Pursepages Edition14-2015-16
Pursepages Edition14-2015-16
Pursepages Edition14-2015-16
Purse Pages
Edition 14
Busy, Busy, Busy
/ Parents, will contain important Please stay tuned
This is a very busy information regarding for more information
time of the year for upcoming events and regarding the
everyone, but activities 5th graders Invention Convention.
especially 5th grade. will be participating in. We have discussed it
We have a lot of As you are aware we together in class and
activities and completed PARCC you child should have
projects coming up. testing this week. It shared the timeline
I will be in contact went very smoothly with you at home this
with you a lot over and the kids worked week. More
the next month in a incredibly hard. Thank information will come
half, please make you for helping to get as we get closer.
sure to read the e- your child here and on
mails or handouts I time each day!
send to you as they
Social Studies
In Math, we have
The students are continued to work in
continuing to learn also were able to
our fraction unit.
about the slave trade discover that
in West Africa and Students are making
multiplying fractions
how slavery began in sense of fractions. We
proves much easier
North America in the have been doing a lot
southern colonies. then adding and
of problem solving and
subtracting with unlike
Science looking at language to
denominators. I even
help identify how to
In science, we began heard, this is easy!
approach a problem
our Life Science unit and this is fun!
best. We began to
with a discussion of
take a deeper look at
systems and
multiplying fractions
subsystems. The class
this week. The
identified what makes
students started to
a system. Each group
discover what happens
created a diagram of a
to the product when
current functioning
you multiply fractions
system to demonstrate
and are making the
how it works and the
connection to our
subsystems that are
decimal unit. They
within it.