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Design and Implementation of UPQC To Solve Power Quality Problems

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014

Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power

Quality Problems
Meenakshi Bhardwaj, Akhil Gupta
load reactive power demand and unbalance, to eliminate
Abstract this paper deals with conceptual study of Unified harmonics from the supply current, and to control the
Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) during voltage sag and common dc link voltage. It uses a pair of three-phase
swell on the power network. Power quality has become an controllable bridges to produce current that is injected into a
important factor in power systems, for household appliances
transmission line using a series transformer. The controller
with production of various electric and electronic equipment
and computer systems. The main reasons of a poor power
bridge can control active and reactive power flows in a
quality are harmonic currents, reduced power factor, supply transmission line [3].
voltage variations etc. The Unified Power Quality Conditioner
(UPQC) is a custom power device, which diminishes voltage and In case of the UPQC, the DC link voltage requirement for the
current related power quality issues. It also prevents load shunt and series active filters is not the same; the shunt active
current harmonics from entering the utility and corrects the filter requires higher DC link voltage when compared to the
input power factor of the load. The system performance for series active filter for proper compensation. The shunt active
current and voltage harmonics, voltage sags and voltage swell filter provides a path for real power flow to aid the operation
have been evaluated. The results obtained by means of the
of the series compensator and to maintain constant average
MATLAB / SIMULINK based simulations support the
functionality of the UPQC.
voltage across the DC storage capacitor. With the high value
of DC link capacitor, the Voltage Source Inverters (VSI)
Index Terms UPQC, UPQC Topologies, Voltage Sag, becomes bulky and the switches used in the VSI also need to
Voltage Swell, Etc. be rated for higher value of voltage and current. This
increases the entire cost and size of the VSI [20].
In literature, a hybrid filter has been discussed for motor
In today's complex electronics environment, many problems
drive applications. This filter is connected in parallel with
can occur because of poor quality of power. Therefore, it has
diode rectifier and tuned at 5th harmonic frequency. In simpler
become necessary to provide a dynamic solution with greater
words, Power quality is a set of electrical boundaries that
degree of accuracy as well as with fast speed of response.
allow a piece of equipment to function in its intended manner
With great advancement in all areas of engineering, mainly,
without significant loss of performance. Although a
digital processing, control systems, and power electronics, the
sophisticated work, the design is specific to the motor drive
load characteristics have changed totally. In addition to this,
application and the reactive power compensation is not
loads are becoming very sensitive to voltage supplied to them.
considered, which is an important aspect in shunt active filter
The power electronics based devices have been used to
applications [4].
overcome the major power quality problems [1].
The paper is organized as follows. The structure of the
There are sets of conventional solutions to the power quality
UPQC is presented in Section II. In Section III, the
problems, which have existed for a long time. However these
configuration of UPQC is described in detail. The all
predictable solutions use passive elements and do not always
simulation results are presented in Section IV. Simulation
respond correctly as the nature of the power system conditions
results in this section demonstrate the efficacy and versatility
change. The power electronic based power conditioning
of proposed design technique. Finally, Section V gives the
devices can be effectively utilized to improve the quality of
power supplied to customers. One modern solution that deals
with both load current and supply voltage imperfections is the
Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) [2], which was
first presented in 1995 by Hirofumi Akagi. A. Need of UPQC
UPQC is a combination of series and shunt active filters
connected in cascade via a common dc link capacitor. The The increased use of automatic equipment, like adjustable
series active filter introduces a voltage, which is added at the speed drives, programmable logic controllers, switching
Point of Common Coupling (PCC) such that the load-end power supplies etc. are far more vulnerable to disturbances
voltage remains unaffected by any voltage disturbance. The than were the previous generation equipment and less
main objectives of shunt active filter are: to compensate the automated production and information systems. Even still the
power generation in most advanced country is properly
reliable, the distribution is not always so [17]. It is though not
Manuscript received October 13, 2014. only reliability that the consumers want these days,
Meenakshi Bhardwaj, Electrical Engineering Dept.,G.G.S College of superiority too is very important for them. With deregulation
Modern Technology, Punjab Technical University, Kharar, India,
Akhil Gupta, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Dept., G.G.S
of the electric power energy marketplace, the awareness
College of Modern Technology, Punjab Technical University, Kharar, India, regarding the quality of power is increasing day by day among

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Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems

customers. Power quality is a problem that is becoming

increasingly important to electricity consumers at all levels of
usage. New generation loads that use microprocessor and
microcontroller based controls and power electronic devices,
are more sensitive to power quality deviations than that
equipment used in the past [5].

The main power quality problems are Voltage Sag, Voltage

Swell, interruption and harmonic distortion. Voltage sag is a
brief decrease in the rms line voltage of 10 to 90 percent of the
nominal line-voltage. The duration of sag is 0.5 to 1 minute.
Common sources that contribute to voltage sags are the
starting of large induction motors and utility faults. A swell is
a brief increase in the rms line-voltage of 10 to 80 percent of
the nominal line-voltage for duration of 0.5 to 1 minute. The
main sources of voltage swells are line faults and incorrect tap
settings in tap changers in substations. An interruption is
Fig. 1: General Structure of UPQC
defined as a reduction in line-voltage or current to less than 10
percent of the nominal. Interruptions can occur due to power
The main purpose of a UPQC is to compensate for supply
system faults, apparatus failures and control malfunctions
voltage flicker/imbalance etc. The UPQC, therefore, is
[20]. When the supply voltage has been zero for a period of
expected as one of the most powerful solutions to large
time in excess of 1 minute, the long-duration voltage variation
capacity sensitive loads to voltage flicker/imbalance. UPQC
is considered a sustained interruption. Voltage fluctuations
maintains load end voltage at the rated value even in the
are relatively small (less than 5 percent) variations in the rms
presence of supply voltage sag. The voltage injected by
line voltage. Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages or currents
UPQC to preserve the load end voltage at the desired value is
having frequencies that are integer multiples of the frequency
taken from the same dc link, thus no additional link voltage
at which the supply system is designed to operate, which is
support is required for the series compensator [7].
known as fundamental frequency (usually 50 Hz). The
harmonic distortion originates in the nonlinear characteristics C. Facilities Provided by UPQC
of devices and also on loads connected to the power system. It eliminates the harmonics in the supply current,
Thus in this scenario in which customers increasingly demand therefore improves utility current quality for nonlinear loads.
power quality, term power quality attains increased UPQC provides the VAR requirement of load, so that the
significance [6]. supply voltage and current are constantly in phase, therefore,
no additional power factor correction equipment is necessary.
B. Basic Structure of UPQC UPQC maintains load end voltage at the rated value even
in the presence of supply voltage sag/swell.
The best protection for sensitive loads from sources with
The voltage inserted by UPQC to maintain the load end
inadequate quality is shunt-series connection i.e. Unified
voltage at the desired value is taken from the dc link, thus no
Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). Unified power quality
additional dc link voltage support is required for the series
conditioners are viable compensation devices that are used to
compensator [15].
ensure that delivered power meets all required standards and
specifications at the point of installation. The UPQC is a
custom power device that joins the series and shunt active
filters, connected back-to-back on dc side and sharing a The Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) is a device
common DC capacitor, as shown in Fig 1. This dual that is employed in the distribution system to mitigate the
functionality makes the UPQC as one of the most suitable disturbances that affect the performance of sensitive and/or
devices that could solve the problems of both consumers as critical load. It is the only versatile device which can mitigate
well as of utility. UPQC, thus can help to increase voltage several power quality problems related with voltage and
profile and hence the overall health of power distribution current simultaneously. It is multi functioning device that
system. compensate various voltage disturbances of the power supply,
to accurate voltage fluctuations and to prevent harmonic load
UPQC consists of two IGBT based Voltage Source current from entering the power system [13].
Converters (VSC) that are connected to a common DC energy UPQC consists of two IGBT based Voltage Source
storage capacitor and an inductor and also consists of two Converters (VSC), one in shunt and one in series. The shunt
filter banks. One of these two VSCs is connected in series converter is connected in parallel to the load. Whenever the
with the feeder and the other is connected in parallel to the supply voltage undergoes sag then series converter injects
same feeder [18]. The series compensator is operated in suitable voltage with supply. Thus UPQC improves the power
PWM voltage controlled mode. Whenever the supply voltage quality by preventing load current harmonics and by
undergoes sag then series converter injects suitable voltage correcting the input power factor [11].
with supply. The series filter suppresses and isolates voltage It consists of a series voltage-source converter connected in
based distortions, while the shunt filter cancels current-based series with the AC line and acts as a voltage source to
distortions. diminish voltage distortions. It is used to remove supply
voltage flickers or imbalance from the load terminal voltage

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
and forces the shunt branch to absorb current harmonics IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
generated by the nonlinear load. Control of series converter In order to verify the effectiveness of control system with
output voltage is usually performed by pulse-width realistic parameters, a MATLAB / SIMULINK based digital
modulation (PWM). The gate pulses required for converter simulation of a system has been carried out as shown in Fig.5.
are generated by fundamental input voltage reference signal The performance of UPQC has been analyzed under different
[8]. conditions such as voltage sag and swell.
It consists of a voltage-source converter connected in shunt A. Proposed Simulation Model of UPQC
with the same AC line and acts as a current source to cancel The SIMULINK model of test system is shown in Fig 3. The
current distortions, compensate reactive current of load, and system contains two controllers, one is connected in series
improve the power factor. The gate pulses required for and other is connected in parallel. It also contains
converter are generated by fundamental input current transformers and filter banks for desirable output. The system
reference signal. It also consists of two transformers. These is tested under different load conditions. A variable load is
are implemented to insert the compensation voltages and used to provide constant current output.
currents, and for purpose of electrical isolation of UPQC
bridge converters. The UPQC is capable of steady-state and The series controller shown in Fig 2 is designed to inject a
dynamic series and/or shunt active and reactive power dynamically controlled voltage in magnitude and phase into
compensations at fundamental and harmonic frequencies [9]. the distribution line via a coupling transformer to correct load
voltage. This is known as Dynamic Voltage Regulator (DVR)
The shunt active filter is responsible for power factor which is popularly used as a series connected custom power
correction and compensation of load current harmonics and device [16].
unbalances. Also, it maintains constant average voltage across
the DC storage capacitor. The series active filter
compensation goals are achieved by injecting voltages in
series with the supply voltages such that the load voltages are
balanced and undistorted, and their magnitudes are
maintained at the desired level. This voltage injection is
provided by dc storage capacitor and the series VSI. The
control scheme of the shunt active power filter must calculate
the current reference waveform for each phase of the inverter,
maintain dc voltage constant, and generate inverter gating
signals [10].
A. System Parameters

The parameters of the VSI need to be designed carefully for

better tracking performance. The important parameters that
need to be taken into consideration while designing
conventional VSI are V, Csh, Lsh , Lse, Cse and frequency (f)
and are listed in Table 1. Fig. 2: Series Controller

Table-1: System Parameters

System Quantities Values

Source 3-Phase, 25kV, 50Hz
Inverter Parameters IGBT based, 3-arm,
Input RC Load Active Power= 5MW
Capacitive Power= 2MW
Output RL Load Active Power= 1GW
Inductive Power= 1kW
Power Factor 0.9
Transformer 1 Y / 25kV/600V
Transformer 2 / Y 600/600V
Shunt VSI Parameters Voltage= 600V, Lsh= 1mH
Csh= 1mF
Series VSI Parameters Voltage= 600V, Lse= 1mH
Cse= 1mF
Fig. 3: Shunt Controller

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Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems

Fig. 6: Control Firing Pulses for UPQC Bridges

C. Effect of Voltage Swell
A voltage swell of 50% is now introduced in the system for a
time span ranging from t=0.2 sec to t=0.4 sec, as shown in the
Fig. 7. Under this condition the series filter injects an out of
phase compensating voltage in the line through series
transformers. The currents are unbalanced and distorted; the
terminal voltages are also unbalanced and distorted.

Fig. 4: Proposed Simulation Model of UPQC

The purpose of the Shunt Controller is to compensate current

unbalance, current harmonics and load reactive power
demand fed to the supply [19]. The coupling of shunt
controller is three phase, in parallel to network and load
as shown in Fig 4. It works as current sources, connected in
parallel with the nonlinear load, generating harmonic currents
the load requires. This is same as the popularly known shunt
connected custom power device, D-STATCOM. UPQC is a
combination of DVR and D-STATCOM.
B. Simulation Output of UPQC Fig. 7: Input Voltage and Current at Swell of 50%
In order to show the impact of sag and swell variation, a
MATLAB/SIMULINK based simulation is carried out.

Fig. 8: Constant Output Voltage and Current with UPQC

when Voltage Swell of 50% has occurred
The load output profile in Fig. 8 shows the UPQC is
effectively maintaining the load bus voltage at desired
constant level even during the swell on the system such that
Fig. 5: Reference Voltage and Current the loads are not affected by any voltage variation. In other
words, the extra power due to the voltage swell condition is
Fig. 5 shows the three phase reference voltage and current fed back to the source by taking reduced fundamental source
waveforms when UPQC is not connected in system. These are current. The proposed UPQC maintained the load voltage free
constant in phase as well as in amplitude. Fig 6 shows the from swelling and at the desired level.
control firing pulses for bridge converters. Each bridge The above system model has been analyzed by varying
contains six IGBTs and each IGBT requires a firing pulse at the voltage swell from 10% to 80% for a time span of 0.2
its gate terminal. These input pulses are required to ON the seconds ranging from t=0.2 sec to t=0.4 sec. The input
bridges. waveforms are highly unbalanced. The load output voltage

112 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
and current shows that the UPQC effectively maintains the condition, the currents are unbalanced and distorted; the
load bus output at desired constant level. It is seen that that terminal voltages are also unbalanced and distorted. The load
voltage and current levels are maintained at desirable levels output waveforms shown in Fig. 13 shows that UPQC is
and the distortion is considerably reduced below 2%. maintaining it at desired constant voltage level at load even
during the sag or swell for longer duration on the system.
D. Effect of Voltage Sag
A voltage sag of 50% is now introduced on the same model of
the system for a time span ranging from t=0.2 sec to t=0.4 sec
as shown in Fig. 9. During this voltage sag condition, the
series APF is providing required voltage by injecting in phase
compensating voltage (50%). The load output waveforms
shown in Fig. 10 shows that UPQC is maintaining it at desired
constant voltage level at load even during the sag on the
system such that the loads cannot see any voltage variation.

Fig. 11: Input Voltage and Current at Swell of 50%

Fig. 9: Input Voltage and Current at Sag of 50%

Fig. 12: Input Voltage and Current at Sag of 50%

Fig. 10: Constant Output Voltage and Current with UPQC

when Voltage Sag of 50% Occurred
This system is again analyzed by varying the voltage sag from Fig. 13: Constant Output Voltage and Current with UPQC
10% to 80% for a time span of 0.2 sec ranging from t=0.2 sec when Voltage Sag or Swell of 50% Occurred
to t=0.4 sec. Before and after this time, the system is again at
F. Effect of Harmonics
normal working condition. The load output profile in all these
conditions show that it produces a constant output voltage and The harmonics have the property that they are all periodic at
current when UPQC is connected to a system. the fundamental frequency; therefore the sum of harmonics is
This system is again analyzed by varying the voltage also periodic at that frequency. Harmonic frequencies are
sag from 10% to 80% for a time span of 0.2 sec ranging from correspondingly spaced by the width of the fundamental
t=0.2 sec to t=0.4 sec. Before and after this time, the system is frequency and can be found by repeatedly adding that
again at normal working condition. The load output profile in frequency. Harmonics are the multiple of the fundamental
all these conditions show that it produces a constant output frequency. They occur frequently when there are large
voltage and current when UPQC is connected to a system. numbers of personal computers (single phase loads),
uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), variable frequency
E. Effect of Voltage Sag and Swell on Voltage and Current drives (AC and DC) or any electronic device using solid state
with Increased Duration power switching supplies to convert incoming AC to DC.
A voltage swell and sag of 50% is now introduced in the Non-linear loads generate harmonics by drawing current in
system for a time span ranging from t=0.5 sec to t=2 sec, as abrupt short pulses as shown in fig 14 and its output is shown
shown in the Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 respectively. Under this in fig 15.

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Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems

Fig. 16: Input Voltage and Current Waveforms having

Fig. 14: Input Voltage and Current with 5th order harmonics Harmonics and Interruption

Fig. 17: Output Voltage and Current Waveforms with UPQC

Fig. 15: Constant Output Voltage and Current with 5th Order having No Harmonics and Interruption
Harmonics Input
G. Effect of Interruption
A voltage interruption is a large decrease in RMS voltage to 4
x 10 Selected signal: 50 cycles. FFT window (in red): 2 cycles
less than a small percentile of the nominal voltage, or a 2
complete loss of voltage. Voltage disruptions may come from 1
accidents like faults and component malfunctions, or from
planned downtime. Short voltage interruptions are typically
the result of a malfunction of a switching device or a -1

deliberate or inadvertent operation of a fuse, circuit breaker, -2

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
or reclose in response to faults and disturbances. Long Time (s)
interruptions are usually resulting of scheduled downtime,
where part of electrical power system is disconnected in order
to perform maintenance or repairs. When a three phase fault is Fundamental (50Hz) = 1.348e+04 , THD= 16.39%
introduced in the system having duration 0.16 to 0.84 sec, it 12
generates an interruption in the input signal as shown in fig
16. When UPQC is connected within the system, it resolves 10
Mag (% of Fundamental)

this power quality problem and provide us constant output 8

signal as shown in fig 17. The analysis of input and output
signals can be done by FFT Analysis tool provided in
Simulink block. The analysis of input waveform having 4
harmonics is given by fig 18. The upper part shows the input
voltage signal having 5th order harmonics and lower part 2

shows its fundamental frequency components present in the 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
signal and also provides total harmonic distortion (THD). Frequency (Hz)
Similarly, the fig 19 shows the output waveforms of input
harmonic signal and their FFT analysis. The THD in fig 20
shows that this output signal is distortion free. Fig. 18: Input THD having Harmonics and Interruption

114 www.erpublication.org
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[1] Nikita Hari, K.Vijayakumar and Subhranshu Sekhar Dash, A Versatile
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Meenakshi Bhardwaj received her B.Tech
[2] Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki, Mahesh K. Mishra and B. Kalyan Kumar,
Degree in Electrical Engg. from
Comparison of Various Voltage Source Inverter based UPQC
REC,Kurukshetra(KU, May 2002). Now, She is
Topologies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Power
persuing M.Tech in Electrical Engg. From G.G.S
and Energy Systems (ICPS), pp 1-7, December 2011.
College of Modern Technology, Punjab Technical
[3] Vinod Khadkikar, Enhancing Electric Power Quality Using UPQC: A
University, Kharar. She has worked with Purolator
Comprehensive Overview, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
India Ltd., Gurgaon as Operating Engineer (Sept.
Vol. 27, No. 5, pp 2284-2297, May 2012.
1997 Sept. 1999). Then worked as Lecturer in
[4] Malabika Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, Performance Study of
Shri Krishan Polytechnic, Kurukshetra (July 2007 July 2008) . She also
UPQC-Q for Load Compensation and Voltage Sag Mitigation,
worked as HOD in Shri Krishan Polytechnic, Kurukshetra (From July
Proceedings of the IEEE 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial
2008-Oct 2010) and then worked as Lecturer in SKIET, Kurukshetra (From
Electronics Society (IECON 02), Vol. 1, pp 698-703, November, 2002.
Nov 2010-Sep 2011). Her research interest in designing and modelling of
[5] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, A. O. Barry and T. D. Nguyen, Application
controllers using MATLAB.
of UPQC to Protect a Sensitive Load on a Polluted Distribution
Network, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006.
[6] A.Jeraldine Viji and M.Sudhakaran, Generalized UPQC system with an
Dr. Akhil Gupta received B.E (Electrical Engg) from
improved Control Method under Distorted and Unbalanced Load
GZSCET, Bathinda (PTU, Jalandhar) in 1999 and
Conditions, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), pp M.Tech in Electrical Engineering from Kay Jay group of
193-197, 2012. Institutes, Patiala (Institute of Advanced Studies In
[7] Morris Brenna, Roberto Faranda and Enrico Tironi, A New Proposal for Education, Rajasthan) in 2005. His Ph.D is in Power
Power Quality and Custom Power Improvement: OPEN UPQC, IEEE Quality Evaluation of solar PV grid connected systems
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 2107-2116, from EE Department, NIT Kurukshetra, and Haryana.
October 2009. He is now working as Associate Professor in Chandigarh University,
[8] Vinod Khadkikar and Ambrish Chandra, A New Control Philosophy for Gharuaan, District Mohali, Punjab, India. He has total of 14 years experience
a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to Coordinate in this field. His area of interest is in Application of renewable energy
Load-Reactive Power Demand Between Shunt and Series Inverters systems into electrical power systems, controls, power quality, custom power
IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 4, October 2008. devices.

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