ACI - Dynamic Responses of Flat Plate Systems With Shear Rein
ACI - Dynamic Responses of Flat Plate Systems With Shear Rein
ACI - Dynamic Responses of Flat Plate Systems With Shear Rein
Use of flat plate floor systems consisting of a conventional or post- intensities considerably less than those expected in the
tensioned reinforced concrete slab-column system incorporating design basis event (for example, 10% in a 50 year event).
shear reinforcement within the slab-column connection region has
A code change has been approved for ACI 318-057 to
become increasingly popular as lateral-force resisting systems in
intermediate seismic zones and gravity systems in high seismic clarify the intent of the code. The approved code change
zones. Relatively sparse experimental data, however, are available assesses the need for shear reinforcement at slab-column
to assess the dynamic responses of such systems, particularly for connections based on the inter-story lateral drift and the
post-tensioned systems. To address these gaps, shaketable tests of gravity shear stress on the slab critical section, unless
a conventional reinforced-concrete slab-column frame (RC calculations are made to show that the connection is
specimen) and a post-tensioned slab-column frame (PT specimen) capable of sustaining the drift associated with the design
were conducted. An overview of the test program and the findings displacement without punching. Analysis of the slab-
is presented. Lateral drift ratios of approximately 3 and 4% were
column frame requires that appropriate models be used and
achieved during testing for the RC and PT system frames, respectively,
with relatively little loss of lateral load capacity. Also, although slab- that the drift associated with punching failures be documented
column punching failures occurred for both specimens, the degree of for a range of conditions.
damage observed was less extensive than damage observed for prior An effective slab width model is commonly used to model
quasi-static tests of specimens without shear reinforcement. the lateral-load stiffness of the slab-column frame.1 In the
effective slab width method, the three-dimensional system is
Keywords: concrete; flat plate; post-tensioning; reinforced concrete; modeled as a two-dimensional frame using an effective slab
shear reinforcement; stud. width l2 and a conventional column, where the -factor is
derived using elastic plate theory to result in an equivalent
INTRODUCTION slab width with uniform rotation across the effective slab
Building systems constructed to resist seismic forces are width that yields the same rotation stiffness as the original
often designed with a lateral-force resisting system to resist system with nonuniform rotation.8 The -value for the effective
the seismic forces and a nonparticipating system (or gravity- slab width model depends primarily on the column and slab
force resisting system) to support vertical loads. Flat plate aspect ratios, whereas the influence of cracking on stiffness
systems have become very popular gravity systems; there- is accounted for by using an additional factor, commonly
fore, their behavior, when subjected to lateral forces or referred to as a -factor. 2
deformations, has been studied extensively (for example, According to ACI 318-02 6 requirements, design shear Vu
Moehle and Diebold; 1 Hwang; 2 Moehle; 3 and Robertson et and unbalanced moment Mu,unb from a gravity load analysis
al.4). In general, studies of flat plate systems have focused on of a slab-column frame are assumed to be transferred to the
developing and refining models that describe the stiffness column by direct shear and eccentric shear acting on a
of the slab-column frame and the strength of the slab-
critical section within the slab adjacent to the column
column connection.
perimeter, and by slab flexural yielding within a slab transfer
Use of flat plate systems to resist earthquake lateral loads width of c2 + 3h centered on the column. The maximum
is not permitted in Zones 3 and 4 (Uniform Building Code5); shear stress on the slab critical section is a sum of the direct
however, no specific requirements are stated in ACI 318-02,6 shear stress from gravity load and the maximum shear stress
Section 21.11, Frame Members Not Proportioned to Resist from the eccentric shear stress model. If the connection
Forces Induced by Earthquake Motions for slab-column strength is insufficient to transfer the unbalanced moment
systems. Therefore, the systems are designed for gravity loads
anywhere on the slab critical section, then a punching shear
and for deformation compatibility with the lateral-force
failure is assumed to occur. Common approaches used to
resisting system to ensure that the system can maintain
increase the shear strength of the slab-column connection are
support for vertical loads. ACI 318-02,6 Chapter 7, requires
to provide either a drop panel or slab shear reinforcement.
continuous bottom reinforcement (integrity reinforcement)
through the column to prevent progressive collapse; most Currently, use of slab shear reinforcement is a popular
engineers assume that providing the integrity reinforcement option, as it obviates the need to provide a drop panel, and
satisfies the deformation compatibility requirement a priori, thus tends to reduce costs associated with labor and formwork.
versus designing the slab-column connection to avoid a
punching failure when the slab-column frame is checked for ACI Structural Journal, V. 102, No. 5, September-October 2005.
deformation compatibility. Given that the punching shear MS No. 04-325 received October 8, 2004, and reviewed under Institute publication
policies. Copyright 2005, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the
capacity may be nearly exhausted under gravity loads, making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent
discussion including authors closure, if any, will be published in the July-August
however, punching failures may occur for ground motion 2006 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by March 1, 2006.
Table 1Shear demand and capacity for column and outer critical sections
Reinforced concrete Reinforced concrete Reinforced concrete Reinforced concrete Post-tensioned Post-tensioned
slab-column frame- slab-column frame- slab-column frame- slab-column frame- slab-column slab-column
interior, Min v exterior, Max v interior, Min v exterior, Max v frame-interior frame-exterior
vu,direct 0.434 0.434 0.345 0.345 0.641 0.555
1* 1.710/0.848 2.475/1.613 0.738/0.041 2.772/3.468 2.613./1.331 3.508/2.972
2* NA 0.614/0.234 NA 0.855/0.317 0.889/0.221 1.103/0.531
1 2.392/1.531 3.571/2.703 1.007/0.131 4.096/5.288 2.896/1.613 3.896/3.358
vu 2 NA 0.841/0.469 NA 1.207/0.600 0.972/0.303 1.200/0.614
vc 1.482 1.482 1.482 1.482 1.648 1.648
vc NA 0.745 NA 0.745 1.110
vn1 2.227 2.227 2.227 2.227 2.965 2.965
* _
Based on Mu,unb = M+y,cs (+ M y, cs); (sum of yield moments within column strip).
Based on Mu,unb = M+v,fs(+ M v, fs); (sum of yield moments across full span).
Upper limit of vn = 2/3(fc) (based on ACI 421.1R-99).
1On critical section at d/2 from column face (column critical section).
2On critical section at d/2 from outermost peripheral line of studs (outer critical section).
Notes: All units are in kPa; vu = vu,direct + vu, unb = (Vu/Ac) (v Mu,unbc/Jc); vc1 = 1/3(f c )1/2, vc2 = 1/6(f c )1/2, vn = 1/2(f c )1/2, where v and f c are in MPa; NA = not available.
Min v = 0.25 (reinforced-concrete slab-column frame-interior), 0 (reinforced-concrete slab-column frame-exterior), NA (reinforced-concrete slab-column frame, exterior, outer critical section)
(based on ACI 318-02).
Max v = 0.40 (reinforced-concrete slab-column frame-interior), 0.384 (reinforced-concrete slab-column frame, exterior, column critical section), 0.305 (reinforced-concrete
slab-column frame, exterior, outer critical section).
v = 0.40 (post-tensioned slab-column frame-interior), 0.386 (post-tensioned slab-column frame, exterior, column critical section), 0.313 (post-tensioned slab-column frame,
exterior, outer critical section).
Shear reinforcement
Shear reinforcement for the RC and PT specimens
consisted of stud-rails (Fig. 2 and 4) satisfying requirements
of ACI 318-026 and ACI 421.1R-99.14 The size and spacing
of the stud-rails were selected to require flexural yielding of
Fig. 3Stud-rails and critical sections at connection bonded bars prior to punching failure on a critical section d/2
regions. from the column face (Table 1). Based on ACI 421.1R-99,14
Table 2Material properties
Design compressive concrete strength was 27.6 MPa
(4000 psi) with a maximum aggregate size of 9.5 mm (3/8 in.). Esec,
MPa fc , kPa o
Table 2 summarizes material properties for the concrete
used in the test structure. A representative concrete stress- Concrete 19,305 27,668 0.0024
strain relation for a 152 x 305 mm (6 x 12 in.) cylinder is db, mm As, mm2 Es, MPa fy, MPa y fs*, MPa fu, MPa
presented in Fig. 5(a). Material properties obtained for the
No. 2 bars 4.1 13.1 207,717 481 0.00432 373 684
deformed reinforcing bars, stud-rail shaft, and the seven-
wire strand are shown in Table 2 and the associated stress-strain No. 3 bars 6.3 31.3 239,384 458 0.00395 401 652
relations are depicted in Fig. 5(b). More detailed material No. 4 bars 9.1 64.3 204,756 491 0.00242 698
information is available elsewhere.18 Studs 4.0 12.8 213,867 635 0.00489 743
Strands 8.0 37.5 200,898 1625 0.00979 1834
*f = stress
Instrumentation s at 0.002 strains.
During testing, information was collected from 193 channels Yield stress at 0.2% offset.
for each specimen. A detailed summary of the instrumentation
used is provided by Kang.11 The instrumentation layout was
selected to allow the determination of story shear and over-
turning moments, story displacements, reinforcing bar and
stud-rail strains, and slab and column moments and
curvatures, with a particular emphasis on evaluating the
unbalanced moment transferred at slab-column connections
during the dynamic tests.