0 2 4 6 8 10
Organization: there is no there is very little the presentation is there is good the organization and the organization and
The presentation should organization in organization in the somewhat organization and structure of your structure of your
follow an order that the presentation presentation organized structure presentation is presentation exceeds
allows for a natural flow extremely well done expectations.
of information, starting
from presenting the
issues to concluding
with how to fix the
Content: there is no there is very little there is a small Most of the All content is All content is
The areas of content content to mention of content amount of content content areas have covered, however the covered and your
listed in evaluate in presentation covered in the been covered content could still be presentation exceeds
presentation expanded upon expectations.
Content: -There are no -There are very -There are some -There are -The facts discussed The facts discussed
Facts are accurate and accurate facts few accurate facts accurate facts accurate facts in the presentation in the presentation
articulated in a discussed in the discussed in the discussed in the discussed in the are accurate exceed expectations
meaningful manner. presentation presentation presentation presentation the group -the group
Each person understands -the group -the group -the group demonstrates demonstrates a great
the facts described in the demonstrates no demonstrates demonstrates understanding of understanding of
presentation. understanding of some some those facts. information
those facts. understanding of understanding of presented.
those facts. those facts.
Quality of -there is very -there is poor -there is okay -there is good -there is great -there is perfect
Presentation: poor spelling, spelling, grammar spelling, grammar spelling, grammar spelling, grammar spelling, grammar
-correct spelling, grammar and no and not clear and a few visuals and some visuals and visuals and visuals
grammar and visuals are visuals visuals -Speaking is -Speaking is clear -Speaking is clear -Speaking is very
used. -speaking is not -Speaking is not somewhat clear and concise clear and concise
-speaking is clear and clear at all very clear
Requirements: None of the Very few of the Some of the Most of the All of the All requirements
All requirements listed requirements are requirements are requirements are requirements are requirements are met exceed expectations.
on presentation met met met met