19.) Phimco V Pila Arcellana (2017)
19.) Phimco V Pila Arcellana (2017)
19.) Phimco V Pila Arcellana (2017)
Phimco Industries v Phimco Industries Labor Assoc HELD: Yes. Since strikes affect not only the labor and management
relationship but also the general peace and progress of the community,
Petition:Certiorari the law has provided limitations on the right to strike. For a strike to be valid,
Petitioner:Phimco Industries it must comply with the requisites based on the labor code:
Respondent:Phimco Industries Labor Assoc (PILA)
A notice of strike be filed with the DOLE 30 days before the
DOCTRINE: Despite the validity of the purpose of a strike and intended date, or 15 days in case of ULP.
compliance with the procedural requirements, a strike may still be held A strike vote be approved by a majority of the total union
illegal where the means employed are illegal (moving picket). membership in the bargaining unit concerned, obtained by secret
ballot in a meeting for that purpose.
FACTS: A notice to DOLE of the results of the voting at least 7 days before
1. Phimco, engaged in the production of matches in Sta. Ana, Manila the intended strike.
had a CBA with PILA. When it was about to expire, they negotiated
until it reached a bargaining deadlock on salary increases and
Despite the validity of the purpose of strike and compliance, it may still be
held illegal where the means employed are illegal, such as when they come
2. PILA filed a Notice of strike with NCMB. After 7 days, the Union
within the prohibitions under the LC:
conducted a strike vote. Majority of the members voted to strike and
the results were submitted to the NCMB. After 35 days, PILA staged No person engaged in picketing shall commit anyact of violence, coercion or intimidation or
a strike. obstruct the free ingress to or egress from the employer's premises for lawful purposes, or
3. PILA complied with the statutory requirement prior to a strike but obstruct public thoroughfares.
Phimco was still able to secure a TRO from NLRC.
4. Despite the TRO, PILA members still continued to strike. It was The court reviewed the evidence here because of the exception to the rule in
deemed as a moving picket. petitions for review of certiorari (difference of evidence of the LA from the
Strikers held hands-to-shoulder, while marching around NLRC and CA).
company premises.
There is a conceptual difference between strikes and pickets. To strike is to
They moved in circles in front of the gates, preventing free
withold or stop work by the concerted action of employes as a result of
egress in the area and places benches in the gates, causing an industrial or labor dispute. Such work stoppage may be accompanied
traffic. by picketing of the employees. A strike focuses on stoppage of work.
Several company workers were prevented from entering the Picketing focuses on publicizing the labor dispute in order to inform the
workplace despite assistance from the police. public of what is happening in the company.
5. Because of this, Phimco dismissed several PILA members. PILA filed
illegal dismissal cases before the LA while Phimco filed a petition to A picket simply means to march to and from the employers premises, usually
declare the strike as illegal before the NLRC. accompanied by display of placards and other signs making known the facts
6. Labor Sec assumed jurisdiction and order all strikers except those of the labor dispute. it is a strike activity separate from the actual
dismissed to return to work. stoppage of work.
7. LA on illegal dismissal: Union members were illegally dismissed.
8. NLRC: strike was illegal. Even though the right of employees to publicize their dispute falls within the
9. Cases were consolidated on appeal to NLRC saying that the strike protection of freedom of expression and right to peacably assemble, these
was legal based on the pictures showing that the picket was are not absolute. Protected picketing does not extend to blocking ingress to
peacefully moving. It also ruled that the members were illegally and egress from the premises.
10. CA affirmed. PILA testified that non-striking employees and officers were
prevented from entering the compound.
ISSUE: WON the picket amounted to an illegal strike by blocking free egress.
Author: Carlo Africa
While the picket was moving, it was maintained closed to the gates picketers. A union officer even testified that they did not give way
that it constituted an obstruction, especially when they moved in despite instruction of a police major to allow entrance to company
circles, as shown for the pictures that they blocked the free ingress to premises.
and egress from the premises. Upon examination, the picket was
conducted right at the company gates.
It was pure conjecture by NLRC to say that the non-strikers and The union officers here must be dismissed and also the members. However
vehicles were free to get in or out with the existence of the human since the employer failed to accord these employees the statutory due
blockade and the physical obstructions. process prior to termination (failure to comply with the 2 notice rule), such
employer must pay the dismissed workers nominal damages as indemnity for
Pickets may not aggressively interfere with the right of peaceful ingress to violation of due process; even though such dismissal is for just cause.
and egress from the employers shop or obstruct public thoroughfares, it is
not peaceful where the sidewalk or entrance of a business is obstructed by