Current Gain × Resistance Gain: Output Section Resistance Inout Section Resistance
Current Gain × Resistance Gain: Output Section Resistance Inout Section Resistance
Current Gain × Resistance Gain: Output Section Resistance Inout Section Resistance
To setup a common base transistor circuit and to study its input and out put
characteristics and to calculate its current gain.
An pnp transistor, a three volt battery, a 30 volt battery, two high resistance
rheostats, one 0-3 volts voltmeter, one 0-30 volt voltmeter, two (0-50mA)
milli-ammeter, to one way keys, connecting wires.
The base is common to both the input and the output circuit. The input
section is forward biased by battery V BB and output section is reversed
biased by battery VCC.
Output Section resistance
The resistance gain = Inout section resistance
= Slope of input characteristics
R O= I E =constant
Output resistance IC
= Slope of output characteristics
= V CE=constant
Current gain IE
= Slope of transfer characteristics
A V =
Voltage gain RI