SYL EDLD 6473 701 132S WAK - RFT
SYL EDLD 6473 701 132S WAK - RFT
SYL EDLD 6473 701 132S WAK - RFT
The purpose of this course is to examine school boards, the superintendency, and the
relationship of each to the other. The course is hands-on, experiential and reflective
comparing some resources to personal experiences. At the end of this course, the
superintendent will know how to respond to and influence the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to
achieve the district's educational vision. (Field-based experience required). Admission
to the superintendency certification program is a pre-requisite for this course. Students
will be required to attend at least 2 School Board Meetings during this semester and
should plan accordingly.
This course is required for graduate students who are working toward Superintendent
certification and will examine the exemplary leadership standards for Texas
Superintendents as expressed in the State Board for Educator Certification
Communication Plan:
The professor will respond to all email inquiries within 48 hours. Be sure to use the
email tab on the course homepage. The professor will check the discussion board at
least twice a week. In addition to posting any important information on the
announcements page, the professor will also email the information to the students. In
case of emergencies you may contact the UTPB School of Education at 432.552.2120.
This syllabus is subject to change, please check back periodically.
Houston, P., & Eadie, D. (2002). The Board Savvy Superintendent. The Scarecrow
Press, Inc.
Readings from the annotated bibliography and bibliographies of each of the texts are
expected of all students. The quantity one reads is to some extent a self choice, but to
be a leader one must read journals, texts, books, daily newspaper to keep in contact
with the educational world as well as the world of children and parents.
Assignments and activities may be found under the "Assignments" tab on the course
Make every attempt to check your e-mail the announcements section at least weekly.
Good luck, together we can make this a great course and learning adventure.
Candidate Proficiencies:
To achieve the learning outcomes, candidates must demonstrate that they "are gaining
the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to have a positive impact on P-12
student learning" (NCATE, 2006, p. 9). The following is a list of the specific
knowledge, skills, and dispositions that the faculty has determined are important for
each candidate to possess and exhibit
Knowledge (K): Our candidates will exhibit knowledge about and understand the
impact on teaching and student learning of:
University Policies
ADA Policy: Any student who feels that he or she may require assistance for any type
of physical or learning disability should consult with the professor as soon as possible.
To request academic accommodations for a disability contact Dr. Efren Castro,
Director of the PASS Office in the Mesa Building Room 1160, at 432-552-2631 or e-
mail Dr. Castro at [email protected] . Students are required to provide
documentation of disability to PASS Office prior to receiving accommodations.
Drop Policy: If a student is unable to complete the course, the last day to
drop/withdraw is July 14. This procedure must be completed by the student through
UTPB's Registrar's Office. Failure to complete the course or this procedure may result
in the student receiving a grade of "F".
Course Policies: Students are expected to attend class and have completed
assignments prior to the start of class. Missing more than one class may result in a
reduction of the students grade by one letter. Students must participate in class
discussions in such a manner that their preparation is evident. Students are encouraged
to ask questions which the professor will generally answer at the time they are asked.
Course Objectives
Competency 003
The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and
community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilize
community resources to ensure educational success for all students. The superintendent
knows how to:
Competency 004
The superintendent knows how to respond to and influence the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to
achieve the district's educational vision. The superintendent knows how to:
analyze and respond to political, social, economic, and cultural factors affecting
students and education.
provide leadership in defining superintendent-board roles and establishing mutual
communicate and work effectively with board members in varied contexts,
including problem-solving and decision making contexts.
work with the board of trustees to define mutual expectations, policies, and
access and work with local, state, and national political systems and organizations to
elicit input on critical educational issues.
use legal guidelines to protect the rights of students and staff and to improve
learning opportunities.
prepare and recommend district policies to improve student learning and district
performance in compliance with state and federal requirements.
Competency 006
The superintendent knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program
and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
The superintendent knows how to:
Competency 010
implement processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for informed decision
use strategies for working with others, including the board of trustees, to promote
collaborative decision making and problem solving, facilitate team building, and
develop consensus.
analyze and manage internal and external political systems to benefit the
educational organization.
Module 2 Students will identify and understand working effectively with board members
in varied contexts, including problem-solving and decision-making contexts. Learn how to
identify, understand and manage internal and external conflicts on the school board
Module 3 Students will identify the strategic planning process, including development of
mission and vision statements, and the various roles of school board members in the
process; and develop a strategic plan for their district.
Module 4 Students will identify and analyze to political, economic, and social factors
affecting students and education, and the board superintendent relationship.
Final Project - Capstone module for the entire course. Superintendent candidates will be
able to apply learning objectives and knowledge gleaned in course activities, writings,
discussions and readings to articulate, develop and propose new school policies to school
board members. Students will present this in an electronic format. i.e. PowerPoint.
The final project will require meeting and working with your site supervisor
(Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent) several times throughout the semester,
be sure to plan accordingly.
324 - 390 A
288 - 323 B
252 - 287 C
Each superintendent certification course has field experiences built into the
assignments. Please have your superintendent complete the Immediate Supervisors
Acceptance Form (you will need Adobe Reader) and either mail or fax to:
Technical Requirements
Computer Setup
Since your entire course will be accessed through your computer and Internet
connection, it is important that you have the proper computer configuration. Check
your system at UTPB REACH Technical Information - Computer Set-Up
Microsoft Word is the recommended word processor application for completing
assignments. Documents prepared in other word processor applications must be
submitted in rich text files (.rtf) in order for the instructor to be able to view them.
Because you are taking this course from UT Permian Basin, you can get this software
at a significant discount. For more information, please see IRD's Microsoft Select.
Technical Support
The support staff at the 24/7 Help Desk can help you with any technical questions you
may have, anytime. Technical support is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.
1-877-633-9152 (toll-free)
You may access technical assistance at any point in the course by selecting the 24/7
Help Desk button to your left.