Fulton RBC
Fulton RBC
Fulton RBC
RBC Series
WARNINGS must be observed to prevent serious It is the responsibility and duty of all personnel
injury or death to personnel. involved in the operation and maintenance of this
equipment to fully understand the WARNINGS,
CAUTIONS must be observed to prevent damage or CAUTIONS and NOTES by which hazards are to be
destruction of equipment or loss of operating eliminated or reduced.
Personnel must become familiar with all aspects of
NOTES must be observed for essential and effective safety and equipment prior to operation or
operating procedures, conditions and as a statement maintenance of the equipment.
to be highlighted.
Steam Boilers are a potential hazard, possibly
fatal if not properly maintained.
It is vitally important that the instructions given in this
manual are strictly adhered to.
Failure to carry out the routine maintenance checks could
result in a drastic reduction in the life expectancy of the
(a) SAFed
Nutmeg House, 60 Gainsford Street, Butlers Wharf,
London, SE1 2NY.
General 1.1
Technical Data 1.2
General 2.1
Siting 2.2
Ventilation 2.3
Flue Outlet 2.4
Water Supply 2.5
Blowdown Valves 2.6
Main Steam Valve 2.7
Safety Valve 2.8
Water Gauge Set 2.9
Gas Supply 2.10
Oil Supply 2.11
Electrical Requirements 2.12
Front Access Door Insulation 2.13
General 3.1
Boiler Fittings and Controls 3.2
Boiler Control Panel 3.3
Burner Mounted Control Panel 3.4
Internal Economiser 3.4.1
Boiler Platform 3.4.2
Filling the Boiler 3.5
Draining the Boiler 3.5.1
Starting the Burner from Cold 3.6
Daily Operating Tests 3.7
UV Photo Cell Check 3.7.1
Pump Check 3.7.2
1st. Low Water Check 3.7.3
2nd Low Water Check 3.7.4
Blowdown Procedures 3.8
Boiler Blowdown 3.8.1
Water Level Gauge Blowdown 3.8.2
Burner Shut Down 3.9
Short Term (Hours) 3.9.1
Medium Term (Days) 3.9.2
Long Term (Weeks) 3.9.3
Evaporation Test 3.10
Fault Finding 3.11
General 4.1
Weekly 4.2
Six Monthly 4.3
Annually 4.4
Fitting New Gaskets 4.5
General 4.5.1
Fitting Instructions 4.5.2
Steam Pressure Switch Adjustment 4.6
Controls 4.6.1
Adjusting the Pressure Switches 4.6.2
Front Access Door Adjustment and Sealing 4.7
Feedw ater Disperser 4.8
Water Level Probe - Replacement 4.9
Boiler Specifications 5.1
Boiler Dimensions 5.2
Recommended Water Conditions 5.3
Wiring Diagrams 5.4
It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure all parts sup- Only qualified persons should be allowed to operate and
plied with the boiler are fitted in a correct and safe manner. maintain the boiler and its equipment. Boilers should always
be drained through an approved Blowdown Vessel.
Do not try to do repairs or any other maintenance work you
do not understand. WARNING
Obtain a Service Manual or call a Fulton Service Engineer. Do not change the boiler fuel without consulting the boiler
Understand the electrical circuit before connecting or discon- WARNING
necting an electrical component. A wrong connection can Non-approved modifications can cause injury and damage.
cause injury and or damage. Contact your Fulton dealer before modifying the boiler.
A defective boiler can injure you or others. Do not operate Lifting Equipment
a boiler which is defective or has missing parts. Make sure Make sure that lifting equipment complies with all local
that all maintenance procedures are completed before regulations and is suitable for the job.
using the boiler. You can be injured if you use faulty lifting equipment.
Make sure the lifting equipment is in good condition.
The installation of Gas appliances including the flue system
should only be carried out by Corgi Registered engineers.
Operating the boiler beyond its design limits can damage
WARNING the boiler, it can also be dangerous. Do not operate the
The importance of correct boiler water and feed water can- boiler outside its limits. Do not try to up grade the boiler
not be over emphasized, see the relevant section in this performance by unapproved modifications.
The importance of correct burner adjustment to achieve low Steam Boilers have high temperature surfaces, that if
emissions, safe, clean and efficient combustion is touched may cause serious burns. Only competent and
paramount. Poor combustion, where un-burnt gas forms qualified personnel should work on or in the locality of a
carbon monoxide is both a health hazard, and the potential steam boiler and ancillary equipment. Always ensure the
risk to the boiler from overheating, caused by re-burning of working area and floor are clear of potential hazards,
the un-burnt gas in the secondary flue passes. work slowly and methodically.
Obey all laws and local regulations which affect you and
your boiler.
Low feed water temperature can result in thermal shock to
the boiler pressure vessel. Return the maximum amount of
condensate and if necessary pre-heat the feed water. If in
doubt consult FBW.
Hydraulic testing requires specialist equipment and is The chemicals required to operate the water softeners and
nor-mally only required by engineering surveyors / inspec- chemical treatment plants are NOT SUPPLIED by Fulton.
tors. The material the boiler is manufactured from, has not It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure adequate
been impact tested, as it is not a requirement of BS2790 supplies of chemical are available at all times
(boiler construction standard). In order to ensure the mate- (including commissioning).
rial / pres-sure vessel does not suffer from brittle fracture, Costly repairs could be required should the plant operate
hydraulic testing should not be carried out below 7OC. without chemicals or the wrong dosage of chemicals.
Electrical Circuits
Valve Schedule
Boiler Vent Valve
Main Steam Top Exit Flue
Steam Valve (Rear Exit Flue optional)
Safety Valve
The Fulton RBC Series Steam Boiler is a conventional, reverse-fired, three-pass, wet-back boiler with
internal economiser constructed to BS 2790 1992. The boiler is mounted on a skid-frame and is equipped
with control and combustion equipment according to individual specifications.
The control and combustion equipment can be fitted on either side of the boiler to suit the installation.
Every care has been taken in the manufacture of the boiler to ensure that quality and reliability
standards are maintained. However, satisfactory performance can only be ensured if the installation
recommendations, operating routines and maintenance procedures detailed in this manual are
adhered to.
The boiler is fitted with front and rear access doors to the combustion zones for cleaning and
maintenance purposes. Waterside access is via a manhole in the crown of the boiler, while hand/head
holes are provided in the lower boiler shell to facilitate inspection. The optional economiser is a finned
tube heat exchanger mounted in the rear smoke box of the boiler.
A standard complement of valves and mountings are fitted as follows:
(a) Main Steam Valve (f) Feed Water and Non-return Valve
(b) Safety Valve (g) Water Level and Steam Pressure Controls
(c) Blowdown Valves (h) Water Sample Valve
(d) Water Level Gauge Sets (j) Auxiliary Steam Valve
(e) Steam Pressure Gauge
Syphon and Cock
Boiler combustion is provided by gas, oil or dual fired burners designed for high/low flame operation.
Combustion air is normally controlled by a motorized butterfly damper incorporating a proof of closure
Burner controls and a fuel pump unit (oil-fired models only) are mounted on the burner.
Note: Consult burner manufacturers Operation and Maintenance instructions for more details.
1.2 TECHNICAL DATA - for a full specification see General Data, Section 5.
The chemicals required to operate the water softeners and chemical treat-
ment plants are NOT SUPPLIED by Fulton.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure adequate supplies of
chemical are available at all times (including commissioning).
Costly repairs could be required should the plant operate without chemicals
or the wrong dosage of chemicals.
Safety Valve
The installation of an RBC Series Steam Boiler must be carried out by competent personnel
in accordance with all relevant safety regulations.
It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that these regulations are complied with.
Lifting Equipment
Make sure that lifting equipment complies with all local
regulations and is suitable for the job.
You can be injured if you use faulty lifting equipment.
Make sure the lifting equipment is in good condition.
The boiler house must be sufficiently large to allow easy and safe access to all parts of the boiler for
operational and maintenance purposes.
Typical boiler dimensions are given in the General Data, Section 5.
The flooring must be level, laid in a non-combustible material and be of sufficient strength to support
the boiler.
An adequate supply of clean, fresh air is necessary for safe, efficient boiler operation.
Ventilation should be provided at both high and low level to BS6644:1991 and IGE/UP/10 Edition 2.
The height and type of flue will be subject to local planning regulations and approvals, and to the
requirements of the Clean Air Act.
Note: Before erecting a flue, Public Health Authority and Planning permission must be obtained.
The following information is intended to provide assistance where the installation of a simple flue is
required. Where multi-boiler flues are necessary, or difficulties could be experienced, specialist advice
must be obtained.
Boilers are fitted with a flanged flue outlet. The flue manufacturer/installer must be consulted at an early
stage to ensure a correct mating component for flue connection (see fig. 3).
The flue diameter must be the same or larger than the boiler flue outlet. A reduction in flue diameter will
cause additional resistance which could have an adverse effect on combustion.
Avoid fitting 90o short radius elbows, 90o tees and long horizontal runs wherever possible.
All horizontal flue runs should have a rising pitch of 15ominimum to prevent condensate build-up and
subsequent corrosion.
Oil-fired boiler installations are generally more critical because of the sulphur content in the fuel and the
higher dew-point temperature.
Specialist advice should be obtained on flue material and insulation.
The quality of the feed water will effect the life and performance of a steam boiler.
Steam is produced by heat transfer from the heat source into the water confined within the boiler
cylindrical shell, by the passage of hot gases through the furnace and tubes.
It should be noted that solids entering the boiler with the feed water can rapidly concentrate at areas of
high heat transfer. Such deposits can restrict heat transfer and consequently raise mean metal tempera-
ture, which can cause corrosion and reduce safety margins possibly to the point of failure.
It is therefore strongly recommended that a reputable water treatment specialist is consulted prior to put-
ting the boiler into service.
Water characteristics are generally as specified in BS2486 1997 Treatment of Water for Steam Boilers
and Water Heaters, Table 2.
Boilers operating in areas with high residual hardness, high levels of Bicarbonate (temporary) hardness
and low condensate return rates, will have difficulty in maintaining Total and Caustic Alkalinity (TDS)
figures, within the specified limits when base exchange softening is used.
This will result in a tendency of the boiler water to foam causing unstable water level conditions
possibly leading to priming and carry over. In these instances particular care should be taken to establish
a suitable water treatment programme and blowdown schedule in consultation with your water treatment
Cold feed water contains high levels of dissolved oxygen which is highly corrosive when released within
a steam boiler. Always pre-heat the feed water to 80 - 85O C to reduce dissolved oxygen to a minimum
and prevent thermal shock. Water treatment chemicals should be used to remove the remainder of the
dissolved oxygen.
Failure to do so will result in premature failure of the boiler tubes which will not be covered by warranty.
The boiler is fitted with three blowdown valves; one at each water level gauge assembly and the main
boiler blowdown valve at the front of the boiler. The pipe work from these blowdown valves must be
connected to a receptacle of approved design. If in doubt, consult Fulton Ltd. or Health and
Safety Executive Guidance Note PM60 which covers blowdown tanks and associated pipe work
Never discharge blowdown from the boiler directly to a drain.
Where a high level of blowdown or automatic blowdown
systems are installed , serious consideration should be
given to fitting a Blowdown After Cooling System.
The factory-fitted safety valve is designed to protect only the boiler.
This valve must not be used to protect other items.
The gas/pressure requirement varies according to the burner size and the gas train selected.
Verify that the type and pressure of the gas available on the site is suitable for the burner fitted.
If the site gas pressure is too low, it will be necessary to fit a gas booster system.
Consult Fulton Ltd. if in doubt.
To minimise pressure drops, eliminate all unnecessary bends and elbows in the pipe work between the
gas meter and the inlet to the gas train.
Ensure that a gas cock of the correct size is installed as close as possible to the gas train.
All gas pipe work must be installed by Competent Persons in accordance with the gas regulations.
Any electrical work should be undertaken by a qualified
electrician to current local regulations.
The boiler wiring diagram is located on the inside of the boiler control panel.
A 3-phase, neutral and earth isolated supply is required; this should be connected to the supply
terminals of the main isolator in the boiler control panel.
When handling ceramic fibre always follow the local regulations regarding such materials,
including the use of breathing apparatus, suitable body protection and protective gloves.
The front access door is lined with end-on ceramic fibre leaving an air gap between the fibre and the
boiler tube face plate.
The face of the boiler front tube plate is also insulated with end-on ceramic fibre, the insulation is
positioned around the perimeter of the shell and over the area of tube plate above the water level.
The insulation is glued into position using a high temperature adhesive.
Inspection of the tube plate to shell weld will require insulation to be removed, it is important after
inspection to replace with new high temperature end-on fibre, available with adhesive from Fulton.
See section 4.4.
Door Insulation
Safety Valve
Controller (may
be top mounted
or panel
Before putting the boiler into operation it must be fully commissioned.
In order to ensure safety, the commissioning must be carried out by a
Fulton engineer. The commissioning of the boiler by any other person
without the specific written authority from Fulton Ltd. will invalidate the
The following instructions are given for the guidance of the operator in the use of the
RBC Series Steam Boilers and to provide adequate information to ensure that, when the boiler is
put into use, it will be done safely and without risk to health.
The following brief description of the fittings and controls used on the RBC Series boiler is intended to
provide the operator with a basic understanding of the operating principles, which is essential for the
continued efficient use of the boiler.
Main Steam Valve. Steam outlet stop valve fitted centrally on the top centre line of the boiler.
Steam Vent Valve. Fitted to the rear, on the top centre line of the boiler.
Steam Pressure Gauge. Fitted to the control box mounting plate on the side of the boiler.
Blowdown Valves. A main boiler blowdown valve fitted on pipe work at the front of the boiler on the
underside centre line and one blowdown valve for each water level gauge set.
Feed Water Valve. Water supply inlet stop valve mounted on the side of the boiler.
Feed Water Non-return (Check) Valve. Water supply NRV mounted on the side of the boiler
directly under the main feed water inlet valve.
Water Level Gauge Set. Two Clifton type reflex gauge sight glasses mounted on the side of the
Boiler Water Sample Valve. Fitted behind the feed water inlet on the side of the boiler.
Low Water Safety Relays and Feed water Pump Relays. These relays operate in conjunction with
probes suspended in the boiler shell to automatically maintain the water level in the boiler
between set limits.
If the water should fall to an unsafe level, the burner is cut out and an alarm is sounded.
The probes are located in two, 100 mm diameter standpipe flanges mounted on either side
of the boiler centre line towards the front of the boiler.
A standard boiler is fitted with Feed water pump On/Off, 1st Low Water and 2nd Low Water probes.
A 15mm TDS (surface) Blowdown connection is supplied, fitted with a blank flange.
If a TDS monitored system is fitted it should be interlocked such that the valve will not open when
the feed water pump is running.
TDS Controller
Pressure Gauge
(may be top mounted or
panel mounted)
Power On
Isolator Switch
Control Pressure
On/Off Switch
Burner Control
Gas Booster
(when required) Gas Supply Burner
Note: Burners and their installation will vary with boiler model and burner size
1. Air pressure transducer for fully modulated burners switches the burner from high to low
flame and vice-versa.
2. Provides a proportional control signal to the burner combustion control.
Burner Programmer.
Is located in the burner mounted control panel. Acts in conjunction with a sensing device to
supervise the ignition sequence, prove the flame is satisfactory and finally monitor the established
flame. Should any fault occur, either during the ignition sequence or during normal running, the
programmer will immediately go to lock-out and both main and pilot gas/oil valves will shut to isolate
the fuel lines to the burner.
Mounted on the burner, this switch is operated by the pressure of air entering the burner through the
throat of the scroll. Lack of combustion air, or insufficient air pressure, will stop the switch completing
the circuit, preventing the burner from operating.
Consists of pilot and main supply lines, each line having a manual cock, a governor and solenoid
operated valves. The governors maintain a consistent pressure of fuel entering the burner and are
adjustable. The solenoid valves are electronically controlled by the burner programmer. For specific
details, consult the burner manufacturers Instruction Manual.
Boiler controls and indicators are housed in a control panel mounted on the side of the boiler.
These are as follows:
Power Isolator Switch. Control panel power supply ON/OFF switch, mounted on the panel door.
Power On Indicator. Indicates that the door mounted power on isolator is in the ON position
and that the panel is electrically live.
The Power On indicator is derived from one phase. It is possible for the Power
On indicator supply phase to be down, leaving the other two phases live.
Always isolate the supply before working on the panel.
PUMP ONLY Position. This position should only be selected to fill the boiler. The normal functions
of the level control alarm system are overridden to prevent a continuous alarm while the boiler is
being filled. The pump off level control will function normally and switch the pump off once the correct
water level is reached.
(1) The burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch should be in the OFF position during the filling
(2) The Pump On/Pump Off Switch should be in the PUMP ON position.
Both alarms will be cancelled when pressing the reset switches irrespective of the water level in
the boiler.
OFF Position. In this position the burner, feed pump and control system are off.
PUMP & BURNER ON Position. In this position, both burner and pump will run under automatic
control providing that the burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch is in the ON position, and
the Pump On/ Pump Off Switch is in the PUMP ON position.
(1) When selecting this position from either PUMP ONLY or OFF, the power restoration alarms will be
activated. The alarm can be cancelled by pressing the 2nd Low Water Alarm/Reset switch.
(2) The 2nd Low Water alarm can only be cancelled if the boiler water level is above the 2nd low
water level. If the alarm cannot be cancelled, allow the feed pump to restore the water level to
the normal working level (approximately midway up the sight glass) and then reset the alarm.
1st Low Water Indicator. This lamp will be illuminated and an alarm sounded when the water level in
the burner falls to the 1st low water level. The burner will shut down and the alarm will continue to
sound until the water level is restored to a safe working level. The alarm will then cancel, the
indicator lamp will extinguish and the burner will automatically restart.
2nd Low Water Alarm/Reset Switch. Sounds an alarm on switch on, press to reset. If the
level of water in the boiler falls below the second pre-set limit during boiler operation, the 2nd Low
Water Alarm/Reset Switch will illuminate, the alarm will sound and the burner will shut down. The
water level must be restored before the alarm can be cancelled by pressing the switch.
High Water Indicator (when fitted). This lamp will illuminate and an alarm sound when the water level
reaches a pre-determined high level. The feed water pump will stop.
When the water level falls to the normal working level, the indicator lamp will extinguish, the alarm
Burner Run Indicator. Indicates that the burner is operating in the normal run position.
High Steam Pressure Alarm/Reset Switch. This switch will Illuminate and an alarm sound when the
high limit pressure switch is tripped. The switch/alarm must be manually reset after the pressure
has reduced to a safe level.
Before resetting this control, ascertain the reason for the alarm, and rectify.
Flame Failure Indicator. Indicates the burner combustion control relay, detects a flame failure condition.
Night Set Back Switch (where fitted). The Set Back Switch needs to be set to the On position at
the end of the working shift. This means the burner will only fire if the boiler pressure falls below a set
stand-by pressure. This therefore reduces start-up lead time at the beginning of the next shift, when
the Set Back Switch should be set to the off position to enable the boiler to reach normal operating
Burner controls and indicators are mounted on the burner. The following controls are typical for a dual
fuel burner, but reference should be made to the burner manufacturers Operating Manual for the
particular type used.
Burner On/Off/Reset Switch. Three-position switch used to switch on/off and/or reset the burner.
Lockout Indicator. Indicates the burner combustion control relay detects a flame failure condition.
The burner controller can be reset by setting the Burner On/Off/Reset Switch to the RESET position.
Hand Indicator. This lamp will illuminate when the hand/auto switch mounted inside the burner control
panel is in the hand position, normally used for commissioning only.
Auto Indicator. This lamp will illuminate when the hand/auto switch mounted inside the panel is in the
auto position.
High Pressure Indicator. This lamp is not wired when a high steam pressure alarm/lamp is provided
in the boiler control panel.
Modulating Controller, Controls the firing of the burner within the pressure band selected.
Feed water from a constant running pump is passed through a modulating feed water control valve and
then through the economiser before entering the boiler.
Heat is extracted from the boiler exhaust gases by the economiser which inturn heats the feed water to
temperatures that can exceed 100C.
Back flow is prevented by non-return valves in the feed water pipe work on the inlet and outlet of the
economiser. A non-return valve is fitted after the boiler feed water pump to protect it from excessive
The economiser is designed to reduce the boiler exhaust temperature to approximately 140oC, if the
temperature falls significantly below this figure condensation will occur which can lead to corrosion.
The economiser is fitted with inlet and outlet temperature gauges for both feed water and exhaust gas.
These gauges should be used to monitor the condition and performance of the economiser.
Note: Sudden changes in temperature should be reported immediately as they could indicate a blockage of the
economiser water ways, or a malfunction of the modulating feed water control valve.
In general a 10 degree centigrade increase in feed water temperature will give an efficiency improvement
of 2%. Because the boiler feed water modulating control valve and the burner are both proportioned to
the steam load, the burner heat input and cooling water flow rate to the economiser are in balance
throughout the burner firing range.
A 15mm spill back line with an adjustable lock shield valve is installed in the feed water pipe work in the
discharge from the pump, the outlet from this valve must be piped back to the feed water tank.
The purpose of the spill back line is to prevent the constant running feed water pump from overheating
should the modulating feed water control valve fully close. A 5mm orifice plate fitted in the spill back line
before entering the tank as well as tank inlet dip pipe are also recommended.
4. Ensure that the Pump On/Pump Off Switch is in the Pump Off position, and that the Pump
Only/ Off/Pump & Burner On Switch is in the Off position.
8. Place the Pump Only/Off/Pump & Burner On switch to the Pump Only position.
9. The feed pump should start, (check the pump direction of rotation) and fill the boiler
to the correct working level and then switch Off.
Note: If the 2nd Low Water and High Pressure Alarm/Reset switches illuminate and the alarms sound, check
that the burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch is in the Off position, and then reset both alarms by
pressing the switches.
Note: It may be necessary to vent the feed pump by bleeding air from the plug mounted in the top casting
below the pump motor to pump body connection.
Local Regulations State Boiler Water above 43C must
not be discharged into the drainage system.
2. Isolate the boiler electrics at the isolator on the Control Box door.
3. Isolate the Feed Water Tank and the Feed Water Pumps.
4. Open the Drain Valve in the boiler and the boiler air vent (if fitted) allowing air into the boiler.
3. Using a screwdriver located as shown A, push the Manual Blowdown Button up and make a
quarter turn clockwise, this will lock the button in position and open the blowdown valve.
4. Using the blowdown isolation valve to throttle the flow, drain the boiler.
Note: Skid units and plant rooms have internal drainage systems which require the same procedures.
If the boiler is not going to be used for some weeks see 3.9.3 Long Term Storage.
When starting up the boiler, it is prudent to minimise the thermal and mechanical stress caused by
differential expansion of various parts of the boiler as they reach working temperature.
The shell temperatures is determined by the contained water/steam temperature. The furnace
temperature which is higher is determined by the heat transfer / furnace wall loading and gas
temperature. The tube temperature lies between the shell and furnace temperatures, but is nearer the
shell temperature. Since all these components are virtually the same length, they expand longitudinally
by different amounts causing mechanical and thermal stress. Whilst this is catered for in the mechanical
design of the pressure vessel, the life expectancy of the boiler can be affected if the boiler is frequently
heated too quickly from cold .
When starting from cold the furnace approaches its design temperature shortly after start-up, whereas
the tube and shell temperatures are delayed by the time taken to bring the contained water up to
temperature. As a result, the thermal expansion is at its greatest. Additionally, the temperature gradient
which exists between the bottom and the top of the boiler is exaggerated. This can be reduced by
blowing the boiler down during the heat-up period.
In practical terms, the ideal solution would be to gradually raise the temperature and pressure in the
boiler progressively by firing the boiler on low fire for a few minutes and leaving it to soak (e.g. allowing
the temperatures in the boiler and water to even out by diffusion) for 20 to 30 minutes, blowing down the
boiler, firing the boiler again for a little longer and soaking for less, and so on.
If the boiler has been fired the day before, the large thermal mass in the boiler will maintain the internal
temperature to a point that the boiler can be simply switched on (preferably on low fire) and then left to
reach working temperature/pressure.
The life expectancy of the boiler and door insulation, ignoring other factors, is proportional to the number
of thermal/mechanical cycles that the boiler undergoes from cold/zero pressure to working temperature
and pressure. A boiler that is continually maintained at working pressure will last longer than one that is
constantly heated and cooled.
The frequency of the SAFed requirement for in service inspection of the main welded joints of the boiler is
calculated by the number of cycles since the last inspection.
Boilers running twenty four hours a day require the shell and furnace end plate welds to be inspected at
five year intervals and the longitudinal seam every ten years.
Boilers that are continually heated and cooled require more frequent inspection.
During manufacture the major longitudinal and circumferential weld seams are subject to non
destructive testing by X-ray and or Ultrasonic testing.
The boiler construction standard BS 2790 1992 class 1, specifies a minimum level of testing,
in order to reduce down time during testing RBC boilers are fitted with removable cladding strips
located above the main shell horizontal and circumferential weld seams.
A. Buried defects during manufacture that are outside acceptable limits. Because the boiler was
100% tested during manufacture none should be found, and upon proof of 100% manufacture
testing these tests may be waived at the discretion of the competent person.
B. Cracks propagating from the region of the toe of the fillet weld on the shell to the tube plate
weld, resulting from fatigue or corrosion fatigue cracking.
These cracks would not be there after manufacture but can develop in service, they are
caused by stress due to a combination of pressure loads, differential expansion, local
temperature gradients, oxygen impurities in the boiler water / steam and inadequate pH (water
chemistry) control.
Differential thermal expansion and local temperature gradients all result from continuous
pressure / temperature cycling and heating from cold too quickly. Water treatment and in
particular oxygen corrosion are covered in section 2.5. The importance of correct water
treatment cannot be over emphasised.
Note: When starting from cold section 3.6.1 must be read and understood, if in doubt consult Fulton.
(c) Open all the valves in the gas train/oil supply. It is assumed that the fuel supply lines have been
purged prior to attempting to start the boiler/burner.
(d) Turn the Pump Only/Off/Pump & Burner On Switch to the Pump & Burner On position.
(e) Switch the burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch to the On position. The 2nd Low
Water and High Pressure Alarm/Reset switches will illuminate and alarms will sound due to
the power restoration interlock, (refer to Section 3.3 - Pump Only / Off / Pump & Burner On
switch description).
Note: If the 2nd Low Water and High Pressure Alarm/Reset switches illuminate and the alarms sound, check
that the burner mounted Burner On/Off/Reset Switch is in the Off position, and then reset both alarms by
pressing the switches.
(f) The burner motor will start and, after going through the post purge/pre purge interlock checks,
should fire after approximately 45 seconds.
Note: Before leaving the boiler unattended, the daily operating tests (see Section 3.7) should be carried out to
check the functions of all the safety interlocks. For more detailed information on the burner firing sequence
consult the burner manufacturers Operation and Maintenance instructions.
If any of the following tests fail to function as described, shut down the boiler immediately and
consult Fulton Ltd, Service Department.
Note: Ensure the correct water level is maintained during pressure build up. If any part of the equipment is
not operating correctly, the fault should be investigated before the boiler is used. Ensure all blowdown
pipework is safe and discharged to a blowdown receptacle.
(a) Lower the water level in the boiler, either by evaporation or by opening the main blowdown valve
with the key provided, operate the bypass system for boilers fitted with auto-blowdown.
(b) Observe the water level in the water level gauges and, as the water level falls, check that the feed
water pump starts.
(c) Shut the main blowdown valve if opened, and ensure that the feed water pump continues to fill the
boiler to the correct level then switches off.
Note: Water levels and probe lengths should be noted on commissioning and recorded with the boiler.
(a) Turn the Pump On/Pump Off Switch on the boiler control panel to the pump off position.
(b) Lower the water level in the boiler, either by evaporation or by opening the main blowdown valve.
(a) Repeat the procedure described in Section 3.7.3, (a) to (c) but allow the water level to continue
to fall, either by evaporation or maintaining the main blowdown valve open.
Before the water level falls below the level of the water level gauge, check that the 2nd Low
Alarm/Reset switch illuminates, the alarm sounds and the burner shuts down.
(c) Set the Pump On/Pump Off Switch to the pump on position.
The feed water pump starts, restores the water level to a safe working level, then
The 1st Low Water alarm cancels.
The 1st Low Water Indicator lamp extinguishes but the burner does not start.
The 2nd Low Water alarm continues to sound.
The 2nd Low Water Alarm/Reset switch remains illuminated.
To reduce the possible down time and a loss of pressure to the steam load, the tests detailed in
3.7.2 / 3.7.3 / 3.7.4 can be accomplished by isolating the feed pump using the pump on/off
switch on the boiler control panel. (as 3.10) and allowing the water level to fall by evaporating
steam to the system.
Once the 1st. Low Water Level Alarm is activated the water level can be lowered to the 2nd. Low
Water Level by using the main blowdown valve.
When the 2nd. Low Water Alarm sounds, close the blowdown valve, turn the feed pump on / off
switch to pump on.
Once the 1st. Low Water Level cancels the burner should remain off, but the 2nd. Low Water
Alarm should continue to sound , reset the 2nd. Low Water Alarm. The burner should start and
the pump restore the water level to normal and stop.
Note: This procedure requires a longer attendance time by the boiler house operator, but reduces the
pressure loss to the system.
Pump On
1st. Low Water
2nd. Low Water
High Water Pump Off
Pump Off
Pump On
Normal Working Level
25mm 80mm
Model Pump OFF Pump ON 1st Low Water 2nd Low Water High Water
RB600 415 440 520 545 336
RB750 415 440 520 545 336
RB1000 415 440 520 545 336
RB1250 535 560 640 665 456
RB1500 535 560 640 665 456
RB1850 515 540 620 645 436
RB2100 515 540 620 645 436
RB2500 535 560 640 665 456
RB3000 535 560 640 665 456
Note: All probe lengths are measured from the underside of the hex. nut.
Replacement probes are supplied at a standard length and should be cut to the same length as the
probe being replaced.
In order to keep the boiler and water level gauge pipework clear and free from sludge and scale
build-up, regular blowdown should be carried out.
(a) For non-automatic blowdown systems, fully open the main blowdown valve, using the key
provided, for a minimum of 10 seconds, automatic systems will blowdown at set times
determined by site requirements and only need checking to ensure the amount of blowdowns
performed is sufficient.
Auto Blowdown/Draining
The boiler may be drained by opening the boiler blowdown isolation valve, having mechanically
opened the auto blowdown valve.
Note: As well as removing sludge (suspended solids) from the boiler, a second and equally important
function is to maintain the TDS (totally dissolved solids) level to within the required limits. The amount
of blowdown, and hence time required, is dependent on the amount of TDS in the raw water supply,
the percentage condensate return, water treatment chemicals added and the number of hours a day
operation. In order to establish the required blowdown rate, consult your water treatment specialist who
will recommend a water treatment programme in terms of appropriate chemicals and the required
blowdown rate which takes these factors into account.
Isolation Valve Boiler Auto
Note: The boiler blowdown shown is an automatic installation, manual blowdown is also available.
3. Open valve B
5. Open valve C
6. Close valve A
Note: Ensure the boiler water treatment levels for dissolved oxygen are within the specified limits.
To store the boiler in a corrosion-free situation there are three practical solutions as follows:
(c) As (b) but also introduce a form of convection heating to the gas/oil and water side.
A very effective solution is to install a string of outdoor-type waterproof light bulbs distributed
throughout the boiler.
This test may be required by your insurance inspector as part of the annual inspection:
(a) With the burner running, switch off the boiler feedpump and allow the water level in the boiler
to lower by evaporation.
(b) When the water level reaches the 1st low water position an alarm will sound, the 1st low
water indicator lamp will illuminate and the burner will stop.
(c) Allow the evaporation process to continue until the 2nd low water alarm sounds and the 2nd
low water alarm/switch illuminates.
(d) Switch the feed pump to the pump & burner on position.
(e) The water level will be restored to normal working level, the 1st low water indicator lamp will
extinguish and the alarm will cancel.
(g) The 2nd low water alarm/reset switch will extinguish, the alarm will cancel and the burner will
Note: Because the burner shuts down during this test it is possible that the steam load will rapidly decrease
the pressure in the boiler causing a premature 2nd low water alarm. This is normal and typical of priming
where a boiler tries to maintain an overload condition resulting in unstable water conditions.
(a) Gas isolating valve(s) are Open (gas and dual fuel burners).
(b) Oil isolating valve(s) are Open (oil and dual fuel burners).
Before contacting the Fulton Service Department, have the following information available:
Note: A very common problem is that when a boiler cools down, the steam in the steam space condenses
and gradually forms a vacuum. If the feed water line is open, the boiler will syphon water in, attempting to
equalise the pressure.
The appearance in the water level gauges is the same if they are empty or fully flooded.
If the sight glasses appear empty, but the water level control alarm(s) have not sounded, it is highly probable
that the boiler is flooded.
Allow air into the system and lower the water to the normal operating level.
Gas burner will not Gas supply Check for gas pressure.
Gas pressure switch(s) Reset gas pressure switch.
Oil burner will not Oil supply Check for oil in storage tank.
Check oil feed line is open.
Check oil solenoid valves.
Fuel pump Check oil pump is de-aerated.
Check oil strainer.
Wet steam, boiler Too much boiler Dump return tank, flush system
primes treatment chemical or stop treatment for a week.
Steam traps See previous page.
Pump will not cut off Earth connection Check for tightness and clean.
Feed pump runs but does Air/steam lock in pump Check for bad steam traps.
not put water into boiler Check for check valve in
water feed line.
Reduce temperature of
feed tank.
Blocked water feed line Check and clean if necessary.
Feed pump will not Probe connections Check for tightness and
start in time clean the connections.
Dirty probes Clean or replace.
Water level relay Replace.
Earth connection Check for tightness and clean.
Low water alarm/burner Probe connections Check for tightness and clean
shut-off will not act in time the connections.
Dirty probes Clean or replace.
Water level relay Replace.
Earth connection Check for tightness and clean.
Starting the boiler, the Boiler is completely filled Blowdown the boiler to a
high limit steam pressure with water. normal water level.
limit is illuminated and the
burner stops On/off pressure switch has Check pressure switch replace
failed. as required.
Note: For more detailed fault finding on the burner consult the burner manufacturers Installation and
Maintenance instructions
To ensure the continuing efficiency of the boiler, regularly carry out regular routine maintenance
procedures as detailed below.
Lifting Equipment
Make sure that lifting equipment complies with all local regulations
and is suitable for the job.
You can be injured if you use faulty lifting equipment.
Make sure the lifting equipment is in good condition.
If any fault is found during these procedures, shut down the boiler immediately and consult
Fulton Ltd.
Note: It is essential that regular checks are made to ensure scale build-up is not taking place within the boiler.
Such checks will ensure that water treatment being applied to the boiler water feed is effective.
The lower hand hole doors should be removed after one month and the interior of the boiler thoroughly
examined. If scale or sludge build-up is observed, a water treatment specialist should be consulted.
During normal operation the front ends of the turbulators will be burnt off, this is normal and not a
cause for concern.
Subsequent interior examinations should be carried out on a regular basis until satisfactory conditions
are obtained. Thereafter, inspections should be carried out at six monthly intervals.
New gaskets must be fitted every time a hand hole door is removed, refer to Section 4.5 for fitting
All steam pipework, valves and fittings will be very hot.
Do not operate the safety valve without protection.
Check for signs of leakage around the front door seal. Leakage from the seal can cause a flame to
short circuit in the furnace, which can lead to over heating of the front tube plate.
If a leak is detected shut down the boiler and replace the seal.
Check the hand holes and man holes for signs of leakage. This is particularly important when the boiler
is started from new or when gaskets have been replaced (refer to Section 4.5 for fitting procedures for
new gaskets). Corrective action taken as soon as a leak occurs can prevent costly repairs later.
Check for signs of leaks on all valves and fittings and take the appropriate action.
Test all the boiler water level functions by evaporation, e.g. switch off the boiler feed pump - see
Starting the Burner, section 3.6.
Carry out routine maintenance checks on the burner as recommended by the manufacturers
Installation and Maintenance instructions.
Check the flame failure controls by removing the burner flame sensor from its plug-in connection on
the side of the burner and covering the detection window to exclude all light.
The burner control should immediately go to a lockout flame failure condition and will require manual
Clean the flame sensor before replacing it.
The boiler must be completely cold before carrying out any of the following procedures.
(b) Ensure that the power supply to the boiler is switched Off.
The boiler and attaching parts will retain heat long after the boiler has been shut down.
Always use protective clothes and extreme caution when working on a hot boiler.
(c) Empty the boiler by allowing air into the boiler via the boiler vent valve, and draining through the
boiler blowdown valve.
Lifting Equipment
Make sure that lifting equipment complies with all local regulations and is suitable for the job.
You can be injured if you use faulty lifting equipment. Make sure the lifting equipment is in good
(d) Remove the hand hole and manhole doors and thoroughly inspect the internal surfaces of the
boiler, paying particular attention to the junction of the tubes with the front tube plate and the
tubes for signs of pitting. Any deposits should be removed and your water treatment specialist
consulted. Ensure there are no accumulated deposits of sludge in the bottom of the boiler.
Undo the four retaining nuts, (The two on the hinge side by two complete turns). See 4.7.
Open the door sufficiently to allow full access to the furnace and tube ends.
(h) Where retarders are fitted they should be removed - some burning of the retarders at the inlet
end is normal.
(i) Remove the access panel from the economizer, check for clogging or blocking of the finned
tubes, should the tubes need to be cleaned extreme care should be taken not to damage or
distort the fins. Maintenance instructions for control and safety devices fitted to the
economizer system should be fully observed.
Refit the economizer access panel.
(k) Brush through the tubes to remove any deposits from the products of combustion.
(l) Using a wire brush, clean the internal surfaces of the furnace and the face of the front tube
Pay particular attention to the tube ligaments (the spaces between adjacent tubes).
(m) Inspect the tube ends for any signs of splitting or burning.
These are symptoms of gas reburning in the tube ends as a result of poor combustion,
e.g. carbon monoxide carry-over. If the tube ends exhibit these signs, consult Fulton Boiler Works.
(n) Clean out the rear smoke boxes to remove the deposits brushed through from the tubes.
(p) When fitted, inspect the finned tubes of the economiser for clogging or blocking, clean as required.
Ensure that the rear smoke box drain connections are clean and free from deposits.
This is particularly important on oil fired boilers because of the acidic nature of the condensate formed.
When handling ceramic fibre always follow the local regulations
regarding such materials, including the use of breathing apparatus,
suitable body protection and protective gloves.
(q) Examine the internal surface of the door lining for defects. Small repairs may be carried out
by cutting out the defective area and replacing with new fibre, ensure the correct adhesive is
(r) Examine the end of the burner blast tube where it extends through the door into the furnace.
Clean off any deposits, paying particular attention to the internal lip where deposits can
cause irregular flame patterns.
(s) Inspect the rear smoke box door seals for deterioration and replace if necessary.
(t) Close the hinged front access door by reversing the opening procedure, (see 4.7).
(u) Reconnect the gas/oil connections.
(v) Drain and flush the feed water/hotwell tank, clean any filters and the strainer in the feed line
before the pump.
(x) Carry out routine maintenance to the burner as detailed in the manufacturers Installation
and Maintenance instructions.
Note: Depending upon the mode of operation, it may be found that the six monthly interval can be extended,
possibly to an annual service. It is strongly recommended, however, that the interval should be 6 months from
initial start up until such times as a pattern of use and the condition of the boiler after a typical 6 months can be
It is a requirement of the Factories Act and Pressure Systems Regulations that the boiler is internally
inspected and re-certified at not more than 14 month intervals.
It is normal practice to carry out an annual service during which your insurance surveyor would
attend to carry out the statutory inspection. The scope of a full insurance strip-down is such that it
should only be attempted by persons competent to do so who have had the necessary training, and
have the required test equipment. Fulton Ltd.can offer this service if required.
The engineering surveyor may require the removal of the ceramic fibre insulation around the
periphery of the front tube plate to facilitate inspection of the shell to tube plate weld.
The standard Fulton service kit includes replacement ceramic fibre material which must be glued in
place with the adhesive supplied. It is vital the material is fitted ensuring the ends of the fibre face into
the centre of the boiler.
For burner maintenance, refer to the manufacturers Installation and Maintenance instructions.
4.5.1 General
TOPOG-E gasket have a finite life after installation and must be renewed annually.
It is important that the instructions given in this section are adhered to.
The RBC Series boilers are fitted with TOPOG-E gaskets in all the inspection holes of the boiler.
These gaskets work very well and millions have been safely used over the last 30 years, however, it is
absolutely essential to observe a few simple rules in order to get the best performance from your
Elastomeric Vulcanizates, which form the basis of TOPOG-E gaskets, undergo degradation from many
sources including heat, oxygen, stress, and overdosing from certain types of water treatment. This
takes the form of material oxidation, hardening/embrittlement and cracking which may result in gasket
failure. Steps must be taken to minimise the effects of such attacks.
Water treatment and oxygen attack can be combated by ensuring that the gasket is aligned correctly
so that only the extreme edges of the gasket are exposed. If a new gaskets leaks after fitting this is
almost certainly due to incorrect seating or alignment. As such gaskets are very flexible it is possible to
cure the leak by excessive tightening, but such an action will seriously reduce the life of the gasket and
cause problems later.
Undue stress can be avoided by tightening just sufficiently to stop any leakage when fitting cold and
before firing the boiler. Fire the boiler and then gradually warm the boiler up, allowing the increasing
steam pressure to take over and complete the seal. The will allow the gasket material to contract
naturally and follow the topography of the mating surfaces. The securing nut can then be tightened
gently by, say, a quarter of a turn to ensure a snug fit and prevent the seal from being broken when
the boiler is cold and under negative pressure.
Gentle warming of the boiler on initial firing after maintenance will also help to ensure that the rubber
cures to shape. If the rubber post-cures, the elastic memory will be destroyed and any initial over
tightening will cause the gasket to become hardened and embrittled, leading to cracks and eventual
Blowdown the boiler completely (see Operation, Section 3.8). and examine all inspection holes in the
boiler. If any leakage is evident, proceed as follows:
(a) Disassemble the crab(s) and cover plate and remove the inspection hole assembly.
Remove the old gasket and thoroughly clean the mating faces of the cover plate and
boiler ring.
(b) Place the new Topog-E gasket on the cover plate, ensure the gasket is the correct size
and is seating flat against the plate. Do not use any grease, lubricant or adhesive. If the
new gasket is not seated properly before the plate is tightened, the gasket may be
pinched causing a failure when the pressure builds up.
(c) Position the cover plate in the boiler ring, ensuring that the plate is correctly centred.
An off-centre cover plate can concentrate forces on the gasket and cut it in two. The
cover plate may also drag on the boiler hole ring and fail to seal as the pressure rises.
Set the crab(s) and hand-tighten the securing nut(s) sufficiently to provide a snug fit.
Tighten the nuts a further quarter of a turn using a spanner. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Note: Ensure the gasket is aligned correctly so that only the extreme edges are exposed to water treatment or
oxygen attack. If the gasket is misaligned, overtightening to seal a leak will not prevent subsequent leakage at a
later date.
(d) Gradually warm up the boiler, allowing steam pressure to make the seal. If the gasket leaks
during pressure build up, tighten the securing nut(s) sufficiently only to stop the leakage. It
is important to keep the nuts correctly tightened thereafter, this prevents the vacuum
developed by cooling on shutdown from feeding and draining the boiler.
Note: New gaskets fitted to inspection holes located along the bottom of the boiler are more difficult to insta
without leaking. Small particles of scale or sand tend to run down on the mating surfaces after cleaning but
prior to assembling. This condition is likely to have occurred if excess tightening is required to stop a leak
before warming the boiler. In this event, the best course of action is to drain the boiler and repeat the gasket
fitting procedure. Failure to do so will severely reduce the life of the gasket.
(e) Clean and inspect each water gauge sight glass. If any water leakage is evident, renew the
sight glass gasket.
Pressure Gauge
4.6.1 Controls
They are located on the control box together with a syphon pipe, pressure test point and
steam pressure gauge.
The Control Pressure Switch controls the on/off cycle of the burner, switching the burner off when the
desired steam pressure is reached, and switching it on when the steam pressure falls.
The High Limit Pressure Switch is a maximum steam pressure switch which has to be set to operate at
least 0.5 bar higher than the Control Pressure Switch. Normally the High Limit Switch does not operate,
but if the Control Pressure Switch fails and steam pressure rises above the adjusted steam pressure,
the High Limit Switch should switch off, lock out the burner, illuminate the High Limit Pressure lamp and
sound the alarm. Should this happen, switch the boiler to pump only and wait until the steam pressure
is discharged. Check the connection to the pressure switch, replace as required.
The High/Low Pressure Switch switches the burner between high and low fire.
(d) Set the high limit pressure switch to 0.5 bar below the safety valve setting.
(e) Allow the steam pressure to rise until the high limit pressure switch trips.
On the steam pressure gauge, check that the pressure is not less than 0.5 bar below the
safety valve lift pressure.
(f) Open the main steam valve to lower the steam pressure.
(g) Reset the control pressure switch to the required working pressure and the high/low pressure
switch to 0.3 - 0.5 bar below the control pressure switch setting.
(j) Reset the high limit pressure switch and allow the steam pressure to rise until the high/low
pressure switch reduces the burner to low fire, and then the burner shuts down under the
control pressure switch.
Note: The requirement for a difference between the control and high limit pressure switches is to prevent
unnecessary high limit steam pressure faults tripping the burner at no load conditions.
The residual heat in the furnace, the flue pipes and the door refractory is capable of raising steam pressure
slightly, causing the high limit pressure switch to trip out.
The swivel bolts A on the latching side can be moved out of their securing slots once the nuts are
undone. In order to seal the door fully around the circumference, it is important to ensure the door is
parallel to the front sealing face of the boiler before finally tightening the securing nuts to effect a seal.
When opening and closing the door always slacken and then tighten all four nuts B, not just the two on
the latching side.
The door seal utilises a 25 x 35mm square section glass rope which is glued into an angle section
welded into the perimeter of the door. Over a period of time the glass rope will loose its ability to deform
sufficiently to take up the irregularities between the door and sealing faces, which may result in a gas
leak, if leakage occurs the boiler should be shut down and the seal be replaced.
To remove the seal, locate the joint (usually at the six oclock position. Prise out one end and using a
chisel or similar to break the glued joint, pull out the remainder of the seal.
A Hinge
Parallel hinge
DO NOT use unheated or untreated feed water which can
result in premature tube failure by oxygen corrosion.
RBC Boilers are fitted with a feed water disperser, removable for cleaning. The holes in the disperser
are sized to give an exit velocity sufficient to ensure rapid mixing of the boiler water and the cooler
feed water, reducing temperature gradients within the water to a minimum.
In order to reduce oxygen corrosion to the tubes and prevent thermal shock, it is imperative that feed
water entering the boiler is heated to 80 - 85O C. (The solubility of oxygen in water reduces to a
minimum at 85O C.), on initial start-up this may not be possible.
As part of the water treatment programme chemicals will be dosed into the boiler feed water line and
/ or the boiler feed water tank. The nature of many of these chemicals is that they react when there is
a rapid rise in temperature such that dissolved solids are precipitated and fall out of solution as a
The first major change in temperature to the feed water is as it enters the feed water disperser, as a
result some solids will be precipitated within the disperser, the majority will be washed through,
however some may remain as deposits.
The disperser should therefore be removed inspected and cleaned at each inspection interval i.e. 6
monthly or before if the feed pump has difficulty in maintaining the boiler water level.
To reduce the problems of possible disperser blockage, chemical dosage should always be applied
as a slug into the feed water pipe rather than into the feed tank.
By chemical slug method, precipitation of solids only takes place from the water either side and
mixed with the dose.
By dosing the feed tank all of the feed water becomes saturated with chemical causing all of the feed
water entering the boiler to release precipitates / sludge. The exceptions are Sulphite compounds
used for oxygen scavenging which can be dosed directly into the feed water tank.
Feed Water
Mounting Flange
Disperser Holes
Feed Water
Ensure the new probe is cut to the same
length as the probe being replaced.
4.9.1 Standard Probes (Brass)
The probe is supplied in a standard length and should be cut to the length required, (the length of the
probe being replaced) ensuring measurements are taken from the underside of the probe hexagonal
nut, remove any burrs caused by cutting.
The probe is supplied in two parts, the head and the tip. The tip should be screwed onto the head
aligning the slot in the top of the tip with the hole in the screwed shaft of the head.
Located the pin provided into the slot/hole and secure with the lock nut.
Using the measurement from the old probe, cut the new probe to length and de-burr. Ensure both
measurements are taken from the underside of the hex. nut on the probe head.
Ensure measurements are taken from the Align the hole in the probe head with
underside of the hex. nut on the probe head. the bottom of the slot in the probe tip.
Model: RBC 600 750 1000 1250 1500 1850 2100 2500 3000
Steam output, (kg/h) F & A 100C 957 1197 1596 1995 2393 2952 3350 3990 4787
Heat output, (kW) 600 750 1000 1250 1500 1850 2100 2500 3000
Max. Operating pressure, (barg) 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34 10.34
Water content, (litre) 1350 1450 1560 2286 2240 2888 2850 3420 4337
Weight empty, (tonne) (ex. burner) 4.31 4.71 5.35 7.28 7.38 8.87 8.97 10.6 12.17
Ventilation Requirements
Low Level-inlet, (cm) 3660 4510 5923 7336 8851 10435 11678 13444 15716
High Level-outlet, (cm) 1830 2255 2961 3668 4425 5217 5839 6722 7858
Power kW
Burner fan, diesel oil fired 1.1 2.2 2.2 3 3 5.5 5.5 7.5 11
Burner fan, gas fired 1.1 1.1 3 3 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 11
Burner fan, dual fuel 1.1 2.2 3 3 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 11
Feed water pump 1.1 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 3 4 4
**** Figures based on gross cv figures from DUKES report 2010.
Model: RBC 600 750 1000 1250 1500 1850 2100 2500 3000
A Boiler length 2445 2530 3045 3435 3435 3745 3745 3850 3950
B Shell length 2145 2180 2600 2940 2940 3200 3200 3200 3300
C Rear gas chamber depth 250 300 395 445 445 495 495 550 550
D Tube withdrawal 2150 2185 2605 2945 2945 3205 3205 3205 3305
E Door opening radius 1735 1735 1735 1905 1905 2055 2055 2285 2285
F Front door depth 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
G* Oil burner 865 865 1058 1058 1058 737 737 737 910
Gas burner 795 795 980 980 980 980 980 980 906
Dual fuel burner 835 835 975 975 975 975 1081 1081 1245
H Safety valve to front 2090 2090 2520 2790 2790 3045 3045 3100 3200
J Steam outlet to front 890 890 1040 1340 1340 1645 1645 1700 1750
K Overall width 1960 1960 1960 2175 2175 2305 2305 2510 2510
L Base frame width 1700 1700 1700 1870 1870 2020 2020 2248 2248
M Shell diameter 1500 1500 1500 1650 1650 1800 1800 2028 2036
N Steam outlet to floor 2245 2245 2245 2425 2425 2575 2575 2805 2805
P Safety valve to floor 2205 2205 2215 2365 2365 2250 2540 2755 2755
R Rear flue outlet to floor 1700 1700 1700 1850 1850 1975 1975 2140 2140
Top flue outlet to floor - 2405 2405 2555 2555 2715 2715 2875 2875
S Sampling outlet to floor 1460 1460 1460 1540 1540 1710 1710 1863 1863
T** Flue diameter (nominal) 250 300 300 350 400 450 450 500 550
U Furnace centreline to floor 980 980 980 1035 1035 1105 1105 1140 1175
V Boiler centreline to floor 1200 1200 1200 1275 1275 1350 1350 1450 1450
W Feedwater pump inlet to floor 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290
X Boiler blowdown height 300 300 300 300 300 215 215 250 250
Y*** Flue outlet depth 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152
Z Overall height 2495 2495 2545 2750 2750 2940 2940 3200 3200
It is critical that the boiler water is alkaline and within the range 10.5pH - 12.0pH.
Daily boiler blowdown is essential to help prevent formation of deposits and reduce
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).
Consult your Water Treatment specialist to establish the frequency and duration
of blowdown required to achieve the required water conditions.
Page 59
BC 3150
EGP09 0002
The use of incorrect parts could be a risk to safety
and seriously damage your boiler. Replacement Safety Valves
To comply fully with safety regulations it is essential that the correct safety valves are used.
If in any doubt contact Fulton Ltd. Sales and Service Department for assistance.
When ordering replacement or spare parts ensure you provide all the details given in the parts
lists together with the following:
Boiler number :
Boiler type :
The type, size and lift pressure safety valve fitted to a boiler is specific to that boiler.
When ordering spare safety valves it is important that, as well as the information
requested above, the following additional information is given:
Boiler design pressure (given on the boiler data plate)
Make and type (e.g. fig. no.) of safety valve fitted
Assy No. Description Part No. Description Quantity
13123 GASKET 65mm PN16 IBC 2
12412 GASKET 32mm PN16 IBC 1
12405 ELBOW WI 1/2 1
15002 VALVE SAFETY DN32/50 ARI 1
13037 GASKET 100mm PN16 IBC 2
11786 GASKET 25mm PN16 IBC 10
14645 BURNER D/F MDFL1880 T3D 1
13033 PROBE TIP 1000mm LP30 2
060RD324SX PANEL D/F 75-180 AOTC 1
11824 GASKET 15mm PN16 IBC 3
13294 RB BRUSH HANDLE 2950mm 1
14290 PUMP WATER CR3-21 1
13141 VALVE BLOWDOWN 25mmKBV20 1
11608 VALVE CHECK 1 RK41/E/S 1
Assy No. Description Part No. Description Quantity
15345 PROBE BRASS 914mm LONG 4
13141 VALVE BLOWDOWN 25mmKBV20 1
13123 GASKET 65mm PN16 IBC 1
14584 BURNER OIL NOL 50-34 T3L 1
13294 BRUSH HANDLE 2950mm 1
13037 GASKET 100mm PN16 IBC 2
12412 GASKET 32mm PN16 IBC 1
11786 GASKET 25mm PN16 IBC 10
13036 GASKET 80mm PN16 IBC 1
11824 GASKET 15mm PN16 IBC 3
15002 VALVE SAFETY DN32/50 ARI 1
11608 VALVE CHECK 1 RK41/E/S 1
14290 PUMP WATER CR3-21 1
3 Year
On the Fulton Boiler Pressure Vessel
Fulton Ltd. will repair or replace FoB factory any Fulton pressure vessel which within three (3) years of the
date of delivery is found to be defective in workmanship, or material, provided this equipment is oper-
ated and maintained by the buyer for the purpose for which it was designed and in
accordance with the Manufacturers Handbook. This Warranty does not cover damage or failures that
can be attributed to corrosion, scale or dirt accumulation, or to low water conditions.
This Warranty is good only in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
This Warranty does not include labour or delivery charges of any kind.
Fulton Ltd.
General Warranty
The Fulton general Guarantee is given in lieu of and Defective goods or parts must be returned to us as
in exclusion of any warranty expressed or implied, soon as possible after discovery of the defect, Costs
statutory or otherwise, as to the state, condition, of carriage and of detaching and incorporating parts
performance, quality or fitness of the goods. Save will be borne by you. ln all cases at the termination of
thereunder we shall be under no obligation or liability such 12 months all liability on our part will cease.
of any kind to you in regard to the goods. In the case No liability whatsoever is to be incurred by us in
of new goods manu-factured and supplied by us, we respect of gauge or sight-glasses, packing glands or
will make good any defect developing therein under electric motors or any goods or accessories not of
proper use within 12 months of delivery, provided that our manufacture. But so far as we are able, we shall
after investigation in our sole discretion we are let you have the benefit of any guarantee or warranty
satisfied that the defect arose from faulty design, given to us in respect thereof.
materials or workmanship and from no other cause
Fulton Ltd.
Broomhill Road
Bristol BS4 4TU