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Kanaan Ministries

Amanda Buys Spiritual Covering

This is a product by Kanaan Ministries, a non-profit ministry under the covering of:

El Shaddai Christian Church, Durbanville

Pastor Ken Turner
River of Life Family Church, Vanderbijlpark
Pastor Edward Gibbens

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Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ ONLY.
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My name is Amanda Buys and I am now living in Cape Town for more than ten years. I
am married to Roland for the past 30 years and we have three adult children. Ren,
married to Herman, Corn and Debbi. My ministry started 20 years ago from my home,
counseling people (for hours on end!).

I never attended any formal Bible-School training and it was amazing to have the Lord
enroll me at His University and be trained by those He chose as instruments in His
Hands specifically for me!

As the Lord developed and trained me, the ministry started to grow and I was asked to
teach and train what I had learned. There are so many teachers in my life that I need to
give credit to, so many that never even knew I existed, BUT GOD DID!

I started putting together notes bits and pieces from all over added my own
experiences and then a basic Soul Care School developed.

Then followed a course on Inner Healing again notes from all over tapes I had
listened to and books I had read.

The need to train counselors arose, and so another course was developed: The
Practical Application of Soul Care.

I had attended a training school by John and Paula Sandford after reading all their
books. They have greatly impacted my life. It is such a blessings to see how their
children are developing and growing under the double-portion anointing.

The other very anointed teacher in my life was Derek Prince I learned so much from
him and always felt safe as he broke the Word with such clarity and wisdom.

Fiona Desfontein also started me on the road of understanding so many things in my

own life where things went wrong and I sat listening to her tapes for hours.

I learned so much from Dr. Rebecca Brown and I think she is a very brave lady in doing
what she did (and is still doing). It cost her tremendous persecution and much of what
we know today concerning the occult is because she was prepared to pay the price of
laying down her life for the sake of the Kingdom. I recommend all her books.

Selwyn Hughes (Living with Jesus Everyday) has also impacted my life with his very
specific, unique approach to counseling.

By Gods Grace and unmerited favour, He has so developed the ministry and call on my
life from starting as a house-wife / Secondary-School teacher with a BSc Degree, now
being able to minister in many places in South Africa as well as Germany, Austria,
Portugal, and recently in Taiwan.

From the beginning, I have never had copyright on my notes / books, etc, as I clearly
heard the Lord on this one. It comes from God anyway He chooses the person as an
instrument, but that is all we are. All giftings / revelations come from Him anyway.

I would only cover my cost and the books printed were at low-cost as possible seeing I
live in South-Africa and the Rand is not very strong. I have focused on the under-
privileged, the poor, the prisons, the broken. I sow many books into these areas, as well
as into Africa.

Somebody approached me and offered me a website free of charge. So now anyone

can download whatever they would choose all free of charge.

A pastor has also had all the courses accredited at an international University and these
credits can go towards a Degree Course.

With all this background, I need to make sure that I give credit where credit is due. I
cannot state sentence of paragraph as to where I got what. In those many years ago, I
would just write as the Lord would teach me. Never could I have imagined that this is
where the ministry would stand today.

I can basically name the books on my shelve and the authors just to say a BIG THANK
YOU that you were obedient to the call of God on your life, for the cost of remaining
faithful to the call, for the cost of the families involved in allowing you to be used by the

May God richly reward each and everyone of you as I was one of the many allowed to
partake in the fruit of your labour.

I salute and honour you all as a co-labourer of Jesus Christ.

I pray that you will continue to enrich the Body of Christ with your gifts and that you will run
the full race until the time of His coming!


1. Books by the Sandford family:

The Transformation of the Inner Man
Healing of the Wounded Spirit
Restoring the Christian Family
Healing victims of Sexual Abuse
Deliverance and Inner Healing
Renewal of the Mind

Healing womans Emotions

2. They shall Expel Demons Derek Prince.

3. Schemes of satan Mike Warnke
4. Healing through Deliverance Peter Horrobin
5. Secrets of Your Family Tree Dave Carder MA; Dr. Earl Henslin; Dr. John Townsend; Dr. Henry Cloud.
6. The Beautiful Side of Evil Johanna Michaelson.
7. Free Indeed Tom Marshall
8. Healing from the Inside out Tom Marshall
9. No Longer a Victim Burton Stokes and Lynn Lucas
10. How to Conduct Spiritual Warfare Mary Garrison
11. Beauty for Ashes Joyce Meyer
12. The Wounded Heart Dr. Larry Crabb
13. How to cast out Demons Dorris Wagner
14. Possessing the Gates of the Enemy Cindy Jacobs
15. Deep Wounds, Deep Healing Charles H. Craft
16. Tired of Trying to Measure up Jeff van Vonderen
17. Dealing with the Rejection and the Praise of Man Bob Sorge.
18. Books by Watchman Nee:
The Latent Power of the Soul
The Spiritual Man

19. Books by Rebecca Brown

He came to set the Captives Free
Prepare for War
Becoming a Vessel of Honour
Unbroken Curses

20. Books by William Schnoebelen:

Wicca, satans little white lie
Masonry beyond the Light
Blood on the Doorposts

21. Seductions Exposed Gary L Greenwald

22. Books by Gary Chapman:
The Five Love Languages
Five Signs of a Loving Family
The other side of Love

Elijah House Basic School for the Ministry of Counseling
Fiona Desfontein Posses the Land
Selwyn Hughes Carer and Counselors Course


COURSE 3 How to minister Deliverance

1. Deliverance 10
2. Guideline Principles 16
3. How to discern a demon from an oppression and how to
expel it 23
4. Practical Suggestions for the deliverance ministry 34
5. Prenatal Wounds and Sin 40
6. Deliverance of Children 49
7. The Slumbering Spiritman 54
8. The Captive Spirit 60
9. Parental Inversion and Substitute Mate 71
10. Sexual Abuse 80
11. Deliverance of Homosexuals 87
12. Addictions 93
13. Depression 105
14. Attachments and Transferences 116
15. Spiritual Adultery and Empathetic Defilement 122
16. Counselling 129
17. Practical Suggestions for Specific Cases 194
18. Steps to Freedom from Past Wounds and Sinful Living 225

Addendum A: The Foundations of Christian Doctrine 237

Because of the nature of the material that will be presented during this course, it is
essential that those who attend do so subject to the following conditions:

1. That you obtain the permission of the pastor of the local church to which you
belong. Please ask your pastor to sign in the designated area at the bottom of
this form. You must be an active member of your local church.

2. That you have already attended Soul Care School and Inner Healing Course.

3. That you indemnify Kanaan Ministries from any responsibility or liability resulting
from the use of the material. This indemnity is required because: Every
persons own background, experience and value system will result in a
unique perspective that will have an impact on the use of the material.

The level of experience of the counsellor will impact the effectiveness of

the use of the material.
It is essential that ALL parties in a counselling session accept the Biblical
principle that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God who came in the
flesh, is the only Way, the Truth and the Life.
It is essential that the counsellor is submitted to and under the covering of
a local congregation, that the leadership acknowledge the gifts and
subsequently have released the counsellor to minister. (Prov 18: 16)
It is essential that the leadership of that particular local congregation
approve the material.

SIGNED: ___________________ (Applicant for Prayer Minister)

SIGNED: ___________________ (Pastor of Local Church)


God is teaching us about entering into His rest. Once we realize the freedom which we
find in serving Him, we will be truly efficient as workers in His Kingdom.

We should not try to perform (i.e. be motivated by fear), but let God's love motivate our

Somehow there is a deeply rooted perception that our achievements determine who we
are, i.e. a pastor shepherding a fairly large church with all its programs running smoothly,
would be regarded as a successful pastor.

Or, if you are earning a good income to supply in all the material needs of your family,
you would be regarded as a success in the eyes of the world.

Eventually you end up with a never-ending list of things which you feel compelled to do in
order to "qualify" - keeping your home spotless, jogging 10 kilometers or praying for 10
hours daily, etc

If this is how one sees life, one could get caught up in a pattern of continuous
competition, trying to please everybody of significance, for example Mom, Dad, the
Boss, my Pastor, God, or myself.

Whenever we testify, we always say what "we" have done for God, without realizing that
we are in fact justifying ourselves instead of glorifying God.

Dear fellow-pilgrim, this represents a misconception concerning the Christian Walk,

since it is based upon and motivated by our own religious pride (own achievement) as
well as by fear of rejection if we should fail to perform.

This is not the freedom unto which God has called us.

Your value is not determined by what you can do for God; what we are, is because of
what He, in His great Mercy and Compassion, has chosen to do in us through Jesus.
We are the living-proof of the fact that Jesus lives and reigns as King of the Universe.
Jesus, who initiated the good work in us, will also complete it (Phil. 1:6). He transforms
us from being lost, rejected and filled with fear, unto the glorious position of redeemed
sons and daughters of the Living God - new creations in Christ.

The testimony of Jesus is the work which He has done and is still doing in us. By the
power of His Love we are daily being transformed into the image of Christ. This
self-imposed labour of love has its beginning and end in Jesus.
But we have to abide in Him and Him in us, because just as the branch can bear no fruit
unless it remains in the vine, we can bear no fruit unless we remain in Him.

The Word of God says that we can do nothing without Jesus. If we believe this, we can
truly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Once we understand this, we can work as co-labourers in the Kingdom of God, partners
in proclaiming the Gospel and co-heirs with Christ.

While we are being perfected in the image of Christ by the renewal of our minds, He
produces fruit through us and in us the glory being His alone, so that we can give Him
all the Worship and Honour.

As we begin to grasp this truth, we will start to operate in freedom, enabled by His Power
and motivated by His Love and Joy, being co-labourers of Christ in the vineyard of God,
instead of trying to please God through our own efforts.

Jesus is not interested in what you can do. He is busy, doing a work in you. He is the
One who went before us so that we could be renewed into His image.

Jesus Himself prompted by the Love and Pleasure of the Father, is preparing a bride to
be handed to God as a trophy to the Love and Grace of the Father.

He is calling you to work alongside Him while He is also working in you so that through
you, others can be transformed into His image to the glory of the Father.

You are His testimony! To God be the glory!!!

Lecture 1


Deliverance breaks the power of the enemy; walking in the Spirit breaks the
pattern of sin.


There is no such ministry as a "Deliverance ministry". This ministry is given to the

entire Body of Jesus Christ. We nevertheless see special anointing on certain
people for specific ministries, such as healing, deliverance, prayer for the Baptism in
the Holy Spirit, etc.

You will recognize this anointing by taking note of the people who cross your path.
Your gift makes room for you. Is their need mainly healing or deliverance? The Lord will
send people according to the anointing on your life, and so you will function in one area
more than in others.


Acts 10:38 How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit
and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and, in
particular, curing all who were harassed and oppressed by the power of the devil, for
God was with Him.

When the Gospel is ministered in power, it will always result in confrontation with the
kingdom of darkness.

Luke 4:14 Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the Holy Spirit into

The anointing confuses and terrifies demons so that they identify themselves. (Mark 1:
23-27). After the first demon was chased out of the Church, the persecution began.
Deliverance is for the children of God, not for the world.


Mark 3: 14, 15 And He appointed twelve to continue to be with Him, and that He might
send them out to preach and to have authority and power to heal the sick and to
drive out demons.

These twelve disciples had exactly the same ministry as Jesus had on earth to preach
the Gospel and to cast out demons.

Luke 9: 1,2 Then Jesus called together the Twelve and gave them power and
authority over all demons, and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to announce
and preach the Kingdom of God and to bring healing.

To preach the Kingdom of Jesus and to cast out demons go hand in hand and
cannot be separated.

Luke 10: 1, 2 Now after this the Lord chose and appointed seventy others and sent
them out ahead of Him, two by two, into every town and place where He Himself was
about to come visit. And He said to them, The harvest indeed is abundant, but the
farmhands are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His

Seventy are sent out with the same commission. Luke 10: 17-21: Demons are
confronted and must submit.


Mark 16: 17, 18 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My Name they will
cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents;
and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands
on the sick, and they will recover.

The Church has become afraid to cast out demons. Some endeavour to have a little
'deliverance corner' because not everyone wants to soil their hands! The Church
must start flowing in this ministry, especially today, where occult involvement is rapidly
increasing; otherwise we will not be able to keep the people who have been saved.

These people will not be able to live victoriously and will experience spiritual blockages
that will hinder their spiritual growth.

Promise to the Church:

Matt. 16:18 18 And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petrosa large piece of rock],
and on this rock [Greek, petraa huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and
the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or
be strong to its detriment or hold out against it].

Warning: Do not specialize in this ministry to the point where all you do all day and
every day is to cast out demons an imbalance will set in. You also have
to function in other areas. Remember that praise and worship are
very important.
Why are some people healed when being prayed for and others not? The person
praying represents the Body of Christ. Many people in the Body of Christ do not live
clean and holy lives thus, there is corporate sin and that gives the devil the right to
petition and stop the healing.


1. The unsaved (during evangelization); many accept Jesus, but very few
stay on the road.

2. Children of God in the Church those who are still bound.

We must learn to minister to the person in totality not just to pray a sinners prayer.
Everyone needs Soul Care and to close doors!


Prov. 21:22 A wise man scales the city walls of the mighty and brings down the
stronghold in which they trust.

After a person is saved, he must receive constant ministry in order to become

strong himself so that he in turn can reproduce. Home cells can function very effectively
in this. Strongholds in people's lives need to be dealt with. Today the Church continually
produces Christians with problems looking for answers instead of them having the
answer to the world. The Church must make disciples.

The enemy has succeeded in binding the Church with FEAR; fear of the devil,
demons, deliverance. People are afraid to be involved and do not even want to talk
about it. It is really ignorance!

Jesus Himself dealt with demons; so what makes us more spiritual than He

According to Matt. 16:18 God says you are qualified for this ministry - BELIEVE
IT!! People believe the lie that you need experience before you can pray. We dont pray
for people because we want to it is a command!


FAITH: Get the Word into your heart not just in your head. (The enemy works
from a platform of lies and fear.) Satan WILL try and stop you know it and be

Know your AUTHORITY over the works of darkness (Luke 10:19 authority and
power over ALL demons). Authority is in the Name of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus
is not a chant we are truly IN Christ! Also know the POWER of the Holy Spirit.
Tune into the Holy Spirit.

PROTECTION: THE BLOOD OF JESUS it is a living sign of our Covenant with

God the Father.



1. People who want deliverance when the problem is one of the flesh, e.g. lust,
anger, gluttony, etc. These problems can have spiritual roots, but sometimes it
has carnal roots, e.g. no self-control. The counselor needs to discern in these

2. People who want instant deliverance from all their problems. Often they have
been to many counselors and tried to find someone who has enough power to
deliver them. There is no quick fix. The person must study and meditate
upon the Word, pray, worship, etc. We must work at getting back ground from

3. People who are passive and want you to do everything. They do not want to
apply James 4:7.

James 4:7 So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will
flee from you.

4. People who want deliverance when in fact they need teaching.

5. People who want deliverance for a third party, e.g. marital problems Just
deliver my husband / wife, then all my problems will be solved.



1. When there is a spiritual blockage as a result of an occult root or a curse (Deut.

29:18), e.g. someone who sleeps in church.

2. When there is an addiction. It starts in the flesh, e.g. social drinks,

pornography, etc.

3. When there are root problems, e.g. anger root/stronghold is rebellion.

4. Some diseases are a result of bondages and then deliverance is necessary.

Luke 13: 10-13, 16.

5. When people struggle with condemnation, e.g. Catholicism (must pay for your
sin). Someone with strong family roots in this faith must be cut loose from the root
and the oppression that comes from this teaching. Continual condemnation can
cause you to backslide. (See Prayers of Renunciation: Babylonian Roots)

Lecture 2


(Sin from the past rebirth (Present sin - HOLINESS) (Lazarus you loose the
Born Again) Rom. 6: 1-7 (power of grave clothes; go further
Rom. 3:24 sin not a list of dos than just confessing sin
Eph. 1:13; 2: 8-10 and donts) people are set free from
bondages; dealing with
the works of the devil)
Col. 2: 14-15
I John 3: 5, 8
Because we are born into this
The wages of sin are world, we are automatically Jesus died for us so that we
removed the moment we are under the law of sin and can become partakers of His
born again. Our position death. We must die to righteousness. He went
before God - we are saved escape from this law further and dealt with the
through FAITH; justified (crucified with Christ). powers of darkness so that
without works by His GRACE. Baptism is a burial. Rebirth deliverance became possible
Our past is wiped out and we is a work of the Holy Spirit. from the legal contracts we
stand before God, innocent of Your heart changes, your made with the enemy.
any trespass. desires become like Gods Signs:
[If this is all a church teaches desires - sanctification. It
takes place throughout your Physical, e.g. diseases,
its congregation, no spiritual because of
growth will take place (saved life and is a restoration that unforgiveness.
sinners!).] deals with the soul.
[Deliverance does not Mind - tortured
change your heart and Emotions - oppression
attitude.] Will - bondages



Deliverance is not a substitute for:

REPENTANT CONVERSION (heart of David, not Saul)

It does not simply mean a change of mind but requires an 180 turn away from sin, e.g.
an alcoholic - get rid of your bar. Beware of people who run from counsellor (prayer
minister) to counsellor - look for a secret sin they hold on to. It also implies hatred of
evil - the deeper your repentance, the greater your deliverance.


1 Cor. 9:27 I buffet my body and subdue it, for fear that after
proclaiming to others the Gospel and things pertaining to it, I myself
should become unfit.

Without self discipline a person becomes passive and is in a

chaotic state. Teach the person to create order in his own life.
He/She must learn to read the Bible, to pray, to pay accounts, etc.
The person must realize that he is responsible to renew his mind
and resist the enemy.


(Cannot crucify a demon and drive out the flesh!)

Carnal desires satisfy the senses. Here the will plays the most important role. Make a
decision and prove it by your deeds, e.g. if alcohol or cigarettes hinder you, rid yourself
of them. Nail them to the Cross! Do not live with a guilty conscience then you are living
a lie!


Matt. 18:34,35 And in wrath his master turned him over to the torturers, till he should
pay all that he owed. So also My Heavenly Father will deal with every one of you if you
do not freely forgive your brother from your heart his offenses.

Unforgiveness gives the enemy a legal right to bind a Christian. Hatred

occurs in people who do not want to forgive others. Its not a demon of
hatred that needs to be driven out your hearts attitude must change!

The person who carries unforgiveness is the one who suffers. Do not
counsel a person who does not want to forgive. He/She
must forgive with heart and mind, no matter how difficult.


Eph. 4: 26, 27 When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath last until the sun
goes down. Leave no room or foothold for the devil.

1 John 5: 18, 19 We know that anyone born of God does not practice committing sin,
but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him, and the
wicked one does not lay hold on him. We know that we are of God, and the whole
world is under the power of the evil one.

Prov. 21:22 A wise man scales the city walls of the mighty and brings down the
stronghold in which they trust.

Find out where the door was opened; where Satan got legal ground; where
strongholds or roots are. Deal with the ground that has been given to Satan: Take it
back, but do not counsel if the enemy still has legal ground. The person has to repent
first for you to gain a platform.


Occult roots can cause bondages in different ways, e.g. diseases like asthma, etc.
There are three steps in dealing with these roots:

a) The Generational sins must be dealt with.

Pray in FAITH - be careful of procedures. [Much of what is done during

deliverance is invisible to the naked eye.] Pray every prayer in faith.
Concentrate on every word; do not let it become a ritual. When Jesus
cursed the fig tree, the roots were cut off but the fruit was visible only the
next day.
Give teaching before you pray explain what youre doing and why.
Work through repentance and renunciation of all sins identified while
working through the checklist in the Soul Care School Manual.

Also rebuke any curses, spoken curses, evil wishes, inherited diseases,
confusion, oppressions, etc. which are transferred down the generational

Be sensitive to the gift of a word of knowledge where the Holy Spirit

reveals things to you in the generational line that need to be cut off. (See
complete prayer of Generational sins on page 136)

Then at the end, you engraft these cut-off ends of the spiritual umbilical
cords into the Blood Line of the Real Vine - Jesus Christ - where all the
advantages of Golgotha become ours: love, self-control, power, health,

b) Curses

Divorce in family.
Poverty no matter how much money is earned and many more (See
Soul Care School Manual for detail.)

Stand on Word when curses are being broken.

Prov 26:2 Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in her
flying, so the causeless curse does not alight.

c) Renunciation

Be careful of occultic valuables:

Deut. 7: 25, 26 The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire.
You shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for
yourselves, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the
Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination into your house,
lest you become an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest
and abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.

Acts 19:19 And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts
collected their books and burned them in the sight of everybody

Destroy all occult objects, e.g. statutes, books, etc.

People must confess and renounce with their own mouths, so that the
ground can be taken back and every contract with the enemy be cancelled
with the Blood of Jesus. Now close every door that you have opened.

Who has hurt you in the past?
Did you ever want to hurt anyone?
Have you ever cursed anyone (wished them ill) ?

Against the Lord?

Many people need deliverance but are bound by the opinions of others,
e.g. social drinks - you are too scared to take a stand.
Much of deliverance takes place during praise and worship, but many
people do not want to become involved - what will the people say?

Prov. 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on,
trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high.


The greatest part of deliverance is teaching.

1. Ensure that the person understands what you are doing.

2. The truth is the basis of deliverance - John 8:32. Teach and explain
so that the person can co-operate with you and then there will be fewer
manifestations, if any. Manifestations can be very frightening to the
person, because he identifies himself with the actions of the demon - he
feels ashamed and embarrassed.

3. When the person has to renounce (confession) things, let him pray
himself - do not lead the prayer. It lets the person concentrate on what
he/she is doing he/she makes a decision of the will. It does not matter
how long they take - be patient!! NB: Pray through Prayers of

4. Focus only on that which they can understand and receive - some cases
are so complicated that more than one session will be needed. Do not
try to solve everything at once.

5. They must take responsibility for their own choices and decisions -
you are not a crutch! You cannot resist the enemy for someone else - he
must. They must and can read the Bible.

6. Renewal of the mind is the key - it strengthens your will - then he can
resist. Your will is strengthened to the extent that your mind receives the
truth - then you can resist the enemy. Faith cannot function if the will is
not strong enough. Hold fast to the Word of God in FAITH.

7. Teach the person to write his / her own petitions. This form of prayer is
very powerful and helps to discipline the person in taking up responsibility
for his / her own battles. (See teaching on Petitions available from Kanaan

Many people have been hurt through deliverance workers who did not understand what
they were doing. If you are working with a person who has experienced hurt, then stand
in the gap and ask forgiveness on behalf of the workers that had wounded them.

Please remember that demons can really hurt a person. There have been reports of
demons tearing the insides or people and actually causing bleeding. Demons have also
manifested so strongly through people that they were thrown on the floor and bashed
around which can also cause physical wounds. Not forgetting also the emotional scars
that go with such a traumatic experience.

If you allow a demon to manifest through a person, you are now causing that person to be
a medium / channeller. The Bible warns us that we must not allow an evil spirit to
manifest through us.

If the demons do start manifesting, stop the prayer immediately and call them back out of
the trans-like state and then you let them work with you with their WILL, close the doors
by leading them in repentance and then the demons have to flee.

It can also happen that while the person is trying to repent and confess of sins, that the
demon locks their mouth or makes the tongue thick and heavy in the mouth or locks the
jaws, etc. Help them, by praying aloud on behalf of them, looking them in the eye and
getting them to pray after you in their minds, in agreement with you until the demon
releases them to be able to speak.
Again, it is important that the person must be actively working with you and in agreement
with the Holy Spirit.

See Walking Continuously in Victory is possible available from Kanaan Ministries. This is the follow-up
teaching of the Soul Care School.

Lecture 3


1. WHERE did the person give ground to the enemy? God

gave man the ability to resist. Nothing can be done to you
without your permission, e.g. sin (Soul Care School
Lecture 7 The Will).

2. HOW MUCH ground was given to the enemy, e.g. many

years of not resisting; unbiblical lifestyle; unbiblical
standards in marriage; wrong habits, etc. A lot of
teaching will be required.

If the enemy has legal right to be there, it will be difficult to expel

him. There is no quick fix

3. HOW OPEN is the person to receive? E.g. if the person has just been saved,
first minister to the occult root area, bloodline curses, occult objects, etc.

True repentance is important. Also deal with the deliverance from drugs, alcohol,
sexual lust, etc. E.g. living together before marriage - explain marriage, etc.

4. How much deliverance can the person MAINTAIN? E.g. if the couple is living
together or in a marriage with wrong foundations, jealousy, selfishness and wrong
actions deliverance only will not be enough. If the person carries hatred and
anger, he will not maintain his deliverance. He must first be freed in order to
go back to that relationship and walk in forgiveness. A lot of teaching is
required dont just chase demons!

Break the patterns of wrongful behaviour against each other that they have
performed for years, e.g. run to the bottle every time there is a crisis. Dont fall
back into sin or try to escape every time you become angry! [Alcohol can be a
way of escape.] Teach the person about open doors, e.g. smoking, drinking,

People want you to pray for them to change their thought patterns in order to
stop a sinful habit. Remember the WILL of man! Be on guard against secret
sins that the person does not want to confess and stop doing, e.g. the person
confesses smoking cigarettes, but not dope. This secret sin is a bondage that
draws the person back into sin again.


(Behavioral patterns that control the person)


Accept responsibility for what you are and for what you have done, e.g. hit your wife,
alcoholic, etc.

Where did you open the door?

Through true repentance the heart of man is prepared for ministry. The doors are
closed through renouncing and true repentance.

Saul (remorse) David (repentance)

Wishes he had done better. Accepts the truth when confronted.

Feels sorry for what he had Focuses on wounded one and

done. God.

Has a good reason for Makes no excuses accepts

disobedience. full responsibility.

Wants to avoid painful Willing to face consequences

consequences. of sin.

Only obedient when convenient. Willing to change 180.

Manipulation for self-gain. Unwilling to compromise; sticks to Gods


2. SELF DISCIPLINE must be acquired.


Hate your sin to be freed.


Relationships must be restored.


1. Counsel the person and give teaching. Let Light and Truth come forth. Discern the
strategy of the enemy (teaching from Soul Care School).

John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free (progressively).

Many are freed just by hearing the truth.

2. Now pray with the person. Know you are equipped. Just trust the Holy Spirit for
discernment, anointing and power - you must simply be willing. He that is in you is
greater and stronger than he that is in the world! Dont run when the
manifestations start!

3. Make sure that the person is part of a fellowship so that he can be established
and encouraged. Home cells, Bible studies, etc. are very important. Just after
deliverance a person is very vulnerable almost like the inside of an egg that has
been blown out. Now the Word must be replaced. Do not concentrate on
attacks from outside, your feelings, emotions, etc. Just focus on taking in the


According to James 4:7 every one of us has the ability to resist, but many do not know it
and also do not know how to resist. Man is afraid - fear is the work of the enemy. Faith
brings God's power into action.

James 4:7 7 So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he
will flee from you.


Speak the Word - fight back!! Every time an attack comes you MUST resist, e.g. fear
in an airplane, outbursts of anger, impure thoughts that lead to masturbation, etc. Refuse
it and use the Word of God as a sword.

When the attacks come again and again and you do not resist in that specific
area, it becomes an oppression.


Most of the Christians who come to you for deliverance, experience oppression in
certain areas. They cannot offer resistance. You must pray for them to be loosed
from that oppression. YOU MUST BE CLEAN!!

In reality you resist on their behalf. You step in between the person and the devil and
take authority over the works of the enemy. It feels like a train going over you! You bind
and rebuke the evil spirit and command it to let go of his grip on that person. It is like a
heavy, oppressive cloud around the person that does not only influence, but also has the
ability to force and drive that person. The person MUST confess and renounce all
agreements made with the enemy for the counselor to have a platform to work from.

Bind and rebuke this 'cloud' and command that its hold be broken and that it must go.
After you have bound and rebuked, you must loose the positive things of the
Lord, e.g. where there was fear, declare 2 Tim. 1:7 - love, power and a sound mind.

There can also be manifestations because the oppression on the person, even
though it comes from the outside, is so heavy upon him, that he feels obliged to do what
the evil spirit commands him to do. When there has been no resistance over a
period of time, the oppression of the evil one takes control. You, as counselor,
must know your authority and power in Jesus Christ and command all manifestations
to stop in the Name of Jesus. Do not allow the demon to throw the person around.
God is a God of order - He will not belittle His children. (See: Parameters to set when
dealing with the demonic Pg. 31)

At the beginning of your ministry you will find that there will be a lot of resistance from
the enemy - he tests your authority and challenges you. If you stand steadfast in Jesus
Christ, future deliverances will be easier. E.g. storm on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus
had to cross over to the other side, the demon-possessed man from Gaderene was
there. Satan tried to stop Jesus from setting the man free and stirred up the water spirits
and the spirits of the air and caused a storm. Satan will try to stop you through
persecution, tongues, lies, your boss, etc.

Do not run!!
Stay and be a son not an orphan!!



If no resistance is offered while the enemy attacks continuously, then he ends up on your
territory and erects his strongholds, e.g. FEAR that is not resisted will end in all kinds of
sickly fears (phobias). Then there is a spirit of fear occupying the person. You cant just
pray a prayer of loosening - the spirit must be driven out.

Remember, when an evil spirit manifests, it is as a result of the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. Look at the life of Jesus. A manifestation takes place when the enemy makes
known his presence. He is forced by the anointing to come into the Light and identify
himself. He trembles in fear of the anointing. Remember, he wants to remain in
darkness and continue with his work in darkness.




1. It will scream fearfully uncontrollably - not a human scream. Beware of the flesh!

2. Eyes - wide open and wild; a lot of white around the iris of the eye. You see
something other than the person in the eyes that look at you.

3. Sometimes there is an attitude of attack - it looks as if the enemy wants to

attack you. Never close your eyes! The enemy cannot touch a believer who
walks under the protection of God. Faith in God builds a wall around you.

4. A person who is demonically controlled cannot look the believer in the eye. It
seems to him as if two large streams of light are streaming from the believer's
eyes that burn into his eyes. The believers face is brightly lit, which blinds the
demon. His power diminishes as he looks you in the face. He will try to close his
eyes, but force him to keep them open. Beware of psychic power do not
take on a power competition.

5. Foam at the mouth; distorted face and body; looks like epileptic fits.

6. A demon can cause the person to run away from you. Chase the person! The
demon can talk to you never talk back.

7. The demon can pretend to be gone or to be slain in the Spirit to prevent the
person from being prayed for. Be alert!

8. Uncontrollably screams with laughter: Demon tries to make you feel like a
fool and wants you to withdraw; wants you to lose confidence in yourself and
in the Lord; wants you to call in someone else's help. NB: If you lose this one,
the next one will be more difficult until you become afraid to pray again. Remain
standing and keep on commanding in the Name of Jesus - you will be victorious!

9. Just before the demon leaves, it begins to cry mournfully. Only then it leaves
the person.

PLEASE NOTE: The above-mentioned are possible manifestations - there is no



1. Make sure that it is a demon and not pretence of the flesh.

2. Do not battle with the demon in a physical wrestle with the person. Use Jesus
as your model - He expelled demons with His Word. Do not lay on hands unless God
tells you to transference can take place. Ask permission to touch the person.
Where two or more persons do deliverance, only ONE gives commands while
the others support. Take turns to lead. (It works like the army. Theres one in
command, and the others support.)

3. Use your eyes and your voice with authority. Talk firmly and clearly; you dont need
to shout.

4. You must forbid the enemy to cause chaos. Forbid any manifestations and
torture. Often the enemy tries to choke a person. Remember that God loves the
person. You are ministering in His Name, in His Power, with His Word and under His
Blood. You must practice control on behalf of the person, as Jesus Himself
would have done it. Never pray with your eyes closed.

5. Discern when you are talking to the person and when you are rebuking the enemy.
Use a firm tone of voice and commands when talking to the enemy;
softer tone of voice when speaking to the person. Get the person to co-operate with
you and to command the demon to go. It brings the persons will on Gods side.
Teach them to resist and do warfare.

6. Talk to the enemy only by commanding.

7. Command silence and forbid the enemy to

hurt or control the person. Do not open up for

8. It is not necessary to address the demon by

his name, except if God gives it clearly.
Otherwise rebuke an unclean spirit. Jesus
spoke to unclean spirits only when He
commanded them to go.

9. Ask God for strengthening by angels.

I hereby command all demonic spirits present that you will all obey the following
commands which I give you in the Name and Authority of the True Lord Jesus Christ of

You will not manifest in any way outside of what the Lord Jesus Christ allows you.
You will not manifest in any shape or form other than your true form.
You will not manifest physically through this person's body in any way, nor will you
bring any physical pain.
You will not hinder this ministry process in any way nor bring blackness or
You will not speak to any parts1 (inner people) nor will you hinder any parts from
seeing or hearing the true Lord Jesus.
You will not hide memories nor will you hinder the flow of memory in any way.
You will not speak to me.
You will not manifest as Jesus in form nor in speech.

These commands will remain in force from this day forward. If any one of you choose to
disobey any one of these commands, then you will have chosen wilfully to defy the
authority of the True Lord Jesus Christ and He will deal with you.

Do not use demons to try to gain insight into spiritual issues. To engage in
lengthy conversations with demons is dangerous territory and can be traumatic to
the client. The demons themselves often want you to enter into dialogue with them
since they are experts at deception, intimidation and manipulation.
Only focus on the demonic if they interfere so much that you are unable to
proceed effectively with ministry, otherwise ignore them and focus on the
healing ministry. When demons do continue to interfere and prevent you from
getting to the memories or roots, then ask Jesus to tell them what to do and where
to go, e.g. "Lord Jesus, would you please tell these demons what to do & where
to go". If manifestations continue, then I command every demon that has
violated these commands to now be grouped together as one. All of you will now
come out without manifestation and you will go where Jesus sends you."

In the case of DID / SRA see Advanced Training for Counsellors and Intercessors and DID A New
If manifestations still continue then it is either another demon or group of demons,
or it is possibly not demonic. It could be a dissociated part.
Demons can only be cast out if the client is in agreement, especially the client's
subconscious. Ask the client's permission.
Demons can inflict bodily pain. Headaches are very common. Often this bodily
pain is memory based, i.e. due to the physical pain which was inflicted upon the
person in a previous trauma event.
Demons can hold/hide memories or pieces of memories. They cannot take these
pieces with them when cast out.
Never answer a demon's questions, nor engage in conversation around a
demons comments or statements.
Always remember that demons are not the source of the client's problems. Our
focus is on getting to the root memory events, not on casting out demons.
However, in your quest to get to these root memories, you may have to deal with
the demonic.
Demons are slaves of Christ.
Demons will manifest in many different ways
Demons can also have open doors through parents' sin, curses, blood ties and
soul ties,
Always speak gently and politely to demons because you may be dealing with a
dissociated part (inner person). Demons respond to the authority of Jesus Christ,
not to your own charisma or aggression.

Lecture 4


The ministry of deliverance must form part of the five-fold ministry. Do not specialize
it is unbalanced! If you are fascinated with manifestations of demons, looking for
sensation, inquisitive, excitement, etc. BEWARE!!


1. Do you have empathy with the oppressed and do you desire to see them set
free? Your motivation must be love.

2. Do you experience regular contact with those who are bound by the enemy?
You do not have to advertise and you do not go out looking for them - God sends
them across your path.


1. Minister in all areas of the commission of Matt. 28 and Mark 16.

Do not specialize in deliverance. Luke 24.

2. You must give them teaching. Use the Word of God and explain how they have
fallen into that state, how the enemy works, principles of deliverance and how to
remain free. (Soul Care School and Course 2: Inner Healing contain this

3. Be careful of becoming so demon conscious that the deliverance never stops.

Rather let the person return at another time for more deliverance.

4. Every person must be established in the Word and run his own race; otherwise
he remains a baby Christian. (For every problem encountered a demon must be
cast out!!)

5. To just pray for a person once and to believe that everything will be right then, is
also a mistake. The person must go to church and become part of a home cell
or a Bible study group. The counsellor must teach the person and build him up in
the Word until he is able to stand on his own.


Do not allow the needs of others to control you.

Own time

A. Be strict with your and your familys time

People with desperate needs do not care about you. They will exhaust you if you allow it.
You alone can say no, otherwise you will not last long.


Refuse to be forced to minister. Every case is urgent! Only

you know what you can cope with. Emotional guilt becomes so
big that you will try to minister to everyone.

Refuse to go further than you can handle. Set your own standards
and be realistic.

Limit the hours and days that you minister.

LUKE 10:19 19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon
serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the
power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.

This ministry makes demands on you physically, mentally, emotionally and

spiritually. You are always in a war. Watch out for burnout. The people you work with
are passive; the demons resist you and they never get tired. They are appointed to drain
you (vampire spirits).


a) Is the person ready for deliverance or does he just want temporary relief?
Key: Sincere remorse they must be desperate; an eagerness to rid themselves
of that which disturbs them - hatred of the sin. Beware of those who are merely looking
for a 'spiritual Disprin' - just relief, but they are not prepared to change their lifestyles.
Youre wasting your time with such a case. Normally such people are not willing to go to
church or submit to authority.

b) Is the person ready the right season? Does the person only want to be ministered
to (attention) or does he want a true, permanent deliverance? Pray just what you feel
led to!

Does the person have enough truth to maintain deliverance? Many times a third party
brings someone for deliverance without them even knowing what deliverance is.

The Lord.
Your own time of rest and relaxation or

Try not to minister in your home - protect your family life. Do not allow people to move in
and live with you. Dont feel guilty to spend time with your family.

Be careful that people do not put you on a pedestal. You must lead them to maturity in
the Lord. Lead them to a place where they trust in the Word of God - not in you. They
must run to prayer - not to you. You only deal with their roots of rejection, rebellion, etc.

Your personal life requires discipline:

Prayer, fasting, the Word.
To fast makes you alert in the spirit dimension. The Word keeps
you in constant contact with God. (If your body wont listen to
you to fast, how will the devil listen to you?)
You must be pure (holy) - authority and power come from a pure
life before God.
Michael Harper (during warfare): "The one who is free to move
unhindered in enemy territory, is the one who has a
passionate hatred of evil, and a passionate love of
You must be a person of your word. Mean what you say. Your own word must be
trusted. 2 Cor. 7:1 (pure heart);

1 COR. 9:27 27 But [like a boxer] I buffet my body [handle it roughly, discipline it by
hardships] and subdue it, for fear that after proclaiming to others the Gospel and
things pertaining to it, I myself should become unfit [not stand the test, be unapproved
and rejected as a counterfeit].

(Self control keep your appointments; pay your bills; Satan knows when you
dont keep your word then authority means nothing).


You must have the love and compassion of God. It comes

from God spontaneously once you flow in this ministry. Dont
be shocked or repulsed about the things people did. Handle
every discussion in the utmost confidence.
The anointing upon your life will cause people to confide in
you about matters that they have never spoken of before.

Let them know that you believe in them. It encourages them to be

willing to try. God invested everything He had in every person in order for it to be
possible for everyone to live victoriously, no matter what they look like when they call on
you for help. Believe in God to carry them through. Your testimony can encourage

Do not allow the person to lean on you; teach them to lean on Jesus.


1. Minister with someone else; let someone be close to you (room next to
you). Guard against sexual accusations, finances, etc. E.g. You said I should
get divorced.

2. Let the Holy Spirit lead you. Two cases are never the same. Be sensitive - go
slowly - wait on the Lord. Be careful of preconceived ideas. There is no recipe.

3. Pray for a word of knowledge and discernment of spirits (will come through
spontaneous thoughts).

4. Ask God to reveal the roots to you.

5. Do not be inquisitive, especially not with sexual sin.

6. Do not go further than you understand. If it is a difficult case, admit it and

ask the person if you can extend the appointment.

7. Do not touch the person when you pray for them, except when God tells you to.
Transference of spirits can take place with contact. Sometimes the counsellor
experiences a heavy feeling, irritation, loss of joy, etc. after a deliverance session.



8. Do not touch occultic items transference takes place. Occultic items
carries demons. (Paul handkerchiefs / towels / aprons carried anointing.)

9. Important! Always check ALL jewelry! Belly rings, rings, necklaces, anklets, toe
rings. They could have cord around their waste under their clothes. Check for
tattoos, etc.

10. Always be in control. (That is, after submitting totally to the Holy Spirit of course!)


Believe that God has anointed you. At first you will feel scared and insecure. You will
experience the anointing by liberty, boldness and understanding that qualifies you for

As you make yourself available for God's work, two things will increase:

Your anointing. After each deliverance session your anointing and

Your authority. authority will increase.


1. Do not read books on how to minister deliverance. Every case is unique.

There is no such thing as a textbook.

2. Do not memorize lists of demons, groupings, strongholds, etc.

3. Believe that God will give you discernment - minister in the Holy Spirit.

4. Do not be dependent upon manifestations. It happens by faith!

5. Do not quickly lay on hands.

6. You must take authority dont let Satan be in control.

Lecture 5


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Lets suppose we exist in heaven before we are born

One day, Jesus asks for volunteers to go to earth.

How would you respond?

If you had your choice, would you choose:

This century?
Your place and date of birth?
Your own father and mother?
Your own gender?
Your own body, face, mind, personality?

Would you, if God gave you the choice, go straight to Heaven or all the way through life.

Negative answers identify:

Lack of freedom to be yourself
Deep wounds and guilt
Rebellion and anger against God

PS 22: 9,10 Yet You have brought me out of the womb; You made me trust in You
even at my mother's breast. From birth I wa s cast upon You; from my mother's
womb You have been my God.

As we mature, we interpret our past experiences with our minds, but we must remember
that, even before the development of our intellect or reasoning abilities, we had a spirit
within us.

While we were being formed in the womb, we were very sensitive to the world
surrounding us. Thus it was possible for us to receive wounds as well as to show a sinful
reaction to those wounds.

Ps 58:3 Is 48:8 Ps 51: 5, 6 Luke 1: 41, 44

According to the Scriptures, pregnant mothers spent the first three months of their
pregnancy in a very quiet manner, praying and meditating and singing psalms to the

LUKE 1: 24, 56 Now after this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant, and for five
months she secluded herself entirely...

And Mary remained with her (Elizabeth) for about three months and then returned to
her own home.

Little babies are very sensitive to the reactions, emotions,

experiences, etc. of their parents (such as fear, rape, rejection,
quarrelling, etc.). Sound also has a great impact on the unborn
(eardrums are the first to develop).

Trauma during the time of birth, as is the case with breech

babies, blue babies, inductions, Caesareans, etc. has a
tremendous effect on the baby.

It is part of the healing process to give names to miscarriage and aborted babies and
also to give funerals. It is necessary to go through the grieving process.
It can manifest in strange dreams or behavioural patterns from childhood right through
to adulthood.

Suicidal attempts in children or teenagers could be traced back to an attempted abortion

by the mother.


1. Illegitimacy.

2. Being born "at the wrong time" for the family.

3. "Wrong" gender.

4. Being an adopted child.



Sex during pregnancy can have a very negative influence when being done in sin,
lust or violence.
An abnormal fear for the male organ or similar looking objects.
Sex is unclean.
A spirit of lust can be transferred.


Discovers genitals and parent overreacts.

Believes the body is dirty.
Both fascinated and repulsed by sexual things feels only the negative.
Mom and Dad: Do not handle the baby roughly or with irritation he/she might
think the sexual parts are unclean and might also anticipate pain.

1. The child conceived out of wedlock

Experiences feelings of shame, fear, insecurity, etc. The symptoms being:

a) A death wish

The child feels that he/she should never have been there. This could result in:
Accident proneness.
Many childhood diseases.
A constant feeling of wanting to die.

b) Performance orientation

"I must work to earn the right to be loved and to be here."

Feels he/she must win.
Needs compliments.

c) Anger

Towards parents for their sin and because they have to work so hard to earn the right to

d) Shame (it is like a mantle that one wears)

Experiences the guilt and shame of the parents, as well as their own because they
perceive themselves to be the "problem".

2. The child born at the wrong time

The family experiences tough times such as:

Economic depression, loss of income.
Poor health, especially of the mother.
Absent father.
Parents recently lost a child; miscarriages (the womb becomes a graveyard need
to break the curse); after the death of a little brother/sister the surviving child
experiences deep grief as well as the sense of being "second best"; I am taking
the place of someone else.
Fruit / Symptoms

a) Death wish.

b) Performance orientation along with feelings of being utterly worthless.

c) Guilt - especially if the pregnancy endangered the health of the mother. Also a
financial burden.

d) A feeling that there will never be enough:

Money - fear to spend money (especially on self).
Love - especially when being born into large families.

e) Does not feel welcome - always hiding OR becomes aggressive and enforces his

f) Extreme anger - "replacement child".

3. When the child is of the "wrong sex"

Fruit / Symptoms

a) Death wish.

b) Performance orientation - "I can never please them."

c) Rebellion - "Why should I even try?"

d) Confusion - especially in terms of sex - "tomboys" ("sexual poles" are changed


e) Shame - towards their own sex - "I was a mistake."

f) Detached, extremely private, secretive - fear of people, fear of open spaces, etc.

4. The adopted child

Fruit / Symptoms

a) Death wish, performance orientation, anger.

b) Fear of rejection - baby either wants too much love OR totally rejects

c) Pathological lies - they have been lied to and have judged their

d) Kleptomania - they were stolen from.

e) Identity crisis - "Who am I?"

Other examples of prenatal experiences and their fruits:


1. Child not wanted Performance orientated
Wishing death
Refusing affection
Craving affection
Frequent Illness
Problems with Bonding
Trying to earn right to be

2. Parents face bad time financially Believing I am a burden

3. Mother - Fear of Delivery Fear
Fear of Child-birth
4. Child is the wrong sex according to Sexual Identity problems
the parents Striving to please
Defeatist attitude I was wrong from
the beginning
5. Conceived out of marriage / before Deep sense of shame
parents were ready Lack of belonging
Im a burden
6. Next child after miscarriage / Trying to make up for the loss (not
abortion being me).
Striving / over-serious
Anger at being a replacement
7. Mother loses loved one while Deep sadness
pregnant Depression
Death wish

8. Mother heavy smoker, drinker Severe anxiety
(alcohol) Chemical damage
Negative attitudes
Low activity level
9. Fighting in home Nervousness
Uptight / fear
Feel guilty when in conflict
Taking emotional responsibility for
10. Father dies / leaves home Guilt
Expecting to be abandoned
Death wish
Craving to find substitute
11. Violent / unwholesome sex, more Aversion to sex
than one partner Fear of male organ
Unhealthy sexual attitude
12. Induced labour Bonding problems
Masochistic personality
Sexual perversion
13. Unusual painful delivery Unacceptable expressed anger
14. Cord around neck Throat related problems
Problems with swallowing
Speech impediments
Anti-social / criminal behaviour
15. Mother is afraid of gaining too Insatiable hunger
much weight / does not eat properly Anger
16. Breach delivery Higher risk of having learning
17. Mother has poor health Guilt
Child takes emotional responsibility
for Mother.
18. C-Section Craving all kinds of physical contact
Trouble with concept of space


Lord Jesus, we ask You to identify with _____________ at the time of her being a little
baby being formed in the womb. Speak to her spirit and communicate to this little one
that You knew about all the circumstances surrounding his/her birth. You have
planned him/her, Father, and were excited when she was born. Let _____________
know that he/she was not a mistake, a burden or an accident, but a gift and a joy.

Lord, we ask for Your power to able to forgive. In our own strength we cannot forgive.
(Forgive parents, confess anger, ask forgiveness for judgements).

Lord, we ask You to take away the shame of illegitimacy.

Take away the shame of being of the "wrong sex".

Remove the burden of guilt because of him/her being born at the wrong time, him/her
being the cause of her mother's health problems, and for being a financial burden.

Take away these negative feelings and minister to the wounds and anger and feelings
of being unwelcome, the fear that there would not be enough time, money or food.
We ask You to cancel the death wish, accident proneness and performance
orientation which have developed from a need to earn acceptance.

Take away any confusion regarding his/her sexuality - the secrecy, deception and
isolation which it has caused.

Father, minister in the area of rejection because of being adopted, the betrayal of
parental trust, the wounds caused by the lies and that of which she has been robbed.

Lord, cleanse _________________s heart of any unconscious or hidden grudges. Let

__________________ know that You have given him/her a very special place in Your

Jesus, take away any sense of worthlessness. Communicate to his/her spirit that You
are proud of him/her. Restore his/her masculinity/femininity. Let _______________
know that You rejoice in his/her masculinity/femininity. Without his/her masculinity/
femininity he/she cannot truly live life the way You created and intended for him/her to

Pour Your healing balm over the wounds caused by critical and teasing words.
Minister to the wounds caused by having to believe lies as well as the wounds of
being robbed.

Restore the birth-right and inheritance which You have planned for him/her right from
the start.

Cancel the lies which he/she has believed about him/herself and instil into him/her the
truth of his/her identity in You.

Break the agreements made with the enemy.

Thank you, Father!

Lecture 6


NB: Where there is hurt, there is anger.

It is easier to deliver little children than teenagers and adults.

This teaching is directed at children from conception to 13/14 years

of age.

Older teenagers will be ministered to as adults. Here youre also

dealing with rebellion, independence, great embarrassment, etc. Their
egos are hurt because the parents want them to receive ministry. You
might struggle to get their co-operation.


1. Patterns of failure and oppression can already start in childhood. They become
established and deeply rooted. You are not as clever as your brother / sister.
The enemy lays the wrong foundations, e.g. inferiority, rejection, fear, etc.

2. Problems can be passed down from parent to child (inherited sins), e.g. Abraham
was God's friend, but he had a problem with lying. This pattern was repeated in his
children, Isaac and Jacob.

Children inherit weaknesses from parents. Apart from the inclination to sin there
can also be an evil spirit that is linked, e.g. lust. Children that are conceived in lust
will struggle with a problem of lust that can manifest at an early age.

Other examples of transference from parent to child are:

Mothers can also transfer things to the children before birth:
o Rejection
o Fear
o Depression
o Insanity

If the mother had a very difficult pregnancy she can become depressed. With the
depression comes a lot of rejection. When the child is born, he has a tendency to

He doesnt want to subject himself to authority and has an attitude of self-pity: "The
whole world is against me." The child will also be subject to moods swings, etc. Pray
for the child and cut him loose from the spirit of the father and mother (human

In reality you are cutting the child loose from all the disadvantages of the
parents' weaknesses and character traits. Join the child to His Heavenly Father
and Jesus Christ and loose all the advantages of the Cross, i.e. peace, love, joy,
etc. Also deal with the bloodline curses.

ADOPTED CHILDREN (four bloodlines: biological parents and adoptive parents)

Most of these children require ministry. Rejection occurs very strongly as a result of the
separation from the natural mother. In the case of an unmarried mother, the pressure
she experiences during pregnancy is transferred to the child. Cut children loose from
natural parents' weaknesses, sins, etc. and ask the Lord to join the child to the
hearts of the adopted parents - a spiritual union that usually exists between natural
parents and children. (See booklet: New Life for your Rejected Child available from
Kanaan Ministries.)


Problems might not be obvious immediately, but at a certain stage

the child will possibly start wetting his bed, have outbursts of
anger, cling to the parent, be insecure, demand a lot of
attention, be aggressive, etc. Do not only pray for the problem or
the symptoms, but also ask God to show you the root of the problem.
Go back to the time when the father left the home and break all
oppressions that came into the life of the child at that time.

4. OCCULT ROOTS (Refer to Soul Care School, Lecture 8)

According to Leviticus 20 there is no atonement for idolatry and immorality. It grieves the
Holy Spirit and He then withdraws.

Specific symptoms:
Learning problems - confusing thoughts, dyslexia (words are back to front;
cannot concentrate and understand; cannot remember and store thoughts;
cannot explain himself clearly)

Fear and nightmares (spirit of fear).
Lust - small children who have an abnormal sexual
interest; small child who chronically masturbates (perverse
Anti-social behaviour and social disturbances.

5. CURSES (Deut. 28)

Many are named. Here are a few examples:

Breaking of relationships between parents and children. They are unable to
Witchcraft - domestic servant goes to witchdoctor to make someone sick, bring
fear, nightmares; plant things in pot plants, gardens, at gates or entrances, etc.
Pendulum - while mother is pregnant to determine the babys gender.
Any occult "blessing" pronounced over the baby, dedication to Satan, a Holy
Saint, star signs, etc.
Blood covenant - children do this as a game.
Freemasonry - there is a covenant between the "brothers" due to the different
oaths they take. The families are usually bound by disease; a pattern of
divorce will also haunt the families.


Rejection will occur in the parent and child. Minister to both to break the cycle of
rejection. Cut the root of rejection and when you discern a spirit of rejection, also rebuke


Rebellion in the parent and child can also be a cycle that has to be cut. The fruit will be
anger, enmity, rejection of submission, etc.

Remember: At the cutting of roots and oppressions or bondages that are dealt
with, there is very little to be seen that takes place or is "felt". The results are
only seen later in their lives (Jesus and the fig tree). Real relief takes place after a
deliverance from possession.

After you have cut the root, you have to curse and rebuke all the "fruit" produced from this
root, e.g. from the root of rejection, you will get self-pity, the inability to communicate,
reservedness, etc. (See the end of Chapter 17 for a list of fruit of rebellion and


Here you must cut the children loose from the spirit of the person who abused them, as
well as from evil spirits of lust and perversity. Also minister in other areas namely fear,
hatred, condemnation, guilt, shame, etc. These children become emotionally
crippled and Jesus alone can heal them. Teach the child to forgive. Statistics have
shown that a child abuser will abuse 60 to 70 children in his lifetime.


The atmosphere in the house where the child grew up affects

him/her. Children can feel fear.
Parents can transfer fear.
Grandfathers and grandmothers can also transfer fear.
Fear can be communicated and transferred by contact.
Parents that often fight cause a fear of divorce.
Financial fears - fear of poverty and bankruptcy.
Bad experiences, e.g. a teacher at school that gives cruel treatment.
Geographical moving - everything familiar has been taken away.
Toys, films, stories, videos, etc.


1. If possible, the parent must be present. If parents are unsaved or absent, still
minister to the child with the permission of at least one parent.

2. Let the parents touch the child or let the child sit on the lap of the parent.
Otherwise you have to hold the child it gives security.

3. If possible, get all detail about the child from the parent privately. While you are
ministering, talk to the child to build up communication.

4. When you pray, be gentle and full of peace. Do not pray aggressively or shout
and leave the child with an impression of evil.

5. Do not use words such as Satan, devil, demons, etc. that can scare the child. Use
words such as roots, works of darkness, bondages, etc.

6. Be simple, straightforward and short in your prayer.

7. Saved parents can pray over the child while he sleeps. Parents confess where they
failed, anoint child and ask the Lord to heal on the inside.

Lecture 7


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

ROM 13:11 Besides this you know what a critical hour this is, how it is high time now
for you to wake up out of your sleep and rouse to reality. For salvation (final
deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed.

Is 52: 1, 2 Rev 16:15 Mark 13: 35, 36 1 Thes 5: 4-6

This lesson will help you to understand the function of

your own personal spirit. Youre going to learn what
causes the spirit to sleep; how to identify the
symptoms; how to distinguish between your soul
and your spirit.

If your spirit man is sleeping, then you wont be

able to function in all the areas of life.

The Lord has already made provision - no one need remain asleep. Definite steps can
be taken to awaken a sleeping spirit man.

Knowledge of a sleeping spirit man is one of the most powerful keys that has been given
to the Body of Christ. It reveals a primary cause for the powerlessness and sinfulness
present in the Body of Christ today.


A condition in which the personal spirit has not fully awakened, so that certain facets
of the persons life simply lie dormant.


When you have done everything you know, but theres still no breakthrough and in certain
areas theres no strength of character.

People with a sleeping spiritman can be Spirit-filled children of God that are truly trying
to walk in love and to serve others.


1. Corporate Worship: People with vigilant

spirits experience and abide in the presence
and anointing of God.
The sleeping spiritman can only believe God
is present and when such a person
experiences the Spirit, its usually only so slightly.

2. Private Devotions: During quiet times vigilant people easily come into Gods
presence and experience His love. People with a sleeping spirit experience dry
quiet times: When they try to read the Bible, nothing speaks to them - the Word of
God is dry to them. Consequently they get easily discouraged.

3. Revelation from God: Vigilant spirits have spiritual dreams, see visions every
now and then and hear God speak to them.
Because God speaks Spirit to spirit, slumberers cant hear Him and think mostly
that those who do, are only fooling themselves.

4. Insight and Inspiration: Vigilant people are creative.

Slumberers are uninspired and copy whatever looks good.

5. Ability to relate to Time Past, Present and Future: Vigilant people have
People with sleeping spirits live only for the moment and expect pain to go away

6. Empathetic Communication: Vigilant people read others very well and can
quickly gather what a person is really saying or who the person really is. They can
build good relationships.
People with sleeping spirits often say insensitive things that hurt others.

They can therefore not sustain deep relationships and fail in doing for the other
what is necessary. This can result in frustration, loneliness and often, divorce.

7. Glorious Marital Sexual Union: Vigilant people meet one another sexually on
all three levels: spirit, soul and body.

Sex to people with sleeping spirits is often only on a physical level. They seldom,
if ever, experience the glory God intended for the act of marriage.

8. Mature Conscience: Awakened Christians enjoy a true conscience, which

works powerfully before the even to keep them from sinning.

Slumberers have only a remorse conscience (Saul), which does not work before
the even, but only after. It is self-centred, fleshly, and does not come to the cross
and freedom.


It usually happens because a person wasnt called to life through:

? nurture.
? affectionate touch.
? parental guidance.

[Man is the only being that becomes like he was brought up.]


? To show affection and nurture children with the capacity to be human, i.e.
to have a vigilant spirit, to be able to identify with others, to appreciate and
cherish others and to value them more than himself.

? To show love through plentiful affectionate touch.

? To call forth and lead the childs spirit to life.

? To provide boundaries and discipline.

? To build strength into character.

? To provide education for the development of the child in the field that God
is calling him/her.

? To train and exercise the conscience of the childs spirit and also to teach
the conscience how to function correctly.


EPH 6:4 Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger, but rear them
tenderly in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord.

MAL 4:6 And he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the estranged fathers to the
ungodly children, and the hearts of the rebellious children to the piety of their fathers, a
reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly, lest I come and smite the land
with a curse and a ban of utter destruction.

Dads are primarily responsible to awaken and to bring
up the childs spirit. Babies and small children need to be
held in their dads arms. Without it their spirits, just like a
houseplant without soil and water in the desert, will very
quickly decay and die, specifically in the ability to function as
a person.

Our history shows results of dads that had to move away

from their families because of the industrial revolution. This
resulted in dads being less and less involved with their
families and moms having to take over.


Rise in crime - absent fathers brought forth more slumbering spirits, who lack

Rise in divorce - slumberers can not maintain relationships. Their conscience is

also not very sensitive, so they are more prone to adultery.

Work becomes more important than the family.

More Christians fall into religious patterns and cant build and maintain
relationships with God. They know theology about Him, forms of worship and the
Salvation plan, but they dont know Jesus personally.


? Recognize the problem.

? Determine the quality of nurture provided by parents, especially the father.

? Pray out loud and forgive the parents, especially the fathers.

? Pray Gods life into them, focusing on the affected areas.

? Directly address the spirit man that was either never awoken or has fallen
asleep again because of the pain or the tranquilizing effect of sin.

? Pray comfort and healing over those areas in which the spirit man needs


? The family of God is very important for unconditional love.

? This person needs lots of hugs and affection.


/ Pray daily, inviting the Lord to awaken the spirit man.

/ Choose life everyday.

/ Look for daily affection from your loved ones.

/ Read many scriptures on life.

/ Take part in small groups and build relationships. This is very important,
but can also be very difficult. When such a person starts living, he/she
often wants to run away because of fear.

We are more afraid of the good than of the evil. We flee when goodness touches us
because it makes us vulnerable and well much rather sleep than be vulnerable! We
must learn to face the pain of life and help the person not to roll over and fall asleep
whenever pain crosses his/her path.


Lecture 8


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Scripture tells us that Satan intends not only to kill and destroy, but to steal. What is it
that he wants?

Is 42: 20-22 Zech 9: 11, 12

As believers, our salvation cannot be stolen from us: we are redeemed. But when we
refuse to risk life, when we flee or turn away from it, Satan can step in to imprison our
spirits, stealing our capacity to function in the fullness of life.

JOHN 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they
may have life, and have it to the full.

Captive spirit is a condition related to, but more serious than that of
slumbering spirit. Rather than simply being awakened to life, captive or
imprisoned spirits must be set free from powers of darkness.
Discernment requires operation of the gifts of knowledge and
perception, and careful observation of the symptoms plaguing the
individual. In this lesson, we will explore those symptoms and discuss
helps for healing the person with a captive spirit.


A condition which begins when, because of early wounding, an

individual flees or turns away from life - rebellion.

We lock ourselves in fleshly strongholds, unable to function. Often demons take

advantage of that (John 10:10).
- The individual can be aware of something wrong, missing, like the prisoner
in a tower might look out of his barred window to view life.
- Spirit may also go to sleep.


Captives have many symptoms in common with the slumbering spirit - some important
distinctions are:

The degree of seriousness or inability to function.

The dangers of imprisonment - spirit can be tormented, traumatized, withered or
emaciated in agony.
The healing process involved.


The following questions will help you to discern the condition:

Do you feel hollow, empty or vacant, as though something

is missing; you just want to curl up and die?

LAM 3: 6-9 He has caused me to dwell in dark places like those long dead. He
walled me in so that I cannot get out; He has weighted down my chain. Even when I
cry and shout for help, He shuts out my prayer. He has enclosed my ways with hewn
stone; He has made my paths crooked

Do you feel alone, lonely and separate, even when with companions?

PS 88:18 Lover and friend have You put far from me; my familiar friends are
darkness and the grave.

Do you ever feel persecuted, afflicted or tormented, even when no one is

bothering or hurting you?

PS 88:15 I was afflicted and close to death from my youth up; while I suffer Your
terrors I am distracted.

Do you sense you have talents, powers and energies inside which you cant
reach, as though they are locked away from you?

PS 88: 1-8 O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried to You for help by day; at
night I am in Your presence. Let my prayer come before You and really enter into
Your presence; incline Your ear to my cry! For I am full of troubles, and my life draws
near to Sheol. I am counted among those who go down into the pit; I am like a man
who has no help or strength, cast away among the dead, like the slain that lie in a
nameless grave, whom You seriously remember no more, and they are cut off from
Your hand. You have laid me in the depths of the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
Your wrath lies hard upon me, and You have afflicted me with all Your waves. Selah!
You have put my familiar friends far from me; You have made me an abomination to
them. I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.

Is marital sex glorious and joyful, or just something you do?

Do you ever have an inner rage, when there is nothing on the surface to be angry
about? Captives rage at the prison bars that keep them captive.

Do you sense there is a film, a mist or a fog over life? Is everything dimmed, muted,
hidden from you, e.g. colours, sounds, etc?

When in the presence of anointed worship or teaching, do you suffer from over
powering sleepiness (narcolepsy)?

When in the presence of an anointed service, or servant, do you sometimes suffer

vertigo (dizziness)?

Have you ever suffered from dyslexia? It is very common in captives

both dyslexia and captivity have spiritual withdrawal and rebellion behind


The counsellor will learn not only from what is said in response to the above questions,
but also from...
body language.
voice inflection.
expression of the eyes.


To discern the honesty of answers, pauses before answers are good clues.


An infants way of coping:

Older children have ways of coping without detaching from life. They can express
feelings verbally, draw boundaries, say No, state an opinion, even fight back. But
the only way an infant can react to abuse or neglect is to refuse to bind, or

Disconnecting (dissociation) can become a practiced way of coping. In the face of

continued abuse, neglect or dysfunction, the child will continue to disconnect. Look
for inner vows not to feel, not to need, not to express and not to be.

Usually, a person becomes captive in infancy, but sometimes later in childhood,

and even rarely in adulthood - as a last straw effect.

Final healing usually comes after a series of reconnections in which the captive
repents of the disconnections he or she has made from life.


Recognition - requires time and care.

Ask the Lord to reveal the condition of the spirit and the place of imprisonment.
Ask questions to confirm condition.
Work with counselee to understand the conditions which may have created
withdrawal and rebellion.

Confession and repentance

For withdrawal from life, rebellion - ask the person to declare that he/she wants to be
For anger at God - it wasnt He that put the counselee in prison.

Enable the counselee to ask for, and receive, in prayer.

Ask the Lord to move into the area of imprisonment and free the persons spirit.
Ask the Lord to destroy the prison.
Pray hiding prayers for the person who was imprisoned, and send away any prison
Ask the Lord to minister to the spiritual condition of the person: emaciation, slumber,
etc. Pray for strength and willingness to choose life.
Ask the Lord to resurrect the gifts, talents and energies and to restore the inheritance
and birthright to choose.

Help the person to continue choosing life.
To be willing to pay the price of pain.
To be willing to risk.


Lord, we thank You for the gift of our spirits, breathed into us by You at conception.
Now we ask You to lead us to the place where _________s spirit is. (Wait on the Lord
and describe what He reveals to you.) Father, we ask that You move into this place
with __________, and lead him/her out. Carry him/her if walking is too difficult.

Lord, I ask You to minister to the wounded spirit and withered limbs. Massage them,
causing the blood to flow again. Pour Your strength in. Pour the oil of Your Holy Spirit
over the wounds to bring relief. Wrap __________ in Your robes of righteousness;
cause Your healing to radiate all around through spirit and body.
I ask You to declare the boundaries beyond which the enemy may not come. Cause
Your brilliance and holiness to shine forth from __________ so that the enemy cannot

Sweep away footprints so the enemy cannot follow. Lord, walk with __________ for a
while so he/she can lean on You when the legs and the will give out. Give him/her time
to gain the strength of body and spirit needed to choose life.

At a pace that is right for __________, I ask that You also release the gifts, talents and
energies You gave him/her as an inheritance for living a full life. Return
__________s stolen birthright.

Now, Father, together we dismiss the enemy. We ask that Your angels be
commissioned to deal with the powers of darkness as You see fit. We ask You to bring
other guarding angels to protect __________. We ask that in Your kindness You seal
or destroy the prison (be specific) and blow away all evidence of it with the mighty wind
of Your Holy Spirit.



PS 28:1 To you I call, O Lord my Rock; do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if You
remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit.

PS 30: 2-3 O Lord my God, I called to You for help and You healed me. O Lord, You
brought me up from the grave; You spared me from going down into the pit.

PS 40: 1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He
lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on the rock and
gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to
our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

PS 88: 1-8 O Lord, the God Who saves me, day and night I cry before you. May my
prayer come before You; turn Your ear to my cry. For my soul is full of trouble and my
life draws near the grave. I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am like
a man without strength. I am set apart with the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave,
whom you remember no more, who are cut off from Your care. You have put me in the
lowest pit, in the darkest depths. Your wrath lies heavily upon me; You have
overwhelmed me with all your waves. You have taken from me my closest friends and
have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot escape.

PS 88:15 From my youth I have been afflicted and close to death; I have suffered
your terrors and am in despair.

PS 88:18 You have taken my companions and loved ones from me; the darkness is
my closest friend.

IS 42: 20-22 [The Lord speaking] You have seen many things, but have paid no
attention; your ears are open, but you hear nothing. It pleased the Lord for the sake
of His righteousness to make His law great and glorious. But this is a people
plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have
become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one
to say, Send them back.

LAM 3: 6-9 He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead. He has walled
me in so I cannot escape; He has weighed me down with chains. Even when I call out
or cry for help, He shuts out my prayer. He has barred my way with blocks of stone;
He has made my paths crooked.


JOH 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they
may have life, and have it to the full.

II COR 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of the believers, so that they
cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God.


Is. 7:6 6 Let us go up against Judah and harass and terrify it; and let us cleave it
asunder [each of us taking a portion], and set a [vassal] king in the midst of it, namely
the son of Tabeel,

The devil is after a piece of your soul. He can capture a piece of your soul and then
bring torment to you.

Satan wants to create an opening in us to break us into pieces through trauma, fear,
occultic activity, etc and take a piece of our soul and put it in a place of captivity to
continually torment you.

There are demonic places of captivity:

Ps. 88:6 6 You have laid me in the depths of the

lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.

People cannot worship and cannot get a

breakthrough if they are in captivity:

Ps. 142:7 7 Bring my life out of prison, that I may

confess, praise, and give thanks to Your name; the
righteous will surround me and crown themselves
because of me, for You will deal bountifully with me.

Names of places of captivity:

1) Sheol

Ps. 49:14-15 14 Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol (the place of the dead);
death shall be their shepherd. And the upright shall have dominion over them in the
morning; and their form and beauty shall be consumed, for Sheol shall be their
15 But God will redeem me from the power of Sheol (the place of the dead); for He will
receive me. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

People feed from death Sheol is their shepherd. When
this place controls you, you get sick.

Ps. 30:2-3
2 O Lord my God, I cried to You and You have healed me.
3 O Lord, You have brought my life up from Sheol (the
place of the dead); You have kept me alive, that I should
not go down to the pit (the grave).

Jesus took Lazarus out of Sheol.

Ps. 107:10-14 10 Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in
affliction and in irons,
11 Because they had rebelled against the words of God and spurned the counsel of
the Most High.
12 Therefore He bowed down their hearts with hard labor; they stumbled and fell down,
and there was none to help.
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke apart the
bonds that held them.

2) Place of forgetfulness:

Ps. 88:10-12 10 Will You show wonders to the dead? Shall the
departed arise and praise You? Selah [pause, and calmly think of
11 Shall Your steadfast love be declared in the grave? Or Your
faithfulness in Abaddon (Sheol, as a place of ruin and
12 Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the place of
forgetfulness [where the dead forget and are forgotten]?

3) Pit of despair:

Ps. 40:2 2 He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out
of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and
establishing my goings.

In the Name of Jesus ask the Lord to send angels to open the gates so that the captives
can be set free.

Ps. 44:19 19 Though You have distressingly broken us in the place of jackals and
covered us with deep darkness, even with the shadow of death.

Jackals / wild dogs / bulls are all devouring spirits.

4) There is a place in hell that is like a stronghold the refuge of lies.

Trusting in anything which is not God, your soul will get trapped in this
place, namely the refuge of lies.

Is. 28:14-17 14 Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers
who rule this people in Jerusalem!
15 Because you have said, We have made a covenant with death,
and with Sheol (the place of the dead) we have an agreementwhen
the overflowing scourge passes through, it will not come to us, for we have made lies
our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter.
16 Therefore thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation a
Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone of sure foundation; he who believes
(trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone) will not be ashamed or give way or
hasten away [in sudden panic].
17 I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plummet; and hail will
sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the hiding place (the shelter).

In conclusion:

The Lords flock has been taken captive.

It is very important to give all the glory to the Lord.

Jer. 13:16-17 16 Give glory to the Lord your God before He brings darkness and
before your feet stumble upon the dark and twilit mountains, and [before], while you are
looking for light, He turns it into the shadow of death and makes it thick darkness.
17 But if you will not hear and obey, I will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will
weep bitterly and run down with tears, because the Lords flock has been taken captive.

Disobedience takes you to places of affliction and torment.


Is. 49:8-9 8 Thus says the Lord, In an acceptable and favorable time I have heard
and answered you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you; and I will preserve you
and give you for a covenant to the people, to raise up and establish the land [from its
present state of ruin] and to apportion and cause them to inherit the desolate [moral
wastes of heathenism, their] heritages,
9 Saying to those who are bound, Come forth, and to those who are in [spiritual]
darkness, Show yourselves [come into the light of the Sun of righteousness]. They
shall feed in all the ways [in which they go], and their pastures shall be [not in deserts,
but] on all the bare [grass-covered] hills.

The Power of death and graveyards:

There are tunnels in the spirit that lead from the graveyards to hospitals.

The hospitals are full of demons that suck power from the graves.

Volcanoes are gates of hell. Cities are full of gates of hell and mountains of darkness.
Also dungeons and tunnels.

When you go on your prayer walks, it is not only just to speak forth a blessing over the
city, but also to go into the gates of hell and set the captives free.

Lecture 9


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Parental inversion is not an easy sin to hate. The difficulty is that it has become for
many the noblest definition of life; the sacrifice and service it involves are readily
justified by Scripture. But God asks us to lay down our lives for others for His sake, not
out of the impure motives of our wounded hearts.

2 COR 12:14 Here for this third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a
burden to you; for I do not seek what is yours, but you; for children are not responsible
to save up [make provision] for their parents, but parents for their children.

The terms parental inversion and substitute mate describe the identity taken on
by a child when a parent is unable or unwilling to fulfil his/her parental role. The
parentally inverted child will carry the weight of care and responsibility that should rest on
the father or mother, and this wounding will drive him/her through childhood into
adulthood, where it will reap destruction in the individual and in his/her relationship
with others.

The role of substitute mate is a more serious type of parental inversion. Both
identities must be put to death on the cross and new perceptions built into the nature.


Parental inversion takes place when identities of parents are taken on by

children in homes where one or both parents are absent or ineffective
as a result of death, divorce, sin or immaturity. The child tries to take
responsibility, to fill the gap, to usurp the parental role.

NOTE: These terms are helpful for identification, but can be

harmful if used as labels - when counselling, refer to behaviours
more than terminology.


The Bible speaks clearly about appropriate parental obligation.

Parents must take full responsibility for their children and bear their burdens
(2 Cor 12:14).

Parents must provide the appropriate boundaries and discipline.

I TIM 3:4 He [the deacon] must manage his own family well and see that his children
obey him with proper respect.

To supply the needs of the family.

I TIM 5:8 If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate
family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

To call up the special gifts of the child, calling self to death.

PROV 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn
from it.

To model godly living.

IS 38: 19(b) Fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.


God has established an order to parenting. When it isn't operating, the result may be
parental inversion or substitute mate. Many times, at a parents deathbed, a child is
forced to take the place of that parent.

The child enters into fear - "Who will take care of things?"
The child enters into striving; tries to be parent; an impossible job for a child.
The child becomes proud of his "adult" role; built into him by parent who "needs"
him - "I can count on you!" The child wants to be a hero.
The child feels that things are "up to him" - he loses his childhood. It normally
happens to the eldest child.


As adults, these people see themselves as:

Strong people who help weak people.
Caretakers, protectors.


Inability to rest - but extremely tired.

Need to keep situations under control and relationships in order. Ill be

Need to make everything work - "Things will get done better if I do them myself."
(compulsive peacemakers)
- Robs spouse of the chance to take initiative and to use his/her gifts.
- "Aces out" spouse. I want life to be a gift but Ill give it. The spouse must
also participate in decision-making.

Difficulty trusting others.

- Mistakes and imperfections trigger the need to step in and take over.

Difficulty trusting God.

- See God as weak, needing our help. The world will fall apart.
- Inability to say, "I can't do this".

Sense of pride - "noble martyrs."

- Im just making sure youre doing it right.

Tremendous fear.
- "If I stop doing what I'm doing, my family's lives, my life, the world, will fall
apart. It will be my fault."
- Primary motivating factor behind need to control (see "closing thoughts"

Trouble handling confusion or disorder.

Denial - difficulty acknowledging when they are:

- Trying too hard, pushing.
- Not allowing mate to function. "It's my duty to take care of things!"

Inability to feel.
- When troubles require attention, he turns off emotion and gets logical. Full
of advice, but little "heart".

Inability to be corporate and intimate with spouse and children.

- Fruits of PI (and SM) surface more recognizably once we become involved
in relationship with primary people.
- Home becomes a work centre. They look for pleasure times away from



Help the person to seek out and discern the truth regarding behaviour and motives. The
truth sets us free. Encourage the person to ask his/her spouse or friends to speak up
when he/she exhibits symptoms, and to be accountable to them.


Lead person to:

Ask the Lord to hear his/her words of forgiveness for what his/her parents did/did
not do.
Confess judgments against his/her parents.
Repent and receive forgiveness for judging:
- Parents.
- God as weak.

Suggest and encourage new behaviour such as:

Calling parents (if possible) to say "I love you".
Giving up trying to control parents, spouse, co-workers.
Acknowledging attempts to control when confronted.


When one parents fails or is gone from home, the child (usually eldest of
opposite sex) steps in to fill the vacuum. The son can become the
breadwinner, the mothers confidante or her strength to lean on. The
child can also try to discipline the younger children. His position will
be like that of the husband, but without the bedroom. There may be no
sexual flow yet, but it is in the subconscious. He can later become a
model husband in every way except in making love. There hell be turned


In this situation, a parent inappropriately relies on a child of the opposite sex:

For emotional comfort.

As a confidant.
- Undermines mate.

- Gives child knowledge he/she should not have to carry - "You know your
father can't support the family."
- The girl can become like a husband for the mother. This does not allow
the father to be the head of the home.

In worst cases, for physical satisfaction.

- Sleeping with child.
- Excessive holding, out of need.
- Incest.


All the symptoms of parental inversion.

Seeking refreshment outside the home (creates vulnerability to adultery).

Sexual dysfunction
Early sexual stimulation due to usurpation of parental role.

Electra (In psychoanalysis, a daughter's unconscious libidinal desire for her

father) or Oedipus (In psychoanalysis, a subconscious sexual desire in a child,
especially a male child, for the parent of the opposite sex, usually accompanied
by hostility to the parent of the same sex) complexes.

Sexual difficulties in marriage due to inappropriate feelings, guilt.

Intense but hidden hate and anger toward parent of opposite sex. The child can
also gang up with one parent against the other.



Single parents must be careful not to put this weight on their children.

The church must fill the gap for these families.


REMEMBER: It is not the serving which is sin, but the MOTIVE. I must do something
or else nothing gets done.


Recognition - identify the root.

- An unrealistic willingness to take over.
- Built on a base of fear, and agreement to parental compulsion.
- Origins: Lack of understanding, lack of parenting.

Forgiveness - a daily discipline until fully accomplished in the heart.

Confession - of sin of usurpation.

Repentance/Change - Help counselees to walk in a new direction. Don't preach;

offer suggestions for new behaviour.

NOTE: Remember that most counselees will not be living in close proximity to
parents and that most of the "fruits" of PI and SM are manifested in relation to other
primary people. Changes will be facilitated by first forgiving the parents, which takes
away the driving force behind the behaviours.



Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not
turn from it.

Isaiah 38:19b - Fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.


II Corinthians 12:14 - Now I am ready to visit you for the third time, and I will not be a
burden to you, because what I want is not your possessions but you. After all, children
should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.

I Timothy 3:4 - He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey
him with proper respect.

I Timothy 5:8 - If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his
immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.


Father, I thank You for caring enough for me to pursue me, to help me see that in my
family the parental roles came to be reversed. I see that I stepped in to fill the gap and,
regardless of how necessary or how noble that may have seemed, I recognize I was
wrong. In usurping my ______________'s role, I denied my own childhood. You did
not design my child's shoulders to carry such a heavy weight.

Lord, I forgive my parents for ________________ (what they did or did not do). I
confess that I have judged them as being ______________ (be specific). I ask You to
forgive me for those judgements and the bitterness they built in my heart. I also
confess that I judged You, Lord, as being a weak God, one who needed my help. I
thought I had to do it for You. Forgive me for wounding You in that way.
I have avoided intimacy and corporateness. Father, forgive me for the way I have cut
myself off from emotion. I know I did it as a child so that I could function, but now it is a
defence mechanism in my life and I have hurt many people with my inability to feel.
Forgive me for trying to take over for You and so control my spouse, my world. I resign,
Lord; I am not in charge.

Father, it frightens me to ask You to take charge of me and those I love and work with.
But I am tired. Bring my fear and my pride to death. I want to trust in You, to rest in You.
I ask You to speak peace into my inner being and calm my striving, even as You
calmed the sea.


Lord, I ask that You help me to forgive ___________ for pulling me into the role of
spouse. I did not, could not say "no". I have had such mixed feelings: pride that I
should be chosen; anger that the other parent did not fill his/her role and protect me;
and confusion because I was in a role I couldn't understand or fulfil.

Father, I choose to forgive myself for agreeing totally to the subtle coercion (control by
force). I forgive my parents ________________ (be specific about what they both did
and did not do). And I confess and ask forgiveness for the unexplainable anger. Now I
know it was toward mother and father and You, Lord. Forgive me.

It hurts to see how this has affected my own marriage, my spouse, Lord. I see the
damage it has caused and want it to stop. I invite You to bring it to death. Bring healing
and restore to me, to us, the years the locusts have eaten. Put my relationships aright,
Lord, including my relationship with Father God.


Because many of the symptoms of parental inversion resemble those of performance

orientation, it is important to make some distinctions.

Performance-oriented people believe they must earn the right to exist. Their
concern is quite self-centred; their actions are designed to give them a sense of
worthiness in the world.

Parentally inverted individuals are moved by quite another concern: that of making
things better in the family, in the world. In this sense they are truly other-centred,
taking responsibility for the well being of those around them.
This is why, without understanding their own motives, parentally inverted people can
hardly bear to hear that their actions might be hurting instead of helping, smothering
instead of giving life. We must not accuse them of selfishness, for that would be unjust;
instead, we must gently minister truth to these wounded hearts that try so hard to fix the
world around them.

Lecture 10


( Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

PS 143: 3, 4 The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me
dwell in darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart
within me is dismayed.

[See Course 2 for a profile on an abuser.]

MAL. 2:16 16 For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital
separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. Therefore keep a
watch upon your spirit [that it may be controlled by My Spirit], that you deal not
treacherously and faithlessly [with your marriage mate].

Victims of sexual abuse normally live with memories that could keep them bound to the
hurt and pain for many years. Men are taught, A man is not a victim, therefore it is
especially difficult for them to talk.

It takes time and perseverance for such a victim's heart to be healed, because trust has
been destroyed.

Intercession is an essential part of counselling in order to prepare the heart of such a

person to receive the healing and blessing of the Lord.

Few counsellors recognise the devastating effect even a single incident could have on a
person even years after it has happened.

PS 142:4 Look to my right and see; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no
one cares for my life.


1. Betrayed by others - he/she expected to be protected by his/her parents and

God, but it did not happen.

2. Inability to trust (authority figures and God)

He/She expected to be believed, but was not.
He/She was even punished for telling a lie or blamed for everything.
Nobody was tender, loving or protective.
To him/her, God is false.
She cannot entrust the holiness of her spirit through her body
to a husband she has been shattered and defiled at the
3. Alone/isolated in his/her pain - Overwhelmed by the pain.
4. No eternal truths in which he/she can relax/rest.
He/She questions all Christian truths.
Authority no longer offers protection, hope or reliable information.

5. Tormented by the pain he/she is experiencing at the moment.

No capacity to overcome his/her present circumstances.
Fear overrules any positive memories or thoughts and excludes hope.

He/She starts to rely completely on his/her own mind and

heart, making an idol of his/her emotions.

"I'm OK - I can take care of myself."

Even when he/she does cry out for help:

- He/She cannot receive.
- He/She is compulsively finding fault with the people
whose love is starting to soften his/her heart.

He/She creates fantasy images of love and is susceptible to hurtful

relationships. When these relationships fail, it only serves to reinforce his/her
attitude that: "I do not need anybody."
- He/She is constantly preoccupied with sex.

Helplessness and fear

- is the result of all of the above circumstances.
- even when the abuser no longer poses a threat.

His/Her response to his/her family and others

Anger towards mother and everyone like her.

"Where was she?"
"She must have known..."

Anger towards God.

"How could He allow that to happen?"

NOTE: Anger may be suppressed; the victim could have made an inner vow not to
become angry. However, no emotion can remain unspoken for too long.

Ambivalence toward father/abuser.
- Denial - pain - denial - pain.
- What he/she is feeling at that time, is the truth for him/her.
- Confusion regarding identity.

[Sex is our way of telling one another who we really are. His/Her father/brother/uncle has
sent his/her the wrong messages.]


As a nobody/nothing.
- He/She has been violated, treated without respect, used, defiled, caged in,
manipulated, robbed of her honour and dignity, worthless, nobody can love

Guilty (anger towards self). God has designed us with sensitivity for sex. Those
feelings of pleasure are mixed up with horror and disgust and guilt.
- "Why didn't I tell?"
- "Why didn't I resist?"
- "It must have been my fault."
- "I shouldn't have enjoyed it when it happened."

- Guilt conveyed by the abuser. He/She tries to escape the sense of guilt.
- Irrational running away, withdrawal, performance orientation -behaviour to
protect/shield herself.
- Suicidal attempts.
- Alcohol and drugs.
- Wants to hurt him/herself (head bashing, cutting, etc.)
- Cannot concentrate very long; cannot commit to school, courses, etc.


He/She is attracted to those who also have a crippled self-esteem.

- I am a "nobody" who would not be accepted by others if they "knew".

Turns to ways of protecting him/herself and keeping people at bay.

- Excessive weight gain.
- Poor hygiene (does not wash hair, no make-up, etc.)
Avoids former friends, the church/youth evenings, etc.

Promiscuous behaviour.
- His/Her need for love is misinterpreted.
- He/She has no concept of secondary virginity, so why shouldn't he/she
just go ahead and defile him/herself?
- Has a need to punish him/herself and others.
- Believes that his/her only value is in sex.
- He/She will react to any non-threatening person promising to care for

Lesbianism, homosexuality, looking for a parental model.


Fantasy - used regularly to cope with the experience of abuse - becomes a

tremendous problem later on in marriage. (Imagines that you are not really there).

Suppression - the person looses any conscious memory of the trauma.

Sexual frigidity - as a result of suppressed inner vows never to be vulnerable again,

the victim is unable to enjoy sexual relations with her marital partner.

Regression - returning to the childhood state in order to avoid the pain of being
abused, or the person could spontaneously relive the childhood trauma.


Dont push it.

Do not touch unless clearly invited.
Be available - and pray!
The person can even fear the touch of Father God.


Repeat over and over, You are not guilty. You have the right to be angry.
Rebuild a sense of JUSTICE: COMFORT. The abuser is guilty.
Teach him/her forgiveness. Forgiveness does not depend on new feelings. It is a
work of the Cross. It doesnt take away the abusers responsibility. The person
must also forgive those who did not respond. Forgiveness of self is also very
Pray for cleansing by the Living Waters (not Blood of Jesus).
Pray to bring to death the lies about herself / himself, old habits, coping and flight
mechanisms and inner vows.
Pray for separation of the abused from that of the abuser. Instruct her/his spirit to
forget that union. Loose the body, soul and spirit from the abuser.


Dear Lord Jesus, ________________ has been sinned against. I ask You to
communicate to his/her heart that IT WAS NOT HIS/HER FAULT.

Although bad things have happened to him/her, he/she him/herself is not bad. He/She
did not "make" the abuser hurt Him/her. He/She did it of his/her own accord.

Jesus, speak the truth into his/her heart; help him/her to know that You truly love
him/her with a clean, non-abusive kind of love. You have not rejected or abandoned
him/her. Let the pure, living water of Your presence now flow through his/her whole
being. Thank you, Jesus, that You know exactly how close You can get to him/her
without frightening him/her.

Thank You for not violating his/her personal boundaries. Cleanse him/her from the
inside and from the outside. Wash away the defilement with wave upon wave of Your
love. Wash away the smells, the sounds, the sensations.

Clothe him/her with Your truth and righteousness. Cleanse and refresh him/her
conscience. Separate his/her spirit from the one who abused him/her.

Father, this experience has shattered his/her trust and he/she now finds it very difficult
to trust or believe anybody. Together we now implore You to start the process of
rebuilding that broken trust.

We submit to You those behavioural patterns which have developed over the years
and which do not lead to Life. These wrong ways have caused much hurt to him/herself
as well as to others. We now ask You to deal with them, Lord.

Minister to the areas of fear, loneliness, weariness, confusion and anger. In the place
of those things we ask You to give him/her Your comfort which he/she is longing for
with his/her whole being. We submit to You all the anger towards ______________
because they did not protect him/her (because they did not want to believe him/her,
etc.). Replace it with Your peace and the truth of how You see him/her.
May he/she come to know his/her identity as Your precious child. Let the eyes of
his/her spirit man see You, how proud You are of him/her for coming to You, and how
You delight in his/her presence.

Show him/her the people in his/her life who are worthy of his/her trust. Bring comfort
and healing to the bruised and broken areas. Restore his/her relationship with You
and with ________________ (father, mother, brothers, etc.).

Together we forgive him/her for having responded physically. Forgive him/her for any
judgements, condemnation, as well as for having despised his/her own body. Father,
You have made us to respond. Let his/her spirit man know that You do not condemn
him/her. It was not his/her fault - his/her body was created that way. It was a natural

His/Her "NO" was not listened to. His/Her personal boundaries were not respected.
Please release him/her from any sense of guilt, Lord.

May Your glory protect and hide him/her and continue to bring healing to him/her.

Thank You, Jesus, that You care!

Lecture 11


(Additional information on ministering to Homosexuals available from Kanaan Ministries)

There are two forms of homosexuality:

1. The tendency that appears from childhood (deeply rooted problems).

2. Those who are drawn in later in their lives, through rape, jail / army experience,
bi-sexual contact, etc.

The Church will increasingly confront this problem, because the world advocates this
lifestyle. This is humanistic because there is no absolute concept: There is no right or

In the USA the Gay Rights Movement is a very strong political power. In Dallas there is
the Metropolitan Community Church that say they are born again and can serve Jesus
and be gay!


Homosexuals have perverse minds. They try to convince everyone that they themselves
are right. They want to force others to think like them.


You must speak the truth according to the Word of God.
You must prove from scripture what God's standard of righteousness is.
By hearing God's Word they must be convinced that homosexuality is sin.
Without this conviction there is no deliverance.


You must minister healing and deliverance.
Restoration must take place.
Give much love, empathy and patience until
the person is able to lead a normal life again.
Lev. 18:22
Deut. 22:5.
Deut. 23: 17, 18

LEV. 20:13 13 If a man lies with a male as if he were a woman, both men have
committed an offense (something perverse, unnatural, abhorrent, and detestable);
they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

1 COR. 6: 9, 10 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not
inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither
the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in
10 Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor
foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have
any share in the kingdom of God.

They did not glorify God and give Him thanksgiving:

ROM. 1: 24-27 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to
sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning
them to the degrading power of sin],
25 Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).
26 For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and
degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural
and abnormal one,
27 And the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set
ablaze (burning out, consumed) with lust for one anothermen committing
shameful acts with men and suffering in their own bodies and personalities the
inevitable consequences and penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray, which
was [their] fitting retribution.


1. God created male and female and said Be

fruitful and multiply! (Gen. 1:27).

2. He created them to be one flesh (Gen. 1:28; 2:24).

3. Homosexuality is a result of rebellion against God (Rom. 1:

21-27). Man has chosen to live a lie and God has turned them over to their
perverse lust. It was His judgment upon mankind. Homosexuality
lowers/degrades man.
God created natural man - male/female.

4. Homosexuality is a rebellion against that which is natural; to surrender to the

unnatural is perversity.
In this practice anal and oral sex take place. The mouth was not created as a sex
organ! In the deliverance of homosexuals you have to do with a spirit of perversity
(Gen.19; Judges 19).

Linked to homosexuality is terrible violence (they have been very hurt so they are
very angry) and contempt for life of man (degraded). The flesh must be


The person wants to accept Jesus, but does not want to sacrifice his "homosexual"
lifestyle. Now what?

1. I cannot help that I've been made this way - God made me like this.

Answer: God has never made anyone like this - you became like this. DNA inside
every person determines everything about your body (computer print out). This DNA
exactly reflects your gender (male / female), which, in turn, correlates with your sexual
organs. God never makes a mistake!

2. I have the right to satisfy my sexual needs.

Answer: The homosexual" who really commits himself to one person is very rare.

The Word teaches us that our sexual needs may only be fulfilled in the marriage
relationship. The marriage bed must be undefiled. Aids is the result of multiple sex
partners. There are many sex partners, because it is not love, but lust. They think it is
love, because they struggle with rejection.

3. I will undergo a sex change and change my body.

Answer: You can change your body but that cannot change your heart. Sin does not
lie in the body, but in the heart. It is there that you have to deal with sin. A sex
change is a life of lies. The DNA of your body remains the way it was created.

4. I can serve God even though I am homosexual. God accepts me as I


Answer: It is deception. Teach person the character of God and point out Gods
standards. God loves you, but He does not accept your sin. He is a just God and judges
sin. You do not serve God but you serve your flesh.


These people know that theyre doing wrong. They may hate it, but they dont know how
to get free. They feel trapped. You, as counsellor, have to encourage these people and
point out to them that God can and will deliver them. Homosexuality is a choice. It is
influenced by parents, family members, circumstances, etc.



JER. 6:13 13 For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is
given to covetousness (to greed for unjust gain); and from the prophet even to the
priest, everyone deals falsely.

When needs are not met, people turn to greed (sex, drugs, food, etc.)

2. No father relationship (no communication, fear, absent father, etc.).

3. Problems with sexual identity, e.g. the mother wanted little girl and dressed
the boy like a little girl with ribbons in his hair, etc. Family members tease the
boy - mommy's boy, sissy, etc. OR The father wanted a boy; the girl tries
everything to be like a boy to win her father's love.



There is an unfulfilled need due to a lack of love and acceptance. These people look for
love and acceptance as a result of the rejection out of which they come.


Most of them reject themselves and want to be someone else. They reject their own
sex roles and their own sex.


They have a terrible fear of a normal relationship. They do not know how to react.
They also have a terrible fear of further rejection. They expect rejection in every
relationship they have. When a son fears his father, he also fears manhood.


They will rather tell a lie so that you will accept them, because they are so afraid of

With this lifestyle of deception they lose their integrity. They will also deceive other
people without any feelings of guilt (even counselors). Be sensitive to the leading of the
Holy Spirit. Prophesy integrity over these people.


You also have to do with an unclean spirit, namely a spirit of perversity.

6. There is usually also a strong spirit of SELF PITY.


1. Look for the roots of rebellion - childhood, attitude towards parents, school, etc.
How did it manifest?

2. Restore broken relationships in the home. They must be willing for


3. Minister in the areas of rejection and fear of rejection.

4. Assist them to get total acceptance of their new sex role; total acceptance
of self in sexual role; new self-image; must accept themselves as God has made
them. [Always anger against God - why am I like this?] Restoration is

5. Renew the mind and be finished with sin. Hate sin.

6. Change lifestyle, including dress.


Never reject or condemn these people, but understand

why they have become like this. Walk in love and

Lecture 12


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Addictions are those things we do to try to numb our pain, avoid suffering and
comfort ourselves. Unfortunately, addictions never heal, fill or comfort us, but instead
they defile and control our lives. We will inevitably reap the personal, familial, and
social destruction they sow, without the merciful healing of God.

II COR 1: 3-4(a) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father
of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles...

Although most of us immediately think of drugs and alcohol when we hear the word
"addiction", we are a people prone to various substitutes for the love, comfort and
healing we seek. This lesson explores the broader subject of addiction from an inner
healing point of view, and offers understanding of the roots which underlie every


A pathological relationship to any mood-altering experience that has

life-damaging consequences.

A "death-style", common in many nations, based on feelings of a lack of

worth and lived by those who believe they must achieve and perform to
be acceptable.

A way of avoiding life.

A pain-killing substitute for legitimate (and illegitimate) suffering.

- To suffer legitimately we must feel as bad as things are really
- Illegitimate suffering can be caused by worrying too much,
taking on burdens the Lord has not required, and the tensions
inherent in performance orientation and parental inversion.


Drug addiction.
Food addiction.
Sexual addiction.
Relationship addiction.
Exercise addiction.
Gambling addiction.
Adrenaline addiction (excitement).
Shopping / Spending addiction.
Addiction to religion (rather than to God).
Addiction to misery.
To giving or taking abuse.

All help us to avoid facing the circumstances of our lives in

other words HIDING PLACES!



Parents convey addictive values

- "Image" is more important than genuineness.
- Delusion is preferable to reality.
- Power more important than unity, corporateness.
- Quick fixes better than problem solving.

NOTE: One expert calls this process "soul murder", the squelching of the child's true
self in Jesus Christ. These values wither the spirit as well.

Parents send a barrage of messages about what children must do to

please them
- "Don't be angry!"
- "Don't be selfish!"
- "Be nice!"
- "Don't cry!"
- Underlying message is, "Don't be yourself. Be someone who will
make me feel better, or I won't accept you."

The child learns to squelch genuine emotions and perceptions and erect a false self,
along with hurt, anger, rage and, ultimately, judgement.

Parents offer little nurture and discipline

- Not enough affection, touch.
- Lack of boundaries and consistency in discipline.

Lack of teaching and modeling

- Children become like their parents.

II CORINTHIANS 12:14 Now for the third time I am ready to come to visit you.
And I will not burden you financially, for it is not your money that I want but you;
for children are not duty bound to lay up store for their parents, but
parents for their children.

Generational dysfunctions (sin)


Addictive false belief systems

- "Image" is more important than who we are.
- We should be perfect (performance orientation).
- We are not enough the way we are.
- There are magic solutions to life's problems - quick fixes.

The addictive personality:

- Perfectionism, striving
- Need to control
- Sense of powerlessness

- Approval-seeking.
- Hypersensitivity to criticism.

- Fear of rejection.
- Desire for isolation

- Shame, anger.
- Emotional numbness.

Absence of good coping skills

- Few role models.
- Tolerant communities and societies.
Unmet emotional, social and spiritual needs
- Unconditional acceptance or love.
- Intimacy.
- Corporateness.

Lack of support
- Broken and dysfunctional families.


They offer us:

A feeling of relief from isolation and a sense of belonging.
Distraction from our negative feelings - insulates us from despair,
while actually creating more despair.
Pseudo-pleasure - we can "lose" ourselves.
An illusion of control - power.
Constant crisis - telling us we are alive.
Predictability - things seem simpler, when actually we are complicating
our lives.
Image enhancement - we feel more acceptable.
Suspended animation - we are frozen in time, and thus don't need to



1. A sense of belonging/intimacy

MARK 9:41 For I tell you truly, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink
because you belong to and bear the name of Christ will by no means fail to get
his reward.

2. Meaning and purpose

EPHESIANS 2:10 For we are Gods own handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus,
that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should
walk in them.

3. Fun and creative play (joy)

JOHN 15:11 I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in
you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and

4. Control and power

JOHN 14:12 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly
believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do
even greater things than these, because I go to the Father.

5. Vitality and life

JOHN 3:16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He gave
up His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but
have eternal life.

6. Consistency

ECCLESIASTES 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also

has planted eternity in mens hearts and minds, yet so that men cannot find out
what God has done from the beginning to the end.

7. Acceptance and worth

EPHESIANS 1:3-6 May blessing be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly realm! Even as He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the
world, that we should be holy and blameless in His sight, even above reproach,
before Him in love. For He foreordained us to be adopted as His own children
through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will - to the praise
and the commendation of His glorious grace, which He so freely bestowed on
us in the Beloved.

We strive to get through our addictions what Jesus desires to give us through


1. Obsession
- You can't stop thinking about it.
- It consumes much time, energy and attention.
- It becomes a "necessity".

2. Negative consequences
- The behaviour turns against you; immediate pleasure and relief in
the short term, but pain, grief and more problems in the long run,
affecting many areas of life.

- Relationships: Withdraws from family and friends; disinclination

to intimacy; keeps distance; distrust.

- Work: Loses productivity; lower quality.

- Finances: Less money for necessities.

- Psychological health: Irritability; defensiveness; loss of esteem

and confidence; guilt and shame.

- Judgement and behaviour: Foolish, selfish and self-centered.

- Physical health: Increasing stress; ulcers; high blood pressure;

loss of sleep; fatigue; anorexia; bulimia; extreme physical
problems when substances are involved.

3. Lack of control
- Unable to stop behaviour despite good intentions.

4. Denial
- That the behaviour is out of control.
- That the negative consequences are in any way connected to the


1. Absolute denial - "No, I don't have a problem!"

2. Minimizing - "It's not that bad."
3. Avoiding - "I don't know what you're talking about!" OR "I don't want to
talk about it!"
4. Blaming others - "If they weren't...I wouldn't be..."
5. Rationalizing or intellectualizing - "It's not as bad as..." OR "Be glad I


An addict's rationalization may be so convincing that we question our own

Denial allows an addict to feel okay and in control - when reality invades,
the walls go up.


Stage one: Infatuation

- The drug or behavior leaves a positive imprint.
- It provides a welcome effect.

Stage two: honeymoon
- Under stress we seek out the remembered experience for comfort
and relief.

Stage three: betrayal

- The behaviour no longer offers the same high as before.

Stage four: "on the rocks"

- Ignoring the evidence, we try to recapture the honeymoon by
increasing involvement.

Stage five: trapped

- We try to resist, but the grip tightens.

ROMANS 6:12 Let not sin therefore rule as king in your mortal bodies, to make
you yield to its cravings and be subject to its lusts and evil passions.


Many people have more than one addiction - several go hand in hand.
- Sexual addiction and substance abuse.
- Anorexia/bulimia and compulsive exercise.
- Spending addiction and workaholism.
- Gambling and overeating.

Getting rid of one addiction frequently forms another.

Changing behaviour does not cure an addiction.

Healing the source, or root, will cure the addict.

Unhealed factors in the heart continually and insistently resurrect sinful

passions and practices which then demand expression.

The source of the addiction lies within us. It is "DIS-EASE".


- Help the person break through the patterns of denial and admit
there really is a problem - requires loving confrontation to see
- Search for roots: Explore wounds, belief systems and judgment.
HEBREWS 12:15 Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look, to see that
no one falls back from and fails to secure Gods grace, in order that no root of
resentment shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many
become contaminated and defiled by it.

LUKE 6:46,48 Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not practice what I tell you?
He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a
foundation upon the rock; and when a flood arose, the torrent broke against that
house and could not shake or move it, because it had been securely built or founded
on a rock.

Forgiveness, confession, repentance

- Forgive those who taught addictive family values.
- Confess the sin of lust for those things Jesus chooses to give us by
- Choose to make real changes in behaviour.

ROMANS 12:9 Let your love be sincere; hate what is evil, but hold fast to that
which is good.

- In the Name of Jesus, bind and cast out any demonic influence
which may have entered in through the door of sinful addictive
behaviour - do silently or aloud as the Spirit leads.

MATTHEW 18:18 Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be
improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven,
and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is
already permitted in heaven.

Discipline to walk in a new way

NOTE: Chemical addiction presents an added problem in the healing process.

Because of denial and the impairing effects of chemical substances on the abuser, it
is important to discontinue counselling from an inner healing point of view until a
person has successfully completed a treatment program, and lived drug-free for an
agreed-upon period of time.


(Assuming this counselee has been through treatment and is being honest about not
using ______________.) Lord, I ask You to meet _____________ in this addiction.
As he has committed himself to finding the wounds that made him vulnerable to
addiction, I ask that You come alongside and carry the overwhelming part of this load.
In particular I ask that You control one craving or the other; either the emotional
craving or the physical craving. Lord, stand between, so they both are not allowed
to come at the same time.

Strengthen his spirit to do the hard work of healing: of identifying the structures and
patterns that led to this point. Help him forgive the ones he needs to forgive and
receive the forgiveness he needs to receive. Guide us who are his friends so that we
may support without encouraging dependency. Help us be the church to this one and
to be family and friends through whom You can bring him to the measure of the
fullness of the stature of Christ that You designed him to be.

Grant him the wisdom to know when to ask for help and when he doesn't really
need it. I ask You to minister to the fear, the loneliness and the insecurity. Speak
the truth to his spirit when he feels himself weaken. I ask that Your holy angels go with
him; protect and secure each step of progress. Thank you for walking through the
Valley of the Shadow of Death with _____________. Help him build new
structures and practices that glorify You.

IMPORTANT: These sample prayers are not formulas; rather, they offer ideas and
direction. Be led by the Holy Spirit, and use the substance of these prayers as a guide.
Also, please acknowledge these prayers as sample narratives, in which gender-
exclusive references are used as they would be used in a real situation. For this reason,
some prayers will be directed to a female and others to a male. All are interchangeable.


JER. 6:13 13 For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is
given to covetousness (to greed for unjust gain); and from the prophet even to the
priest, everyone deals falsely.

When needs are not met, people turn to greed (sex, drugs, food, etc.)


Acceptance Performance, slave-mentality

Purpose Performance
Security Sexual sins; food; controlling
Nurturing First Stage of Development: Sexual sins;
masturbation; food; alcohol; smoking.
Joy Drugs; food; treats; alcohol

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit meet EVERY need.


Receptors False comforts Demon over addiction (demanding

demanding Triggers & Thoughts constant worship)
stimulation of LIES Fears:
specific chemicals / Can I live without this?
neuro-transmitters. What will happen to me if I leave /
loose this?
LIES! (False comforts)



Balanced diet Petition for Deliverance (destroy

Exercise stage of altars of worship,
Vitamins & development oaths, vows)
supplements need to be Lie exposed, replace
fulfilled! with truth.
Change thought Address spirit of fear.
patterns (trigger Replace fear bonds
identified) with love bonds
Father+Jesus+ Holy
Spirit = Comforter

Lecture 13


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Unfortunately, in an earnest desire to heal, Christians
have unwittingly done things which torment rather than
ease depressed people. The Body of Christ must learn
what not to do in their efforts to truly help those suffering
from depression, as well as what can be done.

PROV 25:20 Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar
poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

Helping people in depression requires an understanding what they are and are not able
to do. Many Christians believe that depression is sinful in that it denies the hope
and joy of the Lord in their lives. But depressed people are not at fault for their
condition; they truly cannot help themselves.

In this lesson we will learn what not to do as well as what to do to help those in
depression. Because they haven't the strength to believe for themselves, we must
have hope for them. Before inner healing can begin, we must help to bring the
depressed person back to life again.


A condition in which the personal spirit has died to the capacity to function, in
terms of its ability to supply energy for life. Like an extinguished pilot light - we
can turn the knobs, but nothing happens. Their inner reservoir is empty; they are
emotionally bankrupt. They are like a patient rolled into the operational theatre:
All hope is placed in the doctor; they cannot revive themselves.

A sign of weakness.
A lack of faith.
Something we are at fault for.
The result of negative thinking.


We all experience despondency, which is not the same as true depression.

The despondent person:
- Knows there are things to do that will help, such as music, exercise,
- Hopes for better times.

- Still has confidence in self - "I will be able to do this tomorrow."
- Is affected only emotionally and psychologically.

The depressed person

- Knows that nothing will help (counsellor: listen to
suicidal threats!).
- Knows that tomorrow will be as black as today - has lost
all hope.
- Knows he cannot fix it.
- Is affected chemically, physically, as well as
psychologically. There is always chemical imbalance,
thus counsellors should never countermand prescribed


When a counselee tells you he/she is depressed, believe it.

Behaviour - watch for withdrawal, general listlessness, inability to take
teasing, pressure, challenges, criticism, workloads.
Appearance - eyes have lost their sparkle, shoulders sag, hair and skin
have no luster.


Many things that you can do or say to cheer up a despondent person, you have to avoid
at all costs when working with a depressive person.

Don't tell them to "Cheer up!"

Don't invite them to parties, celebrations.
Don't preach to or teach their minds cannot concentrate.
Don't give advice (self-help books, diets, exercises, time management
Don't do deliverance.
Don't take them to prayer meetings, worship services, etc.
Don't take them to comedies.
Don't take them on strenuous endeavours like hiking, swimming, etc.
Don't ask them to begin private devotions.
Don't take them places like ballgames, theatres, ballet.
Don't heal memories.


Don't visit for long periods.

Don't smile all the time.
Don't stand while the other sits.
Don't invade their personal space.
Don't attempt group ministry.
Don't counsel in closed quarters.
Don't be uncertain about your ability to help.
Don't explain or talk too long.
Don't let them measure success or failure by signs or feelings.
Don't pray, "If it be thy will" - healing is His will.
Don't pray for long times or end the session in prayer.
Don't say "you can" or "I can tell you how".
Don't lay your hands on the persons head.
Don't ask the person to make decisions about the next appointment.


Commiserate - weep with them. Dont say, I know how you feel,
because you dont.
" no energy... can't stand people... guilty... everyone says cheer
up and try... you know it's impossible... you know tomorrow will be black
like today."

ROM 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, sharing others joy, and weep with those
who weep, sharing others grief.

Express confidence - tell them you know exactly what to do:

- "You will be healed."
- "You don't have to have faith." (Luke 5: 17-20 where the mans
friends lowered him through the roof they had faith FOR him.)
- "I know you will begin to feel better."
LUKE 5: 17, 20 One of those days, as He was teaching, there were Pharisees and
teachers of the Law sitting by, who had come from every village and town of Galilee
and Judea and from Jerusalem.
And the power of the Lord was with Him to heal them. And when He saw their
confidence in Him, springing from their faith, he said, Man, your sins are forgiven you!

Pray simply, vividly - rekindle the "pilot light" of their spirit.

Express your desire to "choose" them - "I want to see you again."

Make specific dates to meet - do not expect them to come to you.

- Pick them up if necessary.
- Keep appointments.

Remember to always walk in integrity, which was the character of

- Do not release them too soon. (If you have to stop the counseling
for whatever reason, then make arrangements with another
counselor with whom they will feel safe to continue the counseling
- Enlist others to help you pray (apart from the depressed person) -
no "wailers".
- Help with daily practical matters - help to rediscover hobbies, re-
awaken interest in life.

Note changes, affirm, compliment

- Encourage them to begin doing things they like.

Maintain relationship
- If transference occurs, don't cut them off.
- Don't judge by what ears hear.

NOTE: After a depressed person has begun to take hold of life again, then it is time to
begin to get at the root causes which drove them into depression in the first place.
Inner healing help for ministering to these wounds will be found in other lessons.


Performance orientation = an attitude failure to earn love, whether by

performing "correctly" or not, leads to discouragement and ultimately to
- Acceptance of lies: I must do right, then I will be loved.
- Striving to win acceptance
- Doing the right things for wrong reasons.

- Needs to succeed
- Needs to be complimented
- Cannot receive criticism
- Compulsively defensive
- Controlling
- Lonely

Hidden guilt, fear.

Inability to forgive self, others.

Childhood wounds, repressed or forgotten:

- Deprivation of affection.
- Early loss - divorce, separation, abandonment.
- Adoption.
- Death.

Judgements, angers get tired, because much energy is needed to

keep all the rubbish inside person becomes a rubbish bin.

Prenatal and birth trauma (child after a miscarriage)

- Being a "replacement child".

Loss of job, retirement, drastic changes.

Death of mate or divorce. SHOCK!

- Depression after birth you have lost a part of you.

Physical/psychic trauma:
- Post-partum experience.
- Loss of limb, hysterectomy.
- You lost what was part of you.

Sustained travel.
- You constantly feel like you want to go home. The physical home sustains
the spirit.

Chemical imbalance.
- Medication can be helpful it makes them feel like we feel when we are fit.


[Counsellor: When you pray, do not put the person back into Gods hands he/she will
feel abandoned because they have no faith for themselves.]

Father, I ask you to come into the darkness that is ______________'s life right now. All
his/her energies, spiritual, emotional, and physical, are used up. Lord,
_____________ has called out to You and heard no answer. Nothing changed. So
now, everything has come to a standstill; there is no more will to try. There is no
hope, no point to life.
I ask You, Lord, to come and rekindle the pilot light of _____________'s spirit. Little by
little, and at a pace he/she can bear, increase Your light and energize his/her spirit.
Jesus, come and let the warmth of Your presence flow from the center of his/her being
outward. He/She may not feel any immediate difference - that's okay. I know, Lord, in
time, the good feelings will come.

Father, I ask that You bless _______________'s sleep so that rest reaches deep into
the exhaustion of his/her bones. Begin the renewal process. Lord, I ask You in faith
and confidence to do this for _________________ .



PS 88:1-8 - O Lord, the God who saves me, day and night I cry out before you. May
my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry. For my soul is full of trouble and
my life draws near the grave. I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am
like a man without strength. I am set apart with the dead, like the slain who lie in the
grave, whom you remember no more, who are cut off from your care. You have put me
in the lowest pit, in the darkest depths.
Your wrath lies heavily upon me; you have overwhelmed me with all your waves. You
have taken me from my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am
confined and cannot escape.

PS 88:15 - From my youth I have been afflicted and close to death; I have suffered
your terrors and am in despair.

PS 88:18 - You have taken my companions and loved ones from me; the darkness is
my closest friend.

PROV 25:20 - Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar
poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

LAM 3:6-9 - He has made met dwell in darkness like those long dead. He has walled
me in so I cannot escape; he has weighed me down with chains. Even when I call out
or cry for help, he shuts out my prayer. He has barred my way with blocks of stone; he
has made my paths crooked.


LUKE 5:17-20 - One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who
had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem, were sitting
there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. Some men came
carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before
Jesus... When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."

ROM 12:15 - Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.


Anyone ministering to people in depression must learn to respect and observe medical
counsel, advice and prescriptions. Depression is both emotional and spiritual;
because we wish to minister to spiritual aspects of the condition does not mean that
medical treatment is unnecessary or undesirable. In our approach to the problem of
depression, we are not in any way invalidating any medical model for treatment. On the
contrary, the two approaches work effectively to bring a depressed person back to life,
ministering to the needs of the flesh and the spirit.



Weak immune system No pathways to Prison of:

due to amount of joycamp Despair, hopelessness,
repressed memories Inability to receive fear
(> Endorphin levels) truth (easily) LIES demons attached
(low seretonin levels) Wrong thought- Isolation & Abandonment
patterns blocking


Anti- ? Connect with Deliverance of

depressants memories (emotions lies (prison
initially (if major release; lies place)
depression / low exposed) Forgiveness
functioning) ? New thought patterns
Vitamins (Prime 1)Identify triggers
1) Bs 2) Recognize pathway
Balanced diet 3) Willfully get new
Exercise pathway (The Word)

Detoxifies your system / Cry tears bottled up inside / Scream the scream you should
have screamed it sweeps away stress chemicals.

There are many types of deaths to be dealt with, each having its own issues:
Infant death
Death due to tragic accidents
Serious illness
Death of older persons
Romantic Break-up
Close friendships

1. Agree with God that it is all right for this person to be gone.

2. Deal with guilt over past relationships or unfinished business.

3. Release from any bonding to the person.

4. Cope with the pain of separation.

5. Allow yourself to grieve.

Steps to Healing of Grief:

Acknowledge the truth of what happened.

Allow yourself to feel the pain.

Experience Jesus in the separation event.

Give your pain and damaged emotions to Him.


This can wound a person even more than the normal death of a loved one since it
involves the choice of a living person to abandon his or her family.

There is the pain of loss as well as the pain of rejection. Added to this is usually a
burden of guilt over how things might have gone differently.

With these kinds of separation there are underlying spiritual principles or laws that have
been violated.

The consequences of the sin of that event and those sins that led up to it must be dealt
with thoroughly.

Suicide carries even more pain. It is so final. The act of suicide is inherently anti-
relational and can produce gaping personal wounds.

Unanswered questions abound: How could Daddy just leave us like that?

This kind of pain is the most intense kind of anguish, wounding and anger.

Both grieving and forgiving often takes longer. Self-forgiveness and forgiveness of God
for allowing the events may be especially difficult.

(These are very important guidelines, because many people do not know how to and
sometimes never work through grief.)

Recommended reading on handling grief:

Minute Meditations for Healing and Hope Emily Barnes

Shattered Dreams Larry Crabb
The Pressures off Larry Crabb
Where is God when it hurts Philip Yancey
Pain, Perplexity and Promotion Bob Sorge
Intimate Friendship with God Joy Dawson
Experiencing God Henry T. Blackaby
On Mission with God Henry T. Blackaby
The Winning Attitude John C. Maxwell
The Purpose-Driven Life Rick Warren
Most important of all: THE BIBLE!

Lecture 14


(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

We are to offer agape love to those to whom we minister. Sometimes, however,
counselees may begin to see life only in the affirmation and nurture they receive
from their counsellor. They may talk about Jesus, but their relationship with Him is
largely represented by the flesh-and-blood person they have learned to depend on
you for understanding, comfort and healing.

GAL 6: 1-2 ...Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should
restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each
other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.

The relationship between the wounded and those who minister healing to them is the
subject of this lesson. The inevitability of closeness and intimacy between
counsellor and counselee requires a close look at some of the common problems
that can occur. Inappropriate attachments, dependencies and the confusion of
transference relationships are discussed at length, and insights offered as to the
counsellors role in managing these conditions and responding in Godly ways.


Whereas secular counsellors are trained to be detached, Christian counsellors are

called to meet people, heart to heart, mind-to-mind and spirit-to-spirit.


Some people need love with skin on it, so they attach to us rather than to Jesus. This
should only be a temporary situation. We are to be transparent, so they can look
beyond us to the Lord.


Formed for blood-brother covenantal relationships or friendship.

- A type of blood covenant fore patterned by Jesus.
Danger: Such spiritual closeness can move into spiritual
adultery, empathetic burden-bearing defilement, and/or idolatry.
Gen 15; 17: 1-7.

Formed for learning.

- A blessing so we can grow in faith and knowledge, but...
Danger: Can become idolatrous. Deut 13: 1-5;
I John 4:1; II Tim 3: 6-7.

Formed for healing.
- We are gifts for the healing of others.
Danger: Counsellor can seem to be the "only one" who can help.

PROV 13: 15(a) Good understanding wins favour...

Formed for kinship, sense of family, sense of belonging.

Danger: Isolationism, exclusivity.

EPH 3: 14-15 For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, for Whom ever family in heaven and on earth is named.

Formed for sexual intimacy, and from "chemistry".

Danger: There is no good in this kind of attachment - no basis for marriage.


When a counselee projects onto the counsellor (pastor, etc.) various unresolved
relationships - to mothers, fathers, siblings, lovers, etc. - and tries to work them out
in relation to that counsellor.


A counselee who has had difficulty in a close friendship may consider the
counsellor his/her one and only friend.

A counselee who has poor family ties sees the counsellor as father or mother.

A counselee who has had unsatisfactory sexual relations with a spouse may come to
the counsellor with sexual desires and may even have sexual dreams about the

Any blend of the above or any other unresolved relationships. These people hang
onto counsellors for their salvation.


The counselee...
seems to have too high an opinion of the counsellor.
wants or asks for "special relationship".
begins to invent problems.
invites counsellor to social occasions. [Its best to turn it down courteously.]

exhibits typical signs of infatuation, e.g. longing looks, touching, flirtation, double
bind situations (says something that has a double meaning).


Be aware of it - wisdom is protection to the man who has it.

ECCL 7:12 For wisdom is a defence even as money is a defence, but the
excellency of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the life of him who
has it.

Remember that transference is not sin; rather, it is confusion.

When possible, talk about it.

- It dispels the confusion, and sets the counselee at rest.

Do not reject the counselee.

Do not respond in kind - remain detached.

Keep your heart and mind clear.

Pray prayers of cleansing for yourself.

Inform your spouse when a counselee enters into transference - talk as much as
possible without breaking confidence.

NOTE: A transference relationship is always from weaker vessel to stronger. These

relationships are never stable; it is the responsibility of the counsellor to monitor and
set boundaries.


When individuation occurs.

- The counselee might pick up a fight with you.

When the counselee begins to be able to handle things that he/she previously
could not handle.

When the counselee begins to say things like, "I don't need you anymore, do I?"


When the counsellor responds in kind to the dependency of a counselee in


This relationship is filled with projection.

When it occurs, there is no salvation for the relationship - it must end at once!


When the counsellor...

begins to think he/she is the only one that can help this person.
begins to invent more time to counsel with the person.
finds reasons to visit with the person outside the office, seeking private places.
has dreams and waking fantasies.
experiences trouble with prayer and sex life at home with spouse.
inability to hear warnings.


Share and confess with spouse or trusted friend.

- Talk it out.
Transfer counselee to another counsellor.

Break off relationship completely.

NOTE: Transferences can occur between members of the same sex, i.e. a woman
counselee looking for a mother.


Lord, I ask You to meet those who have attached to me. Father, gently but firmly take
those attachments and connect them directly to You, the source of true life. Take both
those I know about and those who may have quietly attached in the spirit without my
knowing. May they draw life from You instead. Be with me, Lord, and keep me close to
Your heart that I might be an accurate representation to those who need "Jesus with
skin on". Be quick to call me to account or correction so that I am a clear stream from
which to drink.

Continue to teach me regarding boundaries - theirs and mine! Help me to know what
safe boundaries are. Grant me wisdom and an ability to hear from You, and trusted
others, where and when to draw a line for someone else.

Bring to death any need in me to be needed or to hold some special place in another's
life. (Name and renounce any other needs the Lord reveals that might cloud the
counselling relationship and lead to unhealthy attachments and transferences.)

Grant me the grace to deal with the transferences that do come. Grant me the wisdom
to recognize them as they are happening so that this time might remain a safe "phase"
in the healing process. Help me not to get caught up in them, or to respond in
wounding ways. When transference occurs, grant me Your patience and love and use
it as You see fit to continue healing. Rescue me from believing that I am all the
wonderful things others say I am and seem to need me to be. Give me and all those
You put in my path of ministry the ability to see ourselves as You see us.


Attachments and transferences should not take us by surprise, as they are commonly a
part of the counselling process. We must view every aspect of our relationship with
those we help as a sacred trust from God, and ask for His sensitivity both in
recognizing and handling these issues when they come up.
As counsellors, we must continually turn to God, friends and family for the support and
encouragement we require. If relationships with our spouses are in need of repair,
we must tend to them, for our husbands and wives are God's gift to protect our
hearts. If we are single, we should submit ourselves to close friends who can pray to
keep us on track.

Married or single, we must continually pray that the Lord work in our own lives,
healing areas of insecurity in our hearts that may leave us vulnerable to the
temptations and deceptions in inappropriate attachments and transference

Lecture 15

(Excerpts taken from Basic School for the Ministry of Christian Counseling
Elijah House. Personal Additions also made.)

Sharing is not in itself adulterous. In Christ, we all need to learn to share the concerns of
our hearts, more openly and accurately the more we mature in Christ. But spiritual
adultery occurs whenever, in the course of sharing, we grant to another than our
spouse that position of comfort and refreshment which belongs first and
sometimes only to him or her.

GEN 2:18 ... The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a
helper suitable for him."

This lesson discusses the roots of spiritual adultery, its symptoms, and the danger it
poses to both marriage and service to God when allowed to continue. It also focuses on
what to do when spiritual adultery occurs in the counselling relationship, and suggests
appropriate responses by the spouse and the Church.

Assented to, spiritual adultery inevitably leads to physical adultery.


Giving to another person the position of comforter and refresher that belongs uniquely
to your spouse.

Can you find comfort at home with your spouse? Do you look for a mother, a lover,
attention or flattery outside of marriage?

These things must be brought to death!


God wants the Body to learn how to be safely and intimately corporate with one

Corporateness moves us from individualism and isolation to interdependence - from

"I" thinking to "we" thinking.

Corporateness is NOT co-dependency, which caters to the worst in us, but a unity of
heart which allows us to up build one another in Christ.


A gifted and anointed pastor, teacher or evangelist begins to do more than the Lord

He begins to minister constantly, sacrificing even his sabbaths "for the Lord."

A distance grows between him and his wife; from fear of breaking confidentiality,
he stops sharing, and soon stops talking at all.

Because they no longer talk, their sex life lacks the glory it should have.

He becomes emotionally starved and thirsty.

He longs for touch.

He begins to talk with a church worker, a secretary or a counselee.

Through his sharing, he comes alive emotionally, while dying in his spirit - he has
given his wife's role to another.

People warn him about the danger in this relationship; he doesn't listen and becomes
totally deluded.

He thinks he has found "real" love and moves into physical adultery.

NOTE: Spiritual adultery, if not stopped, inevitably leads to full physical adultery.

He knows he has violated the law, but he feels good - this confuses him.

His "anointing" increases - this is very confusing - (God is wooing him back).

He now lives in fear of discovery.

He also desires discovery and begins to do things subconsciously designed to get

himself caught.


If his wife is a Christian, she forgives and stands by him.

He then opens up and talks to her.

As a result of confession and their restored communication, both believe he's learned
his lesson and is a changed man.
In reality, he has probably experienced only remorse and sorrow, not
repentance and healing.


Insist on confession to the elders.

Put him on sabbatical - out of office.

Assign menial tasks to be done in humility.

Require counselling to ferret out all dysfunctions that created the vulnerability. (He
needs to fear God love God more than his sin and hate his sin.)

Insist that the adulterous relationship be broken off entirely.


Pray that God brings to death on the cross:

Any need to be mother or father.

Anything that draws others to those roles.

Anything in you that needs people to see you as handsome, powerful, wise, etc. (any
need for praise of man).

Any need to defile the opposite sex. Unfinished business with mothers. Hatred
for women need to defile women.

Stop counselling if your marriage is not secure and you do not have stability and
unity with your spouse.

If you are single, find trusted friends with whom you can share regularly.
- Not one friend, but many.
- People who minister to you, restore you.

Counsel in teams when possible.

- When this is not practical, ask for intercessory prayer and support for your
- Ask counselee's permission to share prayer needs with spouse or friends.

Find appropriate situations for counselling so that you are not alone.
- Counsel with door open.
- Make sure others are on the premises.

Build an inner warning system.

- Do regular spiritual self-examinations.
- Watch for warning signs of vulnerability.

Don't be an "every day" friend to your counselee: be a counsellor friend.

- No lunches, or dinner engagements.


Don't be surprised or shocked if spiritual adultery should occur in the counselling


Realize that it doesn't have to continue - it can be managed.

Know that sometimes we must provide love "with skin on it" for those who can't
receive it otherwise.

Help counselee to look past the counsellor to the Lord - the key to transparency is
death to self.

Touch the other with the kind of love that encourages them to open up to their own

Help counselee to restore relationship with spouse.

Heed warnings of your spouse and friends.


When you have become someone's lifeline for a while, do not cut off the relationship
abruptly. Many cannot stand another wound from rejection.

Sexual abuse victims are especially sensitive. Pray to protect yourself from
defilement, and continue ministering whenever possible. Set up safeguards: Tell your
spouse if you suspect someone is trying to defile you.


When you counsel someone who is in spiritual adultery with a third person:
- Ask person to stop praying for that person and turn that job over to
someone else.
- Suggest prayers for the family (children) of that person instead.

If you find yourself feeling attached to a counselee, bring in your spouse to pray
for that person and his/her family.

If you sense spiritual adultery in a relationship with a counselee, say, "One of my jobs
is to work myself out of a job."
- This puts the problem in perspective.

Remember that women tend to be more vulnerable than men to spiritual adultery. -
Men have more walls, are generally less communicative.
- Women seek corporateness, and feed on communication.


COUNSELLOR: Lord, I join with ________________ in asking You to separate his

spirit from ________________. You designed our spirits to become one and to bless
and cherish the other. But, Lord, this union was not of You, and does not glorify You or
bless his spouse. We ask You to find and capture that portion of
_________________'s spirit which is searching to bless and protect the wrong one; all
that seeking causes weariness and scatteredness and an inability to be fully present to
his spouse.

COUNSELEE: Lord, I repent for the ways I gave to another what belongs to my
spouse. I have come to recognize this as sin, and ask Your forgiveness, Lord, and I
also ask Your forgiveness, _______________ (spoken to spouse if present). I
renounce this/these spiritual tie(s) and I ask You, Lord, to cut me free, to restore me to
myself, my spouse and to You. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for not heeding those You
have put in my life to speak truth to me.

COUNSELLOR: Lord, with Your sword of truth, separate the portion(s) of

_______________'s spirit that has/have been scattered. Lord, find that portion and
hold it in Your hands; make it clean. Wash away all defilement and when You have
fully cleansed and renewed it, we ask You to restore it to a rightful place. Cause
________________'s spirit to be whole again. Pass Your hand over his spirit so there
is not even a mark. May the enemy find no ground from which to attack or confuse.
Strengthen ___________________'s spirit to be able to do the hard work needed to
restore his spouse's trust in him. Grant him grace to bear the pain of knowing, seeing,
feeling, the damage this sin has caused. Cause him to be fully present now, to be able
to cherish and nurture, and in return draw nurture from You and ______________, the
partner of covenant. Bless that covenant union. May it bring glory to You.


Our best safeguard against spiritual adultery is to share our hearts openly with
our spouses. But an occupational dilemma exists in counselling ministry: the issue of
confidentiality. How do we know when to share and when to respect the right to privacy
of those we minister to? If we solve this problem by not sharing with our spouse at all,
communication can break down entirely as we lose the ability to share in other areas of
our lives as well. Without realizing it, our hearts begin to die; our need for intimacy
makes us vulnerable to spiritual adultery.

Counselees will often respond with delight and appreciation when we ask their
permission to share certain of their prayer needs with our spouses. This is a simple and
effective way of bringing marital unity with us into our healing work with others, allowing it
to strengthen us against temptation. Or, we can share with our spouse without breaking
confidence - "I had a rough day today. Some of my counselees had tough problems."
That's enough to assure your spouse that what he/she feels in us is not his/her own, but

Lecture 16



Paper and pen.

Oil to anoint.
Tissues / toiletpaper / papertowels.
Small dirt bin.
Elements of Communion if the Lord leads you to (especially where blood has
been drunk).

[Remember: Always seal off the room from any outside contact / reinforcement
Ps 91 (Hiding place in the spirit).]




Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We
thank You that You are God Almighty and that You are The Great I Am.

We thank You that You have given us the Holy Spirit to be the Counsellor, Standby,
Advocate, Teacher, the Deliverer.

We thank You for Your Presence and for Your deliverance anointing. It will be the
anointing that will break the yoke.

Come and fill us with Your Spirit, compassion, love, discernment, word of
knowledge, wisdom, interpretation and insight.

We as Your children choose to crucify the flesh so that nothing from ourselves will be
transferred here. We clothe ourselves with Your priestly garments to fulfill the calling
You have upon our lives. Open our spiritual eyes and ears Lord.

Thank You Father, that You have given us all the power over the enemy and that
nothing shall in any way harm us. (Luke 10: 19)

We forbid any interference with the work of the Holy Spirit.

Father we come against any communication lines (according to Eph. 6 : 12 )
between, the powers, world rulers, principalities, spiritual hosts and demonic
hosts in the air, earth, heavenlies and under the earth.

We close off all entrances and exits, in the Name of Jesus Christ. We ask that all
spiritual cameras and recorders be smashed in Jesus Name.

We come against any witches, witch doctors, magicians, and wizards in the Name
of Jesus Christ. We cut off all communication with satan himself and close the doors
in the Name of Jesus.

We forbid any spirit from the outside to enter this place for whatever reason and we
forbid any evil spirit to be sent to any other place or person as a result of what
happens here.

We now forbid any reinforcement of power from the side of satan in the Name of Jesus
Christ. Lord, we ask for confusion into the enemys camp.

Father we ask You to set up Your warring angels in this room and arrest any human
spirit, dead human spirit, spirit guide, familiar spirit and remove them to become the
footstool of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We bind every evil spirit in this place and forbid any violence, manifestations, and
tormenting in the Name of Jesus Christ.

We refuse any meditation circles, isolate any power of demonic forces from each
other in the name of Jesus Christ.

We forbid and bind any hypnosis and self-hypnosis, meditation, physic powers in
the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We isolate the powers one from another in
Jesus Name.

We cleanse the 4 elements, water, air, fire and earth with the Blood of Jesus.
We ask You, Lord, to cover all mirrors with Your Blood and seal off the gateways in
Jesus Name.

We come against any spells, rituals, incantations, hexes, sacrifices, curses or

altars raised up against us and the person.

Thank You that You blow out all candles which may have been lit in rituals against us
in Jesus Name. Thank You that all curses are reversed into blessings.

Lord we ask that You seal off this room with Your Precious Blood, that You will hide
us in the Spirit and declare this room as Holy ground.
Lord we ask that You to send Your ministering angels to come and minister to us in
Jesus Name according to Heb 1: 14.

We surrender to You, Holy Spirit of God, because we know that it is not by might, nor
by power, but by Your Spirit says the Lord (Zech. 4 : 6).

We ask that You cover our loved ones and we place all circumstances under Your
control and protection (our finances, marriages, relationships, ministries). We now
bind satans kingdom here on earth just as it is bound in Heaven.

We ask You Father to prepare the heavenly courtroom and that all the demons and
familiar spirits come and take their places.

We ask You Father to be the Judge, Jesus the advocate, and the Holy Spirit the

Thank You for Your Word in Revelation 12 : 11 that says that we have overcome the
enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

In Jesus Name,

Prayer against pain (physical or emotional or


True Jesus of Nazareth I ask that You would send warrior angels to
bind any fallen angels (demons) bringing any hexes, vexes, spells, or
curses against me.

I ask that You have them bound, stripped of their power, authority,
weapons, illusions and armour and take them and all their garbage
to Your feet along with (name whatever pain you are feeling) and
anything else being sent against me. Please do so now Lord. In Your Name I pray,

Cleansing Home or Ministry

1. Fallen angels
True Lord Jesus please places a five meter perimeter of protection around this office
/ home.

Then send warrior angels to come in and bind up any fallen angels (demons) that may
be here.
Have them bound and stripped of their power, authority, weapons, illusions, and
armour and take them and anything they have sent in or brought in including any
hexes, vexes, spells, curses, incantation, witchcraft, sorcery, assignments or
Please take the fallen angels and all their garbage to Your feet. Thank You Lord.

2. Human spirits

True Lord Jesus if there are any astral projections or foreign

witchcraft human spirits in this office/home please encapsulate
them in witchcraft proof, sound proof, spiritual evil proof capsules
and return all of their fallen angels (demons) to them along with all their

Then please take the capsules to Your feet and hold them there for the time period You
allow. Please make it so they cannot send or receive anything. Please make them
deaf, dumb, and blind.

3. Openings and Objects

If there are any portals, gateways, dimensional doorways, patios, porches,

balconies or windows open anywhere in the office please bend back what is on the
backside of those things and return it back to whomever sent it.

I have no desire to hurt or harm anyone, but I have no desire to play any fallen angel or
witchcraft games.

Then Lord please destroy the portal, gateway, dimensional doorway or window.
If there are any objects in the office through which things are being sent please seal
them so nothing can be sent or received.

4. Pathways

Lord, if there are any astral pathways, tunnels, loops, tubes

or conduits here please bend them back 180 degrees, back
to whoever sent it.
Remove it completely from this office.

Again Lord, I have no desire to harm or hurt anyone I just have no desire to allow them to
cause harm or interfere.

5. Barrier of Protection

True Lord Jesus on the inside of all this please place a barrier of protection so external
witchcraft cannot get through.
Make it so they cannot hear or see anything going on or send anything to interfere.

Then Lord place a three or four meter barrier of confusion on top of everything so
that if external witchcraft tries to come in it will just get all
caught up in the confusion.

Thank You Lord. Now Lord please assign warrior angels

to be here with us to watch over and protect us.

Holy Spirit please fill this place with Your presence and
guide and direct us. I ask this in Your Name Lord.

Perimeter Prayer of Protection for


True Jesus of Nazareth I ask that You remove anything evil that has been brought or
sent into our home (or office) whether it was done accidentally or on purpose.

Since I have no desire to play fallen angel (demonic) games I ask that You place a
perimeter of protection around our home (office, car, etc.) above, below, and on all
sides, so that nothing evil may come through that protection, specifically, no fallen
angels (demons), no human spirits, no astral projections, and that no portal is
allowed within that perimeter.

I ask that You fill the space with Your Holy Spirit who brings peace and truth and with
warrior angels assigned by You to our home (office, car, etc.), in Jesus Name Amen.

Protection Prayer (For the therapist, family, people who are
important including clients)

In prayer, ask the True Jesus of Nazareth to surround you with a perimeter of protection
so no fallen angels may come within 10 yards (meters) of your body, that no person be
allowed to bring their fallen angels any closer to you than that (meaning they must be lest
outside of that perimeter). Ask that the fallen angels who do try to get any closer than
that be forced to look directly at the guardian angel(s) the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth
has assigned to you. You can pray a similar pray for your family, pets, property, vehicles,
house, office, or anything cherished by you.

Binding Prayer fallen angels

In prayer, ask the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth to bind any fallen angels and their carriers
coming against you or who are here in the room or place where you are. Ask Him to
make them deaf, dumb, and blind, stripped of all power, authority, weapons, illusions,
and armor and make their plans impotent in the spirit and in the natural. Ask that the
bound fallen angel be moved to a neutral place and that it remain quiet until it is
dismissed. Any legal right that it may claim to stay attached will need to be revoked or
renounced and then it can be sent to the feet of the true Lord Jesus for disposal.


Hexes: Sending distress against the spirit (fear, depression, etc.)

Vexes: Sending distress against the body (headaches, pain, etc.)

Spells: Sending actions (sleepiness, seduction, etc.)

Incantations: Spells that are sung or recited in a chant like form by a group.

Assignments: Special tasks assigned to individuals, like bring division within a church
or ministry or get close to married Christian men and bring them down through sexual

Claims: Rights to a specific piece of property or area or to a person.

Astral Projections: Part of the mind and spirit of a person that leaves the body.

Foreign Witchcraft Human Spirits: Part of the mind and spirit of another within
someone who leaves the body of the one they are in.

Portals (Gateways, Bridges): Spiritual doorways through which things can be sent
and/or through which things can be heard or seen.

Astral Pathways (Tunnels, conduits): A spiritual pathway from one place to another
through which things can be sent and received.


Bloodline Forgiveness

Occult Sexual sin

In the Old Testament there was no atonement for two types of sin, namely:

Any sexual contact outside of marriage

Any occultic involvement

Both types of sin are SPIRITUAL. If they were guilty committing these two types of sin,
they were stoned to death. In the New Testament the Blood of Jesus has made a way
where there was no way.

1 Thes. 5:23 23 And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and
through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to
God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and
found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

2 Cor. 7:1 1 THEREFORE, SINCE these [great] promises are ours, beloved, let us
cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit,
and bring [our] consecration to completeness in the [reverential] fear of God.

Thus, the spirit-man is blamable and can become filthy.

Demonic hooks get placed into your spirit-man and hold you back from growing in the

Remember: Depression, anger, violent temper, hatred, rebellion, etc. are only
symptoms. Always find the root.



Structure of Bondage


Mind, will 5 senses
& emotions

God works from the

inside outward

satan works from

5 senses
the outside inward

stones Legal rights
continuously creating new

2 COR. 7:1 1 THEREFORE, SINCE these [great] promises are ours, beloved, let us
cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit,
and bring [our] consecration to completeness in the [reverential] fear of God.

1 THESS. 5: 23 23 And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and
through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to
God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and
found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

MAL 2:16 16 For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital
separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. Therefore keep a
watch upon your spirit [that it may be controlled by My Spirit], that you deal not
treacherously and faithlessly [with your marriage mate].

Bondage can take place on all 3 levels: \

1. Body, Soul and Spirit

2. Gate Keepers

The demon possessing the body, soul or spirit has a

"butler" - his job is to open and close the door.
Many times during deliverance we get rid of the demon
and close the doorway but we leave the "butler" with
the keys to open the doorway again.

The Strongman ruling over someone - the "Master" of

the house has employed a butler. His specific
function is to open and close the door for the master.
His employment rights need to be destroyed - he needs to be fired!!


3. Oppression Possession
White Grey Black


Demons assigned to oppress. The legal right could be because of:

. personal sin
. Bloodline
. Sins of brother/sister in Christ against you. (soulish prayers, gossip, charismatic
witchcraft, etc.)

That is why we must live a life of prayer to protect us.

Oppression can take place on all three levels: spirit, soul and body.

OPPRESS: to subjugate by force / cruelty, afflict / torment.

1. MICRO (personal)
a) Burden, depress, dispirit, harass, lie /weigh heavily
upon, sadden, take the heart out of, torment, vex.
b) Abuse, crush, harrowed, worried, overpower,
overwhelm, persecute.

2. MACRO (Area, town, city, country)
To rule with an iron hand, subdue, suppress, trample underfoot, tyranny.


Possession can take place on all 3 levels - Body, Soul and Spirit. If there is control over
a chosen area it is called localized possession.

1. MICRO - on personal level (e.g. just over mind, or just over

emotions, etc.)

2. MACRO - area, region, city, nation

MICRO: LOCALIZE: to restrict / confine to a

particular area / part

MACRO: assign to a particular region or

structure like a particular building,
church, school.


staying at
a place in order to
discharge a duty --> lodger, occupant / tenant,

RESIDENCE: the fact of residing in a place

POSSESS: to have as ones property

to own, to gain control over or dominate
to have sexual intercourse with
to maintain in a certain state / condition

There is periodic possession and periodic oppression as well as continual possession.

(Remember Father Time and seasons)

CURSE . Something that brings / causes great

trouble / harm.
. Harm resulting from appeal to
supernatural power.
. Jinx, malison, affliction, burden,
calamity, misfortune, plague, tribulation,
blight, scourge, vex.

The result of worshipping an Idol is a lifestyle of bondage - that bondage becomes a

BOUND: . in bonds / chains, tied as with a rope

. to place restrictions on
. compelled, constrained, pledged,

BONDAGE: . slavery / servitude

. subjection to some influence

BRICKS: (Bloodline material with which Satan works)

(Opposite: We are living stones in Gods Kingdom)

Prisoner is chained - we must open the prison door, cut the bondage
- the chains fall off
- the prisoner comes out

[Our own sins - cement between the bricks]

BOND: . restrains, imprisons, a written or spoken agreement especially a

promise of any various arrangements of bricks / stones in a wall
in which they overlap so as to provide strength
. chain, cord, fetter, shackles, union agreement,
contract, covenant, pledge, promise.

Take out bricks through confession so that the walls can crumble.
Jesus is the cornerstone - break down the old to build the new.




This refers to the outer border (peripheral demons) around the person enforcing
oppression on the person.
This type of bloodline bondage on a person can thus be:
superficial, or
peripheral (outer border).


THOR - WHIP Wagon = Bloodline

Gatekeeper Reins = Personal sin
Yoke = Result of sin

War, murder, etc Bad temper


Satan needs a vehicle in order for his purposes to be established. We are those
If we are hitched up to satan / strongmen, we then become carriers of his kingdom.
(Opposite of us being the carriers of Gods glory)
The kingdom is like a wagon - the burden (Opposite of Jesus saying His burden is light
and His yoke is easy)

The anointing is burden removing and yoke destroying.

If God mentions that there is a burden and a yoke we must pay attention to that fact. We
must through prayer remove the burden and destroy the yoke otherwise it is incomplete.
The strongman is the rider and he holds reins. Those reins are curses (like Jezebel
with 5 reins).

The yoke is the fruit - the sickness, pain, depression, crippled, financial loss, etc.

If we have a rider which holds the reins, he steers the direction in which the oxen and the
burden (wagon) goes. That is how you get led down the paths of satan -
unrighteousness and sin.

The flies that worry and torment are the lesser demons. They are around the oxen. The
rider has a whip and he inflicts pain on the oxen that causes wounds and blood which
again attracts the flies (the demons). It becomes progressively worse. The more
wounded they become, the less value they have. The wages of sin is death.

When we pray we must remove the burden - the heavy load - thats the original sin. Then
we have to dethrone the rider. We must then cut the reins which are the curses, and
then remove and destroy the yoke of bondage.
The anointing destroys the yoke - that means to explode into fine dust.

NB Always cancel the past, present and future plans of satan over the person.
Remove future markers / triggers set-up to kick in at a later stage of life, e.g. a certain
birthday. Smash satans time-clocks.



The sins of the forefathers determine the tracks (direction) that the
offspring will go. When the forefathers make sinful choices, the children
will have to bear the consequences of their choices (iniquities).


Have no past in Christ Jesus.

God makes substance out of Words (Prophecy).
He spoke the World and Creation into being. (Gods modus operandi)
God prophesied things into being Jesus and plan of Salvation.
The same principal applies to us personally and our lives (thats why we do


Gods Plan
Promises of God


The sons will avenge the blood of their fathers curse of damnation, self-hatred, self-
rejection. Curse of the fatherless one / orphan heart / heart of stone.

Murder, abortions Acts of cruelty : women,
Rape Children, animals
Illegitimate children
Concentration camps
Wiping out of a race, e.g. Jews, Black people, English, Boers
Small children murdered
Burning property, Etc.
Destruction by FIRE (even atomic bomb / children playing with fire and matches /
children that burn with hot liquids and fire)

Strongman - Dragon
Molech Nimrod
Marduk Mars THESE GODS
Thor Athena BLOOD


Head banging Heavy metals
Moshing Death metals
Thrashing Wagner (Hitler)

* Vindictiveness
* Violent temper
* Revenge
* Blasphemy
* Autocratic control
* Cruelty - animals, other children, etc.
* Psychological disorders - children banging heads again walls
* Suicide
* Hopelessness
* Isolation
* Depression
* Pit of hell and damnation
* Underworld / Realms of the dead.

Karate King Arthur
Ninja Dungeons and Dragons
Judo Castles
Alternative Medicine


Father Time imitates Gods nature of being past, present, future.

God is not subject to time.


Roots Fortune telling



Operate as a medium,
psychic gifts and abilities,etc.


Curse of occult
Familiar spirit / spirit guide
accorded to children
Learning disabilities

Future Offspring
Practical examples - from fruit to root

Worship of Jezebel (Astarte - Queen of the sea)


Whore of Babylon + Anti-Christ
(she rides the Beast)

(1) (2)
Less mega strongman Less mega strongman

Prostitution Witchcraft
+ gate keeper: + gate keeper:
Sexual fantasy Rebellion

a) Lust a) Divination
b) Adultery b) Clairvoyancy
c) Masturbation c) White magic

1. Sexual Impurity
2. False Prophet
3. Compromise
4. Manipulation / Intimidation /
5. Occult and Witchcraft


From the time of our first parents, Satan has invented ways to turn man from the true
worship of God, to the worship of created things, instead of the Creator. The spirit of
satan, unlike the Spirit of God, is always at war with the Gospel of Christ, so are Christs
followers at war not against flesh and blood, but with principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
(Eph 6:12)

Just as there is a Spirit of Christ in the world (Phil 1:19), so is there a spirit of anti-
christ. (1 Joh 4:1-4) There is a Mystery of Godliness (1 Tim 3:16) and a mystery of
iniquity (II Thes 2:7) The Mystery of Godliness is from the time of Christs war with
satan in Heaven, to His Second Coming. The symbol used as His Church is a pure
woman. The Harlot of Revelation in the seventeenth chapter, represents satans huge
system of false worship, and his movement in the world. She is the mother of all pagan
religions of the world.

REV 17:5 And on her forehead there was inscribed a name of mystery [with a secret
symbolic meaning]: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes (idolatresses) and
of the filth and atrocities and abominations of the earth.

History records the greatest influence to man outside the Bible, was sun worship.

Data from well-known scholars and recognized authorities piece together that it was
from Babylon that all idolatry had its origin and how all the other gods of the
Assyrians, Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, and Mexicans, like the
Babylonians, were derived from astrology.

Scripture confirms in Genesis 10:10-12 that the Tower of Babel was built
under Nimrods supervision, in defiance to God. His wife was called
Semiramis. Heathen philosophy says when she died, her spirit became
immortal and flew up to the moon and took possession of it. She
became the moon goddess, the mother of gods, the queen of heaven.

When her god-child Tammuz died, the pagans claimed his spirit became immortal and
took possession of the Eastern star (Venus), that appears together with the sun and
moon in the spring (New Year Festival) Nimrod, according to pagan philosophy, who
was worshipped as the son of Semiramis, as well as her husband, did cause the
whole world to worship the sun, moon, and the Eastern star (Venus). They were the
original pagan trio of the great Idolatrous Babylonian system of Baal worship.

The Original Pagan Trio

Since Pagan religions were (and are) based on sex, the father-mother-child triad was
common to them all. The four seasons were interpreted as manifesting a great
cosmic cycle from impregnation (spring) to birth (winter, at the solstice).
The power or control over the masses was in the hands of the very few who were
initiated in the mysteries, and could tell when to plant, when to reap, and when to
sacrifice their children to the deities. Deity comes from the word diva, and
produces the words divine, deis, and day; it means to shine.


The sun god The son of the sun The queen of heaven
Baal The pagan messiah Ashtoreth
1 Kings 16:30-33 Ezek 8:14 Judges 2:13

The ancient Babylonians taught that the fate of everything was dependent on the sky.
Babylonians, as most ancient people, believed that each mortal was like the gods and
had his own star in the sky. This will help us to understand the cosmic religion of
Astrology, and how Astrology ties in with Sun Worship. And why John, in the book of
Revelation, was given the sacred number 666, of Astrology, to identify the beast of
Revelation 13: 1-18.

In the Babylonian astrological system, all the gods of heaven (the

stars), were considered offspring or emanations of the Sun God. Now
astrology claims to interpret the will of the star gods that control the fate of
mankind by the position of the chief star gods in the zodiac.

The chief gods of the zodiac were 7 planets who serpentine their
way through the narrow band of the zodiac. You see, according
to astrology, the zodiacal band was divided into 12 houses, one
for each month of the year and each house was divided into
three rooms making 36 rooms in all, one for each 10 degrees of
the zodiacal circle. The entire remainder of the sky outside of the
zodiacal band was also divided into 36 constellations, 15 on
the south side, and 21 on the north side, and a god of each
constellation was appointed to rule over each of the 36 rooms of
the zodiac. Thus we see that every star in the sky, each considered as a god and the
abode of departed spirits, was included in a constellation over who was appointed a
god who ruled over a zodiacal room. Each zodiacal house-god thus had 3 room-gods
under him.

The 12 house-gods (signs of the zodiac), each ruled over a month of the year, and the 7
planetary gods who serpentine their way through the zodiacal band who were the Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter, and Saturn, regulated, according to astrology,
the affairs of mankind by their relative positions in the various rooms of the zodiac. Over
them all ruled the Sun God, who was considered the central fire from which each had
sprung, because all the gods of the sky were but emanations of the one god, Sun.

Now, the origin of this number 666 also derived from astrology. As we have seen,
astrology used the number 36 to divide the stars. If you add the numbers 1 to 36, they
will add to 666. No ancient or modern day witch can cast a spell, no sorcerer can
perform and enchantment, no fortune-teller can predict the future without the aid of
astrology. Astrology is the basic foundation of all sciences of the occult, and the
origin of all pagan religious systems.

The principle deity was the SUN, worshipped for its life-giving warmth. (Good sun
good crops; Bad sun crop failure no food.) The Babylonians then produced their
own system of religion based upon SEX. The changes in the seasons were interpreted
by the ancient pagan mind in a sexual way. They pictured the EARTH MOTHER
ISHTAR/EASTER being impregnated in the spring near the Vernal (Venus) equinox.
Then, nine moons later, the Sun was said to be reborn at the winter solstice.
Semiramis was probably the first witch a person who possessed secret
knowledge and powers to manipulate the natural world.

To the Greeks, Zeus was the sun, and his mother/wife was Hera. The
Egyptians depict Isis holding Horus, who is somehow also Osiris, that
looks exactly like the Madonna and Child art seen in Christendom.

The Phoenicians called Semiramis ISHTAR. The Hebrews

recorded her name as ASHERAH. She has been known through out the world by many
other names; Oster, Easter, Astoreth, Artemis, Aphrodite, Tanit, Diana, Nana, Maia,
Gaia, Devaki, Ceres, Isis, Cybele, Venus, Frigga, Frey, Biblia, Aurora, Austra, Stella,
Aster, Nut, etc.

Carved images of her associated with sacred pillars rallied multitudes of pagans to the
seasonal observances, because these were the times their pagan religion ordered
grand sexual services to be conducted. Many of these people were shrine prostitutes,
both male and female, Gen 38:21.

The whole pagan system is based on SEX. She is fertilized in the spring, and gives
birth at the winter solstice, and the years are based on when the SUN is re-born.

Gods Warning:

God warned Israel about the worship of the stars, the host of heaven. We should worship
the Lord who created those stars, not the stars! This is another way Satan has directed
the thoughts of people from God to created things.

Jer. 10: 2 2 Thus says the Lord: Learn not the way of the [heathen] nations and be not
dismayed at the signs of the heavens, though they are dismayed at them,

Is 47: 13, 14 13 You are wearied with your many counsels and plans. Let now the
astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and make
known to you and save you from the things that shall come upon you [Babylon].
14 Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them. They cannot even deliver
themselves from the power of the flame [much less deliver the nation]. There is no
coal for warming or fire before which to sit!

The astrologers took these 12 housegods and divided them into four categories called
the Four Elements namely: AIR, WATER, FIRE, EARTH.


Exodus 20:3-5 3 You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.
4 You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of
anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth;
5 You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and
fourth generation of those who hate Me,

As you can see, the Bible speaks of gods that can be worshipped in the heavens
above, the earth beneath, in the water, under the earth.
When satan and a third of the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven and fell according to
Luke 10:18, they landed on these four places and took dominion.
1. The HEAVENS, being the second heaven, and where we get the spirits of the
AIR (Eph 2:2)
2. The EARTH, where we get animal spirits, spirits of the mountains, valleys, trees,
forests, etc.
3. The WATER, where we get water spirits, namely mermaids, Neptune, queen of
the coast, etc.
4. UNDER THE EARTH, where we get the realms of the dead, ancestral spirits,
satanism, spiritism, vampires,etc.

The pagan trio of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, were given different names by
different cultures and according to all the myths and fables throughout the ages, these
gods were positioned in these places and also according to the Four Elements.

Trinities of the past:


ISRAELITES Baal Tammuz Ashtoreth
CHALDEA Baal Mithras Ashtoreth
PERSIA Shamash Ishtar Sin
MACEDONIA / Dagon (fish idol) Deoius / Janus Cybele / Ceres
MITHRA Mithras Vohu Manah Rashnu
PHOENICIA / EL Bacchus Astarte
BABYLON Belus Tammuz Ishtar / Asherah
CELTIC Baal / Woden Thor Ceridwen / Frigga
ASSYRIA Ninus Hercules Beltis
GREECE Zeus / Apollo Dionysus Aphrodite / Athena
ROME Jupiter / Sol Attis / Cupid Cybele / Diana
EGYPT Amon-Ra Osiris / Horus Isis / Hathor
INDIA Brahma Krishna / Vishnu Isi / Devaki / Shiva
CHINA Pan-Ku Yi Heng-O, Ma Tsoopo
MEXICO Teotl Quetzalcoatl Coatlicue
SCANDINAVIA Odin Balder Frigg, Freyia

In Japan, the Shinto religion has the phrase, San Pao Fuh, which means
one deity, three forms. The Irish use one of their ancient Druid symbols, the
trifolium cloverleaf, as a symbol of their Celtic pride, but also as a secret
symbol of their Trinity.

The male and female symbols used in Biology are the secret Babylonian
signs of Nimrod (Orion, Sagittarius the mighty archer/hunter), and his
wife/other Semiramis (Great Mother, Magna Mater). All of these things and
many more, were the interpreted mysteries of the Pagan religions, overseen
by Wizards, sorcerers, warlocks, shamans, and priest-magicians who
exploited the masses. (The Magi from Babylon were priests of Ahura-
Mazda (Mithras), the sun deity. They arrived when the Messiah was about two years old,
and the gifts they bestowed enabled the family of Joseph, Mary, and little Messiah to live
in Egypt until Herod died.)


Heavenly Father, I, ..................(counselee) come to You in the Name of the Lord Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, the only true Son of God.

I ask Father that ................ (counsellor) be given permission to warfare for me, .................
and any parts (known or unknown) in our absence.

I further petition against all and any backlash towards .................

(counsellor) and his/her family. Father, I ask You to protect ...............
(counsellor) and his/her family from all:
BEWITCHINGS (to put under a magic spell)
CHARMS (act, object or word with magick power)
COSMIC FORCES (universal energies)
DEDICATIONS (to devote or set aside for evil)
ENCHANTMENTS (to put under a magic spell)
EVIL CURSES (calling for something to bring evil or harm)
HEX (a magick spell or curse)
HOODOO (bringer of bad luck)
INCANTATIONS (words used in uttering a magick spell)
JINXES (person or thing used to bring bad luck)
MAGICK WHITE, BLACK OR RED (use of supernatural power to gain control
PACTS (ungodly agreement or treaty)
PSYCHIC POWERS (extra-sensory occultic power against the soul or mind)
RITES AND RITUALS (procedure of evil ceremonies)
SORCERY (magick aided by evil spirits)
SPELLBINDING (words with power used to entrance or entrap)
VEXES (magick used to annoy, irritate and worry the mind)
VOODOO (witchcraft involving magical rites)
WITCHERY & WIZARDRY (use of magick to gain power over)
that have been placed upon them by any other person or persons, or from any occult,
cultic, Satanic, psychic or cosmic source.

Protect them Lord, from all curses, spells and incantations that would come against
them from other people praying against them or writing or speaking curses against them.
I ask You to protect them from all Satanic shields, seals, devices or mechanisms
used to hurt, harass, manipulate or control his/her family. Protect ................. (counsellor)
and his/her family, Lord, from all and any backlash that Satan would bring against
..................(counsellor), or his/her family as he/she warfares on my behalf. I claim the
Blood of Jesus over him/her and his/her family, for their protection. I acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord in their home and that it is holy ground.

I petition against the spirit of death, the spirit of infirmity and the spirit of madness. I
petition for a sound mind, for You have given them a spirit of power and of love, a spirit of
calm and of a sound, well-balanced mind and of discipline and self-control.

I ask that You will guard ................ (counsellor) and his/her family and keep them in
perfect peace in You; that they not be troubled, afraid, agitated, disturbed, fearful,
intimidated or unsettled; that they take courage, are confident, certain and
undaunted; and that no tribulations, trials, distress or frustrations come near them
because of their connection with me.

I pray for wisdom, revelation knowledge and understanding for ...............

(counsellor), that the eyes of his/her heart be flooded with light; that he/she will know and
understand what the hope is, to which You have called him/her. I pray that the Spirit of
the Lord will rest upon Himthe Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of
counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the reverential and obedient fear
of the Lord.

I ask that ................... (counsellor) may be filled with the fuller, deeper and clearer
knowledge of Your will and an understanding and discernment of spiritual things
pertaining to my whole humanity. Give him/her insight, Lord.

Father, I ask You to flood ..................(counsellor) with Your presence right now. Fill
him/her and equip him/her to warfare for his/her whole humanity Feed him/her Your
words, for they are abundant life. Nothing he/she has to do will be impossible Lord, for
with You nothing is impossible. Lord God Almighty, open up his/her ears and the
reservoir of his/her heart to receive from You. Lord let his/her gifts be stirred up; deep
calling to deep. Let Your Rivers of Living Water flow out from him/her. Pour Your
anointing out on him/her that he/she may speak to every issue on Your heart in this
situation. Remove every cloud of darkness that would settle. Flood every place his/her
feet tread with Your light.

Thank You for his/her faith. Thank You that You have all things under control. Thank You
for showing him/her which path to take in all things.

Father, right now in Jesus Name, I ask that You give him/her Your grace and Your
courage. Inject him/her with even more courage and even more trust in You. Right now,
Lord, settle upon him/her. Where he is weak and too flexible, You promise that You will
be strong and cover us! Give him/her steadfastness in You.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

SIGNED: ...................

SIGNED: ...................

DATE: .......................


Imagine if you will, becoming trapped like a fly in a spiders web. The spider spins its
fine web-like strands around you into an inescapable cocoon. The web appears so very
fine, almost invisible to the naked eye. In the beginning, if the person knew those first
fine webs were there, they could be easily broken and the person escape. But if the
person doesnt know the strands are there and the spider continues day-by-day, month-
by-month, and year-by-year to continue to spin the cocoon around them the person would
finally be trapped and unable to escape without help. Also, because the fine threads of
the spiders cocoon were present even at conception, the cocoon feels familiar and
sensed to be a part of who the newly formed person is. Year-by-year the web is spun
and without even knowing it, the persons life is controlled by outside and inside
influences; evil influences that remain quite unknown until much, much later in the
persons life when the mind lets the person know that something is very, very wrong.

A survivor of ritual abuse is a person who was raised in a multigenerational witchcraft

family and from conception and/or birth and onward were the victims of countless rituals
that mentally divided them internally and took their lives away from them and put them
into the hands of others. The church, the counseling profession, and the world at large
need to wake up to the existence of witchcraft and learn how to fight it and help those in it
who so desperately want help and hope and freedom.

In the meantime lets look at some of the activities of Witchcraft:

Activities of Witchcraft described in the Bible:

If you reread the passages listed above you will see some of the activities of witchcraft
spelled out for you:

Consulting the dead (a medium or a spiritist)

Sacrificing children (by fire or other means)

Practicing divination (seeking to foresee or foretell future events or discover

hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of
supernatural power).

Practicing sorcery (the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil
spirits, especially for divining [necromancy]).

Necromancy (conjuring up the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically

revealing the future or influencing the course of events).

Interpreting omens (occurrences or phenomenon believed to indicate a future

Casts spells (a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power).

Consults the dead.

Practicing idolatry (worshipping anything other than the True God).

Worshipping the stars or other things other than the True God.

Worshipping demons

Dr. Neil T. Anderson in his booklet, The Steps to Freedom in Christ gives us some
more insight into the activities of witchcraft under his Non-Christian Spiritual Experience
Inventory where he lists the following which I propose are activities that fall directly under
witchcraft or doors through which open a person up to witchcraft. These are practiced
regularly in our day and age through ignorance and innocence as well as through direct
intent and with full knowledge:

Astral Projection
Ouija board.
Automatic writing.
Magic eight ball.
Telepathy (reading minds).
Using spells or curses.
Spirit guides.
Fortune telling.
Tarot cards.
Palm reading.
Mental manipulations or attempts to swap minds.
Black and White magic.
Blood pacts or cutting yourself in a destructive way.
Fetishism (objects of worship, crystals, good luck charms).

Notice what the Apostle Paul says in the 2 Corinthian 10 passage, We demolish
arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and
we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Evil spiritual power, including witchcraft, operates through a persons mind. The
Apostle says that believers fight the world and evil by taking captive every thought. Do
you understand what this is saying? It says that every thought in your own mind must be
scrutinized to see if it is of God, yourself, or another source. Spiritual evil, witchcraft
includes, enters a physical person through his or her minds. Notice what else the 2
Corinthian passages suggests when Paul says, We demolish arguments and every
pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, This suggests that a
person can demolish thoughts from spiritual evil inside his or her own head by knowing
Gods truth and refusing the lies and deceptions of the enemy.

To further strengthen this point look at the armor of God presented by the Apostle Paul.
Each of these has to do with the mind. Each of the pieces of armor has to do with
knowing, believing, and practicing truth. Even prayer is stating truth and refuting
falsehood. It does no good to simply verbalize putting on the armor of God. You have to
know, believe, and practice the truths embodied and symbolized by each piece of
armor and know how to pray and practice praying.

How Witchcraft Wounds, Binds, and Controls

In witchcraft it is believed that words have power. Through hexes, vexes, spells, curses,
blessings, assignments, promises and agreements said over a child or attached to a
child at conception and throughout his or her young life a web of bondage and control is
placed around the child that binds and controls the life of that child throughout his or her
life. This is further enhanced through fallen angels attached to all these words (hexes,
vexes, spells, curses, blessings, assignments, promises, and agreements) to make sure
all what was said is carried out. To add more misfortune to the child, these words are
embodied into the child and various parts of the child through wounding the child through
various types of torture and pain.

On her webpage Ellen

Lacter, Ph. D. has an article entitled, Kind of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and
Trauma-Based Mind Control. Here are a few of the ways children are tortured
throughout their life:

Sexual abuse and torture.

Confinement in boxes, cages, coffins (burial).
Restrained with ropes, chains, cuffs, etc.
Extremes of heat and cold, including submersion in ice water and burning
Skinning (only top layers of the skin removed in victims intended to survive).
Blinding light.
Electric shock.
Forced ingestion of offensive body fluids and matter such as blood, urine, feces,
flesh, etc.
Hung upside down or in painful positions.
Hunger and thirst.
Sleep deprivation.
Compression with weight and devices.
Sensory deprivation.
Drugs to create illusions, confusion, and amnesia, often given orally or by injection
or intravenously.
Ingestion or intravenous toxic chemicals to create pain or illness, including
chemotheraphy agents.
Limbs pulled and/or dislocated.
Application of snakes, spiders, maggots, rats, and other animals to induce fear
and disgust.
Near-dear experiences such as drowning or suffocation with immediate
Forced to perform or witness abuse, torture and sacrifice of people and animals,
usually with knives.
Forced participation in child pornography and prostitution.
Raped to become pregnant; the fetus is then aborted for ritual abuse or the baby
is taken for sacrifice or enslavement.
Spiritual abuse to cause victim to feel possessed, harassed, and controlled
internally by spirits or demons (fallen angels).
Desecration of Judeo-Christian beliefs and forms of worship; Dedication to
satan, lucifer, or other deities.
Abuse and illusion to convince victims that God is evil, such as convincing a child
that God has raped him or her.
Surgery to torture, experiment, or to cause the perception of physical or spiritual
bombs, implants, or other objects that will cause harm if a person tells or
Harm or threats of harm to family, friends, loved ones, pets, and/or other victims to
force compliance.
Use of illusion and virtual reality to confuse and create non-credible disclosure.

The torture and wounding of the child is done to cause the child to mentally flee what is
being done to them by creating an internal separate part of themselves to normalize what
is being done to them (dissociation). This is the goal of the abusers and perpetrators.
When this new part is created, they then train, teach, and control this part to perform
certain deeds and actions without knowledge of the normal self of the person knowing it.
This newly created part can then be triggered (called out) by those who know how to
take part in rituals, ceremonies, pass secret information, spy internally on the person,
and/or other things totally unknown by the part of themselves that normally lives life.

How It All Begins

Remember, Witchcraft uses spoken words (curses, false blessings, assignments, etc) to
place life controls (programming) upon a person and then assigns fallen angels and
other spirits to make sure they continue to operate throughout the life of the child.
Getting rid of fallen angels does not get rid of the programming and control. If the
programming and control are not removed, the fallen angels have the right to return. To
stop the control and the programming, what was spoken over the child or placed upon
the child must be found out and then refused, then the fallen angels can be permanently
removed and the person set free.

You might ask, How young is a child when these things are done to them? The answer
is that things (curses, false blessings, assignments, fallen angels, etc.) can be attached
to a child at conception.

At Conception

Consider how conception works. A mans sperm attaches to a womans egg and a child
is conceived. For evil to be attached to a child at conception the mans sperm is cursed
ahead of time with specific curses, etc. and/or the womans egg is cursed ahead of time
so that at the moment of conception the curses, false blessings, assignments, fallen
angels, etc are attached to the child.


Evil Attached to a Mans Sperm


Here are some real examples of curses attached to a mans sperm to be

attached to the child at conception:

Bondage to (a particular person).

Childs will to belong to (a particular person).
Abandonment by others.
Rejection by those close to the child.
Alienation from others.


Here are some real examples of witchcraft blessings (false blessings) attached
to a mans sperm to be attached to the child at conception:

The child will not know success.

Blessed with emotional pain.
Anger at people and things that get in the way of the relationship with (a particular
To be critical towards self and others.
To live in a confused state to keep things internally intact and to keep things on
the outside from interfering.


Evil Attached to a womans egg


Here are some real examples of curses attached to a womans egg to be

attached to the child at conception:

Descendants would not live past 45 years of age.

Dissension and strife in his family.
Difficulty with childbirth.
Inability to bond.
So sexual intimacy, no joy in marriage, no happiness in marriage.
Lots of health problems.
Not being accepted in the family.
Suicidal thoughts.


Here are some real examples of witchcraft blessing (false blessings) attached to
a womans egg to be attached to the child at conception:

Dedication to a particular fallen angel.

Blessing of beauty if obeys (a certain person), ugliness if disobeys.
Ancestral evil (to suck out the life from me).
Amount to nothing.
The person would die.

Please understand the process of Life Control upon a person through

witchcraft. It can begin with curses and false blessings being placed upon the sperm of
the man and upon the egg of the woman so that at the time of conception these curses
and blessings are attached to the child. Fallen angels are also attached to make sure
the curses and blessings are in operation and affecting (controlling) the child.

This process continues throughout the childs life. More such curses, blessings,
assignments, etc., are placed upon the child from conception to birth; birth to one years
of age; one year of age to two years of age and so forth continuing into teenage years.

After the child is born, torture is used to cause the child to separate off a part of
themselves to normalize the pain and still continue to live. It is these separated parts
who are curses, blessed, given assignments, etc. that they will continue throughout their
lives unknown to the host person who lives life.

Examples of Assignments:
Carry on the witchcraft line.
To become an active witch.
To seduce righteous men.

The host person is the person people on the outside see. They go to work, get
married, and relate to people on a day-to-day basis. The host person is the friend or
acquaintance you may know or the person in the seat next to you at church or at work.
The host person in one sense is a front to the world while others inside, in control really
carry out a very different type of life.

Why It is Easier to Deny Witchcraft than Believe it
[Multigenerational, Hard to See, Memories Dont Appear Until Much Later, and
Just hard to believe]


A person doesnt just watch Harry Potter or Charmed, buy a book and become a witch or
involved in witchcraft. Witchcraft is multigenerational which means that if you are a
survivor of witchcraft ritual abuse then so were your own brothers and sisters and so also
are your mother and/or father, your aunts and/or uncles, your grandfathers and/or your
grandmothers and so forth back several generations. Being multigenerational also
means something else, something very hard to accept, something hard to go to; it
means that if you have children, then things have been done to your children and in most
cases a part of you were involved.

Grandparents and their related siblings Involved.

If you are a survivor then your parents are most likely survivors. That is why they are able
to do what they have done. It was done to them also. The ones who did it to them were
their parents (your grandparents). If things were done to one child in a family then things
were done to all the children in the family, which means at the least all the children were
ritually abused in some way. At the most, these same brothers and sister are actively
involved in witchcraft.

Father and/or Mother were Involved.

It is hard to believe that your mother or father would be involved in such horrible stuff and
that they or parts of them voluntarily and knowingly did some very bad things to you.
Many ask, How could they do this? Part of the answer is, Because some very bad
things were also done to them. They are also ritual abuse survivors.

It means that the good person in your life; the one you like the most, may be someone
who was behind some very bad things that were done to you. For example, if you had a
father who abused you, it may be the good mother who handed you over to him to be
abused and to teach you to hate men. Thats the witchcraft way, women turn their
daughters over to abusive men to teach them to hate men; men turn their sons over to
abusive women to teach them to hate women.

Seldom, although it does happen, is just one parent involved. Seldom, though it does
happen is just one side of the family line involved. Usually, it is a deep family secret. If a
person begins to suspect or remember things they should not, the family in different ways
will usually turn against the person and gently help them get help from a doctor or
counselor, unless of course they see that the doctor or counselor knows how to identify
and work with ritually abused clients.

Many survivors of ritual abuse, at least on some level believe they are crazy or hear those
sorts of thoughts in their minds along with thoughts about suicide.

Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins may be Involved.

Remember, witchcraft is a family affair. If you are a survivor of ritual abuse then so is
your father and mother as well as their brothers, sisters, and their children (your cousins).
Those who are involved in ritual abuse to a child are often mostly family members.

If you have Children, you may be Involved.

If you have children and had not been set free before having them, then the chances are
that your own children have been ritually abused and you have been part of that.

Hard to See.

It would be nice if those involved in witchcraft wore black capes and carried around
broomsticks during the day. The truth is that those involved in witchcraft come from every
walk of life and are involved in every profession. Many of those involved in witchcraft go
to church and take an active part. Remember, the outside host often is not aware of
what else is going on inside or even aware that there are others inside until much later
in their lives.

They may know that there is something wrong with their lives, but not exactly know what.
They normally seek help from the church for what they believe may be spiritual problems,
from doctors for their physical sickness and from the counseling profession for their
mental problems but nothing quite solves their problems. Well meaning Churches, in
many cases, lead survivors to confess sin and then prays for fallen angels to be cast out
and when that doesnt work tells them they must have some sin they are unwilling to deal
with. Well meaning Doctors prescribe numerous medicines for the pain and sickness
and operate as they believe is necessary but the problems seemingly hang on.

Well meaning Counselors diagnose survivors with things like Attention Deficit Disorder,
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Borderline Personality, Manic Depressive,
Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Sexual Abuse, Schizophrenia
and on rare occasions Dissociative Identity Disorder. Through prayers, medicine, and
diagnoses, the real culprit or diagnoses ritual abuse goes undiscovered and internal
havoc continues.

Memories Dont Appear Until Much Later.

While there may be spiritual, physical, and mental symptoms that appear in a survivor,
memories of early ritual abuse usually doesnt appear until much later: In the late 30s for
women and in the 40s for men.

This is when the programmed walls or barriers that were installed to keep the memory
a secret begin to break down. When this happens survivors begin to have very
disturbing dreams or memories. They may begin to experience periods of time that
cannot recall (from minutes to hours to days). If they journal, they may find things written
in their journal that they dont remember writing.

Just Hard to Believe.

We have a tendency to disbelieve anything not of the physical world. It is hard to believe
that parents and grandparents would do the kind of things to their own child and
grandchildren that is done in witchcraft. It is hard to imagine any sane, rational person
would be involved in rituals and with spiritual evil (fallen angels, foreign human spirits,
etc.). It is hard to believe that what you have known as truth is not and that the memory of
your life and the people in your life is not accurate but has been messed with.

Many clients who are faced with the idea that maybe they are survivors of ritual abuse in
their college years or even later, will refuse to believe it. They will not pursue it but will
accept some traditional answer to their problems at least until later when the problems
dont go away but get worse.

To be truthful, this world of witchcraft is like science fiction. It is hard to believe but it is
an answer to the spiritual, physical, and mental problems some people are having. In the
process of looking at a persons life and taking note of the patterns in a persons life, the
traditional answers and solutions that havent worked that should have solved the
problem(s) but didnt, I suggest perhaps there is another answer. I suggest that if
normal answers are not the problem, then perhaps there is an abnormal answer. That
abnormal answer is that person is a survivor of ritual abuse (witchcraft).

Just Wont Believe

Some survivors complete part of their healing and have gotten partially free but stop their
healing when things come up that suggest that they took part in hurting their own children.
Some, who dont go on to complete healing just refuse to believe that a part of them
took part in hurting their own children. The sad truth is, just as your parents parents did
things to them and they did things to you, if you are not freed, you would have or will do
things to your own children. Thats the nature of multigenerational witchcraft.

Fathers Sperm

Mothers Egg

At Conception
[Such things can be done to the child throughout the nine months in the womb]

Curses, Witchcraft Blessings, and/or assignments placed on Fathers sperm.

Curses, Witchcraft Blessings, and/or assignments placed on the Mothers egg.

At conception the curses, witchcraft blessings, and assignments placed on the fathers
sperm and the curses, witchcraft blessings, and assignments placed on the mothers
egg all attach to the child at conception.

At Birth

Month One
Month Two
Month Three
First Birthday
Second Birthday
Third Birthday, etc.

More curses, witchcraft blessings, assignments, claims, said over the child. Some
reinforce what has already been done, others are new.

This process continues throughout the childs life, more frequent at first and then less as
the child grows older and control is established.

As the child grows, the web of spiritual evil produces a cocoon or web around the child
that controls his or her life. At first it is hard to see that anything is wrong, but in
adulthood the walls holding up the barriers to things that were done begin to break down
and the information begins to leak into the adults mind through pictures, memories,
nightmares, overwhelming feelings, other thoughts and voices, and often physical and
emotion distress and sickness.

For women, the walls begin to break down sometime in their 30s. For men the walls
begin to break down sometime in their 40s. This is usually when people begin to seek
help, although many sought help for years not really knowing what was wrong.

(Identifying the Strongmen)

PRAYER (Counsellee)

Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Anointed One, I come to You with
His anointing, and on behalf of myself and my ancestors, I confess that I am guilty of the
sin of idolatry. I ask You to break every demonic seal that has been placed over me
and my family in Jesus Name. I ask You to shake the wrong foundations laid in our
lives in Jesus Name.



I confess partaking in the counsel of the devil, consultations with mediums, fortune-
tellers, all acts of divinations (pendulum, etc.), sorcery, witchcraft, white magic, all
belief in superstition, incisions by witchdoctors, muti, potions, all forms of Wicca,
spiritism, water witching, mirror magic, smoke magic, wizardry (worship of fire, wind,
water and earth), astrology (worship of sun, moon, stars, planets), numerology, worship
of the moon: Asherah, Serapha, etc.

Astarte / Lilith / Jezebel

I confess partaking in all forms of worship of the goat-god, Baphomet, Pan, Dionysis as
well as Druid worship, black magic, red magic, voodoo, necromancy(realms of the
dead), Apollyon, Abaddon, Hades, all the gods of the underworld, Hectate and the
three phases of Hectate, Medusa, the grim reaper, the hounds of hell, vampires,
werewolves, zombies, the worship of the wolf, grave diggers, morticians, embalmers and
any contact with dead bodies.

I renounce and give back every gift, ability, ranking and calling given to me by
satan and I resist and renounce every form of mind control.

I renounce any initiation and dedication rituals to satan that I and my forefathers
partook in, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Father, I confess the sin of giving over my mind to demonic power, emptying my mind,
seeking and using psychic power, opening the third eye and all forms of serpent
worship, seeking the hood of the cobra through different techniques, e.g. hypnosis,
self-hypnosis, meditation, astral projection, all forms of mind control techniques, the
opening of the chakras, any allegiance with Medusa, occultic knowledge and

I renounce the mind of Lucifer and all occultic wisdom and knowledge. I renounce
being born with a caul and I also renounce all psychic gifts and abilities that came with it.

I confess that I allowed my mind to become passive and let negative thoughts take
control. I confess all fantasies, imaginations, lust and perversions in my mind. I
confess ever reading myths, fables and fantasy stories and then allowing my mind to
travel to the places in the stories. I confess ever creating kingdoms in my mind, thus
causing strongholds for satan through which to control me. I choose to destroy those
places I created in the spirit (maybe as a means of escaping reality), in the Name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I choose to have a sound mind according the 2 Tim. 1:7.

Father God, I confess every book read, video watched, cassette/CD listened to or any
other source of information (name specifically) that I exposed my mind to that might
have influenced me in an ungodly manner, knowingly or unknowingly. I confess that,
through this information, I allowed my mind to travel to places in the spirit. I renounce all
spirit guides that I have been connected to that took me to those places, in Jesus

I ask forgiveness, Father God, for opening my mind to demonic influence through the use
of drugs and alcohol. I ask You to sever any soul ties with demons or humans on all
levels of the spirit that I could have encountered under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in
the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I ask You, Father, to break all shock that has brought bondage on my mind through
trauma, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Father, I confess that through all occultic involvement I answered occultic callings. I
renounce and reject these callings.

BLOODSHED AND WAR (Molech / the dragon)

I confess all acts of war, murder, plunder, rape, torture, suicide, revenge, racism,
gangsters, sacrifices, the murder of children as well as abortions and miscarriages. I
renounce the worship that all the warring gods received, i.e. Molech, Marduk, the
dragon, Nimrod, Thor, Odin, Koki, Grendell (troll), Ice Giants, Morrigen, Athena, Mars,
Valhalla, etc.

I renounce all oaths of war and initiation rituals (Vikings, etc.).

I confess taking part in acts of assassination and execution and working as hangmen
and mercenaries. I confess any training in Martial Arts, e.g. Karate, Judo, Kung Fu,
etc. and renounce all ranking received through the coloured belts and levels in
Jesus Name.

I renounce all worship of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, blaspheming against God, all
loyalty and allegiance to Hitler, the Third Reich, the SS, Broeder Bond (South Africa),
Apartheid, Ossewa Brandwag (South Africa).

I confess all acts of human and animal sacrifice, partaking in blood covenants, acts of
cannibalism, buying and selling of human beings and the trading of souls.

I ask You, Father, to silence any blood crying out for vengeance and I ask You to
cleanse my hands from bloodguilt.

I renounce all hunting oaths. I renounce the initiation rituals, drinking of blood, smearing
body with blood, eating raw liver of first animal shot, etc. Forgive me, Lord. I renounce
the spirits of death, destruction and slavery in the Name of Jesus Christ of


I confess all involvement in secret societies, blood covenants and oaths sworn, all
possible involvement in Freemasonry and female counterparts (e.g. Daughters of the
Nile, Sisters of Light, etc.), Rosicrucianism, the Brotherhood of the Knights,
Knights Templar, Worship of Lucifer, Illuminati, demonic orders of the Roman
Catholic Church, e.g. Jesuit priests, the Orders of Alchemy, the Golden Dawn, The
Broeder Bond, Ossewa Brandwag, all Neo-nazi organisations, The White
Brotherhood, Ku Klux Klan and Temple of Set.

I renounce all rituals that have been performed and I ask You, Lord, to silence all
witnesses testifying against me in the spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I renounce the spirits of pride and deception.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command all things done in darkness to
come to the Light. I ask You, Father, to break the codes of silence. I renounce the
covenant made with the spirit of death (Is. 28:18). I ask You, Lord, to cut off all
sicknesses that resulted from secret organisations, e.g. breathing problems, asthma,
allergies, heart problems, etc.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I renounce all oaths sworn at these


I confess that I am guilty of the worship of Asherah, the Orders of Diana, Cleopatra
and Isis, sexual impurities and harlotry including necrophilia (sex with the dead),
sodomy, rape, incest, bestiality, illegitimacy, lesbianism, sex with demons (Incubus
& Succubus), adultery and fornication, prostitution, all acts of lust and perversion,
masturbation, pornography, fantasy, molestation, transvestites, trans-sexuality,
homosexuality, fetishism (any object/activity to which one is excessively devoted),
sadism, paedophilia, voyeurism (peeping Tom), all serpent and snake worship,
temple prostitution, belly dancing (kundalini), tantric yoga (sex magic), the worship of
Venus, Aphrodite, Eros and Cupid.
I declare a divorce with any spirit who has claimed me as a spouse, in Jesus Name,
and I cut the ungodly soul tie in Jesus Name. I ask Your forgiveness for allowing my
spirit to be defiled and my body to be used as a temple for satan.

I ask You, Lord, to cut me free from the sex kingdom and every water spirit that I have
been tied to, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I ask that You silence all
sperm/seed testifying against me in the spirit. Lord, please cleanse my finances that
have been defiled by spending it on books, videos, magazines, sex shops, sex toys, etc.
I ask You, Lord, to break all curses upon marriages and relationships in my family, in
the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


I confess all involvement in false healing and the practise of spiritual arts of
enlightenment, all forms of astral travel, meditation, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, the
consultation of spirit guides and involvement with eastern religious orders.

MYSTICISM (native American, African, Khoi)

I confess all involvement in the worship of animal spirits and totems, the practise of
magic and herbal medicine directed by such spirits, all forms of shamanism and
transmutation (changing into a werewolf or astral travelling into an animal), invoking the
guardianship of animal totems, all forms of ancestral worship (name animals and
ancestors if known), love magic, smoke magic, marriage rituals, puberty rituals,
circumcision rituals, fertility rituals (rain making), tattoos, incisions, lucky charms
and fetishes, medicine wheel and the four elements (air, earth, fire, water), the four
wind directions (North, South, East, West), drumming, trancing, sacred sites, spirits of
the forests and trees, etc.

I renounce all power and abilities received from animals.

I confess all involvement in the worship of water spirits, queen of the sea, the Rain
Goddess, Kali and Shiva, river gods, the worship of Neptune and Poseidon and all
ties with the mystical city of Atlantis and with Egypt (Leviathan), guardian spirits of
nymphs (water fairies), sirens and mermaids, mermen and symbols of the dolphin (water
vampires are seducing spirits).


I confess believing in superstition, worshipping the church instead of God and placing
the honouring of people and tradition above God. I confess taking part in rituals and
religious ceremonies (lighting of candles, incense, etc.) and believing that these can
add to my salvation and bring me into Gods presence. I confess trusting in the flesh
rather than in God, visiting temples of idols and believing in the judgement of man (e.g.
paying for sins).

I ask forgiveness for operating in a Jezebel or Ahab spirit and allowing rebellion to rule
my life.

I renounce ungodly baby dedications. (Born in a Catholic Hospital cut free from any
dedications to the Queen of Heaven by hospital staff.)

I renounce any allegiance to the queen of heaven, Lilith and Jezebel and I renounce
all forms of celibacy in Jesus Name.


I confess all involvement in addiction: Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, masturbation,

gambling, obesity, bulimia, anorexia, pornography and heavy metal music (heart beat
cut free), drum beats, heart beats, etc.


I confess withholding of tithes and offerings, looting and pirating (e.g. Portuguese),
love of money, family feuds regarding inheritance, gambling, bribery and
corruption, fraud and all forms of stealing. I confess and renounce all worship given to
Baal and Mammon. I confess every curse that this has brought upon me. In the Name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask You, Lord, to cut all finances loose from the goddess
of luck (see Petitions book for petition of finances).


Father, in the Name of Jesus, in accordance with Your Word, in

1 Pet. 2:24, I ask You to please remove every spirit of infirmity that has been
transferred to me down the bloodline (name the sicknesses).


I now choose to forgive my ancestors and my parents for any and all sins that they had
committed which have affected my life.

I also forgive every person who has spoken curses against my ancestors or me.
Father God, I ask that You will forgive me for entering into the sins of my fathers and for
yielding to the curses affecting me.
I choose to turn away from any and all sins of my fathers as well as my own personal sins.

I renounce any and all ways in which satan may claim ownership of me. I also renounce
any further involvement or putting up with sins and curses in any area of my life.

I ask You to cleanse my spiritual umbilical cord tying me to my father and mother (also
adoptive parents if applicable) as well as spiritual fathers and mothers, with the Blood of
Jesus. I ask You to cleanse my spiritual umbilical cord from any ungodly soul ties
through astral projection, demonic visitations and demonic dreams, in the Name of

I ask You, Lord, to unlock and release all of my potential, my gifts, my abilities and
talents that have been stolen and locked away by satan on all four levels of the spirit, in
Jesus Name.

I ask You, Lord, to de-program any programming on my DNA that I inherited concerning
death and depression in Jesus Name.

I ask You to close all gateways to the four levels of the spirit (earth, heavenlies, water,
underworld), to fire the gatekeepers and to seal the doorways with the Blood of

I ask You, Lord, to cancel any judgement coming from satan because I have renounced
my bloodline in Jesus Name. Destroy his demonic scales in Jesus Name.


All of the above need to be warred off by the counsellor.

Breaking off all curses, strongholds, wrong foundations, altars of the enemy.


NOTE: This prayer must not be used as a recipe/method.


Matt. 12:37
For by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned.

Declare: sins forgiven (John 20:23) for Your Word says

1 John 1:9
If we freely admit that we have sinned and confess our sins You are faithful and just
and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteous ness

Lev. 26:40
:40 But if they confess their own and their fathers iniquity in their treachery which they
committed against Me and also because they walked contrary to me
:42 then I will earnestly remember My covenant with Jacob, My covenant with Isaac
and My covenant with Abraham.


We come against the spirit Amastor who is assigned to keep the ungodly bloodline of
families in tact.
Cut loose from Baal, Asherah, Astarte, all spirits in the heavenlies, from every planet
where the person has been tied in since birth (birth date zodiac sign and Chinese

Ask that the Blood of Jesus will come and cleanse every cycle and pathway that life
has been linked with. Cut pulleys and connections. Remove every programme hidden in
the sun, moon or planets and destroy it.

Break all curses over menstrual cycles. Cut the person free from the cycles of the
moon, the four phases of the moon, the tides of the sea, queen of heaven and the
queen of the sea. Cut all ties with the sun, the stars, the planets and galaxies.

Silence all claims, covenants and programs and command them to cease from

Cut the person loose from worship of Baphomet, Pan, Dionysis, Druid worship, Apollyon,
Abaddon and all the gods of the underworld.

Destroy any cage, chain, bag or prison room where satan has tied his/her heart, soul
and mind and ask the Holy Spirit to destroy all the power of the demons on guard against
his/her heart, soul and mind.

Break curses of isolation, desolation and loneliness.

Break the power of Hades and Sheol over his/her life and decommission the hounds
of hell. Ask God to silence their desire for blood in his/her life.

Break the curse of death and bind and rebuke every spirit of death, sacrifice,
murder and suicide operating in the bloodline and command them to go.

Remove his/her name from the realms of the dead and from the register of satan.
Bind and cut free from the spirit of the python.
Destroy the eggs and the baby snakes with the fire of God
Remove the effect of the python squeezing life out of the person.

Cut him/her loose from any ungodly baby dedications and ask that every second of
his/her life, from the moment of conception will be redeemed back by the Blood of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

We disconnect and destroy/smash the time-clock of satan over persons life.

We bind all powers from witches, wizards, demi-gods, familiar spirits, water spirits, all
chief evil spirits, spirits of weakness and every other evil spirit working against her life
and progress in Jesus Name.

We destroy any of his/her properties in the spirit world. Anywhere her pictures, clothes,
money, name or any parts of her body, finger nails or hair is in the air, on the earth,
underneath the earth or in the waters above or underneath. We ask You Holy Spirit to
destroy the items of satan (any weapon or tool) working against him/her and testifying
against him/her through these properties.

We remove the judgement of satan over his/her life and we destroy the demonic
weight balance. We cut him/her loose from the spirit holding the scales (Justice).

We fire every gatekeeper guarding the occultic gateways in this blood line. We strip
them of their assignments, rankings and purpose and command them to go. We close
every gateway and ask Father that You will seal it with the Blood of Jesus Christ of


Break the occultic band of oppression, depression and suicide over the mind. Cut off
all psychic power, abilities and ranking. Close the third eye. Cut the person off from
the octopus and its eight legs, each with its own brain (mind control). Pray against all
headaches, migraine, torment, insanity, demonic dreams and nightmares. Close
the gates of ivory and horn. Separate and cast out demons of hypnosis, self-
hypnosis, meditation and astral projection. Cut the bridge between the soul and the
spirit. Bind the demons of shock and fear. Release a sound mind. Break all curses
of insanity. Break the demonic cycle between negative thoughts and emotional
problems, e.g. suicide, hatred, rebellion, bitterness, murder, despair, rejection,
inferiority, etc. Pull down the strongholds in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Bind all deaf and dumb spirits. Break the power of every learning problem; left and
right brain functions (remove the demonic blockage between the right and left brain
halves, hand and eye co-ordination and dyslexia). Pray against confusion,
concentration, learning problems and speech blockages. Cut the person loose
from oppression caused by drugs and alcohol. Cut the person loose from the mind of
Lucifer. Burn all occultic books/knowledge in the mind of the person.

BLOODSHED AND WAR (Molech / the dragon)

We cut him/her loose from all worship given in this bloodline to the warring gods, the
Anti-Christ, the Beast, Satan, Lucifer and the dragon. Cut him/her free from Molech,
Marduk, Thor, Oden, Koki, Ice Giants, Valhalla.

Remove persons name out of satans book of war. Father, we ask that You will quieten
any blood spilt during sacrifices, suicides, abortions, cruelty or war in this blood
line that is calling out for revenge and we ask that You will seal it with the Blood of Jesus.
We dedicate every baby to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

We bind and rebuke the warring god, Sintar (half man, half horse with bow and arrow)
and Amazon woman and will not allow that their arrows cause spiritual death.

Bind and rebuke the spirits of murder, self-destruction, rebellion, violence, anger,
hatred and strife and cut him/her loose from them in the Name of Jesus Christ of

Bind the spirits of death and destruction. Break the curse of the heart of stone. Cut
the person loose from the curse of Cain, the curse of betrayal, the curse of the
vagabond and the mantle of shame and guilt. Bind the hunting spirits in Jesus Name
and break the bow of Nimrod.

Cut him/her loose from the curses of unjust judgements and the breaking of
promises in the Name of Jesus.

Fire the gatekeepers guarding the gateways to war and bloodshed in this blood line
and strip them of their assignments, ranking and purpose. Close these gateways and
seal them with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Cut him/her loose from every secret society and remove his/her name from any of their
registers and from any marriage ceremony or ungodly covenant cut on his/her behalf.

Destroy every deed of agreement in these ungodly covenants. Declare them null and
void and nail them to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Declare that the only binding covenant in his/her life is the covenant with Yahweh, God of
Israel, which was cut with the Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son.

Cut him/her loose from any curses spoken over him/her by these secret societies
and bind and rebuke all demons assigned to these curses and command them to go.

Command all secrets to come to the light. Cut him/her loose from demonic temples and
the priesthood.

Cut him/her loose from the spirit of Leviathan and pull down the veil of deception,
which is over him/her and ask the Holy Spirit to destroy it with His fire. Cut the person
loose from familiar spirits of death and cut the umbilical cord that ties them to the order
of Satan.

Fire every gatekeeper in charge of the gateways of these secret societies and strip
them of their assignments and rankings. Close every doorway and seal it with the Blood
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Blow out the candle and destroy rings, apron, sceptre,
mantles, etc.


Cut him/her loose from all snake worship, from the worship of Venus, Aphrodite, Eros,
Cupid and from the ancient serpent. Bind and rebuke the spirit of seduction and
command it to go.

Remove him/her from every altar where he/she has been placed in the spirit and ask for
the Fire of God to come and destroy those altars.

Break every curse in the bloodline as a result of illegitimacy (Deut. 23:2) or sexual
iniquities over his/her life and command the demons assigned to these curses to go.
Suction out all water spirits, body, soul and spirit.

Cut every ungodly soul tie with humans, dead human spirits, demonic spirits
which was formed by sexual acts in which he/she or any person in his/her bloodline
were involved and ask Father God to come and cleanse his/her spirit from any
defilement, by the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Cut soul ties with Incubus and
Succubus. Declare a divorce with any spiritual spouses. Break curses on
marriage, relationships and curses of divorce. Ask Father God to redeem back into His
Kingdom any money spent and seed spilled through sexual iniquities in this bloodline.
Destroy any altar in Atlantis. Cut the person free from Neptune, Poseidon, mermaids,
mermen, water fairies, queen of the sea, Leviathan, sea serpent, sirens, etc.

Fire every gatekeeper of sexual iniquities and strip them of their assignments, ranking
and purpose. Close these gateways and seal them with the Blood of Jesus Christ of


Cut him/her loose from all laws of Karma and separate the false unity between the Yin
and the Yang. Cut the person loose from every cosmic power and from all seven
ungodly levels in the spirit. Cut all soul ties made on those levels. Close all shakra
openings and uproot the kundalini.

Remove every ungodly aura around him/her and declare that only the Light and Presence
of the Almighty God, Yahweh of Israel will surround him/her.

Father, I ask that You will come with the Sword of the Spirit and cut any ungodly
connection between his/her soul and spirit.

In Jesus Name, destroy and nullify any enchantments, spells, charms, incantations,
curses, covenants, initiations and manipulations from idols, witches, wizards, priests,
water spirits, abortions from any coven, spiritual temple and mystic homes in the air, the
land and the sea.

Rebuke and bind the demons assigned to these curses in Jesus Name and them
command to go and become the footstool of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sever all ties between him/her and Atlantis; between him/her and Egypt, the pyramids,
the Nile, the crocodile (Leviathan), the phoenix, the cobra, the masks of Cleopatra,
the eagle, the Thunderbird, totems and totem poles.

Fire the gatekeepers guarding the gateways to mysticism, strip them of their purpose
and function and command them to go. Close the gateways and seal them with the
Blood of Jesus Christ our Saviour!

RELIGION (Jezebel/Lilith, Roman Catholics, Anti-Semitism)

Cut the person loose from all worship given to the church, honouring people and

Cut the person loose from religious ceremonies and rituals and his/her faith in these
to bring salvation.

Cut loose from the false trinity:

Roman Catholic church
Mother worship

Bind the works of the spirit of Jezebel and her five cords in his/her life and cut him/her
loose from this spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Come against the spirit of
Lilith and cut the person free. Declare a divorce in the heavenlies from the Queen of

Fire the gatekeepers guarding these gateways, strip them of their assignments and
close the gateways. Ask Father God to seal them with the Blood of Jesus Christ.


Cut person loose in the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth from every addiction
coming down his/her bloodline.

Break every chain and command the prison walls to fall and be destroyed by the fire of
God in Jesus Name.

Uproot every root of rejection in the bloodline and ask the fire of God to burn it up and
destroy every branch and fruit it has brought forth in his/her life.
Cut him/her loose from all failures and deceptions (curses of failure, poverty,
bankruptcy) and destroy any strongholds in the mind of the person.

Fire the gatekeepers guarding the gateways to addictions in his/her bloodline. Strip
them of their assignments, rankings and purpose and close the gateways in his/her life
and seal them with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Cut the person free from the
Rastafarian kingdom.


Now command every idol that was worshipped in this bloodline to fall as Dagon
fell and ask Father God to consume them with His fire and to destroy all
witnesses that testify against him/her in Jesus Name.

Destroy all satans files in his archives.

Remove every gift, ability, ranking, calling, weapon, sceptre, ring, mantle, etc. of
satan from his/her life as well as any sicknesses or demons that have been transferred
through his/her bloodline, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Remove every demonic seal on his/her life coming down this bloodline in the Almighty
Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Cut every ungodly soul tie between him/her and his/her mother and father.

Destroy every ungodly altar in this bloodline with the fire of God and dethrone every
principality ruling in this bloodline, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Cancel all
witnesses against them.

Pull down every banner satan has put up over the persons life (depression, etc) and
establish the banner of Yahweh Nissi and the altar of God in his/her life in the Name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Ask Father God to remove every destructive label that was placed on him/her by any
person and to pull down all ungodly words spoken and soulish prayers prayed over
him/her that stand in the spiritual realm.

Break the curse of the fatherless one, the curse of failure.

Close every doorway satan uses to petition against him/her.

Command every prison door to open and ask Father God to call forth his/her name
in resurrection power.

Ask that God will remove all trauma and shock from his/her life that he/she has
received from birth; that the Lord will bring healing to his/her wounds and restore to
him/her his/her portion of love. Ask Father God to restore him/her body, soul and

Petition that God will restore to him/her all that was stolen from him/her in every
area of his/her life.

Cancel every future plan of satan over persons life. Change the demonic season
over the persons life (Father Time and his seasons and harvests); destroy demonic
patterns and cycles; smash demonic time clocks; anti-clock wise clock second
hand, minute hand and hour hand. Bind the Grim Reaper and break his sickle.
Dedicate the persons harvest to God.

Reverse every ritual and change every curse into a blessing.

Ask the Lord to thunder His voice in the heavenlies over families, ministries, marriages,
children, unsaved loved ones, finances, etc. Take comprehensive insurance over the
person and his/her family and everything belonging to them. Proclaim Jesus as LORD
of ALL.

Declare that the Blood covenant of Jesus has the final word and cancels all other
covenants made by the forefathers or the person self. Jesus is the Alpha and the

Ask the Lord to confirm this ministry with signs, wonders and miracles!

Proclaim the Jubilee Year of the Lord over persons life; that he/she shall have:
The oil of joy instead of mourning.
The garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness.

Declare this ministry of deliverance now sealed with the Blood of Jesus.

Ask the Lord that he/she will know that although the mountains should depart and the hills
be shaken or removed, His love and kindness shall not depart from him/her nor shall His
covenant of peace and completeness be removed (says the Lord, Who has
compassion on you Is 54:10).
Armour of God: Put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the
belt of truth, the shoes of peace and place the Sword of the Spirit and the shield of Faith
in his/her hand.

Petition that the Lord will open every Godly well in this bloodline that has been closed
up by the enemy; that the Lord will let the fountains burst forth again in his/her life so that
streams of living waters will flow from his/her spirit! Thank You, Jesus for Your
wonderful work of redemption and the freedom that Your death on the Cross
has brought for us. We give You all the praise and we bless Your Name!



Jesus said we need to bind the strong man.

Matt. 12:29 Or how can a person go to a strong mans house and carry off his goods
(the entire equipment of his house) without first binding the strong man? Then indeed
he may plunder his house

The house means oikos speaks of generations ( blood line ).

Who are the strongmen in our homes fathers so the enemy comes and binds them
up because they do not take up their positions. In many families if there is sexual
abuse on a regular basis the muscles of the strongman gets bigger more power-
thus we need to remember to cancel the worship that is given.


Irish bloodline: Folklore, idol worship,

Catholic/Protestant, anger.

French: French revolution, isolation, desolation,

sorrow, Catholic/Protestant.

Germans: Hitler, hatred, rebellion, violence, anger. (See Prayer of

Renunciation Nazism)

Dutch: Pride, rebellion, arrogance, water spirits.

Africans: Egyptian gods.

And many more.



It is not necessary to obtain all detail from the person, especially in the areas of sexual
sin. Guard against lust! Identify the area of involvement and get the names of specific
people involved so that every sexual contact can be confessed individually.


Determine the passivity of the person.

People suffering from depression, suicidal tendencies, etc. usually have a very
lazy and passive mind. People who have been involved in the occult are used to
emptying their minds, which gives demons total control over their minds and

For deliverance to be successful these people must learn to get control over their
minds again and also to keep the demons out after deliverance.

Get the person to actively co-operate with you when rebuking the demons - teach
him/her to do warfare themselves!


Sins are committed one by one, so you have to confess them one by one as far as
possible - James 5:16.

As the person confesses and asks the Lord for forgiveness and cleansing, the legal
grounds of Satan are taken away.

Command the demons that have entered by specific sin to come out you do not
always have to address them by their names or command them to go one by one
(Jesus and the demon possessed man from the country of the Gadarenes).



When familiar spirits are involved, everyone must be bound individually, rebuked and
driven out by name / told to go. Do not allow the demon to manifest or speak through the
person. The person must control the demon and command it to go. If the Lord gives
specific names, address them and command them to leave.
Deliverance takes place in area after area: Spirit, soul, body; not demon after demon!

Prayers of Renunciation:

Much more detail has been worked out for each individual prayer. We want to suggest
that you take the person through those specific prayers that you have identified
according to the checklist which he / she completed after doing the Soul Care School.

Please also see Prayers of Renunciation necessary for deliverance:

General - Declaration - Gods Protection, Tips for Deliverance,

Sealing off Prayer; Performing Arts and Sports;
Delayed Marriage-related Curses and Covenants;
General, Personal and Family Curses and demonic Covenants;
Covenants-Names, Memories; Ungodly Soul Ties; Territorial Spirits,
Dangerous Prayers; Satanic altars (shrines) / high places of your City/Neighborhood;
Water spirits of your City Marine Altars;
Satanic agents of your City / Neighborhood;
Satanic gates of your City / Neighborhood; Dismantling and Redemption of Physical

Eastern - Yoga, Reincarnation, Meditation, Karate, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, sex magic, etc.

Secret organizations - Freemasonry, Ossewa Brandwag, Nazism, Afrikaner Broeder


Ancient roots - Germanic roots, Anti-Semitism,

Nazism, Egyptian gods & History,
Khoi, Jezebel, Star signs and astrology,
Shamanism, Cabala & History,
Satanism, Slavery, Lilith

Religions - Mormons, Jehovahs, Zoroasterism,

Old/New Apostolic, Babylonian Roots of Constantine, Scientology,
Rosicrucianism, World Wide Church of God (old order),
Hinduism, Islam, Hare Krishna, Buddhism, New Age,
Rastafarianism, Babylonian Roots

Breaking the Curse of Illegitimacy
Breaking the Curse of Alcoholism
The Druidism Root and its Fruit
Restoring your Sexuality
Understanding Your Sexuality for Ages 13-18
Closing chakras and how to deal with the Kundalini spirit
Dealing with Voodoo and the Consequences of Witchcraft.

Also available is the teaching on The Four Elements.





After all doors have been closed, we do a general cleansing of every area of man:

Sexual impurity
Cut off between soul and spirit (astral projection). 2 Cor 7:1; 1Thes 5:23; Mal
Physical body.


PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that You will forgive me where I have used
my spirit in an ungodly way and ask that You will completely cleanse my spirit of any
demons still present. I ask that You will seal my spirit so that no one (except You) will
ever control it again. I thank You in Jesus' Name.

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I command every demon still
present or that attacks my spirit to leave me immediately!

Never again will my spirit be used by Satan or any demons.


PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus I ask You to completely cleanse me of the many
sins I have committed during many sexual contacts. I now confess that it was
abominable in Your eyes and confess those sins with repentance. Thank You for Your

[Try and remember as many names as possible and name them before the Lord.]

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus Christ I command every demon that has
entered me by various sexual contacts to leave me right now.


(astral projection/flying)

Recommended reading: Watchman Nee The Latent Power of the Soul.

PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that You will remove my ability totally and
forever to communicate with the spirit world in any way, except that which comes from
the Holy Spirit. Therefore I ask You to once and for all bring separation between my soul
and my spirit as in Heb 4:12 and to remove all demons that give me the ability to control
my spirit and to communicate with the spirit world.

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus Christ I command all demons that join my spirit
and soul and that enable me to communicate with the spirit world and to do astral
projection, to leave me immediately!


PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ I ask You to cleanse, heal and renew my
mind completely. I ask Your forgiveness for every time I intentionally surrendered the use
of my mind. I want to use my mind to serve and honour You. Please help me to get
control over my mind again. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus.

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus, I command every demon still present in my

mind or that can harass my mind to leave me immediately!


PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that You will forgive me where I have used
my will to partake in so much sin. I also ask that You will forgive me where I allowed my
will to become so passive that demons controlled me. Please cleanse my will and send
your Holy Spirit to work in my will and to help me to do Your will according to Your good
pleasure (Phil. 2:13).

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus Christ I command every demon in my will or

that harasses my will to leave me immediately!


PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for all the hatred and
bitterness and lust and every other sinful emotion. Please forgive me where I have only
lived to satisfy my own emotions. Please cleanse my emotions and heal them so that
they will be pleasing to You.

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus, I command every demon in my emotions or

that harasses my emotions, to leave me immediately!


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I confess with a sincere and humble heart all terrible things
that I have done with my body and how I have sinned against You.

In the Name of Jesus I ask You to completely cleanse and heal my body. Lord, please
help me to use my physical body to honour and glorify You in everything I do. Thank You
for this in the Name of Jesus.

RENUNCIATION: In the Name of Jesus Christ, I command every demon still present in
my physical body to leave me immediately in the Name of Jesus.
In Conclusion:
(For the Counsellor)
Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the work being done here today. We pray against any whiplash,
backlash & judgement from the enemy in Jesus Name.

We ask Lord, that You will cut any ungodly soulties formed in the spirit because of the
deliverance that took place, also any transference that took place between their spirit,
soul and body to my spirit , soul and body. We plant the Cross of Jesus Christ
between my self and the counsellee. Thank You that no transference will take place. We
take out comprehensive insurance for our families, relationships and possessions.

We ask that You will cleanse and purify this property and this room with the Blood of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Your Holy Fire, that no demon will attach itself to any
object and all human and dead human spirits be removed by Your escort angels
to the footstool of Jesus Christ. That all defilement be removed and swept away
with Your Broom of destruction, in Jesus Name.

Father, we ask that You remove all watchdog and marker demons, that have been
assigned by the kingdom of darkness to mark the property in the spirit for a counter
attack through astral projection, to the feet of Jesus Christ.

We also want to declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over this place and
that all openings are sealed off with Your Blood. (Openings: Telephone, fax, computer,
water, sewerage, electricity.)


NOTE: Remember to go before the Lord and shower yourself with the Water of the
Word and enter into praise and worship and fill yourself again.

Cleansing Prayer for Yourself

Through contact with hurting people and/or Ritual Abuse Survivors

spiritual stuff can be attached to you and you should get rid of it before
going home or away.

In prayer ask the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth to send warrior angels to
bind any fallen angels (demons) attached to you or coming against
you in any way.
Ask that they be stripped of their power, authority, weapons,
illusions, and armour and that they and anything they sent or brought
be taken to the feet of the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth.

Ask the LORD to send any human spirit attached to you in any way back to the
sender. Then ask Him to cleanse you from any spiritual evil or attachments.

Renouncing any Agreement with any

ungodly things sent (e.g. sms, e-mail,
negative comments, etc.)

True Lord Jesus of Nazareth, on behalf of all my humanity,

I (state your name), renounce and refuse any
agreements I have made with spiritual evil.

On behalf of all my humanity, I renounce and refuse any

ungodly agreements I have made knowingly or
unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, actively or
passively that have allowed this (state what is wrong)
to continue bothering me.

On behalf of all my humanity I declare it to be null and void and I refuse to live under its
power and authority any longer.

I declare it broken and all fallen angels attached to me because of the agreement I
send you to the feet of the True Lord Jesus.

Go and take all your garbage with you, including (state what was bothering you, for
example: fear, depression, anger, lust, headache, etc.). Go now, obey!



This is the most common problem. Demons can return in two ways, namely:
a) Deliberate sins (bitterness and unforgiveness included).
b) If the persons ask the demons to return.

Remember: Demons can cause the same physical symptoms from the outside as
they have caused from the inside. However, physical symptoms or thoughts are not
proof that demons have returned. The person must stand in faith and believe that they
are gone. Beware of emotions!


We walk with the Lord in FAITH. We must learn to be obedient irrespective of our
feelings. Demons give emotional rewards to a person to put them in bondage.
People who have been possessed by demons for a long time can become addicted to
the emotional rewards given by the demons. People do not feel like reading their Bible
or praying. Self-discipline is required to walk in obedience and faith in God without
receiving any of the emotional rewards that we crave.


The mind is like a muscle: When not used it becomes weak

and helpless. It is very difficult to get your mind exercised
again. Memorizing of scripture (also tables!) is the best way
to renew a passive mind. Man is inherently lazy and it requires
mental discipline to multiply, divide, add, and subtract numbers -
a calculator is much easier! (See Whose Report do You Believe,
available from Kanaan Ministries).



Jesus said that after a demon has been cast out, he fetches seven others stronger than
himself and tries to enter again (Luke 11: 24-26). The battle after deliverance thus is
seven times harder!
Many people are unwilling to tolerate any discomfort. They command that their problems
be dealt with immediately. Gal. 6: 7-8 teaches us that we will reap what we have

Demonic "torment" when the demons try to return is part of the process of reaping.

Physical symptoms are common, e.g. a noise in the ears.

People must be taught to stand firmly and not to tire of warfare.

Even a thousand times per day (if necessary!) the demons must
be rebuked.

Demons never become tired of repetition. The person must rebuke the
demons and immediately concentrate on the Word (your Scripture for the
day) and ignore the demons.

Thoughts of "you have not been delivered - the demons are still inside" are common.


People must learn to banish sin from their lives. Knowledge of the Word is very
important to know what God requires.

Prayer, Bible study, fasting, etc. will help to crucify the flesh.


1. The commonest reason: failure to repent. Delivery is for the desperate. You must
do something to prove that you are earnest; you must hate the devil.

2. Failure to break with the occult. (See 1 Kings 18:21).

3. You must get rid of contact objects: an accursed object in your house makes you
accursed! Accursed objects in your house is a barrier to prosperity.
(Deut. 7:25-26)

4. Failure to forgive. Forgiveness is a decision of the will and does not involve
feelings. The more thorough forgiveness, the more thorough is delivery. Perhaps you
need a witness to forgiveness. Forgiveness involves releasing the other person.

5. Wrong motives: (James 4:3) - Your motive must be to get delivered to serve the
Lord not only to get rid of all your problems.

6. Some people don't really want to be delivered. They enjoy attention.

7. Lack of desperation. You must aggressively kick out the devil.

8. Theological hang-ups. (e.g. Christians don't have demons).

9. Some people are battlefields - there is a great struggle between the powers of
LIGHT and DARKNESS. Such cases needs spiritual warfare to get them delivered.
Let the Lord show you their background.



1. Make Jesus Christ the LORD over EVERY AREA of your life (Matt. 12:43-45). You
must desire to subject to Jesus Christ in every area of your life.

2. Put on the garment of praise (Is. 61:3) and on top of it

3. Put on the full armour of God (Ef. 6) and clothe yourself with the LOVE of Christ
(Gal. 3:27; Rom. 13:14)

4. Live every day by God's WORD (Matt. 4:3). (Not by theologic opinions, social
conventions, tradition )

5. Submit to God and resist Satan, then the devil will flee from you. (James 4). Note
priority. The devil will most certainly try to come back - You must RESIST him.

6. Cultivate right fellowship. Avoid associating with unbelievers especially religious

unbelievers. Walk in the light. (1 Job. 1:7). Remember the Blood of Jesus
does not cleanse in the dark. Listen to the right people. Do not listen to
unbelieving Christians do not speak like them.

7. Come under discipline. (Self-discipline; wife submit husband; church discipline

(Heb. 3:7;17))

8. MAKE JESUS CENTRAL - Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. (John 12:31-32). When
satan is cast out, there is a vacuum. Fill it with Jesus. Focus on Jesus, don't be
demon conscious .

9. Continually see Jesus as your Saviour and Deliverer!


Dear Counselor

One thing you must always remember, and that is that this is a MINISTRY OF LOVE.

You are working with the crown of God's creation. Every time you pray, ask God to
circumcise your heart with His Godly LOVE, INSIGHT and COMPASSION for His people
who are so hurt and broken.

Never use a "recipe"/method. Every person is unique and very special.

Zech. 4:6 Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.

Thank you that you have also enlisted in God's army to help the Bride of Christ to be
cleansed by the power of His Word!

Lots of love and lots of strength


Lecture 17


When one counsels Satanists you have to remember a few things:

It is a specialized field.
There are no quick fixes. You deal with things like curse pins, SRA (Satanic
Ritual Abuse), sowing and reaping, etc.
The occult calling comes through the strongmen that are worshipped in the family
line. Cancel the worship that gives ruling power to the demon.

NOTE: If the person starts telling you a whole lot of information concerning their activities
in satanism, freely speaking it out, BE WARNED!!
A person really trying to come free from satanism will fight with their life and one will need
to protect them from death threats, demonic rape, rape by human spirits, terrible torment,
Those that are sent in, for Church destruction, work on the spiritual principle that if you
drive one demon out, it returns later with 7 more wicked demons.

Matthew 12:44-45 44 Then it says, I will go back to my house from which I came out.
And when it arrives, it finds the place unoccupied, swept, put in order, and
45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and
they go in and make their home there. And the last condition of that man becomes
worse than the first. So also shall it be with this wicked generation.

That is why the Word teaches us not to just drive out demons without first teaching and
closing all the doors, so that the above scripture will not be applicable. As counsellors
we are responsible before the Lord for every deliverance session.


(the unity of the opposites)

E.g. positive : negative
man : woman
good : bad

Yin & Yang has its source in the Old Chinese Taoistic Religion. The goal is to achieve
mystical harmony with the universe.

a) False unity. Separate the Yin and the Yang.

b) Isolate demonic powers from one another.

First destroy the power of opposites. Also acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology,
etc. Work on the principle of balance with the cosmic powers and a union with the
(Please see Prayer on Renunciation of the Kundalini available from Kanaan Ministries.)

Acupuncture - needles inserted in meridians to tap energy (energy - "CHI" / vital force).

Anoint places and close gateways where demons have penetrated. Familiar object -
needle. Cut off soul ties with the practitioner. Specifically name the name of the person.
Bio-rhythms - linked to cycles of the moon. Cut the person loose from Queen of

c) Destroy the energy powers from the opposites.


Goddess worship.
Demons of lust.
Sexual slavery.
Changing moods.
Schizophrenia - split personality and multiple personalities.
Illnesses: Backache, pain in all the bones of the body.

(read The Beautiful Side of Evil by Joanna Michaelson)

The New Age teaches that there are seven levels (with seven colours of the rainbow) in
the spiritual dimension that can be reached by meditation, astral projection, mind control,
visualization, false visual dreams, etc.

The Bodys seven main Chakras
Purple - Crown

Indigo - Brow

Blue - Throat

Green - Heart

Yellow - Solar Plexus

Orange - Sacral

Red - Base

Entrance into the spirit dimension is normally achieved through a gateway/doorway,

usually the third eye. The Third Eye gives the ability to see/contact spirits. This ability is
also known as 'psychic gifts.' New Age calls it centering.

Mirrors, candles, symbols, flower motifs, mantra (quick repetition of words) etc. are used
as points of concentration.

By the use of channeling (spiritualist medium) they move to different levels of the spirit
dimension. It links them to:
Cosmic powers aliens (demons).
Vibrations of the universe Includes powers from planets, stars, earth, moon
and sun.
Vibrations of mother earth Includes magnetic powers, occultic powers added
to plant life (trees / herbs), animals, water, fire, wind, earth (Merlin wizardry).

Basic process of channeling includes hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation. These

powers have to be isolated from each other.

These three powers form a link to release energy (psychic power, mind power) and
by visualization a union is achieved with the latent power of the soul and the spirit
guide (a power demon).

They again link with the "gift" of astral projection (a demon) that enables your spirit to
leave your body through the gateway/doorway. The person can apply above-mentioned
steps or inherit the "gifts" (born with the caul) to move in the spirit dimension.

When contact is made, here they receive special revelations, wisdom and
knowledge. Spirit beings, entities, spirit guides, guardian spirits and human spirits all
meet on these levels. Soul ties are formed. These meetings can lead to sexual
contact on spiritual levels (incubus - male; succubus - female).


This contact with the spirit dimension opens a door in the sub-conscious mind that can
control the person in his sleep without his will (can also be inherited).

NB: Cut the person loose from his conscious mind as well as his unconscious mind

Cut the person loose from the specific levels that have been reached. Every level
determines the gifts and level of spirituality and ungodly wisdom that has been received.
Give the gifts back to Satan. There are also different gods appointed over different

NB: A marriage contract is made with this demon. Declare a divorce!

The levels are in the form of a pyramid.

Indian gods over specific

Kali, Shiva, Hanuman (ape),
Ganesh (elephant), etc.


1. Energy
2. Vibrations
3. Electromagnetic vibrations
4. The Force
5. Higher powers
6. Entity
7. Inner man
8. Counselor
9. Alpha or Theta level Silva mind control
10. Higher state of consciousness


Includes courses on mind control techniques, relaxation techniques, etc.

Meditation opens the door to all other psychic gifts namely, mind control, telepathy,
telekinesis, pyrokinesis (to set things alight), etc.

Usually by the (rapid) repetition of a mantra (words or sounds) or a specific phrase (Our
Father is sometimes used!) or saying a sentence backwards (incantation), a state of
trance is achieved (the mind is blanked out). The words are not important. It is the
repetition thereof. It is also used in rock music.

The soul is scattered and unions are formed with cosmic powers (demons).

In witchcraft (meditation circles) the person in this state can use the power of these
demons against someone else. This causes illnesses, fever, dizziness, severe
headaches, tiredness, etc.

Meditation is achieved by certain contacts, cues, also used in hypnosis. It can also
include the following: a scent (perfume), colour, special tapes, a word, incense, picture,
candles, yoga position, number/amount, flower motif, etc. They are all arranged to
heighten the concentration. Meditation is also found in mind control techniques, e.g.
certain courses, T.M. and SMC (Silva Mind Control), etc.


a) Demon of meditation (demon that entered during meditation).

b) Familiar object used (mind picture - visualisation).
c) Demon of fantasy and imagination.
d) Consciousness and Unconsciousness.

[Satanists are linked to the moon; full moon, especially, is a familiar object.]

NB: Break the addiction to the idol of meditation (power and pleasure).

Meditation is a form of escape from pain and reality. It sends a person on a demonic trip
similar to the drug, cocaine, or other similar drugs.

Meditation is highly addictive as a result of the pleasure it gives, as well as the power
made available to the user. Just like a drug addict, the person will desire meditation
for the fleshly enjoyment he experiences.

There can be a specific place in the spirit where such a person can escape to. Here
his soul can be held captive by techniques of visualization along with fantasizing in
order to create a hiding place or a place of escape. New Age (with mind control)
provides a laboratory / place of safety.

Children of the Lord can also have such a place of escape / habit pattern if frustrations
build up (shopping or something similar - instead of taking it to the Lord).

Cut loose the person from cosmic powers, vibrations of the universe and worship of
mother earth. Isolate the powers, hypnosis, self-hypnosis and meditation from one
another. Break the link with the familiar object used as well as the demon of fantasy and
imagination. Break link with consciousness and unconsciousness.


It works like a very powerful covenant that you subject yourself to. Every thought,
action and word produces an effect. Because these "effects" cannot all be experienced
in one lifetime, the person has to reincarnate repeatedly to live out the effects of his
previous lives. It becomes an unending process from which you cannot escape (the
wheel of life).

There is no forgiveness in karma - you must pay for your deeds. There is also no
recognition of sin. Brahman is everything - good and evil. They believe that yoga can
help you to escape with meditation ( state of mindlessness!).

Break the laws of Karma over the person. Break the curse of death and the fear of
torment / torture / punishment. Cut the person loose from the Wheel of Life.
Symptoms: Condemnation, anorexia, self-torture, self-destruction / mutilation, martyr,
serious depression, despair, backache, pain in skeleton, severe headaches, bondages
over mind, helplessness, severe feelings of guilt.


a) Prince demon over all Eastern religions - Buddha (Baal - sun god). Cut the
person loose and break the power of Buddha over the person.

b) Eve with snake at the tree of knowledge of good and evil (ancient serpent);
Moses with the snake on the pole for healing - Satan is an imitator; in Ephesus
the snake was worshipped - god of false healing (Askleopious) (Yoga - kundalini).

c) Cut the person loose and break the link of the cosmic powers; vibrations of the
universe: planets, stars, earth, moon; mother Earth (Semiramis; magnetic
powers, occultic powers added to plant and animal life, herbs, etc.). The enemy
must use energy from other sources for healing.

d) HYPNOSIS - Break the control of the hypnotist over the person. Cut the soul ties
with the hypnotist. Break the power of point of contact used - word, sound, music,
voice frequency, etc. Command every demon that has entered to leave the
person. Cut off everything that could have happened while the person was under
hypnosis. Cut loose conscious and unconscious mind. Pray for healing of the
trauma and shock that was possibly revealed without the protection of the Holy
Spirit. Rom 6:16.

e) Always remember to close the third eye and to destroy the psychic powers after
the person is willing to give it up - give it back to Satan !

f) CHANNELLING - Isolate hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, fantasy and

imagination (visualization), astral projection. Cut soul ties with any counselors,
spirit guides, human spirits, etc. that have been met in the spirit dimension on
seven levels. Depending on the degree of involvement and exercises and gifts
there can be a spirit guide on each level. Close gateways/doorways.
Consciousness, semi- and sub-consciousness must be cut loose.

g) The soul is possibly scattered over all seven levels. Call the soul back from the
seventh, sixth, fifth... up to the first level in the Name of Jesus. The soul can also
be scattered with the seven colours on the seven levels during relaxation


Clairvoyant Divination Fortune Telling White good Evil

(born with (Familiar spirit) Medium witches Witches
caul) Spiritualist (Satanists)

Foreboding Teacup reading Clairvoyants Wizards Black magic

Telepathy Palmistry Seers Magicians Voodoo
Word of Sangomas Crystals, etc. Sorcerers
(No familiar Knowledge, etc. Witchdoctors 4 Elements Alchemists
object) Traditional herbal
doctors Use evil spirits
Yoga meditation and
Psychic doctors mind control

Use white magic:

powders, muti,
objects of sorcery,
crystal ball, cards,
water and various
other recipes.


Confess that they partook in the counsel of the devil! Confess involvement in specific
practices and renounce them. They have to turn their backs on Satan.

Break soul ties with the medium / fortune teller / clairvoyant (give name of

Break all mind links, psychic links and soul ties with everyone who was involved in the
group. They hold hands to form a union / hands on glass, etc.

Get names of spirits that were called up (if possible) and cut soul ties with
every spirit.
Confess faith in words of the demons - even if they thought it to be nonsense. Break the
curses that have been uttered. Bind, rebuke and drive out all familiar spirits, spirit
guides, guardian angels, etc.


(Soul ties - manipulation and psychic powers)

Confess consultation with the enemy and cut soul ties with witchdoctor, fortune teller,

Confess faith in spoken words, even though it was considered

to be nonsense. Break curses and render them powerless.

All familiar objects that have been used must be cancelled,

e.g. knuckle bones, teeth, holy water, powder in fire, bangles,
beads, photographs, cigarettes, etc. All practices must be
confessed, e.g. make knot in handkerchief, sprinkle salt,
spread ash, light candles, mirrors, etc. and must then be
cancelled or loosed in the spirit dimension.
Reverse the curses, e.g. blow out the candles.

Using any muti, application/sprinkling of muti, etc. give demons legal right and work as
trace elements in the spirit (love potions / drops, etc.). Confess involvement and cancel
the power of the muti; also if it has been done to someone else, e.g. husband, to save

Bind, rebuke and drive out all evil spirits ascribed to the person.

Magic objects that have been planted must be dug up (if place is known). Check four
corners of property and entrances, wrapped in pieces of tin foil.

REMEMBER: DO NOT TOUCH WITH HANDS!! Powers get transferred.

Deut. 7:25-26 25 The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire. You shall
not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be
ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.
26 Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you become
an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is an accursed

FIRST render powers or curses powerless. Then only can it be burnt or

Use Communion if the Lord leads and do redeeming the land.

Cancel any laying on of hands / holding hands / contact - spirits can be transferred!
Bind, rebuke and command to leave!


At the deliverance of people with power demons; people involved with karate, yoga,
meditation, false healing, etc. It happens that these demons attack your spirit (warfare)
and you experience a draining, tiredness or sleepiness, headaches, pressure,
before, during or after the counseling. Remember to always seal off the room to
avoid contact or reinforcement from outside.

Ask the person himself to bind these demons so that they cannot manifest and tire you.
The person must co-operate; often the person is not even aware of the battle.

Also remember: All discernment in the spirit dimension is exhausting. After counseling
and deliverance, you may feel as if you have been run over by a train! Remember it is a


The person cannot concentrate, learn or remember. There is a bondage over the mind.

Break the shock and expel any demon that entered during this experience. Such a
person is caught up in the past. It can become an idol: Self-pity plays a big role. The
emotions are bound to this experience. Ps 105: 17, 18.


The memories and pain are merely suppressed. The person cannot remember them
any longer.

The Person must

be willing to deal with the roots of the traumatic experience.

place his will under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

be completely under the Blood of Jesus Christ for the protection by the Holy Spirit.

confess permission for shock therapy as solution to the problem.

The Counsellor takes authority over the blockage in the conscious mind, semi- and sub-
conscious that has been caused by the shock therapy. Ask the Holy Spirit to go back
step by step and to do inner healing.


Attacks by human spirits. We do not have authority over human spirits and
cannot bind them as evil spirits. You must ask the LORD to remove them. Bring
the Gospel to them - remember it is a soul!

IUD apparatuses (Copper T, multi-load, etc.) must be removed and the door
closed. Doorways/gateways have gatekeepers they need to be fired.

Remember: All deliberate abortions are sacrifices to Satan. The person must
ask the LORD for forgiveness and for cleansing and command that all demons
that have entered through the apparatus and abortions leave immediately in the
Name of Jesus. Break the curse over the womb. Specifically address the spirit
of death and the spirit of sacrifice and spirit of murder.


6. Family coat of arms can give very interesting information.


Apart from our surnames, we also inherit family crests. The use of family crests stem
from the Middle Ages, when the knights used symbols on their armour in order to identify
themselves in battle, as well as during the crusades. These symbols are used to
represent some character trait of the bearer.

With the old Germanic tribes it was customary for the father or leader of the tribe to equip
a young boy with armour when he entered manhood, which was normally in his late teens
or early twenties. This gave rise to the development of family crests.

Hereditary diseases are another thing which we get from our ancestors. According to
the South African Association for Hereditary Conditions, one in every 40 babies in South
Africa is born with some kind of hereditary disease. Spina Bifida, which is a hereditary
deformity of the spine, is one of the most common hereditay conditions. One in every
500 to 1000 babies in South Africa suffers from this condition, which is caused by the
interaction of the parents genetic material and certain environmental conditions.

Vaiegate Porphyria, also known as South African genetic porphyria, is another
condition which the Department of Health has classified as a genetic deviation. This is a
very common condition in South Africa. According to research by Dr Geoffry Dean,
almost everyone in South Africa is suffering from Vaiegate Porphyria, can be traced
back to a Dutch couple who were married in the Cape in 1688. They had 8 children,
several of whom inherited the disease, which they also passed on to their offspring.
Today there are between 10 000 and 20 000 people in South Africa suffering from the

(This information was gathered from an article, Familietrots deur die eeue, which appeared in
Rapport-Tydskrif on 22 September 1998)

7. When people dream about snakes; e.g. yellow /
black python pray against the ancient serpent it is
lazy, but very poisonous. People can see many
different types and colours of snakes and dragons in the
spirit. Be specific when you pray and ask the Holy
Spirit to reveal to you the meaning of the colours, e.g. yellow
dragon could equal yellow belt in Karate.

8. Curse pins ask Holy Spirit to burn them out seal opening
with the Blood of Jesus ask for the Healing Balm of Gilead to bring healing.
Never touch a cursed object with your hands.
Bind demons attached to the pins. (See section on Physical demonic attacks.)

9. Voodoo curses Cut the person free from object used to represent them (doll,
photograph, etc). Pull out the pins in the spirit and break the curses assigned to
the pins. Break the pins in Jesus Name. Pray for healing.

10. Tattoos Cut person free from familiar object (needle).

Read each tattoo and identify the demons attached. Bind demons attached and
remove. Cut person free from practitioner. Ask the Lord to heal and close all
Remember every door has a doorkeeper / gatekeeper, that needs to be fired.

11. People sometimes get raped at night. Struggle in their marriage sexually cold
Incubus (male demon) or Succubus (female demon).
They form a trinity between, human spirit, familiar spirit or dead human spirit and
the demon. Cut ungodly soul ties from all three spirits. Cancel the triple
marriage contract in the spirit.

This sometimes occurs because of the sin of incest and perversion in the
bloodline. Also cut marriage contract with Lucifer or the hairy goat figure
(Baphomet). If it has scales (Leviathan reptile) cut from the beast satan
himself. Always remember the gatekeeper (See Prayer of Renunciation Lilith).

12. Umbilical cord round the neck. Remember the spirit of death.

13. Childlessness Unlock mothers womb. God has given us keys to open closed
gates. Fire the gatekeeper over the womb. Break the curse of barrenness.

14. Salt covenants Break salt covenants whenever you have had a meal with
anyone. Enemy sees eating together as the right to form a covenant with you.
(See information in Prayers of Renunciation General.)

15. False baptisms: Break seal of babys christening Babylon, water spirits, sun
worship. (See Babilonian Roots in Prayers of Renunciation Religions)

Beware of weird baptism methods, e.g. naked baptism.

16. Touching of dead bodies cut loose from dead human spirit, any familiar spirits
any transference cleanse yourself, e.g. sickness, death, depression, etc.

17. Much bleeding in the family (at birth, bleeders, nose-bleeding, miscarriages,
etc.) can be due to a demon in the bloodline that requires blood sacrifices. His
right to demand that can be as a result of murder, abortion, innocent bloodshed
during wars, suicide, blood covenants, etc.

18. Blood transfusion:

1. life is in the blood
2. blood must be redeemed
3. all defilement must be removed in the Name of Jesus.
4. Bind any demons that could be transferred through transfusion.
5. Seal the opening where the skin was pierced with the needle.

19. Interior Decorating of room: eg. dream catcher

catch good dreams
lucky charm
filter away bad dreams
American Red Indian magic

Check all artwork and objects (For more info see Chapter
on The World of Arts, Drama and Music in Course 5
Advanced Training for Counsellors and Intercessors.)

20. Birth marks (big and ugly) / Cleft palate sometimes the enemy marks you
cover it with the Blood of Jesus. Remove all spiritual marks in Jesus Name.

21. Sex magic (see Prayers of Renunciation - Eastern) You will have dreams
(sexual). Pray over seed. Pray Prayer of Renunciation for Lilith, Break soul ties,
cancel energies released.

22. Unable to find Marriage Partner break curses of Celibacy check for
Babylonian Root and vows made on bloodline (or in the persons life). (See
Petition dealing with Delayed Marriage related Curses and Covenants available
from Kanaan Ministries.)

23. Sexual difficulties if first sexual intercourse was very painful or even
impossible because the hymen was very thick check Babylonian roots break
the curse of celibacy cancel all Hail Marys, etc.

24. Marriage covenant with Jezebel strong women and weak men (Ahab).
Declare a divorce with the spirit of Jezebel. Destroy agreements with witchcraft
spirits of control (manipulation, domination, intimidation). Break curse of Ahab
over men and take them out of the arms of Jezebel.

25. The Curse of the black widow spider. Strong Jezebelic women that hate men
and destroy them pattern of deaths and divorces of men in family.

26. In both cases (nr. 19 and 20) pray the Jezebelic prayers of Renunciation.

27. Misogyny spirit men that hate women. Men who physically or sexually abuse
their wives typically:

a. Believe in mail superiority over females

b. Believe in traditional sex roles for men and women
c. Either see women as weak, or idealize women
d. Expect women to be caretakers
e. Are intolerant of womens anger
f. Project responsibility for their own feelings
g. See their wives as extensions of themselves
h. Have relationships with other men that are superficial and limited.
i. Are interested in looking strong to other men.

(There are many powerful teachings available to help abused women.

1. Healing the Hurting Catherin Clark Kroeger & James R. Beck
2. Men who Hate Women and the Women who Love them Dr. Susan Forword)

28. Homosexuality and Rape Jezebel and Belial have come in agreement. (See
book: Belial A Ruling Spirit of Wickedness available from Kanaan Ministries.)

29. Abandoned children Parents have abdicated their roles and satan took
adoption papers. Ask Father God for the Spirit of Adoption and to take back
those adoption papers in Jesus Name.

According to Eph. 1: 4 God has Right of First Claim as we were with Him
before the foundations of this world was laid.

NB: Always seal off any prayer with the Blood of Jesus, to stop the birds
of the air from stealing the words.

In Conclusion:

Remember to seal everything you have prayed with the Blood of Jesus.


Fruit in persons life

Demonic oppression
and possession
NB: Person themselves prays
over 1 and 2
NB: Counselor prays about 3
Soul ties
after 1 and 2 have been Deliberate sin
confessed. Inheritance
Bitterness and unforgiveness
Counselor helps and assists. Rebellion and rejection

1 FOUNDATION - Bloodline

NOTE: The strongman usually runs down the chimney and hides in the rooms
when deliverance begins!



Self-rejection Own will

Fear of rejection Selfish
Insecurity Stubborn
Various fears Self-deception
Sensitivity Unforgiving
Inferiority Hatred-murder
Self-pity Clear past
Self-conscious-shy Suspect everybody
Jealousy Retaliation
Envy Possessive
Fear of correction Suspicious
Depression Blame others-projection
Impatience Anger-violence
Intolerance Arrogance
Talkative Unteachable
Tension Grudge
Nervous Fear confrontation
Loneliness Judgmental
Suicide Control others
Self condemnation Self deception
Forced confession
Perfectionism (Pride)
False pity
False responsibility
Day dreaming (Fantasy)

The following article has been taken from: Becoming a Vessel of Honour by Rebecca
Brown MD:


The most common wound in this category occurs in what seems to be an accident, but is
actually caused by a demon. Let me give you an example. A couple of years ago I was
rushing to get ready to go to a wedding. I finished ironing my dress and leaned over to
pull the plug of the iron out of the wall. Suddenly my arm was caught and held against the
iron. My natural reflex was not enough to pull my arm away from the hot iron. I had to use
my other hand to do so. Naturally, I received a deep burn on the side of my left arm as a

Because my natural reflex was not sufficient to pull my arm away from the hot iron, I
should have immediately realized that the wound was demonic in addition to the physical
burn. It was more than just an accident. However, I was in a terrible hurry, and the
demons did their best to block my mind from recognizing that they were involved in the
wound. I hastily placed a dressing over the burn and rushed off to the wedding. I had a
speaking engagement that evening and again the next day. My arm was extremely
painful, but I did not stop to think about it long enough to recognize the demonic
component of the injury.

Finally, two days later when I had a chance to slow down, I started thinking about the
burn. I had applied aloe vera which normally always relieves the pain of a burn. In my
case, it increased the pain! So did every other ointment I tried. Also, I noticed that the
area of the burn was getting bigger and was, by then, so painful I could hardly stand it.
This is not normal for a second degree burn. The pain should have started to lessen by
the third day in the case of normal healing. But, this wasn't a normal burn. As I looked at
the burn and began to pray about it, the Holy Spirit brought back to my mind the
circumstances of the accident. Especially the fact that my natural reflex had not been
enough to pull my arm away from the iron. Immediately I realized that this was a demonic

I got out my bottle of oil and literally poured it over the entire burn saying, In the Name of
Jesus Christ, I command any demon associated with this burn to leave me im-
mediately. I command you to stop afflicting and extending this burn, and in the Name
of Jesus I command pain to leave NOW! Father, in the Name of Jesus I ask you to
bring healing and pain relief to this burn. I thank you for it in the Name of Jesus."
Immediately the pain lessened, and the burn then started the normal healing process.
However, because I had let it go so long, it had extended to twice the area of the original
burn and took almost three weeks to heal, leaving a scar. I have no doubt at all that if I
had stopped and anointed the burn immediately, I would not have had such a severe

I have found that pure olive oil is not harmful in open cuts or burns. I have used it
repeatedly in such cases. In the parable of the good Samaritan, the alcohol in the wine
was used to cleanse the wound and the oil was used for healing.
I will always anoint with oil first, then cleanse the wound with some sort of antiseptic, add
whatever healing ointment I have available and bandage the wound.

Here is another example. Sam (not his real name) was a martial arts expert before
accepting Christ. After he came to Christ, he was working on the lawn of his pastor's
home one afternoon. The demon that used to be his spirit guide appeared to him and
threatened to kill him if he did not renounce Christ and go back to serving Satan.

Sam, being a very young Christian, instead of simply rebuking the demon and
commanding him to leave in the Name of Jesus, said something like, "No way, bug off!"
The demon lashed out and clawed Sam on the head leaving three gashes to the bone
extending the full length of his scalp. Sam was knocked unconscious on the ground. The
Holy Spirit alerted the pastor that Sam was in trouble. He went out and found him
unconscious in a pool of blood on the ground.

The pastor picked Sam up and took him to a nearby hospital where the three lacerations
in his scalp were stitched closed. However, the pain did not lessen. Instead, it continued
to increase over the next two days. That's when Sam came to see me. The pastor had
anointed Sarn with oil, but both he and the pastor had been afraid to put oil on the
lacerations because of the stitches. Sam's pain was extremely severe by the time I saw
him. There was no evidence of inflammation around the stitches, although the wound did
not show the normal healing it should have for three days. I took olive oil and poured it
over the three lacerations covering them completely. At the same time I rebuked
the demons and prayed as I did in the above example with my burn. Within a few
seconds the pain was gone out of Sam's head. We simply used clean gauze to daub the
oil off the stitches and left the lacerations open to the air as they had done at the hospital.
The wounds proceeded to heal normally.

There is another common type of direct physical injury caused by what the craft calls
BRUSH ACID. Those skilled in astral-projection use this preparation extensively. It is
simply a mixture of hydrochloric acid (occasionally some other kind of acid is used)
mixed with agar. Hydrochloric acid burns the skin just the same as a flame. It is easily
obtainable from any laboratory supply house. Agar is a thickening agent which is used
as a basic ingredient for mediums used to grow bacteria in any laboratory. It is cheap
and easily available. Agar thickens any solution similar to gelatin. The agaracid mixture
is about the concistency of runny jelly. It is clear and easy to apply to any surface.
Anyone brushing against the acid, or getting their hands into it can receive a severe acid

Satanists astral-project and put this brush acid on such things as car door handles,
door knobs of homes, counter tops, etc. Those extremely skilled in astral-projection
can carry the brush acid and directly place it or brush it onto a person in the physical

The physical person cannot see the spirit carrying the acid, and the acid cannot burn a
spirit. (I know this sounds really farfetched to those who have never been in the craft, but
those who have served Satan know that what I am writing is true.)
People use it in the Physical realm also, of course. We have most frequently found it on
the handles of our car doors. It is simple to remove by flushing with water, but you
CANNOT touch it with your bare skin. We usually flush the area with plenty of water and
then wash it with soap and water and then anoint it with oil. If you receive a burn from
such a source, you should immediately flush the affected part with copious amounts of
water and then anoint it with oil as I have described. Then treat the resulting burn the
same as you would any other burn.

A case study revealed that toothpaste was injected with acid.

Also be careful of any unusual insect bites. Demons can use spiders and such, but do
not do so commonly. If you suspect demonic involvement in an insect bite, simply cover
the bite with oil and command the demons to leave. Demonic insect bites will always
produce a much more severe reaction and inflammation than a normal insect bite.

Demon bites are also a reality. They show up on the skin as a physical bite mark, or
sometimes a pattern of red, called petechiae, in a circular pattern. These, too, are
simply treated by anointing with oil.

Another type of demonic wound that is very common is a physical iniury for which
you have no memory of its origin. It is not uncommon for one of us to become very
weak or ill. When this occurs, usually we start looking for some sort of injury. Frequently it
is a significant cut somewhere and we will have no memory of when the cut occurred.
Normally an injury of this type would cause enough pain that we would clearly remember
when we got it. These, too, must be anointed with oil.


Almost from the beginning of time, poisoning has been a very popular method of doing
harm to an enemy. This is certainly true of those in the craft as well. However, their
poisons are ALL mixed with demons and demonic powers. Therefore, there are
two things to be dealt with: the physical poison and the demons. Some common
substances which are available in most any occultic bookstore are not, in themselves,
very toxic. But, when combined with special incantations, they can be deadly. Others are
very deadly and must be ordered "under-the-counter" in occult bookstores or through
occultic supply houses.

Some of the common substances used in poison potions are:
Ova ursi oil Valerain root
Vervain oil Muckroot
Mandrake Bloodroot
Quick silver (mercury) Tannis root
Wormroot Cyanide
Hemlock Curare
Ginseng root Double-cross powder (cyanide)

Unfortunately, as modern scientific technology progresses, witchcraft takes advantage of

all the advances. One of the most significant is the use of DMSO. DMSO stands for
DimethyIsulfoxide. This is a chemical that was developed originalry for use in horses. It is
an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It is rubbed on strained ligaments, inflamed joints,
etc. In 1988 it was finally approved by the FDA for use in humans. DMSO has one
property that makes it particularly valuable to the occultist and to drug users. It is ab-
sorbed through the skin into the blood stream within twenty seconds. Thus, most anything
mixed with DMSO is ALSO absorbed through the skin into the blood stream in twenty
seconds. The occultists love to mix their various poisons with DMSO. The unfortunate
person who then gets the solution on his/her skin gets into trouble very quickly. DMSO is
readily available at most any veterinary supply store.

Frequently the poisons and DMSO are mixed with gum arabic to make it more sticky
and harder to get off the skin.

Be careful! If you suspect a poison has been placed anywhere within your reach, use
rubber gloves to handle the article and to wash off the substance. If you have put your
hands into something that contains DMSO, wash the area GENTLY with copious
amounts of water and then with soap and water. If you rub your skin hard with DMSO,
blisters will be raised on your skin and the rate of adsorption will be increased. You can
be alerted to the fact that you have gotten into DMSO by the fact that, as it is absorbed
through your skin into your bloodstream, you will experience a peculiar smell similar to
that of oysters or fish as the DMSO travels in your blood through your nose. Many times
you will also experience a taste of fish as well.

Some poisons also come in powdered form and can be placed on paper or on gummed
stickers or labels. The poisons can be absorbed through your skin from the paper, or
taken into your body by licking the stickers, etc. There have been cases of children
poisoned with LSD through gummed stickers or stars which they licked to stick on their
papers, or through stamps.

Those of us in such a ministry as this must ALWAYS be alert to guidance by the Holy
Spirit. Only HE can alert us to these dangers. One characteristic common to most all oc-
cult poisonings is that the symptoms of the illness frequently come on every day at the
same time as the poisoning occurred.

Such things as intense headaches, muscle aches, fever, weakness, etc. Also, it will
frequently get worse at sunset as the demons become much more active at dusk and
throughout the night.

Some of the most powerful poisoning incantations come out of writings called the
"Grimories." These-are very old books that were written by the alchemists of the middle
ages in Europe. They were the "scientists" who tried to turn common substances into
gold, and bring life out of inanimate substances. They were, in reality, very powerful
sorcerers. These volumes are still available today, for a price, but are strictly
under-the-counter type materials.

I have been told that three of the common demons used in the various cantations from
the Grimories are:

> VALEFOR, king of all occult medicine and death.

Valefor cannot be called up without a human sacrifice.
> ALLOCES, king of torment.
> ANDRES, lord of swift destruction especially mentally.

Occult poisonings that are mostly all demonic have limited-time intervals in which they
can work. These are governed by the astrological signs and astronomy. Most poison
incantations are done at the rise of a particular planet, such as Saturn and run out when
the planet sets. This is usually a period of one to three months. If it is a bad time of the
year for the stars, they will use a more deadly physical poison. The demonic portion of a
poisoning can be rebuked and driven away by prayer and a simple anointing with oil.

But the effects of the physical poisons can be lasting. NEVER put so much as a sip of
water into my mouth without first praying and asking the Lord to purify and sanctify it
according to 1 Timothy 4:5 and Mark 16:17-18.

In purely demonic poisonings, many times the person can actually feel a burning or
tingling sensation traveling up his/her arm immediately after getting their ingers in a
poison, or getting something such as a splinter in their hand. You MUST anoint
immediately with oil to stop the spread of demonic power into the rest of their body. You
must apply the oil like a tourniquet above the level of the spread of demonic power, and
then drive the demons down and out of the extremity. (Figure 6-1)

Figure 6-1
If the person is alone and does not have someone to help them, they should apply the "oil
tourniquet" first, then wash the area thoroughly to remove any physical poison, or remove
the splinter or insert, and then drive the demons down and out of the extremity by using
the oil as in the illustration.

Also, be careful. If you are involved in a ministry similar to our own, the craft will place
their people as employees in all the restaurants in your area. NEVER develop a routine!
The safest restaurants to eat in are smorgasbords or buffets. It is impossible for craft
employees to poison all the food on a buffet or salad bar.


Inserts are just about anything that gets inserted under the skin or into the body that has a
demon, and sometimes physical poisons (the most common is cyanide or mercury)
attached to it.

Not only is it impossible to completely clear a person of demons while these inserts are
still in place, but the demons associated with the inserts frequently cause amnesia. The
person will sometimes be unable to remember all of the inserts they have, and/or
important rituals in which they have participated.

As you look at other cultures around the world, you will find the use of inserts everywhere.
For example, Hindu women in India frequently wear a particular gem or stone imbedded
in the skin in the center of their forehead. This is the position of the "third eye". This links
them with their god and supposedly gives them special vision into the spirit world.
Various African tribes are well-known for pieces of bone inserted into their noses, ears
or lips.

I think it is no accident the gay movement has popularized earing for men. What effect
does the placement of such ear rings have in a non-homosexual young man? I would be
very concerned about this if I were a young man.

I am not saying that all jewelry is demonic. However, some of it is. We as Christians
need to be much in prayer about everything we do.

There are at least seven categories of inserts:

> Push-pins
> Curse-pins
> Nail-pins
> Satan's Web
> Crystals
> Demonic I.U.D.'s
> Dental inserts
> Splinters

Nail-pins are basically the same as push-pins. They are inserted into the bed of the
fingernails or toenails. Most commonly, the finger nails. They have the same functions as
the push-pins.

Satans web is a piece of fine silky material about two by three inches in size. It is
swallowed in a ritual. The web is placed as sort of a time bomb which goes off if the
person ever turns against Satan. It produces an intense-acid in the stomach and will
eventually destroy the stomach completely. It produces all sorts of severe stomach pain
and even bleeding, but little is found on physical examination because the process is
purely demonic. The Satan's web must be specifically renounced and the person must
ask the Lord to completely remove it. Once this is done the symptoms quickly disappear.


Crystals are extremely small and are actually demonic parasites. Although they are
crystalline in nature, they are a living parasite. They are usually inserted behind the ear
drum, into the blood stream, or simply under the skin. They are about the size of
one to three grains of salt. Some are red, some are white. In the craft, the red crystals
are frequently called the "red devil's crystals." If a woman has a baby that is delivered on
a satanic altar, or in the presence of other satanists, these crystals are often inserted into
the artery and veins of the umbilical cord of the baby as the cord is cut. Both the baby
and the mother are affected demonically by the crystals. It is not possible to completely
clear someone of demons until these crystals are specifically renounced and the Lord is
asked to remove them. If possible, they should be physically removed. They are capable
of creating devastating illness, even death within four to six months of placement.

Demonic I.U.Ds are often placed through various procedures. These may be made of
metal, but they always have a demonic component. Both the metal and the demons must
be removed. In fact, I have been told by more than one high ranking satanist who has
turned to Jesus, that the whole concept of the intrauterine devices were devised by craft
doctors in the first place. (One of these was a man who was a physician who
participated in extensive research in the various Satanic medical procedures. He also
told me that much research is currently going on that makes what was done in Hitler's
concentration camps look like nothing.) An I.U.D. does not prevent conception. It
prevents implantation of the early fetus in the uterus. In essence, it causes an abortion.
The craft doctors considered these I.U.D.-caused abortions to be sacrifices to Satan.
The I.U.D. went over big at first, but quickly many women started having major problems
with them. Heavy bleeding, cancer, etc. Finally, the government withdrew approval for
them because of these problems. Why so many problems? Was it only because of the
physical presence of the I.U.D.? I doubt it. I think it may well have been because of the
demonic component as well. How many innocent women had an I.U.D. placed simply for
birth control, never realizing the original purpose for which it was developed. Please
note, I am NOT saying that the companies that manufactured the I.U.D.s were working for
Satan. They very well may have had no idea at all of the original purpose for their design.
Remember, Satan ALWAYS works through deception.

Any Christian woman who has an I.U.D. should have it physically removed and then close
the doorway. Remember, all abortions are human sacrifices to Satan. If you have had an
I.U.D., you should ask the Lord for forgiveness and cleansing and then command all
demons that came into you through the I.U.D. and I.U.D.-caused abortions to leave you at
once in the Name of Jesus. Address the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of murder and the
spirit of death. Break the curse over the womb, because the womb has become a tomb.

Dental inserts are common amongst the higher satanists. These are usually computer
chips that can literally be traced by satellite. Thus, until these are removed, the person
can be traced anywhere in the world. Their location is known at all times.

A variation of these computer chips are currently being introduced into the general
population of the U.S. and other countries. They have been used in animals for several
years. In the winter of 1989 and 1990, the craft began pushing the implantation of
computer micro-chips into children, either under the skin of right hand or in their

The stated purpose is to prevent the many kidnapings here in the U.S. The micro-chip
contains information as to the child's identity and medical history. The child's location can
then be traced by satellite quickly in the event they are abducted. The various "Child
Finding" organizations are beginning to push this in some states already.

Also, I have heard from some higher craft members who have just recently come to
Jesus, that these computer chips will be placed in driver's licenses and credit cards in
the near future. Thus, the person carrying the license or credit card can be located at all
times. I have been told that the only thing that can shield these chips from detection by
the various scanners is lead.
Lead is also effective in shielding from the infrared scanners which can locate any living
creature by the heat emitted from its body. Is that why there is such a move recently to
recall all lead and to out-law the use of lead in our country?

Are these computer micro-chips the "mark of the beast?" I think they very well could be.
A person with such a computer chip in place cannot hide anywhere in the world because
of the satellite access. Scientific technology is so advanced that the world can be
photographed and mapped by satellite with a resolution of inches or less. With the rapid
shift towards a totally cashless society, what would seem more logical than the
implantation of such a record keeping and identity mark? Afterall, credit cards can
easily be lost or stolen. New Zealand, as of 1990, is very rapidly moving to a cashless
society. Everyone will use a bank card or credit card. No one will use cash any more.
Secular newspapers in both Australia and New Zealand are currently running articles and
cartoons showing the switch from the credit card to a mark of some sort on the person's
hand or forehead. Scripture IS being fulfilled in our day:

Rev. 13: 1-17: "And I saw a beast rising out of the sea ... And the beast was given a
mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise
authority for forty-two months ... Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to
conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and
nation. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written
in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world ... And he causeth
all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Please note, scripture says the mark shall be received IN the hand or forehead, not ON.
Could this be because the Lord knew an insert would be used rather than a simple
surface mark? I suppose you could say that the "mark of the beast is the ultimate
satanic insert.

Many different demonic things are implanted in people through "ritual sex". During
ritual sex, usually a female is placed on an altar and/or is used as the altar. This person
is then sexually used by humans, demons or animals. I have found that complete
deliverance is not possible until episodes of ritual sex are renounced and every demon
kicked out that was placed into the person during the rituals. Many times push-pins are
placed in various areas of the reproductive tract during these rituals. Commonly, children
used in Satanic rituals describe "hot needles" being placed in various areas of their
genital and reproductive tracts. They are describing inserts.

The simplest way to deal with these is by asking the Lord to burn out or remove these
pins or implants, and by commanding every demon associated with the implants to leave
in the Name of Jestis Christ. I know that the memories of such rituals are extremely
painful to the person who participated in them. I usually explain to the person that they
must bear the pain of remembering long enough for us to deal with the problem.

Then as each episode of ritual sex is confessed and the demons are kicked out, I always
pray and simply ask the Lord to completely wipe out the memory, of the ritual from
the person's mind forever. Our Lord is so very gracious, He has been faithful in
answering my prayers in this area.

Children who are ritualistically abused are always put through some form of ritual sex.
Inserts are commonly placed in these children. Push-pins are frequently placed in the
reproductive and urinary tracts. These are hard to X-ray because of the demonic
component. Demons can and do hide things on X-ray. This is a very commonly missed
source of trouble in children who have been abused. Once again, I have found that the
Lord is very gracious and will remove the pins directly. Our Lord has such a special love
for children. He deals with these little ones very gently and tenderly.

Splinters of wood or metal are most commonly used. Demons are experts at handling
these. Again, the wound seems to be "just an accident." However, the consequences
can be very grave.

In the case of inserts, the demons CANNOT be removed from the person until the
physical substance placed under the skin is removed.


These are physical illnesses caused by demons. Sometimes the demons simply set a
physical problem in motion which then continues on its own. Sometimes, they remain
and continue the problem themselves. in the first case, rebuking and driving away the
demon will NOT stop the physical illness. A very common method of demonic discipline
within the craft is by kidney stones. Demons can very easily create kidney stones.
These are extremely painful to pass.

However, once the physical kidney stone has been created, removing the demon will not
have any effect on the course of the problem. The stone will still pass unless the Lord
chooses to directly intervene and supernaturally dissolve the stone.

I have often seen upside down crosses blistered into the skin of someone who has come
out of the craft as a result of an incantation. The result of such a wound is usually some
problem with the organ located underneath the cross, such as the kidney or stomach.
Such things must always be COMPLETELY covered with oil and the demons
commanded away in the Name of Jesus. I also always command all incantations to be
broken in the Name of Jesus.

REMEMBER, demons can, and do, cause illness. But NOT ALL illness is demonic. We
must remember that physical as well as spiritual death was the result of Adam's fall. The
alteration in our physical bodies caused by sin makes us vulnerable to an array of
physical illnesses. We must always look for a purely physical cause of any illness, AND
seek the discernment of the Holy Spirit to alert us when there is a demonic component

Through the years I have found that one of the first things demons affect is the rapidly
reproducing cells. These are found in such places as the bone marrow and the lining
of the intestinal tract.

VERY commonly, people who are severely afflicted with demonic illness are completely
unable to break down or adsorb complex proteins or fats. This is because demons
can so readily affect and damage the cells lining the stomach and intestinal tract. It is
interesting to note that anyone involved in spiritual warfare is usually on Rennies, Enos,
etc. medicines that help reduce the hyper-acidity and ulcers which are common because
of the demons peculiar ability to hit in this area.

ALL demonic illnesses create a tremendous protein drain. The body's natural defenses
are quickly affected by protein deficiencies. The white blood cells, which fight infection,
quickly become unable to function as they normally would when a protein deficiency is

I have found two items that are very effective in handling this type of problem. They
require a prescription from a physician, but I hope some Christian physicians will take
heed to my experience. There are two products called Vivonex HN and MC-T oil.

Vivonex is a preparation of pure amino acids, the building blocks of protein. It is directly
absorbed through the gastric and deuodenal mucosa without requiring any digestive
process. It comes in an oral preparation. BUT, it tastes terrible! The way to make it
palatable is to mix it with jelly and add unsweetened Kool-Aid as flavoring. The MCT oil
is most frequently used for premature babies. It is a medium chained triglyceride which
is an essential fat. It, too, is directly absorbed without needing digestion. I have also
found that demons love to create very painful Paresthesias. Paresthesias are severe
burning pains on various areas of the skin, sometimes accompanied by intense itching.
Usually there is nothing abnormal about the appearance of the skin, but it will be very
tender to the touch and extremely painful.

In these cases, if anointing with oil does not stop the pain, I have found that often
injectable Vit. B12 in large doses over seven to ten days is helpful. (One of the very few
uses I ever found for B 11) Usually in amounts of 1000 mcg. per injection per day. When
anointing with oil, it is important that the entire area that is painful be covered with the oil.

Shingles is also common with demonic affliction. Anytime anyone has repeated bouts
of shingles, they should immediately go to the Lord to see if the source is demonic.

Painful joints are another common demonic problem. Sometimes the joint will be
swollen or appear inflamed but usually it will appear completely normal. Again, usually
covering the entire joint with oil and commanding the demons to leave is all that is
needed. However, if that doesn't completely handle the problem, and a physical problem
such as an infection, cartilage problem, etc. is not present, a mixture of DMSO with 10%
Hydrocortisone is very effective. DMSO was finally approved by the FDA in 1988. It is
available with a prescription. Use a cotton ball to gently pat on the solution three or four
times per day. Usually the pain and/or inflammation will subside after one or two days.
You should not use the solution more than one week, however.

One last word to physicians. We must realize that demons are experts in handling
viruses and bacteria. These infections are difficult to treat. The most common treatment
error I came across while I was in practice was the use of too small a dose of antibiotics.
Talk to your patients and pray with them. If you feel a patient is being afflicted by
witchcraft, treat his/her infection aggressively.

Anything less than 500 mg per dose of most any oral antibiotic in adults is too little in
these cases. I would frequently use a gram per dose for the first 24 to 48 hours.

I found through practical experience that this made the difference between handling an
infection quickly and effectively and having to deal with a prolonged and complicated
course or a low-level smoldering infection which is most bothersome. ALWAYS be sure
to anoint with oil and command the interfering demons to leave in the Name of Jesus.
Demons are experts at hindering the body's attempts to fight infection. If a person has a
preexisting weakness or tendency to a particular illness, the demons will always strike in
that area. For instance, if a person has a seizure disorder, then the demons will try to
give them seizures. If they have had kidney stones, that is where the demons will strike.

It is easier for demons to create illness where there has been illness before. The same is
true for those coming out of the craft. Usually the demons will strike in the same way they
did to discipline while the person was in the craft. We need to be careful to pray for
special shielding in such areas.

One last area that needs to be addressed is the problem of cancer. Demons are expert
at causing cancer. However, I have seen too many people terribly disappointed when
they have been promised healing from cancer by deliverance. This is just NOT so. I want
to emphasize again that when demons start a physical process such as cancer, casting
out the demon will NOT put a stop to the cancer. The process has already been set in
motion. The only way the cancer can be healed is if it can be totally removed surgically,
treated by radiation or chemotherapy (although few courses of chemotherapy are truly
effective in bringing about cures) or if the Lord chooses to do a miracle and heal the
person directly. Pray against the spirit of hell and damnation.

Lecture 18

You choose to obey first, then God can release His power to recover you.

Obedience does not take away the yearning and burning. Many want God to first heal
them so that they then can obey.

Salvation is the beginning of the process.

Submit to God so that He can start to heal.


1. A CURE (a cure means the issue is resolved)

We are all in recovery of the fall. We will never outgrow our fallen nature. We learn to
manage it submitted to His Lordship.

In faith we believe one day it will all be wrapped up, but while we are in the flesh we are in
recovery. We struggle daily with our fallen nature. We are always a relapse-risk. We
can at any time fall back. Forty years from now, you, even if youre a doctor in theology,
still run the risk of moral, ethical and relational failure.

None of us will ever be risk-free. We simply learn to manage the risks and lower them.
We must daily rely on Gods strength and grace.


Thinking this means that we lack understanding about the soul.


The Blood of Jesus is for the washing away of sins and not for


God has not eliminated risk or our ability to choose. We have weaknesses within and
we live in a defiled world. So if we do not build and maintain our foundations in Christ
regularly, they will corrode and we will fall back.


Unbalanced teaching: only proclaiming the positive - Im a new creation - I am the head
and not the tail, etc. Its true, but were also of the fallen nature and the past has left its
mark upon us.




What we do and what we think.

Thought life = internal behaviour.


Our struggle with our flesh reminds us of who our source is, not only of righteousness, but
in terms of grace and empowerment to live beyond our weaknesses. If you ever want to
walk upright, you will walk with a crutch; without it you will wallow in the mud. Well only
throw our crutches away in heaven.


You never outgrow your needs:

feeling secure
wanting to be loved, etc.
feeling lonely (cannot now run to a bar to have a sexual meeting).


You can now function in spite of past damage caused by sinful living.


You may not have had a choice about BEING a victim, but you have a choice
about STAYING a victim.

Recovery is a process; God gives glory in the process, not just in the product. Its not
only the miracles that get glory.

We must separate the spiritual deliverance from the emotional healing.


ECCL 8: 5-6 Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart
will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for
every matter, though a mans misery weighs heavily upon him. NIV

1. OBEY GOD FIRST (verse 5)


God is concerned and knows your struggles and suffering, but there is a procedure and
a season.

We accuse God of not coming through for us and of letting us suffer, etc. We accuse
Him as Satan does - we dont trust Him, so we dont grow; we take matters into our own
hands, we dont obey Him and so we pay.

Physically: If you were in an accident, you must stay in hospital for multiple surgery and
therapy. You must submit to the recovery process. All cannot be fixed in only one
operation. It costs a lot of money, time, effort, guts, etc.

The same goes for soul pain. There is no instant cure. God says Obey Me.
Counselors/preachers have been so hard on people. Come on! Fast! Pray! Get your
act together! People need time. If it is true for the physical, why do we think it is different
for the soul?

Until all is resolved, will you choose to obey Me anyway?


EX 23: 29-30 I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land
becomes desolate for lack of attention and the wild beasts multiply against you.
Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased and are
numerous enough to take possession of the land.

In the New Testament, we are the land that Gods Spirit is possessing. The truth is, we
did not belong to God - kingdoms of attitude, behaviour and belief have been
established in us.

God does not just zap them all away. As we obey Him and tackle each stronghold
and kingdom step by step, we make God Lord over all. If God zapped it all out we
would not know who or what we are. Those things were so deeply entrenched into our
personalities - we cant just rip them out for our convenience. The land would indeed be
left desolate and vulnerable.


E.g. crooked teeth - all teeth are affected. Daily your teeth are slowly being pulled

Similarly our souls are slowly conformed to His image.

God does not ask for perfection, He asks for willing submission.


A doctor puts broken pieces together - just practicing religious

activity will not mend it.

For a broken soul people go to church and do all the right stuff.

We must submit to the Holy Spirit to put the fragments in

place and when that happens, the healing starts to flow.
Healing comes when we connect to God and others.




Recovery is not easy; it is a challenge that goes against the grain and it requires
courage as well as determination.


1. Compelling, persevering and tenacious motivation.

2. The support of other people.


1. Self pity: Its too hard; Why me?; Its not fair! (Life is cursed and not fair.)

2. Unforgiveness.


a. They do not wish to face the pain. It is a mask over their anger and what
happened. If they forgive, they then have to face the pain the detail of what happened.
Its easier to say You owe me. Jesus says Release the expectation you had of them.

b. They do not want to risk future pain. Love + growth + trust - they all involve RISK.
That is what living is all about.

c. They want revenge. People speak evil and kill with the tongue. Take the sword of
revenge and give it to God.

d. They demand justice. I want people to know that it happened. I want to know
that what happened, matters to somebody. Otherwise the persons sense of justice is
When people feel that what happened to them went unnoticed, they spend the rest of
their lives complaining to try and get people to hear what happened - bad-mouthing other

COUNSELORS: We cant change what happened, but we can help to wash out the
infection of bitterness that results in a desire for revenge when we console people that
suffered an injustice.

PS 10:14 You have seen it; yes, You note trouble and grief (vexation) to requite it
with Your hand. The unfortunate commits himself to You; You are the helper of the

3. Blockage: repent of Idolatry (when something/someone is your source of life and


JONAH 2:8 Those who pay regard to false, useless, and worthless idols forsake
their own Source of mercy and loving-kindness.

JER 17: 5-8 Thus says the Lord: Cursed with great evil is the strong man who
trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak human flesh his arm, and whose
mind and heart turn aside from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub or a person
naked and destitute in the desert; and he shall not see any good come, but shall
dwell in the parched places in the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.
Most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose
hope and confidence the Lord is. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that
spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but
its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought,
nor shall it cease yielding fruit.
A person clinging to another human being is one who is emotionally immature and
looking for a mommy and/or daddy substitute.

No other human can ever be our source.

Mommy and Daddy are only bridges that point to the True and Only Source. Many
people have never crossed that bridge.

Because their parents failed to be their security, they look for another human being to be
their security and that is idolatry.

Whoever is your source of happiness and security, and its not God, is your idol.

People must not depend on a pastor/counselor/ psychologist, etc. to solve all their
problems. We can be in agreement with each other towards the goal.

The client is responsible because the counselor can not fix them - the counselor can
only support and encourage them, give insight and care, and pray for them.

REMEMBER: The counselor is also a weak, limited human being still in the recovery
process dealing with his/her own fallen nature.

It is God Who chooses to use the counselor as instrument of healing - it is His power.

God may/may not choose to use me for that persons problem that day.

4. Another Blockage: Rebellion (is as witchcraft)

There are many different occultic practices, BUT they all have the same purpose.

I will take all matters into my own hands and use whatever powers are available to get
my way without being submitted to God, e.g. you look for love in your own way and you
will not submit that to God. I must be in control of myself. I know best.

5. Blockage: Mistrust of Gods character

Why dont Christians grow in spite of the best teaching and Bible training?

Trust is the soil of relationship growth and if you dont trust God, you wont grow.

Satan is the accuser of Gods character. That is how he got Adam and Eve to sin. Even
your sexuality is about relationships.

Faith is simply trusting the character of God when life gives you a reason not to.
Corrie Ten Boom

Life will give you reasons not to!


Mature people make right choices in spite of what they feel.

You will feel lonely, down, angry, sad, sexual, frustrated, etc.
Immature people live by their feelings.


1. Self-control in thinking, No control, self-indulgent

behaviour & patient. & impatient.

2. Makes right choices in Makes choices based on

spite of feelings & urges. feelings.

3. Can admit own sins, Seek to cover-up own

faults & needs. sins, faults & needs.

4. Assumes responsibility Makes excuses and

for past, present & blames others.
future changes.

5. Understands the need Wants no limits or rules

to operate in boundaries, and often considers him/
limits & rules. herself the exception.

6. Surrenders expectations Has rigid and unrealistic

to Gods plan and is expectations; throws
flexible and persevering. tantrums and refuses to
cope demanding.

7. Depends on God to live Wants no accountability.

a life of accountability Depends on own strategies.
in order to overcome Trusts no one.
the control of sin.

8. Committed & single- Double-minded. Serves

minded in purpose. The two masters. The door
door of option to return of option is still partly
to sexual sin is closed. open.



(sexual sin / over romantic)


Acceptance ] your life matters to me
Accountability ]
Affirmation ]

1. God must be your Source. The series of wilderness experiences is a process to

teach you to look to God only as your source. Letting go of Egypt and trusting God
everyday for all your needs.

2. People we need - supplement. We never outgrow that. We always need security,

affirmation, acceptance, accountability, etc. NB: People are NOT your source.
If you want to get, you have to give.

PROV. 11:25 The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself
be watered.

3. People who need. As you give, it gets given back to you. It helps you get away from
self-centeredness, self pity, etc.

Please see: Whose Report do You Believe?; available from Kanaan Ministries. This
booklet will help you in a very practical way how to help your counselees to renew their


The human has 80 to 100 billion brain cells.

They produce electricity patterns which make
30 000 new connections every second and
never repeats one.

There is a fluid between the cells called A.C.H.

This helps the connection forming process it
is a good conductor.

We, humans, can think at a speed of 1250

w.p.m. But we can talk at a speed of only 200-
250 w.p.m.


Rejection sexual masturbation
& pornography.

NB: These are chemical

pathways. The Blood of Jesus
does NOT make them go away.
The thought life has to be



Off ramp = however, it takes three
weeks to three months to establish.

Once established, a new chemical

called GABA is released.


Gamma discourages
Amino electrical impulses
Butyric on old pathways.


In the process of forming new
thought patterns, there can be
road blocks declaring a
detour along the new





Never forget: When

you move, burn the

You must renounce


Renounce the good

old ways that fed the

Renounce the
language and

You now need to learn the

new language and

The first three years are

critical (think of

Settle down and take root

to draw new strength.






A. Its Reality
B. Its Domain


A. His Origin
B. His Fall
C. His Nature
D. His Activity
E. His Counterfeit
F. His judgement


A. Fallen Angels
B. Demon Spirits
C. Their Nature
D. Their Activity
E. Their judgement


A. Practices of the Occult
B. Warnings Against the Occult

A. In His Perfect Life
B. In His Substitutionary Death
C. In His Resurrection and Ascension



A. The Believer's Position Legally
B. The Believer's Responsibility Experientially
C. The Believer's Battleground Personally
D. The Believer's Spiritual Armoury Practically

A. Its Reality

The Scriptures clearly indicate that in the universe and more particularly surrounding this
planet earth, there is the kingdom of darkness. It is the very antithesis of the Kingdom of
God, which is a Kingdom of Light. Satan is in control of this kingdom and under his
authority there are numerous fallen angels and demon spirits. The following illustrates the
contrast between Satan's kingdom and God's.


a) A kingdom of Darkness a) A Kingdom of Light
b) A kingdom of Sin and Unrighteousness b) A Kingdom of Holiness and
c) A kingdom of Sickness and Disease c) A Kingdom of Healing and Health
d) A kingdom of Deception d) A Kingdom of Truth
e) A kingdom of Sorrow and Death e) A Kingdom of joy and Life

In every nation today there is a tremendous increase of activity in the Satanic realm. The
rise of the occult, spiritism and satanism are evidences of this. In 1 Tim. 4:1-3 Paul
warned us that in the last days people would depart from the faith and give heed to
seducing spirits and to doctrines of devils (Jude 3).

Believers often either ignore Satan's existence and power or over-emphasize it. A
Biblical balance is much needed in these last days. It is only through the Scriptures that a
proper understanding of this subject can be gained.

B. Its Domain

The word "domain" refers to the rule, reign and territory over which a king rules. The
domain of the kingdom of darkness is wherever Satan exercises his dominion. The
following references describe this domain.

1. It is called satan's kingdom (Matt. 12:25-26; Luke 11:14-19).

2. It is a kingdom of darkness (Col. 1:13-14; Rev. 16:10).
3. It influences the kingdoms of this world system (Luke 4:5-6; Rev. 11:15;
Matt. 4:8-10).
4. It influences the world kingdoms from the atmospheric heavens or the heavenly
places (Eph. 2:2; 3:10; 6:12; Rev. 12:3,7-12).
5. It is diametrically opposed to the kingdom of God in nature, character and purpose.

It is essential to recognize that the extent of Satan's domain is limited by God. He cannot
exercise authority where God does not allow.


A. His Origin

It is necessary to see what the Bible teaches about the person

of Satan. As all that is in the Kingdom of Light is patterned
after its King, God, so all that is in the kingdom of darkness is
patterned after its king, satan. Each kingdom displays the
nature and character of its head. The king represents the
kingdom and the kingdom is like the king.

Very little direct information is given in the Scriptures

concerning the origin and fall of Satan and his hosts, as
evidently took place in the ages past before the creation of

Based on the Law of Double Reference (i.e., in speaking of or to one person there is
reference to another person beyond or behind them (Gen. 3:14-15; Matt. 16:23). Two
main passages of Scripture which describe Satan's origin and fall are Ezek. 28:1-19
and Isaiah 14:4-23. The language used in these descriptions of the King of Tyre and
the King of Babylon certainly goes beyond what could be applied to any earthly rulers,
and points to the king behind the kings of this world order. Daniel's prophecy confirms
the fact that there are princes of satan's kingdom behind the princes of the world
kingdoms (Dan. 8:20-21; 10:10-13, 20-21). Ezek. 28:1-19; Isaiah 14:4-23 should be
read carefully. It is from these passages mainly that the following description of Satan,
prior to his fall, is given.

1. Satan is a real personality. He is evil personified and characteristics are

ascribed to him. Satan is not an impersonal influence or power. Personal
pronouns, intelligence, knowledge, will and action are attributed to him
(Job 1:8; 2:1-2; Zech. 3:1; 2 Cor 2:11; Matt. 4:6; Rev. 12:12; 2 Tim. 2:26;
Matt. 25:41; Is. 14:12-13).

2. Satan is a spirit being. Even as angels are spirit beings, even as God is a
spirit being, so is satan.

3. He is a created being, therefore dependent upon God for his very existence
(Eze. 28:13.15).

4. He was called Lucifer, which means day star, son of the morning, or light
bearer. (Is. 14:12 with 2 Cor. 11:14)

5. He was an anointed cherub in the heavenly sanctuary, just as Old
Testament prophets, priests and kings were anointed for office
(Eze. 28:14,16.18).

6. He was the covering Cherub placed by God to cover the throne.

Compare this with the Cherubim on the ark of the covenant in the Tabernacle of
Moses, covering the mercyseat (Ex. 37:9 and Eze. 28:14-16).

7. He was in Eden, the Garden of God (Eze. 28:13).

8. He was in the holy mountain (or kingdom) of God, in the sides of the
north (Eze. 28:14,16 with Psalm 48:1).

9. He was perfect in the day that he was created (Eze. 28.15).

10. He was full of wisdom (Eze. 28:12 with James 3:15-16).

11. He was perfect in beauty.(Eze. 28:12).

12. He was decked with precious stones set in gold (very similar to the stones
in the Breastplate of Aaron, Israel's High Priest) (Eze. 28:13 with
Ex. 28:15-21)

13. He was created with music in his being, apparently being the leader of
heaven's worship (Eze. 13)

14. He was once in truth. (John 8.44).

Such language cannot be fully applied to earthly kings, but goes beyond them to the king
behind them. This description indicates that Lucifer was a mighty being, and had been
given a high position near the throne of God; an anointed ministry to lead heaven's
angelic worship of the triune God.

B. His Fall

These same passages, along with other helpful references, show the cause of Satan's
fall and those that fell with him.

1. He was lifted up in pride over his God-given wisdom, anointing and beauty (Eze.
28:17; Prov. 16.18; 18:12; 1 Tim. 3:6).

2. He exalted himself, and came under condemnation (Is. 14:13-14 with

1 Tim. 3:6)

3. He manifested self-will against God's will (Is. 14:13-15). Note the five "I will's" of
Lucifer's ambition here.

a. I will ascend into heaven. Self-will.

b. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. Self-exaltation.
c. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.
d. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. Self- ascension.
e. I will be like the Most High. Self- deification.

4. He fell through pride and self-will, the very essence of sin (Is. 14:12 with Prov.
16:18 and Luke 10:18). He wanted to be independent of God. He rebelled
against God.

5. He fell as lightning (Luke 10:18 with 2 Cor. 11:14).

6. He was also cast down by God in this self-deification (Eze. 98:16-17).

7. He was the original sinner, and iniquity (lawlessness) was found in him (Eze.
28:15,16,18; 1 John 3:8)

8. He did not abide in the truth. He was self-deceived (John 8:44).

9. He became a liar and murderer (John 8:44).

10. He is the source of all sin and in him The Mystery of Iniquity is personified. He
is the original Antichrist (2 Thes. 2:7 with Gen. 3.1-6). He was the first apostate
and caused other angels to sin in Heaven.

11. He was permitted to retain his God-given wisdom which became corrupted, and
by which he deceives mankind today (Eze. 28:17,18; James 3:15).

12. He will eventually be destroyed by fire (Eze. 28:18, Matt. 25:41). Many
expositors believe that his fall took place before the creation of man, that he was
cast out of the immediate presence of God, and that he fell to the earth bringing
about the chaotic condition seen in Gen. 1:1-2 (Is. 45:18;
Jer. 4:23-26)

C. His Nature

In Scripture, the name of a person was generally meant to signify the nature, experience
or function of that which was named. This is true of the many names of God, of the
names of persons, and also of the many names of satan. The following Scriptural names
and titles of Satan reveal the nature, character and work of this fallen archangel. The
name with its interpretation is given along with suitable Scriptural references.

1. Satan - Adversary, Hater, Opponent, Enemy. Used about 52 times in

the Bible (1 Chron. 21:1; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Zech. 3:1-7; 1 Kings
11:1, 23-25; 2 Cor. 2:11).
2. Devil - Accuser, Slanderer, Whisperer. Slanders God to
man and man to God. Used about 35 times (Matt. 4:1;
13:39; 25:41; John 8:44; Eph. 4:27; Heb. 2:14; Eph.
6.11; James 4:7; Rev. 12:10).
3. Serpent - Enchanter, Beguiler, speaker of subtilty and wisdom
perverted to evil ends (Matt. 10:16; 2 Cor. 11:3; James 3:15; Gen. 3:1-14;
Rev. 12:9, 14-15; 20:2; Is. 27:1).
4. Dragon - Great Enchanting Serpent. Speaks of the vicious beastly nature and
rage of satan (Is. 51:9; Eze. 29:3; 3:22; Rev. 12:3-17; 13:2,4,11;
16:13; 20:2).
5. Beelzebub - Prince of Devils. Derived from Beelzebub or
Lord of the Flies, god of the Dunghill. This was a heathen
god believed to be ruler of all evil spirits. (2 Kings 12;
Matt. 10:25; 12:24,27; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15-19).
6. God of this Age - (Luke 4:6; 1 John 5:19; 2 Cor.
4:4; Gal.1:4; 2 Thes. 2:34).
7. Prince of this World Prince of the world-system. (John 12:31; 14:30;
8. Prince of the Power of the Air - (Eph. 2:2 with 6:12).
9. Lucifer - Daystar, Morning Star, Lightbearer, Shining One (Is. 14:12).
10. Belial - Worthless, Perverse, Lawless (1 Sam. 30:22; 2 Cor. 6:15;
1 Sam. 10:27; 2 Sam. 23:6).
11. The Enemy - Hater, hostility (Matt. 13:39).
12. The Tempter - Enticer (Matt. 4:3; 1 Thes. 3.5; 1 Chron. 21:1; 1 Cor. 7:5).
13. The Wjcked One - (Matt. 13:19, 38-39; 1 John 5:18-19; 3:12).
14. Angel of Light - (Luke 10:18; 2 Cor. 11:13-15).
15. Accuser of the Brethren - One against, one charging
with an offence
(Rev 12:10; with Job 1:6-7; 2:1-2, Zech. 3:1).
16. Antichrist - One over against Christ. Spirit of Antichrist
(1 John 2:18-22; 4:1-4; 2 John 7).
17. Adversary - The enemy, the opposer (1 Pet. 5:8).
18. Murderer - Killer, destroyer of life (John 8:44).
19. Liar (John 8:44).
20. Sinner (1 John 3:8)
21. Abaddon or Apollyon - Destroyer (Rev. 9:11).
22. Roaring Lion (1 Pet. 5:8).
23. Wolf (John 10:12).
24. Thief - One who steals by subtilty (John 10:10;
Luke 8:12).
25. Wicked One - Hurtful, evil one (Matt. 13:19).
26. Fowler - One out to entrap and ensnare (Ps. 91:3).
27. King of a Kingdom (Matt. 12:26-29; Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13).
28. Angel of the Bottomless Pit (Rev. 9:11).
29. Leviathan - Great Water Animal (Is. 27:1).
30. Son of Perdition (2 Thes. 2:1-12).

D. His Activity

Upon surveying all of the references to Satan's activities in Scripture, it becomes evident
that the majority of them refer to his power and work as being centered around
deception. It should be understood that Satan's activities are limited by God. Especially
towards God's children. This is seen clearly in the experience of Job and satan's attacks
against his person, household and possessions (Job 1-2 with
Luke 22:31; 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Tim. 1:20). Though Satan is mighty, he is not all-mighty;
though he is wise and knowing, he is not omniscient, though he is powerful, he is not
all-powerful. Nor is he omnipresent; he is on God's chain and can only go as far as God
permits in affecting mankind.

The activities of Satan may be grouped in seven main areas.

1. Temptation
These Scriptures show Satan's temptations of Christ, believers and mankind in general.
He is the enticer. (Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13; 1 Cor. 7:5;
John 14:30; 1 John 5:18).

2. Sin
He is the originator of rebellion against divine authority (1 John 3:8; Eph. 2:2).

3. Deception
Deception is the greatest power of Satan. Deception was his first
weapon in the Garden of Eden, and it is his last day weapon also to
deceive the nations of the earth. (Gen. 3:1-4.13; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim.
2:14; 11 Cor. 11:13-15; John 8.44;
2 Thess. 2:9-10; Rev. 13:14; Acts 13:10; Rev. 12:9; 20:2-10; 2 Cor.

Eph. 6:11; Acts 5:3; 1 Tim. 5:15; 1 John 2:22; 4:1-6; 2 John 7; 1 Tim. 3:7; 2
Timothy 2:26; Rev. 2:9,24; 3:9).

4. Accusation
Satan hurls his accusations against the saints continually but the believer can thank God
that he has an Advocate, Jesus Christ, interceding on his behalf (Rev. 12:10; Job 1:2;
Zech. 3:1-2).

5. Affliction
He seeks to afflict physically and mentally (1 Cor. 5:5; Luke 13:16; 2 Cor. 12:7).

6. Opposition
Satan and his hosts are involved in a great spiritual war against God and His Kingdom
(1 Chron. 21:1; Acts 10:38, Rev. 2:10; 12:13, 17; 13:7; 1 Thess. 2:18;
1 Peter 5:8; Rev. 12:4; 2 Tim 2:25-26).

7. Death
Death is the greatest power of Satan manifested, but Jesus has conquered death by
Resurrection. (Heb. 2:14; Jude 9; 1 John 3:12; John 8:44).

E. His Counterfeit

Man is by nature religious. He was created to worship. If he does not worship the True
and Living God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, then he often resorts to the counterfeit,
accepting another form of religion and worshipping the God of this world, with the help of
evil spirits. For this purpose, Satan has a complete counterfeit religion. When Satan said
I will be like God" (Is. 14:12-14), he did not mean that he would be like God in character
in holiness, but he wanted to be like God in the sense of independence. He wanted to be
God and to be worshipped as God. Thus he set up a rival religion, a complete
imitation of all that God is and does. Satan's imitation of God is seen in the following
list of counterfeits.

1. Satan has a throne (Rev. 2:13).

2. Satan has great depths of doctrines (Rev. 2:24; 1 Tim. 4:1; 1 Cor. 2:10).
3. Satan has a synogogue (Rev. 2:9; 3:9).
4. Satan has a communion table (1 Cor. 10:21).
5. Satan has people sacrifice at his altar (Deut. 32:17; 1 Cor. 10:20).
6. Satan has a counterfeit cup (1 Cor. 10:21).
7. Satan gives his doctrines to men to teach (1 Tim. 4:1).
8. Satan himself is an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14).
9. Satan has his messengers, demonic and human (2 Cor. 11:13).
10. Satan has a kingdom (Matt. 12:26).
11. Satan does counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders (Rev. 16:14; Ex. 7:11-12).

12. Satan has false apostles, prophets and teachers (2 Cor. 11:13-14;
2 Peter 2:1; Mark 13:22; Matt. 13:38).
13. Satan has a city, Mystery Babylon, to oppose the city of God, New Jerusalem
(Rev. 17:5).
14. Satan also has a harlot church, to counterfeit the Bride of Christ (Rev. 17:5).
15. Satan and his demons seek to be worshipped (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17;
2 Chron. 11:15; Ps. 106:37; 1 Cor. 10:20; Rev. 9:20; Matt. 4:8-10).
16. Satan has his false Christ, the rival of God's Christ (1 John 2:18-22).
17. Satan imitates the revelation of the Godhead in his satanic three in Rev. 13:
the Beast (Anti-Father); the Antichrist (Anti-Son] and the False Prophet
(Anti-Spirit]. (Rev. 16:13-14; John 5.43).
18. Satan's Mystery of Iniquity is the counterfeit of God's Mystery of Godliness (2
Thess. 2:7 with 1 Tim. 3:16).
19. Satan wants to live in human bodies as temples for his demon spirits as God
wants to live in human bodies by His Spirit (John 13:27 with 1 Cor. 6:19).
20. Satan seals his followers with a name on their forehead, which is the
counterfeit of God's name on His people's forehead. (Rev. 13:16 with 7:1-3).

F. His Judgement

God could have destroyed Satan and the sinning angels the moment they rebelled.
However, in His infinite wisdom He has permitted sin to run its horrible course as a
witness to all of its destructive fruit. In God's overall plan, it is evident that He is dealing
with Satan in a progressive manner. There are seven steps in the judgement of Satan.

1. The moment he sinned he was cast out of Paradise, the third heaven, which is the
immediate presence of God. (Is. 14:15; Eze. 28:16; Luke 10:18).

2. He was judged in Eden's earthly Paradise, when Satan caused Adam and Eve to
sin (Gen. 3:14-15). He is under the irrevocable and eternal curse of God.

3. He was conquered by Christ at Calvary's cross (John 12:31;16:11; Hebr.2:14; 1

John 3:8)

4. He and his hosts are being conquered by the church as they release the captives
of the human race who are under his control. (Mark 16:15-20; Acts 26:18; Rom

5. He and his angels are to be cast out of heaven to the earth in the time of
tribulation at the close of the age. This casting out is the result of an angelic war in
the heavens (Eze. 28:17; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; Rev. 12:4-13).

6. He will be cast out of the earth into the bottomless pit for a thousand years at the
second coming of Christ (Rev. 20:2-3).

7. He will be loosed out of the bottomless pit for a little season, after which he will be
cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for all eternity (Rev. 20:10; Is. 14:15;
27:1; Matt. 25:41). The eternal judgement upon Satan will also be the same for
all his hosts and all men who choose to serve him in this life.


Under Satan's control there is a vast host of evil spirit beings. In Scripture, they are called
angels, authorities, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, wicked spirits, and
demons (1 Peter 3:22; Eph. 6:12; 1:21; 3:10; Rom. 8:38; Titus 3:1;
Col. 2:5,10; Dan. 10:13,20-21; Luke 22:53; Col. 1:13). These titles suggest
different ranks and levels of authority in satans kingdom. Though many scholars
see all of the titles as referring to the same beings, there does seem to be a distinction
in Scripture between fallen angels and demon spirits.

A. Fallen Angels

There are angels in the kingdom of darkness who function as

Satan's messengers (Ps. 78:49; Rev. 12.7-9; Rom. 8:38). It is
evident that when Satan fell, a vast company of angels fell with
him, preferring Satan's will to God's will. These are spoken of in
Scripture as fallen angels. It is possible that one third of the angels
fell according to the implications in Rev. 12:4.

Peter tells us that God did not spare certain angels which sinned
but cast them down to hell (Greek "Tartarus") (2 Peter 2:4). Jude
tells us also of angels that left their original estate and are now
bound in chains of darkness (Jude 6). Some angels are bound in
various places of the earth, and other angels are loose (Rev.
2 Peter 2:4), able to appear as angels of light (2 Cor. 11:14-15). Satan and his angels
are eventually to be cast out of heaven by Michael and his angels
(Rev. 12:7-9). The saints will also judge angels (1 Cor. 6:3). Finally, the devil and his
angels are to be cast into the Lake of Fire (Matt. 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6).

NOTE: Expositors are divided over the particular sin of the angels mentioned in Peter
and Jude as well as over the time when it took place. The two theories are as follows:

1. That these angels fell with Satan in the eternities past and were not content to
remain in their God-appointed positions and responsibilities. Lifted up through
pride, they followed with Satan in his rebellion. For this sin they were cast down to
Tartarus and now await the Day of Judgement after which they will be cast into the
eternal Lake of Fire with their leader (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Matt. 25:41).

2. That these angels were "the Sons of God who co-habited with "the daughters of
men", resulting in unnatural offspring or giants (the Hebrew word for giants is
"nephilim" which means fallen ones, Gen.6:1-4; Num.13:1-33). It is suggested
that this was the strange flesh" that is spoken of in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 and
that the estate and habitation the angels left was heaven, when they came to earth
and assumed human bodies for such abominable sins.

The main objections used against the latter theory is that Jesus said that angels neither
marry nor are given in marriage (Luke 20:35-36; Matt. 22:30;
Mark 12:25). Those who hold the first theory, explain away the latter by saying that "the
Sons of God were the sons of Seth, of the godly line, who intermarried with "the
daughters of men" or the ungodly line of Cain. The student is referred to those works
which deal more fully with both theories.

Sufficient for this text is the fact that certain angels did sin, and however it took place,
these angels are bound in Tartarus awaiting the great White Throne Judgement, while
other evil angels are still loose doing their work in the earth.

B. Demon Spirits

Concerning the origin of demon spirits, the three primary views are:

1. That they are angels who fell with Satan, some of which are bound while others
are still loose. (Ps. 78:49)

2. That they are the disembodied spirits of a pre-Adamic race of beings, or some
similar creation who fell when Satan and his angels fell.

3. That they are the spirits of the unnatural offspring of angels (the Sons of God) and
antediluvian women in the days of Noah (Gen. 6.1-6).

Though the Bible nowhere specifically states their origin. It does reveal them to be
real personalities able to think, act and speak. and especially desiring to express
themselves through mankind. The difference between demons and fallen angels
seem to be that fallen angels do not seek to inhabit a human body; while demon
spirits do. It is even possible for them to inhabit animal bodies to express their
destructive nature (Mark 5:1-20; Matt. 8:29;
John 13:27).

The two words most often used in the New Testament to refer to demons are
devils and "spirits". The Greek word "daimon or daimonion is translated
"devil" or "devils (Mark 1:34; 16:17; Luke 9:1; 10:17; James 2:19;
1 Cor. 10:20-21; Matt. 9:33-34). The Greek word "pneuma" is translated "spirit"
and is used of the Holy Spirit, the human spirit or of evil spirits. It should be
remembered that there is only one devil, but numerous demon spirits of like
nature and character. These wicked spirits are all under Satan's control.

The Scriptures indicate the following things concerning demon spirits:

1. They are Real Personalities

Demon spirits have all the characteristics of real personalities. They possess both will
and intelligence and act according to their evil natures (Matt. 8:29-31;
Luke 4:35,41; James 2:19).

2. They are Spirit Beings

Even as God is a spirit being, and Satan and angels are spirit beings, so are demons.
Thus they are invisible, incorporeal, though often manifesting their nature and character
through human beings (Matt. 8:16; Luke 10:17, 20; Matt. 17:18;
Luke 9:38-42).

3. They are Satan's Servants

Having chosen to side with Satan in his rebellion, they became his slaves, obligated to
do his bidding. Thus the choice they made was really Satan's, and through self-will they
became slaves to his will (Matt. 12:22-30).

4. They are Numerous

On one occasion a demon admitted to Jesus that his name was Legion, for we are
many" (Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30; Matt. 12:26-27). As God has legions of good angels at
His command, so Satan has legions of demon spirits at his command.

5. They are Symbolized

As God and His Kingdom are known by many symbols, so Satan and his hosts are
symbolized by various things. Each symbol brings out some aspect of their nature.

a. As fowls of the air (Matt. 13:4,19).

b. As unclean birds in a cage (Rev. 18:1-3).
c. As unclean frogs (Rev. 16:13-14).
d. As locusts from the bottomless pit (Rev. 9:1-10).
e. As an army of horses and horsemen, with lions beads and serpents tails by which they
torment mankind (Rev. 9:16-19).
f. As serpents and vipers (Luke 3:7).

C. Their Nature

There are many kinds of demon spirits under Satanic control, and their names signify
their evil work, which is the same as their leader. Demons are totally and morally
depraved in character though there seems to be degrees of wickedness in them (Matt.

1. Devils - evil spirits, or servants of the Devil (Lev. 17; Deut. 32:17; Mark 1:34;
2. Evil Spirits (Judg. 9:23; 1 Sam. 16:14, 23; Luke 7:21; 8:2; Acts 19:12-13;
Matt. 15:22; Acts 5:16; Deut. 32:17).
3. Unclean Spirits - this title is used about twenty-one times to describe their
impure nature (Zech. 13:2; Matt. 10:1; 12:43; Mark 1:23-27; Acts 8:7; Rev.
4. Dumb Spirits (Luke 11:14; Mark 9:17; Matt. 9:32-34).
5. Blind and Dumb Spirits (Matt. 12:22).
6. Deaf and Dumb Spirits (Mark 9:25).
7. Foul Spirits (Rev.18:2; Mark 9:25).
8. Lying Spirits (1 Kings 22:22-23; 11 Thess. 2:9-12).
9. Spirit of Infirmity (Luke 13:11).
10. Spirit of Divination - Spirit of Python, or Fortunetelling (Acts
16:16; 8:9).
11. Seducing Spirits - Religious spirits which bring
false doctrines, doctrines of devils (1 Tim. 4:1).
12. Lunatic Spirits - Epileptic and suicidal spirits (Matt.
17:15-18; Mark 9:14-29).
13. Antichrist Spirits (1 John 4:3).
14. Spirit of Whoredom (Hosea 4:12)
15. Spirit of the World (1 Cor. 2:12)
16. Spirit of Error (1 John 4:6)
17. Spirit of Fear (2 Tim. 1:7)
18. Perverse Spirit (Is.19:14)
19. Familiar Spirit (1 Sam. 28:7-8)

D. Their Activity

The activity of demon spirits, as servants of Satan, is best summed up in John 10:10
The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. These spirits attack mankind
spiritually, morally, mentally, physically and emotionally.

The following is a list of the things demons do under Satan's control.

1. They oppose Gods ministers (Matt. 13:19; 2 Cor. 4.4).

2. They pervert the Word of God and seek to hinder the Gospel (I Thess. 2:18).

3. They hold their captives (2 Tim. 2:26; 1 Tim. 3:7).

4. They blind the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:4).

5. They sow tares among wheat (Matt. 13:39).

6. They seduce people. The Greek word "planos", translated seduce means that
they rove (as tramps) and by implication they are imposters and misleaders. They
seek to draw aside from the path; to lead astray, allure, tempt, corrupt. defraud
and entice (1 Tim. 4:1; Mark 13:22; 1 John 2:26). A seducing spirit can
cause people to be obsessed with a false idea or doctrinal imbalance.

7. They trouble people (1 Sam. 16:14). The Hebrew word for "trouble" means to
make fearful, afraid, to terrify". It speaks of agitation of mind. It speaks of a
person being perplexed, uneasy, molested (1 Chron. 10:13-14).

8. They oppress people (Acts 10:38). The Greek word "katadunasteuo" means to
exercise dominion against, oppress, and overburden in body or mind".

9. They vex people. The Greek word "pascho" involves a person experiencing
sensations or impressions (usually painful), feelings, passions and sufferings. The
word "vex" also means to mob, to harass, molest or to suffer at the hands of
another, to suffer or experience pain" (Matt. 15:22; 17:15; Luke 6:18; Acts

10. They bind people (Luke 13:16). The Greek word "deo" means to tie up, confine,
fasten (especially by binding cords around)". The woman in Luke 13 was bound
with arthritis and had to be loosed in her physical body. (It should be recognized
that though physical infirmities may be caused by demons, this is usually not the

11. They deceive people (Rev. 12:9; Matt. 24:4,5, 11:24).

12. They possess people. The Greek word "daimonizomai" means "to be exercised
by a demon (to be vexed or possessed with)". Possession denotes both the
occupancy and ownership of a person by an evil spirit. It is indwelling control.
Possession is to be under the power and control of a demon that has entered the
person and can control their faculties at will. Cases of possession caused lunacy,
palsy, dumbness, blindness, and enabled fortune-telling. Demons seek to
possess human or animal bodies if possible. They hate to be unclothed or
disembodied spirits (Matt. 4.24; 8:16, 28-34; Mark 5:1-20;
Luke 8:26-40; Matthew 9:32,33; 12:22; 15:21-28; Mark
7:24-30; Mark 1:32; 9:14-29; Luke 4:33-35; Acts 8:7; 16:16).
No truly born-again believer can be possessed by demons, because the Holy
Spirit dwells within the believer's spirit.

13. They torment people (Rev. 9:1-11; 16:13-14). Their torment is like the
tormenting sting of a locust.

14. They buffet people (2 Cor. 12:7). To buffet means "to hit with blow after blow; to
punch, to slap and to fight against".

15. They resist people (Zech. 3:1-3). That is they oppose, stand up against, and act
as an adversary against someone.

E. Their Judgement

Scripture reveals that the judgement of evil spirits parallels that of Satan. It is
progressive, as is his, and culminates at the same time. Involved in their judgement is
their being; conquered and spoiled (Col. 2:15); made subject to Christ (1 Peter 3:22);
spared not; cast down to hell; delivered into chains of darkness, reserved unto
judgement (2 Peter 2:4); reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
judgement of the great day (Jude 6); cast out into the earth with Satan (Rev. 12:9); and
cast into everlasting fire (Matt. 25:41).


A. Practices of the Occult

Though usually oblivious to the fact, man often becomes aware that there is much activity
in the spirit realm. Being separated from God by the fall, man throughout the ages has
longed to contact this invisible spirit realm. Thus Satan has provided contact with the
spirit realm through numerous avenues in the world of spiritism and the occult. All occultic
practices are Satan's counterfeit farms of communication. In these last days, as there is
an increased activity of the Spirit of God, so it is that Satan increases his activity by
demon spirits to counterfeit and resist the workings of the Holy Spirit. The following list of
occultic activities has been divided into two sections: those that are specifically
mentioned in the Bible, and others which are modern day designations.

1. Magicians (Gen. 41:8; Ex. 7:11). Horoscopists (drawing

magical lines or circles), Enchanters, Diviners, Astrologers.

2. Wise Men (Ex. 7:11). Claimed to have supernatural wisdom

from the unseen realm.

3. Divination (Deut. 18:10; Acts 16:16). To divine to determine by lot or magicial

4. Observer of Times (Deut. 18:10). To cloud over, act covertly, practise magic, to
augur from the appearance of clouds.

5. Passing through the fire (Deut. 18:10. Lev. 18:21). Children consecrated to
Molech by fire-death.

6. Enchanter (Deut. 18:10). A hisser, whisperer, mutterer of enchantments and

magic spells.

7. Witch (Deut. 18:10). Witchcraft (Gal. 5:20; Ex. 22.18; Lev.

22:18; Lev. 20:27; 11 Chron. 33:6). To whisper a spell,
practise magic.

8. Charmer (Deut. 18:10). To fascinate, cast a spell.

9. Consulter of familiar spirits. Consulter of demons (Deut.

18:10). Soothsaying (Lev. 20:27; Deut. 18:11; 1 Chron. 10:13; Is. 8:19-20; Is.
19:3; 29:4). One who has direct fellowship and communication with demons,
impersonating spirits who are familiar with a deceased person's life and deceive
the living.

10. Wizard (Deut. 18:11). A knowing one, a conjurer, a prognosticator. Able to

supply information by means of the spirits contacted. (Lev. 19:31; 20:6,27;
1 Sam. 28:3,9; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24).

11. Necromancer (Deut. 18:11). Seeker unto the dead, consults the dead for
advice and information.

12. Astrologers, Stargazers, Monthly Prognosticators (Is. 47:13). Horoscopists,

studying the stars to predict events on earth.

13. Soothsayers (Is. 2:6; Dan. 2:27). Foretelling future events by the appearance of
the clouds.

14. Sorcerers

1) Old Testament (Ex. 7:11; Dan. 2:2). Practicer of hidden arts, magician. To
whisper a spell, enchant.

2) New Testament (Greek pharmakeus from which we get the word pharmacy)
Rev. 9:21; 18:23; 22:15; 21:8. Enchanter with drugs, maker and user of
Modern Day Occultic List

The word "occult" is a word meaning to hide, hidden, or concealed things". As Is. 2:6
speaks of Israel being replenished from the East with Eastern religious philosophies and
occultic practices, so we can see the same happening today.

1. Astral Projection - partial or complete separation of soul and soul travel.

2. Augury - fortune telling by means of interpreting omens. etc.
3. Apparition - appearance of a disembodied spirit or ghost form.
4. Amulet - an object said to have magical power.
5. Astrology - fortune telling based on a supposed influence of the position of the sun,
moon, stars and planets.
6. Apport - the appearance and/or disappearance of physical objects.
7. Automatic Writing - words written without awareness or conscious effort.
8. Blood Pact - a contract signed with Satan in one's own blood.
9. Black Mass - celebrated in honor of the Devil.
10. Charming or Enchanting - employment of magic, attempts to use spirit power.
(a)Clairaudience - Spiritualistic faculty for hearing voices not normally heard.
(b)Clairsentience - Spiritualistic diagnosis of diseases apart from science.
(c) Clairvoyance - Discerning of things not normally present to senses.
11. Coven - A community of witches: 6 males, 6 females. 1 High Priest.
12. Crystal Gazing - Fortune telling by means of Ball, Mirror, Crystal Gazing.
13. Cosmology - Study of the order of the universe.
14. Cartomancy - Fortune telling by means of cards, related to Tarot.
15. Chiromancy - It is also called palmistry.
16. Conjure - In Necromancy
17. Divination - Another name for Fortune-telling.
18. Excorcism - Casting out of spirits.
19. Epistomology - Study of knowledge.
20. Ectoplasm - Unknown substance which oozes from body of a medium.
21. ESP - Extra Sensory Perception a sense or senses beyond the normal five (taste,
touch, smell, sight, hearing) that give knowledge.
22. Fetishes - Spiritual embodiment in a natural object. e.g. stone, tree, doll, etc.
23. Gnostic - Person / group who believes they have the only correct and accurate
knowledge / data.
24. Agnostic - Neither for or against belief in God; man can never know, prove, or
disprove the existence of God.
25. Hypnosis - Suggestion in hypnotic state or trance.
26. Horoscope - Refer to Observer of Times. Astrology, study of star at birth, by which
they profess to tell events of a person's life.
27. Hydromancy - Divination by viewing images in water.
28. Hepatoscopy - Examination of liver or certain sacrificial animals then interpreting
some meaning from them used as guidance.
29. Incantation - A spell or charm used in or as a part of magic ritual.
30. Incubus - A male demon that has sexual intercourse with humans.
31. Succubus - A demon assuming female form for purpose of sexual relations.
32. Kabbalah - Mystical body of law based on occult interpretation of Old Testament.
33. Levitation - The rising of physical bodies into the air, table floating; supernatural
power that overcomes gravity.
34. Magi - Magi, Magic, Magician. Priestclass of Medes and Persians, offered
sacrifices, interpreted dreams, and omens, and acquainted with all modern and
ancient arts of spiritism.
35. Magic - a means of incantations, charms, witchcraft.
36. Manifestation - manifestation is a revealing of a demon.
37. Meditation (Evil) - A passive state of mind, open to spiritual forces, counterfeit,
latent ego within, and makes a self-saviour.
38. Mesmerism (Hypnotism) - Essentially healing diseases by charms or rituals.
39. Mind Awareness (Dynamics) - New and higher levels of consciousness in
40. Medium - An occultist who is indwelt bodily as a dwelling place for spirits.
41. Metaphysics - Study of knowledge and order of the spirit world; forces beyond
our normal five senses.
42. Numerology - An occult practice which interprets numbers for fortune telling.
43. Ouji Board - A board with letters of the alphabet on it - instrument designed to
communicate with spirits of the dead.
44. Omen - An observable event or action pertaining to the future.
45. Oracle Speaking Place - A revelation or message from supernatural through
a medium.
46. Ontology - Study of forces beyond the five senses - spiritual existence.
47. Parapsychology (PSI) - Especially study of demonic activity.
48. Psychography - Use of heart-shaped board with ouji board for spirit messages.
49. Pendulum - Divining-rod or fortune telling to locate objects unseen.
50. Palmistry - Divination by analysis of lines, shapes, etc., on the human hand.
51. Pyramidology - Mystic powers associated with models of the Pyramid.
52. Psychoanalysis, Psychic - Automatic writings, self-hypnotic, visions, dreams,
trances, etc.
53. Psychokinesis - Moving objects by use of the mind and thought patterns; "Mind
over matter". Psychic: of the mind.
54. Phrenology - Divining / analysis based upon the bumps and structure of the
55. Parapsychology - Branch of psychology dealing with investigation of psychic
phenomenon. e.g. clairvoyance, ESP, telepathy, etc.
56. Precognition - Foreknowledge of the occurrence of events which cannot be
inferred by present knowledge.
57. Phenomenon - An event or occurrence usually considered to be of an
extraordinary nature.

58. Reincarnation - The belief that living beings possessing immortal spirits or
souls are reborn in form of another living being. The belief that the soul, upon
death of the body, comes back to earth in another body.
59. Rhabdomancy - Casting sticks into air - then interpreting omens from the
manner in which they fall and land.
60. Stigmata - Wounds that may or may not bleed.
61. Seance - A meeting of spiritists or spiritualists.
62. Satanism - Worship of or religious allegiance to Satan. Satanic churches.
63. Sorcery - Form of magic which attempts to control or direct spirits.
(a) Spiritism - belief that mediumistic phenomena is caused by spirits.
(b) Spiritualism - Spiritism in a religious context.
64. Stichomancy - Fortune telling at random reference to books or the Bible.
65. Transmigration - Hindui doctrine similar to reincarnation, but believes that dead
soul can return to earth in body of a snail, crab, ant, man, etc.
66. Telepathy - Form of ESP: Greek "impressions across a distance. Thought
reading, communication. Communicating to others at a distance, involving mind
67. Trance - Form of ESP: Greek "a condition in which consciousness and all
natural senses are withheld" the soul becomes susceptible only to a particular
68. Transference - Process of an indwelling spirit leaving one body and entering
69. Talismans - Divining by charms.
70. Wizard - One devoted to black magic or sorcery.
71. Witch - A male or female who uses occultic powers for what
they consider good or evil ends.
72. Warlock - A witch who is given to black magic and in pact with
the Devil.
73. Yoga - physical exercises designed to enable one to gain
control over bodily processes.
74. Zodiac - An imaginary belt of the heavens, which includes
paths of the sun, moon and planets having 12 constellations.

These and others are all areas of demonic activity. The methods may vary but the same
ends are in view. That is, communication by supernatural means with the spirit world. All
these things profess to gain knowledge for man which is not available by mere natural

B. Warnings Against the Occult

The Bible is explicit in its warnings and judgements to all who get involved in the occult
world. When man fails to respond to the Holy Spirit by whom he can be brought into
contact with God, he often responds to evil spirits by which he contacts the god of this
world, Satan. All such contact is forbidden by the Word of God and comes under divine
judgement (Lev. 19:31; 20:6; Deut. 18:10). Many of the elements of the occult are
Satanic counterfeits of the operations and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. As God
moves by His Spirit in the supernatural realm, so Satan counterfeits by moving through
his evil spirits. The purpose behind Satan's counterfeit is deception and enslavement.
Miracles wrought by the Spirit of God are designed to cause people to believe. Miracles
of satan are designed to cause people to be deceived (Ex. 7:8-25; 8:1-19).

A believer does not have to be deceived. God has given certain means by which the
source of a supernatural manifestation may be tested. The Scripture tells us clearly not to
believe every spirit, but to try, prove and test them (1 John 4:1).

The following are the divine means of proving spirits.

1. The spirits must be tested by the Word of God. To the Law and to the testimony:
if they (the spirits) speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no
light in them" (Is. 8:19-20).

2. The spirit's utterance must be proven by fulfilment (Deut. 18:21-22).

3. The spirit must be tested by the Truth of Christ's coming in the flesh, both by His
incarnation and in the Church, which is His body. (1 John 4:2-3).

4. The spirits can be tested by the fruit they bring forth (Matt. 7:19-23).

5. The spirits can be discerned by the gift of the Holy Spirit in the discerning of
spirits, which will expose what spirit is at work (1 Cor. 12:7-10;
Acts 16:16-18).

From God's point of view, contact with the spirit world through the occult is: offering
strange fire" (Lev. 10:1); burning strange incense (Ex. 30:13); and worshipping
"strange gods (Ps. 81:9). His judgment for seeking after demonic powers may include
allowing a person's involvement in the occult to open the way for demon possession.

Any person who has been involved in the occult needs to genuinely repent of his sin, be
cleansed by the blood of Jesus and verbally renounce his occult involvement. He must
learn to depend on the Word and Spirit of God. If he is demon-possessed, his
deliverance will have to include casting out demons.

Unless a person repents of this terrible sin and comes into complete deliverance from
demonic forces, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity, with the Devil and
the evil spirits they have served in this life (Matt. 25:4; Rev. 21:8; 22:15).


The Lord Jesus Christ in conquering Satan and all his hosts has made complete victory
available for every believer. He is Lord over all principalities and powers. He is the
Strong Man who has overcome. Satan, has been stripped of his authority and now
Christ is dividing His spoil with the Church (Luke 11:20-22; Ps. 19:5; Is. 53:12).

The Victory of Christ is seen in three parts: in His life, death and resurrection.

A. In His Perfect Life

One of the greatest doctrines of the Christian faith is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ
overcame and conquered Satan and his evil hosts in two major realms. He conquered
Satan personally, in the three major temptations in the wilderness, and representatively,
for us, at Calvary in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness in the three areas of man's being: spirit, soul and
body and in the three areas of sin: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride
of life (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13.1 Thess. 5:23; 1 John 2:15,16). As the last Adam
and the second man, He was submitted to the attack and temptations of Satan and
proved His complete mastery over the adversary.

Satan had tempted the First Adam in these same areas (Gen. 3:1-6). The First Adam
fell, thus bringing all of his unborn race under Satanic control and into the kingdom of sin,
sickness and death. In the wilderness, the devil sought to gain dominion over the Last
Adam, Jesus Christ. He was tempted in:

1. Body - the lust of the flesh (Luke 4:2-4).

2. Soul - the lust of the eyes (Luke 4:5-8).
3. Spirit - the pride of life (Luke 4:9-12).

Thus, He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 2:18; 4:15).
Though the First Adam was defeated, the Last Adam was victorious. He overcame by
the Word of God. It was necessary for Christ to win His personal victory over satan
before He could gain a representative victory on behalf of all believers. Christ's power
during His earthly ministry over sin, sickness, death and demons was founded upon this
threefold victory over temptation.

Being the Head of the new creation race, Christ in his life personally conquered Satan.
Having conquered the devil for Himself, He could conquer him for His people. No demon
spirit could resist His perfect life and power.

B. In His Substitutionary Death

Christ's victory in the wilderness temptation was in His own behalf. The victory of
Calvary's cross was in our behalf. This victory was actually begun in Gethsemane (Luke
22:53) and consummated on the Cross (Col. 2:14-15; John 12:31; 16:11). In the
cross He spoiled the principalities and powers, and made a show of them, triumphing
over them in it.

Col. 2:14-15 - Weymouth's translation - "And the hostile princes and rulers He
stripped off from himself, and bodily displayed them as His conquests, when, by
cross, He had triumphed over them.

Col. 2:14-15 - Amplified New Testament God disarmed the principalities and
powers ranged against us and He made a bold display and public example of them,
triumphing over them in Him and in the Cross.

Thus Christ utterly conquered all Satan's hosts and exposed them as defeated foes,
captives over whom He had gloriously triumphed in His death on Calvary. When Jesus
died and rose again, He defeated Satan in five realms.

1. He conquered him as the author of sin (1 John 3:8; 2 Cor. 5:19-21).

2. He conquered him as the author of sickness (Is. 53:4; Matt. 8: 16-17;

1 Cor. 6:19-20;Acts 10:38).

3. He conquered him as the author of death (Heb. 2:13-14; Rev.1:18).

4. He conquered him as the ruler of the kingdoms of this world (Matt 4:8-10;
Rev. 11:15).

5. He conquered him in the realm of the heavenlies, over principalities and

powers in heaven and earth (Eph. 4:8-10; Phil. 2.9-11; Eph. 1:19-23).

The victory of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross has made Jesus Lord over all. (1
Peter 3:22) All things are now under His feet. (Eph. 1:22-23) He is indeed the Strong
Man and has overcome satans palace and stripped him of his armour and now divides
the spoils of His conquest with the Church, His Body.

C. In His Resurrection and Ascension

Not only did Christ's victory over Satan in the wilderness involve His personal victory, and
Calvary His representative victory, it also ultimately includes that victory which is to be
manifest in the heavenly realms (Luke 10:18; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Rev. 12:9-12; Col.
2:10; Eph. 1:19-23; 22; Heb. 4:12-14).

Sin brought discord, not only on earth, but also in heaven. Here in the heavenly places,
satan hurls his accusations against the saints, but with the resurrection, ascension and
exaltation of the Lord Jesus to the right hand of the Majesty on high (Heb. 8:1-2), we
have a perfect man. the conqueror of satan and his demonic hosts, representing us in
heaven. The Scriptures declare that all principalities, powers and authorities are subiect
to His control (1 Peter 3:22; Eph. 1:21-23; 3:9-10; Matt. 28:19-20). He now has all
power both in heaven and earth. The believer can rejoice in Christs full and complete
victory over Satans entire kingdom of darkness. All are conquered. All are defeated. All
are subject to Him, God has given Chirst to be Head over all things to the Church. He
must reign until all enemies are put under His feet (Ps. 110:1-2; 1 Cor. 15:25-26). What
Christ did on Calvary was for God, and for His Church.


Involved in the purpose of God for the church is that which is spoken of in
Eph. 3:10-11, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly
places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God". In Rom. 16:20
Paul told the Roman church that God would "bruise Satan under your feet shortly". God
intends to use the Church, Christ's Body, to also subdue satan. Christ has
delegated His authority to the Church.

1. He delegated His authority to the twelve Apostles (Matt. 10:1-8; Luke 9:1; Mark
3:15; 6:7,13).
2. He delegated authority to the seventy disciples (Luke 10: 18-19).
3. He delegated authority to the Church corporately and to believers individually
(Mark 9:38; Acts 19:13-18; Matt. 24:14; Luke 22:26-30).

To proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom is to preach the Word, beat the sick and cast out
devils. The Great Commission included the preaching of the Gospel with signs following.

It was the Lord commissioning the Church, which is His Body, to continue His ministry on
earth (Acts 1:1; Luke 4:18-20; Acts 26:18; Matt. 28:19-20; Luke 24:47-49). The
Book of Acts demonstrates the power of this Gospel, proclaimed on the basis of Christ's
complete victory over all the power of the enemy.

Since Christ has conquered Satan both personally and representatively, He has
delegated His authority to the Church. The Church has been given power of
attorney, the right to use His Name and to continue the ministry of Christ on
earth. The ministry of the Church could be summarized in the Lord's commission to
the Apostle Paul in Acts 26:18: "To open their eyes, and to turn therm from
darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith
that is in Me.


The believer needs to realize his position, his responsibility, his battleground
and the spiritual armour that God has provided for complete victory over the
powers of evil. He should neither be fearful (2 Tim. 1;7), nor ignorant of satans
devices but avail himself of the spiritual armour and weapons provided by
Christs victory (2 Cor. 2:11; 10:4-5).

The New Testament tells the believer of his position in Christ. On the foundation of all that
Jesus Christ is. But, just as Israel had to battle to receive the land given them, so
the believer has to do spiritual warfare to possess the promises of God (Josh.
1:2-3; Deut. 1:8), Jesus, our heavenly Joshua, has already conquered our
enemy so that we can move into a victory that is already won. This can only be
known experientially as we recognize our complete identification with Christ.

A. The Believer's Position - LegaIly

1. We are in Christ (Eph. 1:3-7). In Christ we are partakers of the Divine Nature
(2 Peter 1:4).
2. We are new creatures (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15).
3. We are in the Kingdom of Light (Col. 1:13-14; Rom. 8:38; Acts 26:18).
4. We are seated in Heavenly Places with Christ (Eph. 1:3; 2:2-8; 6:12).

B. The Believer's Responsibility - Experientially

1. The believer must live victorious over the sins of the flesh, giving Satan no ground
to stand on (John. 16:31; Rom. 6:7-8; Eph. 4:27; Gal. 5:22-23).
2. The believer must keep himself in the love of God so that the wicked one will not
be able to touch him (1 John 4:17-18; 5:18).
3. The believer must submit to God and then resist the devil (James 4:7;
2 Cor. 2:11).

C. The Believers Battleground - Personally

Satan seeks to attack the believer in three areas of his being. He attacks the body
and the soul to reach the spirit. (1 Peter 2:11) It is a spiritual battle. As the
believer recognizes his position in Chirst, and fulfills his responsibility, then ther is no
ground upon which satan can work. (1 Thess. 5:23; John 16:31. Amplified New

The following is a consideration of how Satan relates to the three areas of mans being.

1. Spirit
In that the believer is the temple of God, his spirits the "holy of holies" or the most holy
place". It is God's inner sanctuary. The born again believer's spirit is regenerated,
justified and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is one with the Holy Spirit.
(1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 8:16; John 3:1-5). No truly born again believer can be possessed
by demon spirits. The Holy Spirit comes to the believer's spirit to bring his spirit into total
union with God, through Christ, and there is no room left for a demon to reside there.

2. Soul
The soul represents the Holy Place of the Temple of God, and includes the mind, will and
emotions. The soul has to be renewed by the Word of God. This is referred to in Rom.
12:1-2 where we find that the believer has to be transformed by the renewing of his
mind. The mind, will and emotions have to be brought into full harmony with the Spirit and
Word of God.

It is in the realm of the soul that the believer experiences the 'fiery darts" of the enemy,
oppression, depression, fear, unbelief, evil thoughts, emotional and mental torment,
satanic accusations and deception, are som of the fiery darts that have to be
recognized, resisted and quenched by the spiritual weapons of God. The battle for the
mind is the major area of conflict (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Matt 15:19-20;
Prov. 23:7).

It is important to recognize the three sources of all thoughts. In Matt. 16:15-23 we have a
clear illustration of these sources; thoughts from man or one's self (verses 13-14),
thoughts from God (verses 15-17) and thoughts from satan, or evil spirits (verses 21-23).
The believer must learn to recognize the source of his thoughts, he must learn not to
entertain thoughts which are contrary to the Word and Spirit of God. No one can stop
these fiery darts being sent at them, but he can quench them with the Word of God. He
can put on the helmet of salvation which is for the protection of the mind.

Sin entered the mind when the serpent tempted Eve (2 Cor. 11:3). Peter allowed
thoughts to enter in his mind from satan (Matt. 16:22-23). Judas accepted thoughts of
betraying Jesus which came from the devil (John 13:2,27).

Thus, the mind has to be renewed (Rom. 12:1-2); and the believer must allow the mind
of Christ to be in him (Phil. 2:5-8). He must discipline his mind to think on divine things
(Phil. 4:8-9). The carnal and fleshly mind must be crucified (Col. 2:18; 1:21; Rom.
8:7-9; Eph. 4:17-23).

Every imagination and thought that would exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ
must be cast down and brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
(2 Cor. 10:3-5).

3. Body
The body represents the Outer Court of the Temple of God (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Its faculties
are the five senses of hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling and smelling. The body is the
physical part of man through which he contacts the natural world around him. The attack
of the enemy here is upon the appetites and instincts God has placed within man. Other
"fiery darts which attack the body are sickness, disease and infirmity. Afflicting spirits
may attack the believer's body, but again, he is to take the Word of God and use the
spiritual weapons God has given to conquer them.

D. The Believers Spiritual Armoury - Practically

The Lord has given to the Church and the believer, spiritual weapons which are mighty
through God. These are not carnal weapons but they come from the Lord's armoury (Jer.
50:25; 2 Cor. 10:3-5).

1. The Word of God

It is essential to know the Word of God (John 8:32-34). In order to exercise our legal
rights and privileges, we must know God's Word. Satan's power to deceive is on the
ground of ignorance and God's people are often destroyed for lack of knowledge. It
is the word which enlightens our ignorance. Jesus used the word ("It is written") to
overcome satan in his temptations (Matt. 4:1-10; Ps. 119:130; Eph. 1:15-22;
1 John 2:12-14; Rev. 12:11; 2 Cor. 2:11, Eph 6:17)

2. The Name of Jesus

Jesus gave the believer the legal right to use His name. His name represents our power
and authority. He stands behind His name. There is no higher authority. The power is not
in us but in Him whose Name we bear (Matt. 10:1,8; Luke 9:1;
Mark 3:15; 6:7,13; 16:17; Acts 16:18; Phil. 2:9-11; John 16:23-24; 14:13-15;
Luke 10:17-20).

3. Christ in you
By New Birth, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer. Greater is He that is in the believer
than he that is in the world (1 John 2:14; Gal. 4:6; Col. 1:27; Eph. 1:17:23; John
1:12 1 John 4:17; 1 Cor. 6:17).

4. The Blood of Jesus
The sinless incorruptible blood of Jesus is the cleansing power in the believer against
sin (1 John 1:5-6). The blood of Christ is our redemption ground. It is our justification
and it keeps us clean before God (Rom. 3:25; Rev. 12:11).

5. The Power of the Holy Spirit

The believer who is Spirit-filled is given equipment also to contend with and withstand all
the power of the enemy. Jesus cast out spirits by the power of the Holy Spirit. As a man
He utterly depended upon the Spirit (Matt. 12:28). The Holy Spirit. who resides within us,
is God; omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and greater than every other spirit in the
world (Acts 1:5,8; Luke 24:49).

6. The Gifts of the Spirit

Another spiritual weapon is the gift of the discerning of spirits.
This is a protective gift, enabling the Church to discern what
spirit is at work in a supernatural manifestation (1 Cor. 12:9-11;
1 John 4:1-3. Is. 8:19-20).

7. The Whole Armour of God

God has provided all the armor needed by the believer in spiritual warfare. Each piece of
this spiritual armor is important (Eph. 6:10-18; Rom. 13:12; 2 Cor. 6:7;
Rom. 10:6-17).

It is by the spiritual weapons which God has given to the Church that all
believers may be able to war a good warfare and be part of that victorious
Church against which the gates of hell shall not prevail (Matt. 16:18-19).


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