstituted). Cover with the
plastic films and moist paper towel or equivalent. If a fixed-ring
device is used, a low head of water should be applied to the base
of the specimen and maintained during the test by means of the
s andpipe.
(40) Observe and record on the data sheet (Plate VIII-2) the
deformation as determined from dial indicator readings after various
elapsed times. Readings at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 15.0, and
30.0 min, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, and 72 hr are usually satisfactory.
A timing device should be located near the consolidometer to ensure
accurately timed measurements. Allow the load increment to remain
on the specimen until it is determined that the primary swell is com-
pleted. Time to complete the primary swell of heavy clay soils and
clay shales often requires three or more days. Plot the dial reading
versus time data on a semilogarithmic plot as shown in Plate VIIIA-1
to ascertain the completion of primary swell. The completion of
E M iiiO-2-1906
Appendix VIIIA
Change 1
1 May 80
primary swell is arbitrarily defined as the intersection of the tangent
to the curve at the point of inflection, with the tangent to the straight-
line portion representing a secondary time effect as shown in Figure i.
This is similar to the procedure in paragraph 5j, Appendix VIII,
(ii) Although a falling-head permeability test may be per-
formed at this point of the swell test (see paragraph 8, Appendix VII,
PERMEABILITY TESTS), the specimen may not be fully saturated and
the permeability results consequently affected. A.fter primary swell
is complete,t the load should be removed in decrements according to
the procedure in paragraphs 51- and 53 Appendix VIII, CONSOLIDA-
TION TEST. The final load should be the seating load.
E M i110-2-1906
Appendix VIIIA
Change 1
1 May 80
and optimum water content.
6. POSSIBLE ERRORS. In addition to the possible errors discussed
in paragraph 8, Appendix VIII, CONSOLIDATION TEST, the following
may also cause inaccurate determination of swelling characteristics:
a. Displacements caused by seating of the specimen against
the surface of the porous stones may be significant, especially if
swell displacements and loading pressures are small. Thus, smoothly
ground porous stones are recommended.
k. Filter paper is highly compressible and contributes to the
observed displacements and hysteresis in displacements on loading
and .rebound. Filter paper is consequently not recommended.
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix VIIIA
Change 1
L,l May 80
(4) Secondary or long-term swell, which is not evaluated by
these test procedures, may be significant for some clays and clay
shales . These soils may not be fully saturated at the conclusion of
the swell test.
(5) Chemical content of the inundating water affects results;
e.g., when testing shales, distilled water may give radically different
results than natural or reconstituted pore water.
30 Nov 70
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
shear box shall contain a reservoir for water, with the bottom grooved or
provided with a grooved area to permit drainage. The upper frame of the
shear box should contain an accurately machined piston, the bottom of
which is also grooved to permit drainage. The upper frame shall be pro-
vided with horizontal locking screws to lock it to the piston within the
upper frame of the box. The various metal parts of the shear box shall
be of a like, noncorrosive material. A typical shear box, assembled and
unassembled, is shown in Figure 2; a narrow-edged shear box as shown
is preferable to a wide-edged one. Generally, shear boxes for direct
shear tests shall have minimum inside dimensions of 3 by 3 in. The
maximum thickness of a 3- by 3-in. specimen shall be I/2 in. after con-
solidation. If the soil to be tested contains particles larger than the
No. 4 sieve, the test should be performed in a larger shear box or else
the shear strength should be determined by means of the triaxial test.
-- Porous stones shall be smooth, coarse grade Alundum or
CarborundumB. finish-ground except for the surface in contact with the -
specimen, which shall be rough-finished by sandblasting or by using hand-
tools. Porous metal plates of similar porosity and texture may also be
used. It is very important that the permeability of porous stones not be
reduced by the collection of soil particles in the pores of the stones;
hence, frequent checking and cleaning (by flushing and boiling, or by
ultrasonic cleaner) are required to ensure the necessary permeability
(see page VIII-3).
C . Loading devices for applying the normal load and horizontal
shear fzrce% the s p e c i m e n . Any type of loading device may be used that
meets the following requirements:
(1) For applying normal load. The equipment for applying
the normal load shaS1 be capable of transmitting the load to the specimen
quickly, without impact, and maintaining the load constant for the duration
of the test. The equipment should be calibrated to ensure that the loads
indicated are those actually applied to the soil specimen.
(2) For applying shear force. The horizontal shear force
may be applied by either controlled-stress or controlled-strain
EM fIiO-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
E M lllO-Z-l906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70 -
IX -4
-----v--e -C -
OP- Y-
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
z!* Cut a sample of soil approximately i-f/4 in. high and 4- i/2 in.
in diameter from the sample to be tested.
!?a Place the sample of soil on a;glass plate and center the speci-
men cutter on top of the sample. Push the cutter vertically into the sam-
ple not more than I/4 in. and carefully trjm the soil from the edge of the
Cutter. Repeat the operation until the specimen protrudes above the top of
the cutter. care should bc taken to insure that no voids are formed bC_
tween the cutter and specimen.
_ Remove the portion of the specimen protruding above the cut-
ter, using a wire saw for soft specimens, and a straightedge, knives, or
other convenient tools for harder specimens. Trim the specimen flush
with the top of the cutter. If a pebble or other prot,rusion is encountered
on the surface, .rcmove it and fill the void with soil.
!& Place a previously weighed glass plate on the surface of the
E M iiiO-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
-e. From the soil trimmings obtain 200 g of lnaterial for water
content and s,pecific gravity determinations (see Appendixes I, WATER
-f. Repeat the procedures outlined above t,o produce two additional
4. P R O C E D U R E . a-. Preliminary. The procedure for setting up the
test specimen shall consist of thz following:
(1) Record all identifying information for the specimen, such
as project, boring number , .and other pertinent data, on the data sheet
(Plate IX-1 is a suggested form); note any difficulties encountered in
preparation of the specimen. Measure the inside area and height of the
shear bo? and record as the initial dimensions of the specimen on the data
sheet. Weigh and record the weight of specimen plus tare (specimen cut-
ter and glass plates).
(2) Assemble the shear box with the upper frame held in
alignment with the lower frame by means of the alignment pins or screws.
Place a previously saturated porous stone, rough side up, on the .baseplate
of the shear box in the bottom of the lower frame.
(3) Insert the specimen cutter, sharpened edge first, into the
upper frame of the shear box until it is wedged firmly and is parallel with
the top of the upper frame (the inside edge of the upper frame should be
beveled to accept the cutter). Lay a piece of waxed paper, slightly
smaller than ,the specimen, on the surface of the specimen, and with a
smooth, continuous press of the transferring plate, force the specimen
from the cutter and into firm contact with the porous stone. While press-
ing the specimen from the cutter, care must be exercised to prevent
tilting or otherwise disturbing th& specimen. Withdraw the transferring
EM 11iO-2-i906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
plate, remove the specimen cutter, and peel the waxed paper from the
specimen. Place a previously saturated porous stone, rough side down,
on top of the specimen and lower the piston onto this porous stone.
(4) Place the shear box in position on the loading apparatus.
At this stage of the test the upper and lower frames are in contact. As-
semble the loading equipment, and mount the two dial indicators to be
used for measuring vertical and horizontal deformation. The dial indica-
tor measuring vertical deformation should be set so that it can measure
movement in either direction.
b .
Consolidation. The procedure for consolidating the specimen
shall consist of the following:
(i) Apply the desired normal load gently to the specimen.
The range of normal loads for the three specimens will depend on the
loadings expected in the field. The maximum normal load should be at
least equal to the maximum normal load expected in the field in order that
the shear strength data need not be extrapolated for use in design analysis.
Generally, normal loads less than about 3 tons per sq ft may be applied in
a single increment, whereas greater normal loads should be applied in
several increments to prevent the soil from squeezing out of the box, F.or
very soft soils it is usually necessary to apply even the relatively lighter
normal loads in increments.
(2) As soon as possible after applying the normal load, fill
the water reservoir with distilled or demineralized water to a point above
the top of the specimen. Maintain this water level during the consolidation
and subsequent shear phases so that the specimen is at all times effec-
tively submerged.
(3) Allow the specimen to drain and consolidate under the
desired normal load or increments thereof prior to shearing. During the
consolidation process, record on the data sheet (see Plate VIII-2 of Ap-
pendix VIII, CONSOLIDATION TEST) the vertical dial readings after
various elapsed times. Readings at O.i, 0.2, 0.5, 4, 2, 4, 8, i5, and 30 min,
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
tf = 5ot50
= total. elapsed time to failure in minutes
= time in minutes required for the specimen to achieve 50 percent
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70 -
EM lllO-2-i906
Appendix IX -
30 Nov 70
- vs
Void ratio before test, e = oG -
vf - vs
Void ratio after test, ef = v
IX- 12 .-
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
7= gx 0.465
F = applied shear force, lb
A = horizontal cross-sectional area of the specimen, sq cm (assumed
to be constant and equal to the initial area for routine testing)
6. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS. The results of the direct shear test
shall be shown on the report form, Plate IX-3. The shear stress and
vertical defyormation during shear shall be plotted versus the horizontal
deformation. As shown in Figure 3, the maximum shear stress, ~~~~~
is either the actual maximum or peak shear stress or, if the shear stress
increases continuously during the test, the shear stress at O.S-in. hori-
zontal deformation. When the shear stress decreases after reaching a
maximum value, the minimum shear stress attained before 0.5-in.8hori-
zontal deformation is considered to be the ultimate shear stress, T
as shown in Figures 3c and 3d. The time to failure, tf, is the elapsed
time between the start of shear and the maximum shear stress. The
maximum shear stress shall be plotted against the normal stress, as
shown in Figure 4, and the strength envelope drawn to determine the
drained or effective angle of internal friction, o . In normally consoli-
dated soils (see Fig. 4a), the strength envelope is based on normal stresses
greater than any past or existing overburden pressure.
A brief.description of undisturbed specimens should be given on the
report form under Remarks. The description should include color, ap-
proximate consistency, and any unusual features (such as stratification,
IX- 14
E M iiio-2-19.06
Appendix IX,
30 Nov 70
. / I A
2 0 ,
b. O V E R - C O N S O L I D A T E D O R C O M P A C T E D S O I L
E M iilO-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
field. The strength envelope for determining the effective angle of inter-
n a l f r i c t i o n , + , shall be drawn as a straight line from the origin to the
average value of the maximum shear stresses under this normal stress.
Regardless of the magnitude of the expected normal stress, the normal
stress used in this simplified procedure for testing compacted specimens
must be at least 3 tons per sq ft to avoid the effects of prestressing
caused by the compaction.
Although the testing of duplicate specimens under the same normal
stress is satisfactory for relatively pervious or normally consolidated
soils, it may not be conservative for preconsolidated clays. For the latter
soils, the duplicate specimens should be sheared under different normal
stresses, both of which are known to exceed the preconsolidation pressure,
as illustrated by points A and B in Figure 4b.
a. POSSIBLE ERRORS: Following are possible errors that would
cause inaccurate determinations of strength and stress-deformation
w cimen drsturbed Ghile t r i m m i n g . The trimming of speci-
a. ,Spe
mens must be done in the humid room with every care taken to minimize
disturbance of the natural soil structure or change in the natural water
content. As a rule, the effect of trimming disturbance is inversely pro-
portional to the size of the specimen.
- Specimen disturbed while fitting into shear box. The speci-
men must exactly fit the inside of the shear box to insure complete
lateral confinement, yet a pretrimmed specimen must be inserted with-
out flexing or compressing. The specimen cutter must have the
identical inside dimensions as those of the shear box.
C. Galvanic action in shear box. To prevent any change in the
strength or stress-deformation characteristics due to galvanic currents
in tests of long duration, all metal parts of the shear box should be of
the same noncorrosiye material.
d. l?ermeability of porous stones too low. Unless the porous
EM ii10-2-1906
Appendix IX
30 Nov 70
stones are frequently cleaned, they may become clogged by soil particles
and full drainage of the specimen inhibited.
e. Slippage between porous stone and specimen. When testing
undisturbed firm or stiff clays, particularly under low normal loads, it
may not be possible to transfer the required shear force to the specimen
by means of the standard porous stone. In such a case, slippage of the
porous stone will result and a portion of the shear force will be applied to
the specimen by the rear edge of the upper frame. The slippage may be
marked by tilting -of the upper frame and the development of an inclined
shear plane through the upper rear corner rather than one through the
midheight of the specimen. The use of dentated porous stones or of wire
cloth or abrasive grit between the stone and the specimen may be necessary
to effect the transfer of shear stress.
f. Rate of strain too fast. The time to failure in the drained (S)
direct shear test must be long enough to achieve essentially complete
dissipation of excess pore pressure at failure. The criterion given in
paragraph 45(3) should be considered as no more than an approximate guide
to the minimum time to failure; twice this time may be necessary for some
soils. In general, it is safer to shear too slowly.
EM IilO-2-1906
30 Nov 70
on the data sheet (Plate IX-l is a suggested form); note any difficulties
encountered in preparation of the specimen. Determine the dimensions of
the specimen and record as the initial dimensions of the specimen on the
data sheet. Weigh and record the weight of specimen (plus tare, if used).
(2) The lower half of the specimen should be firmly seated
against a saturated porous plate in the lower half of the shear box. A
O.OlO- to 0.020-in. projection of the lower half of the specimen above the
lip of the box is desirable; certainly the top of this half of the specimen
should not be initially below the lip. Then the upper half of the specimen
should be placed in the shear box, the upper porous plate (saturated)
added, and the remainder of the shear apparatus assembled.
A specimen of softer material may be precut inside the
shear box. In this case, an intact specimen is firmly seated between sat-
urated porous plates in the apparatus ; then, a plane should be cut with a
small-diameter (0.008- to 0.044-in. diameter) steel wire through the
IXA- 2
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix IXA
30 Nov 70
specimen at the separation between the upper and lower halves of the box.
After cutting, the two halves of the specimen should be separated, and the
cut surfaces inspected for planeness. Any irregularities should be re-
moved with a straightedge.
(3) Place the shear box in position on the loading apparatus.
At this time the upper and lower frames are in contact. Assemble the
loading equipment and mount the two dial indicators or other deformation
measuring apparatus to be used for measuring vertical and horizontal de-
formation. Both indicators should be set so that they can measure defor-
mation in either direction.
-* Consolidation, The procedure for consolidating the specimen
shall consist of the following:
(I) Apply the normal stress to the specimen without impact.
A single value of normal stress may be used. A standard value of about
6 tons per sq ft is recommended as being high enough to prevent the
swelling of most clay shale material yet low enough to minimize the prob-
lem of soil extruding from between the two halves of the box during shear.
In addition, tests under higher normal stresses may be used to determine
whether the strength envelope is a straight line.
(2) As soon as possible after applying the normal stress, fill
the water reservoir with distilled or demineralized water to a point above
the top of the specimen. Maintain this water level during the consolida-
tion (or swell) and subsequent shear phases so that the specimen is at all
times effectively submerged.
(3) The specimen should be allowed to consolidate or swell to
an essentially equilibrium condition under the normal stress; a minimum
period of 16 hr should be allowed before shear.
C. Repeated Shear Test. The procedure for shearing the speci-
men after consolidation shall consist of the following:
(1) A gap should be formed between the two halves of the box
to ensure that normal and shear stresses are borne only by soil. This
IXA- 3
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix IXA
30 Nov 70
IXA- 4
EM iilO-2-1904
Appendix IXA
30 Nov 70
should be reduced to a tenth of the standard rate (that is, to about 0.05 in.
per day) without any change in the normal stress. The rate of displace-
ment should be reduced soon after the upper half of the shear box has
passed through the initial, vertically aligned position. Shearing with re-
peated reversals of direction as described above should be continued
until a minimum shearing resistance is reached.
(6). Remove the specimen from the shear box, blot any excess
moisture, and determine the water content of the speciment (see Appendix
I, WATER CONTENT - GENERAL). The dry weight of the specimen
should be computed using the water content based on specimen trimmings
taken during specimen preparation.
6. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS. Report forms have not been stand-
ardized; the method of presentation of results will be determined by the
project (design) engineer requesting the tests.
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS. The following are possible errors that may
cause inaccurate determinations of strength and stress-deformation
a. Air -Drying of Specimen During Preparation. The trimming
of specimens should be done in a humid room with every precaution taken
to prevent change in natural water content. Air-drying may cause the
specimen to slake readily when inundated with water, and thus change the
strength or stress-deformation characteristics.
b. Top and Bottom Surfaces of Each Half of a Specimen Not
Plane and Parallel. Irregular surfaces may introduce a geometric com-
ponent to the measured shearing resistance.
EM iilO-2-1906
Appendix IXA
30 Nov 70
IXA-6 -
E M i410-2-i906
30 Nov 70
intermediate principal stress, u2, and the minor principal stress, u3*
are identical in the test, and are equal to the confining or chamber pres-
sure hereafter referred to as u3.
A soil mass may be considered as a compressible skeleton of solid
particles. In saturated soils the void spaces are completely filled with
water; in partially saturated soils the void spaces are filled with both
water and air. Shear stresses are carried only by the skeleton of solid
particles, whereas the normal stress on any plane is carried by both the
solid particles and the pore water. In a triaxial test, the shear strength
is determined in terms of the total stress (intergranular stress plus pore
water pressure), unless (a) complete drainage is provided during the test
so that the pore pressure is equal to zero at failure, or (o) m e a s u r e m e n t s
of pore pressure are made during the test. When the pore pressure at
failure is known, the shear strength can be computed in terms of the stress
carried by the soil particles (termed effective or intergranular stress).
In recent years, significant advances have been made in the techniques of
measuring pore pressures in the triaxial test and in the interpretation of
the data obtained; however, difficulties still exist in this respect. Pore
pressure measurements during shear are seldom required in routine
investigations, as the basic triaxial tests are sufficient to furnish shear
strengths for the limiting conditions of drainage. Procedures for measuring
pore pressures in the triaxial test during shear are discussed elsewheret
and are beyond the scope of this manual.
2. TYPES OF TESTS. The three types of basic triaxial compression
tests are unconsolidated-undrained, consolidated-undrained, and
consolidated-drained, subsequently referred to as the Q, R, and S tests,
respectively. As these names imply, they are derived from the drainage
conditions allowed to prevail during the test. The type of test is selected
E M 1410-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM iiIO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM WO-2:4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
dimensions and type will vary dependiiig on the size of specimen tested
and on pressure and load requirements. The baseplate has one inlet
through which the pressure liquid is supplied to the chamber and two
inlets leading to the specimen base and cap to permit saturation and
drainage of the specimen when required, The headplate has a vent valve
so that air can be forced out of the chamber as it is filled with the pres-
sure fluid. The cylinder is held tightly against rubber gaskets by bolts or
tie rods connecting the headplate and baseplate.
In piston-type test apparatus in which the axial, loads are mea-
sured outside the triaxial compression chamber, piston friction can have
a significant effect on the indicated applied load, and measures should be
taken to reduce friction to tolerable limits. Pistons generally should con-
sist of ground and polished case-hardened steel rods with diameters be-
tween I/4 and I/2 in. for testing 1.4-in.-diameter specimens; heavier
pistons are required for larger specimens. The following measures have
been found to reduce piston friction to tolerable amounts.
(i) The use of linear ball bushings as shown in Figure 2. The
unique design of these bushings
permits unlimited axial move-
ment of the piston with a mini-
mum of friction. Leakage around
the piston is reduced by means of
Q-rings, Quad-rings, flexible
diaphragms, or other devices. A
seal incorporating Q-rings is
shown in Figure 2. The benefi -
cial effects of using linear ball
bushings in comparison with
steel bushings are demonstrated
Figure 3. Effect of lateral force on
by the data shown in Figure 3. piston friction in triaxial compres-
The amount of lateral force sion apparatus
.EM 1110-2-1906
,Appendix X
30 Nov 70
transmitted to the piston, if the specimen cap tends to tilt during a test,
cannot be determined; however, the data shown in Figure 3 indicate that
the resulting piston friction would be negligible even for relatively large
lateral forces.
(2) Rotation of the piston within the bushings during the appli-
cation of the deviator stress. (Commercial devices are available to rotate
the piston during the test.) This method is very effective in reducing fric-
tion; however, a more complex design of the specimen cap is necessary,
and unless the piston is rotated continuously, appreciable friction would
still develop during longtime tests. When linear ball bushings are used,
the piston should never be rotated except under special conditions desig-
nated by the manufacturer.
Although these measures will reduce piston friction to
negligible amounts during the course of the test, it is always preferable
to measure the actual piston friction before the start of the test. This
can readily be done by starting the axial load application with the bottom -
of the piston raised slightly above the top of the specimen cap. Thus any
starting friction or residual friction, as indicated by the load necessary
to move the piston down into contact with the cap, can be subtracted from
the measured load.
c. Specimen Caps and Bases.
- Specimen caps and bases should
be constructed of a lightweight noncorrosive material and should be of
the same diameter as the test specimen in order to avoid entrapment of
air at the contact faces. Solid caps and bases should be used for the Q
test to prevent drainage of the specimens. Caps and bases with porous
metal or porous stone inserts and drainage connections, as shown in
Figure 4, should be used for the R and S tests. The porous inserts
should be more pervious than the soil being tested to permit effective
drainage. For routine testing, stones of medium porosity are satisfac-
tory. The specimen cap should be designed to permit slight tilting with
the piston in contact position, as shown in Figure 4.
E M IiIO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
X- 9
E M iiiO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-1906 -..
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
E M iilO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
preliminary cutting, and the other side for final trimming. A specimen
after trimming is also shown in Figure 7. Ordinarily, the specimen is
trimmed by pressing the wire saw or trimming knife against the edges
of the frame and cutting from top to bottom. In trimming stiff or varved
clays, move the wire saw from the top and bottom toward the middle of
the specimen to prevent breaking off pieces at the ends. Remove any
small shells or pebbles
encountered during the
trimming operations.
Carefully fill voids on
t h e s u r f a c e of the s p e c i -
men with remolded soil
obtained from the trim-
mings. Cut specimen to
the required length
(usually 3 to 3-1/2 in.
for 1.4-in. - d i a m e t e r
specimens and 6 to 7 in.
for 2.8-in. - d i a m e t e r
specimens) using a mi-
ter box, as shown in
Figure 8
(c) F r o m F i g u r e 8. Squaring ends of specimen with c
miter box
the soil trimmings, ob-
tain 200 g of material for specific gravity and water content determi-
nations (see Appendixes I, W A T E R C O N T E N T - GENERAL, and IV,
(d) Weigh the specimen to an accuracy of iO.01 g for i.4-
in. -diameter specimens and *0.1 g for 2.8-in.-diameter s p e c i m e n s .
(e) Measure the height and diameter of the specimen to an
accuracy of *O.Oi in. Specimen dimensions based on measurements of the
E M 1.liO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
stored in an airtight container for at least i6 hr. The desired density may
be produced by either (f) kneading or tamping each layer until the accumu-
lative weight of soil placed in the mold is compacted to a knw,n volume 1~
(2) adjusting the number of layers, the number of tamps per layer, and
the force per tamp. For the latter method of control, special constant-
force tampers (such as the Harvard miniature compactor for 1.4-in. -
d i a m e t e r specimenst or similar compactors for 2.8-in. - d i a m e t e r a n d
l a r g e r specimentst) a r e n e c e s s a r y . After each specimen compacted to
finished dimensions has been removed from the m o l d , proceed in accor-
dance with steps (c) through (e) of paragraph 4$(i).
k.Cohesionless Soils Containing Negligible--~Amounts of Gravel.
Soils which possess little or no cohesion are difficult if not impossible to
trim into a specimen. If undisturbed samples of such materials are avail-
able in sampling tubes, satisfactory specjmens can usually be obtained by
freezing the sample to permit cutting out s u i t a b l e s p e c i m e n s . S a m p l e s
should be drained before freezing. The frozen specimens are placed in
the triaxial chamber, allowed to thaw after application of the chamber
pressure, and then tested as desired. Some slight disturbance probably
occurs as a result of the freezing, but the natural stratification and
structure of the material are retained. In most cases, however, it is
permissible to test cohesionless soils in the remolded state by forming
the specimen at the desired density or at a series of densities which will
permit interpolation to the desired density. Specimens prepared in this
EM IliO-2-i906
Appendix X --
30 Nov 70
- ._
t L i a n g - S h e n g Chen, An investigation of stress strain and strength
characteristics of cohesionless soils by triaxial compression tests,
Proceedings, Second International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
F o u n d a t i o n Engineering8 vol. V (Rotterdam, i948), pp. 35-4?.
EM ii10-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
confined and axially loaded, will deform symmetrically with respect to its
(6) Subtract weight of unused material from original weight
of the sample to obtain weight of material in the specimen.
(7) After the forming jacket is filled to the desired height,
place the specimen cap on the top of the specimen, roll the ends of the,
membrane over the specimen cap and base, and fasten the ends with
rubber bands or O-rings. Apply a low vacuum to the s~~~:rrnen through
the base and remove the forming jacket.
(8) Measure height and diameter as Gpecified in paragraph
4&(i J(e).
c. Soils Containing Gravel. The size.of specimens containing appre-
ciable amounts of gravel is governed by the requirements of paragraph4. If the
material to be tested is in an undisturbed state, the specimens shall be prepared
according to the applicable requirements of paragraphs 4a and 4b, with the size
of specimen based on anestimate of the largest particle size. In testing com-
pacted soils, the largest particle size is usuallyknown, and the entire sample
should be tested, whenever possible, without removing any of the coarser parti-
cles. However, it may be necessaryto remove the particles larger than a cer-
tain size to comply with the requirements for specimen size, though such practice
will result inlower measured values of the shear strength and should be avoided
if possible. Oversize particles should be removed and, if comprising more
than i0 percent byweight of the sample,be replaced by anequalpercentage by
weight of material retained on the No. 4 sieve and passing the maximum allow-
able sieve size. The percentage of material finer than the No. 4 sieve thus re-
mains constant (see paragraph 2h of Appendix VI, COMPACTION TESTS).
It will generally be necessary to prepare compacted samples of material con-
taining gravel inside a forming jacket placed on the specimen base. If the
material is cohesionless, it should be oven-dried and compacted in layers
inside the membrane and forming jacket using the procedure in paragraph 4h
as a guide. When specimens of very high density are required, the
EM iiiO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
E M IflO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
membrane stretcher, turn both ends of the membrane over the ends of the
stretcher, and apply a vacuum to the stretcher. Carefully lower the
stretcher and membrane over the specimen as shown in Figure 9. Place
the specimen cap on the top of the specimen and release the vacuum on the
membrane stretcher. Turn
the ends of the membrane
down around the base and up
around the specimen cap and
fasten the ends with O-rings
or rubber bands. With i.4-
in. -diameter specimens of
relatively insensitive soils,
it is easier to roll the mem-
brane over the specimen as
shown in Figure IO.
(4) Assemble
the triaxial chamber and
place it in position in the
loading device. Connect
the tube from the pres-
sure reservoir to the base Figure IO. Rolling rubber membrane
of the triaxial chamber. over a *.4-in.-diameter s p e c i m e n
E M i440-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
E M 4iiO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
(6) Start the test with the piston approximately 0.i in. above
the specimen cap. This allows compensation for the effects of piston
friction, exclusive of that which may later develop as a result of lateral
f0rce.s. Set the load indicator to zero when the piston comes into contact
with the specimen cap. In this rnanner the upward thrust of the chamber
pressure on the piston is also eliminated from further consideration.
Contact of the piston with the specimen cap is indicated by a slight move-
ment of the load indicator. Set the strain indicator and r e c o r d on the
data sheet (Plate X-2) the initial dial reading at c ontact . Axially strain
the specimen at a rate of about 1 percent per minute (for plastic mate-
rials) and about 0.3 percent per minute (for brittle materials that achieve
maximum deviator stress at about 3 to 6 percent strain); at these rates
the elapsed time to reach maximum deviator stress would be about
15 to 20 min.
(7) Observe and record the resulting load at every 0.3 per-
cent strain for about the first 3 percent and, thereafter, at every 1 per-
cent, or for large strains, at every 2 percent strain; sufficient readings
should be taken to completely define the shape of the stress-strain curve so
frequent readings may be necessary as failure is approached. Continue the
test until an axial strain of i5 percent has been reached, as shown in
F i g u r e s i2a, i2b, and i2d; h o w e v e r , when
the deviator stress decreases
after attaining a maximum value and is continuing to decrease at i5 percent
strain (Fig. i2c), the test shall be continued to 20 percent strain.
(8) For brittle soils (i.e., those in which maximum deviator
stress is reached at 6 percent axial strain or less), tests should be per-
formed at rates of strain sufficient to produce times to failure as set
forth in paragraph 5a(6) above; however, when the maximum deviator
stress has been clearly defined, the rate may be increased such that the
remainder of the test is completed in the same length of time as that taken
to reach maximum deviator stress. However, for each group of tests
about 20 percent of the samples should be tested at the rates set forth
EM iIIO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
0 5 IO I5 20
0 5 IO I5 2c 0 5 IO I5 20
A X I A L . S T R A I N , -70 A X I A L 5TRAlN, -70
- &
EM iIIO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
Axial strain, E = -
Corrected area of specimen, A sq cm = -
corr 2 - E
Deviator stress, tons per sq ft = - x 0.465
A corr
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
(3) Record the time to failure on the data sheet (Plate X-2).
(4) The rubber membrane increases the apparent strength of
the specimen. Investigationst with specimens I.5 in. in diameter and
membranes 0.008 in. thick, for instance, indicate the increase in deviator
stress to be 0.6 psi at 15 percent axial strain. The correction, cr, to be
made to the measured deviator stress for the effect of the rubber mem-
brane is computed as follows:
rDoM ~(1 - E)
err =
E M iiiO-2-4906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
specimen under Remarks. Plot the deviator stress versus the axial
strain for each of the specimens as shown in Figure i2. The peak or
m a x i m u m devia.tor stress represents failure of the specimen; when the
deviator stress increases continuously during the test, the deviator stress
at 15 percent axial strain shall be considered the maximum deviator
stress. When the deviator stress decreases after reaching a maximum,
the minimum deviator stress attained before 15 percent axial strain shall
be considered the ultimate deviator stress, as shown in Figures i2c and
i2d. Construct Mohr stress circles on an arithmetic plot with shear
stresses as ordinates and normal stresses as abscissas. As shown in
F i g u r e 13, the applied principal stresses, uI and cr3, are plotted on the
abscissa, and the Mohr circles are drawn with radii of one-half the maxi-
Plot a Mohr circle, or a sufficient segment thereof, for each specimen in
L- - _ _ J_--
--CT -__-_+
I o-
E M itto-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
the graph in the upper right corner of report form. A sketch of each
specimen after failure should be shown above the Mohr circles (Plate X- 3).
The following procedures should be followed in drawing strength envelopes:
(4) U n d i s t u r b e d s p e c i m e n s . For undisturbed specimens, the
strength envelope should be drawn tangent to the Mohr circles. Q tests of
saturated soils usually indicate a strength envelope that is parallel to the
abscissa as shown in Figure 14a, so the angle of internal friction is usually
equal to zero. Strength envelopes indicated by Q tests on partially satu-
rated soils are usually curved as shown in Figure +4b, particularly for the
lower normal stre_s se s. When the curvature is pronounced, the shear
s t r e n g t h p a r a m e t e r s + and c are not constants.
(2) Compacted specimens. For compacted specimens, the
strength envelope should be drawn through points on the Mohr circles rep-
resenting stresses on the failure plane as shown in Figure 14~.
foundationsoil exists that is partially saturated during exploration but
which will become completely saturated without significant volume change
either before or during construction, it is necessary to sat.urate Q test
specimens, using back pressure, before they are sheared. Such field con-
ditions may occur when, due to heavy rains or other reasons, the water
table is raised above the level that existed during initial sampling: Con-
struction of cofferdams, river diversions, and closure sections, or perco-
lation of rainwaters can also create conditions that increase foundation
water contents after exploration but before embankment construction and
subsequent consolidation of the foundation.
For the Q test with back-pressure saturation, the apparatus should
be set up similar to that shown in Figure 46 (page X-30). Filter strips
should not be used and as little volume change as possible should be per-
mitted during the test. After completing the steps outlined in paragraphs
4 and 5~(1) through 5~(4) (note that the procedures for attaching the mem-
brane to the cap and base and for deairing the drainage lines are similar
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
to those used in the R test), apply 3-psi chamber pressure to the speci-
men with all drainage valves closed. Allow a minimum of 30 min for
stabilization of the specimen pore water pressure, measure AH, and
begin back-pressure procedures as given in paragraphs 7b(2) through
7l~(5). After verification of saturation, and remeasurement of AH, close
all drainage lines leading to the back pressure and pore water measure-
ment apparatus. Holding the maximum applied back pressure constant,
increase the chamber pressure until the difference between the chamber
pressure and the back pressure equals the desired effective confining
pressure (see paragraph 5&(5)). Then proceed as outlined in paragraphs
5~(6) through 5~( 1 i).
7. R TEST. All specimens must be completely saturated before appli-
cation of the deviator stress in the R test. A degree of saturation over
98 percent can be considered to represent a condition of essentially com-
plete saturation; if pore water pressures are to be measured during shear,
however, the specimens must be iO0 percent saturated. Computations of
E M IiiO-Z-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
t John Lowe, III, and Thaddeus C. Johnson, Use of back pressure to in-
crease degree of saturation of triaxial test specimens, ASCE Research
Conference on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, University of Colorado
IBoulder, Cola., June i960).
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
the specimen to measure the volume of water added to the specimen dur-
ing saturation and volume changes of the specimen during consolidation.
If the water added to the specimen becomes saturated with air, a higher
back pressure will be required than that given in Figure i5. Therefore,
precautions should be taken to minimize aeration of the saturation water
by reducing the area of the air-water interface or by separating the air
and water with a rolling rubber diaphragm.* A relatively long (over
6-foot) length of thick-walled, small-bore tubing between the burette and
the specimen will also reduce the amount of air entering the specimen.
Adequate safety precuations should be taken against breakage of the burette
under high pressures.
(4) Electrical pressure transducer or no-flow indicator with
which the pressure of the pore water at the bottom of the specimen can be
measured without allowing a significant flow of water from the specimen.
This is an extremely difficult measurement to make since even a minute
flow of water will reduce the pressure in the pore water; yet the measuring
device must be sensitive enough to detect small changes in pressure.
Ellectrical pressure transducers, while relatively expensive, offer almost
complete protection against flow, are simple to operate, and lend them-
selves to the automatic recording of test data. Several types of manually
balanced pressure-measuring systems employing a no-flow indicator are
being used successfully,$ though a full discussion of their relative merits
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM iilO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
nor form a continuous path between the base and the cap. Place saturated
filter paper disks having the same diameter as that of the specimen be-
tween the specimen and the base and cap; these disks will also facilitate rr
moval of the specimen after the test. The drainage lines and the porous
inserts should be completely saturated with deaired water. The drainage
lines should be as short as possible and made of thick-walled, small--bore
tubing to insure minimum elastic changes in volume due to changes in
pressure. Valves in the drainage lines (valves E, F, and G in Figure i6)
should preferably be of a type which will cause no discernible change of
internal volume when operated (such as the Teflon-packed ball valve made
by the Whitey Research Tool Co.). While mounting the specimen in the
compression chamber, care should be exercised to avoid entrapping any
air beneath the membrane or between the specimen and the base and cap.
(2) Estimate the magnitude of the required back pressure by
reference to Figure i5 or other theoretical relations. Specimens should
be completely saturated before any appreciable consolidation is per-
mitted, for ease and uniformity of saturation as well as to allow volume
changes during consolidation to be measured with the burette; there-
fore, the difference between the chamber pressure and the back pres-
sure should not exceed 5 psi during the saturation phase. To insure that
a specimen is not prestressed during the saturation phase, the back pres-
sure must be applied in small increments, with adequate time between
increments to permit equalization of pore water pressure throughout the
(3) With all valves closed, adjust the pressure regulators to
a chamber pressure of about 7 psi and a back pressure of about 2 psi.
Record these pressures on the data sheet (Plate X-4). Now open valve A
to apply the preset pressure to the chamber fluid and simultaneously
open valve F to appIy the back pressure through the specimen cap. Im-
mediately open valve G and read and record the pore pressure at the
specimen base. When the measured pore pressure becomes essentially
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM 1iiO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
reading). Plot the burette readings (and dial indicator readings, if taken)
versus the logarithm of elapsed time, as shown in Figure 5 of Appendix
VIII, CONSOLIDATION TEST. Allow consolidation to continue until a
marked reduction in slope of the curve shows that 100 percent primary
consolidation has been achieved.
(7) Close valve G, unless pore pressure measurements are
to be made during shear , and valves E and F, and proceed according to
paragraphs 5a(6) through 5a(iO), except use a rate of strain for the R
test of about 0.5 percent per minute (for plastic materials) and about
0.3 percent per minute or less for brittle materials that achieve a maxi-
mum deviator stress at about 3 to 6 percent strain; the strain rate used
should result in a time to maximum deviator stress of approximately
30 min. Relatively pervious soils may be sheared in i5 min. These
rates of strain do not permit equalization of induced pore pressure
throughout the specimen and are too high to &llcw satisfactory pore pres-
sure measurements to be made at the specimen ends during shear.t
Therefore, these rates of strain are applicable only to R tests in which
no pore pressure measurements are made during shear. Where pore
pressure measurements are made at the ends of the specimens as in R
tests, the time to reach maximum deviator stress should generally be at
least 120 min; considerably longer time may be required for materials
of low permeability. For brittle soils (i.e., those in which the maximum
deviator stress is reached at 6 percent axial strain or less), after the
maximum deviator stress has been clearly defined, the rate of strain
may be increased so that the remainder of the test is completed in the
same length of time as that taken to reach maximum deviator stress.
However, for each group of tests in a given test program, at least
20 percent of the samples should be tested to final axial strain at rates
of strain outlined in the first sentence of this paragraph.
c. Computations. The computations shall consist of the follow-
ing steps:
(1) From the observed data, compute and record on the data
sheet (Plate X-l) the initial water content, volume of solids, initial void
EM IiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
Figure i7. Examples of strength envelopes
for R tests
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70 -
EM IiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
maintained at both the specimen base and cap (with valves D and G closed)
to support the specimen while assembling and filling the triaxial chamber.
(b) Keeping valves A and C closed, adjust the pressure
regulator for a chamber pressure of about 5 psi and then open valve A to
apply this pressure to the chamber.
(c) With valves E and G closed, maintain a low vacuum
through the burette to the specimen cap. Then open valve D and elevate
the water supply container so that a hydrostatic head of 1 to 2 ft is applied
to the base of the specimen.
(d) When the saturation water rises into the burette,
disconnect the vacuum from the burette. Permit seepage under the small
head to continue until the rate of flow into the burette is constant, and then
close valve D.
(2) With valves E and F open (see Fig. i6), lowpr the piston
.nto contact with the specimen cap and increase the axial load at a rela-
tively slow rate so that a fully drained condition exists at failure with
controlled-strain loading or after each increment of load with controlled-
stress application. As for the direct shear test, considerable experience
and judgment are generally required in determining the proper rate of axial
load application (see Appendix IX, DRAINED (S) DIRECT SHEAR TEST).
Theoretical formulas are also availablet for estimating the time required
for failure in S tests. Special precautions may be necessary for tests
requiring an axial loading duration in excess of a few hours to insure that
the chamber pressure (as well as the back pressure, if used) is main-
tained constant, that temperature fluctuations are minimized, and that
evaporation or aeration of the water in the burette is reduced as much as
possible. Placing about 1 cc of oil or dyed kerosene over the water sur-
face in the burette will minimize evaporation.
(3) Record the dial indicator and burette readings at
EM 1110-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
EM IIIO-2;1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
(5) Record the time to failure on the data sheet Plate X-6).
(6) Correct the maximum deviator stress, if necbssary, for
the effect of membrane restraint (see paragraph 5lJ4)).
d. Presentation of Results. The results of the S test shall be
presented on the report form shown as Plate X-3, as described in para-
griph 52, If volume changes of the specimens during shear were mea-
sured, plot the volumetric strain versus axial strain for each specimen
below the stress-strain curves.
9. POSSIBLE ERRORS. Following are possible errors that would
cause inaccurate determinations of strength and stress -deformation
characteristics :
a. Apparatus. (i) Leakage of chamber fluid into specimen.
Such leakage might occur through or around the ends of the membrane or
through the drainage connections and it would decrease the effective stress
in a specimen during undrained shear, Very little leakage is needed to
cause a very large change in effective stress, and the longer the period of
undrained shear, the greater the amount of leakage. (Leakage will not
influence the effective stress during periods of specimen drainage, but it
will introduce errors in volume change measurements,)
(2) Leakage of pore water out of specimen. This leakage
might occur through fittings or valves and it would increase the effective
stress in a specimen during undrained shear.
(3) Permeability of porous inserts too low.
(4) Restraint caused by membrane and filter paper strips.
(5) Piston friction.
!z* Preparation of Specimens. (i) Specimen disturbed while
trimming. Disturbance of the natural soil structure does not always
result in strength measuremerits which are too low, that is, on the safe
side; disturbed specimens will consolidate more under the effective con-
solidation pressure in R or S tests and the measured strengths will be
too high.
EM IllO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
- 2AHo
AC =Ao H
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
significant migration of pore water could occur only in a test of long dura-
tion (such as S and some R tests); however, for more pervious .soils, an
appreciable redistribution of water content can occur within the shor.t
duration of a Q test. Therefore, it may be desirable to determine the
water content of the end sections (about i/6 of the height at each end)
separately from the middle portion. Correlations of strength with water
content should be based on the water content of the middle portion, though
the dry weight of the entire specimen is needed to compute the initial soil
20 R Test. (1) Back pressure increments too large in relation
to effective consolidation pressure.
(2) Back pressure increments applied too rapidly.
(3) Chamber and back pressures not precisely maintained
during consolidation phase. Variations in either or both of these pres-
sures (often much larger than the difference between them) can result in
overconsolidation of the specimen.
(4) Specimen not completely consolidated before shearing.
(5) Rate of strain too fast.
(6) Excessive variations in temperature during shear. An
increase in temperature will decrease the effective stress in a specimen
during undrained shear. This danger, obviously, increases with the dura-
tion of the test.
(7) Specimen absorbed water from porous inserts at end of
test. As in a consolidation test or a direct shear test, the specimen will
absorb water from the porous inserts and drainage lines at the end of the
R or S test no matter how rapidly the apparatus is disassembled and the
specimen removed. To obtain an accurate water content determination at
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix X
30 Nov 70
the end of the test, the specimen should be allowed to swell completely
under a small (2 or 3 psi) chamber pressure and the increase in volume
measured by means of the burette. This volume change can then be used
to correct the water content measured after the test.
e. S Test. (i) Rate of strain or rate of loading too fast.
(2) Inaccurate volume change measurements during shear.
Where volume changes are measured using a burette, inaccuracies may
result from incomplete saturation of the specimen, leakage, evaporation,
or temperature fluctuations.
E M 1110-2-1906
Change 1
1 my 80
1. P R I N C I P L E S O F C Y C L I C T R I A X I A L T E S T I N G . T h e stress-
controlled cyclic triaxial test is used to evaluate the liquefaction
potential and strength of a soil under shear stresses representative of
those induced by an earthquake. For horizontal soil deposits, the tri-
axial specimen is consolidated isotropically, and the cyclic shear
stresses generated by an earthquake are simulated in the laboratory by
cycling shear stresses along the 45-deg plane of a triaxial compression
specimen under undrained conditions. For sloping ground surfaces, the
triaxial specimen is consolidated anisotropically. Hence, the test is
comparable to an R test with pore pressure measurements (see
Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS) with the notable exception
that the load is cyclically applied to the specimen such that the specimen
is subjected to alternating cycles of vertical compression and extension
about some ambient stress state, which produce corresponding cyclic
shear stresses on the 45-deg plane, as illustrated in Figure 1.t Cyclic
shear stresses in the test on anisotropically consolidated specimens are
depicted in Figure 2.t-t Thus, the major difference between cyclic tri-
axial and conventional triaxial equipment is a rigid fixed connection
between the specimen cap and the loading piston.
The consequence of cyclic loading under undrained conditions is
generally an in the pore water pressure, which causes the
XA- 1
E M ~~~0-2-~906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May &Y
1 ,
z @
z. I
5 \
+3c~~3c~ ;y 1 iiir&jr;;
XA- 2
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
effective stress to decrease and the cyclic deformations of the specimen
to increase. In this test, initial liquefaction is defined to occur when the
pore water pressure first equals the confining pressure, i.e., a condi-
tion where the effective stress is zero, with failure defined in terms of
a limiting cyclic strain, generally either 5 or IO percent from peak to
peak. Peak-to-peak strain is usually referred to as double amplitude
strain and is the total strain that the specimen undergoes on consecu-
tive peaks of the strain-time trace. For isotropically consolidated
specimens, these strains will be alternatively compressional and ex-
tensional; however, in the case of anisotropically consolidated speci-
mens, these strains may be alternative compression-extension or
permanent compression strain only.
The applied cyclic axial stress, uI - 0-3 or P/A (see Fig. 1 of
Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS), is termed the cyclic
d e v i a t o r s t r e s s , udc , which is alternatively positive and negative
about some ambient stress state. For isotropically consolidated speci-
mens, test results are expressed in terms of the cyclic stress ratio,
which is the cyclic shear stress, qdc/2 9 normalized by
the confining pressure ~3~ . For anisotropically consolidated speci-
mens, test results may be expressed in terms T where
c y c l i c lCfc 9
is the cyclic shear stress on the failure plane (45 t +I /2)
a n d cfc is the normal stress on this plane during consolidation. The
value of c$ can be estimated or determined from static tests. Re-
searcht has shown that the cyclic strength depends on density, confining
XA- 3
E M 11iO-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1my 80
p r e s s u r e , applied cyclic shear stress, stress history, specimen prepara-
tion procedure, and uniformity and shape of cyclic wave form; hence,
close attention must be given to testing details and equipment.
2. SPECIMENS. In most cases, only high-quality undisturbed samples
should be used for testing since sand fabric (particle orientation) has a
considerable effect on cyclic strength. Presently, no techniques are
available for duplication of the in situ fabric by laboratory reconstitution.
If there is an insufficient number of undisturbed specimens available for
a testing program, then correlations between undisturbed and reconsti-
tuted specimens are necessary to provide data over the entire range of
conditions desired.
3. APPARATUS. All the equipment listed in Appendix X, TRIAXIAL
COMPRESSION TESTS, for performing triaxial compression R tests
with pore pressure measurements, is required for cyclic triaxial tests
in addition to the following special equipment: (1) cyclic loading equip-
ment, (2) electronic transducers and high-speed recorders for data
acquisition, and (3) provisions for fixing the specimen cap to the loading
piston for the extension portion of the loading cycle.
E M 4140-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
liquefaction. The loading device must maintain uniform cyclic peak
loadings throughout the test. Unsymmetrical compression-extension
load peaks, nonuniformity of pulse duration, ringing, or overshoot
must not exceed tolerances illustrated in Figure 3.t In these cases,
differences in peak compressive and extension loads or durations
greater than 10 percent are unacceptable. Both ringing and over-
shoot can induce abnormally rapid pore pressure rises affecting
specimen failure.
A problem common to most cyclic loading equipment is the re-
duction in cyclic load at the onset of large specimen deformation. For
the test to be meaningful, the load must be symmetrical in extension
and compression up to peak-to-peak strains of 20 percent; and the peak-
to-peak load should not decrease by more than 20 percent from the ini-
tially applied values until the specimen,peak-to-peak strains exceed 10
percent. The equipment must also be able to apply the cyclic load about
an initial static load on the loading piston. This static load counteracts
the uplift pressure, which results, from the chamber pressure acting on
the reduced area of the specimen cap because of the fixed loading piston
connection. Further, in the case of anisotropically consolidated speci-
mens, the static load applies some of the consolidation stress.
h. Specimen Cap. The specimen cap should be of a lightweight
noncorrosive material equipped with porous metal or porous stone
inserts and drainage connections. The cap can be similar to those in
paragraph 3~ of Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS, except
(1) provisions for fixing the loading piston rigidly to the cap must be
provided and (2) specimen diameter should be 2.8 in. or larger. The
most common connection is simply straight threads backed by a
shoulder on the piston, which tightens up against the loading piston.
c. Triaxial Compression Chamber. The triaxial compression
E M II,iO-2-3906
Appendix XA
Change 1 -.
1 May 80
XA- 6
E M IIIO-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
1 _
22 O-Ring RUBBER 1
1 0 12 3
XA- 8
E M 1140-2-4906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
/9=L/T NUT
c. S P H E R I C A L C L A M P
XA- 9
E M 1iio-2-19oT
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
e . Ret ording Equipment.
- Specimen behavior in stress-controlled
cyclic triaxial tests is evaluated from continuous time records of applied
load, specimen deformation, and change in pore water pressure.
Commonly, these parameters are recorded on a multichannel strip-
chart recorder, as illustrated in Figure 6. Analog to digital data acqui-
sition systems may be used provided that data can be converted later
into a convenient form for data analysis and interpretation. Fast
recording system response is essential if accurate specimen perfor-
mance is to be monitored when failure conditions are approached. It
is recommended that the response characteristics in Table 1 be
For analog strip-chart recording equipment, the magnitude
of the load, deformation, and pore water pressure (chamber pressure
recording is optional) recorder trace must be of sufficient amplitude
and time resolution to enable accurate data reduction. Resolution of
each variable should be better than 2 percent of the maximum value -
being measured. To take advantage of recorder accuracy and for sub-
sequent data analysis, a recorder speed of 2-4 cycles per in. of record-
ing paper is acceptable. The clarity of the trace with respect to the
background should provide sufficient contrast and minimum trace width,
so that the minimum resolution of 2 percent of the maximum value of
the recorded parameter is maintained, and the trace may be included
in reports.
EM 1110-2-4906
Appendix XA
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910s = NOISIAIO 1
E M 1110-2-3906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
Table 1
Data Acquisition
Minimum Response Characteristics for
Cvclic Triaxial Strength Tests
1. A n a l o g R e c o r d e r s
Recording Speeds: 0.5 to 50 cm/set (0.2 to 20 in./sec)
System Accuracy (include linearity and hysteresis): 0.5% (I)
F r e q u e n c y R e s p o n s e : 100 Hz
2. Measurement Transducers
D i s p l a c e m e n t (2) Pore
Load Cell Transducer (LVDT) Pressure
Minimum sensitivity, mv/v 2 0.2 mv/O.O25 m m / v 2
5 mv/O.O25 m m / v
Nonlinearity, % full scale i 0.25 +
- 0.25 + 0.5
H y s t e r e s i s , $J full scale 2 0.25 0.0 2 0.5
Repeatability, $ full scale 2 0.10 2 0.04 +- 0 . 5
Thermal effects on zero
shift or sensitivity, L 0.005 + 0.02
% of full scale/C(oF) (i 0.025) (2 0.01)
Maximum deflection at full 0.425
rated value in mm (in.) (0.005)
Volume change character-
istics (cu in./psi) 4.0 x lo-4
Note: (1) S y s t e m f r e q u e n c y r e s p o n s e , sensitivity, and linearity are functions
of the electronic system interfacing, the performance of the signal
conditioning system used, and other factors. It is therefore a
necessity to check and calibrate the above parameters as a total
system and not on a component basis.
(2) LVDTs, unlike strain gauges, cannot be supplied with meaningful
calibration data. System sensitivity is a function of excitation
frequency, cable loading, amplifier phase characteristics, and
other factors. It is necessary to calibrate each LVDT-cable-
instrument system after installation, using a known input standard.
E M 1~10-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
(4) L o a d t r a n s d u c e r s . . The total load capacity of the load
transducer (load cell) should be of the proper order of magnitude with
respect to the maximum total loads to be applied to the test specimen.
Generally its capacity should be no greater than five times the total
maximum load applied to the test specimen to ensure that the necessary
measurement accuracy is achieved. The minimum performance char-
acteristics of the load cell are presented in Table 1.
A rigid load cell is required to avoid resonance problems
that can develop with closed-loop electrohydraulic loading systems.
Miniature lightweight load cells are used to prevent iner-
tia effects during cycling. The load cell is normally placed outside the
triaxial chamber. If the load cell is located inside the triaxial chamber,
special provisions must be provided to either pressurize the load cell
or normalize the effects of cell pressure to ensure that load readings
are not affected by the cell pressure. In all cases, the response and
performance of a load cell located inside the pressure chamber must
be documented.
(2) Deformation measurement. The stress-controlled cyclic
triaxial test requires a deformation transducer with a high resolution
and small range during the initial portion of the test and less resolution
but large range during the final portion of the test. The linear variable
differential transformer (LVDT) is generally considered to be the most
suitable deformation transducer for the test, and its minimum specifi-
cations will be discussed. However, other displacement measuring
devices, such as eddy current sensors or optical methods, may be used
if they meet the required performance criteria. Potentiometer type
deformation transducers are not recommended because they are easily
damaged if their maximum travel is exceeded.
The displacement transducer must have a range of at least
20-30 percent of specimen height but should not exceed 60 percent of
specimen height. The specifications for this transducer, representing
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1May 80
levels on nonlinearity, hysteresis, and repeatability, are also presented
in Table 1.
Accurate deformation measurements in dynamic triaxial
tests require that the LVDT be properly mounted to avoid excessive
mechanical system compression between the load frame, the triaxial
cell, the load cell, and the loading piston. Thus, it is recommended that
the LVDT be located either on the actuator rod or on the loading piston
attached to the test specimen.
(3) Pore water pressure measurements. Pore water pres-
sures may be individually measured in the drainage line(s) leading to
either (or both) the specimen cap or base. However, more reliable
measurements may be achieved if pore water pressure is measured at
both the cap and base simultaneously by having a connection in the
drainage lines between the specimen and the pressure transducer. The
use of a differential pressure transducer will facilitate data reduction.
A rigid pore water pressure measuring system is re-
quired. To achieve reliable measurements, it is recommended that pore
water pressure transducer volume change not exceed 1 Xi0 cu in.
per psi and that the transducers have the sensitivity and performance
characteristics summarized in Table 1. Moreover, the rigidity of all
the assembled components of the pore water pressure measurement
system should not exceed 1 Xi0 cu in. per psi. In general, stiff,
small-diameter tubing of metal or Saran, short-tubing runs, and high-
quality ball valves are required to meet this specification. In all cases,
the rigidity of the entire pore water pressure system, including the
transducer, must be ascertained and documented. Methods for measur-
ing the rigidity of the entire pore water pressure system are presented
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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I MaY !$o
by Wissa (1969)t and Bishop and Henkel (1962).tt
g. Saturation Equipment. The apparatus for back-pressure
saturation described in Appendix X is adequate provided the optional
vacuum source with a vacuum regulator is included in the setup. The
vacuum source must have a means of regulation for those instances
where the effective consolidation stress to be applied to specimens is
less than the pressure difference suppliable by the vacuum. Carbon
dioxide gas (C02) has been found very helpful in obtaining complete
saturation in those instances where a full vacuum cannot be applied.
The CO2 is permitted to seep up through the specimen prior to seepage
h. Tamping Rod for Moist Tamping Specimen Preparation.
(Optional) The standard moist tamping specimen preparation proce-
dure uses a tamping foot, whose diameter is one-half that of the speci-
men. Figure 7 shows a sketch of a tamping foot for a 2.8-in.-diameter
specimen. The tamping rod consists of a 3/4-in.-diameter steel rod 12
in. long with a 1.4-in .-diameter steel tamping foot attached to the end.
4. TESTING PROCEDURES. Specimen preparation, back-pressure
saturation, and consolidation procedures specified in paragraphs 4h
and 7k(1) through 7b(7),
- Appendix X, TRIAXIAL C O M P R E S S I O N T E S T S ,
are adequate and pertinent. However, preferred techniques for handling
undisturbed samples of cohesionless soils, preparing remolded speci-
mens for a standard test calibration procedure,* and anisotropic con-
solidation are as follows:
2. Reconstituted Specimen Preparation (Moist Tamping). The
procedure is as follows:
E M 1110-2-4906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
- l l/Z
(I) Adjust the water content of the material, so, that the
initial degree of saturation of the compacted material will be between
20 and 70 percent.
(2) Place the forming jacket, with membrane inside, over
the specimen base of the triaxial compression chamber.
(3) Evacuate the air between the membrane and inside face
of the forming jacket, so that the membrane is taut and flush against
the face.
(4) Determine the inside diameter and height of the mold to
within 0.001 in. for 2.8-in.-diameter specimens, and calculate the
E M 1140-2-3906
Appendix XA
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1May 80
volume based on these measurements.
(5) Select the number of layers to be used in the preparation
of the specimen. The maximum thickness should not exceed 1.0 in. for
specimens having diameters less than 4.0 in.
(6) Starting with the bottom layer, compact each layer to the
desired density using the tamping rod. The locking collar on the rod
must be adjusted to produce the desired height to within 0.001 in. for
each layer. This is most easily done by adjusting the travel of the foot
for each layer using a set of gage blocks.
(7) A procedure of variable compaction, such as that de-
scribed in paragraph 4h(4), Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION
TESTS, may be used to construct uniform specimens. An alternative
and similar procedure consists of building the specimen in equal
thickness layers but placing each successive layer in a slightly denser
state. For example, an increase of one percentage point of relative
density per layer (the top layer placed to the desired average .relative
density for the entire specimen) has been found satisfactory for medium
dense sand.
(8) After the forming jacket is filled to the desired height,
place the specimen cap on top of the specimen, pull the membrane end
over the cap, and fasten with O-rings. Carefully apply a vacuum to the
interior of the specimen while observing the response of the specimen
pressure transducer. Adjust the vacuum regulator as necessary to
assure that the differential pressure supplied by the vacuum is not
greater than the intended effective consolidation stress. A vacuum
gage located between the vacuum regulator and valve K (see Fig. 16
of Appendix X) simplifies this procedure by indicating the differential
supplied by the vacuum while valve K is still closed. With a vacuum
on the interior of the specimen, remove the forming jacket and measure
the specimen dimensions.
h. Undisturbed Specimen. Preparation. Sampling, transporting,
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 JQy 80
and testing undisturbed specimens of loose free-draining cohesionless
materials so as to minimize disturbance is an extremely difficult task.
However, the current practice is as follows:
(1) Obtain samples using a fixed-piston sampler and
drilling mud.
(2) Place perforated packers at both ends of the sampling
tube and allow the tube to drain in a vertical position. Drainage of the
tube should be monitored and, if insufficient, can be aided by the appli-
cation of a low vacuum, i.e. 5 in. (2.5 psi) of mercury (Hg), to the
bottom packer.
(3) After drainage, the sample may be carefully transported
to the laboratory, or alternatively frozen in the field using dry ice or
liquid nitrogen and transported to the laboratory in a frozen condition.
F r e e - d r a i n i n g s a m p l e s , which contain no silt or clay layers that would
form ice lenses upon freezing, should be transported frozen. It is
important to monitor the sample length at all stages (after sampling,
after drainage, after freezing, after transportation, and again before .-
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
of -burrs, and the specimen is pushed from the tube after having been
permitted to thaw slightly.
(6) The ends of the specimen should be trimmed smooth and
perpendicular to their length using a mitre box or other trimming
device. The specimen is then placed in the triaxial chamber and en-
closed in a rubber membrane; then, a small vacuum (always less than
T3) is applied to hold it firmly while thawing. It is usually necessary
to place the sample in a freezer at times during the cutting and trimming
process to ensure that the specimen remains frozen until enclosed in
the membrane.
(7) Dimensions of the specimen are,taken to calculate the
initial volume. If frozen, measurements are checked after the speci-
men has thawed. There should be no significant volume change; other-
wise, freezing or transportation have caused sample disturbance.
E M 4310-2-1906
Appendix XA
Chanke 1
1 May. 80
contributes to the effective stress and that the difference between the
vacuum and chamber pressures must not exceed the effective consoli-
dation stress.
(2) After allowing the specimen to remain under vacuum for
a period of approximately 5-15 min, permit de-aired water to slowly
seep up through the specimen from the bottom. The upward movement
of water must be slow enough to minimize entrapment of air pockets.
The use of de-aired water further promotes the removal of air by
solution. Flushing of water through the specimen should continue until
gas bubbles no longer come from the upper drainage line.
(3) After seepage saturation, reduce the vacuum and increase
the chamber pressure simultaneously until the specimen is at atmo-
spheric pressure. Back pressure the specimen in steps and evaluate
the degree of saturation at appropriate intervals using Skemptons pore
pressure parameter B . To do this, close the drainage lines from the
s p e c i m e n , increase the chamber pressure 5 or 40 psi, and adjust the
axial load to match the increase in chamber pressure. Observe the -
E M 11iO-2-i906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
In either of the cases where the vacuum is limited, CO21
can be allowed to slowly seep upward from the bottom of the specimen,
while the specimen is being formed or after it has been confined in the
triaxial chamber. The CO2 will displace the air in the specimen and,
being much more soluble in water than air, will enable subsequent
saturation steps to be carried out successfully.
During saturation, the change in height of the specimen
should be measured to the nearest 0.001 in. In addition, during satura-
tion and consolidation, an axial load must be applied to the loading
piston, which is screwed into the specimen cap, to compensate for the
uplift force on the loading piston. This static load will be expressed as
Ps = static load applied to specimen
= chamber pressure
Ar = area of the loading piston
s. C o n s o l i d a t i o n . Isotropic consolidation is defined as
= consolidation ratio
vertical effective consolidation stress
ulc =
= horizontal effective stress
To consolidate the specimen isotropically, maintain the applied back-
pressure constant and increase the chamber pressure until the
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
difference between the chamber pressure and the back pressure equals
the desired consolidation pressure. An axial load to counterbalance up-
lift due to increasing the chamber pressure must be applied. This may
require incrementally applying the consolidation pressure to provide
sufficient time to apply and adjust the counterbalancing uplift load.
Changes in specimen height during consolidation should be measured to
the nearest 0.001 in., and the change in specimen volume to the nearest
0.01 cc. A plot of burette and/or height readings versus logarithm of
elapsed time, as shown in Figure 5 of Appendix VIII, CONSOLIDATION
TEST, is optional.
Anisotropic consolidation is defined as
K =--#I
c -
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
create chamber pressure fluctuations. Compressed air instead of water
may be used as the confining fluid provided saturation and consolidation
do not exceed 8 hr. The procedure is as follows:
(1) Record test number and specimen identification on
recorder trace.
(2) Zero the recorder and transducer outputs, and record
calibration steps and scale factors.
(3) Close valve F (D should have been already closed) as
shown in Figure 16 of Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS.
(4) Record the consolidation pressure, T , and estimate
the magnitude of cyclic load to be applied for the desired stress ratio,
SR , with the equation:
PC = 2 X ;3c X SR X A
P = estimated cyclic load to be applied to the specimen, lb
- C
= consolidation pressure (chamber pressure-back pressure), psi
SR = d e s i r e d s t r e s s r a t i o
= area of specimen after consolidation, sq in.
(5) Initiate cyclic loading with the first half cycle in com-
pression using a 1- to 2-Hz sinusoidal load form. During cyclic loading,
the chamber pressure is maintained constant, and the axial load, axial
deformation, and change in pore water pressure (recording of chamber
pressure is optional) are recorded with time. The load is cycled until
either (a) the cyclic double amplitude strain exceeds 20 percent: (b)
500-load cycles or the maximum number required in the program is
s u r p a s s e d ; (c) n e c k i n g of the specimen is observed; or (d) the load
wave form deteriorates beyond acceptable values.
In cases of anisotropic consolidation, where
E M 1iiO-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May,80
K - i
udc < c
2 u3c
K - 1
udc > C
- 2
XA- 24
E M iIIO-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
3 MAY 80
s. From specimen dimension and volume changes during
saturation and consolidation, compute the height, area, and dry density
of the specimen after consolidation, using the following formulas:
= +$ (Ho - 2AHs)
= As (Ho - AHs)
H H - AHs - AHc
C 0
- AVw
A= H
X 62.4
dc = AcH
A = area of specimen after saturation, sq cm
As z initial area of specimen, sq cm
Ho = initial height of specimen, cm
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 May 80
Apt t Ape
XA-26 -
E M 3110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
achieve initial liquefaction (defined as 100 percent pore pressure re-
sponse) and various strain amplitudes are also recorded in Plate XA-2.
The uniformity of the load trace into the failure state should
be evaluated to ensure that the load uniformity criteria (see paragraph
- are achieved.
a. Results of individual tests on
specimens, which have been isotropically consolidated, are generally
presented by plotting various percent (e.g. 5, 40, and 20) double ampli-
tude strain versus number of cycles required to reach those strains.
Since anisotropically consolidated specimens often reach failure strains
in compression only, the various percentages of zero-to-peak compres-
sive strain can be plotted versus number of cycles to reach those strains.
In addition, pore pressure increase, Au/ g3c , versus number of cycles
to reach.those percentages of increase (e.g. 25, 50, 75, and 100) can be
plotted; the number of cycles to reach the given increase is denoted
as N respectively.
25i N5oi 9 N75i 9 a--d Ni 9
h. In analyzing the results of a series of isotropically consoli-
dated cyclic triaxial strength tests, the number of cycles required to
achieve initial liquefaction and various values of double amplitude
strain are plotted (see Plate XA-2 and Fig. 9) versus stress ratio,
SR , that is defined as
- -
2 u3c
EM 3110-2-i906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1. May 80
I I I I lllll I I I Ill1
1 10 100
Figure 9. Range of cyclic triaxial strength values for initial
liquefaction and IO percent double amplitude strain
E M 1140-2-1906
Appendix XA
Change 1
1 I4ay 80
1 cos @
= -y-- C O S @ OR cd,,. - Dac (Kc - 1) -
=L + 1) -(Kc - 11 S I N +
z 0 I I I I I
0 1 2 3 4 5
Dd field
mdc udc
2 cr = 2 u x Dd l a b
o(Dd field) o(Dd lab)
tt Available from Lone Star Company, 9315 San Leandro St., Oakland,
Calif. 94603. Small quantities available from C. K. Chan,
Richmond Field Station, University of California, Berkeley,
Richmond, Calif., while supplies last. An alternative sand and
corresponding calibration curve available from WES Soils Research
Center, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180.
t Mulilis et al., op. cit.; Silver, op. cit.; and Silver et al., op cit.
XA- 30 .-
E M 1410-2-1906
Appendix XA
ange 1
Y May 80
pressure to be used is 14.50 psi. Sufficient back pressure to achieve a
B value greater than 0.95 is required.
d. Testing Frequency. 1 Hz.
e . T e s t R e s u l t s . Figure 9 presents the range in acceptable
values for stress ratio versus number of cycles to initial liquefaction
and 40 percent double amplitude strain.
8. POSSIBLE ERRORS. In addition to those described in paragraph 9,
Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS, the following are
possible errors that would cause inaccurate cyclic triaxial strength
determinations :
a. Apparatus.
- (f) Loading wave form. Nonuniform, eccentric
load wave forms may result from excessive piston friction, improper
gain setting, or operation of the closed-loop servo valve. Insufficient
air or hydraulic fluid at failure conditions will cause unacceptable
load reduction. Misalignment between the loading piston and load
actuator may also cause unacceptable loading wave forms.
(2) Electronic transducers and recording equipment. Im-
proper calibration or sensitivity of the electronic transducers, in-
correct balancing of amplifiers or zero settings, or improper range
settings will result in inaccurate recording of actual loads, deforma-
tions, and pressures occurring during the test. It is also essential
that the recorder response be rapid enough to follow all changes in the
transducer output.
b. Specimen Preparation and Testing.
- (1) S p e c i m e n d i m e n s i o n s
not measured precisely or density improperly calculated. A circum-
ferential tape for measuring specimen diameter is recommended for
obtaining precise measurements. Twice the thickness of the membrane
must be subtracted for measurements of single membrane-encased
specimens. An improperly calibrated burette will lead to incorrect
volume change measurements during consolidation with resulting
errors in specimen density computations.
EM 4110-2-1906
Appendix XA
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1 May 80
(2) Percent undercompaction in lower specimen layers
improper for achieving uniform density.
(3) Incomplete saturation resulting in low B values. A
variety of problems can cause low B values: (a) use of insufficiently
de-aired water may prevent dissolving of air in the specimen without
resorting to extremely high back pressures; (b) incomplete de-airing
or saturation of pore pressure transducer and drainage lines (can be
avoided by applying a vacuum); and (c) system leaks due to punctured
membrane, poor membrane sealing to cap and base, loose fittings, or
improperly designed O-ring grooves (can be detected by using a bubble
chamber while applying vacuum to the system).
(4) Incorrect application of consolidation stresses.
Whenever the loading piston is fixed to the specimen cap, the static
uplift load equal to the area of the piston rod multiplied by the chamber
pressure must be accounted for when applying pressures, whether
during back-pressure saturation, B-value checks, or consolidation.
(5) Prestraining specimens. By allowing the effective con-
fining stress to vary, specimen strength can be greatly increased.t
(6) Scale factor for recorder traces not in agreement with
actual data measurements. Reduction of data from recorder traces
where incorrect scale factor, i.e., inches on recorder trace per pound
(load), per inch (deformation), or per pounds per square inch (pressure),
is used will result in data reduction error. The calibration steps should
always be recorded on the recorder trace prior to and after testing.
XA- 33
E M 1110-2-1906
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1 May 80
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XB
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1 May 80
specimen as outlined below. The ability to execute an efficient test
program to establish critical void ratio over a range of confining
pressures requires recognition of the nature of specimen behavior.
In general, three types of response from specimens can be antici-
pated, as illustrated in Figure 4.
-a. Complete
- Liquefaction. If the void ratio after consolidation
is sufficiently higher than the critical value for the given confining
p r e s s u r e , the specimen will bear several load increments with minor
axial strain (usually less than 2 percent) while exhibiting steadily
E M 1410-2-1906
Appendix XB
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1 May 80
accelerating pore pressure increases until failure by liquefaction oc-
curs catastrophically at peak deviator stress. During the collapse of
the specimen, which occurs over a fraction of a second, the deviator
stress actually borne by the specimen declines rapidly while the pore
pressure approaches, but not necessarily equals, the confining pressure.
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XB -
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1May 80
they are undesirable from the standpoint of specimen preparation
(see Appendi.x X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS, pp X-35 and
X-16). Figure 2 shows a satisfactory arrangement for deadweight
loading, which consists of a horizontal loading bar bearing on the load
rod (piston) and connected to a weight hanger suspended beneath the
triaxial chamber. A stopblock must be provided beneath the weight
hanger that will permit deformation of the specimen equivalent to not
less than 30 percent axial strain but will prevent contact of the
horizontal lo,ading bar with the top of the triaxial chamber. The
loading assembly should be designed to support 300 lb and constructed
of lightweight material. Pneumatic or closed-loop electrohydraulic -
systems must be capable of maintaining the axial load, i.e., supply
sufficient air or oil to allow the piston to follow the sudden and rapid
deformation during liquefaction.
b. e:cimen Cap. The specimen cap should be of a lightweight
noncorrosive material equipped with porous .metal or porous stone -
-d. Loading
- Piston to Loading Equipment Connection. See
paragraph 3d- of Appendix XA, CYCLIC TRIAXIAL TESTS.
-e. Recording
- Equipment. See paragraph 3e - of Appendix XA,
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix X B
Change 1
1 WY 80
7 -kJ-
T H A N 30 P E R C E N T A X I A L
C L E A R A N C E A.
XB- 5
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XB
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J_s May 80
- f. M e-a s u r e m e n t T r a n s d u c e r s . See paragraph 3f- of Appendix
g. Back-Pressure Saturation Equipment. See paragraph 3g
of Appendz<A, C Y C L I C T R I A X I A L T E S T S .
-h. Tamping
- Rod for Moist Tamping Specimen Preparation.
(Optional) See paragraph 3& of Appendix XA, CYCLIC TRIAXIAL
4. TESTING PROCEDURES. Specimen preparation, back-pressure
saturation, and consolidation procedures specified in paragraphs 4b-
and 7b(l)
- through 7b(7)
TESTS, are adequate and pertinent. However, preferred techniques
for handling undisturbed samples of cohesionless soils, preparing
remolded specimens, and anisotropic consolidation are as follows:
2. Reconstituted Specimen Preparation (Moist Tamping).
The procedure is as outlined in paragraph 4a- of Appendix XA,
CYCLIC TRIAXIAL TESTS, except that the initial water content of -
XB-6 -
E M 1110-2-3906
Appendix X B
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.l May 80
at the top, midheight, and bottom of the specimen or dial-gage
calipers at the same locations, except two readings should be taken
at each position by rotating the dial-gage calipers 90 deg to produce
a total of six diameter readings. Care must be taken not to deform
or disturb the relatively loose specimen during diameter measure-
ments. Height measurements to the nearest 0.001 in. at four locations
and weights to the nearest 0.1 g are recommended for 2.8-in.-diameter
specimens. Record the data on the data sheet. (Plate XB-1).
d. Preliminary Seepage Saturation. See paragraph 4d-of
2. C o n s o l i d a t i o n . See paragraph 45 of Appendix XA, CYCLIC
EM 1410-2-4 906
Appendix XB
Change 1 -
1 May 80
determined as described in (5) below. During loading, the chamber
pressure is :maintained constant, and the axial load, axial deformation,
and change in pore water pressure are recorded with time. Slow
recorder speeds can be used as long as the specimen is deforming
slowly; manual recording of load, pore water pressure, and deforma-
tion can be made as long as specimen behavior permits (this practice
can save timte in data reduction in that recorder traces are trouble-
some to read). Loading is continued on approximately l-min intervals
until either (a) the specimen liquefies or partially liquefies, or (b) the
specimen tends to dilate. A complete stress-strain record, such as
shown for liquefaction or limited liquefaction in Figure 1, is difficult to
obtain and requires experience- However, it is achieved by increasing
the recorder speed to 10 to 20 in. of record per second just as the spec-
imen indicates impending failure. The clues to approaching rapid fail-
ure are an obvious increase in deformation rate and steadily accelera-
ting increases in pore water pressure. If the specimen deforms
steadily but not catastrophically, additional load increments may be
applied as the straining tends to cease until the pore pressure begins
to decline.
(5) The magnitude of the monotonic load increments is
arbitrary but should be selected to provide several points on the
stress-strain curve prior to peak deviator stress. For a confining
E M 1110-2-i906
Appendix XB
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I May 80
or limited liquefaction, F
is taken as the difference between the
consolidation confining pressure, T and the maximum pore water
pressure generated during the test (see Figs. 1 and 3). Figure 4 illu-
strates construction of the critical void ratio, which is the approximate
relationship between e and ; 3f for the range of u3c The most
desirable test series includes two to three tests at each of several
pertinent confining pressures, u3c ; e.g., 0.5, 4.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0
tsf. The objective is to build the specimens near the critical void ratio,
but slightly above it, to obtain complete and limited liquefaction in fail-
ure. This can be accomplished by trial. A trial procedure is not
wasteful since all tests are of value in establishing the critical void
ratio relatifonship. It is suggested that a pilot test be performed with
a specimen built to about 20 percent relative density and by applying a
moderate consolidation stress (about 2 tsf). The behavior of this speci-
men should indicate the approximate position of critical void ratio.
Smaller confining pressures would produce higher critical void ratios;
and larger confining pressures, lower critical void ratios. Those
specimens that tend to dilate upon loading serve to help fix a lower
bound to the position of the e versus the s-3f r e l a t i o n s h i p .
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS. In addition to those described in paragraph 9.
of Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS, the following are
possible errors that would cause inaccuracies in the determination
of critical void ratio.
a. A
- - p p a r a t u s . (I) L o a d i n g s y s t e m . Insufficient air or hydraulic
fluid at failure conditions will cause unacceptable load reduction. Mis-
alignment between the loading rod piston and load actuator or air piston
may also cause unacceptable loading conditions.
(2) Electronic transducers and recording equipment. Im-
proper calibration or sensitivity of the electronic transducers, incorrect
balancing of amplifiers or zero settings, or improper range settings
will result in inaccurate recording of actual loads, deformations, and
E M ~110-2-~I.906
Appendix XB
Change 1 -
1 May 80
C O N S O L I D A T I O N P R E S S U R E m3c, TSF
1 .o 5.0 10.0
I I ljllll ll I pIIll
\,ASXJMED c~fnc,4L vo1~3 R A T I O
I -
0 3c af
pressures occurring during the test. It is also essential that the re-
corder response be rapid enough to follow all changes in the trans-
ducer output.
b_. Specimen Preparation and Testing. (I) S p e c i m e n d i m e n s i o n s
not measured precisely or density improperly calculated. A circum-
ferential tape for measuring specimen diameter is recommended for
obtaining precise measurements. Twice the thickness of the membrane
must be subtracted for measurements of single membrane-encased
specimens. An improperly calibrated burette will lead to incorrect
volume cha.nge measurements during consolidation with resulting errors
in specimen void ratio computations.
(2) Percent undercompaction in lower specimen layers im-
proper for achieving desired average density.
EM gdjO-2-1906
Appendix XB
Change 1
1 May 80
(Uniform density in a reconstituted specimen is essential).
(3) Incomplete saturation resulting in low B values. The
following problems can cause low B values: (a) use of insufficiently
de-aired water may prevent dissolving of air in the specimen without
resorting to extremely high back pressures; (b) incomplete de-airing
or saturation of pore pressure transducer and drainage lines (can be
avoided by applying a vacuum); and (c) system leaks due to punctured
membrane, poor membrane sealing to cap and base, loose fittings, or
improperly designed O-ring grooves (can be detected by using a bubble
chamber while applying vacuum to the system).
(4) Assuming that the loading piston is not connected to the
specimen cap, the static uplift load equal to the area of the loading
piston multiplied by the cha.mber pressure must be accounted for when
applying axial stresses.
(5) Scale factor for recorder traces not in agreement with
actual data measurements. Reduction of data from recorder traces
where scale factor, i.e., inches on recorder trace per pound (load),
per inch (deformation), or per pounds per square inch (pressure), will
result in data reduction error. The calibration steps should always
be recorded on the recorder trace prior to and after testing.
E M 1110-2-i906
30 Nov 70
strength. The axial load may be applied to the specimen either by the con-
trolled strain procedure, in which the stress is applied to produce a pre-
determined rate of strain, or by the controlled stress procedure, in which
the stress is applied in predetermined increments of load.
2. APPARATUS. The apparatus consists of the following:
a. Equipment for Preparing Specimen. A trimming frame as de-
scribed% paragraph 3~ of Appendix X, TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS,
or a trimming cylinder with beveled cutting edges may be used for trim-
ming specimens. The equipment should include wire saws and knives of
various sizes and types for use with the trimming frame. A motorized
soil lathe may be used advantageously under certain circumstances. A.
miter box or cradle is required to trim the specimen to a fixed length and
to ensure that the ends of the specimen are parallel with each other and
perpendicular to the vertical axis of the specimen.
b. Loa.ding Device . A number of commercially available
controll<d-strain or controlled-stress types of loading devices are suit-
able for applying the axial loads in the unconfined compression test. In
EM iiiO-2-1906
Appendix XI
30 Nov 70
E M lilO-2-i906
Appendix XI
30 Nov 70
E M iliO-2-1906
Appendix X I
30 Nov 70
E M iilO-2-1906
Appendix XI
30 Nov 70
EM iiiO-2-i906
Appendix XI
30 Nov 70
to test the specimen at a slower rate of strain.. Observe and record the
resulting load corresponding to increments of 0.3 percent strain for the
first 3 percent of strain and in increments of 1 or 2 percent of strain
thereafter. Stop the test when the axial load remains constant or when
20 percent axial strain has been produced.
C. Record the duration of the test, in minutes, to peak strength
(time to failure), type of failure (shear or bulge), and a sketch of speci-
men after failure on the data sheet (Plate XI-2).
d* After the test, place the entire specimen or a representative
portion thereof in a container of known weight and determine the water
content of the specimen in accordance w.ith Appendix I, WATER CONTENT
5. COMPUTATIONS. The computations consist of the following steps:
a. From the observed data, compute and record on the data sheet
(Plate XI-i) the water content, volume of solids, void ratio, degree of
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix XI
30 Nov 70
qu (undisturbed)
St = -----.-.-*
qC, (reniolded)
- S p e c i m e n d i s t u r b e d \:,hile trilriming.
- Loss of initial water content. A small change i.n water content
can cause a larger change in the strength of a clay, so it is essential that
every care be taken to protect the specimen against evaporation while
trimming and measuring, during the test, and when remolding a specimen
to determine the sensitivity.
- Rate of strain or rate of loading too fast.
STRENGTH DETERMINATIONS. Various other types of laboratory equip-
ment, such as cone penetrometers and vane shear apparatus, may be used
advantageously in the laboratory as a supplement to the basic unconfined
compression test equipment for determining the undrained shear strength
of cohesive soils. The use of these testing devices generally results in
savings in cost and time. However, the devices should b,e used with cau-
tion until sufficient data and procedural details are established to assure
their successful application. Use of such testing apparatus, as a rule,
XI -a
30 Nov 70
e e
Dd, p e r c e n t = e maT e x ioo
max min
e Z void ratio of the soil in the loosest state which can be attained
in the laboratory
e = void ratio of the soil in place
e Z void ratio of the soil in the densest state which can be attained
in the laboratory
though, for ease of computation, relative density may be expressed in
terms of dry unit weight by the equation
Yd - yd min x Yd max
Dd, percent = x ioo
Yd max - Yd min Yd
E M lliO-2-i906
Appen? ix XII
30 Nov 70
= dry unit weight of the soil in place, called in-place detbsili
= dry unit weight of the soil in the loosest state which caI> ho
Yd min
attai.ned in the laboratory, called minirr~um density
= dry unit weight of the soil in the densest state which ~911 t:r
d max
attained in the laboratory, called ma~imurn density.
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XII
30 Nov 70
1 The Syntron V P - 8 0 a n d V P - 2 4 0 V i b r a t o r y P a c k e r s , m a n u f a c t u r e d
by Syntron Co., Homer City, Pa., have proven satisfactory. (The
VP-80 has been replaced by a later model, VP-86, with the same
E M 11iO-2-1906
Appendix XII
30 Nov 70
d* Determine the initial dial reading, ho, for each mold and sur-
charge baseplate combination in the following manner:
(i) Measure the thickness of the calibration bar, t and of
the surcharge baseplate, ts, to the nearest 0.001 in.
( 2 ) L a y t h e calibrati+n bar across the top of the mold along
the axis defined by the bracket.s for the dial indicator holder, as shown in
Figure 4a, see page 9.
(3) Insert the dial indicator holder into the brackets on one
side of the mold so that the dial indicator stem rests on the calibration
bar, and note the dial reading. Then insert the dial indicator holder into
the brackets on the opposite side of the mold and note the dial reading.
The dial indicator holder should be placed in the same position in the
guide brackets for each reading by means of matchmarks on the holder
and on the brackets.
(4) Compute the average, hr, of the two dial readings.
(5) Compute the initial dial reading, ho, by the equation
h = hr + t - t
o c S
E M ,l1iO-2-1>06
Appendi>. XII
30 Nov 70
XII- 7
Appenc%x XII
30 Nov 70
4/2 -in. -diameter spout if the maximum particle size passes the No. 4 sieve
and the $-in. -diameter spout if the maximum particle size is between the
NO. 4 sieve and 3/8-in. sieve), adjust the height of the spout to maintain a
free fall of the soil of about 1 in. With a steady flow of soil from the spout,
move the pouring device in a spiral path from the outside to the center of
the mold to form each layer of uniform thickness without segregation.*
When the maximum particle size of the sample exceeds 3/8 in., place the
soil into the mold by means of the scoop held as closely as possible to the
previously placed layer so the soil slides but does not fall from the scoop;
restrain the larger particles with the hand where necessary to prevent their
rolling from the scoop. Continue filling the mold until the soil rises slightly
above the top of the mold, with care that no large particles which project
above the top of the mold are placed in the final layer. Using the straight-
edge, carefully trim the soil surface level with the top of the mold.
(4) If the maximum density of the oven-dried sample is not to
be determined,$ weigh the mold and soil to the nearest 0.04 lb and record
the weight on the data sheet; ait?rnatively, the contents of the mold may be
emptied into a mixing pan and weighed.
(5) Steps (3) and (4) should be repeated until consistent re,sults
(within 1 percent) are attained.
-Maximum Density Determination With Oven-Dried Sample. - The
procedure for determining the maximum density shall consist of the fol-
lowing steps:
(i) Proceed in accordance with paragraphs 5&(1) through 5&(3).
(2) Attach the mold to the deck of the vibratory table, if this
* Static electricity in dry sand can cause bulking similar to that produced
by a trace of moisture on the particles; a static -eliminating balance
brush can be applied to the equipment in contact with the sand when this
effect becomes bothersome.
$ Sf the maximum density of the oven-dried sample is to be determined
a 1 so9 proceed in accordance with paragraphs 5k(2) through 5b(7).
E M 1i10-2-3906
Appendix XII
30 Nov 70
had not been done prior to filling the mold with soil (see paragraph 5~(3)).
(3) Place the guide sleeve on the top of the mold and clamp it
f i r m l y to the mold.* Lower the s u r c h a r g e b a s e p l a t e onto the surface of
the soil and remove the handl;. Using the hoist if necessary, lower the
surcharge weight onto the surcharge baseplate.
(4) It has been determined that for a particular vibrating
table, mold, and surcharge assembly, the maximum dry density of a spec-
imen may be obtained at a displacement amplitude (rheostat setting) less
than the maximum amplitude of which the apparatus is capable; i.e., dry
density may increase with increase in rheostat setting to a setting, beyond
which the dry density decreases. Therefore each laboratory should
determine for its apparatus the rheostat setting at which maximum den-
sity is produced and use this setting for subsequent maximum density
testing.* A clean, durable, subrounded to rounded material should be
used in making these determinations (in both 0.1- and 0.5-cu-ft molds).
The test should be performed as given in this appendix, except that the
rheostat setting should be increased from zero to 100 in increments of i0
and measurements taken after each period of vibration; the material
should be vibrated for a period of 8 min at each rheostat setting and not
removed until after the last determination has been made (100 percent
rheostat setting). The particle size distribution of the specimen should
be determined before and after the test to assess the extent of degrada-
tion, if any.
(5) Remove the surcharge weight and guide sleeve from the
mold, and obtain dial indicator readings on opposite sides of the surcharge
* The inside surface of the guide sleeve must align with the inside sur-
face of the mold, so two of the three clamping bolts should be provided
with lock nuts, as noted in Figure 2. By properly adjusting and locking
these two bolts, the guide sleeve will be drawn automatically into cor-
rect alignment when the third bolt is tightened.
i It may be desirable to redetermine the optimum rheostat setting at the
inception of testing for each major project.
E M 11iO-2-i906
Appendix XII
30 Nov 70
EM 1iiO-2-1906
30 Nov.70
XIIA - 1
EM iIIO-2-1906
Appendix XHA
30 Nov 70
XL4 - 2
EM li40-2-i906
Appendix XIIA
30 Nov 70
L_ 4
E_M iiio-2-i906
Appendix XIIA
30 Nov 70
RELATIVE DENSITY) having metal funnels with i/2 - and 1 -in. -diameter
cylindrical spouts, each attachable to a metal can 6 in. in diameter by 42
in. high*
& Hand scoop large, metal.
t ;at;;e yDn;;tJ;r:r;;f;;l*
L . . .
i- Straightedge9 l5-in., steel.
XSIA-4 .-
Appendix XIIA
30 Nov 70
=hrtt t
hO C S
EM ii10-2-i906
Appendix XKA -
30 Nov 70
and remove the lifting rod. Place the surcharge weight on the surcharge
baseplate so that it is centered on the plate. Lower the guide yoke onto
the top of the mold, threading the guide rod through the center hole in the
top of the yoke, and clamp the yoke firmly to the mold.
(4) Strike the side of the mold between the flanges with sharp,
forceful blows of the ball-peen hammer, rotating the mold as each blow is
delivered. The blows*shall be uniformly distributed over the height and
circumference of the mold at a rate not exceeding 40 blows per minute
(5) When the vertical movement of the guide rod becomes
imperceptible, place the depth gage on the top of the yoke with the fil in-
dicator stem passing through one of the depth gage holes to rr /Dn top of
the surcharge baseplate, and note the dial reading. Then continue striking
the mold in cycles of about 25 blows, reinserting the depth gage into the
same hole after each cycle and noting the dial reading. The sample shall
be considered to have attained the maximum density when the change in
dial reading for any 25-blow cycle is less than 0.005 in.
(6) Obtain final dial readings with the depth gage inserted
through each of the holes i n the yoke. Record the dial readings on the
data sheet.
(7) Remove the guide yoke, surcharge weight, and surcharge
baseplate from the mold.
(8) Empty the contents of the mold into a mixing pan and
weigh the pan and soil to the nearest O.Oi lb. Record the weight on the
data sheet.
6. COMPUTATIONS. The computations shall be made as described in
paragraph 6 of Appendix XII, RELATIVE DENSITY.
7. POSSIBLE ERRORS. Besides the errors given in paragraphs 72
and %_ of Appendix XII, RELATIVE DENSITY, following are possible
errors that would cause inaccurate determinations of maximum density:
a. Loosening of yoke during vibration. The clamping bolts
should be checked before each dial reading to ascertain that the yoke is
XIIA - 6
EM j4iO-2--1906
Appendix XIIA
30 Nov 7C
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
known field performance of the soils.
2 . I D E N T I F I C A T I O N O F D I S P E R S I V E C L A Y S . a-. I n t r o d u c t i o n . Iden-
tification of dispersive clays may be required for earth structures not
yet constructed, for existing earth structures, and for natural soil
deposits. Positive identification of dispersive clays is by observed
performance of the soil in the field.* Dispersive clays cannot be iden-
tified by conventional index tests such as particle size distribution,
Atterberg limits, and compaction characteristics.
b. Laboratory Tests Used to Identify Dispersive Clays. Four
laboratory tests commonly used to identify dispersive clays are the
Crumb test, Soil Conservation Service (SGS) dispersion test, soil pore
water chemistry correlation, and the pinhole erosion
(1) The Crumb test (procedure given in Plate XIII-I) is often
used as an adjunct to other tests for identifying dispersive clays. HOW-
ever, the Crumb test is a useful indicator only in one direction. If the
Crumb test indicates dispersion (Crumb reading 3 or 4), the soil is
probably dispersive; however many dispersive soils, particularly
kaolinitic soils, do not react to the Crumb test (i.e., give Crumb read-
ings of I or 2).$
(2) The SCS dispersion test has been used to identify
XIII - 2
E M j110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
dispersive clays. Available results indicate for soils with SCS disper-
s ion < 35 percent, dispersive erosion will not be a problem; for soils
with SCS dispersion from 35 to 50 percent, dispersive erosion may or
m a y not occur; and for soils with SCS dispersion > 50 percent, disper-
sive erosion will be a problem.t,tt,$ The SCS dispersion test has about
85 percent reliance in predicting dispersive performance (about 85 per-
cent of dispersive soils show more than 35 percent SCS dispersion).tt
(3) Sherard et al.,%% have obtained a relationship between
dispersion and soil pore water chemistry based on pinhole erosion
tests and observed dispersion erosion in nature, as shown in Figure 1,
The soil pore water correlation has about 85 percent reliance in pre-
dicting dispersive
(4) The pinhole erosion test is the most reliable test for
identifying dispersive soils.t,$$ Figure 2 shows a schematic repre-
sentation of the pinhole erosion test. In conducting the test, distilled
water under a low hydraulic head is caused to flow through a small
diameter hole in the soil specimen. For dispersive soils, the flow
emerging from the soil specimen is cloudy and the hole rapidly en-
larges. For nondispersive soils, the flow is clear and the hole does
not enlarge. The pinhole erosion test was developed for the purpose
of identifying dispersive soils and is not intended to be a geometri-
cally scaled model of an actual prototype structure. Since the theory
of similitude was not used in the design of the test, quantitative data
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 Nay 80
. ii-
E M 1jiO-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 I%ay 80
are not obtained on the quantity of flow through the pinhole, amount of
soil erosion, or rate of soil erosion. Two limitations of the pinhole
erosion test for identifying dispersive soils have been observed. Un-
distrubed soil samples of high sensitivity (ratio of the peak undrained
strength of the soil in a natural state to the peak undrained strength
after it has been remolded without change in water content) may be
classified as dispersive from the pinhole erosion test, while in nature
the soil may be resistant to erosi0n.T Apparently, the natural structure
of the soil is destroyed by punching the pinhole in the undisturbed soil
specimen and a reaction analogous to dispersion is obtained in the pin-
hole erosion test. Soils with high sodium (> 80 percent ) and low total
dissolved solids (< 0.4 meq/!) in the soil pore water may show nondis-
persive in the pinhole erosion test, while the soil may exhibit dispersive
performance in the This may occur because a decrease in the
concentration gradient between the soil pore water and eroding fluid
(distilled water 2 0.0 meq/! for pinhole erosion test) results in a de- --
crease in the erosion rate for soils.* However, available data from case
histories indicate very few soils with total dissolved solids ci.0 meq/!
for which dispersive performance has been observed in the field.**
2. Field Tests Used to Identify Dispersive Clays. Four field
tests that have been used to identify dispersive clays are the Crumb
test (also used as a laboratory test), the ultraviolet light, the modified
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1May 80
sodium). This method does not determine potassium, which exists in
small quantities (5 1 .O meq/ 1) in most soils. The second method uses
a Wheatstone bridge to determine the percent sodium and total dis-
solved cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium).
EM ii:O-2-1906
Append ix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
specimens encased in Shelby-tube 3.i25 in. in outside diameter by 4.60
in. high. Accessory equipment needed includes: (a) de-aired distilled
water; (b) graduated cylinders of iO-, 25-, 50-, iOO-, and 250-mI capac-
ity; (c) stopwatch reading to 0.i set; (d) centigrade thermometer with
range 0 to 5OC and accurate to O.iC; (e) modeling clay,t plus i/8- and
f/4-in. circular hardware cloths cut to fit inside the specimen tube;
(f) pea gravel, i/4- to 3/8-in. size; and (g) i/i6-in.-diameter steel
welding rod.
To interpret the results of the pinhole erosion test and to develop a
classification system containing intermediate grades between dispersive
and nondispersive clays, it is necessary to determine the relationship
between quantity of flow and initial hydraulic head as a function of the
size of the pinhole, as shown in Figure 3. This relationship is deter-
mined by substituting aluminum cylinders with varying pinhole diameter
(Plate XIII-4) for the soil specimen and measuring the quantity of flow
for various hydraulic heads. Two calibrations are required: (1) 4.60-
in.-long aluminum cylinders with varying pinhole diameter, and (2) 2.82-
in.-long aluminum cylinders with varying pinhole diameters. These cal-
ibrations should be conducted for each pinhole erosion apparatus used.
b. Assembly of Apparatus. To calibrate the pinhole erosion
apparatus, the temperature of the distilled water is recorded both
before and after the test. The 4.6O-in.-long aluminum cylinder with the
i/i 6-in. -diameter pinhole is pushed into the specimen tube and
positioned longitudinally in the center of the specimen tube as shown
(for a soil specimen) in Plate XIII-2. The i/4-in. hardware cloth is
placed next to the exit end of the aluminum cylinder (away from the
distilled water entrance) and positioned so that the pinhole is centered
in an opening in the hardware cloth. The 1/8-in. hardware cloth is
t Clayola modeling clay, Binney and Smith, Inc., 380 Madison Avenue,
New York, N. Y. iOO17.
E M i1iO-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 2
20 Aug 86
0 2 4 6 8 IO I2 I4
around the perimeter of the hardware cloths to hold them in place. Pea
g r a v e l (i/4- to 3/8 -in. size) is placed next to the hardware cloths, and
the drain plate (Plate XIII-3) is attached to the esit end of the specimen
tube. The */4-in. hardware cloth is placed next to the entrance end of
the aluminum cylinder and pusitioned so that the pinhole is centered in
an opening in the hardware cloth. The 1/8-in. hardware cloth is placed
next to the i/4-in. hardware cloth. Modeling cla!? is placed around the
perimeter of the hardware cloths to hold them in place and to provide
a watertight seal between the beveled edge of the aluminum cylinder
EM lilO-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
and the inside of the specimen tube. P e a g r a v e l (1/4- to 3/8-in. s.izej
is placed next to the hardware cloths and the pressure plate (Plate
XIII-31 is attached to the entrance end of the specimen tube, completing
the assembly of the pinhole erosion test apparatus.
c. Test Procedure for Calibration. Distilled water from the
constant head tank is caused to flow through the pinhole in the
aluminum cylinder under a hydraulic head of 1 in. for a period of 2 to
4min (until the quantity of flow becomes constant). The quantity of
flow is measured continuously with a stop watch (nearest 0.i set) and
g r a d u a t e d c y l i n d e r s (i0, 25, 50, 100, or 250 ml) and recorded on the
data sheet (Plate XIII-5). The quantity of flow is measured for hydrau-
lic heads of i, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, ii, 13, and 15 in. This process is then
repeated using the aluminum cylinders with 1/8-, 3/16-, and 1/4-in.-
diameter pinholes. The hydraulic capacity (maximum quantity of
water which will flow through the pinhole erosion apparatus for a
given hydraulic head and pinhole diameter) of the pinhole erosion
apparatus may be reached with the i/4-in.-diameter pinhole at less
than 15 in. of hydraulic head. This completes the calibration for the
4.60-in.-long aluminum cylinders. A similar calibration will then be
conducted using the 2.8i6-in.- long aluminum cylinders with 1/16-,
f/8-, 3/16-, and i/4-in.-diameter p i n h o l e s .
g. Presentation of Calibration Results. The results of the
calibration test for the 4.6-in.-long aluminum cylinders are plotted in
a manner similar to that shown in Figure 3. The measured quantities
of flow from the calibration test are used to prepare a classification of
test results for the pinhole erosion test using 4.6-in.-long s p e c i m e n s
(see Fig. 4). The classification shown in Figure 4 is depicted
graphically in Figure 5.
EROSION TESTING. To identify dispersive clays for earth structures
not yet constructed, pinhole erosion tests will be conductfd on
XIII- 11
EM 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 2
?? Aug 86
Hi = 2 in.
IO min
Hi = 15 in.
10 min
XIII- 12
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 8 0
compacted specimens from soil samples taken from proposed borrow
areas. The soil sample shall be maintained at natural water content
prior to testing.t If the soil sample contains gravel-size particles,
they will be removed by pushing the material through the No. 4 sieve
(0.187-in. Opening). The soil specimen tested in the pinhole erosion
apparatus shall be compacted at the same water content and dry
density as those proposed for the earth structure in the field. If the
natural water content is greater than that proposed for construction,
the soil shall be air-dried to the construction water content. If the
natural water content is less than the proposed construction water con-
tent, distilled water shall be added to bring the soil to the construction
water content. The type of compaction (kneading, dynamic, or other)
used in the laboratory to prepare the soil specimens for pinhole
erosion testing shall simulate the field compaction. Where the soil
is to be compacted in the field with a sheepsfoot roller, the soil
specimens for pinhole erosion testing shall be compacted with a
laboratory kneading compaction apparatus (see Appendix X, TRIAXIAL
COMPRESSION TESTS, pp X-14 and X-i5).tt When the soil is to be
compacted in the field with hand-operated tampers, such as in the
vicinity of an outlet conduit, the soil specimens for pinhole erosion
testing shall be compacted with a laboratory dynamic (impact) com-
paction apparatus (see Appendix VI, COMPACTION TESTS, p VI-i3).
Following compaction, the soil specimen for pinhole erosion testing
shall be tested immediately (the soil specimens shall not be allowed
to cure following compaction) in the pinhole erosion apparatus.
XIII- 14
E M iiiO-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
EROSION TESTING. To identify dispersive clays in natural deposits
or existing compacted earth structures, the pinhole erosion test will
be conducted on undisturbed soil samples. The soil sample is not
removed from the Shelby tube. A 4.6-in.-long section is cut from the
Shelby tube using a horizontal band saw, and the soil specimen en-
cased in the Shelby tube is placed in the pinhole erosion apparatus
for testing. If undisturbed block samples are available, a 4.6-in.-long
section of Shelby tube with a sharp cutting edge can be pushed into
the block sample to obtain a soil specimen for pinhole erosion testing.
7 . P I N H O L E E R O S I O N T E S T P R O C E D U R E . a-. G e n e r a l . T h e iden-
tifying information for the soil specimen is recorded on the data sheet
(Plate XIII-5 is a suggested form). The temperature of the eroding
fluid (distilled water) is recorded both before and after the test. The
curing time (time lapse between compaction and pinhole erosion test-
ing) is recorded for remolded specimens. Although zero curing time
is specified for the pinhole erosion test, some time will be consumed
in assembling the apparatus, punching the pinhole in the soil speci-
men, etc.
b. Assembly of Apparatus.
- To assemble the pinhole erosion
apparatus, the soi1 specimen is positioned longitudinally in the center
of the specimen tube as shown in Plate XIII-2 for a compacted speci-
men 4.00 in. in diameter by 4.60 in. high. The same procedure is
employed when testing an undisturbed soil specimen or a compacted
soil specimen 1.3125 in. in diameter by 2.816 in. high (these soil
specimens encased in adapters (Plate XIII-3) are positioned longitudi-
nally in the center of the specimen tube). The pinhole punch guide
assembly (Plate XIII-4) is attached to the exit end of the specimen tube
(away from the distilled water entrance), and a i/16-in.-diameter steel
welding rod is pushed through the pinhole punch guide until the rod
just touches (marks) the exit end of the soil specimen. The pinhole
punch guide is removed from the exit end of the specimen tube, and
XIII- 15
E M l.410-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
the 1/4-in. hardware cloth is placed next to the exit end of the soil
specimen and positioned so that the pinhole mark is centered in an
opening in the hardware cloth. The l/8-in. hardware cloth is placed
next to the 1/4-in. hardware cloth, and modeling clay is placed around
the perimeters of the hardware cloths to hold them in place. Pea
g r a v e l (4/4- to 3/8 -in. size) is placed next to the hardware cloths and
the drain plate (Plate XIII-3) is attached to the exit end of the specimen
tube. The pinhole punch guide assembly is attached to the entrance
end of the specimen tube, and a l/j6-in.-diameter steel welding rod
is used to pu:nch a pinhole longitudinally through the center of the soil
specimen. The pinhole punch guide assembly is removed, and the
1/4-in. hardware cloth is placed next to the entrance end of the soil
specimen and positioned so that the pinhole is centered in an opening
in the hardware cloth. The 1/8-in. hardware cloth is placed next to
the 1/4-in. hardware cloth, and modeling clay is placed around the
perimeter of the hardware cloths to hold them in place and to provide
a watertight seal between the soil specimen and the inside of the
specimen, tube, as shown in Plate XIII- 2. When the soil specimen is
encased in an adapter, modeling clay is useo to provide a watertight
seal between the beveled edge of the adapter (Plate XIII-3) and the in-
side of the specimen tube. Pea gravel (1/4- to 3/8-in. size) is placed
next to the hardware cloths, and the pressure plate (Plate XIII-3) is
attached to th.e entrance end of the specimen tube completing the
assembly of the pinhole erosion test apparatus.
c . T e s t P r o c e d u r e . The 1/4-in. pipe plug, located on top of the
specimen tube next to the manometer (Plate XIII-2) is removed, and
the entrance end of the specimen tube containing the pea gravel is
filled with distilled water. The i/4-in. pipe plug is placed back into
position, and distilled water from the constant head tank is caused to
flow through the pinhole in the soil specimen under a hydraulic head
of 2 in. for 10 min (if no flow occurs under the 2-in. hydraulic head,
XIII- 16
E M 4110-2-1904
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 May 80
remove the pressure plate, pea gravel, and hardware cloths, attach
the pinhole punch guide assembly to the entrance end of the specimen
tube, and repunch the pinhole in the soil specimen). The quantity of
flow is measured continuously with a stopwatch (nearest 0.1 see) and
graduated cylinders (10, 25, or 50 ml) and recorded on the data sheet
(Plate XIII- 5). The color of the water in the flask (clear, cloudy, or
dark) is observed and recorded on the data sheet. At the end of the
$O-min flow under the 2-in. hydraulic head, the quantity of flow (ml/set)
is computed. If the quantity of flow under 2-in. hydraulic head in-
creases with time showing a cloudy or dark color and after a IO-min
flow is greater than the measured quantity of flow obtained when the
pinhole erosion apparatus was calibrated using the aluminum cylinder
with the 4/16-in.-diameter pinhole, i.e., Df > Di , the test is concluded.
If the quantity of flow under 2-in. hydraulic head does not increase
with time and remains clear and after a IO-min flow is approximately
equal to or less than the measured quantity of flow obtained when the
pinhole erosion apparatus was calibrated using the aluminum cylinder
with the $/16- in.-diameter pinhole, i.e., Df 5 D , the hydraulic head
is raised to 7 in., and the quantity of flow is measured continuously for
10 min. If the quantity of flow under a 7-in. hydraulic head increases
with time showing a cloudy color and after a 30-min flow is greater
than the measured quantity of flow obtained when the pinhole erosion
apparatus was calibrated using the aluminum cylinder with the 1/46-in.-
diameter pinhole, i.e., Df > D , the test is concluded. If the quantity
of flow under 7-in. hydraulic head does not increase with time and
remains clear and after a IO-min flow is approximately equal to or
less than the measured quantity of flow obtained when the pinhole
erosion apparatus was calibrated using the aluminum cylinder with
the i/j 6- in. -diameter pinhole, i.e., Df 5 Di , the hydraulic head is
raised to 15 in., and the quantity of flow is measured continuously for
40 min; then the test is concluded.
XIII- 17
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Appendix XIII
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1 May 80
R E S U L T S . 2. Presentation of Test Results. Plates XIII-6 to XIII-9
present the test results from the pinhole erosion test. These plates
are obtained from the calibration of the pinhole erosion apparatus
(see Fig. 3). Typical test results for a dispersive clay and a nondis-
persive clay are also shown in these plates.
b. Analysis of Test Results.
- The primary differentiation
between dispersive and nondispersive clays is given by the pinhole
erosion test results under a hydraulic head of 2 in.? For dispersive
clays, the quantity of flow under a hydraulic head of 2 in. continuously
increases and may reach a maximum value that is limited by the
hydraulic capacity of the pinhole erosion apparatus, in less than i0
min. For nondispersive clays, under a hydraulic head of 2 in. the
flow will be clear or slightly cloudy. As shown in Figure 4, the pin-
hole erosion test results are classified as Di , D2 , ND4 , ND3 ,
ND2 , o r ND1 .f Dis persive clays are classified as D or D
1 2
intermediate clays as ND or ND and nondispersive clays as
4 3
or ND
ND2 1 -
previously, undisturbed soil specimens of high sensitivity (ratio of the
peak undrained strength of the soil in a natural state to the peak un-
drained strength of the soil after it has been remolded without change
in water content), may be classified as dispersive from the pinhole
erosion test, while in nature the soil may be resistant to
Soils with high sodium (> 80 percent) and low total dissolved solids
(< 0.4 meq/1) in the soil pore water may show nondispersive in the
pinhole erosion test while the soil may exhibit dispersive performance
XIII- 18
E M iiiO-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 MY 80
in the field.? H o w e v e r , available data from case histories indicate
very few soils with total dissolved solids < 1.0 meq/1 for which dis-
persive performance has been observed in the fie1d.t-t
VIII- 19
E M 1110-2-1906
Appendix XIII
Change 1
1 MfZly 80
Crumb Test
No dispersion problem = 1
Possible dispersion problem = 2
Definite dispersion problem = 3 or 4
XIII- 20