LMX2322 PLLatinumTM
2.0 GHz Frequency Synthesizer
for RF Personal Communications
General Description Features
The LMX2322 is a high performance frequency synthesizer with RF operation up to 2.0 GHz
integrated 32/33 dual modulus prescaler designed for RF operation 2.7 V to 3.9 V operation
up to 2.0 GHz. Using a proprietary digital phase locked loop
Low current consumption: Icc = 3.5 mA (typ) at Vcc = 3.75 V
technique, the LMX2322s linear phase detector characteristics
can generate very stable, low noise control signals for UHF and Dual modulus prescaler: 32/33
VHF voltage controlled oscillators. Internal balanced, low leakage charge pump
OSC 10-Bit
OSCin R Counter
CLOCK 18-Bit
LE Microwire Phase Charge CPo
Interface Comp Pump
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Connection Diagram
OSCin 1 16 NC
Vp 1 16 15 14 13 NC
NC 2 15 NC
Vp 3 14 Vcc 2 12 NC
Vcc 4 13 NC CPo 3 11 CE
CPo 5 12 CE
GND 4 10 LE
GND 6 11 LE
7 Data Xfin 5 6 7 8 9 Data
Xfin 10
fin 8 9 Clock
fin NC Clock
Pin Description
Pin Pin I/O Description
No. Name
I Oscillator input. A CMOS inverting gate input. The input has a
1 15 OSCin Vcc/2 input threshold and can be driven from an external CMOS
or TTL logic gate. May also be used as a buffer for an externally
provided reference oscillator.
3 1 Vp - Power supply for charge pump. Must be > Vcc
- Power supply voltage input. Input may range from 2.7V to 3.9V.
4 2 Vcc Bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible to this
pin and be connected directly to the ground plane.
5 3 CPo O Internal charge pump output. For connection to a loop filter for
driving the voltage control input of an external oscillator.
6 4 GND - Ground.
I RF prescaler complimentary input. In single-ended mode, a
7 5 Xfin bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible to this
pin and be connected directly to the ground plane. The LMX2322
can be driven differentially when a bypass capacitor is omitted.
8 6 fin I RF prescaler input. Small signal input from the voltage
controlled oscillator.
9 8 Clock I High impedance CMOS Clock input. Data is clocked in on the
rising edge, into the various counters and registers.
10 9 Data I Binary serial data input. Data entered MSB first. LSB is control
bit. High impedance CMOS input.
I Load enable input. When Load Enable transitions HIGH, data is
11 10 LE loaded into either the N or R register (control bit dependent). See
timing diagram.
12 11 CE I PLL Enable. A LOW on CE powers down the device
asynchronously and TRI-STATEs the charge pump output.
2,13,14, 7,12,13 NC No Connect
15, 16 14, 16
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1. Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Conditions
indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions,
see the Electrical Characteristics.
2. This device is a high performance RF integrated circuit and is ESD sensitive. Handling and assembly of this device
should on be done on ESD protected workstations.
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Electrical Characteristics Vcc = 3.75, Vp = 3.75V ; -40oC <TA< 85oC except as specified
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Icc Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.75 V 3.5 mA
Icc Vcc=2.7V to 3.9V 7.0 mA
Icc-PWDN Vcc = 3.9V (Note 1) 10 20 A
Vcc = 3.9V (Note 2) 300 A
fin RF Operating Frequency 0.7 2.0 GHz
fosc Oscillator Frequency 5 13 40 MHz
f Phase Detector Frequency 0.2 10 MHz
Vfin Input Sensitivity Vcc = 2.7 to 3.9 V 45 450 mVRMS
Balanced input
Zin Input Impedance f=900MHz (Note 3) 130 360
f=1900MHz (Note 3) 100 150
Vosc Oscillator Sensitivity OSCin 0.4 0.8 1.2 Vpp
Phase Noise (Note 4) Fin=900MHz, Vosc>=0.8Vpp -86 Note 6 dBc/Hz
Fin=900MHz, Vosc>=0.4Vpp -82 Note 6
Fin=1800MHz, Vosc>=0.8Vpp -82 Note 6
Fin=1800MHz, Vosc>=0.4Vpp -80 Note 6
VIH High-level Input Voltage (Note 5) 2.5 V
VIL Low-level Input Voltage (Note 5) 0.4 V
IIH High-level Input Current (Clock, Data, VIH = Vcc = 3.9 V -1.0 1.0 A
Load Enable)
IIL Low-level Input Current (Clock, Data, VIL = 0, Vcc = 3.9 V -1.0 1.0 A
Load Enable)
IIH Oscillator Input Current VIH = Vcc = 3.9 V 100 uA
IIL VIL = 0, Vcc = 3.9 V -100 uA
ICPo-source Charge Pump Output Current VCPo = Vp/2 -4.0 mA
ICPo-sink VCPo = Vp/2 4.0 mA
ICPo-Tri Charge Pump Tri-State Current 0.5 < VCPo < Vp - 0.5 -2.5 0.1 2.5 nA
T= 25o C
ICPo vs Charge Pump Output Current 0.5 < VCPo < Vp - 0.5 10 %
VCPo magnitude variation vs. Voltage T = 25o C
ICPo-sink vs. Charge Pump Output Current VCPo = Vp/2 5 %
ICPo-source Sink vs. Source Mismatch T = 25o C
ICPo vs. T Charge Pump Output Current VCPo = Vp/2 8 %
Magnitude Variation vs. Temperature -40o C < T < +85o C
(Note 4)
tCS Data to Clock Set Up Time See Data Input Timing 50 ns
tCH Data to Clock Hold Time See Data Input Timing 10 ns
tCWH Clock Pulse Width High See Data Input Timing 50 ns
tCWL Clock Pulse Width Low See Data Input Timing 50 ns
tES Clock to Enable Set Up Time See Data Input Timing 50 ns
tEW Enable Pulse Width See Data Input Timing 50 ns
Note 1: This Icc-PWDN represents CLK, DATA, LE and CE being tied to either higher than 0.8Vcc or lower than 0.2Vcc.
Note 2: This Icc-PWDN represents a software power down condition of CE = VIH = 2.5V while LE, CLK and DATA = VIL = 0.4V. Worst case Icc-PWDN of 300A
occurs when CE, LE, CLK and DATA are all held at VIH = 2.5V (4x75A).
Note 3: Balanced input, | Z | = | R - jXc |
Note 4: Phase noise is measured 1kHz off from the carrier frequency. Comparison frequency is 200kHz. OSCin frequency is 13MHz.
Note 5: except fin and OSCin
Note 6: Typical values are determined from measurements on the reference evaluation boards. A 3dB (3 sigma) degradation is estimated from statistical
distribution in manufacturing. Units will NOT be tested in production.
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I2 I1
Current (mA)
I5 V
0 V Do Voltage Vp/2 Vp - V Vp
I1 = CP sink current at VCPo = Vp - V I4 = CP source current at VCPo = Vp-V
V = Voltage offset from positive and negative rails. Dependant on VCO tuning range relative to Vcc and ground.
Typical values are between 0.5V and 1.0V
1. ICPo vs VCPo = Charge Pump Output Current magnitude variation vs. Voltage =
[ 1/2 * {|I1| - |I3| ]} / [ 1/2 * { |I1| + |I3|} ] *100% and [ 1/2 * {|I4| - |I6|} ] / [ 1/2 * { |I4| + |I6|} ] *100%
2. ICPo-sink vs. ICPo-source = Charge Pump Output Current Sink vs. Source Mismatch =
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appropriate latches (selected by address bits). A complete programming description is included in the following
1.7 Power Control
The PLL can be power controlled in two ways. The first method is by setting the CE pin LOW. This
asynchronously powers down the PLL and TRI-STATEs the charge pump output, regardless of the PWDN bit
status. The second method is by programming through MICROWIRE, while keeping the CE HIGH.
Programming the PWDN bit in the N register HIGH (CE=HIGH) will disable the N counter and de-bias the fin
input (to a high impedance state). The R counter functionality also becomes disabled. The reference oscillator
block powers down when the power down bit is asserted. The OSCin pin reverts to a high impedance state
when this condition exists. Power down forces the charge pump and phase comparator logic to a TRI-STATE
condition. A power down counter reset function resets both N and R counters. Upon powering up the N counter
resumes counting in "close" alignment with the R counter (The maximum error is one prescaler cycle). The
MICROWIRE control register remains active and capable of loading and latching in data during all of the power
down modes.
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DATA [16:0] ADDR
17 1 0
0 N register
1 R register
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
If the Address Bit (ADDR) is 1, when LE is transitioned high data is transferred from the 18-bit shift register into
the 14-bit R register. The R register contains a latch which sets the PLL 10-bit R counter divide ratio. The divide
ratio is programmed using the bits R_CNTR as shown in Table 2.2.1. The ratio must be 2. The PD_POL,
CP_TRI and TEST bits control the phase detector polarity, charge pump tri-state, and test mode respectively, as
shown in Table 2.2.2 . The RS bit is reserved and should always be set to zero. X denotes a dont care condition.
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If the test mode is NOT activated (R[14]=0), the charge pump is active when CP_TRI is set LOW. When
CP_TRI is set HIGH, the charge pump output and phase comparator are forced to a TRI-STATE condition. This
bit must be set HIGH if the test mode is ACTIVATED (R[14]=1).
If the test mode is NOT activated (R[14]=0), PD_POL sets the VCO characteristics to positive when set HIGH.
When PD_POL is set LOW, the VCO exhibits a negative characteristic where the VCO frequency decreases
with increasing control voltage.
If the test mode is ACTIVATED (R[14]=1), the outputs of the N and R counters are directed to the CPo output to
allow for testing. The PD_POL bit selects which counter output according to Table 2.2.3.
If the address bit is LOW (ADDR=0), when LE is transitioned high, data is transferred from the 18-bit shift register
into the 17-bit N register. The N register consists of the 5-bit swallow counter (A counter), the 10 bit
programmable counter (B counter) and the control word. Serial data format is shown below in tables 2.3.1 and
2.3.2. The pulse swallow function which determines the divide ratio is described in section 2.3.3.
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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2.3.4 CTL_WORD
X denotes dont care.
1. The Counter Reset bit when activated allows the reset of both N and R counters. Upon powering up the N counter
resumes counting in "close" alignment with the R counter. (The maximum error is one prescalar cycle).
2. Both synchronous and asynchronous power down modes are available with the LMX2322 to be able to adapt to
different types of applications. The MICROWIRE control register remains active and capable of loading and latching in
data during all of the powerdown modes
Synchronous Power down Mode
The PLL loops can be synchronously powered down by setting the counter reset mode bit to LOW (N[2] = 0)
and its power down mode bit to HIGH (N[1] = 1). The power down function is gated by the charge pump. Once
the power down mode and counter reset mode bits are loaded, the part will go into power down mode upon the
completion of a charge pump pulse event.
Asynchronous Power down Mode
The PLL loops can be asynchronously powered down by setting the counter reset mode bit to HIGH (N[2] = 1)
and its power down mode bit to HIGH(N[1] = 1). The power down function is NOT gated by the charge pump.
Once the power down and counter reset mode bits are loaded, the part will go into power down mode
The R and N counters are disabled and held at load point during the synchronous and asynchronous power
down modes. This will allow a smooth acquisition of the RF signal when the PLL is programmed to power up.
Upon powering up, both R and N counters will start at the zero state, and the relationship between R and N will
not be random.
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Physical Dimensions
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