UA Downtime
UA Downtime
UA Downtime
Arcana: Downtime
This Is Playtest Material characters or whose goals put them against the
The material here is presented for playtesting and to party. A foil might be a villain who wishes to
spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in destroy the characters, or a good-aligned cleric
draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by who sees the characters as meddlers and
design iterations or full game development and editing. troublemakers. Foils work their plots while the
They arent officially part of the game and arent characters engage in downtime activities,
permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. introducing interesting complications to the
If we decide to make this material official, it will be campaign.
refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear
in a D&D book. The Basics
In a typical campaign, its possible for the The downtime system allows characters to
characters to start at 1st level, dive into an epic pursue long-term activities between game
story, and reach 10th level and beyond in a short sessions. A character selects a downtime activity
amount of time. While that pace works fine for and pays the cost of that activity in time and
many campaigns, some DMs prefer a campaign money. You, as DM, then follow the rules for the
with pauses built into ittimes when activity to resolve it, informing the player of the
adventurers do things other than go on results and any complications that ensue.
By introducing downtime activities that take Choosing an Activity
weeks, months, or even years of effort, you can As DM, you should present the players with a list
give your campaign a longer timeline that allows of activities they can pursue. These activities
events in the world to play out over the course of work for characters of any level.
years. Wars begin and end, tyrants come and go, The activities you allow depend on your
and royal lines rise and fall over the course of an campaign and the nature of the area where the
entire lifetime of adventure. characters are. For example, you might disallow
The downtime rules also provide ways for the creation of magic items, or decide that the
characters to spend the monetary treasure they characters are in a town that is too isolated from
amass on their adventures. major markets for them to buy such items. You
The options given here can be used as decide which activities are available, not the
alternatives to the downtime options in the players.
Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide, Consider handling downtime away from the
or you can use the material here to inspire your game table. For example, you could have the
creation of new options. players pick their activities at the end of a
session, by email or text, or when you next see
Overview them in person.
The downtime system presented here is built on Resolving Activities
two basic elements. Each activity tells you how to resolve it. Many
First, it offers short-term activities, ones that require a check, so be sure to note the
can usually be completed in a workweek (5 characters bonuses as needed. Follow the steps
days) or longer. These activities cover what in the activity and determine the results.
characters at levels 110 might do between Most activities require a workweek (5 days) or
adventures. It includes buying or creating magic more to complete. Some activities require days,
items, pulling off heists, and working a job. weeks (7 days apiece), or months (30 days
Higher level characters can also use these apiece). A character must spend 8 hours of each
activities, but they have the resources and power day engaged in the downtime activity for that
to take on greater ambitions beyond the scope of day to count toward the activitys completion.
these rules. The days dont need to be consecutive.
Second, this downtime system introduces the If you want multiple weeks to pass in the
concept of foils. Foils are NPCs who oppose the campaign world between sessions, report back
Upper-Class Carousing Complications Assume that a character can sell items crafted
d8 Complication in this way at their listed price.
1* A pushy noble family wants to marry off one of
their scions to you. Crafting Magic Items
2 You tripped and fell during a dance, and Magic items require more than just time, effort,
people cant stop talking about it. and materials to create. Creating a magic item is
3 You have agreed to take on a nobles debts. a long-term process that involves one or more
4* You have been challenged to a joust by a adventures to track down rare materials and the
knight. lore needed to create the item.
5* You have made a rival out of a local noble. Potions of healing and spell scrolls are
6 A boring noble insists you visit each day and exceptions to the following rules. For more
listen to long, tedious theories of magic. information, see Brewing Potions of Healing in
7* You have become the target of a variety of this section on crafting and Scribing a Spell
embarrassing rumors.
Scroll on page 12.
8 You spent an additional 500 gp trying to
To start with, a character needs a formula for a
impress people.
magic item in order to create it. The formula is
*Might involve a foil
like a recipe. It lists the materials needed and
Crafting an Item steps required to make the item.
An item invariably requires an exotic material
If you cant buy or find the item you need, you to complete it. This material can range from the
can attempt to craft it. skin of a yeti to a vial of water taken from a
whirlpool in the Elemental Plane of Water.
Resources Resources
Religious service requires one workweek of time Research requires one workweek of work and at
and no gold piece cost. least 100 gp spent on materials, bribes, gifts, and
other expenses. Typically, a character needs
Resolution access to a library or sage to conduct research.
The character chooses to make either an
Intelligence (Religion) or a Charisma Resolution
(Persuasion) check. The result of the check The character declares the focus of the
determines the benefits of service, as shown on researcha specific person, place, or thing. After
the Religious Service table. a workweek of research, a character makes an
Intelligence check with a +1 bonus per 100 gp
Religious Service spent beyond the initial 100 gp, to a maximum of
+6. In addition, a character with access to a
Total Result
particularly well-stocked library or
110 No effect. You leave no lasting impression.
1120 You earn one favor. knowledgeable sages gains advantage on this
21+ You earn two favors. check. Determine how much lore a character
learns using the Research table.
A favor is a promise for future assistance. It
can be expended to ask the temple for help in Research
dealing with a problem, for political or social Check
support, or to reduce the cost of cleric Total Result
spellcasting by 50 percent. 15 No effect.
610 You learn one piece of useful lore.
At one time, a character can have a number of
1120 You learn two pieces of useful lore.
unexpended favors no higher than 1 + their
21+ You learn three pieces of useful lore.
Charisma modifier (minimum of one favor).
Complications Each piece of useful lore is the equivalent of one
Temples can be labyrinths of political and social true statement about a person, place, or thing.
scheming. Even the best-intentioned sect can fall Examples include knowledge of a creatures
prone to rivalries. Serving a temple risks a resistances, the password needed to enter a
characters becoming embroiled in such sealed dungeon level, the spells commonly
struggles. prepared by an order of wizards, and so on.
For a monster or an NPC, you can reveal
Religious Service Complications elements of stats or personality. For a place, you
d6 Complication can reveal secrets about it, such as a hidden
1* You have offended a priest through your words entrance, the answer to a riddle, or the nature of
or actions. a creature that guards the place.
2 Blasphemy is still blasphemy even if you did it You can also give out specific pieces of
by accident. information with research, especially if the
3 A secret sect in the temple offers you
players want to know about a specific thing.
Alternatively, a player can track how many
4* A rival temple tries to recruit you as a spy.
nonspecific pieces of lore have been
5 The temple elders implore you to take up a
holy quest.
accumulated by their character. At any time
6 You accidentally discover that an important during play, the player can expend a piece of lore
person in the temple is a fiend worshiper. to learn about a monster, a place, a person, and
*Might involve a foil so on; the character has a sudden insight or
recalls the relevant information.
The greatest risk in selling a magic item lies in When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an
attracting thieves, tricksters, and anyone else honest trade to earn a living.
who wants the item but doesnt want to pay for
it. Other folk might try to undermine a deal in Resources
order to bolster their own business or seek to Taking on a job requires one workweek of work.
discredit the characters as legitimate sellers.
Magic Item Sale Complications To determine how much money a character
d8 Complication earns, the character makes an ability check:
1* The characters enemies secretly arrange to buy Strength (Athletics), Intelligence with a set of
the item to use it against them. tools, Charisma (Performance), or Charisma with
2* The item is stolen. a musical instrument. Consult the Wages table to
3* A rival circulates rumors that the item is a fake. see how much money is generated by the checks
4 A sorcerer claims the item as birthright and
demands the characters hand it over.
5 The items previous owner, or surviving allies, Wages
vow to retake it by force. Check
6* The buyer is murdered before the sale. Total Value
7 The buyers sinister reputation makes it clear 9 or less Poor lifestyle for the week
the item will be used to commit evil. 10 14 Modest lifestyle for the week
8 The item is a lost relic belonging to a holy order. 15 20 Comfortable lifestyle for the week
*Might involve a foil 21+ Comfortable lifestyle for the week, +25 gp
Training Complications
Work is rarely filled with enough complications
Given enough free time and the services of an to alter a characters life significantly. Still, the
instructor, a character can learn a language or Work Complications table can add some
pick up proficiency with a tool. difficulties to a workers life. There is a 10
percent chance per workweek that a character
Resources encounters a complication.
Training in a language or tool takes at least 10
workweeks, but reduce this time by a number of Work Complications
workweeks equal to the characters Intelligence d6 Complication
modifier (an Intelligence penalty doesnt 1* A difficult customer or a fight with a coworker
increase the time needed). Training costs 100 gp reduces the lifestyle you earn by one category.
per workweek. 2* Your employers financial difficulties result in
your not being paid.
Complications 3* A coworker with ties to an important family in
Complications that arise while training typically town takes a dislike to you.
involve the teacher.