Commissioner Atienza

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Law on Public Officer down general outlines of government except by the people themselves or even by the

It is the law that establishes and governs the authority, people except in the manner provided by the
rights and obligations of individuals invested with Constitution (-Tenton Culi) -> Denton yata
public office. Administrative Law
It defines the details of the organization of the It is a qualified list of the rights and privileges
Public office executive department and prescribe the functions of of individuals whether personal, civil or political which
It is the right, authority and duty created and each executive official; branch of modern law under the Constitution is design to protect against
conferred by law by which for a given period, either which the specific department of the government governmental operation, maintaining also the formal
fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the under which the executive department of the assurance or guarantee of this rights. It is a charter
creating power, and individual is invested with some government acting in quasi-legislative or quasi- of liberties for the individual and limitation upon the
portion of the sovereign functions of the government juidicial capacity interferes with the conduct of the power of the State. (alamin mo kung courtesy
to be exercised by him for the benefit of the public. individual for the purpose of promoting the well-being kanino)
of the community.
Law on Public Corporation It is charter of liberties for individual, and the
It is the law that fixes and defines the limit of Quasi almost but not quite limitation upon the power of the State.
the authority of the bodys politic and corporate called
municipal public corporations, which are agencies of Quasi-Legislative almost legislative but not really Political rights
the State that assist in the civil government of the legislative They are such rights that have relation
country but chiefly to regulate and administer the (approbation?) to the participation of the individual,
local or internal affairs of the town, city or district that Quasi-Judicial almost judicial but not quite judicial. directly or indirectly, in the establishment or
is incorporated. administration of the government.
*It is confined in regulating and adjudication of private Rights of Citizenship
Election Law rights as they effect the public in terms scope of Right of Suffrage
It is the law that governs the qualifications administrative law therefore refers to the power
Freedoms of Speech, Press, Assembly and
and the conduct in the choosing of elective officers at of legislation, ruling, rule-making and
the different levels of government including the adjudication Association
resolution of contest, and controversies arising from
the same. Coverage or Scope of Administrative law Civil Rights
It refers to the rule making power, which is They are such rights which the municipal law
Government of the Republic of the Philippines either quasi-legislative or partakes certain degree of will/be enforced at the instance of private individuals
It refers to the corporate-governmental entity the power of legislation and adjudication which is for the purpose of securing to them the enjoyment of
to which the function of the government are quasi-judicial and partakes the judicial function which means of happiness.
executed/exercised throughout the country including ordinarily belong to the Court, investigation rule- All the rights of the Bill of Rights (aside from
the various arms to which political authority is made making adjudication the political rights)
effective therein whether pertaining to the
represented government in the division of municipal Why does modern law recognize or justify the Municipal law
branches or other forms of local government. reference by the exercise of the executive It is the law of land Philippine law. It refers to
department of quasi-legislative and quasi- national law, not international law but not municipal
Administration judicial function? ordinance either.
It refers aggregate of those persons in whose Because the questions that arise among them
hands which the government power there be technical in character which the executive department Police power
is better equipped to deal with questions of Inherent power of the State to enact
Characteristics of a good Constitution technicality that arise in executive department; it is measures, police defense and protection, and to
1. Broad regulates the entire political the executive department that is best qualified to ensure to all the people the benefit of peace order,
organization and the society over which that perform the counsel, and it is the executive health, education and the general welfare. It is that
political organization is stationed department that can and must act with promptness inherent of the plenary power of the State which
2. Brief to be a fundamental law on which with respect to certain questions *something* not enables it to prohibit all things, harmful to the
specific laws are based, and must be different merely private rights, but also public interest as comfort, safety and welfare of society.
3. Definite purports to supply the test of the well (14:10 of recording)
validity of initial actuations, that the powers Plenary power of the State
and the exercise of all government powers, Bill of Rights Legislature because it enacts law.
either by organizations of by individuals, It is a distinct declaration and enumeration of
should pass the test of the Constitution sets individual rights constituting authoritative law, binding Summary of Bill of Rights
the government subject to no modification to repeal
D Due power D Debt
U Use S Servitude
S Search and H Habeas Corpus
Seizure A Answer
A Abode B Bailable
C Communication A Accused
A Association and W- Witness
Society F Fines
R Religion J Jeopardy
S Speech A Access
N Nobility
O Obligation
E Ex post facto

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