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For Single Residential Tankless Water Heater unit

Job Name Contractor

Job Location Approval

Engineer Contractors P.O. No.

Approval Representative

OneFlow Anti-Scale System
Connection Sizes: 34" (20mm)
Flow Rates: From 0.5 gpm to 5 gpm (1.9 lpm to 18.93 lpm)
The OneFlow Anti-Scale System provides protection from
scale formation on internal plumbing surfaces. The OneFlow
system is a single cartridge-based system
that must be installed on a cold water line prior to a single
water heating device (water heater or tankless water heater).
OneFlow uses template assisted crystallization (T.A.C.) to OFTWH-C
attract hardness minerals and convert them into harmless,
inactive microscopic crystal particles.
These crystals stay suspended in the water and are passed Models
to drain. The system requires very little maintenance, no back- Model Peak Flow Rate Connection Size
washing, no salt and no electricity. Typical hardness problems,
especially build-up of scale in heating elements, pipes, water OFTWH-C 5 gpm (18.93 lpm) " (20mm) FNPT

heaters, boilers and on fixtures are no longer a concern.

Replacement Cartridge
OneFlow is not a water softener. It does not add chemicals. It
is a scale prevention device with proven third party laboratory OFTWHRM-C Cartridge should be replaced every 2 YEARS.
test data and years of successful commercial, residential and
foodservice applications. OneFlow is the intelligent scale solu-
tion and is a great alternative to water softening (ion exchange) A OneFlow scale prevention system shall be installed on the
or scale sequestering devices. cold water service line to condition the tap water just prior
to the service line feeding a single residential Tankless Water
Features Heater unit it is designed to protect. The system will be sized
C  hemical-free scale prevention and protection - converts hard- for maximum or peak flow rate based on the specification of
ness minerals to harmless, inactive microscopic crystals mak- said equipment. The system shall be plumbed with a bypass
ing OneFlow an effective alternative to ion exchange water valve to allow isolation of filter housing to allow the bypass of
softeners untreated water in the event that service or cartridge replace-
Virtually maintenance free - No salt bags or other chemicals ment be necessary. Bypass is recommended but not required.
to constantly add or maintain The installation area should be suitable in size for the housing
to be serviced without encumbrance and the system should be
No control valve, no electricity and no wastewater
installed per the Installation, Operation & Maintenance manual
Uses environmentally friendly green technology as provided with each system.
Improves efficiency of all water heating devices and
downstream plumbing components The OneFlow system must not require additional wastewater
to backwash, flush, or regenerate once put into service. The
Simple sizing & installation standard 3/4" connections system shall not require any chemical additives and shall not
P  erfect system for homes where equipment protection require electricity for operation.
is desired for longer equipment life and reduced energy
consumption NOTICE
Inlet ball valve for easy isolation shutoff and filter changes Copper lines need to be passivated for a minimum of
OneFlow cartridge-based systems are easily maintained; 4 weeks before placing unit into service. Not for use on
change the cartridge once every two years closed loop systems.
Easily installed mounting bracket included w/filter wrench
to allow cartridge change-outs when necessary

*The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable
For hot water applications where untreated feed water temperature water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight.
is 100F - 140F (38C - 60C), please consult ES-OneFlow-HotWater.

Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements,
please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials with-
out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold.
Feed Water Chemistry Requirements Mounted to secure wall
pH 6.5 to 8.5 on studs or wall panel
Do not mount to unsupported C
Hardness (maximum) 25 grains (427 ppm CaCO3) sheet-rock or gypsum board. " Full flow

Water Pressure 15 psi to 100 psi (1.03 bar to 6.9 bar) ball valve inlet
connection to
Temperature 40F to 110F (5C to 43C) 5" water supply
to inlet
Chlorine < 2 ppm
Iron (maximum) 0.3 mg/l
22" Min to 50" A.F.F.
Manganese (maximum) 0.05 mg/l Installation Height
Copper 1.3 ppm* 1312"

Oil & H2S Must be Removed Prior to

Polyphosphate Must be Removed Prior to
OneFlow 3" Min. Removal Clearance
Silica (maximum) 20 ppm** Wall

*High levels of Copper will foul OneFlow media and typically
originates from new Copper plumbing. Wait a minimum of
4 weeks before placing system in operation. Avoid apply-
ing excess flux on the inner surfaces of the pipe and to use
a low-corrosivity water soluble flux listed under the ASTM
B813 standard. Mounted to secure wall
D on studs or wall panel
NOTICE Do not mount to unsupported
B sheet-rock or gypsum board.
**OneFlow media does not reduce silica scaling. Silica can act 1"
as a binder that makes water spots and scale residue outside
the plumbing system difficult to remove. This 20 ppm limita-
tion is for aesthetic purposes. 5"

System Specifications " Full flow


Inlet/Outlet Connections: 3/4" FNPT ball valve w/ 34"

Service Flow Rate (Peak): up to 5 gpm (18.93 lpm) FNPT inlet connection
from building A
Gallon Rating (Continuous Flow Rate): water supply
OFTWH-C: up to 3 gpm, 24/7/365 for 2 years for the
OFTWH-R-RM cartridge.
Water filtration unit must be installed 3" Min. Removal Clearance
Capacity: OFTWH-R-RM cartridge does not have a grain removal on the cold water supply only
capacity, however, other contaminants present in the water will
gradually degrade the effectiveness of this cartridge. Change the
OFTWH-R-RM cartridge at least once every two years.

Independent scientific testing has confirmed Template Assisted
Crystallization (TAC) technology provides scale reduction of
over 95+%. Testing was conducted under protocol based on
DVGW W512 test to assess control of scale formation.

Dimensions Weights
Model Dimensions Weight
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kgs
OFTWH-RES 1812 470 412 114 858 219 10 254 3 76 12 5.4
The overall height and the height of the inlet fitting varies due to material variations and assembly
tolerances. Please allow additional clearance above the filter for making connections.

USA: T: (978) 689-6066 F: (978) 975-8350 Watts.com

Canada: T: (905) 332-4090 F: (905) 332-7068 Watts.ca
Latin America: T: (52) 81-1001-8600 F: (52) 81-8000-7091 Watts.com

ES-OFTWH-C 1715 2017 Watts

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