Studying The Impact of Customer Knowledge Management On Relationship Marketing (Iranian Study)
Studying The Impact of Customer Knowledge Management On Relationship Marketing (Iranian Study)
Studying The Impact of Customer Knowledge Management On Relationship Marketing (Iranian Study)
Studying the Impact of Customer Knowledge Management on Relationship Marketing (Iranian study)
Traditional marketing has emphasized on the importance of Chiou et al. (2005) introduced three classes of variables as the
new customer attraction but relationship marketing obviously foundations of relationship marketing in the banking industry
emphasizes on the importance of long-term supportive which includes a financial relationship, social relationship
relationship development with current customers and assumes and structural relationship. Sin (2002) studied the effect of
that it is logical to try to spend the energy and resources for relationship marketing on business performance of
the current customers instead of attracting new customers. For companies, so he investigated trust, social relationships,
marketers, strategic importance of creating long term communications, common values, sympathy and mutual
relationship is based on this assumption that the relation of the attempt as main variables of relationship marketing. Richard
existing customer is easier and cheaper than finding new and Perrin (1999) introduced some variables such as
customers (Kalwani & Narayandas, 1995). In fact, durability of relationship, validity, adaptation and marginal
organizations which select relationship marketing procedure sale as the foundations of relationship marketing.
are able to improve their business performance. Rashid (2003) introduced trust, commitment, social
In a research, Sin et al. (2002) addressed to study some relationships, sympathy, positive experiences, performance of
performance aspect of the companies in a number of service commitments and communications as main constituent
based industries in respect of the study of relationship variables of relationship marketing.
marketing foundations. The results of their studies showed Dubisi and wah (2005) introduced trust, commitment,
that relationship marketing has a positive and meaningful communications, metrics and conflict management as the
effect on sales growth, market share and ROIof these main relationship marketing variables.
companies. Izquierdo and Cillan (2005) investigated the In this research, we address to study the effect of customer
effect of relationship marketing on company's performances. knowledge management on the foundations of relationship
Their findings showed that relationship marketing had an marketing in some branches of Melli Bank in Mazandaran
important effect on economic performance of the companies. province. This issue is considered based on a framework
In Iran , an increase in the competition among the companies obtained by customer knowledge management model adapted
have been observed and in the case of introducing into global from Yingchun (2007) which includes the dimensions of
markets, the severity of competition will be getting even more customer knowledge acquisition and production, saving and
intense. Perhaps today, these companies can survive by the distribution of knowledge and its implementation; the
same traditional concepts of production, product and sale but relationship marketing foundation model is also adopted from
gradually by introducing foreign companies in these fields, the Dubisi model (2005) which has communication
the competitive situations will not be in such manner. Despite management dimensions including conflict management, trust
of Iran, many organizations abroad, especially in and commitment. Several researches have been performed
service-based sectors, regarding to its characteristic which is about knowledge management as well as relationship
the close relationship between buyers and sellers, have tried to marketing but there are a few researches about their
approach the customer and even consider the customer as relationship. In an article by Yichen (2006) entitled Having
their partners. They have considered relationship marketing knowledge to create a method for relationship with the
as the sole way to create and develop long-term relationships customer management, the goal of research was to study the
with customers and have been able to use well the advantages factors which have a key effect on the organizational
of permanent relationship with the customers. Therefore, performance and study three variables of customer knowledge
during the considered period, this research addresses and source, customer knowledge management and measurable
reviews the effect of customer knowledge management on the performance of customer knowledge which was finally stated
basis of relationship marketing in the selected branches of that customer knowledge and customer knowledge
Melli Bank in Mazandaran province. Hence, in this research, management were the factors having key effects on the
the following questions will be studied; organizations performance. Akhavan (2008) studied
Do the variables of customer knowledge management have customer knowledge management where knowledge and
any effect on the foundations of relationship marketing? customer are placed together; the purpose of this article was
Which of the components of customer knowledge to show that using management and customer based value
management has the most significant effect on the foundations helps the organization to have better understanding of the
of relationship marketing? customer and finally, it was stated that by using customer
knowledge management, the organization can acquire many
III. RESEARCH THEORETICAL CONCEPTS opportunities before the competitors which in fact, increase
The organizations cannot communicate effectively with the the sale and attract new customers which also bring some
customers unless they understand what kind of services, how advantages both for the customers and the company. Bose ans
and when are valuable to the customers and how much they Sugumaran (2003) studied the role of knowledge
can pay for them. The organizations which use customer management in improving the performance of customer
knowledge management, in order to increase the quality of relationship management. Implementation of knowledge
their services to the customers, have found the necessity of management in this research was recognizing the knowledge,
using customer knowledge management to overcome saving the knowledge, knowledge distribution and knowledge
customer data gathering portal and applying it correctly application which finally, it was concluded that using
(Akhavan, 2008). customer based knowledge management brings about the
Regarding to different industries, researchers have regarded development of customer relationship system in the
and implemented various strategies for relationship based organization. Michael and Marius (2004) recognized five
marketing. styles for customer knowledge management and how
intelligent organizations use them to create the value. The
purpose of his study was describing the concept of customer
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2014
knowledge management and its implementation which and trust. Their results showed that a relationship marketing
resulted in presenting five implementing styles of customer strategy causes commitment and trust.
knowledge management. The general conclusion of this research was that the
Chiou et al. (2005) in a research addressed to study the effect successful banks comparing with unsuccessful banks have
of the variables of relationship associations and customer attempted more to implement relationship marketing strategy
values on customers fidelity. This research was performed and to create long-term relationship with their customers.
among three groups of customers, those who retain their Sin et al. (2002) in a research titled as The Impact of
relationships with the supplier, dissatisfied customers who cut relationship marketing approach on business performance of
their relationship with suppliers and satisfied customers who service-oriented economy, addressed to study the
cut their relationship with the supplier. The results of this foundations of relationship marketing (trust, social
research showed that in respect of the customers who retain relationships, communications, common values, sympathy
their relationships with the supplier, three kinds of and mutual attempt) on the economic performance of the
relationship based associations including financial, social institutions in different industries such as hotel management,
and structural caused to improve customres profitability insurance, financial, business services and etc. in Hong Kong.
values and enjoyment values which finally resulted in the The method of data collection was a questionnaire which was
improvement of customer fidelity. sent to 1000 institutions among which, 279 usable
Adamson et al. (2003) in a research titled as Relationship questionnaires were collected. The results of their studies
marketing, commitment and trust of the customer as a strategy showed that the foundations of relationship marketing have a
for bank sectors of Hong Kong companies, studied the effect positive and meaningful effect on sales growth, market share
of the application of a relationship marketing strategy among and ROI for these companies.
Hong Kong Banks regarding the dimensions of commitment
Gaining and producing of
customer knowledge management
Distribution and
transferring customer Trust
Benefiting from
Customer knowledge Commitment
Studying the Impact of Customer Knowledge Management on Relationship Marketing (Iranian study)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2014
relationship between the variable of customer knowledge Patterns of relationship determining the effects of macro
management and the variable of relationship marketing. variables of customer knowledge management on
foundations of relationship marketing among Melli Bank
staffs of Mazandaran Province:
Table 4: Characteristics of the constituent components of variables of knowledge management and relationship marketing
(dependent variable)
Studying the Impact of Customer Knowledge Management on Relationship Marketing (Iranian study)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2014
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