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Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std.

- 12th (Science)

14. What should be the temperature of com- a) Lectins

post when spawning is done ? b) Alkaloids
a) 15 to 200C b) 22 to 250C c) Glycoside
c) 30 to 350C d) Not certain. d) Leghaemoglobin
24. A mature fruiting body of mushroo has
15. Heterocysts are :
following parts
a) Biological fertilizers
a) Stipe
b) Biofertilizers b) Pileus
c) Specialized cells for nitrogen fixation. c) Both a and b
d) Enzymes required for nitrogen fixation d) None from above.
16. Biological fertilizers are obtained from 25. BGA are used as biofertilizer in :
a) Plants a) Rice field b) Wheat field
b) Animals c) Sugarcane field d) Legume field
c) Plant and animal residues 26. BGA secrete
d) All of the above. a) Uric acid
17. What should be the pH of casing soil ? b) Indole acetic acid

c) Alcohol
a) 4 b) 7
d) Antibiotic.
c) 9 d) Any.
27. The characters of poisonous mushroom
18. Rhizobium enters the plant through are
a) Leaf b) Stem a) Pink spores

c) Flower d) Root hair b) Brightly coloured
19. In which of the following stages of de- c) Hot burning taste
velopment mushrooms should be d) All the above.
picked? 28. The composition of Rhizobium
a) Button stage. biofertilizer is
b) Cup stage a) Peat + garden soil + Charcoal + Rhizo-
c) Flats or open stage bia culture
b) Lignite + garden soil + FYM + Rhizo-
d) In any stage.
bia culture
20. Symbiotic biofertilizer is :
c) Both a and b
a) Nitrosomonas b) Rhizobia d) peat + garden soil + cow dung + Rhizo-
c) Azotobacter d) Azospirillum bia
21. Biofertilizers are
a) Urea b) Potassium
c) Micro-organism d) None of these.
Ans -
22. Mushroom is a ________
(14 - b) (15 - c) (16 - d)
a) Parasite b) Saprophyte
(17 - b) (18 - d) (19 - a)
c) Autotroph d) Symbiont.
(20 - b) (21 - c) (22 - b)
23. The compound required by Rhizobium
to fix atmospheric nitrogen is called (23 - d) (24 - c) (25 - a)
(26 - b) (27 - d) (28 - c)
Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

43. In which of the following parts of Azolla a) Azotobacter b) Clostridium

is Anabena present ? c) Both a and b d) None of these.
a) Leaf cavities b) Stem cavities 51. An asymbiotic blue-green algae is
c) Stomata d) Nodules a) Anabaena b) Azolla
44. Agaricus bisporus can grow in _______ c) Nostoc d) All of these.
a) Tropical region 52 Wild mushrooms grow during -
b) Temperature region a) Rainy season
c) Any type b) Summer
d) Desert. c) Any time
45. Oscillatoria a cyanobacterium yet isti
d) In the month of October.
not used as biofertilizer because :
53. The scientific name of Adulsa is
a) Its rate of growth is slow
a) Adhatoda vasica
b) It releases toxins in water
b) Malbar nut tree
c) It does not fix nitrogen

c) Adhatoda zeylanica
d) It absorbs nutrients and competes with
d) Both a and c
crop plants.
54 Nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium takes
46. A symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria is
place in the
a) Rhizobium b) Azotobacter

c) Anabaena d) Azolla. a) Soil
47. Which mushroom is less poisonous out b) Root cells
of following ? c) Root nodules
a) Amanita phalloides d) Cortex of the root
b) Amanita muscaria 55. Which of the following used as
c) Russia emitica biofertilizers in paddy ?
a) Non - symbiotic and symbiotic
d) All of the above.
48. Azotabacter biofertilizers are preferred
b) Symbiotic and non-symbiotic bacteria.
over Rhizobium biofertilizer because
c) Only symbiotic bacteria
a) They are not host specific
d) Only non-symbiotic cyanobacteria
b) They are cost effective
c) Azotobacter can be easily cultured
d) They add more organic matter to soil
49. Mushrooms contain __________
Ans -
amount of protein (43 - a) (44 - b) (45 - c)
a) 100 % b) 10 % (46 - a) (47 - c) (48 - a)
c) Negligible d) 20 - 40 % (49 - d) (50 - c) (51 - c)
50. Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria are: (52 - a) (53 - d) (54 - c)
(55 - a)
Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

73. Aloe is composed of 79. What is the period between two

a) Barbaloin + Isobarbaloin + Aloe- flushes of mushroom crop?
emadine a) 3 to 4 days
b) Barbaloin + Aloe - emadine b) one to two months
c) Barbalion + Caryophyllene c) 7 to 10 days
d) Barbaloin + Isobarbaloin d) Not certain
74. Which of the following statement is 80. Aloin is used to cure :
true? a) Eye troubles b) Ear ache
a) Normal soil is suitable for growth of c) Headache d) Stomachache.
81. Rhizobium enters in the root through
a) Root cap b) Root hair
b) Mushrooms can be cultivated on all
c) Lenticel d) Cortex.
types of soil.
82. Root nodules for nitrogen fixation of a
c) Mushrooms can be cultivated in
non leguminous tree posses ________
particular type of soil and at particular
a) Frankia b) Rhizobium
temperature only c) Azotobacter d) Thiobacillus

d) Mushrooms can not be cultivated in 83. The scientific name of Tulsi is
south India as the temperature is more a) Aloe vera
75. Choose the plant which gives quick b) Asparagus racemosus
relief from bronchitis : c) Ocimum sanctum

a) Ocimum b) Adhathoda d) Azadirachta indica
c) Aloe d) Azadirachta. 84. Out of the following medicinal plants
76. Root nodules are pink colour due to which is a tree?
a) Nitrogenase a) Ocimum b) Asparagus
b) Leghaemoglobin c) Azadirachta d) Aloe.
c) Meristematic cells 85. The bitter component in margosa is :
d) All of these. a) Aloin b) Elio
77. Which of the following is a good c) Nimbidin d) Vasicine.
compost ? 86. On entering the bacterium, the root
a) Compost with offensive smell hair of leguminous plant is
b) Wet compost a) Degenerated b) Deactivated
c) Curled d) None of these.
c) Compost with pH4
d) Compost with pH7 and without smell
of ammonia.
78. Which are the two main products Ans -
obtained from aloe vera ? (73 - a) (74 - c) (75 - b)
a) Aloe + Aloe pulp
(76 - b) (77 - d) (78 - b)
b) Aloe + Aloe gel
(79 - c) (80 - a) (81 - b)
c) Aloe gel + Aloe powder
d) Both b and c (82 - a) (83 - c) (84 - a)
(85 - c) (86 - c)
Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

103. Roots juice of Asparagus is mixed with 111. Leguminous plant and bacterium
________ and used in treatment of Rhizobium shows.
cracks in foot a) Parasitic association
a) Turmeric b) Cold water b) Saprophytic association
c) Sugar d) Wax c) Symbiotic association
104. The medicinal plant which belongs to d) Asymbiotic association.
family Meliaceae is __________ 112. Which one of the a neem product is used
a) Azadirachta indiica as insect repellent ?
b) Ocimum sanctum a) Rotenone b) Endrin
c) Asparagus racemosus c) Parathion d) Azadirachtin.
113. The bark of neem contains
d) Adathoda vasica
a) Nimbin + Nimbinin + Nimbidin
105. Azadirachta indica belongs to :
b) Nimbin + Nimbidin + Nimbinin +
a) Solanaceae b) Liliaceae
c) Acanthaceae d) Meliaceae. c) Nimbin + Margosine
106. Which species of Rhizobium forms root d) Nimbinin + Nimbidin

nodule in the pea plant ? 114. Some blue green algae can be used as
a) R. japonicum biofertilizers because
b) R. leguminosarum a) They are photosynthetic
c) R. phaseoli b) They have mucilage

d) None of these. c) They grow everywhere
107. The study of action of drugs is d) They fix nitrogen.
called________ 115. Pigment leghaemoglobin acts as
a) Pharmacology b) Mycology a) Nitrogen carrier
b) Oxygen carrier
c) Pathology d) Phycology
c) Nitrogenase activator
108. The active principle in neem
d) Rhizobium carrier.
azadirachtin belongs to the class of
116. In casing soil can be replaced by
a) Alkaloids b) Essential oil a) Cow dung + clay-loam soil
c) Saponins d) Terpenoids b) Compost + clay-loam soil
109. Nodulated roots are found in c) Lime + Peat
a) Mango b) Pulses d) All of the above.
c) Apple d) Mustard
110. The bacteria which directly convert
atmospheric nitrogen in to nitrogen Ans -
compounds are called :
(103 - d) (104 - a) (105 - d)
a) Denitrifying bacteria
(106 - b) (107 - a) (108 - b)
b) Nitrogen fixing bacteria
(109 - b) (110 - b) (111 - c)
c) Putrefying bacteria
(112 - d) (113 - a) (114 - d)
d) Ammonifying bacteria.
(115 - b) (116 - b)

Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

132. Which one is a biofertilizer ? 139. Gel obtained from _________ plant is
a) VAM b) Sporeine used as moisturizing agent in creams
c) Devine d) Agent orange. and lotions
133. Mushroom cultivation was started first a) Aloe b) Asparagus
in c) Both a and b d) Lichen.
a) England b) France 140. Anthelmintic medicines are those :
c) Germany d) China a) Which kills the worms
134. Yield of paddy field can be incereased b) Which are mild laxatives
by application of c) Which are pain killers
a) Iron bacteria d) Which relieves the fever.
b) Nostoc / Anabaena 141. Mushrooms belong to class
c) Archaebacteria a) Phyllophyceae
d) Symbiotic bacteria. b) Basidiomycetes.
135. Spawn is : c) Chlorophyceae
a) Mycelium of fungus d) None of these.

b) Fruiting body of fungus 142. Maha-narayan tel is obtained from roots
c) Making soil layer on mycelium of
d) Type of a compost. a) Azadirachta indica
136. For remedy on insect bites and leech b) Ociumum sanctum

bites a paste of fresh roots of _______ c) Asparagus
is used. d) Aloe vera.
a) Aloe vera 143. The optimum temperature requied for
Agaricus bisporous is
b) Asparagus racemousus
a) 100-150C b) 250- 300C
c) Ocimum sanctum
c) 350- 400C d) 400- 500C
d) Adhatoda vasica.
144. Ghrit Kumari or Ghikumari is com-
137. A symbiotic association which is not
mon name of ___________
useful as biofertilizer is ________
a) Aloe vera b) Asparagus
a) Azolla and Anabaena c) Adathoda d) Banana
b) Rhizobium and legume root
c) Fungi and roots of higher plants
d) Algae and fungi.
138. Agaricus bisporus was first cultivated Ans -
in (132 - a) (133 - b) (134 - b)
a) M.P.
(135 - a) (136 - c) (137 - d)
b) U.P.
(138 - c) (139 - a) (140 - a)
c) Himachal pradesh
(141 - b) (142 - c) (143 - b)
d) Punjab
(144 - a)
Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

160. Leaves of Ocimum.....the blood choles- a) Maintains the pH

terol level. b) Absorbs excess water
a) Balance b) Increase c) Helps in keeping grains separate
c) Decrease d) No effect.. d) All of these.
161. The ___________ of Aloe is used in 170. Blue-grenn algae are
gynecological problems a) Cladothrix, Ulothrix, Gloeotricha
a) Leaf juice b) Leaf pulp b) Cladothrix, Aulosira, Anabena
c) Leaf decoction d) Leaf poputice. c) Anabena, Nostoc, Chlamydomonas
162. Azolla leaf contains Anabaena on d) Nostoc, spirogyra, gloeotricha.
a) Ventral surface b) Dorsal surface 171. The method of mushroom harvesting is
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these. a) Machine lifting
163. Asparagus racemosus is b) Cutting with scissors
a) An annual herb c) Hand picking
b) Perennial herb d) Lifting with trowels.
c) branched climber 172. Blue-green algae contain
d) Evergreen tree.

a) Pseudo cells
164. Azolla is beneficial to paddy fields. It b) Parenchymatous cells
provides- c) Totipotent cells
a) Oxygen d) Heterocysts.
b) Carbon di-oxide 173. The branch of science that deals with the

c) Methane study of drug plants is called
d) Nitrogen. a) Pharmacology
165. Mushroom have _______ mode of nutri- b) Pharmacognosy
tion c) Anatomy
a) Autotrophic b) Saprophytic d) Phytology.
c) Parasitic d) Epiphytic. 174. Secondary mycelium of mushroom pro-
166. The botanical name of vasica is duces umbrella like structure called as-
a) Azadirachta indica a) Primary mycelium
b) Azadirachta zeylanica b) Tertiary mycelium
c) Adhatoda zeylanica c) Pileus
d) Adhatoda indica. d) Gills.
167. For oyster mushroom cultivation beds
are prepared in _________
a) Plastic bags b) Trays
c) Pots d) Bucket. Ans -
168. Blue-green algae is also called as
(160 - c) (161 - b) (162 - b)
a) Mycoplasma b) Cyanobacteria
c) Green algae d) None of these. (163 - c) (164 - d) (165 - b)
169. The mushroom spawn preparation needs (166 - c) (167 - a) (168 - b)
addition of calcium carbonate abecause (169 - d) (170 - b) (171 - c)
it ______ (172 - d) (173 - b) (174 - c)

Dnyansagar MHT-CET Excellent Notes -Biology I Std. - 12th (Science)

190. Adhatoda zeylanica contains 198. Mushroom are used in the preparation
a) Vasakin b) Nimbin of
c) Eugenol d) Aloin. a) Soups b) Pizza
191. Which of the following plants is of a c) Pickle d) All of these.
great medicinal use ? 199. Which of the following algae is nitro-
a) Brassica olevacea gen fixer ?
b) Areca catechu a) Nostoc b) Chlorella
c) Azolla d) Spirogyra
c) Aloe vera
200. The steroid ........... is extracted from
d) Musa paradisica.
medicinal plant Asparagus racemousus.
192. Which blue-green algae lacks hetero-
a) Azadirachtin b) Saponin
cyst ?
c) Vasicine d) Barbaloin
a) Anabena
201. Roots show the uterine blocking activ-
b) Nostoc
ity and hence roots of ............ are used
c) Oscillatoria for the cure of threatened abortion and

d) Chlamydomonas. safe delivery.
193. Active principle of oscimum sanctum a) Aloe vera
a) Azadirachtin b) Eugenel b) Adhatoda vasica
c) Barbalain d) Vasicolin. c) Asparagus racemosus

194. Oxygen carrying substance present in d) Ocimum sanctum
the root nodules is 202. In india, only three genera of mush-
a) Heterocyst rooms are perferred as edible varieties
b) Leghaemoglobin viz.
c) Plasma a) Agaricus, as Lentinus, Plammutina
d) Haemoglobin. b) Agaricus, Pleurotus, Volvariella.
195. Biofertilizers are ________ in nature. c) Pleurotus, Lycoperdon, Geastrum
a) Fungal b) Algal d) Agaricus, Lentinus, Pleurotus.
c) Bacterial
196. Heterocyst contains
d) All of these.
a) Leghaemoglobin
b) Nitrogenase
c) Phycocyanin
Ans -
d) xanthophyll.
(190 - a) (191 - c) (192 - c)
197. BGA occur as symbiont with _______
a) Liverworts b) Pteriodophyta
(193 - b) (194 - b) (195 - d)
c) Gymnosperm d) All the Three. (196 - b) (197 - d) (198 - d)
(199 - a) (200 - b) (201 - c)
(202 - b)

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