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ISSN 1691-5348

Journal of Business Management


Journal of Business Management
ISSN 1691-5348
The journals publication frequency is 1 issue per year.


Professor Dr. K.Balaton, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

Professor Dr. E.Doran, University of Salford, United Kingdom
Professor Dr. O.Gjolberg, University of Life Sciences, Norway
Professor Dr. T.Mets, University of Tartu, Estonia
Professor Dr. V.Kozlinskis, Head of Editorial Board, Riga International School of Economics and
Business Administration, Latvia
Professor Dr. V.Kundrotas, Baltic Management Development Association, Lithuania
Professor Dr D.Pavelkov, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic
Professor Dr. I.Senikova, Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration,
Professor Dr. I.Strelets, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia
Professor Dr. El Thalassinos, University of Piraeus, Greece
Professor Dr. J.Vucns, Ventspils University College, Latvia
Professor Dr. T.Volkova, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia

In 2011, the Editorial Board received more than 40 papers, which were peer-reviewed
(anonymously) by 2 subject experts (in some cases - 3) from 7 higher education institutions. As a
result, more than 60% of papers were accepted for publication in the Journal of Business
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Journal of Business Management, issue No.4, mostly consists of papers (reports), which were
presented during the International Scientific Conference Changes in Global Economic Landscape
in Search for New Business Philosophy that took place in Riga International School of
Economics and Business Administration on 28 and 29 April 2011.
Representatives of 12 countries Austria, Finland, Estonia, Cyprus, Poland, Hungary, Portugal,
Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Latvia, and Greece participated in the conference.
Main findings of the International Scientific Conference were as follows (scientific articles
published in this issue reflect most of these findings):
1. The global economys centres of gravity are shifting (towards east mainly, e.g. China,
India, etc.). The shift of economic centres of gravity is tied with fundamental and long-
term collisions (as history shows). Therefore, uncertainty in business increases, and it is
the long-lasting period.
2. The model of economic development based on demand stimulation (in a form of
crediting) does no longer work. The time has come to pay off (or write off?) loans
received earlier. The consumption society cannot be sustainable.
3. Talents and technologies determine business achievements (especially in case of rapid
changes in the world economy).
4. A long-term business is becoming the one, which is concerned with satisfying primary
needs of people (e.g. food industry), as well as high technologies.
5. More close regional collaboration can positively influence the situation both on the
country and business levels (including introduction of single currency).
6. Constant concentration on short-term goals does not allow achieving long-term goals,
including the investment-related ones.
A number of points for discussion arose, for instance:
1. Why improvement of macroeconomic indicators in Latvia does not influence its people?
a) It requires time.
Slight growth and profit in the banking sector are anticipated only in the end of 2011.
Stable investments are required.
Salaries are below the productivity level, they can increase only in the mid-term, from now to
2014 (Andris Vilks).
b) The macroeconomic indicators do not fully reflect the real microeconomic situation
2. The anticipated role of immigration
In the short- and mid-term regulating immigration can bring positive impact, although the basic
long-term solution is to improve the demographic situation (e.g. Canadas experience of 3-children
families) (Greg McDonalds).
The regulated immigration can attract highly qualified workforce, holders of capital, scientists.
3. Some bright quotes:
Massimo Merlino: 2T (talents and technologies) is the only strategy that can take out from the
crisis. Intercultural research in this area is required.
Signe Enkuzena: The worlds leading economies proved that an effective human resource
training system is one of the business development cornerstones... Employees also admit that
learning and improvement of skills enhance professionalism.
Kari Liuhto: The single currency fosters development of regional business and tourism.
The united investment agency of the Baltic region could attract foreign investments, foster inflow
of capital, promote economic growth and more intensive competition among enterprises.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Artis Pabriks: Since the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) joined the EU following
the Northern neighbours, the need for mutual collaboration and integration have become very
salient. However, there are differences between the Northern and Baltic countries the Northern
Countries are among the most successful and competitive in the world, while the Baltics fight for
extra resources to support the social sector. One of the options for the Baltics is to learn from
experience of the Northern neighbours.
Jnis Zvgulis: The Latvian and global experience shows that not all investments are suitable
for the development of Latvian economy. The strategically defined and appropriate investments are
necessary, but not the doubtful ones. A lot of countries, including Latvia, define its attitude towards
investments how to increase the desired investments, especially, when the flow of funds decreases

Head of the Editorial Board

Vulfs Kozlinskis

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Foreword.................................................................................................................................... 3
Glodowska, A. The crisis impact on human capital formation in Poland ....................................... 6
Merlino, M. Talents and technology: a model for policy makers ................................................ 15
Zvigulis, J. Investment openness: should all investment be welcomed ........................................ 21
Kublia, S. Necessity of improvement of long-term financial investment evaluation mechanism in
public sector companies in Latvia ............................................................................................. 29
Freidenfelde, I. Economic aspects of immigration ..................................................................... 39
Sauga, A. New product diffusion in the Baltic states ................................................................. 47
Busarovs, A. Crowdsourcing as user-driven innovation, new business philosophys model ......... 53
Kuzmina, J. Use of lower partial moments in the asset allocation process .................................. 61
Lindemane, M. Saturation of financial market as stimulus for export of financial services ......... 74
Mavrenko, T. Development of microfinance in Latvia: new look at savings and credit unions .... 85
Tissen, M., neidere, R. Origination of due diligence and scope of its application ................... 101
Lagzdi, A., Sloka, B., Jekabsone, I.Banks, knowledge and compliance: challenges for Latvian
educational system ................................................................................................................. 108
Mavutova, I. Evaluation of risk during the restructuring pogram ............................................ 114
Balaton, K. Possible enterprise strategies after the economic crisis .......................................... 121
Kozlinskis, V., Losane, L. Latvian export of goods: problems and solutions ............................ 129
Pancenko, E., Jasjko, T., Ivanova, T. Determination of the transit potential of Latvia in the trade
between Turkey and the EU .................................................................................................... 142
Jasjko, D.,Pancenko, E., Ivanova, T. Latvian maritime transport sector: opportunities for Latvian-
Turkish cooperation ................................................................................................................ 151
Bolvics, V., Volkova, T. The changing landscape of port governance: case of Baltic states .... 162
Grivica, O. New supply chain creation for logistics centre work optimisation .......................... 170
Agafonov, Y. Modelling of Baltic supply chain for consumer goods ........................................ 178
Vintisa, K., Kalvina, A. Performance management of emploees in public administration of Latvia
and opportunities for its improvement ..................................................................................... 185
Volkova, T., Jakobsone, I., Ptersons, M. Evaluation of design application level for ensuring
sustainable competitiveness: case of Latvia ............................................................................. 193
Hilkevics, S., Kokars, A. Opportunities and problems of Baltic regional airports development . 200
Kozlinska, I. Contemporary approaches to entrepreneurship education .................................... 205
Enkuzena, S., Kliedere, E. Management training evaluation: a case study of a retail store chain 221
Cera, N., Liepi, T. Impact of reinsurance on liability insurance in Latvia ............................. 233

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Agnieszka Godowska
Cracow University of Economics, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]

Human capital, defined as a knowledge resource, know-how, skills and motivation cumulated in production age
society, becomes a fundamental factor in competition of a country and determines the creation of an information
society. The purpose of this article is to scrutinise the state of human capital in Poland comparing to the situation in
other European Unions countries and to evaluate a possibility of human capital formation after the crisis reality. The
problem is very complex, that is why the article describes how the crisis influences the migration decisions of the Polish
people. Departures and arrivals from migration directly affect situation on the labour market and have impact on
conditions of human resources. The methodology in the paper is based on desktop research and general statistics with
multidimensional comparative analysis methods used as a taxonomic synthetic measure.
The main finding of the paper is that there is a strong divergence between human capital formations in Poland,
countries recently engaged (UE11) and other Western European countries (UE15). It is difficult to notice one-way
influence of the economic crisis on human capital formation. In Poland during the crisis period migration was inhibited
on one hand, but on the other, the quantity of young people with tertiary education from agglomeration leaving Poland
increased. The article represents distinctive scientific research, which could be used in formation of labour market and
migration policies in Poland.
Keywords: crisis, human capital, migration, brain drain.

One of the main features of contemporary economies is usage of human resource. The principal
condition in creation of a knowledge-based economy is the relevant quantity and quality of human capital.
The essence of human capital has to be analysed in two areas. The first involves human capital formation in
the economic growth models. It is associated with endogenous model growth by P. Romer and R. J. Lucas.
The second area consists of treating human capital as an element of intellectual capital, which forms a part of
a firms calculated value in the business market place. A companys success is dependent on constant
creation of not only traditional potential, but also non-traditional, as well as on human capital. The most
important resource of the company is its employees, who possess skills to create new products and
technologies. Knowledge, experience and precise skills of the employees create the human capital and all
expenses have to be viewed as an investment that will bring measurable advantages in the future (Biegaska,
2007). Human capital is a fundamental element of competitiveness on macroeconomic and microeconomic
scales. During the economic crisis the above-mentioned matters get particular meaning, although the analysis
does not show an equivocal state. From one point of view, during the recent recession period, the emphasis is
placed on the stress to limit an investment, connected with human resources. Further than this, the situation
on the labour market strongly depreciates resources cumulated in the human capital. On the other hand, the
crisis cannot be a pretext to limit fundaments of long term development, especially in Poland where the
problem of human capital development is linked with several paradoxes, which will have a significant
influence in the development of the Polish economy in future.
In accordance with the view stated above, the present article is an attempt to evaluate the human capital
condition in Poland between the years 2002-2009. The main results and conclusions are summarised in this

Research methodology
The research aim
The aim of the research is to evaluate the human capital condition in Poland between the years 2002-
2009 against European Unions countries. The gathered information shows possibilities of its development
in future. Especially, the article analyses how the economic crisis affects human capital formation. The crisis
impact is shown by the migration process in Poland, which is very important for human capital formation.
The papers objective is to answer the question, if the economic crisis stopped human capital outflow from
Poland or not.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The evaluation of human capital is not an easy task. In the first step, it is required to specify
determinants, which are treated in various manners in the literature. It mainly stems from the definition and
capacity of the human capital. Most often, human capital is defined as a resource of knowledge, skills, health
and vital energy cumulated in society. Human capital can be interpreted in a somewhat narrow or broader
meaning. In the narrow meaning, investment in human capital is linked with investment on education,
including investment on research and job development according to the learning-by-doing process. In the
broader meaning, human capital is also contacted with other investments, which determine the characteristic
quality of human resources, such as: investment in health, protection of the environment and culture (Becker,
1975). In this article, five areas were taken into account, which impact on the formation of human capital in
Poland. These are: demography, education, research and development, health protection and job market. The
human capital is defined as follows: accumulated resource of knowledge, qualification, skills and readiness
to increase the economic potential by the owners readiness to start working (Marciniak, 2010). To analyse
the human capital, one of the comparative, multidimensional method was used: taxonomic synthetic measure
Z. Hellwiga. This method provides a possibility to study particular effects in an aggregated way using a large
quantity of diagnostic data simultaneously. The method orders objects (countries, group of countries)
linearly based on the synthetic measurement instrument (taxonomic development measurement TMR)
(Hellwig, 1968). The first step of the research is elimination of a different range of variable variation and
ranking change in a process of standardisation in accordance with the following formula:

xij j characteristic; i of the object
Si standard deviation
The next step is to create a standard of evolution taking variables according to the following rule:

In the next step it is necessary to determine a distance between the observed unit and the rule of
development. It is possible to measure this distance (Euklides) according to the following formula:

The last element of this method is determination of taxonomic development measurement according to the
following formula:

The analysis of human capital in Poland is compared with the EU countries divided into two groups:
old countries members of European Union before 2004 (UE15) and new countries engaged in UE
after 2004 without Poland (UE11). Period of the analysis is 2002-2009. In some cases, due to the lack of
data, a selected time period of 2001-2008 was taken and analysed. While selecting variable, the most
important criteria were: content, formal and technical. The variable selection is not definitive and represent a
proposition of factors that determine development of human capital. Finally, the following data was taken
into account:
X1 Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment (per 1000 persons)
X2 Old dependency ratio (population 65 and over to population 15 to 64 years - %)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

X3 Participation in education and training people from 25 to 64 years (%)

X4 Student mobility (%) (2001 2008)
X5 Persons with tertiary education attainment (%)
X6 Students at ISCED level 5-6 - as % of all pupils and students (2001 2008)
X7 R&D expenditure (GERD) (public % GDP)
X8 R&D expenditure (GERD) (private % GDP)
X9 Level of Internet access of households (%)
X10 Mathematics, science and technology enrolments and graduates (%) (2001 2008)
X11 Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors (%) (2001 2008)
X12 Unemployment rates of population with tertiary education - levels 5-6 (ISCED 1997)
X13 Health care expenditure total (% GDP).

Research results
Research results are divided in two groups, which are entitled:
Human capital formation in Poland against EU countries
Human capital formation and migration process in Poland.

Human capital formation in Poland against EU countries

For the analysis of Figure 1, which shows the value of taxonomic synthetic measure of the human capital
formation in Poland against European Union, a simplification should be indicated because of averaging
values for UE15 and UE11. The analysis of situation in each country independently would certainly give
more informative details; this is due to the fact that the human capital is strongly diversified in the European

Figure 1. The value of taxonomic synthetic measure of the human capital in Poland against
European Union
Source: adapted by the author based on Eurostat data

Some results can be derived from Figure 1. Firstly, there is a strong divergence between synthetic
measurements of the human capital in Poland, countries recently engaged (UE11) and other Western
European countries (UE15). In Poland's case, the measured values are twice as low as those comparing to
UE11 and three times as low the other residual countries. Secondly, during the analysed period a relative
reduction of synthetic measure value of the human capital both in Poland and in residual two groups was
noted. It is important to add that the most significant value deduction took place for UE15 (0,64 0,46) and
UE11 (0,36 0,21). In Poland the index was maintained in group 0,16 0,14. In addition in both analysed
groups of the European Union a decrease of synthetic measure value occurred in the last two years. In
Poland between 2007-2008 a decrease of synthetic measure value of human capital by 0,02 and in the last
analysed year an important increase took place.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

To answer the question about the divergence between Poland and the rest of UE countries, especially
UE15, we have to point out, that it is not caused by every determinants of human capital which were taken
into consideration, but only had a very deep impact on some of them. For example, it could be induced by
migrations of Polish people, particularly after accession to European Union. The number of people staying
abroad doubled between 2004 and 2006 and the dynamics of it was closer to the half of that number in 2008
(Kaczmarczyk, 2010). What is more, this significant divergence is connected with research and development
area. The R&D index financed by the private sector for European Union is 1.25% GDP during the overall
period, in EU11 countries 0,31% GDP and in Poland 0,18% GDP. In addition lower percentage of
mathematics, science and technology graduates and employment in technology and knowledge-intensive
sectors about 1p.p. In relation with EU countries, there are about two times less adult participation in
education and training in Poland. In 2009, in EU15 there was 10,8% of people between the age group of 24
64 years, and in Poland the value was about 50% lower. However, a completely different situation appears in
the educational area. The data concerning education at tertiary ISCED level 5-6 shows a positive trend. From
the beginning of 90 we can observe a very dynamic development of tertiary education in Poland. As a
result, in 2009 Poland was on the second position in European Union, after United Kingdom, taking under
consideration the number of students. On average, every fourth person in the age range 19 24 is studying
on masters or PhD level. In EU15 this index reached about 20% lower value, and in the rest of the EU
countries (UE11) is comparable to the Polish level. This data is from the last years analysis. It undoubtedly
gives the evidence of quantitative success, but in confrontation with the labour market it shows some of the
paradoxes of human capital formation in Poland.

Figure 2. Unemployment rates of population with tertiary education

Source: Eurostat data

A large percentage of educated people have difficulties in finding a job in Poland. The average
unemployment rate amounted to 4.86% between 2002 and 2009. This situation indicates considerable
development of quantitative resources, educated people, and at the same time misaligned structure and
quality with the labour market needs. From 2004 to 2008, we can observe a downward trend, but it is
difficult to assess, if it was influenced by migration of qualified people connected with opening of the
European labour market. It would mean that after accession, migration also has specific consequences,
including the so-called brain drain scenario. This difference between the numbers of educated people and
labour market, shows structural problems connected with human capital formation. First of all, it is attributed
to the fast quantitative progress without thinking about quality of this capital and adjustment to the demands
of knowledge based economy. Finally it caused depreciation of human capital and the new area of social
disparities (Woniak, 2005).
Another very important issue is to point out factors, which could affect reduction of synthetic measure
value in 2002 2009 including the one that could appear as a result of the crisis. Taking under consideration
the overall period of scrutiny, it shows a deep influence on the demographic situation expressed in the
decreasing percentage of people in a productive age and an increasing percentage of people in after-
productive age. It fundamentally expands the old dependency ratio. At the beginning of the analysed period,
the index is about 10 p.p. less in Poland, but at the end of this period this difference is 7 p.p. This implies
that in Poland we can observe a similar trend. More diagnostic variables, including a component of
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

taxonomical development measure (stimulants) kept the same position in EU15, which caused a relative
reduction of aggregated measure in relation with other countries. The increased dynamics kept only variables
connected with research and development: R&D expenditure and usage the Internet. The most interesting
periods for analysis are the last two years. In this period we can observe a reduction of synthetic measure
value of human capital for the group of countries EU11 and EU15 and an increase of this value for Poland.
To determine the reasons, which caused the situation we have to point out and analyse the demographic
issues. The problem of aging society in Europe in the last two years did not especially escalate, but during
the overall period the trend was developing more intensively. Migration could have had a much deeper
impact, if not for the somewhat forced re-migration decision as the crisis result. The macroeconomic
situation in Western Europe, where most of the countries are typical migrants destination, caused the
migration index to reduce in the last year of analysis about 50% in relation to the first year. It also had a
reflection on the Polish migrants situation. For Poland, when looking at the overall analysed period there is
a negative crude net migration index, considerable intense after 2004. From 2008 the difference between
outflow and inflow of people in Poland is very evidently decreased, and that is why the migration index in
2009 amounts to zero. Next issue relate to public expenditure. In the last three years of research the value of
expenditure decreased both on health care, and research and development, for EU11 and EU15. In Poland we
can remark on quite an opposite situation. In addition, the years under the crisis were impacted by labour
markets problems as well. For EU11 and EU15 the unemployment rate of people with tertiary education
increased, especially in 2009 achieving 4.08% for EU15 and 4.13% for EU11. In Poland during the years
2007 2008 the index reached the lowest value comparing to the overall period. It was 3.1% but in the last
year the unemployment rate started to rise. The same situation took place in technology and knowledge-
intensive sectors. In the years 2001 2007 employment in this sector had increased with 0.3 p.p. It was also
quite dynamic, but in 2008 it decreased to a level of 3%. Particular consideration has to be put on education
in Poland. The percentage of highly educated people is increasing at a fast rate. The dynamics of this trend
found in the analysed period was two times as high as compared to the rest of the countries. The number of
tertiary graduated people doubled in 2009 in relation to 2002 and the numbers of students had growth by
about 7 p.p. This signifies a dramatic progress comparing to the EU15 countries, where this index had shown
a growth of about 1 p.p.
To evaluate the crisis impact on the human capital formation in Poland against European Union
countries is very difficult and challenging. At the beginning the difficulty appears when we want to describe
time frame of the crisis. It is hard to say when it started and finished for the certain countries or point the
time when the crisis penetrated into the economy. What is more, in spite of the fact that the crisis had a
global dimension, it is difficult to assess how deep it influenced individual countries and whether we should
use the term crisis in Poland's case or maybe only slowdown in growth. We can assume also that
macroeconomic situation influences each sphere of our life with delay and only in the next few years we will
be able to unequivocally evaluate the crisis impact on the human capital formation in Poland.

Figure 3. % GDP per capita growth

Source: Eurostat data

Despite any doubts, according to the concerned figure increase of the GDP per capita in 2002 2009, a
particular evaluation was performed on the last two years analysed, 2008-2009. In case of the UE15
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

countries, it is difficult to notice a bad influence of the economic crisis on human capital formation in those
countries. The synthetic measurement value decreased from 2002 and the crisis had neither multiplied, nor
decreased the trend. It is possible to say that the direct cause of that decrease is not the economic situation,
but other more complex problems linked with demography. In the UE11 countries in 2008-2009, a sharp
decrease of synthetic measure of the human capital can be noticed, which is undoubtedly linked with the
economic crisis. As a consequence, in the last years the continual education part decreased in production age,
the public expenses into research and development were decreased again causing a reduction of employment
in the high-tech sector and an increase of unemployment of people with higher education. Those countries
wrestle with demographic problems. In relation to these two groups of countries specified, it is important to
stress once again a huge generalisation cause by averaging of synthetic measurement values of the human
capital. Consideration of each country separately would show an important diversification of the situation in
the EU; however it is not the major purpose or intent of this article. In Poland, during the last two years of
the analysed period an increase of the value of the synthetic measure is noticeable when comparing it to the
previous years. It was mainly caused by termination of emigration from Poland, constant increase of the
students and people with ahigher education, a relatively small increase of unemployment and unchanged
value of residual variables.

Human capital formation and migration process in Poland

The economic situation in Poland during the last years becomes a secondary matter, when we want to
analyse the scale of migration from Poland and the eventual re-emigration. When considering these factors,
they show that the economic situation of European Union is the main reason for migration. The Poles are one
of the most mobile nations in Europe. The mobility was linked with the transformations that took place in the
environment. Consequently, it is justified to undertake a study of the influence of economic crisis on the
migration of human resources being abroad and their return to Poland. It has an unquestionable influence on
formation of human capital in Poland (Kaczmarczyk, 2010). A significant date from this point of view is the
moment, when Poland joined the European Union, because for migration it meant elimination of the majority
of tbarriers for the European Unions job market. Even if only three countries completely opened their job
markets (Ireland, Sweden, Great Britain) without any period of transition, the quantity of people abroad
increased (in r 2004 1 million people, in 2007 2,270 million people). That migration was characterised
not only by the scale of people leaving Poland but also by the migrants profile.

Table 1
The economic profile of emigrants

Characteristic of emigrants Migration between 2005 2007 (%) Migration between 2005 2009 (%)
- tertiary 16, 9 20,0
- secondary 37,7 37,3
- practiced profession 37,2 35,7
- elementary 8,2 7,0
- below 24 19,9 28,7
- 25 34 36,8 32,9
- 35 - 44 21,9 21,5
- 45 59 20,6 15,9
- 60 64 0,7 0,8
Resident town:
- cities 500 000 and more 5,4 12,9
- cities 200 000 500 000 11,3 11,0
- cities 100 000 200 000 5,4 6,5
- cities 20 000 100 000 17,6 16,1
- cities less than 20 000 14,3 16,8
- villages 45,9 36,8
Source: Kotowska I.E (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spoeczne w kontekcie percepcji Polakw diagnoza
spoeczna 2009, Centrum Rozwoju Zasobw Ludzkich, viewed: 30.03.2011. Available at:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Comparing to the migration that took place before the EU access, people migrating after 2004 were
much younger. More than 50% were below 40 years old. The majority of this group had not had any
familial obligations, thus the period of staying abroad prolonged and caused a relatively small transfer of
savings to Poland.
The second difference concerned education of emigrants. People leaving Poland after 2004, were better
educated and had a better knowledge of foreign languages. Young people did not have any time limit of the
stay period (Joczy, 2009). Starting from 2008, there was a small decrease of Polish emigrants, which was
linked to the economic crisis. In 2009, the quantity of people going abroad continued to decrease and in
parallel re-emigration increased (Informacja o rozmiarach, 2010).
It is estimated that in 2009 about 1 870 000 citizens of our country were abroad and it is 340 000 people
less than in 2008. Although the migration decreased, the quantity of young people with tertiary education
from agglomerations simultaneously increased. In total, to the end of 2009, almost 60% of all emigrants
were people with secondary education. What is more, even if data from the last years shows a falling
tendency, it is still more of a higher value than at the beginning of Polands access to the European Union
and exceeds the quantity of born children during this period in Poland. Consequently, the author points out to
the thesis that the economic crisis inhibited the outflow of Polish workforce, but more importantly, thanks to
this situation, it became clear that the migration strategies in Poland will have an important impact on human
capital creation in Poland in future. That transparency of the migration in Poland will probably stop such a
potentially huge migration, but it will still raise some concerns related to the majority of educated and young
people in Poland and elsewhere in Europe. The following points can confirm the thesis:
Labour market - even during the economic crisis the foreign labour markets were more attractive than
domestic. Often departures from Great Britain or Ireland did not mean returns to Poland but only the
choice of another foreign country. It was caused by the lack of support plan for people that come back to
the country (incorporation in domestic labour market).
Mentality - new emigration wave from Poland did not happen only because of the economic reasons; it
was often linked with other motivators: culture knowledge, foreign language, acquisition of professional
experience, education. The research by Deloitte and Human Resource Department of SGH found out that
the willingness to leave Poland decelerates among almost 60% of students and only one per five decides
to stay in Poland (Pierwsze kroki, 2011).
Structural problem because there are no other researches in the labour market connecting business and
education environment, it is very difficult to adjust demand and supply in the labour market. We can
observe striving for higher education level without analysing wider context. That is why there is a large
percentage of people with tertiary education, but with no chances to find a job. It can be a risk that the
people decide to leave Poland, because they will be demanded in the EU countries and we will lose
qualified and educated human capital for the benefit of other countries. People with higher qualification
have been found to be the most mobile ones.
Push pull factors demographic problems of Europe indicate that these countries will need more and
more employees from the Middle East Europe. Migration decisions in Poland can be supported not only
by the negative factors connected with unemployment, but also be the attractive appeal of the destination
countries. Referring to the classical migration theory, we can point out push and pull factors of migration
process, and deep connections between them in contemporary Poland (Babiski, 2009).

Figure 4. Emigration for temporary stay in 2004-2009 (in thousands).

Source: GUS data
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Out of the factors mentioned above, the main danger is connected with maladjustment education
structure of young people in Poland and the change in available job structures. The job preferences of young
people are not adjusted to the level of economic development in Poland. We can call it excess
qualifications in relation to possibility of using them. This situation can cause double implications for
human capital formation. It is called brain drain and brain waist. Firstly, when an educated person
cannot get work in his/her profession and is pushed to undertake a job below his/her qualification level, it is
easier for him/her to make a decision to migrate, because this kind of job is better paid for abroad then in
Poland. The process of brain waist suggests that the achieved competences and skills will be forgotten and
become invalid. Secondly, it is obvious that we are under pressure from the Western Europe, which tries to
attract high-skilled employees from Poland. As an example we can point the labour market in Germany and
Austria, which from is open for Polish employees from the 1st of May. Although we had to wait for the
possibility to work there, people with tertiary education could pass through the shortened procedure of work
permission since 2009. It is currently evaluated in order to save the dynamics of economic development in
Germany, where the labour market will demand about 300-400 thousands of immigrants. First of all
employees with tertiary education, such as engineers and IT specialists, are demanded (Kafarska, 2011).
Looking at the demographic forecast, we can deduce that this problem will influence even more of the
European countries.

The scrutiny of the human capital in Poland against European Union countries showed that there is deep
divergence between Poland and other member countries of the EU. Despite the fact that in the EU15 the
consecutive regression in synthetic measure of human capital, which was used in the analysis, was found, up
to the end of 2009 the divergence was still marked. The most essential things, which have to be improved in
the human capital formation in Poland, are: re-emigration of young people, research and development area
and adult participation in education and training. The evaluation of the global crisis impact on human capital
formation in Poland was reduced to the migration process analysis. Although migration during the crisis
period decreased, the quantity of young people with tertiary education from agglomerations simultaneously
increased. What is more, even if data from the last years shows a downward tendency, it is still more of a
higher value than at the beginning of Polish access to the European Union and exceeds the quantity of born
children during this period in Poland. The increasing number of educated people, maladjustment of the
education structure of young people, change in the available job structures and pressure from the Western
countries can all be the causes of the process, which is referred to brain drain in the literature. It will have
a significant impact on the human capital formation in Poland primarily for employers and then for the
Polish economy and competitiveness.

1. Babiski, G. (2009). Polacy poza Polsk, in Duszczyk, M. Lesiska, M. (Ed.), Wspczesne migracje: dylematy
Europy i Polski, Orodek Bada nad Migracjami Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 67-71.
2. Becker, G.S. (1975), Human Capital, NBER, New York, 9.
3. Biegaska, A. (2007). Inwestycje w rozwj kapitau ludzkiego, in Piecha, K. Skrzypek, E. (Ed.), Wiedza w
gospodarce, spoeczestwie i przedsibiorstwach: pomiary, charakterystyka i zarzdzanie, Instytut Wiedzy i
Innowacji, Warszawa, 86-87.
4. Hellwig, Z. (1968). Zastosowanie metody taksonomicznej do typologicznego podziau krajw ze wzgldu na
poziom rozwoju oraz zasoby i struktur wykwalifikowanych kadr, Przegld Statystyczny, 4.
5. Joczy, r. (2009). Nowa poakcesyjna migracja z Polski, in Duszczyk, M. Lesiska, M. (Ed.), Wspczesne
migracje: dylematy Europy i Polski, Orodek Bada nad Migracjami Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 56.
6. Kaczmarczyk, P. (2010). Kryzys a decyzje migracyjne Polakw, Biuletyn FISE 3/2010, viewed: 20.02.2011.
Available at: http://www.bezrobocie.org.pl/x/580344;jsessionid=61FE51688F6DC857C83632C139790CB.
7. Kafarska, L. (2011) Do pracy za Odr i nad Dunaj, czyli otwarcie niemieckiego i austriackiego rynku
pracy,viewed: 29.03.2011. Available at: http://www.rynekpracy.pl/artykul.php/wpis.286.
8. Kotowska, I.E (Ed.) (2009). Rynek pracy i wykluczenie spoeczne w kontekcie percepcji Polakw diagnoza
spoeczna, Centrum Rozwoju Zasobw Ludzkich, viewed: 30.03.2011. Available at:
9. Marciniak, S. (2010) Innowacyjno i konkurencyjno gospodarki, C.H.Beck, Warszawa, 51.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

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04.04.2011. Availabe at: http://www.deloitte.com/view/pl_PL/pl/dla-
11. Woniak, M.G. (2005). Znaczenie kapitau ludzkiego w skracaniu dystansu rozwojowego gospodarki Polski,
Zeszyty Naukowe PTE, 3, 31.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Massimo Merlino
University of Bergamo, GITT, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]

The paper presents a model representing the possible interaction between two critical variables of a competitive
strategy: talents management and technology innovation. These two research fields generally are dealt with separately
because the two culture and experiences are very far, so a lot of books are dealing with talents management policies and
tools and other interesting books talk about technology innovation processes.
The aim of this research is to develop a simple conceptual framework (model) that could help policy makers in the
firms or in the government of a country to deep understand and manage different situations combining abundance or
scarcity in talents and in applied technologies, in order to plan adequate interventions to improve a successful strategy
for present high level of world competition among firms and among countries.
The research is based mainly on the authors experience of 45 years of working and teaching in firms and
Universities, and characterises just as offering a platform from which many young people could fly to explore with
humility and curiosity the complex problems of economic growth at micro and macro level.
Keywords: talents, technology, innovation processes, strategy, talents management, technology management.

1. Introduction
More and more, after three years of the world financial and economic crisis, competitive strategies at a
firms level or at countries level are focused on human capital and technology innovation management.
Traditional components of top management culture during growth years have been marketing and financial,
being not sufficient to develop long-term policies to compete and survive. Of course they remain very
important, but policy makers have not been sufficiently educated to manage technology revolution and
motivated talents scarcity, growing also in very populated countries like China and USA. Consulting to firms
or to local and central public administrations, you find a diffused paralysis in decisional processes, when
talking about technology and a boring attitude, when talking about human resources, whose management
tools are well-known, but very rarely applied correctly. These two management areas are then looked at
separately, not approached in an integrated way: change management techniques and culture, booming in the
90ties, are very often forgotten to save costs in innovation processes, which are so clearly not functioning
because of peoples resistance to change.
These experiences were so frequent in my managerial teaching and projects consulting, which
encouraged me to formulate some ideas for a cross fertilisation of the two managerial fields, in order to give
simple tools to policy makers to understand these problems better and for formulating correct competitive
strategy. These considerations and reflections can be very useful not only at a firms level, but also at
countries level, because competition is present among firms in the international marketplace and among
national systems in the world arena. Notwithstanding the long-term development policies should be proper
for good political governance; more and more political people become short-term oriented from the electoral
cycle and forget capabilities to think about future growth.
To present my findings and ideas I confronted myself with most recent literature in the two fields, also
trying to come out with a mixed approach, as can be seen from the list of references. But the model I offer,
especially to young professionals and researchers, has come out of experiences and discussions on the issue.
It is conceptually synthetic and simple to teach and understand, however, it needs a lot of
measurements/indicators for positioning correctly firms or countries in it. Following positioning of cases, the
model prescribes more adequate strategies to move towards a better competitive positioning in the future.
Obviously I will be very happy, if from now on a lot of brilliant researchers can develop more systematic
and integrated approach to these two variables, reducing the emphasis on psychological approach in talent
management in favour of more solid scientific knowledge to be diffused at every management level, not
leaving technology management only to specialised technicians, indifferent to peoples problems in change
processes. I come from a country with a very conservative university humanistic culture, where scientific

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

culture is considered not as open and universal as historical or philosophical ones. But my experience shows
that this dualism remains also in other context, even in more empirical Anglo-Saxon cultures.
The aim of this research is to develop a simple conceptual framework (model) that could help policy
makers in firms or in countries governments to deeply understand and manage different situations
combining abundance or scarcity in talents and in applied technologies, in order to plan adequate
interventions to improve a successful strategy to meet the high level of competition at present among firms
and countries.
The research is based mainly on the authors 45-year experience of working and teaching in firms and
universities, and suggests the platform, using which many young people could explore complex problems of
economic growth at micro- and macro-levels with humility and curiosity.

2. Two competitive weapons

Talents and Technology are the 2T weapons for competition in the globalised world, particularly after
financial crisis of 2007/2008. Both variables are critical in the firms and countries.
Talents management is a very difficult task for policy makers. To identify, recruit, keep motivated,
retain, plan careers, compensate, exploit potential aligning with business strategy are the main steps for a
Human Resource manager in a firm. On the country level, to plan talents needed for the future, to align
quantity and quality of talents with economic strategy and international positioning, to develop adequate
educational policies, to assure quality employment and work regulations and incentives, to plan the flows of
immigrations according to talent gaps are among the most critical factors of savvy governance.
Obviously, a set of indicators is necessary to measure and benchmark the status of talents in a company
or in with other cases. At the firm level:
- accurate skill inventories should be built and updated,
- job design and performance measurement system implemented,
- career and compensation planning benchmarked with HR market available.
Aggregate data should be available from various sources at the country level regarding:
- workforce breakdown by educational curricula,
- unemployment structure,
- in- and outflows of talented people,
- work contracts incentives criteria.
Technology innovation is also a very critical variable: at a firms level it is the source of surviving and
developing of any business in a high competitive environment. At the country level it is the only strategic
way to keep and improve the economic and social positioning obtained through history. Technological
innovation processes should be carefully studied and implemented throughout any organisation to assure a
continual flow of new ideas, experimentations, industrialisation and new products marketing. On the country
level, R&D policies and investments should be monitored and facilitated trough adequate fiscal interventions
and public/private initiatives of coordination, to assure the right positioning in the international technological
Again, a set of indicators should be implemented to monitor and benchmark the technology status in a
firm or country. At the firm level, the following indicators should be available:
- annual ratio of new products from the total number of products,
- investments in new processes from total investments, number of international patents, R&D costs on
- number of researchers from total number of personnel,
- contracting out of research,
- all other technical data comparable with other companies of the same industry.
At the country level, the following measures should be monitored:
- R&D investments in GDP,
- number of researchers in public and private structures per inhabitant,
- university spin-off number,
- start-ups per year from total number of firms,
- breakdown of firms by technology level,
- breakdown of export and import by technology level.
The two variables are mutually correlated, because technology innovation is created and sustained by
talented resources, and talents are attracted from an innovative environment. First of all, is necessary to
determine the starting position of an organisation or country, regarding the talents and technology aspects.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Then to build policies to keep on and possibly improve that position. In order to help policy makers, a simple
model can be built, drawing the two variables along two axes as shown on Figure 1.

High Talents - Low Technology High Talents - High Technology


Low Talents - Low Technology Low Talents - High Technology


Figure 1. Positioning Model
Source: worked out by the author

3. Introducing the model

Starting from the left of the matrix, first of all we find an area, which we can consider a starting point of
our analysis: in this quadrant a firm or a country is poor in terms of talents and utilising traditional, not
advanced, technologies. This area has been named TURTLES, stressing the slow movements of these
animals, which are intelligent and living long lives, but in protected environments not as competitive s the
modern world requires. Nowadays firms or countries remaining in this quadrant have no possibilities of
surviving in the long-term. Generally the most traditional industries are present in this area, e.g furniture,
shoes, textiles, simple mechanics, and countries yet having short history of economic development. The only
possible strategy to compete at this stage for light and traditional businesses is to choose niches in luxury
segments of the market and to build exclusive brands, like in fashion industry, for Italian or French
companies. In these famous cases technology is also improving in new materials utilised and specific talents
are necessary.
Moving along the left side towards highest talents availability, we find an area where a firm or a country
is richer in talents, but not in advanced technologies. This area has been named WOLVES, very clever
animals, team-working, which tries to survive successfully, notwithstanding its size and structure less
comparable as compared to other predators. Innovative firms can be positioned here, where abundant talents
try to move to new technologies to improve products and processes. It is not generally the first step from the
previous basic quadrant, because the dominant myth is to introduce new technologies first and only then
talents. The diffused technology fails due to the lack of talents that could not ensure a better change
management approach to technologies applications in firms. Thus, any kind of industries can be positioned
here, if focused on talent management to diversify product/market strategy. At the country level, it is the
positioning of the new industrialised countries, particularly the Asian ones, which have always had important
cultural and meritocratic values heritage that gave them a capability to absorb new technologies through
Internet at high speed. Yesterday it was the case of Korea; today it can be Vietnam.
Moving clockwise to the right, we find an area, where excellent mix of advanced talents and
technologies can be obtained at a firms or countrys level. This quadrant has been named LIONS, in honour
of the king of animals, very talented and with suitable constitution to hunt. Evidently, all high-tech, high
performing companies, innovative products and services industries can be positioned here. At the country
level, not only the big USA, Germany and Japan are within the quadrant, but also many small and start-type
nations, like Israel, Finland, and Korea. From the viewpoint of others areas, this one should be the objective
to move towards, by implementing different strategies that will be discussed further.
The last area in the lower right quadrant is for positioning firms or countries rich with new technologies,
but with a lack of talented people. The area has been named CHICKEN for obvious reasons, referring to the
common stereotype regarding these animals. It is a very crowded quadrant, because the marketing of
technologies, particularly ICT, has been stronger than capabilities to absorb and manage new ideas and
products. Hence, it is a normal evolution from the basic positioning of a firm and also for countries. Almost
all of them are fond of buying technologies from USA and Japan, but very often with no capabilities of deep
exploitation and improvement, low investments in educational systems and adequate incentives policies for
young graduates produced by local universities.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

4. Strategies according to positioning

Starting from the basic quadrant TURTLES it is clear that a lot of work must be done concerning
both people and technologies. Underestimation of technology competences is a very common situation in a
firm, which also makes it difficult to buy technologies, classical receipt of marketing/finance-oriented
strategist. At the same time, buying technologies in order to move to the right in the matrix does not bring
results without talents to adjust them to the internal cultural context and to exploit them better. It is not only
the problem of size: many big bureaucratic companies move to this quadrant, having achieved nice results in
the past. Certainly, for SMEs it is more difficult to diversify and innovate, but sometimes there are more
brilliant talents to look for new ideas and solutions. At the country level, this is a positioning with high risk
of a further economic and social decline. At micro- and macro-level, this positioning derives from
complacency with previous good results, from conservative attitude and unbalanced demographics between
old and young people. These situations push politicians to allocate more resources for current welfare than
for R&D investments in future. A firm positioned here should adopt a niche strategy on luxury segments in
all the countries, and export its old product to underdeveloped markets, get resources to find new talented
people and new product/market mix through technologies. A country needs to plan more stressing
educational system, benchmarked with the best practices of more advanced countries, and to give incentives
to public/private investments on new technology.
WOLVES are very hungry and aggressive, with a lot of talented people hunting for new technology to
attack LIONS. This situation corresponds to SMEs having recruited young graduates from universities,
which try to penetrate new markets and push new products. Many mature firms are restructuring and
renovating traditional products, using new materials from bio- and nanotechnologies, both in textile and in
mechanics. And SMEs are also updating their production processes at high speed. The success strategy here
is based on transferring know-how from young talents and universities, research centres; on cooperation with
suppliers having new technologies and clients to improve both quality and functionality of products. This
positioning has been the engine for rapid growth of Asian nations, traditionally having high scholarship in
young generations and very competitive values. They adopted strategies of imitating products manufactured
at low costs of their salaries in the first phase, now becoming excellent also in advanced technologies. The
European countries, such as France, Italy, and Spain followed these patterns in sixties and seventies, now
being less competitive in manpower and educational systems. Russian Federation is now in this area, as well
as Brazil, but quality of its Human Resources is not comparable with Asian countries. Web technology has
been particularly useful for leveraging and accelerating growth through low-cost technology transfer.
LIONS are the best, in line with the name of this quadrant. There is a high-performing balance of
excellent talents and advanced technologies, as in more successful multinationals in pharmacy, ICT, social
networking. Biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, ICT revitalise mature businesses, if people are able to find
them and to exploit them at the best level. Business models are light, cooperative, networking with research
centres and universities. Talents are recruited, motivated with adequate incentives, organisational culture,
friendly and open to innovation; team-working diffused, horizontal structure facilitates integration of
different competences and cultures. However, similar to other cases, LIONS do not mean stability and
permanent success: it is very difficult to keep on this leadership position. Technologies change continuously,
talents become less devoted to companies in the long-term, being tempted by others companies or personal
entrepreneurial spirit. It is very easy to be attacked from WOLVES or to descend into the CHICKEN area.
At the country level, it is much more difficult to keep on this positioning, because of the technological
spillover effect created through Internet and inclined towards China and India, and the need of small
countries to sell know-how, licensing patents very actively to newcomers from the other areas. Transference
of know-how is a process that required over twenty years in the last century, but now it is quite instantaneous
owing to the World Wide Web, talented countries, mostly Asian, USA and Europe. The right strategy is to
keep control of the waves of knowledge, better plan the releasing process in order to maintain leadership in
products innovation, using the globalisation model mainly for production flexibility, not for R&D
The last quadrant, CHICKEN, includes firms or countries driven more and more by the diffusion of new
technologies, but which are not able to exploit potential at their best, because of the lack of talented human
resources. Large amount of small family businesses and countries of underdeveloped parts of the world, such
as South America and Africa, are in this area. Traditionally SME's survived by importing talents from big
enterprises, i.e. buying people, not only technology. But now the lack of talents is a serious problem in most
countries, also in Asia, and of course the most competent people want to have better possibilities of career
planning, like it is more frequent in big firms. So the most feasible development strategy is to improve
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

cooperation with universities (spinoffs) and Technology Transfer Centres, which will be more and more
available to disseminate technologies and new talents produced inside schools and sometimes motivated by
friendly and not hierarchical environment of SMEs.
At the country level, exit strategies from the CHICKEN area are very difficult, as the history of
underdeveloped countries demonstrates. Concentration of international aid on serious and long-term
objectives is very far from the culture of leading classes in these countries, which have normally very short-
sighted views and style of living imitating large rich countries in consumption patterns. Severe policies of
long-term investments in schools and high-level of educational infrastructures are necessary. Meritocracy-
based selection of new talents is also fundamental to avoid economic decline toward the TURTLES area.
The evolution process of firms, starting from a TURTLE type positioning can go towards CHICKEN or
towards WOLVES quadrants, depending on history and culture of entrepreneurs and managers. LIONS
remain an objective very difficult to reach.
At the country level, normal evolutionary process is from TURTLES to CHICKEN, moving towards
LIONS leaders. Sometimes, like in the small countries we referred to, a jump to WOLVES has been
possible, due to long-term oriented managerial class and excellent tradition in educational process based on
meritocracy values.

5. Conclusions
A general framework of possible mutual influences between technology knowledge and talents
availability has been presented, in order to try to understand better the innovation process in a firm or in a
country. These two are the main variables of a strategy to survive in todays highly competitive globalised
world. The present managerial literature is not cross-fertilising the two fields of investigation. A lot of books
deal with talents management problems, some deal with technology innovation problems. In my opinion we
need more multidisciplinary approaches to these managerial areas, but of course the two cultures are very far
and different and each of them has fear to enter in the other competence arena.
We enclose references to outstanding works in both fields, but the ambition here is to propose a new
more mixed area of research. Technology does not progress without talents in R&D and in diffusion and
application processes. Managerial talents may lack the technology competence, thus creating resistance to
change and losing growth opportunities for the firms, in present and future science-driven businesses.
Starting from traditional positioning as TURTLES, firms can go in any direction according to the talents
capabilities they have inside and alliances they can establish in the market.
Much more difficult is the evolution at country level: economic development theories are insufficient to
forecast convergence processes for the various countries, because a lot of soft variables in the history are
implied. But the extraordinary success of BRIC's in the last ten years demonstrate how much the acceleration
of technology transfer processes can contribute to improve the strategic positions of countries considered
underdeveloped only twenty years ago. African nations have also been participating in the development
during the last five years. Evidently, at this level growth movements become more difficult and slow for a
firm, while investments require substantial resources and time to be effective in changing the initial
positioning. But the model presented in this article can be useful for rethinking and combining the two
variables together, also allowing to consider strategic options existing in the different positioning of
The model is prescriptive in terms of possible exit strategies from the initial positioning of businesses or
socio-economic cases: key indicators for positioning in the matrix can also be used to monitor the
development dynamics from starting points and success of strategy implementation, alongside with more
classical financial performances.
I hope that the paper will be a stimulus to study and research interdisciplinary approaches in more detail
and to implement them in the field systems of measurement and control of innovation processes from the
viewpoint of human resources and technologies.

1. Burgelman, R., Christensen C., Wheelwright S. (2007). Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation.
2. Cheese, P., Robert J. T., Craig E. (2008). The Talent Powered Organisation. USA, UK: Kogan Page.
3. Global Talent Innovation. Transforming Your Talent Model. Available at:
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

4. Kim, T. (2009). Talent strategies for Innovations. Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd: Ontario, Canada.
Available at: http://graphics.eiu.com/marketing/pdf/Ontario_Innovation.pdf.
5. Mazurek, S. (2010). Do we need Innovation in Talent Management?
6. Merlino, M., Meini D. (2007). Le dimensioni dell'innovazione. Italia: Il Sole.
7. Merlino, M. (a cura di) (2009). Talenti per il futuro. Italia: Il Sole.
8. Shilling, M. (2009). Innovation Management. McGraw-Hill.
9. Tidd, J., Bessant, J. (2009). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technology, Market and Organisational
Change. Wiley.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Janis Zvigulis
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose the purpose of this article is to elaborate traits of investment that are conductive or contra-conductive to
the development of a national economy that receives an investment. Reasons for investing in a country and reasons why
countries attract investment are also provided in the article.
Design/methodology/approach the analysis of existing literature and analysis of investment attraction, which
inter alia includes indications or analysis with regard to desirability of different forms and types of investment, has been
employed. Information contained in this paper has been discussed at the international scientific conference called
Changes in Global Economic Landscape in Search for New Business Philosophy that was held in Riga on April 29-
30, 2011.
Findings attracting foreign investment is crucial for small, investment-driven countries such as the Republic of
Latvia, especially in financially difficult times. Though, not all investments prove to bring benefits to a receiving
country. Hence, countries should be aware of the desirable and non-desirable traits of international investment and aim
to foster the desirable investment and avoid the pitfalls of non-desirable investment. This paper shows traits of both.
Research limitations/implications the paper does not look at the reasons at micro (firm) level, but rather at the
macro (state/ national) level. This is done with the aim of further elaboration of policies that foster desirable investment,
which, however, is out of the scope of this paper.
Practical implications the paper may serve as a basis for policy makers to see possible implications of
international investment on domestic economies.
Originality/value the author has not come across with considerable analysis on the desirability of investment.
Hence, this article is the authors first attempt to gather available information and analysis in the domain of desirable
and non-desirable investment from the viewpoint of a state.
Keywords: international investment, desirable investment, non-desirable investment.

Development of a country can be grounded in endogenous endowments, exogenous endowments, or a
mix of both. A country rich in endogenous endowments, such as skilled workforce, abundant production
resources or availability of financial capital is ceteris paribus development-wise arguably better positioned
than a country not rich in the aforementioned. Countries not rich in domestic resources need to acquire them,
be it human resources, financial resources or else.
Many countries that seek increased growth and development do their utmost to attract exogenous
resources for that purpose, including foreign capital in the form of foreign investment. However, forms of
foreign investment are different and so are their applications and consequently effects on the national
economies of the receiving countries.
Of all the forms of investment, often foreign direct investment (hereinafter FDI) is perceived as the
form of investment that fosters the development of the national economy of the receiving country the most.
This is because of the characteristics of FDI such as investments in productive sector, possible spillover
effects of FDI, FDI being a long-term investment and many more. Likewise, portfolio investment is also
often regarded as beneficial for the development of the national economy of the receiving country, since
portfolio investment provides stable long-term financing for investment objects that create value, which is a
pre-requisite for this type of investment to take place.
To the contrary there are other forms of investment that are not considered beneficial for the
development of the national economy of a receiving country. These are, among others, short-term
speculative investment that enters a country to capitalise on some specific fault of the national economy, to
reap fast profits and exit until the domestic economy or a particular sector of it collapses. One of the typical
examples of such investment is investments that create asset price bubbles, which create enormous wealth
for their creators in the short and enormous losses to the sectors or national economies experiencing those
bubbles and their subsequent burst. Other examples of non-beneficial investment include investments that

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

discourage development of local business community, investments that enter the country with the sole
purpose of destroying foreign competition, and other forms of investment.
Conventional perceptions and propositions of the politicians of the Republic of Latvia proclaim that
investment attraction to the country will solve many of the crisis-related problems and will bring the national
economy back on sustainable footing, since Latvia is a small, open, and investment-driven country. Other
small and investment-driven countries are no exception to this perception as well. The observed experience
around the world and in the Republic of Latvia, however, proves that not all investment brings fruit to the
development of the national economy of a country and hence not all investment is desirable. Investment that
is not strategically directed but rather directed at an unregulated branch of speculative economy or
investment that is directed for acquisition and liquidation of a competing company in another country are
just some of the examples of investments that are doubtfully desirable. Investment can serve as a gap filling
tool when needed; however, overinvesting may lead to asset price bubbles and deterioration of national
competitiveness. There are also other favourable and non-favourable traits of international investment that
are discussed in this paper.
When looking at aggregate investment in Latvia, one can also observe that foreign direct investment,
arguably the desirable investment, constitutes just about one fifth of total accumulated foreign investment in
Latvia. Many countries around the world, including Latvia, are at the forefront of defining their new attitude
towards investments as such as well as defining how to enhance the desirable investments especially in the
times when the essential financial flows are declining or even reversing.
The author of this paper has not found much research into the topic of desirability of investment and
policies, which should be pursued by countries to foster the inflow of desirable investment and counter the
inflow of non-desirable investment. There is research that contains indications of the desirability of different
investment; however, this research needs further elaboration, since most of it concentrates on some specific
aspects of investment or specific types of investment, or even specific geographic coverage of investment
under assessment. Hence, this paper attempts to gather the available analysis on the desirability of
investment with the goal to elaborate aspects that distinguish between desirable and non-desirable
investment from the point of view of the receiving country.
To elaborate the aspects for distinguishing of the desirability of investment, it is important to understand
why countries try to attract investments and why investors invest, since this is the starting point for the
investment debate. Furthermore, it is also important to understand what characteristics of national economy
attract investment and what deter it. When these issues have been dealt with, elaboration of traits
distinguishing desirable investment from non-desirable investment can be put in a broader perspective.
Methods employed for writing of this paper are as follows. Analysis of existing literature and analysis of
investment attraction, which inter alia includes some indications or analysis as to the desirability of different
forms and types of investment, has been employed. Moreover, information contained in this paper has been
discussed at the international scientific conference called Changes in Global Economic Landscape in
Search for New Business Philosophy that was held in Riga on April 29-30, 2011. The issue of
distinguishing desirable investment from non-desirable investment has also been discussed with a number of
academics and high level managers both in public and private sector. Discussants have positively evaluated
the authors idea to embark on the topic as well as have shared some insights that have been considered in
the course of writing this paper.
This paper does not look at the reasons at micro (firm) level, but rather at the macro (state/ national)
level. This is being done on purpose, since the issue being addressed in this paper is concerned with
distinguishing among different types of investment and their impact on the national economy of the
receiving country as well as what can be done about that. As this is the policy level issue at the outset, macro
level is of paramount interest to see what can be done at a country level to foster the desirable investment
and limit the non-desirable investment.
The paper is organised as follows. The next part sheds some light on global investment trends. The third
part describes why countries try to attract investment, and the fourth part deals with the issue of why
investors invest in certain countries. The fifth part shows in what way international investment can be
considered desirable to a country, and the sixth part to the contrary shows in what way international
investment can be non-desirable to a country. The last part concludes the paper and provides suggestions for
further research.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Global investment trends

World Investment Report 2010 (UNCTAD, 2010) admits modest recovery of the global FDI in the first
part of 2010, which leads to predict some optimism in FDI full recovery in the medium to long-term.
According to the said report, global FDI had been expected to rise to over USD 1.2 trillion in 2010, USD
1.3-1.5 trillion in 2011, and USD 1.6-2 trillion in 2012. These numbers, if do come true, will be approaching
the global FDI peak level of 2007, when total global FDI was about USD 2.1 trillion. The swift recovery of
FDI and prospects for its further growth show that countries interested in attracting FDI should be ready for
embarking on the attraction process quality- and quantity-wise.
Later UNCTAD (2011) estimates show that the estimates of World Investment Report 2010 have been
slightly overoptimistic, since the global FDI is estimated to having reached USD 1.122 trillion in 2010,
which is a modest increase of 0.7%, if compared with corresponding numbers of 2009. It is interesting to
note that FDI to developed countries has contracted by 6.9% comparing 2010 with 2009, whereas developing
economies witnessed a surge of 9.7% and South-East Europe and the CIS stayed almost where they were,
with a 0.8% increase. Some countries have lost significant part of their FDI inflows, leaders being Japan (-
83.4%), South Africa (-77.9%), Ireland (-66.3%), Nigeria (-60.4%), Luxembourg (-55.7%), and a number of
other countries. The biggest winners in terms of increased FDI flows in 2010 were the following countries:
Malaysia (+409.7%), Czech Republic (+199.6%), Indonesia (+162.7%), Singapore (+122.7%), Austria
(78.8%), and a number of other countries. Moreover, year 2010 was the first year to mark the fact that more
than one half (53%) of FDI flows have been received by developing and transition economies.
Deterioration of economic and financial situation as well as global slowdown of the growth of
international economy can serve as facilitators of greater international competition for FDI. Moreover,
changing economic landscape in terms of which countries receive the global FDI flows also shows that more
attention needs to be paid by countries for developing appropriate investment attraction policies.
Intensifying competition for and availability of FDI goes hand in hand with intensifying competition for
other sources of capital. There will always be countries that will not succeed in attracting the most desired
FDI or FDI in sufficient amounts. That may well be due to different reasons, some of which being
unattractive investment climate, weak regulatory system and rule of law, corruption, and many other
obstacles to investment. Countries not succeeding in attracting FDI might still opt for other forms of
financing, which might be sub-optimal compared to FDI, and hence not bring the expected benefit, if not to
the contrary.

Reasons why countries strive to attract investment

Traditionally, many reasons might be found for why countries seek to attract investment. Fostering
growth of a country is one of the most widespread reasons for attracting investment into a country, as seen
from the academic and non-academic debate. Vast inflows of capital from abroad do allow recipient
countries to grow, at least in the short term and as measured by macro level variables. Recently, however a
debate has begun that probably growing is not enough or even is not right as a proposition of a development
path of a country. This is since the advocates of sustainability and sustainable development claim that
growing quantitatively (as measured by macro variables such as the GDP or GDP per capita) is not correct if
that is being done at the price of decreased sustainability of the place over the long term. Rather, smart
growth, or as it is called development, is necessary instead. Believing these propositions, one can also
claim that countries seek to attract foreign capital to develop, not just to grow.
Some discussion on the importance of investment and FDI in particular has been discussed by Zvigulis
and Jevcuka (2010). Among the benefits to a receiving country are transfer of technology, improvements in
efficiency and productivity of producing sector, spillover effects, etc.
By attracting foreign capital, countries strive to attract positive externalities that are connected with
that capital. Those externalities might include bringing over new skills and technologies from the countries
providing investment. Bringing over skilled workforce can also be considered beneficial, especially in cases
of small countries that lack workforce.
Attracting financing can also serve as a positive catalyst for attracting further financing from other
sources. This might be especially true if some big companies or big private investors decide to invest in a
country, thereby declaring a country interesting and safe enough for investments, which might encourage
other investors to invest in the country.
Increased investment into a country can also mean increased budget revenue for administration of a
respective country. These increases can take place in the form of increased government revenues from

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

different taxes, increased revenues from exports etc. Benefits can also accrue in the form of improved
indicators of the national accounts.
List of reasons why countries try to attract foreign investment, which have been listed above, is a non-
exhaustive. Though, it includes often persisting perceptions as to why countries should strive to attract
investors and investment. It is important to understand these reasons, since they have an impact on the
decision taking at the macro level.
When striving to attract foreign investment, policy makers need to bear in mind that there are certain
pre-conditions that need to be fulfilled for the effect of foreign investment to be as beneficial as possible.
Wang and Wong (2009) find that FDI promotes productivity growth only when the host country reaches a
threshold level of human capital; and FDI promotes capital growth only when a certain level of financial
development is reached.
Countries need to decide on what are the core reasons why they want to attract foreign investment. Are
those reasons some of the above mentioned or any other. Do countries try to attract just foreign capital or
also foreign know-how, technologies etc.? In this regard, it is interesting to note an example from the Golf
Cooperation Countries (GCC), mentioned in the paper by Faras and Ghali (2009) and stating that distinction
between real and financial FDI must be made. As commonly known, GCC countries have a surplus in
capital. What is not that commonly known, is that GCC countries need advanced technologies and know-
how. Hence, these countries as well as others that use the advice need to understand what benefits the
particular financing will bring and why it is necessary for the development of the national economy of the
receiving country.

Reasons why investors invest in certain countries

Countries wanting and seeking investment need to know why investors look for investment possibilities
outside their countries of origin. This can help the said countries embark on investment attraction more
wisely, including both, attracting investment in the right manner as well as attracting the right investment.
The most traditional reason for investing abroad, which is in line with the neoclassical economic theory,
says that investment abroad is being done with the aim of profit maximisation and cost minimisation. Since
firms, when investing abroad, do have additional costs as compared to investment domestically, the gains
from foreign investment need to at least offset the increased costs of doing foreign investment. Firms may
want to get access to foreign markets and therefore invest abroad. Firms may also want to avoid some trade
barriers, and thereby invest in a country as opposed to exporting to a country. Other reasons might also
include various factor endowments that become reasons for investing abroad. According to Dunning (1993,
cited in Deichmann et al., 2003), the importance of each [characteristic of a market, such as resources,
labour, infrastructure, and other variables] varies according to a firms specific inclination toward natural
resources, markets, efficiency, strategic assets, and other firm-specific considerations. There are also so-
called follow-the-leader investment strategies, which basically imply that as soon as some companies start
investing in a country, others will follow (Kindleberger, 1969, as cited in Deichmann, 2003).
Some authors claim that different factors determine investments in different regions. By using a
regression analysis on a panel data set, Tondel (2001, cited in Deichmann, 2003) has found that the only
important variable that determines why investors invest in Central and Eastern European countries is
transition progress. At the same time, similarly important variables for Commonwealth of Independent States
countries are market size, natural resources, and wages. These conclusions arguably also show different
motives of foreign investors when investing in either of the groups of countries.
Research by Globerman and Shapiro (2003) reveals some insights into what are the necessary
preconditions for a country to attract US FDI. The research claims that no major US FDI will be received by
a country that does not have effective governance system in place. Countries that do not receive major or
even any US FDI are typically countries that do not promote free and transparent markets, have ineffective
governments, and often have legal systems not rooted in English common law. Moreover, the authors find
that for those countries that have received US FDI governance infrastructure including the nature of the
legal system is an important determinant of the amount of US FDI received. Since US is an important
trend-setter as well as an interesting capital holder in the eyes of many countries, these characteristics or
minimum requirements for attraction of US FDI might be worth considering for a country seeking to attract
investment, not only from the US.
Already back in 1973 Reuber et al. (1973, cited in Sethi et al., 2003) identified some determinants of the
flow of the US FDI into Western Europe, such as lucrative market, liberal host government policies,
technological infrastructure, skilled labour, and cultural proximity. These determinants are among the
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

traditional determinants as seen elsewhere in the literature as well as in the public debate on investment
attraction determinants.
Cevis and Camurdan (2009) constructed a model for testing what are the factors that foster FDI
attraction and what are factors that deter it in developing countries and transition economies. They found that
FDI is related positively with interest and growth rates, trade (openness) rates and the previous period FDI
but inversely related with inflation rates.
Since foreign investors need to collaborate in and with the local market of the country they invest into, it
is important to understand what the resource conditions that seen as attractive by investors are. Deichmann et
al. (2003) has found that human and social capital is the most important determinant of distribution of
investments. This factor underlines the importance of professional skills and highly developed infrastructure
that help in investment attraction. The authors also find that natural resources are important, especially for
countries that are unattractive by other measures. Foreign firms also tend to respond positively to favourable
investment climate, trade policy, and market reforms. Financial depth is also important, though in the
analysis it falls short of one percent level of significance.

Traits of desirable international investment

Many decades back scientists tried to determine what the possible positive impacts of foreign firms
investing in a country are. Safarian (1973) mentions spillovers from the firm that might be important for a
host economy. He identifies benefits from manpower training and uncaptured productivity as being the most
important benefits from spillovers. At that time, the spillover definition was relatively narrow and no much
research was done to tackle the issue, just as there was insufficient empirical data to judge.
One of the most typical reasoning why policy makers tend to argue for and work to attract external
resources is to finance savings gaps and promote growth and economic development (Dornbusch, 1998,
cited in Combes et al., 2011). Investment, indeed, can be seen as the financier of insufficient capital for
development of a national economy, subject to appropriate policies being put in place. Foreign investment is
particularly important for countries that are not rich in natural endowments and that need to base their
economic structure on production of other products and services. This is especially true for small countries,
which do not have well-developed systems of education and science, yet these countries must rely on
production of high value-added products and services. In similar cases foreign investment can be beneficial
for the host country if financing is complemented with transfer of knowledge, technologies or know-how.
Smarzynska Javorcik (2004) in her article analyses if FDI increases the productivity of domestic firms
through spillovers, which have been often claimed as one of the positive aspects of attracting FDI to a
country. In literature, the author has not found sufficient conclusive evidence that would prove the existence
of such spillovers the existing evidence can either not be generalised or it encounters problems with
establishing of causality between foreign investment and spillovers. Hence, although usually spillover effects
are being sought within industry (horizontal spillovers), the author looks for spillovers between foreign
affiliates and their local suppliers (vertical spillovers), with particular emphasis on spillovers in backward
linkages. Author finds an interesting and noteworthy revelation when looking at the positive aspects of FDI.
She proves that FDI creates positive backward externalities if there is some shared ownership in a company
or project receiving the investment, which is also a company or project that does have backward linkages.
This is associated with larger share of local sourcing associated with companies or projects with larger
domestic ownership, which, in turn, leads to higher output in domestic companies.
Impact of foreign investment on the national economy also varies based on how it is being made. FDI in
an asset-creating mode (investment that brings in new technologies, skills etc. and is oriented towards export
markets) has been found to be conductive to the development of the host national economy, as explained by
Dyker (1999, cited in Deichmann, 2003). In the same vein, investments in asset-absorbing mode
(investments that mobilise existing assets with the emphasis on the domestic market) do not bring that much
benefit to the receiving economy. Similarly to that, Ramcharran (2000, cited in Deichmann, 2003) states that
FDI in greenfield and non-privatisation investments have generally been more conductive to economic
growth than FDI in privatisation of state-owned assets.
It has been widely described in academic research and also in non-academic publications that investment
and FDI in particular tends to flow to those countries that have at least minimum regulatory system in place,
which is in accordance with international standards that have favourable investment climate etc. Hence, a
country that is preparing for massive investment attraction has to do its best to put adequate rule of law in
place, streamline its business environment, decrease bureaucracy for business, promote transparent dealing,
fight corruption, and many other activities. Even if all of this is being done in the name of investment
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

promotion, this still brings benefit to the country as such and any domestic entities (legal and private) that
operate in the country. Hence, preparation for investment attraction and improvement of domestic conditions
to attract even more foreign investment can also be considered benefit from foreign investment, although
indirect and pre-emptive in this case.

Traits of non-desirable international investment

Although investment attraction is often positioned as universal panacea for solving difficulties faced by
countries, not all available evidence and research confirms the assertion of the universal panacea. A number
of authors post various negative aspects of attracting foreign investment.
Growing amounts of foreign investment pose potentially negative effects on domestic market structures
and national sovereignty (Venron, 1971 and Caves, 1982, as cited in Hooley et al., 1996). In addition to that,
Faras and Ghali (2009) state that FDI can also not contribute to the growth of the host economies if it is
being attracted by economic growth and some particular favourable economic conditions in the host country.
In such a case, FDI is typically attracted due to significant market size of the host economy, and there are
cases when more than the necessary amounts of FDI have been attracted. That is not favourable from the
point of view of the host country, since excess financing inflates asset prices, other prices, and tends to
overheat national economies.
Issue of overheated economies has also been analysed by Combes et al. (2011) with regard to significant
increases of capital inflows and their relation to the national competitiveness. Capital inflows generate
higher demand for both tradables and nontradables and lead to a higher relative price of nontradables and to
appreciation of the real exchange rate. The impact of different types of capital that flows in an economy,
however, is different. Capital inflows that are connected with domestic consumption under the situation of
constrained supply will inflate prices and hence contribute more to the appreciation of the real exchange rate
than will investments that have significant imported goods content. In this vein, FDI will arguably put less
pressure on the real exchange rate appreciation than will bank loans. Additionally, it also needs to be
mentioned that with a fixed exchange rate, capital inflows potentially increase inflation, which is an issue
also seen in many countries facing significant capital inflows and having fixed exchange rate in place.
Testing of the available data gathered by the authors shows that portfolio investment has about seven times
larger impact on the appreciation of the real exchange rate than does FDI or bank loans.
Montiel (1998) analyses effects of increased capital inflows on a large number of developing countries.
Although this research is more than a decade old, many similarities can be drawn with what has happened
during the recent financial and economic crisis that broke off in 2008. Huge capital inflows that were
witnessed by many developing countries both then and now posed significant challenges for governments of
the respective countries to devise appropriate policies to absorb them and prevent asset price bubbles and
their consequent bursting. As seen from the empirical evidence, many countries did not cope to devise
appropriate policies and run into problems associated with excessive inflow of foreign investment that was
not directed to productive areas of national economy; instead it created asset price bubbles with all the
corresponding adverse effects on the national economies of the respective countries macroeconomic
overheating and macroeconomic imbalances. Authors also mention the potential threat posed to globally-
integrated investment-dependent countries when capital flows reverse. Reversals of investment flows in
these cases have the potential to be significantly harmful for the host economies.
Foreign investment and its relation to economic development via employing right policies is being
analysed by Soon and Stoever (1996) based on the experience of Singapore, a highly developed country by
contemporary measures but a less developed country just some decades ago. In their article authors look at a
number of possible pitfalls a country can run into when attracting foreign investment particularly from the
point of view of policy formulation. One of the pitfalls mentioned in the analysis is that when promoting
foreign investment politicians may start viewing investment attraction as the policy cornerstone rather than
instrument for driving development of the national economy of a country. On one hand, government
interventions may speed up investment attraction via positive regulation, investment promotion, provision of
information, and in many other ways. On the other hand, too much of government intervention may result in
market distortions that occur via suboptimal investments. Among disadvantages of foreign investment that
occurred in the case of Singapore, authors mention high dependence of the country on foreign investments
and decisions taken about the said, which is largely out of control of the receiving country. Moreover, large
inflows of foreign investment resulted in unbalanced development, i.e. domains of national economy that
received foreign investment developed rather swift if compared to those that did not. Moreover, putting most
of the effort in attracting investment and building local conditions that are seen as enabling for foreign
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

investors may result in underdeveloped local entrepreneurs, since all effort is being put in assisting foreign
It has long been held that tax incentives are seen as attractive for foreign investors to invest funds in the
particular country. Many countries and municipalities in particular do offer various tax incentives for
potential investors, thereby thinking of being more attractive in the eyes of those potential investors. Szanyi
(1998) in his paper explains that the experience of Spain and Portugal as well as some Central European
countries show that tax incentives had little diverting effect on FDI. It is interesting to note that tax
transparency and stability are rather those drivers that divert those flows. As authors put it, there is no clear
evidence of the fostering effect of tax holidays, whereas there is evidence that competing tax breaks to
foreign investors have caused developing countries substantial loss of fiscal revenues. Hence, one can
conclude that investors move outside their home countries not because of some external stimulus, which tend
to be short-run, but rather due to well thought-out reasons and where stability and predictability more than
offsets short-term financial gains.
Szanyi (1998) also claims that while investment can be the main debt financing throughout transition
periods, the level of investment might start to diminish in the course of time. Meanwhile, transfer of profits
might start to soar, thereby creating net outflow of capital.
When inflow of foreign investment is done through mergers and acquisitions, it is always a question of
the intentions of the acquiring investors with regard to future operations of the acquired company or
business. Good businesses are not always been bought with the best possible intentions of further developing
those businesses. They are sometimes bought for being closed down thereby reducing competition in the
market, which in such a case has been undesirable from the acquiring companys point of view. This is in a
way supported by Szanyi (1998) where he argues that sometimes foreign investors that have acquired
domestic businesses tend to replace products produced by the domestic company with the products produced
by the acquiring company. In these cases, it tends to be difficult to know if this has happened due to the fact
that domestic products have become obsolete or due to the fact that domestic products are being pushed out
of the market in favour of products of the acquiring company.
Countries benefit not only from foreign investment, but also from domestic investment. Having domestic
investors and domestic investment is important because the existence of such denotes that capital is being
accumulated and diverted to possibly productive domains of the national economy. Misun and Tomsik
(2002) analyse if FDI crowds in or crowds out domestic investment using data of Czech Republic, Poland,
and Hungary as the basis for their research. Authors do observe some crowding out effect of FDI. Authors
claim that the positive impact of rising FDI is not assured, since in some cases, total investment may
increase much less than FDI, or even fail to rise when FDI increases, thereby signalling of non-conductive
traits of FDI.
Foreign investment often is associated with higher imports into a country, since the company investing
in a country needs to buy equipment it has gotten used to, which is usually imported. Hence, it can happen
that all of the funds leave the country rather than goods being acquired domestically. Often importing of
goods is necessary since no such goods are being produced domestically. Safarian (1973) in his paper states
that high dependence on imported techniques can create an environment where entrepreneurial spirit is
dampened permanently. In the case of heavy inflows of foreign investment and consequent rise in imports of
goods, entrepreneurial effort can indeed be put in peril. The author goes further to argue that if a country
creates an environment where domestic saving and domestic entrepreneurial groups are being supported for
long time, substantial growth can occur without FDI or foreign-controlled technologies. From nowadays
perspective, this argument needs to be further elaborated bearing in mind all the regional and international
agreements on free trade, free movement of labour and products etc., which, however, is out of the scope of
this paper.

Conclusions and suggestions for further research

Varying evidence exists as to the conductive and contra-conductive characteristics of foreign investment,
and especially those of FDI. It is impossible to have one single opinion as to if foreign investment is
desirable or not in the understanding that it is conductive to the development of the national economy of the
receiving country or not. However, further research in this domain is necessary.
One of the immediate conclusions from the information presented in this paper is that foreign investment
indeed can be beneficial if it is absorbed in the right way and if policies that prevent the negative traits of it
are present. Some of the positive aspects in addition to financing of financial gaps and making working
capital readily available are transfer of knowledge, technologies, and know-how. Spillover effects are also
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

often cited among the positive aspects of foreign investment, although research mentioned in this paper
suggests they might be occurring vertically rather than horizontally. At the same time, foreign investment
also poses significant threats to the development of a national economy if it is not absorbed in the right way,
inter alia due to inefficient public policies in the relevant domain. Among the perils of foreign investment
one can also mention the conventional threats such as losing of sovereignty of a country, at least financial if
not politic. Excess capital inflows tend to overheat economies with the consequent results of lost national
competitiveness and inflated asset prices that tend to create asset price bubbles and burst over time. Foreign
investment can also cause loss of competitiveness through appreciating real exchange rate.
From the traits of investment mentioned in this article, one can embark on deriving possible factors for
understanding if particular investment under consideration is conductive to the development of the national
economy or not. However, it is not straightforward to tag different investment proposals or projects with the
sign go on or go home. It requires more than analysis of available literature on the determinants of
investment being conductive or not. Hence, the author of the paper has decided to embark on assessing
impact of a number of investment projects with the utmost goal of elaborating investment impact assessment
criteria on the national economy of the country. This is also the possible suggestion for further research.
Additionally, further research can be done to assess investment desirability on a regional level.

1. Cevis, I. and Camurdan, B. (2009). The Economical Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in
Developing Countries and Transition Economies, e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(3), 210-223.
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4. Faras, R.Y. and Ghali, K.H. (2009). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Case of the GCC
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Hungary: Resource Acquisition and Domestic Competitive Advantage, Journal of International Business
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7. Misun, J. and Tomsik, V. (2002). Does Foreign Direct Investment Crowd in or Crowd out Domestic Investment,
Eastern European Economics, 40(2), 38-56.
8. Montiel, P.J. (1998). The Capital Inflow Problem, working paper, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1998.
9. Safarian, A.E. (1973). Perspectives on Foreign Direct Investment from the Viewpoint of a Capital Receiving
Country, The Journal of Finance, 28(2), 419-438.
10. Sethi, D., Guisinger, S.E., Phelan, S.E. and Berg, D.M. (2003). Trends in Foreign Direct Investment Flows: A
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, 34(4), 315-326.
11. Smarzynska Javorcik, B. (2004). Does Foreign Direct Investment Increase the Productivity of Domestic Firms?
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12. Soon, T.-W. And Stoever, W.A. (1996). Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Singapore: A
Policy-Oriented Approach, The Journal of Developing Areas, 30(3), 317-340.
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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Sandra Kublia
Ventspils University College
[email protected]

Key findings of the research are as follows: long-term financial investments done by public sector is a
significant part of its total assets. Starting with the fact that no single definition and terminology exists for concept, it
comes to other findings besides being valuable assets with a potential long-term financial investments are difficult to
be assessed; different evaluation methods are applicable both having pros and cons what makes information for its user
incomparable and useless for analysis and judgment of financial health of a company, local municipality and state.
The aim of the paper is to investigate, summarize and systematize concept and evaluation methods of long-
term financial investment, identify potential problematic aspects and develop recommendations for its improvement.
Research is limited to long-term financial investments done by public sector, in detail is examined case of
Latvia with slight touch of international regulation.
Since long-term financial investments are subject for private as well as for public sector, research provides
complex look to the problem and is relevant for shareholders in private companies, local municipalities and state owned
Key words long-term financial investments; public sector; public sector companies; long-term financial investment
evaluation; information disclosure; holding company.

1. Introduction
Long-term financial investments in other companies and their performance are part of the building
blocks what make the holdings company market value.
Value growth of holding company is a result of the successful management and should be
objectively reflected in the financial statements of leading company of holding. Similarly, the holding
company management and owners should understand the basic principles of evaluation and information
disclosure about long-term financial investments in order to understand what value they manage or what
value they own and how to increase this value and to reflect objectively in financial statements to get
attention from potential investors, partners and creditors. This is particularly important if regulatory rules
permit variations in financial investment evaluation and information disclosure as it is in the public sector in
Latvia, when disclosing information about its participation in companies. This will be discussed in this
research in detail.
Much of the public sector (state, municipalities) delegated functions (e.g. water supply, central
heating, healthcare etc.) in Latvia are being implemented by public sector fully or partially owned
companies. Since public sector have a number of functions which are implemented by public sector owned
companies, they form a group of companies where the leading role is for municipality or state. Thus in its
economic substance (however not from a legal view point) some type of holding company is being created.
The aim of the paper is to investigate, summarize and systematize information about the concept and
evaluation methods of long-term financial investments based on scientific studies and regulatory norms;
identify potential problematic aspects of long-term financial investment evaluation in public sector in Latvia
and develop recommendations for its improvement.
Since long-term financial investments are subject for private companies as well as for municipalities
and state, study of long-term financial investment concept, evaluation and impact on the investors value is
relevant both for private companies and local municipalities and state.
The methodology of the research includes qualitative, theoretical research approach, involving
literature review, data collection from published financial reports, data analysis and drawing conclusions.
By public sector in this article are understood local municipalities and state authorities. Holding
company and group of companies are used as synonyms. Local level is attributed to Latvia, international
scope that is subject to International accounting standards (hereinafter IAS) and International public sector
accounting standards (hereinafter IPSAS). Reader may be more familiar with term financial fixed asset
instead of long-term financial investment which is key terminology used in research. This is the first problem
to be discussed in next section.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Following parts of the paper will represent the concept and different definitions of long-term
financial investments; reveal existing evaluation methods of long-term financial investments with a practical
example to better highlight the difference between the two evaluation methods. Also evaluation practice of
long-term financial investments in public sector in Latvia is discussed. In the final conclusions and
recommendations for future research are presented.

2. Long-term financial investments: concept and definition

Significant problem facing the long-term financial investment analysis is a single international use of
the term and its definition. Laws and regulations either name the consisting components (Latvian practice) or
define components itself (international practice), while researchers tend to focus on the economic substance
of the concept. Next, in Table 1 author has summarized terms and definitions in use for long-term financial
investments (some definitions are abbreviations made by the author).
Table 1

Definitions of long term financial investment

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The summary of definitions shows following:

1) There is no single term and definition for long-term financial investment;
2) Diversity in terms makes difficult to identify existing researches and studies;
3) International regulation makes emphasis on the concept of financial assets IAS does not make
distinction between fixed and current financial assets. Financial fixed assets from provided definition of
financial assets by IAS 32, 11 include equity instrument of another company and contractual right to
receive financial asset from another entity. Identical in substance is the definition for the public sector -
IPSAS (see IPSAS 15, 9), only with exclusion of derivatives as there are no opportunities to acquire the
shares of public sector. While the current version of IAS 39 no longer defines the financial assets and refers
to definition in IAS 32 where the term of financial asset is defined.
Previous version of IAS 39 (however still valid in IPSAS 29, 10) described four categories of
assets-financial instruments. Herv Stolowy and Michel Lebas, 2006 suggested to apply fifth category "in
our mind" because IAS 39 does not apply directly to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
In practice, say Herv Stolowy and Michel Lebas, 2006, two main types of financial fixed assets will
be found under available-for sale headings:1) all equity securities, eg, long-term equity investments held for
return without intention to influence the business whose shares are held as an asset 2) investments in non-
consolidated companies (because they do not meet required threshold) or speculative investment (i.e., not
part of an "industrial strategy") included in the parent company's or any subsuidiary's separate balance sheet.
This opinion from other researchers put together with IPSAS 6, 53 solves the problem of how to evaluate
and disclose investment where participation is under 20%. However this still stays open question in Latvian
egulatory norms.
4) Latvian regulatory norms put emphasis on long-term investments, long-term financial investments
identifying as a part of long-term investment and further on components of long-term financial investments
are being identified, without defining the concept of long term financial investments as such. Different terms
are used for same concepts, for example, related company, subsidiary, daughter company, however neither
one nor the other term are defined;
5) Finally, researchers definitions emphasize economic substance of long-term financial investments
The existence of ambiguity in first, definition phase, is significant problem since the definition of a
long-term financial investment is the basis for its classification, recognition and measurement in investors
financial reports.

3. Evaluation methods of long-term financial investments

Generally exist two methods how evaluate and disclose long-term financial investments in investor's
separate financial statements cost method and equity method. Concept of methods, application in local and
international level in public sector, as well as positive and negative features in view of the author's, are
summarized in Table 2. The Table 2 is designed by the author based on study of relevant literature,
discussion with representatives from local municipalities and the authors personal experience in this field.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 2
Comparison of cost and equity methods

The summary of comparison of cost and equity methods shows that in public sector, where the use
of method is not clearly determined and the choice option for evaluation and information disclosure exists,
makes information in financial statements incomparable; there are situations where the regulation is not
clearly evident (investment in equity till 20% which is not short-term investments); both evaluations
methods have their pros and cons.
Division of characteristics of methods into strengths and weaknesses depends also on whether these
characteristics are attributed to provider or user of the financial information and the objective information is
used for. Therefore one and the same characteristic can be strength as well as weakness, as it is, for example,

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

with the possibility to reassess the investment in other companies. Therefore, it is difficult clearly distinguish
opportunities and threats for both methods as threat in one case can be opportunity in another. For example,
if the related company is suffering losses, cost method gives the opportunity to the owner company unduly
raise the value of investment in its financial statements, while it is threat for the information user to get
wrong impression about the financial situation of owner company.
Also Polkuamdee, 2007, recognizes that each method could present an advantage or a disadvantage
to a given company. Investors should understand the principles of accounting so they can recognise what is a
fair price and distinguish the differences.

4. Evaluation methods of long-term financial investments: practical example

To show the difference between cost and equity method in evaluation and information disclosure of
long-term financial investment, simplified example is being considered. In the example, an investor (it could
be either private enterprise, municipality or state) establishes fully owned company that suffers losses
initially, but later on has the opportunity to attract granted funds, that significantly improves its performance.
How the company's operating results reflect in the investor's balance sheet, depending on the applied
evaluation method, see in Table 3.
Table 3
Comparison of cost and equity method: practical example

This is a simplified example to provide clarity on differences in evaluation and information disclosure of
long-term investment in investors financial statement.
Example shows that cost method gives unreasonably favorable situation to investor in case of
financial distress of investee. However, successfully attracted funding and implemented project, which is
clearly advantageous for investment value, cost method can not reflect in investors financial statement.
Besides above mentioned, some other situations are worth noting when the original book value does
not provide an objective perspective on the value of investment and does not allow to make objective
analysis of the financial situation of the municipality and state. So, for example, a municipality may
undertake or guarantee the obligations for its fully or partly owned company's development projects. After
successful implementation of project, the project value will not be reflected in financial statement if the
investments in companies are valued at cost, only liabilities will be disclosed.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

As well problems arise when reorganization of enterprises is carried out and one company is added
to another, without increasing the acquiring company's share capital and merging company's equity records
as restructuring reserve. Assuming company's share capital as figure reflecting cost of investment and thus
using the cost method, equity that is being added to acquiring company will simply "disappear" of being

5. Evaluation practice of long-term financial investments in public sector in Latvia

The question of public sector's long-term financial investment evaluation and disclosure in Latvia
has come in sight to experts and controlling institutions from time to time.
Thus Kurste, 2002, who is a certified auditor and author of many publications on public sector
financial accounting in her publication point that Latvian municipalities have no single procedure for long-
term financial investment evaluation and accounting. She says, State Treasury instructions in year 2002 for
first time gives instructions that in accounting for investments in associates and subsidiaries might be used
two different methods - cost and equity method, of course, with no further explanation [25].
While the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia, which is the supreme audit institution in the
state, in a number of its audit reports on long-term financial investment accounting compliance with the
regulatory norms in Latvian local municipalities from year 2005 and 2006, has acknowledged that applied
cost method for long-term financial investment accounting does not show true financial position of the
municipality of its long-term investment value in companies equity. Hence State Audit Office has advised
to consider application of equity method in long-term financial investment evaluation in order to reflect the
true financial position of municipalities on long-term financial investments in fully or partly owned company
equity [17].
Thus optional choice for long-term financial investment evaluation results in situation that local
municipalities financial statement and national state balance, which inter alia includes local municipalities
participation in companies equity, operate under different long-term financial investment evaluation
methods, what makes information unsuitable for analysis.
Consolidated balance sheet of state of Latvia for year 2009 in total amounts to 14.9 billion lats and
includes participation in subsidiaries, associated companies and other long term financial investments in total
of 3.8 billion lats or 26% of the total balance sheet value and is therefore a significant public asset and asset
evaluation and management should be discussed. Notes of annual report show that long-term financial
investments in subsidiaries and associated companies, that are valued at cost, is recalculated using the equity
method [15]. Fact that the equity method is used should be welcomed however it is worth to point that one
evaluation method can not be recalculated into another, it can only be disclosed on the basis of provided
Structure of state balance and a significant part of long-term financial investments in it is shown in
Figure 1, where data are taken from Annual report of 2009 of Latvian state budget and local government

Figure 1
Assets structure of consolidated balance sheet of state of Latvia as on 2009

inventory debtors
long term prepaid
2% 1%orders and
investmen advance
t payments
27% for
short term
fixed intangible
assets assets 2%
53% 1%
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 4 shows proportion of long-term financial investments in companies capitals in local

municipalities of national importance and their various reflection in financial statements.

Table 4
Long-term financial investments in local municipalities, thousands of LVL

Although in author's view equity method provides more objective picture of the overall public-sector
participation in company capital, there is another obstacle in the disclosed data, which suggests that the
information user does not receive adequate information on public participation in the companies equity on
the reporting date.
Deadline for submission of reports for consolidated statement of state is 1st of May of the following
year [4, article 30, 32]. This is the time before the legal terms permit to submit annual report and thus to
judge about participation in those companies equity that are so-called large enterprises, whose annual
reports should be submitted to legal authorities no later than seven months after the current year ends. Such
companies are not so few in number and they are significant value-building blocks of state, such as energetic
corporation JSC Latvenergo, air carrier JSC Air Baltic Corporation, managing company of state-owned
forests JSC Latvijas valsts mei and others.
To solve the problem, information about sate and local municipalities participation in equity is
disclosed with one year shift, which do not represent the true and fair view about situation at the end of the
reporting period.

6. Conclusions and recommendations

Based on the research, author has come to the following main conclusions:
Company owners and managers should be familiar with basic aspects of long-term financial
investment management, which includes evaluation and information disclosure in financial
statements in order to understand what value they are managing or what value they own and how to
increase this value and objectively reflect to get attention from potential investors, partners and
creditors. Besides they must be familiar because the company management takes responsibility for
financial statements to give a true and fair view of the company's financial position and operating

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Long-term financial investments of public sector is a valuable asset of state and local municipalities,
which potentially can be used as a guarantee of development project funding, attracting partners or
subject of disposal.
Considering the significant proportion of long term financial investments in the total assets of state,
the issue of development of an evaluation mechanism of long-term financial investment, including
establishment and implementation of single accounting, is relevant: for understanding what value is
invested in companies; correctly disclose it in total assets and effectively manage to raise its value.
In addition, public sector partly or fully owned companies generally represent industries which often
are natural monopols with a broad and persistent customer base, which is important revenue
generating asset for state and local governments.
The research has shown that there is no single definition for long-term financial investment and
different terminology is used in analysis. This is essential problem, because the definition of a long-
term financial investment is the basis for its classification, recognition and measurement.
Different evaluation methods are applicable for long-term financial investment both having pros and
cons. When choice of applicable method exists, information from financial statements is
incomparable and useless for analysis. Practical example reflected to problems that appear by using
different methods - the company's financial difficulties or successfully implemented projects may
not be reflected in the financial statements. As a result it is not possible to assess the financial health
of the company, local municipality or state.
Each of the long-term financial investment evaluation method permits variations in investment value
measurement what makes it less readable for information user, as well not necessarily objective -
using the cost method, it is investor's estimate of the value of the investment, while using the equity
method, these are different accounting politics used by partly or fully owned companies.
Summarizing the research, need for improvement of public sector long-term financial investment
evaluation and management mechanism results. As currently available information on public sector
long-term financial investment is not comparable, we clearly and currently do not know what we
(i.e. the state and local municipalities) own and how to analyze and evaluate it.

Following recommendations might be useful for improvement of long-term financial investment evaluation
and management mechanism for public sector:
To improve long-term financial investment regulatory framework, making it less receptive to
different interpretations;
Establish and implement a common framework for long-term financial investment evaluation and
disclosure in public sector of Latvia;
In financial statement notes information on long-term financial investment value should be presented
according both evaluation methods regardless of that one chosen as reporting in balance sheet;
To expand discussion on the most appropriate applicable evaluation method to be used in public
sector and analyze the practice of long-term financial investment assessment and presentation of the
public sector in other countries;
To centralize overlapping functions and activities in public sector controlled companies thus making
management more effective.

7. Recommendations for future research

For future research directions author recommends the following:
Long-term financial investment regulatory framework and its historical development in local and
international private sector and its impact on long-term financial investment value;
Practice of long-term financial investment presentation and management in public sector in other
Problematic aspects in managing long-term financial investments, e.g., the decision-making process,
power sources and distribution within the holding company etc;
In depth studies on the long-term financial investment impact on the value of an investor;
Various aspects of financial investment value - fair value, recoverable value, market value, purchase
value, the value of start-up business versus value of a running business, shareholders equity as a
value basis for financial investment; cost method in evaluation of financial investment and business
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Accounting estimates and their impact on long-term financial investment value, e.g., savings as
value assessment;
Advantages and disadvantages of applying practice of holding company management principles for
public sector company management.

1. Latvijas Republikas Gada prskatu likums (engl.- Latvian Law on annual reports), 14.10.1992., with changes
in 30.09.2010.
2. Latvijas Republikas Koncernu likums (engl.-Latvian Law on Concerns), 23.03.2000., with changes in
3. Latvijas Republikas Konsolidto gada prskatu likums (engl.-Latvian Law on Consolidated Annual Accounts),
19.10.2006., with changes in 30.09.2010.
4. Latvijas Republikas Likums par budeta un finanu vadbu (engl.-Latvian Law on budgetary and financial
management), 24.03.1994., with changes in 20.12.2010.
5. Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta noteikumi Krtba, kd budeta iestdes krto grmatvedbas
uzskaiti (engl.-Regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia Procedures for the budgetary authority
Accounting), 15.12.2009., with changes in 27.04.2010.
6. Grozjumu projekts Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabineta noteikumos Krtba, kd budeta iestdes krto
grmatvedbas uzskaiti (engl.-The draft of amendment for Regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia
Procedures for the budgetary authority Accounting) on 03.2011.
7. IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (available on http://www.ifrs.org), with amendments
up to 31 december 2010.
8. IAS 28 Investments in Associates Statements (available on http://www.ifrs.org), with amendments up to 31
december 2010.
9. IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation (available on http://www.ifrs.org), with amendments up to 31
december 2010.
10. IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (available on http://www.ifrs.org), with
amendments up to 31 december 2010.
11. IPSAS 6 Consolidated financial statements and accounting for controlled entities (available on
http://www.ipsas.org), as on May 2000
12. IPSAS 7 Acounting for investments in associates (available on http://www.ipsas.org), as on May 2000
13. IPSAS 15 Financial Instruments: disclosure and presentation (available on http://www.ipsas.org), as on
Decembre 2001
14. IPSAS 29 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (available on http://www.ipsas.org), as on
January 2010
15. Annual report of 2009 of Latvian state budget and local government budgets
16. Annual reports of local municipalities of Latvia
17. State control of Republic of Latvia reports of long-term financial investments in municipalities disclosure
compliance with regulations, available at: http://www.lrvk.gov.lv/index.php?id=1759, (accesed 02 March
18. Fdration des experts comptables europens (1991), FEE European survey of published accounts, Routledge,
London, UK.
19. Aivars Ludbors (2003), Finanu grmatvedba tirdzniecb (engl.-Financial Accounting in trade), Lietis
informcijas dienests, Rga, Latvia.
20. Paul M. Fischer, William J.Taylor, Rita Hartung Cheng (2008), Advanced accounting, South Western
Educational Publishing, Mason, OH, USA.
21. Barry J. Epstein, Eva K. Jermakowicz (2008), Interpretation and Aplication of International Accounting, John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
22. Harald A.Benink (1993), Financial integration in Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
23. Herv Stolowy, Michel J. Lebas (2006), Financial accounting and reporting: a global perspective, Cengage
Learning EMEA, London, UK.
24. Collective of authors under the guidance of R. Grvia (2000), Ekonomikas skaidrojo vrdnca (engl.-
Economics Glossary), Zintne, Rga, Latvia
25. Anita Kuste (2003), Ilgtermia finanu ieguldjumu uzskaite pavaldbs (engl.-Long-term financial
investment acounting in municipalities), Bilance, No.4, pp.18-19.
26. Aivars Ludbors (2004), Ilgtermia finanu ieguldjumu vrtbas samazinans (engl.-Decrease of value
of long-term financial investments), Bilance, No.15, pp.17-19.
27. Ieva Liepia (2009), Ilgtermia finanu ieguldjumi un to uzrdana (engl.-Long term financial
investments and their presentation), Bilance, No.7, pp.12-13.
28. Nuntawun Polkuamdee (2007), Method change may result in lower dividends, Bangkok Post, 8 February.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

29. Polkuamdee, Nuntawun (2007) Accounting change from equity to cost: Lower Q1 profits will reflect new
rules, Bangkok Post, 21 February.
30. Susan Thomas (2010), Lecture notes on Financial assets, The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
Research, Bombay, India, available at: http://www.igidr.ac.in/~susant/TEACHING/FIN/pfin01.pdf (accesed
11 March 2011)
31. Trabslators discussions, available on http://www.proz.com/kudoz/spanish_to_english/accounting/3439921-
inmovilizado_financiero.htm (accesed 15 March 2011)
32. Long term and short term investments (2010), available on: http://www.tflindia.in/2010/06/long-term-and-
short-term-investments.html (accesed 15 March 2011)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Inese Freidenfelde
Latvia University of Agriculture
Faculty of Economics
e-mail: [email protected]

The analysis of literature provides a review of the influence of immigration on economy. The immigration has
economic motives that influence the labour market in a country of business, employment, remuneration, GDP and
social system.
The research aim is to analyse the influence of immigration on employment, remuneration, social system and GDP.
The research applies general scientific research methods, including monographic and logical construction methods.
Having analysed issue-related researches of several authors, the author concluded that immigration can have
whether positive or negative impact on remuneration of local labour force, employment, social system and GDP. The
influence of immigration on labour market depends on skills and qualification of immigrants as compared to the local
The negative impact of immigration is noticed in the low-skilled labour segment, while the positive impact in the
high-skilled segment.
The economic influence of migration can change over time, whereas the immigrants acquire new skills and get
experience in the local market. There are a number of differences in costs and revenues among different groups of
immigrants that depend on age, education and length of residency.
The influence of immigration on employment and salaries in countries of business depends on the local labour
market conditions, as well as on the number of immigrants, their skills and qualification level. Immigration can
decrease salaries of the local labour force with similar qualification level, at the same time decreasing revenues of one
employee on average. Immigration has more negative impact on remuneration in low-skilled industries, while
remuneration of high-skilled labour force can even increase, since the amount of resources produced by the low-skilled
labour increases.
Keywords: economic aspects of immigration, employment, remuneration, social system, GDP.

The social mobility increases rapidly on the global scale and has already influenced economically
developed countries. The majority of foreign citizens prefer to settle in the economcally developed countries,
e.g. Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. The economic motivation and desire to improve
standards of living is a vital reason for the migration flow.
Immigration carries economic motives and influences labour market, employment, remuneration, social
system and GDP of a country of business. The immigration-driven influences cannot be assessed explicitly
since they can be whether positive or negative. Positive attainment is in additional labour force, or deficit
specialists, who come to the local market. Negative attainment can be reflected in racial and national
conflicts caused by a large number of immigrants, as well as in dependence of local market on foreign
specialists (Labour market analysis and summary of recommendations for promoting accessibility to high-
skilled labour force in chemicals and pharmacy industry).
Borjas (2006), Card (2001), Friedberg (2001), Dustmann, Fabbi and Preston (2005) as well as other
scientists analysed economic influence of immigration on labour market, employment, remuneration, social
system and GDP, and suggested several assessments of this economic influence of immigration.
The research subject is the influence of immigration on employment, remuneration, social system and
The research object is immigration.
The research tasks are to analyse the most recent publications, which are focused on theoretical aspects
of immigration and to analyse the influence of immigration on employment, remuneration, social system and
GDP described in the literature.

Overview of the migration theory

Having overviewed the migration theory, the author concluded that theories are based on economic
factors, for example, search for a better job, necessity to get a higher salary, to ensure better quality of living,
etc. these are the factors, which improve a life and social status of an immigrant.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

In a Traditional Migration Model (Push and Pull) (Bijak, Kupiszewski, Kicinger, 2004) the factors that
motivate people to leave their country (Push) and factors that acquire the people in another country (Pull)
influence migration (See Table 1). The Push and Pull factor model emphasizes that a decision to migrate is
based on the stimulating factors, such as unemployment, weak economy, politics, and such motivating
factors as good working conditions, higher salary, political stability, effective defense of human rights. The
level of economic development is vital for underdeveloped countries.

Table 1
Push and Pull factors influencing migration

Push factors Pull factors

Unemployment Good working conditions
Differences in remuneration Higher salary
Differences in economic development of countries High living standards
Low living standards Wide education opportunities
Limited career options Effective defense of human rights
Poor healthcare Good healthcare
Political reasons More developed economy
Religious reasons Social security
Cultural reasons Political stability
Source: adapted by the author

Neo-Classical Economic Theory (Bijak, Kupiszewski, Kicinger, 2004) overviews the immigration from
poorest to richest countries. Net gain calculated out of immigration costs and provided income level in target
country advances immigration. According to this theory, the vector of immigration commences from poor
countries towards richer countries and the highest immigration volume has to be between the poorest and the
richest country.
Network Theory (Bijak, Kupiszewski, Kicinger, 2004) overviews effects of links that unite immigrants,
ex-immigrants and non-migrants to a country of origin and target regions. These links are made with family
members, friends and acquaintances. The existence of the links advances immigration by reducing the
immigration costs, increasing the income potential and decreasing risks. The immigration can take place
even if it has no economic explanation.
New Economy Theory of Work Force Migration (Bijak, Kupiszewski, Kicinger, 2004) deals with the
revenue making strategy. The theory states that international immigration stems from economic
disadvantages. It explains that immigration is a way of differentiating household income in order to protect
from possible risks in conditions of weakening economy.
Segmented Labour Market Theory (Bijak, Kupiszewski, Kicinger, 2004) divides the labour market in
two levels, whereas migration is demand-driven. The state creates shortage of employees, who are ready to
undertake a second-level work since the economic benefit is low in relation to their experience or education.
The labour market, according to this theory, is divided into two levels, whereas immigration is not supply-,
but demand-driven. The theory forecasts that people will migrate from poor to richest countries, the
underlying motive being to increase the level of life and social security.
Nowadays the European immigration model differs from immigration models introduced 50 years ago.
However, the main immigration motive rests the same to improve welfare, income level, education and
security. Personal, family and political reasons also affect immigration increasingly. Social reasons linked to
changes in a mode of life and education level also apply.

Immigration influences remuneration and employment

Due to the widespread opinion that immigration affects local employment and remuneration negatively,
the issue is studied a lot. Borjas (2006) analyses how the influence of immigration on labour market depends
on skills and qualification of immigrants as compared to local labour force. Bojar concludes that employees
loose in terms of remuneration, while employers gain in terms of profit due to immigration. Dustmann,
Fabbi, Preston (2005) conclude that negative influence of immigration is present in the low-skilled segment,
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

but positive influence in the high-skilled segment. Rowthorn R. (2004) thinks that high-skilled immigrants
and successful entrepreneurs increase economic effectiveness of their country of business. On the other
hand, immigrants from poor countries, with low education level, are economically ineffective. Low-skilled
immigrants are a risk for the local low-skilled labour.
Most of researches find out that high inflow of immigrants decrease remuneration of local labour market
participants. It is partly connected with immigrant quality, when the volume of immigrants increases in low-
skilled labour segment.
Friedberg and Hunt (1995) state that immigration has a weaker impact on remuneration. 10% increase in
immigration decrease local remuneration by 1%. However, this impact can be applied to certain professional
groups. The US researchers found out that 7% increase in immigration can influence local remuneration by
According to Friedberg and Hunt, the main factor that influences remuneration is the employment
substitution factor of immigrants and local citizens. Substitution can differ among various qualification
groups. It is limited for high-skilled professional groups, e.g. doctors, because education and/or qualification
level of immigrants can fail to meet the level and required licenses of a target country. Accordingly,
substitution is simpler for low-skilled industries. Therefore, when studying elasticity among low- and high-
skilled employers, it was concluded that the impact of immigration on remuneration is stronger in low-
skilled jobs as compared to high-skilled ones. Strong influence of remuneration is directly connected to
qualification level of immigrants. This influence becomes negative, if the qualification level decreases.
Capital is another factor that influences remuneration. If immigrants add capital that used to be their
reserves, remuneration can increase, especially in high-skilled industries. The capital can also move among
industries influenced by immigration flow.
Due to immigration, remuneration evens across different countries, thus the world production increases
owing to more effective use of labour resources as a result of labour immigration. New immigrants
contribute to economic growth and increase in employment, but influence on remuneration and employment
level as such. In addition, immigrants help to overcome shortage of labour and skills, being employed in
industries with higher demand for labour.
Labour supply elasticity influence remuneration. Due to unfavourable changes in remuneration, local
citizens and immigrants change employers, moving to regions with higher salaries. These changes can lessen
the negative impact on remuneration. Orrenius un Zavodny (2006) suggest increasing demand for labour in
manufacturing industry, which can result in decreasing the negative impact on remuneration. When the
demand of immigrants grows in relation to goods that increase demand in factor markets, the pressure on
remuneration level lessens.
Substituion factor, capital of an immigrant, elasticity of labour supply and qualification level of an
immigrant are the core factors, which influence remuneration in a country of business (see Figure 1).
Differences in income are present in every country, region and immigration group, for instance, a high-
skilled immigrant can earn more than a local citizen. Salary has a greater impact in regions with high density
of immigrants, while i.e. in the regions, where the relative weight of immigrants is low, the impact of
remuneration is unnoticeable. Some US researches concluded that immigrants in the US earn less than local
citizens. 30 years later the immigrants start to earn by 11% more than the locals of a particular age group and
education level. As a result of these studies, authors concluded that immigration influences the US economy
Freidberg (2001) in his research on consequences of immigration to the Israeli labour market from 1990
to 1994, when immigration of Russian Jews to Israel rocketed by 12%, has found no negative impact on the
local labour market. Bauer and Zimmermann (1999) found out that if the number of EU immigrants
augments by 1%, remuneration volume could dwindle by 0.8%. It was therefore concluded that immigration
volume has a negligent impact on remuneration volume, while uneven distribution of income is in direct
ratio to education level of immigrants, i.e. the higher is the latter the higher is their income that can
compete with income of local citizens. Zimmermann (2009) thinks that immigration can alter economic
rhythms by changing mobility of labour, however, it does not always influence the income volume per
citizen. Adding the required skills to labour market can foster positive economic tendencies.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Substitution factor

Capital of an
Remuneration immigrant
Elasticity of labour

Qualification level
of an immigrant
Figure 1. Factors influencing remuneration
Source: adapted by the author

Impact of immigration on employment differs across manufacturing industries. It is assumed that

immigration is able to influence the economic development; however, it is not possible to clearly define its
role in lowering the local unemployment level. Carraro, Soubeyran (2005) did not find a correlation between
unemployment and increase in the number of immigrants. In the countries with high immigration rate,
unemployment whether stayed constant or decreased. Several studies prove that immigration positively
contribute to the employment level along with manufacturing. For example, employing low-skilled labour
can augment manufacturing output and thus export volume, which results in increased employment level.
It is accepted that immigration boosts employment, which is usually low-paid and low-skilled as
compared to local citizens. EU studies on impact of immigration do not provide enough evidence of this
impact being negative. Altonji and Card (1991) state that 1% increase in immigration decreses
unemployment by 0.23%. Dustmann, Fabbri and Preston acknowledge that negative labour market influence
can appear only if there are salient differences between immigrants and local citizens. The researchers
conclude that new immigrants have weaker influence on employment as compared to immigrants, who
reside in a country of business for a long time. The longer an immigrant stays in a country, the easier it
becomes for him/her to replace a local citizen in the market.
The US studies (Borjas, 2005) found out that immigration has an important meaning in decreasing the
lack of elasticity on a labour market. The US observations show that improvement of effectiveness in the
labour market brings about USD 10 billion per annum (Holzer, 2005). Immigration can improve
effectiveness of the labour market, if this market is competitive.
An observation of economic influence of immigration in low-skilled labour groups is shown below
Table 2.
Table 2
Appraisal of economic influence of immigration in low-skilled labour groups

Researchers Country Influence

Borjas (2006) USA Negative impact on employment in groups with low
proficiency level
Card (2001) USA Negative impact on employment in groups with low
proficiency level
Orrenius, Zavodny (2007) USA Negative impact on employment in groups with low
proficiency level
Source: adapted by the author

Impact of immigration on employment can change over time, while immigrants acquire new skills and
experience in the local labour market. The US studies revealed that the influence of employability was
noticed in various education groups.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Borjas (2006), Card (2001) and Orrenius, Zavodny (2007) researched economic influence of
immigration in low-skilled labour groups. They proved that this impact is negative. The negative appraisal is
related to involvement of immigrants into low-skilled jobs, which do not benefit the economy. These
scientists carried out the scientific research in the USA, where immigration reached 13.8% in 2010.
Appraisal of economic influence of immigration in all groups of immigration labour is summarised in
Table 3.
Table 3 is compiled from works of the leading researchers. Most of them conclude that the economic
influence of immigration on employment and remuneration is whether negative or weak. The authors, who
state that immigration has a positive impact, used incomplete data for their research, and the resulting
appraisal cannot be considered as complete either. Positive economic influence is noticed in Great Britain
and Israel. Parasnis, Fabbi and Smyth (2006) also mention Australia, while Zorlu and Harton (2005) detected
slight influence on employment in Norway.
Analysing the research results, it can be concluded that the influence of immigration on a local labour
market is whether minimal or negative, and it serves as a substitute for the local market.
The studies reveal that inflow if immigration differs in various regions (Borjas, 2005) and its
concentration is noticed in a number of low-skilled industries, e.g. construction and agriculture.

Table 3
Appraisal of economic influence of immigration in all groups of immigration labour

Researchers Country Influence

Chiswick, Miller (2002) Australia Negative impact on remuneration

Grady (2006) Canada Negative impact on remuneration

Winkelmann, Zimmermann (1993) Germany Slightly negative impact on employment

Zorlu, Harton (2005) Norway Slight impact on employment

Friedberg (2001) Israel Negative impact on employment and remuneration not

Parasnis, Fausten, Smyth (2006) Australia Positive impact on employment
Dustmann, Fabbi, Preston (2005) UK Positive impact on employment
Source: adapted by the author

Influence of immigrants on GDP

Several researches (Taylor, 2006; Rowthorn, 2004; Borjas, 2005) suggest that growth of immigration
can foster economic growth. As a result, the demand for goods increases, shortage of professional
knowledge lessens and GDP raises. Immigration has a positive impact on financial industry as the social
system burden lessens. Influence on inflation is rarely analysed and is not clear, because immigrants are both
consumers and manufacturers, i.e. impact on total supply and demand.
Other foreign researches (The economics of migration, 2007) acknowledge that inflow of foreign labour
can improve economic development and GDP, increasing supply and compensating soft spots in
competencies and skills of the national economy. The study accomplished by International Trade Union
admits that migrating employers spend 87% of their income (The economics of migration, 2007) in a country
of business, which is an evident contribution to the economic development of this country.
The US studies (The economics of migration, 2007) revealed that immigrants augment manufacturing
capacity of an economy, fostering investments. This leads to higher effectiveness and income per one
employer. The World Bank forecasted the economic gain from migration until 2025, where 3% growth in
labour force earnings is expected. On the global scale, the total growth of 0.63% or USD 356 billion
forecasted (The economics of migration, 2007).
Therefore, it is concluded that labour force immigration influence GDP level and depends on
qualification level of immigrants, because low-skilled immigration furthers uneven distribution of income
considerably. Increase in high-skilled labour contributes to GDP growth.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Influence of immigrants on social system

The important political question is how immigration influences social system of a country, its welfare,
education system and healthcare. Several researches admit that economic influence is comparatively low.
Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) compared tax disbursements of immigrants with consumption of goods and
services, and term of residency of immigrants in a country. The key economic conclusion is a difference
between the tax disbursements and expenditures in the country during employment of an immigrant.
Immigration has a direct impact on fiscal system of a country, which is connected with influence and
dynamics of labour market. Immigrants contribute to revenues of the countries through tax disbursements
(including social insurance), augment healthcare, education and social security expenditures of a
According to Storesletten (2000), there are significant differences among groups of immigrants. High-
skilled immigrants pay more taxes, but consume less goods and services. Low-skilled and older immigrants
make the economy to spend more for social allowances. For this reason, immigration is considered to be a
big tax burden in the EU countries, especially, in France, Germany and Italy. The British research revealed
that young immigrants bring positive impact, because this kind of immigration generates more economic
benefits related to tax disbursements. The CGE research states that influence of tax systems differs across
regions, however, the strongest, negative influence, is noticed in the least developed regions. Rowthorn R.
(2004) believes that economically inactive immigrants are a burden for every tax system. All immigration
groups in total carry low fiscal effect. Qualified labour contributes positively as opposed to low-quality
labor, which gets more of government allowances as compared to its tax disbursements. Therefore, net
impact is close to zero.
Economic calculations (The economics of migration, 2007) prove that differences between expenditures
and revenues are present within various groups of immigrants depending on age, education and residence
term. As a result of the analysis of the undertaken studies about immigration and social systems, the author
concluded that the time factor brings an impact on the research results. The newest researches acknowledge
that immigration positively influences on the social system. Countries attract high-quality labour actively in
order to foster development of the national economy.

1. Immigration has economic motives and it influences labour market, employment, remuneration,
social system, and GDP.
2. Immigration can have whether positive or negative influence on the local remuneration,
employment, social system or GDP. The impact of immigration on labour market depends on skills
and qualification of immigrants, particularly when comparing these skills to the local labour.
3. Young immigrants bring weaker impact on employment in comparison to immigrants who stay in a
country of business for a long time. The longer an immigrant resides in the country, the easier
he/she can replace a local citizen.
4. Influence of immigration on employment can change over time, while immigrants acquire new
skills and experience on the local market. Differences between expenditures and revenues exist in
various groups of immigrants depending on their age, education and residence term.
5. Inflow of immigrants differs in various regions; its concentration is higher in low-skilled industries,
e.g. construction and agriculture.
6. Immigration influences fiscal system of a country, which is connected with influence and dynamics
of labour market. Immigrants contribute to revenues of the countries through tax disbursements
(including social insurance), augment healthcare, education and social security expenditures of a
7. The time factor determines impact of immigrants on social system. The newest researches
acknowledge that immigration positively influences on the social system. Countries attract high-
quality labour actively in order to foster development of the national economy.

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12. Dustmann C., Hatton T., Preston I. (2005). The labor market Effect of immigration. Available at:
13. Dustmann C., Preston I. (2005). Is Immigration Good or Bad for the Economy? Analysis of Attitudinal
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14. Friedberg M., Hunt J. (1995). The Impact of Immigrants on Host Country Wages, Employment and Growth.
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15. Gerald D. Jaynes. Economic Effects of Contemporary Immigration (2007). U.S. House of Representatives,
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17. Holzer J. (2005). Harry Economic Impacts of Immigration to the Committee on Education and the Workforce
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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Ako Sauga
Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration,
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
e-mail: [email protected]

Innovation diffusion theory has been a subject of considerable research among marketing management and
consumer behaviour for the last four decades. The best-known first-purchase diffusion model is the Bass model, where
potential adopters are divided into two groups: innovators and imitators. There are many empirical studies where the
parameters of the model have been estimated for different countries for several products. Due to the fact that the values
of these parameters depend on a country (wealth, trade) and its cultural effect, it is useful to apply this model in those
countries that have not yet been investigated. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the coefficients of innovation and
imitation in the Baltic States in order to compare the consumer behaviour in these countries and to examine the
similarities and differences between the Baltic States and other European countries. To accomplish this objective a
time-series of telecommunication services are used. The estimation results can be used to forecast the diffusion pattern
for analogous products and are useful to firms, which operate in the Baltic market or have such plans.
Keywords: innovation diffusion; Bass model; telecommunication services.

Nowadays many managers use model-based results for marketing decisions. The increasing availability
of empirical data offers chances for researches to build models that augment the knowledge about customers
behaviour and help to improve the marketing judgement.
One class of such models are diffusion models. They provide a mathematical model to underlie the shape
of the cumulative sales pattern of innovative products (consumer durable goods, electronic devices,
telecommunication services, electronic payments, etc.), and they can take different forms. During the last 30
years there have been several reviews of diffusion models (Meade, 1984; Mahajan, et al., 1985; Baptista,
1999; Mahajan, et al., 2000; Lilien, et al., 2006). Meade and Islam (2006) have brought a substantial list of
research works related to this topic in their paper Modelling and forecasting the diffusion of innovation - A
25-year review.
These models are applicable to forecast first purchase sales of different products and services (Srinivasan,
et al., 1986; Hardie, et al., 1998). Wenrong, Xie and Tsui (2006) used a diffusion model to forecast the
number of mobile service subscribers in major countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Chu and Pan (2008)
applied it to estimate the growth pattern of the mobile Internet subscribers in Taiwan. Wu and Chu (2010)
analysed mobile telephone subscribers' data for Taiwan, during 1988-2007, and compared performance of
four models: three popular diffusion models (Gompertz, Logistic, Bass), and a time-series autoregressive
moving average (ARMA) model. Morrison (1996) has given very practical guidelines how mature products
can be used to determine the growth pattern of new products, using the Logistic and Gompertz curves.
Diffusion theorys main focus is on communication channels, which are the means by which information
about the new products or technology is transmitted within the social system. Consumers have different
propensities for relying on mass media or interpersonal channels when seeking information about new
technology. On that basis, the new product diffusion models can by classified into at least three major
groups: pure innovative models (Fourt, et al., 1960), pure imitative models (Fisher, et al., 1971), and
combination models (Bass, 1969).
The Bass (1969) model is the most popular model and has received extensive attention by academics and
practitioners. The model assumes that new product adopters are influenced by two types of communication:
mass media (external influence) and interpersonal communication (internal influence). An external influence
is described by the coefficient of innovation, and an internal influence is described by the coefficient of
imitation. The coefficients vary across products and countries (Bass, 1969; Takada, et al., 1991; Dekimpe, et
al., 2000; Sundqvist, et al., 2005). Due to its simplicity and forecasting power there are over 700 estimations
or applications of the Bass model throughout the literature. Knowing the values of these coefficients and the
estimated market capacity, one can forecast sales over the projected time. For such purposes it has been used

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

by a number of large corporations, such as IBM, Kodak, AT&T (Rogers, 2003). In addition to the
application in forecasting, the estimated values of innovation and imitation coefficients can give us the
information about the cultural similarity of countries (Sundqvist, et al., 2005; Van den Bulte, et al., 2004;
Huang, et al., 2010).
The aim of this paper is to estimate the coefficients of innovation and imitation for different
telecommunication services in the Baltic States and to determine consumers' behaviour as similar, or not, in
these countries. Such information could be useful to develop marketing strategies by firms, which operate in
the Baltic market or have such plans.

The Bass Model

Frank Bass (1969) divided potential customers into two groups: innovators and imitators. Innovative
customers tend to acquire information about a new product from mass-media and other external channels.
Their decision to adopt the product (or service) does not depend on other users. Imitators have a tendency to
get such information from interpersonal channels and observation and, on the contrary, their decision
depends on the number of existing adopters. Therefore, the probability of an initial purchase consists of two
t pq
m (1)
where N(t) is the number of previous buyers and m is the ultimate market size. The timing is based on a
common time period of introduction, rather than calendar time. Parameters p and q are the innovation and
imitation coefficients, respectively. Since N(0)=0, the parameter p is equal to the probability of an initial
purchase at time t=0. Consequently, its value reflects the importance of innovators in the social system;
whereas, q is related to the pressure on imitators.
From Eq. (1) follows that the cumulative number of adopters at time t is:
1 e(p qt
t m
1 e(p qt )

p (2)
The curve N(t) has a typical S shape. When both p and q are large, product sales take off rapidly and
after reaching a maximum, fall off quickly. When the innovation effect is negligible, the Bass model
degenerates into the logistic model, in which the imitation effect equals growth rate.
There are different methods to estimate the values of p, q, and m: such as, Ordinary Least Squares,
Nonlinear Least Squares, Maximum Likelihood (Bass, 1969; Srinivasan, et al., 1986; Wenrong, et al., 2006).
If the values of the parameters are established, the analyst can apply the model to other analogous products.
Thomas (1985) specifies that five bases of likenesses should be considered when selecting a similar product
on which to base diffusion model components: environmental context (e.g., socioeconomic environment);
market structure (e.g., number of competitors); buyer behaviour (e.g., buyer situation, choice attributes);
marketing mix strategies of the firm (e.g., promotion, pricing); and characteristics of the innovation (e.g.,
relative advantage over existing products, product complexity).

Method and data

In this analysis we applied Nonlinear Least Squares to fit the time-series data and estimate the
parameters of the model (2). For this purpose the econometric software STATA 11 was used.
The main source of data was the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators' database. The database
contains annual time series data from 1975-2009, for around 150 telecommunication/ICT statistics covering
fixed telephone networks, mobile cellular services, Internet, and others. In addition some data was obtained
from Statistics Estonia, the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia and the Communications Regulatory
Authority of Lithuania. The description of datasets is given in Table 1.
Table 1
Time series data

Estonia Latvia Lithuania

Mobile cellular subscriptions 1991-2009, 19 obs. 1992-2009, 18 obs. 1993-2009, 17 obs.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Proportion of households with a 1996-2009, 14 obs. 2001-2009, 9 obs. 1999-2010, 12 obs.

Proportion of households with 2000-2010, 11 obs. 2002-2009, 8 obs. 2002-2009, 8 obs.
Internet access at home

Results and discussion

As we see from Table 1, the time-series of mobile cellular subscriptions are the longest. Figure 1
presents the actual and predicted data for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Coefficients of determination, which
indicate goodness of fit, are 0.9986, 0.9992, and 0.9974, respectively. The estimated value for market
capacity in Estonia is 1.694 million, in Latvia 2.441 mln, and in Lithuania 5.246 mln. For all three countries
it is greater than the actual population: the Estonian population is 1.3 mln, Latvias population is 2.3 mln and
the population of Lithuania is 3.2 mln. The reason is that many people have different mobile numbers for
business and personal calls. Estimated values for innovation coefficient p and imitation coefficient q are as
follows: Estonia p=0.00172, q=0.482; Latvia p=0.000709, q=0.560; Lithuania p=0.000278, q=0.694.

Figure 1. Mobile phone subscriptions, actual and predicted

As the historical data of mobile cellular subscriptions are completely available for many countries it was
interesting to compare the estimated parameters for Baltic States with other European countries. After
working with the data of other countries, for 13 of these countries we got a model where all three parameters
were statistically significant at the 5% level. A graphical representation of the innovation and imitation
coefficients for the 16 European countries is proposed in Figure 2. We see that the distance between the
Baltic countries is quite large and they do not band together. Note that the Nordic countries Sweden,
Denmark, and Norway are very close, but Finland is situated apart from them.
Among these countries, Estonia takes the 3rd place in the importance of innovation, Latvia is the 7th and
Lithuania is the 12th. The order of these countries by the imitation coefficient is just the opposite: the
imitation effect is largest in Lithuania. This means that interpersonal communication is more important in
Lithuania, and the fraction of imitators amid the potential consumers is the greatest. Latvia takes the 3rd
place and Estonia the 6th. In addition we estimated regression models for two other time-series: proportion
of households with a computer and proportion of households with Internet access at home. Table 2
summarises the estimates of the parameters p and q for the different services in all three countries. All the
parameters are statistically significant. Comparing the results we see that the importance of mass media is
the largest in Estonia, where the innovation coefficient is greater than in Latvia and Lithuania for all three
diffusion paths.
Consider the q coefficient values; the impact of imitators on the sales growth is greater in Latvia and
Lithuania. It means that in the two countries the number of previous adoptions has more influence on future

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 2. Imitation and innovation coefficients for 16 European countries, mobile phone
subscriptions' diffusion.

Table 2

Comparison of innovation and imitation coefficients of diffusion curves across the different
technological products in Baltic Sates

Country Proportion of households with Proportion of households with

Mobile phone subscriptions a computer Internet access at home

Innovation coefficient p

Estimated value Std. err. Estimated value Std. err. Estimated value Std. err.

Estonia 0.001716*** 0.00036 0.01471*** 0.00096 0.0351*** 0.0059

Latvia 0.000709*** 0.00014 0.00540** 0.00123 0.0301** 0.0073
Lithuania 0.000278** 0.00013 0.00582*** 0.00075 0.0192** 0.0069

Imitation coefficient q

Estonia 0.482*** 0.025 0.258*** 0.028 0.369*** 0.076

Latvia 0.559*** 0.022 0.396*** 0.052 0.825** 0.106
Lithuania 0.694*** 0.052 0.427*** 0.024 0.691** 0.140

** significant at the 1% level

*** significant at the 0.1% level

In Figure 3 we presented the computed sales curves the cumulative percentage of the potential market
versus time. To calculate these curves we used Eq. (2), where the market capacity (m) =100% and the
coefficients of innovation and imitation have the mean values, obtained from the three models for each
country (averages of rows in Table 3). For Estonia p 0.01718 , and q 0.3699 , for Latvia p 0.01207
, q 0.5936 , and for Lithuania p 0.008432 , and q 0.6040 . Entrance to the market is simultaneous
in all three countries. The inset depicts the early growth.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 3. Computed growth curves with mean values of the innovation and imitation coefficients

We see that initially the growth rate is largest in Estonia. But after a little time the growth rate in Latvia
and Lithuania become greater and the corresponding curves pass Estonias curve. An explanation for this is
that in Estonia the value of the innovation coefficient is greater and the relative impact of innovative
customers is higher. The impact of innovative customers is more important especially at the outset of the
product launch. When some number of purchases has been done, the relative importance of imitative
costumers grows (see Eq. (1)). Consequently, when the entry to the market has been done at the same
moment in all three countries, in Latvia and Lithuania the ultimate market is reached earlier than in Estonia.

The diffusion models are important tools for effectively assessing the merits of investing in new
technologies and to forecast growth of first time purchasers. In this paper we analysed the time series of
three different ICT services - mobile phone subscriptions, the proportion of households with a computer, and
proportion of households with Internet access at home - in the Baltic States. Our results show that there is a
difference in costumers behaviour in the three selected countries. In Estonia there are more potential buyers
who receive information about new technologies from mass-media. In Latvia and especially in Lithuania the
interpersonal communication is more important and the imitation effect greater. Therefore it can be assumed
that when a new product launch takes place simultaneously, at the beginning the total sale (as per cent of
maximum level) grows faster in Estonia. After some time the growth rate becomes greater in Latvia and
Lithuania and the maximum number of adoptions will be obtained earlier in these two countries.
It is always better to have more information for obtaining the most accurate forecast possible. We
believe that our results could help ICT and other companies to forecast the sales of new goods and services
and to develop their marketing strategy in the Baltic market.

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Aleksejs Busarovs
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose This work aims to summarise research papers on crowdsourcing, to determine directions of future
Approach Literature review.
Findings This paper generalises crowdsourcing taxonomy. Until recent time, especially in pre-crises period, most
of innovation initiatives came from manufacturers, often imposing excessive functionality of products to its users.
Economical downturn revealed defectiveness and unsustainability of consumer society, the time for a new business
thinking paradigm came, which is oriented to true customer needs. The answer to new business philosophy call is user-
driven innovation, particularly Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is an online, distributed problem-solving and production
model, which emerged recently. Crowdsourcing was mentioned in the literature for the first time in 2006. This work
provides an introduction to crowdsourcing and proposes directions of further research.
Value This paper provides value for those, who are facing problems, which solutions could be drawn from mass
online collaboration.

In recent time innovation research has become widely spread, because, as history shows, future is behind
companies, which are able not only to develop and implement, but also to sustain innovation. Traditionally
the source of innovation was a company's internal R&D department. New tendency to attract innovation
from outside the company recently emerged, which received severe critique, because it could be interpreted
as outsourcing of innovation, which, according to Peter Drucker, is the key factor of companies competitive
advantage (Druker, 1985). Referring to Chesbrough (2003), attracting innovation from outside has its right to
existence. The biggest problem with innovation developed within the company is divergence between
product's features and real needs of customers. This problem is created due to competition and incremental
innovation. Companies have to react to competitors actions, especially when they introduce new features to
rival's product, in order to keep customers and market share, company has no other choice, but to copy new
features. As a result, after some time a product becomes overloaded with functions and features, which were
introduced to satisfy a wider range of customers and competition. This too heavy product, in terms of
features, became appealing for no one, because customer should pay for all extra features. At this stage
marketing department helps, if customer has insufficient motivation to buy the product, it should be created
artificially, through new design or functionality. Artificial demand is a sign of consumption society, which is
unable to create sustainable development. The crisis of 2008 proved this statement, when consumption
increased negative consequences of real estate market collapse. But we should not only criticise innovation
from manufacturers, it features own benefits, such as better reliability of product, which is explained by the
sticky information effect, researched by Erick von Hippel (von Hippel, 1994, 2005).
Customer-centred or user-driven innovation is an alternative to manufacturer-centred innovation, which
satisfies real customer needs better. There are several approaches how to involve customer in innovation
process, these are: lead user, mass customisation, open innovation and crowdsourcing. The lead user concept
emerged the very first the initial research was published in 1986 by MIT professor Erick von Hippel. Lead
users are defined as follows:
Lead users face needs that will be general in a marketplace but face them months or
years before the bulk of that marketplace encounters them, and Lead users are positioned
to benefit significantly by obtaining a solution to those needs.
In other words: Lead users are users of a product that currently experience needs still unknown to the
public and who also benefit greatly if they obtain a solution to these needs. Later the lead user method was
utilised in 3Ms Medical-Surgical Division to develop a breakthrough surgical drape product. 3M assembled
a team of lead users which included a veterinarian surgeon, a make-up artist, doctors from developing
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

countries and military medics, this method consist of 4 stages and require arrangements of conferences and
workshops (von Hippel et al., 1999; von Hippel & Sonnac 1999), which is cost-intensive, especially in case
when lead users are spread around the globe (Von Hippel & Riggs, 1996).
Mass customisation approach was thoroughly research in Europe by Professor Frank Piller from Aachen
University in Germany (Piller & Tseng, 2010). The essence of mass customisation is to give an opportunity
to users to modify product in line with unique needs, remaining within mass production price range.
Applying this technique, manufacturing company receives information about fashions and trends in the
market directly from customers, thus it could promptly introduce products, which correspond with latest
trends (Moser et al., 2006). The shortcoming of this method is a high cost to develop and sustain the system
for mass customisation.
Open innovation takes it roots in open source software communities, which is successors of first
authentic hackers communities, the programming enthusiasts, who created first software in order of
developing computer movement, but not profit or IP oriented (Chesbrough, 2006). Open innovation and in
particular virtual communities, developing open source software are similar with next approach of user
driven innovation, because use internet as technical tool for own realisation, what substantially decrease
costs to communication, coordination and data transfer (Lerner & Tirole, 2002).
All four approaches have their differences, but in certain circumstances overlapping each other. I should
mention that crowdsourcing is the most recent approach to user-driven innovation. The term appeared for the
first time in 2006, in Jeff Howe article The rise of crowdsourcing, published in the online magazine
Wired (Howe, 2006a). The word itself is a combination of two crowd and outsourcing, which create the
portmanteau crowdsourcing together. Jeff Howe defined crowdsourcing as follows: Crowdsourcing is the
act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to
an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call (Howe, 2006b). I should mention
that Jeff Howe did not invent the concept, but only the name and definition, which covers a very wide range
of actions often differing in its essential features. In modern literature there are two main approaches how to
structure crowdsourcing: by type of task and size of reward.
Crowdsourcing is divided in three types of tasks: routine, complex and creative (Schenk & Guitard,
2009). The routine are simple, mechanical, recurring tasks impossible to automate, for example, tagging the
photos. Complex tasks require more involvement, comparing to the routine one, but still remain simple and
do not require special skills and knowledge, for example, writing a short movie review (Hsueh et al., 2009).
Creative tasks are the tasks where solutions to a problem are created, for example, development of molecules
for a certain drug. This kind of structuring is used by such authors as Daren Brabhant et alia (Brabham,
2008a; 2009; Hsueh et al., 2009; McCreadie et al. 2010). The shortcoming of this approach is imprecision of
definition, as a result, borders between the routine and complex, complex and creative blur.
The second approach to crowdsourcing taxonomy is structuring it according to a size of reward. Many
researchers are interested in this field of crowdsourcing, they are interested in people's motivation to take
part in crowdsourcing activities, and this is interesting for entrepreneurs as well, since crowdsourcing
substantially decreases labour costs. The Dutch researcher Ima Borst suggests dividing crowdsourcing in
four categories: with no reward, penny rewards, dollars rewards and millions reward (Borst & Van Den
Ende, 2007; 2008). Similar to the previous approach of crowdsourcing structuring the difficulty is in borders
among these categories, where exactly dollars rewards end and millions started, since millions are used
mostly as a metaphor here.
In order to make crowdsourcing taxonomy more visual, my proposal is to combine both approaches in
one matrix, with 9 fields (Tabel 1), because three will not have real life examples due illogicality. No one
will pay substantial rewards for simple tasks.
Table 1
Crowdsourcing Matrix

Routine task Complex task Creative task

No reward reCAPTCHA www.noziegumakarte.lv MIX

Penny reward www.one.lv mTurk iStockphoto

Dollars reward n/a Thereadless FYI

Millions reward n/a n/a PepsiCo
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

For better understanding of crowdsourcing cases for each category of crowdsourcing are overviewed
below, simultaneously rewards and task types.
No reward and routine task. Attractive example of this type of crowdsourcing activities is the project
reCAPTCHA, where CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers
and Humans Apart". The idea of this project is to combine human identification for using website and library
digitalisation project. During books scanning process some words appears to be undetectable by software,
traditionally human manually enters meaning for this kind of words, the work of this person should be paid
and his productivity is limited, thus the hole process of library digitalisation become more time and labour
intensive. ReCAPTCHA project enable to automate this process through crowdsourcing activities in the
internet. It offers to identify two words, one's meaning is known, the other one is taken from the blur scans,
when several users give same meanings for the same word, and programme put this meaning into the text. As
a result, lower labour costs and better efficiency in terms of speed. Internet users help to digitise library,
without receiving any reward, only because they need to access certain web-page, which requires human
identification (von Ahn et al., 2008).
No reward and complex task. A web application www.noziegumakarte.lv, which could be translated as
crime map, is created to inform how safe situation on Latvian streets is. People can check what crimes have
happened around place where they are living, working or going to have fun. People can also easily add a
crime report that has happened to them earlier. There are options to select crime category, date and place
where it happened, add a descriptions. The project motto is to warn others and others will warn you
(Krauze, 2011).
No reward and creative task. The Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation
project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. The premise: while "modern" management is
one of humankind's most important inventions, it is now a mature technology that must be reinvented for a
new age. Current management practices emphasise control, discipline and efficiency above all else and
that's a problem. To thrive in the 21st century, organisations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring and
socially accountable. That will require a genuine revolution in management principles and practices. The
MIX helps to accelerate the pace of management innovation by energising and organising the conversation
around the most critical challenges facing managers today and by providing a practical platform where
they can document, share and develop their leading-edge ideas and practices. The MIX is designed for all
those who are frustrated by the limits of our legacy management practices. It is for all the inspired thinkers
and radical doers who believe we can and must find alternatives to the bureaucratic and
disempowering management practices that still rule most organisations. The MIX is joining forces with
Harvard Business Review and McKinsey & Company to launch our most comprehensive contest ever,
dedicated to reinventing management for the 21st century: The Harvard Business Review and McKinsey M-
Prize for Management Innovation. In the first leg of the Harvard Business Review and McKinsey M-Prize
for Management Innovation, they are seeking the most progressive practices and disruptive ideas that
illustrate how the governing principles and tools of the Web can make our organisations more adaptable,
innovative, inspiring, and accountable. Instructive case study or an experimental design are brought to this
contest that demonstrates how Web 2.0 values (including transparency, collaboration, meritocracy, openness,
community and self-determination) can be unleashed to overcome the design limits of Management 1.0
and help to create Management 2.0. Winners will receive significant recognition as management innovators
on the MIX, Harvard Business Review and HBR.org, the McKinsey Quarterly and McKinseyQuarterly.com.
Winners will also earn the chance to appear at the MIX Live gathering (www.managementexchange.com).
Penny reward and routine task. Latvian social network www.one.lv uses its customers to moderate
photos posted by other customers, in order to determine if photos violate website rules, which prohibit to
post photo if there cannot be seen faces; photos of children; animals; objects, celebrities, animation heroes,
commercial; links to other websites; erotic and pornographic photos; and offensive photos; if there is more
than one person on the picture, who the user is should be mentioned in comments, in case of rules violations
photo should be banned. Each photo has a status, which is a decision of majority of moderators (users). For
every moderation, a user receives points for a decision, which corresponds with a majority opinion; points
are removed in case of differing decisions, compared to the majority. If a substantial number of errors arise,
the user is banned to moderate photos and earned points are removed. The points reward system is presented
in Table 2, which shows that a system tuned to motivate users to identified photos disobeying rules and has a
big penalty for support of misbehaviour. Points has no direct monetary value, but can be traded for website
services, which traditionally is paid with real money. There is no precise price list, since all transactions are

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

arranged in a form of auction, thus services value changes from a lot to lot, but average value of a lot does
not exceed one euro.
Table 2
One.lv points reward system

Decision Photo's status Gained points

To block blocked 5
To show displayed 2
To block displayed -1
To show blocked -10

Penny reward and complex tasks. Amazon Mechanical Turk is the project of an internet company
Amazon. This web-page gives an opportunity to earn small amounts of money, executing simple tasks on
computer. Usually these tasks are tagging pictures, writing short reviews and participation in online surveys.
Each task is paid for in a form of Amazon.com coupon. This made the service unattractive for contributors
from the third world, for whom the level of earning is interesting as a main source of income. Due to low
income level in these countries, but the way of receiving a reward is unacceptable, because they cannot
receive rewards in their country and trade it for essential goods, like food, medicine and fuel (Barr &
Cabrera, 2006).
Penny reward and creative tasks. iStockphoto is a depositary with semi-professional photos. This
website sells good quality photos to mass-media for a price below the industry average. It becomes possible
thanks to the development of digital photo cameras. Everyone, who thinks that his/her photos has a market
potential, could apply to become a member of iStockphoto. This person should submit three photos for
evaluation. If judges approve pictures, then a person will be entitiled to submit pictures with proper labelling,
to simplify picture search. The price range for photos is from $1 to $100, authors royalties is from 15% to
45% (minimum $0.65) depending on experience and previous performance. In absolute figures it is much
lower than professional photographer rates. It is the reason why amateurs take part in this project, while it is
not the main source of income for them (Brabham, 2008b).
Dollars reward and complex tasks. The American company Threadless is a classical example of
crowdsourcing, since it is embedded in its business model. This company produces t-shirts; a design for
prints on t-shirts is submitted by internet users and approved by them, through voting too. In addition to
graphical design anyone can submit a slogan, which also goes through voting, if slogan is selected for print,
its author receives $500, but no more than $2500, which limits every contributor to five successful slogans.
This business model uses product users as drivers of product ideas, which they are interested to buy.
Consumer becomes member of a value chain on R&D stage (Duffy, 2009).
Dollars reward and creative task. Airbus contest Fly your idea (FYI). In 2011, Airbus held a contest
FYI for the second time with a task to find ideas for airline industry to increase eco-efficiency. The main
shortcoming of this project, from crowdsourcing point of view, is a limited number of participants. Only
groups of students can take part in this contest. But it is the only limitation. Students from all countries,
fields and levels are welcome, including PhD students, what substantially increases the number of potential
contributors and gives grounds to call them a crowd. Submitted ideas are selected in two rounds. During
the first one, professionals evaluate a potential of ideas and viability of its development. Selected ideas are
progressed to the second round, where participants have time to elaborate the ideas under guidance of a
mentor from Airbus. Based on results of the second round, five finalists are chosen who are invited to air
show in Paris, as well as to an excursion to Airbus plant in Toulouse. The winner is chosen from finalists,
and the main prize is 30 000. Worth to mention, that there is no limitation only to technological ideas,
Airbus welcomes social innovation as well, like passenger logistic in the airport. The winner of first FYI
contest in 2009 was the "COz" team from University of Queensland, Australia. Their project was to use the
castor plant to develop the first ever single plant-based high performance composite materials for aircraft
cabin components (www.airbus-fyi.com).
Millions reward and creative task. Pepsi-Co implements the project Refresh everything, an
opportunity to receive financial grant for ideas realisation. Ideas could be from fields of art, society,
education and every month a special category is offered. The maximum size of grant is $250 000. Project
selection is going through voting in the internet. The projects that received maximum financing are: Fund a
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

gene therapy to cure the genetic disorder Sanfilippo Syndrome and Make 10,000 Schools Safer for LGBT
Youth (www.refresheverything.com).

Crowdsourcing application in marketing

Crowdsourcing finds its application in marketing as well (Whitla, 2009), where it is used as a production
model, owing to which, not only ideas are created, but also video commercials. These video commercials
have significantly lower production costs than traditionally made. Real crowdsourcing initiative in marketing
success story is the cosmetics company L'Oreal, which reduced video commercial production costs to $1000,
comparing to $164 200 it usually paid (Hempel, 2006). But it does not work all the time. The real disaster
was Chevrolet effort to attract wide internet audience to promote its vehicle Tahoe. As a result, internet was
full of jokes and mockery about that car (Bosman, 2006).

Intermediates in crowdsourcing
All crowdsourcing projects are realised by means of internet, owing to new possibilities of Web 2.0.
Worth to mention, than it could be built on a companys own web-page, or use a platform of intermediates,
these are the companies which bring together enterprises with problems and people with solutions. One of
the crowdsourcing success factors is an ability to gain critical mass in crowdsourcing (Toral et al., 2009) that
could be a serious barrier for companies with only one crowdsourcing project, which is executed on their
own web-page, due to high investment in project promotion. Crowdsourcing intermediates are operating as
in creative tasks with substantial reward, as in routine tasks with minimum reward, but they are not
interested in projects with no reward, because in this case, there is no one to pay for their services. Most
known crowdsourcing intermediate websites are Amazon Mechanical Turk (mturk) and InnoCentive.
Research of Karim Lakhani from Harvard Business School shows that InnoCentive helped to solve 29.5% of
problems, which could be solved by company's in-house R&D (Lakhani et al., 2007). InnoCentive services
are using such giants, like Procter & Gamble, Roche and NASA. The web-page was originally created by the
pharmaceutical company Lilly.

Crowdsourcing critique
During its short life, crowdsourcing gained not only followers, but also opponents. First of all
crowdsourcing is criticised for its name and too wide definition. Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia said:
"Any company that thinks it's going to build a site by outsourcing all the work to its users not only
disrespects the users but completely misunderstands what it should be doing. Your job is to provide a
structure for your users to collaborate, and that takes a lot of work." (McNichol, 2007). Crowdsourcing also
is criticised for low quality of outcome, fraud (Chan et al., 2010; Soleymani & Larson, 2010), manipulation
with votes and people exploitation (Gill & Pratt, 2008). There is a clear analogy with a critique of social
media, right for low quality (Keen, 2007). The problem of low quality results is present in both routine and
complex tasks of crowdsourcing, with financial reward routine tasks and penny reward, complex tasks and
penny reward, complex tasks and dollars reward. McCreadie's research shows that participants try to
maximise a number of performed tasks, in order to increase their reward (McCreadie et al., 2010). To battle
this problem, performance time should be taken into account, and unrealistically fast answers should be
rejected, as fraud attempts. Check questions should be included in the tasks, which answers are already
known (Kittur et al., 2008). Answers also could be checked by the crowd itself, through the second round
of crowdsourcing activities, as well as uneven gradation scale for answers, to increase precession of results
(Hirth et al., 2010).
Creative and partially complex types of crowdsourcing, independently of reward size could be under
pressure of attempts to manipulate votes, if voting is offered for the internet users. In this scenario
contributors with wider social network have an advantage, being able to attract more votes for own
contributed project. Another problem with voting is disproportional web-page visitors attention to certain
projects in case top leaders are presented, where truly best project could receive insufficient exposure, only
due late entry to the contest. Technical means should be used as tools to prevent these shortcomings, like
filters to limit number of votes from same IP address, restricted access by direct URL, which disable directly
open and vote for certain project. More equal distribution of votes between projects could be reached, by
replacing leaders top with random projects, as well as separate in time projects submission and evaluation,
although this approach could bring new difficulties, e.g. voters could lose interest and critical mass would
not be reached, thus the results would not be objective.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Crowdsourcing received serious critique for human exploitation, absence of agreements for work with
contributors and wages level much lover then minimums defined by the law (Cove, 2007; Postigo, 2003).
Crowdsourcing is even regarded as the 21st century slavery. Opponents note that participation in
crowdsourcing activities is voluntary, there is no any compulsion to take part in crowdsourcing, and thus
there are no any signs of exploitation. In case of a creative type of crowdsourcing, an author of idea transfers
IP rights by signing an agreement. His/her power is limited to a possibility refuse to grant rights, although
this is extremely rear case. Lakhani in his research on InnoCentive describes only one case when the author
of idea refused to sign an agreement. Thus the idea was not developed further (Lakhani et al., 2007). From
the formal point of view, there is no exploitation, but from ethical position there is a clear misbalance in
rights and obligations in favour of crowdsourcing executor. Lets look at a relationship of employers and
employees. An employer has a problem, which has to be solved. There is also an employee with special
skills to solve this kind of problems. However, the problems were not solved, the problems itself point this
out. Speaking about tasks, which require creative approach and mental work, it is impossible to forecast how
much time will be required to solve certain problems, but the employer pays the employee, who is trying to
solve the problems, even unsuccessfully. There is no guarantee that the employee will solve this problem. In
this case the company has losses, which include direct costs to cover the employees wages, as well as losses
due to the unsolved problems. In case of outsourcing the problem solving, the employer becomes an
outsourcer, and the cost burden in this relationship moves toward an outsourcee (Figure 1). All depends on a
signed agreement, where the outsourcee is a legal person and is less protected than a private person, but still
could embed in agreement a minimum reward, even in case of failure, and a much bigger one in case of
success. In this case, the outsourcer is tied to this agreement, but not with the legislation concerning labour
rights. Theoretically the outsourcee has better chances to find a solution to the problems, owing to more
narrow specialisation and bigger experience in similar cases. In a worst-case scenario the outsourcer will
have losses, which will be lower. The difficulty is to determine a proper time frame for finding a solution,
which might be crucial. In case the crowdsourcing costs are moving further to the contributor or solver, the
company will pay only for a successful solution, no minimum payments, no obligations.

Interne t users
pe rfom task

pe rforms task

pe rfoms task

Compa ny Performers

Figure 1. Costs burden migration

After scrutinising crowdsourcing from the ethical point of view, it became obvious that ethical norms are
violated at the expense of contributors, and that is how cost reduction is achieved. This conclusion
determines future research direction aimed to find out how crowdsourcing is viable, taking into account
ethical norms violation.

Future research
First of all, it is the research of ethical part of crowdsourcing, in order to determine borders for a
crowdsourcers behaviour and actions. How far these border can be widened, without negative effect on
results. Secondly it is essential to find out a condition, when and where crowdsourcing might be applied, in
order to have a clear picture, in which industries it could be used. The third direction of research is
crowdsourcing within globalisation process, transfer of crowdsourcing activities to such countries like China
and India. Within this direction, the special attention should be paid to technological aspects of
crowdsourcing and its perspectives on mobile devices. Developing countries have huge human potential, but
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

lacking proper infrastructure. The new technological level could help overcoming the problem of
infrastructure and add new participants.

In spite of all shortcomings, crowdsourcing remains interesting either to entrepreneurs, or the public
sector. Its positive features are: the ability to bring innovative solutions to difficult problems in a short period
of time and minimal costs; the ability to attract brightest minds to the solution process (Surowiecki, 2004).
Another strong side of crowdsourcing is performance simple tasks, which cannot be automated, at a very low
cost, or even for free in the short-term (Van den Ende et al., 2009). At present the largest chunk of internet
activities is in developed countries with high level of income, which still does not bother contributors to
participate in crowdsourcing activities. Future research will show how far crowdsourcing can go in terms of
its distribution in the developing world.

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Jekaterina Kuzmina
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Over the past years before the world financial and economic turbulences, the Baltic States have been the fastest
developing economies in Europe. The Baltic insurance industry (and the Latvian one as well) was a direct beneficiary
of this economic miracle. In 2002 2007, the local insurance market in three Baltic States doubled in volume. After the
booming years insurance business suffered from the economic downturn as the income from main business operations
did not show sustainable growth and companies should gain extra income from investing activities in order to stay on
the market, but due to the vulnerable financial markets the return on investment decreased. So the relevance of asset
allocation problem gained extra attention in the particular industry. The main purpose of the current paper is providing
the foundation for the development of the new portfolio model. The reader is going to be instructed on the essential
aspects of the (,LPM)- portfolio model which, on the one side, enables its critical review, and on the other side,
provides a platform for its later application in the practice of portfolio management. The paper is covering only the
theoretical aspect of the topic. The research is concerned with the portfolio selection based on the downside risk and
mean, which utilises risk measure corresponding with the risk understanding of the prevailing number of investors. As a
consequence, by the portfolio optimisation based on the downside risk the chance to over-perform the reference point is
not minimised as by the portfolio optimisation based on the variance.
Keywords: asset allocation, portfolio management, lower partial moments.

Information provided by Latvian Insurance Association (2011) allows to come to the conclusion that
Latvian insurance companies who have been affected by challenging market conditions in 2008 2009 are
de-risking portfolios and shedding questionable lines of business. As insurers seek to identify new sources of
capital, as well as they need to allocate capital effectively among product lines and business units. Analysing
the asset allocation question (in the framework of portfolio management), the considerations lead to the
portfolio theory whereby the appropriate question that is asked is how it could be substantially improved
nowadays in order to develop a better portfolio model as the portfolio model of Markowitz, which laid the
basic ideas of the modern theory, is being consequently criticised due to the subjectivity of preferences.
The proposal of downside risk measure`s use aroused in academic research at the same time as the
Markowitzs portfolio model discussed in the previous chapter. Different to Markowitz, who based the
theory on the maximisation of the investor`s expected utility, Roy (1952:433) declared, that a man who seeks
advice about his action will not be grateful for the suggestion that he has to maximise expected utility, and
instead of the expected utility maximisation, he proposed the concept of safety of principal, while a minimal
acceptable return has to be set. Consequently, the investor prefers the portfolio with the smallest probability
of falling below this disaster level.
The probability of disaster introduced by Roy plays also important role in the Kataokas criterion
(1963:181-196), who claimed that the portfolio, which achieves from available efficient portfolios on the (,
)-efficient frontier the highest target return for a predetermined probability of disaster, has to be chosen.
Also Telser (1955-1956:1-16) applied the probability of disaster, but the selected portfolio is expected to
achieve the highest return for a given probability of failing to achieve a predetermined level.
Later on the ideas expressed by Roy, Kataoka and Telser was called as safety first principle. The
approach was developed later by Leibowitz and Henriksson (1989:34-41) and named shortfall risk, while
the authors paid special attention to the asset-liability management, where not asset return but surplus is
relevant, while the benchmark is defined as the liabilities and is assumed to randomly fluctuate. Follow also
papers by Leibowitz, Kogelman and Bader (1992:28-37); Jaeger and Zimmermann (1996:64-74).
General overview of the literature on safety first is given in Albrecht (2004:1-16). Markowitz accepted
the idea of downside risk, and suggested two measures: below-mean semivariance and below-target
semivariance, both capturing squared return deviations below mean or target return. Nonetheless, the most
important restriction of the portfolio semivariance proposed by Markowitz is that it depends on asset
weights. In the later proposal, the co-movements between individual asset returns falling below the target are
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

not quantified, and therefore risk diversification is not reflected in the portfolio optimisation (Markowitz et.
al., 1993:307-317).
The new period of downside risk research began with the generalised concept of downside risk defined
by the Lower Partial Moment1 (LPM) developed by Bawa (1975:95-121) and Fishburn (1977:116-126).
Bawa and Lindberg (1977:189-200) examined the downside risk diversification and proposed the
measure of return co-movements below the target return. Bookstaber and Clarkes (1981:63-70) worked on
optioned portfolios and discovered the necessity of the consideration of additional moments of return
distribution. Asset pricing model in the generalised LPM-framework was developed by Harlow and Rao
(1989:285-311). The relationship of the , LPM - portfolio model to the capital market theory was
developed by Nawrocki (1996:1-11), who declared that portfolio management strategies should derive from
the segmented market theory. Segmented markets generate non-normal return distributions and require the
use of utility theory, thus, the , LPM - model is the decision model, because it does not assume normal
distributions and allows different utility goals expressed by. The characteristics of the downside risk-
optimised portfolios were most extensively tested by Nawrocki, whereat the most important result was that
portfolio skewness can be managed through the LPM measure, since with the increasing degree of LPM the
portfolio skewness increases; the size and composition of portfolios selected by the , LPM - optimal
algorithm in comparison with the ( , ) -efficient portfolios, and the effect of different degrees of risk
aversion on the expected performance of derived portfolios were tested.
Since the nineties the downside risk measures have been increasingly attracting practitioners, who have
initiated tests of real performance of the , LPM - portfolio model. Harlow (1991:28-40) tested out-of-
sample perfomance of the global portfolio with eleven mature capital markets and came to the conclusion
that the , LPM - portfolios achieved not only higher average return but also decrease in risk measured.
Sortino and Price (1994:59-64) and Nawrocki (1992:195-209) worked on the optimisation algorithm with
LPM-matrix. Stevenson (2001:50-66) studied the out-of-sample performance of minimum risk and tangency
portfolios and showed that only minimum LPM portfolios consistently outperform the benchmark. Morton,
Popova and Popova (2006:503-518) studied portfolio allocation in which the underlying investment
instruments are hedge funds, while considering a family of utility functions involving the probability of
outperforming a benchmark and expected regret relative to another benchmark. Non-normal return vectors
with prescribed marginal distributions and correlation structure were modelled and simulated using the
normal-to-anything method. Danelsson et al. (2006:202-208) used regular variation to define heavy tailed
distributions and showed that prominent downside risk measures produce similar and consistent ranking of
heavy tailed risk. Thus, the authors concluded that regardless of the particular risk measure being used,
assets are to be ranked in a similar and consistent manner for heavy tailed assets. Vercher, Bermdez and
Segura (2007:769-782) developed two fuzzy portfolio selection models, where the objective was to minimise
the downside risk constrained by a given expected return. The authors assume that the rates of returns on
securities are approximated as LR-fuzzy numbers of the same shape, and that the expected return and risk
are evaluated by interval-valued means, so that the relationship between those mean-interval definitions for a
given fuzzy portfolio by using suitable ordering relations were established. Pinar (2007:295-309) developed
and tested multistage portfolio selection models maximising expected end-of-horizon wealth, while
minimising one-sided deviation from a target wealth level, and report that the robust investment policies are
stable in the face of market risk, while ensuring expected wealth levels quite similar to the competing
expected value maximising stochastic programming model at the expense of solving larger linear programs.
Bali, Demirtas and Levy (2009:883-909) examined the intertemporal relation between downside risk and
expected stock returns, while using Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall, and tail risk as measures of downside
risk to determine the existence and significance of a risk-return trade-off, and found a positive and
significant relation between downside risk and the portfolio returns on NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq stocks. Liang
and Park (2010:199-222) compared downside risk measures that incorporate higher return moments with
traditional risk measures such as standard deviation in predicting hedge fund failure. When controlling for
investment strategies, performance, fund age, size, lockup, high-water mark, and leverage, they found that

Lower Partial Moments is one of the downside risk measures, therefor notation Lower Partial Moments (LPM) and downside risk
measures are going to be used as equivalents.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

funds with larger downside risk have a higher hazard rate. However, standard deviation loses the explanatory
power once the other explanatory variables are included in the hazard model.
In conclusion it is worth to mention that downside risk measures nevertheless their long history still play
important role in the literature on the field of finance and financial portfolio management, so that
investigations in the current paper are going to contributed to the research.

Basic Elements of Lower Partial Moments and Their Application in Asset Allocation
When investment objective is defined as the aspiration return level, risk is measured in the downside part
of return distribution as falling below this aspiration return . General continuous form of such risk measures
is obtained by the evaluation of downside return deviations from the reference point by the general
function. Bawa (1975:95-121); Fishburn (1977:116-126) and Harlow (1991:28-40), in developing the
relationship between LPM and stochastic dominance, define a-degree LPM as following:

LPM(a; ) ( x ) a f ( x )dx [1]

Figure 1. Optimisation with Lower Partial Moment

Source: worked out by the author based on Schmidt-von Rhein (2004:429)

The minimal aspiration return level divides all possible return outcomes on losses which are lower than
, and gains which than higher than . Thus, its economic plausibility arises only by its correspondence with
the lowest acceptable return necessary to accomplish financial goal. It is important underlining that risk
measured by LPM is risk of falling below specified minimal target return denoted by x in the formula above,
so that any outcomes above this reference point do not represent financial risk anymore and can be
considered as chance for additional gain. Consequently the minimisation of LPM in the optimisation
algorithm (discussed below) do not eliminate the chance to over-perform this reference point set as target
return as it is the case in the portfolio model based on the variance (follow classical approach discussed in
the previous chapter). Figure 1 shows these considerations in the graphical way.
The determination of the target return or minimum requirement level of return is difficult and a fixed
defined as best suitable minimum level of aspiration cannot be recommended, as its size is always
dependent on subjective investor-specific ideas. By setting the level the investor chooses critical minimum
return. It should be noted that the magnitude of risk depends on the chosen : is increasing with an
increasing proportion of the probability distribution seen as risky (Schmidt-von Rhein, 1996:424).
A realistic investor must be able to justify his return requirements, as the maximum return cannot always
be achieved. Possible, economically justified cases for the determination of target return, which cannot be
understood differently as a benchmark are the following (follow also Poddig, Brinkmann and Seiler
(2005:306); Schmidt-von Rhein (1996:425-429):
= 0: this corresponds to determining the economic demand to safe the capital employed;

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

= expected rate of inflation: the investor wants to achive at least a return on invested capital in the
amount of the expected inflation rate for the investment period, while capital preservation is secured;
= guaranteed interest rate, as by investing in the risky asset the investor loses the ability to get the
risk-free interest rate;
= : in this definition is to distinguish whether it is about return on expectations of a market index
(equal to the previous case) or a risky investment (while the expected capital appreciation should be
Finally, it should be stressed that the increase of among for all LPM shows risk-increasing effect, what
can be proved by differentiation with respect to . As it was already mentioned, the LPM in the general case
can be represented as in [1]. By differentiation of the equation using the Leibniz's rule one can come to the
following equation, which has a positive value:

LPM(a; )
a( x ) a 1 f ( x )dx a ( x ) a 1 f ( x )dx a * LPM(a 1; ) [2]

The minimal aspiration return (called also target return or benchmark) is explicitly included in the
downside risk and expresses the lowest acceptable return to complete the financial target set in the beginning
of the investment process as it was already mentioned. So that in the LPM framework return deviations are
related to a variable investor target (follow discussion above), whereas the portfolio based on variance (in the
classical approach) is related solely to the expected return. As a result, the conclusion to make is the
following: the difference in the portfolio optimisation based on variance and LPM grows, the greater
distance between the target and the expected return that is expressed in the shifting of the , LPM -

efficient frontier further to the right in the , - framework.

Other important element is the order of the LPM measure. The LPM of the zero order can be defined as
the probability of loss, the LPM of the first order as the target shortfall, and finally LPM of the second
order as target semivariance. It is to be noticed that there are also target skewness and target kurtosis
possible. Further details are given below.
The return deviations from the lowest target level are penalised with the -exponent in LPM
(determinating the order of the LPM) that is also an instrument expressing different degrees of risk tolerance
in the asset allocation process, as it replicates the decision makers feelings about the relative consequences
of falling below target return. Risk aversion for >1 means that smaller losses are perceived as relatively
harmful, when compared to larger losses. Risk seeking for 0<<1 means that the main concern is to have a
loss without particular regard of the amount of loss. So that the higher the difference between the -
parameter of LPM, the further the efficient frontiers are from each other, which indicates changing structure
in the portfolio composition. As the variance in the return deviations are squared, the most similar efficient
frontiers of the , portfolio model and , LPM portfolio model are obtained when the -parameter
(the order of the LPM) equals two. The more the -parameter differs from = 2, the more divergent the
, - and , LPM - efficient frontiers (for further details follow Nawrocki (2003:79-96).
The LPM of the zero order is called as probability of loss (shortfall probability or target probability) and
describes the occurrence possibility of an event if the minimum return requirement is exceeded. Figure 2
provides graphical description.
Such a definition of risk is an intuitively correct understanding of risk corresponding to the investors,
setting the minimum return requirement. The same idea is represented by Zenger (1992:111), who claim that
the concept of probability of selection is well suited because of the ease intuitive understanding of the
practical implementation. At the same time the same authors point out that this concept is not applicable as
the only measure of risk but in the combination. Therefore, it is important to note that not only the
probability of failure, but also the extent of the failure of the investment decision is important.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 2. LPM of the Order 0 (where p(x) probability of event; () target return; (x) expected return)
Source: worked out by the author

It is necessary that, besides the probability of failure and the extent of this failure is measured. This can
be done by using a target shortfall. This measure of risk LPM of the order one (expected shortfall, target
shortfall) measures the expected negative deviation of and corresponds to the LPM of the first order.
It should be noted that the combination of LPM (0, ) and LPM (1, ) is not a perfect solution. If it is
assumed that two portfolios have the same target shortfall. Portfolio A shows a lower probability of a large
loss, while Portfolio B - a high probability of a low loss (follow Figure 3). Based on the LPM (1, ), the two
portfolios are considered equally risky, while the investors sees the portfolio A as much more risky portfolio
in comparison to portfolio B. It is shown that risk attitudes are not linear. High negative errors by the
minimum requirements are intuitively much more weighted than the lower, the respective probability of
occurrence is not taken into account. To fix this problem, the concept of semivariance is applied.
The second order LPM is determined by semivariance or downside variance and measures the expected,
squared loss below the target return. Just by squaring the larger losses are weighted more heavily than the
smaller ones, whereby the value of the semivariance is influenced. Thus, the second-order LPM can be seen
as a risk measure, which describes the conditioned volatility below the target returns.
LPM of the third order are called semiskewness or downside skewness and fourth order as a downside
curtosis or semicurtosis. In contrast to the skewness and kurtosis measures this risk measures determines
only the deviation below the reference value and thus can be interpreted as follows: degree to which it comes
to over-or under-proportional weighting increases below the required minimum return. Since this risk
measures have less relevance in practice, they will not be considered further.

Figure 3. Two Portfolios Example (where p(x) probability of event; () target return; (x) expected
Source: developed by the author

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The following table provides an overview of the LPM application in the portfolio management
Table 1
Risk Measures Application in Portfolio Management
Risk measure Important papers
LPM (0;) Shortfall Roy (1952:431-449) the paper considers the implication of minimising the
probability upper bound of the chance in the event of shortfall.
Telser (1955:1-16) his paper is concerned with the theory of hedging, while the
investors attitude toward risk is discussed.
Kataoka (1963:181-196) the author proposes a stochastic programming model
that considers the distribution of function and probabilistic constraints.
Leibowitz and Henrickson (1989:34-41) so called confidence approach for
portfolio optimisation is proposed that provides meaningful description of risk.
Leibowitz, Kogelmann and Bader (1992:28-37) the authors states that pension
fund can pursue traditional asset return objectives while protecting surplus using
Browne (1999:76-85) the author argues that properties of dynamic investment
strategies that minimise the probability of a shortfall relative to a given target
return are misunderstood; and proposes the way that allows a decision-maker to
make some definitive quantitative comparisons that are in the understanding of
Konno, Waki and Yuuki (2002:127-140) - the purpose of the paper is to review
important characteristics of risk measures and conduct simulation using four
alternative measures, lower semi-variance, lower semi-absolute deviation, first
order below target risk and conditional value-at-risk, as they are useful to control
downside risk when the distribution of assets is non-symmetric.
LPM (1;) Shortfall Ang (1975:849-857) - presents a simple computational algorithm to approximate
expectation the E, S portfolio selection model. The essential feature of the model is the
utilisation of the familiar linear programming framework by representing risks as
a series of linear constraints.
Yamai and Yoshiba (2005:997-1015) - in the paper the authors illustrate how the
tail risk of VaR can cause serious problems in certain cases, in which expected
shortfall can serve more aptly in its place.
Acerbi, Nordio and Sirtori (2008:1-10) - study the properties of Expected
Shortfall from the point of view of financial risk management.
LPM (2;) Shortfall Hogan and Warren (1972:1881-1896) the authors suggested portfolio selection
variance models based on expected value-semivariance criteria as it is offering certain
advantages over the expected value-variance approach.
Nawrocki (1999:9-25) providing an overview about LPM development
process, paying extra attention to the shortfall variance risk measure.
Sing and Ong (2000:213-223) the article demonstrates illustrates the
implementation of downside risk models using spreadsheets programs.
Konno, Waki and Yuuki (2002:127-140) - the purpose of the paper is to review
important characteristics of risk measures and conduct simulation using four
alternative measures, lower semi-variance, lower semi-absolute deviation, first
order below target risk and conditional value-at-risk, as they are useful to control
downside risk when the distribution of assets is non-symmetric.
Estrada (2008:1-8) claims that academics and practitioners optimise portfolios
using far more often the mean-variance approach than the mean-semivariance
approach, and that despite the fact that semivariance is often considered a more
plausible measure of risk than variance. The author proposes a heuristic approach
that yields a symmetric and exogenous semicovariance matrix, which enables the
determination of mean-semivariance optimal portfolios by using the well-known
closed-form solutions of mean-variance problems.
LPM (3;) Shortfall Harvey, Liechty, Liechty and Mueller (2004) the authors propose a method for
skewness optimal portfolio selection using a Bayesian decision theoretic framework that
addresses two major shortcomings of the Markowitz approach: the ability to
handle higher moments and estimation error, while employing the skew normal
distribution, which has many attractive features for modeling multivariate

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

LPM (4;) Shortfall Nawrocki (1991:465-470) the author claims that portfolio management in the
kurtosis finance literature has typically used optimisation algorithms to determine
security allocations within a portfolio in order to obtain the best trade-off
between risk and return. These algorithms are restrictive in terms of an investor's
risk aversion. Since individual investors have different levels of risk aversion, he
proposes two portfolio optimisation algorithms that can be tailored to the specific
level of risk aversion of the individual investor and performs ex-post evaluation
tests of the algorithm performance.
Source: worked out by the author

Even though the downside measures were known for the long period of time, it is to be considered that
Lower Partial Moment of the second order or semivariance are only briefly discussed in the scientific
literature as appropriate risk measure in the asset allocation process, thus the main contribution of the
following part is to provide to better understanding of this risk measure and show the possibilities of its
practical application. So that the following optimisation problem is to be discussed Portmann (1999:87):
min( ; ) LPM(2; )
1; 0; ,
with while is reduction in amount of corner portfolios. The problem could be
solved under Lagrange method and Kuhn-Tucker optimisation algorithm (for further details follow
Portmann (1999, pp. 89-93)) and define the function as following:
LPM(2; ) up LPM(2; ) down
LPM(2; ) LPM(2; ) up
( up ) 2 ( down ) 2
up up down 2 [4]
up 2
( ( portfolio )(( ) ( )) up 2
( ) up down
( )
portfolio portfolio

The other possibility is to introduce the method in general way under assumption of normal distribution
of returns, while the risk measure could be expressed as following:
( x )2
LPM(2; ) ( x) 2 e 2 2 dx [5]

The equitation [3.4] could be standardised, while setting x equal to (*z+), if (Z ~ N(0;1)).

1 2 2 dz
LPM(2; ) ( z) e [6]

In the next step the minimum frontier of the LPM of the second order is to be detrained. Thanks to the
derivation of equitation [5] under the rule of Leibniz the following strictly positive result is achieved, where
the relationship between LPM of the second order and is strictly monotone (Cremers, 2008:79-84).

z2 z2 z2
LPM(2; ) 2 2 dz 2( ) 2 dz 2 2 2 dz
( z)( z )e ze z e
2 2 2

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

z2 z2
LPM(2; ) 2 2 2
( ) e z ze dz

z2 z2 z2
2 2 2 2
( ) e z e e dz

( )2 ( )2 z2 z2
2 2 2
2 2
2 2
( ) e ( ) e e dz e dz
2 2

(x )2
2 2 2
e dx 0
Interesting considerations on the field of portfolio optimisation were provided by Merton (1972:1851-1872):
there is an analytic relationship between expected portfolios return and standard deviation, which leads to
the following equation:

c (R ) 2 - 2b (R ) a
1 1 1
where a T , b T , c iT , d ac-b2

Using Mertons equation instead of in [5], we come to the following functional relationship between
expected return and minimum semi-variance rate in accordance to fixed target return:
( ac b 2 )( x )2
2 2
ac b 2(c 2b a)
LPM(2; ) ( x) 2 e dx
2 (c 2 2b a)
( )( ac b 2 )
c 2b a 2 1 2
1 c 2b a 2 2
( 2
z) e dz
2 ac b

Thus the portfolio with lower semi-variance bourdon can be presented graphically as following in the figure
4. Minimum LPM(2; ) can be determined through numeric approximation (Cremers, 2008:89):
( )* d
c* 2 b* a
LPM( 2; ) 2 z 2 (c * b)
2 d
2 !
z (c * (3b c )* a b* ) 0.5*z 2dz
)e 0
d (c * 2b * a) [10]
and weights of assets in the portfolio are determined as following:
1 1

(c b) (b a) [11]
d d

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 4 Portfolio Construction with Semivariance

Source: worked out by the author

As far as the possibility to invest under risk-free rate should be considered in the optimisation process, it
would lead to the discussion about the construction of capital market line. Capital market line is a line used
in the capital asset pricing model to illustrate the rates of return for efficient portfolios depending on the risk-
free rate of return and the level of risk for a particular portfolio. In order to determine the capital market line
and detect the optimal portfolio expected return of the market portfolio and expected return of the portfolio
under optimisations are to be determined.
In order to determine efficient portfolio with LPM of the second order the following considerations are
to be considered: the starting point in this discussion is the concept of corner portfolio - is optimal portfolio
for a given risk tolerance at which a variable changes status. It is called a corner portfolio because in a graph
that plots asset holdings asset weights against risk tolerance lambda, two or more variables turn a corner.
In the framework of portfolio optimisation this question was discussed by Serf (1995:177-184) and
based on his considerations the return of the corner portfolio can be seen as linear combination:
up down
(1 ) [12]

where is weights factor that shows the following characteristics:

0;1 , 0 down

1 up .

According to the previous equation the variance of the portfolio and weights of assets in the portfolio
could be established:
2 T
( up (1 ) down )T ( up (1 ) down ) [13]

( up down
( up down ) down ) [14]

In the concept of LPM of the second order, while looking for an efficient portfolio by utilisation of
equations [12] to [14], the standard deviation term in the equation [5] is to be changed against [14] in
order to find the relationship between expected return of the portfolio and shortfall variance, and thus to find
efficient portfolio (Kaduff, 1996:167):

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

(x )2
1 2 T

LPM(2; ) T
( x) 2 e portfolio portfolio
dx [15]
2 ( portfolio portfolio )

with following weights of assets in the portfolio:

portfolio up down up down down [16]

The purpose of the theoretical overview was to introduce the LPM of the second order as an appropriate
risk measure in the portfolio optimisation process.

Usage of Lower Partial Moments in Management of Investment Portfolios: Theoretical

The importance of asset allocation and portfolio management for the Latvian insurance companies to
cover losses from their main business operations were mentioned in the in the introductory part of the current
paper. The asset allocation decision is not an isolated choice, but rather a component of a structured four-step
portfolio management process that never stops. Due to the importance of the topic, the process of portfolio
management will be discussed in detail below. The author will also include a portfolio construction
algorithm with Lower Partial Moments (LPM) in this process.
Taking into consideration the fact that in the process of financial portfolio construction, while making
decisions about an investment, investors are more concerned with the downside movements of their
portfolios (when their target return has failed), than with the upside potential, the main concern of that
particular algorithm is in regard to the possibilities of asset allocation based on downside risk. The existence
of risk measure, presenting the squared failure of the investors target return can be justified by its
dominance Lower Partial Moment being equivalent to the stochastic dominance of the third order. Thus, the
dominance concerning Lower Partial Moments of the second order fulfils the criterion for the Bernoulli
principle and therefore can be used for decision making under risk (Estrada, 2008:9-11).
The first step in the portfolio management process for the insurance companys management (either
using internal resources an in-house team or with the assistance of an external investment advisor) is to
construct a policy statement. The policy statement should be understood as a road map, where the investor
specifies the types of risk he is willing to take (by determination of a risk aversion parameter ),
investment goals (capital preservation, capital appreciation, current income by determination of target return
parameter - ) and constraints (like liquidity, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and regulatory requirements,
etc.). Since investor needs change over time, the policy statement must be periodically reviewed and
updated. The process of investment seeks to look into the future and determine strategies that offer the best
possibility of meeting the policy statement guidelines determined in the previous step.
In the second step of the process determination of financial strategy the management should study
current financial and economic conditions and forecast future trends, which require constant monitoring and
updating to be able to reflect changes in financial market expectations.
The third step of the portfolio management process is to construct the actual portfolio. With the policy
statement and financial market forecast as input, implementation of the investment strategy is prepared by
determining asset allocation across countries, asset classes and different securities. Portfolio construction is
achieved by minimising risk and maximising expected return. When comparing the classical ( , ) model
and the ( , LPM ) model, it should be said that the models differ substantially in terms of risk measurement
and return dependence. The ( , ) model only takes into account the mean and variance, whereas the (
, LPM ) model also considers non-normality of return distribution. As the same input data were used for
both portfolio models, which differ only in risk measure, an enhanced realised performance can be explained
only by the application of more appropriate and exact risk measures. In the construction process of a
tangential portfolio on ( , LPM ) an efficient frontier should be chosen. The tangential portfolio holds the
maximum efficiency portfolio: the portfolio with the highest return premium on one unit of risk.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The last step is the continual monitoring of the needs and capital market conditions. One of the essential
components of the monitoring process is the evaluation of the portfolios performance and its comparison to
the goals set in the policy statement.

Figure 5. Portfolio Management Process

Source: worked out by the author

Due to the relevance of this topic for practical implementation further research on the impact of the two
portfolio models representing the two approaches in the portfolio theory classical model and model based
on the LPM - should be examined. Further considerations can be found in Kuzmina (2011:361-372).

Main goal of the current research was to present financial portfolio management model as an internal
model for insurance companies holding small number of stocks in their investment portfolios, which not
only satisfies regulatory requirements and internal risk management standards, but also allows dealing with
otherwise complex multivariate modelling using generally available computation applications, due to the fact
that so called all in one solutions like for example BARRA, NORTHFIELD, WILSHIRE and others
require considerable financial investments and present a kind of black box (as several estimation parameters
and computation techniques are not completely disclosed).
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The reader was instructed on the essential aspects of the (,LPM)- portfolio model which, on the one
side, enables its critical review, and on the other side, provides a platform for its later application in the
practice of portfolio management. The research was concerned with the portfolio selection based on the
downside risk and mean, which utilises risk measure corresponding with the risk understanding of the
prevailing number of investors. As a consequence, by the portfolio optimisation based on the downside risk
the chance to over-perform the reference point is not minimised as by the portfolio optimisation based on the

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Maria Lindemane
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose The aim of the given research is to ascertain indicators which characterise saturation of domestic market
of financial services as the reason that stimulates financial services export.
Design/methodology/approach There were used such research methods as analysis of advanced researches in
financial field and interviewing experts concerning their opinion on financial services market saturation indicators.
Findings In order to define the level of financial services market saturation there were suggested 12 indicators
divided into two categories. To the first category of indicators one relates those which ought to be used at the initial
stage of financial services market analysis. To the second category one relates the indicators which have auxiliary
character, i.e. those which can be used only as additional ones for more exact definition of separate aspects of financial
services market saturation.
Originality/value The given research is important for both the countries which intend to position themselves as
exporters of financial services - in respect of defining possibility and necessity of entering the world market with their
financial services, and for the countries and individual financial institutions which are working out their strategy in
financial services export - in respect of discovering of regions and financial services for export.
Keywords: financial services, financial services export, stimulus for export, financial market saturation.

Export of financial services can be defined as a process of providing financial services (according to
WTO definition) by financial and payment institutions (banks, broker companies, payment systems, etc.),
which are registered in one country, to clients of other country. The total amount of the received income
from providing financial services is reflected in trade balance of the country, raising its positive side
(definition is created by the author).
Statistical data provided by international organisations indicate that all countries in the world export or
import financial services, to a greater or lesser extent. For most countries export of financial services is not
their specialisation, its earnings add up to a collateral part of their main economical activities and they make
up an insignificant share in their overall trade. On the other hand, there is a small group of countries, for
which export of financial services could be not the main although a rather substantial source of their income.
Due to the development of the sphere of financial services this group tends to expand over time. More and
more countries aspire to secure this niche, realising the power of finance and an intangible scale of
financial market.
Different reasons can serve as after-effects of uneven geography of financial services export. The author
in the given article proposes a hypothesis to the effect that one of the main stimuli that induces export of
financial services proves to be saturation of domestic market with financial services to such a level when
there appears the necessity to export them. When considering the given effect it is appropriate to mention
philosophical position of dialectical law of transition from quantity to quality. In this case the quantity is a
whole complex of offered financial services within any country which, having reached the level of complete
or almost complete saturation of the market, are compelled to be exported, and that becomes qualitatively
new phenomenon.
The aim of the given research is to reveal the indicators which can in the best way characterise internal
saturation of financial services market as the reasons for inducing their export. As the basis for the
achievement of the given incentive one used such research methods as analysis of fundamental theories in
trade and markets, analysis of advanced researches in financial field and interviewing experts about their
opinion concerning financial services export. The given research can be topical (1) for the a.m. category of
the countries which intend to position themselves as exporters of financial services in respect of defining
their opportunity and necessity to enter the world market with their financial services; (2) for the countries
and individual financial institutions which develop their strategy of financial services export in respect of
defining regions and products for export.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Dialectic view on export in the context of global economic changes

In the last year the reports of information agencies regarding the state of world finance tell about coming
changes in the global economic landscape. Under the conditions of a poor growth and high risks of the
renewal of recession, governments of different countries make efforts not to strengthen their national
currencies, in order to gain, inclusively, additional competitive advantages for export. So long as devaluation
(weakening of national currency exchange rate on the world market) is the easiest way to support real sector,
monetary powers on both sides of the Atlantics start abusing interventions and other, practically speaking,
emission instruments (Vyazovsky, 2010). No wonder that Brazilian finance minister is talking about a currency war
(Financial Times, 2010). On January 17, 2011 U.S. Senators-Democrats Bob Casey, Charles Schumer
Debbie Stabenow announced about their intention to propose a bill according to which one would introduce
tariffs on the goods exported by the countries which, in the U.S. Ministry of Finance opinion, manipulate
currency rates. Companies from these countries will be deprived of the right to conclude contracts with the
U.S. government (Voice of America, 2011). Basing on the law, American companies will be able to lodge
claims demanding imposition of import duties on Chinese goods (Finmarket, 2010). According to Guido
Mantega, the world is following the course of a full-blown trade war (Alloway, 2011). Then it is appropriate
to put a question: Where are the rules and ideals of WTO? . The Russian economist Mikhail Leonidovich
Khazin gives an interesting and convincing explanation of what is going on. In his opinion, no economy
whatever is possible without ultimate demand as, in principle; somebody ought to consume manufactured
goods and services. But the basic mechanism of a crisis, i.e. the slump in final private demand and, in this
sense, competition among manufacturers of both goods and services tends to intensify more and more. And
that fact presses the governments to defend their markets and manufacturers and make attempts to increase
exports. On the other side, globalisation categorically demands execution of certain formulas which are
obligatory for politicians. One of these formulas concerns the advantage of free world markets over
national ones and detriment of protectionism. In the current situation they completely fail to correspond to
the existing reality (Khazin, 2011). On April 3, 2011 at the annual meeting of IMF and World Bank,
President and Executive director of IMF declared that before the crisis it seemed that everybody had been
firmly convinced of knowing how one ought to manage economic systems. There existed Washington
consensus concrete rules of currency and tax policy formulated by the English economist John
Williamson in 1989. However, actually it turned out that low inflation, high economic growth, over-free and
uncontrolled (by anybody) financial market were leading to financial and economic disaster. In connection
with this important conclusion, Head of IMF ascertained: Washington consensus with its oversimplified
economic notions and formulas collapsed during world economic crisis and remained behind. Financial
globalization, as stated by Head of IMF, intensified inequality, and that factor became one of secret
mainsprings of the crisis. Therefore steady growth is associated with a more just distribution of income in a
long-term prospective.- declared Head of IMF.- We require globalisation of a new kind, a more just
globalisation, the one with a human face. Benefits derived from economic growth ought to be widely
distributed and not just appropriated by a handful of privileged people (Vadzhra, 2011). However, it is more
a philosophic issue, as one does not see any concrete solutions of todays contradictions for the time being.
The present economic landscape is actually an integral cluster with the U.S.A. as its leader. Till recently
these contradictions have also been a locomotive of world economy generating 40% of world demand
(Knyazeva, 2011). The remaining countries, directly or through mediation, concentrated their production on
consumers from the U.S.A., although it were large-scale goods (China), high-technology products (EU,
Japan) or delivery of raw materials for the aforementioned groups (Russia, Arab states). At present this
demand has decreased. One of the reasons for it, in Mikhail Khazins opinion, lies in over-crediting U.S.
households with 3 trillion US dollars more than their real possibilities of repayment prove to be. All that led
to a crisis not only in the U.S.A. but also throughout the world. The situation is especially difficult for small
countries. In Mikhail Khazins opinion, none of small countries, such as Latvia, are in a position to survive
solely at the expense of their domestic market. The entrance to foreign markets is required, and it is
necessary to solve two problems for that. The first one is to understand who can purchase your goods, and
the second one is to know which of your commodities will be in demand. (Knyazeva, 2011). The question is:
what country can provide a solvent demand and for what missing goods or service to its subjects (or
potential customers), taking into account their characteristics: quantity, quality and price? On the other hand,
who can deliver (sell) scarce this deficit? And what is more important, can we do it, i.e. our country? The
author, fully supporting fairness of this point of view, holds the opinion that dialectic approach can help
answer at least some of these questions. Dialectic contradiction between production and consumption of a
certain product (or integral system) inland under the conditions of dominance of the first over the second, is
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

leading to a decisive role of production in the development of export. And vice versa, dominance of
consumption is leading to import. For all this, although production and consumption assume unity, one can
primordially conceive production without consumption, for instance goods for a warehouse, whereas
consumption of non-manufactured goods is unconceivable. Thus, production is a dominant factor. According
to the dialectic law of transition from quantity to quality, as soon as dominant becomes super-measured in
quantitative ratio, transition to a qualitative change takes place. That is why transition of quantitative
saturation of domestic market to a qualitative leap, i.e. export, is of great interest. On the given stage of
research the author does not consider conditions and grounds for such changes but concentrates her attention
on the indicators which reveal possibility or even necessity of export. For all this, one defines sequence of
their priority in the reflection of inland saturation of market and their influence on probability of
transformation of possibility of export into its reality. In the capacity of the material under research one
chose the sphere of financial services, namely banking activities.

Indicators of saturation of financial services market

During the last 30 years financial institutions embraced different groups of clients more and more
widely, one developed new financial services and a large amount of solutions for the improvement of their
quality and facility of usage. In view of this, it is becoming more difficult to break into the so-called blue
ocean in the sphere of financial services. The given market is characterised by keen competition. When
competition reaches a critical level in the frames of any country, then export proves to be a natural exit.
However, it is not an obligatory condition for export due to the fact that strategy in this direction can bear a
leading character.
When necessity to export becomes obvious, there appears the question where and what can be exported.
For settlement of both problems the author proposes to pay attention at indicators which can define the
degree of saturation of financial services market in one or another country. These indicators in themselves
are not the ground for starting immediate export. Firstly, on any market, even a saturated one, one can stand
competition in a classical way with the help of prices and quality. Secondly, indicators dont ascertain the
conditions of export as they dont exclude availability of juridical and other barriers which hinder ones
entrance to the market. Their aim is to determine potentially favourable or unfavourable geographical zones
for trade in financial services.
The author revealed 12 indicators of saturation of financial services market that are conventionally
divided into 4 groups. Their description is listed below.
Group 1: indicators characterising banking activity in the country
) The number of credit institutions in the country (per1million residents)
This indicator shows the degree of competition between banks in the country. The higher the
competition the more credit institutions are predisposed toward export and the more difficult is import to
their territory. The quantity of banks, without regard for their size (amount of capital invested) is important
because any bank, even a small one, tends to expand its own share in the market. In case domestic market
does not already allow it, there is a chance of realising ones potential on foreign markets. The comparison
of parameters of the given indicator for different countries is presented in Table 1. It can be seen from the
table that in most cases the less residents are related to one bank, the higher is the volume of financial
services export and/or its proportion in total exports of the countrys services.

Table 1
Interdependence between the amount of banks in the country and export of financial services of the

Country Amount of residents Volume of financial Proportion of financial

related to one bank services export in 2008 services export in total exports
in mil. US$ of services
(in %, 2008)
Luxemburg 3304 44 593 65,10
Finland 16854 648 2,03
U.S.A. 19493 60 189 11,06
Switzerland 27306 19 325 25,30
Korea, Rep. 43308 3780 5,10
Germany 46086 13 328 5,09

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Country Amount of residents Volume of financial Proportion of financial

related to one bank services export in 2008 services export in total exports
in mil. US$ of services
(in %, 2008)
Poland 59396 566 1,59
Denmark 55818 203 0,28
Latvia 72158 287 6,34
Sweden 83521 1 837 2,54
Czech Rep. 270071 180 0,82
Russia 134146 1 320 2,58
Slovakia 192672 204 2,40
Japan 987077 5 459 3,67
Source: OECD Stat Extracts (2009), United Nations Service Trade Statistics Database (2008).

Some experts assert that high concentration of banks in a country does not always lead to targeted
export. Firstly, not all banks can afford themselves an entrance to the foreign market as that demands
considerable expenses. Secondly, there exists a certain amount of pocket banks aiming at services for a
certain group of clients (for instance, business groups). These banks are established in order to assist the
given business and not to set up ones banking business as such. Thirdly, parent foreign banks are usually
not interested in export strategy of local banks. Expansion of the head office in new markets is carried out
not through already existing subsidiary structures but by means of establishing a new subsidiary. In other
words, every country gets its subsidiary bank or a branch of the head bank.
) Volume of assets of credit institutions (as % from GDP)
This indicator, as well as the previous one, is intended for defining the level of competition between
banks on domestic market. However, its difference from the previous one is that it shows proportion of
financial services in active business. The higher the indicator is, the higher is necessity of realisation of
financial services export by local banks. That means, if the development of business in a country does not
require a wider use of financial services, financial institutions are forced to look for clients abroad. In this
case such region is unpromising for export of financial services to it.
At the same time, the growth of this indicator can also be the evidence of quite the opposite regarding
developing business environment, growth of volumes of foreign trade that raises demand on financial
services among both residents and non-residents. In the given case this region can be attractive for both
export and re-export of financial services.
One should take into account the fact that owing to global economic crisis banks of some countries are
artificially supported by state funds to impart stability to them, and that factor makes calculation and use of
the given index more difficult.
In other respects the calculation of both a.m. indicators is based on accessible international statistics
(OECD Stat Extracts, 2009).
Group 2: indicators characterising stock market
) Stock market capitalisation (as % from GDP)
Stock market capitalisation is pecuniary valuation of capital in the form of securities circulating on the
market. The author sees correlation between stock market capitalisation and financial services export in the
fact that financial institutions offer services accompanying financial instruments of a corresponding stock
market not only to local but also to foreign investors. Foreigners use, i.e. import, financial services, and
owing to that, export of financial services of the corresponding country is growing. One can say that under a
comparatively large capitalisation of stock market financial services market is usually developed and
saturated. Furnishing of financial services related to the trade on a stock market assumes the availability of
demanding, informed and financially educated clients, as well as the use of complicated technological
solutions and the proposal of a package of related high-quality financial services. It is rather difficult to
compete with this sort of financial institutions. According to this indicator, in 2009 the first ranks were taken
by the countries which, at the same time, were recognised as leaders in financial services export (Table 2).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 2
Leaders in capitalisation of stock market in 2009

Stocks traded, total value (% Stocks traded, total value (in mill. of
Country Name
of GDP) current US$)
Hong Kong 707,44 1 489 635
United States 331,01 46 735 934
Korea, Rep. 189,97 1 581 486
China 179,65 8 956 187
Switzerland 161,72 795 556
United Kingdom 156,47 3 402 495
Singapore 138,43 252 265
South Africa 120,02 342 502
Spain 109,52 1 599 261
Sweden 96,12 390 323
Canada 92,78 1 239 626
Source: WDI, Standard & Poor's, Emerging Stock Markets Factbook and supplemental S&P data, and World Bank and
OECD GDP estimates (2009).

) Stock market trade turnover (as % of GDP)

This indicator shows the activity of a countrys stock market (at present leading countries according to
this parameter are: United States, Korea, China, United Kingdom, Spain, Turkey and Germany). The growth
of activity of stock market can be observed under both rising and declining markets. In both cases export of
financial services will increase as any operations with financial instruments are accompanied by financial
services. Only under declining market its growth will take place on condition of a collapsing character of the
recession and its short duration. For all this, in a long-term prospect financial services export will sharply
shrink as the clients who had closed their positions will not come back to the stock market before long.
Taking into account this effect, it is recommended to use the given parameter as an addition to the indicator
Stock market capitalisation (as % of GDP). One should also note that due to the latest events in world
economy when financial institutions, being reluctant to finance the over-credited real sector, invest most
funds in financial instruments thereby artificially creating market activity, the use of both above mentioned
indicators is rather problematical.
) Number of local enterprises quoted at a stock exchange (on 100 thousand companies in a country).
This parameter is important for defining financial activity of enterprises. The more enterprises use the
possibility of drawing financing through sale of financial instruments at a stock exchange, the higher is the
potential of the stock market. A wide choice of investments attracts foreign investors who dont manage
without the use of financial services. The given indicator can be indirectly indicative of saturation of
financial services market.
D) Number of kinds of financial instruments quoted at a stock exchange.
Subject to availability of a wide range of various kinds of financial instruments (stocks, bonds, shares in
funds, different derivatives, etc.) possibilities of attracting foreign capital considerably expand. Presently
there are not so many countries whose stock exchanges offer a full range of financial instruments. One
should mark out American and European ones as most popular. Through spectrum of their financial
instruments they satisfy diverse demand of a great number of both institutional and private foreign investors.
Availability of that sort of stock exchanges is a pledge of success for a country in export of financial
Group 3: indicators characterising interest rates
) Average deposit and lending rates in a country.
Export of deposit and crediting services is used in order to increase marginal profit of financial
institutions. For export of deposit services one defines a country with lowest interest rates. As a rule one has
to increase deposit rate a little as it is sort of payment to a non-resident for the risk of placing his funds in a
foreign country. In its turn, for credit export one chooses a region with acceptable ratio profitability/risk.
For all this, its quite natural that credit rates ought to be higher than deposit ones.
Profit on export can be increased as a result of placing funds in regions with overestimated risk. In
theory higher risk corresponds to larger income and vice versa. For all this, profit remains unchangeable as
profitability and riskiness have already been included in its rate. It turns out that under adequate estimation
of risk its not important in what country ones funds are placed- with low or high profitability (Figure 1).
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Actually a country can be overestimated or underestimated from the standpoint of investment risks. The
situation is positive for an exporter when a real risk is lower than the one included in the market credit rates.
For instance, in 2007 individual Latvian banks used a similar situation when they borrowed funds in
Germany at the annual rate of 3% and placed them as credits at the rate of 18% in UIS (Union of
Independent States) countries. The given countries were overestimated from the point of view of risk, and
that provided an additional income to exporting financial institutions (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Combination profitability/risk of crediting in theory

Figure 2. Effect from overestimated credit risk Figure 3. Tendency to approach of profit
in developing countries from investments under different levels of

With the development of these countries estimation of credit risk will gradually become more precise.
That may lead to the reduction of rate and, correspondingly, profit of exporter of financial services (Figure
) Difference between lending and deposit rates in a country
This indicator defines potential profit of financial institutions which intend to export deposit and lending
products within one region. According to the authors observation, heightened spread can indicate
instauration of market even with classical banking lending-and-credit services, not to say about more
complicated financial services. At the same time, heightened spread can be caused by economic crisis when
banks, lending with caution, increase loan rates. Examples of countries with a heightened spread between
rates are presented in Table 3.

Table 3
Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Countries with big spread Countries with little spread

Brazil 35,37 Slovenia 4,54
Paraguay 26,80 Lithuania 3,58
Kyrgyz Republic 19,16 Australia 3,18
Peru 18,21 China 3,06
Tajikistan 17,11 Switzerland 2,67
Haiti 16,20 Israel 2,63
Georgia 15,18 Canada 2,30
Armenia 10,11 Norway 2,00
Latvia 8,19 Japan 1,29
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files (2009)

Group 4: Indicators characterising consumers of financial services

) Adults who dont have any bank account (as % of all adults in a country)
The given indicator defines per cent of potential clients in a country who are not covered with financial
services. The higher the indicator the less saturated region with financial services is. Permanent statistics on
the given indicator has not been recorded; however, there exist separate researches in this direction. For
example, interesting and even curious information was received as a result of the research carried out in
European Union in March 2009 by Eurobarometer on accessibility and use of main banking service. It turned
out that 7% of Europeans experience difficulties in getting access to banking service, and 2% more dont
have any access at all. The situation in different countries is presented in Figure 4.



















Dufficult Access No Access

Figure 4. Percentage of population finding access to banking system through a current account difficult or
Source: Eurobarometer (2007)

) Number of kinds of used banking services (on average per 1 client)

In authors opinion, the given parameter is most precise for defining degree of saturation of financial
services market. At the present moment statistics on the given indicator is available only within financial
institutions being confidential as a rule, and that fact does not allow to use it. From subjective standpoint of
the author, one can consider as saturated that market where a client makes use of 5 financial services on
average. Usually that can be credits and deposits, money transfers, payment cards and two more specific
products such as, for instance, operations with securities, bank guarantee and pension savings.
) Number of accounts (on average per 1 client)
The given parameter is an alternative to the indicator Number of kinds of used banking services as it
also indirectly defines intensity of use of financial services. And even in case accounts of a number of clients
are not active, their number will speak about strength of financial institutions in promotion of their products.
D) Volume of e-made transactions and deals (as % of all transactions and deals)
At the present time remote service is a key to success in export of financial services. The more is the
volume of remote-and-e-made transactions and deals, the higher are the possibilities of embracing not only a
local market but also exporting their services to non-residents throughout the world. Presently this kind of
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

statistics, based on the way of handling transactions, is not recorded, so practical use of the given indicator is

Expert assessment
All the aforementioned indicators of financial services market saturation were selected by the author
subjectively. To raise objectivity in the given matter, i.e. in order to reveal most appropriate indicators for
analysis of the degree of saturation of financial services market of different countries, the author organised
an experts opinion questioning. The experts questioning was carried out within February - March 2011.
Twenty experts participated in it, and answers were received from 15 of them. The list of experts was
carefully selected in order to obtain feedback from different perspectives, taking into account daily duties
and professional experience of experts.
The selected experts were:
executive managers of commercial banks (vice presidents, board members);
managers of commercial bank customer service departments;
leading analysts and auditors of commercial banks;
investment fund managers;
representatives from the Central State Bank and supervisory board of the banking system in Latvia;
head of Association of Latvian Commercial Banks;
governmental representatives;
academic professors of economic sciences.
Experts were asked the following question: Please, evaluate which indicators, in your opinion,
characterise in the best way the level of saturation of financial services market of any country (on a scale
from 1 to 5):

5 the indicator especially precisely characterises level of a saturation of the financial

services market;
4 the indicator overall characterises level of a saturation of the financial services market;
3 the indicator can be used as additional for defining the level of saturations of the
financial services market;
2 the indicator weakly characterises level of a saturation of the financial services market;
1 the indicator doesnt characterise level of a saturation of the financial services market.

All 12 aforementioned indicators were estimated.

Methodology of 15 expert feedback analyses was carried out using such exponents as (see Table 4):
total sum of grades and statistical average of grades for each individual indicator;
mode, median, standard deviation of each indicator;
maximum and minimum values, their delta for each indicator.

Table 4
Analysis of experts answers regarding indicators of saturation of financial services market

Nr. Indicators / Exponent Sum MED. Aver. Std.Dev. MAX MIN
Average deposit and credit rates in
7 a country 38 3 3 2,5 1,25 5 1 4
Number of the local enterprises
quoted at a stock exchange (on 100
6 thousand companies in a country) 46 3 3 3,1 0,59 4 2 2
Number of accounts (in average on
11 1 client) 48 3 3 3,2 0,86 5 2 3
Difference between credit and
8 deposit rates in a country 49 4 3 3,3 1,16 5 1 4

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Adults who don't have any bank

account (as % of all adults in a
9 country) 49 3 3 3,3 1,33 5 1 4
Number of banks in country (on 1
1 million of population) 51 3 3 3,4 0,99 5 2 3
Securities trade turnover (as % of
4 GDP) 51 3 3 3,4 0,63 4 2 2
Number of kinds of securities
5 quoted at a stock exchange 51 3 3 3,4 0,99 5 2 3
Volume of e-made transactions and
deals (as % of all transactions and
12 deals) 51 4 3 3,4 0,99 5 2 3
Securities market capitalisation (as
3 % of GDP) 52 4 4 3,5 0,64 4 2 2
Volume of actives of banks in a
2 country (as % of GDP) 55 4 4 3,7 0,62 5 3 2
Number of kinds of used banking
10 services (in average on 1 client) 60 4 4 4,0 0,85 5 2 3

The diagram below illustrates an average estimation of each indicator (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Average expert evaluation of indicators of financial services market saturation.

Source: worked out by the author based on the expert survey.

As a result of the carried out mathematical processing of experts answers, one made a conclusion to the
effect that none of the indicators presented by the author, in experts opinion, will give an exact definition of
the degree of saturation of financial services market in a country. Correspondingly, none of them can
become a clear signal for making a decision in respect of financial services export. For all this, in experts
view, in general one can use the three marked indicators in Figure 5 at the initial stage of estimation of
financial services market. The given three indicators prove to be:
- Number of kinds of used banking services (on average per 1 client);
- Volume of banks assets in a country (as % of GDP);
- Securities market capitalisation (as % of GDP).
One can consider as a positive sign the fact that all of them are in different groups, and that means a
wide range of different aspects of saturation of financial services market. In experts opinion, one can use the
rest of indicators only as additional ones. That means that it is rather risky to found ones decision regarding
export of financial services exclusively on them.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Changes in global economic landscape point to the fact that fundamental grounds of world economic
crisis are far from being overcome. Under the pressure of a new approaching recession, every country of the
world is carrying on a struggle for possibility of export solving two main tasks at the same time: firstly,
understanding the one who can buy products manufactured by it (by a certain country), secondly,
understanding who (what country) can provide a solvent demand for these products. Dialectic approach
partially gives answers to the given questions. Dialectic contradiction between production and consumption
of a certain product inland under the situation of dominance of the first over the second is leading to a
decisive role of production in the development of export.
Having chosen the sphere of financial services as an object of investigation and following the given
philosophical law of transition from quantity to quality, the author arrived at the conclusion that saturation of
financial services market is a ground (but not a condition) for export of financial services. The level of
saturation of financial services market ought to be taken into consideration:
- by countries which intend to position themselves as exporters of financial services in respect of
defining their possibility and necessity to enter the world market with their financial services;
- as well as by countries and individual financial institutions which are developing their strategy of
financial services export in respect of defining regions and products for export.
To define the degree of saturation of financial services market, the author elicited two categories of
indicators. To the first category are related those indicators which should be used at the initial stage of
evaluation of financial services market:
- Number of kinds of used banking services (on average per 1 client);
- Volume of banks assets in a country (as % of GDP);
- Securities market capitalisation (as % of GDP).
To the second category one relates indicators bearing an auxiliary character. They can be used only as
additional ones for a more exact definition of separate aspects of financial services market saturation. To the
given indicators belong:
Average deposit and credit rates in a country;
Number of local enterprises quoted at a stock exchange (per 100 thousand companies in a country).
Number of accounts (on average per 1 client);
Difference between credit and deposit rates in a country;
Adults who don't have any bank account (as % of all adults in a country);
Number of banks in a country (per 1 million of population);
Securities trade turnover (as % of GDP);
Number of kinds of securities quoted at a stock exchange;
Volume of e-made transactions and deals (as % of all transactions and deals).
All the aforementioned indicators cannot serve as a signal for starting immediate export of financial
services without the availability of the remaining causal basis (including conditions and reasons). Their aim
is to define potentially favourable or unfavourable geographical zones for trade in financial services.

1. Alloway, T. (2011). Trade war looming, warns Brazil, viewed: 09.11.2011. Available at:
2. European Commission (2007). Eurobarometer Survey 260: Consumers opinions on services of general interest.
3. Finmarket (2010). US started attack on Yuan, viewed: 30.09.2010. Available at:
4. Financial Times (2010). Currency War, viewed: 28.10.2010. Available at: http://www.ft.com.
5. International Monetary Fund (2009). International Financial Statistics and data files, Interest rate spread
(lending rate minus deposit rate), viewed: 17.02.2011. Available at:
6. Khazin, . (2011). Global trade war will soon begin, viewed: 11.01.2011. Available at:
7. Knyazeva, . (2011). Khazin: blindly abase oneself or dirtily blackmail! Only one month is needed, viewed:
26.04.2011. Available at: http://www.ves.lv/article/170561.
8. OECD Stat Extracts (2009). Bank Profitability Statistics. Income Statement and Balance Sheet, viewed:
11.01.2011. Available at: http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

9. Vadzhra, . (2011). Strategic ideas of IMF: from Washington consensus till World government, viewed:
11.04.2011. Available at: http://www.odnako.org/blogs/show_10071/.
10. Vyazovsky, . (2010). Golden bomb shelter against currency war, viewed: 07.10.2011. Available at:
11. Voice of America (2011). American senators are going "to punish" China for its currency policy, viewed:
17.01.2011. Available at: http://www.voanews.com/russian/news/US-China-1st-Update-2011-01-17-
12. United Nations Service Trade Statistics Database (2008). Export of financial services, viewed: 15.02.2011.
Available at:
13. WDI, Standard & Poor's (2009). Emerging Stock Markets Factbook and supplemental S&P data, and World
Bank and OECD GDP estimates Stocks traded, viewed: 15.02.2011. Available at:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Tatjana Mavrenko
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose Up to nowadays, microfinance was mostly associated with developing countries, but the global financial
crisis 2008-2010 has brought developed and developing worlds together, facing growing poverty and social inequality.
Microfinance promotes everyones access to safe financial services as a key solution to financial and social problems.
The author proposes to apply microfinance principles to Latvian conditions, using unique role and status of savings and
credit unions (SCU).
Design/Methodology/Approach The main structure of the paper is as follows:
1. Analysis of microfinance essence and its application to Latvian conditions;
2. Analysis of operation and members profile of Latvian SCUs.
The paper is based on analysis of the latest literature and research papers in microfinance and financial cooperation
fields; statistical and social research methods. In July-December 2010, the author has conducted a survey of SCUs
members (241 respondent) targeted to understand members profile and opinion about SCUs operation.
1. There is a broad niche for microfinance services in Latvia.
2. SCUs operation peculiarities, deep regional penetration and social goals are key features to occupy the
microfinance niche on the market.
3. SCUs sustainable development in Latvia is possible only in case of strong support at macro and mezo
levels; and well-organised and planned work at micro level.
Practical and social implications The proposed microfinance platform can become a key tool to combat poverty
and social exclusion in the country.
Originality/Value The proposed microfinance platform is developed by the author especially for Latvian
conditions and is based on unique primary data received from Latvian SCUs network.
Keywords: microfinance, savings and credit union, cooperative finance, poverty, social exclusion.

Since money was introduced into everyday life people continue to reform financial systems in order to
find the best way of money transfer from savers to borrowers. Financial history is full of both positive and
negative examples, including free banking system in Scotland of 18-19 centuries and strictly regulated
banking system in USA and Canada in 19-20 centuries (Caprio and Vittas, 1997). A crisis historically was
treated as a key driver for changes and improvements in financial systems. Global crisis 2008-2010 has
proved that the world is not ready for high liberalism in financial systems and moved developed and
developing worlds closer, deepening such problems as poverty, social inequality and exclusion. Today many
countries face sharp necessity for radical changes both in provision of financial services and mindset of
society. Necessary changes should be done in order to strengthen sustainability of local and global financial
systems, where inclusive and participatory finance can play highly important role.

Microfinance essence and evolution

Microfinance step by step is entering financial sectors of the developed world. It was called the social
revolution (Yunus, 2007), phenomenon (McGuire and Conroy, 2000), financial miracle (Banerjee, 2009),
innovation in financial system, revolution in finance (Robinson, 2003), panacea from poverty; finance with
human side (Shinn, 2009). All these epithets emphasise the ultimate role of microfinance services in
improvement of life conditions of poor and low income people. Microfinance is used as a development tool
in developing countries already for more than forty years, but it became globally famous only in 2006, when
Muhammad Yunus together with Grameen Bank were granted the Nobel Peace Prize for great achievements
in poverty reduction in Bangladesh (Yunus, 2007) (Bayulgen, 2008). United Nations have announced the
year 2005 to be the year of microcredit, reflecting the ultimate role of microcredit in development of society.
Conventional financial systems typically exclude the poor, but in developing countries microfinance
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

institutions have demonstrated the opposite approach, successfully delivering full range of commercial
financial services to unbankable micro-entrepreneurs and poor families (Bayulgen, 2008).
Researches and microfinance specialists provide different definitions of microfinance, but still all of
them connect microfinance with serving poor and low-income people. J.Ledgerwoods treats microfinance
as a development tool and defines it as a provision of financial services to low-income clients, including the
self-employed. Financial services generally include savings and credit, but may be broadened by insurance
and payment services. Social intermediation may be added to financial intermediation, covering the most
needs of the clients with low income (Ledgerwood, 1999). M.S.Robinson defines microfinance as the
process, through which financial services for the economically active poor are implemented in a large scale
by multiple, competing, financially self-sufficient institutions (Robinson, 2003). K. Rao does not distinguish
microfinance from microcredit and defines microfinance as a provision of small loans to unbankable
individuals, households and economical entities (Rao, 2003). Khandakar Qudrat-I Elahi and M.Lutfor
Rahman see big difference between microfinance and microcredit, defining microfinance as a development
approach to provision of financial and social intermediation. Financial intermediation consists of savings,
loans and insurance, but social intermediation motivates people for mutual help and policy influence (Elahi
and Rahman, 2006). S.Wisniwski defines microfinance as a part of financial market that provides financial
services to households and enterprises, which are not able to get these services from other formal financial
institutions (Wisniwski, 2004). N.Felder-Kuzu defines microfinance as a provision of financial services in
small amounts on commercial basis to microenterprises, stressing the link between households and family
business (Felder-Kuzu, 2004). S.Sundaresan agrees that microfinance is a provision of financial services
savings, loans and insurance to the people with small income, emphasising that these services should be for
the reasonable price (Sundaresan ed., 2008). J. Fairbourne, S.W. Gibson and W.G. Dyer define position of
microfinance in the spectrum of relief and economic development work between microcredit and
microenterprise development, which is followed by development of microenterprises and microfranchising
(Fairbourne et al., 2007). Summarising the above mentioned definitions, the author can define microfinance
as a provision of formal basic financial services savings, loans and insurance at low-cost in small
amounts to the households and microenterprises with small income, using intermediation of formal self-
sustainable microfinance institutions. At the same time financial intermediation may be broaden by social
Big number of microfinance definitions can be caused by constant evolution of microfinance principles,
which is shown in Figure 1 (developed by the Author based on (Ledgerwood, 1999; Daley-Harris, 2009;
Robinson, 2003; Yunus and Jolis, 2007).

1970-ties 1990-ties 2010-ties

1980-ties 2000-ties

Failure of state Move to self- Development of Attraction of Microfinance as

and donor financing MFIs* , the financial commercial a platform, not
subsidised credit institutional approach, system approach, investors, just services
programs in rural MFIs as an integrated higher accent on involvement of
areas part of financial financial services, capital markets in
system, credit and transfer of MFIs microfinance
training package into formal sector,
approach move to attraction
of savings and
market resources

Figure 1. Evolution of microfinance in 1970 2010 (*MFIs microfinance institutions)

In 1970-ties governments believed, that poor people needed cheap loans, and together with donor
institutions subsidised microloans and interest rates. In 1980-ties this model was highly criticised for being
non-productive clients did not see motivation to repay their loans. A new approach based on market

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

principles was needed. Microfinance started to be treated as an integrated part of existing financial systems,
stressing self-sustainability of microfinance institutions. Microfinance continued its high-speed development,
but still could not satisfy needs for loans of all poor people in the world. Starting from 1990-ties
microfinance institutions moved into formal sector of financial market in order to attract savings and
investments from capital markets (Ledgerwood, 1999) (Hulme and Arun, 2009). The latest approach in
microfinance evolution treats microfinance not just as a service, but as a platform, facilitating provision of
services and goods to low-income clients (Daley-Harris, 2009). Today microfinance is broadly used in
politics, emphasising its highly valuable moral and social goals. At the same time its operation becomes
more and more commercialised and standardised (Hannig, 1999). It became obvious, that success story of
microfinance institutions in one country may not fit traditions and life conditions of other countries.
T.Shabbir compares microfinance with plants, that plants from hot countries do not grow well in colder
climate2. That is why in each case of launching microfinance services regional peculiarities should be taken
into account. Deep analysis of existing supply of financial services, potential demand for microfinance, state
economical situation and development policies can help to choose the best form of microfinance institution
to operate in definite region. In this paper the Author uses the macroeconomic approach suggested by World
Bank specialists, which places microfinance in the overall context of a country. Figure 2 shows the
structured scheme of state contextual analysis for Latvian conditions (developed by the Author based on
(Ledgerwood (1999)).

Contextual factors

- Financial sector
policies & legal
Supply of financial environment Demand for
services: loans, savings, microfinance services

- The poor and people with
sector Semi-formal
low income
sector - Microenterprises, SME
- Farmers, workers involved
Informal - Financial sector in agriculture
sector regulation and - People in remote and
supervision depressed areas
- Resettled people, people
- Economic and
working abroad and their
social policy families

Figure 2. Analysis of potential demand for microfinance services: State Contextual Approach

Potential supply of microfinance services in Latvia

Definition of microfinance emphasises the formal status of microfinance institutions. They should be
chartered by the government and are subject to banking regulations and supervision. The formal status
allows microfinance institutions to attract savings and broaden range of their services. Semi-formal and
informal sectors indicate existence of unbankable people and demand for microfinance services in the
country (Ledgerwood, 1999).
Savings, loans and insurance are the key microfinance services. The data of Commission on Finance and
Capital Markets (CFCM) shows that at the end of 2010 in Latvia 29 banks and branches of foreign banks, 3
life insurance companies and 9 non-life insurance companies, 34 SCUs, 16 investment management

Shabbir,T. (cited) (2011), American Offshoots: WILL Microfinance Ever Really Take Root in the U.S.?, available at:
http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2797 (viewed: 28 June 2011)
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

companies, 37 investment funds, 7 pensions funds and 10 state funded pension scheme asset managers were
operating (CFCM, 2010). Semi-formal sector in Latvia is represented by leasing, factoring and credit
companies. These organisations are not under supervision of CFCM, there are no strictly defined
requirements for their establishing. Their main operation is mostly connected with provision of different
types of loans. Unfortunately there is no official data about this sector. At the end of 2010, 11 lease
companies (8 of them were united by Association of Leasing Companies of Latvia (ALCL)), and 32 credit
companies promoted their services at lending portals3. But the total number of credit companies in the
country unofficially was valued already around 2164. The big number of semi-formal lending institutions in
Latvia indicates that there are still unbankable people, who cannot receive necessary services in the bank.
Banks, SCUs, lease and credit companies are oriented to lending services. Insurance companies occupy
rather unshared niche and willingly provide insurance services in cooperation with banks or SCUs. Only
banks and SCUs are eligible to attract savings from their clients, competing with possibilities provided by
investment companies and funds. Households with small income are not well acquainted with possibilities of
long-term investments or are not able to invest long-term. They give preference to short-term or medium-
term savings or investments in their own micro and small enterprises. From this point of view, only banks
and SCUs potentially may become leading microfinance institutions in the country, providing basic
microfinance services.
Operational principles of banks and SCUs are radically different. Banks are interested in shareholders
value and profit maximisation and are not interested to serve unbankable people. During the economic boom
profit-oriented companies did their best to get maximum profit from short-term situation, being broadly
involved in subprime lending. Subprime lending should not be mixed with provision of loans to low-income
households. The main difference is in risk control. In the first case companies are involved in high-risk deal,
in the second case risks are mitigated via social collateral or special lending program. M.Yunus said, that
poor people guarantee their loans with their lives, as they are extremely dependable on further lending
opportunities and are afraid not to repay loan in time (Yunus and Jolis, 2007). With the first signs of crisis
banks stopped lending, asked to repay loans before term, increased interest rates, as a result earned high
critics and mistrust from public. Loans became available only for the limited number of well-situated clients.
SCUs are working on totally different operating principles. SCUs are cooperative institutions, which are
oriented on provision of safe financial services on reasonable price to their members, and not just to profit
maximisation. Members of SCUs are owners, rulers and clients of their financial cooperatives. They define
services, membership and prices themselves, offering better services and prices to members (Jerving et al.
(ed.), 1994). Difference in operating principles caused also different operating trends during economic boom
and crisis periods. Dynamics of operation of different types of financial and credit institutions in 2005-2010
is shown in figures No.3-5: operating statistics of banks; lease and factoring companies; and SCUs
(developed by the Author based on statistical data 2005-2010 of CFCM and Latvian Association of
Cooperative SCUs (LACSCU)).
Figure 3 shows that during the years 2005-2010 the number of banks and branches of foreign banks in
Latvia has grown from 23 up to 29. Total assets continued to grow until 2008, starting with 10 943 MLVL in
2005 and achieving 23 243 MLVL in 2008. Then total banking assets decreased till 21 678 MLVL in 2009,
but in 2010 again started to grow - 21 967 MLVL. Banking outstanding loans were growing during
economic boom period from 6 960 MLVL in 2005 till 16 589 MLVL in 2008. Affected by deep financial
crisis banks strongly diminished lending, and volume of outstanding loans decreased down to 14 334 MLVL
in 2010. At the same time volume of attracted savings was constantly growing and achieved 10 179 MLVL
in 2007, then in 2009 decreased till 9 550 MLVL and started to grow again, achieving 11 111 MLVL in
2010. Total capital and reserves did not show significant fluctuation, staying close to 1 600 MLVL. Main
trends in banking sector cannot be positively evaluated. In the growing phase of economy banks were
extremely active in lending, causing overheating of the economy. But when their assistance became the most
needed to support economy in recession period it was not extremely profitable for banks anymore and
they kept distance position. Situation, when savings are growing, but lending is going down, shows that there
is something wrong in the economy of the country, money is collected but not used for the growing purpose,
money is not working.

http://www.kreditiem.lv (viewed: 10 February 2011)
Beidzot sk sakrtot nebanku kredta tirgu, available at: http://www.credit.lv/krediti/beidzot-sak-sakartot-nebanku-
kreditu-tirgu/ (viewed: 10 February 2011)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

30 25 000

20 000


15 000


10 000


5 000

0 0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Dec.05 Dec.06 Dec.07 Dec.08 Dec.09 Dec.10

Assets, MLVL 10 943 15 907 21 916 23 243 21 678 21 967
Loans, MLVL 6 960 10 873 14 916 16 589 15 429 14 334
Savings, MLVL 6 200 7 757 10 179 9 760 9 550 11 111
Capital&Reserves, MLVL 834 1 209 1 736 1 703 1 596 1 600
Banks and foreign branches 23 24 25 27 27 29

Figure 3. Operation statistics of banks and branches of foreign banks in Latvia, 2005-2010

The same situation can be viewed in leasing and factoring business. Figure 4 shows, that, based on data
provided by ALCL, leasing companies stopped to finance new purchases at all and lease portfolio has
diminished from 1 640,9 MLVL in 2008 till 874,7 MLVL in 2010, almost achieving the result of 2005
619,5 MLVL in lease portfolio.
Operation of SCUs (see Figure 5) was rather conservative but stable during the whole 6-year period
both in economic boom and crisis phases. Number of SCUs in Latvia is rather constant 34 SCUs. At the
end of 2010, SCUs network united 25,52 thousands members, 11,68 MLVL in total assets, 8,59 MLVL in
outstanding loans, 9,70 MLVL in attracted savings and shares. These amounts are rather insignificant in
comparison with banking sector: total assets of SCUs are equal only to 0,05% of total banking assets. But
SCU members because of some reasons do not use bank services, and mentioned amounts could stay out of
economic processes in the country. SCUs provide services only to the local people and their accumulated
resources are called the national capital, which is linked to the definite region or organisation. SCUs with
their conservative policy, social goals, not-for-profit principle and risk aversion could survive during the
crisis and showed low correlation between their operation results and macroeconomic situation, causing less
and smaller shocks to their members. SCUs are the only institutions among above mentioned ones, which
showed stable growth both in attraction of savings and provision of loans during 2005-2010.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1 800,00 18,00

1 600,00 16,00

1 400,00 14,00

1 200,00 12,00

1 000,00 10,00

800,00 8,00

600,00 6,00

400,00 4,00

200,00 2,00

0,00 0,00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Dec.05 Dec.06 Dec.07 Dec.08 Dec.09 Dec.10

Lease portfolio, MLVL 619,51 1 097,49 1 640,90 1 656,01 1 182,61 874,74
New purchases, MLVL 449,82 850,44 1 179,34 702,73 184,34 192,44
Factoring portfolio, MLVL 83,99 116,63 159,75 212,59 105,03 44,71
Consumer Loans, MLVL 12,71 13,94 16,40 11,92 2,91 0,44

Figure 4. Operation statistics of members of Latvian Association of Leasing Companies, 2005-2010

14,00 26,00








0,00 20,00
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Dec.05 Dec.06 Dec.07 Dec.08 Dec.09 Dec.10

Assets, MLVL 6,39 7,40 8,40 9,30 9,90 11,68
Loans, MLVL 5,53 6,50 7,40 8,30 8,50 8,59
Savings, MLVL 4,25 4,80 5,60 5,90 6,50 8,00
Shares, MLVL 1,12 1,40 1,40 1,70 1,60 1,70
SCU Members thsds.persons 22,01 22,60 24,09 24,73 25,19 25,52

Figure 5. Operation statistics of SCUs in Latvia, 2005-2010

Figures 3-5 show that it is not enough for the economic growth, when only for-profit institutions are
ruling the financial market. There is a definite need for stable formal alternative institution or network of
institutions, which can provide the same financial services but based on different operating principles, social
goals and values. In Latvian case SCUs can serve as a good alternative to banks and occupy microfinance
niche on the financial and capital market. SCUs usually provide services to individuals in small amounts for
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

consumption or micro business needs. Very often it is difficult to distinguish, is it consumption or productive
loan. Big SCUs provide also mortgage loans to their members. The hottest competition between banks,
credit companies and SCUs is directly in lending for consumption needs.
Analysing consumer lending interest rates offered by banks, SCUs and credit companies in their web
sites or lending portals, SCUs survey, the author has found out the following information:
banks provide consumer loans from 100 LVL up to 8000 LVL for the period 3-60 months, interest
rates from 16% up to 30%, service fee 1-5% from loan amount;
SCUs provide consumer loans from 5 LVL up to 5000 LVL for the period up to 60 months, interest
rates 15% - 36%, service fee 0,3% - 4% from loan amount;
credit companies provide consumer loans from 50 up to 1000 LVL for the period 2 weeks 24
months, interest rates 25% - 937%5.
Savings opportunities again are different in Latvian banks and SCUs. At the end of 2010 beginning of
2011, banks offered interest rates for savings and term deposits from 0,05% (savings account on demand)
per year up to 4,06% (5-years deposit). Banks follow the principle longer the period better the rate. But
people with low income are mostly interested in savings of rather small amount for a short period up to 2
years, as they may need this money for definite purposes. SCUs offer annual interest rates for savings and
deposits minimum 0,25% for saving accounts on demand up to 10% for term deposits. SCUs do not have
high administrative costs and can offer much better rates for attracted capital than other credit and financial
Analysis of interest rates shows that credit companies cannot be qualified as microfinance institutions,
because their provided interest rates cannot be treated as reasonable ones for clients. Banks and SCUs
provide rather similar savings and lending terms and conditions, but there is still an open question how far
banks are ready to work with households and microenterprises with low income, if it is not profitable for
banks. One more problem banks do not know their clients so well, as all of them are more or less random
people. It causes additional costs related to the analysis of the clients. At the same time SCUs know their
members very well, membership provides opportunity of social collateral and mutual cooperation. SCUs are
organised not just for profit, but for serving their members. In the authors opinion, at this moment SCUs are
the best option to become the key microfinance institutions in Latvia.

Potential demand for microfinance services in Latvia

Potential microfinance clients are poor people, households with low income, micro and small
enterprises, farmers and seasonal agriculture workers, self-employed people, labour emigrants, whose
families stay in Latvia. The latest available statistics of EU 27 countries shows, that in 2009 16.3% of the EU
population were assessed to be at-risk-of -poverty, but in Latvia this rate was the highest one 25,7%. Each
fourth person in Latvia was at risk of poverty. Latvia showed also the highest income inequality rate in EU -
7,3. Latvian elder people lived on 60% less income than other people in the country. 40% of Latvian
inhabitants suffered from material deprivation and 22% were severely deprived. All these rates were
calculated based on income after social transfers!7 Recovery from crisis is very slow and difficult, and it
deepens social problems in the country. Eurobarometer data shows that 89% of Latvian inhabitants are sure,
that poverty in Latvia is broadly represented (Eurobarometer 2009). Sharp social problems demand urgent
use of relief and development tools and ensure broad niche for microfinance services in Latvia.

Developed by the Author based on: http://www.kreditiem.lv/lv/, privatpersonam/paterina_kredits/
http://www.opencredit.lv/lv/opencredit-atrais-kredits, http://www.crediton.lv/gada-procentu-likme, http://www.icredit.lv,
http://www.atraiskredits.lv/pakalpojumucenas/, http://www.credit24.lv, http://www.vivus.lv, http://www.ferratum.lv,
http://www.goldcredit.lv (viewed: 10 February 2011); SCUs survey results
Developed by the Author based on: http://ww.dzks.lv/?q=noguldijumi, http://www.citadele.lv/lv/private/deposits/,
http://www.dnbnord.lv/lv/private http://www.dnbnord.lv/lv/private/, http://www.nordea.lv/Privtpersonm/Uzkrjumi
+un+investcijas/67672.html, http://www.norvik.lv /lv/private/deposits/, http://www.seb.lv/lv/private/services/
investments/, http://www.swedbank.lv /pakalp/pr_4.php (viewed: 02-16 February 2011); SCUs survey results (SCU
Ligatnes druva, Nitaures SCU, Metalurgu SCI, Pures SCU, Rundales SCU, Veselavas SCU, Zosenu SCU)
Community Statistics on Income and Life Conditions, 2009, available at: http://eeurostat.ec.europa.
eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Living_conditions_statistics (viewed: 15 March 2011)
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The analysis of regulation and state policies in Latvia

Financial and credit sector in Latvia is strongly regulated and controlled by separate independent bodies.
The roles of CFCM and Bank of Latvia are highly important, but at the same time both institutions are not
able to totally control all the processes on the market. Such a passive behaviour of regulators has partly
caused deep financial and economic crisis in the country and both institutions have deserved high critics
from politicians and society. But overall legislative basis in financial sector of Latvia is developed in
accordance with EU directives and is considered to be stable and well-developed. Banks, SCUs, insurance
companies, investment companies and funds are under supervision and regulation of CFCM. All these
institutions are considered to be the formal ones. Unfortunately microfinance and microfinance institution
are not defined in Latvian legislative acts yet. Microfinance is mostly used in the context of EU special
programs lending of microfinance funds for microenterprises and self-employed people.
At the same time inhabitants wellbeing and social protection are included in Latvian state policies and
could be found in all strategic documents developed by the government since Latvia regained its
independence. Short historical overview of state developed strategic documents shows, that the same
problems and goals are mentioned from year to year. Evaluation of Opportunities of Economic
Development of Latvia (Ministry of Economics of RL, 1999), Latvian Long-term Economic Strategy
(Cabinet of Ministers of the RL, 2001), United Economic Strategy (Project of Ministry of Economics of
RL, 2004), Latvian National Lisbon Program 2005-2008 (Ministry of Economics of RL, 2005), Latvian
Growth Model: a Human at the first Place (Saeima, 2005), Latvian National Development Plan 2007-
2013 (Saeima, 2006), Informative report on directions of economical recovery in the middle term
(Ministry of Economics of RL, 2009), Latvian Sustainable Development Strategy till 2030 (Saeima, 2010)
all these documents continuously indicate necessity for development of civic society, fostering economic
growth and social protection through diminishing regional and social disproportions, stimulation of business
activities and development of small and medium business, growth of middle class, decrease of poverty and
social exclusion, stimulation of employment and self-employment, availability of financial resources for
business, development of rural areas, development of social capital and increase of quality of human life,
cooperation between public, non-government and private sectors. Time is passing by, but social problems
stay the same from year to year. Lack of positive results in solution of social problems may be caused by
insufficient efforts or funds, wrong or inefficient tools. At this moment microfinance is not included in any
of state policies or strategies as a tool to solve poverty and social exclusion. Political support is extremely
needed to achieve the broad use of microfinance in the country. SCUs with their independent mutual-help
approach, social goals and low-income clientele already work in the fields mentioned in state strategic
documents, but still their potential is not fully recognised and evaluated by the state.

SCU essence and operation principles

SCU is a group of people who join together to pool their savings and make loans to each other at
reasonable rates of interest. The group also aims to educate its members on the wise use of money so they
can improve their lives. To make the process easier, the group maintains a business structure a cooperative
which functions as an intermediary between savers and borrowers. The members of the group own and
control the organisation (Jerving et al (ed.), 1994). History of SCUs usually is connected with operation of
credit cooperatives in Europe in the end of 19th century beginning of 20th century. Despite the name,
credit cooperatives were active in savings attraction, they were established in rural and urban areas and
helped their members to survive in difficult times, educated them in savings and borrowing culture, were
linked to the local society and got broaden support from philanthropists, politicians and church. Today credit
cooperatives continue their operation all around the world and demand for their services is proved by 150
years of successful operation (Caprio and Vittas, 1997). SCUs main goal is not profit maximisation, but
provision of safe qualitative services to their members on reasonable price. SCUs promote education of their
members and high social responsibility (Jerving et al. (ed.), 1994), (Witzeling (ed.) 1993). SCUs
membership usually is defined by SCU Law and is based on territory, employment or interest unity principle
(Latvian Law on SCUs).
In Latvia, SCUs serve mostly individuals within the definite membership. The Latvian Law on SCUs
was developed in order to enforce access to financial resources and to foster regional development,
activating participation of individuals in the economic processes of the country. To start a SCU in Latvia at
least 20 members and 2000 LVL in share capital are needed (Latvian Law on SCUs). This amount is
affordable and does not limit SCU establishing opportunities. SCUs accumulate members resources in
savings and shares, then lend out to the members for definite purposes. The ideal way of financial operation
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

is when cooperative institution is self-sufficient and can operate only with internal resources of its members.
It means that 80-95% of SCUs funds should be lent out to the members, and attracted savings should be 55-
70% of total funds of the SCUs (LACSCU). But very often SCUs are forced to attract external funds from
banks to satisfy demand for loans. Traditionally SCUs play highly important role in regional development, in
case if they are supported by local self-governments, inhabitants and enterprises. Usually SCU is established
by local initiative group and from the beginning gets positive attitude from local people as their own local
entity. At the same time development of regional SCU can be fostered by local officials, positioning SCU as
a local financial and social centre. The author shows potential position of SCU in a regional community in
Figure 6, (Mavrenko, 2002). SCU can unite the three parts inhabitants, self-governments with their special
funds and programs, and local business as employers and investors. Involvement of all three parts in the
development of their region can help to fulfil government plans in regional development, diminishing of
regional disproportions, promotion of inclusive and participatory finance, decrease of poverty and social
exclusion via affordable and safe access to financial services.

EU Funds, Aid Programs, Rural

Local Privatisation Development Fund

society Fund





Figure 6. SCUs relationship with local society

Operation of SCUs in Latvia

Despite positive development dynamics of SCUs in Latvia in 2005-2010 (see Figure 5), the impact of
the existing SCUs on the economy of Latvia in absolute numbers is rather insignificant. There is a huge
potential in SCUs, but still big work should be done to strengthen and broaden SCUs network in the country.
Fast growth is possible only in case if SCUs will be formally approved to be the key microfinance
institutions in the country and will get strong political support as a tool to combat poverty and social
inequality. Thirty from thirty four SCUs are members of LACSCU. There are only two types of membership
represented in Latvian network of SCUs interest unity and territory basis (see Table 1).

Table 1
Operation Statistics of SCUs LACSCU members, LVL, 31.12.2010 (LACSCU)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

No SCU Members Assets Loans Shares Reserves Savings P/L

SCUs based on interest unity principle
1 2 474 4 863 588 3 362 334 541 300 262 530 3 789 767 43 433
forums" (Seamen
2 12 394 4 047 432 3 016 794 631 595 176 134 2 829 562 81 629
KS'' (Railroad
Metalurgu KKS
3 635 228 599 167 968 49 150 7 241 157 720 -1 561
(Metallurgist SCU)
KKS "Dzese
4 198 157 641 156 155 55 541 2 545 18 000 1 165
4 KKS"LAKRS KS" 569 127 127 95 025 23 465 5 238 83 726 -2 496
KS" Skolu KS"
6 891 80 964 55 518 8 663 5 224 68 878 -603
(Teachers SCU)
7 LPNA KKS 1 327 38 658 6 727 26 735 2 680 5 366 11 717
8 LVSADA KKS 285 32 370 26 776 11 590 1 324 17 346 -280
Subtotal (SCUs
based on interest 18 773 9 576 379 6 887 297 1 348 039 462 916 6 970 365
% from Total 74 83 81 81 83 88 84
SCUs based on territory principle
KKS ''Allazu
1 657 463 999 403 489 40 595 18 023 202 636 24 643
2 Kauguru KKS 600 287 453 237 169 17 490 13 917 75 740 -2 422
Kandavas novada
3 509 178 709 132 394 24 740 2 680 108 609 1 210
4 Zosenu KKS 439 174 269 113 229 20 424 10 868 80 401 -916
KKS "Ligatnes
5 396 163 099 135 076 24 340 9 534 86 850 -1 407
6 Pures KKS 451 149 936 116 293 21 150 70 107 303 -2 339
7 KKS "Avots 37" 126 109 038 90 048 16 960 - 85 779 -
8 Taurenes KKS 466 84 473 75 973 19 395 4 082 31 859 381
9 Raunas KKS 287 80 576 61 659 23 970 - 23 881 6 889
10 Punu KKS 374 45 109 44 560 5 690 20 090 2 900 4 764
11 Veselavas KKS 177 42 735 31 916 14 400 859 25 250 1 662
12 Vecpiebalgas KKS 230 36 177 31 426 6 370 2 300 23 210 -702
13 Nitaures KKS 198 33 177 32 354 7 870 3 096 14 272 -1 366
14 Lielvardes KKS 240 31 246 25 938 11 410 562 19 886 -3 911
15 Straupes KKS 120 26 593 23 279 9 570 1 438 12 661 848
16 Rundales KKS 224 25 546 19 889 4 560 689 17 830 1 033
17 Vecumnieku KKS 313 23 576 20 953 4 940 0 20 597 -1 697
18 Cesu KKS 181 22 935 22 660 12 536 1 086 8 290 95
19 Rujienas KKS 390 22 736 22 736 5 880 1 507 10 437 -1 817
20 KS"Rucavas KS" 208 13 196 9 669 10 093 - 5 200 -402
21 KKS"Nigrande" 73 7 820 6 875 2 670 425 2 415 24
22 KKS "Skilbeni" 91 6 395 5 240 2 910 1 371 259 18
Subtotal (SCUs
based on territory 6 750 2 028 793 1 662 825 307 963 92 597 966 265 24 588
% from Total 26 17 19 19 17 12 16
Total LACSCU 11 605 157
25 523 8 550 122 1 656 002 555 513 7 936 630
SCUs 172 592

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

There is an obvious disproportion in development of SCUs inside the network. 8 interest unity-based
SCUs represent 74% of the total membership, 83% of total assets, 81% of total outstanding loans and total
shares, 83% of total reserves and 88% of total savings. 22 territory-based SCUs represent only 26% of the
total membership of the network, 17% of total assets and total reserves, 19% of total outstanding loans and
total share capital, 12% of total savings. The first group of SCUs is mostly represented by trade union SCUs,
including two the biggest ones in the network Seamen and Railroad SCUs in Riga; the second group is
represented mostly by rural SCUs. Big difference in size, location, membership peculiarities, growth
strategies and future potential development all these factors do not let Latvian SCUs to get really united, in
the result each SCU is mostly working on its own, and role of LACSCU is rather weak and just formal. The
biggest SCU by assets is Seamen SCU with 4,8 MLVL, the smallest one KKS Skilbeni with only 6395
LVL in assets. 14 from 30 SCUs have closed the year 2010 with losses. The author has calculated that in
order to be self-sufficient, to work full-time and without losses, SCU should have at least 500 000 LVL in
outstanding loans. In this case SCU will be able to keep 4 full-time employees, pay market price for the rent
of premises, acquire its own equipment and software, and afford marketing and employee training. As it is
shown in Table 1, only two the biggest ones SCUs are able to fulfil this minimum requirement. Other
SCUs have to cut costs. Usually they are open just 1 or 2 days a week, benefit from support of the uniting
organisation or self-government, for example, use their premises, equipment, labour force at low or with no
The author has developed SWOT analysis of Latvian SCU network, based on information received from
LACSCU and SCU members survey, which is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
SWOT Analysis of Latvian SCUs, December 2010

External Environment
Opportunities Threats
- Political and financial support to microfinance all - There is no strong support to Microfinance and
around the world Social Economy among Latvian politicians
- Strong global SCUs network - There is a difficult economic and social situation
- Strong lobby of SCUs on international level in Latvia
- Separate law on SCUs in Latvia - Strong lobby of banks in the country
- Constant search for new tools in combating social - Society is oriented to profit maximisation and
problems development of cooperative organisations is not
- EU is promoting and financing Microfinance popular anymore
activities - SCUs are not included in state strategic documents
- European Investment Fund is providing financing as a tool to combat social problems and foster
to Microfinance development development of micro enterprises
- State strategic development documents include - Broad emigration opportunities, which more
necessity for solving social problems, development of motivate people to go abroad than to organise
social capital, development of Microenterprises cooperatives
- SCUs are not members of interbank payment
system and can do payments only with bank

Internal Environment
Strengths Weaknesses
- Latvian SCU network has long history, constant - Latvian SCUs network is not homogenous, there
growth trend since re-establishing of the network in are 2 big SCUs and 32 small SCUs
1995, good reputation - Trade Union- based SCUs and rural SCUs are not
- Latvian Association of Cooperative SCUs unites able to put and move forward common goals, as their
30 SCUs from 34, represents most of the network work volumes and development goals are extremely
- SCUs are regulated by Commission on Financial different
and Capital Market - There is no one strong leader in Latvian SCUs
- Savings in SCUs are guaranteed by the state who could be followed by most number of SCUs
- WOCCU and International Development - 14 SCUs from ACSCU members finished the year
Desjardins institutional development and technical 2010 with losses
assistance projects were implemented in Latvia, - SCU network is so different by members, that at
providing support and training for staff, elected bodies this moment it was not possible to launch a uniting
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

and members of the SCUs Central SCU

- Poor SCU marketing
- There is rather slow growth in SCUs membership
and assets, SCUs are poor in growth-oriented planning
- SCUs are not fully self-sufficient and need to cut
costs because of low income, usually cuts affect
marketing, training and representation
- Low technical basis
- There was no possibility so far to introduce debit
and credit cards to SCUs member

Latvian SCUs have good opportunities to strengthen their positions and be involved in microfinance, as
also network has enough strength to be a serious player on financial market. Still broad political support is
needed to foster development of SCUs network all around the country. SCUs need to grow faster, plan
higher growth and become self-sufficient as soon as possible. In the authors opinion all mentioned threats
and weaknesses can be diminished if SCUs will get serious support from government, self-governments and
other uniting organisations, as also put their own efforts in pro-growth planning and marketing.

Results of SCU members survey

First time LACSCU evaluated income of SCU members in 2002. Results of the survey 2002 showed that
monthly net income per family member was very low. 64.1% respondents indicated monthly net income less
than 100 LVL per family member. 39.9% with monthly net income 50-70 LVL were already living at
poverty line. 30.9% members indicated monthly net income 101-300 LVL per family member, 1% showed
more than 301 LVL, 4% of respondents preferred not to indicate their income in the survey (LACSCU
survey 2002). Results of the authors survey conducted in July-December 2010 show that income level of
SCU members is growing. In 2010 only 8% of respondent indicated monthly net income less that 100 LVL
per family member; 64% showed 101-300 LVL, 27% - more than 301 LVL, 1% did not answer the question.
Income level of SCU members is growing, but in comparison with 2002, costs of life became higher and still
these amounts are considered to be at the survival minimum level. SCUs were and are still serving people
with low income and can be treated as real microfinance institutions.
The results of Survey 2010 helped the author to get and understand the profile of SCU members and
main trends inside the SCU network. Families involved in SCU network are closely linked to their SCUs.
22% respondents have more than 1 SCU member in the family, at the same time 75% respondents are the
only SCU members in their families, and they use SCU services for the needs of the whole family. 11% of
respondents live alone, 33% live in families of two people, and 54% live in families of three and more
people. 32% respondents have children, 11% - pensioners, 47% are working people, 4% need to take care
about other family member. SCU first of all is associated with borrowing opportunities for 14% of
respondents, with savings opportunities for 2% of respondents, both borrowing and savings opportunities
for 17%, emergency help in hard time for 22%, 10% of respondents treat their SCU as their own bank, 7%
- as a members organisation, 1% is sure that SCU is a people-oriented organisation. 62% of respondents
first time got information about SCU from membership defining organisations self-governments, initiative
groups and trade unions, while 26% of respondents have got to know about SCU from their friends, and only
1% of respondents have got information about SCUs from advertisement. As a reason to join SCU 64% of
respondents mentioned necessity to borrow for consumption needs, 2% wanted to borrow for
entrepreneurship needs, 9% of respondents wanted to start savings, 8% wanted to be socially active, 8%
believed in cooperation values, 1% wanted to receive salary to account in SCU. As the main reason why they
have chosen SCU, not other credit institution or financial organisation, 26% of respondents mentioned
mistrust to banks, 12% liked that SCU is situated close to their place of work or living, for 25% it was
important that they are personally acquainted with SCU employees and elected bodies, 18% appreciated the
opportunity to be involved in SCU decision-making, 4% find interest rates in SCU more profitable, 6% liked
the quality of services, 1% felt strongly related to the membership of SCU. 68% members as a priority use
consumer credit opportunities, 2% - mortgage loans, 17% - savings opportunities, 6% - consultations, 2% -
other services, 2% have salary account in SCU. At the same time 55% of respondents have no idea what kind
of other services they would like to have at SCU. In the closest future 9% of respondents were going to
borrow, 2% - both borrow and save, 11% - just save, 2% would like to use debit and credit cards, 15% will
continue to use already existing services, 2% would like to get mortgage loan, 1% would like to use internet
bank. Satisfaction ratio with SCU services was very high. 88% of respondents were totally satisfied with
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

lending services in their SCUs, 91% was satisfied with lending process, 87% were satisfied with loan
amount, 90% were satisfied with loan repayment procedure, 92% liked the working style of SCU employees,
91% was satisfied with availability of information about their SCUs services, 64% of respondents were
satisfied with savings opportunities in SCU (36% did not use yet this service). Traditionally SCU members
need funds for improvement of their life conditions. 2% of respondents needed funds for agriculture
purposes, 32% - for construction, purchasing or maintenance of dwelling, 30% - purchasing of furniture,
equipment, PC or car, 1% - to pay for facilities, 9% - to pay for studies, 8% - for travelling, 3% for family
events and 9% for medical services. 29% of respondents would like to borrow for the above mentioned
needs, 18% - to save for these purposes, 22% - both to save and to borrow, 27% - still do not know how to
finance their needs, 4% do not need anything in the closest future. As additional SCU services 27%
respondents would like to get insurance services, 26% - credit and debit cards, 27% - financial consultations.
Summarising the survey results, it can be said that SCU members are family people with low income, who
are interested to use financial services, but mistrust banks and prefer to use services at their own banks
SCUs. They like to be involved in SCU decision-making, they want to be socially active, to improve their
living conditions, spending funds in change, purchasing or maintenance of dwelling, buying necessary
equipment, paying for travelling, studies and medical services. They feel safe and trust their SCU, highly
evaluate quality of SCU services. They are not interested only to borrow; they like to save for definite
purposes or use both possibilities save and borrow. SCU members are also interested to use insurance and
financial consultancies. SCU members are active clients, who know what they want and they are definite in
their choice to use SCU services. This is valuable information for SCUs. They should continue the work
they do, keep the same high standards of services, but simultaneously be more active in marketing their
services, developing special products and providing their members with additional training and
consultations. To foster development of SCUs in Latvia, the big work should be done on three levels
macro or national, mezo or self-governments, micro or SCU level. Only joint work on all three levels will
give positive and sustainable results.

Key conclusions and suggestion

The author has made the following key conclusions:
Microfinance is a development tool, which promotes provision of safe basic financial services loans,
savings and insurance by formal financial institution at reasonable price to households or micro and small
enterprises with low or unstable income.
Microfinance institution should be self-sufficient and socially-oriented at the same time.
SCU is the best option to become a microfinance institution in the country because it is a formal
institution, serves definite membership with low income, accumulates the so called national capital and
lend it inside the country; is socially oriented and promotes mutual help, participatory and inclusive financial
The Latvian SCU network is stable, but not homogeneous, it hides huge potential, which is still not fully
recognised and used.
The Latvian SCUs are operating on their own, but more coordinated pro-growth development is needed.
The SCUs members use their services because of big trust to SCUs, deep believe in cooperative values
and high satisfaction with SCU services.
If strong support will not be provided to SCUs on macro, mezo and micro level, SCUs will continue
their operations in the current level and will not achieve significant changes in economy and social
development of the country.
The author provides the following suggestions for the further development of SCUs as microfinance
institutions in Latvia:
Microfinance as a development tool should be included in the state strategic documents and legal acts.
The Latvian SCUs should be legally recognised to be microfinance institutions and necessary corrections
should be made in the state strategic documents and legal acts.
Self-governments should support SCUs operating on their territories with official positioning of SCUs as
local financial and social centres.
Self-governments should continue to support their SCUs with provision of premises, equipment, and
workforce until SCUs will become self-sufficient institutions.
Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions should be more active in promotion of SCUs in
the country, develop SCUs networks development plan, how the network will expand in the next years.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

SCUs should develop pro-growth plans and enforce their marketing activities to grow faster and become
SCU network should attract EU funds for microfinance needs in the country.

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

- Survey about SCU Services July-December 2010: KKS Ligatnes druva, Nitaures KKS, Metalurgu KKS, Pures
KKS, Rundles KKS, Veselavas KKS, Zosenu KKS,
- PEARLS ratios for SCUs: training material (LACSCU),
- Survey of SCUs members opinion July-December 2010.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Maria Tissen
University of Latvia
Faculty of Economics and Management
Chair of Accountancy
e-mail: [email protected]
Ruta neidere
University of Latvia
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Accounting and Auditing
e-mail: [email protected]

Companies that develop in international public space, with traditional financial analysis, where various financial
coefficients from the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement are analysed, remain less and less.
In order to assess a financial condition and results of economic activities and its development trends, it is necessary to
use different methods of analysis. By using the methods of analysis of due diligence, a wide range of sources of
information is used and from the result of the analysis one can obtain both qualitative and quantitative indicators, which
are the basis for creditors and potential investors in decision-making.
The aim of the article is to explore the theoretical aspects of due diligence and develop proposals for its use in
business environment. The article explores the essence of due diligence and origination of its history, forms of due
diligence and major components that are significant for each group of users of analysis. The author examines in detail
the procedures of due diligence and reveals the differences from audit procedures. The article is prepared on the basis of
foreign scientific and economic literature, publications of scientists and materials of international conferences.
Keywords: due diligence, financial analysts, auditors, lawyers.

Currently, for an enterprise, which develops internationally, simple financial analysis consisting of
financial indices only is not sufficient. To find out the real situation of enterprise, an analysis from various
angles is required, not only from the financial one. Therefore the author offers to use due diligence analysis,
which gives information about the enterprise from various angles and multiple sources.
Many of us have been asked to perform due diligence assignments late in the acquisition cycle. The most
important objective is to identify potential risks not apparent from the offering and to verify information
provided by sellers or their representatives.
Executives sponsoring potential acquisitions face an uphill battle with their board, shareholders and
peers. Merger and acquisition risks include: paying too much, the inability of the companies to combine in a
positive manner, inability to manage the combined company, and surprises. Due diligence assignment is to
quantify risks and minimise its consequences. One major challenge is managing buyers expectations [1].

What is due diligence and history of its origin?

Due diligence (literally it means assurance of adequate good faith, diligence), is a versatile
investigation and inspection of the financial operation of a company and inspection of its situation in a
market. This procedure allows finding legal, commercial, financial and operational risks in business.
The term appeared in the USA in 1930s of the previous century and it was related to the requirement for
adjustment of relationships between investor and issuer in the securities market.
It should be noted that an issuer is a company, which has issued its securities in circulation. It means that
development of a company needs funding. For implementation of the planned one, the fixed capital is
increased and new shares or stocks are sold, what also means issue of securities in circulation. However, not
all business plans are successful, sometimes losses occur. In such cases, investors who have invested money,
i.e., bought securities issued in circulation, began to search for the perpetrator. It would not be correct to shift
the blame to the merchant, because any business contains elements of success and risk. Therefore many
issues, which defend investors rights, have emerged:
Was the investor provided with all required information for assessment of investment risks?
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Was this information correct?

Was there all the most important information provided?
Was no information hidden and was no investor deceived?
From these questions it can be established that only from questions, which are posed to parties: issuer
and investor, a wide area for disputes and legal proceedings arises [2].
Therefore, to decrease and prevent potential conflict situations between a person, who gave money, and
a person, who received it, in Article 11 of the USA Law on Securities of 1933 protection from investors
money requirements against those issuers, who performed independent inspection and reflected information
in issue prospect, was determined. From the time, when the respective article in the Law was approved, the
identified investigation process in the USA has obtained the title due diligence, until then the term was not
explicitly determined.
According to the decision of the Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
appropriate translation for the English term due diligence into Latvian was made. The English term has
received double translation in Latvian piencg uzmanba (due attention), uzticambas prbaude
(inspection of reliability). The respective terms are intended for joint practical usage in official Latvian
language, for which agreement was reached between specialists of Legal Bureau of Parliament of the
Republic of Latvia, European Integration Bureau, the State Chancellery, the Ministry of Justice of the
Republic of Latvia, LU Faculty of Law, Translation and Terminology Centre of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences [3].
From the examination of the opinions of several authors it can be concluded that due diligence is
directed to versatile inspection of legality and commercial attraction of planned transaction or investment
Completeness of information, which arises in the way of due diligence inspection, allows investors and
business partners to assess all advantages and shortages of cooperation in a more detailed manner.
Due diligence is based on interview data, which is obtained as a result of investigation of internal
documents, operative and financial report data, sector specifics and legislation of appropriate field. By
analysing the enterprise, it is possible to determine risk zones and to increase attractiveness in the eyes of an
investor or potential customer.
In most cases the term is being used in finances and law. Abbreviated forms are DueD and DDG.
Basically the method consists of totality of information analysis, taken decisions and their usefulness, when
getting involved in mutual relationships of business partners [4].
Any kind of information is taken into account while collecting information, regardless of origin of
sources. Investigation of obtained information is performed by various specialists separately; afterwards the
summary analysis is performed.
Several arguments for the performance of due diligence analysis can be mentioned.
Firstly, information that is disclosed by the seller to establish warranties will be the only officially
available material for a customer that can be taken into account when making a decision on acquisition of an
However, to rely only on warranties and bails is not a good practice. Firstly, the offered protection can
be limited or impractical for implementation. Also, in case a seller is openly dishonest, which is not
completely known only by accepting warranties and bails without additional investigation, it will be difficult
to disclose fraud or other illegalities. Due diligence sometimes can identify suspicious actions.
The second true value of due diligence is what is best characterized with its comfort factor. Everything
in this universe is relative. Services of accountants and lawyers can be expensive, but not in comparison with
costs of proceedings. In comparison, in terms of costs the application of due diligence is cheaper than legal
proceedings, which are implemented in practice. Because of this reason, the majority of customers feel more
comfortable by knowing about problems in advance, rather than remaining with an opportunity, although
small one, to issue claims of warranty or bail or to start proceedings against a seller after completion of a
Due diligence is not simply a tool for discovering black holes, not only for provision of useful
information in negotiations. It ensures both, but it also should be used as a tool for longer term [5].
Finally, knowledge is power. Due diligence provides an armament for negotiations with potential seller
in both ways, physically and psychologically.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Where and for what purposes due diligence method is used nowadays
Generally, a due diligence procedure means performance of comprehensive analysis of a company based
on financial analysts, conclusions of auditors and lawyers. In addition, each group of specialists prepares a
detailed report on situation in an enterprise for a customer.
The aim of the due diligence procedure is to avoid and minimise the respective business risks
(economical, juridical, tax, political, marketing risks). Among the most important risks are:
- risk of enterprise acquisition (shareholdings) on increased price;
- risk of non-execution of enterprise debtors liabilities;
- risk of property loss;
- risk of creating losses, incl. intangible assets such as reputation;
- risk of legal proceedings and negative consequences;
- risks of seizure and implementation of other security enforcement measures;
- risk of acknowledgement of transaction as invalid;
- risk of application of recovery mark on property, securities (shares);
- risk of prosecution of tax, administrative and criminal liability;
- risk of occurrence of corporative conflicts (occupation, negative undertaking, legal proceedings);
- risk of intellectual property loss (trademarks, industrial samples, inventions, know-how, commercial
ideas, business plan, etc.);
- political risks and risk of lass of administrative resource (amendments of legislation, change of
officials, on whom the success of project depends on, prosecution);
- risk of unfair competitors activity (secret agreement with counterparties, initiated inspection of
taxes, operative inspection, pricing policy, lobbying etc.);
- risk of non-obtaining respective permissions, licences, agreements, things, from which the project or
transaction depends on [6].
Both parties involved in a transaction (customer and seller) are interested in objective and competent
performance of these procedures.
As the most typical situations, which characterise due diligence, the following can be mentioned:
purchase of operating business;
restructuring of company;
optimisation of costs;
increase of a companys legal protection;
expected tax inspection;
reducing the risks of litigation;
loss of financial management;
Involvement of company in new markets [6].
Due diligence allows:
For a proprietor: to check reliability of data provided by management; to ensure on existence/ non-
existence of personal responsibility in company operation; to determine value of his/her business;
For an investor: to find weak sides, about which the seller has not been informed; to assess further
risks of business operation; to obtain protection from possible negative financial events;
For management: to assess operation of their own accountancy and financial office; to involve tax
and financial planning schemes; to obtain recommendations for decrease of financial risks; to
improve manageability and transparency of financial risks [7].
The due diligence procedure begins in a moment, when a customer starts to plan a purchase of
investment object.
The due diligence procedure takes from few weeks to a year, depending on structure and amount of
Due diligence is obviously only one part of an acquisition or investment exercise. In order to understand
where it fits into the overall acquisition process, for convenience, assume the process falls neatly into the
four generic categories shown in Figure 1.
Stage one is about identifying an acquisition target and making an approach. This can only be done by
sensibly following a proper strategic review in which the acquisition has been identified as a logical strategic
tool. If the approach leads to an agreement to take things further, the deal enters the second stage.
The two parties sketch out the broad terms of the deal and the buyer will begin due diligence. Successful
due diligence leads to negotiations and, in case of a positive outcome, to completion of a deal. Then the
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

buyer enters stage four, in many ways the most important stage of all, where the acquisition must be bedded
in and made to pay its way [6].

Stage 1. Stage 2. Stage 3 Stage 4

1. Strategic review 1. Heads of terms 1. Sale and purchase 1. Post-completion.
2. Systematic search 2. Due diligence 2. Completion
3. Approach

Figure 1. The acquisition process [6]

If an approach leads to mutual interest, both parties will want to begin serious negotiations. Heads of
Agreement/Heads of Terms/Letter of Intent is the document which records an agreement to negotiate the
purchase of a business. It is a non-binding agreement which sets out the main points on which the parties to a
transaction have agreed and the basis on which they are prepared to proceed.
As far as the due diligence is concerned, the critical thing about signing Heads of Agreement is that there
is a deal underway. Drawing up the document usually focuses minds of both parties. The buyer will now
have assured the seller of its seriousness, both parties will have decided that there is sufficient agreement
between them to continue and both can draw comfort that the deal will proceed, because they can indicate a
document setting out the fundamental issues. Due diligence can therefore begin.
Due diligence is not simply a tool to unearth black holes. Nor is it just to provide ammunition for
negotiations. It reaches both of these aims, but should also be used as a tool for the longer term.

Due diligence components

Due diligence consists of many components, but it would be good to separate the most important of
them: commercial, financial and legal due diligence. These are the three main types, which will most often
be addressed prior to making an acquisition, but other areas may be covered as well.
The first group consists of financial analysts (Financial Due Diligence), their task is to determine fair
value of investment object, to determine range of value for customer in different variants of its future usage
There can be determined value of market, investments and liquidation depending on whether there is
bought functioning enterprise for complete re-profiling or for being merged with the client. Financial
analysts offer the client several value standards, operating with definite range of prices, for taking decision
on enterprise acquisition.
Because the majority of enterprises use audited reports, it can seem a little bit surprising that so much
time, efforts, concerns and costs are intended for financial due diligence (FDD). It has two reasons. Firstly,
opposite to common opinion, the accountancy is not a science. It means that even in audited reports there are
a lot of uncertainties, how far the customer is involved:
all reports are subject to several assessments. Some of them, such as assessment of stocks and
depreciation policy, can create large differences in the rate of profitability. Also, the time, when
incomes are acknowledged, can differ, depending on accounting policy or assessments. As a result,
the tendencies of income can be distorted.
reports can possibly contain several extraordinary incomes of costs, which distorts profitability of a
business, and which should be excluded from calculations [8].
So, one of the main meanings of audited reports is confirmation of what is done by accountants.
According to historical information, financial due diligence is tended to future. In the framework of
financial due diligence various methods of economic analysis are applied. As the main ones can be
-analysis of dynamics and structure;
-analysis of creditor and debtor debts;
-structural analysis of income;
-analysis of actual costs and operational costs of structure;
-profitability analysis;
-factor analysis
cash flow analysis;
analysis of standard registry payments;
compliance analysis of financial reports.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

A report on the complex assessment of analysed company is the result made by a given group of
Financial due diligence also includes detailed analysis on business specifics, which is obtained from
interviews with main specialists of sectors. It is important to emphasise that access to due diligence is rather
different from procedures of common audit. Because the aim of financial due diligence is to explain why the
results are what they are, and the analyst has more to do with finding reasons which seem to have negative
changes, not like the financial results.
The second group they are auditors (Commercial due diligence) CDD, their aim is performance of
financial inspection, expertise of companys operation, as well as determination of possible risks [3].
An enterprise gains benefit not from past achievements, but from ability to create a profit in future.
Commercial due diligence CDD is intended for assessment of future achievements. CDD receives
information from published sources, but, what is more important, from speaking with leading
specialists in the same market as the target market is. Traditionally, the commercial due diligence
has three aims:
Reduction of risk. A price of enterprise is the ratio of current profit, but, in case further profit can be
endangered, if the enterprise is ready to decline from its aims, then customer should know it, and
they should agree on lower price correspondingly.
Helps determine the actual value. Business planning for future ten years is complicated; it is required
for prediction of cash flows. Of course, it cannot be done by using previous financial reports only.
Allows for better planned integration. Weak integration is the main reason why the benefits cannot
be obtained. Commercial due diligence checks the target markets and trade activities. In doing so,
one can establish strong and weak sides which should be taken as the part of integration process [5].
The income and cost analysis of enterprise structure should be completed at this stage, as well as
assessment of internal control system, assessment of fixed assets, financial investments, debts of creditors
and debtors, reserves; as well as there is performed analysis of credit contracts and liabilities, terms and
provisions of liabilities, amount and reliability analysis for assets and liabilities. The final stage of work
determination of potential risks and benefits, as well as disclosure expression of companys taxes, and
liabilities in numerical form.
The result of auditors work is a report of financial expertise.
Commercial due diligence is an investigative process of audit markets of companies. The relation
between legal and financial due diligence is generally poor. As a discipline, which can give the best available
forward-looking information on business to the rights hands, it is required for appropriate due diligence
process. It depends highly on primary sources to obtain the most of new facts on markets and their
participants. In ideal case it should search for immediate transactions for future of competition in merged
enterprise [6].

Essential distinctions between terms audit and due diligence

Audit Due diligence

Aim To check and show true data To determine the basic profit, to eliminate
doubts on controversial points

Focused on Past. Independent inspection of data to Past and Future. To analyse and
allow providing warranties in relation understand why the data is what they are,
to fairness and authenticity of financial and to analyse them. To point attention to
information. the main moments.

Sector Determined by articles of association Very often is limited only with main issues.

Availability of Unlimited Can be limited

Data Testing and verification of original On the base of interview data

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 1 shows the main differences between audit and due diligence. They have differences in aims,
sectors and availability of information, as well as data analysed and performable procedures.
The third group of specialists lawyers (Legal Due Diligence). Their task is performance of juridical
and legal expertise of company with the aim to determine maximal risks, related with acquisition [5].
Lawyers perform investigation of establishment documents, corporative management documents, the
main powers and collegial decisions of management organs. They analyse the main transactions with shares,
data on shareholders, their property and non-property rights. They also investigated state regulation in
operation of company, the main contracts and property rights of company, labour relations and operation of
For history of company or group establishment the main aspect is focused on such issues as:
legal purity of transactions with shares/stocks;
corporative management;
kinds of business which correspond to special state regulations;
justification of property rights to fixed assets, unfinished construction, intangible assets,
financial investments;
rights on intellectual property and other intangible assets;
debtors and creditors debt structure;
security liabilities;
personnel management, including relationships with trade union bodies.
juridical disputes and petitions of counterparties, including analysis of possible prosecution [6].
Legal due diligence includes many specialisations, as well as several obvious juridical forms, for
example, property rights, acceptance to liabilities and discharge from them, and normative issues. The legal
firm itself s able to ensure some or all of them. If there are involved also other specialists, lawyers should act
in close cooperation with them because it could make important contribution in final agreement. Because of
the same reason, even if lawyers ensure all legal disciplines, they should cooperate also with other
advisors and foreign lawyers where their local consultation is required in cross-border issues. When it comes
to reporting, you should ensure they maintain contacts with you during whole time of operation and you
should ensure they give summary where the main commercial issues are emphasised. Demand also to show
conclusions. Mainly, you should ask and receive opinions.
The result of lawyers work is report on juridical expertise of company.
The recommendation for the use a due diligence programme is likely to involve a number of different
advisers. Even when the target is a business the acquirer knows well, perhaps competing in the same industry
and sharing the same distributors, external advice can add a lot of value to a transaction. How much value
they add will be heavily influenced by how well due diligence is managed. Planning, coordination and
communication are as important as any other input and project management should be given top priority.


1. Initially, the due diligence was related to the arrangement requirement of relationships between
investor and issuer in security market.
2. Completeness of information, which occurs in the form of due diligence, allows investors and
business partners to assess all advantages and shortages of cooperation in a more detailed way.
3. Due diligence does not have unambiguous translation in Latvian. LZA TK (Terminology
Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) accepted the terms piencga uzmanba (due
attention), uzticambas prbaude (inspection of reliability).
4. By investigating due diligence from theoretical viewpoint, it can be concluded that it is a tool,
which allows:
- For proprietor: to check reliability of data provided by management; to ensure existence/ non-
existence of personal responsibility in a companys operation; to determine value of his/her
- For investor: to find weak sides, on which the seller has not informed; to assess further risks of
business operation; to obtain protection from possible negative financial events.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

5. For management: to assess operation of their own accountancy and financial office; to involve tax
and financial planning schemes; to obtain recommendations to decrease financial risks; to improve
manageability and transparency of financial risks.
6. Due diligence it is a compliance verification of prepared information. It is a process, which is
important for potential investors, company owners and management.
8 The task of financial analysts (Financial Due Diligence, FDD) is to determine a fair value of
investment object, to determine the value range for customers in different variants of its future
9. The task of auditors (Commercial due diligence, CDD) is performance of financial inspection,
expertise of companys operation, as well as determination of possible risks.
10. The task of lawyers (Legal Due Diligence, LDD) is performance of juridical and legal expertise of a
company with the aim to determine maximal risks, related to acquisition.
11. It is useful to investigate the elements of Due diligence and opportunities of their application to the
analysis of economic activity of a company more precisely.

1. Engle P. (2011). Doing Due Diligence, Industrial Engineer IE, 43: 9, 20-21.
2. Leahy, Joseph K. (2009). What Due Diligence Dilemma? Cardoze Low Review, 30: 5, 2001-2072.
3. Lmums Nr. 24. Par ES dokumentu tulkojumos un EUROVOC tzaur lietojamo juridisko terminu saraksta
apstiprinanu, viewed: 03.03.2011. Available at: http://termini.lza.lv/article.php?id=84.
4. Bing G. (1996). Due Diligence Techniques and Analysis. London: Quorum Books, 258.
5. Harvey M., Lusch,.R. (1995). Expanding the Nature and Scope of Due Diligence. Journal of Business Venturing,
10, 521.
6. Howson P. (2008). Due Diligence. The Critical Stage in Mergers and Acquisitions. USA: Gower Publishing
Company, 281.
7. Kroener P., Kroener,M. (1991). Towards more successful Mergers and Acquisitions, International Journal of
Technology Management. 6:1/2, 33-40.
8. Rankiene D., Stedman G., Bomer M. (2003). Due Diligence Definitive Steps to Successful Business
Combinations. Great Britain: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 229.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Arnis Lagzdins
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Biruta Sloka
University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management
e-mail: [email protected]

Inga Jekabsone
University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management
e-mail: [email protected]

Compliance in general terms is the adherence to existing rules and regulations laid down by those in authority. In
the new regulatory environment, knowledge of compliance is becoming increasingly important across all areas of
business. But according to EU Commission, present sanctioning regimes are often weak and quite heterogeneous. In
addition, research studies and review of Latvias laws that regulate banking industry confirm very low level of
sanctions in Latvia. These above-mentioned findings should urge Latvias banking sector to pay greater attention to the
issues of compliance risk management. To ensure compliance knowledge, an appropriate specialised department should
be organised in commercial banks and staff of such department should have respective knowledge.
Keywords: compliance, banks, knowledge, educational system, Latvia.

Over the last five years compliance function has changed and its role has increased significantly. Until
2003 the interpretation of compliance function was different, then Basel Committee introduced several
documents to ensure compliance function inclusion into business processes. Latvia faced with compliance
function in 2007, when banking regulator (The Financial and Capital Market Commission, Republic of
Latvia) published banks internal control rules where Basel Committees recommendations and definitions
of compliance were used. Issues of compliance in commercial banks are also on the agenda of academic
research: Verhage (2009), Ludwick (2006), Carreta et al. (2010), Birindelli (2008), Biegelman (2008) have
examined different aspects of compliance. In Latvia there is still not enough academic research done on
compliance problems. Besides it is noticed that practical work in commercial banks of Latvia is not very
much concerned about the issues of compliance; not enough attention is paid to these issues in educational
establishments preparing bank specialists.
The aim of the paper is to analyse if compliance knowledge needed for banking sector could be
ensured by higher education in Latvia.
The research tasks:
systemise research findings around compliance in commercial banks;
evaluate practical importance of compliance knowledge;
evaluate level of compliance knowledge provided by Latvias higher education establishments
and the accredited study programs in law and finance.
The research methods involve analysis of the research results of studies on compliance issues, analysis
of EU policy documents and research of Latvias accredited study programmes in law and finance using
content analysis.

Compliance knowledge and theoretical background

Compliance is a core to operation and well-being of the financial services sector and the consumer.
Compliance includes concepts of obedience, observance, deference, governable, amenable, passive, non-
resistance and submission. Aspects of duty that include doing what ought to be done, moral obligation,
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

accountability, propriety, fitness, to be on ones good behaviour, answerable, to act morally and ethically are
closely linked to the issue. A difficulty of defining compliance with any real precision is noted by Parker [7].
Compliance is defined as a state of being in accordance with established legislation, guidelines,
standards or specifications [2]. Regulators for financial services have framed compliance within a number of
terms and concepts. The key regulatory concepts that comprise compliance are defined by Mills (2008) as:
compliance risk;
reputational risk;
regulatory sanctions;
compliance laws, rules and standards;
compliance function;
compliance universe;
compliance department;
compliance officer;
compliance culture;
cost of compliance [12].
In a globalised financial services industry, the regulations driving compliance include those regulations
that are imposed at the international level and at the EU level. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is
the leading international institution setting up high-level compliance principles on banks management of
compliance risk [5]. In 2005 Basel Committee provided definition of compliance risk, which is defined as
the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, material financial loss, or loss to reputation a bank may suffer as a
result of its failure to comply with laws, regulations, rules, related self-regulatory organisation standards, and
codes of conduct applicable to its banking activities (together, compliance laws, rules and standard) [16].
In 2008 Basel Committee organised a survey Implementation of the compliance principles. Eight
Committee member countries and 16 countries that are not members of the Committee participated in the
survey. Respondents from 21 jurisdictions underlined two major issues they had to face when implementing
compliance framework. One of these issues, which relates to small and medium-size institutions in
particular, was how banks should organise their compliance function. This includes, for instance, the
determination of what are appropriate resources for compliance function in relation to the size, complexity
and nature of the business; the relationship between internal audit and compliance; the independence of the
compliance function. Another issue was the scope of compliance function [9].
Basel Committee urged also other countries to assess implementation of compliance principles. Latvia
implemented Basel Committee principles and introduced the definition of compliance risk in May, 2007
[18]. Birindelli (2008) confirmed hypothesis about greater development of compliance risk management in
foreign banks as in domestic banks [3]. Sathye (2008) found empirical evidence suggesting that owing to
scale economies in regulatory compliance, the burden has fallen more heavily on smaller financial
institutions [14].
In October 2010 Basel Committee issued Principles for enhancing corporate governance. The bank
should maintain sound control functions, including an effective compliance function that, among other
things, routinely monitor compliance with laws, corporate governance rules, regulations, codes and policies
to which the bank is subject and ensure that deviations are reported to an appropriate level of management
and, in case of material deviations, to the board. Committee noted that in some cases, banks compliance
functions have been designed to address only anti-money laundering issues, which is inconsistent with Basel
Committee guidance. The compliance function should have a broader scope and address the areas indicated
in this document and in the Basel Committee guidance [16].
Compliance laws, rules and standards generally cover matters such as observing proper standards of
market conduct, managing conflicts of interest, treating customers fairly, and ensuring the suitability of
customer advice. Compliance laws, rules and standards have various sources, including primary legislation,
rules and standards issued by legislators and supervisors, market conventions, codes of practice promoted by
industry associations, and internal codes of conduct applicable to the staff members of the bank. For the
reasons mentioned above, these are likely to go beyond what is legally binding and embrace broader
standards of integrity and ethical conduct. In a context of EU some particularly important FSAP (Financial
Sector Assessment Program) measures (the Selected Directives) that are making compliance landscape:
the Prospectus Directive;
the Financial Conglomerates Directive;
the Capital Requirements Directives (the CRDs);
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

the Transparency Directive; the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID);

the Third Anti-Money Laundering Directive (3AMLD) [15].
It is important to review EU regulation for financial sector alongside with the abovementioned
background. FSAP was endorsed at Lisbon European Council of 2000, and has laid the legislative
foundations for the EU financial services industry: banking, insurance, securities and asset management. It
detailed 42 measures of four types: directives, regulations, communications and recommendations. In 2001
and 2002 FSAP was added with Lamfalussy Process covering securities market, banking and insurance. The
Lamfalussy Process involves a four level approach to the implementation of EU financial services
Level 1 The European Commission and the European Council agree on basic framework of the
legislation being considered.
Level 2 The European Commission specifies the technical details of the framework agreed at
Level 1.
Level 3 Each member state implements the measures taken at Level 1 and 2. Guidelines and best
practice standards are issued in order to bring about uniform implementation.
Level 4 this will involve the European Commission checking member states compliance with the
FSAP measures, with the threat of enforcement action for any that are under-performing [12].
At present, sanctioning regimes are often weak and quite heterogeneous. Legal framework covering
sanctions provided in the national legislation for the violations of EU financial services rules - including:
type (administrative and criminal, pecuniary and non-pecuniary) and level of sanctions, addressees of
sanctions, factors to be taken into account in the application of sanctions - and actual enforcement of
In the light of this review, Commission will make proposals on how Member State sanctions should be
strengthened and adequately enforced.
Based on research studies, on the level of fines and its relation to the level of enforcement, the EU
commission made an impact assessment that defines the problem and explains the need for and the
objectives of EU level action in the field of sanctioning regimes. It also provides an analysis of rationale, the
alternative and the impact of the Commission proposals on how sanctioning regimes may be approximated at
the EU level, which are presented in the Communication on sanctions [4].
The specific problems can result in wider problems, in a lack of compliance with EU financial services
rules, such as prudential rules, conduct of business obligations, transparency obligations, etc. For example,
when the maximum amount of the pecuniary sanctions is very low, even for the most serious infringements,
there is a high risk that sanctions will not have a sufficiently dissuasive effect, as the perceived reward from
such behaviour will far outweigh the real risk.
Those divergences and weaknesses of sanctioning regimes can also have a negative impact on the trust
between national supervisors and, hence, on cross-border financial supervision.
Levels of administrative pecuniary sanctions (fines) vary widely across Member States and seem
insufficient, or too low, in some Member States, including the same type of infringement. For instance,
regarding the level of administrative pecuniary sanctions, the maximum levels provided for in the national
legislations diverge very widely; in the banking sector, the maximum amount of fines provided for in case of
violation is unlimited or variable in 5 Member States, more than 1 million EUR in 9 Member States, less
than 150 000 EUR in 7 Member States [16].
Figure Nr. 1, compiled from data of the Member States, gives an overview of the amount of
administrative financial sanctions imposed in the banking sector (compared with the range of sanctions that
is the minimum and maximum levels provided for in the legislation). The figure demonstrates that the
majority of Member States imposed little or no sanctions during that period. It also shows that in most cases,
where a wide range of sanctions are allowed in the statute book, including very high sanctions, that range of
sanctions is not effectively imposed. Only in three Member States significant amount of sanctions can be
observed, which totalled over 1 million EUR, imposed in the banking sector during that period.
Recent observations [2; 4; 6; 10; 18] suggest that in the new regulatory environment knowledge of
compliance was becoming increasingly important across all areas of business. Bank regulation models and
supervisory approaches have changed significantly. The new role of the supervisory bodies requires
significant consistency between the knowledge bases and supervised entities [4].
The compliance departments should not ring-fence knowledge and operate more as internal consultants
[11]. Holland (2010) noted that the lack of basic knowledge of banking risks and value drivers by the board

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

and senior managers was implicated in the banking crises. He concluded that by ensuring greater bank
learning, knowledge creation, and knowledge use, governments and regulators could help to reduce
individual bank risk and the likelihood of future crises. At the same time, he admitted that, given the history
of bank learning, incentives to learn and implement knowledge effectively are only to arise at the top of
banks with clear regulation and tough sanctions [8].

Figure 1. Range of (financial) administrative sanctions against legal persons, and sanctions applied from
2005 to 2007 (in EUR)
Source: The future of compliance best practice and delivering value On-line http://www.i-
law.com/ilaw/doc/view.htm?id=131975 viewed on 16.02.2011.

In Latvia, like in Belgium, certification of compliance profession is still under discussion [18]. Birindelli
(2008) suggested that highly skilled resources, competences and experiences are the essentials to discharge
compliance liabilities effectively [3].
Edwards (2006) has established a compliance competence partnership model where the regulator and
regulated need to work together in a proactive partnership in order to achieve compliance competent
organisation [7]. The appropriate specialised department is the main element of Compliance Risk
Management [13]. Obviously, an effective compliance department has to feature quality and quantity of HR
and material structure (including IT support) corresponding to the size and complexity of the bank, whereas
qualitaty refers to a personality profile of an ideal compliance officer (and a manager of department, in
particular) with extensive knowledge.
Aligned with this background, further research and discussion would be needed regarding education,
professional examination and certification for the compliance specialists in Latvia. Interviews with experts
from commercial banks and Latvian Commercial Banking Association have confirmed the need for that. In
order to prepare more detailed training program on compliance issues in commercial banks, the authors of
this article and management of the Latvian Commercial Banking Association have decided to conduct a
survey to evaluate the real situation and needs for training on compliance issues. The survey topics for
compliance issues investigations in commercial banks in Latvia have been negotiated with Latvian
Commercial Banking Association survey is at the preparation stage. First drafts of questionnaire are
accepted by Latvian Commercial Banking Association. In this paper, education on compliance issues is
observed and evaluated.

Compliance issues in accredited higher education study programmes in Latvia

The aim of empirical research was to estimate if compliance knowledge needed for banking sector could
be ensured by the higher education in Latvia. The research was performed in February 2011: 33 accredited
finance and law study programmes were studied (by degree Bachelor Studies, Professional Bachelor
Studies, Master Studies, Professional Master Studies, Doctoral Studies, 1 st Level Higher Professional
Education Studies, and Professional Studies). The information source was Higher Education Quality
Evaluation Centre of the Republic of Latvia, where information on all accredited study programs: self-
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

evaluation reports, expert evaluations and decision on accreditation are published (available on
http://www.aiknc.lv/). The research was made in all 33 accredited finance and law programmes. The key
words were compliance, money laundering, consumer protection. The results of the respective investigation
are included in Table 1.
Table 1
The Inclusion of Compliance concept in Accredited Study Programmes in Latvia
(as of February 2011)

University Study programme Accredited Accreditation Study course Keyword

period ends
University of Law science 43380 30.06.2010 31.12.2016 Rights of consumer Consumer
Latvia (bachelor studies, 180 protection (3 ECTS) protection
University of Finance management 16.06.2010 31.12.2016 Economic rights (6 Consumer
Latvia 42343 (professional ECTS) protection
bachelor studies, 240
Riga Law and finance 45380 10.12.2008 31.12.2014 Investment Firms & Compliance
Graduate (master studies, 72 Regulatory
School of ECTS) Compliance (3
BA School of Finance 4634300 08.06.2005 31.12.2011 Tax economics (1.5 Compliance
Business and (professional master ECTS)
Finance studies, 240 ECTS)
Source: Accredited Study Programmes of higher education establishments in Latvia, by degree. Available at:
http://www.aiknc.lv/en/prog_grads.php - visited 15.02.2011.

The data in Table 1 indicates there are only 4 accredited programmes in Latvias higher education
establishments where the compliance concept is mentioned: two study programs of University of Latvia
Law Studies (bachelor) and Finance Management programmes (professional bachelor), in Riga Graduate
School of Law Law and Finance programme (master) and in BA - School of Business and Finance
Finance programme (professional master). Interviews of representatives from the commercial banks in
Latvia as well as Latvian Commercial Banking Association have emphasised that specialists familiar with
compliance issues are in shortage in Latvia, therefore it would be necessary to strengthen existing accredited
study programmes with compliance topics as well as organise training on compliance issues for specialists in
commercial banks. Since there are several higher education establishments in Latvia providing education in
finances and law, we would recommend BA School of Business and Finance to develop training courses
together with Latvian Commercial Banking Association and offer them to specialists from commercial banks
in Latvia. First steps in this direction are already negotiated and suggested.
Out of 33 accredited study programmes including around 1085 study courses, only in 4 study
programmes (4 courses) compliance or consumer protection, which corresponds to 13.5 ECTS or 9 credit
points, was mentioned. It indicates that in higher education establishments not enough attention is paid to
compliance issues and some steps to improve the situation have to be taken. It means that professional
organisations related to commercial bank operations have to require higher education study programs to
include compliance issues the professional standards have to be updated. It is recommended to discuss
theoretical findings as well as practical experience of commercial banks in compliance on a regular basis, for
example, to host international conferences.

Conclusions and suggestions

1. In the new regulatory environment knowledge of compliance is becoming increasingly important
across all areas of business.
2. The new regulatory environment will require original ideas, new methods and approaches to the
knowledge concerning the compliance risk management.
3. Latvias banking sector has to pay greater attention to the issues of compliance risk management.
4. Appropriate specialised department should be integrated into commercial banks as a main element
for Compliance Risk Management.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

5. A survey of Latvian Commercial Banking Association (LCBA) members should be conducted with
the goal to understand how compliance function is set up and how many banks have an independent
compliance department.
6. The staff of such department should have an appropriate education and knowledge. The
abovementioned survey could also provide information regarding a banks top compliance manager.
7. There are no accredited study programmes in Latvia that ensure compliance knowledge on
internationally required level.
8. As the compliance role in financial sector is increasing, the employers (banks, insurance companies
and asset management companies) and their associations could urge to include compliance
knowledge and skills development of study programmes related to the financial services, as well as
to evaluate the possibility to organise special study courses on compliance issues.
9. Compliance Competence Centre could be developed in a partnership between LCBA and BA School
of Business and Finance, to encourage discussions about compliance knowledge.
10. At least once a year discussions about compliance knowledge in Latvia and Baltic States, gathering
experts from Nordic Countries and other countries present in the Latvian banking sector, must be
organised. This would promote coordination in using common terms at least in Baltic States.

1. Accredited Programmes, by degree, viewed: 15.02.2011. Available at: http://www.aiknc.lv/en/prog_grads.php.
2. Biegelman, M.T., Biegelman, D.R. (2008). Building a World-Class Compliance Program. Best Practices and Strategies for Success.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 298 p.
3. Birindelli, G. (2008). Compliance risk in Italian banks: the results of a survey. Journal of Financial Regulation
and Compliance, 1(4), 335-351.
4. Carretta, A., Farina, V., Schwizer, P. (2010). The day after Basel 2: do regulators comply with banking
culture? Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 18(4), 316-332.
5. Compliance and the compliance function in banks, viewed: 02.02.2011. Available at:
6. Complinet Regulatory Insight, viewed: 04.02.2011. Available at:
http://www.complinet.com/connected/share/media-downloads/datasheets/Global.pdf -.
7. Edwards, J. (2006). A compliance competence partnership approach model. Journal of Financial Regulation and
Compliance, 14(2), 140-150.
8. Holland, J. (2010), Banks, knowledge and crisis: a case of knowledge and learning failure. Journal of Financial
Regulation and Compliance, 18(2), 87-105.
9. Implementation of the compliance principles a survey, viewed: 02.02.2011. Available at:
10. Ludwick K. (2006). Tackling risk-based compliance. Journal of Investment Compliance, 7(4), 61-64.
11. Mainelli M., Yeandle M. (2006). Best execution compliance: new techniques for managing compliance risk,
Journal of Risk Finance, 7(3), 301-312.
12. Mills, A. (2008). Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 352 p.
13. Rossi C. L. (2010). Compliance: an over-looked business strategy. International Journal of Social Economics,
37(10), 816-831.
14. Sathye, M. (2008). Estimating the cost of compliance of AML/CTF for financial institutions in Australia.
Journal of Financial Crime, 15(4), 347-363.
15. Study on the cost of compliance with selected FSAP Measures - final report by Europe Economics, European
Commission, viewed: 16.02.2011. Available at:
16. The Basel Committees response to the financial crisis: report to the G20, viewed: 04.02.2011. Available at:
17. The future of compliance best practice and delivering value, viewed: 16.02.2011. Available at: http://www.i-
18. Verhage, A. (2009). Compliance and AML in Belgium: a booming sector with growing pains. Journal of Money
Laundering Control, 12(2), 113-133.
19. Regulations Nr. 63, May 2, 2007 of Finance and Capital Market Committee of Republic of Latvia Regulations
on Creation of Internal Control System (2007.gada 2.maija FKTK noteikumi Nr.63 "Iekjs kontroles sistmas
izveides noteikumi") ("LV", 79 (3655), 17.05.2007.)

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Inese Mavlutova
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Motives of restructuring vary significantly; still the target is one an increase of company's market value and raise
of effectiveness as a result of implementing the company's restructuring program. Thereby these processes are crucial
for stimulating entrepreneurship. During restructuring of the company, negative results are also possible. Several
significant risks are known being able to impact the implementation of the restructuring program negatively.
Apparently, the analysis of failure causes and offering techniques to decrease existing business risks are necessary.
Keywords: business restructuring, restructuring results, risk, risk premium, restructuring failures.

Due to the impact of inconsistent economical environment and processes of globalisation, the life cycle
of companies has shrunken and business has become more dynamic, which has encouraged processes of
restructuring companies. Motives of restructuring vary significantly; still the target is one an increase of a
company's market value and raise of efficiency as a result of implementing the company's restructuring
program. Thereby these processes are crucial both for stimulating entrepreneurship and development of the
national economy in general.
Reorganisation is considered as the main stage of restructuring company to implement further activities
of attracting investments and establishing optimal owner structure. However it is important to remember that
positive results of restructuring company can be achieved given the following conditions: production and
investment programs are developed; grounds for financial and economical determination are established in
order to create new structures; potential investors are found; legal rights of movable property and real estate
are executed; chosen alternatives of reorganisation are supported by owners of a company.
The objective of the paper is to analyse risks related to restructuring and offer methods to manage them.
Generally accepted quantitative and qualitative methods of research in management science were used,
including induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, logically constructive and statistical methods,
economic mathematical simulation, description and display methods of numeral information.

Classification of risks
During restructuring of an enterprise, negative results are also possible. Several significant risks are
known being able to impact the implementation of the restructuring program negatively.
Risk number one is related to incorrect choice of the restructuring technique. As mentioned above, the
choice of the restructuring technique is determined by a strategy, targets and condition of the enterprise
If a decision about performing operative restructuring is made, application of several techniques is
possible. Firstly, it may be restructuring of assets, like rental, conservation, liquidation, writing off assets,
selling assets. Secondly, restructuring of accounts payable, like invalidating debts, lengthening debts,
dividing debts with a following refund, refunding debts by minimising costs, redemption of creditors
payment rights with a following prosecution, etc. Thirdly, restructuring of accounts payable which provides
for gaining maximal economic effect, invalidating the debt and forms of dismissing or cutting personnel.
Risk number two is premature evaluation of restructuring results. In practice it is hard to determine,
when the actual results of structural changes will appear. Temporary negative effects of the restructuring are
often considered as the final result. In this case all the actions may be interrupted without achieving the
strategic targets. The risk can be minimised by establishing a competent restructuring programme containing
a detailed description of temporary results and target indicators, as well as by determining the long-term
Risk number three is insufficient qualification of the enterprise managers. In order to reduce the risk,
two techniques may be applied: firstly, dismissal of the companys managerial staff and formation of a new
team or, secondly, organising different seminars and lectures for the managers, in order to explain the targets
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

and main directions of the restructuring. To determine and skilfully handle the possible risk, professional
specialists are involved.
Risk number four is incorrect evaluation of the restructuring resources necessary. Usually in enterprises
the restructuring complexity level is evaluated inadequately, thus the implementation time limit is restricted,
the number of the specialists involved is small and the funding is insufficient.
Risk number five is related to insufficient motivation of the participants involved in the restructuring
process. It is not only different levels of interest in structural changes of the employees, but also a conflict of
interests between enterprise managers and owners that can influence their motivation negatively during the
restructuring process. In order to eliminate the risk, the restructuring must be initiated from the top down
and not vice versa.
Risk number six is emergence of negative social consequences during the implementation of
restructuring, which is considered a completely usual practice in countries of market economy. It manifests
as a reduced personnel and a mass dismissal in the enterprises being liquidated, as well as shutting down the
social enterprises.
Reducing personnel and cutting off social assets in enterprises was common in Latvia during the middle
nineties of the last century.
Risk number seven is low quality of the restructuring projects legal ensuring. During restructuring
process it is often necessary to make legal changes. In Latvia the most common legal changes are
establishing one or more subsidiary companies on the basis of the existing company, establishing new
enterprise together with owners of a bankrupting company, bankruptcy of an enterprise, restructuring by
dividing the enterprise or separation.
By studying the process of forming cash flow during the enactment of restructuring program, it becomes
clear that the value of money depends on the timing, respectively, it is impossible to link cash flows applying
to different time periods of the program enactment. In authors opinion, discounting (determining the present
value of the future money) should be used in order to adjust the cash flow amount (Van Horne and
Vachowicz, 2008).
The interest rate is called the discount rate when calculating present value. It can be determined in two
1. The discount rate is the rate of return or the profitability acquired from alternative investments it is
the value of an alternative exploitation of the companys capital.
2. The discount rate is the profitability rate expected by the buyers of securities it is the value of the
alternative exploitation of an investors capital.
The discount rate used to determine the present value of money in the obstacles of economic reformation
is composed of three parts:
1. Cost for refusing to use the money alternatively.
2. Inflation premium.
3. Cost for risk.
Using these indicators is also typical for businesses in Latvia.
When scheduling the cash flow during restructuring, the discount rate is understood as the expected
profitability rate of the capital invested in objects comparable by the risk level or as the expected profitability
rate of the existing alternative investments comparable by the risk level during the evaluation. Discount rate
is used to determine the amount of money, which the investor would have paid today for the rights to receive
the expected future income.
The basis of cash flow calculation is also the basis of discount rate calculation. The discount rate equals
to the rate of return on invested capital demanded by the owners is applied to the equitys cash flow. In the
discounting process WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is typically used as a discount rate for total
cash flow, where WACC is a weighted average cost of equity price and the price of borrowed capital.
The discount rate is a ratio of capital investment efficiency when investing capital in the company,
making decisions about purchasing the future income today and considering the acquisition risk. In order to
make the right decision about investing capital in the company with analogical cash flows, the discount rate
anticipates the risks related to capital investment in this kind of entrepreneurship. The discount rate assumed
by the evaluator has to comply with the type of cash flow. Total cash flow complies with discount rate
calculated by WACC method.
Equitys cash flow complies with the cumulative discount rate calculation or calculation by CAPM
(Capital Asset Pricing Model). Discount rate including inflation in case of an actual use of the cash flow

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

must be adjusted by the inflation rate according to the Fischer model, expressed by a following equation
(Fuller Russell and Chi-Cheng Hsia, 1984):
R i
r ( 1 ), where
1 i
r actual discount rate, non-including inflation,
R nominal discount rate,
i the level of inflation.
If the inflation rate does not exceed 10%, a simplified formula of the Fischer model has to be applied
(Fuller Russell and Chi-Cheng Hsia, 1984):
r=Ri (2)
When applying the cumulative discount rate calculation, evaluation of factors able to cause failure of
receiving the planned future income is scheduled. Non-risk profitability rate summed with profitability rate
on total investment risk of the enterprise is assumed as the basis.
Cumulative method most completely includes all the investment risks related to economics and
industrys factors of general characteristics and the specifics of the enterprise being evaluated.
Determining discount rate by the cumulative method is based on the expert evaluation of the risks related
to investing in the business being evaluated. The discount rate is calculated by summing up all the defined
risk values and then adding the risk-free rate of return.
Table 1
Factors determining the amount of risk premium
Risks Premium
Manager und quality of management 0 5%
Level of enterprise 0 5%
Financial structure of enterprise 0 5%
Diversification of customers 0 5%
Diversification of clients 0 5%
Return on sales and forecasts 0 5%
Risk of industry 0 5%

In order to guarantee the reliability of calculations, discount rate can be calculated by another method
the CAPM. This method is based on assumption that the investor aims at gaining additional revenue in
comparison to the revenue guaranteed from the risk-free investments. Gaining the additional revenue is
related to a high risk level. CAPM allows determining the expected additional return on assets and schedules
determining discount rate by the following pattern (Sharpe, 1964):
KE = RF + (RM RF) E (3), where
KE rate of return on equity
E beta coefficient
RF risk-free rate
RM risk premium of industry.
CAPM is widely used worldwide and it is considered to be one of the most equitable methods, since it is
based on the informational data of the real market. In order to apply this method in Latvia, necessary
corrections have to be performed.
In the developed countries with balanced market the most reliable liability guarantor is the government.
Interest rate of the government securities is usually determined as the risk-free rate.
When calculating premium and beta, usually data obtained by analysing investment market of
corporations with stocks quoted in stock exchange are used, and only afterwards the premium of small
enterprises is adjusted.
The specific business activity related risk of the particular enterprise being evaluated is added to the
premium as a risk typical only to the particular enterprise.
Considering quotation of additional changes, calculation of discount rate by CAPM can be expressed as
the following pattern:
KE = RF + (RM RF) E + S1 + S2 + S3 ( 4 ), where
KE rate of return on equity,
E beta coefficient,

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

RF risk-free rate,
RM risk premium of industry,
S1 risk premium of small enterprise,
S2 risk premium of the particular enterprise,
S3 risk premium of country.
Beta coefficient is assumed to be the limit of the systematic risk, indicating the sensibility of securities
concerning the future market fluctuations. Average beta coefficient draws closer to 1 for all enterprises. The
coefficient is greater than 1 for securities with value greater than the average fluctuation, and less than 1 for
securities with smaller fluctuation value. Securities with the beta coefficient greater than 1 possess greater
risk level, while securities with the beta coefficient smaller than 1 possess risk level smaller than average. If
the beta coefficient equals 0, the investment risk of the securities also is close to 0, but the profitability of
securities is relieved form the risk.
Due to the increasing number and range of restructuring operations, as well as profitable opportunities
during the last decade, a concept of obvious advantages of this kind of enterprise development may appear.
However there are many studies proving that this assumption is false. The majority of enterprise
restructuring techniques do not help to achieve the targets desired. The results of studies performed by
independent experts are displayed in Table 2.
Table 2
The results of restructuring operations
Source Date of Country Research limitation Results
publication Success Neutral Failu
es res
Measured by the amount of deals

Jansen/ 103 internal and external

Koemer 2000 Germany mergers 44%
1994 1999
Measured by achievement of goal

Booz-Allen 1998 World 150 Companies 34%

Measured by increasing companys market value

Jansen/ Germany 103 internal and external

Koemer 2000 World mergers 24%
1994 1999
McKinsey 2000 World 507 mergers/
acquisitions 50%
KPMG 2000 World 107 - 700 international
mergers/ acquisitions 16% 30% 54%
1996 1998
A.T. Kearney 1999 America, 115 mergers
Europe, 1993 1996 58%

Independent experts have stated that 76% of restructuring operations are unsuccessful
(PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008). Of course, separate studies are hard to compare, since interpretation of
methods and scope of gathering statistical data necessary, techniques of analysis and understanding of the
term successful business differs. The studies performed enable to conclude that restructuring is related to a
high level of risk. Furthermore, the number of unsuccessful businesses does not decrease over the time,
which may be surprising, since enterprises having experienced failure should be more careful in future and
specialists and consultants participating in the businesses should become more experienced by taking into
consideration mistakes made in past in order to succeed with upcoming projects. Unfortunately, statistics
does not approve this assumption. One of explanations of this phenomenon can be continuous changes of
external conditions determining that the experience obtained cannot be used in relation with changes of
general conditions. The second explanation the experience obtained is not systematised and recorded.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Unfortunately, the great number of failures does not decrease the amount of restructuring businesses
performed, since restructuring possesses obvious potential advantages compared to traditional techniques of
expanding business. Apparently, the analysis of causes of failure and offering techniques to decrease similar
business risks is necessary.

Analysis of the restructuring failure causes

The following reasons may be identified within the task mentioned above:
1. Increase in labour turnover. One of the most significant issues when merging or incorporating
enterprises by force is an increase of staff fluctuation, which is particularly significant in the forced merger
cases, since the restructuring process demands a serious personnel cutting in order to centralise and eliminate
the overlapping functions. However, usually the desirable fluctuation differs from the real one. Most of
personnel begin searching for a new job, since they are not sure about their existing position. Another reason
for searching a new job is moral causes or unwillingness to work for strangers, which is particularly
attributed to managerial staff.
It should also be admitted that during this kind of fluctuations, the majority of highly qualified staff and
high-level managers leave the enterprise, and there are no difficulties for them to find a better job
opportunity. Together with them, the enterprise loses not only its know how, but also a part of clientele,
which has been in friendly long-term relationships with those, who left.
The enterprises costs are sharply increased by the fluctuation due to increasing sum of total allowance
for quitting, as well as increasing costs of advertising for new, qualified staff and its training. The lack of
qualified personnel negatively impacts the business, the image of the company deteriorates, customers leave
and conception of unsuccessful restructuring arises.
2. Absence of strategy. After overcoming all the difficulties (looking for adequate applicants, managing
negotiations, going through formalities necessary for signing the agreement) it often turns out that managers
have no further ideas and resources to implement further integration. This is typical for enterprises in
subordination to forced mergers for the purpose of diversification. Restructuring without strategic
consideration often results in selling the purchased assets after unsuccessful efforts of trying to adapt to new
conditions. Besides, outflow of the resources necessary for traditional business may cause a decrease in
overall profitability indicators and liquidation of the business itself. According to the survey conducted by
independent experts, one third part of enterprises perform restructuring without detailed analysis of strategic
future advantages. Also advantages of quick decision making are supplemented with drawbacks related to
significant waste of resources. For example, Deutsche Telekom purchased part of Barak company, even
though Israel was not considered as a prior market. Consequently the holding company suffered significant
amount of losses due to the unconsidered decision, and it is still unable to dispose of the unnecessary
3. Insufficient evaluation of costs. Insufficient evaluation of costs of integration, new image
development and restructuring of marketing and sales departments is a very common mistake, which,
according to different calculations, can add up to one third of the total sum of the business.
Integration costs exceed the planned costs three times; in addition, the time limits usually are not
complied with. During the cost evaluation process previous experience in mergers (benchmarking) is
ignored, no actions for unexpected circumstances are planned, and all the actions are performed based on
unrealistic conceptions.
A large amount of components are not included within the total cost evaluation: renewal of personnel
during the fluctuation, costs of corporate culture uniting actions, costs of organising know how exchange
and establishing new management techniques.
4. Intentional biased evaluation. Employees developing a business plan are often the persons
concerned, therefore using unrealistic and too optimistic parameters while performing the job. The desire of
first level management to increase salary by increasing total value of the business and to obtain greater
power is possible as well. The second reason may lie in efforts to gain business restructuring experience.
5. Lack of the necessary control. Another significant problem is the lack of systemic indicators
necessary to evaluate the restructuring process success and the level of achieving targets. In order to
evaluate restructuring results, aggregate financial results of a merged enterprise are usually used, which is
not sufficient to determine the bottlenecks and perform necessary adjustments on time.
This problem is linked with the fact that no particular restructuring plan is established, which includes
integration plan and schedules additional processes, executives, targets chosen, qualification and continuous
control of gaining the results. In practice all the problems are usually dealt with, when they arise.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Furthermore, an executive is chosen (often without the qualification necessary), who fights the consequences
instead of finding the causes, since he/she does not control the general situation. Thus significant losses of
time and money arise, if strategic control of the whole restructuring process is not established.
6. Slow decision making and uncertainty of competency limits. Restructuring process is often moved
from one department to another due to uncertain limits of competency. There are a significant number of
hierarchy levels of operational staff and decision making committees holding back the process and impacting
negatively the general atmosphere. Information and suggestions for board of management are presented once
a month or even more infrequently, and that holds back the work, since the committee deals not only with
strategic and tactical, but also operational issues. Slow decision making during such a dynamic process as
restructuring not only delays it, but also provokes the loss of various opportunities.
Often new job positions are being divided, while restructuring process is still not finished. Besides, the
struggle absorbs much more energy than creative activities of integration establishment and profit making.
7. Barriers of cultural differences. Insufficient evaluation of cultural differences causes hardly
predictable obstacles during negotiations and integration process. For example, criticism about changes of
circumstances expressed during the forced merger of the company Matav was received as an attempt to
offend, therefore, the negotiation process extended significantly. Basically the Hungarian company discussed
all the criticised statements beyond the frames of the main negotiations, which filed only the basic
agreements. Emotional behaviour during negotiations is characteristic to representatives from Southern
countries they perceive criticism as an aggression or personal antipathy.
Not only nationality is counted as a cultural difference it also includes corporate culture of the merged
enterprises. After Latvia joined European Union many enterprises were purchased by the enterprising
neighbours, but the majority of employees perceived the dynamic managers from Western countries
negatively they were blamed to be arrogant and willing to change the usual, slow routine. Under the
mentioned influence many Latvian managers were constrained to leave the enterprises or to adapt to the new
8. The lack of managerial experience. Restructuring projects are very different from simple, though
important businesses, therefore, managers must possess particular qualities. The large number of failures
appears in circumstances, when a manager lacks experience of restructuring establishment, but during the
process relies only on herself/himself. Optimisation tasks of ongoing processes are very different from their
development tasks. Techniques and the manner of managerial thinking previously approbated and proven to
deliver positive results in business stabilisation circumstances, may not be optimal or is even completely
unacceptable. A project manager meets circumstances with significantly greater number of unknown
measures compared to usual circumstances. Even if understanding the scope of the task and his/her
incapability to deal with it, he/she does not admit it, thus worsening the situation even more.

The performed research allows making a conclusion that restructuring of a company is related to high
risk level.
Moreover the amount of unsuccessful transactions do not decrease, therefore the companies with
negative experience should be more careful in future, while participating specialists and consultants
have to obtain the necessary experience in order to succeed in consideration of the mistakes made.
Unfortunately statistics do not confirm the assumption. One of the explanations could be that the
external conditions change constantly, and consequently the experience obtained cannot be used
because of the changes in general conditions. The second reason the previously obtained
experience is not being systematised and accumulated.
Foreign scientists and specialists have admitted that a particular restructuring program has to be
developed, however, the author concluded that in foreign literature on management conventional
methodology of organising and enacting the restructuring cannot be found. The author offers using
the established step-by-step enactment program of the restructuring.
The great amount of unsuccessful restructuring cases does not decrease the amount of performed
restructuring projects because of their potential advantages when compared to the traditional
methods of business extension. Therefore the factors causing failures should be identified during the
restructuring and risks of enacting the restructuring have to be evaluated. One of the alternatives is
the systemic analysis of main risks and related factors identification offered in this article.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1. Blaydon, C., Wainwright, F. (2006). The Balance between debt and added value London: Financial Times,
viewed: 12.02.2009. Available at: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/9b8481ba-4e32-11db-bcbc-0000779e2340.html.
2. James C. Van Horne, John M. Vachowicz Jr. (2008). Fundamentals of Financial Management. 13th edition,
Prentice Hall Inc., 992.p.
3. Crum, R.L., Goldberg, I. (1998). Restructuring and Managing the Enterprise in Transition. The international
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4. Chaudhry, A. (2008). Trends in M&A activity an increasingly hostile environment TooStep, viewed:
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5. Dockery, E., Herbert, W.E.(2000). Corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in transition economies:
evidence from privatized Polish companies. Journal Managerial Finance, 26 (9), 80-92.
6. Dorfman, M.S. (2008) Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, 9th ed., Upper Saddle River: Prentice
Hall, Pearson Education, 567 p.
7. Fuller, Russell I. and Chi-Cheng Hsia (1984). A Simplified Model for Estimating Stock Prices of Growth Firms.
Financial Analysis Journal, 40, 49-59.
8. Mueller-Stewens,G., Spickers, J., Deiss, C.(1999). Mergers & Acquisitions. Markttendenz und Beraterprofile.
9. PricewaterhouseCoopers(M&A)(2008). Available at:

10. Sharpe, F. W. (1964). Capital asset pricing model. Netherland: Value based management. Available at:
11. The Boston Consulting Group (2005) Successful M&A: The Method in the Madness. Boston: The Boston
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12. Tomperi, I. (2006). M&A Case: Theory of Investments, Vaasa; University of Vaasa, 250 p. Available at:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Kroly Balaton
Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Management
e-mail: [email protected]

The paper explores characteristics of the present economic crisis at enterprise level and its consequences for
possible growth after the crisis. The study builds on international experiences concerning recovery from the crisis
during previous economic downturns between 1980 and 2002.
Survey results in Hungary and Slovakia are presented with a special attention to how companies tried to react to the
present economic recession. The study analyses possible consequences of strategies followed by Slovakian and
Hungarian firms during the crisis period from the point of view of capabilities for utilising the options for growth when
demand will start to increase.

The present worldwide economic crisis has drastic consequences for most of economies in the world.
Cross-border business and international trade declined in 2009 by about 9%, and foreign direct investment
dropped by more than 40% in the same year (Ghemawat, 2010:56). While the leading nations of the world
economy were phased with recession, countries like China and India have progressed further on their growth
path. China realised 66% of global growth in GDP, and India 11% in 2009 (Ghemawat, 2010:56). The
projected high growth rate of the BRIC8 countries will lead to radical restructuring in the world economy
where North America and Europe will lose its previous political and economic influence. According to the
Goldman Sachs forecast, by 2020 the BRICs will account for a third of the global economy and contribute
about 49.0% of global GDP growth (BRICS Monthly, May 20, 2010).
The crisis has influenced enormously the transforming Central and Eastern European economies as well.
Some of these countries like Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria had serious difficulties due to macroeconomic
imbalance and increasing inflation (Murakzy, 2010). These countries were not prepared for the
consequences of the rapidly spreading crisis, and contributing to the difficulties seriously underestimated
the possible extent of the crisis. In Hungary, for example, the official opinion of the Hungarian National
Bank in early October 2008 was that the crisis will not have relevant consequences for the economy. Two
months later the National Bank and the Hungarian Government started intensive work on preparing a plan to
prevent the Hungarian economy from collapse. The financial aid of the IMF was necessary for the survival
of Hungary in 2009 and 2010.
As we arrive closer and closer to the end of the crisis period, the really interesting strategic question is
what will be happening after the crisis. Whether the development path will repeat the tendencies before the
crisis or totally new directions of development will emerge. We have rather limited research evidence to
answer this question properly. Scholars try to get answers by studying consequences of the previous crisis
periods (Gulati, Nohria and Wohlgezogen, 2010). But the present crisis is unique in its nature, expansion and
rather accelerated spread all over the world.
The present paper tries to analyse the above issue from a company angle. We are interested in learning
what has happened during the crisis, what the reactions of companies were to the emerging new economic,
technological and social conditions, and what tendencies of development may be identified at the present
stage of the crisis. The author has been involved in studies of the above areas for some years and has
conducted empirical studies in Hungary and the Slovak Republic. The empirical background of the paper
includes analysis of publications of researchers engaged in doing surveys in the field (e.g. Ringland, Sparrow
and Lusteig, 2000; Waldman, 2010), as well as primary data collections though questionnaire surveys and
interviews conducted in Hungary and the Slovak Republic.

Brazil, Russia, India and China
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Macroeconomic background
Hungary and Slovakia has a lot of similarities concerning the social, economic and political heritage
dating back to the period before the political changes around 1990 (Kiezun, 1991). But behind these
similarities there are interesting alterations in patterns of development, especially after 1990 (Balaton, 2007).
Hungary was rather successful in hosting relatively large volume of foreign direct investments (FDI)
during the first half of the 1990s. The Hungarian Government decided to adapt the sales type of privatisation.
It meant that state owned firms were offered for sales for those who could offer acceptable prices for the
companies. As capital inside the country was rather limited, that type of privatisation resulted in the
overwhelming role of foreign investors in the ownership structure of enterprises located in Hungary by the
end of the century. The accumulated high debt at the time of the political turnaround urged for the sales type
of privatisation and it was the only possibility to pay back the loans from the income of privatisation.
Slovakia (and until January 1993 Czechoslovakia) followed different economic policy concerning
privatisation. Vouchers were distributed among the population and these vouchers could be changed into
shares of state owned enterprises. The shares were then purchased by investment funds owned by state
banks. So the privatisation had resulted in restored state ownership of enterprises by the mid 1990s. No
relevant structural changes were implemented during the first half of the 1990s (Clark and Soulsby, 1999).
This policy had temporary macroeconomic advantages compared to Hungary. While in Hungary the
restructuring was relatively accelerated it resulted in high level of inflation (about 39% in 1993), great
depression (38% GDP decline between 1989 and 1993 measured by comparable prices, and about 17%
unemployment rate) (Kornai, 1993), in the Czech Republic and Slovakia there were no such radical
consequences. Economic restructuring had taken a major step in Slovakia after the involvement of foreign
direct investors during the second half of the 1990s. The necessary restructuring resulted in economic slow-
down, inflation and increasing unemployment as well, but these consequences were moderate in their extent
compared to that of Hungary.
Slovakia was rather successful since the second half of the 1990s in inviting foreign direct investors
especially in the motorcar industry. This fact has contributed to the relatively fast growth rate of the Slovak
Republic around the turn of the century and helped the integration of Slovakia into the European Union. The
growth rate of the country has even accelerated after the integration and it has resulted in the capability to
change to euro as the national currency in 2009.
In the same period Hungary became less attractive for foreign investors, partially due to high tax rates
and increasing level of macroeconomic instability and forecastability, parallel with rapidly spreading
corruption. During the period between 2002 and 2010 the economic stability of Hungary has eroded and the
country became incapable of introducing euro. State expenditures had exceeded the level of incomes and the
country was close to bankruptcy during the summer of 2010. The newly elected Government has introduced
radical measures to restore the balance and the first results of it may be observed at the beginning of 2011.

Previous research evidence on strategic consequences of the crisis at enterprise level

The start of the present economic crisis has been marked by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
by Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008. Within six months the crisis has spread throughout the world
and endangered many previously successful economies like Ireland. Even economically stable economies
like the US, Germany and France were hit seriously and the consequences will influence the coming years in
nearly all countries of the world.
As the crisis today is becoming closer to its end, more and more scholars are interested in discovering
what will happen after the crisis. Harvard Business Review has published a series of three papers in the
March 2010 issue, dealing with Strategy in a Weak Recovery. The articles signed by influential authors
like Pankaj Ghemawat, Ranjay Gulati, Nitin Nohria and others agree that rather limited research evidence is
available in the field and they tried to get ideas by studying the experiences of the previous crises since 1980.
Although the authors admit that the previous crises were much more limited in their expansion and were also
different in their origin and nature, they have arrived at some conclusions worth of having in mind when
thinking about possible future enterprise strategies after the present economic crisis. One of the important
conclusions drawn by Gulati, Nohria and Wohlgezogen (2010) is that concentration only on cost-cutting
during the crisis will hardly lead to successful expansion after the crisis (Gulati et al., 2010:65). The authors
have found that emphasis on operational efficiency parallel with concentration on market development and
asset investment have resulted in the best results measured by increase in sales income and EBITDA (Gulati
et al., 2010:67). Mere concentration on reduction of employment level and cost cutting have not resulted in
successful recovery after the crisis.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

It is also noteworthy from their studies that concentration only on innovation and asset investment
during the crisis was not connected to successful enterprise performance after the crisis. Thus, neither
restriction, nor mere innovation itself did not seem to be the proper cure during the economic crises. Parallel
efforts of economic stabilisation and renewal seem to be the advisable solution based on the examples of the
three crisis periods between 1980 and 2002.
In developing such solutions organisations may probably learn useful lessons from the idea of combining
exploration with exploitation (March, 1991). It is also a lesson to bear in mind that rapid, short-term
solutions often have disadvantages evaluated by taking into account consequences on the long-run (March,
2003). Another framework to discuss the necessary changes during crisis is to get engaged in first-order or
second-order changes. Bakacsi argues that it is the leaders responsibility to decide whether the system
needs first-order or second-order change, and therefore initiate rather double-loop learning, instead of single-
loop (Bakacsi, 2010:7).
Ghemawat (2010:57) has forecasted the possibly of more important role to adapt to local norms and the
growing organisational power of the local country. Parallel with increased pressures on pricing,
multinationals have to be sensitive to regional varieties of their offering, as local differences will become
more important (Ghemawat, 2010:589). These organisational changes will increase diversity within
multinational firms, but at the same time create the need for cohesive corporate cultures and tightening talent
management practices (Ghemawat, 2010:60).
Rapid development in IT systems has continued even during the crisis. Companies planning their new
strategies for the period after the crisis have to bear in mind that their rivals have invested a lot during the
last years in technologies and applications, and in order to be able to maintain advantageous competitive
position it is necessary to use the opportunities of real-time data and reports, and have ambitious, flexible
managers in key positions throughout the organisation (Sull, 2010:73).
As a consequence of the accelerated changes and turbulence during the last few years some authors
speak about the next wave of creative disruption. Waldman in his recent book postulates: in fact, the growth
of the mobile internet, the return of economic growth after 2012, and the constant potential for entrepreneurs
to come up with products and services that satisfy fundamental consumer needs are, I believe, going to drive
another great wave of creative disruption in the near future. I predict that the era of creative disruption has
only really just begun. (Waldman, 2010:46-48).
The radical strategic changes possibly emerging during the coming years will probably have an influence
on the organisational structures and processes companies will be adopting. Ringland et al. (2010:90-92)
speak about double-cone organisations where traditional hierarchy dealing with specified and routine
activities will be existing parallel with activities characterised by lack of clarity, ad hoc solutions, private
inspiration, and luck. The well-known structures and mechanisms of control systems, governance and asset
allocation have to live together with spreading ad hoc mechanisms and organisational structures described as
adhocracies (Mintzberg, 1983).
Summarising the above discussed predictions for the after-crisis situation it may be stated that there
seems to be limited possibility for using previously prescribed solutions. Learning, adaptation to emerging
new situations and flexibility may be regarded as crucial capabilities organisation of the future will need in
order to be competitive. Bahrami and Evans have formulated that requirement as follows: the object of
becoming super-flexible is to be able to either intentionally precipitate a transformation, or to make
modifications in response to changing situations. Adaptation occurs either during the course of, or after, an
unfolding change episode, and may simply be random in that one may be just at the right place at the right
time (Bahrami and Evans, 2005:22).

Research methods and samples

Research methods utilised in both countries included questionnaire surveys. Interviews with top
managers, analysis of company documents and case study development were carried out in Slovakia. In
Hungary interviews and case study research will be done later this year. In Slovakia both the questionnaire
survey, the case studies and the interviews were conducted by graduating students at master level under the
supervision of the present author. Findings have been summarised in Master theses defended at Selye Jnos
University in years 2009 and 2010. The questionnaire survey included 200 companies in Slovakia.
Distribution according to the number of employees were as follows: below 10 employees: 34%, between 10
and 49: 39%, between 50 and 99: 14%, between 100 and 249: 13%. 49% of the firms belonged to the service
sector, 34% to industry, 4% to agriculture, and 12% to public administration (Murakzy, 2009:40-41).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The Hungarian survey was part of a larger research endeavour aiming at studying the competitiveness of
Hungarian enterprises. The author was responsible for coordinating the research work related to enterprise
strategies. The survey was conducted in Hungary between April and November 2009. The survey collected
answers from 1246 top managers working in 313 enterprises, belonging mainly to the SME sector.
Distribution of firms according to the number of employees was as follows: 47% of the firms had employees
between 50 and 99, 21% below 50, 20% between 100 and 29, and only 2% had more than 1000 employees.
Manufacturing industry companies represented 42.4% of the sample. Service firms had a ratio of 23.0%, and
trading companies 19.1%. The empirical findings used in the present paper have been published in the
Preliminary Report of the survey (Chikn, Czak and Zoltayn Paprika, [eds.], 2010).

Reactions of enterprises to the crisis in Hungary and Slovakia

Hungarian experiences
Our empirical evidences from the questionnaire survey in Hungary show that the first and most
frequently observable reaction of enterprises were to reduce cost levels, to downsize operations and
reshape organisational structures towards more simple and less expensive management systems. This is the
traditionally observable reaction of companies and this strategy is most frequently advised for executives by
standard textbooks of economics and management. This strategy has resulted in many cases in capabilities to
survive the crisis situation and preserve condition for continuing business activities when the crisis would
have reached its end.
Our sample shows that 34.6% of the companies suffered more than 10% decrease in domestic sales
turnover in 2009 compared to the previous year, while 20.3% experienced less than 10% decrease. 24.5% of
the firms reported stagnation in their domestic sales. 35.9% realised less that 10% growth, and 15.0%
managed to increase domestic sales turnover by more than 10%.
In export sales 40.4% of the companies reported more than 10% annual decrease, and 20.2% less than
10% decrease. 18% of the firms in our sample experienced stagnation in exports, and 13.5% managed to
realise modest growth bellow 10%, and only 7.9% were capable to increase export sales by more than 10%.
The crisis resulted in relevant changes in company strategies. While during the previous surveys in 2004,
1999, and 1996 realisation of profit was the most important target, in the 2009 survey 170 companies
(60.3%) gave the answer that surviving the crises was the most important aim, and 123 mentioned profit
realisation as the no.1 strategic goal. The most frequently followed strategy was defensive (26% of firms),
and shrinking strategy proved to be no.2 (20% of companies). In 2008 growth oriented strategies were the
most frequently observable ones (43%), and defensive strategies were followed by less than 10% of the
firms. In 2009 companies mainly used their resources to defend their existing market positions. The
defensive strategy in many cases was not the consequence of a purposeful strategy, but more as a result of
lack of strategy and a situation which might be described as muddling-through.
It was a clear sign of defensive enterprise strategies that R&D was evaluated as the less important
functional area within the company. 43% of the firms have not had branded products. The companies in our
sample more frequently used the company name as brand name, and only one fifth of the sample firms had
independent product brand names. The ratio of companies introducing new products and technologies has
decreased compared to the previous survey in 2004. Companies generally complained that they got limited
state support for innovation and lack of adequate financial resources was mentioned as a major reason
behind the limited innovation. The importance of organisation development was also under-evaluated by the
responding managers. Modernisation of organisational and management structures got rather limited
importance among the priorities of top managers.
The overall picture observable in the survey of 2009 shows a rather defensive management approach
where companies concentrate only on survival. They generally did not have strategies concerning how to
start development, had rather restricted information on their future possibilities, and in many cases have not
had clear strategic direction. We could hardly observe conscious steps to improve existing products and even
more to develop new ones, and upgrade existing technologies. The marketing efforts only concentrated on
maintaining existing market shares and there were hardly any signs of trying to enter into new markets and
develop products to be sold on new markets.
The characteristics of strategies of the Hungarian enterprises in 2009 do not offer real hopes for getting
out of the crisis within a short period of time as the necessary preparatory actions were missing in the
practices of the companies. We could not find any signs of managerial awareness related to the need for
innovation even during the crisis period in order to improve the prospects of the firm to realise growth when
market demand will start to grow.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Connections to other enterprises and participation in networks can be regarded as a relevant factor of
enterprise development from the point of view of the present paper. The questionnaire survey provides some
information on network relationships of enterprises. The survey of 2009 shows that Hungarian enterprises
preferred short-term contract relations instead of longer-term ones. It was explained by top managers as an
intention to increase flexibility (Chikn et al., 2010:46). It is a positive feature of inter-company
relationships that cooperation in research and development has started to grow. The ratio of R&D
cooperation was the highest compared to the previous surveys within the competitiveness research. This is
somehow a contradictory feature as other characteristics of enterprise activity do not show clear signs of
recognition of the need for innovation.

Slovakian experiences9
The questionnaire survey in Slovakia was conducted between September 2008 and February 2009, a few
months before the Hungarian survey. The overall picture of the survey reveals that companies stagnated or
decreased the volume of their output. A majority of the responding managers (59%) shared the view that the
crises will last for about 2 to 3 years (end of the crisis was connected to starting increase of the GDP in the
Labour costs were unchanged in 51% of the companies, while 26% reported decrease, and another 15%
forecasted changes during the coming months. Possible increase in wage level was mentioned by 5% of the
respondents. Expenditure related to education and training was unchanged in 33% of the firms, it degreased
in 31%, and 21% of the managers expected decrease during 2009. 12% forecasted increase in educational
Costs related to advertisement and communication remained unchanged in 34% of the firms, it decreased
in 29%, and expected decrease was reported by 17% of the respondents. Expected growth of costs was
mentioned by 13% of the companies in the sample. Overall marketing expenditures were unchanged in the
practice of 60% of the firms, decrease was reported by 14%, and expected decrease by another 14%.
Possible increase of marketing cost was mentioned by 9% of the answers.
Investments were reduced in 32% of the companies, 27% reported no changes, and 28% mentioned
possible decrease during the coming months. Increase in investments was forecasted by 12% of the firms.
Introduction of new technologies were reported as being unchanged in its intensity after the crisis by
56%, and decrease was mentioned by 13%. Possible decrease was the experience of 12%, and possible
increase was reported by 15% of the managers. Increase in the intensity of introducing new technologies was
characteristic for 4% of the firms.
It can be seen from the above data that innovation and growth was less characteristic for Slovakian firms
during the crisis period. However there were some examples showing company strategies different from the
generally observable ones. Let us introduce the example of an internet service providing company is
Southern Slovakia (Csiba, 2010). The firm has been set up in 1997 by Slovakian private persons. Today it is
owned by one Slovakian entrepreneur. The firm started its activity in wireless access provision and became
the member of the European Coordination Centre in 2000. The company continued its expansion strategy
during the early 2000s by expanding its products portfolio and geographical coverage. The strategy followed
may be described as a typical diversification strategy and it proved to be rather successful. Meeting customer
expectations and flexible adaptation to changes in the market is a strong element in the strategy of the firm.
The company continuously invested in upgrading and extending its service providing network during the
crisis period. The firm did not change the previously followed differentiation strategy and introduced new
services called FiberHome and PanelNet Max. The optical network of the firm had been extended in years
2009 and 2010. At the beginning of 2010 the company defined its strategy as aiming at continuous growth
by providing high quality services taking into account the environment protection criteria and extending the
services towards new regions in Southern Slovakia. The emerging major profile of the firm in the future is
defined as extending access to the Internet (Csiba, 2010).

Comparison of the Hungarian and Slovakian experiences during the crisis

Empirical evidence summarised above concerning the strategies of Hungarian and Slovakian companies
during the crisis period shows that in both countries defensive strategies aiming at reducing costs of
operation by laying off employees and reducing production and service provision capacities had dominant
roles. Innovation and preparation for growth after the crisis was hardly observable in the practice of

This section is based on Murakzy (2009).
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

companies we analysed. Comparing the Hungarian and Slovakian data we may observe however that the
Hungarian companies were even less innovation oriented than the Slovakian firms. Data on growth,
innovation and expansion showed somewhat higher values in the Slovakian survey. The example of the
innovative Slovakian internet service providing company clearly shows the possibility to go ahead even in a
period of economic downturn. Using Internet may be regarded as a relevant element of future development
either at private individual and enterprise levels. The owner of the Slovakian firm had understood this
challenge and gave adequate answer to the opportunity. The latter example shows that perception and
attitude of owners and executives can make a difference. As Leavitt has described it, path-finding managers
can open the road towards innovation and growth (Leavitt, 1986).

The surveys during the period of economic crisis show that survival and short-term orientation was
characteristic for most of the enterprises. Goals related to innovation and growths were hardly present in the
strategies of enterprises. While the general picture is rather negative from the point of view of preparation
for the period after the recession, there are some examples showing that there are possibilities for other ways
of thinking. The case of the innovative Slovakian internet service providing firm shows that when ownership
and top management aspirations are motivated by longer-term considerations, innovation may have a stake
in shorter-term enterprise strategies as well.
The above consideration shows that executive orientation and way of strategic thinking has a decisive
role in company strategies during the crisis period. Another important influencing factor behind was the
available financial resources which provided possibility for executives to think ahead and start preparations
for the possible growth period after the crisis. Our empirical studies show that this way of thinking was
observable at the minority of enterprises especially in case of SMEs.
The entrepreneurially minded managers of the latter group of firms shared the view that the crisis period
is not only an area with difficult problems to be solved in a short period of time, but at the same time it is a
period of unprecedented opportunities to move forward and develop competitive advantages when increase
in demands will have been arriving (Waldman, 2010). These companies started to develop new R&D
projects, invested in broader areas of innovation and now they are more or less prepared to launch their new
products and services which represent a higher level of technological development and meet customer needs
at a higher level compared to the period before the crisis.
Based on his previous experiences and insights concerning the future possible directions of strategic
development the present author is convinced the success stories after the crises will be connected to
enterprises following the innovation trajectory during the years of crisis.
Another field of development observable in our empirical studies is related to the increasing role of
inter-organisational relationships through different forms of strategic alliances and emergence of clusters.
The permanently prevailing need for cost efficiency and improvement of innovation capabilities drives
companies towards new forms of strategic alliances enhancing the capabilities of business firms to accelerate
innovation, develop new capabilities though co-operation, share risks and make costly innovation projects
financially realisable. The above development tendencies were observable especially in industries
characterised by severe competition, high technological development rates and needs for meeting new
customer expectations (Hokansson and Lind, 2004).

Conclusions and further research options

We have to admit that the available empirical evidences are rather limited from the point of view of
making general forecasts for the future development tendencies. Additional research work is needed
covering broader areas of enterprises and a more concentrated focus on the connections between innovation
and future growth options of enterprises. Special attention should be devoted to the SME sector as it has an
important role in future economic growth. But the observable intentions of the enterprises in our surveys
probably provide possibilities for drawing attention to the emerging new tendencies and new strategic logics
developed by enterprise managers.
It can be seen that managerial behaviour concentrating on short-term survival is not favourable for
realising the possibilities of growth which will be provided when the crisis will have been finished.
Increasing demand for products and services parallel with starting economic growth will offer outstanding
growth option for those companies which have made the necessary preparatory steps during the crisis years.
It seems to be clear that enterprises capable of offering new products and services representing higher level

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

of technological capabilities and better adjustment to customer requirements will have the winning position
after the crisis. This forecast is supported by the observable fact that during the crisis period in Hungary
companies concentrating on R&D had the possibility for increasing their sales turnover.
Further and more extended studies will be necessary to check whether the above sketched directions of
development are broadly observable new tendencies of enterprise level strategic management, or they are
only examples observable locally. The present author and his colleagues have been working on this research

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Vulfs Kozlinskis
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Loreta Losane
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose To determine the role of government and factors that foster and hinder Latvian exports the most, which
have to be taken into account to improve the situation, by analysing the Latvian export of goods and export experience
of specific enterprises.
Design/ methodology/ approach Literature studies, analysis of statistical information (Central Statistical Bureau
of Latvia), interviews with entrepreneurs and experts.
Findings The main factors fostering and hindering export at the micro and macro level.
Research limitations/ implications Research is based on experience of entrepreneurs and experts of two
branches - Agriculture and food, wood and wood production.
Practical implications The paper may serve as a basis for policy makers.
Originality/ value The research reveals factors fostering and hindering export at the macro level as well as
focuses on micro level factors at the enterprise level.
Keywords: export of goods, promotion of export, factors hindering export.

More and more attention is paid to export as a driving force of the Latvian economy in times of
economic crisis when domestic consumption tends to decrease. Branches directed to domestic demand,
oriented to consumption trade, construction, business - showed a growth in 2007 2008, but the structure
of Latvian economy changed with decrease in demand.
According to Central Statistical Bureau data, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Latvia in the 1 st quarter
of 2011 increased by 0.2% compared to the previous quarter, but it has increased by 3.4% since the 1st
quarter of 2010.10 The improvement in the economic situation is mainly associated with the increase in
export volumes and growth of export-related industries.
Currently the government offers a wide range of activities to promote export, but it is necessary to
evaluate which activities are really essential for enterprises who export their goods and which probably are
not necessary at all. To provide an efficient and expedient support and to achieve the expected results it is
necessary to research entrepreneurs problems related to export and factors fostering and hindering export.
Research revealed in this paper is based on the analysis of statistical information, publications about
export issues and interviews of entrepreneurs and experts. To get primary data two seminars with
participation of entrepreneurs and experts were held as well.

Results and Discussions

1. Latvian export of goods in 2007-2010
Statistical information about Latvian export of goods in 2007 2010 (Figure 1) demonstrates its growth
last year which is the highest growth during the last 4 years.
Probably export can be one of the driving forces of the Latvian economy and points to economic
recovery, though some questions can be raised regarding the validity of the existing data.
Firstly, the statistical information includes not only export of goods produced in Latvia over a definite
period of time but also re-export at the same time as well. Central Statistical Bureau had gathered
information about 100 largest exporters of goods. The data showed that they were exported half of total
goods exported, but some of them are traders and intermediaries with warehouses here in Latvia. For

CSB data
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

example, Samsung, Roche, LG Electronics Latvija are enterprises which supply goods to retail chain
networks in the Baltic countries. Yet another example is the enterprise Do It, which supplies goods to retail
chains Yysk and The Pier in Baltic countries and also in Bulgaria and Rumania [21].
Secondly, the large share of export in 2010 can be related to the increase in prices on the global market.
Prices of some products have increased by several tens of percentage points - skimmed milk powder - by
49%, and butter by 47% [11].
Since the accession of Latvia to the EU the largest share of export has been to countries of EU, which
increased or decreased proportional to the total export of goods (Figure 2).

5000.0 4428.9 4666.5

2007 2008 2009 2010

Figure 1. Latvian export of goods in 2007-2010 (million LVL)

Source: CSB data

3224 3315.6
3500 3065.9
3000 2571.1
2000 EU- 25
1500 CIS
586.4 940.6
1000 664 501.4 Other
388 529.7 414.6
500 540.9
2007 2008 2009 2010

Figure 2. Latvian export of goods by groups of countries in 2007-2010(mil. LVL)

Source: CSB data

Orientation mainly towards only one export market increases the risk, and therefore an increase in
diversification at both levels the country as well as the enterprise is necessary, for example, increasing
exports to CIS and other countries. Export changes in absolute figures show a dramatic reduction in export in
2009 - 3.6 billion LVL. Compared to 2008, the reduction is more than 20%. This is due to the impact of the
economic crisis and therefore a sound reason and justification for the need for export diversification.
The main export partners in terms of countries during the 1st part of 2010 was Lithuania 15.4% of total
export (16.6% in 2009), Estonia 13.9% (13.8%), Russia 9.7% (8.3%), Germany 8.9% (8.7%), Sweden
6.7% (6.3%). The largest growth in 2010 was attributed to CIS countries.11
Latvia significantly increased exports to Armenia, China and Russia. In the first quarter of this year
(compared to the same period in 2009) Latvian export to Armenia increased by 46%, to China - by 42% and
to Russia - by 36%. The amount of Latvian export of goods to the following countries also increased: to
Kyrgyzstan (by12%), to Ukraine (by 6%) and to Tajikistan (by 2%) as well. Amount of export decreased to
Kazakhstan (by 57%), to Turkmenistan (by 50%), to Uzbekistan (by 37%), to Moldova (par 17%), to
Georgia (by14%), Belorussia (by 11%) and to Azerbaijan (by 6%) [15].

CSB data
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The TOP 3 Latvian export positions have not changed over the last four years (2007 2010). Wood and
wood production, Agriculture and food and Metals and metal production have all been in the TOP 3 all these
years. These branches just changed their positions in the TOP 3. As an exception, export of Metals and metal
production lost its positions in 2009, and Machinery, appliances and electrical equipment penetrated the TOP
3 12.
The dominant groups in the Latvian export of goods are the groups where resources are the most
available in Latvia wood and wood production, agriculture and food. We can conclude that natural
resources are one of the main factors which determine relationships between international trade and
branches. Both groups mentioned above have developed and strengthened over a long period of time. But
why does such group as metalworking take such a large share of Latvian export of goods when
metal ore mining does not exist here in Latvia? The geographic position of Latvia may be a decisive factor
in this case because Latvia is situated near countries where there are natural resources and near countries
which are the main markets for this production Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden
etc. Metal castings, rods, farm machinery, port facilities etc. are exported to these countries. Changes in the
TOP3 exports are related to changes in the main markets of export. The largest reduction - 40% (in 2009,
compared to the situation in 2008) was in the export of base metals and its production. This was due to a
significant reduction in the amount of construction in Europe and the USA. It is necessary to point out that
export of agricultural and food products remained stable.
We can observe that goods with low added value dominate in the Latvian export. This situation is just in
contrast to that in most developed European countries whose industries are oriented towards production of
goods with high added value: chemical industry, transport, optical equipment, etc.
The Bank of Latvia underlines serious risks for growth of export and even forecasts a reduction in
exports that can be related to [18]:
uncertainty regarding global economic prospects;
capacity utilisation in the industry (as a result rise in production and export will depend on new
investments in expanding production, but it cannot continue over a long period as it is impossible to
increase production endlessly due to increased capacity utilisation);
Additional risks:
o Russias decision on the reduction of a number of transport permits for European
Transport Conference (ETC) leading to a reduction of Latvian cargo carriers opportunities of
cooperation with Russia by at least one third;
o proposals of European Commission on reduction of fishing quotas for the catch of herrings and
sprats in the Baltic Sea by 10-28%, beginning from 2011 leading to possible reductions in the
export of food [18].
Experts of the Bank of Latvia point out the significance of using new technologies and production of
innovative products to maintain the Latvian export.

2. Exports in agriculture and food

Exports of agricultural and food products have been on TOP3 list of Latvian exports of goods for the
past four years and it was at its highest level in 2010 over the last four years (Figure 3).
Export of some products has increased significantly over the last year (in 2010 compared to the previous
year 2009): export of milk products increased by 48%, oils and fats - by 23%, fruits and vegetables by
16%, fishes by 16%, oil seeds - by 12%, sugar - by 8%, coarse grains by 5%, wheat by 1%, rice by
10% (including re-export, because rice is not grown in Latvia) [28].
It is necessary to evaluate statistical information because prices of main agricultural products rose very
fast which is one of the main factors making statistical data for agriculture and food larger.
The main markets for agro-industrial sector are the Baltic countries, then other new EU countries, EU
15, CIS, high developed countries and other countries. There are different problems related to every market.
The main problems related to the Baltic countries market are: small capacity of the market, slow growth, and
concentration of retailers and competitiveness of domestic producers. The main problems related to export to
EU-15 are higher requirements of consumers and demand for goods with high added value, which is very
low in Latvia. Very often producers consider goods with just some modifications, for example, a yogurt with
another taste as a new product. Very seldom are new products created, for example, Lakto (different cultured
milk product). There is high concentration of retailers in EU 15 countries as well, and shops try to ensure

CSB data
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

distribution of stock for the whole trade network, but producers from Latvia are unable to ensure the
necessary amount of goods. Problems of CIS countries market are related to undeveloped infrastructure
which makes supply more expensive. There are certain barriers for entry into this market too, for example, a
special certificate of Veterinary Service is required. The market is protected by quotas, requirements of
quality and customs [28].

1000 818
800 664



2007 2008 2009 2010

Figure 3. Export of Agriculture goods and food in 2007 - 2010 (mil. LVL) [7, 8]

According to information included in the plan "on promotion of food production to Russia"[2] 64% of
agriculture and food product export to third countries in 2010 was exported to Russia. The main products
exported to Russia were:
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (growth in export by 122% compared to export in 2009);
Milk products (growth by 202%)
Wastes of the Food industry, including food for animals (decrease in export in 2010 compared to
2009 by 33%);
Meat and fish products (increase in export by 31%).[2]
Structure of food production has not changed significantly in the past years (share of meat and meat
production 23%, share of milk products 19% and production of drinks 17%).[5]
Agriculture and food production is mainly exported to Russia and Lithuania (similar shares for both
countries) 117.3 million LVL to Russia and 113.4 million LVL to Lithuania respectively. If we look at the
share of export to different countries, then the share of Lithuania is 21% and the export value increased by
25%. Exports to Russia have increased by 60%, and the share has increased to 22%. The most important
countries importers of agriculture and food production are Lithuania imports of 167.6 million LVL,
Poland 67.8 million LVL and Estonia 60.1 million LVL. [5]
Opportunities for export of agriculture and food production [30]:
1. Positive trends in the world market. Stable growth in demand also leads to a growth in prices.
Forecasts these trends will remain stable in the long-term and will determine the sustainability of
agriculture and food production.
2. Coordinated actions of state institutions (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of
Defence etc.) play an important role in fostering export. The task is to help to promote production in
perspective markets. Currently enterprises export their production form informal associations, and therefore
there is a lack of coordination and sometimes even opposing actions among promoters of different projects
(trade marks) can be observed.
3. Strategically important issue - equal distribution of grants among EU countries as grants among new
and old EU member states sometimes can vary up to several times, but differences in prices of resources
are not so large. This leads to an unfavourable situation in the resources market as well as while competing
with the old EU countries.
Main problems regarding export of agriculture and food production [30]
1. High costs which depend on:
a) Price of resources;
b) Unutilised capacity;

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

c) Weak cooperation.
2. Fragmentation of agricultural production is one of the reasons for reduction in export opportunities.
Solution - cooperation. Cooperation success stories - "Latraps and "Vidzeme agro-economic co-operative
3. Milk is sold to Lithuania resulting in job losses in dairy farms [16].

3. Role of government and government institutions in fostering export

Government institutions: The Ministry of Economics and Investment and Development Agency of
Latvia (LIAA) which is under the authority of Ministry of Economics; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Support Service and Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics under the
authority of Ministry of Agriculture, and non-governmental institutions: associations of industries, Latvian
Chamber of Commerce (Figure 4).
The Ministry of Economy (ME) has the most important role in fostering export; they develop guidelines
for fostering export and attraction of foreign investment including guidelines for 2010 2016 (approved by
decree of Cabinet of Ministers No 413 (19th June, 2009)) [3] and annual plans of action for fostering export
of goods and services of Latvia [1].
Unfortunately, evaluating the guidelines, we can see that goal of the policy is to increase and diversify
the export of goods and services and sub-goals - creation and export of goods with high added value,
increasing the competitiveness of entrepreneurs in global markets and attraction of foreign investments in
industries of high technologies [3], are too general and no priority industries have been named for the
creation of goods with high added value or for increase in competitiveness of entrepreneurs. Following such
aims it is difficult to imagine strictly defined, goal oriented and effective development of export. M. Porter in
his Diamond" theory emphasises the role of government in providing support for certain sectors and
fostering export and competitiveness.
Evaluating the institutional structure of Latvian economy it is possible to draw the conclusion, that this
structure is fragmented. It is horizontal (Figure 4) but not vertical. An institution that would monitor all
issues related to export is missing. Ministries have an essential role and they monitor other institutions, but
every ministry operates in its area of competence and does not relate its operations with operations of other
ministries and institutions monitored by other ministries. Consequently, the promotion of export is more
episodic rather than focused and unified. We can also observe the ineffective use of resources.
Do the Latvian foreign economic representative offices really need supervision of two institutions
(LIAA and Coordination Council of Latvian Foreign Economic representations founded in 2009)?
It would be advisable to consolidate embassies or diplomatic missions supervised by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and economic representative offices supervised by Ministry of Economics thereby
effectively using resources and entrepreneurs would not have any doubts regarding which institution to refer
to concerning issues they may face abroad.
If we look at institutional structure for export promotion we can observe that agriculture is state priority
in export, because it is supervised by one of the ministries (Ministry of Agriculture) and gets its full
attention. If it is really a state priority then the expected results have been achieved as agriculture and food,
wood and wood production are in the TOP 3 of Latvian exports.
Exports of all other industries are supervised by Ministry of Economics, but LIAA oversees the direct
promotion. We cannot observe any priorities in this area.
It is possible to promote exports in direct and indirect way. Direct promotion is related to actions aimed
at promoting enterprise exports and are directly connected with enterprises. Indirect promotion can be
achieved by actions aimed at, for example, improvement of business macro-environment or development of
infrastructure (Table 1).
As can be seen in Table 1, the scope of indirect promotion of exports is far wider than direct promotion.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Economics Export Promotion

Agriculture Foreign Affairs

Rural Latvian State Embassies or Investment Latvian Coordination

Support Institute of diplomatic and Guarantees Council of Latvian Chamber
Council Agrarian missions Development Agency Latvian Foreign of Commerce and
Economics Agency of Economic representa Industry
Representa- Latvia tions

Latvian Associations of
Latvian foreign
economic representative

Figure 4. Institutional structure of export promotion

Source: based on the authors analysis

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 1
State support for export promotion

Direct support Indirect support

Information & consultations Trans-governmental agreements
Support for cooperation Tax relief
Marketing Infrastructure development
Insurance of export credit risks Support for R&D
Legal support Latvian diplomatic missions and consulates abroad
Financial support Loans and guarantees, availability of financial resources
Training qualified specialists
Source: based on the authors analysis

We can divide all direct export promotion events into the following groups:
1. Information and advisory activities;
2. Networking activities;
3. Marketing activities;
4. The legal framework-building actions;
5. Financial support actions.
We can see that range of export promotion actions is very wide. There are a lot of direct actions for
export promotion, but usually evaluating these actions the number of these actions rather than its quality is
taken into consideration. Especially we can observe this in reports of LIAA which refer to the number of
actions. It is necessary to study the quality of these actions and its effect on Latvian export promotion. It is
possible that the results can show that investment is much larger than the result.
There are no priorities either for export promotion actions, or for industries. LIAAs consultations,
networks and other actions are the same for entrepreneurs of all industries.
The issue is to what extent Latvian entrepreneurs are aware of these activities and avail of those
necessary for them. During the last 5 years enterprises have been acquainted with only a handful of research
results conducted on export promotion.
A positive example that could be underlined regarding state priority in the field of export promotion is
the plan on food export promotion to Russia within the framework of which research has been carried out
on the development of food industry clusters for food exports to Russia and several export promotion actions
have been planned and implemented: support has been provided for participation in international
exhibitions in Russia to help to overcome barriers for entry into the Russian market; the booklet
Food product certification was published, conference Food Products Export Promotion to Russia was held,
The result of such targeted complex actions is: Promotion of Latvian agricultural and food product
export to Russia with a positive contribution towards its growth (increase by 61% compared to2009).
Amount of enterprises exporting to Russia increased by 16.4% (71 enterprises as of 31st December 2010
compared to 61 enterprises as of 31st December 2009" [4].
International exhibitions, which increase the visibility of Latvian entrepreneurs, are the most widely
used and important export promotion activities for entrepreneurs.
Actions like brand introduction are doubtful, because brands have been created, but do not work in
reality. No information on brands Quality Product of Latvia and Rgas marka or the criteria how enterprises
can avail of them is available.
It would be desirable in the present situation to develop financial instruments for export promotion,
because one of the most important preconditions for export promotion is the availability of resources.

4. Research Analysis of Latvian entrepreneurs experience related to export

Information in press and Internet resources was summarised, entrepreneur's interviews were conducted
and 2 seminars Latvian export of goods: problems and solutions with participation of entrepreneurs and
experts were organised to evaluate the experience of entrepreneurs and to clarify factors fostering and
hindering export
All interviewed entrepreneurs are owners of small enterprises and have started export in recent years (2-
5 years). Countries to which they export are quite different - Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Sweden,
Finland etc. The choice of markets depends on the demand for goods in one or the other country and the
possibility to find network partners. Entrepreneurs interviews were aimed at clarifying 5 of the most
essential issues:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1) Factors fostering export;

2) Factors hindering export;
3) Possible solutions;
4) State's role in export promotion;
5) Knowledge and skills necessary for entrepreneurs to be successful exporters.
The newspaper Dienas Bizness" interviewed entrepreneurs exporting goods to ascertain the profile of
an average exporter in Latvia. The average exporter is an entrepreneur working in one of the dominating
export industries (wood and wood production; agriculture and food; metal and metal production) who is able
to adapt to foreign customers requirements. The Latvian entrepreneur tries to respond to demands in a fast
and flexible manner considering quality as an important issue (a satisfied client is one of the most important
values for enterprise) to be competitive in foreign markets. Entrepreneurs answering questions of the
newspaper Dienas Bizness", mentioned the availability of funds, shortage of highly qualified specialists,
attraction of reliable sales agents etc. as the main problems concerning exports [6, 14-15].
Problems which entrepreneurs encountered while starting exports were ascertained from the
entrepreneurs interviews. These problems are mainly related to the lack of experience because each export
case is quite different and it is difficult to find instructions for each and every situation.
The most significant problems entrepreneurs face starting exports are:
Lack of full information about foreign markets;
Difficulty in finding appropriate partners;
Costs (for product improvement, packaging, transport);
Increasing production capacity etc.
Direct export promotion actions provided by the state include provision of information about foreign
markets and assistance in partner finding as well. There are examples when entrepreneurs are grateful to the
state for its support in networking [14], but there are radically opposing opinions when entrepreneurs name
the lack of contacts and partners for starting export as the most actual problem and suggest the provision of
experts with knowledge of local markets of different countries as a solution [16]. Networking and organising
visits to different countries play an important role in export promotion actions carried out by LIAA. It shows
either the low quality of these support actions or the lack of information about such kind of support.
Issues concerning expenditure are being resolved on a nationwide scale with the establishment of
Latvian Guarantees Agency which provides exporters with guarantees for their loans. There are a lot of
enterprises already using these opportunities, but the funds for guarantees is limited (20 million LVL for
period 2007 2013) [26], and therefore requests for such guarantees are carefully evaluated. It is necessary
to think about financial instruments for export promotion at the state level because funds are the basis for
export opportunities.
Very often enterprises are not ready to start exports because there is lack of enterprise strategy. There is
no understanding regarding which countries to export to, no vision, no plans [8]. It shows the unprofessional
approach and lack of knowledge of Latvian entrepreneurs. Firstly, entrepreneurs have to set goals they wish
to achieve through exports; secondly, they have to evaluate their resources - whether they have enough
resources and whether their employees are competent enough [24].
Entrepreneurs consider it essential to have good technical knowledge to be successful in the particular
area of export, which is decisive in being able to invent and produce new innovative products which would
make the life of not only Latvian inhabitants but worldwide easier [25].
Entrepreneurs themselves mentioned the knowledge and skills required for starting exports. They
consider language knowledge and communication skills as the most important ones. Table 2 shows that
entrepreneurs require knowledge that they can learn themselves (languages, culture of different countries),
knowledge they could gain from research results at the state level (foreign markets) and knowledge they
could acquire within programmes offered by higher education institutions (marketing strategies).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 2
Knowledge and skills essential for exporters

Knowledge Skills
Languages Communication skills
Culture of other countries Ability to analyse and understand situation
Foreign markets Creativity
Products Ability to act fast in untypical situations
Marketing strategies
Source: worked out by the authors; based on interviews with entrepreneurs

Main factors hindering exports at the at the state and enterprise level
Factors most hindering export (entrepreneurs' opinion) at the micro level (Table 3) and macro level
(Table 4) were ascertained during the entrepreneurs' interviews.

Table 3
The main factors hindering export at the macro level

Macro level factors Solutions

Unpredictable changes in taxes, tariffs Taxes and tariffs are planned by government over a period
of several years
Level of education Education of high level specialists
Source: worked out by the authors; based on interviews with entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs most critically assess the unpredictable increase of taxes and tariffs that do not provide
any security and stability. Consequently, entrepreneurs are acting only in present situation without thinking
about possibilities of enterprise's future development. There are entrepreneurs planning to transfer their
business to other countries where there is a safe and stable base for development [26]. Entrepreneurs
working in the field of agriculture consider that reduction of taxes may foster development of modern,
ecological agriculture at the same time maintaining bio-agriculture [13], which could be one of niches in
export markets. Entrepreneurs consider that improvement of business macro environment has to be one of
the most important contributions for export promotion.
Government with its unpredictable decisions and increasing of taxes obstruct economic development,
and entrepreneurs become uncompetitive [24].
Entrepreneurs and experts consider that there is a necessity for highly qualified specialists, professionals
in production and exporting as well. It should be noted that all interviewed entrepreneurs and experts have
education and experience in their respective field of work, which is one of factors for ensuring successful
export. The objective of state is to provide training as a result of which enterprises would employ high level
Part of entrepreneurs mentioned protectionism of other countries by giving preference to local
production as factor hindering export. Some examples are markets of Poland, Finland and Sweden [9].
Entrepreneurs note another barrier for entry into foreign markets - specific requirements for different
products. For example, producers of food who want to sell their production in Russia have to go through
special tests to get the certificate. Producers of ecological food have also met the same problem while trying
to enter the German market [27]. These are issues to be solved at the bilateral level with cooperation
agreements providing better rules for cooperating countries.
Although competitiveness is mentioned as a micro level factor, some entrepreneurs pointed out the
importance of state's image and competitiveness (Table 4). Marketing activities are assessed positive,
especially the creation of unified state image at international exhibitions, but entrepreneurs suggest
improving the image by developing business macro environment including development of infrastructure,
resolving demographic issues etc. [13].
Due to the small capacity of production, entrepreneurs are forced to look for appropriate size of partners
abroad, and this factor limits their export opportunities. They lose a large part of market because foreign
partners require regular supplies for their whole trade network not just for only one separate shop. This
problem is very actual in the Russian market and in markets of EU countries as well where developing retail
networks require large amounts of production and Latvian entrepreneurs are unable to supply such amounts
of production.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 4
Factors most hindering export (entrepreneurs' opinion) at the micro level

Micro level factors Solutions

Small quantity of the production Cooperation
Poor competitiveness Production of products with high added value
Source: worked out by the authors

Another essential micro level problem is the competitiveness of production. Foreign customers are
becoming more and more exacting and are demanding improvement of current production and creation of
new products with high added value as well. Currently Latvia is oriented towards production of goods with
low added value although research carried out in Latvia show that Latvia should develop production of such
industries as pharmacy, chemical industry etc.
The more in terms of quantity and efficiency the state produces complicated and qualitative goods the
more the state, enterprises and people can earn money. A state specialising in the production of simple and
less qualitative goods can only compete with low-cost labour countries and has no chances to reach the level
of incomes of Western countries because it can only survive by maintaining low salaries [22].

Factors fostering export

Factors fostering export were ascertained as a result of entrepreneurs' and experts' interviews (Table 5).

Table 5
Factors fostering export at the macro level and micro level

Macro level factors Micro level factors

Stable business macro environment Competitive products
Foreign seed- money Good knowledge about export markets
Governments support for R&D , education Good sales skills
Resource accessibility Flexibility
Good infrastructure Cooperation
States image
Source: worked out by the authors based on opinions of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs see the most important role of state not so much in direct export promotion as in
formation of stable business environment and targeted policies. State must determine priority industries or
priorities for export in some industries as it is being done in neighbouring countries and the state has to form
favourable tax policy, incentives for investments, support for establishment of new enterprises etc. These
activities must be carried out in a goal oriented and planned manner so that entrepreneurs would feel safe
about future, about the situation in a month, year etc. Currently the long term policies do not list any priority
industries or other industries [13].
Exports should be promoted with indirect activities oriented to research and development (R&D) and
improvement of system of education too. Investments in R&D would result in production with high added
value, and improvements in the system of education in highly qualified specialists. Investments in R&D
would promote the production of goods that have never been produced in the world and according to
P.Krugmans theory, would be first entrants in the market. Lack of reforms in the system of education has
worsened the human resources situation as a lot of educated specialists have emigrated abroad. Firstly, the
state has to seriously consider how to maintain and improve the human resources situation.
State has to provide basic functions and business and profit functions have to be handed over to
entrepreneurs [26].
Infrastructure has a significant role in export promotion. Information technologies are playing an ever
more important role in the development of infrastructure. The largest operator of data centres in Baltic States
(DEAC) has started to provide information and communication technology infrastructure for work in
networks of Russia, Europe and Asia. It opens wider technological opportunities for Latvian enterprises to
enter export markets [12].
Infrastructure has a significant impact on the logistics development in a state. Exports cannot exist
without an improved logistics system. Just some enterprises consider logistics issues while starting exports
[66], but the majority of exporters are small and medium sized enterprises which are still facing logistics

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

problems. Entrepreneurs in their interviews note that logistics is yet to be developed for export of agriculture
and food production. They are still using foreign logistics, not local services.
Latvia's image in the world would be promoted with improvement of the economic situation.
Entrepreneurs consider that Latvia is not well-known and not a desired partner for foreign entrepreneurs.
Though the State's image is a macro level factor, it promotes a lot of other factors like safety, stability,
honesty and profitability of each and every entrepreneur.
The most important micro level factor is competitiveness of goods that depends on each and every
individual entrepreneur. Some entrepreneurs create new products, some - improve products making better
packaging or making the product more convenient to use etc. Added value of goods is becoming more and
more important. Some examples:
Saldus food factory produces a varied range of sweets Gotia, with improved packaging elements
such as colours, design or even advertisement of enterprises (enterprises can order sweets in
packaging with the name of their enterprise) [20].
Kate furniture has thought about the needs of customer, producing ergonomic goods [19].
It is important that entrepreneurs understand their advantages in export markets.
Entrepreneurs producing food production consider that one of niche markets for Latvian exporters may
be eco products because already currently customers appreciate taste qualities and naturalness of Latvian
products [74]. Currently there are a lot of food producers who provide biological products Anna Bergmans
teas [27], Lauku tjas [17], chickens eggs, candied quince, honey [65], meat and others. Association of
Latvian Biological Agriculture note that currently there are 3514 organic farms functioning in Latvia, but
only 63 of them are processing enterprises. It means that it is possible to develop biological agriculture by
developing its processing. Only 5% of production reaches the customer as biological production due to lack
of processing [10]. The largest enterprises which process eco production are Li, Rgas dzirnavnieks, Talsu
piensaimnieks, Triktas siers [23].
Other Latvian producers are trying to position themselves as producers of quality production and
partners who are able respond to any requirement of client or even to any whim.
For example, Balticovo listens to requirements of customers and quickly responds to the demand
providing the Swedish market with boiled eggs without shell, packed in small buckets, for Germany eggs
laid by chicken grown outdoors and for Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden mass for
omelettes etc. [9].
Entrepreneurs were asked to evaluate current states support activities for export promotion. The most
positive evaluations were for marketing activities, especially, support for participation in international
exhibitions. In this way small enterprises with limited finances and less experience of participation in
exhibitions are supported financially and provided assistance in fulfilling the necessary documentation. It is
very important for small enterprises that they can participate at a common Latvian stand and therefore be
noticed by clients. It is very expensive for small enterprises to participate on their own being able to afford
only small exhibition space and thereby risk not being noticed by clients at the exhibition.
In some situations assistance provided by LIAA and Latvian Export Council in finding partners [26] and
trade missions were assessed very positively, but sometimes these activities were assessed just on the
contrary. It is possible to find the opinions of entrepreneurs on LIAAs homepage. Some opinions published
in the media are very positive about support making network, but entrepreneurs noted that these activities
are very superficial and dont give the expected result. LIAA offered a list of contacts for some
entrepreneurs, but they consider that it was difficult to select necessary contacts from this list. Consequently
entrepreneurs decided to find contacts related to their needs themselves in different electronic catalogues.
Entrepreneurs believe that they are not aware of all export promotion provided by the state and know
only some activities. The most mentioned activities for export promotion were consultations; support for
participation in international exhibitions; support in search for partners; international missions.
Some of entrepreneurs believe that direct states activities for export support are not necessary at all and
they see the role of state in improvement of the business macro environment.

Main conclusions
The main task of the government has to be the improvement of business environment (reduction of
taxes, energy tariffs and minimum salary etc.). The states indirect support (forming and maintenance of
stable business macro environment; training of highly qualified specialists, development of infrastructure
etc.) of export is more important than a rather wide range of direct activities about which only a part of
entrepreneurs were informed. Unpredictable changes of taxes and tariffs are one of the most hindering
factors raising prices of production and thereby making them uncompetitive.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Governments support for export is divided and lacks good coordination in Latvia. It is possible to
observe ineffective use of resources in the institutional structure for export promotion:
responsibilities overlap (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and LIAA; Council of Latvian Foreign Representative
Coordination and LIAA; associations of industries and LIAA).
There is a very wide range of export promotion activities in Latvia, but nobody evaluates their
effectiveness. Activities for export promotion are not aimed at priority industries or goods. The most
positive activity (entrepreneurs opinion) is support for participation in international exhibitions.
Main problems entrepreneurs face, when starting export are:
Lack of full information about foreign markets;
Difficulty in finding appropriate partners;
Costs (for product's improvement, packaging, transport);
Increasing production capacity etc.
One of the problems indicated by entrepreneurs who export to other countries is small quantity of
production. To solve this problem it is necessary to find appropriate size of partners abroad. Other solution
(preferable) is cooperation between small producers.
It is possible to acquire the knowledge (languages, culture of other countries, foreign markets, products,
marketing strategies) and skills (sales, communication, etc.) necessary for entrepreneurs to export goods
through different forms and levels (from self-education to studies in higher education institutions).
Entrepreneurs have got good export experience themselves and every individual case of export (different
products to different countries) is specific, and it is necessary to organise courses for entrepreneurs where
they can learn from each others experience (creative classes).

1. Informative Report about realization of actions plan Par prtikas produktu eksporta veicinanu uz Krievijas
Federciju (About promotion export of food to Russia) stenoanu (15.02.2011), viewed: 23.03.2011. Available
at: www.mk.gov.lv/doc/2005/EMZino_110211.2578.doc .
2. Informative Report Par prtikas nozares koordinanas nodroinanu (Ensuring of food branches
coordination) (14.03.2011.), viewed: 29.03.2011. Available at:
3. Latvijas vidjais eksporttjs (An average exporter of Latvia). Dienas Bizness. 29.12.2010., p. 14-15.
4. Prtikas eksportam augstkais lmenis (Food export hits the highest level). Dienas Bizness. 24.02.2011. p.8.
5. Andersone, I. Uzmumiem nav eksporta stratijas (Enterprises do not have the export strategy), viewed:
17.03.2011. Available at: http://www.db.lv/blogi-viedokli/blogi/uznemumiem-nav-eksporta-strategijas-236729.
6. Balticovo plno aktvk pievrsties eksportam (Balticovo will put more focus on export), viewed: 17.03.2011.
Available at: http://www.financenet.lv/nozares/342472-balticovo_plano_aktivak_pieversties_eksportam.
7. Bioprodukti - miljonu vrta biznesa nia- intervija ar G. Norkrkli (Bioproducts millions worth business niche
interview with G.Norkaklis), viewed: 17.04.2011. Available at: http://lbla.lv/LV/int 21.10.2010.
8. BNN. Gulbe: lauksaimniecbas preu eksports pieaudzis par 24% (Gulbe: agricultural exports increased
by 24%), viewed:14.03.2011. Available at: http://bnn.lv/2010/12/15/bizness/1404gulbe-lauksaimniecibas-precu-
9. DEAC Latvijas uzmumiem sk nodroint datu centru infrastruktru Krievijas, Eiropas un zijas reionos
(DEAC starts to provide the data centre infrastructure in regions of Russia, Europe and Asia), viewed:
04.02.2010. Available at: http://www.deac.lv/?object_id=16497.
10. K Latvijai pelnt atbild Kampars (How Latvia should earn answering Kampars), viewed: 06.03.2011.
Available at: http://www.social.lv/portal/nodarbinatiba/aktualitte/1248-ka-latvijai-pelnit-atbild-kampars.
11. Konditorejas raotju Daugulis un partneri glbj eksports. Latvijas Avze (Export is saved by the producer of
confectionery Daugulis un partneri), viewed: 11.03.2011. Available at:
12. Latvija ievrojami palielinjusi eksportu uz Armniju, nu un Krieviju (Latvia has increased export to Armenia
China and Russia), viewed: 04.02.2011. Available at: http://www.kasjauns.lv/lv/news/latvija-ieverojami-
13. Latvija-Rga: Ekonomika atjaunojas? (Latvia Riga: Is economics restoring), viewed: 17.03.2011. Available at:
14. Latvij bioloisko tju tirg ir vieta jauniem spltjiem (There is a place for new players in the market of
biological teas in Latvia), viewed:17.02.2011. Available at: http://nekrize.lv/biologisko-teju-tirgu/.
15. Pelce, D. Eksporta pieaugums joprojm strauj; nkotn nepiecieamas investcijas un japzins riski (Growth
of export is still rapid; investments are required in future, it is necessary to be aware of risks), viewed:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

11.04.2011. Available at: http://www.makroekonomika.lv/eksporta-pieaugums-joprojam-straujs-nakotne-

16. Raots Latvij - KATE mbeles (Produced in Latvia - KATE furnitures), viewed: 07.12.2011. Available at:
17. Raots Latvij - Saldus gotias (Produced in Latvia Saltus gotias), viewed: 07.04.2011. Available at:
18. Rozenfelde, L. Latvijas eksports: vai pieaugums uz reeksporta rina? Kas notiek Latvij? (The Latvian export:
is it increasing because of re-export? What is happening in Latvia?) viewed: 11.04.2011. Available at:
http://www.knl.lv/raksti/1018/, 08.02.2010.
19. Rutkaste, U. Latvijas eksporta spoums un posts (Splendor and misery of the Latvian export), viewed:
08.03.2011. Available at: http://www.makroekonomika.lv/latvijas-eksporta-spozums-un-posts.
20. Rsa, L. Par bioloisko biznesu (About biological business), viewed: 04.04.2011. Available at:
21. Sapnis par eksportu skas ar rpgu plnoanu un sevis izvrtanu (Dream about export starts from a detailed
planning and evaluation), viewed: 04.02.2011. Available at: http://nekrize.lv/sapnis-par-eksportu/.
22. Strauti, P. Eksporta cei ir plai. Jautjums ko eksportt? (Exports routes are wide. The question what to
export?) viewed: 09.02.2011. Available at: http://nekrize.lv/jautajums-ko-eksportet/.
23. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Order No.181 Par Latvijas preu un pakalpojumu eksporta
veicinanas un rvalstu investciju piesaistes paskumu plnu 2010. 2011.gadam (About plan of actions for
promotion of the Latvian export of goods and services and attraction of investments in 2010-2011)
(01.04.2010.), viewed: 21.03.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=207521.
24. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Order No.421 Par prtikas produktu eksporta veicinanu uz
Krievijas Federciju (About promotion of food exports to Russia) (23.07.2010.), viewed: 15.03.2011. Available
at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=213805&from=off.
25. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Order No.413 Par Latvijas preu un pakalpojumu eksporta
veicinanas un rvalstu investciju piesaistes pamatnostdnm 2010.2016.gadam (29.06.2009.), viewed:
15.03.2011. Available at: http://www.l2d.lv/l.php?doc_id=193947.
26. Uzmjiem dadi prieklikumi ekonomisks situcijas uzlaboanai (Enterpreneurs proposals for
improvement of the economic situation), viewed: 19.02.2011. Available at:
27. Umju viedoki: Kas var veicint ekonomikas attstbu (Entrepreneurs opinions: what can foster the economic
development), viewed: 02.04.2011. Available at: http://www.jelgavasvestnesis.lv/page/105&news_id=8527.
28. Uz Vciju ar bioloisko prtiku (With biological food to Germany), source: Latvijas Avze, viewed:
07.04.2011. Available at: http://www.biznesam.de/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=254.
29. Agriculture and Food Associations data.
30. Presentations of the seminar Latvian export of goods: problems and solutions.

The research was done for EEA Project LV-0040 Developing and delivering innovative training
modules for Baltic executives using an interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship advanced

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Erika Pancenko
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Danute Jasjko
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Tatiana Ivanova
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Transit has been and remains a priority sector of the economy of Latvia, since the majority of goods transported by
rail, road and sea transport - it is a transit cargo. Given the level of trade with Turkey is traditionally oriented towards
the Western European market and more than half of its foreign trade turnover accounted for the EU Member States,
further development of the Latvian transit sector, as well as economic and partnership relations between Latvia and
Turkey would contribute to an increase in turnover through Latvia. To determine the transit potential of Latvia in the
trade between Turkey and the EU is the purpose of this study. To achieve this goal in the planned analysis of the
foreign relations of Turkey with the EU, to identify the most important direction of trade between Turkey and the EU
countries in terms of possible transit through Latvia and consider potential prospects of transit development in Latvia.

One of the priority directions of the national economy of Latvia is to ensure stable growth of the volume
of transit cargo. That is why significant investments are made in the transportation infrastructure of ports and
highways, and railways, serving the flow of transit. In addition, transit development directly depends on
external economic relations with various countries.
Given that the European Union have an important and stable place in Turkey's external trade, as well as
Turkey's intention to significantly increase export volumes to these countries, further development of
partnership between Latvia and Turkey would favour the increase in freight turnover through Latvia. The
aim of the present article is to determine the transit potential of Latvia in the trade between Turkey and the
To achieve the aim, the tasks can be formulated as follows:
1. To identify the most important, in terms of possible transit through Latvia, directions (countries) and
volumes of trade between Turkey and the EU countries.
2. To analyse volumes of import/export freight traffic in Turkey by mode of transport.
3. To analyse possible transport routes of export/import freight traffic and evaluate them in terms of
possible transit through Latvia.
The study was carried out within the bounds of project: "Potentials for Latvian -Turkish cooperation on
the fields of economic development and trade: feasibility of transport routes and Latvian transit capability",
developed by request of the RISEBA management and Turkish Embassy in Latvia.
The article is divided in two sections. The first section presents the analysis of Turkeys export and
import volumes and determines areas, where Latvia could be considered as a transit country that allows
making estimation of the possible transit volumes through Latvia. The second section presents the analysis
of Turkeys export and import freight traffic by mode of transport and the study of trade routes from Turkey
to the EU, selected as prioritised in terms of possible transit through Latvia.
During the study, interviews with experts of companies engaged in cargo transportation and dispatcher
services were conducted.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Determination of possible transit volumes through Latvia in trade between Turkey and
the EU countries
According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), Turkey in 2009, imported goods from 233
countries and has exported its products to 239 countries. To identify the most important, in terms of possible
transit through Latvia, directions of trade between Turkey and the EU countries, countries were ranked by
the volume of export and import deliveries. Afterwards, a number of countries were selected that could use
Latvian transport routes by implementing the trade cooperation initiative with Turkey (see Table 1).

Table 1
The transit potential of Latvia in the trade between Turkey and the EU, 000 $
Imports to Turkey by countries
Country 2009 2010 2010/2009
Sweden 1 890 994 1 922 782 1,017
Finland 795 959 1 115 496 1,401
Estonia 102 011 146 192 1,433
Sum 2 788 964 3 184 471 1,142
Exports from Turkey by countries
Country 2009 2010 2010/2009
Sweden 748 396 947 363 1,266
Estonia 105 984 90 535 0,854
Finland 196 622 296 093 1,506
Sum 1 051 002 1 333 991 1,269
Exports + Import 3 839 966 4 518 462 1,177
Source: Turkish Statistical Institute [1]

As can be seen from Table 1, volumes of freight transportation, feasible for Latvia, under export or
import deliveries between Turkey and the selected countries (Sweden, Finland and Estonia) - are significant.
In 2010, volumes of imported goods from these countries to Turkey totalled over 3184 mln.US dollars, and
exported - over 1334 mln.US dollars. The total US dollar amount of export-import deliveries in 2010
increased by 17.7%, to more than 4518 mln.US dollars.

Determination of the transit potential of Latvia in the trade between Turkey and EU
1. Analysis of possible transit routes
To evaluate possible transit routes through Latvia, it is necessary to identify types of transport used to
export/import traffic in Turkey.
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, the majority of imported and exported goods in Turkey are
delivered by sea and by road. Dynamics of shares by mode of transport in 2000 - 2010 for import and export
traffic is shown in Figure 1.
Imports by mode of transport (%) Exports by mode of transport (%)
100% 100%
80% 80%
34 33 28 26 25 25 23 23 20 24 23 43 42 46 43 43 43 41 41 39 42 40
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 51 49 55 57 58 57 58 59 62 59 61 20% 47 50 47 49 49 48 50 49 50 46 52
0% 0%


Sea Rail Road Air Other Sea Rail Road Air Other

Figure 1. Dynamics of shares distribution by mode of transport 2000 - 2010 for import and export traffic
Source: Turkish Statistical Institute [1]

Figure 1 describes the structure of transportation of the last ten years - it remains unchanged, the main
means of transport are sea and road transport, although it should be noted that the volume of transported

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

goods has increased significantly in absolute expression. Thus, the volume of imported goods transported by
sea in 2010 was 112 599 mln.US dollars, and exports 58 791 mln.US dollars, which increased more than 4
times in comparison to 2000. The volume of imported goods transported by road has increased 2.31 times
and accounted for 42 441 mln.US dollars in 2010, transportation of exported goods increased 3.83 times to
total 45 988 mln.US dollars. The volume of imported and exported goods transported by rail, for the
period 2000 - 2010 increased more than 10 times to total 2 455 and 993 mln.US dollars in 2010,
respectively. The share of this mode of transport, both in export and import traffic remained low - around
1% (see Figure 2).

Import by mode of transport Export by mode of transport

6% 7% 0%
9% Sea

23% Road
40% 52%
1% Other

Figure 2. Distribution of shares by mode of transport on import and export traffic in 2010 [1]

Over a period 2000 - 2010, the proportion of goods imported/exported by air increased 2.95 and 3.29
times respectively and reached the volume of imported goods 17 410 mln.US dollars, and exported 7 688
mln.US dollars.

2. Analysis of possible transit through Latvia

Shipping/ sea traffic
According to the data of Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (LR CSB), 40% of all cargoes in 2009 were
transported by sea, in absolute expression totalling to 61 980 tons [2]. The sea route from Turkey to the EU
is shown in Figure 3 [3].

Figure 3. Sea routs from Turkey to Sweden, Finland and Estonia [3]

As pointed out by experts, freight ships from Turkey follow to one of the major ports (Rotterdam,
Hamburg, Antwerpen, Bremerhaven), where cargo is loaded to feeder vessels with further delivery to
smaller ports. Consequently, further cargo is shipped to its destination, and there is no need to stop at ports
of Latvia.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Cargo traffic by road

Under LR CSB data, in 2009 37 820 thsd. tonnes of cargo has been transported through Latvia,
totalling to 25% of all transported cargo [2]. The dynamics of domestic and international traffic is reflected
in Figure 4, which shows that domestic traffic makes up a significant share of all freight traffic by road, in
2009 - 84% and 16% is the share of international traffic, respectively.
The decline in the volume of transported cargo with the onset of economic crisis in 2007 can be
distinctly traced on the diagram (see Figure 4).

60000 6643 8161
50000 3591
1000 tonne

2609 6225
40000 1985 2307
46633 47544 51533 46298
20000 40656
30926 29992 34297 38665 31595
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

In domestic transportation In international transportation

Figure 4. The dynamics of domestic and international cargo traffic by road from 2000 to 2009, thsd.t [2]

Reduction of freight traffic volumes continued in 2009. To assess the situation of international road
traffic in the market, the diagram of changes in the volume of transported cargo in international road traffic
has been created (see Figure 5).

-60 Romania
-38 Latvia
-34 Sweden
-31 Austria
-27 Denmark
-27 Estonia
-27 France
-24 Ireland
-19 Germany
-15 Lithuania
-15United Kingdom
-12 Luxembourg
-10 Czech Republic
-10 Spain
-8 Slovenia
-4 Slovakia
-3 Portugal
-1 Finland
Hungary 2
Bulgaria 39

-60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60%

Figure 5. Transported cargo volume changes in international cargo traffic by road in 2009 [4]

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The diagram (Figure 5) discloses that the volume of transported international cargo traffic in 2009
between Latvia and other countries dropped by 38%, which is a significant decrease in comparison with
other countries.
In accordance with Latvian State Roads statistics as of the 1st of January 2011 Latvias total state road
network is 20 150 104 km. State average road network density is 0,312 km per 1 km2 [6]. To evaluate the
possibility of increasing transit traffic on the roads of Latvia, the intensity of roads usage in Latvia and the
EU countries was calculated (see Figure 6).

Goods transport by road 2009

600 564

500 322
1000 t/ km

400 262 247

300 191187
181 168 155
200 149 146
107 97 87 83 81 77 61
100 57
30 28 18






United Kingdom



Czech Republic








Figure 6. Intensity of road use in the EU countries in 2009, thsd.t/km [5], [7]

This diagram reflects that 1 km of Latvian roads accounted for 18 tons of cargo, which is the lowest
compared with other EU countries; therefore, it is possible to increase the intensity of road traffic as the need
Figure 7 represents the route of road freight traffic from Turkey to Scandinavia, Estonia and other EU

Figure 7. Cargo traffic by road from Turkey to Scandinavian countries and Estonia [10]

The map above (see Figure 7) illustrates that delivery of cargo from Turkey to the EU countries is
carried out through the EU territory, owing to Turkey's Customs Union (CU) with the European Union (EU)
(since 1996), i.e. absence of customs duties and quotas on supply of goods when trading with the EU
countries. Hence, transit deliveries through Latvia could rise only with an increase of delivery volumes

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

between Estonia and Turkey. But because of the substantial excess in cost of the road freight traffic, in
comparison, for example, with sea transport, and considerable distance between Turkey and Estonia, the use
of this mode of transport in trade relations between Turkey and Estonia is not economically profitable. This
was also confirmed by experts engaged into cargo transportation by road.

Cargo traffic by rail

As follows from LR CSB data, in 2009 35% of all freights or 53 679 thousand tons were transported to
Latvia by rail [2]. The dynamics of domestic and international traffic are reflected in Figure 8. As can be
seen from the diagram, international transportation is many times greater than domestic, the share in total
traffic volume by rail in 2009 was more than 97% (52 380 thsd.t.), domestic, shipments slightly exceeded
2% respectively (1 299 thsd.t.).
60000 54374
52228 50164
48630 52380
50000 46026 46327
40000 35873
1000 tonne


20000 2633
2329 2428 2404
2314 2000
10000 2011 1687
1753 1299
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

In domestic transportation In international transportation

Figure 8. The dynamics of domestic and international transportation by rail from 2000 to 2009, thsd.t [2]

If we analyse the composition of international traffic from 2000 to 2009 (see Figure 9), then change in
correlation of international and transit traffic after 2002 can be noted, this is due to changes in methodology
in compliance with EU definitions. Prior to 2003 freight transit also included freight transportation to the
ports of Latvia.
60000 4606
5704 5032 3066
50000 3683 4568 4840

40000 33632
1000 tonne

47116 47092
39359 41895 44532 39356 42776
4000 3373 3492
2984 2167 1992 2131 2356 2652 2222
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

eksports transportation imports transportation transit transportation

Figure 9. The structure of international transportation by rail from 2000 to 2009, thsd.t [2]

According to the EU methodology, the definition of freight transport by rail has been changed and
transit implies rail transport through the respective country without unloading or loading operations.
Henceforward freight transportation from other countries to Latvian ports will be looked upon as the

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

transport of imported goods but from Latvian ports to other countries - as the transport of exported goods.
The data of export, import and transit traffic since 2003 are therefore not comparable with the data of
previous years [2].
Figure 9 indicates that the biggest share in international freight transportation is given to transportation
of imported goods.
If we analyse changes in international traffic for 2009, the significant decline in transferred cargo
volumes can be observed in almost all EU countries, thus, international cargo transfers in Latvia have
declined by 17% in 2009 (See Figure 10). Assessment of the railway use intensity in Latvia exposed that
every kilometre of the railway accounts 28 tons of goods transported, which is one of the highest among EU
countries, pointing to a quite high workload of railroad (see Figure 11).

-61 Portugal
-54 Romania
-39 Poland
-34 France
-33 Belgium
-32 Bulgaria
-31 Greece
-31 Italy
-29 Slovakia
-25 Slovenia
-25 Germany
-25 Hungary
-21 Luxembourg
-21 Austria
-21 Lithuania
-17 Latvia
-17 Czech Republic
-17 Sweden
-14 Finland
-8 Denmark
Estonia 2

-70% -60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10%

Figure 10. Changes in volume of transported cargo in international transportation by rail for 2009 [8]

Goods transport by rail 2009

45 38
1000 tonnes / km

35 28
30 24
20 16
13 12 11 10
15 10 10 8 8
10 6 6 5 5 5 5 3
3 2 2 2 0
Czech Republic



United Kingdom











Figure 11. Intensity of railroad use in the EU countries 2009, thsd.t./km [5]

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Looking at the routes of international railway cargo traffic (Figure 12), it is seen that the railway line,
which could significantly shorten transportation of cargo by rail from south to north, comes abruptly to an
end in Ukraine.
In 2009, in cooperation with Latvian, Belarusian and Estonian railway companies a container train
ZUBR was created. It runs between the Tallinn (Estonia) - Riga (Latvia) and Minsk (Belarus). The project
aimed at simplifying border crossing and customs procedures. In the near future it is intended to expand the
route of the "ZUBR" container train to Ukraine and the Ukrainian ports Odessa. Maritime Merchant Port
and Illichivsk Maritime Merchant Port in Odessa region, with the possibility of further delivery of goods to
Turkey and other Black Sea ports and their return to the Baltic States and Scandinavia [13].

Figure 12. International cargo traffic by rail [10]

Despite rather large amounts of exported/imported cargo between Turkey and the EU countries,
geographically located above Latvia, the increase in transit freight traffic through Latvia is currently
hampered by a number of factors.
Firstly, sea transport, the most widely used for cargo transportation, is not able to increase the transit
potential of Latvia at the moment, because of the current cargo transfer practice, when goods are disbanded
into smaller consignments in major ports (Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerpen, Bremerhaven) and follow to its
Secondly, due to large distances and high transportation costs, freight traffic by road from Turkey to the
EU countries cannot be regarded as a reserve for increase in volume of transported cargo through Latvia.
Although it should be noted that the level of road load enables the traffic volume increase on roads of
Thirdly, the realisation of the project on expansion of the route of "ZUBR" container train to Ukraine
and Ukrainian ports would create a possibility to attract additional volumes of cargo transit through Latvia.
But for the moment the intensity of railway use in Latvia is one of the highest among the EU countries. To
be able to increase volumes of cargo transit by rail, it is therefore the right time to evaluate utilisation of this
direction and make necessary arrangements to increase its capacity.

1. http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/VeriBilgi.do?tb_id=12&ust_id=4 - Turkish Statistical Institute.
2. http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/dati/statistics-database-30501.html-0 - LR CSB.
3. http://www.cma-cgm.com/eBusiness/Schedules/LineServices/ServiceSheet.aspx?ServiceCode=FEMEX.
4. http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/shorttermtrends/ - International Transport Forum.
5. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/transport/data/main_tables.
6. http://www.lvceli.lv/LV/?i=15 - Latvian State Roads.
7. http://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastructure/networks_eu/road_en.htm - European Commission's Directorate-
General for Energy and Transport.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

8. http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/shorttermtrends/Output.aspx - International Transport Forum, Key

Transport Statistics 2009.
9. http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
10. http://bilax.pl/en-eu-Turkey.php.
11. http://turkey.legal.az/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=97&itemid=36.
12. http://www.transport.lv/?setl=3.
13. http://www.sam.gov.lv/satmin/content/?cat=112.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Danute Jasjko
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Erika Pancenko
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Tatiana Ivanova
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Successful overcoming of Latvian economy from the consequences of financial and economic world crises is
closely related to the enhancement of national export potential and further development of national business activities
on the domestic and foreign markets.
In the context mentioned Turkey as associate member of European Union and the country with great production
potential should be considered as an attractive business partner in the field of economic, transport and trade
cooperation. In the present article the experience of Latvian transport companies cooperating with Turkish
entrepreneurs is analysed. The main factors encouraging and impeding further economic cooperation of both countries
in the sphere of transport and transit are qualitatively assessed on the basis of the survey carried out among Latvian
transport companies.
Keywords: Latvian-Turkish cooperation, maritime transport sector, EU transport policy, EU accession.

Success in overcoming the consequences of the financial and economic crisis in the Latvian economy
depends on the increase of national export potential and further development of trade relations, both with EU
partners, and with other countries. The geographical location of Latvia and the improvement in transport
infrastructure play an important role in the development of national business activities on domestic and
foreign markets. Therefore the necessary conditions for further economic development of the Latvian
economy are the development of foreign trade relations, attraction of new economic and trade partners, and
also the increase of transit through Latvia.
In this connection, Turkey, the country having large industrial potential and striving to join the European
community, can be regarded as an attractive partner in the field of trade and economic cooperation not only
for Latvia, but also for the Baltic region.
The present article was written within the framework of the scientific project Potentials for Latvian
Turkish cooperation in the fields of economic development and trade: feasibility of transport routes and
Latvian transit capability, financed by the Turkish Institute of Business, Commerce and Culture (TBCCI).
Within the project research the qualitative analysis of Latvian maritime transport sector carried out with
the aim to estimate the directions of the further cooperation of Latvia and Turkey on the basis of priorities
and tasks of the transport policy of the EU and Latvia and to reveal existing obstacles and possibilities for
Latvian - Turkish cooperation on the basis of results of the survey of representatives of Latvian transport
companies delivering goods from/to Turkish by sea.
For the analysis of Latvian maritime transport sector qualitative methods of data analysis based on a
questionnaire were used. The special questionnaire was developed for the assessment of obstacles and
potential possibilities of Latvian-Turkish cooperation in maritime transport sector. Face-to-face interviews
with the representatives of selected enterprises were conducted.

Current Latvian-Turkish cooperation in the field of sea transportation

Cooperation in the field of transport and logistics is defined not only by the foreign trade relations
between Latvia and Turkey, but also by Turkeys desire to integrate into the Common European Transport
network (Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry, 2010).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Latvia, in turn, has already integrated into the European transport system and provides transit services in
transportation of passengers and cargoes (Ministry of Transport of Latvia, 2011).
Analysing the results of cooperation of both countries in the field of transport for the last three years,
one can notice that the most active cooperation has developed in the areas of transportation by sea and air. In
2010 there was a substantial growth of sea transportation to Turkey, which increased more than 7 times or
by 1586 thousand LVL (2257 thousand EUR) from 2009 to 2010.
In 2010, according to CSB data, there were 29 companies in Latvia conducting activity in sea and
coastal freight transportation sector (NACE code - 50.20). While the wide list of companies dealing with
overseas transportation in Latvia, only a few shipping companies cooperate with Turkey, carrying out cargo
transportation. The main ones are MSC Latvia Ltd., Maersk Ltd., CMA-CGM Latvia Ltd., and
Containerships Ltd. These are large international companies having representative offices in Latvia, carrying
out forwarding and other types of services.
The two large shipping companies - MSC Latvia and Maersk cooperate with Turkey most actively and
mainly dominate in this market of services.
Usually peat and wood processing products are exported from Latvia to Turkey by sea. At the same time
such goods as fruit, sanitary production, building materials, clothes and textiles, industrial equipment are
also imported from Turkey to Latvia by sea. Imported production is not always intended for Latvia. In many
cases the cargo, which passes through the Freeport of Riga, goes further to Russia.
Transportation of cargoes from/to Latvia is carried out mainly through Turkish ports such as Istanbul,
Izmir, Gemlik and Tuzla.
In Latvia cargo transportation is carried out basically through the Freeport of Riga.
It is necessary to point out that cargoes are not delivered directly from Turkish ports to Latvia. Cargoes
usually pass through large European ports, such as Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremerhaven or Antwerp, where
cargo is taken from large ships to feeder ships, and then proceeds to Latvia.
Transportation of cargoes between Latvia and Turkey is basically carried out by containers. It is
necessary to specify that transportation by containers develops very fast both in Turkey and in Latvia (see
Figure 1). According to the World Bank, the volume of container transportation grew rapidly in the ports of
Turkey until 2008 and, despite recession, grew by 13,3% in 2009, when the number of containers
transported reached more than 4,5 mln TEU.
In Latvia, according to the data from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the volume of
cargo transported in containers also increased during the period 2000 to 2010 and reached 116 thousand
TEU in 2010, which was 187 % more than in 2000 (Ministry of Transport of Latvia, 2011).

Figure 1. Growth in container port traffic in Turkey and Latvia, TEU (2000=100%)
Source: World Bank data, 2011; Ministry of Transport of Latvia, 2011

It is necessary to mention that sea cargo transportation is the basic mode of export and import of cargo
in Turkey. According to the Turkish Institute of Statistics, in 2010 the shares of exported and imported
cargoes by sea accounted for 52% and 61% in the total amounts of export and import. In terms of value, the
imported and exported cargoes transported by sea increased more than 4 times compared with 2000 (Turkish
Statistical Institute, 2011).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The general development of foreign trade communications, the desire of Turkey to increase volumes of
export to EU and Scandinavian countries, and a number of advantages in trade with Latvia can promote
further cooperation between Latvia and Turkey in the field of sea transportation.
Latvia has three main twelve month ice-free ports as Ventspils, Riga and Liepaja. Besides, Latvia has a
well-developed transport infrastructure and the necessary equipment for processing various types of cargo
(Webpage Transit Latvia, 2011). The desire to cooperate with Latvia stresses also the fact that during their
visit to Latvia (May, 2011) the Turkish delegation led by Vice State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport
and Communications of Turkey, visited the Freeport of Riga. They noted that there is great opportunity for
cooperation between Turkey and the Freeport of Riga and agreed to work out a specific plan of cooperation
(Freeport of Riga, 2011).

Involvement of Turkey in implementation of EU Maritime transport policy

Development of the transport sector contributes significantly to the development of every national
economy. However strengthening cooperation between different countries in the transport sector can make
them economically stronger and politically more stable. It would also help them to align differences in the
economic costs, competitiveness and the social agenda (EC White Paper, 2011). The transport industry itself
represents an important part of the economy: in the EU it directly employs around 10 million people and
accounts for about 5% of GDP.
The present EU transport policy fosters the further cooperation between EU member states and EU
enlargement countries (such as Turkey, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro) in EUs neighbouring regions,
focusing on the creation of a Single European Transport Area having the aim of reducing the time and
resources spent on transportation of goods and services (EC The EU and its neighboring regions,
New transport patterns must emerge by which larger volumes of freight can be carried jointly to their
destination by the most efficient combination of transport modes. This implies greater use of road, rail and
air transport for freight, developing multi-modal solutions relying on waterborne and rail modes for long-
It is important to stress that closer integration between the transport markets of the EU and those of the
enlargement and neighbouring countries can make transport connections faster, cheaper and more efficient.
Prospects for closer market integration will rely on the ability and readiness of neighbouring and
enlargement countries to move towards standards equivalent to those applied in the EU in areas, like safety,
security, environmental protection and worker health and safety.
At the same time further integration will be carried out as part of the enlargement strategy and in the
context of accession negotiations. The EU assists the enlargement countries in their alignment with the EU
acquis to create appropriate conditions for the integration of transport markets.
The EU will continue to promote liberalisation of maritime transports services. A Blue Belt in the seas
around Europe shall simplify the formalities for ships travelling between EU ports. This applies in particular
to ongoing efforts to create a free trade area in the Mediterranean, including the freedom to provide maritime
transport services.
Cooperation with the neighbouring and enlargement countries should avoid potential distortions related
to the maintenance of EU and international requirements in maritime safety, security and environmental
protection. For this purpose the countries should ratify and properly implement international convention in
the fields mentioned as well as cooperate actively in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). For
instance, Turkey has been a member of the IMO since 1958, but Latvia joined only in 1993.
Turkey as an IMO member and one of the five major ship recycling nations in the world, has signed,
subject to ratification, the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound
Recycling of Ships in 2009. The Convention is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after
reaching the end of their operational lives; do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to
the environment (International Maritime Organisation, 2009).
In order to enhance maritime safety, security and protection of the environment the EU will continue
technical assistance to the neighbour countries through the regional project SAFEMED and extend the
mandate of European Maritime Safety Agency (ESMA) to provide different types of technical assistance.
Currently Turkey is one of the seven beneficiary countries of such support. Support actions include
trainings on issues related to EU maritime legislation, information days in participating countries, exchange
of expertise, expert visits and other technical assistance activities based on requests of the beneficiary

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

There are no fees associated with the participation at EMSA training courses and the number of
participants who are fully reimbursed by EMSA varies from country to country depending on their different
interests in the maritime sector.
Further ad hoc assistance is provided by the European Commission in the implementation and
monitoring of specific EU funded projects for EU neighbouring countries, such as SAFEMED II on the
development of Euro-Mediterranean co-operation in the field of maritime safety and security, prevention of
pollution from ships and marine environmental issues.
Between September and November 2010, the SAFEMED II Project organised three national training
sessions for Port State Control Officers (PSCOs, who are dealing with the inspection of foreign-flagged
ships in the ports of a State) from Egypt, Morocco and Turkey. These training sessions were delivered again
by EMSA.
The three Mediterranean countries were eligible for this training as during the last few years they
benefited from an EU-financed twinning program. During these training sessions, national PSCOs carried
out several PSC inspections on board ships in Alexandria, Casablanca and Izmir respectively, led by EMSA
officers and PSCO tutors from Cyprus, France, Italy and Malta.
Following this training, PSCOs in the three countries are in a better position to target sub-standard ships
and improve the efficiency of PSC inspections. This will enhance maritime safety and security, prevent
marine pollution by ships, and ensure that the working and living conditions on board ships adhere to
minimum standards (Webapge of Safemed project, 2010).
In order to improve implementation of Flag State responsibilities in neighbouring countries, the
blacklisted countries (listed by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control, MoU)
should be encouraged to get benefits by applying for the IMO Member State Audit Scheme. The IMO audit
is currently voluntary, but will become mandatory from 2014.
Since 2010 the EU-funded project SAFEMED II has delivered national workshops on the Voluntary
IMO Member State Audit Scheme (VIMSAS) in three states: Jordan, Israel and Turkey (Webapge of
Safemed project, 2010).
In 2007 Turkey moved from the Black List to the Grey List. The statistics of the Paris MoU, which
aims at eliminating the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonised system of Port State Control,
highlighted the significant outcomes achieved by the project. According to the statistics, in 2001, about 25%
of the Turkish fleet (211 ships) were detained at European ports, while in 2006 the share of detained Turkish
ships was reduced to 7% (43 ships) (Webpage of Turkish Maritime, 2006). But according to commission
staff working document Turkey 2010, progress report (EC Turkey Progress report, 2010) the detention
rate of Turkish vessels was 4,2% in 2009 (5,6% during the first half of 2010) compared to 2,2% for the EU
average in 2009.
Turkey has been on the white list of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding since 2009. Alignment in
the maritime safety area is at a good level but the third EU Maritime Package adopted on March 11, 2009
amends some of the legislation with which Turkey has already aligned.
Seafarers of the neighbouring countries that comply with the applicable international standards
(International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping, STCW, for Seafarers)
may work on EU ships. At the request of EU Member States and with support of EMSA, the Commission
assesses seafarer certification procedures and training establishments in the neighbouring countries. Turkish
regulation on seafarers was amended on 28 May 2010: graduates of the military navy schools are required to
complete training and take the seafarer exam in accordance with the Convention on STCW (EC Turkey
Progress report, 2010).
In the field of Turkish maritime transport according to commission staff working document (EC Turkey
Progress report, 2010), some progress can be noticed, particularly in the strengthening of institutional
The under-secretariat for maritime affairs (UMA - the only institution dealing with issues related with
maritime affairs in Turkey) has prepared a pre-accession sector strategy and identified priority policy areas
for short-term actions.
The directorate general for coastal safety and salvage operations established a long-range identification
and tracking system (LRIT) and the Turkish national LRIT data centre integrated with the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Mobile Satellite Organisation (IMSO).
Also a national assistance level, search and rescue automation system called Yakamos was put into
operation in October 2009. These investments substantially enhanced UMAs technical capacity for
monitoring, pollution estimation and integrated planning in coastal zones.
Vessel traffic monitoring information systems (VTMIS) for the ports of Izmit, Izmir, Mersin and
Iskenderun are being installed. UMA also initiated a comprehensive annual training programme on oil

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

pollution preparedness and emergency response. However, the actual physical capacity for pollution
prevention and emergency response is limited.
The regulation on reception of waste from ships and waste control was amended and specific references
to Marpol Annexes (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified
by the Protocol of 1978) were made in relation to the definition of waste. Turkey became a party to protocol
on limitation of liability for maritime claims (LLMC 1996). The UMA issued an administrative instruction
to comply with the anti-fouling systems convention while the ratification process is ongoing.
However there was no progress in becoming a party to SOLAS-78 and SOLAS-88 (International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea), the Convention on facilitation of international maritime traffic
(FAL), the International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships (AFS) and
Marpol Annexes III (Regulations for the Prevention by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged
Form) and IV (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships).
No particular development in the area of combined transport and satellite navigation can be reported
(EC Turkey Progress report, 2010).
In conclusion it is important to stress that while legislative alignment of the Turkish maritime sector has
reached an advanced level, no progress has been made on becoming a party to international conventions.
The implementation capacity is limited, particularly for prevention of pollution and emergency response in
the maritime area.

Latvian maritime transport policies relevant to Latvian-Turkish cooperation

The transport policy of Latvia defines the prospect of development of transport sector and is developed
according to the European transport policy.
The overall objective of the national transport policy formulated in the Transport Development
Guidelines for 2007-2013, is the creation of a qualitative and competitive transport infrastructure integrated
into the transport system of Eurasia, environment for commercial activity, providing safety of transport and
accessibility services of transit, logistics and public transport.
The overall objective is divided into sub-objectives each of which specifies main objective and shows
the main directions of development of railway, air, sea, road transport of Latvia (Transport Development
Guidelines 2007-2013, 2011).
The characteristic of directions of development of Latvian sea transport sectors and ports as well as the
evaluation of possible cooperation between Latvia and Turkey in the frames of implementation of national
maritime transport policy are presented below.
Development policy of sea transport of Latvia, is based on the International Maritime Organisation
principles (IMO) and worked out regarding the international requirements for navigation and the EU
Transport policy (Ministry of Transport of Latvia, 2011).
The main principles of development of transport for 2007-2013 (elaborated in Transport Development
Guidelines for 2007-2013) comprise the following goals and objectives connected with sea transportation
and the activities of ports:
Safety of sea transport according to the requirements of international standards;
Increase in exports of transport services and logistics to achieve more intensive growth of goods
turnover in comparison with other ports in competing countries;
Providing carrying capacity of ports corresponding to demand, as well as rendering competitive
services in ports and at stages of cargo transportation to ports (in a whole transport chain).
The Maritime Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communication works out and coordinates
implementation of the policy and legislative acts in the field of sea transportation. It also cooperates with the
state joint stock company Maritime Administration of Latvia whose aim is to promote solutions for state
objectives, as well as the safety of navigation and protection of the environment.
State policy in the field of development of ports and port activity is coordinated by the Council of ports,
transit and logistics of Latvia. On December 17th, 2008, it confirmed the Program of Development of
Latvian Ports (2008-2013). The goal of the document is the creation of developed ports fitting to
international standards, the ports which could enter the system of united transcontinental multimodal
transport corridors, offering services with high additional cost and dynamically increasing volumes of
processed cargoes, providing top-quality service to passengers. Implementation of the goal is provided by
the Ministry of Transport as well as State joint stock companies Latvian Railway and Latvian State
Roads, which perform the necessary work for improvement of the infrastructure and build new projects for
the railway and motorways. The partners of implementation of the goals defined by the policy of
development of ports and their activity are the following:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Local and regional government which works out development programs and planning of territories,
including development of territories of existing ports as well as the needs of sea passenger transport;
Councils of ports which provide conditions for commercial activity in ports, effective and safe
processing of cargoes and highly skilled service of passengers, and also manage the appropriate
European Union funds;
Investors (legal and private persons), investment companies which actively participate in creation of
the infrastructure of ports.
The main lines of activity for the achievement of goals and objectives defined by development policy of
sea transport and ports, are presented in Table 1.
Development of relations with Turkey in the development of transport policy in the field of sea
transportations can be carried out in the following directions:
Increase of goods turnover of container transportations and transportations of the RO-RO type in
Latvian ports presumably at the expense of volumes growth of transportations in/from Turkey.
Increase of Latvian exports attractive to the Turkish commodity market, for example, soya oil, soft
drinks, pharmaceuticals, bio-cosmetics etc. that will facilitate a balance of the structure of cargoes
transported through Latvian ports, at the expense of share reduction of raw materials export
(Webpage of Dienas Business, 2010).
Creation of logistics and a distribution centre, for example, at the Riga port. It could involve Turkish
entrepreneurs interested in export of production to European countries as well as allowing increasing
the volume of cargoes. The above mentioned could increase the total amount of export of both
The desire of Latvia to enter "the white" list of the Paris memorandum on ship control, can require
modernisation of the shipyards which might involve experienced Turkish experts in the sphere of
shipbuilding (Riga Free Port, 2011).

Table 1
Objectives and measures currently applicable within the Latvian policy of sea transport and ports

Policy directions Policy measures

1.Improvement of - Modernisation of ports;
infrastructure quality - Development of the necessary infrastructure for the Riga port, using free territories
(including Kundzisala and Krievu sala);
- Reconstruction of the general hydraulic engineering works in large ports and transhipment
ports of local importance, which are in critical technical condition;
- Support and financing of small transport ports (Salatsgriva, Skulte, Mersrags, Roja);
- Setting up logistics and a distribution centre for the Riga port;
- Building of a modern port complex and cargo terminals having developed road
infrastructure facilitating access to Latvian ports .
2. Increase of the level - Development of Latvian ports according to the EU safety requirements and protection of
of traffic safety environment;
- Preparation of legislation acts necessary for assistance to register ships sailing under the
Latvian flag, reduce bureaucracy connected with registration;
- According to requirements of the EU and IMO introduction of information systems of
coastal automatic identification system (AIS), united Safe Sea Net and systems of
identification of ships on big distances;
- Inclusion of Latvia in "the white" list of the Paris memorandum on ship control;
- Introduction of the seamen identification of card with personal biometric data,
corresponding to the international requirements.
3. Granting of - Working out of new passenger lines and increasing the transportation of passengers
accessible and between the Latvian ports and other ports of the Baltic sea;
qualitative services in - Building of the passenger terminal for cruise ships and necessary underwater ways in the
transportation of Riga port.
passengers and cargoes
4. Coordination with - Professional skills improvement of logistics experts;
other Ministries in the - Preparation of qualified experts, who are required in the field of navigation ;
sphere of education - Conducting market research to reveal the possibility of creating new transport and logistical
and research services and working out offers for their use;
- Cooperation of state, private, educational and scientific institutions in the field of use of
new transport services and logistics, development of new markets;

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

- Providing continuing access to information on the Latvian state legislation acts;

- Providing continuing access to information on the development of acts of international
legislation acts, political documents, which protect the interests of Latvia;
Providing information on the possibility of financial support.
Source: Transport Development Guidelines 2007-2013, Ministry of Transport, 2009; Program of Development of
Latvian Ports (2008-2013)

Methodology applied in the research

In view of the lack of information characterising real cooperation between Latvia and Turkey on the
fields of transport, transit, and logistics the method of surveying experts was used developing the
questionnaire for the face-to-face interviews.
The primary selection of potential respondents in the maritime transport sector occurred on the basis of
unpublished data of the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, specially prepared for the research. The
information showed the total number of Latvian enterprises conducting sea transportation. As not all the
enterprises specified by CSB, made transportation to Turkey, the final list of respondents was formed
directly through a poll of representatives enterprises, who agreed to participate in the survey. Finally four
transportation companies have agreed to participate in the detail interviews: MSC Latvia Ltd., CMA-
CGM Latvia Ltd., DSV Transport Ltd., and Containerships Ltd. Senior executives and managers
mainly participated in the interviews.
For revealing the factors influencing Latvian-Turkish cooperation in the sphere of transportation of
cargoes and transit, a survey of experts was made concentrating on the following questions: 1) presence of
existing modes of transportation of cargoes between Latvia and Turkey; 2) specificity and cost of cargoes
deliveries; 3) possibilities for expansion of transit deliveries through Latvia; 4) identification of obstacles
and opportunities for cooperative development between the two countries.

Analysis of main factors impacting Latvian-Turkish cooperation in the field of sea freight
According to the data from the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, in 2010, 39 % of all cargoes were
transported by sea, which in absolute terms made 61160 thousand tons.
According to experts participating in the survey, the greatest volume of cargoes between Latvia and
Turkey were transported by sea. Figure 2 depicts the general scheme of a transportation route of cargos from
Latvia to Turkey, specified by the representatives of transport companies who were interviewed.
The vessels of such large international companies as MSC Latvia Ltd., Maersk, CMA-CGM Latvia Ltd.
and Containerships Ltd. actively make transportation in the direction specified in Figure 2. All these
companies carry cargoes according to certain schedules and, as a rule, on the fixed routes. The frequency of
sailings is defined by demand. Shipments are either made by carriers (the above mentioned companies), or
by delivery of cargoes ordered by the companies-forwarding agents (for example in case of DSV Transport
The majority of these companies offer a full spectrum of services, including delivery, cargo handling
works in ports, and also logistical services. Representatives of the company "Containerships" Ltd stated that
in order to deliver cargoes to port or from port, as well as to perform cargo handling works, carriers can
cooperate with other companies. Large forwarding companies have their own trucks that allow them to make
DDU (from door to door) and DDP transportation (with customs control and insurance).
In characterising cargo transportation from Latvia to Turkey, respondents specified that at the Port of
Riga, cargo is loaded on feeder vessels, having load-carrying capacity up to 3 000 TEU, which then proceed
to one of large European ports (Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, or Bremerhaven). There the cargo is
transferred to big container vessels (vessel line) which, in turn, go to Turkey, taking along the way, cargo
from other ports. The return route of ships moving from Turkey to Europe/Latvia is similar.
Respondents of all companies stressed that mainly peat and wood are exported by sea transport from
Latvia to Turkey and peat makes up the bulk of the export deliveries. Dried fruit and nuts, vegetables and
fruit (frequently already processed), plumbing production and building materials, industrial equipment,
furniture and textiles are imported from Turkey. It is necessary to point out that frequently each transport
company specialises in transport of particular goods connected with needs of specific customers. Thus, the
company MSC Latvia Ltd. delivers from Turkey, electrical equipment (including wires and cables), building
materials (decorative tile and other floor coverings), food products and textiles. The company
Containerships Ltd. imports plumbing production, building materials, agricultural machinery and fruits.
The company CMA-CGM Latvia Ltd. imports textiles, decorative building tile and plumbing fixtures.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 2. Latvian-Turkish sea transport shipping route scheme

Source: results of the research

According to information provided by the experts, sea cargo from Latvia to Turkey is delivered within
21-25 days. The number of port calls, seasonality and sailing schedule significantly influence duration of
transportation. All respondents pointed out, that sea transport is the cheapest when compared with other
types of transport, despite rather long durations of cargo delivery. Thus, the cost of transportation of a 20-
foot container from Latvia to Turkey with delivery of goods from port to port, plus additional costs for
delivery - "door to door" is 1100 - 1200 EUR.
The cost of road transportation can be twice as much as sea transportation. As clarified by one of
interviewer, freight cost depends on the season. For example, the total cost of delivery "from door to door"
from Riga to Istanbul of one TEU peat in January will cost about 2500 EUR, and in May, it will cost less
than 900 EUR. Each company has its own structure for the cost of transportation of goods, but the main
components of transport costs and their approximate structure are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Structure of expenses of cargo transportation by sea

No. Item of expenses Share

1. Fuel 55-60%
2. Expenses at terminals (cargo handling works) and accompanying transport (road 30%
transport or railway)
3. Fees of ports and expenses for freight 5-9 %
4. Administrative expenses 5-6%
Source: based on the survey results

Expenses in road and rail transportation are included in the list of expenses of delivery since the
majority of the shipping companies specified that they render a necessary spectrum of services to the client,
including DDU and DDP transportation. Expenses in railway or road transport, and also cargo handling
works, according to experts, can be 30% of the total cost of transportation. The greatest share of cost of
transportation is expenses on fuel for the ships, accounting for about 55-60%.
The representative of the company CMA-CGM Latvia Ltd. pointed out that regarding compensation
for fluctuation (instability) of fuel prices, an additional payment, the so-called BAF (Bunker Adjustment
Factor), which varies in size, is taken from the consignor. Till 2008 the size BAF was defined by the
Conference of carriers. Since 2008 the carriers themselves can establish BAF for each route; however their
decisions are strictly supervised by the European Commission in order to avoid tacit collusions in the market
of transport services.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Estimating transit transportation through Latvian ports, respondents stressed that at the moment, transit
accounts for about 90% of all sea transportation. Approximately 10% of transported cargoes are destined for
the internal market, and the bulk of cargo comes from the CIS countries, mostly from Russia.
A number of respondents specified that transit shipments from Turkey through Latvia were destined
mainly for Russia. The Port of Riga forwards part of Turkish cargoes to Moscow and other cities of Russia
such as the Port of St.-Petersburg which has limited possibilities for further expansion, and its transport
infrastructure does not allow the processing of the whole volume of cargoes arriving. This fact often leads to
the demurrage of vessels and, hence, increases the total cost of transportation. Delivery of Turkish cargoes
from the Port of Riga is conducted by road or rail transport, depending on the type of cargo and the
The representative of the company CMA-CGM Latvia Ltd expressed the opinion that in future, Latvia
could essentially increase transit at the expense of trade between Turkey and Russia. At the same time some
experts don't see a real possibility of increase in transit for the further development of trade of Turkey with
Scandinavian countries as the cargoes delivered from Turkey to large ports of Europe go further to their
direct destinations without calling in at the Latvian ports. Now they do not see the economic preconditions
for changing this practice.
According to respondents, despite the wide use of international sea transport, the transportation of
cargoes between Latvia and Turkey is complicated by a number of factors.
One of the factors that makes cooperation in sea transportation complicated is the fairly extended sea
route between countries, due to the geographical location of the countries which increases time and cost of
delivery of cargoes.
Also, technical characteristics of moorings in the Riga Free port, limiting the sizes of vessels, which can
call in the port, makes direct deliveries on such vessels from Latvia to Turkey economically unviable
(vessels maximum draft at mooring 12,5 meters, maximum permeable length of vessels coming into the
water area is 298 meters, width - 33 meters).
Characterising obstacles to development of cooperation and trade relations between Latvia and Turkey,
all respondents specified the limited capacity of the Latvian market, which has low demand for the Turkish
goods (and, as consequence, for sea transportation) and on the necessity of using containers for general
cargoes, especially, from Turkey to Latvia.
A number of respondents pointed out the strong competition among companies which carry out sea
transportation. Due to such strong competition, it is frequently difficult to define precisely the market share
of sea transportation for each company as the market share can essentially vary in the frames of a small
period of time (a month or even a week) depending on volumes of orders and the number of clients.
Respondents also stressed the problems of conducting business on the territory of the Free Port of Riga.
For example, the introduction of unplanned restrictions in the use of infrastructure of the port and rendering
services, refusal to sign new contracts with new companies, which have the intention to render various
services in the port, the desire of port management to control the business of others, and, at times, the wish
of port management to participate in their business activities not only reduces the efficiency of the
performance of the Port of Riga as a whole, but also blocks its development. However, through the Port of
Riga, the main traffic of goods between Latvia and Turkey goes, the above mentioned problems can
interfere in further development of trade relations between the two countries.
Another factor negatively influencing development of cooperation which a number of respondents
pointed out, is the instability of the tax system of Latvia, and, especially tax rate increases, which cause price
rises in services, cost of transport and logistical companies and, hence, reduces their competitiveness in
comparison, for example, with Lithuanian business.
As a deterrent many respondents pointed out the insufficient exchange of information between actors of
the market of sea transportation and the organisations, regulating this market. The majority of respondents
stressed the absence of any real cooperation with the Latvian Ministry of Transport, or other national
ministries and professional associations.
In the interview respondents of the companies also evaluated the prospects and possibilities of
stimulation of further cooperation with Turkey.
The representative of the forwarding company DSV Transport Ltd. specified the necessity of active
participation in international exhibitions and business forums, for the purpose of carrying out advertising
actions by enterprises involved in Latvian-Turkish cooperation for promotion of goods in the markets of
both countries and the expansion of demand.
Many respondents pointed out that growth of efficiency of sea transportation and logistical services
including the companies, which provide delivery of cargoes to Turkey, depends on the harmonious
organisation of management of ports, improvement in infrastructure of ports and development of business

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

accompanying sea transportation. The necessity of change in the attitude of port management to the
companies working on its territory, namely providing favourable conditions for business activities and
creation of real competitive environment was specified.
In the opinion of experts a real-life possibility of development of relations between Latvia and Turkey is
the expansion of transit deliveries through the territory of Latvia from Turkey to the Russian market. In
comparison with demand of the Latvian market, the volumes of the Russian - Turkish commodity turnover
are very large. For example, in 2010, Russia took 2nd place in the volume of imports to Turkey (Ls 11,4 bln
or 16,3 bln EUR), and on export volume 3rd place (Ls 2,5 bln or 3,5 bln EUR) (Eurostat, 2011).
In the opinion of respondents, part of the Russian cargoes already goes through the Latvian ports.
Therefore in increasing volumes of trade between Russia and Turkey, there is a possibility of growth in
transit deliveries through Latvia as well.
Experts expressed opinions on possibility of increasing transit through Latvian ports, and implementing
the projects connected with multimodal transportations. However such projects should be carried out at the
state and interstate levels, under conditions of real integration of large Latvian ports into the general
transport system of the country (, 2011). Now, experts also stress sufficient apartness of each
Latvian port and competition among them. Therefore coordination of major directions of port development
will create conditions for development of multimodal systems of cargo transportation which will also
involve trade flows between Latvia and Turkey.

The results of the research provide an opportunity to draw the following conclusions:
1. The largest share of export and import deliveries between Latvia and Turkey is held by sea transport
that might be attributed to lower delivery costs (compared with other transportation modes - road, rail or air)
and the ability to tranship large amounts of cargos. Transhipment of goods between Latvia and Turkey is
mainly carried out by means of container carriage. The main enterprises specialising in transportation of
goods between Latvia and Turkey are the major international shipping companies such as Maersk, MSC,
CMA-CGM and Containership Ltd. that have representative bodies in Latvia. Other transportation
companies of Latvia provide mainly freight forwarding and related services in the field of maritime
2. Practical implementation of European transport policy provides conditions for strengthening of
cooperation between Latvia and Turkey in the sphere of cargo transportation and trade, as it facilitates the
creation of a Single European Transport Space with enlargement countries and the EUs neighbouring
countries and regions with the aim to eliminate barriers and reduce the time and resources required for
transportation of goods and services. In this regard, particular attention should be paid to the development of
transport infrastructure and efficient combination of different transport modes. This implies greater use of
road, rail and air transport for freight, developing the multimodal solutions relying on waterborne and rail
modes for long-hauls.
3. Closer integration of transport markets should be based on the ability and willingness of the
enlargement countries (particularly Turkey) to follow European standards of safety, security, environmental
protection and worker health and safety. Moreover, further integration with enlargement countries should be
implemented as part of the enlargement strategy and in the context of accession negotiations. The EU assists
the enlargement countries in their alignment with the EU acquis to create appropriate conditions for
transport market integration. Turkey has made essential progress in aligning its legislative differences to the
acquis requirements within the chapter "Transport policy", in order to be the integrated part of a Single
European Transport Area. However, negotiations on Turkey's EU accession in the mentioned part (chapter
"Transport policy") have not been opened yet.
4. Further development of relations between Latvia and Turkey in the field of transport will depend on
the demand for goods and services within both countries. Development of transport sector is largely
determined by the capacity of the domestic market, the level of business activity and demand for transit
services. Limited capacity of Latvian national market in terms of volumes of the consumed goods and
services, as well as the availability of economically viable alternative transport routes (bypassing Latvia) for
cargo transportation to Nordic countries and Russia, does not foster an increase in cargo traffic between
Latvia and Turkey in future. However, business activity growth in the post-crisis period may significantly
increase the freight turnover between the two countries.
5. According to experts, stability of Latvia's fiscal policy, tax rebates, promotion of Latvian goods in
Turkey and the development of trade of goods with high added value might facilitate cargo flow growth.
Specifically, the Ministry of Transport of Latvia should coordinate the operation of transport sector with the
aim to implement an integrated approach to development of transport system based on coordination of

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

activities of various organisations and government bodies. Establishment of the international distribution
centre for packaging and redistribution of goods in the territory of Latvia, as well as the development of
overall national transport concept based on the principle "The whole territory of Latvia a single logistics
centre" would significantly increase the efficiency of the entire national transport system and the specific
modes of transportation, including the ones of Turkish route.

1. Eurostat (2010). EU Bilateral Trade with Turkey and Trade with the World, viewed: 08.06.2011. Available at:
2. Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) (2011). Foreign Trade By Mode of Transport, viewed: 02.07.2011.
Available at: http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/VeriBilgi.do?tb_id=12&ust_id=4.
3. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry (2010). Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey,
Transportation & logistics industry report (January 2010), viewed: 03.08.2011. Available at:
4. Webpage of Ministry of Transport of Latvia (2011). Viewed: 12.08.2011. Available at:
5. World Bank data - Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units) in Turkey. Available at:
6. Webpage Transit Latvia (2011), viewed: 03.06.2011. Available at: www.transport.lv.
7. Webpage of Freeport of Riga (2011). Viewed: 03.08.2011. Available at: http://www.rop.lv/ru/novosti/1199-
8. Webpage of LR Ministry of Transport (2011). Available at: http://www.sam.gov.lv/satmin/content/?cat=112.
9. Transport Development Guidelines 2007-2013. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=139865.
10. Ministry of Transport (2011). Report Par Transporta attstbas pamatnostdu 2007.- 2013. gadam stenoanas
gaitu un aktualizanas nepiecieambu, viewed: 30.06.2009. Available at :
11. Latvijas ostu attstbas programma 2008.-2013.gadam (2008). Viewed: 24.08.2011. Available at:
12. Webpage of db.lv (2010). :
(10.12.2010), viewed: 28.08.2011. Available at: http://rus.db.lv/mnenija/politiki/tureckij-posol-latvija-dolzhna-
13. Webpage of Riga Free Port (2011). Notikuas Latvijas Turcijas rlietu ministriju politisks konsultcijas
(06.07.2010), viewed: 28.08.2011. Available at: https://www.rop.lv/ru/novosti/402-notikusas-latvijas-un-
14. European Commission, White Paper (2011). Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Towards a
competitive and resource efficient transport system, COM144 final, Brussels, viewed: 28.3.2011. Available at:
15. European Commission (2011). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament, The EU and its neighboring regions: A renewed approach to transport cooperation, COM (2011)
415 final, Brussels, viewed: 07.07.2011. Available at:
16. European Commission (2010). Commission staff working document. Turkey 2010. Progress report
accompanying the communication from the commission to the European parliament and the Council
enlargement strategy and main challenges 2010-2011, Commission 9.11.2010, SEC(2010) 1327. Available at:
17. Webpage of International Maritime Organization (2009). Turkey has signed, subject to ratification, the Hong
Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, viewed:
27.08.2010. Available at: http://www.imo.org/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/Major-ship-recycling-country-
18. Webpage of Safemed project (2010). Port State Control Officers tutoring in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey,
November 2010, viewed: 02.08.2010. Available at: http://www.safemedproject.org/news/port-state-control-
19. Webpage of Safemed project (2010). SafeMed II Project assisting its beneficiaries in VIMSAS implementation,
viewed: 02.08.2011. Available at: http://www.safemedproject.org/news/safemed-ii-project-assisting-its-
20. Webpage of Turkish Maritime (2006). Viewed: 04.08.2011. Available at:
21. Webpage Chas-daily.com (2011). ., , .
(02.06.2011), viewed: 27.08.2011. Available at:

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Valters Bolvics
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

Tatjana Volkova
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Global changes in transportation sector and technological development have outlined the recent worldwide trend
towards port devolution, which, in turn, has generated researchers interest in studying port governance models and
their implications for improving port performance. There are many measurable indicators of port performance, but not
many researchers analysed how port governance models impact these indicators. Therefore this research delivers a
conceptual framework which integrates various relevant port performance indicators, such as efficiency and
effectiveness that could be used for a comprehensive port governance models evaluation and improvement of existing
port governance models afterwards.
Aim of the study The aim of this research is to explore changes in global economy landscape and how they have
impacted port governance models worldwide, to analyse current port governance models in the Baltics, identify key
challenges and propose possible solutions for sustainable port governance models and development.
Materials and methods Theoretical scope of the paper includes international researchers insights on different
strategic port governance models. Empirical part gives an insight into the existing models of port governance in Baltic
States and worldwide. The main methods used for achieving research goals involve: theoretical literature analysis;
empirical - observation; monographic or descriptive method. Description method is based on the framework to assess
congruence of the port governance models in Baltic States and the global trends on port governance.
Main results Different port governance models within Baltic States identified and analysed in correlation with
port performance components. Key challenges and proposed possible solutions for economically viable and efficient
and effective model development are explored. Lithuania and Estonia, major seaports, have followed a corporatisation
or commercialisation path leading to decentralised government involvement and transformed port authorities into
institutions which are commercially efficient and effectively responsive to market conditions and trends. Meanwhile,
port governance models in Latvia are one of the few that has not been substantially modified and improved following
modern market economy and regional development trends and thus limiting port performance results.
Conclusions This research, along with the empirical evidence provided by port authorities, leards to the
conclusion that port governance decisions are based on very little or no assessment of port performance.
Keywords: port governance, shipping, logistics, port economics, reform.

Global economic changes, technological development in transport sector and the consequent
restructuring of fundamental transportation processes through advanced logistics and supply chain
management highlights substantial immerses on port governance and policies. Worldwide industry
replication is reforming port governance structures, aiming to enable ports to provide specialised services,
integrate in even more complex supply chains, and efficiently execute both public and private
responsibilities. The several distinctive variables of the increased commonality of the problems faced by
international ports leads various institutions, including inter-governmental organisations like the World
Bank, to recommend prototype practices that may be employed by all (World Bank, 2007). Scientists advise
that public agencies, port authorities and relevant municipality, government managing bodies often apply
generic solutions, distinctive from those occurring in other sectors of the economy on the basis of unique
characteristics of the port sector (Notteboom, Winkelmans, 2001; Brooks and Cullinane, 2007). Port
reforms, including governance models, are recent phenomenon, propelled by indirect factors such as
changing economic situation and due to new technological solutions and improved processes (Blauwens,
Baere, Voorde, 2005). According to Brooks (2004, 2006, 2007) scientifically proved theories, it is the
existing economic situation in the shipping and logistics sector which forms the fundament for structural
changes from state or municipality governed ones to more efficient modes of port governance.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Aim of the study

Provide the result of a synthesis of the literature on port governance models worldwide, port
performance and insight about the existing situation in Baltic States. In order to achieve these aims, the
research provides the outcome of a synthesis of the literature on port governance, port performance
effectiveness and efficiency measures. Port governance models are mainly based on assessment of port
performance or its effectiveness, neglecting the need for increased efficiency or port reform. This paper aims
to measure port governance reform effectiveness as a trigger to port efficiency.

Materials and methods

The present paper is based on bibliometric tools, publicly available data from the Baltic ports to provide
quantitative and qualitative information on port governance and its efficient and effective management. For
achieving settled aims authors used research papers dealing with port economics, policy and management,
the role of ports in maritime, logistics and intermodal transport networks, ports logistics functions, clustering
of activities in ports, spatial developments in port regions, studies of port performance and market structures
in ports. Research papers on port engineering, terminal equipment, waterfront development, port history,
terminal operations management, terminal lay-out and other technical development articles were not
analysed due to distinctive differences to prior research field.
From empirical standpoint the authors narrowed our scope to port governance in main European ports,
especially analysing latest industry trends within Baltic Sea, Mediterranean region and Benelux, as a result
of this process, 79 articles on ports governance and management were analysed and 43 ports examined.

1. Port performance correlation with port governance

Port concept as seen today has developed throughout the second half of the 20 th century (UNCTAD, 1992)
into four generations. Generation approach provides useful knowledge in the development of the 21 st century
free market trade ports or multi-purpose gateway ports, despite industry evolvement, elements of previous
generations are still present at vast majority of Baltic State and other ports worldwide (Table 1).

Table 1
UNCTAD generations of ports

Generation Time frame Port functions description

First generation Prior to 1950 Sea approach, transfer of goods, temporary storage, delivery
Second generation From 1950 to 1980 First generation functions plus industrial and commercial
activities which give added value to the goods. Port is a
handling and services centre
Third generation Since 1980 First two generations plus structuring of the port
community, strengthening links between town and port and
between port-users. Extension of the range of services
offered beyond the port boundary, and an integrated system
of data collection and processing. Port has become a
logistics platform for trade.
Fourth generation Since 2000 Network of physically separated ports (terminals) linked
through common operators or through a common
Source: UNCTAD (1992, 1999)

According to UCTAD, since 1980`s ports have evolved from locations where transfer of goods and
temporary storage takes place into complex business hubs. In addition, the claim referring to third generation
ports whereas ports have strengthened ties with town, for instance, in case of Baltic States, the state
involvement also has to be noted, since ports of Klaipeda and Tallinn are 100% state owned enterprises, and
ports of Latvia, Ventspils and Riga, have both mix of city and state governance foothold.
Competitiveness and sustainability of a port are not only referred to operational elements, but also
depend on integration of operational, spatial and societal factors such as ecosystems and human factors. The
interaction between operational, spatial and societal factors may nevertheless generate various forms of
conflict which are essentially the result of conflicting dimensions between the stakeholders involved (De
Langen, 2007). Treating a port as a single unit would indeed lead to partial and even wrong conclusions
(Slack, 2007).
Due to significant input of port terminal operators to overhaul growth, port performance indicators are
one of the triggers for changes in port governance. Notably, in 1976 UNCTAD invented two categories of

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

port performance: macro performance indicators quantifying aggregate port impacts on economic activity
and micro performance indicators evaluating input and output ratio measurements of port operations.
UNCTAD monographs deliver a range of port indicators by ratio type and category of port operations, for
example, on port performance indicators included revenue per ton of cargo, capital equipment expenditure
per ton of cargo, berth occupancy, turn-around time and number of gangs employed within port (UNCTAD,
1969). In a recent decade, the situation has changed dramatically. Nowadays operational efficiency of
terminals is the most important factor (Heaver, 1996), as they stand as one of the key pillars of port function
in transport chain and port performance indicators such as physical indicators, factor productivity indicators,
economic and financial indicators (Trujillo and Nombela, G1999), normally calculated as operational
deliverable to a board of port authorities and their economical impact in accordance with an overhaul port
Table 2
Ports of Latvia and Lithuania efficiency comparison 2008 2010 (%, th. /tonnes)

Cargo turnover th./tonnes Total Terminal capacity utilisation %

2008.y. 2009.y. 2010.y. capacity th. 2008.y. 2009.y. 2010.y.
Ventspils ( 28570 26640 24815 83000 34 32 30
Klaipeda 29887 27966 31273 40000 75 70 78
Riga 29566 29723 30476 45000 65 66 68
( LV)
Source: based on the authors analysis

Port efficiency measures pertain to physical terminal capacity utilisation, evaluated by dividing port total
cargo turnover with total terminal capacity. For instance (Table 2), ports of Klaipeda and Riga are using its
capacity to acceptable industry standards and port authorities should focus on different scale development
plans to avoid costly vessels downtimes resulting in financial losses for cargo and ship owners, and terminal
operators should seek ways how to increase terminal capacity. Eventually, both ports, Riga and Klaipeda,
have enough capacity to grow cargo volumes for the next years to come, but crucial development plans of
new infrastructure projects should be assessed today and implemented within the near future to avoid drop in
ports efficiency and maintain customers satisfaction. Port of Ventspils has enough terminal capacity to at
least double its existing total cargo turnover, but in line with statistics the port is facing decline in cargo
turnover. Landlord port authorities leave port related commercial activities to the private sector; thereof
Ventspils port authority has to strategically solve problems to stop cargo decline, stabilise existing situation
and increase turnover by attracting new cargo volumes. Collective action has to be initiated in order to result
in positive common benefits, port authorities are in the right institutional position to create and stimulate
collective action (De Langen, 2004). Port authorities can do this by creating platforms that facilitate
collective action, or by joint investment in collective action activities (Lugt, 2006).
Port terminal efficiency performance measures pertain to physical quantities of cargo loaded, shifted,
moved, etc. per quantity of energy used in correlation with minimum of waste products or physical moves.
Assets utilisation is the key factor to foster the greatest financial returns; the aim of improved operations is
to expand the gross margin extracted, increase port competitiveness and market awareness. From the port
governance perspective effectiveness is measured from accomplishment of targets or ability to accomplish
them with a minimum expenditure of time and effort. Measurements of performance for efficiency focused
ports benchmark financial, production and marketing activities against prior year performance and against
competitor performance in order to deliver efficiency objectives (Brooks, Cullinane, 2007).
According to professor of maritime studies Koi Yu Adolf NG (2006), improved efficiency does not
necessarily lead to improved competitiveness, for competitiveness is a product of effectiveness in delivering
a desired services to users. Efficiency and effectiveness are related concepts, for example, if a terminal
operator wishes to improve its cargo-handling efficiency so as to improve berth utilisation through faster
vessel turnaround, it may also improve its effectiveness as vessel time at berth drops and the customer may
be more satisfied. However, if a terminal operator improves its asset utilisation by leaving more vessels at

Source: Ventspils Freeport terminal capacity from Latvian port development program 2008-2013
Source: Klaipeda Freeport official statistics yearbook
Source: Riga Freeport official statistics yearbook

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

anchor so as to minimise downtime, its utilisation is improved but the customers service expectations may
not have been met. In this case efficiency has come at the expense of effectiveness. Various stakeholders
may have different performance objectives in this illustration. Effectiveness is related to the objectives of
those seeking it (Brooks and Pallis, 2008).
On the contrary from terminal operators effectiveness-oriented port authorities aim to be more customer-
focused as stipulated by European Commission in 1997 which has put the improvement of port efficiency as
the major goal of the EU port policy (Chlomoudis and Pallis, 2002). In such scenario effectiveness measures
relate to how well the port authority uses its strategies, structures, and task environment to meet its mission
and stated goals. If one of the goals is increased cargo throughput, value added cargo operations or profit-
maximising in effectiveness-oriented port authorities, there will be a companion goal of developing and
retaining those customers who generate the greatest margins, while cancelling cooperation contracts with
those who are not profitable or meeting settled goals.
In conclusion, the process of evaluating port performance depends on objectives of both the port and its
sustainable development from government and municipal perspective and the objectives of port authority.
By linking outcomes to the objectives it may enable us to assess whether settled goals have been met. In
case of dissatisfaction from either government or municipal perspective, there might be an interest in making
changes to government policy or existing port governance model to meet effectiveness objectives. Port
performance is a dynamic attribute, which has to be assessed on regular bases taking into account numerous
external factors, such as political regime changes in consignor country or any other major events which may
disturb cargo flow. Performance of the ports is a complex issue which could be measured against identified
shareholders goals and ambitions or against performance of other ports, and particularly those ports which
are seen as direct competitors and act within the same regional geographical boundaries and markets.

2. Changing port governance landscape

Traditionally, port authorities have assumed three typical functions: landlord, regulator and operator
(Baird, 1995), which corresponds to the legal status of port authorities (Van Hooydonk, 2003). Port
authorities which are distinguished as being as a landlord type ports of public nature and own the
infrastructure of the port which is in most of scenarios leased out to terminal operators. Namely, in respect to
landlord ports there are also service or tool ports which on the contrary owns also terminal
superstructure and leases it to private service providers or terminal operators. Tool ports or comprehensive
ports as often mentioned within literature (Winkelmans, 2006) can be either privately owned or in public
Table 3
Port Governance models

Models Port functions

Landowner Regulator Utility
Pure public sector Public sector Public sector Public sector
Public/private Public sector Public sector Private sector
Private/public Private sector Public sector Private sector
Pure private sector Private sector Private sector Private sector
Source: Baird (1995)

Baird distinguishes four main types of port governance models (Table 3), by allocating utility cargo
handling function within the port, the regulatory function and question of land ownership within the port
(Baird, 1995). Usually ports are owned and managed by the public sector whether it would be directly by
government departments or indirectly by public port authorities. Institutional reform of seaports by shifting
from government governed entities to more enterprise-based systems, allows greater flexibility and
efficiency in the market and a better response to consumer demands (Notteboom, Winkelmans, 2001). Port
management reform is motivated by reasons of economic efficiency with the objective of reinforcing the
port authority as an entity which reconciles private and public interests (Verhoeven, 2006). Pursuing
economic efficiency is not the only element determining port reform ports are places where social utility
and private profitability are both present.
Port governance decentralisation often referred to as reform is frequently presented as privatisation of
port authorities, however this term can be interpreted widely and therefore causes misapprehensions.
Privatisation means the transfer of public assets to the private sector, in case of ports, it can encompass the
whole port, a certain port service or a specific set of port operations (Notteboom, 2001). Privatisation most
often refers to the bringing in of the private sector in operational matters, mainly cargo handling and

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

terminal operators, it is rarely used to privatise the port wholly and notably the landowner and regulatory
functions (Baird, 1995).
Reforms of the landowner and regulatory functions of ports are more often a matter of corporatisation
and commercialisation whereby the actual management of ports remains in public hands. These models aim
to make public port authorities act on commercial criteria and make them responsive to changing market
conditions (Heaver, 1995). Corporatisation introduces professional management structures and comes down
to a shift from public sector organisations to autonomous companies owned by the public sector but with
accounting procedures and legal requirements similar to the private sector and with very limited direct
government control. In case of commercialisation, government retains control of the port organisation, but in
a business-like environment with some management autonomy and accountability (Notteboom, 2001).
Port reform, whether it would be through corporatisation, commercialisation or privatisation, aims to
decentralise direct government involvement and transform port authorities into institutions which are
commercially efficient and effectively responsive to market conditions and trends.

Table 4
Degree of public intervention in the seaports

Country Government level Port Governance

Govt. direct Public entity Private entity
Belgium Municipal/regional - X -
Cyprus National - X -
Estonia National - X -
Latvia National/Municipal - X -
Lithuania National - X -
Los Angeles Municipal - X -
Netherlands National - X -
Portugal National - X -
Slovenia National - X -
Spain National - X -
Sweden Municipal x X -
Source: ESPO (2008)

The table above reveals port governance models by the example of particular countries. It shows that
none of the examined countries handed over port governance and port authority`s functions in particular into
the private sector explaining it with the ports import role in the economy. Meanwhile, the table above
indicates that many of governance models have remained under the influence of national governments or
local municipalities, except Latvia and partly Belgium, which uses the mixed model of national and
municipal government level collaboration, where political influence is inevitable given the fact that owner or
shareholder consists of government and municipality.
Regarding political influence, a scrupulous analysis should be made to assess whether the port authority
follows technocratic or political management style. As it is indicated in the relevant ports, legislation which
envisages that in main ports of Latvia the port board should constitute of four officials from the relevant
local government or municipality and four officials from different ministries or national government. A
board should act as a trigger to implement legislative changes in existing policy to move ports towards
sustainable development and shift from national and municipal mixed port governance model to industry
acceptable standards.
In general, port governance models reform tends to focus on retreat of direct government involvement as
this is proved to create greater efficiency. From the perspective of port authorities, governance reform is
essential to obtain strong and independent position to meet the challenges delivered by logistics and social
environment. Governance reform schemes must be accompanied by an adequate legal framework that
creates certainty about the institutional positions of port authority, whose responsibilities need to match
public and commercial interests (Verhoeven, 2006). Researchers suggest that a corporatised port authority
shifted from public sector organisations to autonomous companies owned by the public sector with
accounting procedures and legal requirements similar to the private sector and with very limited direct
government control, are the best possible option not only from economical perspective but also social and
environment perspective. A good example in Baltic States is the port of Tallinn which has evolved from a
traditional municipal and national port to a port which is being operated firmly independently as a limited
liability company and at some point its shares were traded at the Baltic Stock Exchange (Table 5).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 5
Degree of corporatisation / commercialisation in Baltic States seaports

Country Port Owner Legal form Political board

Estonia (EE) Tallinn State State enterprise, LLC No
Latvia (LV) Riga and Self- owned Public body under city and Yes
Ventspils state control
Lithuania (LT) Klaipeda State State enterprise, LLC No
Source: ESPO (2008)

On the contrary, from Port of Tallinn (EE) which has followed corporatisation model, Port of Klaipeda
(LT) has implemented the similar reform scheme to the one examined in Port of Tallinn, where cargo
handling has been privatised and ports have conformed to landlord model. But instead of corporatisation it
has moved towards commercialisation, where government retains control of ports organisation, but in a
business-like environment with some management autonomy and accountability.
Further research on the existing port governance model in Latvia would be desirable before drawing
general conclusions, but following empirical evidence and internationally recognised port experts
recommendations, it shows us that port governance system in Latvia should be re-reformed and shifted
towards corporatisation model with little or no government influence on port governance. For instance,
present legislation system in Latvia defines that parliament and municipal elections are each after every two
years, which impacts the structure of port boards and thus consistency of decision implementation, port
management directly and the political portfolio within, which, on the contrary, delivers fragmented system
and is not following sustainable development trends. According to Brooks (et al., 2007), the port governance
system which is fragmented between municipal and national political opponents does not allow ports to
sustain long-term investment plans and is not allowing port authorities to act efficiently and effectively as
possible. Therefore, in case of Latvia, there should be additional research conducted to assess whether it is
efficient to reform the port according to commercialisation schemes or corporatisation ones. Following
existing theories and best practices, we may conclude that existing system needs fundamental changes to
implement industry standards.

This paper describes an integrated framework on port governance reform models and fundamental
differences among them. The port governance reform aim is to improve the economic attractiveness of a port
by integrating spatial, socio- economic, ecological and political aspects. Only by combining these pillars, the
economic port development can take into account the changed demand of the port world and ports actors as
well as preconditions of nature, social aspects, logistics and mobility.
Technological and economic progress as well as political culture has led to commercialisation or
corporatisation of ports, implementing adjustments with different institutional framework, governance
structure and aiming at financial and political autonomy from state or municipality. Namely, every seaport
has its own cultural, historical and political heritage therefore there is no single governance system which
suits all, nevertheless ports tend to reform their structures and move away from models with strong political
governance impact, which traditionally has been key pillars influencing directly port management and
strategic development. The recent researches on port governance have identified a number of different port
governance configurations ranging from private and public partnership to solely municipal or national.
Governments have to assess whether they have achieved their objectives that have been set for ports and to
discuss if there is a need for re-reform stage to facilitate port development and meet settled goals. Certainly
each port has its own uniqueness and therefore we may not generally assess that only one reform model is
most efficient. But in order to do so, we have to measure port performance through efficiency and
effectiveness paradigm, and associate different types of performance measurement with different modes of
port governance.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Olga Girvica
Riga Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]

In this paper the problem of decision-making process for creation of the new supply channel of the Logistic centre
was observed.
The task lies in decision-making regarding the way selection from choosing raw materials until final product
creation that allows a company getting maximum profits.
This task could be solved by using the method of dynamic programming. In this case it means to make a decision
for each unit individually.
The solution of the real task for Logistics centre in Latvia is observed in this paper as the numerical sample of the
decision-making process for the new supply and sales channel development for the Logistics centre in order to get the
maximum profit.
Keywords: decision-making, supply chain, dynamic programming.

1. Introduction
During the last years, several tendencies have been developing in the world transport area. The transport
systems are going through certain transition such as acquisitions and mergers and it is evident that the
number of service providers will be further reduced.
At the same time there are substantial changes in the nature of transport business: 10 15 years ago sea
transport was based on the point-to-point service in geographically defined areas connected by certain hubs.
Today that is a global service network covering the whole world and the transport companies can offer
true global coverage. However this can lead to overcapacity in certain areas.
General trends in the transport industry are:
The transport companies increasingly participate in the logistics chain of their customers and must
understand their requirements. This requires strategic partnership with systematic integration of main
business processes of a supply chain.
IT systems and continuous flow of information supposed to be the base for efficient transport and
inventory control.
Clients get access to new technology and better utilisation of capital.
Logistics costs tend to be variable, but not fixed for clients.
Logistics and supply chain management continue to transform the competitive landscape and have
become one of todays key business issues. Competitive advantage comes from responding to and serving
the needs of end-customers. Logistics has a vital role in delivering this advantage, through the supply chain,
in terms of short- to medium-term management tasks and longer-term strategic plans.
The objective is to simplify the supply chain, minimise storage time and volume and maximise the
speed and efficiency of deliveries. The essential part is information technology and efficient flow of
information between members of the chain as well as understanding the business and needs of clients. The
main disadvantage of such approach is its long-run effect. It is a real paradigm shift not only for the
company, but also for all its clients and suppliers. This approach is actually based on trust and common
values of the partnering companies.
The contribution of logistics to competitiveness and value creation is a prime topic in today's market. A
practical, integrated and international strategy (approach) to logistics includes:
Competing through logistics - an introduction to logistics and its contribution to competitiveness
and value creation.
Leveraging logistics operations in a customer context.
Working together - supplier partnerships, interfaces and the challenges of integration.
Changing the future - leading-edge thinking in logistics and the future challenges ahead.
Successful development of the logistics processes of any company is defined by the well-organised
supply chain.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

2. Problem setting
Let us look at the sample when, in order to optimise the supply chain process, the management of
Production Company Logistic Centre makes a decision to create a new supply channel for basic materials
and sales of ready-made goods.
It is necessary to make certain decisions regarding related parts of supply chain process such as
purchase and delivery of raw materials, production and sales of ready products. Therefore the model with
different possible scenarios of development has been created.
The first stage is choosing the producer of basic material. There are offers from three main production
companies. The first of them offers high technological and specialised materials of the best quality
according to existing market prices. The second one is ready to supply widely used material of good quality
with a discount of 15% from market price. The third producer makes middle class materials of lower quality
according to confirmed standards and gives a discount of 20% from market price. It is necessary to foresee
three scenarios of development for each producer that are 1) materials will be produced in time; 2) materials
will not be produced by any reason; 3) materials will be produced with delays. Two months are planned to
spend for material production.
The second stage is delivery of materials to the final goods production place. When choosing the way of
transportation, it is important to pay attention to delivery time, safety and transport rates. Transportation
could be provided by shipping line using combined cargos sea container, by air, by road and using the
express delivery by courier mail. If materials are produced in time, the low cost transportation ways are
preferable, for example, delivery by sea as the cheapest, but demanding certain time. Aircraft delivery
usually is chosen for quick deliveries. Delivery by road is effective for rather short destinations. In case of
time shortage, priority of delivery belongs to express service of courier mail as the quickest possible,
however the most expensive as usual.
Following the delivery cargo could appear in three conditions:
1) materials are delivered to final destination and come to production process;
2) cargo is delivered to a transit terminal (cargo warehouse, sea port airport) and further delivery to a
production place is necessary. At the same time, perhaps part of materials could be stocked temporarily
in terminal by any reasons;
3) there is a probability of cargo damages and shortage.
The third stage is sales of the ready-made goods. There are three current channels of goods realisation:
1) through a companys own sales net;
2) through wholesalers;
3) through foreign distributors.
Each products realisation scenario features one of three uncertain results:
1) goods have high demand that create successful sales and high profit,
2) goods take middle market position and taking into account costs for goods creation they are not
profitable, but sales cover the losses,
3) in spite of all efforts, products do not attract customers, sales figures are very low, and company has
Lets consider the following effectiveness criteria of making decisions:
1) maximum probability of the best effect achievement
2) average profit maximisation.
In the best-case scenario, with high demand and successful sales, the goods collection should be
performed in the minimum time.
Consequently, the task lies in making a decision regarding the basic materials suppliers, transport way
selection and sales channel. In other words, it is necessary to choose the way from selecting the raw
materials until final products creation that allows getting the maximum profits to the company.

3. Construction of the mathematic model of the decision choice

The concerned decision-making process could be presented as a net structure T, as it is shown on the
Figure 1. Taking decision tree images the immediate and future decisions regarding materials supply and
goods realisation channel. The net includes arcs and vertices of two kinds.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

0 1 2
1st stage 0,5 0,5 0,8

0,7 0,1

1 2 3

0 1 0 1 2 3
0,5 0,4 0,3 0,8
0,3 0,8 0,2

0,7 0,6
2nd stage
0,1 0,2

0,4 0,1

4 5


0 1 2 0
0,5 0,1

0,1 3rd stage

0,4 0,3
0,3 0,3

8 9 10 7

Figure 1.Net structure Decision-making tree

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Circle points describe the systems state after a decision is made. All circle points have the ordinal
numbers from 0 to 10. Then state without entering arcs is called a source point and corresponds to the
initial moment of the decision-making process. Further vertices 1, 2, 3 describe the condition related to
suppliers. For instance, state 1 the most successful status, to be exact, materials produced in time.
At least one or more arcs enter all states except 0. The arcs correspond to transitions from one state to
others. Terminals are the states without running out arcs. They correspond to the final moments of decision-
making. Table 1 provides the description of all 10 states.
Table 1
Status description

State number Condition

0 Initial moment of decision-making process
1 Basic materials are produced in time
2 Basic materials are not produced by any reason
3 Basic materials are produced but with delay
4 Basic materials are delivered to destination point and given to further production
5 Basic materials are delivered to transit terminal (cargo warehouse, sea port, airport) and
demand further delivery till production place
6 Destroying or missing of basic materials
7 Part of basic materials is put on stock for future production
8 Ready goods have high demand that create successful sales and high profit
9 Ready goods take middle market position and taking into account the costs for goods
creation they are not profitable but sales cover the losses
10 In spite of all efforts, products are not interested the customers, sales figures are very
low, and company has losses

Diamond vertex corresponds to making a decision. Diamonds 0, 1, 2 correspond to producers choice.

For example, the vertex 0 is the 1st above described producer. The equivalence between vertex number and
the above mentioned decision is presented in Table 2
Table 2
Vertexes allocation of a decision-making tree

State number
Development stages 0 1 2 3
1-st stage: Producer of the Producer of basic Producer of middle
choosing of high technological material of good class basic materials
producer and specialised quality with of lower quality
basic materials of discount of 15% according to -
the best quality from market price confirmed standards
according to and gives discount of
existing market 20% from market
prices price
2-nd stage: choosing Delivery by sea as Air delivery as Express service of Delivery by
of transport the cheapest but more expensive but courier mail as the road is
time- consuming rather quick quickest possible, effective for
however the most rather short
expensive destinations
3-rd stage: choosing Through own sales Through the Through the foreign
of realisation way net wholesalers distributors -

A diamond entering an arc shows the concrete decision-making. The running out arc shows possible
state of the system after this decision-making.
Making a concrete decision does not mean getting a single result. On the vertex running out arcs
probabilities of possible state are mentioned. In total, the sum of probabilities equals 1. For instance, after
choosing the producer of basic materials, the system could be found in the state 1 with probability 0.1, if the
first producer is chosen. In case the second producer is chosen, it will be there with probability 0.5. The
system can be in the same state 1 with probability 0.8, if the third producer is chosen. State 2 is final as the
activities come to unsuccessful result and have no further development. Hence two states with further

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

development are left.

The next row of diamonds (2nd stage) shows the choice of a transport company and delivery way from
production of basic materials to a place of further processing. Diamond numbers indicate the choice of
abovementioned transporters.
The last, third row, of diamonds (3rd stage) presents the choice of sales ways of ready-made goods.
Let us describe the mathematic view (conception) of the initial data.
The states are known for each position following the previous ones. For example, they are presented by
matrix T, shown on Table 3. Rows of the matrix correspond to current states, columns correspond to
different decisions. Matrix elements show numbers of future states. Here, the symbol 1 means the absence
of future state.
Table 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T 0 1 4 -1 4 8 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 2 6 -1 5 9 7 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2 3 -1 -1 6 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

One single decision should be made out of several ones in each state, except terminal. The probability
of transition to the next state changes depending on the taken decision. Let Prji,k be a probability of a
transition from state i to state k, if a decision j has been chosen. The corresponding matrix is called Prj. For
instance, the matrix Pr0 in Table 4 below. Rows of the matrix Prj correspond to different vertexes, columns
corresponds to different states. Matrix Prj elements show the corresponding probabilities. The number of
states is determined by matrix T.

Table 4
Matrix Pr0

0.1 0.7 0.2

Pr0 0.5 0 0.5
0.8 0.1 0.1

We expect certain revenue amounts for achieving each state. They are represented by vector c. Table 5
illustrates the corresponding example.

Table 5
Expected revenues for each state c

State, j Profit, cj Probability Coefficients, j

0 0 0
1 -2000 0
2 -100 0
3 -2400 0
4 -1000 0
5 4000 0
6 -1000 0
7 4000 0
8 60000 0
9 80000 0
10 120000 1

There are several criteria for the decision-making effectiveness that could be offered:
1) maximum probability of the best effect achievement,
2) average profit maximisation.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Rewards of different states sum up together. The total value is a random variable as result of random
transition. The task is to choose a decision for each state in such a way that the average amount of total
profits reaches maximum.
The Method of Dynamic Programming will be used to achieve this.

4. Method of Dynamic Programming

The dynamic programming assumes a step-by-step decision-making. In our case it means the decision-
making for each state individually. Lets consider the moment of time, when it is need to make a decision for
state j. Here it is important to mention that if state j is not terminal, the states with bigger then j numbers
should be checked until that moment.
Lets enter Bellman function F ( j ) , it is the maximum average profit, which could be received starting
from state j until the end moment of the decision-making process. To calculate these functions we have the
following Bellman equations:

F ( j) max
cj Pr ji ,k F (i) , (1)
k D( j ) i Sjk

Sjk set of state numbers, following the state j if decision k is taken
D(j) a set of possible decisions in state j.

These equations should be used starting from the terminal states to the root (initial state). The terminal
states are final, so the first item stays in brackets in the formula (1). At the same time, a decision k* is fixed
for each state as the optimal one. For this decision the value in brackets coincides with F(j) in the formula
(1). Therefore this procedure is called the inverse running of dynamic programming.
Direct running gives the quantities (order) of optimal decisions for all states. It is realised in opposite
direction of the abovementioned inverse running from the root to the end units, each time moving from
state j to one of the following states that correspond to optimal decision k* in the state j. Direct algorithm is
finished, when all the states are calculated until the ones, which have no future states.

5. Computer realisation
The described algorithm is used by the program OptValue. This programme gives out a matrix that has
two columns: the first one corresponds to maximum profits F(j), the second one corresponds to optimal
decisions k* for each position j. This programme was created by using the mathematical package MathCAD
The primary data put in the programme is the following:
- Matrix T, describing the examined net. Rows of the matrix correspond to net states, rows elements show
numbers of the further states. Value 1 means the absence of the next states.
- Vector describes profit that comes for achieving each state.
- Matrix Prj of transit probabilities for state j. Rows of the matrix correspond to different decisions k, but
columns correspond to the next state (with respect to the matrix T).
The main program OptValue uses the auxiliary program Pr(j) that gives the matrix Prj according to
number j.

6. Numerical results
For our example, we have the numerical data mentioned in Tables 3, 5, 6.
As the criteria, we choose optimisation of achieving the state 10, as the profit vector = (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1) .
The next step is application of the program OptValue, to make the calculation for optimal decisions and
maximum average profit, in line with the rules known as Markov chains. Table 7 shows the results of

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 6
Probability matrixes

0.1 0.7 0.2

Pr0 0.5 0 0.5 0.7 0.3 Pr2 1
0.8 0.2
0.8 0.1 0.1

0.5 0.4 0.1

0.5 0.3 0.2
0.4 0.4 0.2
Pr3 Pr4 0.5 0.4 0.1 Pr5 ( 0.7 0.3 )
0.3 0.6 0.1
0.6 0.3 0.1
0.8 0.2 0

Table 7
Maximum probability of the best effect achievement
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Profit 0.16 0.16 0 0.16 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Using the data from Table 5 we calculate the average profit maximisation in terms of money. Here the
profit vector is C = (0 -2000 -100 -24000 -1000 4000 -1000 4000 60000 80000 120000)

Table 8
Maximum average profit for vector C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Profit in
money 52710 26360 -100 263600 259000 8000 -1000 4000 60000 80000 120000
2 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

7. Conclusions
The task of the decision-making process for Logistics Centre Supply Chain optimisation through
creation of new supply and sales channel in optimal way was described. Various decisions could be taken at
each stage of the process development. The ways differ from each other by necessary resources and profits.
Two aspects, such as maximum probability of the best effect achievement and average profit maximisation,
are taken as the criteria for the decision-making effectiveness.
The task can be solved by using the method of dynamic programming, created by Richard Bellman.
Using the MathCAD 14 package, the special programme, which helps to make the necessary calculations,
was created.
Using the dynamic programming method, the formulated task of decision-making process for the new
supply and sales channel development for the Logistics Centre in Latvia is solved and the solution for
getting the optimal profit is found.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1. Bellman, R.E. (2003). Dynamic Programming. Courier Dover Publications, 340.
2. Balashevich, V.A., Andronov., A.M. (1995). Economic-mathematical Modelling of Manufacturing Systems
Minsk, 240 (in Russian).
3. Bellman, R. Dreyfus, S. (1965). Applied dynamic programming problems, 457 (in Russian).
4. Sniedovich, M. (1992). Dynamic Programming New York: Marchel Dekker, INC, 410.
5. Ochkov, V. (2009). MathCad 14 for Students and Engineers. BHV-Petersburg, 512 (in Russian).

The author expresses sincere gratitude to her scientific supervisor Dr.hab.sc.ing., Professor Aleksandrs
Andronovs for his valuable advices during preparation of this paper.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Yuri Agafonov
BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia
e-mail: [email protected]

The current economic crisis has emphasised the importance of efficient operation of the Baltic distribution network
for consumer goods. To a large extent, it concerns beverages, i.e. goods characterised by the fast cargo turnover, high
competition and low margins. In this article, the impact of crisis on volumes and sales prices is analysed, and the
influence of quantity and location of production factories and distribution centres on costs of Fast Moving Consumer
Goods is studied. Baltic Supply Chain logistics model is developed, with one producing plant and one distribution
centre per Baltic country. The relevant mathematical model is based on the mixed integer linear programming method.
The results of calculations based on the developed model are in line with practice of the large international company
dealing with beverages in the Baltics. In the research, operational parameters for optimal Baltic Supply Chain
configuration have been evaluated and possibilities for more detailed modelling considered. The findings could be
useful for Supply Chain Management of other consumer goods.
Keywords: supply chain, Baltic distribution network, logistics, beverages, consumer goods.

The subject of the study is production and distribution system of Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) in the Baltics, mathematically modelled on the basis of Coca-Cola logistics system. The paper is
structured as follows:
A. The Baltic market of non-alcoholic drinks and the economic crisis.
B. Logistics model of Baltic Supply Chain (BSC).
C. Mathematical model of BSC.
D. Validation of the model by practical data.
E. Future development of BSC model.
F. Conclusions.

A. The Baltic market of non-alcoholic drinks and the economic crisis

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are daily products with large turnover, small profit and high
competition. All three Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have many common features:
similar level of economic development, comparable consumption, similar same consumption habits and
established trade structure. The Baltic States FMCG manufacturing and trade chains have many common
features that are the reasons, why almost all international companies perceive the Baltics as a united market
now (Agafonov & Bitinas, 2010). Beverages are an example of FMCG and their BSC features are valid also
for other FMCG hence we can apply this approach to a wide range of daily products.
An assortment of beverages in the Baltics is also similar to other European countries, with minor
consumption differences due to national behaviour. All drinks are divided into two large groups with and
without alcohol. The latter consists of two main categories of non-alcoholic drinks: without sugar - mineral
water and aerated water, unsweetened (NACE version 2 code 1170 1130) and water with added sugar, other
sweetening matter or flavoured, i.e. soft drinks, including mineral and aerated (NACE version 2 code 1170
1930). The World Customs Organization (WCO) uses similar classification in the International Harmonized
System (HS) goods nomenclature (Chapter 22: Beverages, spirits and vinegar). Eurostat provides statistics
of beverages consumption data in the Manufactured Goods chapter (Prodcom). Table 1 and Table 2 show
the sold beverages in metric volumes and EUR for the Baltics and Poland (to benchmark with), a neighbour
country with similar economic development, as well as for the total consumption of 27 European Union
countries (EU27TOTALS).
The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 has given a blow to the trade of all daily products. At that time
consumption of beverages in Europe on the whole had not been in a noticeable decline, and by now this
FMCG market has practically overcome the economic crisis level: the sold production by quantity expressed
in litres and EUR are close to the-crisis indicators. The Baltic countries, which were affected by the crisis
harder, are still in the decline stage and below the 2007 years results (see Figure 1). The hot summer of
2009 did not help much to keep the sales volumes. It should be noted that at the time of writing this paper
the operative non-statistical Baltic consumption data showed a recovery of the beverages market. The
calculation of individual consumption was made according to the year 2010 population of areas.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 1
Market history of water consumption

11071130 - Mineral waters and aerated waters, unsweetened
(NACE rev. 2)

Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

PRODQNT Estonia 25 890 25 501 31 772 37 709 37 634 29 091

Latvia 70 872 68 280 81 944 68 041 55 526 44 499

Annual sold,
1000 litres

Lithuania 56 080 82 605 108 627 122 591 123 584 114 596

Poland 1 811 295 2 291 862 2 557 591 2 621 668 2 575 020 2 676 221

EU27TOTALS 45 431 238 43 444 343 49 644 479 54 000 000 45 000 000 45 000 000

PRODVAL Estonia 7 267 5 450 8 142 9 671 9 363 8 705

Latvia 9 911 9 339 11 676 13 589 12 130 10 085

Annual sold,
1000 Eur

Lithuania 9 010 13 200 18 673 24 157 28 383 25 524

Poland 210 633 309 431 382 133 404 652 440 013 327 427

EU27TOTALS 8 936 949 9 311 717 9 702 615 9 877 082 9 391 774 9 044 083

Source: Eurostat, PRODCOM ANNUAL SOLD, NACE Rev. 2., DS-066341, viewed: 01.06.2011. Available at:

Table 2
Market history of soft-drinks consumption

PRCCODE 11071930 - Waters, with added sugar, other sweetening matter or flavoured,
(NACE rev. 2) i.e. soft drinks (including mineral and aerated)

Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

PRODQNT Estonia 77 925 107 974 130 610 124 003 112 473 64 334

Latvia 30 242 35 056 36 103 42 291 36 567 24 319

Annual sold,
1000 litres

Lithuania 139 360 154 222 138 518 133 667 107 240 93 884

Poland 2 478 250 2 419 279 2 711 321 2 806 059 2 955 666 2 864 926

EU27TOTALS 33 077 830 32 298 107 35 000 000 34 800 000 35 296 571 34 743 790

PRODVAL Estonia 32 200 41 223 42 759 46 100 43 324 39 558

Latvia 6 990 8 464 8 971 12 303 10 887 7 368

Annual sold,
1000 Eur

Lithuania 25 518 32 493 37 159 42 700 34 916 31 186

Poland 496 445 582 940 681 839 827 896 1 046 642 745 712

EU27TOTALS 16 564 772 15 574 808 17 200 000 18 000 000 17 985 215 16 947 800

Source: Eurostat, PRODCOM ANNUAL SOLD, NACE Rev. 2., DS-066341, viewed: 01.06.2011. Available at:

Consumption of soft drinks was much greater than that of non-sugar drinks before the economic crisis,
but after that the Baltic consumption of beverages became equal for both main groups. The crisis also
influenced the proportion for beverages consumed in various countries. Consumption of more expensive
drinks was reduced and the gap between consumption levels in the Baltics and in Poland became wider. This

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

however forms a basis for faster consumption growth in future, which will require corresponding resources
of production and distribution systems.

Figure 1. Consumption of beverages in the Baltics

It is interesting that the crisis has equalised the Baltic consumption of drinks with and without sugar.
Supposedly, there is a minimal level of consumption for consumer goods, below which the sales would not
From Figure 2 and Figure 3 we can see that trade companies responded to the crisis with the decreased
volumes. In Poland and EU on the whole the prices were going down to keep the volumes. At the same time,
in the Baltic countries prices for both groups of beverages were raised. Particularly it was connected with
raised state taxes. Also the groups price changes were caused by changes of product mix in the beverage
The raised retail prices of beverages (as well as of other consumer goods) led to the inflation growth in
the Baltics. It means that the crisis trade policy in the EU was directed to keeping the market size and share,
whereas in the Baltics to keeping profits. The Baltic market was able to adopt such a strategy, which
means that competition in FMCG is not so strong and there are opportunities for development. In particular,
the average unit price for the Baltic non-sugar beverages group became higher than that in EU27 and much
higher than in Poland.
The unit price of beverages from the two groups (Figure 2 and Figure 3) is averaged over those of many
various products; however, the tendency is evident due to the statistically large volume of data. It is
necessary to note that the precision observed in Figure 1 Figure 3 is connected with differences in the
national statistics rules, product classifications and custom procedures.

Figure 2. Price for non-sugar drinks Figure 3. Price for drinks with sugar

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The transportation costs usually make up a small proportion in the COGS of beverages. Therefore, the
import of beverages is an attractive option, since prices (especially for non-sugar waters) are higher in the
Baltic than in the EU27. Poland geographically and economically neighbouring with the Baltic countries is
more ready to approach the EU27 Supply Chain parameters. Evidently, the large EU27 market is more stable
than our small, the Baltics, with the population ~ 1% of that in EU27. The market of Poland, with its
population 5.5 times greater than in the Baltics, also has fewer fluctuations.

B. Logistics model of Baltic Supply Chain (BSC)

The Baltic Supply Chain (BSC) for consumer goods consists of the three countries logistics centres as a
practical standard. Many traders follow such a structure ( & , 2007) in their Supply
Chain Management (SCM). The reason is that the economic potential of all the countries: Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania is about the same. Estonia, being the smallest in terms of territory, has a more developed
economy. Lithuania has the largest territory in the Baltics, but has no higher level of economy. In addition
about 2/3 of the consumer goods consumption in the Baltics are concentrated in the capitals: Tallinn, Riga
and Vilnius (in a conglomerate with Kaunas). The maximum distance from these logistics centres to the
farthest country destination is within one day transportation.
Foodstuffs usually are goods with large cargo turnover. Due to this, the manufacturing plants should
preferably be located close to the customer concentration areas and in the vicinity of a distribution centre
(DC). The BSC logistics model of three DCs and three manufacturing plants is presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Logistics model of Baltic Supply Chain for consumer goods

Each DC can be supplied from three plants depending on demand as well as on production and
transportation costs. Additionally, due to assortment needs and limitations on production capacities, import
from the Baltics abroad is needed. The import volume is often limited by HQ due to strategic and state
requirement reasons.
The plant-to-warehouse transportation of products is usually called haulage, which is performed by 20 t
trailers with full trailer load (FTL) as a standard. From DC, including cross-docking operations, the products
are delivered to retailers or Key Account customers by distribution trucks with a capacity of up to 10 tons.

C. Mathematical model of Baltic Supply Chain

The BSC logistics model considered above was described in mixed-integer linear programming terms
(Shapiro, 2007) and used for FMCG BSC analysis. This method gives more precise results than widely used
in practise the examination of a restricted number of BSC configuration. Especially it is useful in developing
the Greenfield solutions.
The objective function COGSb is the minimum cost of goods sold delivered to an end-user through the
Baltics. It can be calculated as

COGSb = COGSt + COGSr + COGSk (1)

We denote the country cost of goods sold as COGSt for Estonia, COGSr for Latvia and COGSk for
Lithuania, where index (small letter) means location name: i = k, r or t (Kaunas, Riga or Tallinn), see
definitions (2) (4). Supply to end-users should be only from a domestic country DC, where costs are the
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

same for various distribution network scenarios, so we are neglecting them in the calculations; transport
costs are only of haulage between three logistics centres. The country cost of goods sold depends on:
CMk, CMr and CMt costs of product manufactured at plants in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn
are different.
CI costs of imported products is with practical accuracy the same for each country DC
(CI is including the import delivery tariff).
CDij costs of delivery from i factory to j DC is a fixed transport tariff, depending on
the distance only, so CDij = CDji.
CSi storage costs are different at Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn warehouses.

COGSk = MCk*{Qkk*CMk + Qkr*(CMr + CDrk) + Qkt*(CMt + CDtk) +QIk*CI + Qka*CSk}(2)

COGSr = MCr*{Qrk*(CMk + CDrk) + Qrr*CMr + Qrt*(CMt + CDtr) +QIr*CI + Qra*CSr} (3)
COGSt = MCr*{Qtk*(CMk + CDtk) + Qrt*(CMr + CDrt) + Qtt*CMt + QIt*CI + Qta*CSt} (4)

The variables in equations (2) (4) are:

Qi = (Qik + Qir + Qit + QIi) product quantity delivered to each DC from three
manufacturing plants and imported. Product quantity manufactured is equal to QMi = Qki
+ Qri + Qti.
QIb = (QIk + Qir + QIt) product quantity imported from abroad to each DC. By
managerial decision QIb should be less than 30% of product produced in the Baltics: Qb =
Qk + Qr + Qt.
MCi practical market coefficient, 0 < MCi < 1.
Wi workload of plants in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn has value in interval (0.1). In the
limiting case the value should be binary (1 or 0) and match the fully operated or closed
QWi warehouse capacity in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn (taking into account the option of
rented premises the value can be variable).
Qka, Qra and Qta average inventory level in country storages.

The fixed parameters of mathematical model are:

Fk, Fr and Ft forecast of demand per country.
QSi safety stock in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn DCs.
CSi storage costs in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn warehouses.
Mk, Mr and Mt manufacture capacity in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn (QMi = Mi * Wi).
CMi manufacture costs at Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn plants.

The constraints for (2) (4) are:

QEi = (QBi + Qi Fi) ending inventory should be larger than or equal to the safety stock,
where QBi is an opening inventory.
The work load of plants in Kaunas, Riga and Tallinn cannot exceed the nominal capacity
no overtime is allowed.
The country warehouse capacity has to be larger than a safety stock and less than the
maximum allowed.

The developed software program has a number of reports and graphs.

D. Validation of the model by practical data

The mathematical model allows calculating the influence of cost changes on the manufacturing, haulage,
storage, distribution and import at operations of a production plant and a distribution centre in each of the
Baltic countries. As an example, using the developed model the BSC for Coca Cola products has been
The Baltic region is a part of the territory under the exclusive operations of one of the worlds largest
Coca-Cola bottlers - Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), which, as a multinational company,
has well-developed standards of the business process. The Baltic Supply Chain in CCHBC means
manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, transportation, quality assurance, planning and procurement.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

CCHBC, according to the company standards, measure the turnover in unit cases equal to 5.678 litres or 24
servings (single food or drink portion) or in pallets of about 800 litres. Figure 5 shows the current structure
of CCHBC BSC, which fits well into the developed model. Currently, there are: one producing plant in the
vicinity of Kaunas, three DCs in each capital of Baltic States, three per country cross-docking points without
storage facilities, and import (mainly from Poland now).
Hence operation mode of CCHBC is a particular case of the developed model that allows analysing and
optimising the BSC. An example of calculation, based on one of the possible scenarios, made by mixed
integer linear programming technology is given in Table 3.
The parameters of logistics centres volume flows and costs mean the country total. Change of variables,
fixed parameters and constraints determine optimal flows from production plants and import size. Varying of
parameters gives the limit values, when, for example, production in factory is not profitable. Also, the model
allows easy evaluation of the influence of raising the fuel prices on changing the optimal product flows.

Figure 5. Baltic Supply Chain for Coca Cola products

Table 3
Calculation example

Demand Cost of product Storage Delivery cost Delivery cost Delivery cost Manufacturing
Safety stock
(forecast) manufactured costs to Kaunas to Riga to Tallinn capacity
Kaunas DC 9 200 0.74 0.21 x 0.105 0.200 200 8 000
Riga DC 4 000 0.58 0.19 0.105 x 0.110 200 12 000
Tallinn DC 4 700 0.68 0.23 0.200 0.110 x 150 6 000
Baltic 17 900 550 26 000
Import 0.52

Delivered from Delivered Delivered from Delivered Ending

Workload Imported BSC costs
Kaunas from Riga Tallinn total inventory
Kaunas DC 0% 0 3 830 0 5 370 9 200 200 3 251
Riga DC 65% 0 4 000 0 0 4 000 200 1 219
Tallinn DC 78% 0 0 4 700 0 4 700 150 1 662
Baltic 48% 0 7 830 4 700 5 370 17 900 550 6 132

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

E. Future development of BSC model

The developed model reflects the main operational features of FMCG BSC and gives quantitative
optimal parameters for SCM. The calculations have been done for a one year period. Results for longer time
spans are achievable using the long-term demand forecasts. The multi-period planning methodology of the
kind was developed in various works (e.g. Shapiro, 2007).
The results of calculations shown in Table 3 give an integral scope of BSC operations. More detailed
BSC analyses can be obtained by synthesis of the developed model with a specific transport routing software
by including costs of distribution to the end users. Such an approach can also help to optimise the
distribution by taking into consideration direct deliveries from a DC or a factory of one country to the end
users of another country, for example in the border areas.
An important direction for better control over the BSC is evaluation of the influence exerted by changes
in the capacity and location of manufacturing plants and DCs. Nowadays, this task is a challenge for BSC of
various consumer goods. Historically chosen locations of producing plants and DCs are not always
corresponding to the today best terms. The calculations by discrete integer linear programming can help to
choose the optimal configurations between various possibilities. For this purpose, the model has to be
supplemented by financial parameters of fixed and variables costs for closing old facilities and opening new
ones. All this is achievable using the technology of discrete-event simulation (Verma & Boyer, 2010).
In the paper the integer parameters of two large beverage groups consisting of many products have been
analysed. The practical optimisation of BSC for a specific company needs taking into account the whole
assortment of products. In the first approximation this can be done by selecting the most valuable product
(ABC classification method based on the 20/80 Pareto principle) and optimising sums of objective functions
for each product.
These are the tasks for future investigations.

F. Conclusions
1. The logistics and mathematical models of Baltic Supply Chain for consumer goods have been
created that describes the FMCG distribution operations in three countries. The calculation model is
based on mixed-integer linear programming and can give optimal parameters of SC.
2. The developed BSC model has been verified by CCHBC data and has shown the satisfactory
accuracy. It is concluded that the model is capable of producing the practical recommendations for
optimal FMCG distribution network.
3. Various scenarios of SC structure have been calculated by variation of fuel price, storage and
manufacturing capacities. Optimal Baltic Supply Chain network configuration for one soft drink
product manufacturing is evaluated with one plant located in Latvia. More precise results need more
Supply Chain parameters consideration full range of assortment and longer time span.

1. Jeremy F. Shapiro (2007), Modelling the Supply Chain, 2 nd edition, Thomson, 608 p., ISBN 978-0-495-12611.
2. Verma R. & Boyer K. (2010), Operations and Supply Chain Management. Cengage, 538 p., ISBN 978-0-324-
3. ., . (2007), . , 191 c., ISBN 978-9984-39-
4. Agafonov Y. and Bitinas S., Risk management in Baltic logistics, Journal of Business Management, 2010, No.3,
pp. 123-130, ISNN 1691-5348.
5. Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A., http://www.coca-colahellenic.com/
6. Eurostat, DS-066341-PRODCOM ANNUAL SOLD (NACE Rev. 2.),
http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home; (extracted on 01-06-2011).

Author is grateful to Saulius Bitinas and Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company HQ for permission to
use the company data for this study.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Katri Vintisa
University of Latvia
Faculty of Economics and Management
PhD candidate
e-mail: [email protected]

Agita Kalvina
University of Latvia
Faculty of Economics and Management
PhD candidate
e-mail: [email protected]

The purpose of this article is to present main results of the research that was carried out in the public sector of
Latvia on existing practice of performance management. Changes required in the system and competencies of
employees and managers in the public sector as well as suggestions are proposed for its improvement either in Latvia or
in other countries with similar history.
Methodology and approach The research data was gathered using the method of structured individual
interviews, as well as electronic online survey. The basic elements of performance management system were examined
(e.g. goal setting, performance evaluation, connection with other human resource management process like
development and reward) to find out the main deficiencies of existing practice and to formulate suggestions for
Findings The research revealed that there are two kinds of drawbacks within the existing system:
contextual drawbacks (e.g., performance criteria an rating scale);
implementation drawbacks (proficiency of managers, rating inflation).
Practical implications The results and main findings of the research will be taken as a basis for performance
management system improvement project, planned to be implemented during 2011.
Originality/value -- The research and the following project represent a unique scientific and practical activity
within public administration of Latvia. It is highly important to the enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness of
Latvian public administration and its management.
Keywords: performance management, human resources, public administration, performance criteria, remuneration.

The individual performance assessment of employees in the Latvian public administration was started in
2001, when together with the new Law of State Civil Service coming into effect a requirement was
introduced to carry out annual performance assessment of civil servants [1]. The aim of the performance
management system was to facilitate professional development of civil servants, to encourage self-
development and develop communication between line managers, to determine training and career
development needs of civil servants, in order to improve and advance performance of civil servants in
achieving the aims of organisation and implementing functions [5]. It was not planned then that assessment
results will be linked to pay system.
In 2007, when the new pay system was introduced in public administration, defining an individual pay
level, it was linked to assessment without reviewing assessment criteria, which originally were elaborated for
performance assessment of civil servants (around 12 000 employees), whereas the new pay system was
applied to much wider scope of employees, who were implementing much more diverse functions than civil
servants (initially approximately 65 000 employees, now - approximately 38 000 employees) [4].
In order to clarify the problems of employee performance management system in the Latvian public
administration and to elaborate recommendations on its improvement, the authors carried out the research in
January and February 2011 [6; 7]. The main results, conclusions and recommendations are summarised in
this article.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Research methodology
The aim of the research
The aims of the research were the following:
to identify the development of existing performance management system and possible problems in
the aspects concerning the:
- individual performance;
- quality of management;
- quality of performance assessment interviews;
- components of performance management system and assessment criteria.
to clarify what requirements are put forward to public administration employees by their senior
management and stakeholders: political management, members of parliament, social partners,
supervising institutions and analysts specialising in public administration operation;
on the basis of summarised information, to formulate recommendations on improvement of
performance management system.

Methods used
In order to achieve the aims of the research the following methods were used:
Opinion survey of employees. The survey was carried out electronically by sending the internet link
to divisions of personnel management of ministries, which sent it further to employees of the
ministries and subordinate institutions. 1521 fully completed questionnaires were received and
analysed [6].
Structured interviews with senior managers of public administration institutions. Senior managers of
all ministries and State Chancellery, as well as 5 subordinate institutions were interviewed, 19
interviews in total [7].
Structured interviews with employees dealing with human resources policy planning issues of public
administration. Officials responsible for the human resource policy planning were interviewed, 4
interviews in total [7];
Structured interviews with stakeholders. The representatives of organisations, which are related to
public administration as supervising institutions, co-operation partners or analysts (further in the text
- stakeholders), (representatives of the Prime Ministers Office, Employers Confederation of Latvia,
Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Latvia, Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, University
of Latvia, Parliament, Commission of Strategic Analyses of the President of Latvia, Society for
Transparency Delna, State Audit Office, Ombudsman and Latvian Association of Local
Governments) 11 interviews in total [7];
Focus group discussion with State Secretaries (administrative heads of ministries) at a state secretary
meeting [7];
Focus group discussion with managers of personnel divisions of ministries at the meeting of
personnel managers [7].

The research results

Research results show that the performance management system in force has several drawbacks, which
can be subdivided in two groups:
contextual drawbacks. They are related to the system structure, its elements assessment criteria and
their relative importance (weight) in determining the total evaluation rating, as well as a linkage of
evaluation results with the pay system. The following contextual drawbacks can be distinguished:
- incomplete evaluation criteria: there is an evaluation of tasks and competencies, but part of
job responsibilities are routine recurrent works;
- universal competence model for all job families (groups): there is an evaluation of
common competencies for all, but specific competencies, which differentiate job families,
are ignored;
- questionable link between performance assessment rating and pay, which stimulates a
tendency to determine the highest ratings.
implementation drawbacks. They are related to the way, how the present system is implemented in
practise in personnel management in different institutions of public administration, how managers

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

carry out performance evaluation and appraisal interviews, as well as how performance evaluation
ratings are determined according to the set standards. The following implementation drawbacks can
be distinguished:
- offset of evaluation scale too high share of highest ratings;
- differences of evaluation practice and requirements among institutions frequently observed
formal approach, emphasis on determination of ratings and not on analyses of performance;
- low level of managerial skills;
- use of commissions when carrying out appraisal interviews;
- lack of training programmes and methodological material on the role of managers in
managing employee performance.

The analysis of contextual drawbacks

Incomplete evaluation criteria
When analysing viewpoints from survey and interviews, it can be concluded, that it is necessary to
review evaluation criteria in order to ensure valuable and comprehensive analyses of work performance. The
criteria used in the present system are evaluation of previously set tasks and competencies, the majority of
which are behavioural competencies and only one competency refers to professional knowledge. The
representative comments from employees, which confirm that, are the following: [6 (not available for public
- Additional criteria should be included, which reflect better individual performance of each
employee with regard to tasks to be performed;
- Too much emphasis on personality and skills, but not on work results;
- Professional competence could be subdivided in more detail and it should account for at
least 50% from a total evaluation.
It can be said that the analysis of performance in present system is not sufficient, because not all of the
responsibilities performed by employees can be defined in a form of tasks for specific term, and tasks which
are of routine character or have to be performed on regular basis are ignored in the system. In Figure 1 the
views of employees on what additional criteria should be assessed in annual performance assessment are
reflected. The majority of respondents believes that it is necessary to elaborate additional competences, but
40% thinks that assessment criteria should be supplemented with assessment of job qualification
requirements and required quality standards of the job [6].

What additional aspects of performance should be evaluated?

Other competences 5%

Addtional competences 66%

Qualiffication criteria 40%

Performance standards 40%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 1. Results of employee survey.

Distribution of additional performance aspects that needs to be evaluated.

Universal competency model

Within the existing performance evaluation system, annual performance assessment covers 38 000
employees from 52 job families [3], but all employees are assessed against the same competencies (in
addition managers get assessment on personnel management competency). Employee survey shows that it is
necessary to significantly increase the amount of competencies to be assessed and adjust them to the
requirements of specific job family groups. In order to find out, which competencies are essential at present
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

moment and which ones will be important in future - at interviews and in the survey, the competencies list
consisting of 26 most widespread competence titles was used. Employees estimated the importance of these
competencies at their job, but managers, human resources policy planners and stakeholders pointed out 7 the
most important competencies today and in future. The assessment of importance of competencies given by
the employees is shown in Figure 2. It demonstrates that all the competencies included in the list are very
important at least for the part of jobs in public administration, and the competency, which is very important
for most of interviewed employees, is Accuracy. The survey results allow distinguishing, which
competencies are more important to certain job family groups [6].

Figure 2. Results of employee survey.

The number of respondents, who identified the competency as very important.

The most important competencies in public administration in accordance with the evaluation by senior
lever managers, human resource policy planners and stakeholders are summarised in Table 1. When
comparing the views, it can be observed, that senior level managers and human resource policy planners
consider different aspects of management skills as most actual ones at the present moment, whereas
stakeholders think that the most important competencies are Achievement, Customer orientation,
Analytical thinking and planning skills. In turn, those, who assessed competencies important in future
context, named Ethics as an important competence, but such competencies as Ability to pass decisions
and take up responsibility, Planning and control, Communication, Analytical thinking and problem
solving and Personnel management skills are the most important only in view of the senior level
managers [7].
Within the present system, the rating of performance determines 23% of the total amount of an
employees monthly salary [2; 4]. The performance assessment rating (on the scale A, B, C, D, E) is used in
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

the formula of individual monthly salary [4]. The majority of interviewed persons regard the link between
pay and assessment as not motivating and think it has to be reviewed [6; 7].
Table 1
Most important actual and future competencies in public administration

View of senior level managers and human

View of stakeholders
resource policy planners
The most important competencies at present moment
Ability to pass decisions and take up Achievement
responsibility Analytical thinking, problem solving
Strategic thinking Cooperation
Planning and control Planning and control
Communication Ability to pass decisions and take up
Personnel management skills responsibility
Achievement Strategic thinking
Analytical thinking, problem solving Customer orientation
Change management Team working
The most important competencies in future
Strategic thinking Achievement
Ability to pass decisions and take up Development orientation
responsibility Strategic thinking
Planning and control Team working
Communication Creative thinking and innovation
Analytical thinking, problem solving Customer orientation
Personnel management skills Ethics
Customer orientation
Team working
Creative thinking and innovation
Questionable link between performance assessment rating and pay.

The analysis of implementation drawbacks

In general, the implementation drawbacks, which are revealed by the survey and interviews, indicate that
at present the system does not reach the goals it was initially created for. It can be stated that the
performance management system is now used mainly for determining individual salary level. Although there
are institutions, where the annual performance assessment interviews are used for development and
motivation of employees, bearing in mind the economic downturn, when there was a significant decrease in
possibilities for institutions to find means for employee development, the motivating potential of
performance analysis and assessment is used at a minimum. Still, the linkage between remuneration and
assessment results is not perceived as motivating by more than 40% of the interviewed public administration
representatives [6].
Although in its creation process, the system was targeted at improvement of performance quality, the
evaluation is critical in this area too. 52% of the survey participants do not agree with the statement that the
performance evaluation system helps to ensure high performance quality in public administration [6].
Comments provided by the employees indicate that ...performance appraisal does not stipulate
improvement of quality, especially at a moment, when after reductions of staff there is an increase of work
load [6 (not available for public view)]. Thus, when evaluating opinions of employees and interview
results, not only the present performance evaluation system should be analysed, but also the changes in
public sector which happened as a result of economic downturn and their potential impact on work of
managers, employee motivation and attitude towards performance assessment and determination of pay.

The impact of recent change management process in public administration on

opportunities to introduce new management tools
The public sector in Latvia has undergone a significant process of change during the 3 recent years. The
crisis period required to implement a range of measures with the aim to decrease the public sector

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

expenditures and increase efficiency of public administration. The main activities implemented by the public
sector were significant cuts of salaries of public sector employees, redundancies and restructuring.
The change process took place in a very short period of time with significant pressure from stakeholders
and media.
It was pointed out by the interviewed respondents that managers very often lacked information passed by
the senior management teams, which resulted in sometimes very hectic process of managing change without
proper tools and communication.
This fast, chaotic, not properly implemented change management process and threats of potential further
redundancies in public administration in many cases created such disbenefits as:
significant decrease of employeesmotivation, increased work load;
brain drain from public administration;
due to badly planned and managed restructurings, the threat of decrease of the quality of public
public administration has lost the image of good employer;
the lack of stability does not allow for efforts to increase productivity the main idea is to survive;
due to the intense attention from the side of society and media, public administration is reluctant to
introduce tools of good management practice as, for example, the performance related pay.
At the same time, there were some benefits of the rapid changes, for instance:
necessity to implement radical changes, which in normal circumstances would take very long time;
large scale measures to ensure revision of resource planning and savings;
decreased number of public sector employees;
restructurings, which allowed for getting rid of employees with low performance results;
increase of transparency with regard to public sector expenditures.
Although these benefits are important, the common message among the interviewed respondents was:
there were opportunities missed and change process could have produced much more significant results
Another significant problem was too much time and effort spent on revision of functions, which did not
provide the expected results with respect to savings. It has resulted in the situation, when the reduced staff
has to cope with the same amount of production of legal acts and document processing.
In such situation, employees and middle level managers are not very motivated to come up with new
initiatives or introduce new management tools, even if they agree it is necessary to.

Conclusions and recommendations

According to the data obtained as a result of the employee survey, the most essential aspect, which has to
be improved in the performance management system, is the link between performance assessment and pay
(Figure 3). This result largely reflects the fact that the system mainly operates as a tool for determination of
the individual pay level. However, planning of training and professional development is one of the
constituencies, the improvement of which should be prioritised. The system, in turn, has a potential for
improvement of performance quality, which is not utilised at the moment [6].
The performance evaluation system at present is not achieving those aims it was initially created for. It
can be explained by the contextual drawbacks which characterise the present system, but also by a pattern,
how the system is implemented in practice in everyday personal management of institutions and a way, how
managers use this management tool. Therefore, in order to correct the systems faults and to facilitate more
successful operation of the system, it is necessary to make essential improvements in the system itself and in
the way of its implementation.
In order to ensure contextual improvements of the system, it can be suggested:
to elaborate specific guidelines on defining and measuring performance results, paying particular
attention to defining and assessing the individual performance results. When elaborating the
guidelines, the specific character of intellectual work should be taken into account;
for jobs which are of a recurrent nature, evaluation of performance of job responsibilities should be
made aligned with the standards (quality requirements);
to replace the criterion Professional knowledge with criterion Professional qualification, by
including it into the assessment parameters of education, professional experience, professional and
general skills. To determine higher proportion of weight of this criterion in the total performance

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

to elaborate the competency dictionary, incorporating all competencies essential for public
administration at the present moment and in future;
to establish opportunity for institutions to create independent competency models (combinations of
competencies), which corresponds to specific requirements of jobs in these institutions;
to develop competency descriptions in the way, which ensures unified approach to the evaluation - to
describe 4-5 levels of expression for each competency;
a special attention should be paid to elaboration of competencies for managers of different levels, in
order to facilitate development of managerial and leadership skills within public administration;
evaluation of performance results should be linked to the variable part of remuneration (bonus
system) and the basic part should be detached from ratings.

What aspects of the existing performance appraisal system should be


Other 4%
Evaluation algorithm 24%
Evaluation criteria 38%
Setting the pay level 49%
Career planning 32%
Planning of professional development 44%
Performance review discussion process 18%
Clarity of my input into realisation of 19%
Definition of tasks and attainable results 27%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 3: Results of employee survey

Opinion of employees on aspects of performance evaluation system that need to be improved.

While in order to ensure the valuable systems introduction, it can be suggested:

to organise comprehensive training for managers and employees on performance management
planning and evaluation, while paying special attention to requirements of management of
intellectual employees;
to elaborate IT tools for planning and evaluation of performance (while retaining annual
performance assessment interviews) in order to reduce the time spent by employees and managers on
performance planning and assessment and to ensure possibility to create online reports on
performance and evaluation results;
to introduce a moderation process for assessment results and elements of 360 degree evaluation in
order to ensure that distribution of assessment ratings correspond to normal distribution curve and
provides more objective evaluation results.
When implementing the changes, it is important to be aware that the established evaluation practice is
stably rooted; therefore, the solution will take time and will require more resources than the solution of
contextual problems to be implemented. It may be said that there is a need for a new management culture
within the Latvian public administration, but changes of organisation culture is a time-consuming process. At
the same time, it is one of the most important preconditions to achieve real improvements of performance
quality in future.
Considering the experience with the latest crisis that provoked the change process, while introducing the
change into performance management system, it is crucial to provide support and training to managers and
employees, when starting to introduce the new performance management system. Even more important is to
have a gradual introduction of the system with pilot phases and having no link into the pay system at least for
one year. It is very essential especially at the present moment, when employees can perceive introduction of
any new managerial system as yet another tool for the next wave of cuts or radical changes.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1. Law on State Civil Service (2011). Viewed: 10.06.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=10944
2. Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Institutions (2010). Viewed:
10.06.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=20227.3
3. Regulations No. 1075 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Catalogue of jobs of state and local government
institutions (2010). Viewed: 10.06.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=222271&from=off.
4. Regulations No. 1651 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on remuneration, qualification levels and the
procedure of their determination for officials and employees of state and local government institutions (2009).
Viewed: 10.06.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=203051&from=off.
5. Instruction No. 2 of the Cabinet of Ministers Procedure on performance evaluation of civil servants (2001).
Viewed: 10.06.2011. Available at: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=3496.
6. Survey results of employees of public administration on performance management system:
http://www.creativetechnologies.eu/VKReports/, user: aptauja, password: rezultati2011 (free text comments
from survey are not available for view);
7. Records of structured interviews and focus group discussions (unpublished materials).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Tatjana Volkova
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Inga Jakobsone
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Miks Petersons
Designer, SIA Nordi Dizaina Klubs, Latvia
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose the increasing importance is given to the new, unfolded sources of competitive advantage of companies
in the fast changing business environment. The stage of design application level in business is directly correlated to the
greater strategic importance given to design in strategic business management and respective demand of professional
design by business management in various industries. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the stage of design
application in public and private sectors in Latvia and explore the most crucial factors, which influence its potential.
Design/methodology/approach Survey-based primary research was conducted in companies providing
professional services of design to various organisations in various sectors. By analysing data from 85 respondents or 39
% of companies in design industry, summarised results are applied into Design Ladder framework (DDC, 2003) in
order to evaluate whether design and its application in broader sense leading to design thinking is perceived as
strategically important source of better organisation performance and competitive advantage.
Findings the main findings of the study indicate that such concepts as strategic design, design management and
design thinking are notably entering business environment by having conceptually new applications. However, due to
domination of short-term business models, low public awareness of broader forms of design application, design is
mainly considered as a form of art or visual element and there is a very limited place in management practices yet in
Latvia. Public awareness, innovation policies, education systems have not yet caught up with these developments and
these are the problems for further challenges and subject for research in this emerging area.
Research limitations/implications the research is based on evaluation of design awareness, forms of
applications in business management from perspectives of design industry professionals and their experience of design
application in the private and public sectors.
Practical implications this work is useful for executives, who search for development of new sources of
competitive advantage to sustain competitiveness in emerging future.
Originality/Value this is one of the first studies of design awareness, forms of application in management using
Design Ladder framework in Latvia.
Keywords: design, design thinking, sustainable competitiveness, innovation methods, Latvia.

1. Introduction
Over last few decades, business environment has changed dramatically, bringing on surface such factors
like globalisation, fluctuations of economy, scarcity of material resources, more demanding customers,
severe competition, and shorter product life cycles. These aspects have influenced any company across the
industries worldwide. Consequently, existing management practices and thinking models valid in different
business environment settings cant bring expected business performance results in fast changing emerging
future thus creating rapidly growing needs for seeking for new sources of innovation and competitive
advantage. Many of these new methods and tools appropriate for new conditions are not sufficiently
recognised yet by managers and there are still a lot of unfolded areas, like application of design in a broader
sense and understanding the essence and role of design thinking in strategic management of business.
Design as a form of art or slight visual differentiator of a product is a traditional role of design in
business what brings limited economic benefits to the company for a relatively short period of time
(Verganti, 2009). However, design and design thinking as integrative part of companys processes,
innovation and strategy are new sources of organisations capabilities, bringing potential ability to create
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

higher added value, to improve companys performance results, to increase export perspectives and
competitiveness in these turbulent market conditions. In this aspect, Tony Blair claimed: Good design is not
simply about aesthetics or making a product easier to use. It is a central part of the business process, adding
value to products, and creating new markets (Design Council, UK and CBI, 2002).
The aim of this paper is to analyse awareness level of design and its broader application in strategic
management of business, to evaluate the stage of design application in various sectors in Latvia and explore
the most crucial factors which influence its potentials.

2. Theoretical background
2.1 Design as a new source of competitive advantage
Over last few years, there is increased attention in business and research literature about design as a new
powerful driver of competitive advantage in the changing business landscape. Hirschman (1982) recognises
that product innovations come from two independent sources - technology (tangible) and symbolism
(intangible) resource. Accordingly to Verganti (2009), symbolism or symbolic innovations are related to
social meaning of product, while technological innovations spring from the addition or alteration of tangible
features in a product, helping distinguish it from prior models. Furthermore, in a sense of a source for
innovation, many researchers underlined the importance of design and designers in successful companies
(Krippendorff, 1989; Gotzsch, 2000; Lloyd and Snelders, 2003; Verganti 2003, 2006, 2009; Bertola and
Texeira, 2003; Austin and Devin, 2010; Sunley, Pinch and Macmillen, 2010) to create higher added value
along with economic value to sustain competitive advantage in the market.
In terms of design, many authors have used different descriptions of products communicative
qualities (Verganti, 2009). For example, emotional domain and soft function is used by McDonagh-
Philp and Lebbon (2000), product soul is called by Durgee (2001) and product experience is named by
Marzano (2000), aesthetic coherence is a term used by Austin and Devin (2010). However, as it is claimed
by Verganti (2009), these are semantic meaning of the products and this let companies to innovate in a new
direction what is based on socio-cultural model. In a traditional business approach relevant to Industrial
economy stage of development the high priority in innovation is given to modification of functions or
technological features of a product. Nevertheless, as a sole focused approach to technological features might
lead to a version of the product which is not user friendly and thus giving full satisfaction of customers. In
other words, functionality tries to satisfy users practical needs, while product meanings or design helps to
solve emotional and socio-cultural requirements (Margolin and Buchanan, 1995; Verganti, 2009). A lot of
studies identify that these aspects are of growing significant importance for customers whether these are
goods or services (Schmitt and Simonson, 1997; Postrel, 2001, 2003; Bloch, 2003; Crilly, 2004, Fraser,
2007; Kess, Belt, Harkonen, 2009). Furthermore, dialectic of function vs form is developed by Verganti
(2003) in a framework suggesting that symbolic and emotional values of a product is in addition to its
functionality and this is a powerful source of creating also radical meanings of the product in design-driven
2.2 Evaluation of design application level
As a business activity, design is not only a tool to modify form and function of the products but directly
influences commercial constraints such as manufacturability, safety, and marketability. By creating new
concepts, simplifying process to reduce cost, streamlining product function, or transforming business
practice, designers create new experiences, add value, and sometimes give birth to new markets(Heskett,
2004). Design activities, linked to the objectives, form three major design usage levels: design as a product,
design as a process and design as a transformation (Friis, 2006). Very similar formulation of design
application stages in the companies is used by Danish design Centre in their framework Design Ladder
(DDC, 2003). The principal role of the framework is to measure design maturity level and usage in the
companies. The higher a company is up the ladder, the greater strategic importance and economic benefits
design brings to the company. In the 1st step design is a negligible part of the product development and there
is no need for services of professional designer; 2nd step design is seen only in the final physical form of the
product in terms of styling or visual decorations. This step basically relates to mature industries when design
is a decorative element with a purpose to differentiation in some way the product from rival products. There
are no any long-lasting economic benefits of design in this level. This might be work of designer, but more
frequently this improvement is performed by other employees of the company. Design thinking is used in
very basic aspects with no integrative approach to the entire product portfolio. The 3rd step is considered not
as a result but as a method that is integrated early on in the development process (SVID, 2004). In the top
of Design ladder is a 4th step in which design is integrated into organisation in the strategic sets of

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

direction and as a renewal of the business concepts leading to necessary preconditions for innovation and
competitive advantage. It is claimed by Le Masson (2006) in regard of core assumption that design leads to
the next level in the organisation towards a better understanding of innovation itself. In the highest steps of
Design ladder there is a substantial need of design thinking from business strategic management
perspective. Design is the bridge between the consumer questing for the experiential and the company
trying to meet that appetite with an offer that presents the new in a user-friendly and innovative way. It is at
the core of the knowledge economy, and one of the coping stones of an innovation system (Hutton, 2010).

level of design Design as strategy (design is a key strategic mean of

development encouraging innovation)

Design thinking
Design as process (design is integral to the development

Design as styling (design is only relevant in terms of style)

No design (design plays no role in product development)


Figure 1. Design Ladder framework

Source: adapted by authors (2011) from framework developed by Danish Design Centre (2003)

In business, political and academic arenas design is increasingly considered as a tool to ensure
innovative business solutions and a vital source of distinctive competencies in the rapidly changing
environment, the role of designer in a close cooperation with all stakeholders providing necessary input
becomes increasingly crucial for the future of any organisation. As it is stated in the recent political
guidelines of European Commission (COM (2010) 2020), to remain competitive in this challenging global
environment, it needs to put in place right conditions for creativity and innovation to flourish in a new
entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, it is particularly important to find out the factors and conditions
preventing design development to the levels of integrative forms in organisations that this new source of
innovation and competitive advantage can bring economic added value for the companies and
competitiveness and wealth for the region.
2.3 Design application perspectives
Many studies (DDC, (2003 and 2007); DIP, 2008, SVID, (2004); Design Council, UK (2007), ) prove
that extent of design application in business is directly correlated with a level of creativity and innovation of
the company and consequently with better business performance results, increased export and
competitiveness. These studies indicate the following patterns:
companies investing in design have increase in profit of 22% compare with ones which dont invest
(DDC, 2003),
companies which both employ in-house designers and outsource design services export 40% of their
turnover while other companies export only 18% of their turnover (SVID, 2004),
companies which actively make use of design in their processes had twice the level of innovation of
other companies, across all business sectors and four times as many design users applied for patent
protection, compared with companies which dont use design in their innovation processes (Norwegian
Design council, DIP (2008),
more than half of the UK companies are looking for design as a way out of downturn to maintain
competitiveness in the severe economic climate and the same number of companies strongly agreed that
design is integral part of countrys future economic performance (UK Design council, 2010).
The European Union survey Innobarometer (2007) presents the following results of their studies in the
EU context:
- innovative companies across the EU considered that design staff had been a major source of ideas
for their innovative activities, what is slightly ahead of RD staff (25%),

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

- in more than 50% of the innovative companies the innovation process comes from non-RD
functions; moreover, as a common sign is that non-technological innovation enterprises are smaller
in sizes, with limited resources of investments (basically these are SMEs) and non-technological
innovations tend to develop at the same rate as technological innovations.
All these indicated studies tend to confirm that the principal role of design is not merely a form of art or
visual decoration of particular products in matured markets, but lead to confirmation that the principal role of
design is to create an economic value to organisations. Applied efficiently, design does more than improve
the single product or service. Design is a strategic development process, and it is a way of seeing problems
and their solutions (Mollerup Designlab, 2004).

3. Research process and methodology

The authors research is based on the survey method. The aim of the survey was to analyse the design
application level in Latvia and identify main drivers and obstacles of the broader usage of design as a
strategic tool and integrative part in organisational processes. For this purpose, the extended questionnaire
was designed consisting of 19 different questions to identify current business models in companies, strategic
management thinking patters, attitude towards design and its usage, awareness of design in broader
application perspective as a strategic tool in order to unfold organisations capabilities to create a higher
added value, innovations, to ensure sustainable profitability and overall competitiveness. Companies
providing professional design services in Latvia were taken as target group of the survey, and respondents
were representatives of these companies. According to the Enterprise Register represented in Lursoft
database (2011), there are 218 companies which provide design services to public and private sectors, e.g.
free-lancers, design consultancies, digital, multimedia, interior, product, fashion and industrial designers.
The valid survey data were received from 85 respondents or 39% of the total sample size. This let us
generalise the received findings about current situation of design awareness, application forms and factors
influencing potential development of broader design usage in companies processes and strategy from
professional designers perspective. Further, the results of survey are applied in Design Ladder framework
described in the previous paragraph to evaluate economic benefits what design application brings to Latvia.

4. Research results
As previously mentioned paper aims to analyse the application of design as a new, unfolded source of
competitive advantage of the companies in the fast changing business environment, explore design usage
level in Latvia and determine the most crucial factors which influence its potentials. This paragraph is
structured in three parts grouped according to main research questions previously described: 1) identification
of the current main forms of business model in the companies; 2) design application awareness in the society
and entrepreneurs; 3) design development preventing factors for broader application perspective as a
strategic tool.
4.1 Main forms of business model in Latvia
In order to explore the design application perspectives in Latvia, we focused some of the questions in our
questionnaire on identification of what is business model in companies across multiple industries in public
and private sectors. As it is seen in Figure 2, vast majority or 82.5% of respondents identified that current
business model is focused on short-term business problem solutions and the primary goal is to find ways of
further cost reductions in the production process of mass products.
Nevertheless, 12,7% of design industry representing respondents marked that the business model of their
clients is based on a long-term vision for their company along with seeking the ways of high-value creation,
usage of good quality materials, qualified workforce and design is an integral part of their business process;
this kind of business model also joined 4,8% of respondents which identified trend that long-term business
concepts overtakes a short-term business model approach in the companies. Nevertheless, even summarising
these two groups of respondents, it is less than 1/5 of the companies searching systematically new ways of
competitive advantage through value creation what would be based on their vision of the company and long-
term business concept.
4.2 Awareness stage of design application in Latvia
The next series of questions were aimed to evaluate a design in a broader understanding by society in
Latvia treating design not only as a pure aesthetical decoration, but also as a crucial element of their
everyday life and recognise perspectives that design gives to society in terms of socio-cultural aspects of
products equally important as technological and functional characteristics (Verganti, 2009). This attitude

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

gives a potential birth for design innovations and sustainable competitiveness in the changing economic
Based on multiple-choice questions mentioned in Figure 3, the respondents have identified that 29.7% of
the general society and entrepreneurs see design as an element of luxury goods. It follows by 37.5% of
respondents, who identify the level of design awareness and perception in a form of visual element with
decoration purpose of the product, for example, in packaging. Summarising these both forms of replies,
67.2% of respondents indicate that society and entrepreneurs in Latvia see design only in a very basic level
of design application, when design is considered as unimportant in the business processes as the integrative
part, and consequently design is not seen as a tool of innovation and value creation.

it is based on short-term business

solutions, led by further cost

it is based on long-term vision, high-

value creation, environmentally

other opinion 4.8%

Figure 2. Structure of business models in Latvia

design is a crucial corne stone of the

innovations and close cooperations of 12.5%
professional designers with an
it is very important to integrate design
into an entire process of creating 20.3%
goodswit a close colloboration of
design is used for a visual improvement
of products , for example packaging
it is only for the market of luxury goods
and there is very limited demand for a 29.7%
design and professional designer

Figure 3. Design application awareness in Latvia

Althgough so numerous amount of respondents identified low understanding of design application,

almost 25% of received replies figured out that society and entrepreneurs are aware of design usage
perspectives and see it as a crucial part of their process of creating products and a crucial factor in
innovation. 20.3% of respondents identified that there is a growing potential of colloboration between
professional designers and business management in order to place design into the entire product development
process. Moreover, 12.5% of respondents recognised that design is considered as a powerful tool of
innovation in the organisation to ensure sustainable competitiveness of business. This significant part of
reponses let us think that a considerable part of society realises the crucial role of design in product
development and innovation, however, the majority is still seeing it as a form of art in the limited scope of
4.3 Identification of main factos preventing design broader application forms
Further research was focused on identification of factors influencing design usage in a broader scope in
the business processes, model and innovation.
We have identified six major aspects, which directly affect the design application: traditional business
thinking model, level of design policies in the country, education of designers, business management
education, network development level of designers and general public awareness of design usage. Figure 4
identifies relative strength of these factors. As the most significant barriers to design broader usage in public
and private sectors the respondents have mentioned limited public awareness of design as a vital source of
improvement of their life through innovation instead of narrow application in the form of art and traditional
management thinking model, this was stated in almost 70% and over 60% of responses, respectively. In our
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

opinion, this is related to the fact that for so many decades the industrial era with the requirement of pure
efficiency measures were recognised as a single driver of any business to competitiveness and this heritage
in education and management practice is still cultivated in the current era of innovation, when the drivers are
creativity and all sources of innovation, including non-technological forms as design (Hamel 2007, Verganti
2009). In innovation society people require fundamentaly new thinking, competencies and skills to generate
creative and innovative results, not limited by excellency in certain function, but in the ability to design
better products and provide even breakthough results (Gray, 2010)

Figure 4. Main factors preventing broader application of design.

Creativity, design and invention are still considered as a function separated from the entire business
process and not understood as an integrative part of the organisations strategic management. We [business
people] expect that designers, inventors and creative people go into the room with a goal and will come
out with creative solutions (Gray et al., 2010). However, complex and dynamic innovation economy requires
different approach that these qualities first of all are a part of management thinking further fostering to open
powerful gateway in the processes of any organisation thus creating sustainable competitive advantage of the
organisation. The business model based on single analytical data considerations of the past events does not
provide crucial insights in the future business perspectives and can lead to short-term business problem
solutions, but not enhance competitiveness in the long-term (Hamel, 2007). That is why it is increasingly
crucial to recognise new tools and means in the management practice to create an economic value to
products, services and organisations.

5. Conclusions
In order to evaluate design application level and potential economic benefits to the organisations, we
have applied our research data to the framework of Design Ladder (DDC, 2003). This gave us the
summarised view that design in Latvia is in the first, early development stages (Figure 1) and design is
mostly applied as a styling, solely for the final physical form of the product, but not yet entering the next
stages of the Design Ladder with design as a process and design as innovation in an organisation. This leads
to think that there is no strategic importance of design seen in the business management practice in Latvia
and thus design does not bring sustainable economic benefit to the companies. These are potentials to be
unfolded and applied in a broad sense through renewal of existing business models, design thinking and
modification of entire organisation culture to enhance multi-functional activities, capabilities of flexible
adoption to specific external factors along with unique inputs of tacit knowledge of social-cultural trends
brought by professional designers would give organisations sustainable competitive advantage for emerging
future. The current economic downturn has emphasised even more crucial necessities for these changes,
identifying hidden weaknesses and problems of the organisations. 21st-century challenges are testing the
design limits of organisations around the world and are exposing the limitations of a management model that
has failed to keep pace with the times (Hamel, 2007) and this is primarily related to the industrial
economys thinking model, when business was mainly driven by optimisation of existing resources. External
environment have changed dramatically in the last decades, however the existing management practices are
still lagging behind. Such concepts as strategic design, design management, design thinking and design
driven innovations are notably entering business environment providing new gateways to enhancement of
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

competitive advantage of the companies. Innovation policies, design education, management education and
practical management have not yet caught up with these changes in Latvia and these are the areas of further
research in the emerging fields.

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Sergejs Hilkevics
Ventspils University College
e-mail: [email protected]

Arturs Kokars
Ventspils University College
Master of Business Administration
e-mail: [email protected]

1. Two models of regional airports development

Airports privatisation and commercialisation are processes, which happen in many EU countries now,
and for several countries problems related to airport system development are important. The first
fundamental question of the airport system development for the Baltic countries is the base model question -
one central airport or several equally developed in the regional airport network. Both possibilities have
arguments pro and contra and opinions here are different.
Question about model of regional airports development is very similar to more general question about
the state economic and social development model monocentric, one strong region around capital, or
polycentric, several developed regions in country. In Lithuania two regional development centres around
Vilnius and Kaunas exist and polycentric model of state development has historical foundations. For Latvia
and Estonia state capitals play dominating economic role and discussions about monocentric or polycentric
models are more intensive. The problem is that different model supporters use different kinds of arguments.
Monocentric model supporters argue that financial investments in the capital region give much better results
than same investments in regions. Polycentric model supporters argue that it is necessary to ensure the same
prosperity level in capital and regions. Discussions where one side uses economic arguments and other side
uses social arguments rarely are finished with mutually acceptable solutions. As a result, Latvian National
Development Plan at present time contains both the elements of polycentric model, including the
development of regional economical centres, and the elements of monocentric model, including special
development of the Riga region.
In case of the polycentric model acceptance, the necessity of regional airports system, as part of the
transport infrastructure, stems from the necessity of regional social and economic development. In case of
the monocentric model acceptance, there is no real need for regional airports network. The problem is that
due to different reasons state level planning documents are not certain enough to make decision about
monocentric or polycentric model of state development and it is necessary to find other arguments for
regional airports development model choice. These additional arguments can be found from analogy with
European countries, considering statistical data about factors influencing a number of airports in a given

2. Regional airports amount evaluation

The number of airports in the European countries depends on spatial, demographic, economic and other
factors. The relative significance of different factors can be evaluated using correlation coefficient the
higher is correlation, the higher is the factor significance. The number of airports in the European countries
has significant correlation coefficients R with the country areas (R=0.64), population (R=0.87), number of
cities with population over 1 million (R=0.78). Correlation with GDP per capita (R=0.12) is less than
correlation with space and population factors, correlation with population density is negative (R=-0.017)
which means that an increase of country area with the same population raises the need for airports too. Table
1 contains statistical data about population, population density, GDP per capita, number of cities with
population over 1 million, amount of accessible airports for passengers (airports, where it was possible to
buy tickets in years 2008-2011) of the EU-27 countries.
Using a regression analysis, it is possible to evaluate an expected amount of airports for the Baltic
countries. Supposing that the number of airports accessible for passengers Z is a linear function of an area A,
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

population P, number of cities with population over 1 million C and GDP per capita G, Z=c0+ c1*A+ c2*P
+c3*C+ c4*G. Using the least squares method, it is possible to calculate that c0=-1, 832; c1= 0.0000034;
c2=0.00029; c3= 2.542; c4=0.00016.
Table 1
Area, population, population density, GDP/per capita, accessible airports in EU-27 countries

Area Population Pop. Cities per Accessible
N Country (sq.km) (thousand) density > 1 mil. capita airports
1 Austria 83858 8372 99,8 1 39647 6
2 Belgium 32545 10827 332,7 0 36322 6
3 Bulgaria 110910 7364 66,4 1 12372 5
4 Kingdom 244820 62435 255,0 2 36571 40
5 Hungary 93030 10013 107,6 1 19830 1
6 Germany 357021 81751 229,0 3 35552 36
7 Greece 131940 11306 85,7 1 30661 3
8 Denmark 43094 5534 128,4 0 38208 5
9 Ireland 70273 4459 63,5 0 42780 5
10 Spain 497304 46072 92,6 2 30757 26
11 Italy 301230 60340 200,3 2 30705 20
12 Cyprus 9250 801 86,6 0 28381 3
13 Latvia 64589 2245 34,8 0 17801 3
14 Lithuania 65200 3329 51,1 0 18855 4
15 Luxembourg 2586 502 194,1 0 81730 1
16 Malta 316 416 1316,5 0 23908 1
17 Netherlands 41526 16726 402,8 0 40434 6
18 Poland 312685 38163 122,0 1 17560 6
19 Portugal 92082 10636 115,5 0 22264 6
20 Romania 237500 21466 90,4 1 12698 3
21 Slovakia 48845 5424 111,0 0 22242 3
22 Slovenia 20253 2085 102,9 0 28894 1
23 Finland 337030 5395 16,0 0 36844 5
24 France 547030 65821 120,3 1 34262 17
25 Czech Republic 78866 10532 133,5 1 25755 5
26 Sweden 449964 9349 20,8 0 37528 14
27 Estonia 45226 1340 29,6 0 20754 4

The numbers of airports calculated using this formula Z = -1, 832 + 0.0000034*A + 0.00029*P
+2.542*C +0.00016*G are Z=1.88 for Latvia, Z=2.37 for Lithuania and 2.03 for Estonia.
Looking at these results, it is possible to make several conclusions. Firstly, the calculated data are in the
evident correspondence with the real situation. Secondly, constant c0 is negative and large. It means that
strong scaling effect exists in the model and for a virtual country, which is as large as Latvia, Lithuania and
Estonia together, the calculated number of airports Z=9.95 is almost two times higher than the sum of
number of airports in separate countries. The reason of this scaling effect is simple when we calculate the
number of airports in the joint country, we add the big negative constant one time, but calculating it for each
country and adding together, we sum this big negative country three times. Thirdly, the calculated number of
airports Z=9.95 for the Baltic countries explicitly shows that the model of several developed regional
airport network better corresponds with the European statistical data, than one heady central airport
model. Fourthly, this simple regressive model in a very clear way demonstrates the necessity of close
collaboration between the Baltic countries in the field of aviation. Modern airport is a complicated and
expensive technical system and for a country with small area, population and GDP per capita the regression
formula gives a negative value of Z meaning that such objects as airports are too expensive for small
countries. Small countries can develop aviation infrastructure only when they join their efforts. If we
suppose that transport infrastructure of the Baltic countries should correspond to the average European
standards, it should be approximately 3 airports in Latvia, 3 in Estonia and 4 in Lithuania.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

3. Evaluation of present situation in the Baltic airports

The development of regional airports in the Baltic countries over the last 20 years can be described as
patching up the old infrastructures and permanent struggle for state and municipal financing.
Unfortunately, in the Baltic countries there is no opportunity to find a successful example to those regional
airports which would be privatised or their funds would be shared with a private investor. As unsuccessful
examples in Latvia we can mention airport projects in Daugavpils and Jelgava. In Latvia only Tukums
airport is developed by privately owned company at present time, but public resistance due to environmental
risks can harm further growth of this airport.
It is evident today that in several cases certain regress in airports development can be expected, because
handing the regional airports to private industries was done without necessary preparation - organisation of
infrastructure and workspace appropriate for industrial operations, selection of collaboration partners. As a
result, the aim of collaboration projects were in general less connected to the aviation infrastructure creation,
but directed to flinging away the rest of airport resources and credit resources attracting for activities with
the high short-term profitability.
More successful are the regional airports in the Baltic countries that have completely or partly saved the
status of state or self-governmental enterprise. In this case Lithuanian and Estonian airport development
models should be recognised as more successful than Latvian, because by adopting the airport infrastructure
the state organisational structure was saved and adapted to the new economical environment. In Latvia
effective airports have been separated from the state interest and were given to existed municipal
governments, which, due to financial reasons, could not provide those airports with effective service. In
some cases at the beginning of 90-ies, those airports were not even guarded, which led to the entire
destruction and plunder in the short-term. A part of these airports was used for military purposes and after
leaving the USSR, the army was not ready to use civil aviation.
There are only two regional airports in the Baltic countries, where the number of passengers exceeds
10000 these are Kaunas and Palanga in Lithuania. It confirms that in Lithuania the regional airport
development policy is realised more subsequently than in Latvia and Estonia. Of course, there are positive
tendencies of aviation development in Latvia and Estonia too. For instance, in Latvia, in 2000 Ventspils
airport was restored, and in Estonia, with the current airport bases, there are good possibilities to attract
structural funds to finance air-traffic to the region and islands after entering the EU.

3. Strategic planning of airport development

The main goal of strategic planning of the airport development is to promote state economic
development providing access to regional centres of economic growth for human resources and cargo flows.
A strategic plan of the airport development contains a description of organisational structure, management
team, financial and personnel planning issues, description of future infrastructure and material resources
development, conception of flight organisation. It is necessary to underline that the strategic plan of airport
development is not only the list of actions, but also includes a description of demanded resources.
Unfortunately, at present the strategic planning of the Baltic regional airport development is out of
government attention. The principles of regional traffic network forming and development are not defined
and aims are not formulated. The lack of regional airports development strategy makes it difficult to attract
investments and airport owners at present time are the initiators of negotiations with governments on issues
related to transport policy.

4. Airport collaboration with air-companies

The necessity to increase the competitiveness of airports makes it necessary to pay special attention to a
financial viability of airports and ensure necessary long-term investments. To successfully fulfil investors
strategic aims, strategic development plans should take into account relations between airports and airlines.
For example, Vilnius airport is still suffering from the collapse of national airline FlyLal. In this situation
AirBaltic has used fully the domination in the Baltics. AirBaltic as provided the policy of redirecting
passenger flow via Riga. As result, Vilnius and Tallinn are only commuters for the Riga airport and feeding
AirBaltic transit routes.
The purpose of airports is to provide reliable and sufficient air-traffic infrastructure to airport clients.
Growing passenger and cargo flows provide increasing load on infrastructure and make it necessary to
coordinate airports and air-companies collaboration better. One of strategic mistakes in the regional airport
development planning is connected with the incorrect definition of airport users main clients of airports are
not passengers, but air-companies and special attention should be paid to collaboration with them.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The first problem here is related to the different time scales - the average planning cycle for airports is 10
15 years, but for air-companies it is from 5 to 7 years. It is partly connected with circulation cycles of
financial resources, and partly with the infrastructure amortisation. As a result, during one planning cycle of
an airport, air-companies can influence it several times causing additional difficulties for the airport
The second problem here is the fact that with the EU expanding its airspace expands too. During last 10
years the whole set of processes was performed with the main task to unify the air-traffic rules and substitute
the government regulations used before step by step. Regional airports should provide services for air-
companies in accordance with the unified rules in many cases requiring additional expenses.
The third problem is complicated relations between collaboration and competition in aviation. For
example, transit passengers flow is a backbone for the airport commercial development and transit
passengers should be served almost free of charge for competition reasons. Airport charges are the effective
way to attract new airlines and build up regional network, but such discounts can decrease income and make
the airport growth slower.

5. What can regional airports expect from the EU?

The most important factor among the economic ones influencing airport strategic development is the
passenger flow. According to the inquiries of the international air industry long-term development during the
period until 2020, the annual growth is expected at 4-5%. Nevertheless new statistical data show that the
existing decrease of industry seriously exceeds the one predicted before. The economic crisis, terrorism
threats, weather impact, SARS, political conflicts and other reasons heavily influenced the aviation transport.
The situation is better in big companies, which were able to regain sufficient level of profitability to
compensate losses of the previous years. With middle and small air companies (below 10 units of the air
fleet), the situation is more complicated and in many cases such companies will have to choose, whether to
decrease an air fleet, or to go to new transportation markets. The goodwill of the bank sector to airlines in
terms of availability of short-term financial resources and long-term development projects of the planes
purchase and leasing affect this choice.
In accordance with the airline industry regression features, the sector of low-cost carriers (LCC) is
growing at present time. This sector is significant and interesting for the regional airports, because the LCC
work is enlightened to the outside central airline operations network. The companies of the LCC have
initiated the new concept in the transportation market that is based on optimisation of the non-stop
transportations and simplification of service. There are certain differences between LCC and full service
companies in business functions performing.
Table 2
Differences between LCC and full service companies

Features Companies of LCC Companies of the full service

Air fleet Smooth. The aircrafts of one and the same Combine. Airline companies can flexibly change
class and type. Uniform service. aircraft types in transportation lines accordingly
dynamics of the passengers stream.
Tickets Only e-ticket (electronic) system is used. Standardized tickets. The tickets are sold in
Tourism firms dont sell the tickets specialized reservation systems. The sale of
tickets is assured with help of IATA agent
Airports Airports with the low service rates are Destination airports are the central airline hubs.
chosen. In some cases carriers are fully
free of the airport costs.
Transportations Alliances arent formed. Mainly the Transportation nets are formed in connection
flights of one shoulder are provided. with the alliances
Rates The rates are established accordingly The rates are structured accordingly to particular
airline charging, Alliances arent formed. manuals and dont depend on the Alliances
Mainly the flights of one shoulder are arent formed. Mainly the flights of one
provided and are not structured. shoulder are provided.
Service Minimal service. Only flight is provided. Multilevel service structure.
The plan of flight Till 90% of air fleet are busy in regular Ratings of flight capacity are reserved.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

It is necessary to underline that at present time companies of full service also start to use methods of the
LCC companies.
The possibility to attract LCC companies is very interesting for the Latvian regional airports, but it is
required to make necessary preparation for such activities. At present time there are no regional airports in
the Baltic countries, which are able to attract 200 000 passengers per year, the minimal quantity for LCC
work in the airport.

6. Regional airports safety

The regional airports safety is one of the most significant problems and obstacles in the regional airports
development. High costs of security equipment and necessity to use specially educated personnel for security
control makes the security service very expensive especially in airports with little movement of passengers.
ICAO recommendations and practice that are directed through CAA state institutions, constantly define new
and higher security demands. If these demands are not satisfied, the airport operations can be limited or
certification can be cancelled. For regional airports, it is a complicated problem, which could be possibly
solved by the government undertaking a responsibility to partly cover security costs, since in every airport,
where international flights are served, the state safety interests are secured.

7. Conclusions
1. The polycentric model of regional airport development is more appropriated for the Baltic countries
than the monocentric model.
2. Close collaboration between the Baltic countries airports is the necessary condition for successful
regional airport development.
3. The strategic plan of the Baltic airports development should be worked out and approved on the state

1. Daniel Yergin, Richard H.K.Vietor, Peter C.Evans (2000). Fettered Flight: Globalization and the airline industry,
Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
2. Juergen Bloech, Goesta B. Ihde (1997). Vahlens Grosses Logistik Leksikon, Verlag C.H. Beck, Verlag Vahlen.
3. EU Regional development fund Interreg IIC report SEABIRD 1997 1999.
4. http://www.eurocontrol.int/statfor/forecasts/MTFReport%20Feb02%20vol1%20v10.pdf.
5. Air Traffic Statistics and Forecasts (STATFOR): Medium-Term Forecast.
6. Annual Number of IFR Flights. 2002 - 2009. Volume 1.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Inna Kozlinska
BA School of Business and Finance,
Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration,
Ventspils University-College
PhD candidate
e-mail: [email protected]

Over the last decade entrepreneurship education has become an increasingly vital area of research, practice and
policy regulations.
The primary aim of this article is to explore contemporary approaches towards entrepreneurship education in order
to depict frameworks and methods that are acknowledged by renowned experts. The secondary aim is to assess their
relevance for the Latvian entrepreneurship education at present.
Throughout the research, the author analyses the newest frameworks of entrepreneurship education by reviewing
scientific articles published in Europe, dated no earlier than 2009; explores practical models successfully applied in
Europe; examines results of Flash Eurobarometer Surveys No.260 (2009), No.283 (2010) and the Special Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor Report (2010); compares results of the scientific articles overview and the surveys, and
identifies prospects for further research.
This research applies general scientific research methods, including modeling, monographic and logical
construction methods, and is based on a pure literature review.
The analysis of the modern practice-based approaches to entrepreneurship education revealed the major shift from
passive/formal modes of learning and teaching towards experiential/social forms as the rationale underpinning the
emergence, development and usefulness of such frameworks as: Education FOR Entrepreneurship and Experiential
Learning Theory, Learning by Developing, Authentic Competence-Based Learning Theory, which are closely
interrelated with each other, being conceptually similar, but contextually different. Pedagogical methods related to these
frameworks are of an interactive nature and targeted to develop multiple social dimensions, such as employability,
intrapreneurship and venture creation. The principle of learning by doing is fundamental to these methods. As
opposed to theoretical approach, which provides only book knowledge of management issues, holistic/dynamic
approach targets a change in individuals know-how.
Examination of Flash Eurobarometer survey results highlighted a number of deficiencies in the entrepreneurial
environment and entrepreneurship education system of Latvia: the lack of information and skills, small number of start-
ups versus high proportion of individuals trained in starting a business, wide gap between intentions and start-ups, low
level of cooperation between universities and businesses, and decreasing entrepreneurial activity, institutional and
administrative barriers to entrepreneurship. The author concludes that there is an ample market for quality
entrepreneurship education and the discussed contemporary approaches are of a very high relevance for the Latvian
entrepreneurship education system.
The major challenge for universities at present is to shift from passive modes of learning and teaching towards
experiential forms establishing closer contact between students and the business world. The author suggests this can be
achieved by refocusing the existing curriculum and transferring successful practice-based models from other countries.
In view of the fact that the topic has not been widely researched in Latvia yet, the results, ideas and concepts can be
useful for academics, practitioners and other involved stakeholders.
Keywords: entrepreneurship education, experiential learning theory, authentic competence-based learning,
cooperation of universities and businesses, Latvia.

Over the last decade entrepreneurship education has become an increasingly vital area of research,
practice and policy regulations. The number of scientific publications on entrepreneurship education soared
by over 300% in 2010 as compared to 2000, whereas articles focused on Europe represent 1/5 th of the total
number of publications (Rizza & Varum, 2011)16. H. Haase and A. Lautenschlger (Germany), M. Raposo
(Portugal), D. Higgins and C. Elliott (UK), J. Nab, A. Pilot, S. Brinkkemper and H. Ten Berge (the
Netherlands) are some of the bright contributors to the formation of contemporary approaches to

Based on a bibliometric study carried out through SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) and Social Sciences Citation
Index (SSCI).
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

entrepreneurship education comprising authentic competence-based learning, experiential learning, education

FOR entrepreneurship, and other applicable frameworks. In contrast, very few researchers from Latvia have
analysed the topic, e.g. V. Bikse, T. Koke and N. Lace.
Implementation of basic provisions of the Lisbon Strategy aimed to make the EU the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and
better jobs and greater social cohesion between 2000 and 2010 (European Union Parliament Website, 2010)
and the Latvian national programmes based on the Lisbon Strategy (Ministry of Economics of the Republic
of Latvia, 2009) mostly depended on increasing the quality of entrepreneurship education (Bikse, 2009). By
2010, most of the set strategic aims were not achieved, and the strategy should be rebooted (EurActive,
2009). In March 2010, the new Europe 2020 strategy was launched, which affirms education and
entrepreneurship have a critical role to play in maintaining and further enhancing Europes position as a key
global player in the coming years (World Economic Forum, 2010). The new strategy reiterates conceptual
frameworks from the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education worked out in the end of 2006 by the
European Commission and the Norwegian Government putting a clear emphasis on promoting
entrepreneurial mindsets, involving students in enterprise projects, innovative pedagogies to build an
entrepreneurial spirit, development of creativity, initiative, self-confidence (European Commission, 2006).
Nowadays in Latvia, the crucial problems as stated by the European Commission and Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor reports (2008) are weak entrepreneurial environment and low level of
entrepreneurial activity as compared to other EU Member States; the overall assessment of business
programmes deficient in interdisciplinary approach is also weak (European Commission, 2009). There is no
united system of entrepreneurship education management on a national level (Bikse, 2009). The most evident
is the socio-economic rationale, because entrepreneurship as such started to develop only in 1990s. At the
same time, these weaknesses, once recognised, open new opportunities for development and improvement.
The majority of scientific researches on entrepreneurship education originate from innovation-driven
economies coinciding with the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor classification (2010), e.g. Australia (Asia
Pacific), Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom (Western Europe), amongst others.
These researches are generally based on sound practical examples. Latvia, in turn, has been identified as an
efficiency-driven economy in transition to the innovation stage. Still, there are a limited number of good-
practice examples here, one of them being the Riga Business School (EC, 2008).
To sum up, the topicality of researching contemporary approaches and methods of entrepreneurship
education is conditioned by the escalating attention of the scientific world to the issue and the EC-initiated
strategies as the external reasons as well as weak entrepreneurial environment, activity and overall
assessment of entrepreneurship education in Latvia as the local (internal) reasons.
This article primarily aims to explore contemporary approaches towards entrepreneurship education in
order to depict frameworks and methods that are acknowledged by renowned experts. The secondary aim is
to assess their relevance for the Latvian entrepreneurship education at present.
The study focuses on entrepreneurship education as the research object and its contemporary
frameworks as the research subject. The ensuing tasks are as follows:
a) To analyse the newest frameworks of entrepreneurship education by reviewing scientific articles
published in Europe, dated no earlier than 2009.
b) To explore sample practical models of entrepreneurship education applied in the European
innovation-driven countries having generated positive academic results.
c) To examine results of Flash Eurobarometer Surveys No.260 (2009), No.283 (2010) and the
Special Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report (2010) underpinning the current
entrepreneurship education tendencies in the EU in general and in Latvia specifically.
d) To contrast results of the scientific articles overview and the surveys.
e) To make the research-based conclusions and recommendations; to identify prospects for further,
more detailed and deeper, research of the issue.
This research applies general scientific research methods, including modeling, monographic and logical
construction methods, and is based on a pure literature review. The researched content though provided
sufficient data to make general conclusions and recommendations applicable to entrepreneurship education in
Latvia, which has naturally narrowed the study, as well as the chosen time scale, representing the research

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1. Overview of entrepreneurship education frameworks

The overview of entrepreneurship education frameworks addresses definitions and aims, teaching
methods and impact indicators of entrepreneurship education based on the latest scientific publications.

Definition and aims of entrepreneurship education

One of the most precise definitions of entrepreneurship in educational context is the ability of an
individual possessing a range of essential skills and attributes, to make a unique, innovative and creative
contribution in the world of work, whether in employment or self-employment (the Northern Ireland
Governments Entrepreneurship and Education Action Plan, 2002; cited in Bridge et al., 2010). Very close
interpretation refers entrepreneurship to an individuals ability to turn ideas into actions. It includes
creativity, innovation and risk-taking as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve
objectives (Curavic, 2011).
Mwasalwiba (2010) identified key terms in the meaning of entrepreneurship education having analysed
over 20 scientific articles with this particular purpose, and these are: attitude, values, intentions and behavior
(32%); personal skills (32%); new business (18%); opportunity recognition (9%), managing existing firms
(9%). The abovementioned, more up-to-date, definitions are conceptually similar referring to an individuals
ability, skills, creativity, and work.
Raposo and do Paco (2011) cite the US Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education 2008 Report
suggesting that the core knowledge created via entrepreneurship education includes:
- the ability to recognise and pursue opportunities by generating new ideas and attracting required
- the ability to create and operate a new firm
- the ability to think in a creative and critical manner.
The most usually referred aims of entrepreneurship education are:
to develop entrepreneurial drive among students (raising awareness, motivation), to promote new
start-ups and other ventures
to identify and train students in the skills they need to set up a business and manage its growth
to acquire relevant knowledge
to increase capacities in the use of techniques, examination of business situations, creation of
action plans
to enable to deal with the changing environment
(Jamieson, 1984; Garavan & OCinneide, 1994; Henry, Hill & Leitch, 2005; cited in Raposo & do Paco,
2011; Kontio, 2010).
The analysis of Mwasalwiba (2010) also showed that entrepreneurship education is generally aimed at
creating or increasing entrepreneurial attitudes, spirit and culture among individuals in the general
community (34%); other scholars associate it with new venture and job creation (27%), contribution to the
community (24%), and stimulating entrepreneurial skills (15%).
The broader approach to entrepreneurship education is brought by the Northern Ireland Centre for
Entrepreneurship (NICENT), formed as a partnership of the University of Ulster and Queens University
Belfast. From the very beginning the project adopted the approach of encouraging the development of
enterprise attributes and competences rather than focusing on business start-up having opposed the widely
spread view with a narrow focus on business creation to maximise personal profit (Bridge et al., 2010).
Within the project, entrepreneurship education had three targets developing multiple social dimensions:
1. Employability (being able to get a job):
to prepare for working for other people
to be able to sell oneself to employers
to contribute once in employment with appropriate skills and knowledge.
2. Intrapreneurship (preparing to create a venture):
to be an entrepreneurial employee
to develop skills of a social entrepreneur
to learn to respond positively to change
to develop own business ideas for later spin-out.
3. Venture creation (being able to start a business):
to set business creation targets
to acquire business planning.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Some scholars (Garavan & OCinneide, 1994; Jones & English, 2004; Gibb, 199; cited in Mwasalwiba,
2010; Kontio, 2010) can be considered as participants of the debate in application of terms, such as
entrepreneurial or enterprise versus entrepreneurship education, which has both geographic and
conceptual grounds. For example, entrepreneurship education could be regarded as the term mostly used in
the USA and Canada, whilst enterprise education in the UK and Ireland. The former was concerned with
creating an attitude of self-reliance and the latter was for creating opportunity-seeking individuals.
Entrepreneurial education could apply to all forms of education, while entrepreneurship education to
new venture creation and innovation. The author questions rhetorically how it is possible to distinguish
between entrepreneurial and entrepreneurship education in the real-life context of educational programmes.
Irrespective of these contrasting views, entrepreneurship education is the widely accepted term at present,
used in the majority of articles and European Commission reports. Otherwise, the abovementioned terms are
used interchangeably.
To sum up, entrepreneurship education has two simultaneous directions: to produce entrepreneurs per se
and/or entrepreneurial personalities.

Methods of teaching entrepreneurship

The current understanding of entrepreneurial learning in the context of higher education is much broader,
more competitive and challenging as compared to traditional, formal modes of passive education. Higgins
and Elliott (2010) as well as Haase and Lautenschlger (2010) suggest that entrepreneurship education
should desist from teaching knowledge on business creation and focus on experiencing entrepreneurship and
developing practitioners. These authors contribute to the Experiential Learning Theory, which is an
established and effective alternative methodology for linking theory and practice (Govekar & Rishi, 2007;
cited in Lee et al., 2010).
Experiential Learning Theory is an active learning pedagogy, where experiences are transformed and
create implicit knowledge as a collection of social practices (Kolb & Kolb, 2005, cited in Lee et al., 2010). It
comprises problem-based learning and scholarly engagement taking place beyond the domain of classroom
meetings through experiential and discovery-based assessments. The form of scholarly engagement is
community-based learning comprising work-based learning, group work-based learning and curricular
engagement. Cooperative student placement is an example of curricular engagement, where students work
with industry partners on specific projects to benefit themselves, academic institutions and the community.
Experiential learning can include such techniques as case studies, action researches, problem solving, and
learning by doing (Lee et al., 2010). The development of experiential knowledge in this context is an
incremental process that can evolve over time (Higgins & Elliott, 2010).
On the contrary, traditional approaches to learning assume that knowledge must be transmitted and
received in the form of explicit information and applied by learners afterwards (i bid, 2010). This teaching
scheme was teaching-oriented, aimed at imparting theoretical and specialist knowledge (Haase &
Lautenschlger, 2010). However, Higgins and Elliott (2010) argue that, who are exposed to this kind of
passive learning, are spectators rather than active participators on the outcome students. And the Experiential
Learning Theory explains, why.
Figure 1 shows classification of experiential learning methods coupled with some modal characteristics.
Explicit information about entrepreneurship is a weak motivational driver to transform hard facts into
action and tangible results. Haase and Lautenschlager (2010) acknowledge that there is no need to explicitly
teach know-what within entrepreneurship education, which must primarily target a change in the
individuals know-how, whereas the latter is the ability to view an opportunity by observing the practice
this refers to education for entrepreneurship, where it coincides with the cognitive theory that is concerned
with the nature of human knowing (Higgins & Elliott, 2010).
Education for entrepreneurship takes the hard facts about business creation and management, including
accountancy, finance and marketing, for granted. However, without an entrepreneurial conviction the right
mindset, awareness, motivation and attitudes, which are formed by soft skills, such as creativity,
proactiveness, leadership, risk taking propensity it is unfeasible to undertake sustainable affords towards
business creation. These constituencies can also be grouped into entrepreneurial know-what, know-how
and know-why. It is quite evident that hard facts can be easily taught, while experience-based soft skills
are rather difficult to impart or develop, but they are much more important (Haase & Lautenschlger, 2010).
Figure 2 summarises the frameworks of education for Vs about entrepreneurship and passive Vs
dynamic approaches to teaching and learning, its objectives and outcomes as building blocks of
entrepreneurship education.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Figure 1. Experiential learning methods

Source: devised by the author based on Lee et al. (2010)

Another conceptual framework is Authentic Competence-Based Learning, which overlaps with the
experiential learning in its essence. The authenticity refers to a degree of similarity between educational and
professional tasks. The concept of authentic learning is an integral part of competence-based learning. The
concept of competences, in turn, integrates personality and behavioural perspectives, the learning
environment and cognitive approach to entrepreneurship. Competences comprise several entrepreneurial
elements that can be learned and taught: motives and intentions, attributes, self-concept (attitudes), traits,
knowledge and skills (Nab et al., 2010; Sanchez, 2010).
Laurea University of Applied Science (Finland) has introduced the concept of Learning by Developing, a
pedagogical and collective approach to learning, in which learning is linked to an applied research and
development culture. This refers to learning expertise that arises from social interaction, the sharing of
knowledge and competence arising from, research and problem solving related to authentic objectives
(Pirinen, 2009).
It is evident that both Learning by Developing and Authentic Competence-Based Learning are very
similar to Education FOR Entrepreneurship and Experiential Learning Theory. In fact, all these frameworks
are conceptually similar, although can be contextually different. For instance, competence-based learning is
more related to cognitive and behavioural theories developed by Ajzen, I. and Shapero, A. in the end of the
The empirical evidence suggests that students generally have little contact with the business world and
key stakeholders influencing the business environment. They lack the relevant social capital. Even if students
are entrepreneurially ready, they are not business savvy (Bridge et al., 2010). Entrepreneurial intentions
among youngsters are high, but not actions, while these intentions tend to be higher in developing countries.
Furthermore, economic and institutional frameworks are unfavourable to entrepreneurial activity (Nabi &
Linan, 2011). Therefore, the present challenge for higher education is to move from an imposed curriculum
to realise the opportunities facilitated by cooperation of universities and businesses (Rossin & Hyland, 2003;
cited in Lee et al., 2010).
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4

Figure 2. Building blocks of entrepreneurship education
Source: based on Haase & Lautenschlger (2010); Higgins & Elliott (2010)
ISSN 1691-5348
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The teachability dilemma of entrepreneurship and measurement of educational impact

Entrepreneurship education development emanated from the Anglo-Saxon regions (Lee et al., 2010).
Indeed, according to the QS World University Rankings 2011/12, all universities from top 15 are the UK and
US ones (with Cambridge 1st, Harvard 2nd, Massachusetts 3rd, Yale 4th and Oxford 5th)
(TopUniversities Website, 2011).
At the same time, it was stated in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report 2010 that all innovation-
driven economies not surprisingly dominate the business services sector. This sector tends to rely on highly
educated human capital, which is more widely available in these regions, and supplied by a well-established
higher education system. The report also communicates that in Latvia three entrepreneurship framework
conditions valued most negative are: finance, national policy regulation and government programmes.
However, there are two fundamental questions linked to the topic: whether an individual needs to get
higher education or study entrepreneurship to become an entrepreneur or skilled manager, on one hand, and
whether entrepreneurship is teachable, on the other.
The recent survey by Paris Tech University (MINES Paris Tech, 2011) addresses these questions
directly. The researchers have analysed 500 largest international companies managed by 508 people. They
have gathered information about 487 of them and found out that only 13 do not have higher education, whilst
there is no data about 21 managers. This leads us to a proportional range from 2.7% to 7% of non-educated
top-managers within the Paris Tech research (2011). The top 5 entrepreneurship education universities
according to Paris Tech are: 1. Harvard University (USA), 2. Tokyo University (Japan), 3. Keio University
(Japan), 4. HEC (France), 5. Kyoto University (Japan) and University Oxford (UK).
Furthermore, the studies have shown that individuals with a university degree are more inclined towards
starting their own business. Some authors proved that enterprises originated from the academic environment
have a greater growth and innovation potential (Sternberg et al., 2007; Steffensen et al., 2000; cited in Haase
& Lautenschlger, 2010; Johansen, 2010). On the other hand, Wennberg et al. (2011) found out that firms
started by university-educated entrepreneurs as commercial spinoffs perform better than firms started by
university-educated entrepreneurs as university spinoffs in terms of growth in sales revenue and
survivability. Firms started by university-educated entrepreneurs as university spinoffs benefit more from the
knowledge sources by years of experience in the same sector in terms of survival and employment growth
than firms started by university-educated entrepreneurs as commercial spinoffs.
Impact assessment of entrepreneurship education is one of the most challenging issues in the themed
scientific literature at present. Usually entrepreneurial intentions and graduate start-ups are used as success
indicators. For instance, Johansen (2010) and Sanchez (2010) come to similar conclusions that young people
who participate in specialised educational programmes are more likely to become entrepreneurs, in other
words, intentions to become self-employed increase by the end of the programme. The research of
Mwasalwiba (2010) proves that the number of graduate start-ups is the highest ranked success indicator
followed by academic results and change in entrepreneurial intentions.
Nevertheless, along with the emergence of social entrepreneurship and broader view on
entrepreneurship education objectives, the rate of new business creation is not any more the most suitable
indicator to evaluate results of entrepreneurship programmes as the respective literature has been suggesting.
The results are not immediate requiring longitudinal studies (Raposo & do Paco, 2011). As far as the
contemporary approaches to entrepreneurship education are concerned, intentions to start-up can evolve over
time and one of the primary objectives is not to promote the start-ups but to develop entrepreneurial

2. Successful practical models from Finland and the Netherlands

The theoretical frameworks discussed in the preceding section are all practice-based, i.e. it is practice at
first instance that has determined development of approaches evolved into theories by Haase and
Lautenschlger (2010), Higgins and Elliott (2010), Lee et al. (2010). Some of the bright examples of
entrepreneurship education in context are the cases of Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and
the University of Twente (the Netherlands). Being based on the discussed theories, these practical examples
demonstrate the applicability of introduced models and positive results that their application can bring as an
academic outcome.
The strategy of Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) connects entrepreneurship, applied R&D
and teaching together. The University tries to actively inspire inner entrepreneurs in students and increase
number of enterprises. The TUAS model for entrepreneurship education consists of three phases as shown on
Figure 3 (Kontio, 2010).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

On the first phase What is entrepreneurship? students acquire the basics of business operations in
small multidisciplinary groups using problem-based learning. The project is called Practice Enterprise. It
lasts for one year and gives 15 credit points. The established practice enterprises operate in a virtual
enterprise network, which models the real life. Instead of just sitting on lectures students learn basic laws of
business in a pragmatic way, at the same time they work in teams, develop self-discipline, learn to plan their
work and deal with risks. A series of lectures is an essential part of the project that supports practical
learning. At this stage, students can also run a real-life project as an alternative.
In the second phase Learn real entrepreneurship in safe environment students establish or join existing
co-operatives and run a business for real. They can also joint support centres on Microsoft server products or
Cisco network equipment and work with real customer problems. At this stage the business is for real
salaries, value-added taxes, products and services, subordination, etc. A student can get a maximum of 90
credits by working and studying in a cooperative. Reading literature, making reports and presentations
increase the number of credits. The co-operative reduces risks for students, who want to experience real
entrepreneurship. This option is not compulsory. Another possibility is to join an Educational Support Centre
run together with Microsoft Finland and Faculty of Telecommunication and e-Business as an employee. The
faculty offers premises and tutors for the centre.
On the third phase Become an entrepreneur students can exploit business ideas they have and start
their own business under guidance of a personal mentor. To support initiation of new ideas the university
runs specialised student competitions.

Figure 3. Entrepreneurship education in Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Source: devised by the author based on Kontio (2010)

All the phases can be integrated into a students study plan, if he/she decides to focus on
In 2009, Finland had the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity of 25%, according to Eurobarometer.
Another successful example is the University of Twente practical model. The model comprises three
programmes: BTC-Twente, TOP and Become your own Boss (Sijde & Ridder, 2008) (see Figure 4).
The business incubator BTC (Business and Technology Centre) was created for young companies
originated from the university in 1980s providing flexible office hours and production space. Over time, it
expanded onto the 40 ha Business & Science Park Twente and Knowledge Park for SMEs to take tenancy.
The space is also equipped with special facilities for high-tech companies (Innovation Lab).
The start-up programme TOP (Temporary Entrepreneurial Positions) was established in 1984 to enable
graduates to start a company with the university support consisting of an interest free loan, office space,
access to the universitys networks and training for 1 year. In the 1990s, University Student Enterprises
(USE) was formed to support students via training, networks and office facilities. Another TOP project
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Successfully your own Boss is aimed at motivating potential entrepreneurs and helping them to identify a
business idea within 6 months. Venture Lab Twente project has started recently to assist high-tech and high-
potentials. Through TOP programme, the university creates an entrepreneurial climate by engaging
researchers, PhDs and executive staff in tailor-made courses. The programme has already given start to over
500 companies.
An elective training course Become your own Boss was developed at the same time with BTC to teach
students how to write and present a business plan. The course was primarily developed for owner-managers
of companies as Growth Programme, but later the students were involved to do the leg work finding
information, writing sections of a business plan thus getting an insight into operations of SMEs. The
programme also provides options of proceeding into MA courses.
As a result of these programmes, about 70% of involved students become economically active, i.e. start a
company or find a job.

Figure 4. Entrepreneurship education in the University of Twente (the Netherlands)

Source: Sijde & Ridder (2008)

3. Latvia: entrepreneurship education survey results

At present, there are 58 universities, university-colleges and colleges in Latvia. However, the number of
students has been decreasing since 2006/2007, including those, who study social disciplines (see Figure 5).
The latter has reached its minimum in the last academic year (2010/2011), according to the Central Statistical
Bureau of Latvia.
In terms of entrepreneurship education quality assessed from the viewpoint of contemporary frameworks,
the overall situation is generally weak, as in other new Member States (European Commission, 2009). Inter-
disciplinary approaches are rare, preferences of self-employment among young people are low, the
entrepreneurial activity is decreasing (i bid). At a positive side of the spectrum is the social understanding of
the situation that should be established concerning study programmes and its purposes, cooperation of
businesses and universities (i bid).
This section explores results of Flash Eurobarometer surveys No.260 Students in Higher Education
Reform (2009), No.283 Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond (2010), as well as Global Perspective on
Entrepreneurship Education and Training report (2010) in relation to Latvia revealing the abovementioned
tendencies, amongst others.
The survey No.260 (hereinafter referred to as Survey I) was conducted by Latvian Facts from 12 to 20
February 2009 using WebCATI (web-based computer assisted telephone interviewing) and face-to-face
(F2F) methodology. It targeted HEIs specifically and used a sample of 525 students aged from 18 to 25+, all
in higher education on BA level or above and various fields of study, mostly social sciences.
The survey No.283 (hereinafter referred to as Survey II) was conducted from 10 December 2009 to 16
January 2010. It consisted of random telephone (70%) and face-to-face (30%) interviews targeting the
sample of 504, various socio-demographic groups aged from 15 to 55+, educated or still in education,
representing different income groups. In order to compute a marginal total, where Latvia contributes to the

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

EU result, a weighting factor was applied to the national results. The population weighted number of
interviews equaled 92, or 0.5% of total EU 27 weighted (19635) in case of Latvia. The number of interviews
actually carried out represented 1.9% of total 26168.
A margin of error at 95% confidence interval did not exceed 4.5%. A margin of no more than 3% would
require a sample of 1000. To reduce the margin to 1.5% would require a sample size of 4000, which is more
costly and time-consuming.


Figure 5. Number of students studying social disciplines (business management, law, etc.) in Latvia
Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 2011

The special report by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2010) communicates results of its annual Adult
Population Survey (APS) (hereinafter referred to as Survey III) of at least 2000 individuals aged between 18
and 64 in each participating country to show the relationship between training in starting a business and
entrepreneurship. In Latvia, fixed-line phone and mobile phone surveys were conducted having reached 2001
respondents by random digit dialing and random dial from list.
Results of Survey I provide the opinion of respondents towards composition of study programmes, aims
of higher education as well as cooperation of universities and businesses. First of all, an absolute majority
(86%) of respondents agreed that study programmes should include communication skills, teamwork, and
learning to learn techniques. Half of the interviewed students agreed with this statement, roughly a third
rather agreed (36%), and 12% disagreed. 78% agreed that HEIs should ensure that a variety of social and
cultural backgrounds are represented at universities, while 85% considered that HEIs should provide
more life-long learning courses. 19% disagreed with the former and 12% with the latter. In addition, 99%
of respondents supported the importance of providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to
be successful in the labour market, 93% consider enhancement of personal development as a crucial
purpose of education, 91% also value the development of critical mind.
A vast majority of respondents considered there should be a possibility to undertake work placements
in private enterprises as part of a study programme and HEIs should provide tailor-made study
programmes for enterprises to upgrade their workforce 87% per each statement. 91% agreed that HEIs
should foster innovation and entrepreneurial mindset among students and staff. 83% agreed that
enterprises should be more involved in higher education management, curricula design and funding.
As compared to the previous sections, the statements about cooperation of universities and businesses
received more supporting percentage points than the EU average.
Survey II conveys information on preferences and feasibility of being self-employed, image of
entrepreneurs in society, entrepreneurial activity, experiences in setting up a business, perceived barriers to
entrepreneurship, attitudes and personality characteristics of entrepreneurs, and the impact of school
Latvia remains among the EU countries, where citizens appear to be almost evenly divided in their
preference for being self-employed or having an employee status 45% versus 48% in 2009, respectively
quite the same as in the EU on average. However, in Latvia 29% of respondents, who do not consider self-
employment feasible (68% of respondents), mentioned their lack of requisite skills to become self-
employed (see Figure 6) as compared to just 5% in the Netherlands, for example. If added on with 10%
lacking business idea, it results in 39% of people, who presumably did not experience an appropriate
business education. 31% of these respondents were aged below 40, 23% were highly educated or have a
qualification, 9% were still in education, 21% lived comfortably and 28% got by.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

50% 45%
35% 32%
30% 24%
15% 10% 10% 10%
10% 4%
5% 1%

Current economic

Lack of skills

Family reasons
Lack of finances

Don't know

The risk of failure

Lack of business


Figure 6. Reasons for self-employment not feasible

Source: devised by the author based on Flash Eurobarometer No.283

Reflecting the average EU results, 50% of respondents agreed that entrepreneurs think only about their
own wallet, while the other half does not agree with this statement. 55% think that entrepreneurs exploit
other peoples work. In general, the image of entrepreneurs in Latvia is quite positive considering its Soviet
Irrespective of the high percentage of Latvians, who never thought about starting up a business 45%
as seen on Figure 7, the EU-level results showed 50%. Simultaneously, 24% of the Latvian interviewees
were attracted by this idea. 28% of respondents were aged below 40, 37% were whether in education or
already graduated, 22% lived comfortably and 45% got by.

50% 45%
30% 24%
25% 19%
15% 11%
5% 1%
Taking steps to
about starting up

Thought about it,

Thinking about
Never thought


but gave up

start up

Figure 7. Experience of starting up a business

Source: devised by the author based on Flash Eurobarometer No.283

Interestingly enough that 72% of Latvian respondents among those, who were thinking about starting-up,
thought about it but gave up and were taking steps to start up, considered dissatisfaction with regard to
previous results as an important and rather important factor when starting-up a business, while contact with
an appropriate business partner hit the record of 86%. At the same time, a considerable proportion of
interviewees (around 21%) gave a dont know response evaluating such an important factor as addressing
an unmet social or ecological need.
According to Survey II, Latvia demonstrated one of the largest decreases in entrepreneurial activity in
2009, to around 10% of respondents, who started up (from 18% in 2007). If compared to the GEM Global
Report 2010 related to APS conducted in 2008, it showed 21.4% of entrepreneurial intentions, being very
close to Eurobarometers 24% thinking of starting up. Hence, there is a clear gap between intentions and real

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

When assessing barriers to entrepreneurship, many Latvians seemed well-informed about the process of
starting up, 33% still agreed that it was difficult to obtain sufficient information. Complex administrative
procedures (77%) and the lack of financial support (92%) remained the major obstacles. According to
GEM Global Report (2010), entrepreneurship framework conditions valued most negative in Latvia are:
finance, national policy regulation and government programmes.
Slightly over a half of respondents (52%) assessed their willingness to take risks positively, although
less Latvians preferred to compete with others (44%) 13% and 11% below the EU average. 64%
considered themselves to be inventive and full of ideas, while 73% changed things they did not like (17%
and 11% below the average). The possibility of being rejected by others for standing up for their decisions
would not stop 67% of the respondents. Latvians also appeared to be self-assured (87%) and rather
optimistic about their future (67%). At the same time, the greatest fears when starting up a business were:
the possibility of going bankrupt (50%), the uncertainty of income (44%) and the risk of losing property
According to Survey III, 28% of Latvian individuals aged 18-64 were trained in starting a business
(whereas 39% were trained in HEIs) and 42% are trained among early-stage entrepreneurs. Yet, by mapping
percentage points related to efficiency-driven economies, GEM found out that there may be diminishing
returns to training in terms of conversion to entrepreneurial activity as training becomes widespread.
The core measure of the relationship between training in starting a business and entrepreneurship used by
GEM is gain from training. In Latvia, the gain from training in early-stage entrepreneurial activity was
equal to 1.2, i.e. an individuals chances of starting own company were 1.2 times higher, if he/she underwent
compulsory business training. Intentions featured the 3.2 gain, attitudes 1.3 on average, and awareness
While Survey I targeted students in higher education, mostly acquiring social sciences, the Latvian
population represented in Survey II was selected randomly. Nevertheless, the socio-demographic
characteristics provided in the report allow distinguishing the relevant population group in the latter. The
results could be more valuable if the sample was increased from 500 to 1000, reducing a margin of error
from 4.5% to 3.0% in both surveys. The special GEM report used the results of Adult Population Survey
conducted in 2008 the data could have evidently modified by this time. GEM also employed the random
sampling method.
These survey results do provide an overall picture of downsides of entrepreneurship education in Latvia,
but do not provide information on concrete experiences across the existing 58 institutions, which presumably
vary. For example, Riga Business School (RBS), an independent management education institution within
Riga Technical University, is acknowledged as the good-practice example based on Survey of
Entrepreneurship in Higher Education in Europe (European Commission, 2008). The primary emphasis in
RBS is on the process of starting a venture; entrepreneurs meet with classes and share their experiences;
Harvard Business School case studies are part of the course, etc., but its entrepreneurship programmes are for
prospective MBA students. The survey report also states that entrepreneurship is a totally new field in
Latvia, and there is no word for entrepreneurship there is so to speak a complete lack of culture in the field.
This means that the framework conditions of entrepreneurship education in general are weak and making
things happen and bringing this area forward is person-driven (European Commission, 2008).

4. Discussion of results
The survey results clearly indicate on problem areas in the Latvian entrepreneurship education in terms
of insufficient cooperation of universities and businesses, composition of study programmes, decreasing
entrepreneurial activity among trained citizens, risk-averse and uncompetitive profiles, in other words,
quality, applicability and returns of education. Some questions in the surveys cannot be directly applied to
education. Nonetheless, taking into account the socio-demographic profile of respondents, they can be
generalised to the discussed issues.
Notwithstanding the relatively high proportion of individuals trained in starting a business (28%, or 560
per 2001), while 39% of them underwent formal training at tertiary level, the overall entrepreneurial activity
has experienced a considerable decrease from 18% in 2007 to 10% in 2009. On average, 21% of Latvians
have entrepreneurial intensions, but only half of them actually start-up, which confirms the conclusion of
Nabi and Linan (2011). The wide gap between intentions and start-ups proves that the former is not an
appropriate indicator for measuring the impact of entrepreneurship education and corresponds with the
research of Mwasalwiba (2010) suggesting the number of graduate start-ups as the highest ranked success

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

When assessing barriers to entrepreneurship, 33% (166 per 504) agreed that it was difficult to obtain
sufficient information about the process of starting up. Thus, on one hand, there is a considerable quantity of
trained individuals, but on the other they are not sufficiently informed, and 45% of Latvian respondents
never thought of starting a business at all. Other barriers included complex administrative procedures and
lack of financial support overlapping with the most negatively valued entrepreneurship framework conditions
identified in GEM Global Report (2010), as well as with Nabi and Linan (2011), who also acknowledged that
economic and institutional frameworks are unfavourable to entrepreneurial activity.
Preferences of being self-employed or work for an employer are almost evenly divided in Latvia.
However, over a half of respondents not considering self-employment feasible for various reasons, including
lack of financing and current economic climate, mentioned lack of requisite skills and business ideas to
become self-employed.
Among those individuals, who were thinking about starting-up, thought about it or gave up and were
taking steps to start up (44%), two thirds regarded dissatisfaction with previous results as a vital factor to
start up a business, while addressing an unmet social or ecological need remained in the dont know area
for 21% of respondents instead of being considered as an important innovation-led factor. This result
signifies that entrepreneurship in Latvia is rather necessity- than opportunity-based and that social
entrepreneurship has not developed yet.
Confirming the acknowledgments of Haase & Lautenschlger (2010), Johansen (2010), Sanchez (2010)
that participation in specialised educational programmes increases the likelihood of becoming an
entrepreneur, and such companies have a greater growth and innovation potential, Martinez et al (2010)
employed gain from training in early stage entrepreneurial activity, which is a core measure of the
relationship between training in starting a business and entrepreneurship introduced by GEM, at the level of
1.2 for Latvia and an average of 1.8 for 16 efficiency-driven economies included in the report. Most of
innovation-driven economies feature higher gains, e.g. 2.1 in Japan, 2.4 in the UK and 4.3 in France, adding
value to the MINES Paris Tech research (2011) described in section 1.
The entrepreneurial profile of Latvians deserves special attention. In general, Latvians were 13% and
11% less risky and competitive in comparison to the EU average (52% and 44%). Most of respondents
considered themselves inventive (64%) and ready to change things they did not like (73%), but it was still
17% and 11% below the average. Self-assured and optimistic about their future, but in fear of going bankrupt
(50%), risk of losing property (43%) and uncertainty of income (44%), when assessing the option to start up.
Lack of competitiveness can be regarded as part of the local mentality, but it is one of the key drivers in
terms of entrepreneurship and should be developed throughout training.
The literature review suggested that the major problem and challenge for universities at present is to
establish closer contact between students and the business world. The survey results also show that
respondents perceive possibility to undertake work placements in private enterprises integrated into a study
programme as a necessity. They also think that one of the key aims of universities is to foster innovation and
entrepreneurial mindset among students and staff, which is among the goals of entrepreneurship education,
discussed earlier referring to Raposo and do Paco (2011), Kontio (2010), Lee et al. (2010) and other authors.
Provision of tailor-made study programmes for enterprises to upgrade their workforce and involvement of
enterprises into higher education management, curricula design and funding can be regarded as the means of
facilitating the nexus of universities and work organizations. The whole section on cooperation of
universities and businesses proves that the programmes have to focus more on experiencing entrepreneurship
so that to enable participants with the demanded social practices as the Experiential Learning Theory
Communication and team working skills, learning to learn techniques, and life-long learning courses
appeared to be demanded by young and adult Latvians. The skills and competences acquired through
education should make them competitive in the labour market, enhance their personal development and
develop a critical mind, amongst other requirements. In other words, the model described in Figure 1 of the
first section can be very useful, if applied in Latvia problem-based learning, cooperative work placements,
curricular engagements, etc. Reiterating the first section, without the right mindset, awareness, motivation
and attitudes, which are formed by soft skills, such as creativity, proactiveness, leadership, risk taking
propensity it is unfeasible to create a sustainable business.
Another key conclusion from the first section related to the explored results is that there are two types of
entrepreneurship education products: entrepreneurs per se and/or entrepreneurial personalities. Referring to
the authentic competence-based learning theory, an entrepreneurial personalities possess competences that
can be learned and taught (motives and intentions, attributes, traits, knowledge and skill) and evolve over
time (Nab et al., 2010; Sanchez, 2010; Higgins and Elliott, 2010). For this reason when measuring the impact
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

of entrepreneurship education it would be more valuable to consider both elements, not only the number of
graduate start ups.
The lack of information and skills, small number of start-ups versus high proportion of individuals
trained in starting a business, low level of cooperation between universities and businesses are the indicators
of drawbacks of the current entrepreneurship education system. Furthermore, these results address both
passive/formative learning and experiential/social learning and demonstrate there is an ample market for
quality entrepreneurship education. Referring back to Higgins and Elliott (2010), Haase and Lautenschlager
(2010), Lee et al. (2010) and other key authors, who contributed to the development of contemporary
frameworks, practical results reflect the identified theoretical conclusions implying that the Latvian
entrepreneurship education system should focus on education FOR entrepreneurship (Figure 2) and
restructure its curriculum to meet the demand and the ongoing European practices.
These findings imply a number of other vital recommendations. The central one is to transfer the
contemporary practice-based theoretical frameworks to Latvia. For instance, there are no or very few
projects, gathering multidisciplinary teams and using problem-based learning. The task is not to copy the
experience of TUAS or TWENTE, which is not possible due to economic differences, but to focus on
experiential learning methodologies and to establish closer cooperation with businesses. This kind of project
can become an example for further replications and can be introduced in the curriculum as a compulsory
course as a beneficial outcome. It is quite evident, that Latvian HEIs do not have such broad technological
capacities, as in the innovation-driven countries, however, the idea of venture labs and technological parks
could be implemented in the mid-term perspective.

5. Conclusions, recommendations and directions for further research

The analysis of the modern practice-based approaches to entrepreneurship education revealed the major
shift from passive/formal modes of learning and teaching towards experiential/social forms as the rationale
underpinning the emergence, development and usefulness of such frameworks as: Education FOR
Entrepreneurship and Experiential Learning Theory, Learning by Developing, Authentic Competence-Based
Learning Theory, which are closely interrelated with each other, being conceptually similar, but contextually
The pedagogical methods related to these frameworks are of an interactive nature and targeted to develop
multiple social dimensions, such as employability, intrapreneurship and venture creation. The principle of
learning by doing is fundamental to these methods. As opposed to theoretical approach, which provides
only book knowledge of management issues, holistic/dynamic approach targets a change in the individuals
Classified into problem-based learning and scholarly engagement comprising work-based learning, group
work-based learning and curricular engagement, involving such techniques as behavioural simulations,
business and investment games, job shadowing, internships and corporate placements, interdisciplinary
work-based projects, start-up development, action research and fieldwork, business visits, these methods are
acknowledged by the prominent experts in the field, e.g. Haase and Lautenschlger (2010), Higgins and
Elliott (2010), Bridge et al. (2010), Lee et al. (2010), Kontio (2010), Nab, Pilot, Brinkkemper and Ten Berge
The literature review also revealed that entrepreneurship education has two simultaneous directions: to
produce entrepreneurs per se (training real entrepreneurs) and entrepreneurial personalities (molding
entrepreneurial individuals). If the first group tend to include nascent entrepreneurs, than the second has the
potential and require know-why techniques, or the stronger conviction to be instilled. At the same time,
development of authentic entrepreneurial competencies is crucial for both groups. It is also worth to notice
that the experiential learning framework does not deny teaching hard facts, per contra it implies a
combination of theory and practice meant by the learning authenticity.
The empirical evidence (Bridge et al., 2010; Higgins & Elliott, 2010) suggested that experiential
knowledge is an incremental process that can evolve over time and that entrepreneurship is teachable
(MINES ParisTech, 2011), although it is hard to measure. Measurement of educational impact should be
focused not only on graduate start-ups, but also on a degree of personal entrepreneurial development
(Raposo & do Paco, 2011; Mwasalwiba, 2010).
Examination of Flash Eurobarometer survey results highlighted the problems mentioned in the European
Commission reports weak entrepreneurial environment and assessment of business programmes deficient
in interdisciplinary approach; low level of entrepreneurial activity. It appeared that the lack of information
and skills, small number of start-ups versus high proportion of individuals trained in starting a business, wide

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

gap between intentions and start-ups, low level of cooperation between universities and businesses, and
decreasing entrepreneurial activity are other indicators of drawbacks of the current entrepreneurship
education system, its quality, applicability and returns. This conclusion addresses both passive/formative
learning and experiential/social learning and demonstrates there is an ample market for quality
entrepreneurship education. Consequently, the discussed contemporary approaches are of a very high
relevance for the Latvian entrepreneurship education.
The survey results do provide an overall picture of downsides of entrepreneurship education in Latvia,
but do not provide information on concrete experiences across the existing 58 institutions, which most
probably vary. Nevertheless, they allowed formulating general research-based recommendations.
The main problem and challenge for universities remains the establishment of closer long-term
cooperation between students and the business world (Lee et. al, 2010). The survey results also indicated the
importance of work placements in private enterprises integrated into business programmes, long-life learning
courses, tailor-made study programmes for enterprises to upgrade their workforce, and involvement of
enterprises into higher education management, curricula design and funding. The author concludes that the
existing entrepreneurship curriculum should be refocused in line with the experiential learning rationale to
meet the demand and Europe 2020 strategy.
National policy regulation and government programmes unfavourable to entrepreneurial activity were
admitted as other barriers to entrepreneurship by the respondents and in the literature (GEM, 2010; Nabi and
Linan, 2011). Hence, the Latvian Government, as a stakeholder possessing executive power, should address
these issues in its policies, and as an option to initiate and support establishment of the united
entrepreneurship education system.
The introduced sample practical models applied in the Netherlands and Finland, having brought positive
academic and practical outcomes, suggest that implementation of similar projects in Latvia could
significantly benefit the local community. The idea of venture labs and technological parks as well as a
university-based centre for entrepreneurship is an open opportunity that has not been explored yet.
Along with these conclusions, the conducted analysis requires further research. For instance, broader
time scale of the literature review would deepen the theoretical outcomes allowing to identify interrelations
of the newly-formed and preceding frameworks. Additional analysis of the influence of economic conditions
could add value to the results. Deeper research across the Latvian universities involving analysis of actual
provision of entrepreneurship programmes and methods applied at present could justify and clarify the
required and beneficial improvements.
Transference of frameworks from innovation-driven countries as success examples is an adjacent part of
further research, which should include a real-life project gathering multidisciplinary teams and using
problem-based learning in the Latvian entrepreneurship conditions. That would allow including economic
factors into the research and testing the idea of transference as such. The ideal outcome of this research
would be an inclusion of real-life projects into curriculum of some or all Latvian universities offering
entrepreneurship programmes.
Considering that the topic has not been well-researched in Latvia, the results can be useful for academics,
practitioners, policy makers and other interested stakeholders.

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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348



Signe Enkuzena
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail:[email protected]

Evija Kliedere
e-mail:[email protected]

Objectives of the paper are: 1. to compare the theoretical concept of effective management training evaluation with
obvious practice in one of the largest retail store chains in Latvia; 2. to identify the main strengths and weaknesses in
training process implementation in practice; 3. to study the employee attitude (assessment) to the training provided.
The research question: what are the main differences between theory and practice in organising management
training? What are the causes of these differences and how to resolve them?
The methodological base of the paper consists of literature analysis of training concept and efficiency criteria. The
main theoretical base is Donald L Kirkpatricks 4 level training evaluation model.
The research methods: literature analysis, in-depth interviews with company executives and training providers, the
employee survey, statistical methods of data analysis.
In the research the authors are investigating the training process from the theoretical and practical point of view.
The main attention is given to the successive stages of training process: making decision to provide training;
identification of training needs, objectives, tasks; expected results and determination of the effectiveness criteria of
training, the training providers choice and training programme development. At the end of training, participants
reaction or attitude to training is measured. This study does not cover the research of employees behaviour or job
performance changes as training results.
The originality/value of the paper the authors use training research methodology based on Donald L.
Kirkpatricks model. It is the first practical impact study of such nature and scope in the Latvian supermarket network.

As a result of socio-economic crisis, many companies in Latvia experienced significant changes in
several areas, including the human resource management. Although the practice of leading world economies
has proved that an effective employee training system is one of the cornerstones of business development,
52% of enterprises in Latvia reduced their training budget in 2009 (Lavian Bussines Consultant Association),
2009). Also in 2010, the report of The Latvian Association of Business Consultants Personnel Development
in 2010 shows that 50% of respondents have admitted that the training budget in 2010 continued reduction,
if compared with 2009 (Locns, 2010).
What are the motives for such an action? It is possible that company managers do not understand and do
not evaluate a positive impact of motivated employees, possessing appropriate knowledge and skills, on
development strategy of an enterprise. Currently managers are thinking more about short-term strategies, but
it can negatively affect the companys operations in future. Perhaps company managers are not satisfied with
training outcomes in the so-called rich years? Then training was of an occasional character often; it was not
systematically implemented, and in most cases the training outcomes were evaluated formally and
superficially. Sometimes there was an uncritical following what the trainer provided and management
training was organised based on the principle: everyone does it this way. Although in 2000-2008 enterprises
were developing, were profitable and allocated a significant amount of the turnover to employee training,
Eurostat data of 2008 about the efficiency per one employee indicate that in Latvia it was the third lowest
51.5 in the European Union after Bulgaria and Rumania (Eurostat, 2009).
Irrespective of the reduction of the number of employees and their salaries, the role of personnel as the
most important resource is increasing (Locns, 2010).A significant criterion for enterprise competitiveness is
employees professional competence. Nowadays enterprises are stricter following that resources allocated for
training and development enhancement are used at maximum efficiency (Locns, 2010). Is the training
appropriately evaluated nowadays? Do the training expenses justify themselves, and is the training
considered an investment not a cost? (Strategic Human Resource Management, 2001). resources, neither the
training evaluation criteria, nor methods, with which to evaluate training, are determined. Tennat et al.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

(2002) research that only 35% of companies measure the effectiveness of the provided training (Tennat et al.,
The goal of this research is to compare the evaluation of the theoretical concept for training process with
practice. The research questions are: What are the main differences between theory and practice, evaluating
management training? What are the strengths and weaknesses of training evaluation in an enterprise? What
are the causes and how to resolve them? In the present paper the authors study the training process and the
trainees attitude to training, using the review of theoretical literature, in-depth interviews and the training
participants survey. The research pays attention to successive stages of the training process: making a
decision about the need for training, identifying the training needs, goals, objectives, planned outcomes and
training efficiency criteria, choice of the trainer, developing the training programme. At the end of the
training participants reaction or satisfaction with the training is evaluated, i.e. their attitude. This research
does not comprise the research of the changes of employee behaviour or work results as a result of training.
The research basis is one of the largest retail chains in Latvia, where general management training was
held from December 2010 until February 2011.
The idea and initiative about organising training come from the company manager, as a response to the
employee survey about job satisfaction in the autumn of 2010. The correlation analysis of the evaluation of
the satisfaction aspects indicated close and very significant relation between leadership and planning,
organisational culture, internal communication and the employee role and self-sentiment in the company. In
all cases the correlation coefficient r was 0.6 (Rendeniece, 2010). Therefore the company management
decided to organise training for managers, offering a wide training programme that included the basics of
management, communication and quality management. Training participants were different level managers
18 administrative staff, 16 store managers, 15 goods managers and 26 senior shift managers 75 employees
all together. The training was organised in 4 groups, according to the management level; 9 days for every

Literature review
In the study of theoretical literature the authors are analyzing training efficiency criteria and the most
recognised methods for measuring effectiveness since effective and reliable evaluation allows explain the
value of training and development.
Effectiveness [German Effektivitt < fr. < lat. effectivus effective] 1; it is how easy, fast and cheap the
determined goal can be attained with the chosen means, method or action; 2. ec. maximum yield of
resources, their use with minimum losses (Andersone, 2005).
Effective [lat. effectivus] such a means, method, type of action with the help of which the determined
goal can be easily, fast and cheaply attained; such that offers the necessary result (ibid, 2005) instead]
Researchers and practitioners Gordon, A., Koul, J., Armstrong, M. consider that training will be
effective, if the training needs are correctly determined, and they help to achieve strategic goals of an
organisation (Gordon, 2006, , 2004). It means that before starting training, the company should study
and analyse employee job performance. Choice of an appropriate type and method of training formal or
informal, internal or external, for the training needs is one of the factors that enhance training effectiveness
(reference?). Such authors as Tabbassi, Bakar, and Davenpor have indicated advantages and disadvantages
of the types and methods of training, which have to be taken into consideration when organising training
(Tabbassi, Bakar, 2009).
Michael Armstrong (2004) emphasises that training should correspond to certain requirements. A
trainees motivation and a companys management support to training are significant criteria of training
effectiveness. Training will be more effective, if it also corresponds to the trainees needs. People can learn
in different conditions, if they expect that it will allow satisfying their need for achievement, growth,
recognition and professional demand (, 2004).
Durcan, Kirkbride (1987) and Gitomer (2010) indicate importance of a training programme content and
professionalism of a trainer. They recommend demanding training evaluation it is necessary to find a tested
programme and trainer, who would be ready to evaluate the success of the training programme. However,
company managers do not devote sufficient time to evaluate employee training programmes (Gitomer,
2010). This is a big mistake, because ineffective training hinders work flow and employee costs continue to
grow. Therefore, it should be ensured that training programmes work according to the appropriately
determined requirements.
Two aspects can be distinguished in evaluating the training effectiveness: evaluation of the training
process as such and evaluation of the training end product or training results. However, it has to be admitted
that evaluation of training effectiveness means completely different things for the various involved groups.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The response depends on who asks and from what perspective of interests the questions are asked and why
(Gordon 2006).
For the companys management, evaluation of training effectiveness can answer the following questions:
Will the training help me to solve my problems? Will it achieve the defined goals? Is it worth the invested
money and is it worth to invest in training programmes in future? The essence for evaluating training
effectiveness is absolutely different for a trainer, whose questions are: Have the defined goals been
achieved? Was the training effective? Employees, who have participated in training, ask: Will the training
help me to execute my work responsibilities better, faster and more qualitatively? Will it affect my career
growth opportunities? What am I doing? Why do I need it? (Scmalenbach, 2005).
To perform a successful evaluation of training effectiveness, all three categories should be involved in
discussing this issue and the most optimal method of evaluation should be chosen. One of the welknown
approaches is the multi-factor approach, which includes several separate evaluation methods. Evaluation
methods can be divided as described by the researchers Hamblin and Kirkpatrick, who described the impact
of training at different levels, from an individuals to an organisations indicators (OConnor et al., 2008).
Kirkpatricks hierarchy model offers a useful framework for evaluating the training results and process
taking into consideration training evaluation at four levels: Reaction how training participants react to the
training process; Learning to what extent trainees acquire knowledge and skills; Performance the ability
to exhibit the acquired skills at work; Impact includes such units as money, effectiveness, moral, etc.
Figure 1 presents how these four levels are interconnected.

Figure 1. Connection of training evaluation levels. (Source:


The model clearly defines how the performance changes as a result of training appear (Global
Learning Alliance and Knowledge Advisors, 2004).
In line with the research object a training process the authors paid more attention to training
evaluation at the first two levels Reaction and Learning. Donald L. Kirkpatrick indicated that evaluation
of reaction is the same as client satisfaction evaluation. If the training is effective, it is important that the
trainees react to them favourably. Likewise, it is emphasised that it is important to evaluate training,
because you cannot expect performance change, if one or several of the training goals have not been
achieved (Kirkpatrick, 1994).
1. Reaction level. At this training evaluation level how trainees react to training is evaluated.
Questionnaires filled in at the end of the training are often used as a research tool. At this level, trainees may
say, whether the course content and delivery can satisfy their needs. This level does not prove the training
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

performance potential as it is impossible to measure whether trainees have obtained new knowledge and
skills that will be used in the work environment. Therefore some researchers do not consider reaction level
measurements significant. However, trainees interest, attitude and motivation often are critical for a success
of any training process. When training is presented, every employee decides and assesses, whether it is
important and attainable. The consequence of this assessment is the trainees motivation (Markus & Ruvulo,
2. Learning level. It has to be evaluated to what extent participants have changed their attitude, improved
their knowledge and skills as a result of training. The question whether the employee has learned anything
should be answered. It means applying different kinds of post-testing to find out what skills employees have
acquired. To measure what exactly the training participants have acquired, pre-testing should be used prior to
training. Only then it is possible to state what the employees knew and could do before the training and what
exactly they have acquired during the training.
When measuring Learning, it is important to define the training goal. Usually training evaluation is
performed answering the following questions: what knowledge has been obtained? What skills have been
developed or improved? How has the attitude changed? At this stage training evaluation takes place through
trainee evaluation. At this level evaluation tools that measure the trainees, not the particular training process,
are used. Evaluation of the training results for a particular trainee should not be mixed with the evaluation of
the training process (Tovey, 2004). Changes in the trainee skills, knowledge and attitude often poorly
correlate with the performance (Clark, 2008). Therefore, at the next training evaluation level - Performance
level it has to be proved that the acquired knowledge and skills are applied in practice. However, it
happens very seldom, when evaluating training.
3. Performance level changes in the performance as a result of attended training. At this level
employees ability to use the obtained knowledge at work is evaluated. Measuring takes place at work, not in
the classroom. Formal and informal methods of measurement can be used. Answering to the question
whether people use their newly acquired knowledge about work, with the help of testing or observation it is
determined, whether now employees exhibit the desirable performance, whether the newly acquired skills
and knowledge are used at their work performance. At this level the evaluation is critical if the training is
effectively managed, the evaluation will show whether the knowledge and skills are transferred to the work
environment or not, and if not, then why.
4. Impact level. It is the highest evaluation level in Kirkpatricks hierarchy. At this level the
effectiveness of the training programme is evaluated, measuring the gains in the units of money,
effectiveness, moral, team work.
Moving from the first to the next levels, the training evaluation process becomes more complicated and
time-consuming, but the evaluation at a higher level offers more valuable information. The fourth level is the
most significant, and perhaps also the most complicated step because the fourth level evaluates business
results achieved in relation with the employee training (Clark, 2008).
In reality the first level evaluation is most frequently performed, because it is easier. However, it is not
right to evaluate training at the level of Impact without performing the analysis of the previous levels. Don
Kirkpatricks follower and his son Jim Kirkpatrick affirmed: It is the statement of me and my farther, in
cooperation with personnel management specialists, that then and only then (after evaluating the previous
levels), when the value of training for business can be started to be justified. Unfortunately, many
organisations understand science, but are far from success in evaluation. It is because they have no
competence in training evaluation (Kirkpatriks, 2008).
Using the model for determining the training effectiveness, any organisation both in private and public
sector can obtain detailed information about the impact of employee training on the companys performance
and the defined goals. Analysing the information obtained at each level, it is possible to work out further
action plans for the company development and to make a decision about adjusting the employee training in
future. Learning Resources Network research data indicate that 77% of enterprises evaluate training at the
Reaction level analysis; 36% evaluate a degree, to which the material has been acquired, 15% evaluate
changes in employee performance at the workplace and only 8% evaluate results of changes in business
operations (Hevfilda, 2008).
Irrespective of the previous criticism, Kirkpatricks (1976) model is still the leading one among the
training evaluation systems. This model can be considered the basis for training evaluation, using which the
modern evaluation procedure mechanism is being developed (OConnor et al., 2008).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Research methods
When designing the research tools for evaluating training in a retail store chain, the authors mainly based
them on the results of the Level 1 and 2 analysis of Kirkpatricks model. But Kirkpatricks Reaction and
Learning levels concentrate on evaluation of an individuals motivation, needs and interests. If this training
evaluation model is applied to training evaluation in a company, the authors consider not relating every
trainees needs and motivation with the companys needs and goals at the Reaction level as a deficiency.
Therefore, based on the opinion of other abovementioned authors, the interview and questionnaire included
questions about relations between the training and company goals, about management support for training
To evaluate management training in the retail store chain, the authors set the following criteria for
training evaluation, on the basis of which the authors can determine the training effectiveness that influence
the development of the company in the future:
1. correspondence of training to the companys strategic goals.
2. defining the training goal and objectives.
3. choice of the training programme content, length and training methods.
4. managers interest in improving the employees professional performance.
5. testing the knowledge obtained during training.
6. application of the knowledge and skills acquired during the training to everyday work.
7. transferring the knowledge obtained during the training to the colleagues.
The present research does not comprise training evaluation at the level 3 changes in employee
performance, and 4 changes in the work results, because it is delimitation.
The authors of the present paper used a structured in-depth interview as the first method. There were
three interviews held: with the training provider (TP), with a member of the company Board (BM) and with
the Human Resource Manager (HRM). Interview questions were slightly modified, depending on the role the
interviewee occupies in the training process. Interviews were held during the first month after starting the
training. Interviews consisted of 15-19 questions and an average length of an interview was 1.5 hours.
Interview questions were designed so that the training process could be evaluated according to the
conclusions about qualitative and effective management training gained from the theoretical research.

The following aspects were clarified in the interviews:

1. correspondence of training to the company strategy and needs,
2. defining of the training goals and objectives,
3. choice of the training provider,
4. selection of training participants and motivating them for training,
5. choice of the training programme content, length and training methods,
6. relation of training and performance results,
7. understanding of evaluation of training effectiveness, criteria for evaluating the training results.
Analysing the results of the survey, the authors used above mentioned criteria that were clarified in the
empirical research, because these criteria give much clearer understanding of the training evaluation from
trainers, managers and trainees point of view. These criteria allow to analyse and draw conclusions about the
ongoing training processes in the particular retail store chain company.
The other method of empirical research was a survey, the aim of which was to evaluate the level of
trainees reaction or attitude. The questionnaire included 10 questions, aimed to obtain information about
how the participants understand training needs, goal and objectives, whether employees evaluate training as
useful, what their opinion about the changes of different factors as a result of the training is. The survey was
held a week before the end of the training and 67 respondents, or 89% of the 75 trainees, filled in the
questionnaires. 13 administrative staff, 19 store managers and 35 shift managers and goods managers
responded. Most of the respondents have a secondary or secondary vocational education 51, or 68%,
whereas there is a little number of those managers among the respondents, who have a basic school
education or who hold a PhD degree. In both cases it is 1 respondent, or 1.49%, of the total number of

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

1. Decision about training organisation. Correspondence of training to the company strategy and
Both the training provider and the company Board member tell in the interview that the company goals
have not been defined in writing yet. They are in their (Boards) heads, says the training provider.
Therefore, one of the first tasks in this training is to put company goals on the paper. The company Board
member informs that to date, such a wide training has not been held, this is the first training for managers.
The idea about management training has existed for long, but it has taken a long time to make the decision,
because the number of employees (managers) is large and it is related with high costs, because in the rich
years the training costs were unjustifiably high. Moreover, during the economic growth, profit and cash was
realised, so there was no justified need for training. However, in the period of turnover and profit reduction it
is necessary to think about improving the quality of client service, to reduce employee turnover and to
increase employee motivation, when all the additional benefits were cut. For the company management
these features were a signal for the need of management training. Also, financially it was possible to bear
the training, because the company found partial funding from European Structural Funds (hereinafter
referred to as ESF) resources for it.
The training provider (TP) indicates that already before this training, there had been a successful
cooperation with the company, when performing false customer surveys and individual observations in the
work of a store. Results indicated to a number of problems to be solved in the company. The HRM did not
participate in making the decision about the training necessity. It is the company management decision,
which she evaluates positively. The company top management has mainly grown out of shop-assistants;
therefore this training satisfies the company need for management skills. The majority of the trainees have
never studied management.
The survey of the trainees reveals differences about how the company determines the management
needs: most of the respondents or 58.2% consider that managers determine the training needs. 26.9% of the
respondents consider that the training need is determined based on the training plan developed during the
employee performance assessment. Whereas 14.9% of the respondents emphasise that the training need was
determined by the company owners. None of the respondents indicates that the training need has been
determined as result of their personal initiative.
2. Defining the training goals and objectives.
The BM defines the training goal briefly: restructuring of all the processes and names all training
objectives one after another. It does not cause her any problems. The HRM gives the acquisition of
management knowledge and enhancing the practical skills as the training goals. Whereas, the TP also
mentions personal growth (self-analysis, development of self-confidence) in addition to what the HR
manager has mentioned. Understanding about the training objectives is similar, but, in difference from the
BM, the TP cannot list them briefly and in order. The narrative is long, with examples from the training
process, the training objectives can be identified only when looking at the interview notes.
When asked whether they were informed about what changes or improvement in the performance is
expected from the employee and whether they knew what skills and knowledge they themselves would like
to obtain from the training, the training participants offered only partly affirmative answers (see Figure 2).
Training participants awareness about trainig ojectives and

Disagree 1.5

Partly 7.5 Before training I was informed

disagree 4.5 what changes or improvements
are expected from me in work
Partly 52.2 process
agree 64.2

29.9 Before training, I explicitly

Agree 29.9
knew what skills and
knowledge I want to get
0 20 40 60 80
Figure 2. Training participants awareness of the training objectives and expected results
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

3. Choice of the training provider.

The training provider was chosen based on the previous positive cooperation experience. It was
significant that the price of the offered training course satisfied both parties. The training provider agreed to
participate in the ESF project. The choice of another training provider was not even considered. No market
research of the management training offers was performed.
4. Choice of training participants and their motivation for training.
The opinion that, first, all level managers should study is unanimous among all the interviewees. For
changes to start in a company, changes in the managers attitude and performance should be implemented.
The HRM repeatedly emphasises that many managers have been promoted from lower level employee
positions and they lack management skills. Trainees were divided in groups according to their positions
administration, who are the top level managers; store managers, who could relatively be called middle level
managers; and first-line managers goods managers and shift managers. The TP, the BM and the HRM
indicate that starting the training, the employee professional competence was not evaluated. The BM informs
that there is an idea about every employees competence, but the professional evaluation of the individual
does not exist. The competence of a particular person is measured by performance results of the particular
shop. The HRM also confirms that it is only a subjective opinion developed about the employee during the
cooperation. Before the training the BM explained briefly in each group, why the training was held, but
detailed training objectives were not mentioned, the training organisation was discussed more. Shift
managers were informed by their supervisors. Every trainee received a set of training materials that included
the training programme, in which the training goal was not stated.
Evaluating, whether the company management is interested in training the staff, 97% of the respondents
replied in the affirmative, 2, or 3% of the respondents, partly agreed with the statement, which approves the
role of the company management as the initiator of the training.
5. Choice of the training programme content, length and training methods.
The TP has the largest role/weight in developing the training programme content. The training
programme content was designed after discussions with the company owners, and then the training
programme was supplemented or narrowed down to particular themes as seen by the BM. The main themes
of the programme content are reflected in the programme objectives. The programme is slightly different for
top level managers; it pays more attention to defining the company mission, vision and strategic goals. When
designing the training programme, the opinion of the potential trainees was not asked. The HRM does not
participate in designing the programme. The TP justifies the answer to the question, why the length of
training for each group was exactly 9 days with the offered training budget. Different training methods are
used in the training process; the emphasis is placed on enhancing the knowledge in practice. Group work,
case analysis, role plays in all these methods examples from real work situations are used. Homework
assignments, closely related with the work, are also used.
To clarify the employee evaluation of the training content and quality, the employee survey comprised
the statement: If the training that was meant for improving my professional knowledge required co-
financing, I would be ready to provide it. 73.1% of the respondents are ready to co-finance the company
organised training, but 26.7% do not agree with it.
6. Relation of training and performance results.
Giving an answer to the question Do you consider that training should be directly related to the
performance result? all the interviewees answered affirmatively. When explaining in more details, the
Board member anticipates that the employee rotation should decrease as a result of training, that information
exchange will improve, that individual and departmental goals will be set and negativism will decrease but
team spirit will develop. The TP considers that it is not only the employees, who will acquire new knowledge
and skills and who play a role in improving the training and performance results, but it is also the company
management that should take care of enhancing the obtained knowledge in practice. The HRM emphasises
that training participants are prepared to use all the acquired information in work processes.
Analysing the respondents opinion about the skills acquired during the training, it can be observed that
all respondents (89.6% fully agree and 10.4% partly agree) confirm that they are useful for professional
improvement and they will ensure higher professional performance results (86.6% agree and 11.9% partly
To enhance the knowledge obtained during the training and to ascertain the improvement of professional
knowledge and skills, 97% of the respondents have indicated that the knowledge acquired during the training
was tested and that they participated in such tests. 70% of the respondents, who have participated in the
knowledge test, indicate that knowledge is tested with the help of different tests. The response of the other
30% is different. It is indicated that the obtained knowledge is tested with different practical assignments,
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

role plays are used, problem situations are solved, as well as the acquired knowledge is evaluated when
assessing the work performance process and application of the obtained knowledge to practice.
7. Training effectiveness. Training process evaluation criteria.
During the interviews the authors of the present paper were looking for answers to the questions related
with the evaluation of training effectiveness. The answers are dominated by the opinion that training will be
effective, if the employee performance improves after the training, if their skills and working style improves.
The HRM considers that one of the criteria, whether the training has been effective, is in using and
maintaining the acquired knowledge and skills at work. But all the interviewees admit that upon starting the
training process specific criteria that should be improved as a result of the training were not defined.
The TP has knowledge and experience that the training results can be measured and he indicates that
specific skills should be measured before the training and then measured one more time after the training.
When inquired how the trainer knows that his product has been useful for the client, he states that any
indicators that would prove the usefulness of the training have not been precisely defined and measured. The
TP adds that if there were a particular demand from the client, it would be done, effectiveness would be
measured and a method most likely would be found.
After the training, the employees were asked whether they use the obtained knowledge in everyday
work, thus improving the work quality, effectiveness, efficiency, as well as successful attainment of the set
goals. 98.5% (64.2% agreed and 34.3% partly agreed) of the respondents state that they use the obtained
knowledge in their everyday work, while only 1 respondent or 1.5% more does not use the obtained
knowledge at work than does.
An important factor that indicates to the training effectiveness is whether the respondents also transfer
the obtained knowledge to the subordinates to increase their competence level, thus ensuring professional
operation of the entire team. Analysing the data obtained from the survey, it can be concluded that, as a
result of training, 45 respondents, or 67.2%, agree that they transfer the knowledge obtained during the
training to colleagues and 22 respondents, or 32.8%, partly agree (see Figure 3).
For the colleagues to receive the necessary, topical information from the manager, who has attended
training, after the training, meetings are organised, individual discussions with employees are held, the
training materials are sent to the colleagues and the most important information is shared, as well as advice is
offered during the work, based on the knowledge obtained during the training, to solve different issues and
Within the framework of the empirical research, when evaluating the effectiveness of training, the
authors clarified, whether there exists a significant correlation in the respondents subjective evaluation
about the correspondence of the organised training for improving the knowledge and the use and transfer of
the obtained knowledge and skills (see Table 1), as well as between the improvement of the professional
performance as a result of training, use and transfer of the knowledge and skills obtained during the training
to colleagues (see Table 2). To determine how significant this correlation is, Spearmans correlation
coefficient was calculated (Raevska, Kristapsone, 2000).
Iegto zinanu lietojums ikdien un nodoana koliem


Daji nepiekrtu
Mcbs iegts zinanas un
34.3 prasmes lietoju ikdienas darb
Daji piekrtu 32.8

Piekrtu 64.2 Mcbs iegts zinanas

67.2 nododu ar citiem koliem

0 50 100


Figure 3. Use of the knowledge obtained during the training and transferring the knowledge to the colleagues

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The results depicted in Table 1 approve that there is statistically significant correlation between the
application of the obtained knowledge to everyday work and transferring the obtained knowledge to
colleagues with a probability 0.95 or the significance level 0.05 because the calculated correlation coefficient
is 0.311. It means that the more the obtained knowledge is used in everyday work, the more it is transferred
to colleagues and vice verse.
Determining the correlation based on closeness, it can be concluded that it is weak, but considerable,
because the calculated correlation coefficient is between 0.2 and 0.4.
Table 1
Correlation indicators of the role of training in improving professional knowledge and their
use in everyday work

I consider the I use the I transfer the

organised obtained obtained
training knowledge knowledge
corresponding and skills in to other
to the everyday colleagues
improvement work
of my

Spearman's I consider the organised Correlation 1.000 .145 -.020

rho training corresponding to coefficient .241 .870
the improvement of my Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67
professional knowledge

I use the obtained Correlation .145 1.000 .311*

knowledge and skills in coefficient .241 .010
everyday work Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67
I transfer the obtained Correlation -.020 .311* 1.000
knowledge to other coefficient .870 .010
colleagues Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

But the results presented in Table 2 approve that an even closer and statistically more significant
correlation between the increase of results of professional activities and the application of knowledge
obtained during the training to everyday work exists. The calculated correlation coefficient 0.336 indicates
that there is a statistically significant correlation with a probability 0.99 or the significance level 0.01.
Determining the correlation based on closeness, it can be concluded that like it was above, in this case
the correlation is weak, but considerable.
Table 2
Correlation indicators for the significance of training in increasing the results of professional activities
and use in everyday work

This training I use the I transfer the

ensures higher obtained obtained
results of knowledge knowledge
professional and skills in to other
activities everyday colleagues

Spearman's This training ensures Correlation 1.000 .336** .211

rho higher results of coefficient .005 .087
Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

professional activities N

I use the obtained Correlation .336** 1.000 311*

knowledge and skills in coefficient .005 .010
everyday work Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67
I transfer the obtained Correlation .211 .311* 1.000
knowledge to other coefficient .087 .010
colleagues Sig. (2-tailed) 67 67 67
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Answers to the last question of the questionnaire inform, according to respondents, what factors will
change as a result of the provided training. Respondents ranked the factors according to their importance,
where 1 is the most important and 7 the least important factor. Respondents answers reveal that the most
important factor that could change due to the provided training is the increase of work efficiency, whereas
the least important is the decrease of employee turnover (see Table 3).
Table 3
Factor changes as a result of training

Factors that will change as a result of training Significance

Work efficiency increases 1

Quality of work improves 2
Number of admitted mistakes during execution 3
of work responsibilities decreases
Inexpedient use of resources decreases 4
Relations among colleagues improve 5
Number of complaints decreases 6
Employee turnover decreases 7

Indicating to the increase of work efficiency and improvement of the quality of work as the most
important factors, the others are subordinated to the two, because increasing the work efficiency and
improving the level of work quality, the number of admitted mistakes and inexpedient use of resources, as
well as the number of received complaints should decrease.

In the present research management training was evaluated both at the preparation stage, in which the
correspondence of training to the company strategic goals and needs is determined, the training content, the
type of training, training methods and the training provider are chosen and at the Reaction and Learning
levels of Kirkpatricks model.
The strategic goals of a retail company have not been defined before starting the training, which hinders
defining the particular training goals, objectives and the anticipated training results. Employees were not
asked about their desires regarding the training. The decision and initiative about organising the training
comes from the company management, based on two previously performed surveys in the company, and the
company financial information. Thus, the training has the company management support, which facilitates
employee motivation for training. The training provider is selected based on the positive cooperation
experience, positive references and mutually beneficial terms; the market research is not performed. The
interviewees agree about the choice of the training participants to improve the company performance,
training should begin with managers, in addition, at all structural levels. The training programme content is
similar to other training programmes offered in the market, the goal of which is the improvement of
management skills. Participants are divided into groups and the programme is slightly differentiated
according to the management level in the company. The length of training is justified by the training budget,
not by the fact that this length is necessary to enhance the obtained knowledge, so that it could be used at
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Understanding about the training need is similar to all the parties involved in training. The company
manager can very precisely define it at the strategic objectives and the HRM at the tactical tasks. The TP
answers are rather vague. Although the TP and the BM have discussed the training goal, it is not defined
equally. The BM concentrates on the process improvement but the TP on the improvement of skills and
personal development. The HRM understands the goal similarly to the TP. Not to allow deviations and
interpretations, the training goal, objectives and needs should be fixed in writing. If before the training all the
involved parties have a unified definition of the training objectives, it eases the evaluation of the training
Neither the TP, nor the company employees hold a common opinion about what skills and knowledge
the training participants should obtain, what competences should be developed and what performance should
be changed. The level of employees individual competence was not determined before the training. It makes
the development of the training programme and later also the evaluation of training outcomes more difficult.
Kirkpatricks training evaluation model allows measuring, whether the employee performance has changed
with the help of observations and attitude research at the Level 3 Performance, but it is impossible to
determine the extent, if no pre-testing is performed.
The correlation between the training process and the results is related with a successful attainment of the
training goals. The BM defines the anticipated training outcomes most specifically, but it has to be
concluded that there is a lack of conformity between the TP, BM and the HRM views. The authors of the
present paper did not receive an answer to the question, how the training effectiveness will be measured. Not
setting the testing criteria can be related to both the general processes that could improve as a result of the
training, e.g. employee rotation, improvement of the information flow, team work skills, and to the
development of specific employee skills. Irrespective of the fact that the training provider understands
measurement of training effectiveness, in this case it was not planned to be measured

Based on the company practice in training evaluation, it can be concluded that the company manager and
the training provider lack competence in training evaluation. Although the company management is
interested in organising training, understands its importance and allocates large financial
Irrespective of the drawbacks in the training preparation stage, employees positively evaluate the
training. They admit that the knowledge and skills acquired during the training improve their professional
level. Testing of the obtained knowledge proved that managers acquired the study material. However, the
training effectiveness is determined by application of the obtained knowledge and skills to everyday work,
ensuring better and better performance. Training has even greater significance, if the obtained knowledge is
transferred to the subordinates to increase their competence level, thus ensuring the professional work of the
entire team. The correlation analysis of the respondents answers indicated to a significant correlation
between the use of knowledge and skills in everyday work and their transfer to other colleagues (see Table
1), as well as between the improvement of professional performance as a result of training and the use of the
obtained knowledge and skills in everyday work (see Table 2). Thus, the more employees will evaluate that
training improves professional knowledge and provides higher professional performance results, the more
knowledge and skills will be used in everyday work and transferred to other colleagues. It indicates how
important the preparation stage is for training, during which the correspondence of the training to the
company goals and the training objectives is determined.
The correlation revealed in this case approves that there is a close relationship between the training
evaluation levels in Kirkpatricks model: the way, how Learning takes place, affects whether the knowledge
is used and transferred to others (Behaviour/Performance), whereas changes in the employee performance
change the Result/Impact.

Input for future research

The answers of the training participants allow concluding that the company organises qualitative and
effective training that ensures improvement of managements knowledge and skills, the use of this
knowledge and skills in work processes and their transfer to colleagues, as a result providing the increase of
the overall performance outcomes of the respective structural unit and the entire company, as well as the
improvement of the total business indicators. This is the employee opinion, but to evaluate the management
training effectiveness objectively, the evaluation should be continued at the Behaviour and Results level.
Management training in the retail shops chain is the company managements initiative and the training
has the management support. The company management understands and justifies the need for management
training, can define the training goals and expected outcomes, but the training evaluation is not performed in
the company, because there is no sufficient competence. Although the tendencies in human resource
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

management field in Latvia in 2009-2010 (Locns, 2010) indicate that the evaluation of the yield from
personnel training and development activities increases, detailed research is necessary about how qualitative
and extended the training evaluation in companies is.

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http://www.b2binfo.lv/lat/interesantas_temas/?doc=99 (accessed 12 March 2011)
12. Lavian Bussines Consultant Association (2009). Personla vadbas loma un aktulie uzdevumi organizcij.
Survay, available at: http://www.lpva.lv/UserFiles/pv_petijums_oktobris09.pdf (accessed 02 December 2010)
13. Locns, D. (2010), Personla attstba 2010, Market Overview, available at: http://www.latconsul.lv/preses-
relizes-un-publikacijas/tirgus-apskats-personala-attistiba-2010/ (assesed 22 March 2011)
14. Markus, H., Ruvulo, A. (1990). Possible selves. Personalized representations of goals. Goal Concepts in
Personality and Social Psychology Pervin, L. (Editor). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Pp. 211-241.
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mrkets, Bachelor's thesis, Riga Teacher Training and Management Academy, Riga, 20 June.
17. Scmalenbach, M. (2005), Training evaluation, available at: http://www.cedma-
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18. Strategic Human Resource Management (2001), in Greer, C. R.(Ed) Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education
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Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


Natlija Cera
BA School of Business and Finance
e-mail: [email protected]

Toms Liepi
BA School of Business and Finance
PhD candidate
e-mail: [email protected]

Liability insurance demands careful underwriting due to its specific exposure. Meanwhile, the total Latvian liability
insurance market is relatively small. Consequently substantial reinsurance assistance is required to underwrite and
handle risks. Inadequate and constant reinsurance programme can reduce the liability insurers portfolio profitability
and competitiveness. This paper aims to determine factors having the largest impact on reinsurer choice among the
Latvian liability insurers and suggest optimal reinsurance scenarios under different market conditions. In order to
achieve this, the analysis of theoretical literature, statistical data and scenarios is performed, as well as results of the
survey conducted among local and foreign liability (re)insurance professionals are summarised. It is concluded that
reinsurance has a direct impact on liability insurance in Latvia, reinsurance treaties have to be reviewed on a regular
basis and reinsurance programme has to enhance profitability and competitiveness of primary insurers liability
insurance portfolio.
Keywords: reinsurance, proportional/non-proportional, liability insurance, profitability, competitiveness.

1. Introduction
Liability insurance demands extremely careful underwriting due to its exposure in terms of both long-tail
nature and legacy business. At the same time, it is hardly the most popular insurance product and almost
never a prior one (by liability insurance in this paper general liability insurance is meant - as a separate class
of business). Therefore, it is obvious that insurers have to be able to provide highly competitive liability
insurance proposals in order to attract new and retain existing business. Bearing this in mind, market and its
capacity should be considered. Liability insurance market in Latvia constitutes on average (during last ten
years - period of research: 2000 2009, inclusive) 6.4% of the whole local insurance market (6.19% when
2010 is taken into account, although the full data is still not available for this particular year). Meanwhile,
the insurance companies undertake obligations, when the insuring liability exceeds the total amount of gross
written premiums for this product almost 90 times. Thus, it becomes unequivocal that reinsurance is like a
bloodstream to liability insurance in Latvia. However, taking advantage of capacity and protection provided
by reinsurance means that insurance companies in Latvia have to share the premiums received for liability
insurance policies with reinsurers. This has a direct effect on profitability of the insurance product, net
earned premium amount, and technical result. Furthermore, considering the fact that at the moment insurance
market in Latvia can be characterised as a soft market (supply exceeds demand thus applying pressure on
premium levels), it is crucial to cooperate with reinsurers having a similar strategic approach to risk pricing
as the primary insurers. Otherwise, competitiveness of insurance company can suffer leading to further
decline of gross written premiums (GWP) amount and even deterioration of reputation. Hence, the choice of
an adequate and commensurate reinsurance programme for a liability insurance portfolio is of an utmost
importance to insurance companies in Latvia.

2. The aim
This paper analyses interrelation of reinsurance and liability insurance in the Latvian insurance
companies. It also considers the impact of various reinsurance programmes on the local liability insurers
portfolio profitability and product competitiveness in different market conditions.

Corresponding author: Natlija Cera. Phone: +371 26424242.

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

The following assumption is made: liability insurers in Latvia can enhance their product competitiveness
and profitability in any market conditions by choosing an appropriate reinsurance programme offered by a
reinsurer with similar underwriting strategy and reassessing this programme on a regular basis.
Consequently, this paper aims to determine factors having the largest impact on the reinsurers choice
among local liability insurers and to suggest optimal reinsurance scenarios for the Latvian liability insurers
under different market conditions.

3. Materials and methods of the work

In order to achieve the aim of this paper, several tasks were performed, characterising the stages and
scope of the research conducted: theoretical literature is analysed to identify peculiarities of liability
insurance as a product (insurance line of business) and to determine functioning of conventional reinsurance
types that are being considered appropriate for liability insurance portfolio; Latvian liability insurance
market and its development during the last ten years (2000 2009, inclusive, with a view at preliminary
2010 data) is analysed, as well as the liability insurance portfolio positions most affected by reinsurance are
determined (taking into account survey results); currently most widespread reinsurance types for liability
insurance portfolio are established by summarising survey results, as well as comparative scenario analyses
applying each of them to a fictitious liability insurance portfolio (non-technical or investment activities are
not considered) are performed; general perception and comprehension of reinsurance in the Latvian liability
insurance market is evaluated by summarising survey results. The survey conducted as part of the research
was based on a specifically prepared questionnaire, which consists of 18 questions and it was distributed to
liability (re)insurance professionals in Latvia and abroad (total 153 respondents) to compare the trends and
practice applied in the Latvian and foreign insurance industries. All respondents are liability insurance
industry experts working in either Latvia or Western Europe and Scandinavia and representing the target
group. In Latvia the questionnaire was distributed to the target group via Latvian Insurers Association (LIA)
and insurance brokers. Apart from the insurance companies in Latvia, the questionnaire was distributed to
several European insurance/reinsurance companies, among them: ACE Europe, Chubb Insurance Company
of Europe SE, DEVK, Fennia, Gen Re, Gothaer, HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG, HDI-Gerling
Industrial Insurance Company - UK Branch, Munich Re, Tapiola General Mutual Insurance Company,
Topdanmark, Travelers, and XL Insurance Company Limited.

4. Results
The function of liability insurance follows that of a civil liability itself indemnify the losses sustained
by a third party or, in other words, compensate for the actual damage caused. Civil liability is a form of legal
liability and it is the only one that can be insured. Further in this paper, the terms liability and liability
insurance refer to civil liability and civil liability insurance. There are also other forms of legal liability
criminal, administrative, and disciplinary liability however, these forms cannot be insured. Moreover, the
law On Insurance Contracts of the Republic of Latvia stipulates that liability insurance indemnity does not
cover pecuniary penalties and other similar charges.
Liability insurance in Latvia is based on civil liability resulting from the civil law; therefore, in liability
insurance an insured risk is the risk that an insured person becomes liable. It means that under a liability
insurance policy, an insured event is a situation when the insured person is liable for losses sustained by a
third party. Whether this event is covered by the respective policy depends on terms and conditions of an
insurance contract. Liability insurance is very different from any other non-life insurance line of business,
because the insured the client, who buys the insurance policy is not the beneficiary of insurance
indemnity. In fact, the client buys the insurance protection against the losses that he/she might cause others
to incur losses sustained by third parties. This paper deals only with what is commonly regarded as a
separate line of business general liability insurance in its broader meaning, therefore, when referring to a
liability insurance portfolio the following is understood: a liability portfolio consisting of two big subgroups
general liability (GL) and professional indemnity (PI) insurance, each of these consisting of several smaller
types of products, for example, professional indemnity insurance for accountants or landlord liability
insurance under a general liability insurance group.
Various authors offer different definitions of the term reinsurance, yet the main idea remains the task
of reinsurance is to protect the insurer from accumulation of many relatively small homogenous losses or
from catastrophic consequences of one large loss. Reinsurance is an insurance for insurance companies
(Snia-Markvia, 2003). Definition of reinsurance in the Reinsurance Law (came into effect on 16 July
2008) of the Republic of Latvia is as follows: reinsurance acceptance of the ceded risks from insurance

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

company, reinsurance company, or private pension fund. Reinsurance allows an insurance company to
diversify its risks, resulting from underwritten policies, by means of spreading it among other institutions
(reinsurers). Such diversification decreases probability of incurring large losses for the insurer. Hence,
reinsurer receives parts of the risk (undertakes part of the initial obligations) in exchange for part of the
premium that the insurance company received for underwriting the risk. In a long-term, reinsurance helps
insurance companies to avoid excessive profit/loss fluctuations by means of undertaking part of the
obligations and therefore ensuring a more solid balance sheet structure. As a result reinsurance supports
general financial stability of insurance companies. Hence, insurers need reinsurance not only to be able to
underwrite some new particular risks obtaining the required additional capital and insurance experience, but
also to protect their portfolios and themselves from sudden adverse fluctuations. Benefits that a primary
insurer receives from a reinsurer (Patrik, 2001) can be summarised as follows: capacity reinsurance
provides additional capacity, therefore, allowing the insurer to underwrite policies with higher limits and yet
maintaining the risk on a manageable level. This grants a competitive advantage to smaller insurers and
enhances competitiveness of the primary insurer in general; hence, well-considered choice of reinsurance is
of an utmost importance; stabilisation reinsurance allows the primary insurer to retain only the smaller,
well-known and homogenous risks, while ceding the atypical, rare and hard to forecast risks that can cause
an adverse effect on the insurers portfolio. Thus, the underwriting and financial effects of large
losses/accumulation of losses are mitigated, thereby decreasing probability of the primary insurers financial
ruin; financial results management reinsurance can enhance profitability of primary insurers portfolio, it
can alter various financial ratios, by which the insurer is measured and evaluated (for example, loss ratio);
advice professional reinsurers usually have a wide range of experiences and knowledge in the related risk
evaluation, underwriting, pricing, etc. They often arrange workshops and seminars for their clients primary
insurers. They also can provide a general overview of different trends on similar markets due to their contact
with other primary insurers.
This paper considers conventional reinsurance types: proportional (surplus, quota share) and non-
proportional (XL excess of loss, stop loss). Furthermore, treaty reinsurance is applied, when performing
scenario analyses, while facultative reinsurance is mentioned with regard to the survey results. It is worth
mentioning here that based on the reinsurance related theory regarding traditional reinsurance covers, it is
considered that normally from non-proportional reinsurance types XL is used for liability insurance, while
from proportional reinsurance types quota share.
Liability insurance market in Latvia (along with the whole insurance) decreased substantially in 2009
a 31.1% drop compared with 2008. Illustration is provided in Table 1.
Table 117
Latvian liability insurance market development (EUR and %), 2000-2009

Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Total GWP
('000) 278,127 432,105 384,305 257,231 198,633 173,605 159,848 135,265 127,893 129,816
Liability GWP
('000) 8,167 11,851 10,906 8,096 9,229 11,527 16,770 12,129 12,077 16,278
proportion 2.94% 2.74% 2.84% 3.15% 4.65% 6.64% 10.49% 8.97% 9.44% 12.54%
Gross losses
paid ('000) 1,574 2,408 2,053 1,199 810 618 605 598 552 634
written 45,890 53,972 47,350 37,170 24,603 13,445 12,347 11,133 9,412 8,404
Re* share in
premiums 26.70% 28.40% 25.10% 31.90% 58.30% 78.30% 79.30% 82.80% 81.60% 84.44%
Re share in
losses 21.40% 11.20% 25.60% 27.10% 36.20% 36.60% 28.00% 27.20% 39.10% 34.00%
*Re sands for reinsurers

Created and calculated using FCMC data on Latvian insurance industry, available at:
http://www.fktk.lv/en/statistics/insurance/quarterly_reports/; Latvian Insurers Association data on Latvian insurance industry,
available at: http://www.laa.lv/pub/?cmd=stat (viewed: 17.04.2011).

Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 1 shows that general tendency changed in 2005 in terms of almost all indicators: liability
insurance GWP (-20%), number of policies written (+83%), reinsurers share in GWP (-20%p). In part, this
can be explained by a turning point in the history of Latvia on 1 May 2004 Latvia became a member of the
European Union. In 2010, which is not included in the table due to the lack of complete market data, total
GWP amount was 224,000,000.00 EUR (-19.5% to 2009) and total liability insurance GWP was
8,221,000.00 EUR (+0.7% to 2009), with proportion increasing to 3.7%, while gross losses paid decreased
by 8.7% compared to 200918. Table 1 demonstrates that the total amount of gross losses paid was increasing
steadily until 2009 when there was a 34.63% decline. It can be explained by the growing number of policies
written, which implies that insurers underwrite more risks in quantitative terms, and by general development
of national economy, which implies that there is a growing demand for insurance, thus leading to more
frequent/larger losses (in qualitative terms). Nevertheless, it should be taken into consideration that
sometimes a single or few claims constitute a significant part of the total gross losses paid. For example, in
2009 the largest liability claim in Latvia amounted to 1 million EUR while in 2010 it was 200 000 EUR.
Certainly, these are amounts of claims, not the actual gross losses paid, yet they play a significant role in the
Latvian liability insurance market loss statistics. It is important to emphasise that reinsurers share in GWP is
constantly bigger than their participation in the total amount of paid losses (with exception of 2007, when
both ratios were almost equal). This gives an idea of the general claims mentality in Latvia. If the reinsurers
share in premiums is larger than their share in losses, it implies that the sum of each individual loss paid by
the primary insurer often does not exceed its retention (or the insurers share is big enough to cover
substantial part of the loss in case of quota share reinsurance). It means that most of the claims made by third
parties under liability insurance policies in Latvia does not exceed the insurers retention or is slightly above
(in monetary means).
When choosing reinsurance for a liability insurance portfolio, it is important to reflect, which
reinsurance company would be most suitable for the respective primary insurer. Each reinsurer is most likely
to provide different reinsurance offers for the same portfolio simply because each company has its own
approach and strategic goals. One of the first considerations should be the reinsurers financial strength. It is
crucial for the primary insurer to receive large claims payments from reinsurer in due course. Furthermore,
the insurer has to be certain that the reinsurer will participate in claims reported several months/years from
termination of the subject policy. It should be the matter of a great concern for liability insurers in Latvia
because liability insurance is a long tail business and statutory limitation for claims is currently 10 years,
which can only sometimes be limited to 3 years. Therefore, the insurers solvency can be severely affected
by poor financial condition of its reinsurer.
As part of the survey conducted, respondents of the questionnaire were asked to evaluate significance of
seven factors characterising reinsurer and assuming a reinsurer is financially stable, if they had to choose a
company, where to place the liability portfolio reinsurance. The seven factors provided are as follows:
adjusts - reinsurer adjusts itself to the needs of insurer, when developing reinsurance programme conditions
and, if necessary, provides facultative reinsurance for particular risks / includes particular risks in the treaty
through special acceptances; partner - reinsurer offering the programme is already a well-known partner,
with whom the insurer has established good business relations in other lines; strategy - reinsurer offering the
programme has a similar business strategy and risk appetite as the insurer itself; price - reinsurance
programme is offered for a competitive price; experience the reinsurer has substantial experience and
specialisation/knowledge of liability reinsurance; rating the reinsurer has a high rating, for example S&P
AAA etc.; related the reinsurer offering a programme is a related/mother company etc. In addition to
evaluation of the factors described above, the respondents were asked to share their opinion on what is the
determinant criterion / what should be the determinant criterion, when choosing the reinsurance programme
for the liability insurance portfolio. Results are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2
Reinsurance choice priority table Latvian liability insurers19

Priority Level
High Medium Low

FCMC data on Latvian insurance industry, 4 quarters of 2010, viewed: April 17.04.2011. Available at:
Created based on survey results
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348


It is clear that the Latvian liability insurers expect from the reinsurer their portfolio protection, indirect
assistance in market position improvement as well as experienced and useful advice service. Respondents
were also asked to choose the reinsurance programme, which is the most appropriate for the liability
insurance portfolio, in their opinion (in general). Besides showing the most popular reinsurance types among
local and foreign liability professionals, the results also highlighted an alerting feature among the local
liability insurance professionals: a third of respondents stated that they lack knowledge / experience to
answer this question. The results are summarised in Figure 1.

55.56% Abroad

40% 31.25%
30% 18.75%
20% 12.50% 11.11% 11.11% 11.11% 11.11%
10% 0% 0%
Quota-share Surplus XL Stopl loss Lack of Other type

Figure 1. Most popular reinsurance types in Latvian liability insurance market and abroad20

Figure 1 shows that the most popular reinsurance type for the liability portfolio is non-proportional
reinsurance, namely XL both in Latvia and abroad. Stop loss has not gained any popularity among Latvian
liability insurers, while it is equally popular among foreign colleagues as the proportional reinsurance types.
Quota share and surplus are more often considered appropriate for the liability portfolio reinsurance in the
Latvian market than abroad. None of the foreign respondents chose to answer lack of knowledge, while
this answer was the second most popular among the Latvian liability insurers. Some foreign liability insurers
chose other type as an answer, yet without specifying, which type exactly. Although the local liability
insurers admit they lack knowledge/experience to properly answer this question, other two most popular
reinsurance types for liability portfolio in Latvia are surplus and quota share.
A fictitious liability insurance portfolio was created and several scenario analyses were conducted (with
surplus, quota share and XL treaties). The portfolio was structured to be in line with the current Latvian
liability insurance market regarding it as a soft market scenario. The same portfolio was adjusted to be in line
with the local liability insurance market of 2008 regarding it as a hard market scenario total amount of
GWP was increased by 50%, total amount of claims by 40% and RBNS reserves by 25% comparing with the
respective amount in a soft market. Several other assumptions were made (maximum capacity of 2 000 000
EUR during a soft market and 3 000 000 EUR during a hard market, the insurers retention is 200 000 EUR
during a soft market and 350 000 EUR during a hard market etc.). A simplified model of the liability
insurers portfolio technical summary was developed for illustrative purposes.
Illustration of the soft market scenario (with all positions) is provided in Table 3.
Table 3 shows that the largest net incurred claims and operating expenses are under XL treaty. However,
the total amount of net earned premiums is substantially bigger under XL than under proportional
reinsurance treaties, therefore demonstrating that the given portfolio is able to generate best technical result
without sharing a portion of premiums and claims. A technical result under XL exceeds those under
proportional reinsurance by 31% (quota share) and 16% (surplus). If an insurer manages to negotiate
reinsurance premium rate lower than 12% (XL premium chosen in this example corresponds to 70 497.19

Based on survey results.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

EUR or 12% of GWP, which is a rather considerable rate and thus can be regarded as a maximum amount),
this difference will increase in favour of XL. The portfolio generates the lowest technical result under the
quota share. This is explained by the lowest amount of net earned premiums due to the biggest sum of ceded
written premiums. The quota share allows decreasing the insurers net operating expenses to the smallest
level mainly owing to the highest reinsurance commission income. Surplus is in the middle allowing the
portfolio to generate the lowest net incurred claims mostly due to the highest level of ceded paid claims. The
illustration of portfolio net ratios (after allowing for reinsurance) under the soft market scenario is provided
in Table 4.
Table 3
Liability insurance portfolio technical summary soft market scenario (EUR)21

Liability Insurance
Position Portfolio - Soft Market
Surplus XL
Earned premiums, net (101-102-103+104) 100 490,016 472,919 675,598
Gross written premiums 101 587,477 587,477 587,477
Ceded written premiums 102 161,376 176,243 0.00
Change in gross unearned premium reserves (+/) 103 -88,122 -88,122 -88,122
Change in ceded unearned premium reserves (+/) 104 -24,206 -26,436 0.00
Incurred claims, net (210+220) 200 126,889 137,775 173,142
Paid claims, net (211-216) 210 30,988 43,686 60,342
Paid claims, gross (212+213+214-215) 211 60,342 60,342 60,342
Claims 212 55,519 55,519 55,519
Loss adjustment expenses 213 1,388 1,388 1,388
Loss adjustment expenses - allocated 214 3,435 3,435 3,435
Recovered losses 215 0.00 0.00 0.00
Paid claims, ceded 216 29,355 16,656 0.00
Change in claim technical reserves, net (221-
222+223) 220 95,902 94,088 112,800
Change in RBNS, gross (+/) 221 62,372 62,372 62,372
Change in RBNS, ceded (+/) 222 16,898 18,712 0.00
Change in IBNR, gross (+/) 223 50,428 50,428 50,428
Operating expenses, net (301+302+303+304-
305-306) 300 146,063 142,904 250,853
Client acquisition costs - direct 301 49,936 49,936 49,936
Client acquisition costs - allocated 302 92,234 92,234 92,234
Change in deferred client acquisition costs (+/) 303 8,812 8,812 8,812
Administrative expenses 304 29,374 29,374 99,871
Reinsurance commission income 305 40,344 44,061 0.00
Change in unearned reinsurance commission (+/) 306 -6,052 -6,609 0.00
TECHNICAL RESULT (100200300) 400 217,064 192,240 251,603

Table 4
Liability insurance portfolio net ratios soft market scenario (%)22

Position Surplus XL
Loss ratio 25.9% 29.1% 25.6%
Cost ratio 29.8% 30.2% 37.1%
Combined ratio (net) 55.7% 59.4% 62.8%

Calculated using standardised technical result form applicable to the Latvian insurance industry.
Calculated using standardised technical result form applicable in Latvian insurance industry.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

Table 4 shows that both surplus and XL allow the portfolio to generate almost equal loss ratios with one
under XL treaty being slightly lower (better), which implies that the insurer is capable to enhance its
profitability without sharing its premiums with a reinsurer. However, there is a considerable difference in
cost ratio in favour of surplus treaty. Explanation for this is a reinsurance premium payable under XL treaty
that increases administrative expenses of the insurer. Similar analysis was performed after applying a large
claim of 1 000 000 EUR and it was concluded that the quota share generates the worst result due to the
lowest net earned premiums amount, the surplus generates a moderate profit (positive technical result), while
XL generates small losses and its profitability can be improved substantially subject to the reinsurance
premium rate.
The hard market scenario illustration (with main positions) is provided in Table 5.

Table 5
Liability insurance portfolio technical summary hard market scenario (EUR) 23

Liability Insurance Portfolio -

Position Hard Market
Code Quota
Surplus XL
Earned premiums, net (101-102-103+104) 100 700,913 688,844 918,459
Incurred claims, net (210+220) 200 165,310 171,023 210,964
Operating expenses, net (301+302+303+304-305-
306) 300 210,593 207,258 367,384
TECHNICAL RESULT (100200300) 400 325,011 310,564 340,111

Table 5 shows the similar trends as the under soft market scenario. The best technical result is generated
under XL treaty, surplus is the second, and quota share is the last. However, under this scenario, differences
between three technical results are not as pronounced as under the soft market conditions. The best technical
result exceeds the one under surplus by 15 100 EUR and the one under quota share by 29 547 EUR the
amounts approximately two times smaller than under the soft market scenario. One of explanations is that
GWP has increased significantly and the insurer chose to lift its level of retention relative to the maximum
capacity, which decreased the reinsurers share in claims and premiums. Net operating expenses and net
incurred claims are at their highest levels under XL. Therefore, even though the total amount of the net
earned premiums is the highest under XL reinsurance and technical result is the best of all three options, the
insurer should put a considerable effort in obtaining as favourable premium rate as possible otherwise the
surplus is a more favourable option. The summary of net ratios is provided in Table 6.
Table 6
Liability insurance portfolio net ratios hard market scenario (%) 24

Position Surplus XL
Loss ratio 23,6% 24,8% 23,0%
Cost ratio 30,0% 30,1% 40,0%
Combined ratio (net) 53,6% 54,9% 63,0%

Table 6 demonstrates that the best net loss ratio is under XL treaty, while the best net combined ratio is
under the surplus treaty. The quota share treaty provides the worst technical result and net loss ratio due to
the lowest amount of net earned premiums. Net cost ratio is almost similar under the surplus and quota share,
although net operating expenses are lower under the quota share. This phenomenon is explained by higher
net earned premiums amount under the surplus treaty. Due to the same reason, the XL treaty allows the
portfolio generating the most profitable net loss ratio. Yet, owing to the reinsurance premium rate of 10% (a
rate applied under the hard market scenario due to a larger GWP amount), the net cost ratio is at its highest

Calculated using standardised technical result form applicable in Latvian insurance industry.
Calculated using standardised technical result form applicable in Latvian insurance industry.
Journal of Business Management, 2011, No.4 ISSN 1691-5348

level, contributing to the worst net combined ratio. The similar analysis was performed after applying a large
claim of 1 000 000 EUR and it was concluded that all treaties generated losses with the smallest losses under
surplus. Otherwise, the trend is similar to the soft market scenario with XL profitability being subject to a
substantial rate deduction, which is difficult to achieve under the hard market conditions.

5. Conclusions

1. Based on the survey results, the Latvian liability insurers assign the highest priority level to four
characteristics of an reinsurer evaluating them as determinative criteria when choosing reinsurance
for their portfolios: similar business strategy, adjusts to the insurers needs, offers reinsurance for
competitive price, and has substantial experience / specialisation in liability reinsurance.
2. Results of the survey imply the following: currently, among the local liability insurers there is a lack
of thorough comprehension, how reinsurance can be used to improve profitability, competitiveness,
and gain additional income by making use of benefits that an insurer can receive from a reinsurer.
3. XL reinsurance can be suggested to the liability insurance portfolio during the soft market period
subject to commensurate reinsurance premium and adequate retention level. The alternative: due to
low claims mentality, surplus reinsurance with a higher retention level than under XL, yet
reasonably chosen to cover larger portion of big claims than under XL.
4. Surplus reinsurance can be suggested to the liability insurance portfolio during the hard market
period subject to an adequate retention level in light of the portfolio structure and low claims
mentality, so that the larger portion of big claims is covered than under XL. The alternative: XL with
a lower retention level subject to low reinsurance premium.
5. Quota share reinsurance can be suggested to the liability insurance portfolio with a substantial share
of ceded risk, generating additional income from reinsurance commissions, subject to the main
objective being to enter a new market/underwrite a new product, while accumulating sufficient
market-related data.

1. Law On Insurance Contracts (1998). Law of the Republic of Latvia, viewed: 12.03.2011. Available at:
2. Reinsurance Law (2008). Law of the Republic of Latvia, viewed: 12.03.2011. Available at:
3. Snia-Markvia, K. (2003). Apdroinana, Junior Achievement, Rga.
4. Financial and Capital Market Commission (2000-2010). Insurance. Quarterly Reports, viewed: 17.04.2011.
Available at: http://www.fktk.lv/en/statistics/insurance/quarterly_reports/.
5. Latvian Insurers Association (2000-2009). Insurance Statistics Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Reports, viewed:
17.04.2011. Available at: http://www.laa.lv/pub/?cmd=stat.
6. Patrik, G.S. (2001). Reinsurance. Casualty Actuarial Society, viewed: 12.03.2011. Available at:


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