Secure Data Sharing in Cloud With Distributed Accountability

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014

Secure Data Sharing In Cloud with Distributed

Shaikh Ajhar, Dr. J Sasi Kiran

Platform-as-a-Service incloud is defined as set of software

Abstract In this world every computer or web user is using development tools hosted on the providers infrastructure.
the cloud services to accomplish his work. Cloud computing Developers create application on the providers platform over
provides the ease in using the application or services provided by Internet.
him. Using cloud computing now user can access his data from
anywhere anytime. In this users data are usually processed
remotely in unknown machines that users do not operate. On the
Software-as-a-Service cloud model, the vendor supplies the
one hand we are using this services but another side is that user hardware infrastructure, the software product and interacts
don't have control over his own data due to wide range of cloud with the user through a front end portal.
service users and may fear of losing its own data. To handle the
stated problem with the cloud computing in this paper we Traditional access control approaches developed for closed
provide approach to handle the users data in that we are domains such as databases and operating systems, using a
keeping the accountability of data. In this method the users data centralized server in distributed environments, are not
is binded with the logging mechanism means every usage of that suitable, due to the inlisted features characterizing cloud
data will be informed to user or we can say that handled by user. environments. First, data handling can be outsourced by the
Accountability checks for transparent access and authorization direct cloud service provider (CSP) to other entities in the
of data. With using JAR programming which provide privacy
cloud and theses entities can also represent the tasks to others,
and security for data. We provide experimental result that
demonstrates the efficiency of our proposed approach. and so on. Second, entities are allowed to join and leave the
cloud in a flexible manner. As a result, data handling in the
Index Terms cloud computing, accountability, logging, cloud goes through a complex and dynamic hierarchical
data sharing, auditing mechanism. service chain which does not exist in conventional
environments. To overcome the above problems, we propose
a new approach, namely Cloud Information Accountability
I. INTRODUCTION (CIA) framework, based on the idea of information
Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think accountability [3]. Unlike privacy protection technologies
about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add which are built on the hide-it-or-lose-it perspective,
capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, information accountability focuses on keeping the data usage
training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud transparent and track able. Our proposed CIA framework
computing encompasses any subscription-based or provides end-to-end accountability in a highly distributed
pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends fashion. One of the main innovative features of the CIA
ITs existing capabilities. framework lies in its ability of maintaining lightweight and
Cloud computing is at an early stage, with a motley crew of powerful accountability that combines aspects of access
providers large and small delivering a slew of cloud based control, usage control and authentication. By means of the
services, from full-blown applications to storage services to CIA, data owners can track not only whether or not the
spam filtering. service-level agreements are being honored, but also enforce
There are various services provided by the Cloud are as access and usage control rules as needed. Associated with the
follows: accountability feature, we also develop two distinct modes for
Infrastrucure-as-a-service(IaaS) auditing: push mode and pull mode. The push mode refers to
logs being periodically sent to the data owner or stakeholder
while the pull mode refers to an alternative approach whereby
the user (or another authorized party) can retrieve the logs as
Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS):
Infrastructure-as-a-Service like Amazon web services
provides the customer with virtual server instances and
storage as well as application program interfaces(API) that
allows the customer to start, stop, access and configure their To allay users concerns, it is essential to provide an
virtual servers and storage. effective mechanism for users to monitor the usage of their
Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS): data in the cloud. For example, users need to be able to ensure
that their data are handled according to the service level
agreements made at the time they sign on for services in the
Manuscript received October 29, 2014. cloud. Conventional access control approaches developed for
Shaikh Ajhar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, closed domains such as databases and operating systems, or
Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,India. approaches using a centralized server in distributed
Dr. J Sasi Kiran, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,India.

Secure Data Sharing In Cloud with Distributed Accountability

environments, are not suitable, due to the following features We conduct experiments on a real cloud testbed. The results
characterizing cloud environments. demonstrate the efficiency, scalability, and granularity of our
approach. We also provide a detailed security analysis and
A. Problems on existing system discuss the reliability and strength of our architecture.

First, data handling can be outsourced by the direct cloud III. MODULES
service provider (CSP) to other entities in the cloud and theses Following are the important module used in our project,
entities can also delegate the tasks to others, and so on. Module 1: DATA OWNER
Second, entities are allowed to join and leave the cloud in a Module 2: JAR CREATION
flexible manner. As a result, data handling in the cloud goes Module 3: CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDER
through a complex and dynamic hierarchical service chain
which does not exist in conventional environments.
B. Proposed System
In this module, the data owner can upload their data in the
We propose a novel approach, namely Cloud Information cloud server. The new user has to register with the service
Accountability (CIA) framework, based on the notion of provider by creating new account because of that security is
information accountability. Unlike privacy protection maintained and he can upload or store his files. Data owner
technologies which are built on the hide-it-or-lose-it encrypt data for security purpose.
perspective, information accountability focuses on keeping The Data owner can have capable of manipulating the
the data usage transparent and tractable. Our proposed CIA encrypted data file. And the data owner can set the access
framework provides end-to end accountability in a highly privilege to the encrypted data file. To allay users concerns,
distributed fashion. One of the main innovative features of the it is essential to provide an effective way for users to monitor
CIA framework lies in its ability of maintaining lightweight the usage of their data in the cloud. For example, users need to
and powerful accountability that combines aspects of access be able to ensure that their data are handled according to the
control, usage control and authentication. By means of the service level agreements made at the time they sign on for
CIA, data owners can track not only whether or not the services in the cloud.
service-level agreements are being honored, but also enforce
access and usage control rules as needed. Associated with the
accountability feature, we also develop two distinct modes for
auditing: push mode and pull mode. The push mode refers to In this module Jar file is created for file uploading.The user
logs being periodically sent to the data owner or stakeholder should have the same jar file to download the file. This way
while the pull mode refers to an alternative approach whereby the data is going to be secured. The logging should be
the user (or another authorized party) can retrieve the logs as decentralized in order to adapt to the dynamic nature of the
needed. cloud. More specifically, log files should be tightly bounded
with the corresponding data being controlled, and require
minimal infrastructural support from any server. Every access
Our main contributions are as follows: to the users data should be correctly and automatically
logged. This requires integrated techniques to authenticate the
We propose a novel automatic and enforceable logging entity who accesses the data, verify, and record the actual
mechanism in the cloud. Our proposed architecture is operations on the data as well as the time that the data have
platform independent and highly decentralized, in that it does been accessed. Log files should be reliable and tamper proof
not require any dedicated authentication or storage system in to avoid illegal insertion, deletion, and modification by
place. malicious parties. Recovery mechanisms are also desirable to
restore damaged log files caused by technical problems. The
proposed technique should not intrusively monitor data
recipients systems, nor it should introduce heavy
communication and computation overhead, which otherwise
will hinder its feasibility and adoption in practice.

The cloud service provider manages a cloud to provide data

storage service. Data owners encrypt their data files and store
them in the cloud with the jar file created for each file for
sharing with data consumers. To access the shared data files,
data consumers download encrypted data files of their interest
Fig 1.Overview of CIA framework from the cloud and then decrypt them

We go beyond traditional access control in that we provide a IV. SECURITY DISCUSSION

certain degree of usage control for the protected data after We now analyze possible attacks to our framework. We
these are delivered to the receiver. assume that attackers may have sufficient Java
programmingskills to disassemble a JAR file and prior

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014
knowledge of our CIA architecture. We first assume that the
JVM is not corrupted, followed by a discussion on how to
ensure that this assumption holds true.
A. Attacks on JAR files

The common attack that we can assume is accessing the data

in JAR file without being noticed. But such attack can
befound out by auditing. However if someone tries to
download the JAR files, the actions are recorded by the logger
and the log record is sent to the user. By this the data owner
will be aware of his JAR file download.
B. Unauthorized user

If some unauthorized person tries to access the data, first of all

it is impossible as his/her integrity is checked by the
authentication system before giving the access to actual data.

In this paper we see innovative approaches for
automatically logging any access to the data in the cloud
together with an auditing mechanism is proposed. The
approach allows the data owner to not only audit his content
but also enforce strong back-end protection if needed.
Moreover, one of the main features of our work is that it
enables the data owner to audit even those copies of its data
that were made without his knowledge.
In the future, planned to refine our approach to
verify the integrity and the authentication of JARs

Good Teachers are worth more than thousand books,
we have them in Our Department.

[1] SmithaSundareswaran, Anna C. Squicciarini and Dan Lin,
"EnsuringDistributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud,",
IEEETransaction on dependable a secure computing, VOL. 9, NO. 4, pg
556-568, 2012.
[2]Hsio Ying Lin,Tzeng.W.G, A Secure Erasure Code-Based Cloud
Storage System with Secure Data Forwarding,IEEE transactions on
parallel and distributed systems,2012.
[3] Yan Zhu, Hongxin Hu, Gail JoonAhn, Mengyang Yu, Cooperative
Provable Data Possession for IntegrityVerification in MultiCloud
Storage , IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems,2012.


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