Pig Launching

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International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS) Vol. 5, No.

2, 2016 ISSN 2277 4386

Pigging and Its Techniques

Jay G. Doshi

Pigs are also used to perform cleaning, dewatering,

Abstract -Transportation of crude oil has been one of the major desalination, inspection and drying. Pigging is needed during
factors affecting the linkage between up and down streams of lifecycle of a pipeline during stages like pre commissioning,
Petroleum Industry. Recent trend follows the transportation of heavy commissioning, operation and de commissioning [1]. Pigs are
oil which leads to wax build-up in pipeline resulting slow transmittal
of fluid. This paper presents the technique called PIGGING,
being used in petroleum industry for more than 50 years for
practiced majorly in Petroleum Industry. PIG stands for Pipeline utility purpose but with new advancements, pigs are also used
Intervention Gadget and is used to perform cleaning, batch to perform pipeline integrity tests and carry out functions such
transportation, inspection, coating, sealing and hydro-testing. Paper as welding, measuring wall thickness and corrosion level.
aims to explain the need of Pigging, Pigging procedure, types of Pigs
& their functions and recent advancements. The difficulties faced by C. Types of Pigging
pipelines and its solution by use of pigs will be described. Also the Pigs have been classified on various bases as
issues related to offshore pipelines can be looked into with the help of
Pigging. This paper shall provide an overview of inspection,
intervention and impact on pipelines and its integrity maintenance Generation
with help of Pigging and its various techniques. Movement direction
Classification based on function [1]
Keywords Pigging, Pipeline, Transportation, Heavy oil. Utility Pigs- they perform functions such as cleaning, de
watering and batch separation of products in line. Pigs
I. INTRODUCTION with scraper perform cleaning when run through a

P IPELINES are a huge investment and a national property

for transportation of various goods (here crude oil, natural
gas and refined products). Pipelines get choked, corroded
pipeline and carry away the waste along with them till
receivers end. The size of this scraper pig is around 90-
95% of I.D. and so it scratches the waste accumulated in
or even fail to sustain after certain period of time due to pipeline such as wax deposition, pipeline material and
external as well as internal matters. So maintenance of such is corrosion particles. Pigs are also used for batch
quiet necessary. Pigging is one such maintenance technique transportation where a pig is run between two different
for pipeline. fluids while it itself is driven by a third fluid such as
nitrogen gas.
A. What Is Pigging? Inline Inspection Pigs- also known as Smart Pigs. They
Pigging is an act of inserting a cylindrical or spherical tool perform functions of data collection of pipeline integrity
inside a pipeline to carry out functions like cleaning, batch parameters such as thickness, corrosion or metal loss,
separation, inspection and distributing inhibitor by using a diameter, curvature, pressure, temperature, etc. Also
pipelines fluid flow or by artificial pulling means. The recent inspection pigs are used to evaluate pipeline health. The
advancements in this technology have changed the definition inspection is done by two methods-Magnetic Flux
in terms of functions carried out by pig. They use leak Leakage (MFL) and Ultrasonic (UT). MFL sends
detection sensors and also welding instruments for pipe repair magnetic flux to inner of pipeline and thus detects
[1]. leakage, corrosion and bends in pipeline structure. While
PIG stands for PIPELINE INTERVENTION GADGET. UT sends acoustic waves to pipeline wall and with help
According to another such theory, this tool is named after pig of reflected waves, it detects thickness of pipeline wall.
because of the squealing sound it produces once it runs Thus pipelines health inspection is done [14, 19].
through the pipeline [1]. Special Duty Pigs- they perform special functions based
on needs of operator such as maintenance of a pipeline.
B. Need of Pigging Certain pigs are used to coat the inner side of a pipeline
If pipelines arent maintained, they can cause problems with specific inhibitors (usually for problems of
such as choking up due to wax deposition, debris corrosion and dehydration). These pigs are filled with
accumulation, hydrate formation and fluid leakage due to inhibitors and once they are run through the pipeline,
corrosion. Pigs are used to solve these matters and also for they start expelling the fluid and thus seal the inner part
fluid transportation techniques such as batch separation. of pipeline. These pigs are to be refilled with those
sealant fluids after a certain distance. Also some pigs are
used to isolate a pipeline section so work over can be
done in other part. [5, 16]
Hydro Test- Pigs are also used to perform hydro test
Jay G. Doshi, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India. where a pipeline is filled with a suitable fluid at a certain
pressure and kept for few hours. Mostly, water is used as

International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS) Vol. 5, No. 2, 2016 ISSN 2277 4386

the fluid because it is cheap, available easily and nearly pressure.

incompressible. The pressure applied during test is around The procedure is as follows
150% of operating pressure. The leak detection is done
The flow is taking place from X-Y-Z (Main Flow Line)
carefully visualizing the minute outlet. Usually
with all the other valves (A-B-C-D) as closed.
colorant/dye is used with water. The strength of pipeline
Now the pig is to be inserted from trap door and so the
wall is measured by the size and number of permanent
lines before the main flow line should be vented out (gas)
deformations after the hydro test. [8]. These deformations
or drained (oil). For this, the valve A is opened up along
are measured with use of pigs.
with vent line valve (E), while (H) is closed so fluid can
Classification based on generation travel to vent/drain line only.
The first generation pigs used a bundle of rags and
leathers to remove wax. Later leather bundles were used
because it can swell in presence of water and thus can
effectively clean and choke a pipeline [1].
The second generation pigs used a cylindrical frame tool
with metal discs of size a bit less than the inner diameter
of pipeline for wax and debris removal. They were mostly
used for cleaning purpose.
The third generation pigs are called smart pigs as they not
only clean the pipeline but also detect corrosion and
measure wall thickness with bends and curvature. Smart
pigs perform functions of inline inspection devices along
with utility device. They collect the data which can be
processed once the pig reaches the receivers end.
The fourth generation pigs are called intelligent pigs.
They can not only detect but also solve the problems
inside as well as outside a pipeline. They use special
robots for the purpose. They can serve purpose such as
detecting a minor crack and welding it. Also the provide
inhibitor solution at specified places. Intelligent pigs are
also made such that they can pig the Unpiggable
Classification based on movement direction Fig. 1 Diagram of Pig launching process
Unidirectional pigs- these pigs travel only in one direction For gas as fluid of the system, nitrogen purging is done to
i.e. from launcher to receivers end and so two openings ensure that no gas comes out from launcher when opened
are required in a pipeline flow cycle [1]. They are up as natural gas may contain H2S which is harmful. Also
specifically used when a pipeline needs cleaning and the H2S detectors are used for it. Nitrogen purging is done
waste has to be removed from only one end of a pipeline. through points F-G-A-E. It is done twice or thrice to
Bidirectional pigs- these pigs can travel and function in ensure safety. For oil as fluid of system, a drain line is
both the direction. It reverses its direction once it used instead of vent and oil between the points B and A is
removed and collected in a barrel through line (E).
completes the cycle. This reversal of motion takes place
by changing the pressure gradient of flow regime [1]. Once the safety is ensured, the launcher is opened (H) and
These pigs are used in hydro testing where the pig has to pig is inserted till point beyond (G) using a long tool.
run in either direction of a pipe segment for several times. Now the valves A and E are closed while C and B are
Crawlers-they can travel in a direction as commanded by opened (kicker line valves) to create pressure behind the
the operator. They use robots for the purpose which can pig. The valve Z is partially closed and so fluid now
crawl and perform the job in a direction as commanded. travels from X-Y-C-B-D-Z and thus develops pressure
This type is used for Unpiggable pipelines where there are behind the pig.
T and Y joints more often [3]. Once the sufficient pressure is developed (calculated), the
kicker valves are closed and the valve (Z) is opened up
D. How Is Pigging Done? [9] simultaneously and so the pig starts moving creating a
squealing sound. The pig movement is ensured by using
Pigging is performed by following a certain procedure to
ensure safety. For pipelines constructed for a fluid that magnetic detector placed after valve Z.
requires pigging job, certain pipeline engineering is required. The procedure for receiving a pig is done by
venting/draining out the receiving line and then decreasing the
The engineering requires a pig trap which includes
pressure in main line by diverting it to bypass line. Eventually,
construction and planning of a kicker line, vent/drain line, a
the pig is received near to receivers end of trap. Further the
launcher & receiver opening of normal diameter and
pig is sent for maintenance and data recovery process.
placement of different types of valves at specific locations.
The main parameter to control in the process of pigging is

International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS) Vol. 5, No. 2, 2016 ISSN 2277 4386

II. PROBLEMS FACED (corrosion) as well as mechanical (bending). The damages

Below are the listed problems faced by pipeline that occurs caused by environmental hazards can be classified as:
in field process. corrosion (offshore pipelines), weak basement, mechanical
damages due to certain unexpected events and temperature &
1. Choking [4, 5, 17] pressure maintenance.
Choking is the main reason for using pigs in pipeline. In the
4. Unpiggable Pipelines [3,6, 12, 13, 20]
initial phase, choking leads to decrease in flow area which
The pipelines with high bend angles, variable diameters, no
causes high pumping/compressing pressure of liquid/gas fluid
flow pipelines or pipelines with T and Y junctions makes the
system respectively and thus costs. As for a pipeline getting
use of pig is not feasible and so is defined as Unpiggable
completely choked, it needs to be removed out and replaced
pipelines. The above mentioned problems can occur easily as
and by the time, a by-pass pipeline has to be installed which
the preventive measurement by use of pig cannot be carried
leads to further increment in transport cost. Choking occurs
out in these pipelines. Variable diameters can be formed due
mainly due to:
to sediment deposition inside a pipeline in high amount and
a) Wax deposition- it gets deposited due to decrease in
thus the pipeline becomes Unpiggable. Also the use of orifice
temperature of flowing fluid or due to increase in fluid
plates and certain pipe joints change the inner diameter of the
stability for less flow velocity. Wax deposition depends
pipe which makes them Unpiggable. For certain pipeline
mostly on heavy content in flowing fluid, fluid velocity,
engineering, construction of T or Y structure is inevitable and
temperature difference between fluid and pipe surface,
this makes it Unpiggable.
cooling rate and surface properties.
b) Debris accumulation- this occurs due to inefficient or
over cleaning of pipeline. If the wax deposited isnt
removed efficiently, it may again start to form. Also, if 1) Choking [1, 3, 4, 5]
the pigs outer diameter can scratch the pipelines inner The proposed solutions for Choking problem in pipeline are
diameter, the pig with high velocity will rupture the inner divided into two parts i) By preventing the formation of wax,
diameter of pipeline and thus accumulate debris. hydrate formation & collection of debris and ii) By cleaning
c) Hydrate formation- this occurs mainly in pipeline with the unnecessary clogging efficiently.
gas as flowing fluid. Usually the entrainment of water a) Use of By-Pass pigs- these pigs allow the fluids (liquid
into the system is the main reason for hydrate formation. and gas) to pass through the flow and thus decrease the
Functionally, hydrate formation occurs due to sudden damaging effect of pig generated liquid slug. Although
decrease in pressure and/or temperature. The sudden once the bypassing pores are choked by wax content, use
decrease in pressure creates Joule-Thompson effect and of this pigs isnt enough to solve the problem. By pass
thus cools the surrounding. Also pipeline sections of pigging includes the prediction of pig velocity, increase in
lower altitude can cause water accumulation with gas back pressure of pipeline, pig generated slug volume and
passing through it. This can cause hydrate formation. slug duration [18].
b) Use of mechanical and gel pigs- this is the oldest way to
2. Leakage [5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20] clean the waste inside a pipeline. Mechanical pigs scratch
In case of hydrocarbon fluids, leakage is dangerous to the inner surface area of a pipeline while gel pigs are used
environment and can also cause explosion under certain to remove the debris collected by mechanical pigs.
conditions of surrounding oxygen, temperature and pressure. Mechanical pigs use wires/brushes all over its surface
Pipeline may get corroded due to flowing fluid contents such area to scrap the inner pipeline. While gel pigs transport a
as oxygen and water and this may lead to leakage. Corrosion high viscous gel which can collect and suspend the debris
can occur in pipelines and also in valves or and thus transport it till receivers end. Magnetic pigs are
pumping/compressing units if not taken care of which leads to used to collect ferrous debris. This fundamental also
serious maintenance issues. Corrosion is caused by oxygen works as a pig detector.[4]
content in fluid and environment and its reactivity with pipes c) Controlling temperature and pressure-this is a preventive
inner surface area. Once the corrosion starts, it is difficult to method for facing choking problem. Mostly the wax
stop it and this can form leakage cracks. The size of cracks deposition and hydrate formation occurs due to
may vary from few mm to few ft and so its detection and cure temperature and pressure effects. These two parameters
are selected accordingly. For once the corrosion has started can be controlled by constructing the pipeline in such a
corroding the pipeline, it is advisable to change the pipe way that no rapid changes in these parameters occur. To
segment immediately and this adds up to cost of transport. avoid hydrate formation, pipelines of same structural level
3. Environment Hazards [2, 16] should be constructed; a sudden decrease in pressure
and/or temperature and also the entrainment of water into
Environment hazards damage the pipeline externally. These the system should be avoided. These controlling of
harsh environment systems such as deep water, subsurface at temperature and pressure can be done by attaching re
greater depths with locations of high tectonic movements and heater and compressor/pump to flow lines after certain
unstable base may damage the pipeline structure from outside. measured intervals or by providing a continuous supply of
Especially the points of connection are endangered first. The heat and pressure. Also methanol is injected as an
impact of these hazards is quiet strong and can destroy the inhibitor during start up if sufficient temperature and
pipeline in a single impact. The damage can be chemical pressure conditions aren't built [5, 17].

International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS) Vol. 5, No. 2, 2016 ISSN 2277 4386

for the purpose. The crawler is capable of passing through the

2) Leakage [5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20]
pipeline even without fluid flow. It can also travel both the
To solve the leakage problem, detection of leakage is must. sides and so only single sending/receiving section is required.
This solution is divided into detection and solution methods. This crawler functions same as utility pig and inline inspection
Detection methods-As a preventive measure before pig. Here a reciprocating device gives motion to brush drive.
installing pipeline, hydro test is performed on pipe A fixed brush drive remains stationary while brush drive
segments where individual pipe is tested. A fluid is reciprocates and cleans the pipeline mechanically. Further, the
pressurized into a pipe by using blockage pigs and thus it fixed brush moves forward and again gets fixed while the
is checked for any pressure or fluid leak along with moving brush cleans the next part till then. An electric drive is
integrity of pipe in terms of shape. While for pipelines used to operate crawler on given commands and thus control
after installation, it is difficult to detect the leakage directions of the pig. There are brushes mounted on each drive
problem in case of small leaks. In line inspection tools are module of a crawler which has their brush size larger than the
used to detect the leakage. These tool uses principle of inner diameter of pipeline for effective cleaning. Also front
acoustic waves or electromagnetic waves for the purpose. end camera, real time positioning, calculation of wax/debris
Also magnetic tomography method (MTM) is used to quantity, pressure and temperature sensors are the new
detect mechanically stressed area of a pipeline. These tools advancements in this technology.
have a storage unit where the detection data gets stored and
can be read once the tool is retracted. Some tools perform IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
the inspection internally by travelling with the fluids flow The recent advancement in pig can help to not only detect
(e.g. robotic electromagnetic acoustic transducer) while the problem but also to solve them by use of different robotics
some are mounted on remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and sensors. These pigs can perform utility, inspection as well
and perform the task externally (e.g. MTM). as special duty functions. So selection of pig under given
Solution Methods- Intelligent pigs are used to solve the condition and requirement is critical. Pigging is to be carried
problem once detected. They use specific robots that can out after certain period of time which can be calculated on
perform welding at specific location on given commands basis of fluid content in the pipeline and its relationship with
and so pipelines can be repaired without opening them up. pipeline material. The above mentioned problems are faced by
These robots also provide amount of leak with its direction operators and their proposed solutions are been worked on.
in a pipeline with the help of various transducers. This With passage of time, pigs with smallest possible diameter are
saves a lot of cost and time and also decreases the risk also being designed for carrying out pigging functions in
factor for workers. But this is the solution for pipelines pipelines with small diameters. Carrying out timely preventive
with large diameters only. The problem remains as it is for measures and proper maintenance of pipeline by use of pigs
pipelines with small diameters. can increase the life of pipeline project. Thus the aim to
3) Environment hazards [2, 16] decrease the transporting cost, work over cost and time,
minimize production loss and maintain the integrity of
For the above mentioned problems classified under pipeline is achieved by use of pigging and its techniques.
environmental hazards category, actions such as dredging,
trenching and rock dumping are carried out to maintain the V. REFRENCES
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