Air Ambulance CMS 1500
Air Ambulance CMS 1500
Air Ambulance CMS 1500
You must write AMB at the top center of the claim form!
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
1 Medicare / Medicaid Required -- Enter an X in the box You must write
/ Tricare Champus / marked Medicaid (Medicaid #). AMB at the top
Champva / Group center of the
Health Plan / Feca Louisiana
Blk Lung Medicaid claim
1a Insureds I.D. Required Enter the recipients 13
Number digit Medicaid ID number exactly as
it appears when checking recipient
eligibility through MEVS, eMEVS, or
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
6 Patient Relationship Situational Complete if
to Insured appropriate or leave blank.
7 Insureds Address Situational Complete if
appropriate or leave blank.
8 Patient Status Optional.
9 Other Insureds Situational Complete if
Name appropriate or leave blank.
9c Employers Name or Situational Complete if
School Name appropriate or leave blank.
9d Insurance Plan Situational Complete if
Name or Program appropriate or leave blank.
10 Is Patients Situational Complete if
Condition Related appropriate or leave blank.
11b Employers Name or Situational Complete if
School Name appropriate or leave blank.
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
11c Insurance Plan Situational Complete if
Name or Program appropriate or leave blank.
11d Is There Another Situational Complete if
Health Benefit appropriate or leave blank.
12 Patients or Situational Complete if
Authorized Persons appropriate or leave blank.
Signature (Release
of Records)
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
18 Hospitalization Leave blank.
Dates Related to
Current Services
19 Reserved for Local Leave blank.
20 Outside Lab? Leave blank.
21 Diagnosis or Nature Required -- Enter the most current
of Illness or Injury ICD-9 numeric diagnosis code and,
if desired, narrative description.
01 = Third Party Liability Recovery
02 = Provider Correction
03 = Fiscal Agent Error
90 = State Office Use Only
99 = Other
10 = Claim Paid for Wrong Recipient
11 = Claim Paid for Wrong Provider
00 = Other
23 Prior Authorization Situational Complete if Air Ambulance
Number appropriate or leave blank. Services must be
Prior Authorized
If the services being billed are Air and the 9-digit
Ambulance and must be Prior PA number must
Authorized, the PA number is be entered in this
required to be entered. field.
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
24 Supplemental Leave blank.
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
24G Days or Units Required -- Enter the number of Ensure that the
units billed for the procedure code appropriate units
entered on the same line in 24D or are entered for
the one-way mileage as applicable. the service (i.e.,
1 unit for
transport and the
number of miles
for mileage).
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
30 Balance Due Situational Enter the amount due
after third party payment has been
subtracted from the billed charges if
payment has been made by a third
party insurer.
31 Signature of Required -- The claim form MUST
Physician or be signed. The practitioner or the
Supplier Including practitioners authorized
Degrees or representative must sign the form.
Credentials Signature stamps or computer-
generated signatures are
acceptable, but must be initialed by
the practitioner or authorized
representative. If this signature does
not have original initials, the claim
will be returned unprocessed.
Locator # Description Instructions Alerts
33b Unlabelled Required Enter the billing Formerly entered
providers 7-digit Medicaid ID in Block 9 of the
number. Unisys 105 Claim
Form. The 7-
digit Medicaid
Provider Number
must appear on
paper claims.