DP VehicleParking Documentation

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21- Hay - 2015 Dyna uc Hogramm ing for Farkiag Obstacles Obst, sChst estimated inhal @ndihions xO, uO Oynamic Program Path Hauner —|__exdynprog-m ] expathplan.m control law Con path Fath, sFath Froblem Parameters E : Path Tracker |—— tuning var. fond mop path track .c ~ orientation ortai, a sical measurements X,U cee e range ytange: ~ resalution xres, yres, pres __ | Real Vehicle Simmodel. six = target pesthon 6s) Targ * Dynamic Programming parameters real énckal coneikon (inside simmodel ) ~ molxtmum no. of arcs maxarc ~ tolerance fer angle at setching points phitol ~ path discreti ation eliclance tor constyeurd recking conelis * Hodel vilicle parameters auto * Real veluch parameters car Kinematic Bicycle Hodel ERejoumani pp. 2 18] instantaneous center of rotetion O« vehicle boty coordinates? x y g control inputs: dv CG keoedinate reference poirt) is locakel on rar axis * lonstant skeriing (df const) => circular movement of the velicle avound O with radius R ban ld) - => R= where d= = (-d,~cly * Hemmum turning racius: Rynin ** Tan lnax) » Kinematic equations of motion: Glabal and Local Hoy Global Hap BBY - \ ae eee toa XY: GPS wordinates ay? DP wordinaks * origin = [x, i 2 | eo) range = Lia, Xmax, Yrin, Mise] i Targ = [ x, . Y, , 4, x y dst of slar target ieee meee f, positions in global map te] (Tar = conversion of targel positrons i local may) * Coordinale cuversion: = global — local maps Xx * (X-X,) @s + (Y-Y¥) sin &, ¥~-KX) sin &, + (V-Y cos Z, - local — global map: X > X, +x cos %, — y Sin & Y= +e sin @, + y Cos &, Obstacle Lescription * In addition to the restricted cal may y Ayrange, obstacle Limi} the poth of the controlled veluc/e * Obstacles are dened as Polygons vin ¥ od lust of vertex feunts , tn the global . Y) “) g Wy : coordinate syskm, in chokwise Lif oc we direction ) Obstacle. k ‘Variable defini hong: ~ n0bs = number cf obstacts Bt a wo fe (3) (x? number of verdes: s Obs [n n Mee age i points hor each nbbs ebstacle k= 1,.., nObs ~ Obst = [[ x!” Wie yl oar ye row k: st of vertex ie ia, points for obstacle k, n AT ye Ye ee glbat cordinotes, a] In clockwise direction (+ Obs conversion of obstacle positions in local map)

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