Chapter 53 Reading Comprehension

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Max. Marks : 30 No. of Qs. 30 Time : 20 min. Date : ........./......../................
occasionally engaged in conflict with one another. During the British
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passages carefully and answer
rule, India became a compact political unit having one single political
the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to
regime over its entire territories and this led to the evolution of the
help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.
concept of a nation. This concept of one nation took firm roots in
Passage 1 the minds and hearts of the people during the struggle for
We find that today the unity and integrity of the nation is independence under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. He has
threatened by the divisive forces of regionalism, linguism and rightly been called the Father of the Nation because it was he who
communal loyalties which are gaining ascendancy in national awakened in the people of this country a sense of national
life and seeking to tear apart and destroy national integrity. We consciousness and instilled in them a high sense of patriotism
tend to forget that India is one nation and we are all Indians first without which it is not possible to build a country into nationhood.
and Indians last. It is time we remind ourselves what the great By the time the Constitution of India came to be enacted, insurgent
visionary and builder of modern India Jawaharlal Nehru said, India, breaking a new path of non-violent revolution and fighting to
Who dies if India lives, who lives if India dies? We must realise, free itself from the shackles of foreign domination, had emerged into
and this is unfortunately what many in public life tend to overlook, nationhood and the people of India were inspired by a new
sometimes out of ignorance of the forces of history and enthusiasm, a high and noble spirit of sacrifice and above all, a strong
sometimes deliberately with a view to promoting their self- sense of nationalism and in the Constitution which they framed.
interest, that national interest must inevitably and forever prevail They set about the task of a strong nation based on certain cherished
over any other considerations proceeding from regional, linguistic values for which they had fought.
or communal attachments. The history of India over the past 1. The author has quoted Jawaharlal Nehru to emphasise the
centuries bears witness to the fact that India was at no time a point that
single political unit. Even during the reign of the Maurya dynasty, (a) national interest must enjoy supreme importance
though a large part of the country was under the sovereignty of (b) India is going to survive even if the world is under the
the Mauryan kings, there were considerable portions of the spell of destruction
territory which were under the rule of independent kingdoms. So (c) the world will be destroyed if India is on the threshold of
also during the Mughal rule which extended over large parts of destruction
the territory of India, there were independent rulers who enjoyed (d) the survival of the world depends only upon the well
political sovereignty over the territories of their respective being of India
kingdoms. It is an interesting fact of history that India was forged (e) None of these
into a nation, neither on account of a common language nor on 2. What, according to the author, is the impact of the divisive
account of the continued existence of a single political regime forces on our nation?
over its territories but on account of a common culture evolved (a) They promote a sense of regional pride.
over the centuries. It is cultural unitysomething more (b) They help people to form linguistic groups.
fundamental and enduring than any other bond which may unite (c) They separate groups of people and create enmity among
the people of a country together which has welded this country them.
into a nation. But until the advent of the British rule, it was not (d) They encourage among people the sense of loyalty to
constituted into a single political unit. There were, throughout their community.
the period of history for which we have fairly authenticated (e) They remind us of our national pride.
accounts, various kingdoms and principalities which were

RESPONSE 1. a b c d e 2. a b c d e 3. a b c d e 4. a b c d e

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3. Communal loyalties have been considered by the author as 9. Indias insurgence was for
(a) a good quality to be cherished (a) breaking the path of non-violence
(b) of no consequence to the nation (b) having one common national language
(c) a very important aspect for nation-building (c) insisting on a unique cultural identity
(d) a threat to the solidarity of the nation (d) several independent sovereign rulers
(e) None of these (e) None of these
4. Which of the following was instrumental in holding the 10. Transformation of our country into nationhood was possible
different people of India together? because of
(a) A common national language (A) Peoples spontaneously referring to Mahatma Gandhi
(b) A common cultural heritage as the Father of the Nation
(c) The endurance level of the people
(B) Peoples sense of national consciousness
(d) Fundamentalist bent of mind of the people
(C) Generation of a high sense of dedication to the nation
(e) None of these
among the people
5. The passage appears to have been written with the purpose of
(a) A and B only (b) A and C only
(a) giving a piece of advice to politicians of free India
(c) B and C only (d) All the three
(b) assessing the patriotic values and sacrifices made by
(e) None of these
people for Indias freedom
(c) justifying the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi and its DIRECTIONS (Qs. 11-13): Choose the word/group of words which
impact on the people is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as
(d) giving a historical account of how India evolved as a used in the passage.
nation 11. awakened
(e) None of these (a) moved (b) segregated
6. History shows that India, which was not a political unit (c) extracted (d) kindled
earlier, became so (e) supported
(a) during the reign of Maurya dynasty 12. cherished
(b) during the Mughal rule (a) maintained carefully
(c) after one-national-language policy was adopted (b) available abundantly
(d) during the regime of independent rulers (c) managed tactfully
(e) during the British rule (d) accepted happily
7. Why do people tend to overlook the paramount importance
(e) protected lovingly
of national interest?
13. authenticated
(A) Because they are unaware of the imperative need of
(a) established (b) documented
the day
(B) Because they give undue importance to their selfish (c) hea rsay (d) audited
motives (e) maintained
(C) Because historical events force them to do so DIRECTIONS (Qs. 14 & 15) : Choose the word which is most
(a) Only A (b) Only B OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the
(c) Only C (d) A and B only passage.
(e) B and C only 14. considerable
8. The people of India, as highlighted by the author in the last (a) inconsiderate (b) uncountable
sentence of the passage, refer to (c) unfathomable (d) irresolute
(a) the people of one unified nation (e) negligible
(b) the subjects of several independent rulers 15. deliberately
(c) the patriots who sacrificed themselves in the freedom (a) reluctantly (b) unintentionally
struggle (c) unauthorisedly (d) wrongly
(d) the people who were instrumental in writing the (d) notoriously
(e) None of these

5. a b c d e 6. a b c d e 7. a b c d e 8. a b c d e 9. a b c d e
RESPONSE 10. a b c d e 11. a b c d e 12. a b c d e 13. a b c d e 14. a b c d e
GRID 15. a b c d e

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Passage - 2 (c) Citizens are affluent owing to laxity in regulation.
In a reversal of the norm elsewhere, in India policymakers and (d) Private sector confidence in Indias growth potential is
economists have become optimists while bosses do the worrying. high.
The countrys Central Bank has predicted that the countrys (e) Unreformed sectors are a drag on economic growth.
economy is likely to grow at a double digit rate during the next 17. Why are employers reluctant to hire Indian labour force?
20-30 years. India has the capability with its vast labour and (1) Indias labour force is overqualified for the employment
lauded entrepreneurial spirit. But the private sector which is opportunities available.
supposed to do the heavy lifting that turns India from the worlds (2) High attrition rate among employees stemming from their
tenth largest economy to its third largest by 2030 has become fed entrepreneurial spirit.
up. Business people often carp about Indias problems but their (3) Labour laws are not conducive to generating emploment.
irritation this time has a nervous edge. In the first quarter of 2011, (a) Only (3)
GDP grew at an annual rate of 7.8 percent; in 2005-07 it managed (b) All (1), (2) and (3)
9-10 percent. The economy may be slowing naturally as the low (c) Only (1) and (3)
interest rates and public spending that got India through the (d) Only (1) and (2)
global crisis are belatedly withdrawn. At the same time the surge (e) None of these
in inflation caused by exorbitant food prices has spread more 18. What is the state of Indias basic input sectors at present?
(a) These sectors attract Foreign Direct Investment because
widely, casting doubt over whether India can grow at 8-10 percent
of their vast potential.
in the medium term without overheating.
(b) These sectors are lagging as projects are usually awarded
In India, as in many fast growing nations, the confidence to
to foreign companies.
invest depends on the conviction that the long term trajectory is
(c) These sectors are stagnating and badly in need of
intact and it is that which is in doubt. Big Indian firms too
sometimes seem happier to invest abroad than at home, in deals
(d) These sectors are well regulated as these are governed
that are often hailed as symbols of the countrys growing clout
by the State.
but sometimes speak to its weaknesses purchases of natural
(e) None of these
resources that India has in abundance but struggles to get out of 19. What is the authors main objective in writing the passage?
the ground. In fact a further dip in investment could be self (a) Showcasing the potential of Indias growth potential to
fulfilling: if fewer roads, ports and factories are built, this will hurt entice foreign investors .
both short term growth figures and reduce the economys long (b) Exhorting India to implement measures to live up to its
term capacity. potential.
There is a view that because a fair amount of growth is assured (c) Recommending Indias model of development to other
the government need not try very hard. The liberalization reforms developing countries
that began in 1991 freed markets for products and gave rise to (d) Berating the private sector for not bidding for
vibrant competition, at the same time what economists call factor infrastructure development projects.
markets, those for basic inputs like land, power, labour etc remain (e) Criticising the measures taken by India during the global
unreformed and largely under state control, which creates economic crisis.
difficulties. Clearances today can take three to four years and 20. What impact has the GDP growth of 7.8 percent had?
many employers are keen to replace workers with machines (1) Indian Industry is anxious about Indias economic
despite an abundance of labor force. This can be attributed to growth.
labor laws which are inimical to employee creation and an (2) India has achieved status as the worlds third largest
education system that means finding quality manpower a major economy at present.
problem. In fact the Planning Commission concluded that even (3) Foreign investment in India has drastically increased.
achieving 9 percent growth will need marked policy action in (a) Only (1)
unreformed sectors. Twenty years age it was said that yardstick (b) All (1), (2) and (3)
against which India should be measured was its potential and it (c) Only (1) and (3)
is clear that there remains much to do. (d) Only (1) and (2)
16. Which of the following can be said about the Indian (e) None of these
economy at present? 21. Which of the following is most similar in meaning to the
(a) It can comfortably achieve double digit growth rare at word CLOUT given in bold as used in the passage?
present. (a) Strike (b) Standing
(b) High food prices have led to overheating of the (c) Force (d) Launch
economy. (e) Achieve

RESPONSE 16. a b c d e 17. a b c d e 18. a b c d e 19. a b c d e 20. a b c d e

GRID 21. a b c d e 22. a b c d e 23. a b c d e

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22. Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the increased the likelihood that girls enrolled in secondary school.
word MARKED given in bold as used in the passage? Overall, it significantly increased the amount of education obtained.
(a) Decreased (b) Ignored For the new study the authors tried to see how the extra schooling
(c) Clear (d) Assessed had affected the political and social attitudes of the women in
(e) Imperceptible question. Findings suggested that education may make people more
23. What measures do experts suggest be taken to ensure interested in improving their own lives but they may not necessarily
targeted economic growth? see democracy as the way to do it. Even in established democracies,
(a) Loweing of interest rates to help industries hit by more education does not always mean either more active political
recession. participation or greater faith in democracy. Poorer and less educated
(b) Prolonged financial support for basic input industries. people often vote in larger numbers than their more educated
(c) Incentives to Indian companies to invest in compatriots, who often express disdain for the messiness of
infrastucture. democracy, yearning for the kind of government that would deal
(d) Formulation of policies and their implementation in strongly with the corrupt and build highways, railway lines and
factor markets bridges at a dizzying pace of authoritarian China.
(e) Stringent implementation of licensing system. 24. Which of the following most aptly describes the central
Passage - 3 theme of the passage?
In many countries, a combustible mixture of authoritarianism, (a) Democratic nations are richer and have a better track
unemployment and youth has given rise to disaffection with record of educating their citizens.
strongmen rulers which has in turn spill over into uprising. Young (b) Education does not necessarily lead to greater
people in these countries are far better educated than their parents enthusiasm for a democratic form of government
were. In 1990 the average Egyptian had 4.4 years of schooling; by (c) Educated societies with autocratic form of government
2010 the figure had risen to 7.1 years. Could it be that education, enjoy a better quality of life than democracies.
by making people less willing to put up with restrictions on freedom (d) Citizens can fulfill their personal aspirations only under
and more willing to question authority, promotes democratization. a democratic form of government.
Ideas about the links between education, Income and democracy (e) Democracy makes citizens more intolerant as it does
are at the heart of what social scientists have long studied. Since not restrict personal freedoms
25. Which of the following is most similar in meaning to the
then plenty of economists and political scientists have looked for
word PROMOTES given in bold as used in the passage?
statistical evidence of a causal link between education and
(a) Up grades (b) Prefers
democratization. Many have pointed to the strong correlation that
(c) Recommends (d) Advocates
exists between levels of education and measures like the pluralism
(e) Publicizes
of party politics and the existence of civil liberties. The patterns
26. What conclusion can be drawn from the statistics cited about
are similar when income and democracy are considered. There are
Egypts education system?
outliers, of course until recently, many Arab countries managed to
(a) Job prospects have been on the rise in Egypt in recent
combine energy-based wealth and decent education with
undemocratic political systems. But some deduce from the overall
(b) Authoritarian leaders have played a vital role in
picture that as China and other authoritarian states get more educated
reforming Egypts education system.
and richer, their people will agitate for greater political freedom,
(c) Egypt has one of the youngest and best educated
culminating in a shift to a more democratic form of government. demographies in the world.
This apparently reasonable intuition is shakier than it seems. Critics (d) Egypt is likely to be successful vibrant democracy.
of the hypothesis point out that correlation is hardly causation. (e) There has been a rise in education levels in Egypt in
The general trend over the past half century may have been towards recent times.
rising living standards, a wider spread of basic education and more 27. In the context of the passage which of the following
democracy, but it is entirely possible that this is being by another characterize (s) democracies?
variable. Even if the correlation were not spurious, it would be difficult (1) Active participation of majority of educated citizens in
to know which way causation ran. Does more education lead to electoral process.
greater democracy? Or are more democratic countries better at (2) Fast paced economic growth and accountability of those
educating their citizens? A recent NBER paper compared a group of in power.
Kenyan girls in 69 primary school whose students were randomly (3) Better standards of living and access to higher education.
selected to receive a scholarship with similar students in schools (a) All (1), (2) and (3) (b) Only (2) and (3)
which received no such financial aid. Previous studies has shown
(c) Only (3) (d) Only (1) and (2)
that the scholarship programme led to higher test scores and
(e) None of these

RESPONSE 24. a b c d e 25. a b c d e 26. a b c d e 27. a b c d e 28. a b c d e

GRID 29. a b c d e 30. a b c d e

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28. What according to the author has led to uprisings in 30. What does the phrase messiness of democracy convey in
authoritarian countries? the context of the passage?
(a) Lack of access to education. (a) Democratic nations are chaotic on account of individual
(b) Vast numbers of uneducated and unemployable youth. freedoms.
(c) Frustration with the existing system of governance. (b) Most democratic countries frequently have violent
(d) Unavailability of natural energy resources like coal revolts among their citizens.
and oil. (c) The divide between the poor and educated is growing
(e) Governments overambitious plans for development. wider in democracies.
29. Which of the following is/are true about China in the context (d) High levels of pollution on account of frantic pace of
of the passage? infrastructure development.
(1) Chinas citizens are in favor of a more representative (e) Resigned acceptance of intrinsic corruption in the
form of government. education system.
(2) China has made huge strides in infrastructure
(3) China is in the midst of a political revolution.
(a) None (b) Only (1)
(c) Only (1) and (3) (d) Only (2)
(e) All (1), (2) and (3)

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1. (a) 21. (c) Meaning of Clout is force.
2. (c) They are responsible for national disintegration. 22. (e) Marked means distinguished and different.
3. (d) They are harmful to national integrity. Imperceptible is that cannot be distinguished or
4. (b) India was forged into a nation on account of a common percepted.
culture evolved over the centuries. 23. (d) Option (D) can be related to the experts as mentioned
5. (a) The author wants India to remain as an ideal nation in the passage.
and the passage has certainly a message behind it. 24. (d) Option (D) has plenty of illustrations, references and
6. (e) 7. (b) 8. (a) structure to support it in the passage. Other options
9. (e) Indias insurgence stood for gaining freedom by like E and B are true but not the central theme of the
adopting the path of non-violent struggle. passage. Option (A) and (C) are not true.
10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (e) 25. (d) PROMOTES means to advocate a particular cause.
13. (a) 14. (e) 26. (e) A rise from the 4% level to 7% says that there is rise in
15. (b) education in Egypt.
16. (a) Option (c) can be rejected as it is out of the context. 27. (a) All of the options are mentioned in one or other part of
Option (d) is also not true as they like to invest abroad the passage.
than in India. Option (e) is true in parts. Only option 28. (c) First line of the passage is self explanatory.
which is in sync with major portion of passage is (a). 29. (b) Only option which can be linked with the passage is 1.
17. (a) Other options are not mentioned in the passage. Their people will agitate for greater political freedom,
18. (c) Last part of the passage chiefly describes it. Other culminating in a shift to a more democratic form of
options show these sectors in positive light which is government.
against passage content. 30. (c) Option A is wrong as this is not intended from the use
19. (b) Option (B) is true in its completeness, encompassing of this phrase. Last part of passage has this phrase and
the whole of the passage. But other options are true in poor-rich divide has been discussed their in voting
parts only. Option (E) is false in parts. pattern or why rich people even educated do not vote.
20. (c) Both (1) and (3) are directly mentioned in passage. Option (D) is out of the context. Option E can also be
Statement 2 is just not true. rejected as corruption is not the issue here.

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