( Reaffirmed 2003 )
Indian Standard
\ _*
( First Revision 1
hdian Standard
, 1
( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was which are frequently used. This glossary has-
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therefore, been prepared so as to compile defini,
-9 May 1988, after the draft finalized by the Build- tions of all such terms in one standard which
!S:6508 -1988
2.25 Hydrated Hydraulic Lime - Lime od- 2.40 Lime Concrete - ,A,mixtnre bf lime, fi&
tained by hydrating Clasd A, B and E limb, and aggregate, coarse a&itgatt: and water ( with or
.containing all the hydraulic components, that is, without additives ) in stiit&le proportions.
lime combined with silica, alumina and iron as I _.
hydroxide. 2.41 Lime Plaster - A mixture of lime and
other materials applied in substantial thickness to
2.26 Kankar - The impure earthy hard lump surfaces to form +B pr,ote,ctiye ,wd/or decorative
consisting of concretions and nodules of calcium coating.
carbonate. ;J
2.42 Lime Putty - A plastic paste consisting
2.27 Kankar Lime - Lime: obtained by calci-
of hydrated lime and free \N@,er.I .)
nation of Kankar.
2.28 Kiln Dust - Dust drawn from the botto; 2.43 Limd.!&rry - A &$ension of hydrated
of the kiln which, in a mixed-feed kiln, is. gene- lime in considerable amount $fiee water, with a
rally composed of coal ash, airslaked lime and consistency similar to cream. ,
unslaked lime dust.
2.44 Lime Soil Stabilization .i The process in
2.29 Kiln Shell - The outer wall which forms which lime is added to soil to.improve its engi-
the structural enclqsure for the kiln. neering properties, that is, strength, durability,
etc, commonly adopted. for road construction.
-2.30 Lime 7 It is a general term that connotes
.only a burnt form df lime, usually quicklime, but 2.45 Lining - The refractory layer placed on
tiay also refer to hydrated or hydraulic lime. the inner face of the lime kiln.
:.?.31 Limestone - Rpcl< cqmposed predomi- 2.46 Lump Lime - It is a physical shape of
nantly of calcium carbonate. , quicklime not less than 63 mm in size ( see 2.59 ).
IS:6508- 1988
2.47 Maturing - The keeping of slaked lime 4 Ground, Screened or Granular - less than
until all particles of lime fatten up to lime 63 mm, and
putty. This is also sometime known as fattening.
4 Powdered - Substantially all passing 850
2.48 Magnesian and Dolomitic Lime - Lime micron ISSieve.
obtained from magnesian and dolomitic lime-
stones or dolostones which shall contain more 2.60 RCC Kiln - A kiln having its outer shell
than 6 percent magnesium oxide ( ignited basis ). constructed of reinforced cement concrete.
2.49 Masonry Kiln - Akiln having its outer 2.61 Run-of-Kiln Quicklime - Quicklime as
shell constructed of brick or stone masonry. drawn or discharged from a kiln.
2.50 Milk of Lime - A suspension of lime in a 2.62 Running - The pouring of the milk of lime
large amount of water with a consistency similar through sieves into a maturing vessel.
to milk.
2.63 Sand-Lime Bricks - Bricks manufactured
2.51 Mixed Feed - The process of burning in -from a uniform mixture of siliceous sand or
wh.ich the solid fuel and the calcareous material crushed siliceous rock and lime combined by the
2.56 Popping and Pitting - A type of un- 2.66 Soft Burnt Lime - Chemically reactive
soundness caused by particles of unhydrated or quicklime obtained at relatively lowertemperature
incompletely hydrated lime which expand at some of calcination. It is characterized by high porosity
period subsequent to actual use. It manifests and chemical reactivity.
itself in the form of craters or blisters on plaster
surfaces. 2.67 Shell - The outer wall which forms the
structural enclosure for the kiln.
2.57 Preheating Zone - The top portion of the
kiln where the incoming charge is preheated by 2.68 Shell Lime - Lime obtained by the cal-
the gases issuing from the calcination zone. cination of calcareous shells of organic origin.
2.58 Quicklime - A calcined material, the 2.69 Slaked Lime - Lime obtained by slaking
major part of which is calcium oxide capable of of quicklime ( see 2.70 >.
slaking with water. This is also known as un-
slaked lime. Depending on the stone from which 2.70 Slaking - Slaking usually means addition
it has been derived, it may also be called high of the requisite amount of water to quicklime
,calcium, magnesian or dolomitic quicklime. so as to form dry slaked lime, putty or slurry.
2.59 Quicklime-Sizes - Quicklime may be ob-
tained in different sizes depending upon the type 2.71 Soundness - The freedom of lime putty
of limestone, kind of kiln used or treatments or hydrated powder from unslaked or partly
subsequent to calcining. The sizes commonly slaked particles of lime to the extent that the
-recognized are as follows: expansion in a prescribed test does not exceed the
specified limits.
a) Lump - not less than 63 mm,
2.72 Steel-Shell Kiln - A kiln having its outer
b) Pebble or Crushed - less than 63 mm, shell made of steel plate.
IS : 6508 - 1983
2.73 Under-Burnt Lime - The quicklime which per unit mass of quicklime.
has not been calcined sufficiently and hence
contains unaltered carbonates. 2.77 Water Retentivity - The ability of mortars
to retain water against suction and evaporation,
2.74 Unslaked Lime - See 2.58. in general. It is indirectly a measure of the work-
ability of mortars. It is measured by the flow of
2.75 Vertical Kiln - A kiln with a vertical mortar when tested on a standard flow table
shaft having a steel or masonry or reinforced before and after application of a specified suction.
cement concrete shell ( see 2.49, 2.60 and 2.72 )
on the outer side and brick lining in the interior.
2.78 White Wash - The combination of hy-
2.76 Volume Yield of Quicklime - The drated lime ( or slaked quicklime ), water and
volume of putty of standard consistency obtained other materials to be used as a paint like cc stirgO
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