Let SAS Generate XML Code For ACCESS Audit Trail Data Macro: Sijian Zhang, Washington DC VA Medical Center
Let SAS Generate XML Code For ACCESS Audit Trail Data Macro: Sijian Zhang, Washington DC VA Medical Center
Let SAS Generate XML Code For ACCESS Audit Trail Data Macro: Sijian Zhang, Washington DC VA Medical Center
Let SAS Generate XML Code for ACCESS Audit Trail Data Macro
Microsoft ACCESS database is often used for data entry and data storage in small and medium
sized projects. As a component of information security, the data audit trail application is usually
required to be built in. Since ACCESS 2010, the data macro at the table level is available, which
is very helpful for this purpose. However, the data macro setup can be very tedious when the
number of variables is large. The alternative way is to export a small ACCESS macro as an
XML file template, expand the template to all audit fields, and then import the expanded XML
code back into the ACCESS database. This paper will give a brief introduction of audit trail in
ACCESS and show how the XML code is generated with SAS macro facility.
The audit trail file is a data operation record file. Its contents usually include, who changed, what
field (variable and field are interchangeably used in this paper), in which table, with which ID
(unique identifier), at what time. By viewing such an audit trail file, you will know the whole data
entry and edit history of the variables under auditing. The following is a screenshot of an
ACCESS audit trail table in the example project, see Figure 1.
Lets look at the record with ChangeID=20 in the table above. The person with login name
VHAPTHRiceK entered the option 1 (the value was changed to NewValue 1 from empty
OldValue.) to the question S3 for the subject with RecordID=20709 in the table
tblSurveyScreenIC at 8/25/2014 11:24:23 AM. In other words, with this information, we can
replay the process of data entering and editing. Besides its importance of information security, it
is also very helpful to retrieve the old value if one accidentally deleted or changed a correct
This table is populated automatically during data entering and editing process, in which the data
entry people may know nothing about it. In this example project, the audit trial information is
saved in another linked ACCESS database which the data entry people cannot access.
Before ACCESS 2010, the audit trial process is done at form level. Its obvious issue is that it
cannot track anything if the one bypasses the form, goes directly to the table and makes some
changes. Since ACCESS 2010, the table level data macro is available, and is a very useful tool
to handle data auditing tasks. Once it is set up correctly, the audit trail operation will catch any
changes to the variables that you want to monitor, no matter in what way their values are
changed. The macro is easy to set up through the following steps.
1. Create a table that logs the trail information, such as the table tblAuditTrail_ScreenIC in
Figure 1. You can create one table for the whole database, or corresponding tables
related to the target tables with the fields that you want to monitor.
2. Open the target table, and click the After Update option in the Table tab of Table Tools
on the Ribbon, see Figure 2.
3. After Step 2, you will see the data macro setup window, see Figure 3. Then, in the IF
statement you create a record in the audit trail table for each value change of the
monitored fields. Within record creation section, there are several SetField actions,
which assign value change information to the fields in audit trail table.
Figure 3: Data macro setup window
If you are going to monitor only a couple of fields, its okay to repeat the steps above to set up
the data macro. However, it will be a very tedious task if the number of fields is large. As a SAS
programmer, you will naturally ask, Can we use SAS macro to handle the repetitions? The
answer is Yes, we can.
In order to take the advantage of SAS macro, we need first to get the source code for the audit
application. Fortunately, it can be easily done using the following VBA code:
This command exports the data macro for table tblSurveyScreenIC to an XML file
DataMacro_template.xml saved in C:\tmp\.
The data macro is attached to a specific table, so the macro has no naming issue. But you need
to name the XML file.
In the example project, I use the ACCESS data macro setup interface to set up one field, and
then export it to an XML file as the template, DataMacro_template.xml". According to the
template, I write the macro, and then apply it to all the variables to generate the expanded XML
file, DataMacro_full.xml, which is imported back to the database table, "tblSurveyScreenIC". If
there is an existing data macro, it will be overwritten by the new one.
Now, lets have a look at the data macro source code, DataMacro_template.xml".
After going through the XML template, we can see that the tag <ConditionalBlock> is for the
field monitored, which is easier to observe if the number of fields monitored in the template is
two or more; and the tag <Action Name=SetField>, nested in <ConditionalBlock>, is to assign
the field change related information to the fields in audit trail table. The following two macros are
for these two tags respectively:
This macro will generate the code that takes care of the repetitions of assigning value
change imformation to each field in audit trail table, tblAuditTrail_ScreenIC. For example,
%fieldAction(ChangeDate, Now()) will generate the code, see the framed portion in the
above XML template, that assigns the current date and time value to the field ChangeDate
in audit trail table. This macro is nested in the following macro %block( ).
* Variable new value *;
* Change time *;
* Changed by log-in person *;
%fieldAction(ChangeBy,%NRSTR("""" & DLookUp
(""Username"",""tblUsername_tmp"") & """"))
put "</Statements>";
put "</CreateRecord>";
put "</Statements>";
put "</If>";
put "</ConditionalBlock>";
%mend block;
This macro will generate the code that logs all audit information for one change of one
monitored field. It will tackle the repeating work of all monitored fields one by one. The
comments embedded in the code above tell what information is saved into the audit trail
table. For example, %block(S1) will generate all the XML code between
<ConditionalBlock> start and end tags shown in DataMacro_template.xml" above. If this
block of code is triggered in the table macro when any change happens to field S1, all the
relevant audit information will be recorded in the audit trail table.
Now, lets apply the macro %block( ) in a SAS Data step to generate the expected XML file. The
parameter for this macro is the field name that we want to monitor. The table with the fields
monitored is specified in the macro variable &dataTable, while the audit trail table is specified
in the macro variable &trailTable. In the following SAS code, there are three sections in the
DATA step for XML file generation, top: the heading, directly copied from the XML template file;
middle: %block( ) macros for all fields to be monitored; and bottom: end tags corresponding to
those in the heading section. The FILE statement is used to save the resulting XML file in a
specified location.
%let dataTable=tblSurveyScreenIC;
%let trailTable=tblAuditTrail_ScreenIC;
data _null_;
file "C:\tmp\DataMacro_full.xml";
put '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no" ?>';
put '<DataMacros xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/accessservices/2009/11/application">';
put '<DataMacro Event="AfterUpdate">';
put '<Statements>';
put '</Statements>';
put '</DataMacro>';
put '</DataMacros>';
Once the expanded XML file, DataMacro_full.xml, is generated, it will be imported into the
ACCESS database. After successful testing, this data macro will operated automatically in the
background when the database is in use.
The XML file generated in SAS might miss something in the first several runs. So, you need
to check by carefully comparing it against the XML template file before importing it into the
database. If some bugs are not caught and imported, you will see warning signs or error
messages in the ACCESS database testing.
In the example of this paper, the audit trail covers only selected fields. If you want to cover
all fields of a table, you can first use PROC SQL INTO statement to assign all field names
into a SAS macro variable from DICTIONARY.COLUMNS for that table; then use a macro
loop to run %block( ) through each of the field names. In this case, the middle section of the
XML generation in SAS Data step will be a macro %do loop instead of individual %block( )
If you want to add another layer of security to the audit information, as we do in this example
project, you can create another ACCESS database in another server folder with limited
access permission. Then you create a link to the external original audit trail table. In this
way, you can periodically back up the audit trail data and empty the original audit trail table.
Besides a better protection of the audit trail data, this way has another benefit that is to
prevent the audit trail table size from growing too large in accumulation of the records over
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Sijian Zhang, MS, MBA
Health Science Specialist
Chief of Staff Office
Washington DC VA Medical Center
50 Irving St. NW.
Washington, DC 20422
[email protected]
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