EDEN Military Blunders Adowa
EDEN Military Blunders Adowa
EDEN Military Blunders Adowa
~O~~lt..~Jll/ ptROFf J
O n the evening
February 28, 1896,
1( ~ "" /oabormid~
!.IT. BELAR ~Euena,s
Menelik would then be
forced either to attack the
ltalian general Oreste '- Arimondi's advance .. Italians in the fortifications
........ and Baral:ieri'~r MT. BELLAH
Baratieri presented his four ~---r~ defense-1int "--~ /" / they would build there or to
brigade commanders with a >/ ) (Y withdraw al together from
Ethiopian a:- ~+--
;)~ /r/?
difficult choice. After rnarch- attack A1bertone's CHIDANE MERET the town. The first option
ing into northern Ethiopia, would certainly spell defeat
Baratieri's force of 20,000 for the Ethiopians, while
had spent more than a month ~r" j ~I MT. SEMAJ)!TA
the second would show his
in the Tigrean Mountains ( ~ t~alia!1 ." Retreatin fractious tribesmen that
Askari 01
stymied by Menelik's army,
which was ensconced around
r ~ ~
he had lost his nerve. In
either case, the Ethiopian
the town of Adowa. Like
wary boxers, the rwo armies
/AdOW~/ //t -, Emperor would be weak-
ened and with him the cause
had jabbed at each other, of Ethiopian independence.
each too respectful of the other's drawal. Baratieri, who had hoped that Using a sketch map of the sur-
strength to close. ow, though, pressed they would respond this way, proceeded rounding area, Baratieri indicated the
by his government and painfully aware to outline his plan. Under positions he wanted each brigade
that his rations were nearly depleted, cover of darkness, his to take. Giuseppe Arimondi's brigade
Baratieri knew that continued inaction four brigades would would occupy the center on Mount
was impossible. So he asked his subor- move up to the line Belah. Vittorio Dabormida's brigade
dinates-should the Italian army attack of hills rising would be on his right, with a third
or retreat? above Adowa. brigade in reserve
Unanimously, the brigade lead- 011 the backside