Cantiliver Posible
Cantiliver Posible
Cantiliver Posible
implant-supported prostheses
Christopher N. Hart, BDSc, Grad Dip Clin Dent,a and Peter R. Wilson, MDS, MS, PhDb
School of Dental Science, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Statement of problem. Early failure of laser-welded titanium implant frameworks in clinical practice has
prompted an investigation of the strength and durability of welded cantilevered titanium sections.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect that the use of filler wire in laser welding of
titanium cantilever frameworks had on the flexural strength and fatigue resistance of the welded joints.
Material and methods. Sixty titanium implant-supported frameworks with 12-mm cantilevers were fabri-
cated in 4 groups (n=15), using 3 different laser welding protocols with 0, 1, and 2 weld passes with filler
wire, and 1 conventional tungsten inert gas welding method. The volume of filler wire used (mean volumes
0, 1.7, 3.4, and 8.3 mm3) was determined by measurement of the length of wire before and after welding
each joint. Ten frameworks from each group were tested for ultimate flexural strength by loading the cantilevers
10 mm from the abutment. The remaining 5 frameworks from each group were similarly tested under a simu-
lated masticatory load of 200 N until failure, or to 1 million cycles. A 2-way analysis of variance was used to
examine the flexural strengths, and log-rank statistics were applied to cyclic test data (a=.05).
Results. There were significant differences between the 4 groups for ultimate flexural strength (P,.001) and
resistance to cyclic loading (P=.002). The volume of filler wire added was a significant predictor of ultimate flex-
ural strength (P=.03), and was a borderline determinant of the number of cycles to failure at 200 N (P=.05).
Each laser weld pass with filler wire roughly doubled the ultimate flexural strength and fatigue resistance of
the joint relative to the previous weld. Tungsten inert gas welding with efficient argon shielding deposited
the most filler wire and produced the strongest and most fatigue-resistant joints.
Conclusion. The ultimate flexural strength and fatigue resistance of cantilevered joints in laser-welded tita-
nium prostheses are improved by the use of filler wire. Tungsten inert gas welding with efficient argon shielding
can be used in situations when a high-strength joint is required. (J Prosthet Dent 2006;96:25-32.)
Cantilevered joints in prostheses are required to withstand occlusal loading. Increasing the
strength of welded joints in cantilever situations should ensure long clinical service of the
apparatus (Fig. 3). The cantilever section with 1 concave V160-T; Lincoln Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio)
radius was held in position using tweezers, with the ra- with a 1.6-mm electrode. A polarized direct-current
dius firmly against an abutment, and, using the laser, electrode negative (DCEN) arc was varied to a maxi-
was tack-welded in the corners to hold the compo- mum of 35 amps, and a protective shield of high-purity
nents together for welding. The assembled frameworks argon gas was provided through the torch nozzle at a
were welded in groups of 15 using 4 different welding flow rate of 15 L/min. Additional gas shielding was pro-
procedures: (1) LF0, a single circumferential laser weld vided continuously at a rate of 3 to 4 L/min to the rear
of each joint without filler wire; (2) LF1, an initial cir- of the joint being welded, via a customized shield that
cumferential laser weld, followed by a second weld was connected directly to the gas regulator. Argon gas
pass with the addition of 0.6-mm-diameter CPTi filler shielding was provided to both sides of the joint during
wire in each joint; (3) LF2, the components were laser the welding and cooling process to minimize oxygen
tack welded at the ends, and then a 0.6-mm groove and nitrogen contamination of the metal in the heat-
was cut into each joint to a depth of approximately 0.5 affected zone.
mm using a 0.6-mm noncontaminating separating disc The welded frameworks were then mounted on stain-
(Dedeco Intl Inc, Long Eddy, New York). Then the less steel implant replicas that were placed in the steel
joints were airborne-particle abraded with 50-mm alu- testing apparatus, and new implant replicas were used
minium oxide and cleaned. A laser weld was performed for each framework. New titanium alloy (Ti-Al6-V4)
in each groove, followed by 2 circumferential weld passes abutment screws (CDI, Melbourne, Australia) were
incorporating 0.6-mm-diameter CPTi filler wire; and (4) used to fasten each framework to the implant replicas,
TIG, welds with the introduction of 0.9-mm-diameter and were tightened to a torque of 35 Ncm using a man-
CPTi filler wire at intervals into the molten pool. The ual torque wrench (Manual Torque Wrench, Part No.
lengths of the 0.6-mm- and 0.9-mm-diameter CPTi filler 20-165; Nobel Biocare). The apparatus was mounted
wire (initially cut as 100-mm lengths) were measured in a vise at the base of a universal load testing device
(mm) using 150-mm digital vernier callipers (Lion (Instron Universal Testing Instrument 8501; Instron
[Aust] Consolidated, Croydon, Australia) prior to weld- Engineering, Canton, Mass). The assembly was posi-
ing, and remeasured after welding each joint to allow tioned such that a V-shaped indenter attached to a
calculation of the volume (mm3) of filler wire used. 2000-N load cell would load the cantilever at a point
The length of filler wire was kept constant in each laser 10.0 mm from the abutment cylinder (Fig. 4). The pa-
weld pass; however, this was more difficult with TIG rameters of the loading device were set at a crosshead
welding, as the filler wire was fed into a molten pool. speed of 2 mm/min, and the measurements were cali-
All laser welds were made using an Nd:YAG laser brated at zero deflection of the load cell. Stop limits
welder (LaserStar LYNX; BEGO, Bremen, Germany) were set at 5.0-mm displacement and a maximum load
at 280 V with a 0.6-mm-diameter irradiating focus of 1900 N for safety reasons. Ten frameworks from each
and 10-ms pulses, as per the machine manufacturers in- group were subjected to flexural loading to failure using
structions for welding titanium. High-purity argon gas the universal testing device, and the results were recorded.
(.99.6%; BOC Gases, Melbourne, Australia) was used The remaining 5 frameworks were placed in a closed-
to shield the weld at a flow rate of 15 L/min, with the loop servo-hydraulic testing apparatus (MTS 810
nozzle as close to the work-piece as practical (less than Material Testing System; MTS, Eden Prairie, Minn)
10 mm). and set to oscillate at a frequency of 10 Hz in a half sinus-
Tungsten inert gas welds were made using a micro- oidal waveform with a cyclical load between 15 6 2 N
processor-controlled TIG welding machine (Invertec and 200 6 5 N. Automatic limiters stopped oscillation
JULY 2006 27
Fig. 4. TIG-welded specimen mounted on apparatus for Fig. 5. Laser-welded specimen with filler wire added, show-
cyclic load testing at 200 N. ing fracture through weld zone.
Fig. 7. Box plot of ultimate flexural strength (N) for 4 groups; outlier in TIG group represented by bar (1812 N).
Fig. 8. Scatter plot of ultimate flexural strength (N) compared to volume of filler wire added.
A 2-way ANOVA was fitted to the data, with both flexural strength of 291.5 N (SE mean 22.3 N), LF1
volume and group as explanatory variables for load. had a mean flexural strength of 468.4 N (SE mean
However, there was an outlier in the TIG group that vi- 11.3 N), LF2 had a mean flexural strength of 752.4 N
olated the assumptions of the analysis. The results of the (SE mean 5.6 N), and the TIG group was the strongest,
ANOVA with the outlier removed are summarized in with a mean flexural strength of 1143.1 N (SE mean
Table II. There were highly significant differences 34.1 N).
(P,.001) between the mean loads for the 4 groups, A statistical description of the results of the cyclic
even after adjusting for volume. This demonstrates loading fatigue testing at 200 N is presented in Table
that not all groups had a common mean. The effect of III. Using a standard nonparametric analysis of these
group was also highly significant (P,.001) for all 6 data that allows for the censoring involved, the log-
pair-wise differences between types of welds using the rank statistic was 39.3 (df=3, P,.001), indicating that
Tukey adjustment for multiple comparisons. The there is significant evidence of a difference between
ANOVA also showed that there was a statistically signif- the groups. Separate pair-wise comparisons were also
icant linear relationship (P=.033) for load with volume made using the log-rank test between each of the pairs
of filler wire after adjusting for group. of groups. All of these tests were significant, with
Calculation of least squares mean values for load, P=.002 in each case (or P=.012 after adjustment for
adjusted for volume, showed that LF0 had a mean multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method), a
JULY 2006 29
Fig. 9. Scatter plot of cycles to failure at 200 N versus volume of filler wire added.
Table II. 2-way ANOVA for load, using adjusted sum of Table III. Descriptive statistics of number of cycles to
squares for tests without TIG outlier failure and weld filler volume (mm3)
Source df Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P Minimum Maximum Mean cycles Mean volume
Group cycles cycles (SD) (SD)
Volume 1 4937279 1431 1431 4.94 .033
Group 3 147356 147356 49119 169.68 ,.001 LF0 18955 20224 19794 (589)
Error 34 9842 9842 289 LF1 39125 75377 48601 (15059) 1.68 (0.14)
Total 38 5094478 LF2 125483 264863 208214 (58652) 3.29 (0.21)
TIG 886473 1000000 Censored 8.14 (0.83)
Seq SS, Sequential sum of squares; Adj SS, adjusted sum of squares; Adj MS,
adjusted mean square.
consequence of complete separation of the number of the operator has over the volume of filler wire being
cycles to failure between the groups. The specimens added, as it is introduced by overlapping small laser
endured between 18,995 cycles and censorship at pulses with the weld progressing by 0.1 mm to 0.2
1,000,000 cycles. All 3 laser-welded groups failed below mm per pulse. By maintaining consistent weld bead di-
300,000 cycles. The volume of filler wire introduced mensions, close control over the amount and distribu-
into these welds was also consistent within each group. tion of weld metal is possible. It is likely that this is one
A scatter plot of the relationship between the number of the reasons why little variation in strength within
of cycles at 200 N to failure and the volume of filler experimental groups is found in most of the published
wire added for each of the groups is shown (Fig. 9). studies relating to laser-weld testing.3,10
When both filler wire volume and group were included, Introducing filler wire increases the volume of weld
the Cox proportional hazards model for censored data material, significantly improving the ultimate flexural
showed that volume was a borderline predictor of the strength and also increasing the number of cycles en-
number of cycles to failure (P=.05), whereas group dured before fatigue failure. The significant differences
was not (P=.7). between the 3 laser-welded groups suggests that in-
creasing the volume of the weld is an important variable
that is likely related to the operator, as the operator has
direct control over the preparation of the joint and the
A narrow range of results within each of the laser- amount of filler wire introduced into the joint. By fol-
welded groups was observed for both ultimate flexural lowing standard welding procedures of preparing weld
strength and fatigue resistance tests. The welding condi- joints, grinding a tapered end or cutting a groove into
tions, which include machine settings, shielding gas the joint creates a deeper weld zone. The resultant use
flow, and volume of filler added, are determined by of more filler wire to produce a larger weld increased
the operator. If these parameters are matched, it should the strength of the joint.
be possible to reproduce the same results. The small var- The TIG-welded group was significantly different
iation in the amounts of weld filler wire introduced into from the laser-welded groups in flexural strength
any of the laser-welded joints is due to the fine control tests, as the cantilevers all sustained loads in excess of
1000 N. Ignoring volume, there are large average load magnification, so that adequate heat is provided to form
differences between the 4 groups; however, when vol- a weld into both components. This is complicated by the
ume is considered, the evidence for differences between potential for reflection of the beam off the surface of the
the groups is far less clear-cut. The ANOVA showed that weldment.
across the 4 groups there was a significant linear relation- To melt filler wire, increased heat input is required,
ship (P=.033) for load with volume. In fatigue testing, which is normally associated with problems of distor-
3 of the TIG-welded frameworks endured 1,000,000 tion, and consequent misfit of bounded sections will
cycles of 200-N load, and the fourth framework stopped occur. However, in the fabrication of cantilevers by
at 860,473 cycles due to fracture of the abutment re- welding, this can be less of a problem, as adjustments
taining screws. As there are such significant differences can be made after welding.2 By fabricating the cantilever
between the groups, the effect of this failure on the re- section first using either TIG welding or laser welding
sults is minimal. The amount of filler wire used in the with added filler wire, laser welds use less heat and may
TIG welding process was greater and more variable then be used for creating the bounded sections between
than for the laser-welded specimens. A TIG welder in- abutments, where distortion is best minimized. Alterna-
puts more heat, melting more metal and filler wire, to tively, abutments with prefabricated cantilevers could
make a larger, deeper, and stronger joint. However, var- be commercially manufactured, and these joined using
iations in the shape and depth of the TIG welds appear laser welding with filler wire to form a cantilevered
to affect the strength of TIG-welded joints, as seen by superstructure.
the variations for load with the volume of filler wire It was noted that the TIG-welded joints in this study
used in the flexural strength tests. failed only by plastic deformation, whereas others re-
The significant differences (P,.001) between the ported that TIG welds failed by brittle fracture in the
groups suggest that the fatigue resistance may be more heat-affected zone.9,10 Failure by plastic deformation
likely related to the volume of filler wire added in this study indicates that the metal in the heat-affected
(P=.05) than the group itself (P=.7). That is, after ac- zone of the joint is not hard or brittle. This is most likely
counting for a volume of weld effect, it was shown due to the more efficient protection of the heat-affected
that the strength of a TIG weld is not intrinsically differ- zone during the welding and cooling processes by argon
ent from that of a laser weld. flowing directly onto both sides of the weld area, rather
The high outlier in the flexural strength test for the than welding beneath an argon blanket under a dome.
TIG-welded group significantly affected the statistical The effect of protecting the heat-affected zone from
analysis. This may be indicative of the variation that oxygen and nitrogen during welding and, just as impor-
can be expected from this welding method; however, tantly, during the cooling process, was demonstrated by
the production of stronger welds is beneficial to the lon- studies that reported that electron beam welding of
gevity of a prosthesis. The fact that the outlier was also CPTi carried out under a vacuum, and allowed to cool
the specimen that used the most filler wire further rein- under vacuum, resulted in no change in the hardness
forces the trend of greater filler volumes producing of the metal in the heat-affected zone.9,10
stronger joints. When the technique for producing a It is not possible from the small sample size to draw
TIG weld is considered, it should be appreciated that conclusions relating to minimum flexural strengths re-
the device used was a commercial welding unit, designed quired to provide fatigue resistance under masticatory
to be used on objects of a larger scale than the implant loads. However, it is suggested that increasing the
components assembled. It is extremely difficult to have amount of filler wire deposited in laser-welded joints
as precise a control over a plasma arc as one can have may improve the strength and fatigue resistance of the
over a focused laser beam. The filler wire is melted framework.
into the weld pool in essentially uncontrolled droplets. The difficulty of applying the findings of these results
The volume of these droplets is likely to be determined to clinical situations is related to the large clinical vari-
by the diameter of the wire, the proximity to the arc, op- ation. The magnitude of the applied masticatory and
erator dexterity, and possibly the angle at which the filler parafunctional forces is not easily quantifiable, and the
wire is introduced to the weld pool. Hence, not only is dimensions of a superstructure will be dictated by
control over the amount of filler wire added to the mol- the space available for the definitive restoration and
ten weld pool difficult, but also the depth and distribu- the veneering material selected. A conservative estimate
tion of the molten weld pool throughout the weld joint, of 50 maximal occlusal forces per day equates to 18,000
resulting in variations in flexural strength relative to the cycles per year. Hence, it could be inferred that the ob-
volume of filler wire. servations of these laser-welded groups represent clinical
Conversely, for laser-formed welds, where the small failures of up to 10 years function. This would suggest
focal diameter and the localized nature of the weld that the use of laser welding without filler wire to pro-
zone mean that control over the weld region is im- duce titanium frameworks for definitive prostheses
proved, it is necessary to precisely align the beam under should be cautioned against, unless the strength of the
JULY 2006 31
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Reprint requests to:
The authors thank Mr Joseph Palamara, Mr Peter Vryionis, and Mr
George Thalassinos for their technical assistance, and Professor Ian SCHOOL OF DENTAL SCIENCE
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