Classroom Observations Room 13 Term 1

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Classroom Observations Rm 13 Observer Debbie

Lesson: Phonics Date: 4.4.17

Before the Observation During the Observation A
Focus Points What happened during the lesson? R
Building students phonological Class sitting on the mat in a circle, all students were set up
awareness and ready for learning. Teacher was in the middle of the
circle touching base with all students to ensure that they all
understood the learning that was taking place and that she W
Diagraphs: r
was right there if they needed extra support.
Kn sound t
- Students writing kn words, the words where given to
Oi sound the students to spell and write down
Oy - sound - The diagraph of focus is recorded on the board for H
students to refer too s
- Connections made to cvc words
- Identifying consonants and vowels H
- Great questioning to engage learners
Planning / Preparation s
- What is the consonant at the end of the word knit?
- Double t the last consonant and add ing
Organised planning and in folder. All I
- Oi write coin
planning is kept together.
- Oy write toys, boys and if you are to write Roy what
is the rule (a student answers its a name so it starts W
Great anecdotal notes kept for with a capital letter) s
reading. (Gaps in both Writing and - Dictated sentence - Roy knocked over the oil. To end
Maths - ?) the lesson
- Students went onto handwriting where the books we
Resources clearly organised and set up ready for the students to work on
ready for use. - Handwriting based on the new learning that had
previously taken place
Great positive lesson with great learning happening

Next Steps: Support needed:

Anecdotal notes the purpose of these? Deb to support Team around
Recording Assessment data for students next steps
Reflective Questions:
How do you use your assessments to set next steps?
They are my teaching points for following lessons and Guided groups. It helps me plan
accordingly and enables me to teach for urgency.
Early words testing enables me to choose books with specific words in them.
Helps me form my Guided Groups and plan appropriately for each group.
Gives an indication if its a whole class target or small group target. (Helps me
determine if I need to model as a whole class or take a select number of children and
work on this with them).
STAR testing and PAT testing indicated gaps in childrens learning so it helps me plan
accordingly and plan activities specific to the needs of the children.
Running records help me to work on reading strategies, comprehension, ways children
decode words and reading behaviours. It also helps me choose appropriate books for

What anecdotal notes and reflections do you use and what are the purpose of these?
I write anecdotal notes for Writing and Maths for each child over a 2 week cycle. I
write anecdotal notes for Reading weekly. These help me to teach for urgency and
give me teaching points. I keep anecdotal notes for behaviour in the class.
I always keep in mind where the childrens achievements are according to their
anniversaries when reflecting upon teaching and learning.

Reflecting upon teaching and writing anecdotal notes are important as they help with
planning and they also help me to make OTJs.

How do you provide time for your students to discuss their learning?
When conferencing
During discussions and sharing ideas
Talking partners and peer share
When they self-reflect
Goal setting
Explaining their answers and processes for how they reached their answer.

How do you use the highlighting system that is Schoolwide?

I use the yellow highlighter (self-assessment) in handwriting
At times, I use the yellow highlighter (self-assessment) for children to highlight their
target in Writing. Eg Different sentence starters, conjunctions etc.
At times, I use the green highlighter in Writing when conferencing with the children
and discussing when the children have achieved their learning goal. This is something
I am currently working on to increase my usage of the highlighter.

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