BTT Noble Houses
BTT Noble Houses
BTT Noble Houses
d20 The house's colors are... d6 The house is... d8 The house's goals include
1. Black. 1. Ancient and well-respected by all (individual members may have
2. Red / scarlet. houses, great and small. different goals)...
3. Gold. 2. Ancient and greatly diminished in 1. Domination of the city or region's
4. Forest green. standing from what it once was. politics.
5. Royal blue. 3. Old with the respect of many houses, 2. Domination of the city or region's
6. Violet. great and small. trade.
7. Silver / light grey. 4. Old and struggling to maintain respect 3. Revenge against a rival house in the
8. Bronze. of other houses. same city or region.
9. Tan / khaki. 5. Old but often overshadowed by other 4. Revenge against a rival house in
10. Brown / beaver. houses. another city or region.
11. Dark grey / gunmetal. 6. Newly raised up to the nobility. 5. Sabotage of a group run by
12. White. commonersa guild, academy,
13. Maroon. d20 The house's motto champions the religious faith, or secret society.
14. Sky blue. ideals of... 6. Fomenting rebellion against the city or
15. Navy blue. 1. Compassion. region's ruling house.
16. Dark brown / chocolate. 2. Courage. 7. Marriage with a powerful allied house.
17. Teal / turquoise. 3. Courtesy. 8. Marriage with a powerful rival house.
18. Yellow. 4. Determination.
19. Orange. 5. Discipline. d8 One or more house members keep
20. Olive green. 6. Duty. secret (the secret may involve past
7. Excellence. or present events)...
d8 The house's symbol is... 8. Faith. 1. A long-time scandalous romance.
1. A weapon (d8): 9. Generosity. 2. The existence of a bastard child.
1. arrow. 5. mace. 10. Honor. 3. A murder in one of the house's keeps,
2. axe. 6. spear 11. Hope. castles, or palaces.
3. dagger. 7. staff 12. Integrity. 4. Religious zealotry.
4. hammer. 8. sword. 13. Justice. 5. The birth of a malformed freak.
2. A piece of armor (d4): 14. Loyalty. 6. Treason against the region's
1. breastplate 3. helm. 15. Mercy. sovereign.
2. gauntlet. 4. shield. 16. Patience. 7. The senility or madness of family
3. A celestial body (d4): 17. Righteousness. members.
1. sun 3. star 18. Strength. 8. Criminal sabotage of a rival house.
2. moon. 4. comet. 19. Trust.
4. A plant or part of a plant (d12): 20. Wisdom. d10 The house's seat of power is
1. apple. 7. maple. located in or near...
2. barley. 8. oak. d12 The best known member of the 1. A port city.
3. briar. 9. olive. house is or was... 2. A range of high mountains.
4. fig. 10. pine. 1. A gallant knight. 3. A wide, fertile plain.
5. grapes. 11. rose. 2. A beautiful woman. 4. A fertile river valley.
6. lily. 12. wheat. 3. A ruthless tyrant. 5. An ancient forest.
5. An aquatic beast (d6): 4. An adept diplomat. 6. A jagged coastline.
1. crab. 4. fish. 5. A famous traveler or explorer. 7. A sodden swamp.
2. crocodile. 5. octopus. 6. A brilliant military strategist. 8. A pristine lake.
3. frog. 6. whale. 7. A notorious rebel or outlaw. 9. A desert plateau.
6. A small beast (d10): 8. A dashing swashbuckler. 10. An idyllic hill country.
1. badger. 7. hedgehog. 9. A fearsome warrior.
2. bat. 8. lizard. 10. A brilliant scholar.
3. beaver. 9. rat. 11. A gifted orator.
4. dog. 10. scorpion. 12. A dangerous and mad ruler. INDIVIDUAL NOBLE
5. ferret. 11. snake.
6. fox. 12. spider. d10 The current head of the house is... d8 The noble wears
7. A great beast (d8): 1. A kindly old man or woman. 1. Some flashy jewelry.
1. bear. 5. lion. 2. A ruthless old man or woman. 2. Shiny leather boots.
2. boar. 6. ox. 3. A wily old man or woman. 3. An ornate signet ring.
3. bull. 7. stag. 4. A charming man or woman. 4. Fine silk clothes.
4. dragon. 8. wolf. 5. A grim veteran of wars. 5. A handsome grin.
8. A bird (d12): 6. An astute politician. 6. An extremely ugly scowl.
1. cardinal. 7. pelican. 7. A devout adherent of a religion. 7. An arrogant sneer.
2. dove. 8. raven. 8. A heartbroken widower or widow. 8. Beautifully-styled hair (and facial hair).
3. eagle. 9. rooster. 9. A reckless or hot-headed young man
4. hawk. 10. sparrow. or woman. d8 The noble has
5. mockingbird. 11. swan. 10. A child. 1. A loud, deep laugh.
6. owl. 12. vulture. 2. A high-pitched laugh.
3. A twittering nervous laugh.
4. A nervous habit of fidgeting.
5. A silver tongue.
6. A commanding presence.
7. Complete disregard for commoners.
8. Not a care in the world.
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