Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
REVISION 1 08/25/2011
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Recommended By:
Mary R. Ainsley
Katherine S. Fichter,
Revision Log
1st Draft April 16, 2010 1st Draft for Comments All Sections
5.1 Scope.. 41
5.2 Risk Identification.. 41
5.3 Evaluation... 41
5.4 Risk Control.... 42
5.5 Insurance.... 42
10.1 Overview.. 56
10.2 Conceptual to Preliminary Engineering Design Property Acquisition
Cost Estimates....... 56
10.3 Negotiation of Final Appraised Value with Landowner. 57
10.4 License Agreements.. 57
10.5 Eminent Domain. 57
Section 324 of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
requires that major capital projects prepare and implement a Project Management Plan
(herein known as the PMP or the Plan). The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
(MBTA) and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) have prepared this
PMP that provides a framework for the management of the Green Line Extension project. This
PMP defines the details of project management during the preliminary engineering phase of
project development, and also provides the framework for managing the subsequent final
design, construction, procurement, testing and startup, and revenue service phases. This
document outlines the management philosophy, goals and objectives, and organizational
structure; defines the responsibilities and roles of project participants; identifies the
interactions among project staff and consultants; and specifies the general procedures and
management tools that will be implemented to ensure effective project management and
successful project completion.
In addition to serving as a clarifying guide for all project participants, this document will serve
as a basis for measuring and assessing the projects performance and consistency with the
Plan. As the project advances into preliminary engineering, MBTA, with the support of
MassDOT, will provide the necessary resources and expertise to allow for proper and
effective management of this project. As design and construction work advances and
additional procedures are developed, the Plan will be updated as needed and appropriate.
The development of the PMP will be an evolving process: the PMP will be updated and
revised as needed. Per FTA guidance, revisions to the PMP will include periodic updates to
the plan, especially related to project budget and schedule, financing, ridership estimates,
and the status of local efforts to enhance ridership where ridership estimates are contingent
on the success of those efforts. At a minimum, the PMP will be updated prior to advancing
into the Final Design and Construction phases. The MBTA will be responsible for the
maintenance of and subsequent revisions to the PMP as part of the preliminary engineering
phase, with the support of MassDOT.
The parties requesting the revision will issue a written request to the MBTA stating the
proposed change(s) and the reason(s) for the changes. MassDOT and the MBTA will review
each request. If the proposed revision(s) is approved, the MBTA will issue the change(s) to
all recipients of the manual. A published revision will include:
A cover memo describing how and where to place the revision in the manual (revision
A new cover page with revised date;
A revised Table of Contents, if required;
The revised pages of text with revision number and revision date placed at the bottom
of the page; and
A side-bar in the right hand margin of the page for changes to the text.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Green Line Extension project (the project) is an initiative of the MBTA and MassDOT to
expand transit services in order to improve mobility and regional access for residents in some
of the regions most densely populated municipalities of Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford,
Massachusetts. The purpose of the Green Line Extension project is to improve corridor
mobility, boost transit ridership, improve air quality, ensure equitable distribution of transit
services, and support opportunities for smart growth initiatives and sustainable development in
the project study area of Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford.
The project would provide Green Line service for 4.3 miles beyond a relocated Lechmere
Station to College Avenue in Medford and to Union Square in Somerville using a two-branch
operation, both to be operated within existing MBTA commuter rail rights-of-way. The
proposed Green Line Extension project is shown in Figure 1-1. The projects two branches
consist of:
A main branch, 3.4-miles long, to Medford within the existing MBTA Lowell Line
commuter rail right-of-way (the Medford Branch) with five stations and the terminus at
College Avenue in Medford. Intermediate stations are located at Washington Street,
Gilman Square, Lowell Street, and Ball Square.
A second branch, approximately 0.9 miles long, to Union Square in Somerville (the
Union Square Branch). This branch would follow the existing MBTA Fitchburg Line
commuter rail right-of-way and includes a single station at Union Square.
Additionally, the project will include acquisition of 24 new Green Line vehicles and construction
of a support facility for storage and servicing of the fleet and existing north side Green Line
Travel Times
Travel times between proposed stations were estimated based on travel distances and
estimated speeds. The travel speeds between proposed stations were based on the railroads
physical and operational characteristics. Estimated travel time between each station for the
proposed Green Line Medford Branch is shown in Table 1-1.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Table 1-1 Proposed Green Line Extension Project: Medford Branch Travel Times
Distance Travel Time Dwell Time Travel Time
Station (miles) (minutes) (minutes) (minutes)
Brickbottom 0.78 2.25 0.75 3
Gilman Square 0.71 1.25 0.75 2
Lowell Street 0.70 1.25 0.75 2
Ball Square 0.49 0.75 0.75 1.5
College Avenue 0.57 1.0 0 1.0
Total 9.5
*Estimated travel time between Lechmere Station and Union Square Station is 4.5 minutes.
The operating plan for the Green Line Extension project would extend the existing
Green Line D branch service from the relocated Lechmere Station to the northwest to College
Avenue. The Green Line service beyond Lechmere Station for the Medford Branch would
operate on headways equal to that of the existing Green Line D branch service: five minutes in
the morning and evening peak periods and ten minutes during off-peak periods. The Green
Line service beyond Lechmere Station for the Union Square Branch would operate on
headways equal to that of the existing Green Line E branch service: six minutes in the
morning peak period, five minutes in the evening peak period, and between nine and
10 minutes during off-peak periods.
Fares for the Green Line Medford Branch and Union Square Branch under the proposed
Green Line Extension project will be consistent with the current fare structure for the MBTA
Subway System.
Vehicle Requirements
The Green Line Extension project vehicle fleet will include a mix of three vehicle types: the two
current vehicles (Type 7 high-floor cars and Type 8 low-floor cars) and a new Type 9
low-floor car, which is currently under development. The Type 9 cars will be procured as part
of the Green Line Extension project, which will expand service on the existing Green Line.
Based on the passenger capacity and the projected ridership and proposed operating plan, it
was determined that 24 additional Green Line cars would be needed to accommodate the
proposed headways and projected ridership for the project.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Green Line Extension project is expected to generate new systemwide transit ridership of
7,500 boardings per day and a reduction of 25,728 VMT per day (projected to the year 2030).
Table 1-2 shows the daily station boardings and alightings at the proposed stations. More
detailed discussion on the project can be found in Green Line Extension DEIR/EA. 1
Anticipated Station Level Weekday Base Year No-Build (2030) Proposed Action (2030)
Boardings and Alightings
Green Line North Station 8,700 8,700 12,640 12,640 13,610 13,610
Existing Green Line Science Park Station 800 800 1,790 1,790 1,170 1,170
Green Line Existing Lechmere Station 6,400 6,400 9,290 9,290 n/a n/a
Green Line Relocated Lechmere Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 7,100 7,100
Washington Street Station
Green Line (formerly Brickbottom) n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,830 2,830
Green Line Gilman Square Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,930 3,930
Extension Green Line Lowell Street Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,140 1,140
Green Line Ball Square Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,850 1,850
Green Line College Avenue Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,140 2,140
Green Line Union Square Station n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,570 3,570
Federal Transit Administration and Executive Office of Transportation and Public Works. Green Line Extension Project
Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) Statement. October 15, 2009.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
MassDOT is the current proponent for the Green Line Extension project. The MBTA, with
support from MassDOT, will take the management lead during the preliminary engineering
phase of the project. The MBTA will manage the development of preliminary design plans and
bid package materials to support procurement of a design-build contractor. MassDOT will be
responsible for funding the construction and incremental operating costs for the project.
MassDOT will defer to the MBTAs design, safety, quality assurance, and real estate
acquisition guidelines during subsequent phases of this project.
The Green Line Extension is a State Implementation Plan (SIP) project and, therefore, a
Commonwealth commitment under the federal Clean Air Act. The funding of this project is a
legal requirement of the state. While MassDOT is seeking federal New Starts funding for the
project, the Commonwealth will fund the entire project if federal funding is not available.
As the operating agency and ultimate owner of the Green Line Extension, the MBTA will
manage the preliminary engineering phase and the final design and construction of the
project. The MBTA, with support from MassDOT, is currently seeking a contractor to provide
preliminary engineering, program management and construction management services. This
contractor hereafter will be referred to as the Design Consultant. Upon selection of a Design
Consultant, the lead management responsibility for the project will be transitioned from
MassDOT to the MBTA. The MBTA will be the entity to procure design-build services and
manage the construction of the project. MassDOT will continue to provide oversight on the
project as the design-build contract moves forward, and will also help to ensure robust public
outreach during the preliminary engineering, final design and construction phases of the
The Green Line Extension Program Management Team (PMT), which consists of senior
management from the MBTA and MassDOT, will design and oversee the construction of the
project in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, codes, and
guidelines. In addition, the PMT will proactively work to ensure that the project is compatible
not only with city regulations, services and facilities, but also with the residential
neighborhoods and businesses abutting the project.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
This Plan is applicable to the Green Line Extension project wherein the Design Consultant will
be contracted to provide preliminary engineering design for the MBTA to solicit a design-build
contractor. The MBTA, with support from MassDOT, will oversee the Design Consultants
engineering design in order to achieve cost effective design, construction, maintenance and
operations, while at the same time achieving the required level of passenger safety, system
reliability and service comfort. Terms used throughout this document include:
Design Review The systematic and orderly review of design documents, drawings and
specifications by all project disciplines at pre-established milestones throughout the design
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
To successfully manage the planning, design, and construction of the Green Line
Extension project, a fully integrated team of MBTA, MassDOT and Design Consultant staff
will be established. Section 2 of the PMP describes the organization and the structure that
will be in place during the preliminary engineering phase. It provides a description of the
functions, major responsibilities, and qualifications of the senior executives and key
managers involved.
The Green Line Extension project Equal Employment Opportunity policy is the same one that
is used by the MBTA and MassDOT. This section affirms the projects commitment to fair
employment considerations for all applicants considered for employment or procurement
The Green Line Extension project will be successfully implemented through the concerted
efforts of various organizations and responsible parties, who will work together as an
integrated team providing multiple levels of oversight to ensure a successful outcome for the
The Project Management Team (PMT) for the Green Line Extension is the combined
senior management staff of the MBTA and MassDOT. The PMT and all other
organizations involved in the project will work towards the common goal of successfully
completing the project and meeting the expectations of the cities of Cambridge,
Somerville and Medford, and other project stakeholders. The PMT will be responsible
for managing planning, conceptual and preliminary engineering, and completion of all
state and federal environmental review documents as well as all documents and
submittals required as part of the FTAs New Starts program.
The project team will also include a Project Development Group (PDG), which will
consist of technical, operations and senior management staff from the MBTA.
Technical areas of expertise for the PDG will include, but not be limited to, commuter
rail, light rail, planning, systems, power, bus, highway, vehicles, legal, and contracts.
The PDG will provide technical and advisory support to the PMT throughout the
In addition to the PDG, the project team will include various key technical, operations
and senior management staff from various departments within MassDOT including, but
not limited to, the Highway Division, Rail Operation and Planning, Legal, and Public
Affairs. These key MassDOT team members will function similarly to the PDG and will
provide technical and advisory support to the PMT.
The PMT will also be supported by the Design Consultant and all associated
subconsultants. The Design Consultant consists of an independent design consulting
organization that performs design work as directed by the PMT, conducts design
reviews and coordinates these reviews with the PMT. The MBTA Program Manager
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The project will also involve support and oversight organizations such as the FTA,
Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS), and the Boston Region Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO).
The following sections describe the structure, integration, and interfaces of the project
organization. These relationships are also shown on the Organization Chart in Figure 2-1.
The MBTA and MassDOT organization will be described in Section 2.2, followed by the
Design Consultant organization described in Section 2.3.
The PMT will be an integrated staff of managers and personnel from both the MBTA and
MassDOT. The PMT will avoid overlaps in duties and functions and will provide the
flexibility to accomplish project objectives effectively and efficiently. The positions of the
key MBTA and MassDOT staff that comprise the PMT are shown in Figure 2-1.
The PMT for the Green Line Extension project must meet the goal of completing this
project efficiently, safely, within budget, according to scope, and with a high degree of
During the preliminary engineering phase of project development, the MBTA Program
Manager will head the PMT. The MBTA Program Manager will be responsible for
managing preliminary engineering, development of a design-build procurement package,
and other interim components such as design, financial analysis and FTA coordination.
A MassDOT Program Manager has been assigned to support the MBTA Program
Manager during the preliminary engineering phase and for the duration of the project. The
MassDOT Program Manager will continue to provide assistance to the MBTA during all
stages of project development, in order to ensure project continuity.
During preliminary engineering, and before each submittal, the Design Consultant will
submit a project cost estimate and schedule to the MBTA and MassDOT Program
Managers for their review. At the request of the client, the Design Consultant will provide
scope, cost and schedule analysis for any major changes to the project.
The MBTA Program Manager will coordinate the day-to-day activities of the Green Line
Extension project, including managing the Design Consultant throughout the preliminary
engineering phase of the project. The MBTA Program Manager will be the single point of
contact for all official information on the project. All project activities will be coordinated
through the MBTA Program Manager.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Major Responsibilities
Responsible for managing all day-to-day activities and providing oversight of the
Green Line Extension PMT and the Design Consultant.
Coordinate within the MBTA on project management, project design reviews, etc.
Responsible for performing a construction cost evaluation at the preliminary
engineering design phase submission.
Manage the planning, scope, design and engineering, and deliver timely,
cost-effective, and high quality projects for the MBTA.
Review progress reports in accordance with the scope to maintain schedule and
Coordinate with MBTA and MassDOT departments and other key stakeholders.
Represent the MBTA in dealings with elected officials, outside agencies (e.g.
federal and local agencies) and community groups.
During the preliminary engineering phase, the MassDOT Program Manager will support
the MBTA in coordinating with appropriate MassDOT staff and act as a liaison with the
FTA and the public.
Major Responsibilities
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
During the preliminary engineering phase, the PMT will be supported by staff from various
departments within the MBTA having different areas of expertise. Major technical issues
and proposed solutions specific to the project design will be presented to a formal working
group, the Project Development Group (PDG). The PDG will be comprised of MBTA senior
management and technical and operations staff. The positions of the key MBTA staff that
will comprise the PDG are shown in Figure 2-1, and a table cataloguing the specific person
that holds each position is included as Attachment A.
Members of the PDG will provide advice in their particular areas of expertise/discipline.
The PDG will also meet at project milestones in the preliminary engineering phase to
ensure that all departments are fully briefed on the project and can comment on all
aspects of the project.
Major Responsibilities
Disciplines and expertise represented in the PDG will include, but not be limited to:
Materials Procurement
Rail Vehicle Engineering
Bus Operations
Commuter Rail Operations
Subway Operations
Systemwide Maintenance and Improvements
Information Technology
Fixed Route Services
Government Affairs
Development and Real Estate
Labor Relations
Environmental Affairs
Organizational Diversity and Civil Rights
Operations Planning and Scheduling
Strategic Planning
Design and Construction
Operations Support Group Electrical, Mechanical, Power & HVAC
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The MBTA Deputy Director of Design and Construction, Quality Assurance reports to the
AGM, who has designated the Deputy Director of Design and Construction, Quality
Assurance as the person with the responsibility and authority to ensure that the MBTA
quality policy is implemented and maintained on projects. The Deputy Director of Design
and Construction, Quality Assurance has the necessary freedom, to implement quality
related activities in all areas of MBTA projects; to identify quality problems; to initiate,
recommend or provide solutions to project management, and to verify implementation of
solutions. In matters related to quality on the project, the Deputy Director of Design and
Construction, Quality Assurance will have complete and ready access to the PMT and the
In cases where conflicts regarding quality cannot be resolved between the Deputy Director
of Design and Construction, Quality Assurance and the MBTA Program Manager (Director
of Design and Construction - Green Line), final resolution will rest with the AGM.
The MBTA Chief Safety Officer is responsible for administrative oversight and
management of the System Safety Department and is responsible for the coordination with
local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as the MBTA Police. The
MBTA Chief Safety Officer ensures the MBTA complies with federal, state, and local, when
applicable, laws, statutes, regulations, rules, and guidelines for safety. The MBTA Chief
Safety Officer shall direct all programs involving accident and safety investigations, fire
and accident prevention, hazard identification, safety audit activities, and construction and
environmental safety. The MBTA Chief Safety Officer will be responsible for reviewing
the project Safety and Security Management Plan and will serve as the liaison with the
Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities Transportation Division and other external
departments/agencies as designated by the MBTA General Manager.
The MBTA Project Control Manager is responsible for providing technical advice and
support in the areas of scheduling, cost estimating, and document control. The Project
Controls Manager will be responsible for managing scheduling and estimating activities
provided by outside consultants; assisting with review and analysis of project schedules
and estimates, and assisting the MBTA and MassDOT Program Mangers with monitoring
project schedules against actual progress by:
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Similar to the PDG in makeup, staff from various MassDOT departments will meet
periodically to assist the PMT from preliminary engineering through the startup of revenue
operations. Disciplines and expertise from MassDOT that will be represented on the
project team will include, but not be limited to:
MassDOT Highway
Rail Operations and Planning
Contract Administration
Public Affairs
The Design Consultant will be retained by the MBTA to provide engineering design, program
management, construction management, and support services to the PMT. The Design
Consultant is expected to lead several sub-consultant firms. The Design Consultant will be
responsible for the preliminary engineering phase of the Green Line Extension project, along
with program management and construction management.
The Design Consultant will assist the PMT during the preliminary engineering phase, including
the interim components such as design, financial analysis, coordination with the FTA and
development of design-build contract documents. Once the preliminary engineering phase is
completed, the project will continue with a design-build contract for final design and
construction and the Design Consultant will then assist the MBTA with program management
and construction management services. Another consultant will be selected as an Owners
Representative for the MBTA before the conclusion of preliminary engineering.
Once a contract with the Design Consultant is issued, updates to the PMP will be prepared
and additional information will be provided. All updates to the PMP will be submitted to the
FTA for review.
The Design Consultant Management Team is anticipated to consist of several key project
management and technical staff. The following describes several proposed key management
staff for the Design Consultant Team. This section will be updated, as appropriate, upon
issuance of a contract with the Design Consultant.
The Design Consultant will identify a single Principal for this project. The Principal will
ensure that the necessary corporate resources are available to support the needs of the
project in a timely and effective manner.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Major Responsibilities
Review project performance and individual performance of team firms.
Ensure availability of corporate resources.
Project Manager
The Project Manager, who will be responsible for the overall project performance, will
support the MBTA Program Manager. The Project Manager will also coordinate with all
participants, as required, to build consensus on major project issues. While the Project
Manager will report directly to the MBTA Program Manager, the Project Manager will have
authority over all Design Consultant project matters; provide the ability to directly address
any concerns or MBTA and MassDOT requests; directly interface with the PDG on issues
regarding project design, construction techniques, quality, schedule, and budget
Major Responsibilities
Provide overall project leadership and direction to consultant staff and
subconsultant staff.
Interface with the MBTA and MassDOT through the MBTA Program Manager.
Interface with regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project.
The Project Controls Manager will be responsible for systems and procedures to meet
project needs and MBTA and MassDOT requirements. The Project Controls Manager will
oversee the project management system to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of all
non-drawing deliverables and adherence to cost, schedule, and contract requirements;
and will interface with the MBTA and MassDOT on issues of cost, schedule, staffing,
contract administration, scope control, and related issues.
Major Responsibilities
Quality Manager
The Quality Manager will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the
project-specific Quality Management Plan and monitoring the Design Consultants
performance against the plan.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Major Responsibilities
Engineering Manager
The Engineering Manager will be responsible for the completion of preliminary engineering
and development of the design-build procurement package. The Engineering Managers
responsibilities will include addressing the more critical technical issues and proposing
solutions for these issues. The Engineering Manager will work directly with the MBTA and
MassDOT, keep the Project Manager informed of open issues, and lead the team of
various engineering professionals.
Major Responsibilities
Planning/Policy Manager
The Planning/Policy Manager will be responsible for preparing and retaining documents
related to the federal funding process on behalf of the MBTA and MassDOT. In addition,
this manager will ensure that environmental compliance and mitigation commitments are
being met by the project.
Major Responsibilities
Develop and maintain documents as part of New Starts and FTA funding
Review ridership models and adjust as project design dictates.
Oversee the development and implementation of documents in compliance with
environmental requirements.
Direct and oversee all planning related efforts in compliance with the scope.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Civic Engagement Manager will be responsible for managing the public outreach and
public participation for the project.
Major Responsibilities
The Green Line Extension is seeking to construct the project in part with federal funds and,
therefore, certain federal transportation agencies have oversight and overview
responsibilities for the program. These include:
The FTA is a federal agency granted oversight authority within the United States
Department of Transportation. The FTA administers the allocation and use of federal funds
for mass transit projects, such as the Green Line Extension project. In accordance with its
charter, the FTA will evaluate the project for funding eligibility at several milestones.
The FTA has contracts with consultants to perform Project Management Oversight (PMO)
to ensure compliance with FTA requirements. The PMO Contractor (PMOC) for the Green
Line Extension project is Kal Krishnan Consulting Services, Inc. The contact for the PMOC
Beginning with the preliminary engineering phase of the project, both the MBTA and
MassDOT Program Managers will maintain coordination with the FTA and the PMOC.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Green Line Extension project is located within the cities of Cambridge, Somerville and
Medford. The MBTA and MassDOT will maintain coordination with each citys departments
of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Transportation, Water and Sewer Commission,
and other appropriate departments during the planning, design and construction phases of
the project. The MassDOT Program Manager will be the coordinator for this effort.
The complexity of the Green Line Extension project requires close coordination with
federal, state and county regulatory agencies. The following list includes the major
regulatory agencies that will be kept apprised of the project design and construction, and
may be requested to review and comment on aspects of the project.
Beginning with the preliminary engineering phase of the project, the MBTA Program
Manager will be the coordinator for this effort.
2.4.4 Utilities
This project may affect the right-of-way of various utilities. The following is a list of utilities
that may be affected:
Above Net
Cambridge Drain
Cambridge Sewer
Cambridge Water
Level 3
MBTA (Drainage)
Medford Drain
Medford Sewer
Medford Water
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Sewer
MWRA Water
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
NGRID Electric
NSTAR Electric
NSTAR Electric
SpectraAGT Gas
Somerville Drain
Somerville Sewer
Somerville Water
Beginning with the preliminary engineering phase of the project, the MBTA will be
responsible for coordinating with the utilities with support from the Design Consultant.
The MBTA and MassDOT have developed an Equal Employment Opportunity policy, and do
not discriminate against any person in employment and/or in access to contracts. Further, it is
the MBTAs policy to make certain that all applicants are considered for employment, or
procurement opportunities regardless of race, religion, creed, color, sex, age, national origin,
disability, or marital status. All consultants will comply with the MBTA and MassDOT policy, as
well as the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity policy.
The Green Line Extension project will adopt the Equal Employment Opportunity policy of the
MBTA and MassDOT. As defined in this policy, affirmative action will include, but not be
limited to, recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, recalls,
company sponsored training, education, and social and recreational programs. Goals with
specific measurement factors are established to assist managements progress toward finding
remedies to any apparent discrimination.
The Green Line Extension project bases decisions on the individuals qualifications as related
to the position for which he or she is being considered. In this regard, rules of conduct are
enforced equitably and impartially.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Functional control of the Green Line Extension project will be guided by the Project Quality
Assurance Plan (PQAP) that will be used by the Design Consultant, the MBTA and MassDOT.
The PQAP includes topics such as correspondence control, invoicing procedures, project
reporting, file management and other items pertinent to the execution of the project. The
format and content of the PQAP will be consistent with the MBTA QA/QC Manual, and will be
submitted to the MBTA and MassDOT for review and concurrence. The PQAP will outline in
general terms the procedures common to all project participants.
In order to maintain effective, consistent and timely control of all activities by the MBTA and
various project participants and enhance the potential for an on-time and on-budget
completion, the Project Management Team (PMT) will apply best practices for
Program/Project Control and Reporting. The PMT will work with the MBTA to update the
integrated Program Management Control System (PMCS) that tracks and integrates the
following critical control elements for each party that is engaged on the overall Green Line
Extension project:
Performance Schedule
Progress Plan
Document Control
The PMCS will be revised and updated based on the detailed work breakdown structure
(WBS) with individual cost and schedule information provided by each contracting party for its
part in the particular WBS element, integrated in a common software platform and established
in a hierarchy of tracking and reporting. At the outset of the project the PMT will meet with
each project participant to establish the format and detail required for each of the above-noted
WBS elements. This information will be incorporated into one overall system that the PMT
will maintain and control. This method will enable individuals involved in the project from the
General Manager and Assistant General Manager levels (e.g., Level I) down to a Project
Manager and Project Budget Analyst level (e.g., Level IV) to review Project Status and
Information at various levels depending on their particular needs, while all information is being
generated from a common source thereby ensuring consistency of reporting.
The PMCS will enable the quick and efficient control and identification of such issues as the
Dependencies from one party to another
Upcoming milestones and required performance characteristics
Critical information need dates
Key decision points/dates
Performance and Progress Trends
Deliverable Status and Requirements
Impact Assessments for what if scenarios
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Exception Reporting
Financial Status and Cash Flow Projections
The PMT will employ an Earned Value system of reporting progress against budget/cost.
The PMT shall prepare a monthly status update of the PMCS in order to provide timely
management reporting which will enable rapid response and mitigation to adverse trends,
problem areas, progress shortfalls, potential progress or cost impacts, etc. before they
become Milestone impacts. The PMT will meet with the MBTA and project participants as
needed to review planned vs. actual progress, forecasted activity for ensuing periods, areas in
need of recovery and upcoming critical milestones.
The technical baseline of the project will be defined by the following levels:
Level 2: Discipline
Project Management
Construction Staging / Cost Estimating
New Starts
Public Participation
FTA Workshops
Design Reviews, as described in the MBTAs design review procedure (as contained in the
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Review Systems
The review systems are developed to assist engineering in controlling the design process.
These system elements are set up at the beginning of the project to enable efficient and
complete project reviews including:
Deliverables matrices that define what is required for each deliverable by discipline.
Information management systems that ensure the latest information is available to all
Issue tracking system to ensure resolution before deliverables are due.
Identification of responsible reviewer by discipline and by overall deliverable
Review schedules by deliverable, including early, interim and final reviews.
Creation of project-specific checklists for reviews, both within discipline and
During the preliminary engineering phase of the project, three major design documents are
expected to be prepared and submitted for review: Intermediate Design Submittal;
Pre-Final Design Submittal; and Final Design Submittal.
Design Reviews
Design reviews will be conducted for both individual disciplines and for multi-disciplinary
coordination by senior staff, utilizing the review system tools including checklists,
deliverable matrices and issues lists. Reviews will be both formal on a scheduled basis,
and informal as the work progresses. These reviews will include the internal checks from
the preparer and reviewer and will also address the need for interdisciplinary reviews and
coordination between the departments and groups. In addition to the in-process steps, the
project team will conduct high-level design reviews, independent reviews, and peer
reviews at critical project junctures. During the preliminary engineering phase of the
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
project, various working groups will meet regularly to discuss and coordinate various
design aspects of the project. The Design Consultant will hold a weekly coordination
meeting, and the MBTA will hold a monthly inter-disciplinary design meeting. A Design
Working Group, consisting of stakeholders from the public, will meet on a quarterly basis to
ensure that stakeholder concerns are also incorporated into the design processes.
Reviews will also be occurring on an on-going basis by the senior staff. Commentary from
those reviews, as well as feedback from presentations and discussions with team
members, will be documented in an issues-tracking system. The system works to keep all
interface disciplines and organizations informed on issues, to engender discussion and
provide a way of tracking an issue to resolution. The issues list then serves as a final
checklist in reviews. Design reviews will also include peer reviews on an as-needed basis
to ensure all professional work was performed within proper standards and will be
implemented by credible professionals.
Constructability Reviews
Constructability review personnel will be located in the Design Consultants project office.
They will function as an integral part of the team from the beginning of the design effort,
serving as advisors who offer an owners view of the project. This eliminates the hand-off
from design to construction that occurs in most traditional projects. The construction
personnel add value and enhance efficiency from the earliest stages of concept
development. The construction staff is an integral part of the team, acting as key resource
personnel supporting the MBTA Program Manager. They will participate in all of the
in-house quality reviews, bringing the construction perspective to each design element.
This on-going direct participation by construction experts with recent local experience will
ensure that the issues of constructability, maintainability, and durability are thoroughly
addressed during the design process and reflect the realities of the construction and labor
Bid-ability Reviews
Consultant to determine that all required permits and approvals have been obtained. At
the time of Pre-Final Design Definition Document submittal, the bid document will also be
reviewed by the MBTA and the appropriate departments who will be managing the
design-build contractor.
For the Green Line Extension project, the MBTA and MassDOT will follow a Project Quality
Assurance Plan (PQAP), meeting the requirement of the FTAs Essential Elements of a
QA/QC System that outlines and directs the specific auditing requirements that the MBTA
and MassDOT will perform during the life of the project. The Design Consultant will also
prepare a project-specific Design Consultant Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan that
has been reviewed and approved by the MBTA. This plan will outline the specific
procedures that all participants of the Design Consultant will follow in terms of Quality
Control. The plan also requires specific quality assurance measures and audits that are
performed internal to the Design Consultant.
The PQAP and the Design Consultant Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan will work in
concert and complement one another to ensure the project is delivered with the quality
intended. The purpose of the Quality Assurance plans is to formalize responsibilities,
organization, procedures and implementation of the program, and to define their
relationship to the Quality Control function. Both plans are appended to this PMP as
Attachments D and E.
The Design Consultant will establish and maintain a cost control and reporting system.
Through this system, the Design Consultant will provide the MBTA and MassDOT with
monthly summary-level cost information derived from approved budgets, current estimates,
progress payments and other actual costs. This information is reported in the monthly
progress report that the Design Consultant submits to the MBTA and MassDOT Program
Managers. A sample Design Consultant Monthly Progress Report will be developed upon
selection of the Design Consultant and will be included in Attachment F.
The Design Consultant will prepare project financial analyses, budgets, forecasts, cost
estimates, project breakdown schedules, cost reduction evaluations, and financial data to
meet the projects specific needs. On a monthly basis, the Design Consultant tracks and
evaluates trends and variances in the costs associated with design. Working with the MBTA
and the MassDOT Program Managers, the Design Consultant assists in the evaluation of
costs associated with construction, administration, utilities, real estate, and other items. In
addition, the Design Consultant will recommend adjustments when adverse trends occur.
The Design Consultant Project Controls Manger will take the lead on developing, monitoring
and maintaining the various components of the Cost Control System. The Design Control
Project Controls Manager, in coordination with the MBTA Program Manager, will work closely
with the appropriate MBTA Project Controls and Finance staff to ensure that the project costs
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
and available contingency amounts are monitored continuously and that there is adequate
funding to cover proposed budget changes. Use or reallocation of contingency funds must
be approved by the Assistant General Manager for Design and Construction. Cost deviations
that will result in increasing the overall Program Budget will have to be approved by the MBTA
Board once it is demonstrated that adequate funding exists to finance the proposed change.
The Baseline Program Budget will be developed at the end of the preliminary
engineering phase, after the alignment is refined and the project is very well defined.
This will be the cost basis against which future cost performance will be measured.
design-build contractor bids and performance will be constantly monitored throughout
final design and construction to maintain consistency with the Baseline Program Budget.
As part of the federal funding process, the MBTA and MassDOT will request from the FTA
a definitive funding contribution to the project. Once this amount is determined, the
baseline budget will reflect the project cost line items in accordance with the Full Funding
Grant Agreement. These line items may include support and maintenance equipment, real
estate acquisition, professional service contracts, construction contracts, force accounts,
supporting services and contingencies, as well as other items.
Once the Baseline Program Budget has been established, with a contingency amount
consistent with the level of design, any major design changes that impact budget or
schedule will undergo an independent review process. The MBTA Program Manager will
direct the Design Consultant to analyze submittals associated with redesigns for cost and
schedule impacts and identify any potential mitigation measures. If there is a need to
increase the overall program budget, approvals from the MBTA Board will be required.
During the preliminary engineering design phase, there are two major components
associated with the total project cost: the cost of professional services and administration,
and the cost of construction. Although the actual cost of the construction will not be
confirmed until the design-build contract is awarded, it is the design that influences the
cost of construction. It is essential that these costs are continuously monitored and
controlled throughout the preliminary engineering phase to ensure that the project
progresses within budget.
An Original Program Budget has been established. During the preliminary engineering
phase, this Original Budget will be further refined at various stages of design, with a final
Baseline Program Budget being developed at the end of preliminary engineering. The
project costs will be developed in accordance with project requirements and procedures to
ensure consistency of one estimate to another and will be prepared in such a manner to
enable the proper evaluation of critical cost drivers of the overall project cost. As
preliminary engineering begins to further define the specific attributes of the project, these
costs will be updated and monitored so that the final Baseline Program Budget may be
controlled. These metrics will continue during the design-build contract.
Contingency funding is a fiscal planning tool for managing the risk of cost escalations and
covering potential cost estimate shortfalls. Inclusion of a contingency amount in the cost
estimate will minimize the impact of potential cost increases and provide for an earlier
discussion of how potential budget deviations can be addressed.
Risks will be defined with specific costs allocated to them, as opposed to just "bumping
up" the total cost. A risk allocated cost contingency will be included in the total project
cost estimate for the mitigation of all significant risks. Risk management and contingency
funding can be utilized to mitigate those risks that cause cost escalations throughout the
During the preparation of the Original Budget, a risk assessment was performed for the
entire project in order to define and quantify the potential risk areas and types. Risk
assessments will continue to be performed periodically throughout the project to update
contingency amounts. Some examples of risk assessment areas include the analysis of
differing site conditions, utility impacts, hazardous materials, environmental considerations,
third-party concerns, geological conditions, market conditions, increased cost of
commodities, etc.
When refining the project cost estimate, subsequent risk assessments will include
allocating risk contingencies for major cost elements. This will assist in the mitigation of
uncertainties and help create a conservative cost expectation. Probability of occurrence,
severity and expected dollar value are variables that may be utilized when quantifying
risk as a contingency amount. After all known risks have been identified, the cost
estimate's contingency-funding levels should reflect the amount of risk associated with
the project's major cost elements. Additionally, an overall management contingency can
be included to cover unknown, unanticipated risks.
The following are major cost elements for contingencies that should be considered for
Major projects: 1) a Construction contingency to cover cost growth during construction;
2) a Design contingency (based on different levels of design completion); 3) an overall
Management contingency for third-party and other unanticipated changes; and 4) other
contingencies for areas that may show a high potential for risk and change, (i.e.,
environmental mitigation, right-of-way, utilities, highly specialized designs, etc.). Other
areas of interest for contingency cost estimating may include contractor availability and
historical contingency levels for similar projects.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Construction contingencies will be established and adjusted based on the assessed risk
in exposure to construction cost escalations. Project funding will be reviewed at periodic
intervals and unused contingency funds can be released to be made available for other
Design contingency amounts will be based on the amount of design completed. When
the final design is complete, the design contingency amount in the cost estimate will
equal zero. Projects under design are not overestimated; the contingency is based on
the uncertainty inherent in the remaining design to be completed.
The MBTA Program Managers responsibilities will include managing cost and schedule
deviations from the approved budget and schedule, impacts resulting from the
deviations, and initiatives being analyzed or implemented in order to recover any cost
overruns or schedule delays. During the preliminary engineering phase of the project, the
MBTA Program Manager will authorize use of management contingency and transfers to
and from contingency, pending approval from the Assistant General Manager for Design
and Construction, and will be responsible for reporting on contingency transfers.
An overall management contingency will be incorporated. This contingency will be a
"stand-alone" piece of the cost estimate that is managed by the MBTA and MassDOT
Program Managers and will be used for a broad spectrum of uncertainties.
Management of the transfer of costs to and from contingency line items will be
administered and tracked carefully by the MBTA Program Manager. Cost transfers will be
correlated to the major element type of cost escalation. For example, if work outside of a
clearly defined scope is found to be essential and justifiable in the future, then a
management decision can be made to pay for the added work from the management
contingency or another appropriate contingency. On the other hand, for a specific utility
issue that has a utility contingency, careful tracking of this particular contingency can help
management better analyze cost overruns.
Reasons supporting contingency transfers will be noted and included in all pertinent
reporting. This is so a comparison analysis to the available contingency amounts can be
periodically analyzed for contingency usage rates. This analysis will show MBTA and
MassDOT Program Managers that a reasonable and sufficient amount of contingency
remains to keep the project within the latest approved budget.
Note: This section will be updated to reflect the escalation factor analysis once the
Financial Plan is complete for the FY2012 New Starts submission.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Escalation $108,886
*Contingency (Total) $ 953,740
Based on the Cost Estimate dated 12/13/2010, and submitted to the FTA.
*The total contingency amount includes the unallocated contingency ($83.8 million) as well as
the allocated contingency as a percentage of Base Yr Dollars (these amounts are included in
the Budget values for each category shown in the table).
Through the use of several levels of schedules, strict schedule management and control will
be the responsibility of the MBTA Program Manager during preliminary engineering, with input
from all participants on the Green Line Extension project. This is accomplished through a
stringent change control process, and a comprehensive monitoring and reporting system.
The project design schedule will be prepared by the PMT and updated monthly to reflect the
progress of the work. The PMT will submit a cost-loaded project design schedule to the MBTA
for review and approval. The schedule will include a work breakdown structure (WBS) that
organizes the design scope of work into definable elements and activities. These elements
and activities would make up each phase of the design scope of work. Using P3 or
equivalent software, the PMT will cost-load the schedule to reflect the WBS. For cost
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Procedures have been established to provide sound, efficient, timely, and accurate
methods of schedule control, monitoring, and reporting. Scheduling provides a planning
framework not only for the MBTA and MassDOT staff, but also for federal, state, and local
agencies, as well as public and private utility companies, local community groups,
businesses, consultants, suppliers and contractors.
The schedules used for the Green Line Extension project will be:
Master Schedule
Level 1 Executive Schedule
Level 2 Summary Program Schedule
Level 3 Detailed Program Schedule
Level 4 Detailed Contract Schedule
The Master Schedule encompasses the entire Green Line Extension project. It
incorporates all other schedules, reflects all program components, and includes all known
or anticipated logical ties and constraints between project elements. The Master Schedule
is an evolving document; as the work progresses, more detailed schedules are developed
for approaching phases as they replace the more general schedules in the Master
Schedule. The Master Schedule will continue to be developed and maintained by the
Design Consultant and endorsed by the MBTA Program Manager, with support from the
MassDOT Program Manager, as the official plan for the Green Line Extension project.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Master Schedule will be developed by integrating various schedules into a single
critical path network. It will include detailed schedules for work performed by the MBTA
and MassDOT staff and consultants, the FTA, outside consultants, vendors and
construction contractors. The various detailed schedules will correspond generally with the
scope of work and division of responsibilities identified in the Work Breakdown Structure.
The Master Schedule will be the primary tool for assessing overall project status and will
be a critical aid in identifying and managing the interfaces between different organizations,
responsibilities and contractors.
Level 1
Level 1 of the Master Schedule will be a one-page schedule summary in bar chart form
showing design, bid and award, procurement/construction, systems installation, testing
and start-up, and the major milestones for each significant area of the program. A
summary graphic of the Master Schedule showing the phases from preliminary
engineering through the start-up of revenue service is shown in Figure 3-1.
Level 2
Level 2 of the summary program schedule will be in a bar chart format with one or more
bars per contract, showing the typical activities of design, bid and award,
procurement/construction, and systems installation.
Level 3
The Level 3 Detail Program Schedule will be the most detailed level of the Master
Schedule, and is a fully integrated Critical Path Method schedule presented in bar chart
format. Level 4 detail will be contained in the individual contractors schedules, and will be
summarized in the Master Schedule.
The Level 3 Detail Program Schedule will outline the individual activities that support the
higher level schedules. The Level 3 Schedule will be the working schedule that facilitates
planning, contract package determination, contractor monitoring, updating and reporting.
Level 3 schedules will be further developed as design progresses. Examples of these
individual Level 3 schedules are described below:
Design Schedule
Bid and Award
Construction, Equipment Procurement, and Installation Schedule
MassDOT and MBTA
System Integration and Start-up
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Design Schedule for each contract segment will be developed, maintained, and
updated by the Design Consultant. The schedules will be discussed and updated at the
project controls meetings.
A Bidding Schedule for each contract package will be developed and updated by the
MBTA Program Manager and discussed at the project staff meetings. The schedule
information will be made available to the construction industry through the bidders
exchange and local industry publications. Advertisement, bid opening, award, and notice
to proceed dates will be updated monthly as inputs to the Master Schedule.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
As the need arises, the MBTA and MassDOT Program Managers will also produce special
studies and analyses of particular topics. The format and distribution of such reports will be
tailored to the specific needs of the situation.
The MBTA Program Manager will publish and distribute the Project Monthly Progress
Report that includes summary schedule and look-ahead information. This report also
includes the Level 1 Executive Schedule, and the Level 2 Summary Program Schedule.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
With regard to earned value analysis, the PMT will incorporate the cost of the proposed
changes into the earned value analysis, which corresponds to the proposed schedule
with the fragment. The PMT will perform a revised earned value analysis and submit to
the MBTA for review. The detailed report shall include the results of the analysis, the
cost curve graph and a discussion that effects the proposed change on the PMTs
estimate-to-complete and estimate-at-completion. Upon issuance of an amendment for
the change, the earned value analysis will include the cost for the approved changes.
As potential delays or changes become apparent, the MBTA Program Manager, working
with the MassDOT Program Manager, will initiate a recovery schedule to determine if the
lost time could be recovered or identify how changes to the originally anticipated schedule
logic and sequence should best be reflected. In many cases, the MBTA and MassDOT
Program Managers will enlist the aid of the responsible participants to research and
analyze the delay and to recommend strategies to recover time.
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
The Green Line Extension project is a State Implementation Plan (SIP) commitment; therefore
the Commonwealth is committed to fund design and construction of the project until the
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Federal share of the project funding is available. The MBTA will administer the funds for the
project as stipulated in an Interdepartmental Service Agreement (ISA) with MassDOT.
Central Files All correspondence between the MBTA, MassDOT, Design Consultant,
Contractor(s), third parties.
Per MBTA Project Control Standards, the Green Line Extension project will adhere to the
following requirements:
The Project Management Team (PMT) shall provide monthly design schedule updates.
The PMT shall provide bottoms up cost estimates at each design stage.
Contract Time Determination Studies shall be provided by the Project Management Team
(using the cost estimates as a basis).
A senior level Construction Cost Estimate review session shall be scheduled in which the
PMT will present key aspects to the MBTA. This session will also address risk elements.
A Cost Estimate Reconciliation Workshop will be implemented.
A program will be implemented for reporting design project monthly progress, via monthly
update reports prepared by the Project Manager, that includes a definition of project
scope, cost and schedule status, design amendment status information, cost exposure,
major work completed and in progress and a definition of pending issues.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Establishing and carefully maintaining baselines for cost, schedules, scope and quality will be
necessary to effectively maintain project control. Baseline Management will be implemented
through version control and careful monitoring of all documents and artifacts contributing to
each baseline. With these multifaceted controls in place the project can be quantitatively
measured over time permitting the project team to monitor the project cost, schedule, scope,
and quality and justify any subsequent deviations through examining the project history. A
carefully controlled baseline will provide the project team and client with the ability to
retroactively audit discrepancies that may occur during any phase of the project lifecycle.
Baseline management will work hand-in-hand with change controls (as described in Section
9.8) and the controlled distribution process, ensuring all documents will be released and
modified only as authorized.
The objective of applying cost management is to ensure the project is completed within
budget. Cost Management refers to the process of gathering, tracking and managing the
financial resources throughout the projects life cycle. This process relies heavily on accurate
estimates and actual data that need to be maintained and updated accordingly. Having quality
input data is the key to obtaining reliable cost information for managing resources and making
The Cost Management Module keeps track of how the resources are being deployed and
utilized. More specifically it uses the WBS as the key element to break out the budget at the
different task levels. The module also defines the funding sources and contingency;
incorporates the clients financial codes; presents costs using the FTA Standard Cost
Categories; develops workflows for approval of invoices and payments; and links and tracks
change notices (CN) and executed change orders that impact the budget at different levels.
In addition, the Cost Management Module tracks the efficiency of the resources being used
during the life of the project, calculating earned value to date, budget variances and estimate
at completion figures. Cost summaries at the different levels are available and the information
is rolled up all the way from task level to the program level.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
5.3 Evaluation
Each risk identified and listed on the Risk Register is evaluated for its potential effect on
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Mitigation strategies that when implemented may eliminate or reduce the cost impact,
eliminate or reduce the likelihood of occurrence, and/or eliminate or reduce the potential
impact to the project schedule of that particular risk.
Allocation of risk should be to the entity that can best control that particular risk. The MBTA is
a body politic and corporate, and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. Therefore, as an agency it is inherently conservative and risk adverse.
Allocation of risk onto contractors and/or through the purchase of insurance protects the
MBTA. However, in todays construction environment and considering contractors growing
aversion or unwillingness to take on unquantifiable risks, a more strategic allocation of risk
must be made to the entity that can best control or mitigate that risk and in certain cases that
may be the MBTA.
In conjunction with the FTA, PMOC and Design Consultant, the MBTA and MassDOT will go
through various workshops to identify, evaluate, control, and allocate the risks of the project.
This will be documented through the life of the project and form the basis of determining
allocated and unallocated contingencies during the various phases of the project. Specifically,
all preliminary engineering work will be audited by reviewing all design materials against the
Quality Assurance Plan standards established for this project, and a series of reviews for each
discipline will be conducted on a regular basis during each stage of the design phase to
ensure that any potential problems are identified early and resolved while staying within the
proposed schedule and budget, and meeting the project goals.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
5.5 Insurance
The MBTA has utilized both Contractor-Supplied Insurance and Owner-Controlled Insurance
Programs on its various capital projects and the determination as to which to use is made on
a project-by-project basis.
The decision as to which insurance avenue to pursue for the Green Line Extension project
must be made in 2011 in order to facilitate the commencement of construction in 2012. The
MBTAs procurement of an Owner-Controlled Insurance Programs policy for the project may
take up to one year.
As a potential New Starts-funded project, the Green Line Extension project is advancing through
both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and the Massachusetts
Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) process.
Through the environmental review processes, specific impacts are being identified and mitigation
for those impacts are being proposed. The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) will address
the commitment of the MBTA and MassDOT to institute and follow through on the appropriate
mitigation for the specific project-related impacts that were identified.
A Matrix of Environmental Commitments will be developed and used for documenting the
specific actions taken and timing necessary to meet the commitments to mitigation as outlined
in the FONSI. On a quarterly reporting basis, the Matrix of Environmental Commitments will
be submitted to the FTA, updated with specific progress made on implementation and
incorporation of the mitigation strategies into the design and/or planned construction.
As part of the design-build contract, a review will be made of all construction documents to
specifically verify that all commitments have been achieved to address environmental impacts
and corresponding mitigation.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
This section focuses on the development of procurement packages for the design-build contractor
that will usher the project through final design and construction. The section also addresses
procurement of consultant contracts, affirmative action requirements, and contract modifications.
The section is broken down as follows:
Procurement Methodologies
Procurement of Design-Build Contracts
Procurement Packaging
Procurement of Consultant Contracts
Affirmative Action Goals
Contract Modifications
The MBTA Procurement Manuals for Construction and Professional Services have been adopted
for this project and are appended to the PMP as Attachments I and J.
As discussed previously, MassDOT prepared a Project Delivery Alternatives Report in July 2010,
which identified different project delivery methods and discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of each of them. The report concluded that, for the Green Line Extension project,
the design-build method is advantageous over design-bid-build with regard to project duration,
cost controls, claims and change orders. Based on the conclusions of the Project Delivery
Alternatives Report, this Project Management Plan assumes design-build as the procurement
strategy for the project and the following sections discuss this in greater detail.
A Force Account plan will be established at the conclusion of the preliminary engineering phase,
once the need for and availability of MBTA forces and impacts to the existing transit services
during construction can be determined. When changes/transfers are needed, the MBTA Program
Manager will request the Force Account from the appropriate departments, based on the
proposed scope of work, to ensure that all work stays within the budget.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The contracts will be firm, fixed price contracts to be solicited after public advertisement. The
contracts will be negotiated after a best value selection is made and the contract documents are
confirmed. Best value selection will be based on predetermined selection criteria.
1) A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be issued publically to the engineering and
construction community after the intermediate design submittal comments are addressed. The
updated intermediate design submittal will provide the definition of the project in enough detail
to allow for design-build teams to form, seek specialized consultants and subcontractors
where needed, and present their relevant qualifications. It is anticipated that three to five
teams will be identified based on pre-determined qualification criteria developed by the MBTA.
2) Upon completion of the preliminary engineering design, with the appropriate elements being
designed to a higher level of detail than a traditional preliminary engineering report and
drawings, and development of design-build procurement documents including a Basis of
Design, Design Criteria and Technical and Performance Specifications a Request for
Proposals (RFP) will be issued to the highest qualified teams selected in Step 1 above.
Wherever applicable, the procurement of the design-build contractor will be in accordance with the
MBTAs Procurement Policy, which also defines the level and degree of responsibilities. An
analysis of the MBTAs current Procurement Policy, however, will be performed during the early
phases for compatibility with Alternative Project Delivery Method approaches and, where
necessary, modifications will be made for the design-build procurement approach.
During the course of preliminary engineering, a special focus will be placed on developing
appropriate contract packaging strategies that provide for a balance of several factors. Those
factors are:
forces so that all entities and contractors have the capabilities to properly execute their
work to avoid impacts to other entities.
Contracts for support consultants may be required to provide additional and specialized
expertise and oversight. This will be achieved through individual consultant contracts. The
contracting method used for procuring the consultant services if they are not using federal
funds is called competitive negotiation.
If the consultants shall be paid using federal funds, the solicitation will be conducted in
accordance with the procedures of the Brooks Act, which mandates that proposals be ranked
on the basis of technical merit. Negotiations shall then be conducted with the top-ranked firm,
and in the event they are not successfully concluded, will be conducted in sequence with the
technical ranking. The contract will be cost plus fixed fee with a not to exceed amount and
shall be placed in accordance with the MBTAs Procurement Policy.
The MBTA and MassDOT establish the affirmative action goals for consultants and
construction contracts, within the parameters of State and Federal guidelines that require that
construction by third parties be procured by free, open and unrestricted competition.
The MBTA Contract Change Order Guidelines have been adopted for the project and are
appended to this Project Management Plan as Attachment K.
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
It will be necessary to add twenty-four new Type 9 vehicles to the Green Line Fleet in
order to provide revenue service throughout the existing Green Line System and the
proposed Extension. The MBTA Vehicle Engineering Department will take the lead on
procuring the vehicles. The MBTA process for procuring vehicles includes a Request for
Qualifications, technical assessment of the eligible car builders, and a best and final offer
submission, which results in a proposal that is brought to the MBTA Board for their
The Quality Assurance Requirements are included in the Quality Assurance Plan appended to the
PMP as Attachments D and E.
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
The MBTA Green Line Extension Joint Venture Team for Preliminary Engineering & Design,
Program Management, Management of the Design-Build Procurement and Construction
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Oversight Services contract had a DBE goal of 16%. The JV Team has achieved and
exceeded this goal with the participation of the following DBE/MBE firms:
Company Fee
Bevco Associates, Inc. $166,592.00
Bryant Associates, Inc. $1,757,736.00
RM Engineering Inc. $943,062.00
Keville Enterprises, Inc $96,927.00
Triunity Engineering & Management,
Inc. $424,851.00
ARC Eastern Printing $75,268.00
DBE Total $3,464,436.00
Contract Total $21,455,437.00
DBE Percentage 16.15%
The preliminary engineering phase will be undertaken with multidisciplinary teams and provide
designs that meet the project objectives and the various targets of quality, cost, and time. Design
management and planning is accomplished through the project management and control
elements as described herein. This section describes the design input and criteria control, design
control, design review processes, design changes and CADD and GIS design standards. The use
of a value engineering (VE) consultant is stipulated, and the roles of value engineers are defined.
Specifically how they will interact with the construction staff, along with the designers, to identify
potential cost savings.
The MBTA will have design requirements for the project, which will include:
Project Objectives
Operational Requirements
Functional Requirements
Operational and Maintenance Preferences
Existing Design Standards and Guidelines
The Design Consultant selected to perform preliminary engineering will review all relevant
MBTA, city, state, and federal codes and standards and select the most appropriate design
criteria for the project. Design standards that will be taken into account during preliminary
engineering and subsequent phases include:
- MBTA Standard Specifications;
- All requirements associated with the MBTA/BCIL (Boston Center for Independent Living)
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Agreement; and
- The Draft Design Criteria Memorandum (March 2011) developed for the Green Line
Extension during the Advanced Conceptual Design phase.
The Draft Design Criteria Memorandum, which consolidates the criteria for the project, will be
updated during the preliminary engineering phase and will be used to complete the design.
The Memorandum will identify which standards are associated with each criterion and will list
the date and/or version, and will categorize the standards as local, state or federal standards.
The Design Consultant will comply with the above-mentioned design criteria as well as the
most current versions of all applicable standards and regulations.
Design inputs shall be controlled to ensure that the history of design is maintained and that
proper changes are made when they occur. Control is maintained through the process of
identification, maintenance, and update of criteria. Identification occurs in design criteria
documents, calculations, and design reports. Design inputs may include:
The design input documents are maintained through the document control process and will be
consistent with the Configuration Management policies described in Section 3.5.
The overall responsibility for the technical aspects of the design rests with the individual
Discipline Design Leads and upwards to the Design Consultant Project Manager.
The Design Consultant will establish a standard method of communication and protocols to
ensure that high-level technical decisions are made in an open and expeditious manner. This
manner of communication also provides an efficient means for senior project committees to
achieve timely decisions consistent with the overall project goals while keeping MBTA and
MassDOT management and technical staff abreast of design issues. The process ensures
that real-time knowledge is shared, allowing for immediate action in response to changes to
the in-process design.
Confirmation of design decisions will be provided by the MBTA Program Managers and
upwards through the Director of Design and Construction to the Assistant General Manager
for Design and Construction. The overall responsibility for the management of the preliminary
engineering design phase of the Green Line Extension project lies with the MBTA Program
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
The Design Consultant will maintain a project office and will provide the PMT and the Design
Consultant Team with access to a single network server, or series of interconnected servers,
where all criteria, reports, guidelines and procedures, drawings and other documents will be
stored. A CADD Manual for the project will dictate protocols for creation, updating and
storage of drawings and electronic files. Any changes to base files will require immediate
notification to the other team members that a particular base file has changed and they are
required to work from the new base file. The disciplines will have regular meetings to review
inter-disciplinary issues. The Design Schedule will contain specific milestones where
inter-disciplinary reviews will occur.
The Design Consultant will hold regularly scheduled weekly Senior/Technical Management
meetings where specific design coordination issues will be discussed and major technical
resolutions presented. The PMT will attend these meetings as well. At these meetings, further
meetings will be scheduled between the Design Consultant and the various MBTA and
MassDOT Engineering and/or Facilities and Operations staff for their input, review and
confirmation of specific technical solutions to issues.
As defined earlier, major technical issues and proposed solutions will be presented to the
Project Development Group (PDG). The PDG will be comprised of MBTA senior management
and technical and operations staff. This group will be responsible for collectively evaluating
technical proposals, suggestions, or significant issues requiring resolution. The PDG will then
make recommendations to the PMT. During the preliminary engineering phase of the project,
the MBTA Program Manager will ultimately be responsible for the project decisions.
To ensure expeditious resolution of design issues and proper coordination, the MBTA
Program Manager, with support from the MassDOT Program Manager, will be responsible for
the day-to-day activities of the project and regular interface with the Design Consultant. The
PDG was formed to have senior representatives with a common goal of advising the MBTA
and MassDOT Program Managers on technical and operational issues and to have a forum for
discussion and input with various points of view. Similar to the PDG in makeup, staff from
various MassDOT departments will also meet periodically to assist the PMT from preliminary
engineering through the startup of revenue operations.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Design reviews, as described in the MBTAs design review procedure (and as contained in the
MBTAs Project Management Manual) and adopted for this project, are an integral part of the
design process and necessary to ensure that both the right problem is solved and that it is
solved correctly. The quality assurance process for reviews will be organized by phase, by
discipline, and across disciplines.
The review systems will be developed to assist the project team in controlling the design
process. These systems elements will be set up at the beginning of the project to enable
efficient and complete project reviews including:
Deliverables matrices that define what is required for each deliverable by discipline.
Information management systems that ensure the latest information is available to all
Issue tracking system to ensure resolution before deliverables are due.
Identification of responsible reviewer by discipline and by overall deliverable
Review schedules by deliverable, including early, interim and final reviews.
Creation of project-specific checklists for reviews, both within discipline and
During the preliminary engineering phase of the project, three major design documents are
expected to be prepared and submitted for review: Intermediate Design Submittal; Pre-Final
Design Submittal; and Final Design Submittal.
The standards and criteria review process used during design will include:
Design reviews will be conducted for both individual disciplines and for multi-disciplinary
coordination by senior staff, utilizing the review system tools including checklists, deliverable
matrices and issues lists. Reviews will be both formal on a scheduled basis, and informal as
the work progresses. The requirements for the review and approval of design deliverables will
be addressed within the implementing procedures. These elements will include the internal
checks from the preparer and reviewer. The procedures will also address the need for
interdisciplinary reviews and coordination between the departments and groups. In addition to
the in-process steps, the project team will conduct high-level design reviews, independent
reviews and peer reviews at critical project junctures. During the preliminary engineering
phase of the project, various working groups will meet regularly to discuss and coordinate
various design aspects of the project. The Design Consultant will hold a weekly coordination
meeting, and the MBTA will hold a monthly inter-discipline design meeting. A Design Working
Group, consisting of stakeholders from the public, will meet on a quarterly basis to ensure that
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Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
the inputs from the stakeholders are also incorporated in the design processes.
Reviews will occur on an on-going basis by the senior staff. Commentary from those reviews,
as well as feedback from presentations and discussions with team members, will be
documented in an issues tracking system. The system works to keep all interface disciplines
and organizations informed on issues, to engender discussion and provide a way of tracking
an issue to resolution. The issues list then serves as a final checklist in reviews. Design
reviews will also include peer reviews on an as-needed basis to ensure all professional work
was performed within proper standards and will be implemented by credible professionals.
The objective of value engineering (VE) is to generate a plan to satisfy the required function
of a project at the lowest cost consistent with performance requirements, reliability and
maintainability. Value engineering must be performed early in design in order to maximize
cost benefits and for the recommendations to be implemented without causing delays to the
construction schedule.
A formal value engineering review workshop will be conducted at the Preliminary Design
submission. The review will be conducted by an independent value engineering panel
consisting of senior technical specialists from various disciplines as selected by the MBTA
Program Manager in coordination with the PDG. The value engineering process is
independent of both the PDG design review and constructability reviews.
The value engineering review will be conducted through the following approach endorsed
by the Society of American Value Engineers:
Orientation with Design Consultant This orientation will be included as part of the first
workshop session. The Design Consultant will present their design rationale to the VE Team.
Value Engineering Workshop The VE Workshop will be divided into the following five
1. The Information Phase The VE Team will become familiar with all detailed data pertinent
to the design.
2. The Creative Phase During this phase, the team will create an extensive list of
alternatives (i.e., materials, systems, etc.). There will be no evaluation of alternatives in
this phase in order to encourage the free flow of ideas.
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Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
3. The Analytical Phase At this time, the VE Team considers the feasibility of the various
alternatives developed during the Creative Phase. Each alternative will be evaluated
positively rather than critically with the best ideas selected for further development.
4. The Investigation Phase The most feasible design alternatives selected in the Analytical
Phase are evaluated. Factors such as cost, performance, reliability, aesthetics, and
constructability will be evaluated.
5. The Recommendation Phase The VE Team will draft recommendations for review with
the MBTA, MassDOT and the Design Consultant. Following the review of the preliminary
report, the recommendations will be finalized in the post-workshop stage, incorporating
comments from the MBTA, MassDOT and the Design Consultant.
Following the workshop, the VE team coordinator will prepare a preliminary report
summarizing the results of the team investigations for review by the MBTA, MassDOT and
the Design Consultant. The coordinator will also make an oral presentation and be available
to further review potential recommendations. The PDG will provide concurrence or suggest
rejection for each VE Team recommendation. The MBTA and MassDOT Program Managers,
however, will be responsible for making all final decisions.
After the MBTA and MassDOT have made final selections, the VE team coordinator will
prepare a final report, including a project description, all VE worksheets, the listing of potential
savings, and a description of the costs. The report will also discuss the cost of re-design,
environmental impact studies, and any other required items resulting from the selected
changes. The recommendations made in the report, with the concurrence of the MBTA and
MassDOT Program Managers will be forwarded to the Design Consultant. The Design
Consultant will implement the report recommendations in the final Design-Build contract
procurement package submission.
As discussed in Section 3.1, Constructability Reviews will be performed during the preliminary
engineering phase to ensure that construction issues are considered throughout the design.
The constructability review performed prior to issuing the design-build contract documents will
be important since they will provides the last chance for incorporating design modifications
and revisions before potential design-build teams submit their proposed schedule and budget.
The constructability review will include a thorough review for design errors and omissions,
potential constructability issues, use of design standards, and compatibility. Items of particular
concern are schedule and project interfaces, drawing interfaces, construction package
interfaces, general and special conditions, milestones, long lead procurement items, liquidated
damages and penalties, and risk assignment. Contract documents are also examined to verify
the contract language is consistent across the various contracts within the project.
The constructability reviews will be performed by members of both the PDG and independent
construction specialists from the Design Consultant Team who have not participated
specifically in the design. Each constructability review will be formally documented with all
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
During the course of design, all specific elements will be reviewed for conformance with the
Schematic Design Report established for the Green Line Extension project (February 2009,
and to be updated in 2011). The Schematic Design Report summarizes the proposed
conceptual design of the Green Line Extension project. The document also identifies the
parameters used as the basis of design as the project moves forward into preliminary
engineering, such that those design parameters can meet the current operations and
maintenance protocol practiced by the MBTA and other governing agencies. Key design
elements include: facilities; roadways and bridges; track; traffic and parking; systems
engineering and community path.
During the course of preliminary engineering, special meetings and/or reviews will be held
with the appropriate MBTA Operations or Maintenance Departments to review the design and
incorporate any comments pertaining to operations management or maintenance, and the
Design Definition Document (an evolved document from the Schematic Design Report with
updates) will be refined accordingly. Comments will be recorded, dispositioned and tracked to
ensure incorporation into the design as it progresses. This validation is to ensure that
assumptions made in the analysis pertaining to configuration and/or structure of the project is
in fact carried forward in the design.
In order to safeguard the functional operations detailed in the scope of work in the Contract
Documents, designs will be based upon MBTA design criteria and standards and will
incorporate local jurisdiction requirements and criteria. The MBTA will provide the Design
Consultant, as appropriate, with MBTA design input requirements. MBTA-supplied design
input documents will be reviewed by the MBTA and any ambiguities in the documents will be
resolved between the MBTA and the consultant.
The MBTA will conduct reviews of all design output documents received from the Design
Consultant. In addition, the MBTA will approve key Design Consultant personnel, including
QA personnel, staff levels, qualifications of specialty design subcontractors, the consultant
QAP and conduct quality audit reviews. The MBTA maintains procedures for conducting
design reviews of Design Consultant output. The review procedures will ensure that design
output documents submitted by the Design Consultant are reviewed by appropriate personnel
from MBTA Design and Construction, Quality Assurance, Operations, Maintenance and other
MBTA Departments, as necessary.
If the MBTA determines that the proposed design does not meet the general requirements of
the design input documents, the MBTA will resolve these issues during the design review
process. If there is a compelling reason to deviate from the design input documents, then the
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Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
MBTA shall document any deviation. A request to deviate will be prepared outlining the
deviation, its justifications, proposed effects, and resulting impact if not granted. The MBTA
Program Manager will recommend a modification to the design input documents to the Deputy
Director of Design and Construction, Quality Assurance and the AGM.
System integration is the bringing together of the component subsystems into one system and
ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. During design, the Design
Consultant will develop and maintain a Systems Integration Matrix that will list all critical
project components, subsystems and interfaces, and responsibilities by discipline for ensuring
that in fact those specific interfaces are considered and addressed in the design.
During the design of project elements, reviews will be conducted by the MBTA, MassDOT and
the PDG to ensure compatibility with existing systems. As construction and installation of
systems is nearing completion, tests and other checks will be made by contractors to ensure
complete system integration.
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
10.1 Overview
Many MBTA and MassDOT projects require acquisition of property on a temporary and/or
permanent basis. Property acquisition costs sometimes represent a large percentage of the
project budget. Accounting for property acquisition needs and costs early in a projects design
helps avoid costly design modifications and change orders. This procedure describes how
the MBTA will manage real estate acquisition and explains how this process is integrated into
the development of the project schedule and budget.
An early and accurate understanding of property acquisition and easement needs and costs
allow the Design Consultant, working with the MBTA and MassDOT, to develop the most
favorable land acquisition plan and an accurate project budget and schedule as part of the
preliminary engineering phase. The Project Manager will work with staff from the MBTAs Real
Estate Department to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the projects property
acquisition needs and costs prior to submission of the Authorized Budget and Schedule. The
appraised property value serves as a basis for negotiation with the landowner, and is also the
value that is used if it is necessary to acquire property by eminent domain.
During the preliminary engineering phase of the Green Line Extension project, MassDOT will
adopt the MBTAs real estate acquisition protocol and the MBTA will take the lead in acquiring
the right-of-way needed for the project. It is intended that all acquisitions and/or
temporary/permanent easement agreements for the project will be completed prior to the
advertisement of a construction contract. The Real Estate Acquisition Plan is included as
Attachment L of this document.
Prior to entering into the preliminary engineering phase, the MBTA and MassDOT Program
Managers will recommend a Conceptual Budget and Schedule. This recommendation must
include an estimate of property acquisition and appraisal costs. In order to ascertain these
costs, the Project Manager will meet with Real Estate staff to review anticipated property
acquisition needs. They will explore issues such as partial takings versus full takings, and
permanent acquisition versus temporary license. Following the meeting, the MBTA Program
Manager will request that the Real Estate Department provide a summary of the preliminary
estimate of property acquisition costs based upon the property acquisition plans to date.
These costs may be determined through the utilization of an independent appraiser and/or
review of prior appraisal reports completed in the project area. Also a review of updated city or
town assessors records may help to determine the preliminary acquisition budget for the
At the preliminary engineering completion milestone, the MBTA and MassDOT Program
Managers and the Design Consultant will have finalized all property acquisition needs. The
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Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Program Managers will also convene at least one meeting prior to this milestone with Real
Estate staff and the Design Consultant (and Real Estate Consultant, as necessary) to review
the acquisition plans and explore less costly alternatives to those proposed.
The MBTA Program Manager will then transfer the design plans and an explanation of all
property requirements to Real Estate staff. A right-of-way Agent is assigned to solicit an
independent appraiser to perform the appraisal assignment. Before receiving the appraisers
report, Real Estate Department staff will meet with the appraiser to verify the assumptions
and methodology to see if it meets the requirements of the solicitation. After receiving the
appraisal from the Certified Appraiser, Real Estate staff will review it and clarify the
assumptions and methodology. Following the review, the right-of-way Agent will assign a
review appraiser to conduct a formal peer review of the assumptions and methodology
underlying the first appraisal and conduct a review of the first appraisal. The final
recommendation of the review appraiser (Final Appraised Value) will be incorporated into the
Authorized Budget and Schedule and will serve as the basis for negotiations with the
Real Estate staff will forward a formal offer to the property owner based upon the final
appraised value or fair market value and negotiations commence. If preliminary agreement is
reached but the dollar amount established exceeds the Final Appraised Value, the MBTA
and MassDOT Program Managers will follow the budget modification approval procedure
defined in the Authorization of Budget and Schedule procedure. Final agreement on price
cannot be reached until these approval processes have been completed and the appropriate
authorities from the MBTA and MassDOT approve the negotiated settlement.
Rather than permanently acquiring a property right, the MBTA may, with close coordination
with MassDOT, enter into a License Agreement with a landowner whereby the MBTA and
MassDOT are granted temporary use of property. Because the MBTA will be administering
the design-build contract and construction and has a long history of handling these activities,
any License Agreement for the project will be subject to the MBTA process. The MBTA
Program Manager and Real Estate staff will determine if the project requires a License
Agreement prior to the preliminary engineering milestone. Any funds required for a License
Agreement must be incorporated into the Authorized Budget and Schedule and, if required,
the approval processes set forth in the Authorization of Budget and Schedule procedures are
If the MBTA, MassDOT and the landowner are unable to agree upon a price for the property
in question, the MBTA may acquire the property via the eminent domain process, with close
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
coordination with MassDOT. All Orders of Taking require MBTA Board approval. Any
acquisitions will be identified during preliminary engineering and will be subject to the
following MBTA process:
Real Estate staff will prepare a Board agenda item on the taking.
If the Board approves the Order of Taking, it must be recorded at the appropriate
Registry of Deeds within 30 days of the Board vote, pursuant to Chapter 79 of the
Massachusetts General Laws.
If there are any tenants on the property being acquired, Chapter 79A of the
Massachusetts General Laws applies and each tenant must be given four (4) months
notice to vacate after the recording of the Order of Taking. In addition, each tenant is
entitled to relocation assistance in accordance with state and federal regulations.
Real Estate staff maintains all acquisition files for a period of at least three (3) years from
the sale of acquisition. If an action is filed regarding an Order of Taking, Real Estate staff
work with the MBTAs General Counsels office.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Community outreach and public participation is a critical element to the Green Line Extension
project. A detailed Public Involvement Plan has been developed for preliminary engineering and
design, which outlines the relationships set up with stakeholders, elected officials and government
agencies. Basic information on meetings and media interface is also included.
The objectives of the Community Outreach Program are to encourage an exchange of ideas
and information on issues related to the project, including design consensus; identify and
resolve public issues and concerns as they arise; and generate interest in and support for the
Green Line Extension project. MassDOT will be responsible for the overall Community
Outreach Program that will be in effect during preliminary engineering. The Community
Outreach Program is intended to work alongside the technical and design work efforts and
conform to MBTA and MassDOT policies. It requires a careful mix of informational activities
designed to inform stakeholders about the progress of the project and receive feedback from
stakeholders that will improve the design and mitigate impacts.
During each phase, outreach activities will be scheduled and structured to reflect the projects
demographic and commercial diversity; and to facilitate open communication, problem
resolution, and consensus building.
In addition, the program provides a forum for affected communities and other stakeholders,
allowing the PMT to identify and address new or unanticipated local priorities and issues.
A Public Involvement Plan has been developed that describes the elements of the Community
Outreach Program for the preliminary engineering design phase of the project. The
components of the Program include:
During the preliminary engineering phase, the primary emphasis will be on (1) reaching
closure on all outstanding issues related to design and (2) presentation of preliminary
mitigation measures. As issues specific to individual neighborhoods arise, meetings will be
organized with community boards, elected officials, and neighborhood groups to provide
information of any plan that may directly affect the public and to solicit their input.
Presentations to these local groups will provide insights into local history, construction, and
needs, while continuing the involvement with the community.
The public awareness program that was initiated during previous phases of the project will
change emphasis as preliminary engineering activities begin, in order to provide more
information on design and construction activities. As part of the Design Consultant Team,
full-time community relations staff will be added to support MassDOT in the interactions
with the public.
11.2.2 Construction
As the project moves into construction, the MBTA will require that the design-build
contractor continue with a robust Community Outreach Program. During this phase, the
MBTA and their designees will be actively involved in the widespread dissemination of
construction bulletins to alert customers, residents, businesses and other concerned
parties about planned construction activities and potential disruptions and inconveniences.
These notifications will supplement the newsletters and web site updates. Mailing and
informational lists will be updated to verify that the appropriate organizations, agencies,
officials, and concerned individuals are receiving project materials, in addition to ongoing
Appropriate construction staff will meet, as required, and briefing of the various
stakeholders will be scheduled, as needed, to make certain that the lines of
communication are open and maintained until the project is completed. As construction
nears completion, the focus of the public awareness program will shift to support the
opening of the Green Line Extension project.
The team will make certain that every agency involved in, or affected by, the project receives
all necessary information in a timely, accurate manner.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Contact with elected officials and federal, state, and local agencies will be coordinated through
the MassDOT Program Manager, during the preliminary engineering phase.
MassDOT Public Affairs will handle all media requests during preliminary engineering. They
will work with the MassDOT Press Office to provide information, materials, and any other
support required to assist with media briefings, announcements, and press releases.
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
This section will be developed prior to the completion of the preliminary engineering
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Effective coordination between participating agencies will be an important on-going activity on the
project. This section addresses the coordination process through the discussion of the following
key areas:
Interagency Agreements with Utility Providers
Tracking Interagency Inputs
Agreements with City and State Agencies
Protection of Commuter Rail Operations During Construction
Impact Mitigation
Easement Agreement
It is the responsibility of the Design Consultant to develop a phasing plan, maintenance and
protection of traffic diversions, and utility relocation prior to the start of the construction work. The
Design Consultant will appoint a liaison to coordinate with all agencies, and serve as the single
point of contact for all matters involving utilities; services; and city, state, and federal agencies.
This section will describe the plans and agreements that need to be made with city and state
agencies and utility providers in order to expedite the construction process.
The MBTA will enter into Cooperative and Force Account agreements with other agencies and
utility providers for the project. These agreements will provide the legal framework for the
project and the owners of the affected areas to identify, plan, design, rearrange, and construct
facilities in the most cost-effective manner. The agreements will also provide the basis for
identifying the scope of work; developing cost estimates; issuing work orders; and authorizing
costs and betterment credits, if applicable, and method of payment. They will also define the
parties responsible for executing the documented tasks associated with the agreements and
the funding source.
During the preliminary engineering design phase, the Design Consultant will coordinate with
utility providers to develop preliminary plans and feasibility studies for the rearrangement of
the affected utilities and will integrate these proposals with project plans. Utility and MBTA
representatives will be included in kick-off discussions for each construction contract and
develop schedules for rearrangement of impacted facilities.
A detailed list of utilities that may be affected by the project is shown in Section 2.4.4.
The Design Consultant will develop a master list, by project phase, of all involved agencies.
A list of contacts within the various relevant agencies or within the departments of the same
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
agency will be developed. This will ensure that a comprehensive list of existing and planned
future contacts is produced. Based upon review of the list, an initial contact will be established
via letter and meetings, as appropriate, for each phase of the project. Based upon the initial
contacts, required signoffs; deliverables; and approvals for each department or agency will be
identified and coordinated with a master project schedule.
The project will establish procedures for municipal services and the relocation of any municipal
facilities impacted by construction. The procedures will secure the citys assistance to the
project in the areas of public works engineering, hazardous waste control, traffic engineering,
fire safety, and police security.
In general, all of the railroads will be in continuous operation throughout the performance of
the construction work. The railroads affected by the project include the MBTA Commuter Rail
Fitchburg Line and Lowell Line and the MBTA Green Line. The safety and continuity of the
railroads operation will be of primary importance. Where the project includes work across,
over, under, or adjacent to active railroad tracks or railroad right-of-way, the contractor will
safeguard the traffic, tracks, and appurtenances, and other railroad property affected by its
work. Construction will be scheduled and executed in a manner that will enable each of the
railroads to maintain its full level of scheduled service to the fullest extent possible. The
contractors will be required to submit for approval, plans, computations, a detailed description
of the construction procedures, and a schedule for accomplishing the work, including methods
of protecting railroad traffic.
Contractors employees working on the project will be required to attend a one-day railroad
safety training class. All project personnel will comply with the rules, regulations and safety
requirements of the respective railroads throughout the project. Project personnel will also
comply with the processes and criteria identified in the Safety and Security Management Plan
that has been developed for the project (appended as Attachment M).
During the construction phase, the construction contractors will also develop, maintain, and
implement a plan of operations for maintaining and protecting all passenger and pedestrian
operations, concessions, services, and flows. This plan will include working drawings showing
the placement of barricades and barriers as well as a detailed narrative describing how the
plan is to be implemented and how passengers and pedestrians will receive advisories
regarding routings and detours. This plan will also include information on the location and
installation of temporary directional signs. The plan will be coordinated with all system and
utility work plans. TV monitors, public address speakers, signs, and public telephones will be
placed in specific, affected areas.
Project Management Plan
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Attachment A
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Attachment B
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Attachment C
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Attachment D
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Attachment E-1
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Attachment E-2
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Attachment F
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Attachment G
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Attachment H
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Attachment I
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Attachment J
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Attachment K
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Attachment L
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Attachment M
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Attachment N
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Land Acquisitions for Green Line Extension to Medford Hillside
44-48 Third Avenue APCA Third Avenue, LLC Option L 121,540 Full
70 Inner Belt Road CRG West Parking Lot Option L 52,248 Partial
200 Inner Belt Road Fine Arts Storage Partners Option L 67,834 Partial
350 Medford Street The Homan's Building Gilman Square 48,296 Full
(vacant, city-owned) Station
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
675 Broadway (Somerville Lot 2: Veterinary office; Ball Square 7,555 Full
part) Lot 3 Karate studio Station
662 Boston Avenue (Somerville part) Auto Repair Ball Square 340 Full
664 Boston Avenue (Somerville part) Bowling Alley Boston Avenue 340 Full
(Somerville Part)
675 Broadway (Medford part) Lot 2: Veterinary office Ball Square 4,448 Full
662 Boston Avenue (Medford part) Auto Repair Ball Square 5,927 Full
664 Boston Avenue (Medford part) Bowling Alley Ball Square 5,927 Full
590 Boston Avenue Gas station/car wash (lot) Tracks 285 Partial
474 Boston Avenue Student offices and caf Tracks 580 Partial
Total Number of Parcels: 31 Total Area: 629,750 square feet (14.5 acres)
Project Management Plan
Green Line Extension Project Preliminary Engineering Phase
Land Acquisitions for Green Line Extension to Union Square (via commuter rail ROW)
Rear of 50 Prospect Street Storage lot for commercial Union Square 8,039 Full
building Station
Total Number of Parcels: 10 Total Area: 61,988 square feet (1.4 acres)
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Attachment O
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Attachment P
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Attachment Q
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Attachment R
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Attachment S
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