Design and Implementation of UPQC To Solve Power Quality Problems
Design and Implementation of UPQC To Solve Power Quality Problems
Design and Implementation of UPQC To Solve Power Quality Problems
Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
and forces the shunt branch to absorb current harmonics IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
generated by the nonlinear load. Control of series converter In order to verify the effectiveness of control system with
output voltage is usually performed by pulse-width realistic parameters, a MATLAB / SIMULINK based digital
modulation (PWM). The gate pulses required for converter simulation of a system has been carried out as shown in Fig.5.
are generated by fundamental input voltage reference signal The performance of UPQC has been analyzed under different
[8]. conditions such as voltage sag and swell.
It consists of a voltage-source converter connected in shunt A. Proposed Simulation Model of UPQC
with the same AC line and acts as a current source to cancel The SIMULINK model of test system is shown in Fig 3. The
current distortions, compensate reactive current of load, and system contains two controllers, one is connected in series
improve the power factor. The gate pulses required for and other is connected in parallel. It also contains
converter are generated by fundamental input current transformers and filter banks for desirable output. The system
reference signal. It also consists of two transformers. These is tested under different load conditions. A variable load is
are implemented to insert the compensation voltages and used to provide constant current output.
currents, and for purpose of electrical isolation of UPQC
bridge converters. The UPQC is capable of steady-state and The series controller shown in Fig 2 is designed to inject a
dynamic series and/or shunt active and reactive power dynamically controlled voltage in magnitude and phase into
compensations at fundamental and harmonic frequencies [9]. the distribution line via a coupling transformer to correct load
voltage. This is known as Dynamic Voltage Regulator (DVR)
The shunt active filter is responsible for power factor which is popularly used as a series connected custom power
correction and compensation of load current harmonics and device [16].
unbalances. Also, it maintains constant average voltage across
the DC storage capacitor. The series active filter
compensation goals are achieved by injecting voltages in
series with the supply voltages such that the load voltages are
balanced and undistorted, and their magnitudes are
maintained at the desired level. This voltage injection is
provided by dc storage capacitor and the series VSI. The
control scheme of the shunt active power filter must calculate
the current reference waveform for each phase of the inverter,
maintain dc voltage constant, and generate inverter gating
signals [10].
A. System Parameters
Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
and current shows that the UPQC effectively maintains the condition, the currents are unbalanced and distorted; the
load bus output at desired constant level. It is seen that that terminal voltages are also unbalanced and distorted. The load
voltage and current levels are maintained at desirable levels output waveforms shown in Fig. 13 shows that UPQC is
and the distortion is considerably reduced below 2%. maintaining it at desired constant voltage level at load even
during the sag or swell for longer duration on the system.
D. Effect of Voltage Sag
A voltage sag of 50% is now introduced on the same model of
the system for a time span ranging from t=0.2 sec to t=0.4 sec
as shown in Fig. 9. During this voltage sag condition, the
series APF is providing required voltage by injecting in phase
compensating voltage (50%). The load output waveforms
shown in Fig. 10 shows that UPQC is maintaining it at desired
constant voltage level at load even during the sag on the
system such that the loads cannot see any voltage variation.
Design and Implementation of UPQC to Solve Power Quality Problems
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
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College of Modern Technology, Punjab Technical
[3] Vinod Khadkikar, Enhancing Electric Power Quality Using UPQC: A
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[4] Malabika Basu, S. P. Das and Gopal K. Dubey, Performance Study of
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UPQC-Q for Load Compensation and Voltage Sag Mitigation,
worked as HOD in Shri Krishan Polytechnic, Kurukshetra (From July
Proceedings of the IEEE 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial
2008-Oct 2010) and then worked as Lecturer in SKIET, Kurukshetra (From
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[5] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, A. O. Barry and T. D. Nguyen, Application
controllers using MATLAB.
of UPQC to Protect a Sensitive Load on a Polluted Distribution
Network, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006.
[6] A.Jeraldine Viji and M.Sudhakaran, Generalized UPQC system with an
Dr. Akhil Gupta received B.E (Electrical Engg) from
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[7] Morris Brenna, Roberto Faranda and Enrico Tironi, A New Proposal for Education, Rajasthan) in 2005. His Ph.D is in Power
Power Quality and Custom Power Improvement: OPEN UPQC, IEEE Quality Evaluation of solar PV grid connected systems
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October 2009. He is now working as Associate Professor in Chandigarh University,
[8] Vinod Khadkikar and Ambrish Chandra, A New Control Philosophy for Gharuaan, District Mohali, Punjab, India. He has total of 14 years experience
a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to Coordinate in this field. His area of interest is in Application of renewable energy
Load-Reactive Power Demand Between Shunt and Series Inverters systems into electrical power systems, controls, power quality, custom power
IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 4, October 2008. devices.