2b1.2 Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
2b1.2 Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
2b1.2 Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
time a separate civil action to be filed. No. 3, Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, and by subsequently
forcibly opening the door of said stall and thereafter brutally
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court demolishing and destroying said stall and the furnitures therein
of Appeals. by axes and other massive instruments, and carrying away the
goods, wares and merchandise, to the damage and prejudice of the
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. said Antonio Vergara and his family in the amount of P30,000.00
Sisenando Villaluz, Sr. for petitioners. in concept of actual or compensatory and moral damages, and
The Solicitor General for respondent. further the sum of P20,000.00 as exemplary damages.
That in committing the offense, the accused took advantage of
their public positions: Roy Padilla, being the incumbent municipal
This is a petition for review on certiorari of a Court of mayor, and the rest of the accused being policemen, except
Appeals decision which reversed the trial courts judgment Ricardo Celestino who is a civilian, all of Jose Panganiban,
of conviction and acquitted the petitioners of the crime of Camarines Norte, and that it was committed with evident
grave coercion on the ground of reasonable doubt but premeditation.
inspite of the acquittal ordered them to pay jointly and
The Court of First Instance of Camarines Norte, Tenth
severally the amount of P9,000.00 to the complainants as
Judicial District rendered a decision, the dispositive
actual damages.
portion of which states that:
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the Court finds the accused Roy
Padilla, Filomeno Galdonez, Ismael Gonzalgo and Jose Parley
560 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Bedea guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of grave
Padilla vs. Court of Appeals coercion, and hereby imposes upon them to suffer an
imprisonment of
The undersigned Fiscal accused ROY PADILLA, FILOMENO VOL. 129, MAY 31, 1984 561
ROMEO GARRIDO, JOSE ORTEGA, JR., RICARDO FIVE (5) months and One (1) day; to pay a fine of P500.00 each; to
CELESTINO, REALINGO alias KAMLON, JOHN DOE alias pay actual and compensatory damages in the amount of
TATO, and FOURTEEN (14) RICARDO DOES of the crime of P10,000.00; moral damages in the amount of P30,000.00; and
GRAVE COERCION, committed as follows: another P10,000.00 for exemplary damages, jointly and severally,
That on or about February 8, 1964 at around 9:00 oclock in and all the accessory penalties provided for by law; and to pay the
the morning, in the municipality of Jose Panganiban, province of proportionate costs of this proceedings.
Camarines Norte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this The accused Federico Realingo alias Kamlon, David
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, Roy Padilla, Bermudo, Christopher Villaoac, Godofredo Villania, Romeo
Filomeno Galdones, Pepito Bedea, Yolly Rico, David Bermundo, Garrido, Roberto Rosales, Ricardo Celestino and Jose Ortega, are
Villanoac, Roberto Rosales, Villania, Romeo Garrido, Jose Ortega, hereby ordered acquitted on grounds of reasonable doubt for their
Jr., Ricardo Celestino, Realingo alias Kamlon, John Doe alias criminal participation in the crime charged.
Tato, and Fourteen Richard Does, by confederating and mutually
helping one another, and acting without any authority of law, did The petitioners appealed the judgment of conviction to the
then and there wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously, by means of Court of Appeals. They contended that the trial courts
threats, force and violence prevent Antonio Vergara and his finding of grave coercion was not supported by the
family to close their stall located at the Public Market, Building evidence. According to the petitioners, the town mayor had
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the power to order the clearance of market premises and THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A GRAVE ERROR OF
the removal of the complainants stall because the LAW OR GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN IMPOSING
municipality had enacted municipal ordinances pursuant UPON PETITIONERS PAYMENT OF DAMAGES TO
to which the market stall was a nuisance per se. The COMPLAINANTS AFTER ACQUITTING PETITIONERS OF
petitioners stated that the lower court erred in finding that THE CRIME CHARGED FROM WHICH SAID LIABILITY
the demolition of the complainants stall was a violation of AROSE.
the very directive of the petitioner Mayor which gave the
stall owners seventy two (72) hours to vacate the market II
premises. The petitioners questioned the imposition of
prison terms of five months and one day and of accessory
penalties provided by law. They also challenged the order
to pay fines of P500.00 each, P10,000.00 actual and
compensatory damages, P30,000.00 moral damages,
P10,000.00 exemplary damages, and the costs of the suit.
The dispositive portion of the decision of the respondent
Court of Appeals states: III
WHEREFORE, we hereby modify the judgment appealed from in THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A LEGAL
the sense that the appellants are acquitted on ground of INCONSISTENCY, IF NOT PLAIN JUDICIAL ERROR, IN
reasonable doubt, but they are ordered to pay jointly and HOLDING IN ITS APPEALED RESOLUTION THAT
severally to complainants the amount of P9,600.00 as actual PETITIONERS COMMITTED AN UNLAWFUL ACT, THAT IS,
The petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration
contending that the acquittal of the defendants-appellants
as to criminal liability results in the extinction of their civil
liability. The Court of Appeals denied the motion holding
x x x x x x x x x
x x x appellants acquittal was based on reasonable doubt THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ORDERING THE
whether the crime of coercion was committed, not on facts that no PETITIONERS HEREIN, APPELLANTS IN CA-G.R. NO, 13456-
unlawful act was committed; as their taking the law into their CR, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, TO PAY COMPLAINANTS
hands, destructing (sic) complainants properties is unlawful, and, P9,600.00 IN SUPPOSED ACTUAL DAMAGES.
as evidence on record established that complainants suffered
actual damages, the imposition of actual damages is correct. The issue posed in the instant proceeding is whether or not
the respondent court committed a reversible error in
Consequently, the petitioners filed this special civil action, requiring the petitioners to pay civil indemnity to the
contending that: complainants after acquitting them from the criminal
Petitioners maintain the view that where the civil entitled to be informed of the nature of the acts imputed to him
liability which is included in the criminal action is that before he can be made to enter into trial upon a valid information.
arising from and as a consequence of the criminal act, and We rule that the crime of grave coercion has not been proved
the defendant was acquitted in the criminal case, (no civil in accordance with law.
liability arising from the criminal case), no civil liability While appellants are entitled to acquittal, they nevertheless
arising from the criminal charge could be imposed upon are civilly liable for the actual damages suffered by the
him. They cite precedents to the effect that the liability of complainants by reason of the demolition of the stall and loss of
the defendant for the return of the amount received by him some of their properties. The extinction of the penal action does
may not be enforced in the criminal case but must be raised not carry with it that of the civil, unless the extinction proceeds
in a separate civil action for the recovery of the said from a declaration in a final judgment that the fact from which
amount (People v. Pantig, 97 Phil. 748; following the the civil might arise did not exist. (Rule 111, Sec. 3 (c), Rev. Rules
doctrine laid down in Manila Railroad Co. v. Honorable of Court; Laperal v. Aliza, 51 OG.R. 1311, People v. Velez, 44 OG.
Rodolfo Baltazar, 49 O.G. 3874; Pueblo contra Abellera, 69 1811). In the instant case, the fact from which the civil might
Phil. 623; People v. Maago, 69 Phil. 496; People v. arise, namely, the demolition of the stall and loss of the properties
Miranda, 5 SCRA 1067; Aldaba v. Elepao, 116 Phil. 457). contained therein; exists, and this is not denied by the accused.
In the case before us, the petitioners were acquitted not And since there is no showing that the complainants have
because they did not commit the acts stated in the charge reserved or waived their right to institute a separate civil action,
against them. There is no dispute over the forcible opening the civil aspect therein is deemed instituted with the criminal
of the market stall, its demolition with axes and other action. (Rule 111, Sec. 1, Rev. Rules of Court).
instruments, and the carting away of the merchandize. The x x x x x x x x x
petitioners were acquitted because these acts were
denominated coercion when they properly constituted some Section 1 of Rule 111 of the Rules of Court states the
other offense such as threat or malicious mischief. fundamental proposition that when a criminal action is
The respondent Court of Appeals stated in its decision: instituted, the civil action for recovery of civil liability
arising from the offense charged is impliedly instituted
For a complaint to prosper under the foregoing provision, the with it. There is no implied institution when the offended
violence must be employed against the person, not against party expressly waives the civil action or reserves his right
property as what happened in the case at bar. x x x. to institute it separately. (Morte Sr. v. Alvizo, Jr., 101
x x x x x x x x x SCRA 221).
The extinction of the civil action by reason of acquittal in
564 the criminal case refers exclusively to civil liability ex
delicto founded on Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code.
564 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED (Elcano v. Hill, 77 SCRA 98; Virata v. Ochoa, 81 SCRA
472). In other
Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
The next problem is: May the accused be convicted of an offense
other than coercion? VOL. 129, MAY 31, 1984 565
From all appearances, they should have been prosecuted either
for threats or malicious mischief. But the law does not allow us to Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
render judgment of conviction for either of these offenses for the
reason that they were not indicted for these offenses. The words, the civil liability which is also extinguished upon
information under which they were prosecuted does not allege the acquittal of the accused is the civil liability arising from the
elements of either threats or malicious mischief. Although the act as a crime.
information mentions that the act was by means of threats, it As early as 1942, the Supreme Court speaking through
does not allege the particular threat made. An accused person is Justice Jorge Bocobo in Barredo v. Garcia, et al. 73 Phil.
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607 laid down the rule that the same punishable act or cases; where the court expressly declares that the liability
omission can create two kinds of civil liabilities against the of the accused is not criminal but only civil in nature (De
accused and, where provided by law, his employer. There is Guzman v. Alvia, 96 Phil. 558; People v. Pantig, supra) as,
the civil liability arising from the act as a crime and the for instance, in the felonies of estafa, theft, and malicious
liability arising from the same act as a quasi-delict. Either mischief committed by certain relatives who thereby incur
one of these two types of civil liability may be enforced only civil liability (See Art. 332, Revised Penal Code); and,
against the accused. However, the offended party cannot where the civil liability does not arise from or is not based
recover damages under both types of liability. For instance, upon the criminal act of which the accused was acquitted
in cases of criminal negligence or crimes due to reckless (Castro v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 4 SCRA 1093; See
imprudence, Article 2177 of the Civil Code provides: Regalado, Remedial Law Compendium, 1983 ed., p. 623).
Article 29 of the Civil Code also provides that:
Responsibility for fault or negligence under the preceding article
is entirely separate and distinct from the civil liability arising When the accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the
from negligence under the Penal Code. But the plaintiff cannot ground that his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable
recover damages twice for the same act or omission of the doubt, a civil action for damages for the same act or omission may
defendant be instituted. Such action requires only a preponderance of
evidence. Upon motion of the defendant, the court may require
Section 3 (c) of Rule 111 specifically provides that: the plaintiff to file a bond to answer for damages in case the
complaint should be found to be malicious.
Sec. 3. Other civil actions arising from offenses.In all cases not
If in a criminal case the judgment of acquittal is based upon
included in the preceding section the following rules shall be
reasonable doubt, the court shall so declare. In the absence of any
declaration to that effect, it may be inferred from the text of the
x x x x x x x x x
decision whether or not the acquittal is due to that ground.
x x x x x x x x x
(c) Extinction of the penal action does not carry with it More recently, we held that the acquittal of the defendant
extinction of the civil, unless the extinction proceeds from a in the criminal case would not constitute an obstacle to the
declaration in a final judgment that the fact from which the civil filing of a civil case based on the same acts which led to the
might arise did not exist. In other cases, the person entitled to the criminal prosecution:
civil action may institute it in the jurisdiction and in the manner
provided by law against the person who may be liable for x x x The finding by the respondent court that he spent said sum
restitution of the thing and reparation or indemnity for the for and in the interest of the Capiz Agricultural and Fishery
damage suffered. School and for his personal benefit is not a declaration that the
fact upon which Civil Case No. V-3339 is based does not exist. The
The judgment of acquittal extinguishes the liability of the civil action barred by such a declaration is the civil liability
accused for damages only when it includes a declaration arising from the offense charged, which is the one impliedly
that the facts from which the civil might arise did not exist. instituted with the criminal action. (Section I, Rule III, Rules of
Thus, the civil liability is not extinguished by acquittal Court.) Such a declaration would not bar a civil action filed
where the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt (PNB v. against an accused who had been acquitted in the criminal case if
Catipon, 98 Phil. the criminal action is predicated on factual or legal considerations
other than the commission of the offense charged. A person may
be acquitted of malversation where, as in the case at bar, he could
show that he did not misappropriate the public
Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
286) as only preponderance of evidence is required in civil VOL. 129, MAY 31, 1984 567
569 doctrine must recognize the distinct and separate character of the
two actions, the nature of an acquittal on reasonable doubt, the
vexatious and oppressive effects of a reservation or institution of a
VOL. 129, MAY 31, 1984 569
Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
for the aggrieved party to recover just compensation by moreover the delays suffered by the case in the trial,
making a separate civil action mandatory and exclusive: appellate, and review stages, it would be unjust to the
complainants in this case to require at this time a separate
The old rule that the acquittal of the accused in a criminal case civil action to be filed.
also releases him from civil liability is one of the most serious With this in mind, we therefore hold that the respondent
flaws in the Philippine legal system. It has given rise to Court of Appeals did not err in awarding damages despite a
numberless instances of miscarriage of justice, where the judgment of acquittal.
acquittal was due to a reasonable WHEREFORE, we hereby AFFIRM the decision of the
respondent Court of Appeals and dismiss the petition for
lack of merit.
VOL. 129, MAY 31, 1984 571
Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
doubt in the mind of the court as to the guilt of the accused. The 572 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
reasoning followed is that inasmuch as the civil responsibility is
People vs. Espiritu
derived from the criminal offense, when the latter is not proved,
civil liability cannot be demanded.
Fernando, C.J., Teehankee, Makasiar, Guerrero,
This is one of those cases where confused thinking leads to Abad Santos, Melencio-Herrera, Plana, Escolin, Relova and
unfortunate and deplorable consequences. Such reasoning fails to De la Fuente, JJ., concur.
draw a clear line of demarcation between criminal liability and Aquino, J., in the result.
civil responsibility, and to determine the logical result of the Concepcion, Jr. J., on leave.
distinction. The two liabilities are separate and distinct from each De Castro, J., did not take part.
other. One affects the social order and the other, private rights.
One is for the punishment or correction of the offender while the Decision affirmed and petition dismissed.
other is for reparation of damages suffered by the aggrieved
Notes.Civil liability may not be enforced in a criminal
party. x x x It is just and proper that, for the purposes of the
action where accused is acquitted. (People vs. Miranda, 5
imprisonment of or fine upon the accused, the offense should be
SCRA 1067.)
proved beyond reasonable doubt. But for the purpose of
Once the offended party has reserved his right to
indemnifying the complaining party, why should the offense also
institute a separate civil action to recover indemnity, he
be proved beyond reasonable doubt? Is not the invasion or
thereby loses his right to intervene in the prosecution of
violation of every private right to be proved only by
the criminal case. (Tactaquin vs. Palileo, 21 SCRA 1431.)
preponderance of evidence? Is the right of the aggrieved person
The extinction of the penal action does not carry with it
any less private because the wrongful act is also punishable by
extinction of the civil, unless the extinction proceeds from a
the criminal law? (Code Commission, pp. 45-46).
declaration in a final judgment that the fact from which the
A separate civil action may be warranted where additional civil might arise did not exist. (Faraon vs. Priela, 24 SCRA
facts have to be established or more evidence must be 582.)
adduced or where the criminal case has been fully
terminated and a separate complaint would be just as
efficacious or even more expedient than a timely remand to
the trial court where the criminal action was decided for
further hearings on the civil aspects of the case. The
offended party may, of course, choose to file a separate
action. These do not exist in this case. Considering
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