UA Downtime

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Arcana: Downtime
This Is Playtest Material characters or whose goals put them against the
The material here is presented for playtesting and to party. A foil might be a villain who wishes to
spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in destroy the characters, or a good-aligned cleric
draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by who sees the characters as meddlers and
design iterations or full game development and editing. troublemakers. Foils work their plots while the
They arent officially part of the game and arent characters engage in downtime activities,
permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. introducing interesting complications to the
If we decide to make this material official, it will be campaign.
refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear
in a D&D book. The Basics
In a typical campaign, its possible for the The downtime system allows characters to
characters to start at 1st level, dive into an epic pursue long-term activities between game
story, and reach 10th level and beyond in a short sessions. A character selects a downtime activity
amount of time. While that pace works fine for and pays the cost of that activity in time and
many campaigns, some DMs prefer a campaign money. You, as DM, then follow the rules for the
with pauses built into ittimes when activity to resolve it, informing the player of the
adventurers do things other than go on results and any complications that ensue.
By introducing downtime activities that take Choosing an Activity
weeks, months, or even years of effort, you can As DM, you should present the players with a list
give your campaign a longer timeline that allows of activities they can pursue. These activities
events in the world to play out over the course of work for characters of any level.
years. Wars begin and end, tyrants come and go, The activities you allow depend on your
and royal lines rise and fall over the course of an campaign and the nature of the area where the
entire lifetime of adventure. characters are. For example, you might disallow
The downtime rules also provide ways for the creation of magic items, or decide that the
characters to spend the monetary treasure they characters are in a town that is too isolated from
amass on their adventures. major markets for them to buy such items. You
The options given here can be used as decide which activities are available, not the
alternatives to the downtime options in the players.
Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide, Consider handling downtime away from the
or you can use the material here to inspire your game table. For example, you could have the
creation of new options. players pick their activities at the end of a
session, by email or text, or when you next see
Overview them in person.
The downtime system presented here is built on Resolving Activities
two basic elements. Each activity tells you how to resolve it. Many
First, it offers short-term activities, ones that require a check, so be sure to note the
can usually be completed in a workweek (5 characters bonuses as needed. Follow the steps
days) or longer. These activities cover what in the activity and determine the results.
characters at levels 110 might do between Most activities require a workweek (5 days) or
adventures. It includes buying or creating magic more to complete. Some activities require days,
items, pulling off heists, and working a job. weeks (7 days apiece), or months (30 days
Higher level characters can also use these apiece). A character must spend 8 hours of each
activities, but they have the resources and power day engaged in the downtime activity for that
to take on greater ambitions beyond the scope of day to count toward the activitys completion.
these rules. The days dont need to be consecutive.
Second, this downtime system introduces the If you want multiple weeks to pass in the
concept of foils. Foils are NPCs who oppose the campaign world between sessions, report back

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the results of any downtime activities and ask Creating a Foil
for each characters next moves. Otherwise, you The first step in creating a foil is building an NPC
can send out the results to each player by text or or picking one from your current cast of
email, or catch the players up at the start of the characters.
next session. Its a good idea to have two or three foils at a
If an activity requires some decisions, you can time, each with an agenda. At least one should be
have the players decide either before the next a villain, and the others might be neutral or
session or at the start of it. Some DMs like to good. Their conflict with the characters might be
focus on the activity, but for some groups its a social or political, rather than include direct
good idea to let the players talk things out, so attacks.
long as it doesnt drag out and eat up too much The best foils are personal. Find links in the
time at the game table. characters backstories or recent adventures that
Complications provide a good explanation for what sparked the
foils actions. The best trouble for the characters
Each activity includes complications you can
is trouble they created for themselves.
throw at the characters. Complications are
meant to add flavor, depth, and drama to the Example Foils
campaign. They might spawn entire adventures, d20 Foil
introduce NPCs who vex the party, and give the 1 Tax collector who is convinced the characters
characters headaches as they try to navigate the are dodging fees
politics and social network of the community 2 Politician who is concerned that the
theyre in. characters are causing more trouble than
In general, there is a 10 percent chance that a they solve
given activity has a complication. You can use 3 High priest who worries the characters are
them more or less often, depending on what you diminishing the temples prestige
feel is best for your campaign. 4 Wizard who blames the characters for some
Complications can also come from the partys recent troubles
5 Rival adventuring party
foils, as described below. In the complication
6 Bard who loves a scandal enough to spark
table for an activity, the options that are most
likely to involve a foil are marked.
7 Childhood rival or member of a rival clan
8 Scorned sibling or parent
Foils 9 Merchant who blames the characters for any
business woes
Foils are NPCs who actively oppose the
10 Newcomer out to make a mark on the world
characters. They might be villains you have
11 Sibling or ally of defeated enemy
featured in past adventures or plan to use in the 12 Official seeking to restore a tarnished
future. They can also include good or neutral folk reputation
who are at odds with the characters, whether 13 Deadly foe disguised as a social rival
because they are rivals, they have opposing 14 Fiend seeking to tempt the characters to evil
goals, or they simply dislike one another. 15 Spurned romantic interest
The cultist of Orcus, whose plans the 16 Political opportunist seeking a scapegoat
characters have foiled; the ambitious merchant 17 Traitorous noble looking to foment a
prince who wants to rule the city with an iron revolution
fist; and the nosy high priest of Helm who is 18 Would-be tyrant who brooks no opposition
convinced the characters are up to no good are 19 Exiled noble looking for revenge
all examples of foils. 20 Corrupt official paranoid that crimes will be
A foil is an NPC with an agenda that changes revealed
over time. As the characters take downtime
between adventures, their foils rarely rest, Motivation
continuing to spin plots and work against the An effective foil has a clear reason for interfering
characters. with the characters plans. Think about what the
foil wants, how and why the characters stand in
the way, and how the conflict could be resolved.

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Motivation is the why behind a foils actions. throw them, as written, at the characters when it
Its the foundation for the NPCs role in the seems appropriate. You can use a complication
campaign. The Example Foils table offers some in place of a foils actions, or in addition to one.
examples you can build from. Not every bad thing that happens to the
characters is caused by a foil. Some events might
Goals just be due to bad luck.
Once you know a foils motivation, consider
possible goals. What outcome is the foil trying to Events
create? Ideally, this outcome involves the In addition to actions, consider how the
characters or something they care about. The foil campaign setting might shift due to the foils
might want to take over the town, slay one or all influence. What are the background events,
of the characters, or help a certain temple changes in attitudes, and anything else that
become the center of the most powerful religion might occur to illustrate a foils influence?
in the region. Imagine if the characters do nothing to oppose
a foil. What happens next? How does the world
Assets change? Introduce such events along with the
Think about the resources that the foil can call foils actions to make your campaign feel alive.
upon. Is there money for bribes? Is there a small You can use an event in place of an action,
army of obedient fanatics? Does the foil hold especially if a session isnt going to involve a foil.
sway over any guilds, temples, or groups? Events are also a good way to show the influence
Make a list of the foils assets, and consider of multiple foils, without having all of them take
how they can be used. action against the characters at once. Events let
foils have their time in the spotlight without
Actions causing the other ones to fade away completely.
With the what and why covered, the meat of a
foils presence in the campaign comes down to Revise
actions. Make a list of three or four actions the Remember that foils are characters who can
foil might take. change over time. If the characters thwart one
Each time you resolve one or more workweeks plan, a foil might pursue another. A foil might
of downtime, pick one of the actions the foil also become an ally, or achieve all goals and thus
might take and introduce it into play. An action become inactive. Between sessions, revise your
might be a direct attack, such as an assassination foils as needed to account for how things have
attempt, that you play out during a session, or it progressed in the campaign.
might be a background activity that you describe
as altering the campaign in some way. For Example Foil: Myron Rodemus
example, a foil who wants to increase the The Rodemus clan was once a small but
prestige of the temple of a war god might hold a powerful family of traders, but thirty years ago,
festival with drink, food, and gladiatorial games. they pulled up stakes and left town overnight.
Even if the characters arent involved, the event Now, Myron Rodemus, the familys youngest son,
becomes the talk of the town. has returned to the city to reclaim his familys
Actions should build a path toward achieving place of prestige.
the NPCs goals. For each action, make note of In truth, the Rodemuses fled because they had
NPCs who might change in response to it, what it contracted lycanthropy. Absorbed into a clan of
might change in the towns politics, and so on. Of wererats, they liquidated their assets and delved
course, if the characters get involved, those into smuggling in a distant city out of fear that
outcomes might change. their secret would be impossible to maintain in
The concept behind actions is simple. They their home city. Myron fought his way to the
show the characters that the campaign is a living topmost ranks of the wererat clans and, along
world by making the foils participants in the with a small army of followers, has returned to
campaigns action. claim his rightful place among the citys elite. If
The examples of complications given for he doesnt succeed, hes vowed leave the city in
downtime activities are ideal plans for a foil to ruins.
make against the characters. Use them as
inspiration for plans of your own creation, or

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Goals. Myron wants to become the most Example Foil: Temple of Pholtus
respected, most important merchant in town, The temple of Pholtus, inflexible god of the sun,
someone to whom even the prince must yield. seeks to impose its strict rules. The high priest,
Assets. He has a small fortune in gold; his own Cheldar, wishes to bring as many folk as possible
skills as a wererat, alchemist, and necromancer; under the temples sway. Though only in town
a group of wererats that is dedicated to him; the for two years, the temple is already a powerful
service of twin dwarf sisters who are superb force due to Cheldars brilliant oration.
assassins; a shield guardian that protects him; Goals. Cheldar wants to make the temple of
and an alliance with a hobgoblin lord, who lives Pholtus the most influential religion in town by
in the mountains outside of the city. bringing about peace and stability for all. He
Actions. Myron works to discredit and ruin believes keeping adventurers in check or driving
other merchants. His wererats spy on his rivals them out of town is an important step in that
and feed information to the hobgoblins, leading plan.
them to raid caravans. The wererats sneak into Assets. The high priest Cheldar has his
warehouses, unleashing hordes of rats to spoil charismatic oration, divine spellcasting ability,
goods. Myron even throws a few of his own and a few hundred common folk recently
caravans and warehouses away to throw off converted to the temples cause.
suspicion. Actions. Cheldar is stern, but fundamentally a
If Myrons plans fail, he has a terrible good person. He seeks to win support by
alternative. His knowledge of alchemy has providing charity, promoting peace, and working
allowed him to breed a deadly plague that he will to enforce law and order. However, he is
unleash on the city via hordes of rats. If he cant skeptical of the characters, convinced that
rule, then no one will. adventurers are troublemakers who will ruin the
Myrons Plans peace. He wants only officials of the town or the
Type Description temple to be involved in handling any crises that
Event Rats become a noticeable problem in the arise. He genuinely believes in his goals, but can
streets, with swarms sighted in rundown be made an ally by sufficiently good-hearted
neighborhoods. Folk demand action be characters.
Action Caravan raids become more common, and Cheldars Plans
folk talk of gathering a small army to drive Type Description
the goblinoids away. Myron contributes Event The grand festival of Pholtus sees the
generously to the effort. streets filled with somber worshipers who
Action Warehouses are overrun with rats, ruining maintain a 24-hour torchlit vigil during the
thousands of gold pieces worth of goods. winter solstice. They offer food, drink, and
Myron blames the city guard for a lax shelter to all in the temple of Pholtus.
effort. Action Cheldar appears in a tavern frequented by
Action Should the characters interfere, Myron adventurers, along with a small group of
sends his assassins against them. followers, seeking converts. A few NPC
Event A sudden storm creates minor flooding, adventurers join his cause.
washing dozens of dead, bloated, diseased Action Cheldar rails against forces of chaos in a
rats from the sewers. Terror about plague public address in the town square, laying
rips through town. blame for recent troubles on adventurers
Action Myron fans the flames of panic, spreading meddling in things best left alone.
rumors that the characters or other rivals in Event The characters find that adventurers in
town are responsible for the disease. town receive an, at best, icy reception, as
the mood turns against them.
Action Cheldar demands that the city levy
enormous taxes on adventurers, claiming
that they must pay their fair share to keep
the city safe. After all, such wanderers can
simply leave if their actions bring the city
trouble. The common folk dont have that

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1620 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table D.
Sample Downtime 2125 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table E.
2630 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table F.
Activities 3135 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table G.
The following activities are available for any 3640 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table H.
character who can afford to pursue them. As DM, 41+ Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table I.
you have final say on which activities are Magic Item Price
available to the characters. Rarity Asking Price
Common (1d6 + 1) 10 gp
Buying a Magic Item Uncommon 1d6 100 gp
Rare 2d10 1,000 gp
Purchasing a magic item requires time and Very rare (1d4 + 1) 10,000 gp
money to contact people willing to sell items. Legendary 2d6 25,000 gp
Even then, there is no guarantee they will have
the desired items. Complications
The magic item trade is fraught with dangers.
Resources The large sums of money involved, and the
Finding magic items to purchase requires one power offered by a magic item, attract thieves,
workweek of effort and 100 gp minimum in con artists, and other villains. If you want to
expenses. Spending more time and money make things more interesting for the characters,
increases your chance of finding a high-quality roll on the Magic Item Purchase Complications
item. table or invent your own complication.
Resolution Magic Item Purchase Complications
A character seeking to buy a magic item makes a d12 Complication
Charisma (Persuasion) check to determine the 1* The item is a fake, planted by an enemy.
quality of seller found. The character gains a +1 2* The item is stolen by the partys enemies.
bonus for every workweek beyond the first 3 The item is cursed by a god.
spent seeking a seller and a +1 bonus for every 4* The items original owner will kill to reclaim it;
100 gp spent on the search. The total bonus for the partys enemies spread news of its sale.
5 The item is at the center of a dark prophecy.
time and money spent cant be greater than +10.
6* The seller is murdered before the sale.
As shown on the Buying Magic Items table, the
7 The seller is a devil looking to make a bargain.
total of the check dictates which table in the
8 The item is the key to freeing an evil entity.
Dungeon Masters Guide to roll on to determine 9* A third party bids on the item, doubling its
which items are on the market. price.
Using the Magic Item Price table, you then 10 The item is an enslaved, intelligent entity.
assign prices to the available items, based on 11 The item is tied to a cult.
their rarity. Halve the price of any consumable 12* The partys enemies spread rumors that the
itemsuch as a potion or a scrollwhen using item is an artifact of evil.
the table to determine an asking price. *Might involve a foil
You have final say in determining which items
are for sale and their final price, no matter what Carousing
the tables say.
If the characters seek a specific magic item, Carousing is a good default downtime activity for
first decide if its an item you want to allow in most characters. Between adventures, who
the game. If so, include the item among the doesnt want to relax with a few drinks and a
offerings if it appears on a table that the result group of friends at the local pub?
allows you to roll on.
Buying Magic Items Carousing covers a workweek of fine food,
Check strong drink, and socializing. A character can
Total Result attempt to carouse among lower-, middle-, or
15 Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table A. upper-class folk. A character can carouse with
610 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table B. the lower class for 25 gp to cover expenses, or
1115 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Item Table C. 100 gp for the middle class. Carousing with the

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upper class requires 500 gp for the workweek gate are the characters allied contacts. Assigning
and access to the local nobility. specific NPCs gives the players concrete options.
A character with the noble background can It brings the campaign to life and seeds the area
mingle with the upper class, but other characters with NPCs that the characters care about. On the
can do so only if you, as DM, judge that the other hand, it can prove difficult to track and
character has made sufficient contacts. might render a contact useless if it doesnt come
into play.
Resolution Alternatively, you can allow the player to make
After a workweek of carousing, a character an NPC a contact on the spot, after carousing.
stands to make contacts within the selected When the characters are in the area in which
social class. The character makes a Charisma they caroused, a player can expend an allied
(Persuasion) check using the Carousing table. contact and designate an NPC they meet as a
Carousing contact, assuming the NPC is of the correct social
Check class based on how the character caroused. The
Total Result player should provide a reasonable explanation
15 Character has made a hostile contact. for this relationship and work it into the game.
610 No effect results. Using a mix of the two approaches is a good
1115 Character has made an allied contact. idea, since it gives you the added depth of
1620 Character has made two allied contacts. specific contacts while giving players the
21+ Character has made three allied contacts. freedom to ensure that the contacts they
accumulate are useful.
Contacts are NPCs who now share a bond with The same process can apply to hostile contacts.
the character. Each one owes the character a You can give the characters a specific NPC they
favor or has some reason to bear a grudge. A should avoid, or you might introduce one at an
hostile one works against the character, placing inopportune or a dramatic moment.
obstacles but stopping short of committing a A character can have a number of unspecified
crime or violence. Allied contacts are friends allied contacts at a time no higher than 1 + the
who will render aid to the character, but will not characters Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
risk their lives. Specific, named contacts dont count toward this
A harmful contact might point the town guard limit, only ones that can be used at any time to
in the characters direction or argue with a declare an NPC as a contact.
character who tries to rally the town to a cause.
Helpful contacts stand by the character and help Complications
in any way possible. Characters who carouse risk bar brawls,
Low-class contacts include criminals, laborers, accumulating a cloud of nasty rumors, and
mercenaries, the town guard, and any other folk building a bad reputation around town. You can
who would frequent the cheapest taverns in roll on the carousing complications tables to
town. create a complication, pick one as you see fit, or
Middle-class contacts include guild members, make your own. As a rule of thumb, there is a 10
spellcasters, town officials, and other folk who percent chance that a character triggers a
would frequent more upscale establishments. complication for each workweek of carousing.
Upper-class contacts are nobles and their Low-Class Carousing Complications
direct servants. Carousing in this case covers d10 Complication
formal banquets, state dinners, and the like. 1* A pickpocket lifts 1d10 10 gp from you.
Once a contact has helped or hindered a 2* A bar brawl leaves you with a scar.
character, the character needs to carouse again 3 You have fuzzy memories of doing something
to get back into the NPCs good graces. A contact very, very illegal, but cant remember exactly
provides help once, not help for life. The contact what.
remains friendly, and that can influence roleplay 4* You are banned from a tavern for obnoxious
and how the characters interact with them, but it behavior.
doesnt come with a guarantee of help. 5 After a few drinks, you swore in the town
You can assign specific NPCs as contacts. You square to pursue a dangerous quest.
might decide that the barkeep at the Wretched 6 Surprise! Youre married.
Gorgon and a guard stationed at the western

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7 Streaking naked through the streets seemed Resources
like a great idea at the time.
A character needs the appropriate tools for the
8* Everyone is calling you by some weird,
embarrassing nickname, like Puddle Drinker
item to be crafted, and raw materials worth half
or Bench Slayer, and no one will say why. of the items selling cost. To determine how
9 Sure, you were drunk when you agreed to many workweeks it takes to create an item,
fund the orphanage, but a contract is a divide its cost by 50. A character can complete
contract. multiple items in a workweek if their combined
10 You dont know how your hair turned blue, cost is 50 gp or less.
but you think it should grow out to its normal For items that cost more than 50 gp, a
color. Maybe. character can complete them over long periods
*Might involve a foil of time, as long as the work in progress is stored
in a safe location.
Middle-Class Carousing Complications Multiple characters can combine their efforts.
d8 Complication Divide the time needed to create an item by the
1* You accidentally insult a guild master, and number of characters working on it. As DM, use
only a public apology will let you do business your judgement when determining how many
there again. characters can collaborate on an item. A
2 You swore to complete some quest on behalf particularly tiny item, like a ring, might allow
of a temple or guild.
only one or two workers, whereas a large,
3* A social gaffe has made you the talk of the
complex item might allow four or more workers.
4* A particularly obnoxious person has taken an
A character needs to be proficient with the
intense romantic interest in you. tools needed to craft an item and have access to
5* You have made a rival out of a local the appropriate equipment. As DM, you need to
spellcaster. make any judgment calls regarding whether a
6 You have been recruited to help run a local character has the correct equipment. The
festival, play, or similar event. following table provides some examples.
7 You made a drunken toast that scandalized Proficiency Items
the locals. Herbalism kit Antitoxin, potion of healing
8 You spent an additional 100 gp trying to Leatherworkers tools Leather armor, boots
impress people. Smiths tools Armor, weapons
*Might involve a foil Weavers tools Cloaks, robes

Upper-Class Carousing Complications Assume that a character can sell items crafted
d8 Complication in this way at their listed price.
1* A pushy noble family wants to marry off one of
their scions to you. Crafting Magic Items
2 You tripped and fell during a dance, and Magic items require more than just time, effort,
people cant stop talking about it. and materials to create. Creating a magic item is
3 You have agreed to take on a nobles debts. a long-term process that involves one or more
4* You have been challenged to a joust by a adventures to track down rare materials and the
knight. lore needed to create the item.
5* You have made a rival out of a local noble. Potions of healing and spell scrolls are
6 A boring noble insists you visit each day and exceptions to the following rules. For more
listen to long, tedious theories of magic. information, see Brewing Potions of Healing in
7* You have become the target of a variety of this section on crafting and Scribing a Spell
embarrassing rumors.
Scroll on page 12.
8 You spent an additional 500 gp trying to
To start with, a character needs a formula for a
impress people.
magic item in order to create it. The formula is
*Might involve a foil
like a recipe. It lists the materials needed and
Crafting an Item steps required to make the item.
An item invariably requires an exotic material
If you cant buy or find the item you need, you to complete it. This material can range from the
can attempt to craft it. skin of a yeti to a vial of water taken from a
whirlpool in the Elemental Plane of Water.

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Finding that material should take place as part of Complications
an adventure. Most of the complications involved in creating an
The Magic Item Ingredients table suggests the item, especially a magic one, are linked to the
challenge rating of a creature that the characters difficulty in finding rare items needed to
need to face to acquire the materials for an item. complete the work. The complications a
Note that facing a creature does not necessarily character might face as byproducts of the
mean that the characters must collect items from process of creation are most interesting when
its corpse. The creature might guard a place or the characters are working on a magic item. Its
resource that the characters need. unlikely that a suit of armor or a pair of boots
Magic Item Ingredients can cause serious complications for a characters
Item Rarity CR Range life.
Common 13
Craft an Item Complications
Uncommon 48
d8 Complication
Rare 912
1* Rumors swirl that what youre working on is
Very rare 1318
unstable and a threat to the entire community.
Legendary 19+
2* You have no idea why everyone thinks your
work requires you to make blood sacrifices,
Pick a monster or location that is a thematic fit but thats what folk are saying.
for the item. Ideally, the two should share a 3* Your tools are stolen, forcing you to buy new
similar element or nature. For example, ones.
mariners armor might require the essence of a 4 A local wizard shows keen interest in your
water weird. A staff of charming might need the work and insists on observing you.
cooperation of a specific arcanaloth, who will 5* A powerful noble offers a hefty price for your
help only if the characters complete a task for it. work and is not used to hearing no as an
Creating a staff of power might rely on finding a answer.
piece of an ancient stone that was once touched 6* A dwarf clan accuses you of stealing their
by the god of magica stone guarded by a secret lore to fuel your work.
suspicious androsphinx. 7 A paladin approaches you and claims that the
In addition to facing a specific creature, item you are working on is the key to
creating an item comes with a gold piece cost completing a heroic quest.
needed for other materials, tools, and so on, 8* A rival spreads rumors that your work is
shoddy and prone to failure.
based on the items rarity. Those values, as well
*Might involve a foil
as the time a character needs to work in order to
complete the item, are shown on the Magic Item Brewing Potions of Healing
Crafting Time and Cost table. Halve the listed Potions of healing fall into a special category for
price and creation time for any consumable item crafting, separate from other magic items. A
items. character proficient with the herbalism kit can
Magic Item Crafting Time and Cost create them. The time and money needed to
Item Rarity Cost Workweeks create such a potion is summarized on the
Common 50 gp 1 Potion of Healing Creation table.
Uncommon 200 gp 5
Rare 2,000 gp 50
Potion of Healing Creation
Type Time Cost
Very rare 20,000 gp 100
Healing 1 day 25 gp
Legendary 100,000 gp 500
Greater healing 1 workweek 100 gp
To make a magic item, a character also needs Superior healing 3 workweeks 1,000 gp
whatever tool proficiency is appropriate, as is Supreme healing 4 workweeks 10,000 gp
normal for crafting any object, or the character
needs proficiency in the Arcana skill. Crime
Sometimes it pays to be bad. This activity gives a
character the chance to make some extra cash, at
the risk of arrest.

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Resources 5 Your loot is a single, easily identified item that
you cant fence in this region.
A crime spree requires a character to spend one
6 You robbed from someone who was under a
week and at least 25 gp gathering information on local crime lords protection, and who now
potential targets, and then committing the crime. wants revenge.
7 Your victim calls in a favor from a guard,
Resolution doubling the efforts to solve the case.
The character must make a series of checks, with 8 Your victim approaches one of your
one DC for all the checks determined by the adventuring companions to solve the crime.
profit sought from the crime. 9* A paladin or cleric of justice swears to avenge
The chosen DC can be 10, 15, 20, or 25. your robbery.
Successful completion of the crime yields a 10* Your victim has a heart of gold; everyone in
number of gold pieces based on the chosen DC, town is looking for you, the thieving scumbag.
as shown on the Loot Value table. *Might involve a foil
To attempt the crime, the character makes
three checks: Dexterity (Stealth), Dexterity with Gambling
thieves tools, and the players choice of
Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom Games of chance are a way to make a fortune,
(Perception), or Charisma (Deception). but perhaps a better way to lose one.
If none of the checks succeed, the character is
caught and jailed. The character must pay a fine
equal to the potential payout and must spend This activity requires one workweek of effort
one week in jail per 25 gp value. from a character, plus the character must risk at
If one check succeeds, the heist fails but the least 100 gp, to a maximum of 1,000 gp, unless
character escapes. you decide that gambling is a big enough
If two checks succeed, the heist is a partial business to support larger wagers.
success, netting the character half the payout. Resolution
If all three succeed, the character earns the full
The player must make a series of checks, with a
DC determined at random based on the quality
Loot Value of the opposition that the character runs into.
DC Value Part of the risk of gambling is that you never
10 50 gp, robbery of a struggling merchant know who might end up sitting across the table
15 100 gp, robbery of a prosperous merchant from you.
20 200 gp, robbery of a noble The character makes three checks: Wisdom
25 1,000 gp, robbery of one of the richest figures (Insight), Charisma (Deception), and Charisma
in town (Intimidation). The DC is 5 + 2d10, generating a
separate DC for each check. Consult the
Complications Gambling Results table to see how the character
A life of crime is filled with complications. Roll does.
on the Crime Complications table (or create a
complication of your own) if the character Gambling Results
succeeds at only one check. If the characters foil Result Value
is involved in crime or law enforcement, roll if 0 successes Lose all the money you bet, plus
the character succeeds on only two checks. accrue a debt equal to that amount.
1 success Lose half the money you bet.
Crime Complications 2 successes Gain one-and-a-half times the amount
d10 Complication you bet.
1* A bounty equal to your earnings is offered for 3 successes Gain double the amount you bet.
information about your crime.
2* An unknown person contacts you, threatening Complications
to reveal your crime if you dont render a Gambling tends to draw a variety of unsavory
service. characters. The potential complications involved
3 Your victim is financially ruined by your crime. in it come from run-ins with the law and various
4* Someone who knows of your crime has been criminals tied to it.
arrested on an unrelated crime.

2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC 9

Gambling Complications Complications
d8 Complication Characters involved in pit fighting must deal
1* You are accused of cheating. You decide with their opponents, the folk who bet on
whether you actually did or were framed.
matches, and with the matches promoters.
2* The town guard raids the gambling hall and
throws you in jail. Pit Fighting Complications
3 You accrue a debt during the game, one that d8 Complication
your opponent insists you pay by taking on a 1* A rival fighter swears to take revenge on you.
task. 2* A crime boss approaches you and offers to pay
4* A noble in town loses badly to you and loudly you to intentionally lose a few matches.
vows to get revenge. 3 You defeat a popular local champion, drawing
5 You won a sum from a low-ranking member of the crowds ire.
a thieves guild, and the guild wants its money 4* You defeat a nobles servant, drawing the
back. wrath of the nobles house.
6 A local crime lord insists you start frequenting 5* You are accused of cheating. Whether the
the lords gambling parlor and no others. allegation is true or not, your reputation is
7 You have a reputation for good luck, leading tarnished.
other gamblers to hound you to team up. 6 You accidentally deliver a near-fatal wound to
8 A high-stakes gambler comes to town and a foe.
insists that you take part in a game. 7 A noble approaches you with an offer to join a
*Might involve a foil stable of pit fighters.
8 A new fighter in town feuds with you, calling
Pit Fighting you out in public and demanding a match.
*Might involve a foil
This downtime activity covers boxing, wrestling,
and other nonlethal forms of combat. If you want Relaxation
to introduce an arena with battles to the death,
use standard combat rules. Sometimes, the best thing a character can do
between adventures is relax. Whether a
Resources character wants a hard-earned vacation or needs
This activity requires one workweek of effort to recover from injuries, this is the ideal option
from a character. for adventurers who need a break.
Resolution Resources
The character must make a series of checks, with Relaxation requires one week. You need to
a DC determined at random based on the quality maintain at least a modest lifestyle while
of the opposition that the character runs into. relaxing to gain the benefits. You also need to
The challenge in pit fighting lies in the mystery stay at home, at an inn, or in some other location
of your opponents. that affords rest.
The character makes three checks: Strength
(Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), and Wisdom Resolution
(Insight). The DC is 5 + 2d10, generating a While relaxing, you gain advantage on saving
separate DC for each check. Consult the Pit throws to recover from long-term diseases and
Fighting Results table to see how the character poisons. In addition, at the end of the week, you
does. can end one effect that prevents you from
regaining hit points or restore one ability score
Pit Fighting Results that has been reduced to below its normal value,
Result Value
unless the harmful effect is caused by a spell or
0 successes Lose your bouts, earning nothing.
other magical effect with an ongoing duration.
1 success Win 50 gp.
2 successes Win 100 gp. Complications
3 successes Win 200 gp.
Relaxation rarely comes with complications. If
you want to make life interesting for the
characters, introduce an action or event
connected to a foil.

2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC 10

Religious Service Research
Characters with a religious bent might wish to Forewarned is forearmed. The research activity
spend their downtime in service to a temple. allows a character to delve into lore concerning a
This activity has the chance of winning the favor monster, location, magic item, or some other
of the temples leaders. topic.

Resources Resources
Religious service requires one workweek of time Research requires one workweek of work and at
and no gold piece cost. least 100 gp spent on materials, bribes, gifts, and
other expenses. Typically, a character needs
Resolution access to a library or sage to conduct research.
The character chooses to make either an
Intelligence (Religion) or a Charisma Resolution
(Persuasion) check. The result of the check The character declares the focus of the
determines the benefits of service, as shown on researcha specific person, place, or thing. After
the Religious Service table. a workweek of research, a character makes an
Intelligence check with a +1 bonus per 100 gp
Religious Service spent beyond the initial 100 gp, to a maximum of
+6. In addition, a character with access to a
Total Result
particularly well-stocked library or
110 No effect. You leave no lasting impression.
1120 You earn one favor. knowledgeable sages gains advantage on this
21+ You earn two favors. check. Determine how much lore a character
learns using the Research table.
A favor is a promise for future assistance. It
can be expended to ask the temple for help in Research
dealing with a problem, for political or social Check
support, or to reduce the cost of cleric Total Result
spellcasting by 50 percent. 15 No effect.
610 You learn one piece of useful lore.
At one time, a character can have a number of
1120 You learn two pieces of useful lore.
unexpended favors no higher than 1 + their
21+ You learn three pieces of useful lore.
Charisma modifier (minimum of one favor).

Complications Each piece of useful lore is the equivalent of one
Temples can be labyrinths of political and social true statement about a person, place, or thing.
scheming. Even the best-intentioned sect can fall Examples include knowledge of a creatures
prone to rivalries. Serving a temple risks a resistances, the password needed to enter a
characters becoming embroiled in such sealed dungeon level, the spells commonly
struggles. prepared by an order of wizards, and so on.
For a monster or an NPC, you can reveal
Religious Service Complications elements of stats or personality. For a place, you
d6 Complication can reveal secrets about it, such as a hidden
1* You have offended a priest through your words entrance, the answer to a riddle, or the nature of
or actions. a creature that guards the place.
2 Blasphemy is still blasphemy even if you did it You can also give out specific pieces of
by accident. information with research, especially if the
3 A secret sect in the temple offers you
players want to know about a specific thing.
Alternatively, a player can track how many
4* A rival temple tries to recruit you as a spy.
nonspecific pieces of lore have been
5 The temple elders implore you to take up a
holy quest.
accumulated by their character. At any time
6 You accidentally discover that an important during play, the player can expend a piece of lore
person in the temple is a fiend worshiper. to learn about a monster, a place, a person, and
*Might involve a foil so on; the character has a sudden insight or
recalls the relevant information.

2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC 11

At one time, a character can have a number of Spell Scroll Costs
unexpended nonspecific pieces of lore no higher Level Cost Time
than 1 + their Intelligence modifier (minimum of Cantrip 15 gp 1 day
one piece of lore). 1st 25 gp 2 days
2nd 250 gp 2 workweeks
Complications 3rd 500 gp 4 workweeks
The greatest danger in research is uncovering 4th 2,500 gp 6 workweeks
false information. Not all lore is truthful, and a 5th 5,000 gp 8 workweeks
foil with a scholarly bent might try to lead the 6th 15,000 gp 12 workweeks
characters astray, especially if the object of the 7th 25,000 gp 24 workweeks
research is known to the foil. The foil might plant 8th 50,000 gp 48 workweeks
false information, bribe sages to give bad advice, 9th 250,000 gp 96 workweeks
or steal key tomes needed to find the truth.
In addition, a character might run into other Complications
complications during research. If you want to Crafting a scroll is a solitary task, unlikely to
introduce a complication, use the Research attract much attention. The complications that
Complications table, or create an incident. arise are more likely to involve the preparation
needed to scribe a scroll.
Research Complications
d6 Complication Scribe a Scroll Complications
1 You accidentally damage a rare book. d6 Complication
2* You offend a sage, who demands an 1 You buy up the last of the rare ink used to craft
extravagant gift. scrolls, angering a wizard in town.
3 If you had known that book was cursed, you 2* The priest of a temple of good accuses you of
never would have opened it. trafficking in dark magic.
4* A sage with strange theories on reality 3 A wizard eager to collect one of your spells in a
becomes obsessed with convincing you. book presses you to sell the scroll.
5* Your actions cause you to be banned from a 4 Due to a strange error in creating the scroll, it
library until you make reparations. is instead a random spell of the same level.
6 You uncovered useful lore, but only by 5 The rare parchment you bought for your scroll
promising to complete a dangerous task in has a barely visible map on it.
return. 6* A thief attempts to break into your workroom.
*Might involve a foil *Might involve a foil

Scribing a Spell Scroll Selling a Magic Item

With time and patience, a spellcaster can Selling a magic item is by no means an easy task.
transfer a spell to a scroll, creating a spell scroll. Con artists and thieves are always looking out
This activity represents the time and effort it for an easy score, and theres no guarantee that a
takes to produce such an item. character will receive a good offer even if a
legitimate buyer is found.
Scribing a spell scroll takes time and money Resources
based on the level of the spell you wish to scribe, Finding a buyer for one of your magic items
as shown in the Spell Scroll Costs table. You must requires one workweek of work and 100 gp in
also provide any material components required expenses, spent to spread word of the sale. You
by the spell. Moreover, you must have the spell must pick one item at a time to sell.
prepared or among your known spells in order
to scribe a scroll of it, and you must have Resolution
proficiency in the Arcana skill. A character who wants to sell an item must make
If you scribe a cantrip, the version on the scroll a Charisma (Persuasion) check to determine
works as if the caster is 1st level. what kind of offer comes in. The character can
always opt to not sell, instead wasting the
workweek and trying again later. Use the Magic
Item Base Prices and Magic Item Offer tables to
determine the sale price.

2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC 12

Magic Item Base Prices Training Complications
Rarity Base Price d6 Complication
Common 50 gp 1* Your instructor disappears, forcing you to
Uncommon 200 gp spend a workweek finding a new one
Rare 2,000 gp 2 Your teacher instructs you in rare, archaic
Very rare 10,000 gp methods, which draw comment from others.
Legendary 25,000 gp 3* Your teacher is a spy sent to learn your plans
for the near future.
Magic Item Offer 4 Your teacher is a wanted criminal.
Check 5 Your teacher is a cruel taskmaster.
Total Result 6 Your teacher comes to you asking for help
110 50% of base price dealing with some threat.
1120 100% of base price *Might involve a foil
21+ 150% of base price

The greatest risk in selling a magic item lies in When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an
attracting thieves, tricksters, and anyone else honest trade to earn a living.
who wants the item but doesnt want to pay for
it. Other folk might try to undermine a deal in Resources
order to bolster their own business or seek to Taking on a job requires one workweek of work.
discredit the characters as legitimate sellers.
Magic Item Sale Complications To determine how much money a character
d8 Complication earns, the character makes an ability check:
1* The characters enemies secretly arrange to buy Strength (Athletics), Intelligence with a set of
the item to use it against them. tools, Charisma (Performance), or Charisma with
2* The item is stolen. a musical instrument. Consult the Wages table to
3* A rival circulates rumors that the item is a fake. see how much money is generated by the checks
4 A sorcerer claims the item as birthright and
demands the characters hand it over.
5 The items previous owner, or surviving allies, Wages
vow to retake it by force. Check
6* The buyer is murdered before the sale. Total Value
7 The buyers sinister reputation makes it clear 9 or less Poor lifestyle for the week
the item will be used to commit evil. 10 14 Modest lifestyle for the week
8 The item is a lost relic belonging to a holy order. 15 20 Comfortable lifestyle for the week
*Might involve a foil 21+ Comfortable lifestyle for the week, +25 gp

Training Complications
Work is rarely filled with enough complications
Given enough free time and the services of an to alter a characters life significantly. Still, the
instructor, a character can learn a language or Work Complications table can add some
pick up proficiency with a tool. difficulties to a workers life. There is a 10
percent chance per workweek that a character
Resources encounters a complication.
Training in a language or tool takes at least 10
workweeks, but reduce this time by a number of Work Complications
workweeks equal to the characters Intelligence d6 Complication
modifier (an Intelligence penalty doesnt 1* A difficult customer or a fight with a coworker
increase the time needed). Training costs 100 gp reduces the lifestyle you earn by one category.
per workweek. 2* Your employers financial difficulties result in
your not being paid.
Complications 3* A coworker with ties to an important family in
Complications that arise while training typically town takes a dislike to you.
involve the teacher.

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4 Your employer is involved with a dark cult or a
criminal enterprise.
5* The local crime ring targets your business for a
6* You gain a reputation for laziness (unjust or not,
your choice), giving you disadvantage on checks
made for this downtime activity for 30 days.
*Might involve a foil

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